Spiritual Grounding

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Spiritual Grounding

Spiritual grounding is very important for everyone... but especially critical if you have
been doing spiritual development or psychic work. It is easy to get quite ungrounded...
especially the way we live our lives today with little real connection to the earth.

It is sometimes actually necessary to be ungrounded... if you are doing processes that

elevate you to the higher realms. But afterwards it is also necessary to ground yourself...
and make a connection to Mother Gaia.

Grounding/Earthing is all about the awareness that we are still in a physical body as well
as endeavouring to become spiritual workers and beings.

These notes are only guidelines to aid you on your own Spiritual path and as with all
spiritual work it is often about finding your own Truth. If you disagree or feel
uncomfortable with anything that is suggested here by all means find an alternative
Truth that is acceptable to you.

Why is it so important that we ground/earth ourselves?

Below you will find a few ways in which being grounded can make such a difference to
our everyday life:

• Brings life in to matter and to be able to bring our healing abilities into the
• Increases balance and stability in our physical and our emotional state.
• Helps bring acceptance that we are here to fulfil a purpose.
• Brings strength.
• Helps in creating a bridge between Spirit and matter.
• Provides an outlet making the release (of energy) easier.
• Allows the attainment of higher Spiritual levels.

As a healer it is very important to keep your patient grounded.

Being Ungrounded
Often when you are ungrounded continuously... you may not be aware that you are
ungrounded... but others around you may notice. If you are doing development of your
gifts... especially psychic... spiritual grounding is important to do.

Below is a list of some of the more common symptoms of being ungrounded. Usually
each individual will encounter the same one or two symptoms each time they are

• Dizziness or feeling spaced out

• Forgetting appointments or other important things
• Misplacing or losing things
• Feeling generally unwell
• Bumping into things or other general feelings of clumsiness
• Falling asleep during meditation
• Having out of body experiences without meaning to and feeling that they are not
within your control
• Sensitivity to light and noise
• Unable to carry on a normal conversation, including losing track of what you
were saying.
• Daydreaming
• A feeling of being 'Spaced Out'
• Heart palpitations
• Eyes flickering
• Weight gain
• Static shocks (car, supermarket trolleys etc)
• Having brilliant ideas that never happen
• Arguing and unable to get your point across

(Please note that many of these symptoms can also be linked to other physical conditions
or illnesses, if in doubt always check with your GP. Light and energy work is
complementary to general medicine and should not be viewed as a substitute.)

Energy Grounding
Energy Grounding as a preventative measure to avoid health problems, is important.
Make sure that you regularly ground yourself into the Earth Chakra.

The earth star chakra meanings relate to the very foundation of your being, within
everyday life. It also relates to energy and is your anchor into physicality... and is very
important for everyone, but especially spiritual people.

This chakras meaning is all about the idea of 'grounding', especially in a metaphysical
way. This chakra is where you connect to Mother Gaia to resource and reground your
body. As you reconnect to her energy, you do two things. You draw from the earth the

vibration that enables you to become grounded... and discharge into the earth your
excess energy.

This is particularly the build up of energy in your bodies after intense spiritual
experiences. It is important that you regularly make the connection to the earth through
your earth star chakra... to ground yourself.

If you continue to allow yourself to remain ungrounded, a variety of different

problems...including those listed above... may develop. Most of these are unnecessary
and are totally preventable. So what action should we take?

Here are some things you can do to help bring you back down to earth:

• Eating (hence sometimes the weight gain) - healthy & balanced.

• Drinking water
• Walking barefoot, especially in natural surroundings (garden, beach etc)
• Sports, yoga, tai chi etc.
• Gardening
• Animals eg. walking the dog
• Being purposeful
• Visualization of roots/colour (see below)
• Carrying/working with crystals (see below)

All of the list above is fairly self explanatory with the possible exception of visualization
and the use of crystals.

Another way to start the process of spiritual grounding is by burning white sage. If you
are in the position to be able to sage yourself... begin by smudging yourself. Use either
white sage alone or mixed with other fragrant herbs. These are often sold in purpose
made smudging sticks.

Emotional grounding is also important and hence, walking in the water will aid your
emotional body as well. This contact with the earth is a very helpful... to assist you to
begin to ground yourself.

As you do this (grounding), you release energy from your body. It is transformed into
earth energy when you discharge it into the earth below your feet. Of course if you are
in a cold climate, and it is winter, walking on the earth may not be possible.

When you are not able to get outside for any reason...do a grounding meditation.
Relaxing...centering... grounding... very important actions for your overall well-being.
Go within, become centered... then follow through with the following visualization.

Grounding Meditations

A most effective grounding meditation involves a visualization.... for spiritual

grounding. Sit down in a chair in a relaxed position. It is best done with bare feet that
you place flat on the floor... so that you are can feel as connected to the earth as

As you are sitting there, centered, relaxed and at peace, you need to visualize the

Close your eyes... and start by mentally drawing a line from the bottom of your feet
down into the earth... about twelve inches below the sole of each foot. Imagine that any
excess energy you have in your body... moves down your legs and out of your body and
down into the earth.

Now I want you to imagine that you are a tree... a beautiful tall, healthy tree. Feel roots
descending from the soles of your feet... as you send them down deep into the earth.
You go deeper into the cool moist earth, and you begin to take nourishment from it.
You feel your roots growing stronger and you feel your life-force energy deepening and

You feel a surge of love and gratitude from Mother Gaia come up through your roots
and into the soles of your feet and up into your body. This love and gratitude is for the
gift of energy you have given to her.

You spread your arms above your head, and visualize that these are your branches. You
feel leaves growing on your branches, strong, healthy and vibrant. Your branches reach
high into the sky... enjoying the warmth of the sun on the leaves... or the coolness of
the moon. You reach up to make contact with spirit.... and gather the energy from the
Divine Source and allow it to energize and nourish you.

You have had your fill so you allow the balance of the vibrations from the higher realms
to make its way down your body.... and slowly filter down your legs. As you allow this
energy to flow out of the soles of your feet...you give thanks for the gift you have been
given. You feel gratitude to Spirit for the gift you have been given. You thank Mother
Gaia for all she does for you... as you give her this gift of your body's excess energy, to
be transformed into earth energy.

When you are ready you slowly open your eyes. You know that you can come here as
often as you like and do a spiritual grounding, and that the earth will enjoy the gift you
give her of your excess energy.


Colour can also be quite helpful, deep earthy colours such as red, brown and terracotta
are always good. Again just imagine that this colour surrounds you. You can imagine it
as light or a cloak or blanket, whatever is easier for you.

Sit in hot water

A hot bath or a dip in the Jacuzzi isn’t just relaxing, it’s cleansing. Take a hot bath with
some Epsom salts mixed into the water. Water is purifying. Sitting in a warm tub of
water will slough off any negative energy that’s sticking to you. The shower is okay if
you don’t have a tub, but while you’re in the shower, you want to imagine all the gunky
energy peeling off your body and going down the drain. Sometimes other people’s
energies can stick to us. You may come home from work with other people’s problems
attached to you. Water will clear that right up.

Sit in Stillness

Be in the present moment. Sit in a chair or better yet, sit outside on the grass under a
tree. Get quiet. Just look, just listen, just feel the air gliding around your body. Notice
what you smell. Notice what you hear. Just absorb the present moment. Disallow
your mind from wandering to the future or the past. Just be in the now. Notice that
you are alright, that nothing bad is happening to you, and that you are totally at One
with the world around you.

Crystals can be very helpful in the grounding process. It is best to carry them in a
trouser or skirt pocket (or sock if you can make it comfortable!). Simply keep the stone
within your aura.

You must remember to cleanse and dedicate your chosen crystal for this purpose before
using it. A small piece of tumbled stone will be sufficient to carry with you. Here is a list
of a few easy to obtain crystals that could be used for this purpose:

Red jasper (most jaspers are good as grounders), Bloodstone, Hematite, Gold tigers
eye, Carnelian, Garnet, Pyrite, Copper, Amber, Unakite.


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