5314sipij06 PDF
5314sipij06 PDF
5314sipij06 PDF
3, June 2014
In this paper, transmit beamforming and antenna selection techniques are presented for the Cooperative
Distributed Antenna System. Beamforming technique with minimum total weighted transmit power
satisfying threshold SINR and Per-Antenna Power constraints is formulated as a convex optimization
problem for the efficient performance of Distributed Antenna System (DAS). Antenna Selection technique is
implemented in this paper to select the optimum Remote Antenna Units from all the available ones. This
achieves the best compromise between capacity and system complexity. Dual polarized and Triple
Polarized systems are considered. Simulation results prove that by integrating Beamforming with DAS
enhances its performance. Also by using convex optimization in Antenna Selection enhances the
performance of multi polarized systems.
Distributed Antenna System, Beamforming, Convex Optimization, Antenna Selection, Dual polarized,
Triple Polarized.
Wireless communication systems have been developing and evolving in a furious pace in these
recent years. The number of mobile subscribers is growing tremendously in the past decades. The
early wireless systems consisted of a base station with a high-power transmitter which serves a
large geographic area. Each base station could serve only a small number of users and was costly
as well. Today, due to the advancement in technology, the cellular system consists of a cluster of
base stations with low-power radio transmitters. Now the total number of users served is
increased because of channel reuse and larger frequency bandwidth.
Next generation broadband wireless access systems are evolving towards distributed architectures
as a promising solution to meet the ever increasing demand for the wireless connectivity. With
limited transmit power and bandwidth; one way to achieve the high data rate is to reduce the
radio transmission distance between the transmitter and the receiver which is made possible by
using the distributed architectures [1]. It is well established that multiple-input multiple-output
DOI : 10.5121/sipij.2014.5306 59
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
(MIMO) technology provides high data rates and link reliability without additional bandwidth or
power [2]. Efficient allocation of the transmit power over the coverage area is possible by
introducing the MIMO technologies into new radio architectures especially for future mobile
communication systems [3]. Distributed Antenna System (DAS) is an evolving architecture
which serves the need of the future wireless communication systems.
Beamforming or spatial filtering is a powerful signal processing technique used in antenna arrays
or sensor arrays for directional signal transmission or reception. Beamforming helps in main lobe
enhancement, side lobe reduction and removal of interference caused by unwanted transmitters.
There are also a set of limitations that result from practical system design such as a Per-Antenna
power constraint that keeps the amplifier at each transmit antenna in its linear range [4]. In
designing the communication system, these types of constraints should all be taken into account.
Instead of Sum power constraint, in this paper we consider the more realistic Per-Antenna power
constraint on each of the transmitters at the Remote Antenna Units (RAUs), since in practice each
antenna is limited individually by its equipped power amplifier.
In paper [5], the transmitter optimization problem for multiuser downlink channels with multiple
transmit antennas at the base-station is considered. Assuming perfect channel knowledge at the
transmitter, this paper investigates two different transmission schemes under the Per-Antenna
power constraint: a minimum-power beamforming design for downlink channels with a single
antenna at each remote user and a capacity-achieving transmitter design for downlink channels
with multiple antennas at each remote user. It is shown that in both cases, the Per-Antenna
downlink transmitter optimization problem may be transformed into a dual uplink problem with
an uncertain noise. This new interpretation of duality gives rise to efficient numerical
optimization techniques for solving the downlink Per-Antenna transmitter optimization problem.
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
Since all the RAUs are connected to the BS, spatial diversity can be achieved, thus improving the
system performance. Also, having some antennas located closer to the mobile station decreases
the average distance of propagation to or from the nearest antenna, thus reducing the required
uplink and downlink transmitted power for a fixed channel quality and creating more uniform
coverage inside the cell [7]. DAS is often used in scenarios where alternate technologies are
infeasible due to terrain or zoning challenges. The idea works because less power is wasted in
overcoming penetration and shadowing losses, and because a line-of-sight channel is present
more frequently, leading to reduced fade depths and reduced delay spread. In the cooperative
DAS the transmitted signals of a few RAUs, instantaneously linked to a reference MT, are
considered useful signals rather than interference.
DAS was originally proposed to improve the indoor performance of wireless communication
systems. In order to exploit the advantages of both the collocated MIMO and the DAS, a
cooperative DAS based on a radio over fiber (RoF) technique was introduced in China’s beyond
3G FuTURE project [8, 9] and tested via field experiments. Research on distributed MIMO has
been carried out in [10–12] by exploiting both microscopic and macroscopic spatial diversity. In
[3] an analytical capacity study was presented for DASs.
A set of RAUs within reachable distances of a reference MT can cooperatively communicate with
this MT to form a MIMO system. Note that in cooperative DAS the distributed MIMO system
differs from the traditional centralized MIMO since each of the RAUs experiences independent
macroscopic fading from each other [11]. Therefore, the distributed MIMO formed by several
RAUs at different geometric locations can make use of the statistically independent properties of
the channels more efficiently, and larger channel capacity would be expected than in the
traditional collocated MIMO. The theoretic and Monte Carlo simulation results presented in [3]
shows the benefits of the distributed MIMO.
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
Depending upon the CSIT, Beamforming technique allocates weight vectors for each channel.
Now, the transmit antenna element in the RAU whose channel is assigned a high value of weight
vector is chosen from among the available set of antenna elements and transmission takes place
between the selected antenna terminal in the RAU and the mobile terminal through this channel.
Also in practical multi-antenna implementations, each transmit antenna is usually equipped with
its own power amplifier. Thus, an individual power constraint on each antenna individually is
more realistic than a sum power constraint across all the antennas. There are certain benefits in
considering the Per-Antenna power constraint. They are as follows
Consider a DAS scenario where a Base Station (BS) is located at the center of the macro cell and
the multiple antennas of the BS, the Remote Antenna Units (RAUs) are distributed throughout
the cell. The RAUs are connected to the BS by an optical fiber or cable. Each RAU consists of
one or more antenna terminals. Mobile Terminals (MTs) can be located anywhere in the cell. The
system model is shown in Fig.2.
Fig.2. System Model (showing a RAU with 2 antenna elements and a MT with 1 antenna)
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
The general system model for a RAU with N antenna elements and K receivers, each with one
antenna can be given as,
where, yk represents the received signal (1x1), is a (1xN) beamforming vector, hk is a (Nx1)
channel response vector and nk represents the noise (1x1).
The channel capacity equation of the distributed antenna system is given as [15].
Where G is the downlink propagation channel, ρ is the SINR, D is the Large Scale Fading matrix
and M is the number of RAUs.
Let wk denote the weight vectors (k=1, 2...K). The total weighted power at the transmitter is
given as Increasing the transmit power affects the linearity of devices (e.g.
amplifier) present in the RAU. This is an undesirable effect. Hence the aim is to reduce the total
weighted transmit power but at the same time ensure that the Signal to Interference-Noise ratio
(SINR) target is met at the receiver. We formulate the Beamforming in cooperative DAS as a
convex optimization problem to get the solution. Convex optimization technique finds the weight
vector that minimizes the total transmit power and also meets the SINR target. The two
constraints to be satisfied are the Per-Antenna power constraint and multiuser transmit
beamforming under individual SINR constraint. The problem can be expressed as follows
Eqn (2) defines the objective function (minimize transmit power), (3) defines the SINR constraint
and (4) defines the Per-Antenna power constraint. N denotes the number of transmit antennas, ck
denotes the target SINR, denotes the noise power. The problem becomes infeasible when 1)
the channel vectors of two or more channels are co-linear or highly correlated 2) SINR target is
too high 3) the number of users, K is much greater than the number of antenna terminals, N in the
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
Define a M X M diagonal matrix ∆ for RAU selection at the Base Station which has ∆i as its
diagonal entries. The diagonal matrix ∆ is represented as follows,
The modified channel capacity equation as a function of antenna selection variable can be written
The set of RAUs that maximizes the capacity of the system must be selected out of all the
available RAUs. The antenna selection problem is formulated as a convex optimization problem.
The objective function is to maximize the channel capacity. The two constraints defined are: 1) 0
≤ ∆ ≤ 1, the antenna selection variable is relaxed to a weaker constraint so that it can be solved in
polynomial time. 2) the sum of the diagonal elements of ∆ must be equal to N, the total number
of RAUs selected. The problem can be expressed as follows,
The solution to this problem would be that N optimal RAUs will be selected from the available
set to serve a particular user.
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
Table I
Optimal Values Obtained for Case 1
In Case 2, two channels which are highly correlated are taken. As discussed before, this case
becomes infeasible. Hence no weight vectors are assigned. Simulation results for SNR in dB vs.
average Bit Error Rate (BER) is shown in Fig.3. Graphs are obtained for four different cases i)
1x1 MIMO ii) 2x2 MIMO iii) 2x2 MIMO-BF (Beamforming) iv) 4x4 MIMO-BF.
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
It is evident from the graph that to attain a minimum average BER of 10-1, SNR needed by the
1x1 MIMO and 2x2 MIMO are 10 dB and 2dB respectively. Thus by increasing the number of
transmit and receive antennas, a minimized average BER can be obtained at a reduced SNR. Also
including Beamforming technique with MIMO further reduces the SNR (and hence the transmit
signal power) needed to achieve a minimized average BER. From Fig.3 we can see that to get a
minimum average BER of 10-1, SNR needed by 2x2 MIMO-BF and 4x4 MIMO-BF are -1 dB
and -7.5 dB. Table 2 shows the SNR values obtained for different system configurations.
Simulation result for SINR in dB vs. BER for two methods- sum-power constraint and per-
antenna power constraint is shown in Fig.4.From the plot it is seen that the performance of per-
antenna power constraint is better than the sum-power constraint. Therefore by implementing the
more realistic Per-Antenna power constraint, the amplifiers at the RAU are kept in the linear
range. Thus it is clear that by integrating Beamforming techniques with DAS, a reduced total
transmit power can be achieved with target SINR constraint. Also, it is clear that Beamforming
technique in DAS with per-antenna power constraint achieves a better performance.
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
Simulation result between Selected RAUs and channel capacity without Antenna Selection is
shown in Fig.5. From this figure it is observed that the performance of 2SS-DP and 3SS-SP are
Simulation results between Selected Antennas vs. Channel capacity with Antenna Selection is
shown in Fig.6. It is evident from the two plots that the performance of Dual Polarized and Triple
Polarized systems is enhanced by using Antenna Selection Techniques.
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
The problem to find the optimal beamforming weights which minimizes the total weighted
transmit power, satisfying the SINR constraint and Per-Antenna power constraint, is formulated
as a convex optimization problem and is solved using convex optimization tools (e.g. CVX). Two
different cases- orthogonal channels and highly correlated channels are discussed. Comparison
between Sum power and Per-Antenna power constraint is done. The results and graphs obtained
prove that the performance of the system is improved by integrating beamforming technique with
Cooperative Distributed Antenna System (DAS). Also convex optimization is used to optimize
the performance of DAS for maximizing the ergodic capacity. The optimum RAUs that
maximizes the channel capacity is selected by using optimization algorithm. The results are also
compared with spatially separated single polarized systems. The performance of multi polarized
system is enhanced by using convex optimization. Also the performance of triple polarized
system is found to be good under certain channel conditions.
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Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.5, No.3, June 2014
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A. Suban, received B.E in the department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering from Anna university, Chennai and M.E in the discipline of Wireless
Technology from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai in 2011. He is
currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Velammal College of Engineering and Technology,
Madurai-625009, Tamil Nadu, India. His area of interest in Signal processing mainly
focused on MIMO techniques with beamforming, OFDM and power control