Carbon Dioxide Adsorption Isotherms On Activated Carbons

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Carbon Dioxide Adsorption Isotherms on Activated Carbons

Bidyut Baran Saha,*,† Skander Jribi,‡ Shigeru Koyama,‡ and Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy§

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka-shi 819-0395,

Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University,
6-1 Kasuga-koen, Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580, Japan
Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, El-Mansoura, Egypt

ABSTRACT: This paper presents adsorption isotherm data of CO2 onto two different types of highly porous activated carbons
(ACs) for temperatures ranging from (18 to 80) °C and pressures up to 10 MPa. The assorted adsorbents are activated carbon
fiber (ACF) of type A-20 and activated carbon powder of type Maxsorb III. Adsorption isotherm data have been obtained using a
volumetric technique and fitted to the DubininAstakhov (DA), Toth, Langmuir, and modified DA equations. The latter
considers the pseudosaturation pressure of CO2 that plays an important role for supercritical gas adsorption, and the
pseudosaturation pressure was determined from the experimental data. The Toth and modified DA isotherms correlate with
the experimental data within 5 % root-mean-square deviation (rmsd) and present a better fitting than that of the Langmuir and the
DA equations. The isosteric heat of adsorption data were derived from the Toth and modified DA isotherm equations and the
correlation proposed by Chakraborty et al., and the average heat of adsorption values were found to be comparable. These data are
essential for designing CO2-based adsorption cooling, refrigeration, and gas storage systems.

’ INTRODUCTION data are not available in the open literature. Experimental data
Physical adsorption on carbonaceous adsorbents has been were correlated with the DA, modified DA, Toth, and
extensively studied for the separation and purification of gases,13 Langmuir isotherm models. The isosteric heat of adsorption
gas storage,46 and adsorption cooling711 applications. For the data are also evaluated.
adsorption cooling and adsorbed gas storage applications, it is
essential to estimate correct isotherms and isosteric heat of
adsorption of the assorted adsorbentadsorbate pairs for design-
ing adsorption systems. Using these key data, the numerical Materials. The adsorbents used in this study are ACF of type
modeling of the processes of chiller operation and gas storage A-20 and activated carbon powder of type Maxsorb III, and these
performance can be performed with a high level of confidence. activated carbons were developed by AD’ALL Co. Ltd., Japan,
As one of the countermeasures against global warming and and Kansai Coke & Chemicals Co. Ltd., Japan, respectively. The
energy conservation problems, Saha et al.8 and El-Sharkawy microporus ACF (A-20) has a large surface area of 2000 m2 3 g1,
et al.12 investigated experimentally the adsorption characteristics micropore volume (vμ) of 1.03 cm3 3 g1, and average pore
of ethanol and methanol, respectively, onto activated carbon diameter of 21.6 Å.7 It is suitable for physical adsorption and
fiber and Maxsorb III. However, these adsorbentrefrigerant easy to pack. On the other hand, Maxsorb III has a surface area as
pairs work on subatmospheric pressures, and thus the system high as 3150 m2 3 g1, micropore volume of 1.7 cm3 3 g1, and
footprint becomes large. Accordingly, it is inevitable to develop mean pore diameter of 2 nm.14 Samples of CO2 and helium were
adsorption cooling systems based on natural working pairs which supplied by Asahi Sanso Shokai Ltd. Japan having a purity of
work above atmospheric pressure. Among natural refrigerants, 99.995 %.
CO2 has the advantage of having no problems related to Experimental Apparatus. Measurements of the adsorption
flammability and toxicity as opposed to ammonia and thus has equilibrium of CO2 onto Maxsorb III and ACF (A-20) have been
received considerable attention especially in the field of auto- conducted using a volumetric technique. Figure 1 shows the
motive air conditioners. schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus which com-
Himeno et al.13 reported a systematic study of the adsorption prises: (i) adsorption and load cells, and these cells are designed
of carbon dioxide onto five different activated carbons using the to stand a pressure of 12 MPa; (ii) two water baths of type
static volumetric method. Experiments were performed at tem- Advantec TBN402DA connected with two water circulators of
peratures ranging from (0 to 50) °C and pressures up to 6 MPa. type Eyela CTP-3000 and CTP-6000; and (iii) a 25.8 μm mesh is
However, CO2-based transcritical adsorption cooling systems attached at the center of the adsorption cell. The adsorption cell
can go up to 10 MPa. From the above perspective, the adsorption
isotherms of CO2 on two different types of highly porous Received: September 27, 2010
activated carbons for temperatures ranging from (18 to Accepted: February 25, 2011
80) °C and pressures up to 10 MPa were determined as these Published: March 15, 2011

r 2011 American Chemical Society 1974 | J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 1974–1981
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ARTICLE

Figure 2. Evolution of pressure and temperature during adsorption.

adsorption cell reaches its equilibrium in about an hour,

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of volumetric experimental apparatus (1,
load cell; 2, filter; 3, adsorption cell; 4, thermocouple; 5, pressure and then the equilibrium pressure is recorded. Then,
transducer; 6, vacuum gauge; 7, tape heater; 8, water bath; 9, water steps (ii) and (iii) are repeated until reaching the satura-
circulator; 10, vacuum pump). tion pressure at the assorted adsorption isotherm tem-
perature or the maximum pressure of the CO2 cylinder
which is typically about 6 MPa.
is connected to the load cell through 1/4” stainless steel (iv) To measure the adsorption equilibrium for pressures
plumbing and a set of Swagelok fittings (connectors, T’s, and above 6 MPa, the load cell is used as an intermediate
reducers). Other parts are stopping valves of type SS-1KS4, safety vessel to increase the pressure. At first, the load cell is
valves of type SS-4R3A, and 15 μm pore size filter of type SS- connected to the CO2 cylinder and cooled to increase the
4TF-15. The tubes shown by zigzag lines in Figure 1 are mounted mass of adsorbate in the cell. After that, the load cell is
by a tape heater to control their temperatures. isolated from the CO2 cylinder and heated until the load
Instrumentation. The instrumentation used in the present pressure increases to the desired value.
study was: (i) a vacuum pressure gauge of type Phil PG-D5A, (ii) Assuming that adsorption occurs in micropores, the void
a 10 MPa absolute pressure transducer of type Kyowa PHS- volume, Vvoid, is calculated by the following equation.
100KA with an uncertainty of ( 0.2 % of full scale in measure-
ment, (iii) several K type thermocouples within ( 0.1 °C mch
Vvoid ¼ Vcell   υμ mch ð1Þ
uncertainty calibrated with a standard platinum resistance ther- Fs
mometer, and (iv) a data acquisition system comprising a
Yokogawa MX data logger and a personal computer to record where the third term in the RHS of eq 1 is the void volume
the experimental data each second. correction. Vcell stands for the volume of adsorption cell; mch, Fs,
Procedure. Before conducting experiments, the volume of and vμ denote the mass, solid density, and micropore volume of
load and adsorption cells along with their connecting tubes are the activated carbon, respectively.
measured using a water filling method by measuring the mass of A mass of 16.82 g of ACF (A-20) has been packed into the
pure water filled in the cell using a digital balance of type Mettler adsorption cell of 76.38 cm3, assuming a solid density of carbon
Toledo PR8002 with ( 0.01 g uncertainty. At first, the assorted (Fs) of 1.8 g 3 cm3 as stated by the ACF manufacturer, and the
adsorbent was dried in an electric oven at a temperature of 373 K adsorption cell void is 67.03 cm3. This value is in good agreement
for 12 h and then packed in the adsorption cell. The mass of the with the cell void measured by helium expansion. Taking into
dried adsorbent packed in the adsorption cell was also measured account the micropore volume (vμ), the void volume (Vvoid) in
prior to the adsorption isotherm experiment. Adsorption iso- the adsorption cell packed with ACF (A-20) is found to be
therm measurements were performed according to the following 48.53 cm3.
chronological steps: With the same approach, a mass of 18.67 g of Maxsorb III is
(i) Both of the load and adsorption cells are evacuated with a packed into a second cell of 80.27 cm3, with Fs/g 3 cm3 = 2.2 for
vacuum pump for 6 h until the pressure reaches as low as Maxsorb III, and the adsorption cell void is 71.78 cm3. Vvoid in
20 Pa. At the same time, the activated carbon packed inside this case is estimated to be 40.04 cm3.
the adsorption cell is being regenerated with a band heater, Data Reduction. The primary data are the load pressure Pl,
and the temperature is maintained at 120 °C. the equilibrium pressure Peq, the load temperature Tl, and the
(ii) A certain amount of CO2 is released into the loading cell adsorbent temperature Ta. The mass adsorbed in the nth mea-
where the equilibrium is reached within 30 min. The state surement can be determined by eq 2 below, where n varies from 1
of the gas in terms of pressure and temperature is then to 7.
recorded using the data acquisition system. mn ¼ mn  1 þ Δmload, n  Δmvoid, n ð2Þ
(iii) The valve between the adsorption cell and the load cell is
opened. The starting of adsorption is characterized by a where mn1 is the previous amount adsorbed; Δmload,n is the
sharp increase of the adsorption bed temperature and a mass difference in the load cell between the load state and
pressure drop from the loading pressure to near the equilibrium state; and Δmvoid,n is the mass added to the void
equilibrium pressure, which are shown in Figure 2. The volume.
1975 |J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 1974–1981
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ARTICLE

Figure 3. Adsorption isotherm of CO2 on ACF (A-20) with ( 5 % error Figure 4. Adsorption isotherm of CO2 on Maxsorb III with ( 5 % error
bars in uptake and ( 0.02 MPa horizontal error bars in pressure: 0, bars in uptake and ( 0.02 MPa horizontal error bars in pressure: 0,
18.8 °C; 9, 10 °C; , 0 °C; O, 10 °C; b, 20 °C; /, 30 °C; Δ, 40 °C; 17.6 °C; 9, 10 °C; , 0 °C; O, 10 °C; b, 20 °C; /, 30 °C; Δ, 40 °C;
2, 50 °C; þ, 60 °C; ), 70 °C; (, 80 °C; solid lines are from the 2, 50 °C; þ, 60 °C; ), 70 °C; (, 80 °C; solid lines are from the
Toth model. Toth model.

The experiments measure excess adsorption, and correlations expressed as17

relate absolute adsorption. The adsorbed phase volume is
assumed to be negligible compared to the bulk gas phase volume. Vm ¼ Vt expðRðT  Tt ÞÞ ð7Þ
Correlation of Isotherms. Adsorption experimental data where V t is the molar volume of the liquid adsorbate at the
were correlated with four different isotherms, namely, Langmuir, triple point (T t = 216.6 K and P t = 0.51814 MPa) and the
Toth, DubininAstakhov (DA), and modified DA equa- numerical value of Vt is found to be 0.84858 cm 3 3 g1 . The
tions. thermal expansion of the superheated liquid R is taken as
Langmuir and To th Isotherms. The well-known Langmuir 0.0025 K 1 as suggested by Ozawa.17 It is noteworthy to
and Toth isotherm models can be expressed by eqs 3 and 4, mention here that the values of V m which are found by the
respectively.15 present method are almost identical to those of Cook and
C bP Basmadjian. 18 The adsorption potential A is given by
¼ ð3Þ  
C0 1 þ bP Ps
A ¼ RT ln ð8Þ
C bP
¼ ð4Þ where R is the gas constant; P s is the saturated vapor pressure
C0 ð1 þ ðbPÞt Þ1=t
at the temperature T; and P is the equilibrium pressure. At
where C/kg 3 kg1 is the amount adsorbed; C0/kg 3 kg1 is the high pressure, the pressure should be replaced by the fugacity
saturated amount adsorbed; P/MPa is the equilibrium pressure; to correct for the nonideality of gases. The adsorption
and b/MPa1 is the adsorption affinity given by potential becomes
b ¼ b0 eðQ =RTÞ ð5Þ A ¼ RT ln
where b 0 is the adsorption affinity at infinite temperature and
Q is the isosteric heat of adsorption. The parameter t in eq 4 is where f and f s are the corresponding fugacities of P and P s,
said to characterize the system heterogeneity which is a respectively.
characteristic of the adsorbent or adsorbate or a combination Above the critical temperature (Tc) of CO2, the concept of
of both. The lower the value of t, the more heterogeneous the liquid is nonexistent. Dubinin suggested the following empirical
system. If t is equal to unity, the Toth isotherm is reduced to equation to compute the values of the pseudovapor pressure
the Langmuir isotherm. above the critical temperature.19
DA Isotherm. The DubininAstakhov (DA) model is  2
given by16 T
Ps ¼ Pc for ðT > Tc Þ ð10Þ
"  # Tc
A n
W ¼ W0 exp  ð6Þ
Modified DA Model. Amankwah and Schwarz20 proposed a
where W/cm3 3 g1 is the volume adsorbed; W0 /cm 3 3 g 1 is modified DA model where the estimation of pseudovapor
the limiting micropore volume; E/J 3 mol1 is the character- pressures takes into account the interactions between the
istic energy; n is the structural heterogeneity parameter; and adsorbateadsorbent system and is given by
A is the adsorption potential. The adsorbed phase volume  k
W/cm3 3 g1 is obtained by multiplying the adsorption up- Ps ¼ Pc ð11Þ
take C/kg 3 kg1 by the molar volume V m which can be Tc

1976 |J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 1974–1981

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ARTICLE

Table 1. Raw Adsorption Data of CO2 onto ACF (A-20) for Adsorption Temperatures of (10, 10, 30, 50, and 70) °C
measurement number Tl/°C Pl/MPa Ta/°C Peq/MPa Δmload/g Δmvoid/g mn/g C/kg 3 kg1

1 30 0.491 10 0.060 2.463 0.061 2.402 0.143

2 30 0.843 10 0.239 3.549 0.182 5.768 0.343
3 30 1.208 10 0.572 3.870 0.355 9.283 0.553
4 30 1.795 10 1.108 4.464 0.617 13.130 0.782
5 30 2.382 10 1.853 3.735 0.989 15.876 0.947
6 30 2.778 10 2.535 1.854 1.115 16.615 0.992
1 30 0.486 10 0.103 2.196 0.096 2.101 0.125
2 30 0.824 10 0.339 2.858 0.226 4.733 0.282
3 30 1.199 10 0.713 2.982 0.371 7.344 0.438
4 30 2.281 10 1.585 4.801 0.945 11.200 0.668
5 30 3.556 10 2.931 5.231 1.785 14.646 0.876
6 30 4.617 10 4.266 3.757 2.614 15.789 0.947
1 30 1.056 30 0.391 3.980 0.346 3.634 0.217
2 30 1.311 30 0.860 2.807 0.433 6.008 0.358
3 30 1.982 30 1.536 3.003 0.664 8.347 0.498
4 30 2.784 30 2.382 3.029 0.911 10.465 0.625
5 30 3.965 30 3.565 3.691 1.482 12.674 0.759
6 30 5.770 30 5.438 5.160 3.241 14.593 0.878
7 32 7.201 30 7.037 7.316 6.499 15.411 0.935
1 50 0.683 50 0.272 2.229 0.224 2.005 0.120
2 50 1.184 50 0.745 2.476 0.401 4.080 0.243
3 50 1.999 50 1.512 2.953 0.684 6.349 0.379
4 50 3.485 50 2.897 4.126 1.367 9.108 0.545
5 50 4.420 50 4.053 2.927 1.309 10.726 0.643
6 50 6.275 50 5.866 4.385 2.518 12.594 0.758
1 32 1.925 50 1.159 4.985 1.235 3.750 0.326a
2 32 6.171 50 5.472 11.194 6.126 8.818 0.771a
3 39 7.564 50 7.367 5.192 4.311 9.699 0.852a
4 45 9.531 50 9.373 8.858 8.053 10.504 0.931a
1 30 0.799 70 0.412 2.290 0.320 1.970 0.118
2 30 1.292 70 0.955 2.105 0.435 3.641 0.218
3 30 2.299 70 1.890 2.873 0.788 5.726 0.343
4 30 3.484 70 3.121 3.064 1.122 7.668 0.460
5 30 4.781 70 4.508 3.068 1.408 9.328 0.560
6 30 6.206 70 6.047 3.240 1.793 10.775 0.649
1 35 5.146 70 4.102 10.805 4.550 6.254 0.546a
2 35 6.710 70 6.458 5.058 3.437 7.875 0.690a
3 35 7.906 70 7.877 3.631 2.549 8.957 0.787a
4 36 9.708 70 9.488 3.749 3.538 9.168 0.809a
The mass of ACF (A-20) is taken as 11.56 g.

where k is a constant obtained from the fitting of experimental expressed as

adsorption isotherm data. This modified DA equation provides  
better fitting in the case of the adsorption isotherm of methane D ln P
ΔHCC ¼ RT 2 ð12Þ
and hydrogen onto four types of activated carbons.20 The k DT C
values vary from 2.1 to 2.73 for methane and from 2.72 to 4.16 for
hydrogen. For CO2 adsorption on ACF (A-20) and Maxsorb III, The ΔHCC derived from the Langmuir and Toth isotherms is
k is found to be 3.86 and 4.49, respectively. constant and is equal to the parameter Q in eq 5. The ΔHCC
Isosteric Heat of Adsorption. Knowledge of the thermo- derived from the modified DA equation reduces to
dynamic properties of the adsorbent þ adsorbate system allows D ln Ps R
better understanding of the adsorption process. The determina- ΔHCC, DA ¼ RT 2 þ A þ TEn A1  n ð13Þ
DT n
tion of heat of adsorption permits measurement of the degree of
energetic heterogeneity of gassolid interactions. The Clau- where RT2(∂ ln Ps)/(∂T) = kRT for T > Tc.
siusClapeyron (CC) equation has been widely used to estimate Recently, from the rigor of thermodynamic formalisms,
the heat of adsorption (ΔH) from isotherm equations and can be Chakraborty et al.21 modified the ClausiusClapeyron heat of
1977 |J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 1974–1981
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Table 2. Raw Adsorption Data of CO2 onto Maxsorb III for Adsorption Temperatures of (10, 10, 30, 50, and 70) °C
measurement number Tl/°C Pl/MPa Ta/°C Peq/MPa Δmload/g Δmvoid/g mn/g C/kg 3 kg1

1 27 0.906 10 0.097 4.801 0.078 4.722 0.253

2 27 1.848 10 0.423 9.086 0.274 13.534 0.725
3 27 3.311 10 1.355 14.672 0.876 27.329 1.464
4 27 3.180 10 2.425 6.047 1.285 32.091 1.719
1 30 0.754 10 0.127 3.652 0.096 3.556 0.190
2 30 1.139 10 0.363 4.669 0.182 8.044 0.431
3 30 2.014 10 0.918 7.147 0.450 14.741 0.790
4 30 2.670 10 1.683 7.033 0.684 21.090 1.130
5 30 3.543 10 2.687 7.031 1.052 27.069 1.450
6 30 4.769 10 4.249 5.670 2.364 30.375 1.627
1 27 1.059 30 0.286 4.665 0.203 4.462 0.239
2 27 1.315 30 0.653 4.138 0.269 8.332 0.446
3 27 1.994 30 1.252 5.006 0.461 12.877 0.690
4 27 2.843 30 2.121 5.493 0.728 17.641 0.945
5 27 3.939 30 3.290 6.044 1.132 22.554 1.208
6 27 4.905 30 4.509 4.897 1.454 25.996 1.392
7 27 6.016 30 5.824 4.223 2.220 27.999 1.500
1 30 0.763 50 0.257 2.963 0.170 2.793 0.150
2 30 1.325 50 0.705 3.836 0.305 6.324 0.339
3 30 2.015 50 1.368 4.333 0.473 10.184 0.545
4 30 3.485 50 2.697 6.449 1.039 15.594 0.835
5 30 4.473 50 3.989 4.940 1.159 19.375 1.038
6 30 6.333 50 6.025 6.519 2.301 23.593 1.264
1 32 6.031 50 4.218 23.220 3.379 19.841 1.063
2 32 6.136 50 5.840 5.156 1.836 23.160 1.241
3 45 9.962 50 9.724 12.627 8.876 26.911 1.441
1 27 0.708 70 0.297 2.440 0.185 2.255 0.121
2 27 1.330 70 0.811 3.276 0.329 5.202 0.279
3 27 2.368 70 1.727 4.586 0.615 9.173 0.491
4 27 3.481 70 2.935 4.691 0.876 12.988 0.696
5 27 4.697 70 4.316 4.402 1.111 16.279 0.872
6 27 6.203 70 6.013 4.756 1.575 19.461 1.042
1 32 6.093 70 4.620 20.130 3.378 16.752 0.897
2 32 6.246 70 6.034 3.894 1.334 19.312 1.034
3 32 8.351 70 8.133 5.025 2.415 21.921 1.174
4 42 10.332 70 10.164 4.775 3.088 23.609 1.265

adsorption equation (eq 12) by introducing an extra term (second The shape of the adsorption isotherms of CO2 in the assorted
term of the RHS of eq 14), which accounts for the heat of adsorbed microporous materials is monotonically concave and therefore can
mass with respect to pressure and temperature changes during be classified as type I in the IUPAC classification.22 The raw data for
adsorption, and the modified equation is expressed by CO2 adsorption on ACF (A-20) and Maxsorb III are presented in
    Table 1 and Table 2, respectively.
D ln P DP The experimental data are fitted with the Langmuir, Toth,
ΔHads ¼ RT 2 þ Tvg ð14Þ
DT C DT DubininAstakhov (DA), and modified DA isotherm equa-
tions. A nonlinear optimization routine is used to optimize the
Accordingly, the corrected heat of adsorption employing the mod- parameters of these models to fit the experimental data for multiple
ified DA equation reduces to temperatures.15 The root-mean-square deviation (rmsd) between
R n 1n DP the calculated values (cal) and experimental data (exp) is defined as
ΔHads, DA ¼ kRT þ A þ TE A þ Tvg ð15Þ vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
n DT u !2
uN C  C
u∑ exp cal
u 100
t0 Cexp 3
The experimental uptake curves of CO2 onto ACF (A-20) and
Maxsorb III for temperatures ranging from (18 to 80) °C and As can be seen from Figures 3 and 4, the maximum uptake of
pressures up to 10 MPa are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. CO2 onto ACF (A-20) near the saturation pressure is 1 kg of
1978 |J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 1974–1981
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ARTICLE

Figure 5. Comparison of adsorption isotherm data of CO2 on Maxsorb

III: , present study with ( 5 % error bars and without void volume
correction; 0, present study with void volume correction; , present
study with ( 5 % error bars and without void volume correction; Δ,
present study with void volume correction; broken lines, Himeno et al.13

Table 3. Fitting Parameters of Langmuir and T

oth Models
for CO2 Adsorption onto ACF (A-20) and Maxsorb III
adsorbent model C0/kg 3 kg1 b0/MPa1 Q/kJ 3 mol1 t rmsd
A-20 Langmuir 1.22 2.21 3 10 19.41 - 8.24
Toth 1.56 2.55 3 104 19.23 0.696 3.40
Maxsorb III Langmuir 2.21 1.06 3 104 20.56 - 7.85
Toth 3.06 1.17 3 104 20.37 0.664 3.77
Figure 6. (a) Characteristic curve for the ACF (A-20)CO2 pair and
(b) adsorption isotherms of CO2 onto ACF (A-20) using the DA
CO2 per kg of ACF (A-20), and that of CO2 onto Maxsorb III is equation for k = 2: 0, 18.8 °C; 9, 10 °C; , 0 °C; O, 10 °C; b, 20 °C;
1.7 kg of CO2 per kg of Maxsorb III. In both cases, each /, 30 °C; Δ, 40 °C; 2, 50 °C; þ, 60 °C; ), 70 °C; (, 80 °C.
experimental point is found within ( 5 % deviation with the
Toth model.
A comparison of adsorption isotherm data for pressure up to which is an index of goodness of the fit of the DA model. As can
4.5 MPa between CO2 adsorption onto Maxsorb III and those of be seen from Figure 6(a), a scatter is observed in the character-
the Himeno13 data for a similar adsorbent is shown in Figure 5. istic curve, and accordingly, deviations between experimental
For isotherm temperatures of (0 and 50) °C, the present adsorption isotherm data and the DA model are observed in
adsorption isotherm data without void volume correction are Figure 6(b). These deviations are due to the low-estimated
similar to those of Himeno’s data. The data with void volume pseudo vapor pressures Ps which are related to the adsorbate
corrections are higher by about (5 to 10) % compared to those only and do not take into account the nature of the adsorbent.20
without void volume corrections. To overcome this problem, an additional parameter k is added to
The fitting parameters of the Langmuir and Toth equations the DA model. This constant is used to estimate the corrected
for the adsorption of CO2 onto ACF (A-20) and Maxsorb III are pseudo vapor pressure values and is obtained directly from the fit
presented in Table 3. The Langmuir equation presents a higher of experimental adsorption data to the modified DA model.
rmsd between the experimental adsorption data and the fitting The effect of the parameter k on the characteristic curve and
model. The rmsd for the Langmuir model is found to be 8.24 % the adsorption isotherms of CO2 onto ACF (A-20) is shown in
and 7.85 % for CO2 adsorption on ACF (A-20) and Maxsorb III, Figures 7(a) and 7(b), respectively. An improved single char-
respectively. The Toth model correlates the experimental uptake acteristic curve for all isotherm temperatures is obtained. More-
with lower rmsd than the Langmuir model as it considers the over, the error between the experimental adsorption uptake and
heterogeneity effect of the adsorbentadsorbate pairs (param- the modified DA model becomes less than ( 5 %. The same
eter t which is below 0.7). The rmsd values for the Toth isotherm trends are found for the characteristic curves and adsorption
are found to be 3.4 % and 3.77 % for ACF (A-20) and Maxsorb isotherms of CO2 onto Maxsorb III, and these are not presented
III, respectively. in this paper.
The plots of adsorbed volume W versus the adsorption The fitting parameters of the DA and modified DA
potential A, where A is calculated from eqs 9 and 10, are equations for the adsorption of CO2 onto ACF (A-20) and
presented in Figure 6(a) for the adsorption of CO2 onto ACF Maxsorb III are presented in Table 4. The DA equation yields
(A-20). These plots are supposed to follow one single line higher rmsd's as high as 6.61 % for ACF (A-20) and 9.58 % for
independent of temperature, known as the characteristic curve Maxsorb III. However, the use of the modified DA equation
1979 |J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 1974–1981
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ARTICLE

Figure 7. (a) Characteristic curve for the ACF (A-20)CO2 pair and
(b) adsorption isotherms of CO2 onto ACF (A-20) using the modified
DA equation for k = 3.86: 0, 18.8 °C; 9, 10 °C; , 0 °C; O, 10 °C;
b, 20 °C; /, 30 °C; Δ, 40 °C; 2, 50 °C; þ, 60 °C; ), 70 °C; (, 80 °C. Figure 8. (a) Heat of adsorption for the ACF (A-20)CO2 pair and (b)
heat of adsorption for the Maxsorb IIICO2 pair: ---, ΔHCC derived
from the Toth isotherm; O, ΔHCC derived from the modified DA
Table 4. Fitting Parameters of DA and Modified DA equation (eq 13); Δ, corrected heat of adsorption derived from the
Models for CO2 Adsorption onto ACF (A-20) and Maxsorb modified DA equation (eq 15).
adsorbent model k W0/cm3 3 g1 E/J 3 mol1 n rmsd and are almost the same during relatively higher loading where C
is above 0.5 kg 3 kg1 for ACF (A-20) and above 0.8 kg 3 kg1 for
A-20 DA 2 1.002 4468.22 1.14 6.61 Maxsorb III.
modified DA 3.86 1.03 4549.92 1.18 3.58
Maxsorb III DA 2 1.727 3983.24 1.12 9.58
modified DA 4.49 1.759 4159.89 1.18 4.53
Adsorption isotherm data for CO2 onto ACF (A-20) and
reduces the rmsd as low as 3.58 % and 4.53 % for ACF (A-20) and Maxsorb III have been obtained through a volumetric technique.
Maxsorb III, respectively. The adsorption uptake measurements cover the temperature
The plots of the heat of adsorption versus the adsorbed ranging from (18 to 80) °C and pressures up to 10 MPa. The
amount for ACF (A-20)CO2 and Maxsorb IIICO2 pairs data have been successfully correlated to popular isotherm
are shown in Figures 8(a) and 8(b), respectively. The Clausius equations within ( 5 % uncertainty. For the measured adsorp-
Clapeyron heats of adsorption (ΔHCC) derived from the Toth tion isotherm data, an improvement in accuracy has been
isotherm equation are constant, and these are equal to (19.23 and observed in the present study over that of an earlier method
20.37) kJ 3 mol1 for ACF (A-20)CO2 and Maxsorb IIICO2 for the similar adsorbentadsorbate pairs. Adsorption uptake of
pairs, respectively. On the other hand, the isosteric heat of CO2 on Maxsorb III is about 1.7 times higher than that of ACF
adsorption (ΔHads) proposed by Chakraborty et al.21 yields (A-20). The isosteric heat of adsorption data have been extracted
higher isosteric heat of adsorption values than those obtained from the experimental measurements, which appear to be well
from ΔHCC,DA. It is noteworthy to mention that for both interpreted from that derived from the modified DA equation.
adsorbentadsorbate pairs the values of ΔHads,DA are higher The average heats of adsorption of CO2 in Maxsorb III and ACF
than those obtained from the Toth equation during low loading (A-20) are found to be (20.37 and 19.23) kJ 3 mol1, respectively.
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