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GAD-based Ic CEBU: Lesson Exemplar

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GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 9 Learning Area: Science Quarter: 3 Duration: 60 minutes

Learning Area/s Integrated: AP
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)
√ Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
* Theme-based
I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)
√ Communication Learning and Innovation √ Problem Solving
√ Critical Thinking √ Information Media and Technology √ Life and Career
I. Focused Learning Competency

III. Focused GAD-based Principle to be Integrated

Gender Equality
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge characterize what a volcano is
identify the parts of a volcano
classify volcano as active or inactive
Skills create a model of a volcano
plot and locate volcanoes
simulate a volcanic eruption
Attitude employ creativity, cooperation and enthusiasm in accomplishing tasks

Values appreciate nature’s natural beauty

V. Learning Content/s Volcanoes

Concept A volcano is a natural opening in the surface of the Earth

where molten rocks, hot gases, smoke and ash are
Volcanoes are classified as active or inactive. Active
volcanoes that have a record of eruption within the last
600 years or those that erupted 10,000 years ago.
Inactive volcanoes are those that have not erupted for
the last 10,000 years and their form is being changed by
agents of weathering and erosion.
A volcano has many parts. Outside, you have the base,
the flank and the summit. Inside, you have the magma
chamber, located beneath the surface of the crust. The
conduit, which connects the magma chamber to the
crater. In some cases, the magma can also find different
paths to reach the surface. These are called dikes, which
lead to the vents located at the flanks.


Learning Materials Used folders, picture clips, Philippine map, vinegar,

detergent, baking soda, activity sheets
Identify the signs of an impending volcanic eruption
DRRE Concepts
Enumerate what to do before, during and after a volcanic

Curriculum Guide, Learners’ Material, Grade 9 Science,

References content/uploads/2016/01/Volcanoes.pdf,

VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1. Engage A. APPROVE or DISAPPROVE (PRE-TEST). Raise two thumbs up if you
(10 minutes) agree with the statement and two thumbs down if you disagree.
1.Are women prone to become victims in the event of a volcanic
Possible Answer: Two thumbs down
Natural calamities such as volcanic eruption poses grave threats to
both sexes.

2. Men are more likely to suffer from respiratory ailments brought

about by the volcanic ash?
Possible Answer: Two thumbs down
Volcanic ash when viewed under the microscope are not ordinary kind
of ash. It resembles that of a “broken glass”. This is dangerous to both

3. Evacuation measures should prioritize men, women and children.

Possible Answer: Two thumbs up

2.Explore ANALYZE and SHARE. The students will be group into 2 groups. Each
(15 minutes) group will be given picture of volcanoes.
Directions: Based on the pictures given, give 5 descriptions of a
volcano. Select one representative of the group who will discuss
the output to the class. For the visually-impaired students, they will
be provided with a 3 dimensional model of a volcano.

Mayon in Albay

Taal in Batangas

Kanlaon in Negros

Pinatubo in Zambales
Bulusan in Sorsogon

Smith in Calayan
Hibok-hibok in Camiguin

Musuan in Bukidnon
2. Explain The teacher will facilitate a discussion based on the possible
(8 minutes) responses of the students.
Possible answers
- A volcano is cone- shaped
- It has an opening at the top
- Hot, thick clouds of gas, molten rocks and ash comes out
of its opening
The students’ prior knowledge is very crucial to the understanding
of the details of volcanism.

4. Elaborate (Differentiated Activity)

(5 minutes)
Group 1. Students will be provided with a map of the Philippines. Given
the coordinates, they will be asked to plot the location of the volcanoes.
Afterwards, they will classify it as active or inactive.

Latitude Longitude Historica Latest

l Eruption
1.Cabaluyan 15 o 42‘ 120 o 19‘ 0 -
2.Cocoro 10 o 53‘ 121 o 12‘ 0 -
3.Iraya 20 o 29‘ 122 o 01‘ 1 1454
4.Kanlaon 10 o 24‘ 123 o 7‘ 26 June 2006
5.Mayon 13 o 15‘ 123 o 41‘ 49 May 2013
6.Pulong 7 o 55‘ 124 o 38‘ 0 -
7.Smith 19 o 32‘ 121 o 55‘ 6 1924
8.Taal 14 o 120 o 59‘ 33 2020
9.Tamburok 11 o 33‘ 124 o 26‘ 0 -
10.Urot 5 o 59‘ 121 o 15‘ 0 -

1.Are all volcanoes found in the same location?

2.Which has the most number of eruptions? Least number of eruptions?
3.Based on the activity, differentiate active from inactive volcanoes.

Group 2. The students will perform the activity entitled “ERUPTION

TIME. (see attached page for the procedure)

5. Evaluate COLLABORATE and PERFORM (Differentiated Activities).

(15 minutes)
NOTE: Divide the class into four groups and provide the instructions on
how to accomplish the task.

You are a volcanologist. You saw the destruction brought about by the
eruption of Mayon Volcano. You decide to create awareness among
your town mates about volcanic hazards- before, during and after a
volcanic eruption. Decide on how you will accomplish your mission.

Your presentation will be based on

1. Details and information
2. Method of presentation
3. Accuracy


Criteria 4 3 2 1

Details and Has included Has included Has included Has included
informatio at least 4 at least 3 at least 2 at least 4
n things to things to things to things to
remember remember remember remember
before, before, before, before,
during and during and during and during and
after a after a after a after a
volcanic volcanic volcanic volcanic
eruption eruption eruption eruption
Easy to Unique but Not unique Not unique
Method of understand, not but and not
presentati unique and organized organized organized
on exemplary

Information Information Information Information

Accuracy contains no contains contains contains
error minor errors errors which many errors
somewhat which limit
interferes the clarity of
with the information
clarity of

VII. Learning Enablement Exit Card

(2 minutes)
Share your learning insights on the day’s lesson using the following
What I enjoyed…….
What I learned ……..
What I realized …….

Reflection (DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
D. No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
F. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did these work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Prepared by

Teacher I/ Special Education Teacher
Carmen National High School- Day Class
Reviewed: Verified:


Education Program Supervisor-SPED Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Recommending Approval:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent

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