IRJET - Gesture Controlled Robot With Obs PDF
IRJET - Gesture Controlled Robot With Obs PDF
IRJET - Gesture Controlled Robot With Obs PDF
A gesture control robot is an Accelerometer based Prajwal Ashwin Jawalekar, in the “Robot control by using
robotic device (or) vehicle which is capable to detect the tilt human hand gesture using hand gestures”. The gesture
of hand and move according to it. There are several ways to controlled robot can be controlled by normal hand gestures.
recognize a human gesture that a machine would be able to The accelerometer controls the movement of the car.
understand. The gesture can be captured using a CCD
camera, or a data glove. Gestures can also be captured via Premangshu Chandra, Pallab kanti Mukherjee, in the
Bluetooth or IR waves, Acoustic, Tactile, optical or motion “Gesture controlled robot using arduino and android” The
technological means. The embedded systems designed for theme of this project wireless controlled robot using arduino
specific control functions can be optimized to reduce the size ATmega32 processor and an android operated application to
and cost of the device, and increase the reliability and control the gestures via Bluetooth module. The android
performance. With the invention of Smartphone and other operated phone is incorporated as an accelerometer.
modern technologies, operating machines have become
Manisha Kukde, Sanchita Nagpurka, Akshay Dhakulkar,
more flexible. The Smartphone are equipped with in-built
Akshay Amdare, in the “Automatic and manual vaccum
accelerometer which may be used for gesture recognition.
cleaning robot” The project is to design and develop robotic
Moreover, the Android OS is gaining significant popularity in
floor with obstacle avoidance. RF modules have been used
the world of Smartphone due to its open architecture.
for wireless communication between remote and robot
Android platform is being used in the development of
having range 50m.
numerous applications for cell-phones.
Amrutha S Raibagi, Surabhi Anand B, Swetha R in the
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3473
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
“Ultrasonic anti crashing system for automobiles” attempted (Arduino Nano V3.x) / Atmega168 (Arduino Nano V3.x).
to develop an anti-crash warning system combined with Arduino Nano Pin out contains 14 digital pins, 8 analog Pins,
ultrasonic ranging technology and sensor technology for 2 Reset Pins & 6 Power Pins. Arduino Nano comes with a
automobiles. It mainly focuses on potholes in the road and crystal oscillator of frequency 16 MHz. It is used to produce a
its detection and hence automatic or manual reduction in the clock of precise frequency using constant voltage. This board
speed of the vehicle in order to avoid crashing. doesn’t use standard USB for connection with a computer,
instead, it comes with Mini USB support.
1.3 Block diagram
2.2 Accelerometer
The fig 1 shows the block diagram of the Gesture Controlled
Robot with Obstacle Avoidance using Arduino and Android. An accelerometer is an electromechanical device used to
measure acceleration forces. Such forces may be static, like
the continuous force of gravity or, as is the case with many
mobile devices, dynamic to sense movement or vibrations.
This data is captured by the Arduino, which then transmits a 2.5 Motor Driver
corresponding data to the Encoder, based on the orientation
of the Accelerometer of the android mobile phone through A motor driver IC is an integrated circuit chip which is
an android application ‘ArduinoRC’. The parallel data usually used to control motors in autonomous robots. Motor
received by the encoder is converted into serial data and this driver ICs act as an interface between microprocessors in
serial data is transmitted by the RF Transmitter. robots and the motors in the robot. The most commonly
used motor driver IC’s are from the L293 series such as
At the receiver section, the RF Receiver i.e. Bluetooth L293D, L293NE, etc. These ICs are designed to control 2 DC
module(HC 05) receives the serial data and transmits it to motors simultaneously.
the Decoder IC. The Decoder will convert the serial data to
parallel data and this parallel data is given to the motor 2.6 DC Motor
driver IC. Based on the data, the movement of the motor
driver, IC motors and hence the movement of the robot is DC motor is used for the conversion of direct current into
defined. The robot moves forward, backward, right and left mechanical motion. The mechanical motion could be rotary
when there is tilt in the mobile phone holded in the palm of or linear. A magnetic field is produced as the current passes
user in forward, backward, right and left respectively. through the wire, or coil of wires. This magnetic field
opposes against the permanent magnet set the right beside
thus resulting in a force going up or down depends on the
2.1 Arduino Nano right hands rule.
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3474
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
3. CONCLUSION Anup Tiwari , student of Student of
Final year pursuing Bachelor’s
In this paper, Integrating features of all the
Degree in Engineering from
hardware components used have been developed in it.
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of
Presence of every module has been reasoned out and placed
Technology, Hyderabad, India in
carefully, thus contributing to the best working of the unit.
the Department of Mechanical
Secondly, using highly advanced IC’s with the help of 1’st Engineering.
growing technology, the project has been successfully Author
implemented. Thus the project has been successfully Photo Ghanwar Rohit Kumar, student of
designed and tested. This kind of robot gives an intelligent
Student of Final year pursuing
approach to help physically challenged people to reach their
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
destination, in military applications, in domestic use, in
from Mahatma Gandhi Institute of
material handling.
Technology, Hyderabad, India in
4. FUTURE SCOPE 2nd the Department of Mechanical
The Gesture controlled robot designed in this work
Photo S. Madhava Reddy, (Ph.d in
has many future scopes. In future most of the industries
including automation, medical field, gaming, etc will be using Mechanical engineering) ,Professor
gesture technologies, providing a greater revolutionary in Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
surgery and for gamers it brings a new way of gaming Mahatma Gandhi Institute of
experience. For disabled persons it is like a support to them Technology, Hyderabad, India
and make feel them secure to reach beyond their limits. 3rd
The robot can be used for surveillance. The robot Photo
can be applied in a wheelchair where the wheelchair can be
driven by the movements of rider’s hand. Wi-Fi can be used
for communication instead of Bluetooth to access it from a
greater distance. Edge sensors can be incorporated to it to
prevent the robot from falling from any surface. Some
camera can be installed which can record and send data to
the nearby computer or cell-phone.
© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3475