GX Gra Take The Lead On Cyber Risk

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Take the lead on cyber risk

How to move from now to

next-level security
Risk powers performance.

Digital transformation and the use of exponential technologies are creating

unprecedented opportunities for businesses. Every new opportunity also presents
new threats, and one of the biggest is cyber risk. The most successful businesses
will go beyond traditional risk management—simply avoiding or mitigating a
cyberattack—to taking strategic, calculated risks to maximize the benefit from
advances in technology.

Cyber risk is already a huge challenge and it's growing rapidly. According to a
recent report, by the year 2020 the world will need to cyber-defend 50 times more
data than it does today.1 And with new risks emerging daily, organizations must
constantly devise new cyber strategies and defenses as attackers figure out how to
get past the cybersecurity that is currently in place.

In order to be successful, organizations need a robust cyber strategy that will

enable them to be secure, vigilant, and resilient when faced with constantly
evolving cyberthreats. We believe that adopting this approach is a key step in
helping leaders continue to identify risks and responses—and even to use risk
as a way to power performance at their organizations. Deloitte’s Cyber Risk
professionals around the world can guide you on that journey.

To learn more, please visit us at www.deloitte.com/cyber.


Sam Balaji
Global Risk Advisory Business Leader

1. Cybersecurity Ventures, 2016 Cybersecurity Market Report,

Accessed 9 May 2017
Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Table of contents

The changing landscape of cyber risk............................................................................3

Moving from now to next-level cybersecurity..............................................................6



Resilient................................................................................................................................ 15

The human element......................................................................................................... 19

Taking the lead on cyber risk ........................................................................................ 21

Appendix A: Key takeaways to move from now to next-level security .............. 23

Appendix B: Key elements of a cyber strategy......................................................... 25

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

For organizations of every shape and size, it’s no longer
a question of if you will be attacked, but when (and how).
The digital revolution is happening and to understand the opportunities and
there is nothing you can do to stop it. Nor risks associated with digital innovation,
should you try. In the months and years and then strike a balance between the
ahead, digital innovations and exponential need to protect the organization from
technologies will be key drivers of growth cyberthreats and the need to adopt new
and success, providing unprecedented business models and new strategies that
opportunities for your organization to capitalize on digital technology and lay the
create value and competitive advantage. groundwork for future success.

But to thrive in a digital future, you need a The good news is that while digital
robust cyber strategy that can help your disruption and cybersecurity present
organization become secure, vigilant, and serious challenges, those challenges are
resilient. Hope is not a strategy. not insurmountable. By understanding
what needs to be done—and mustering
Cyber capabilities must do more than the courage and foresight to tackle the
address the threats that exist now. As challenges head-on—you can take charge
exponential technologies drive digital of your cyber fate and become a digital
disruption, they introduce entirely new disrupter, instead of getting disrupted by
kinds of cyberthreats and amplify existing the competition.
ones—requiring additional next-level
capabilities that companies must start
building now.

Cyber risk is not an information technology

(IT) issue, it’s a business issue—and a
strategic imperative. Risk, security, and
business leaders must constantly strive

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

The changing
landscape of
cyber risk
In the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk 2017 report,2
cyber risk is recognized as one of the top commercial
risks, alongside the economy, the environment, and
geopolitics. Digital technologies and innovation are
growing exponentially, accelerating cyber risks, creating
new attack vectors, and greatly expanding the attack
surface that organizations must patrol and defend.

The internet and mobile connectivity continue to be

increasingly vital to every aspect of how we live, work,
and do business, opening up endless and growing
opportunities for cyberattacks. Meanwhile, cyberthreats
are becoming increasingly sophisticated, malicious, and
well-funded—constantly raising the bar on cybersecurity.

2. World Economic Forum, The Global Risks Report 2017, 12th Edition,
Accessed 9 May 2017
Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Key factors reshaping the cyber landscape:

Dissolving perimeter: Innovations such as Hybrid IT, Cloud, and digital

ecosystems are blurring the boundaries between organizations and
dissolving the network perimeter an organization must defend.

Exponential technologies: Increasing use of exponential technologies—

such as robotics, automation, 3D microchips, cognitive intelligence, and
agile development—are changing the velocity of business and technology
innovation. This accelerates cyber risks and can complicate cyber
programs, which are often structured around traditional IT development
approaches and timelines.

Mobile networks: Mobile isn’t just a new feature that organizations must
offer to their customers. For a growing number of consumers—particularly
millennials—mobile is a way of life. For them, it’s not just another channel;
it’s the only channel that matters. As such, mobile is creating fundamentally
new buying behaviors. It also greatly increases the attack surface for
cyberthreats, since mobile networks are by nature geographically vast and

Internet of Things (IoT): Whether it includes smart sensors in a “smart

factory” (Industry 4.0) or a remote connection to an insulin pump, the IoT
is expected to have a positive and transformative impact on our lives.
However, it also opens up a whole new world of devices to be exploited.
This can temper the growth or acceptance of these technologies.

The changing nature of business: Innovative organizations are creating

new digitally enabled revenue and delivery models that create cyber
challenges at every level, starting at the top with business strategy.

Artificial intelligence (AI): Artificial intelligence is beginning to

supplement or replace human experts. This can lead to greatly improved
capabilities and reduced costs; however, it also creates new risks, such as
chatbots that go rogue and behave inappropriately.

Collaborative platforms: Software that integrates social networks into

business processes can help foster innovation, but it also increases an
organization’s exposure to risks from external sources.

These factors will change our world, creating market opportunities beyond the
imagination. Yet they will also give rise to new kinds of cyberthreats that are impossible
to fully anticipate.

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Moving from
now to next-level
Even threats an organization thinks it has under control today
could threaten it again in the future as those threats evolve and
grow in sophistication and complexity. For example, distributed
denial of service attacks have been around for many years,
yet they are now more prevalent, deceptive, and sophisticated
than ever—often being used as a ploy to divert attention from
secondary attacks such as data exfiltration, physical attacks, or
the implanting of ransomware.

To protect itself from both evolving and emerging the same time investing in next-level capabilities
cyberthreats, an organization needs to ensure it that can protect it from whatever threats might
has established basic cyber capabilities that can emerge in the future. These now and next-level
protect it from today’s threats right ­now, while at capabilities fall into three broad categories:

Secure. Vigilant. Resilient.

Your actual defenses against Your early warning systems, Your ability to respond quickly
an attack, including everything which enable you to identify to attacks, and to bounce back
from cyber strategies to potential threats before they quickly with minimal impact on
policies and procedures to hit, and to quickly detect your organization, reputation,
systems and controls. attacks and breaches and brand.
as they occur.

The pages that follow take a closer look at each level capabilities your organization needs to keep
of these categories, discussing the now and next- itself safe—today and in the future.

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Enhancing risk-prioritized controls to protect against
known and emerging threats, and to comply with
industry cybersecurity standards and regulations

“Secure” refers to an organization’s actual defenses and

all their associated components and capabilities. Like
fences and locked doors in the physical world, these
are the mechanisms that actually keep bad guys out.
In cyber terms, “secure” includes capabilities such as:
infrastructure protection, vulnerability management,
application protection, identity and access management,
and information privacy and protection.

Where you should be now and brilliant business strategy in the world
is worthless if an organization can’t figure
Integrate cyber strategy with business out how to secure the required operations
strategy from cyberattacks.

In a digital world, cyber strategy and The time for an organization to consider
business strategy go hand-in-hand. the impact and mitigation of cyberthreats
Although business objectives are is in the beginning, when developing
paramount, it is no longer possible to its strategy—not months or years later
develop effective business strategies and when the organization has already begun
business models without thinking about implementing the required systems
how they will be affected—and in many and processes and has committed vast
cases enabled—by digital technologies, resources to pursuing a particular course
and how the organization will protect itself of action.
from cyberthreats. Even the most creative

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Identify and protect your crown jewels Develop a strong cybersecurity

Although a comprehensive cyber strategy
that provides full protection for everything After creating an overall strategy that
within an organization might sound great protects your crown jewels, the next step
in theory, in practice, it just isn’t feasible. is to develop a framework that integrates
Cyberthreats are infinite, but cybersecurity cyber strategy with business strategy. As
budgets and resources are finite. This means with cyber strategies, the specific details
setting priorities, with your “crown jewels” at of every cybersecurity framework are
the top. These include: unique to each organization. However,
the framework typically includes some
•• People: Key individuals that might be
standard elements:
•• Strategy and operating model
•• Assets: Systems and other assets
that are crucial to your business and •• Policies, standards, and architecture
•• Cyber risk culture and behavior
•• Processes: Critical processes that could
•• Cyber risk management, metrics, and
be disrupted or exploited.
•• Information: Data, information, or
•• Lifecycle management
intelligence that could be used for
fraudulent, illegal, or competitive •• User access control
•• Role-based access control
Organizations that don’t explicitly design •• Privileged-user access control
their strategies around these crown jewels
often end up allocating their resources
haphazardly, investing too much in areas
that aren’t very important while investing
less in what matters most, leaving these
areas dangerously vulnerable.

After identifying your crown jewels, the

next step is to assess the threats to which
they are most vulnerable, and then identify
and close any security and control gaps
that could leave them exposed.

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Taking cybersecurity to the Develop better ways to manage data

next level
Data is a precious resource that is growing
Embed cybersecurity into everything exponentially as people and organizations
from the beginning around the world embrace all things
digital. This precious resource needs to
Cybersecurity has traditionally been be carefully managed to keep it safe while
treated as an IT issue and tacked onto IT harvesting its full value.
applications and systems almost as an
afterthought. But in a digital world, this One key to success is information
back-end approach just isn’t good enough. lifecycle management (ILM), which is a
Instead, organizations need to make comprehensive approach to managing
cybersecurity part of their DNA, weaving and securing all aspects of data and
it into everything they do from the outset. information, from acquisition to disposal—
As noted above, integrating cyber strategy and everything in between.
with business strategy is critical. Also,
This is a situation where more is not
since most organizations now execute
necessarily better, since the more data
their business strategies by operating as
you have—and the longer you keep it—the
an extended enterprise, it is essential to
greater your attack surface, risk exposure,
consider cybersecurity when building and
and legal liability. Also, the challenge of
working with an ecosystem of suppliers,
managing data is becoming larger and
vendors, and partners.
more complex every day. Data volumes
Cybersecurity also needs to be an integral are growing faster than ever, driven by
part of application development. Today’s increased mobile use and the rise of IoT.
developers rely heavily on approaches like And the data is increasingly complex, with
Agile and DevOps that emphasize speed numerous formats (both structured and
and collaboration, enabling them to push unstructured) and numerous sources
out applications much faster—which is (including third-parties).
a digital imperative. However, this speed
As with the overall cyber strategy, it’s
to market means security measures may
important to focus on protecting the
suffer, as proper controls and security
data and information that is most critical.
features may not get built in at each
Organizations that try to secure all of their
phase. In fact, many developers still view
information assets are setting themselves
cybersecurity requirements as an inhibitor
up for failure. However, the same is true if
or roadblock to getting things done quickly
an organization focuses on its crown jewels
and efficiently. This is a conflict that needs
but makes the mistake of trying to protect
to be addressed as organizations raise their
those critical assets from every possible
cybersecurity capabilities to the next level.
Fortunately, there is an emerging trend
Ultimately, success in this area hinges on
to embed security into DevOps—which
setting the right priorities: identifying your
itself is a combination of development and
most critical assets, and then protecting
operations—essentially turning DevOps
those assets from the most critical threats.
into SecDevOps. And while the terminology
might be a bit awkward, the idea of formally
integrating security with development
and operations is a big step in the right

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Sensing, detecting, and predicting violations and
anomalies through better situational awareness

Vigilance is an organization’s early warning system.

Like security cameras and a guard at the front desk,
capabilities in this area help sense, detect, and predict
threats before they become attacks, attacks before they
become breaches, and breaches before they become crises.

Where you should be now In particular, organizations should strive

to establish continuous situational
Be situationally aware awareness—the ability to detect changes
in a business’s footprint that could change
Vigilance starts with understanding
its risk posture. Examples of such changes
your adversaries—who might attack
include: mergers, acquisitions, alternative
and why—and then building situational
delivery models (e.g. offshoring), new
awareness to stay a step ahead. Many
vendors, or even outsourcing strategic
organizations think they can achieve the
functions such as legal counsel.
necessary awareness through automated
threat intelligence reports, which are When innovating, it’s a good idea to
essentially just newsfeeds of emerging bring security teams in early to conduct
threats and issues. Unfortunately, true ongoing system reviews that can help
vigilance requires much more than that. identify and address unexpected impacts
Instead of settling for generic knowledge to the threat landscape. Also, robust
of the current threat landscape, you need monitoring processes make it possible
to understand your organization’s unique to stay constantly aware of what is
cybersecurity context—including what going on across the entire cybersecurity
it most needs to protect, and where it is environment. Are you still secure? Are
most vulnerable. you currently under attack? Have you
been breached? A surprising number of
organizations are victims of an attack or
a breach without ever realizing it.

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Pay attention to your entire ecosystem attackers are using it, and what entry points
are being targeted. These technologies also
Suppliers, vendors, partners, and even enable predictive threat detection, helping
customers can all be points of entry for to anticipate and mitigate future threats
an attack—which means that even if an that may evolve from current threats as
organization itself is highly secure, it could attackers find ways to circumvent existing
still be vulnerable. After all, a chain is only security mechanisms.
as strong as its weakest link.
Threat intelligence is the province of
To stay aware, conduct ongoing trained CTI (cyberthreat intelligence)
cybersecurity assessments of your professionals, who monitor a wide variety
ecosystem to ensure outsiders are not of information sources—including the
creating unacceptable risk exposure. Also, dark web, malware reports, and online
be part of the solution, sharing information activity—to find risks specific to your
with ecosystem partners and fostering organization. These professionals monitor
collaboration to fight common adversaries. and learn from attacks perpetrated against
other organizations, and then apply that
It is also essential to constantly monitor for
accumulated intelligence to help you
suspicious or atypical activities, wherever
protect the areas at greatest risk within
they might occur. Although external attacks
your organization.
get most of the headlines, the fact is many
of the biggest cyberthreats are internal— In addition to monitoring, mature
originating from within an organization or intelligence teams actively hunt for new
its extended enterprise. These internal threats. If, for example, a team uncovers
incidents can be even more damaging than a new malware stream, it can build an
attacks from the outside, yet they tend analytical model to detect new instances
to be kept quiet. Also, in some cases, the and iterations of the malware. From there,
damage is done without malicious intent, it can create algorithms and automated
but is simply the result of carelessness or processes to hunt down the emerging
poor controls and procedures. threats before they can do harm.

Taking cybersecurity to the next Success in this area requires a deep

level understanding of the business through
direct engagement and integration. By
Use advanced technologies to pro- building these advanced threat detection
actively identify and hunt down threats capabilities into core business processes,
you can operationalize threat intelligence
Leading organizations harness the power
across the entire organization—putting
of AI, cognitive learning, deep analytics,
responsibility for detecting and managing
correlation technologies, and threat
cyber risks closer to the source. This
intelligence to develop advanced levels
distributed, action-oriented approach
of situational awareness—enabling them
becomes increasingly important as your
to anticipate and identify potential new
attack surface expands and cyberthreats
threats before they emerge.
become more widespread and difficult to
Deep analytics and correlation technologies detect.
can help an organization understand how
an attack was launched, what types of

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Understand and address exponential exponential technology reaches critical

threats mass, the pace of change skyrockets and
it can be hard to get in front of the rapidly
Exponential technologies and digital emerging threats.
disruption are taking organizations into
new and uncharted territory. This shift will It’s time to start giving serious thought to
present exciting new market opportunities; the cybersecurity impacts of exponential
however, it will also greatly increase the technologies and digital disruption,
attack surface and present new risks that and to begin building the capabilities
are unfamiliar and difficult to predict. needed to stay safe. This will require
The one thing we can safely assume is even more forward-looking vigilance than
that many of those new risks will be very usual, since you are trying to anticipate
different from what organizations have emerging threats from innovations and
faced in the past, and as such will require technologies that are themselves still
new and different approaches. emerging. However, this futuristic view
will enable you to make smarter, more
Most organizations today are at least informed decisions in the short term,
dabbling with exponential technologies, and to build a long-term foundation of
looking for ways to expand the business, capabilities flexible enough to contend
dramatically improve efficiency and with tomorrow’s.
effectiveness, and create a lasting
competitive advantage. But once an

When you can’t go at it alone

Many organizations struggle to implement advanced analytics and threat
intelligence on their own, particularly if they have limited internal resources and

Outsourcing some or all of your cybersecurity needs to a managed security

services provider (MSSP) can be a practical way to extend the capabilities of
in-house resources and talent. MSSPs offer a wide range of services, including
threat-monitoring, proactive detection of risk events, intelligence, surveillance,
and advanced analytics.

It might also be useful to establish or join a CTI sharing community. These

communities aim to help organizations improve their vigilance posture
in a variety of ways, including: enabling cross-sector sharing with similar
organizations; leveraging cybersecurity expertise; facilitating open group
discussions; improving compliance with regulatory requirements; developing
a funding framework; and initiating government relationships. Think of CTI
communities as fighting fire with fire. After all, cyber attackers leverage online
communities to strengthen their attacks; shouldn’t you be doing the same to
strengthen your defenses?

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Being able to quickly return to normal operations and
repair damage to the business

Resilience is an organization’s ability to manage cyber

incidents effectively—responding quickly to minimize the
damage from an incident, and getting its business and
operations back to normal as quickly as possible.

No matter how much money and effort you in reactive mode when it comes to
spend strengthening your cyber defenses, managing cyber incidents and the
at some point an attack will get through. resulting repercussions. In fact, according
When that happens, what will you do? to a recent survey by Nasdaq and Tanium,
more than 90 percent of corporate
In the middle of an attack, there is no time executives say their organizations are
to lose; each passing minute leads to more not prepared to handle a major
and more damage (see diagram below). cyberattack.3
Yet many businesses remain largely

Anatomy of a cyberattack

Speed of attack is accelerating... ...while response times lag

In 72% 46% 72% 59%

of attacks, it takes of data leaks occur of attacks aren't of attacks are
just minutes within minutes discovered for contained (post-
to compromise weeks or longer discovery) within
systems weeks or longer

Time is of the essence

3. Tom DiChristopher, “Execs: We’re Not Responsible for Cybersecurity” (April 2016), CNBC,
15 http://www.cnbc.com/2016/04/01/many-executives-say-theyre-not-responsible-for-cybersecurity-survey.html
Accessed 9 May 2017
Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

To be resilient, you need a plan. You also 3. Technology: Understand the technical how decisions are made. In many countries,
need to establish effective governance and elements of incident response and such as throughout Europe and in Canada,
oversight to coordinate plans and response breach documentation. (What forensics this includes decisions about informing the
activities across all stakeholders—including will be conducted? Does the team have privacy commissioner, a recently established
board members and business leaders processes in place to log incidents regulatory post created by new laws
outside of IT. For most organizations, this and perform incident analysis with the requiring organizations to report any data
comprehensive approach will require support of IT operations?) breaches that cause “significant harm” to
a mindset shift from thinking of cyber individuals.
breaches as an IT risk to understanding 4. Business operations: Create
that cybersecurity is a strategic business integrated business continuity and Red-teaming involves sanctioned covert
issue and should be addressed as an disaster recovery processes, which hacking—typically initiated and approved by
integral part of the organization’s disaster include proactive communications. an organization’s executives or board—to
recovery planning. (What is the plan for operational test defenses and uncover weaknesses.
resilience during a cyber incident?) Many organizations don’t realize how
The preparation process is continuous— easily their cyber environment can be
develop, test, evolve, repeat—with the goal 5. Risk and compliance: Ensure the
compromised, and won’t really believe it
of having a response plan that constantly resiliency plan includes involvement
unless presented with proof. A strong red
matures and improves to keep pace with with risk and compliance management,
team attack can provide such evidence—
emerging threats and changes to the such as dealing with regulators, legal
often stealing client data without even
organization’s threat landscape. counsel, and law enforcement.
breaching the core network. Once the
Put yourself to the test red team has breached security, they can
Where you should be now
then assess how quickly and effectively
Start with a resiliency plan Once an organization has a solid plan in the organization’s defensive team (the
place, it needs to conduct ongoing drills and blue team) identifies and responds to the
The middle of a crisis is no time to be simulations in a controlled environment so attack. Traditionally, red and blue teams
figuring out things from scratch. An everyone can be 100 percent confident that have operated completely separate from
effective resiliency plan needs to be the plan works. These tests and practice one another. However, a growing number
developed well in advance, and should be sessions include wargaming, red-teaming, of organizations are now also using purple
clear and concise enough that people can and compromise assessments. teaming, in which red and blue teams
quickly understand it when the bullets collaborate to share information and
are flying, yet detailed enough to be Wargaming involves simulating the moves learnings.
immediately actionable. Typical elements and countermoves that would be involved
include: in an ongoing cyber incident. This enables Compromise assessments are another
an organization to see its response plan in valuable tool, typically used when an
1. Governance: Establish cross-functional action and to identify gaps that need to be organization suspects it has been breached
coordination, documentation, and closed. Business leaders are assigned to but isn’t sure, and needs to know if there is
stakeholder communication. manage various components of a simulated still a criminal presence in its system.
breach to test how well they would respond
2. Strategy: Create a strong and aligned in a live situation. Often, participants don’t All of these tests, individually and
organizational strategy for dealing with know the situation is only a simulation, giving collectively, provide critical insights about
cyber incidents, including executive, organizations the opportunity to honestly an organization’s resiliency strengths and
board, and customer communications. and accurately assess how quickly teams gaps, which can help drive improvements
respond, whether the board is engaged, and in governance, cyber incident escalation,

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

communications strategy, executive In a crisis, every moment counts—and

awareness, cyber response capacity, missteps can be disastrous. Threat and
and horizon-scanning. The test results situation-specific playbooks enable you to
can further drive home the point by plan thoughtfully and carefully without the
demonstrating the vulnerability in tangible pressure of a crisis, so you can respond
terms: how much money was “lost,” what more quickly and effectively when an attack
data was “corrupted,” etc. occurs. They also encourage a broad view
of potential threats, so you can set clear
Testing will almost certainly make an priorities and focus on those that matter
organization stronger and more resilient; most for your organization, instead of
however, it shouldn’t be conducted making the common mistake of focusing
haphazardly or as a one-off exercise. the lion’s share of time and resources on
Wargaming and simulations should be defending against whatever attack was
performed annually, while red-teaming most recently in the headlines.
needs to be an ad hoc but ongoing activity.
Organizations should also update their Develop a one-response approach
overall cyber resiliency plan at least once
a year, testing, evaluating, and evolving it The ultimate goal for a cyber resiliency
as needed in response to changes in the plan should be to develop a one-response
threat landscape. plan approach to breach management.
Too many organizations, even those that
Taking cybersecurity to the next consider themselves focused on resiliency,
level have a multifaceted response strategy
with too many disconnects between its
Develop threat and situation-specific numerous moving parts.
A one-response approach means being
For extreme threats, especially those that able to launch a cohesive response,
involve an organization’s crown jewels, it’s a incorporating legal, insurance, cyber, and
good idea to develop playbooks in advance forensics in a coordinated effort.
that are tailored to specific situations
and threats. These playbooks outline the
series of events that are likely to occur as
a particular type of attack unfolds—and
what actions should be taken to minimize
damage and get a step ahead of the attack.

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

The human
Despite the focus on technology and innovation,
effective security still requires individuals who can bring
deep expertise and a strategic perspective to the cyber
fight. Tools are important, but attackers are masters
at circumventing them. To be effective, cybersecurity
requires a combination of people, processes, and

The art and science of cybersecurity organizations struggling to assemble the

pool of qualified cyber talent necessary to
Cybersecurity is both art and science. keep themselves safe.
Attacks are best stopped by dedicated
specialists who have mastered the art Tools and software for cybersecurity are
of cybersecurity and not only have becoming increasingly sophisticated,
the ability to apply the appropriate which can help an organization do
preventive tools, but can also understand more with less. However, they are not
attackers’ motivations, and possess an adequate substitute for true human
both the tactical and business acumen experts, who can often detect anomalies
to align cyber strategy with business and threats that a software program alone
strategy. Unfortunately, such skills are would miss.
in short supply these days, leaving many

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Role of the CISO is a core expectation of them and the IT

function. At the same time, 33 percent
The chief information security officer feel that the business views security and
(CISO) is a key player in the cybersecurity risk management as a compliance chore,
effort. CISOs need to be organizationally a cost to the business, or an operational
empowered to contribute to strategy, expense.4
which means they must have a seat at
the strategy table and fully understand In cyber-mature organizations, CISOs
the organization’s priorities from both a have significant authority and are
technical and business perspective. seen as strategic advisors by the
board, management, and employees.
Cyber strategy affects all areas of your Because their organizations recognize
business and must now be seen as a cybersecurity as a business risk that needs
business risk, not just an IT issue. It’s up to to be collectively solved, these CISOs can
the CISO to drive this transformation. Of be less tactical and more transformational
course, that’s often easier said than done. and strategic, focusing on higher-level risks
such as those associated with launching
Improving cybersecurity is a major
new products and applications, or sharing
challenge that places CISOs in a difficult
information across the extended enterprise.
paradox. According to a recent survey of
CISOs, 61 percent feel that cybersecurity

4. Deloitte University Press, Navigating Legacy: Charting the Course to Business Value—2016–2017 Global CIO Survey (2016),
https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/nl/Documents/risk/deloitte-nl-cio-survey-2016-2017-full-report.pdf 20
Accessed 9 May 2017
Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Taking the lead

on cyber risk
As the economy becomes increasingly knowledge-based,
digital disruption and exponential technologies will be key
drivers of growth and performance, providing unmatched
opportunities for organizations to create value and
competitive advantage. But in order to capitalize, they will
need to fully embrace digital innovation—and the cyber risk
that comes with it.

To succeed, you need to tackle cyber risk predict, and mitigate risks, while at the
head-on—developing and implementing a same time recognizing that cybersecurity
robust cyber strategy that can make your is both art and science, and that even the
organization secure, vigilant, and resilient. most sophisticated tools cannot replace
Such a strategy must not only address the the creativity, insight, and judgment of
threats that exist now, but also the next- human experts.
level threats that have yet to emerge.
Cyber risk is not an IT issue, it’s a business
The good news is that while cyber risk is issue. As such, risk, security, and business
a serious and growing challenge, it is not leaders must constantly strive to balance
insurmountable. Although hope is not a the need for strong cybersecurity and the
strategy, the situation is far from hopeless. strategic needs of the business.
In fact, we are already seeing positive
changes in the way leading organizations By understanding what needs to be done—
are responding to the cyber imperative. and gathering the courage and foresight
to take the lead on cyber risk—your
In addition to improving their overall organization can take charge of its own
capabilities for managing cyber risk—which cyber fate and position itself as a digital
includes expanded roles and scope for disrupter, rather becoming one of the
the CISO and risk function—cyber-mature disrupted.
organizations are working to embed cyber
awareness into the very fabric of their
organizations. Also, they are beginning
to leverage smart technologies to detect,

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Appendix A:
Key takeaways
to move from
now to next-level

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Now Next-level

•• Integrate cyber strategy with business •• Embed cybersecurity into everything

strategy from the beginning

•• Identify and protect your crown jewels •• Develop better ways to manage data

•• Develop a strong cybersecurity

framework x

Now Next-level

•• Be situationally aware •• Use advanced technologies to

proactively identify and hunt down
•• Pay attention to your entire
•• Understand and address exponential

Now Next-level

•• Start with a resiliency plan •• Develop threat and situation-specific

•• Put yourself to the test (wargaming,
red-teaming, compromise •• Develop a one-response approach

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

Appendix B:
Key elements of
a cyber strategy
Tomorrow’s challenges are different than today’s. How can
you stay ahead?

To ensure an organization is able to withstand a cyberattack,

it must have a solid cyber program in place, and this starts
with building a strong foundation. Here are the key elements
of a strong cyber strategy:

1. Strategy, management, 2. Policies and procedures

and risks

Incidents like the WannaCry ransomware An organization’s policies and procedures

attack reminds us that the cyberthreat translate its cyber strategy into meaningful
landscape is constantly changing. responses and behaviors. These often
Cybersecurity requires a continuous include defined roles and responsibilities
improvement mindset and a conscious for who handles what in the event of a
effort to ensure that cybersecurity controls major cybersecurity incident, and defines
are in place to address the primary threats the steps to be taken to manage the
to an organization. Having a strong cyber situation and limit the damage. The most
strategy means that the organization can secure organization will rehearse its
effectively assess and understand the response procedures on a regular basis
risks it faces, and it has an actionable plan and have incident response plans to ensure
to implement the controls necessary to a coordinated response to different types
protect itself. of incidents.

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

3. Technical defenses 5. Vendor security

Technical defenses and other protective Most organizations make use of external
controls often represent an organization’s vendors to deliver services or provide
first line of defense against cyberthreats. inputs. A close partnership with these
There are numerous technical solutions vendors is often necessary, but this also
that can be leveraged to protect the exposes the organization to additional
organization from threats, from firewalls cyberthreats. For example, an organization
and basic malware protection to specific buying software from an external vendor
solutions for identifying and nullifying is dependent on the strength of the
insider attacks. Whatever solutions an vendor’s security controls to ensure
organization chooses to leverage, it that the software contains no malicious
must have a clear understanding of its code. Understanding the role of external
cyberthreat landscape to determine where vendors in an organization’s cybersecurity
the most effective investments should be ecosystem enables the organization
made. Also, an organization’s technical to apply the appropriate technical and
defenses should be continuously reviewed contractual controls to limit its exposure.
to ensure that they remain appropriate in
an evolving threat environment.
6. Employee awareness

4. Monitoring and situational

awareness No matter how good your technical
controls are, the role of employees in
All organizations must balance their ensuring cybersecurity will always remain
protective and detective security important. When an email arrives from
controls. Protective security controls are an unknown sender with a suspicious
generally part of an organization’s first attachment, an employee’s decision
line of defense. In the event that an attack to open the attachment or delete and
successfully penetrates the network, the report the email could be the difference
focus then turns to the organization’s between normal operations and a major
detective capabilities to establish how the cybersecurity incident. Training and
attacker succeeded and what assets have awareness are crucial to developing an
been compromised; only with effective appropriate cyber risk culture that drives
monitoring and situational awareness can the correct behaviors.
the organization start to activate response
procedures to limit the damage. However,
organizations that are truly vigilant have
such strong monitoring and situational
awareness that they can recognize threats
and potential attacks before the latter even
have a chance to penetrate the network.

Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security


Marc MacKinnon Mark Fernandes

Partner, Cyber Risk Services Partner, Cyber Risk Services

[email protected] [email protected]

Global contacts

Nick Galletto Chris Verdonck

Global and Americas Cyber Risk Leader EMEA Cyber Risk Leader
[email protected] [email protected]

James Nunn-Price

Asia/Pacific Cyber Risk Leader

[email protected]

Deloitte has been widely recognized as a market leader, including these recent
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Deloitte ranked #1 globally in Security Consulting Services, based on 2016 Market Share revenue by Gartner
Source: Gartner, Market Share Analysis: Security Consulting, Worldwide, 2016, Elizabeth Kim, June 2017.

Deloitte named a global leader in Security Operations Consulting by ALM Intelligence

Source: ALM Intelligence; Security Operations Center Consulting 2016; ALM Intelligence estimates
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Take the lead on cyber risk | How to move from now to next-level security

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