An Open Source GIS Tool
An Open Source GIS Tool
An Open Source GIS Tool
An Open Source GIS Tool to Quantify the Visual Impact of Wind
Annalisa Minellia, Ivan Marchesinib, Faith Taylorc, Pierluigi De Rosad, Luca
Insitute Universitaire Européen de la Mer - Université de la Bretagne Occidentale;
email: [email protected]
(Corresponding Author) National Research Council (CNR) - Research Insitute
for geo-hydrological Protection (IRPI); Strada della Madonna Alta 126, 06125
Perugia, Italy.
email: [email protected]
Earth and Environmental Dynamics Research Group, Department of Geography,
email: [email protected]
Physics and Geology Department - University of Perugia; Via Zefferino Faina 4,
email: [email protected]
GFOSSERVICES S.A. - Open Source GIS-WebGIS solutions, Spatial Data
Infrastructures, Planning and Counseling; Via F.lli Cairoli 24, 06127 Perugia, Italy.
email: [email protected]
Servizio Energia qualità dell'ambiente, rifiuti, attività estrattive - Regione Umbia;
email: [email protected]
Author profiles
Eng. Annalisa Minelli is a post-doc researcher at the Institute Universitaire
Her research is mainly focused on GIS, geostatistical and trend analyses
applications, recently applied to coastal zones and in the past applied to river
dynamics. She is also skilled in geographical modeling using a variety of Open
Source GIS software. One of her main interests is spreading the philosophy of Open
Ivan Marchesini is a researcher at the Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological
Protection (IRPI) of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy.
He is a Geologist with a PhD in Geomorphology and Hydrogeology.
He also has a long background of geospatial analysis through Open Source GIS
which he has exploited in different fields of applied research such as fluvial
Faith Taylor is a PhD student in the Earth and Environmental Dynamics Research
Group within the Department of Geography, King’s College London. She is a
physical geographer by training, focusing on modelling, GIS, remote sensing and
statistical techniques applied to natural hazards. Her most recent research looks at
building an Open Source, low data requirement model to forecast the impact of
producing energy from solar and wind power, there can be local opposition
line-of-site techniques. The methods here build upon previous studies by (i)
taking into account the distortion of the perceived shape and size of
facilities caused by the location of the observer (iii) calculating the possible
The tool has been applied to real and synthetic case studies and compared
tool is named r.wind.sun and is freely available from GRASS GIS AddOns.
1. Introduction
Over the 21st century, global demand for energy is expected to double,
and Nocera, 2006). Although there are clear benefits to these renewable
carefully locate wind farms and photovoltaic panels to minimise their visual
quantify the visual impact of photovoltaic fields and wind farms. Landscape
quality evaluations may rely upon local guidelines (Hurtado et al., 2003;
and light based methods (e.g., blending with the landscape) (Bishop and
Miller, 2007; Chiabrando et al., 2011; Shang and Bishop, 2000).
visible or not visible from a particular vantage point (Longley et al., 2010).
For instance, studies have been carried out on the visibility of Nuraghes (De
Montis and Caschilli, 2012)- native buildings from the Isle of Sardinia in
Visibility analysis techniques have been applied to evaluate solar panel and
wind turbine visibility (e.g. Moeller, 2006 and references therein). We build
upon this work by taking into account the how the perceived size and shape
al., 2013) and Visual Magnitude (Chamberlain and Meitner, 2013), (ii)
human eye perception and its field of view (Costella, 1992; Spector, 1990)
users can freely read, verify, redistribute and modify the code, meaning
that the tool is both flexible and that the reproducibility of results is
module to GRASS GIS, an Open Source GIS software (Neteler and Mitasova,
2008). The tool builds upon the existing GRASS GIS tool “r.viewshed”
(Toma et al., 2010) which is based on the concept of Line of Sight (LOS);
the straight line between the observer and object (e.g., Molina-Ruiz, 2011).
This builds upon previous work by Rodrigues et al. (2010) that measures
visual impact as the size of the observed object and half of the full solid
angle multiplied by the square of the distance between the object and the
In this section we introduce the key concepts applied to (i) calculate the
field of view (ii) calculate the perceived size of objects within the field of
view (iii) calculate the ratio between the perceived size of object and the
section 2.3 we define the visual impact index and then show the
In this section we define the shape and size of the region that can be seen
by an observer, this is the human field of view (FOV). The “static” FOV is
● nasal (n): measuring 85°, starting from the nose of the observer and
● superior (s): vertical angle, measuring 65°, starting from the nose of
● inferior (i): vertical angle, measuring 70°, starting from the nose of
These angles define the region seen by at least one eye.
Figure 1. The angles that define the static human FOV. (A) n is the nasal angle
defining a horizontal plane of 170° from the nose. (B) s and i are the superior and
inferior angles defining lines extending 65° upwards and 70° downwards
respectively from a horizontal line extending from the nose. When combined, these
angles form an ellipse that defines the static FOV, shown in Figure 2.
The virtual field of view area (Afov) depends on the distance (d) between the
observer and object. The shape of the virtual field of view is an irregular
Different values can be taken for angles s, i and n (e.g., considering only
the full binocular part of the field of view, Spector - 1990). However, small
changes to the values of these angles would cause only general scaling of
the results without altering their meaning and the ratio between them.
If we now take into account the ability of the observer to move about a
and “spherical”.
In the first case, the observer can rotate their sight by 360° on the
becomes the internal (lateral) area of a cylinder (Figure 3).
In the second case, we extend this idea by assuming that the observer is
able to move their sight in a vertical direction. The area of the field of view
then becomes the internal area of a sphere (Figure 4).
the vertical dimension of wind turbines is not negligible and thus the
dynamic spherical FOV approach is applied to calculate their visual impact.
The perceived size and shape of an object will differ to its true dimensions
depending on the position (distance and angle) between the object and the
true shape of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels can be simplified into a
set of geometric shapes so these calculations can be applied.
the position of the observer. The observer is looking at a straight black pole
with a “true” height (L) and “true” diameter (W). The observer is at an
oblique angle (α) and distance (p) from the pole. In this example, the
projective plane (Afov) is centred on the pole at distance d (in this case, d =
p). The perceived area of the object (la) is equal to the perceived length (l)
The degree to which the perceived area of the object is distorted from the
● the angle (α); the greater the angle between the observer and the
pole, the smaller the perceived length (l) and consequently, the
perceived area (l × w = la). In particular when α=0, then l=L and
● the distance (p); the greater the distance between the observer and
the centre of the pole, the smaller the object appears relative to the
Figure 5: Change in perceived height (l) of an object with different placement of the
projective plane (Afov) (a) the projective plane is centered on the object at distance
d. (b) the projective plane is at a shorter distance, d’. Projective plane is denoted in
light blue and perceived height in red. In both cases, the true dimensions of the
object (L × W) are the same and the observer is at distance p, angle α from the
2.2.2 Perceived Size as a Proportion of Area of Field of View
is shown in Figure 5b, where all variables are the same as Figure 5a apart
from the distance between the observer and the projective plane (d’) (i.e.,
length of the pole (l’) is now shorter, the area of the field of view (A’fov) is
now smaller, and thus the ratio between the perceived area (l’a) and the
obtain that:
of the field of view (Afov) we can place the dynamic field of view at an
multiple objects which differ in distance from the observer (p). Figure 6
demonstrates this concept using the spherical dynamic field to estimate the
observed areas (la1 and la2) of two different objects. We then calculate the
where n is the number of objects, la is the observed area and Asfov is the
spherical dynamic field of view at a fixed distance d (arbitrarily chosen).
Figure 6: Estimating perceived size and overall field of view obstruction of two
different objects placed at different distances from the observer. A dynamic
simplified to sets of shapes and the same calculations applied.
A wind turbine can be split into two shapes: the tower can be represented
as a trapezium and the rotor blades as a filled circle (which takes into
account the rotation of the blades). For simplification, the rotor blades are
the wind turbine, the perceived shape of the rotor approaches a flattened
ellipse (in the vertical dimension) (Figure 7). These two shapes are then
projected, depending on the α angle and the distance d. The projected areas
Figure 7: The observed geometry of an aerogenerator. The tower is represented as
a trapezium and the rotor as a filled circle. Photo license:,_Drumderg_-_geogra
Figure 8: The perceived shape of the photovoltaic panel. Photo license:
In previous studies, the shape of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels has
been abstracted from simply the height and width of each element, which
overestimates the proportion of field of view disturbed. Moreover, previous
studies did not take into account the distortion of these shapes when
viewing from different angles. We estimate that these inaccuracies in shape
estimation causes an approximate doubling of the impact upon the field of
view. By taking into account a more realistic shape and distortion, we
believe this method of visual impact quantification is more precise.
Afov is the area of the chosen field of view (fixed, cylindrical or spherical);
When the observer can see multiple objects from one position, each object
has a different distance (p) from the observer. However, the NI-index is
independent of the distance between the observer and the projective plane
(d) (Section 2.2.2). Consequently, d can be set to the distance between the
observer and the nearest object. Then the other objects must be projected
surface (Afov).
The total NI-index can be then calculated as the sum of all
point: the ratio between positive events (when visual impact occurs) and all
possible events.
2.4. Calculation
r.wind.sun is a Python script for GRASS GIS which evaluates the visual
impact index (NI-index) for each cell of a raster map in the area
For each facility, the perceived area is calculated for all cells in a given
radius around that facility. The radius is defined by the user as a “maximum
distance” parameter. For each pixel within the radius, the dynamic spherical
The r.wind.sun tool is able to take into account the impact of terrain
considers whether (i) only the upper half of the rotor is visible, (ii) the
entire rotor is visible, (iii) the entire plant is visible. If the entire plant is
visible, the tool estimates the sum of the perceived area of the rotor and of
the tower to evaluate the perceived area of the wind turbine. If the tower or
part of the rotor is obscured by the terrain, the perceived area is calculated
For the photovoltaic panels, the tool calculates the perceived area for all
cells that lie within a “donut” shape centered about the facility, defined by
facility, the tool uses a cylindrical dynamic field of view where d is equal to
2.4.3 Processing
upon each individual element (e.g., each single wind turbine). For each
are then summed together to obtain a final NI-index map for all facilities.
As the model is raster based, the processing time is strongly linked to the
cell size and the maximum distance chosen to evaluate the visual impact
(i.e., the size of the study region). Large values of the maximum distance
This has been an issue for raster analysis since the 1990s (Kinder et al.,
of the analyses. For example, on a using a computer with 4Gb of RAM and a
way that GRASS GIS can process each wind turbine or panel in a different
2.4.4 Output
The main output of the r.wind.sun tool is a raster layer where the cells
values represent the non-dimensional visual impact index (NI) value. There
are various options for more detailed output from the tool. For example, if
the user requires a three-dimensional view of the wind turbine, they can
The values obtained for the impact index are often very small. Using the
from the projective plane), whilst maintaining a constant angle does not
Afov. In our opinion, this is correct as it reflects the intuitive experience that
from it.
Detailed practical steps for installing and executing the tool are outlined in
We have tested the model using both synthetic (Section 3.1) and real data
(Section 3.2). The first application with synthetic data aims to explore the
distortion effect in the quantification of visibility. The second experiment
take into account the effect of the perceived size of objects on the visual
impact index. To accomplish this task we will show how this effect can
distance for a tall linear object (suitable for analysis of wind turbines but not
The literature review did not reveal any papers that considered the effect of
distortion of the shape and size of the observed object on the estimation of
its visual impact. So it is useful to use r.wind.sun to show how the visual
by a 25 arc minute2 solid angle (Shang and Bishop, 2000).
Rodrigues et al. (2010) state that the maximum distance at which the
are the “true” width and height of the observed object in
Aobj is the “true” area of the observed object in square meters;
, where AfovΔ
is the area of the spherical or
cylindrical field of view. This value can then be compared with that
the NI-index calculation, the distance affects directly the final index value.
However, comparing the two index values (the theoretical and that
demonstrate that the r.wind.sun tool is able to take into account the effect
Figure 9 and it is principally composed of the following steps:
distance value (Δ) can be calculated using the equation (5).
3. the values of the NI-index map at distance Δ, NIΔ, can be compared
Applying this approach to a planar area and thus observing the object
object perception) the tool r.wind.sun verifies equation (5). The NI-index
The total area of the aerogenerator (considering the rotor) is 10380.9 m2.
10-5, which means that the 0.00168% of the observer’s spherical field
using r.wind.sun, it can be verified that the impact value NIΔ obtained
at the Δ distance is equal to the TNIΔ value (see Figure 12b).
Figure 10. NI-index map obtained using r.wind.sun to model the aerogenerator
visibility on a flat terrain. (a) 3D and (b) 2D views of the results.
perspective effects the evaluation of the visual impact whilst removing any
In this case, we expect that the r.wind.sun NI-index equals the theoretical
slope of 30° starting from the wind turbine. Following the previous steps:
corresponds to 6.06 km (Δh) in terms of horizontal distance.
Figure 11a.
3. The theoretical NI-index value (TNIΔ) at the distance Δh remains the
× 10-5.
horizontal distance Δm~ 5600 meters (Figure 11b). Δm was obtained by
filtering the NI-index map in order to remove all the values less than TNIΔh
and then measuring the maximum distance between the wind turbine and
Figure 11. NI-index map obtained using r.wind.sun to model the wind turbine
visibility on a constant-slope terrain. (a) 3D and (b) 2D views of the results. The
The described results demonstrate that the r.wind.sun tool is able to take
into account the effect of the perceived size on the visual impact.
Using simple GRASS GIS tools, it is possible to evaluate the circular area
(5.6 km and 6.06 km). This area represents an exact measure of “how
much” the effect of the altered perceived size affects the estimation of the
visual impact. In the above example this area is estimated to be ~16.9 km2,
i.e., 14.7% of the area that should be considered visually offended not
We believe that these considerations are useful for the practical applications
The tool was applied to two existing wind turbines, sited in “Cima Mutali”,
Fossato di Vico, Perugia, Italy. The NI-impact output map is shown in Figure
Figure 12: Visual impact map for wind turbines in Cima Mutali, Central Italy. a) the
NI-impact index value and b) reclassification of the NI-impact into intensity bands:
Figure 12b shows the NI-index map reclassified into 6 equal interval bands
values are divided into equal size intervals. A value of 1 denotes low impact
impact map demonstrates how the tool is able to take into account the
effect of the morphology in the partial obscuring of wind turbines.
Figure 13: Three-dimensional view of the territory of Fig. 12: the landscape and a
detail. The 3D is produced using the GRASS GIS tool NVIZ.
In the zoom box in Figure 13 we show that the NI-impact values increase
Areas with no colour denote zones where the wind turbines are not visible.
There is a slight anomaly at the foot of the hill where visual impact actually
attributable to the fact that the hill only partially obstructs the wind
paper would have to be placed from the observer to create the same visual
and could be very useful for presenting to decision makers. In GRASS GIS
estimate the visual impact of wind and photovoltaic farms. Perhaps because
agricultural impacts (Cerroni & Venzi - 2009, Rogge et al. - 2008). The tool
due to the r.wind.sun model taking into account the effects of (i) the real
3D distance between the observer and the object and (ii) the distortion of
size and shape caused by the human eye in concurrence with the presence
These simpler formulations based only on the planar distance between the
observer the object work well in case of plain topographies but overestimate
real cases (when the morphology is not typically planar and the possibility
that the observer could view the plant from oblique angles), the maximum
the effect of the morphology (which can hide or partially obscure facilities),
and to the effect of distortion of the perceived area by the observer’s eye.
visual impact that an object can cause. For instance, colouring can play an
the estimation of visual impact of man-made structures on a landscape.
Appendix 1
Tool availability
The tool r.wind.sun is available under the terms of the GNU GPL license as
part of the GRASS GIS AddOns. The entire code and related documentation
A QGiS version of the software (working under the GRASS GIS plugin and
Appendix 2
Using the tool to calculate the NI-Index of Wind Turbines
The r.wind.sun tool can be executed directly from the GRASS GIS command
line interface (CLI) or using the graphic user interface (Figure I).
When analysing a wind turbine’s visual impact, one must select its related
flag (“-w” using the CLI). Subsequently a digital elevation model (DEM) and
the name of the output impact layer must be provided.
● A point vector layer containing the position of the wind turbines;
● The total height of the wind turbine (tower plus rotor);
rendering of the analysis results. The wind direction does not affect the
analysis and is only used for descriptive purpose. The 2D and 3D outputs
(vector layers), show the wind turbine rotor oriented in that direction. The
3D vector map can be exported from GRASS GIS in different formats and
Here we show an example of the string required to execute the tool from
the CLI:
Appendix 3
Using the tool to calculate the NI-Index of Photovoltaic Panels
As required for the wind turbines, for the estimation of the visual impact
index of the photovoltaic panels the tool requires the user to select the
The specific inputs for the photovoltaic analysis in the “photovoltaic” tab
● orientation of the panel in degree: starting from north, clockwise.
Because most of the time, there are many elements (panels) in each
“single element”. In this case the dimensions and height of these grouped
elements must be considered in place of those of a single panel.
The parameter “resolution of the final impact layer” allows the user to
define a resolution to the output that may differ from the input resolution
Here we show an example of the string required to execute the tool from
the CLI:
min_dist_from_panel=4 max_dist_from_panel=10000
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