Important Islamic Days - Iffat

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Shab-e-Barat or Laylat al-Bara'at 2019 will be marked on Saturday, 20th April

2019. This is the tentative date as the actual date is contingent on the sighting of
the moon of Sha’ban-ul-Moazzam, 8th Month in Islamic calendar.

Sha’ban is an Islamic month which comes before Ramadan. Shab e Barat or mid-
Sha'ban is the 15th night of Sha'ban. It is regarded as a night when the fortunes
of men for the coming year are decided and when Allah (SWT) may forgive

In order to observe the Night of Mid Sha’ban, Muslims awake in this night and
spend the whole night in worship and offers prayer and do constant zikr; ask Allah
(SWT) to forgive any sins they might have committed in the past. However, if one
cannot do so for some reason, he can select a considerable portion of the night,
preferably of the second half of it for this purpose.

On the day following the Night of Bara'ah, i.e. the 15th of Sha'ban, it is mustahabb
(advisable) to keep fast. The fast of the first half of Sha'ban have special merits
and Prophet Muhammad (SAW), used to fast most of the days in Sha'ban.

Shia Muslims celebrate Muhammad al-Mahdi's birthday on 15th Sha’ban and

perform religious acts such as prayers, fasting, and worship. Iranian cities are
decorated on the night of Mid-Sha'ban.

The celebration of Shab-e-Barat has a dissenting opinion because all of its

significance has known by zaeef ahadith.

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Ramadan 2019 will begin on Monday, 6th May 2019 at sundown and end on
Tuesday, 4th June 2019. This is the tentative date as the actual date is contingent
on the sighting of the moon of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak, 9th month in Islamic

Ramadan is the 9th month in the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims as a

month of fasting. The month of Ramadan lasts 29–30 days based on the visual
sightings of the crescent moon of Shawwal-ul-Mukkaram.

The month of Ramadan is considered as one of the most sacred and blessed
months in Islam. In this month, any obligatory (fard) act a Muslim performs is like
he has done 70 fard in Non-Ramadan month. This month divides in three decades.
The first decade for asking Marcy of Allah (SWT), a mid-decade for asking
forgiveness and the last one is for emancipation from hellfire.

There are many ahadith and verse for proving its pre-eminence. Here, some of

“In every day and every night, during the month of Ramadan, there are people to
whom Allah grants freedom from the Fire, and there is for every Muslim a
supplication which he can make and will be granted.” (Ahmad and Ibn Majah)

“O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed
for people before you so that you attain Taqwa.”
(Surah Baqr: 183).

“Allah (SWT) has made Ramadan fasting obligatory. I have made the night prayer
(tarawih) Sunnah. He who fasts and observes night prayers believing the virtues
and seeking his reward from Allah (SWT), He will be saved from his sins as a
newborn baby.” (Nasai)

“Fasting is a screen (from Hell) and there are two pleasures (moments of
happiness or joys) for a fasting person, one at the time of breaking his fast, and
the other at the time when he will meet his Lord.” (Bukhari)

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“Whoever gives Iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that
detracting from the fasting person’s reward in the slightest.” (Tirmidhi)

In short, Ramadan is a month if a person does things properly which are telling by
Allah (SWA) and his Rasool (SAW) in Qur'an and ahadith, then he will get the huge
amount of blessings – which Allah (SWA) promises to fast people.

On taking advantage of Ramadan, here are following practices that should be

done in Ramadan –

Fasting: Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam and fasting is its common
practice. It is fard (obligatory) for adult Muslims. During the fast, Muslims keep
restraint eating, drinking and smoking besides the food they also increase
restraint, such as sinful behaviour and speech. Ramadan also teaches Muslims
how to better practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for
those who are less fortunate. The fast (sawm) begins at dawn with suhur and
ends at sunset through Iftar with iftar dua and date or any food.

Suhur/Suhoor/ Sehri - It is a pre-dawn meal before dawn for fasting. It can be one
date or one glass of water or more. Many Muslims skip this pre-dawn meal as it is
too difficult to wake up or they may be too full from eating the night before.

However, the Prophet (PBUH) told us of the goodness and bounties there are in

“Indeed it is a blessing that Allah (SWT) has given to all of you, so do not leave it.”

Iftar - At sunset, just after listening to the Mughrib azaan Muslims break their fast
with a meal known as ‘Iftar’ with iftar dua. Usually, dates are the first food to
break fast – it is sunnah.

Iftar is also a great time to spread the message of Islam, to invite a non-Muslim
friend, neighbour or colleague for Iftar. Also, look out for Muslims who may be
spending Iftar alone for some reason

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Prayers – Ramadan is also the month of prayer. As well as the regular five daily
prayers, it is encouraged to perform the Qiyaam/Taraweh after Ish’a prayer.
According to Sunni scholars, Tarawih is Sunnat al-Mu'akkadah - a salaat that was
performed by the prophet Muhammad (SAW) very consistently.

Quran - Ramadan should be the month of the Quran since Qur’an was completed
in this month. We should aim to read the Quran as much as possible this month.
Ideally, we should aim to complete the entire Quran in these 30 days. However,
completion of Qur’an in this holy month is Mustahab (An action which is
rewarded, but whose omission is not punishable) with a great amount of reward
and we all know that, on reading one letter from Qur’an, it will get reward
multiplied by 10 – in normal days. But think, this is Ramzan; how much amount
we will get?

Dua – Ramadan is a time where we should make supplication to Allah (SWT) more
than ever. Many times, people have a hard time to think of what to make dua for.
Well, we can thank Him for our everyday blessings, ask him to accept our good
deeds, we can ask to attain Jannah, can make duaa for those suffering and
oppressed in the World, to help our friends and families, we can ask Him for
guidance, ask Him for help in our studies, jobs, relationships and life goals, we can
ask him whatever we want.

Zakat – It is fard as one of the five pillars in Islam means it is one of the most
important deeds in Islam and many times Allah (SWT) mention it in Qur’an,
alongside salaat for showing its importance.

The giving of Zakat to poor is more virtuous than ever during Ramadan, a month
where every reward of good deeds is multiplied. That’s why many people choose
to give Zakat in this month.

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I'tikaf- The meaning of I'tikaaf is to seclude oneself in the Mosque, with the
express intention (Niyyat) of I'tikaaf. It is Sunnat-al-Muaqidah (Sunnah that is
urged to be performed) to sit in Itikaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan. A person
may commence Itikaf after sunset of 20th of Ramadan, and end it when the moon
for Eid is sighted. The Sunnah stays the same if the month of Ramadan is of 29 or
30 days.

The best of places for I'tikaaf is the Masjidul Haram in Makkah. The next best is
the Masjidun-Nabawiy in Madinah, and the next best is Baytul Muqaddas.
Thereafter, comes the Jama Masjid in one's own time, and last but not least, the
Masjid nearest to one's home.

It is compulsory for men to perform Itikaf in a Masjid, where they can offer all five
prayers in congregation. Women can also perform in a masjid if they have the
privacy and necessary facilities. Otherwise, they can practice it at home, selecting
a corner where they won’t be disturbed and can meditate in peace.

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Lailat ul Qadr

According to hadith, Lailat-ul-Qadr has hidden in one of the odd numbered nights
of the last ten days of Ramadan, i.e. 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th.We have to
find it among these nights.

According to the Durr-e-Mansoor hadith, “among the signs of this night is that it is
a serene, quiet, shining night, neither hot, nor cold but temperate as if a moon is
shining clear, and no meteors are shot at the ‘Shayateen’ on that night; it lasts
until the break of the dawn. Another sign is that at morn, the Sun rises without
any radiant beams of light, appearing rather like the moon in its fullness. On that
day, Allah prohibits the ‘Shayateen’ from rising up with the Sun."


This night is one of the main reasons which make Ramadan a most blessed
month. 'Lailat ul-Qadr' or 'Night of Power’ is a night that is noted for its great
blessings. Regarding this night, in a Hadith reported by Anas in Durre Manthoor
Rasulullah S.W. is reported to have said:

“Laylatul Qadr was granted to my ummah and not to any other ummah before
this”. (Durre Manthoor)

There are many reasons that explain the origin of this night. According to some
ahadith, one of the reasons is: Rasulullah S.W. used to look at the longer lives of
the earlier people and was saddened when pondering over the much shorter lives
of his own Ummah. If his ummah had wished to compete with the people before
them in the doing of righteous deeds, because of their shorter lives it would be
impossible for them to either emulate or surpass them. To compensate for this
difference in their life span, Allah in His infinite mercy granted them with this
night of great blessing.

Apart from this, there are others too. But no matter which of them we accept, the
important fact that remains is that Allah has granted the ummah of Muhammad
this night. This is a great favour and gift of Allah. To devote ourselves to this night
is also a blessing from Allah.

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Even Qur’an mentions this night worthiness in a whole “Surah Qadr”. It tells that
the reward for spending this night in ‘ibaadah is better and more than having
spent one thousand months ‘ibaadah; which in turn means that it is greater than
eighty-three years and four months.

On this night a group of angels comes down and make dua’ for mercy for
everyone whom they find busy in ‘ibaadah. These blessings remain throughout
the night until the break of dawn and are not confined to any specific hour.

If you are willing to have Laylat-ul-Qadr then here are some practices that you
might do. But make sure you are doing them only for the sake of Allah (SWT):

• Prayers - Nafl after Taraweeh.

• Recitation of the Qur'an as much as possible.

• Reading Tafseer of Qur'an (it really gives you a lot of peace).

• Dua or Supplication for you and for others.

• If you can afford, you can give charity to poor – Not for showoff.

• If you have some knowledge about Islam, so you can share it with others so
they will benefit from you.

Other than that,

• Try to take a nap in the day, so that you can do ‘ibadah of Allah at night.

• Try to avoid Social Networking sites and otherworldly works.

To come to the point is that, ‘Laylat-ul-Qadr’ or Power of Night is very important

for a faithful Muslim. This night is a night of Decree, the night of Allah’s Marcy,
the night of all of his blessings and guidance. Anyone who wants to cherish all of
these precious things from Allah (SWT) then he has to look for this Blessed Night
and spend it only in ‘ibadah of Allah. He has then attained reward for the worship
of 1000+ months (83+ years).

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May Allah make us that fortune person who attains the full blessings of this night
by spending it in ‘ibaadah of Allah (SWT). Ameen.

Indeed the granting this night to the faithful Muslim is a great favour.

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It will be celebrated on Wednesday, 5th of June 2019. This is the tentative date as
the actual date is contingent on the sighting of the moon of Shawwal-ul-
Mukkaram, the 10th month in the Islamic calendar.

Eid-ul-Fitr is the most awaited festival among Muslims. It is celebrated on 1st

Shawwal-ul-Mukkaram after the Ramadan ends. It is celebrated for three days.
Keeping fast on the first day of Eid is Haram (forbidden). The Eid is a reward from
Allah (SWT) for having fasted during the Ramadan and for doing night prayer in

On this day, everyone wears new clothes and perform Eid Salah. The best place
for Eid Salah is Idgah. The next best one is Jama Masjid of your town, the next
best is any big mosque in your area and last but not least the Masjid nearest to
one's home.

Before the Eid prayer, charity gives to the poor and needy people, which are
called Sadqa-e-fitr. The amount of Sadqa-e-fitr is “1 kilo 633 grams” grain or its
cost, which is wajib (compulsory) of every Muslim, whether male or female, minor
or adult. So, if we are talking about minor or those which don’t have a job then
for them the head of the household can pay Sadqa-e-fitr in needy people. The
distribution of Sadqa-e-fitr is same as Zakat.

After Eid Salat, people give Eid greetings by hugging each other. Then, a delicious
sweet dish is mostly made in Muslim households and eaten in happiness. The day
is spent with friends and family as they get together indulging in eating and
handing out Eidi (gifts given to younger by an adult family member on Eid, usually
money). Everyone celebrate this day with togetherness and immense happiness.

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Hajj 2019 will commence on Friday, 9th of August 2019 and will continue till
Wednesday, 14th of August 2019; in the evening time. This is the tentative date
as the actual date is contingent on the sighting of the moon of Dhul Hijjah, 12th
and last month of Islamic calendar.

Hajj is the 5th pillar of Islam and fard to all adult Muslims who have physical and
financial capabilities of undertaking the Hajj’s journey and can support their
family during their absence.

According to Hadith,

“Make the Hajj and ‘Umrah follow each other closely, for they remove poverty
and sins as the bellows remove the dross of iron, gold and silver, and an accepted
Hajj brings no less a reward than Paradise.” (Tirmidhi)

So, if you really want to get rid all of your sins then you should have to perform
Hajj with all of your sincerity which must be only for Allah.

The schedule of Hajj completes in 5 days of Dhul Hijjah. It starts at 8 and ends on
12 Dhu al-Hijjah. There are many rituals like Tawaaf, Sa’ay, going to Arafat and
Muzdalifah, doing animal scarifies (Qurbani) and hair removal are performs in
Hajj. All the rituals of Hajj, signify scarifies and submission by Prophet Ibrahim AS
to Allah, which encourages us to do scarifies of our nafs only for pleased to Allah

Every year, millions of Muslims come in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia; only to
perform Hajj for Allah.

May Allah, make us do perform Hajj in such a manner that it will be accepted by


Day of Arafat or arafah is expected on Saturday, 10th August 2019.

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It is the 2nd day of Hajj and 9th day of Dhul Hijjah. On this day, pilgrims reach to
Plain Arafat before noon. There, they pray and supplicate to Allah and listen
Khutba. The rituals of this day are most important; without them Hajj will not

Rasulullah S.A.W. stated in Hadith that,

“Hajj is ‘Arafah’”. (Nasai)

Those who are not performing Hajj are highly recommended to fast on this day.

It was reported from Abu Qutaadah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about
fasting on the Day of ‘Arafaah. He said,

“It expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year.” (Muslim)


Eid-ul-Azha 2019 will be celebrated on Monday, 12th of August 2019. This is the
tentative date as the actual date is contingent on the sighting of the moon of Dhul
Hijjah, 12th and last month of Islamic calendar.

Eid-ul-Azha is the second festival of Muslims. It is celebrated on 10 Dhul Hijjah in

remembrance of the sacrifice that Hazrat Ibrahim AS made out of his strong faith
in Allah (SWT). Ibrahim (AS) showed a willingness to sacrifice his only son Ismail
(AS) only for Allah (SWT). But when Ibrahim AS was just going to press the knife
on his obedient son, Allah (SWT) ordered to angles to replace Ismail AS with a
lamb. On this great submission of Ibrahim AS to Allah, Allah (SWT) was so pleased
with it that He made this demonstration of sacrifice and faith a permanent part of
a Muslim’s life as a form of Hajj and Eid-ul-Azha.

So, in essence of this every year on 10 Dhul Hijjah, Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Azha

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by sacrificed an animal. In the Eid morning, Muslims take bathe, wear new clothes
and put some good fragrance. After that, they go to Idgah for performing Eid
prayer. After Eid prayer, Muslims give Eid greeting to each other. On this day,
Qurbani is wajib (compulsory) on every Muslim who pay Zakat by sacrificing an
animal and divide into three parts: one part of the share is given to the poor and
needy; the second part is for the home, third is given to relatives.

This Qurbani or sacrifice is a worship of Allah. This day is important for Muslims in
term of their Akhiraat (afterlife). Here, Qurbani on this day does not only mean to
sacrifice an animal; it taught us how to strengthen our faith on Allah. By showing
him how much can we hold back our selfish worldly desire for his sake? In how
many works can we give him first preference before our work?

Allah says in the Quran:

“Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is
piety from you. Thus have we subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for
that [to] which He has guided you; and give good tidings (O Mohammad SAW) to
the doers of good.” (Surah Hajj: 37)
Allah doesn’t need animals while he is the one who made them; he just wants our
sincerity towards him in our work.

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Islamic New Year

Islamic New Year 2019 will be commemorated on 1st September 2019. This is the
tentative date as the actual date is contingent on the sighting of the moon of
Muharram-ul-Haram, 1st month of Islamic calendar.

Islamic New Year is a day that marks the beginning of new Hijri Year celebrates on
1st date of Moharram-ul-Haram. Being the first month of the Islamic year, it holds
great importance in Islam. This month comes in Shahar-ul-Haram – those four
months who are stated as ‘Sacred Months’ in Qur’an by Allah.

According to Sahi Bukhari Hadith, those Sacred Months are: Dhul-Qa’ da, Dhul-
Hijja and Muharram, and Rajab. In these Sacred Months, fighting or indulging in
any kind of violence is forbidden.

On this day, we can recite Qur’an (however we should recite it daily), can offer
nafil salat and can do Allah’s zikr. We can also give Sadqa (charity) to poor and
needy people.

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In essence, on this day at least, we can try to become a good Muslim just like we
become in Ramadan, can set a goal to become like this to the rest of the year or
life and can make dua for it to Allah. Allah (SWT) never disappoints anyone.

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Day of Ashura

Day of Ashura or Yaum-e-Ashura will be held on 10th September 2019. But it is a

tentative date, and the actual date will be declared on the sighting of the moon of
Muharram-ul-Haram, 1st month of Islamic calendar.

Day of Ashura is marked on 10th of Moharram. On this day Prophet Mohammad

(SAW) used to fast. Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬deemed Muharram to be the best
month to fast in after Ramadan.

The Day of Ashura has great historical and religious significance and holds
significant meaning in the lives of Muslims of worldwide.

Shia Muslims take this day of rest, sorrow and total disregard of worldly matters
in the remembrance of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the
Prophet Muhammad, who died at the Battle of Karbala. On this, Shia Muslims
performs pilgrimage to the Imam Hussain’s tomb, which is traditionally held to be
in Karbala. They wear black cloth for mourning and refrain themselves to listening
to any music. Some in the Shia Muslims resort to flagellating themselves with
chains and the blunt ends of swords. This is intended to exemplify the suffering
Imam al-Hussein experienced shortly before his beheading.

The death of Imam Hussain is a symbol of humanity's struggle against injustice,

tyranny, and oppression.

Sunni Muslims commemorate the Ashura by fasting on this day, and it’s before
and after day. Keeping fast on this day has great significance. However, it is
mustahabb (actions that can be neglected without punishment) only Ramadan
fasting is fard (obligatory).

On this day, Allah saved the Children of Israel (AS) from Pharaoh; the victory of
Prophet Musa (AS).

In Qur’an, Allah says that,

  And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers
pursued them in tyranny and enmity until, when drowning overtook him, he said,
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"I believe that there is no deity except that in whom the Children of Israel believe,
and I am of the Muslims." (Surah Yunus: 90)

According to Hadith,

When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) arrived in Madinah, he found that the Jews
also fasted on the 10th of Muharram. He asked them the reason for their fasting
on this day, to which they said:

"This is a blessed day. On this day Allah saved the Children of Israel from their
enemy (in Egypt) and so Prophet Musa [Moses] fasted on this day giving thanks to

The Prophet (SAW) then said,

"We are closer to Musa than you are." (Bukhari)

It is also reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) intended to fast on the
ninth and tenth. Ibn 'Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah fasted on the day of
Ashoora and ordered the people to fast on it. The people said,

"O Messenger of Allah, it is a day that the Jews and Christians honor." The
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "When the following year comes, Allah willing,
we shall fast on the ninth." (Muslim and Abu Dawud)

So, we have to fast on Ashura with this day’s before or after. The reason why the
fast of Ashura (10th of Muharram) should be kept along with one on 9th or 11th
Muharram was to distinguish Muslims from the Jews.

According to ahadith, the virtues of fasting on this day and this day before is,

“The fast on the 10th of Muharram atones for the sins of the preceding year”
(Sahih Muslim).

Here is a hadith by Abu Huraira which tell the significance on Muharram’s fasting
day -

“A man came to the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and said: ‘Which fasting is
better after the month of Ramadan?’ He said: ‘The month of Allah which is
called Muharram.’”  (Sunan Ibn Majah)
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So, we should have to worship and remember Allah (SWT) as much as we can on
this day as it is one of the months most dear to our Lord.

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