Lesson - 2 - Online Safety-Security - Netiquette PDF

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Lesson 2


• It can be used to promote your business, gain new friends, and

stay in touch with the old ones.

Online Safety & Security • It is also a source of entertainment.

and Netiquette • But like most things in this world, there is always “another side of
the coin.” The Internet is one of the most dangerous places,
especially if you do not know what you are doing.

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Common Safety Concerns INTERNET CRIMES

on the Internet Cybercrime – a crime committed or
assisted through the use of the internet.
• malicious users (spam, phishing, cyberbullying,
• Hacking
cyberstalking etc.)
• unsafe websites and software (malware, computer viruses, etc.) • Phishing

• various types of obscene or offensive content • Plagiarism

• crimes can be committed on the Internet such as fraud,
• Intellectual Property Rights
stalking, identity theft and more.. and Copyright issues

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Lesson 2

Some Key Terms..

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using • MALWARE – stands for Malicious Software.
electronic technology. • VIRUS – a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from
one computer to another either through the internet and local networks
or data storage like flash drives and CDs.
• WORM – a malicious program that transfers from one computer to
another by any type of means. Often, it used computer network to spread
• TROJAN – a malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but
once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows
hackers to get your information.
Example: Rogue Security Software – tricks the user into posing that it is
the security software. It asks the user to pay to improve his/her security but in
reality, they are not protected at all.

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Some Key Terms.. Some Key Terms..

• SPYWARE – a program that runs in the background without you knowing
it (thus called “spy”). It has the ability to monitor what you are • SPAM – unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisements. It can be
currently doing and typing through keylogging. used to send malware.

Example: Keyloggers – used to record the keystroke done by users. This • PHISHING – its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords
is done to steal their password or any other sensitive information. It can and credit card details. This is done by sending (you) an email that will
record email, messages, or any information you type using your keyboard. direct the user website and be asked to update his/her username, password,
credit card, or personal information.
• ADWARE – a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as Pharming – a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the
pop-ups. DNS (Domain Name Service) systems.

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Lesson 2


A Fact.. Tip #1: Fake website
As the number of internet users Be Aware (social networks) log in
continues to grow worldwide,
internet safety is a growing
concern for both children and

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Provide your information to reputable
Tip #2: businesses, then ensure that the company's
Tip #2:
Check for website uses a Web address that starts with Check for
"https" and has a padlock symbol either in
Website the address bar or at the bottom of the Website
Safety browser. Safety

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Lesson 2


Tip #2: Tip #3:
Check for Choose
Website strong and
Safety varied

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Tip #4 SPYWARE Tip #5
• is any piece of software that records …it’s also about:
Avoid It's not all
your actions or information without
Spywares your knowledge about spyware • Limiting the personal information
• it's almost impossible to avoid that you share online
(How do I stop and scams.. • Securing your password
spyware on your own, having anti-
it?) spyware and antivirus programs • Signing-in and -out
running on your computer is a must • Using secured networks
• Locking your screen or device

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Lesson 2

Online User Behavior ONLINE ETIQUETTE

Basic Rules to follow while communicating online…
(Online Etiquette)
✓ Think before you click!
✓ Respect the time and bandwidth of others.
✓ Don't send messages that could be misinterpreted as
threatening or hurtful.
✓ Follow the conventions of writing when sending formal
emails or posting comments online.
✓ Respect others' right to privacy.

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Computer Ethics
- It is a part of practical philosophy which concerns with how computing
professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social
Why study Ethics? • The protection of private information
• According to Bowyer (2001), through
ethics you become a more ethical • The limits of a presumed freedom of expression
person, particularly in your career as
a computer professional. • Issues of libel.
• It is important to note that as Johnson
has proposed (2001), we should think
of computer ethical issues as
new species of moral issues.

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Lesson 2

Intellectual Property and Copyright Law Intellectual Property and Copyright Law
• If you create something – an idea, an invention, a form
of literary work, or a research, you have the right of Copyright Infringement
how it should be used by others. This is called
intellectual property. “..copyright infringement is a violation of an
individual or organization’s copyright.
Copyright Law – a part of a law, wherein you have It describes the unauthorized use of copyrighted
the right/s to your work, and anyone who uses it material such as text, photos, videos, music,
without your consent is punishable by law. software, and other original content. In the
computer industry, copyright violations often
• As a responsible user of Internet, you have to refer to software programs and websites..”
consider that not everything out there is free for
you to use.

Source: https://techterms.com/definition/copyright_infringement

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Avoiding Copyright Infringement Avoiding Copyright Infringement

1. Understand – copyright protects literary works, 3. Be creative – ask yourself whether what you
photographs, paintings, drawings, films, music are making is something that came from you or
(and lyrics), choreography, and sculptures, but it something made from somebody else’s creativity.
generally does NOT protect underlying ideas and facts. This It is important to add your own creative genius in everything
means that you can express something using your own words, that will be credited to you.
but you should give credit to the source. 4. Know the law – there are some limitations to copyright laws.
2. Be responsible – even if a material does not say that it is For instance in the Philippines, copyrights only last a lifetime
copyrighted, it is not a valid defense against copyright. (of the author) plus 50 years.
Be responsible enough to know if something has a copyright.

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Lesson 2

Avoiding Copyright Infringement In SUMMARY..

• Online safety and security defines how you are going to keep
Fair use – means that an intellectual yourself safe while surfing the web and using these technologies.
property may be used without a consent as
long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms, • Online ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in
search engines, parodies, news reports, an online environment.
research, library archiving, teaching and
education. • Netiquette focuses on the acceptable behavior of the person while
using the internet resource.

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• http://www.personalizemedia.com/the-count/
• https://www.commonsensemedia.org/video/modal/2078096
• https://prezi.com/sbrdbl67fj7d/online-safety-security-ethics-etiqutte/
• https://howsecureismypassword.net/
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uquRzrcwA18
• Social, Ethical, Legal & Professional Issues in Computing by Charlemagne
• IT Ethics.pdf by Jordan Aiko Deja


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