Stage 1: Desired Results: CCSS - ELA-Literacy.L.5.2

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Couse title: Reading Myanmar History (Grade-9)

Unit 11: History Approximate Unit Length (in weeks) – 3 weeks

Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit Description (brief):

In this activities student will recognize Nation’s Historical Background and students can
explain national historical Background history in their own words. They will compare and
contact with other country’s history.

 Third Myanmar Dynasty

 Establishing of Third Myanmar Dynasty

Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) for Unit:

Effective Communicators

 Listens respectfully and asks questions to facilitate understanding

 Presents information and ideas clearly and honestly with sensitivity to others
 Demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate in multiple ways; e.g. speaking,
writing, interpersonal/reflective
 Use appropriate technology to convey ideas

Responsible Global Citizens

Value and honor the role of family in society.
Demonstrate care and concern for the environment and community

Standards for Unit: >Common Core, SHAPE, AERO, NGSS, etc.<

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard Myanmar capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing.

Knowledge of Language

Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on
grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Enduring Unit Understandings Essential Unit Questions

What will students understand (about what big ideas) as a What arguable, recurring, and thought-
result of the unit? “Students will understand that…” provoking questions will guide inquiry and
point toward the big ideas of the unit?

 extend vocabularies and apply grammar

1. Why do we study and examine our
based on their prior grammar knowledge
past, present, and future?

 Knowledge of the past helps one understand

the present and make decisions about the

Content Knowledge Content Skills

What knowledge relates to the content standards and big What skills relates to the content standards and
ideas on which the unit is focused? big ideas on which the unit is focused?

 Recognize Nation’s Historical background  Use Myanmar vocabulary to write the

 Explain national history in their own words short essay.
 Compare and contract with other nation’s history  Reading Detail
 Reading in gist

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

What evidence will be collected to determine whether or not the understandings have been developed, the
knowledge and skill attained, and the standards met? [Anchor the work in performance tasks that involve
application, supplemented as needed by prompted work, quizzes, observations, etc.]

Performance Task Summary Quizzes/Tests

 Sentence construction (Writing)  Spelling Dictation

 Sentence Construction
 New vocabulary illustration (Cartoon)  Answer the Questions.
 Essay composing
 Summarize the text (poster)  Fill in the blank
 Word confusion
 Debate about different events

Other Evidence, Summarized Self-Assessments

 Self – Assessments
 Speaking by using new words
o Group project  Retelling the events
o Question and Answer

Stage 3: Learning Activities

Stage 3: Learning

Week-1: let the students read about the unit/topic and explain to the students.
Week -2: let the students ask the questions and making sentences by using new vocabulary words.
Week-3: Essay writing projects (compare and Contract with other nation’s history)

 How can we be sure of what really happened in our past?

Government grade (7) history text book (2014 – 2015)

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