Measuring Value in Agile Projects WP
Measuring Value in Agile Projects WP
Measuring Value in Agile Projects WP
Measuring in Agile
1 Summary
Faster delivery of business value is often cited as a reason for adopting agile. How-
ever, measuring the value achieved through IT development is challenging. For those
relatively new to agile, measurement is not straightforward, as traditional project and
portfolio metrics are often hardwired into management report requirements and are
hard to change. During agile adoption it makes sense to start by measuring team
performance, as this can aid learning. From small beginnings, an agile measurement
approach can iteratively be developed to meet the requirements of the business.
This white paper presents the case of a department within a multinational organiza-
tion in the insurance sector that adopted Dynamic Systems Development Method
(DSDM) in the first quarter of 2013. One of the issues they faced was how to shift
from a traditional approach to measuring IT development to one that is compatible
with agile development. We present the challenges they asked us to investigate
along with suggestions from the published literature about how to overcome them,
and a summary of proposed mitigation strategies. Their primary challenge was
‘understanding and measuring value in agile projects’. In order to do this we were asked
to investigate the three levels of performance measurement that the department
already used, and explore how they may be adapted to be more suitable for agile
working. The three levels we looked at were:
1 Personal performance: how to gauge individual contribution to the success of a
2 Project performance: how to identify, track and report on project progress and deliv-
ery in a meaningful way in order to demonstrate strong delivery of benefits, along
with improvements compared to more traditional projects; and
3 Department performance: how to use the information in existing KPIs at departmental
The department already had a well-established measurement process at all three lev-
els for their waterfall projects. As they started adopting agile processes they wanted
to shift their measurement practices in order to ensure that they were capturing the
right management information as well as driving the right behaviour. Three types of
recommendation for how to approach these challenge areas are identified from the
1 Guidelines and frameworks for measuring business value and agile processes in agile
2 Specific measurement techniques
3 Approaches for dealing with individual, team and portfolio measurement in agile
2 Introduction
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The first agile projects were selected from upcoming projects. They were chosen
because they were not the most important projects and they were assessed as being
suitable projects for agile development. The first was the R project, which was chosen
because it was a stand-alone project with an appropriate scope and a screen-based
interface. The team for this project was handpicked; choosing staff it was believed
would have the right behaviours to adopt the method. Managers were aware that
adoption involved a big learning curve for everyone. The move from a command-
and-control project management style was found to be particularly challenging. The
department already had a well-established measurement process at individual and
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project levels for their waterfall projects. However, waterfall governance was not
imposed on the agile projects. As they started adopting agile processes they wanted
to adapt their measurement practices to the new agile way of working in order to
ensure that they were capturing the right management information as well as driving
the right behaviour. These first agile projects were successful and the decision was
made to commit to rolling out agile more widely over time.
Box 1: Example from Practice - The First DSDM Project
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4 The Challenges
We worked with the Head of Business Change and the Capability and Delivery Manager
to identify a primary challenge that we would investigate. As relatively new adopters
there were many areas they wanted to investigate, and choosing one was not easy.
We discussed a range of challenges they were interested in, including knowledge
sharing within the organisation, re-organising the workspace, business engagement,
and evidence of agile success.
After discussions we agreed that the primary focus of our study would be to inves-
tigate how the department could show that their newly adopted agile processes
were delivering real benefit for the organisation. This was summarised from the
organisation’s point of view as:
Understanding and measuring value from agile projects
However, they were not yet in a position to start measuring value from agile projects.
First, as new adopters they were still in a transition period. Their teams were finding
their feet and exploring ways of adapting to agile within their context. Second,
they had a well-established set of measures and processes already. These were de-
signed for use with waterfall projects and focussed on performance and deliverables
rather than value and assessed at three levels: personal, project and department.
It therefore made sense to start by exploring how to introduce measures of agile
performance so the department could transition their measures to accommodate the
new agile way of working.
The managers identified three areas in the primary focus:
• Personal performance – how to gauge individual contribution to the success of a
• Project performance – identifying, tracking and reporting on project progress and
delivery in a meaningful way so that we can demonstrate strong delivery of benefits,
along with improvements compared to more traditional projects
• Department performance – identifying how we use the information in our key perfor-
mance indicators at department level
We investigated these focus areas by visiting the department numerous times during
the summer of 2014 to do observations and interviews with members of the three
agile development teams, business ambassadors and a range of managers. Below
we summarise the current practices of the organisation, and identify the particular
challenges for moving to agile that were identified through our investigations and
discussions with staff.
Within the department capability managers and change managers (project man-
agers) work closely to assess personal performance of all employees. Capability man-
agers write role descriptions and undertake personal performance reviews within
their capability area. Change managers collect and assess information about the
performance of members of their project teams that feed into personal perfor-
mance reviews. Capability areas are based on functions. Examples include business
analysis, development, environment, and testing. Each job role has a profile that
describes what tasks and objectives the role is accountable for and how they are
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measured. These role profiles are reviewed and adapted each year so they keep
pace with changes. The capability review procedure involves a half-year and end
of year performance review in which the generic set of objectives are developed
into a person-specific profile, which is assessed, measured and used to plan training,
development and support. In the IT department there are also interim monthly
performance reviews in addition to the twice-yearly reviews. The primary issue for
moving to agile is that current role profiles do not take account of the increased team
working that happens in agile projects.
The organisation has already learnt from experience that if they measure perfor-
mance outcomes they may drive the wrong behaviour. For instance, if they measure
timely project completion, they may receive project plans that under-estimate activi-
ties and achievements in order to guarantee successful completion to target. This has
the unintended consequence of slowing down delivery of features to the business.
Hence they are more interested in measuring activities, roles and accountability
within projects.
The challenge areas for personal performance monitoring in agile projects that were
identified during our discussions with staff, are:
1 Gauging individual tasks in agile projects is more difficult than it is in traditional
projects. Individuals often undertake a wider set of tasks. Task-allocation is no longer
done by the project manager, but happens less formally as part of working in a self-
managing team.
2 DSDM introduces new roles and changes existing roles. Roles that change include
that of the Project Manager and Business Analyst. New roles include the Business
Ambassador, Business Advisor, Technical Co-ordinator amongst others.
3 Focussing on personal performance is somewhat anti-agile as it focuses away from
the self-managing team.
Existing project performance measures were devised for waterfall projects, and
many are not appropriate for agile projects.
The existing measurement process focuses on collecting data for Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs). Using electronic data collection, project managers create a project
schedule including phase duration estimates and checkpoints. Actual data for task
completion and task duration are input during the project by members of the team
and the project manager. Measurement is driven by KPIs and includes:
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Some agile-specific measures are currently being collected, but these are out of the
standardised system. They are:
Managers and project managers are aware that measures need to be adapted to
the agile approach whilst still being focussed on delivering better outcomes for
the business. New agile measures being considered include: velocity, cycle time,
boomerangs (defects in delivered software), business value, risk, quality, customer
involvement, and customer satisfaction.
The challenges for measuring agile project performance that were identified in our
discussions with staff, are:
1 There are currently no agreed project measures for agile teams
2 Many current measures are based on waterfall checkpoints which will be gradually
phased out as agile is more widely adopted
3 New agile project measures must not drive the wrong behaviours
The department covers two areas: IT and Operations. Measurement at the depart-
ment level focuses on the KPIs described in the section above. Project data is collated
into a department-level report for each KPI. At the moment there are no specific
department-level KPIs. Generally about 50 projects run at a time, but data is not
collected for infrastructure projects or projects that involve less than 40 days of
The IT Quality Manager would like to develop measures and KPIs that will drive
beneficial change in the department. One of the main issues discussed is that
not all the data being produced are being used. This is a waste of effort. A new
measurement approach is needed, which will produce useful outputs. As well as
measuring performance and business value, metrics have been suggested that assess
the success of the transition to agile. Current proposals include collecting data on
the number of users of agile tools and methods and the number of people trained or
coached in agile methods, but other measures are needed.
The challenges identified during discussions for measuring department performance
when more projects are agile are:
1 Ensuring that data is only collected if it is useful and that reports are only produced
if they are read.
2 Developing appropriate departmental-level metrics that help with decision making
3 Developing metrics that measure the uptake of agile methods through the depart-
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Having spent time in the company understanding their existing practice and the detail
of the challenges they faced, we turned to the literature to find guidance on how to
address the challenges in their context. A key lesson that emerged from the literature
is that agile project measurement needs to be tailored to the business context.
Our findings break down into two main areas. We look first at measuring perfor-
mance at the three levels identified. Second, we focus on guidelines for developing
agile metrics and give examples of some agile metrics used in practice.
The ultimate value of adopting agile for software development projects is the effect it
has on the business as a whole. In the context of our collaborators, this translated into
an initial focus on performance measurement. Below we compile some guidelines on
performance measurement at the three levels identified in the challenges.
The literature on agile teams and their performance is extensive. There are some
peer-reviewed publications on agile performance measurement [5-7], but much of
what can be found is anecdotal and to be found on websites and blogs. Hartman
& Dymond [5] looked at sources for agile metrics and compiled a checklist to help
measure a team’s performance.
• Identify a clear question
• Clearly state what is being measured
• Identify assumptions
• Indicate intended target audience
• Capture actual against expected outcomes
• Review and adapt
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In order to maintain a light touch, it is generally accepted that agile teams should
design and use their own metrics in response to identified needs, rather than using
pre-defined metrics. Some of the literature therefore provides suggestions for de-
signing good agile metrics.
Agarwal and Majundar [7] suggest that optimal metrics should be:
• Simple, precisely definable – so that it is clear how the metric can be evaluated;
• Objective, to the greatest extent possible;
• Easily obtainable, (i.e., at a reasonable cost);
• Valid – the metric should measure what it is intended to measure; and
• Robust – relatively insensitive to insignificant changes in the process or product
Hartmand and Dymond [5] characterise a good agile metric as one which:
• Affirms and reinforces agile and lean principles
• Measures outcome, not output
• Follows trends, not numbers
• Answers a particular question for a real person
• Belongs to a small set of metrics and diagnostics
• Reveals, rather than conceals, its context and significant variables
• Provides fuel for meaningful conversation
• Provides feedback on a frequent and regular basis
• May measure value or process
• Encourages good-enough quality”
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With these two sets of criteria and taking into account the context, we suggest that
metrics should:
• Be at the right level – just enough;
• Answer a question for a real person;
• Link to high level goals; and
• Be used for a specific purpose.
The academic literature and agile blogs provide numerous examples of metrics that
have been used by companies in different contexts. Table 2 shows some of these
Table 2: Agile Measurement Practices
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Our proposals for moving forward are to start introducing agile measurement at
project team level. At this level, the focus can be on performance improvement and
First, teams can adopt their own measures for improving performance by identifying
and analysing problems they encounter. The teams already run retrospectives. It
would only be a small step for each team to discuss appropriate metrics in retrospec-
tives, using the approach suggested in 4.1.2.
Second, project teams can adopt measures to ensure they are delivering value
through their project. Jeff Patton outlines the business-goal approach [9] through
which this can be achieved. In this approach project stakeholders meet at an early
stage in the project and:
• Brainstorm on business goals/values
• Merge goals (cluster and categorise all goals suggested)
• Distill clustered goals
• Vote on priority
• Identify metrics
• Create metrics
Table 3: Example Business Goals and Values
Table 3 shows an example of categorised business goals and values that we suggested
may be used as a starting point for a business goals stakeholder meeting.References
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