Bio Medical Results of Apollo

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Biomedical Results
of uP0110
Managing Editors
Richard S. Johnston, Lawrence F. Dietlein, M.D., and
Charles A. Berry, M.D.
Lyndon 6.Johnson Space Center

Scientific and Technical Information Ofice 1975

Washington, D.C. I /
color I 111AIwU
Compued by

BioTechnology, Inc.

under the direction of

James F. Parker, Jr., Ph.D.

Vita West

NASA Headquarters Contract NASW-2630

Walton L. Jones, M.D., Scientific Officer

Editorial Board

The material submitted for "Biomedical Results of Apollo" was reviewed by a NASA
Editorial Review Board consisting of:

Armstrong, George G., M.D. Johnson, Robert L., M.D.

Bailey, J. Vernon LaPinta, Charles K., M.D.
Bell, Larry E. Leach, Carolyn S., Ph.D.
Bergman, S. A., M.D. Michel, E. L.
Bergtholdt, C. P., M.P.H. Mieszkuc, Bernard J.
Bush, William H., Jr. Pool, Sam L., M.D.
Ferguson, James K., Ph.D. Reschke, Millard, Ph.D.
Gillen, Richard J. Rummel, J. A., Ph.D.
Guy, Walter W. Scheld, William, Ph.D.
Hawkins, W. Royce, M.D. Shumate, William H., Ph.D.
Hoffler, G. W., M.D. Stonesifer, John C.
Hoffman, Rudolf A., D.V.M. Verostko, Charles E.
Huffstetler, William J. Wheeler, Harry 0., Ph.D.
Hull, Wayland E., Ph.D. Zieglschmid, John F., M.D.

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents,

U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
Price $13.15
Library o/Congress Catalog Card Number 75-600030
Stock Number 003-000-006284


Section I. Introductory ..................... 1

Chapter 1. Introduction ..................... 3

Chapter 2. Apollo Missions .................... 9

Section II. Crew Health and Inflight Monitoring .......... 41

Chapter 1. Clinical Aspects of Crew Health ............. 43 "-_

Chapter 2. Microbiological Investigations .............. 83

Chapter 3. Radiation Protection and Instrumentation ........ 105-(_

Chapter 4. Metabolism and Heat Dissipation During

Apollo EVA Periods ................. 115-O
Environmental Factors ................ 129
Chapter 5.

Chapter 6. Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program ........ 141

Chapter 7. The Role of Toxicology in the Apollo Space Program . . 151"_

Section III. Prefight and Postflight Medical Testing ........ 161

Chapter 1. Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes

Associated with Apollo Missions ............. 163 "_

Chapter 2. Clinical Biochemistry ................. 185 --_

Chapter 3. Hematology and Immunology Studies .......... 197 -_._

Chapter 4. Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations ...... 227 _O

Chapter 5.
Nutritional Response
Studies ..................
................. 265
277 --_)_)
Chapter 6.

Chapter 7. Skeletal Response .................. 303 _)

Chapter 8. Apollo Flight Crew Vestibular Assessment ........ 323

viii Biomedical
Results of Apollo

Section IV. Inflight Experiments ................ 341 -I_'

Chapter 1. BIOSTACK- A Study of the Biological Effects /_

of HZE Galactic Cosmic Radiation ........... 343

Chapter 2. Apollo Light Flash Investigations ............ 355

Chapter 3. The Apollo 16 Microbial Response to Space
Environment Experiment ............... 367

Chapter 4. The Apollo 17 Pocket Mouse Experiment (BIOCORE) .... 381 _f/(//

Section V. Quarantine ..................... 405

Chapter 1. The Lunar Quarantine Program ............ 407 _ (__O/)

Chapter 2. Quarantine Testing and Biocharacterization
of Lunar Materials .................. 425

Section VI. Systems ...................... 435

Chapter 1. Apollo Food Technology ............... 437-(_._

Chapter 2. Waste Management System .............. 469

Chapter 3. Bioinstrumentation ................. 485

Chapter 4. Potable Water Supply ................ 495 --

Chapter 5. Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar

Module Environmental Control Systems .......... 517 -

Chapter 6. Extravehicular Mobility Unit ............. 545 _t_fT/)

Section VII. A Summing Up ................... 571

Chapter 1. Summary and Conclusions .............. 573

Chapter 2. Perspectives on Apollo ................ 581

The accolades bestowed on the Apollo Program and those who

participated in it are uncountable and are richly deserved. It was a
tremendously successful effort - achieving virtually every goal set for it and
turning every setback into a temporary misstep toward superior achieve-
ment. The excitement which built as Apollo 11 brought man toward his first
step on the moon was felt in all parts of the world. Indeed, television viewers
in many lands watched in real time as the first lunar ,exploration took place.
It was a bringing together of mankind.
The success of the Apollo Program reflects its utilization of the talents of
many teams, disciplines, and individuals. A particular contribution was made
by the life scientists -the physicians, engineers, scientists, and technicians
who provided the life support for Apollo. These persons were directly
responsible for ensuring that the astronauts remained in good health and
physically fit to perform these perilous missions. The life scientists also
collected critical data concerning the response of man to the stresses of
extended space flight; data that continue to allow meaningful plans to be
made for future space voyages.
The performance of the life scientists in the Apollo Program was
exceptional. This book documents the efforts of this team and presents the
results of the principal medical experiments conducted during Apollo. I
extend my sincere thanks to the many life scientists who worked so hard and
contributed so much to the Apollo Program.

L yndon B. Johnson Space Center


Biomedical research is difficult under the best of laboratory

conditions. Biomedical research, imbedded in the complex matrix of
manned space flight, is very, very difficult. This volume summarizes the
Life Science studies carried out during the Apollo Program. That such
research was possible at all is a tribute to the ingenuity and hard work
of the many investigators associated with the program. It represents
both a learning experience for those involved and a solid scientific basis
on which to build for future manned flight.

David L. Winter, M.D.

NASA Director for Life Sciences


' r.;,


Richard S. Johnston
Director of Life Sciences
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

The Apollo Program has been acclaimed as one of the greatest feats of exploration
and engineering development ever accomplished. Landing men on the moon and returning
them safely to Earth was considered impossible only a few decades earlier. No doubt the
vigor and determination which characterized the Apollo Program were largely attributable
to the challenge of President John F. Kennedy in 1961 that it be accomplished "before
this decade is out." It is also evident, however, that the events which culminated in
sending men to the moon were not brought forth de novo, to implement Presi-
dent Kennedy's proclamation. These events were in large measure an extension of
technology which made possible an achievement whose time had come.
There were three principal technology requirements imposed by the Apollo mission.
First, because the United States was committed to manned lunar exploration, it became
necessary to identify the means to ensure man's health and functional capability in a
hostile environment. Here, the program drew on the tremendous developmental advances
in full pressure suit and oxygen system technologies made during and immediately
folh, wing World WarlI. Second, bccausc habitable vehicles sufficiently large to
accommodate several men and their necessities would be used, a very complex and
powerful launch and transportation system was required. The technology of chemical
rocket propulsion, begun earlier in this century by Tsiolkovsky, Goddard, Oberth, and
others, with significant advances in World War II, was available. Third, because man
would participate, the mission would require the highest probability that the vehicle
would reach the moon and return safely. This requirement drew on the substantial
advances in rocket guidance and navigation technology begun in World War II and
extended during the Mercury and Gemini Programs.
Project Apollo, owing much to existing technology, repaid the debt many times with
dramatic technological and scientific progress in many fields, including medicine. The
contribution of Apollo to the biomedical sciences was twofold. First, there was
opportunity to study man performing useful work in the space environment. In dealing
with the health issues of a lunar exploration mission, the practice of space medicine

4 Biomedical

became a reality. Second, significant advances were made in life support systems,
biotelemetry techniques, and inflight monitoring methodology. The biomedical hardware
necessary to support space flight developed appreciably in functional capability, in
reliability, and in acceptability to the crewman.
The purpose of this book is to describe the biomedical program developed for Apollo,
to list the findings of those investigations which were conducted to assess the effects of
space flight on man's physiological and functional capacities, and to document significant
medical events in Apollo.

Biomedical Objectives
There were three principal objectives of the Apollo biomedical program. These three
distinct and rather separate goals, listed below, serw_d in large measure as a basis for the
functional organization of the biomedical effort.

1. Ensure the Safety and Health of Crewmembers. The Mercury flights showed that
man could safely withstand the stresses of space flight for limited periods. In the
Gemini 7 flight, the period of exposure was increased to 14 days with no major adw_rse
findings. Therefore, it was well established prior to the first Apollo flight that man could
be kept safe and healthy for the mission durations under consideration. However, there
remained a number of health issues to bc assessed. Principal among these was that of
inflight illness. During the orbital flights of Mercury and Gemini, it was always possible to
abort the mission and recover the astronaut within a reasonable time should an inflight
medical emergency occur. This alternative was greatly reduced during Apollo. A serious
illness occurring during circumlunar flight could not rcc_ive direct medical attention for
at least several days. For this reason, it was necessary to develop a program which would
keep the possibility of inflight illness at an absolute minimum and which would make
provision for emergency treatment during the course of the mission.

2. Prevent Contamination of Earth by Extraterrestrial Organisms. Prior to the first

hmar mission, there was great concern over possible contamination either of the moon by
Earth-borne microorganisms or the Earth by unknown or strange microorganisms carried
from the lunar surface by the crew or in lunar samples.
The prevention of the contamination of Earth by microorganisms returned from the
moon was considered especially important since the nature of the microorganisms would
be unknown. For these reasons, Apollo biomedical personnel were given the
responsibility for developing techniques to minimize the contamination of the moon and
to preclude the introduction of any lunar organisms into the Earth's ecology.

3. Study Specific Effects of Exposure to Space. The Gemini missions amply

demonstrated that man could survive in space for as long as 14 days with minimal
physiological changes. There were some findings, however, which caused concern as to
their possible significance on much longer flights. For example, red blood cell mass losses
in the order of 20 percent were noted after the eight-day Gemini flight. Obviously, a
finding such as this meant that additional study was required both for verification and to
assess the real meaning of the observed changes.
Introduction 5

A number of investigations were conducted during the Apollo Program to determine

the effects of the space environment on specific body systems and functional
performance. Subsequent chapters describe these investigations in detail.

Mercury and Gemini Background

The foundations of the Apollo biomedical program can be found in earlier Mercury
and Gemini efforts. The basic organizational structure for medical support was developed
during Mercury, Many of the Apollo personnel had worked through both the Mercury
and Gemini flights.
The first biomedical issue to be confronted in Project Mercury was the need to
establish selection criteria for astronauts. This assignment was given to members of the
newly-formed Space Task Group, a unit established at Langley Field, Virginia, in October
1958. This group, under the direction of Dr. Robert R. Gilruth, was responsible for
establishing the nation's first manned spacecraft project, later to be known as "Project
General physical requirements for Mercury astronauts were established by the NASA
Life Sciences Committee, an advisory group of prominent physicians and life scientists
chaired by Dr. W. Randolph Lovelace. Acromedieal personnel and facilities of the
Department of Defense were used to conduct psychological and stress testing of
candidates. Final selection was based on a rcvicw of the medical findings and technical
experience of the candidates. The basic and extensive screening and testing procedures
defined for the selection of Mercury astronauts were used for the later selection of
Gemini and Apollo astronauts.
The success of Project Mercury demonstrated that man could indeed exist in the
space environment. While the Mercury missions, one of which lasted for 34 hours, were
primarily demonstration flights, some quite meaningful medical information was
obtained. The principal conclusions were:
1. There was no evidence of loss in pilot performance capability.

2. All measured physiological functions remained within normal tolerances.

3. There was no evidence of abnormal sensory or psychological response.
4. The radiation dose received was considered medically insignificant.
5. An orthostatic rise in heart rate and fall in blood pressure was noted postflight
and it persisted for between seven and nineteen hours after landing.
The biomedical information obtained during the Mercury flights had a positive
reinforcing effect in terms of expanding the manned space flight program. Plans for
Project Gemini were pressed with increased confidence.
With the launch of the first manned Gemini flight in 1965, the United States space
program entered a new phase. With Project Gemini, the broad objective was to gain
operational proficiency in manned space flight. The three major goals of the program
were (1) to acomplish rendezvous and docking of two space vehicles, a necessary step
toward the lunar landing program; (2) to perform extravehicular activity and to validate
personal life support systems and astronaut performance capabilities under those
conditions; and (3) to develop a better understanding of how man adapts to extended
6 Biomedical Results of Apollo

weightless flight, that is, whether stability was achieved for all physiological measures, or
whether significant changes occurred.
As a result of the change of emphasis of Project Gemini, there was an improved
opportunity to study the effects of space on man. There also was a requirement to
develop systems which would maintain man in space over much longer periods than flown
in Project Mercury. In the 14-day Gemini 7 flight, extensive observations were made of
the physiological and psychological response of astronauts to the stresses of space.
At the conclusion of the Gemini Program, approximately 2000 man-hours of
weightless experience had been logged by U.S. astronauts. The principal biomedical
conclusions were:

1. Extension of the Project Mercury finding that man could tolerate exposure to the
space environment quite well. No significant performance decrement was noted.

2. Postflight orthostatic hypotension, persisting for some 50hours, was observed

during tilt table tests.

3. A decrease in red cell mass of the order of five to twenty percent was noted.

4. Bone demineralization, noted as percent change in radiographic density in the

os calcis, was observed.

5. No adverse psychological reactions were observed, even during fourteen days'

confinement in a restrictive cabin environment.

6. No vestibular disturbances were reported.

The techniques used for the study of man in the Gemini Program, and the life support
systems which were used, established the plan-of-action to be followed in Apollo.

Development of Apollo Biomedical Effort

The formal structuring of the Apollo Program had its genesis in 1961. It actually
began, however, several years earlier with the award of three study contracts to industry
and with an in-house study program conducted by the Langley Space Task Group. The
initial objective of these efforts was to develop specifications for circumlunar flight.
Then, in 1961, President Kennedy changed the goal to one of lunar landing.
It was also in 1961 that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
announced it would build, on a site near Houston, Texas, a 60 million dollar research and
command center for the Project Apollo Program of manned flight to the moon and for
later space flight programs. This center, with Dr. Robert R. Gilruth as its Director, was to
be used to train space flight crews; to design, develop, and test spacecraft; and to conduct
manned space flight operations. The life scientists associated with the Langley Space Task
Group soon moved to temporary quarters in Houston to await the completion of the
Manned Spacecraft Center at Clear Lake.
New and unique requirements were placed on the Life Sciences Team by the Apollo
Program. Medical personnel were required to develop requirements, to make projections
of physiological functions and to conduct their daily activities as part of an
engineering-oriented team effort. The space program also emphasized the study of
healthy individuals and an understanding of normal physiological responses as opposed to
Introduction 7

the conventional medical concerns of diagnosis and care of the ill. Life scientists
concerned with manned space flight programs continually demonstrated an ability to
adapt to a new working environment and, throughout the various flight programs,
maintained a dedication to the health and safety of space flight crewmen.
And so, although the principal objectives of Apollo were manned lunar landing and
subsequent lunar exploration, a considerable body of useful biomedical information was
derived from the program. These findings are documented in this volume and, in part,
served as a basis for asking more incisive, more penetrating biomedical questions of the
forthcoming and very ambitious Skylab Program. This volume then may be regarded as "a
prelude to Skylab."



Richard S. Johnston
Wayland E. Hull

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


The manned Lunar Landing Program was the most complex and largest single
scientific exploration undertaken in the history of mankind. On the 20th of July, 1969,
Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. set foot on the moon. For two hours and
21 minutes, the two men, first cautiously and then boldly, negotiated their way about the
lunar terrain. They demonstrated to themselves and to the 500 million people viewing
their triumph throughout the world that movement on the lunar surface was a relatively
easy and even enjoyable thing. They set up scientific experiments and collected rock and
soil samples for return to Earth for subsequent analysis.
The Apollo Program ultimately placed twelve men on the lunar surface. It was a
major national event. During peak activity, more than 400000people and
20 000 companies were involved. Table 1 summarizes the manned Apollo flights, listing
the crews, landing sites, launch dates, and mission durations. This chapter precedes the
discussion of the biomedical results of the Apollo missions in order to give the reader
some historical perspective from which to view the Apollo findings. The Apollo systems
and highlights of each mission are presented.

The Apollo Spacecraft

The Apollo spacecraft launch and lunar landing configurations are pictured in
figure 1. The launch configuration of the assembly was 15 meters (48 feet) long and
consisted of five major segments: Launch Escape System, Command Module, Service
Module, Lunar Module Adapter, and Lunar Module.

The Launch Escape System

The Launch Escape System consisted of the 10-meter (33-foot) tower weighing
3629_._g (8000 Ib) and a solid rocket motor 4.72 m (15.5 ft) providing 66 675 kg
(15_0 lb) of thrust. The Launch Escape System provided a means for escape during

10 Biomedical Results of Apollo

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Apollo Missions 11

countdown or in the first 100seconds of the lift-off sequence, should a fire or other
abort situation develop. Upon activation, the escape tower would lift the spacecraft about
1.6 km (1 mile) clear of the launch pad and rocket. Descent would be provided by the
main parachute system.

Figure 1. Apollo spacecraft at launch (left);

perspective drawing (right).

Command Module
The basic structure of the Command Module (CM) was a pressure vessel encased in a
heat shield. The Module was conical shaped, measuring 3.48 m long (11.5 ft), with a base
diameter of 3.91 m (12 ft, 10 in.). The Command Module consisted of a forward
compartment cont&ping two reaction control engines and parachutes used for the Earth
landing system.' -The' crew compartment or inner pressure vessel contained crew
accommodations, controls and displays, and other spacecraft systems. The aft compart-
ment housed ten reaction control engines, propellant tanks, helium tanks, water tanks,
12 Biomedical

volumeof the crew
compartment was 5.95 m 3 (210 ft3).
Within the Command Module the Commander, who operated the flight controls, was
positioncd at the left; the Command Module Pilot, who was responsible for guidance and
navigation, was couched in the center; and the Lunar Module Pilot, responsible for
management of subsystems, was on the right. The couches faced the display console.
The atmosphere of the Command Module was planned to be 100 percent oxygen at
34 x 103N/m 2 (5 psia) and was altered as a result of a spacecraft fire in 1967 to a 60/40
oxygen/nitrogen mixture at 103 x 103N/m 2 (15 psia) at lift-off. The cabin pressure was
allowed to equilibrate at 5 psia as altitude was reached. The atmosphere was enriched
with oxygen until the breathing gas approached 100 percent oxygen. Oxygen was used in
flight to furnish breathing gas as well as to make up for spacecraft leakage, resulting in an
oxygen-rich atmosphere. The thermal control portion of the environmental control
system maintained the cabin temperature of the spacecraft in a comfortable range of
294.15 ° to 297.15°K (21 ° to 24°C). The Command Module contained two hatches, one
at the side for entry and one at the top for use when the spacecraft was docked with the
Lunar Module. Five observation windows permitted extensive outside viewing and
photography during the missions.

Service Module

The Service Module (SM) was a cylindrical structure, 3.91 m in diameter (12 ft,
10 in.) by 7.49 m long (24 ft, 7 in.). This part of the spacecraft contained the main
propulsion system and provided stowage for most of the consumable supplies.
The Service Module remained attached to the Command Module on the flight to the
moon. During the return flight, separation occurred just before Earth atmosphere, reentry.
The service propulsion system was used for midcourse maneuvers and to reduce the
velocity of the spacecraft to enter lunar orbit.
A Scientific Instrument Module (SIM) was carried in the Service Module for the first
time on the Apollo 15 mission. The S1M accommodated eight experiments utilizing
spectrometers, panoramic and mapping cameras, a laser altimeter, and a subsatellite for
injection into lunar orbit. Figure 2 shows schematics and cutaway diagrams of the
Command and Service Modules.

Lunar Module Adapter

This segment of the spacecraft served as a smooth aerodynamic enclosure for the
Lunar Module and provided the attachment for the Command Module to the launch
vehicle. The Lunar Module was extracted from the Adapter shortly after the spacecraft
left Earth orbit.

The Lunar Module

The Lunar Module (LM) was a two-stage vehicle with a vertical dimension of 6.985 m
(22 ft, 11 in.). The diagonal width between landing gear was 9.45 m (31 ft). The Lunar
Module transported astronauts from the lunar orbiting Command Module to the lunar
surface, provided living quarters and a base of operations on the moon, and returned the
Apollo Missions 13

crew to the Command Module in lunar orbit. The Lunar Module ascent and descent stages
are shown in figure 3. The two stages were joined by four explosive bolts and umbilicals.

The ascent stage functioned as a single spacecraft for rendezvous and docking with the
Command Service Module at the conclusion of lunar surface missions. Because it was

designed to fly only in the vacuum of space, the LM was incapable of reentering Earth's






-3RD 02 TANK




Figure 2. Diagram of Apollo Command and Service Modules.

The ascent stage was made up of three main sections: the crew compartment, the

midsection, and the aft equipment bay. The crew compartment and midsection were
pressurized. The habitable cabin volume was 6.7 m 3 (235 ft3). The ascent stage was

3.76 m long by 4.29 m in diameter (12 ft, 4 in. x 14 ft, 1 in.). Figure 4 (A and B) shows
the interior of the Lunar Module cabin.

The descent stage was the unmanned portion of the Lunar Module. It supported the
ascent stage for the landing on the lunar surface, and contained the propulsion system
14 Biomedical
of Apollo

















Figure 3. Lunar Module ascent and descent stages.


Apollo Missions 15






Figure 4. Lunar Module cabin interior.

16 Biomedical Results of Apollo

used to slow the spacecraft for a safe landing on the moon. During descent, four landing
gear struts were released from a folded stowage position to form the landing gear for the
vehicle. Each of the struts was filled with crushable aluminum honeycomb to absorb the
landing impact. Foot pads a t the ends of the legs contained sensing probes which signaled
the crew to shut down the descent engine upon contact with the lunar surface. The
landing radar provided information pertaining to the altitude and velocity of the Lunar
Module relative to the lunar surface. Four bays surrounded the descent engine and
contained the propellant tanks, the Modularized Equipment Stowage Assembly
(TV equipment, lunar sample containers, and portable life support systems), the Lunar
Roving Vehicle (LRV), and the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP).
Lunar Roving Vehicle. The Lunar Roving Vehicle was used for the first time with
great success on the Apollo 15 mission. Figure 5 shows the vehicle beside the Lunar
Module. The lunar payload capacity was several times the vehicle’s Earth weight. The
vehicle propulsion system was battery operated, each wheel of the vehicle being
individually driven by a one-quarter horsepower electric motor. The operational life was
72 hours during the lunar day, enough to easily provide a 9.65 km (6 mile) exploration
radius. It was transported to the moon folded tightly into a storage quadrant of the Lunar
Module and was deployed by pulling two nylon operating tapes and removing release
pins. The Rover was then unfolded for use.

Figure 5. Apollo 16 Lunar Module and Lunar Roving Vehicle.

Figure 6 is a diagram of the LRV. The T-shaped hand controller permitted the vehicle
to be operated by either of the two astronaut passengers. The LRV could climb and
descend slopes of 25 degrees inclination. It was equipped with a dead-reckoning
Apollo Missions 17

navigation system which the crew used to find their way back to the Lunar Module from
long explorations when out of sight of the home base.


16-ram CAMERA AND ._


/ _ AR__HAN


500-mm CAMERA

Figure 6. Diagram of the Lunar Roving Vehicle.

The LRV doubled traverse distance during lunar expeditions. A remotely controlled
television camera mounted on the vehicle enabled Mission Control and the public to
observe activities carried out during its use. The Lunar Communications Relay Unit was
carried on the LRV to provide for voice communications and transmission of portable life
support system data and biomedical data. In addition, the system provided color
television transmission which was observed by the mission controllers and, at certain
times, by the public. The Communications Relay Unit was a self-contained, battery
powered system, stowed in the Lunar Module descent stage at launch and placed on the
LRV for lunar surface operations. The television camera was mounted on a motor driven
gimbal system, controlled from the Earth to direct the camera at points of interest and at
the crew during exploration. At the conclusion of lunar surface missions, the television
system provided pictures of the breakaway of the ascent stage from the descent stage and
the rising of the ascent stage toward lunar orbit.

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package. The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment
Package (ALSEP) was a system of scientific instruments carried to the moon in the Lunar
Module and set up on the lunar surface by Apollo crews. Using a self-contained power
supply and communications equipment, each ALSEP collected and transmitted to Earth
18 Biomedical Results of Apollo

scientific and engineering data for several years following astronaut departure from the
lunar surface.
Because of power and weight limitations, no single flight could carry all the ALSEP
experiments. Certain elements of the total program were assigned to Apollo flights 12
through 17. On the Apollo 15 and 17 missions the experiment package included a
particles and fields subsatellite. The subsatellite was a 76.2 cm (30 in.) tall, 47.6 kg
(106 lb), solar-cell-powered spacecraft which was inserted into lunar orbit from the
Service Module. It carried a magnetometer, particle detector instruments, and a
transmitter, all of which were operated from Earth to collect and relay data on the
extralunar environment.

Apollo Space Suits and Portable Life Support System

The space suit used by the crew in the lunar exploration program had its roots in
concepts reaching as far back as the late 19th Century. Jules Verne was probably the first
to conceive of pressure suits for protection against reduced barometric pressures of higher
altitudes. In 1872, he described closed circuit, extravehicular pressure suit operation for
flight around the moon. In August 1934, Wiley Post made the first aircraft flight in a
pressure suit. The suit was constructed of two layers, an inner rubber bag designed to
contain gas under pressure and an outer cloth fabric to maintain the desired suit shape.
Following World War II, both the Air Force and Navy continued development of space
The space suit worn by Mercury astronauts was similar to pressure suits used in high
altitude military jet aircraft flight. The Project Mercury suit consisted of an inner layer of
neoprene-coated nylon fabric and a strain-resistant layer of aluminized nylon fabric. The
aluminized coating was used to reject increased cabin heat during reentry. Biomedical
sensors were contained inside the suit to monitor body temperature, electrocardiogram,
blood pressure, and respiration rate. Urine was collected in a special bag within the suit.
The breathing gas, oxygen, was supplied to a fitting at the front of the torso and was then
distributed throughout the interior of the suit to be discharged into the helmet in such a
way as to sweep exhaled moisture from the visor portion of the helmet. The suit weighed
approximately 9.1 kg (20 lb). The Mercury suit was to be used as an emergency backup
to the spacecraft pressurization system in case of cabin system failure. A high degree of
mobility was not a requirement because of the restrictive volume of the Mercury space
Because Project Gemini was to involve extravehicular activity, the structural
requirements for the space suit changed. Additional layers were added to afford the
needed protection in free space operations. The Gemini suit consisted of an outer layer of
temperature resistant nylon, a layer of "link-net" to provide pressurized mobility and to
control ballooning of the suit, a pressure-tight layer of neoprene-coated nylon, and an
inner aluminized layer of nylon for thermal and micrometeoroid protection. A removable
visor was added to the helmet to protect the inner visor from impact damage and to
provide additional protection from the increased levels of ultraviolet radiation
encountered outside the Earth's atmosphere. As before, the breathing gas was
100 percent oxygen and the suit was worn for the entire duration of the mission.
Apollo Missions 19

The Gemini flights gave mission planners confidence in spacecraft integrity.

Micrometeoroids proved less of a menace to spacecraft integrity than some individuals
had feared. As a consequence, Apollo astronauts did not wear pressure suits through all of
the mission, donning them only for critical spacecraft operations such as launch,
rendezvous, and docking. The Apollo suit was similar to the Gemini suit, with a
multilayered construction. The outer suit layer of Teflon-coated fabric was woven of Beta
glass. Beneath this layer was a restraint layer of Nomex and convoluted joints to restrain
internal pressure and maintain the shape of the suit. The next layer below was a
neoprene-coated nylon pressure bladder; and the final layer was a high-temperature
resistant nylon liner which replaced an earlier simple comfort layer. As in earlier suits,
100percent oxygen was supplied through a fitting in the front of the torso.
Communications and biomedical data lines passed through the suit by a multiple circuit
electrical connection on the front of the suit. The Apollo suit assembly weighed about
16.15 kg (35.6 lb).

Apollo astronauts who performed EVA were provided with a self-contained Portable
Life Support System (PLSS) carried in a backpack unit. This permitted operation at great
distances from the spacecraft. The system supplied oxygen for pressurization and
metabolic consumption, and cooling water for operation of a liquid cooling under-
garment. The portable life support system also contained communications and telemetry
equipment, and a transmitter power supply. Mounted atop the PLSS was an oxygen purge
system which provided a contingency supply of gaseous oxygen lasting 40 minutes when
activated. The PLSS was a part of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU), which
consisted also of an extravehicular space suit, a liquid cooling garment, an oxygen purge
system, a lunar extravehicular visor assembly, and a special lunar overshoe.

The Apollo Extravehicular Mobility Unit gave man a completely self-contained mode
for moving about on the moon for a fixed period of time. The system worked extremely
well. There were no failures experienced with the suit on the lunar surface. The prospect,
however slim, of suit failure was extremely unnerving because it was not possible to build
the same degree of redundancy into certain parts of the space suit as could be built into
the spacecraft. Only one pressure bladder layer could be provided because redundant
layers would tend to make the space suit excessively stiff and hard. The total success of
the Apollo space suit system must be credited both to excellence in design and
meticulous testing.

Unmanned Missions

The way was paved for the manned Apollo Program by a series of unmanned flights.
The early flights were made by Surveyor spacecraft that were launched on Atlas-Centaur
launch vehicles. The first Surveyor flight was launched on May 30, 1966, from Cape
Canaveral, Florida, on a direct-ascent lunar trajectory. The Surveyor flights validated
several critical aspects of advanced soft landing techniques for later use by Apollo. They
provided essential data on the compatibility of the Apollo design with conditions
encountered on the lunar surface, and yielded information about the topography of the
lunar surface and its thermal environment. In addition to the Surveyor flights, three
20 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Lnnar Orbiter flights produced medium and high resolution photographs over broad
areas of the moon to aid in site selection for the Apollo manned landing program
(see figure 7).

Figure 7. First photograph of Earth from the vicinity of the moon;

taken by Lunar Orbiter I, 25 August 1966.

Apollo/Saturn 201
The first Apollo/Saturn mission employed an unmanned Apollo spacecraft on a
suborbital flight that gathered data for qualifying the Apollo Command Module heat
shield, the Service Module prime propulsion system, and the first flight of the
Saturn I-B launch vehicle. The spacecraft was flown 8047 km (5000 miles) in a
suborbital flight on February 26, 1966. The engines of the upper stage of the launch
vehicle, the Saturn IV-B, were fired in flight for seven minutes to demonstrate the
5-2 liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen engine. The service propulsion system engine also
was fired twice to demonstrate engine restart capability. These two engine firings
were used to propel the spacecraft to a reentry velocity of 8071 meterdsecond
(26 481 feet/second) which is 299 meters per second (981 feedsecond) above orbital
velocity. By achieving this velocity, the capability of the Command Module heat
shield to withstand Earth reentry heating was demonstrated. Recovery of the

. spacecraft was normal, and all mission objectives were accomplished.

Apo_o Minions 21

Apollo/Satur n 203

Apollo/Saturn 203 served as an unmanned flight test of the uprated Saturn I

launch vehicle. An Apollo spacecraft was not carried in this mission; instead, the
upper stage of the launch vehicle was mounted with a nose cone. This large
assembly was 28.04 m (92 ft) long and weighed 26 535 kg (58 500 lb). It was placed
into Earth orbit on July 5, 1966. During the first four orbits, liquid hydrogen
studies were conducted to determine the behavior of cryogenic liquids in the
absence of gravity. Again, all mission objectives were accomplished.

Apollo/Saturn 202
This unmanned suborbital mission was used to qualify the Command and Service
Modules and the uprated Saturn I launch vehicle for manned flight. The spacecraft
was launched on August 25, 1966, from the Kennedy Space Center and traveled
approximately 27 350 km (17 000 miles) to land in the Pacific Ocean. The Service
Module propulsion system was fired for 215 seconds to place the spacecraft into a
trajectory to provide a steep angle/high heating reentry. For the first time, the
Apollo guidance and navigation system provided the onboard control of spacecraft
attitudes and trajectory. This system automatically controlled the propulsion system
burns and guided the spacecraft through entry and landing.

Apollo 4
On November 9, 1967, an unmanned Earth-orbital flight test of the Saturn V
launch vehicle and Apollo Command Module was undertaken. The three stages of
the Saturn V placed into orbit a record payload of over 127 066 kg (280 000 lb).
Flawless performance of the launch vehicle on its first unmanned flight provided the
U.S. with a major operational capability for orbiting large payloads. The Saturn IV-B
engine was fired twice to place the Command and Service Modules into a 18 092 km
(9769 nautical miles) apogee at the end of the second orbit. The Saturn IV-B was
separated and the service propulsion system engine was burned twice to accelerate
the Command Module to a lunar return velocity of 10973 meters/second
(36 000feet/second). The mission qualified the Command Module ablative heat
,.,, to __:.1
.... Earth reentry from t..... ............
s ,,_t .... _eeds. Apollo 4_ was the first
man-made Object to withstand reentry into the Earth's atmosphere at such an
extreme velocity.

Apollo 5
Apollo 5 was an unmanned flight and the first flight test of the Lunar Module.
The launch date was January 22, 1968. The primary objective of the flight was to
test the Lunar Module propulsion systems and the abort staging function for
manned flight. The test for both the descent and ascent stage propulsion systems
was successful, except for one descent engine shutdown during the first firing. The
abort sequencing was successfully demonstrated during the second and third descent
engine firings. This flight test qualified the Lunar Module for manned Earth-orbital
22 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Apollo 6
The last of the unmanned Apollo missions was a test of the Saturn V launch vehicle.
On April 4, 1968, the Apollo Command and Service Modules and the Saturn IV-B were
placed into an Earth orbit. Approximately two minutes after lift-off and during the first
stage boost, a major structural anomaly occurred in the spacecraft/launch vehicle adapter.
Oscillations induced by the launch vehicle in excess of spacecraft design criteria were
apparently the cause of the abrupt changes manifested in strain, vibration, and
acceleration measurements in the spacecraft and adapter. The S-II.second stage engines
shut off early and the Saturn IV-B stage engines were required to place the spacecraft into
orbit. Upon investigation, improper installation of signal wires was found to be the cause
of the premature engine shutdown. The Service Module propulsion system was fired for
seven minutes to place the spacecraft into a trajectory with a 19 312 km (12 000 mile)
apogee and a high speed Earth reentry. The reentry velocity was 10 006 meters/second
(32 830 feet/second) which was approximately 1219 meters/second (4000 feet/second)
less than planned. The test provided additional qualification data for the Command
Module heat shield. Based on the results of the unmanned flight program, Apollo moved
to the manned space flight phase.

Manned Missions

Apollo 1 (Apollo 204)

The first manned Apollo flight was scheduled for late February 1967, but because of
an unanticipated tragedy, was delayed until October 1968. The tragedy occurred on
January 27th when the three-man crew for Flight 204* died instantly after a flash fire
swept through the Apollo spacecraft. Killed in the accident on Cape Canaveral's Pad 34
(then, Cape Kennedy) were Virgil I. Grissom, Commander; Edward H. White, Command
Module Pilot; and Roger B. Chaffee, Lunar Module Pilot. Virgil Grissom was one of the
seven original Mercury astronauts, Edward White was the first American to "walk" in
space during the Gemini Program, and Roger Chaffee was preparing for his first space
flight. The accident occurred at 6:31 p.m. Eastern Standard Time during the first major
rehearsal for the mission.
The cause of the Apollo 204 fire has never been positively identified. For a detailed
description of the accident and its investigation, the reader is referred to the Report of
the Apollo 204 Review Board to the Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 5April 1967, available from the Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.
As a result of the 204 fire, alterations were made in the spacecraft systems, in the
cabin atmosphere, and in materials used within the spacecraft to maximize the resistance
to fire.
The impact of the fire on the medical program per se was threefold. After the
addition of nitrogen gas to the cabin atmosphere, careful observations had to be made to
determine if there might be some physiological effects as a result of the small amount of

*In commemoration of the crew, the mission was redesignated Apollo 1.

Apollo Missions 23

nitrogen remaining. However, no clear-cut effect could be identified. As an added safety

precaution after the fire, vital signs of all crewmen were monitored during the launch
period, whereas only one had been followed previously. Finally, the inflight medical
experiments program planned for earlier Apollo flights was eliminated. Program energies
and resources had to be directed exclusively toward the task of getting man to the moon
safely and safely returning him to Earth. The accident brought a renewed dedication and
purposefulness to the goal of landing an American on the moon before the end of the
decade of the '60s.

Apollo 7

Apollo 7 was the first manned orbital flight test of the Apollo spacecraft. On
October 11, 1968, a Saturn I-B launch vehicle placed the Command Module and Service
Module into a near-Earth orbit of eleven days duration. The crewmembers were
Walter M. Schirra, Jr., Commander; DonnF. Eisele, Command Module Pilot; and
R. Walter Cunningham, Lunar Module Pilot. The primary goal of Apollo 7 was to
demonstrate crew and spacecraft performance. The mission, unlike manned orbital flights
in previous programs, involved little scientific experimentation.
Prior to separation of the Command and Service Modules from the Saturn IV-B
launch stage, the crew manually flew the spacecraft/Saturn IV-B combination. The
spacecraft was then separated from the Saturn IV-B and a simulated transposition and
docking maneuver was completed. This maneuver simulated the spacecraft operation
required during a lunar mission to couple the Command Module with the Lunar Module,
and to separate the Lunar Module from the Saturn IV-B. Later, the Apollo 7 crew
successfully maneuvered the spacecraft for a re-rendezvous with the Saturn IV-B. Eight
planned maneuvers were successfully completed using the Service Module propulsion
In general, all spacecraft subsystem performance was excellent. Real-time television
images were transmitted by the crewmen to Earth. These showed spacecraft interior
activities and views of the Earth. The crew suffered head colds during the mission which
hampered some spacecraft operations. For the first time, U.S. astronauts did not wear
space suit helmets during entry into the Earth's atmosphere.
All mission and scientific objectives were met by the flight of Apollo 7, qualifying
the Command and Service Modules for eleven-day manned missions. One of the most
significant findings of this flight was that the volume of the Command Module proved to
be quite adequate for a three-man crew operating in weightlessness. The crew enjoyed
relative comfort compared with the conditions prevailing in the Gemini spacecraft.
The flight of Apollo 7 ended with a splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean 260 hours and
9 minutes after launch from Kennedy Space Center (figure 8). The crew was retrieved by
helicopter and the spacecraft was later taken aboard the USS Essex. The successful flight
of Apollo 7 represented a major milestone in the U.S. manned space flight program.
The Apollo 7 mission and all subsequent manned missions are described in detail,
including biomedically significant findings, in the Apollo Mission Report series. These
documents are available through the Scientific and Technical Library, Lyndon B. Johnson
Space Center, Houston, Texas.
24 Biomedical Results of Apollo

I -

Figure 8. Apollo 7 spacecraft following splashdown.

Apollo 8
Man's first lunar orbital flight began on December 21,1968, when a Saturn V launch
vehicle placed the Apollo 8 Command and Service Modules in Earth orbit. Frank Borman
was the Commander; James A. Lovell, Jr., the command Module Pilot; and
William'A. Anders, the Lunar Module Pilot. The Apollo 8 crew was the first to be
launched by the 2722rnetric ton (3000ton) SaturnV. The crew checked out the
spacecraft, and, after approximately three hours in Earth orbit, the Saturn IV-B stage was
f i e d for approximately five minutes to accelerate the spacecraft to an Earth-gravity
escape velocity of 40 233 krn/hr (25 000 mph) to begin its 370 149 km (230 000 mile)
coast to the moon. Following the translunar injection maneuver, the Apollo spacecraft
was separated from the Saturn IV-B stage.
During the transearth period, the crew transmitted live television pictures of the
spacecraft interior and of the Earth. The spacecraft velocity decreased during the coast
period due to the Earth's gravitational force. As the spacecraft neared the moon, it was
accelerated by the pull of lunar gravity, and the Service Module propulsion system was
fired to slow the vehicle to 6035 km/hr (3750 mph) and place it in lunar orbit.
Apollo 8 achieved lunar orbit on Christmas Eve. Lunar operations lasted for ten
orbits, at an altitude of 96.56 km (60 miles) above the lunar surface. The crew
transmitted television pictures of the lunar surface, studied potential Apollo landing sites,
and took excellent photographs, including those shown in figure 9 (A & B). They filmed
and photographed the far side of the moon, which had never before been seen by man. I
Apollo Missions 25

Figure 9. Photographs of the lunar landscape

taken by the crew of Apollo 8.
26 Biomedical Results of Apollo

After approximately twenty hours of lunar orbital operations, the Service Module
propulsion system engines were fired for three minutes to accelerate the spacecraft to a
velocity sufficient to escape from the moon's gravitational force. The transearth coast
period lasted for approximately 63 hours. The spacecraft landed in the Pacific Ocean,
where the crew and spacecraft were recovered by the USS Yorktown, just eleven seconds
earlier than the time computed in the flight plan months before the mission. The
Apollo 8 mission had lasted six days.
With only minor discrepancies, the spacecraft and systems functioned with precision
throughout the mission. The accuracy of the onboard guidance and navigation control
system demonstrated that astronauts could return safely from the moon without the aid
of Earth-based tracking systems. Crew performance was excellent, despite some minor
illness early in the mission. All mission objectives were met. Apollo 8 qualified the launch
vehicle and spacecraft for lunar flight. The crew provided valuable information on the
lunar surface, and demonstrated the ability to recognize surface features needed in lunar
landing navigation. The Apollo 8 crew received this Nation's highest recognition,
including an appearance before a joint session of the United States Congress. The flight of
Apollo 8 was heralded as an odyssey without precedent in man's history.

Apollo 9
Apollo 9 was the first manned flight with the Lunar Module and the first mission
employing two manned spacecraft. The flight lasted ten days. The crewmen were
JamesA. McDivitt, Commander; David R. Scott, Command Module Pilot; and
Russell L. Schweickart, Lunar Module Pilot. The objectives of this mission were to
evaluate the Lunar Module under space flight conditions, perform an extravehicular
contingency transfer from the Lunar Module to the Command Module, and demonstrate
the capability to fly the two spacecraft on lunar landing type trajectories to achieve
rendezvous and docking.
The spacecraft was launched into Earth orbit by a Saturn V launch vehicle on
March 3, 1969. The Command and Service Modules were separated from the Saturn IV-B
stage which contained the Lunar Module (figure 10). The Command and Service Modules
were turned around to face the Lunar Module and docked with it. The two spacecraft then
separated from the Saturn IV-B stage. For the next several days, combined spacecraft opera-
tions were conducted, and Russell Schweickart carried out an abbreviated extravehicular
mission on the fourth day. The space walk was delayed because Schweickart suffered nausea
and vomiting early in the flight. He, along with the other two crewmen, suffered from colds
during the mission. In place of the space walk, he climbed out of the Lunar Module and
stood on its porch for approximately 47 minutes. On the fifth day of the mission, McDivitt
and Schweickart separated the Lunar Module from the Command Module and, using both
the descent and ascent propulsion systems, flew a simulated lunar landing and ascent trajec-
tory while Scott remained in the Command Module. The vehicles were separated for about
four hours at distances up to 351.9 km (190 nautical miles). When the two craft were
182 km (113 miles) apart, Schweickart and McDivitt jettisoned the descent stage to simu-
late takeoff from the lunar surface. They fired the ascent engine and the two spacecraft ren-
dezvoused and docked as planned. For the remainder of the ten-day mission, the crew per-
formed landmark tracking and photographic tasks.
Apollo Miseions 27


Figure 10. Artist’s conceptionof Command/Service Module
and Lunar Module separating from the Saturn IV-Bthird-stage rocket.

The spacecraft splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean only 4.8 km (three miles) from
the recovery aircraft carrier, the USS Guadalcanal. The recovery went extremely well.
The performance of both the spacecraft and its subsystems was nearly flawless, and
all mission objectives were met. The Apollo 9 mission qualified the launch vehicle, the
lunar landing spacecraft, the portable life support system (PLSS) backpack, and the flight
control techniques designed for manned lunar landing flights.

Apollo 10
Apollo 10 was the last planned manned lunar orbital flight. The Apollo 10 mission
lasted eight days and was, in effect, a dress rehearsal for the manned lunar landing. The
flight successfully demonstrated the complete Apollo spacecraft system, including Lunar
Module descent to within 14.4 km (47 400 ft) of the lunar surface. The crewmembers
were Thomas P. Stafford, Commander; John W.Young, Command Module Pilot; and
Eugene A. Cernan, Lunar Module Pilot. The launch date was May 18, 1969. After two
and one-half hours in Earth orbit following launch by the SaturnV vehicle, the
Saturn IV-B second stage was injected to place the spacecraft on a translunar trajectory.
The mission plan closely followed the Apollo 11 lunar landing flight plan. The
crewmen separated the Command Module from the Saturn IV-B stage, rotating the craft
180degrees and docking it with the Lunar Module which was extracted from the
SaturnIV-B. The docking operations were viewed via color television that was
28 Biomedical Results of Apollo

transmitted to Earth. The docked spacecraft were placed in lunar orbit and thirty-two
revolutions were made around the moon by the Command and Service Modules at a
distance of 97 km (60 miles) from the lunar surface.
On the fourth day of the mission, with Astronaut Young in control of the Command
Module, Stafford and Cernan undocked the Lunar Module and made a simulated landing
in the LM by descending to within 14 km (9 miles) of the lunar surface. The descent stage
propulsion system was used to slow the Lunar Module to begin the descent toward the
moon. The ascent engine was fired to place the Lunar Module into a trajectory to
rendezvous and dock with the lunar orbiting Command Module. After eight hours of
separation, the two spacecraft docked successfully, and the Lunar Module crew reentered
the Command Module for the return trip to Earth.
The Apollo 10 mission accomplished its primary aim of providing quantitative
operational data on the spacecraft and the experience in lunar landmark tracking needed
to ensure a high probability of success for the lunar landing mission. The Apollo 10
mission completed final qualification of the Lunar Landing Module by means of a
rigorous duplication of all aspects of the Apollo 11 mission profile, with the exception of
an actual landing.

Apollo 11
On .July 16, 1969, Apollo ll, the first lunar landing flight, was launched from
Kennedy Space Center, Florida, before an ousite audience of over one million people.
The mission Commander was Neil A. Armstrong, the Command Module Pilot was
Michael Collins, and the Lunar Module Pilot was Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.
The hmar landing was achieved by a method established in July of 1962. The method
ultimately chosen, demonstrated as feasible by the Apollo 10 mission, was a lunar orbit
rendezvous. This technique met the constraints of time, funds, safety, and technology.
The scheme was recommended to NASA management by John C. Houbolt, an
aeronautical engineer at the NASA Langley Research Center. In Houbolt's scheme, a
Saturn V rocket would launch the Apollo craft, a three-man crew, and a lunar landing
craft on a lunar orbital course. Once in orbit, two men would transfer to the lunar landing
spacecraft, undock from the mother ship, and descend to the lunar surface. After the
lunar visit, the crew would launch and rendezvous with the Command ship in lunar orbit,
leave the landing vehicle in orbit, and return to Earth. The selection of the method for
accomplishing the lunar landing was of great importance for the design of the spacecraft
and the launch vehicle. Lunar orbit rendezvous was ultimately selected based on a
tradeoff which considered launch weights and other operational considerations.
Three days after the launch to the moon, the Apollo 11 spacecraft was slowed by the
Service Module propulsion system from a velocity of 10 139 km/hr (6300 mph) to
6437 km/hr (4000 mph). On Saturday, July 19, 1969, the spacecraft achieved lunar
orbital insertion. The orbit ranged from 86.6 by 105.7 km (53.8 by 65.7 miles) from the
lunar surface. On Sunday, July 20th, with MichaelCollins remaining behind in the
Command Module, Columbia, Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin entered the Lunar
Module, Eagle. On the 13th lunar orbit, the spacecraft separated and the Lunar Module
descent engine was fired. Astronaut Armstrong used the manual control mode to land the
craft. He had realized that the Sea of Tranquility was strewn with boulders, and he
Apollo Missions 29

wished to place the spacecraft down in a safe attitude. Over 500 million people heard the
first words from the moon, “Contact light. Okay, engine stopped ...Houston, Tranquility
Base here. The Eagle has landed.” Six hours after the successful landing, Astronaut
Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface. Twenty minutes later, he was followed by
Astronaut Aldrin (figure 11).

Figure 11. Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot,
stepping onto the lunar surface.

The astronauts quickly adapted to movement in lunar gravity, adopting a loping gait,
a kind of kangaroo hop, as the most efficient for negotiating the lunar surface. They
collected approximately 21 kg (46 Ib) of rock and soil samples and set up the Apollo
Early Surface Experiment Package (ESEP). The scientific payload consisted of a passive
seismometer, a direct Earth-moon communications link, a solar wind experiment designed
to isolate exotic gases in the solar wind, such as argon and krypton, for return to Earth
for analysis; and an array of optical reflectors serving as targets for laser pointing systems
on Earth, with the objective of more precisely measuring the distance between the Earth
and the moon. After two and one-half hours of work on the lunar surface, the astronauts
returned to the Lunar Module. Several hours later, the Lunar Module ascent stage was
launched; it docked about three and one-half hours afterwards with the Command
Module. During the return flight to Earth, the crew vacuum cleaned their clothing and
equipment and took numerous precautions as part of a quarantine program to avoid
carrying back to Earth any possible contamination from the moon. On Thursday,
30 Biomedical Results of Apollo

July 24, after an eight-day mission, the crew splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. They
donned biological isolation garments and were recovered by helicopter and transferred to
the recovery ship USS Hornet where they were placed in a Mobile Quarantine Facility, a
trailer modified for the purpose. They traveled in the MQF to the Lunar Receiving
Laboratory in Houston, where they were kept in isolation for 21 days after lift-off from
the lunar surface to preclude the possibility of contaminating the Earth with lunar
organisms or material. Extensive medical and biological tests determined that no harmful
organisms were present in any of the materials returned from the moon, and quarantine
was terminated.
The materials returned from the 1 533 225 km (952 700 mile) journey to the moon
and back were distributed to 144 scientists throughout the world. Figure 12 illustrates
material from lunar rock. Among the scientific findings reported was the fact that the
moon is approximately 4.6 billion years old.* The presence of minute deposits of gold,
silver, and rubies in the lunar rilles was established, and evidence was found indicating
that there were lava flows on the moon at one time. Additionally, three new mineral
elements were discovered in the Apollo 11 samples analysis.


Figure 12. Photomicrographsof lunar rock.

*For further information concerning lunar scientific discoveries, the reader is referred to the
Apollo 11 Lunar Science, Conference, Volumes 1-3 (Pergamon Press, 1970); the Proceedings of the
Second Lunar Science Conference, Volumes 1 3 (The MIT Press, 1971); and the Proceedings of the
Third Through Fifth Lunar Science Conferences (Pergamon Press, 1972-1974).
Apollo Missions 31

During the transearth trajectory, the Apollo 11 crew reported seeing streaks, points,
and flashes of light. These visual phenomena were observed with the eyes both open and
closed. It is believed that the effect was generated by extremely high energy particles of
cosmic origin. These phenomena were reported by all subsequent Apollo crews.

Apollo 12

On November 14, 1969, Apollo 12 began its 244.5-hour (10-day) mission. The second
lunar landing mission was crewed by Charles Conrad, Jr., Commander;
Richard F. Gordon, Jr., Command Module Pilot; and Alan L. Bean, Lunar Module Pilot.
During the launch, the spacecraft was struck twice by lightning, causing some
interruption in electrical power. Contact with Mission Control was lost briefly. This was
the first instance where any situation occurred that could have resulted in mission abort
during launch. After about two hours of electrical system checkout in Earth orbit, all
systems were pronounced in good working order.
The prime engineering objective of the Apollo 12 mission was to accomplish a point
landing of the Lunar Module. On the Apollo 11 mission, the objective was simply to land
in a safe general area, and the vehicle had touched down 6.5 km (4 miles) beyond the
planned target point. The landing site selected for the Apollo 12 mission was a point
305 m (1000 ft) east and 152 m (500 ft) north of the site where Surveyor 3 had
softlanded on the moon in 1967. Lunar orbit was achieved three days after launch. On
November 19, Astronauts Conrad and Bean piloted the Lunar Module to the target lunar
site. The Lunar Module, Intrepid, succeeded in touching down only 163 m (535 ft) from
the Surveyor 3 spacecraft in the Ocean of Storms (figure 13).
Despite some loss of visibility due to dust created by the descent engine, the
Apollo 12 Lunar Module landed with a reserve of propellants that was equivalent to
58 seconds of hover time. The Apollo 12 lunar surface crew made two extravehicular
excursions, remaining on the moon for 31 hours, seven and three-quarters of which were
spent exploring and working on the lunar surface. The first EVA was devoted to the
emplacement of an Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP) (figure 14) and
the collection of lunar rock samples. The ALSEP experiments included a passive
seismometer to measure seismic events; a lunar atmosphere detector to determine the
den_i,%, of any atmosphere the moon might have ha& a lunar ionosphere detector to
provide information on the energy and mass spectra of the positive ions close to the lunar
surface, among other objectives; and a device to measure the amount of lunar dust which
accumulated on the ALSEP station.
The second lunar EVA, which lasted for three hours and 49 minutes, was devoted to
collecting additional lunar samples, taking photographs, and inspecting the Surveyor 3
spacecraft. The Surveyor had made a major contribution to the Apollo 12 flight by
sending back more than 6000 photographs of the Apollo 12 landing area. The Apollo 12
astronauts retrieved a television camera from the Surveyor, as well as sections of
aluminum tubing and bits of glass insulation and cables. The astronauts probed the lunar
surface to a depth of 81.3 cm (32 in.), bringing back rock samples from this layer of the
lunar crust. In all, 34 kg (75 Ib) of rock and soil samples were collected.
After ascent from the lunar surface and docking with the Command Module, the
Lunar Module ascent stage was intentionally jettisoned and allowed to crash into the
31 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Figure 13. Surveyor 3 spacecraft (foreground)

and Apollo 12 Lunar Module on the lunar surface.

Figure 14. Deployment of the Apoll, -mar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP)
during the Apollo 12 mission.
Apollo Missions 33

lunar surface in order to calibrate the seismometer. The Intrepid impacted the moon 64.4
km (40 miles) from the Apollo 12 landing site and the seism0meter installation, setting
off vibrations which continued for almost an hour. This occurrence suggested that the
moon was an unstable structure and that the impact had initiated a series of
"avalanches." Before leaving lunar orbit, the crew obtained extensive photographic
mapping data used for training future crews.
After a safe landing in the Pacific Ocean, the Apollo 12 crew, like the Apollo 11
crew, were quarantined while medical and biological studies were performed. Again, no
life forms were found in lunar materials. Another unqualified success in the space
program, the Apollo 12 mission provided data through the ALSEP experiments and lunar
sample collection that added greatly to man's knowledge of the moon.

Apollo 13
The harrowing odyssey of Apollo 13 ended in the South Pacific Ocean on April 17,
1970. The mission was launched from the Kennedy Space Center on April 11 with a crew
comprised of James A. Lovell, Jr., Commander; John L. Swigert, Jr., Command Module
Pilot (replacing Thomas K. Mattingly who was relieved of duty after exposure to German
measles); and Fred W. Haise, J r., Lunar Module Pilot.
Apollo 13 would have been the first lunar mission to be dedicated almost entirely to
geological research. The Lunar Module was to have landed on one of the roughest areas of
the moon yet to be explored. The lunar surface crew would have traversed greater
distances on the moon than any previous crews, with the distance being left to their own
discretion. They were scheduled to climb one of the ridges of Fra Mauro and descend into
a crater to check communications degradation, carrying a three-meter (10-ft) long drill to
withdraw a core sample from beneath the lunar surface.
Approximately four hours after launch, the Command Module was docked with the
Lunar Module. The hatches were opened between the spacecraft and the lunar surface
crew entered the Lunar Module to perform checkout operations. About 56 hours into the
mission, the crew reported that emergency alarms had sounded in the Command Module
and that they had heard a muffled explosion. "Okay, Houston. Hey, we've got a problem
here," the spacecraft transmitted. In rapid order, the spacecraft reported problems with
two of the three fuel cells in the Service Module. These cells supplied electrical power for
the spacecraft and produced oxygen and water as byproducts. They also reported venting
of gases from the Service Module. The existence of an extreme emergency was clearly
An electrical short circuit occurring in oxygen tank number 2 caused combustion
within the tank. This combustion created a pressure and temperature rise and, within
seconds, rupture of the tank. This set off a pressure rise inside Service Module bay No. 4,
and the panel covering the compartment blew out. Oxygen required for breathing and for
the electricity-producing fuel cells was rapidly depleted. This was the most serious failure
ever experienced in manned space flight, particularly since the crew was on a lunar
trajectory and could not return to Earth for approximately four days.
Emergency procedures were rapidly developed by the crew and by ground control
teams. The plan adopted was for the crew to man the Lunar Module, which had not been
affected by the accident, and use the vehicle as a "life boat." The Lunar Module life
34 Biomedical Results of Apollo

support system was used to pressurize both spacecraft. Batteries in the Lunar Module
supplied power for essential communications and for operation of navigational
equipment. The Lunar Module descent stage propulsion system was to be used for
required maneuvers.
At first, the dearth of vital supplies was of great concern. Only about 38 hours of
power, water, and oxygen were available, and this was about half as much time as would
be needed to bring the craft home. However, ground-based personnel devised techniques
for powering down the systems to conserve supplies. This created a hardship on the crew
because the Lunar Module became uncomfortably cold, but it did provide an ample
safety margin for the return trip. One significant problem was that the Lunar Module
equipment could not extract sufficient amounts of carbon dioxide to make the
atmosphere safe to breathe. Improvised carbon dioxide removal systems conceived by
ground personnel were assembled by the crew, and these successfully resolved the
On April 17, the Lunar Module was jettisoned one hour before entry into the Earth's
atmosphere. The crew splashed down in the Pacific Ocean within 6 km (4 miles) of the
recovery ship and were onboard the carrier within 45 minutes of touchdown. Apart from
a urinary tract infection developed by one of the crewmen, the crew was in reasonably
good health. Six days and 1 001 933 585 km (541 000 856 nautical miles) after its
launch, the hazardous journey of Apollo 13 had come to an end.*

Apollo 14
The third successful lunar expedition was commanded by America's first man in
space, Alan B. Shepard, Jr., and lasted nine days. The mission's Command Module Pilot
was Stuart A. Roosa, and the Lunar Module Pilot was Edgar D. Mitchell. The mission,
launched on January 31, 1971, stressed geological studies and the emplacement of
experimental packages. The launch was the first in the Apollo series to be delayed, this
because the experience of Apollo 12 engendered caution when rain clouds were noted in
the Cape Canaveral vicinity. After insertion into the translunar trajectory, approximately
six attempts were required before successfully docking the Command Module with the
Lunar Module.
The docked spacecraft were placed in very low lunar orbit, about 97 km (60 miles) at
the high point and 15 250 m (50 000 ft) at the low point. This was the lowest lunar orbit
executed in the docked configuration and another fuel saving maneuver for the lunar
landing. Following separation, the Command and Service Module was inserted into a
97-km (60-mile) circular orbit. Some problems were experienced with the abort system in
the Lunar Module landing radar after separation from the Command Module, but the
spacecraft was nonetheless brought to a safe touchdown on February 5. The first lunar
EVA lasted four hours and 44 minutes, during which an ALSEP package was deployed in

*Anon: The Apollo 13 Accident. Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S.
House of Representatives. U.S. Government Printing Office (Washington, D.C.), June 16, 1970.
Anon: The Apollo 13 Mission Review. Hearings before the Committee on Aeronautical and Space
Sciences, U.S. Senate, 91st Congress, 2nd Session. U.S. Government Printing Office
(Washington, D.C.), June 30,1970.
Apollo Missions 35

the vicinity of Doublet Craters in the Fra Mauro region of the moon. During this EVA,
the astronauts took photographs of large boulders and collected geological samples. On
the next day, the lunar surface crew loaded hand tools onto a Modularized Equipment
Transporter (MET). With the two-wheeled, two-legged, rickshaw type device, the
astronauts set out for Cone Crater, 1.3 km (one mile) away. They were to bring the
device up the crater, 122 m (400 ft) to the rim, and roll stones down its inner side. After
two hours and ten minutes, 50 minutes behind schedule, the task had to be abandoned
because the crew was tiring seriously and their heart rates were elevated, to 150 beats per
minute in Shepard's case, and 128 in Mitchell's.
On February 6, the Lunar Module, Antares, lifted off from the moon to rendezvous
with the Command Module for return to Earth. Fortunately, no further docking
problems occurred. A record amount of lunar surface material, 43 kg (95 lb), was
returned for study on Earth.
The Apollo 14 crew was the last to be quarantined after space flight. Their quarantine
program, because of rigorous preflight procedures, was the most stringent observed. After
the exposure of the Apollo 13 crewman to a communicable disease, a special program was
designed to curtail the number of contacts with other individuals prior to flight. Only
wives and a group of about 150 people considered essential to the mission had any direct
contact with the prime and backup crews. Also, special air filtration equipment was
installed in buildings they used. Three weeks from the time they took off from the lunar
surface, the U.S. postlanding lunar quarantine program ended.

Apollo 15
The Apollo 15 mission was the fourth successful manned lunar landing mission, and
the first in a series of three lunar missions designed to maximally utilize man's capability
for scientific exploration of the lunar surface. Mission Commander, David R. Scott, a
veteran of the Apollo 9 and Gemini 8 missions; Lunar Module Pilot, James B. Irwin; and
Command Module Pilot/Lunar Orbital Science Experimenter, Alfred M. Worden, began
their twelve-day mission on July 26, 1971. The mission included extensive lunar
extravehicular activity and was the first to use the Lunar Roving Vehicle (figure 15).
Changes in extravehicular life support equipment extended EVA time from four to five
hours to seven to eight hours without rechar_ng. Further_ the l,unar Mnd,l_ was
modified to permit lunar surface stays of double the length of the previous 37-hour
maximum. The crew accomplished detailed orbital mapping of the lunar surface from
orbit using a three camera system and a laser altimeter, and placed a subsatellite in lunar
orbit designed to transmit data on the moon's environment for a period of one year.
The Apollo 15 Lunar Module, Falcon, landed on the moon approximately 549 m
(1800 ft) from its target, along the base of the Apennine Mountains, some of the highest
on the near side of the moon, whose peaks rise to 3658 m (12 000 ft) above the plains.
The landing site was selected to allow collection of lunar samples from a mare basin,
mountains, and a rille in one mission.
Astronaut Scott described the lunar features as very smooth. He reported that the
tops of the mountains were rounded, and that there were no sharp peaks or large
boulders. Scott and Astronaut Irwin made three lunar excursions, two for seven hours
duration and one for six. During the first excursion, the crew deployed the Lunar Roving
36 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Vehicle, set up the third lunar surface experiment package, and obtained lunar samples. A
color television camera was mounted on the Lunar Rover and remotely controlled by
Mission Control in Houston to permit engineers and scientists on Earth to follow the
crew’s activities. The crew exceeded the planned 8 km (5 mile) excursion radius and
drove nearly 10.3 km (6.4 miles) on their first EVA. In all, the astronauts spent
19%hours exploring over a distance of 27.9 km (1’7%miles) on the moon. They collected
an astounding 77.6 kg (171 Ib) of lunar material.

Figure 15. Apollo 15 Lunar Roving Vehicle.

The Apollo 15 crew was the first to experience any serious physiological difficulty.
The crew’s reactions differed radically from those of other crews, and stand out as an
anomaly in the Apollo Program. Irregular heart beats were noted on the lunar surface
and, again, on the return flight to Earth. Bigeminies and premature auricular and
ventricular contractions were seen. In one instance, an arrhythmia recorded during a sleep
period was accompanied by a very low heart rate, 28 beats per minute. These arrhythmias
are believed to have been linked to potassium deficits and excessive workloads. There
may also have been a relationship between preexisting, undetected coronary artery
disease in one crewmember and the arrhythmias noted during the mission. The crew also
recovered more slowly upon their return to Earth than did any prior or future crew.
Sixty-seven hours after their lunar landing, Astronauts Scott and Irwin fired the
ascent stage engine and left the lunar surface to rendezvous with the Command Module,
Endeavor. After a successful docking, the Lunar Module was jettisoned and impacted the
moon at a previously determined target point to test the seismic equipment left behind.
Apollo Missions 37

The Command Module remained in lunar orbit for two days to continue and complete
scientific experiments. The subsatellite was successfully ejected from the Scientific
Instrument Module Bay (SIMBAY) at this time. Spectrometric measurements were
obtained of gamma ray, X-ray, and alpha particles to provide a geochemical
compositional map of the moon's surface. Astronaut Worden made a "space walk" during
translunar coast, spending some 90 minutes retrieving two film cassettes from the
SIMBAY. The tethered EVA was the first ever made for a practical working purpose
during a space mission. The crew splashed down in the Pacific Ocean on August 7.

Apollo 16

On April 16, 1972, after a delay of one month for technical problems, Apollo 16 was
launched. It was the fourth mission for JohnW. Young, Commander.
Charles M. Duke, Jr., served as Lunar Module Pilot, and Thomas K. Mattingly, II, was the
Command Module Pilot. Descartes Crater, the lunar landing site selected for Apollo 16,
was chosen because it afforded the opportunity to bring back samples representing the
oldest and youngest periods of the moon. Topographical features of this site indicated it
to be an area of lunar volcanic and chemical evolution.
Minor problems were encountered on the outward flight which caused the crew to
spend a significant amount of time troubleshooting. The first major crisis occurred after
undocking of the two spacecraft on the 12th lunar orbit. With just minutes to go before
starting their final descent to the lunar surface, Astronauts Young and Duke were ordered
to continue orbiting and to reduce the gap between themselves and the Command Module
for possible redocking because of an oscillation problem in the Service Module propulsion
system. Tests showed that the system was usable and safe, but the investigation of the
problem delayed the lunar landing about six hours.
The crew landed 270 m (886 ft) northwest of the planned landing site on a hilly and
furrowed edge of the Kent Plateau in the Central Lunar Highlands, among the highest
mountains on the lunar surface. With the aid of the Lunar Rover, Young and Duke
performed three excursions. The first lasted seven hours and 11 minutes. With an
improved drill, they were able to obtain three-meter (10-ft) deep core samples during this
EVA without the difficulty which had exhausted the Apollo 15 crew. On the second
extravehicular expedition, excellent television coverage permitted scientists on Earth to
observe the nature of the landing site. To their surprise, there was no evidence of volcanic
During the second EVA, the astronauts collected lunar samples at Stone Mountain
and several craters. On the third excursion, the crew drove the Lunar Rover to the rim of
North Ray Crater, photographing and obtaining samples. After a total of 71 hours on the
moon, including 20_A hours of extravehicular time, a journey of about 27 km (17 miles),
and the collection of 94 kg (207 lb) of lunar samples, Young and Duke ascended from the
lunar surface in the Orion. Ascent and docking went perfectly, but an incorrectly
positioned switch caused the Lunar Module to tumble immediately after jettisoning. An
evasive maneuver by the Command Module left the Lunar Module in lunar orbit, and it
did not impact the lunar surface until much later than planned. A second particles and
fields subsatellite, like that launched by Apollo 15, was successfully ejected from the
SIMBAY and placed in lunar orbit.
38 Biomedical ResuRs of Apollo

During the return to Earth, the crewmen participated in a light flash observation
session and took photographs for use in a Skylab Program study on the behavior and
effects of particles emanating from the spacecraft. The Command Module Pilot carried
out an extravehicular activity which included the retrieval of film cassettes from the
scientific instrument module cameras, inspection of the equipment, and activation of an
experiment designed to provide data on microbial response to the space environment.
As a result of improved work/rest schedules and other factors, the Apollo 16 crew did
not experience any of the physiological problems which characterized the Apollo 15
mission. No irregular heart beats were recorded, and the crew recovered their preflight
baseline physiological status in the normal period of time postflight. On March 28, one
day earlier than planned, Apollo 16 splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. The mission had
lasted eleven days.

Apollo 17
On December 7, 1972, the last lunar landing mission was launched from the Kennedy
Space Center. The 14-day mission was manned by Eugene A. Ceruan, Commander;
Ronald E. Evans, Command Module Pilot; and Dr. Harrison H. Schmitt, Lunar Module
Pilot who was also a geologist. The launch, illustrated in figure 16, was the first night
launch. Taurus-Littrow was Apollo 17's lunar objective. The site was chosen in the hope
that samples found there would answer two key questions left unanswered by previous
mission samples. The first was whether the moon had been thermally inactive for the last
3.2 billion years. Secondly, it was hoped that the Taurus-Littrow landing site would
contain materials to bridge the critical gap left by previous samples, between 3.7 and
4.5 billion years.
After three hours in Earth orbit, the spacecraft were propelled by the Saturn IV-B on
their path to the moon. Eighty-six hours after launch, the spacecraft went into lunar
orbit. As on the four previous missions, the Saturn IV-B was maneuvered into position to
impact the lunar surface after separation from the docked spacecraft. Impact occurred
about 135 km (84 miles) from the planned site and was recorded by the passive
seismometers deployed by Apollo 12, 14, 15, and 16. After 21Yz hours in lunar orbit, the
Lunar Module was undocked, and about three and one-half hours after that, Astronauts
Cernan and Schmitt set their craft down on the southeastern rim of the Sea of Serenity at
the Taurus-Littrow site.
The crew remained on the lunar surface for about 75 hours, and made three
explorations, totaling 22 hours. Again, with the help of the Lunar Rover, large areas of
the moon were traversed. At the end of the mission, the astronauts had covered 34 km
(21 miles) of lunar surface. The crew's first task was to deploy the Lunar Surface
Experiment Package. This time, the ALSEP contained a heat flow experiment to replace a
comparable experiment which had suffered a failure on Apollo 16. The objective was to
measure heat flow from the interior of the moon to the surface to provide an
understanding of the moon's core temperature and, perhaps, the processes involved in its
formation and activity. Other experiments in the package included a lunar surface gravity
experiment, an atmosphere composition experiment, instruments to detect
micrometeorites, and seismic profile equipment for the measurement of moonquake
activity, magnetic fields, solar wind, and other parameters.
Apollo Missions 39

Figure 16. Night launch of Apollo 17.

The scientific yield of Apollo 17 was perhaps the richest of any Apollo lunar landing
mission. The crew collected samples of a greater variety than any previously collected.
They discovered significant materials indicating lunar volcanic activity. On their second
EVA, the astronauts discovered a unique, orange colored surface material never before
observed on the moon. Postflight analysis indicated this material contained magnetite.
The site had a very large landslide that was also sampled by the crew. By the end of their
75-hour stay, the crew had collected 110 kg (243 lb) of lunar materials. This was a record
in the lunar exploration program.
On previous missions, the Command Module Pilot had taken photographs of the
moon with the panoramic and mapping cameras and had utilized the laser altimeter while
in lunar orbit during the period of lunar surface exploration. Three new experiments were
included in the Service Module of Apollo 17 and were the responsibility of the Command
Module Pilot. He conducted lunar atmospheric composition and density measurements
with an ultraviolet spectrometer, used an infrared radiometer to map lunar thermal
characteristics, and a lunar sounder for the acquisition of subsurface structural data.
The Lunar Module successfully mated with the Command Module and, as had been
done on previous missions, the former was jettisoned as part of the seismic experiment
after transfer of the crew. The Command Module remained in lunar orbit for two days to
complete the experiments begun by the Command Module Pilot. On December 20, the
Command Module, Endeavor, landed in the Pacific Ocean west of Hawaii. With this event,
the Apollo Program was brought to a conclusion.
40 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Concluding Remarks

The Apollo Lunar Landing Program spanned a seven-year period and included
seventeen missions. The 29 astronauts who flew in the Program spent a total of
7506 hours in flight. Twelve of them were placed on the moon for a total of more than
four man-weeks and all were returned safely to Earth. The Apollo Program is viewed as
one of the greatest scientific and engineering successes of man, a national event which
held the attention of millions of people in this country and the world, and required the
development of new and complex equipment ranging from the spacecraft itself to the
tools and clothing used by the crewmen. The Program made it possible to gather lunar
material that has begun to disclose clues about the origin of our solar system. And, at last,
we were certain that no life exists on the moon. The Apollo Program established that the
psychological and physiological effects of the space environment on man were not at all
as severe as had been predicted by some scientists. But, perhaps the greatest significance
of the Apollo Program lies in the fact that it provided information which will assist
scientists and engineers in developing the biomedical and technical support necessary for
man to venture still further into the solar system.
Crew Health and

Inflight Monitoring

The health of Apollo crewmembers was a matter of genuine

concern. An inflight illness, particularly should it occur during a
critical mission phase, could have had serious consequences. To
minimize the chance of illness, an extensive health maintenance
program was conducted to ensure the highest of health standards.
This section describes the clinical practices which were followed and
certain special projects conducted to obtain information bcaring on
the health of astronauts.
N76 12669




W. Royce Hawkins, M.D.

John F. Zieglschmid, M.D.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


While the primary goal of the Apollo Program was to land men on the moon
and return them safely to Earth, there were other very important medical objectives.
The earlier Mercury and Gemini programs bad raised some concerns about the health
and safety of future crews. For example, the high metabolic energy expenditure of
extravehicular activity during the Gemini missions was unexpected. Before Apollo
astronauts could safely explore the lunar surface, reliable predictors of energy cost
and real-time monitoring techniques had to be developed. Physiological changes were
noted in individual crewmen, some more consistently than others. The most
important of these changes was in cardiopulmonary status demonstrated by
decreased exercise capacity, loss of red blood cell mass, and cardiovascular decon-
ditioning demonstrated by a decrease in the effectiveness of antigravity cardio-
vascular responses during postflight stress testing.
At the eIid of tile Gemini program, with 2000 man-hours logged in space, it was
clear that man could engage in relatively long space flight without any serious threat
to health. However, clarification was still required in many areas. First of all,
because of the small number of individuals who flew in space and because of the
variability of their responses, it was impossible to distinguish between space-related
physiological changes and individual physiological variations. Secondly, for those
changes which were directly related to space flight, the relatively short mission
durations precluded the identification of trends.

In view of the foregoing considerations, four medical objectives were specified

for the Apollo Program:

1. Ensuring crew safety from a medical standpoint. This objective required that
every effort be made to identify, eliminate, or minimize anything which

_ osed a potential health hazard to the crew.

44 Biomedic',fl Results of Apollo

2. Improving the probability of mission success by ensuring that sufficient

medical information was available for management decisions.

3. Preventing back-contamination from the lunar surface.

4. Continuing to further the understanding of the biomedical changes incident

to space flight. This objective was formulated to detect, document, and
understand changes occurring during space flight.

The program to ensure crew safety commenced long before the Apollo Program itself
with the development and implementation of the medical selection and screening
program for astronauts. Apollo astronauts were drawn from a pool of individuals who
were thoroughly screened to preclude any physical or physiological problems which
would jeopardize either the mission or the astronaut candidate. Later, special measures
were taken to further protect the health and enhance the safety of those astronauts
chosen for specific Apollo missions. These included preflight medical examinations, a
health stabilization program, drug sensitivity testing of astronauts for all medications
aboard the spacecraft, and other measures.

The preflight medical program was designed to preclude, as far as possible, the
development of any clinical medical problems during space flight. Since no preventive
medicine program, however carefully conceived, can ever guarantee the absence of illness
or disease, medications were carried onboard the Apollo spacecraft. The contents of the
medical kit were revised as need indicated throughout the Apollo Program. Onboard
bioinstrumentation was provided to monitor vital signs for rapid diagnosis of any
physiological difficulty in a crewmember and to provide medical information required for
mission management. Additional information was transmitted via voice communication
between the crew and the ground-based flight surgeons. During extravehicular activity,
methods were added to provide metabolic rate assessment. In addition to heart rate,
oxygen consumption was monitored along with inlet/outlet temperature of the liquid
cooled garment worn by the crewmen.

Opportunities for inflight medical investigations were severely restricted on the

Apollo missions because of conflict with the principal operational objectives. Furtherance
of the understanding of the effects of space flight on human physiological functioning
had to rely almost exclusively on comparison of preflight and postflight observations.
These were carefully selected to focus attention on the areas which appeared most likely
to be affected, for example, cardiovascular function. Other areas were also investigated
for unforeseen changes and corroborative information.

The sections which follow describe medical procedures and findings for Apollo
astronauts in the preflight, inflight, and postflight phases of the Apollo missions.

Preflight Procedures and Findings

The procedures implemented in the preflight period for Apollo missions had five
major objectives. These were:

1. The discovery of latent illnesses during the procc_ of selection of astronauts and
preparation for missions.
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 45

2. The implementation of the health stabilization program and other preventive


3. Determination of individual drug sensitivity to the contents of the Apollo

medical kits.

4. Providing baseline data against which to compare postflight data for determi-
nation of space flight effects.

5. Prevention of any situations which might delay or otherwise interfere with

operational aspects of the missions.

The procedures performed in the preflight period ensured improved performance

of flight tasks and, with rare exceptions, prevented the outbreak of illness inflight.
This outcome was, in part, the result of medical screening and selection programs
designed to provide physically competent crews. Observation and semi-isolation
programs also helped to detect latent ailments which might have produced frank
symptoms during flight. Finally, a training course was presented to astronauts to
acquaint them with stresses of space flight and their effects upon the human

Medical Screening/Examinations
Preventive health care in a population which has been chosen for a particular job
begins with the medical selection of that population. Rigorous astronaut selection
standards were established to identify:

1. Individuals who were physically capable of performing astronaut duties;

specifically those possessing the necessary physical and psychomotor capabilities and
not subject to incapacitating physiological disturbances when exposed to the various
stresses of space flight.

2. Individuals who were free of underlying physical defects or disease processes

which could shorten their useful flight careers.
Apollo astronauts were initially medically screened by techniques which varied only
in minor degree from those applied to the first seven Mercury astronauts. The standards
used closely approximated U.S. Air Force Flying Class I Standards, except in the
selection of scientist-astronauts where visual standards were relaxed to qualify a sufficient
number of candidates. These examinations were performed at the U. S. Air Force School
of Aerospace Medicine, with final review and medical acceptance of candidates by the
NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center medical staff. Listed below are the components
of the examination used for medical selection.

1. Medical history and review of systems.

2. Physical examination.
3. Electrocardiographic examinations, including routine electrocardiographic studies
at rest, during hypervcntilation, carotid massage, and breath holding, a double Master
exercise tolerance test, a cold pressor test, and a precordial map.
46 Biomedical
of Apollo

4. Treadmill exercise tolerance test.

5. Vectorcardiographic study.
6. Phonocardiographic study.
7. Tilt table studies.

8. Pulmonary function studies.

9. Radiographic studies, including cholecystograms, upper GI series, lumbosacral
spine, chest, cervical spine, and skull films.
10. Body composition study, using tritium dilution.
11. Laboratory examinations, including complete hematology workup, urinalysis,
serologic test, glucose tolerance test, acid alkaline phosphatase, BUN, sodium, potassium,
bicarbonate, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, uric acid, bilirubin (direct and
indirect), thymol turbidity, cephalin flocculation, SGOT, SGPT, total protein with
albumin and globulin, separate determinations of Alpha 1 and Alpha 2, Beta and Gamma
globulins, protein bound iodine, creatinine, cholesterol, total lipids and phospholipids,
hydroxyproline, and RBC intracellular sodium and potassium. Stool specimens were
examined for occult blood, and microscopically for ova and parasites. A urine culture for
bacterial growth was done, and a 24-hour specimen analyzed for 17-ketosteroids and
12. Detailed examination of the sinuses, larynx, and Eustachian tubes.
13. Vestibular studies.

14. Diagnostic hearing tests.

15. Visual fields and special eye examinations.
16. General surgical evaluation.
17. Procto-sigmoidoscopy.
18. Dental examination.

19. Neurological examination.

20. Psychologic summary, including Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test, Bender
Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Rorschach Test, Thematic Apperception Test, Draw-A-Person
Test, Gordon Personal Profile, Edwards' Personal Preference Schedule, Miller Analogies
Test, and Performance Testing.
22. Electroencephalographic studies.
23. Centrifuge testing.
The preflight medical examinations for Apollo crewmembers included detailed
physical examinations and special studies. The physical examinations commenced 30 days
prior to launch and ended on the day of lift-off. The special studies involved collection of
baseline data for comparison with postflight findings. The areas of particular interest were
microbiology, immuno-hematology, clinical chemistry, and cardiopulmonary function.
Baseline data collection in each of these areas, of course, had bearing on crew health, but
was additionally obtained in order to answer the following critical questions:
1. Did a change take place in a particular dependent variable?
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 47

2. Was the change significantly different from that occurring in a control group?
3. What was the extent of the change?
4. What was the time course of the observed change?
5. Was it possible to provide causal interpretations?

The following sections provide details concerning the preflight physical examinations
and special baseline studies.

Physical Examinations. The physical examinations of Apollo crewmembers were

intended to document the crewmenbers' physical qualifications for the mission, to detect
any medical problems which might require remedial or preventive intervention, and to
provide baseline data for postflight comparison. Physical examinations were conducted in
the following manner:

1. Preliminary examination at F-30 days. At this time, interval history, vital signs,
and a general physical examination were conducted.

2. Interim examination at F-15 days. General physical examination, dental examina-

tion, and monitoring of vital signs were accomplished.

The preliminary and interim examinations included the following procedures:

• An interval history and detailed review of systems, vital signs - to include oral
temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate.

• ENT examination to include visual inspection of the external ears, auditory

canals, and tympanic membranes, the nose and nasal passages, transillumination
of the frontal and maxillary sinuses, and visual inspection of the anterior and
posterior middle pharynx.

• Examination of the eyes to include visual inspection and palpation of the lids and
lacrimal apparatus, visual inspection of the conjunctiva, sclera, and cornea, and
ophthalmoscopic examination of the lens, media, and fundus.

• Examination of the heart to include palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

• Examination of the lungs to include palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

• Examination of the abdomen to include palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

• Examination of the genitalia and anal regions.

• Examination of the extremities for recent trauma or limitation of function.

• " Neurological examination to include a brief examination of the cranial nerves and
motor, sensory and proprioceptive modalities.

Skin, visual inspection.

Lymph nodes, by palpation.

Dental examination (interim examination only).

3. Comprehensive examination at F-5 days. The comprehensive examination

consisted of the procedures on the following page.
48 Biomedical
Results of Apollo

• Interval history, vital signs, including height, weight, oral temperature, pulse rate,
and blood pressure.
• ENT Examination:

a. Ears: Visual inspection of external ears, auditory canals and tympanic

membranes, screening Rudmose audiometry.
b. Nose: Visual inspection, sinus transillumination, if indicated by recent
c. Throat: Direct examination of middle pharynx.

d. Eyes: Same as for preliminary examination, plus distant and near visual
acuity, near-point of accommodation, phorias, and visual fields.

• Heart: Palpation, percussion, and auscultation, plus standard twelve-lead EKG.

• Lungs: Palpation, percussion, and auscultation, plus PA chest film.

• Abdomen: Palpation, percussion, and auscultation, plus abdominal scout film.

• Genitalia and anus: Inspection, plus digital rectal examination.

• Extremities: Examination for recent trauma, range of function.

• Neurological examination: Detailed examination of cranial nerves, motor,

sensory, and proprioceptive modalities.

• Skin: Visual inspection, plus photographs of any areas of significant interest.

4. Cursory examination - F4 to F-O days. Brief physical examinations and histories

were conducted in the last four days before flight. These included recording of vital signs,
oral temperature, pulse, blood pressure, weight, plus a brief examination of the ears, nose,
throat, heart, and lungs. Other signs and systems were examined as indicated by the
medical history.
The scheduled physical examinations varied slightly with mission requirements.
However, these had to commence not earlier than 30 and not later than 21 days prior to
lift-off in order to provide sufficient time to diagnose and treat any illnesses of recent
onset. Some of the significant medical findings that occurred during the 30-day preflight
period are listed in table 1. The comprehensive examination performed five days prior to
launch was intended to accurately document the physical status of each crewmember at
the outset of the mission. The final examination prior to flight involved last minute
recordings of critical parameters to provide the most reliable basis that could be obtained
for postflight comparisons.
The following paragraphs provide some detail on various aspects of the physical

Dental Examinations. Dental care was provided as a regular part of the ongoing
health care program of astronauts. However, special measures were taken prior to
missions to preclude, wherever possible, dental problems during flight. All crewmen were
evaluated at or about F-15. Because of the relatively short duration of the Apollo flights,
emphasis was placed on general observation rather than definitive quantitative research.
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 49

Table l

Preflight Medical Findings in Apollo Mission Crews

Diagnosis Number of Occurrences

Pressure suit abrasions 2

Blister, left toe 1

Pressure suit callouses, scapulae and iliac crests 1

Carious lesion, mesial 1

Cellulitis of the hand secondary to laceration 1

Conjunctival injection 3
Dermatitis 3
Dermatophytosis, feet 2

Folliculitis, abdomen 1
Furunculosis 2

Gastroenteritis 7

Gingival burn 1

Rematomas, secondary to trauma 3

Inflammation, medial canthus, right eye 1

Influenza syndrome 3

Keratosic plaque 1

Traumatic lesion of the right buccal mucosa 1

Viral lesion of the buccal mucosa 1

Viral lymphoid hyperplasia of the postpharynx 3

Pyuria 4

Papules/pustules 5

Paronychia 1

Viral pharyngitis 3

Pulpitis, tooth No. 31 1

Prostatitis 1

minea crura 1

pedis 1

Viral tympanic membrane infection 1

Seborrhea 2

Viral rhinitis 3

Ringworm, arm 1

Beta-hemolytic pharyngitis 1

Sunburn, face and torso 2

Ulcer, aphthous 2

Urinary tract infection 8

50 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Again, because mission duration was short, no special inflight dental treatment capability
was provided for Apollo. It was felt that the risk of a problem occurring was slight and,
when weighed against limitations of weight, space, and training time, providing an inflight
treatment capability was not indicated. Analgesic and antibiotic drugs were provided for
symptomatic treatment of any dental problems. As a further precaution, restorative
dental treatment was avoided in the three-month period prior to launch. The object of
this measure was to minimize the possibility of barodontalgia, a sudden, severe toothache
which can occur when barometric pressure is reduced as a result of expansion of air
entrapped in a dental restoration. When a dental problem arose in the three-month period
prior to flight and a restoration became necessary, the astronaut in question was
subjected to reduced barometric pressure to ascertain the condition of the tooth.
Dental problems that occurred among crewmembers during the Apollo Program
resulted in no appreciable mission impact. During the 90-day preflight period, five of the
thirty-three Apollo crewmen had dental problems requiring treatment. One preflight and
one postflight occurrence of pulpitis could have caused significant crewmember
impairment if the pulpitis had occurred during a flight. Pulpitis, an inflammation of the
dental pulp, causes severe pain that usually can be stopped only by root-canal therapy,
performed by a skilled dentist in a fully equipped dental suite, or by extraction.
Prediction of such occurrences is virtually impossible, although the preventive treatment
of known causative factors can lower the risk of occurrence. The only other preflight
problems were minor fractures of previously placed restorations or minor fractures of
part of a crown of a tooth. Inflight, no problems were experienced. No case of
barodontaigia ever occurred, although some astronauts had experienced this discomfort
during their flying careers.
Experience with Apollo astronauts in an intensive preventive dentistry program led to
the conclusion that the probability of a disabling dental emergency in the astronaut
population is one occurrence in 9000 man-days. The probability of dental problems of
lesser severity, but associated with significant discomfort, is one in 1500 man-days. These
figures are comparable to those recorded for Navy personnel on long submarine patrols.
From these estimations, it is obvious that a provision for emergency inflight dental care
must be made only for very long-duration missions.

Visual Function Testing. Visual function testing was a part of the pre- and postflight
physical examination of Apollo astronauts. Ten visual parameters were tested during the
Apollo Program:
• Unaided visual acuity, 7 m (20 ft)
• Amplitude of accommodation
• Near point of convergence
• Fusional amplitudes, base-in and base-out
• Horizontal phorias, 7 m and 33 cm (20 ft and 13 in.)
• Refraction
• Intraocular tension
• Color perception
• Depth perception
• Visual fields
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 51

One of the major considerations in flight was the amount of harmful ultraviolet (UV)
radiation to which the crewmen would be subjected during extravehicular activity. Prior
to Apollo missions, the UV threshold of the eye was unknown. Over a three-year period,
NASA-sponsored research determined these levels. The problem was, however, subse-
quently resolved with the development and use of Lexan in the extravehicular visor
assembly, since Lexan was opaque to UV radiation. A minimum of 2000 hours of
exposure would be required to produce a corneal "burn" through this plastic.
Table 2 gives the data ascertained for ocular thresholds to UV radiation.

Table 2

Ocular Thresholds for Ultaviolet Radiation

Waveband Solar Flux Relative Effective Flux

(nm) (J/cm2/sec X 10 -4) Effectivity (J/cm2/sec X 10 -4)

215 -- 225 0.2644 0.40 0.1058

225- 235 0.5288 0.31 0.1639
235 -- 245 0.5288 0.53 0.2803
245 -- 255 0.6610 0.50 0.3305
255 -- 265 1.4542 0.53 0.7707
265 -- 275 2.1152 1.00 2.1152
275 -- 285 2.5118 0.68 1.7080
285 -- 295 4.7592 0.57 2.7127
295 -- 305 5.9490 0.57 3.3909
305 -- 315 7.1388 0.29 2.0703

Total ultraviolet effective flux 13.6483 X 10"4j/cm2/sec

Ocular burn threshold for ultraviolet : 40 X 10"4W/cm 2
Ultraviolet band threshold time 2.93 seconds

The harmful effects of UV radiation extend over an area slightly greater than the 215
to 315 nanometer range noted above; however, the relative effectivity outside these
extremes is very low. Summating these slight effects into the flux listed above could
possibly lower the total UV band threshold time to about two and one-half seconds in a
Zero Air Mass environment.

Special Studiex A number of special preflight examinations were conducted and

measurements made to provide a baseline against which to compare postflight findings in
the areas of microbiology, immuno-hematology and clinical chemistry, and
cardiopulmonary function. Details of each of these studies are provided in the related
chapters in Section III of this book. The preflight examination procedures required for
each are discussed only briefly here.
In order to study any microflora alterations which could have occurred in space
flight, preflight samples were taken to catalog the microorganisms found on the
crewmembers and their clothing, and on spacecraft surfaces. Samples collected for culture
52 Biomedical Results of Apollo

included swabs of various parts of the body, throat gargle, and urine and fecal samples.
These were collected on four occasions in the month prior to flight. Blood samples were
also collected on three occasions in this same time frame.
Baseline data were obtained on the cellular elements of the blood, the chemical
constituents of the blood and urine, and the humoral and cellular factors involved in
immunity. The hematological and chemical measurements of various blood constituents
were one portion of comprehensive examinations designed to disclose the state of
well-being or the presence of occult disease in the crews. Blood analyses furnished data
which, when integrated with facts obtained from histories and physical examinations,
permitted an objective assessment of the physical status of the astronauts and allowed for
remedial action if required. However, no values outside of the normal range were
Biochemical and hematological baseline information was obtained, in part to
quantitate the effect of the stresses inherent in space flight, and in part to aid medical
personnel in medical management of crews in the postflight period.
Cardiopulmonary evaluations and findings are discussed at length in Section III,
Chapter4 Apollo Flight Crew, Cardiovascular Evaluations, and Chapter 5, Exercise
Response. Preflight orthostatic tolerance tests and exercise response tests were performed
to provide baseline information to facilitate assessment of space flight effects.
Cardiopulmonary data were obtained to develop heart rate versus metabolic rate
calibration curves that would be used for estimating real-time work output during
extra'.,ehicular activity. Utilization of Douglas bags, a Tissot spirometer, and an oxygen
consumption computer or metabolic rate meter also made determination of
cardiopulmonary efficiency possible. Evaluation of cardiopulmonary data was
accomplished by observing how the dependent variables-workload, oxygen
consumption, blood pressure response, respiratory response, and EKG- changed in
response to the independent variable, heart rate.
The extent of cardiovascular system "deconditioning" was assessed also by
comparison with preflight baseline responses to the application of negative pressure to the
lower half of the body by means of the lower body negative pressure (LBNP) device.
Preflight evaluations were made at least three times in the month preceding flight. The
test procedures involved five minutes with the subject at supine rest in the LBNP device, a
total of fifteen minutes at negative pressures ranging from -40x 102N/m 2 to
-67 x 102N/m 2 (-30 to -50mm Hg), and five minutes of recovery. Because missions
involving postflight quarantine could not accommodate the size of the LBNP device in
the Mobile Quarantine Facility, a static stand-type of orthostatic tolerance testing was
substituted. This involved obtaining five minutes of electrocardiographic data while the
crewman was standing still with his back to the wall and his feet apart. Test conditions
were controlled and standardized to exclude unnecessary variables such as environmental
temperature, time of day, food intake, physical exertion, or venipuncture.

Health Stabilization

The problem of communicable disease exposure prior to flight, with subsequent

development of symptoms in flight, was recognized as a potential hazard from the
beginning of the United States space program. Total isolation of flight crews for a period
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 53

of time prior to launch offered indisputable advantages but was initially thought to be
infeasible because of the operational difficulties involved. Flight crews were required to
be in contact with large number_ of people and to move from place to place during the
last few weeks of their training in preparation for a space flight.
When clinical illnesses impacted preflight mission operations during Apollo 9 and 13,
it became apparent that some type of preflight health stabilization program was
imperative. Prior to Apollo 14, 57 percent of the Apollo crewmembers experienced some
illness of varying degrees of severity at some time during the 21 days before launch. Based
on observations of the first several flights and on the observation of crewmember
activities during earlier manned Mercury and Gemini missions, the Flight Crew Health
Stabilization Program was developed and implemented for the Apollo 14 mission and
subsequent missions. Such a program, rigorously enforced, can result in a significant
reduction of infectious disease hazard, although the hazard cannot be eliminated
Table 3 lists the illness events in Apollo crewmen and shows the dramatic reduction in
illness following the implementation of the health stabilization program.

Table 3

Effect of Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program (FCHSP)

on the Occurrence of Illness in Prime Apollo Crewmen

Mission Illness Crewmen Mission

I Number
Involvedof Phase

Before Implementation of FCHSP

Apollo 7 Upper respiratory infection Preflight, inflight

8 Viral gastroenteritis Preflight, inflight
9 Upper respiratory infection Preflight
10 Upper respiratory infection Preflgiht
11 None
12 Skin infection Inflight
13 Rubella infection Preflight

After Implementation of FCHSP

Apollo 14
15 m

16 m

17 Skin infection Preflight

Drug Sensitivity Testing

Drug sensitivity testing was performed to determine the response of flight

crewmembers to each item in the medical kit to preclude allergic reactions and other
undesirable side effects in flight. Each Apollo crewmember was tested under controlled
54 Biomedical Results of Apollo

conditions to determine his response to medical kit items carried onboard the spacecraft.
(The medical kit is described later in this chapter in the section concerning Inflight
Procedures and Findings.) After a medical history was obtained by a physician regarding
the experience of each crewmember with each medication under test, and it had been
determined that (1) no adverse reaction had been experienced, and (2) there was no
evidence of impaired health at the time of testing, the medication was administered to the
astronaut. The crewmember was observed by the physician for an appropriate period of
time following administration of the medication and was queried about subjective
responses. If positive subjective findings were reported, the test was either repeated with a
double-blind placebo method, or an appropriate drug was substituted for which no
undesirable side effects had been reported. Individuals were additionally tested for any
allergic reaction to the electrode paste.
Table 4 indicates the drug administration and observation constraints applied. All
medications used were treated in a similar fashion.

Medical Training
To perform their inflight tasks optimally, Apollo crewmen required an understanding
of the interaction of space flight stresses and their effects on the human organism,
including the manner in which the body adapts to space flight factors. Further, these
crewmen had to recognize any abnormalities in their health status and understand the
therapeutic measures which might have been prescribed for inflight problems. Medical
training began shortly after astronaut selection with a series of lectures concerned with
space flight physiology and therapeutics. The curriculum encompassed about 16 hours of
didactic instruction provided by experts in each area. The principal elements were as

Cardiorascular System. Brief outline of anatomy and physiology, methods of

observing and monitoring cardiac activity, system response to acceleration,
weightlessness, work and other stresses, functional testing, such as tilt table, lower body
negative pressure, bicycle and treadmill systems.

Pulmonary System. Brief outline of anatomy and physiology, pulmonary function,

gas exchange, problems related to hypo- and hyperbaric environments, physiologic limits
of spacecraft atmospheres, contemplated atmospheres for future vehicles, respiratory
response to acceleration, weightlessness and work, physical conditioning and testing,
respiratory capacity.

Hematology and Laboratory Medicine. Review of Mercury and Gemini findings

involving blood elements and chemistries, review of programs scheduled for Apollo and
Skylab Programs, illustration of the need to establish good baseline data, controls, and
possible expansion of the present program.

The Role of Psychiatry in Crew Selection. Crew and dependents support, personal
considerations of long term confinement, group dynamics, and responses to various
stresses encountered in flight and on the ground.
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 55

Table 4

Typical Pharmacological Agent

Administration and Observation Constraints

Frequency of
Route of
!tem Observation Constraints
by Physician

Meperidine HCI I.M. 1/4 dose 0-15 min; 2nd hour; No flying, driving, or
(Demerol) (25 mg) 4th hour other hazardous pursuit
for 8 hours

Hyoscine 0.3 mg 1 hour and 4 hours Not within 4-6 hours of

and D-amphetamine (Hyoscine) and or immediately on planned sleep
sulfate (Dexedrine) Oral 5.0 mg development of
(Dexedrine) any reaction

Propoxyphene Oral One time within 4 No flying or driving

HCI (Darvon) (65 mg) hours or immediate- within 6 hours
ly on development
of any reaction

Acetylsalicylic Oral One time within 4 None

acid (ASA) (300 mg) hours or immediate-
ly on development
of any reaction

Tetracycline Oral Within 4 hours Not within 24 hours of

(250 mg) or immediately stool collection for
on development of microbiology
any reaction

Diphenoxylate Oral One time within None

HCI with atropine (0.025 rag) 4-8 hours or im-
sulfate (Lomotil) mediately on de-
velopment of any

D-amphetamine Oral 2nd hour, 4th hour Not within 4 to 6

sulfate (5 rag) or immediately on hnurs of plann_l sl_eep,-
(Dexedrine) development of Heart rate to be
' any reaction recorded

Skin cream Topical Within 4-6 hours None

or immediately
on development
of any reaction

Methylcellulose Topical On application None

eye drops

Polymycin Topical On application None

sulfate (Neosporin)
56 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 4 (Continued)

Typical Pharmacological Agent

Administration and Observation Constraints

Frequency of
Route of
Item Observation Constraints
by Physician

N-benzhydryl- Oral Within 4 hours or No flying, driving, etc.

N-methylpiperazine (50 mg) immediately on for 8 hours
monoHCI or lactate development of
(Marezine) any reaction

Proparecaine Topical On application None

HCI (Opthaine)

Simethicone Oral Within 4 hours None


Oxymetazoline Topical (1) On application None

HCI (Afrin) (2) 8-12 hours or
immediately on de-
velopment of any

Electrode paste TOpical At 48 and 72 hours None


Ampicillin Oral 0-15 min; within 4 Not within 24 hours

(250 mg) hours or immediate- of stool collection
ly on development for microbiology
of any reaction

Triprolidine HCI Oral One time within 4 No flying driving, etc.

and pseudo- (60 mg) hours or immediate- for 8 hours
ephedrine HCI ly on development
(Actifed) of any reaction

Description o[ Vestibular System. Its function and equilibrium, and testing thereof,

response of the vestibular system to acceleration, weightlessness, flight experiments in

Gemini, and planning for Apollo and Skylab Programs.

Visual System. Brief description of anatomy and physiology, relationships to other

sensory organs, effects of acceleration and weightlessness on eye and visual system,

problems in space, such as light, ultraviolet trauma, high closing speeds, and depth

perception without reference points.

Refresher courses were required of each astronaut every three years in the technical

and practical aspects of altitude physiology and the medical aspects of survival.
Before each mission, a detailed medical briefing was provided by staff members of the

Johnson Space Center approximately one month before launch. The purpose of the

briefing was as follows:

Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 57

1. To acquaint the crewmembers with the pre- and postflight medical procedures
planned for their mission.
2. To discuss with the crew preventive medicine measures (related to diet, potential
sources of infection, and physical conditioning) recommended for their health
and comfort.
3. To acquaint the crew with the Apollo medical kit and its uses.
4. To review with the crew the flight food and hygienic supplies selected for their
5. To demonstrate the configuration and operation of the biomedical harness.
6. To achieve final coordination of procedures for logging or communicating medical
data during flight.
7. To familiarize the crew with toxicological considerations.

The Astronaut Health Care Program

Once selected, retention of space crewmen on flying status assumes great importance
for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the cost of training such individuals.
Consequently, comprehensive health care is provided all astronauts and their families
through a preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic program managed by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, with aid from many civilian and military
consultants. Care of families by the same physicians rendering care to the astronauts
provides an understanding of the total milieu in which the astronaut lives and functions.
Astronauts must report any and all illnesses and injuries for evaluation and treatment.
Once yearly, during the month of their birth, a thorough physical examination is
performed, whether or not an astronaut remains on active duty status. Preventive dental
care is also rendered. All patients are seen by a dentist at least once every six months and
their conditions evaluated at that time. Emphasis is placed on a home care program.
During these periodic examinations, care is taken to minimize ionizing radiation exposure
during the use of diagnostic X-rays. Astronauts represent a unique population. They have
been exposed to some environmental factors never before experienced by man and to
others to which men have been exposed, but not in the same combination or sequence.
As such, the astronaut population represents the opportunity for a unique longitudinal
,t,;dy which _hallld yi,Ad invnhlzhl_ infnrm_ficm far a_l_ctic_n ,_f f,,htr_ _n_c_, flight cr-,_s.

Listed in tables 5 through 11 are examples of significant medical problems detected

during the annual physical examination. These tables serve to highlight the types of
medical findings contained in the past histories of the astronaut crews. The findings are
invaluable to the mission flight surgeon as background information in the real-time
assessment of inflight medical problems and in pinpointing potential problems that may
arise. It is vital that all inflight signs and symptoms be evaluated in the context of past
medical findings such as are enumerated in these tables.

Inflight Procedures and Findings

During the inflight phase of Apollo missions, medical care was limited to
long-distance biotelemetry monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment with the appropriate
onboard drugs. This treatment was carried out by the space crewmen themselves under
58 Biomedical Results of Apollo

the direction of ground-based flight surgeons. The weightless flight phase of Apollo
missions was characterized by certain transient adaptational difficulties, by a few clinical
illnesses, and by a limited number of physiological phenomena apparently related largely
to space flight factors. The following sections describe the clinical and medical aspects of
the inflight portion of Apollo missions.

Table 5
Infectious Diseases

Number of
Infection Cases

Upper respiratory
Influenza 33

Pneumonia 7

Sinusitis 19

Otitis media 1

Otitis externa 6

Gastroenteritis 29

Genitourinary 30

Bacterial dermatitis 9

Superficial fungal dermatitis 20

Conjunctivitis 3

Blepharitis 1

Chalazion 3

Herpes zoster 1

Herpes hominis, recurrent 1

Cellulitis and lymphangitis 1

Rubella 1

Tuberculin skin test conversion 2

Total 301

Table 6


Number of
Neoplasm Cases

Basal cell carcinoma 2

Polyp, colon 1

Adenoma, thyroid 1

Fibroma 1

Squamous papilloma, eyelid 1

Total 8
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 59

Table 7

Hereditary and Metabolic Diseases

Number of

Plasma thromboplastin antecedent deficiency


Abnormal glucose tolerance

Idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia


Table 8

Degcnerative Disorders

Number of

Hearing loss 6
Presbyopia 6

Lenticular opacities 3

Vertebral degenerative changes 4

Cervical spondylosis-
Brown-Sequard syndrome * 1

Degenerative disc disease, early 1

Total 21

• Not detected during annual physical examination.

rll_ L. 1 _ 13t

Allergic Problems

Number of
Allergic Response Cases

Angioneurotic edema 1
Urticaria 7

Asthma secondary to aspirin hypersensitiviW 1

Skin hypersensitivity, ant bite 1

Allergic vaseulitis and synovitis 1

Contact dermatitis 3

Drug rash 2

Total 16
6O Biomedical Results uf Apollo

Table 10

Traumatic Injuries

Number of

Muscle strain 9

Sprains 9

Torn meniscus (kneel 2

Fractures 11

Dislocation - shoulder and phalanges 2

Lacerations 10

Bursitis or synovitis (elbow) 2

Burns 3

Contusions 3

Eye injuries 9

Dog bite 1

Peripheral compression neuropathy 1

Concussive labyrinthitis 1

Laryngitis (excessive speaking) 1

Total 64

Table 11

Miscellaneous Problems of Medical Significance

Number of

Cholecystitis or cholelithiasis 2

Hernia 2

Sperm granuloma 1

Hemorrhoids, symptomatic 5

Renal calculus 1

Meniere s syndrome 1

Thrombophlebitis 1

Migraine equivalent 1

Congestive prostatitis 2

Rectal fissure 1

Abdominal pain, unknown etiology, severe 1

Atrial fibrillation 1

Dysbarism, bends 1
Barotitis media 5

Total 25
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 61


When the United States space program first began, the concept of obtaining
continuous physiological data by instrumenting the human operator was a new one. No
sufficiently reliable off-the-shelf hardware was available. Since that time, sophisticated
and highly reliable biotelemetry devices have been developed.
Each Apollo crewman wore a biosensor harness which provided a means of
transmitting critical physiological data to the ground. Through this system, medical
personnel were able to evaluate physiological status during such critical phases as launch
and docking, extravehicular activity, and lunar explorations. This real-time telemetry of
vital biomedical information was also available for monitoring Apollo crewmen in the
event of inflight illness.
The operational bioinstrumentation system was designed as an individually adjustable
unit worn under the flight clothing. The biobelt assembly was an electronic system that
included sensors, signal conditioners, and telemetry interfaces. The system returned
electrocardiogram, heart rate, and respiratory pattern and rate data. A two-lead EKG with
synchronous phonocardiography provided an index of cardiac activity. Cardiotachometer
equipment made monitoring of instantaneous and average heart rate information possible.
Voice communications and real-time television observations, coupled with monitoring of
the vital signs, provided the medical basis for an inflight clinical profile of the Apollo
Data from the biotelemetry of the spacecraft were displayed at consoles at the launch
and mission control centers. The consoles were manned continuously by medical
personnel during the course of each mission. Heart and respiration rates were displayed in
digital form; electrocardiogram and impedance pneumogram data were presented on a
cathode ray oscilloscope.
In general, the equipment worked well, although some minor losses of data were
experienced throughout the program. Problems with breakage of bioharness leads and pin
connectors encountered on the Apollo 7 mission were corrected for subsequent flights.
Some degradation of physiological data was caused by loose biosensors, but restoration of
good data was usually obtained by reapplication of the sensors. Sponge pellet electrodes
were used in the biosensor harness for the first time on the Apollo 15 mission. This
modification reduced skin irritation that had earlier resulted from continuous wearing of
the electrodes.
The quality of the data obtained with the new electrodes was excellent. Some data
loss resulted because air became trapped under the electrodes during the Apollo 15
mission, but this was easily corrected by modifying the electrodes with small vents.
Additional data were telemetered during lunar surface extravehicular activity to per-
mit assessment of the portable life support system and, additionally, the determination of
the metabolic activity during lunar excursions. Metabolic rate was approximated by moni-
toring the inlet and the outlet temperatures of the liquid cooled garment. Heart rate and
oxygen usage were also monitored as metabolic rate indices. Of the three methods, the
thermal data and oxygen use methods proved to be reasonably accurate and significantly
more reliable as a means for determining metabolic rate than did heart rate data.
Further documentation of the Apollo bioinstrumentati0n system is reported in
Section VI, Chapter 3, Bioinstrumentation. Additional information concerning
62 Biomedical Results of Apollo

monitoring during extravehicular activity is contained in Section 11, Chapter 4,

Metabolism and Heat Dissipation During Apollo Extravehicular Activity Periods.

I n f l i t Medications
The initial philosophy regarding use of medication precluded usage except in a
medical emergency. Additional experience and the confidence gained thereby permitted
some alteration of this philosophy to the extent that certain drugs were prescribed during
Apollo missions when indicated. For example, hypnotics were prescribed when adequate
rest could not be obtained, particularly when sound sleep was important prior to critical
mission phases.

Medico1 Kit. The contents of the Apollo medical kit (figure 1) were selected based on
experience gained during earlier missions. The drugs were intended to treat the
contingency situations most likely to arise. As noted previously, crewmembers were
tested for sensitivity to all drugs in the medical kit and substitutions were made when

Figure 1. Typical Apollo medical kit.

Table 12 lists drugs and drug stowage and usage aboard the Apollo Command Module.
The contents of the medical kits were changed as more effective medications were
identified. For example, the combination scopolamine/Dexedrine was substituted after
Apollo 11 for the previously stowed Marezine after ground-based tests indicated it was
more effective for the treatment of motion sickness. Likewise, a short-acting barbiturate,
SeconaI, was added after reports of sleep difficulties by the Apollo 7 crew. The cardiac
arrhythmias experienced during the Apollo 15 mission dictated the addition of Pronestyl,
Lidocaine, atropine, and Demerol in missions subsequent to Apollo 15. Each Apollo
vehicle also carried a medical accessory kit in a compartment behind the Lunar Module
Pilot’s couch. Its contents are listed in table 13. An abbreviated version of the Command
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 63

0 _ 0 0,_" 0 0000
p.. _NNN_ o_m

0o_ 0o000oo0_ Io I 0 _°° 00o0

It') oooooo ooooooooo1_ o oo

_r 000000 000000 0 I I _ 0 000

oo0ooo _oO_om I oo i _ _ o_


__ ooo-o_ _ _

____,_ ,,

_ _-___,_-_
_ _ _ _ ,

64 Biomedical Results of Apollo

_0 CO

_0 _0


"¢9 I


Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 65

Module medical kit was carried in the Lunar Module (table 14). The adequacy of the kits
was reviewed after each flight, and appropriate modifications were made for the next

flight. The basic contents of the medical kits remained the same for each mission, but
there was no "standard" kit.

Table 14

Lunar Module Medical Kit

Medical Package Assembly Quantity

Rucksack 1

Stimulant pills (Dexedrine) 4

Pain pills (Darvon) 4

Decongestant pills (Actifed) 8

Diarrhea pills (Lomotil) 12

Aspirin 12
Bandaids 6

Compress bandages 2

Eye Drops (methylcellulose) 1

Antibiotic ointment (Neosporin) 1

Sleeping pills (Seconal) 6

Anesthetic eye drops 1

Nose drops (Afrin) 1

Urine collection and transfer assembly 6

roll-on cuffs

Pronestyl 12

Injectable Drug Kit Quantity

Injectable drug kit rucksack 1

Lidocaine (cardiac) 8

Atropine (cardiac) 4

Demerol (pain) 2

Pills and tablets in the medical kit were packaged in such a manner that the crewman

had easy access to the medication at all times. The pills were sealed individually in cells in
strips of 12 or 24 cells. Midway through the Apollo Program, the number of pills in the

kit was increased. Pressure-related problems in medication packaging were resolved by

puncturing each cell with a small pin; the hole made it possible for the air to vent when

under reduced-pressure conditions.

The use of standard spray bottles in a weightless, reduced-pressure environment

proved unsatisfactory. Sprays were therefore replaced by dropper bottles. However, the

likelihood of overdosage from a dropper bottle and the need for more uniform

distribution of decongestants than is possible with dropper bottles makes future

development of a zero-gravity spray dispenser highly desirable.
66 Biomedical Results of Apollo

General Adaptation
In general, Apollo astronauts adapted well to the world of zero gravity. It was, in
many respects, a boon. Astronauts were able to move effortlessly about the spacecraft,
and this enhanced the perceived volume of the vehicle.
The most frequently reported subjective sensation associated with initial orbital
insertion was a feeling of fullness in the head. This sensation, reported by all but two
crewmen, persisted for four hours to three days. Concomitantly, crewmen noticed a
roundness of the face in one another and engorgement of the veins of the head and neck.
One crewman reported that head fullness was similar to the feelings elicited by standing
on one's head or hanging upside down.
Crews of the Apollo 7, 12, 14, and 15 missions reported some soreness of the back
muscles. This condition was relieved by exercise and hyperextension of the back. No
calibrated inflight exercise program was planned for any of the Ilights; however, an
exercise device was provided. The crewmen typically used the exerciser several times a
day for periods of 15 to 30 minutes when they were in the Command Module.
Insomnia was another frequent crew complaint. The principal reasons for insomnia
were shifting the customary sleep time, altering circadian rhythm, and combating
operational problems. When one considers the unfamiliar environment of space and the
excitement this generated, as well as the onboard noise and other mission-related
disturbances, it is not surprising that the astronauts in some cases failed to obtain
sufficient restful sleep. Some crewmen found it was possible to obtain restful sleep with
the aid of hypnotics.
The first American space crews to report any symptoms of motion sickness were the
Apollo astronauts. The symptoms ranged from so-called "stomach awareness" to frank
nausea and, in a few cases, vomiting. In most instances, the nausea appeared to be related
to rapid body movement before adaptation to weightlessness occurred. Symptoms
subsided or were absent when crewmen moved slowly during the initial period of
weightlessness. Moreover, no recurrence of motion sickness symptoms was reported after
this adaptation period was completed. Increased susceptibility to motion sickness is
thought to be the result of the relatively enhanced effect of stimulation of the
acceleration-detecting nerve ends in the semicircular canals that occurs during weightless-
ness. The otolith, the gravity-sensing component of the inner ear, is thought to bias the
input of the semicircular canals to the brain center that controls vomiting. The removal of
this bias in the weightless condition results in an alteration of the input to the brain from
the semicircular canals. Then, in a susceptible individual, rapid head motions will result in
motion sickness.
Adaptation of the inner ear to weightlessness, which occurs fairly rapidly in most
individuals, can be hastened by appropriate head movements that produce a subthreshold
stimulation of the semicircular canals. This technique was taught to all Apollo crewmen
subsequent to the Apollo 9 mission. Although not all crewmen have used this technique
to assist their adaptation to weightlessness, those crewmen who have used it have
achieved fairly good results.
Considerable variation in susceptibility to motion sickness exists among individuals,
and a prediction of individual susceptibility is not precise. A thorough understanding of
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 67

the physiology of the inner ear is needed for better prediction and prevention of motion

Crew Illness and Medications

Table 15 lists medical problems experienced by Apollo crews in flight. The more
important of these are discussed below.

Apollo 7. Three days prior to the Apollo 7 launch, the Commander and Lunar
Module Pilot experienced slight nasal stuffiness and were successfully treated. They were
medically certified fit for flight when launch day physical examinations of the crew failed
to demonstrate any manifestations of illness.
Approximately 15 hours after lift-off, the crew reported that the Commander had
developed a bad head cold. The flight surgeon recommended aspirin for symptomatic
relief, and that one decongestant tablet (Actifed) be taken every eight hours until the
Commander either felt better or had exhausted the onboard supplies. The Commander
reported a normal temperature and no symptoms of sore throat, cough, or lung
congestion. The Command Module Pilot and Lunar Module Pilot also experienced cold
symptoms 24 hours later and the same treatment schedule was instituted.
The possibility of rupturing the eardrums during entry caused some concern because
it was considered necessary for the crew to wear pressure suits during entry. With helmets
on, the crewmen would not be able to perform the Valsalva maneuver and equalize
pressure within the middle ear cavities. Forty-eight hours prior to entry, the crew made
the decision not to wear helmets or gloves. The last nine decongestant tablets were taken
during the last 24 hours of flight. The times for taking the tablets were selected so as to
obtain the maximum benefit at the time of the deorbit maneuver and entry.
During entry, none of the crewmen had any difficulty in ventilating the middle ear
and the Valsalva maneuver was not required. In the postflight physical examinations, the
two crewmen who had experienced the most distressing inflight symptoms showed no
residual evidence of their colds. The other crewman did exhibit a slight amount of fluid in
the middle ear.
After the flight, the Commander stated that his cold symptoms began about one hour
after lift-off (six hours after his prelaunch physical examination). In the zero-gravity
environment, he reported, tbc drainage of nasal and sinus secretions ceases. The body's
normal means of eliminating such secretions is lost because of the absence of gravity.
There is no postnasal drip, and, because secretions do not reach the lower respiratory
tract, they do not produce coughing. Forceful blowing is the only method available for
purging nasal secretions, but blowing the nose is ineffective in removing mucoid material
from the sinus cavities.

Apollo 8. After the Apollo 8 Commander's symptoms of motion sickness dissipated,

he experienced additional symptoms of an inflight illness believed to be unrelated to the
adaptation syndrome. When the Commander was unable to fall asleep two hours into his
initial rest period, he took a sleeping tablet (Seconal) which induced approximately five
hours of sleep, described as "fitful." Upon awakening, he felt nauseated and he had a
moderate occipital headache. He took two aspirin tablets and then went from the sleep
station to his couch to rest. The nausea, however, became progressively worse and he
68 Biomedical Rcsults of Apollo

vomited twice. After termination of this first sleep period, the Commander also became
aware of some increased gastrointestinal distress and was concerned that diarrhea might

Table 15

Inflight Medical Problems in Apollo Crews

Number of
Symptom/Finding Etiology Cases

Barotitis Barotrauma

Cardiac arrhythmias Undetermined, possibly linked with

potassium deficit

Eye irritation Spacecraft atmosphere


Dehydration (Apollo 13) Reduced water intake during

Flatulence Undetermined

Genitourinary infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa

prostatic congestion
Headache Spacecraft environment

Head cold Undetermined

Nasal stuffiness Zero gravity

Pharyngitis Undetermined

Rhinitis Oxygen, low relative humidity

Respiratory irritation Fiberglass

Rash, facial, recurrent inguinal Contact dermatitis

Prolonged wearing of urine
collection device (Apollo 13)

Skin irritation B iosensor sites 11

Fiberglass 2
Undetermined 1

Seborrhea Activated by spacecraft environment 2

Shoulder strain Lunar core drilling 1

Subungual hemorrhages Glove fit 5

Stomach awareness Labyrinthine 6

Nausea, vomiting Labyrinthine 1

Undetermined (possibly virus-related) 1

Stomatitis Aphthous ulcers 1

Excoriation, urethral meatus Prolonged wearing of urine collection 2

(Apollo 13) device

Urinary tract infection Undetermined

Dysbarism (bends) *

* Also occurred during Gemini 10; later incidences were reported by the same crewman
five years after his Apollo 11 mission.
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 69

As the mission progressed, the flight surgeon had the impression that the
Commander was experiencing an acute viral gastroenteritis. This tentative diagnosis
was based upon the delayed transmission of a recorded voice report that the
Commander had a headache, a sore throat, loose bowels, and had vomited twice. A
conversation between the Senior Flight Surgeon and the Commander verified that
the previous report was correct, but that the Commander was feeling much better.
The Commander also stated that he had not taken any medication for his illness,
which he described as a "24-hour intestinal flu." (Just prior to the Apollo 8 launch,
an epidemic of acute viral gastroenteritis lasting 24 hours was present in the Cape
Canaveral area.)
The Commander's temperature was 309°K (97.5°F) on two occasions subsequent
to his nausea and vomiting. The Commander was advised to take one Lomotil tablet
and to use Marezine if the nausea returned. Complete remission of the illness,
however, made the use of further medications unnecessary.

Apollo 9. Three days before the scheduled Apollo9 launch, the Commander
reported symptoms of general malaise, nasal discharge, and stuffiness. These common
cold symptoms were not present at the physical examination performed on the
previous day. The Commander was treated symptomatically and his temperature
remained normal throughout the course of the illness. Two days before the
scheduled launch, the Command Module Pilot and the Lunar Module Pilot also
became ill with common colds and were treated symptomatically. However, because
the symptoms persisted, the launch was postponed for three days. The crew responded
rapidly to rest and therapy and were certified fit for flight the day prior to the
rescheduled launch.

The Lunar Module Pilot experienced motion sickness and vomited twice, once while
preparing for transfer to the Lunar Module, and again after transfer. After about 50 hours
of flight, he was still not feeling well but had experienced no further vomiting. He
reported that his motion sickness symptoms subsided when he remained still. He was
advised to take a Marezine tablet one hour before donning his pressure suit for
extravehicular operations that were to be conducted at approximately 73 hours. The
nominal plan called for the Lunar Module Pilot to spend two hours a.d 15 ininutcs
outside the spacecraft, but, because of his symptoms, the plan was revised so that
only the tasks having the highest priority were to be performed. The principal
objectives were successfully accomplished in approximately 45 minutes. The Lunar
Module Pilot took Seconal several times during the mission to induce sleep.

Apollo 10. All three crewmen experienced irritation of the skin, eyes, and upper
respiratory passages when the fiberglass insulation in the Command Module tunnel
became loosened and particles of fiberglass became suspended in the cabin air. This
was treated symptomatically with good results. This crew complained of abdominal
rumblings caused by the ingestion of hydrogen gas present in the potable water.
Since they were concerned that diarrhea might develop, they decided on their own
initiative to take Lomotil tablets. Medically, the use of the drug was not indicated.
70 Biomedical Result_ of Apollo

Lomotil decreases the activity of the lower intestinal tract and reduces the amount of gas
that can be expelled. Aspirin was taken occasionally by all crewmen.

Apollo 11. The Apollo 11 Commander and Lunar Module Pilot each took one
Lomotil tablet to retard bowel movements before Lunar Module operations. They each
carried extra Lomotil tablets into the Lunar Module but did not use them. Four hours
before entry, and again after splashdown, the three crewmen each took
scopolaminc/dextroamphetamine (antimotion sickness) tablets. Aspirin tablets were also
taken, but the number of tablets per individual was not recorded. The Lunar Module Pilot
recalled that he had taken two aspirin tablets almost every night to aid his sleep. One
interesting medical event that occurred on this flight was reported by the Command
Module Pilot in his account of the Apollo Program. _ He revealed that he had experienced
dysbarism (bends) on his first space flight (Gemini 10) as well as on his second
(Apollo 11). He described symptoms involving the left knee as a sharp, throbbing ache
which gradually worsened and leveled off at a moderate, but very uncomfortable level of
pain. The symptomatology was less painful on Apollo 11 than it had been on Gemini 10.
Unfortunately this information was not made available to the medical team during either
the Gemini or Apollo Programs.

Apollo 12. The Commander developed a mild contact dermatitis from the biosensor
electrolyte paste. An analysis performed postflight on the batch of paste applied to the
affected skin areas during the mission failed to identify any constituent not present in
nonoffending batches of the electrolyte paste. To avoid similar occurrences, subsequent
Apollo crewmen were tested with all materials of known allergenic potential, as has
always been done with medical kit drugs. As a further precaution, the identical materials
to be used in flight were used in training to provide for scrupulous observation and
reporting of any skin reactions.
All three crewmen used Actifed decongestant tablets to relieve nasal congestion at
various times throughout the flight. The Lunar Module Pilot also took Seconal
throughout most of the mission to aid sleep. Aspirin was taken occasionally by all the
crewmen. No motion sickness medications were taken prior to entry.

Apollo 13. The Lunar Module Pilot awoke on the second day of the mission with a
moderately severe headache. He took two aspirin tablets with only fair results. After
eating breakfast and engaging in physical activity, he became nauseated and vomited. His
symptoms began to subside over the next 12 hours as adaptation to weightlessness took
place. All crewmen took seopolamine/dextroamphetamine antimotion sickness
medication prior to entry.
A urinary tract infection in one of the crewmen could have resulted in a serious
inflight illness if the mission had lasted 24 hours longer. During the return flight following
the inflight accident, the combined stresses of cold, dehydration (caused by voluntary
rationing of water), and prolonged wearing of the urine collecting device (UCD) were

*Colhns, Michael: Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut's Journeys. Farrar,Straus and Giroux (New York),
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 71

contributing factors. The other two crewmen had less serious problems, but the UCD was
not designed for prolonged wearing.

Apollo 14. No medications were used during the Apollo 14 mission other than nose
drops to relieve nasal stuffiness caused by the spacecraft atmosphere. On the third day of
flight, the Commander and the Lunar Module Pilot used one drop in each nostril. Relief
was prompt and lasted approximately 12 hours. The Command Module Pilot used the
nose drops three hours prior to entry.

Apollo 15. The Commander developed a dermatitis from the deerskin lining of a
communication carrier. This sensitivity was not recognized before the mission because a
concomitant skin disorder (seborrhic dermatitis) existed.

Aspirin and nose drops were the only medications used during Apollo 15. The
Commander took a total of 14 aspirin tablets over a period of days to relieve pain in his
right shoulder that developed after difficult deep core-tube drilling on the lunar surface.
The Command Module Pilot used nose drops just prior to Earth entry to prevent possible
middle ear blockage.

Apollo 16. The Lunar Module Pilot used three Seconal capsules for sleep induction
during the Apollo 16 mission. One capsule was taken on the night prior to lunar descent
and the other two capsules were used for the first and second lunar surface sleep periods,
respectively. In the postflight medical debriefing, the Lunar Module Pilot reported that
the Seconal was effective in producing a rapid onset of good sleep.

Apollo 17. More medications were taken on Apollo 17 than on any of the previous
missions. The intermittent use of Seconal for sleep by all three crewmen and the daily use
of simethicone for symptomatic relief of flatulence by the Commander were the principal
factors contributing to the high intake of medications. The Commander also took a
scopolamme/dextroamphe_ammc capsule on the second day of flight for "stomach

The Command Module Pilot and the Lunar Module Pilot experienced one loose bowel
movement each, on the eleventh and twelfth days of flight, respectively. In each case,
Lomotil was taken and was effective.

Cardiac Arrhythmias

Apollo 15 was the first manned space flight in which cardiac irregularities other than
occasional benign premature ventricular contractions were observed. A historical account
precedes discussion of possible etiology and mechanisms.
An isolated premature ventricular contraction was observed on the Lunar Module
Pilot 41 minutes prior to launch. Subsequently, while the Lunar Module Pilot was being
monitored during the translunar coast phase of the mission, only infrequent premature
ventricular contractions (approximate rate one to two per hour) were observed. The_
events were not considered significant since the Lunar Module Pilot had demonstrated
occasional premature ventricular contractions during all of his ground-based altitude
chamber tests and training sessions. The frequency of the Lunar Module Pilot's premature
72 Biomedical

ventricular contractions remained constantatthesame ratethroughout thethreeperiods

of extravehicular activity,LunarModule ascent, anddocking.
Shortlyafterdocking withtheCommand Module at 178hoursgroundelapsed time
(GET),theLunarModule Pilotexperienced fiveventricular prematurities ina30-second
period.Approximately onehourlaterat179:07GET,whilethecrewmen wereobserving
theLunarModuletunnelleakratein theircouches, theLunarModule Pilotsuddenly
converted fromnormalsinusrhythmtoanodalbigeminal rhythm.Duringthe14seconds
in whichtheabnormal rhythmpersisted, a totalof eleven coupled beatswereobserved.
The LunarModulePilot's heartrate preceding andduringthe arrhythmiawas
approximately 95beatsperminute.Oneandone-halfminutes priorto onsetof the
bigeminal rhythm,hisheartratehadpeaked at 120beatsperminutefor a 20-second
period.Followingthis bigeminalepisode,the LunarModulePilot experienced
approximately ten additionalpremature atrialcontractions duringthe timehewas
monitored overthe next60hoursof themission. Thelastatrial prematurity in the
LunarModulePilot wasobserved at 240:24hoursGET.TheLunarModulePilot's
premature ventricular
contractions, however, persisted atthepreviously citedrateof one
The Commander wascompletely eurhythmic until 286:22hours GET,whenhe
suddenly bcgan toexperience occasional
supraventricular prematurities. Thefirstofthese
occurred whiletheCommander wassoundasleep andcontinued throughthefirsthour
afterawakening. TheCommander's heartrateat thetimeof onsetwasapproximately
30beats perminute. Approximately 30aberrant beatsoccurred duringaoneandone-half
hourperiod.Nofurtherprematuritics wereobserved ontheCommander after288hours
Throughout theentiremission, noectopic heartbeatsor arrhythmias wereobserved
ontheCommand Module Pilot.
Whenquestioned duringthepostflightmedical debriefing, theLunarModulePilot
recollected experiencing the sensationof extreme fatigueduringthetimewhenthe
bigeminal rhythmwasnoted.Infact,herequired ashortperiodofrestbefore hewasable
to carryonhisassigned duties.Furthermore, theLunarModule Pilotstatedthathewas
puzzledaboutthisfeelingof extreme fatiguewhichhe experienced andconsidered
inappropriate;however, he did not express his concernto the flight surgeon in the
Mission ControlCenter duringtheflight.Throughout theflight,theLunarModule Pilot
did not experience anysymptoms referable to hisheart,suchaspalpitations, sternal
pressureorpain,andhewascompletely unaware thatanarrhythmia hadoccurred.
TheCommander alsowasunaware hehadexperienced ectopic heartbeats duringthe
lastdayof the missionandwasunableto recallexperiencing anycardiac symptoms
Theetiologyof episodic cardiacarrhythmias recorded on the twoLunarModule
crewmen duringthismission is unclear;however, a numberof possible factors,
independently or in concert,areconsidered to havepredisposed themyocardium to
ectopicbehavior. Of principalinterestis the magnitude of thetotalbodypotassium
deficitandhypokalemia measured postflight.Whether the potassium concentrations
recordedin the immediate postmission examination represented the true stateof
potassium balanceat the time of the episodes of arrhythmias inflightcannotbe
Aspects of Crew Health 73

determined. However, salt-wasting mechanisms predictably would have been at their peak
during that period of the flight, thereby suggesting a total body potassium deficit
considerably greater than that registered postflight.
While salt-wasting compensatory mechanisms operate to reestablish fluid and osmotic
equilibrium in the adapted crewman, several other factors probably were operative which
could upset this balance and lead to transient states of decompensation. For example,
heavy workloads and the attendant heat stress could easily exacerbate the electrolyte
deficit experienced by the lunar surface crewmen. Emotional stress, altered work/rest
cycles, and fatigue are known to increase adrenal medullary activity and liberate large
quantities of epinephrine which further aggravate the salt loss. Commensurate with the
catecholamine-potentiated electrolyte loss, the resultant high epinephrine blood levels
would exert a positive inotropic effect on the myocardium. Furthermore, these
decompensating factors probably occurred in the presence of a marginal dietary intake of
mineral which resulted in a clinical deficit of total body electrolyte.
Therefore, frank, yet transient periods of hypokalemia were considered to be of
prime importance in the genesis of the observed arrhythmias. These postulates were
further substantiated by the greater postflight deficits in total body and serum potassium
recorded in the lunar surface crewmen and by the absence of cardiac irritability in the
Command Module Pilot.
Accordingly, it is speculated that the adaptive processes alone resulted in sufficient
salt loss (principally potassium) to have predisposed the crew to cardiac irritability, and
that the additional stress characteristic of lunar surface operations was sufficient to
enhance the electrolyte deficit and precipitate abnormal cardiac activity.
In order to prevent potassium deficits and to reduce the likelihood of inflight
arrhythmias, both Apollo 16 and 17 crews were provided a high potassium diet
commencing 72 hours prior to launch and continuing until 72 hours after recovery. As a
precaution, antiarrhythmic medications were included in the Apollo 16 medical kit for
tile first time. As an added precaution, daily, high-resolution electrocardiograms were
obtained for each crewman and an accurate metabolic input/output report was
maintained during flight.
No medically significant arrhythmias occurred during either flight. The postflight
exchangeable body potassium intake measurements indicated that a norntal potassium
balance had been maintained. The absence of arrhythmias in these last Apollo crews
may be attributed in part to high dietary potassium intakes, but perhaps the fact
that the Apollo 16 and 17 crews maintained a better fluid and electrolyte balance,
obtained more adequate sleep, and experienced a lower level of fatigue is of equal
or greater significance.
It must be noted that one of the Apollo 15 crewmembers who experienced a
cardiac arrhythmia had undetected coronary artery disease at the time of the
mission. Approximately two years after space flight, this particular astronaut suffered
an acute myocardial infarction from which he completely recovered. The undetected
coronary artery disease almost certainly interacted negatively with potassium
deficiency and fatigue to precipitate the inflight bigeminal arrhythmia experienced
by this astronaut.
74 Biomedical
of Apollo

Antihypotensive Garment Testing

While Apollo missions indicated no need for an antihypotensive garment during
reentry into Earth's gravity or in the immediate postflight period, the effects of these
garments were tested on the Apollo 16 and 17 missions in preparation for the long-term
Skylab flights. The Apollo 16 Command Module Pilot and control subjects were fitted
with waist-length leotards designed to produce gradient positive pressure along the lower
half of the body. The Apollo 17 Command Module Pilot wore a lower body garment
using the capstan principle to apply a gradient pressure to the lower limbs. Both garments
appeared to furnish some protection against orthostatic hypotension following weightless
flight. The capstan-type garment, however, proved to be considerably easier to don in
flight. Section 3, Chapter 4 presents details of the antihypotensive garment experiment.

Postflight Procedures and Findings

Comprehensive medical examinations similar to the preflight F-5exam were

conducted immediately after recovery of the astronauts to document the physiological
changes resulting from space flight and to detect and treat any medical problems. These
medical evaluations included physical examinations, microbiology and blood studies,
orthostatic tolerance tests, exercise response tests, urinalysis, and chest X-rays. Postflight
testing was modified in those missions requiring postflight quarantine because of limited
space in the Mobile Quarantine Facility.
Although all crewmen were in good health, they exhibited varying degrees of fatigue
and weight loss. Functional tests consistently showed evidence of cardiovascular

Physical Examinations
The postflight physical examination involved obtaining a careful inflight history and a
complete review of body systems. Laboratory studies included the following:

1. Urine culture and sensitivity

2. Complete blood count
3. Urinalysis
4. Serum electrolytes

Characterization of viral and mycoplasma flora was initiated with Apollo 14.
State-of-the-art procedures were utilized. These included challenging tissue cultures,
embryonated eggs, suckling mice, and mycoplasma media with specimens obtained at
various times in preflight and postflight periods.

The detailed results of microbiological studies are presented in Section II, Chapter 2.
In summary, considerable variation in the microfloral response was observed.
Staphylococcus aureus increased in number in some crewmen and transfers were effected
between crewmen. The variables of host susceptibility, external environmental factors,
and ecological relationships between competing species of microorganisms were
undoubtedly responsible for these findings. In one mission, an increase in the number and
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 75

spread of Aspergillus fumigatus and beta hemolytic streptococci were found. Microbial
analysis of samples obtained in the Command Module showed a loss of organisms during
the course of the mission. Intracrew transfer of microbes appeared to be a regular
occurrence. Finally, there was a buildup of medically important species, particularly
Proteus mirabilis on the urine collection device. Contamination of the urine collection
devices with this organism represented a significant medical hazard.

Clinical Findings

Weight loss was a consistent postflight finding for all crewmen except the Apollo 14
Commander and Lunar Module Pilot. These weight losses are shown in table 16. The
major portion of these weight changes was attributed to loss of total body water; the
remainder, to tissue mass loss.

Table 17 presents postflight medical findings and the following chronological list
provides details concerning these findings.

Apollo 7. The residual effects of an inflight upper respiratory infection was definitely
present in one of the Apollo 7 crewmembers at recovery.

Apollo 8. Six days after recovery, the Lunar Module Pilot developed a mild
pharyngitis which evolved into a common cold and nonproductive cough. He recovered
completely after six days of symptomatic therapy. The Commander developed a cold
twelve days after the flight.

Apollo 9. The Commander suffered from bilateral barotitis media. This condition
responded rapidly to decongestant therapy and cleared after two days. Four days after
recovery, the Apollo 9 Lunar Module Pilot developed an upper respiratory infection with
a secondary bacterial bronchitis. He was treated with penicillin and was well seven days
later. The Commander developed a mild upper respiratory syndrome eight days after
recovery. He was treated symptomatically and recovered four days later. The etiology of
both of these cases was determined to be type-B influenza virus.

Apollo 10. The Commander and Lunar Module Pilot had mild rashes on their
forearms which were caused either by exposure to the Fiberglas insulation or to the Beta
cloth in their flight suits. Four days after recovery, the Lunar Module Pilot developed a
mild infection in his left nasal passage which was probably caused by a small piece of
Fiberglas to which the crew was exposed in flight. This responded rapidly to symptomatic

Apollo 11. The Commander had a mild barotitis media of the right ear; however,
since he was able to clear the middle ear satisfactorily, no specific treatment was

Apollo 12. On initial examination, the Lunar Module Pilot had a small amount of
clear fluid with air bubbles in the middle ear bilaterally. This disappeared after 24 hours
of decongestant therapy. He also sustained a laceration over the right eye when a camera
76 Biomedical Results of Apollo

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Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 77

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78 Biomedical Results of Apollo

broke loose from the impact of landing and struck him. The cut was sutured onboard the

recovery ship and healed normally. On the day after recovery, the Commander developed
an acute left maxillary sinusitis which was treated successfully with decongestants and

Apollo 13. Postflight, all three crewmen showed extreme fatigue resulting from the
_vere environmental stresses imposed by their crippled spacecraft. The Lunar Module

Pilot suffered an acute pseudomonas urinary tract infection which required two weeks of

antibiotic therapy to resolve.

Table 17
Postflight Medical Findings in Apollo Mission Crews

Number of
Diagnosis Etiology Cases

Barotitis media Eustachian tube blockage

Folliculitis, right anterior Bacterial


Gastroenteritis Bacterial

Herpetic lesion, lip Herpes virus

Influenza syndrome Influenza B virus


Influenza A 2 virus
Laceration of the forehead Trauma

Rhinorrhea, mild Fiberglass particle

Papular lesions, parasacral Bacterial

Prostatitis Undetermined

Pulpitis, tooth No. 7

Pustules, eyelids
Rhinitis Viral

Acute maxillary sinusitis Bacterial

Ligamentous strain, right


Urinary tract infection Pseudomonas

Vestibular dysfunction, mild

Rhinitis and pharyngitis Influenza B virus

Beta-streptococcus (not group A)

Rhinitis & secondary Influenza B virus


Contact dermatitis Fiberglas

Beta cloth
Micropore tape

Subungual hemorrhages, Trauma

finger nails

Total 41
Clinical Aspects of Crew Health 79

Apollo 14. The Commander and Command Module Pilot each exhibited a small
amount of clear, bubbly fluid in the left middle ear cavity with slight reddening of the
tympanic membrane. These findings disappeared in 24 hours without treatment. The
Lunar Module Pilot had moderate eyelid irritation in addition to slight redness of the
tympanic membranes. All crewmen showed a mild transient irritation from the micropore
tape covering their biomedical sensors (figure 2).

Figure 2. Example of skin irritation caused by

the micropore tape covering the biomedical ~ e n ~ o r s .

Apollo 15. The Commander had subungual hemorrhages of both hands and a painful
right shoulder. These hemorrhages were caused by an insufficient arm length of the
pressure suit forcing the fingertips too far into the gloves during pressurized suit
operation. The Commander purposely had the arm length of his pressure suit shortened
preflight to permit better tactile sensation and manual dexterity during mission EVA
operations. Pain in the Commander’s right shoulder was due to a muscle/ligament strain
which responsed rapidly to heat therapy.

Ap0110 16. All three crewmen suffered varying degrees of skin irritation at the
biosensor sites. This skin irritation resulted principally from the crew’s desire to wear the
80 Biomedical
of Apollo

biosensor harnesses continuously in order to save the 15 to 20 minutes required to apply

these bioharnesses. The irritation subsided in 48 hours without medical treatment. The
Commander had some sinus congestion which responded to medication, and also a slight
reddening and retraction of the right tympanic membrane.

Apollo 17. The two lunar surface crewmen developed subungual hematomas of both
hands because of insufficient arm length of their pressure suits as in Apollo 15. The
Commander also had a herpetic lesion on the right side of the upper lip, which was
approximately 72 hours old at the time of recovery.

Postflight Visual Findings

Although numerous trends were noted, statistically significant changes between pre-
and postflight testing were found only in the superior, superior-nasal, and temporal visual
fields, each of which were constricted postflight. Only one other parameter approached
significance: the unaided seven-meter (20-ft) visual acuity, which also was decreased
postflight. Etiology of these changes is unknown at this time.
An additional point of interest is the result of a longitudinal study of changes in
intraocular tension for Apollo astronauts and astronauts participating in the Mercury
and Gemini missions. In the immediate postflight period, and for a short time
thereafter, a statistically significant decrease in intraocular tension was found in all
astronauts, when compared with their preflight tension. The postflight intraocular
tension reverted to its preflight value at a much slower rate than expected. The
reason for this slow return is unknown.
After Apollo 11, all crewmen except one observed bright flashes of light while
in orbit. Retinal photography was considered to determine whether the high energy
particles believed to be responsible for the phenomenon produced retinal lesions.
Photographs were first made of the Apollo 15 crew. Preflight photographs were
taken as part of the F-30 physical examination, and postflight photographs were
made three days after splashdown. Although no lesions were noted in the eye
grounds, some decrease was observed in the size of the retinal vessels. No statistical
comparison could be conducted, however, due to the low resolution of the film
Retinal photography was again conducted on the Apollo 16 crewmen using high
resolution film. Comparison of the pre- and postflight films of this crew showed no
change for the Lunar Module Pilot in the size of either retinal veins or arteries at
approximately three hours postflight. The Command Module Pilot exhibited a
significant decrease in the size of both the veins and arteries about three and
one-half hours after flight, and the Commander showed a decrease in only the veins
after four hours. The degree of constriction of retinal vasculature in this crew was
greater and persisted for a longer time than could be accounted for by the
vasoconstrictive effect of atmospheric oxygen alone. The reason for this finding in
the crew of Apollo 16 is unknown.
Retinal photographs were not taken after the Apollo 17 flight because no lesions
had been found on previous missions.
of Crew Health 81

Special Studies
The results of the special studies conducted in the pre- and postflight periods are
detailed in Section III of this text. Only a brief summary of the significant findings in the
postflight examination are presented here.
The cardiovascular system showed the most significant and consistent changes in the
Apollo crews. Resting and stressed heart rates were elevated in most all crewmen when
compared to their preflight baseline tests. Blood pressures were labile; and the heart size
as measured by the cardiothoracic ratio was decreased by 1.02 (approximately five
percent). All crewmen demonstrated some degree of cardiovascular deconditioning during
the lower body negative pressure tests in the immediate postflight period as compared to
preflight measurements. They likewise showed a poorer work response on the bicycle
ergometer. In both instances, the time required for return to preflight baselines was
usually three days, but ranged from two days to one week. The Apollo 15 Commander
and Lunar Module Pilot demonstrated a different response to exercise on the bicycle
ergometer than observed in previous or subsequent flight crews. Their response at low
heart rate levels of work was comparable to their preflight baseline tests; but at the higher
heart rate levels of work on the ergometer, they showed the typical degraded work
performance capability.

Summary and Conclusions

In summary, the twenty-nine Apollo astronauts accumulated 7506 hours of space

flight experience without encountering any major medical problems. Perhaps the most
significant postflight medical finding of Apollo was the absence of any pathology
attributable to space flight exposure. Those physiological changes which did occur were
all reversible within a two- to three-day period, with the exception of the Apollo 15 crew
which required two weeks for complete return to preflight baselines. The most important
physiological changes observed were cardiovascular deconditioning, reduction of red
blood cell mass, and musculoskeletal deterioration. Since all medical objectives of thc
Apollo Program were successfully achieved, a sound medical basis existed for committing
man to the prolonged space flight exposure of Skylab.
N76 267o


James K. Ferguson, Ph.D.
Gerald R. Taylor, Ph.D.
Bernard J. Mieszkuc

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


The crew microbiology program was initiated in response to requirements made by

the Intcragcncy Committee on Back-Contamination _ in recognition of the possibility of
returning terrestrial contaminants in the lunar soil. In order to characterize contaminants
as terrestrial, and not extraterrestrial, a catalog of the crew microflora was prepared prior
to each Apollo mission. Since crewmen were thc prime source for lunar soil
contamination, this catalog provided an invaluable method to assist in establishing the
terrestrial origin of a recovered contaminant.
Analysis of crew specimens was performed to satisfy three objectives in addition to
lunar contaminant evaluation. The primary objective was to detect potentially pathogenic
microorganisms so that associated medical problems could be identified early and
preventive measures established. A second objective was to identify medically important
microorganisms reeovered from ill crewmen to aid in diagnosis and treatment. The third
objective was to collect microbiological data that would aid in elucidating the response of
the crew microbial autoflora to the space flight environment and in evaluating the
resultant effect on the crewmember.

LvlI_IUUIUIU_I_gl _fllllijllll _ ul O_I_,L_,U olL_.O III _11_ _Ullllllfillu LvlUuuI_ _tva] vvflo IIIILI_L_U

in support of the quarantine program. These samples were also important from a medical
standpoint because crewmen would be exposed to microorganisms in the closed
spacecraft environment during space flight.
During lunar quarantine missions (Apollo 1 1 through 14), microbial screening was
accomplished for all support personnel to be isolated with the returning crewmen.

*The Interagency Committee on Back-Contamination included members from the Nalional Academy
of Sciences and representatives from the U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
and U.S. Department of Interior. See Section V, Chapter 1, The Lunar Quarantine Program for more


rm CZDm¢ NOT
84 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Diagnostic microbiology was provided for all astronauts, their wives, and families; for
personnel in the lunar (sample) processing area, and for personnel in the quarantine area.
Microbiological support was also provided for the biological test systems used to screen the
lunar materials for life forms and for maintenance of sterile Class III biological glove box
Virology support for the Apollo Program consisted of characterization of the viral
and mycoplasma flora of the crewmembers; performance of viral serology for
crewmcmbers, crew contacts, and key mission personnel; and analysis of specimens
obtained as a result of crew illnesses and from the conduct of the mission personnel
surveillance program and the Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program. These programs
were designed to ascertain the nature of illnesses in personnel who were either in contact
with the crew or worked with lunar soil behind the biologic barrier. Serology studies were
initiated with the Apollo 14 mission. The mission personnel surveillance program was in
effect during the Apollo 11, 12, 13, and 14 missions, and the Flight Crew Health
Stabilization Program was in effect during the Apollo 14, 15, 16, and 17 missions.


Crew Microbiology
Each flight crewman and backup crewman assigned to Apollo missions 7 to 12, was
sampled at four different time periods to provide the data needed to develop a catalog of
microorganisms: 30 and 14 days before flight (F- 30 and F- 14, respectively),
immediately before the flight (F - 0), and immediately upon recovery (R + 0). For the
Apollo 13 to 17 missions, sampling times were varied according to mission constraints.
Generally, an additional postflight sampling period was added at approximately
two weeks following recovery.
Eleven samples were obtained from each crewmember on the morning of each
preflight sampling date before initiation of personal hygiene activities, eating, or
urination. Postflight samples were collected on board the recovery vessel immediately
upon recovery and before other medical tests were performed. All specimens were
analyzed by the microbiology laboratories at the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space
Center. The body surface sites generally sampled were as follows.
1. A 13-cm 2 area of the scalp below the hairline at the base of the neck.
2. The auditory canals. (Two revolutions were made with each swab in each ear
3. The internal area of the umbilicus and a surrounding 13-cm 2 area. (Two
revolutions were made with each swab.)
4. A 6.5-cm 2 area below the hairline of each axilla.

5. An area from front to rear of the left and right side of the groin.
6. An area between the first and large toe of each foot.
7. A 6.5-cm 2 area on each palm.
Both nostrils of each crewmember were sampled by making two revolutions with each
swab in each nasal canal.
Investigations 85

Eachbodysurface siteandthenasalpassages weresampled separatelywithtwosterile

calciumalginateswabs moistened withaphosphate buffer.Oneswab fromeachsample
areawasplacedin a screwcap tubecontaining 10.0ml of sterilctrypticase soybroth
(TSB)foraerobic analysis.Thesecond swabwasplaced in a tubeofsterilevealinfusion
broth(VIB)foranaerobic analysis.
Eachcrewmember gargled with60ml of sterilephosphate buffer.Thegargle was
rinsedthreetimesthroughtheoralcavitytoobtainacombination throat-mouth sample.
Thewash wasthenemptied intoasterile,
widemouthed bottle.
A first-void,
midstream urinespecimen anda fecalspecimen fromeachsubject were
collectedin separatesterilecontainerson themorning of preflightsampling. Postflight
specimens werecollected asavailable.
Thebodysurface samples, thenasalsamples, thethroat-mouth gargle,
the fecesweremaintained at 277°K(4°C) duringtransportto the laboratory.
Approximately 12hourselapsed betweensampling andinitialculture.
aliquotsof thethroat-mouth gargle andtheurineweretransferred to
9.0ml eachof TSBandVIB. Portionsof fecalmaterialweighing 0.1gmeachwere
transferredtoTSB,VIB,andtetrathionate broth.In addition, a0.1-gm portionof fecal
materialwasheatshocked forfiveminutes at353°K(80°C).
Dilutionseries fromeachTSBandVIB sample tubewereprepared by aseptically
transferring1.0ml aliquotsto 9.0ml of TSBor VIB. Bodyandnasalsamples were
dilutedto 1x 104;throat-mouth gargle
samples, to 1x 105;urinesamples, to 1x 102;
andfecessamples to 1x 1010.All tubesweremaintained at277°K(4°C)duringthe
Aliquotsof 0.1ml fromthe initialsampletubeandfromtheTSBandthe VIB
dilutionseriesweretransferred to agarmediaforquantitation andisolation of aerobic
andanaerobic species(figures1 and2).Individual sterileglassrodswereusedto spread
inoculum overtheagarsurface. Aerobicmediawereincubated for48hoursat308°K
(35°C).Anaerobic mediawereincubated for 96hoursat 308°K(35°C)usingan
anaerobic GasPak(BBL,Divisionof Bio-Quest, Cockeysvi!!e_Md.) for generation of
hydrogen gas. Colony counts were performed on the aerobic and anaerobic quantitation
media. After 4.0 ml aliquots were transferred from each TSB sample tube to a labeled
sterile screwcap tube for mycological analysis (figure 3), the TSB and VIB sample tubes
were incubated for 24 hours at 308°K (35_C). inocuia from the sample tubes were then
streaked on each isolation medium. The isolation streaks were prepared to culture
organisms too few in number to be isolated on the quantitative agar media. Inoculated
chocolate agar was incubated at 308°K (35°C) under an atmosphere of 8 to 10 percent
carbon dioxide.
A portion of each colony type isolated on the quantitation and isolation media
was transferred to a TSB or thioglycolate broth tube and incubated at 308°K
(35°C) until turbid. The pure culture of each isolated organism was used to prepare
stained slides and to inoculate biochemical media or to perform biochemical tests
for identification.
State-of-the-art procedures that consisted of challenging tissue cultures, embryonated
eggs, suckling mice, and mycoplasma, media with specimens obtained at various times
before and after flight were used in characterizing the viral and mycoplasma flora.
86 Biomedical Results of Apollo

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Microbiological Investigations 87

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88 Biomedical Results of Apollo

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Microbiological Investigations 89

Spacecraft Microbiology
Immediately before and after flight, swab samples were obtained from four selected
sites inside the Command Module. Sterile calcium alginate swabs were moistened with
0.85 percent saline containing 0.0003 molar phosphate buffer. Two swabs were used to
sample each of the following sites: (1) the total surface area of the mouthpiece of the
drink gun; (2) a 13-cm 2 area of each pistol grip of the Command Module Pilot (CMP)
maneuver controller; (3) a 13-m 2 area of each head strut; and (4) a 26-cm 2 area of the
floor beneath the foot of the center couch. After the sampling, one swab from each site
was placed in 5.0-ml TSB and another in 5.0-ml VIB. The tubes were maintained at
277°K (4°C) during transport to the laboratory. Each tube wag vortexed, and the
appropriate medium was used to serially dilute the contents. An aliquot of each TSB
dilution was plated onto five percent sheep blood agar and incubated aerobically at
308°K (35°C) for 48 hours. An aliquot of each VIB dilution was plated onto sheep blood
agar containing 10 mg/liter vitamin K and 5 mg/liter hemin. Gas Paks (Bio-Quest) were
used to obtain anaerobic conditions. The plates were incubated at 308°K (35°C) for
96 hours.

Four milliliters of the undiluted TSB samples were used for mycological analysis.
Each sample was centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant from each was
mixed with 10 ml of yeast-malt broth containing 33 000 units/liter penicillin G and
62 mg/liter streptomycin. The sediment was sampled with sterile calcium alginate swabs.
The swabs were used to streak the surface of cornmeal-malt-yeast agar (containing
antibiotics), Sabouraud dextrose agar (containing antibiotics), and Czapek Dox agar. The
swabs were then placed into 10 ml of yeast-malt broth (containing antibiotics). All
mycological media were incubated at 298°K (25°C) for 120 hours.
Following identification of all microorganisms, the laboratory data on each isolate
were stored in a Univac 1108 computer. A computer program was developed to provide a
"match test" of all stored data with the data that would be gathered from a lunar soil
isolate. The program was dcsigucd to search thc catalog of data on known terrestrial
microorganisms and to select those microorganisms with the greatest number of like
characteristics and test results.

Results and Discussion

Crew Microbiology for Quarantine

The final identification of microorganisms isolated at the various sampling sites

resulted in approximately 150 to 175 identifications per sampling period. Often, the same
microorganism was isolated at more than one site. At the time the first lunar material was
returned by the Apollo 11 crewmen, the catalog contained laboratory identification data
of approximately 4000 microbial isolations.

Throughout the Apollo missions, no microorganism was isolated from the lunar soil.
This result attests to the successful operation of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory and the
development of adequate aseptic techniques in the handling and processing of the lunar
90 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Crew Medical Microbiology

Increased Incidence and Transfer of Microorganisms Between Crewmen. An increased

incidence of medically important gram-positive cocci was found for the Apollo 7 and 12
missions. On the Apollo 7 flight, 16 postflight isolations of Staphylococcus aureus were
made at the various sampling sites of all three crewmen. During the period immediately
before flight, five isolations were made from the samples of only two crewmen (table 1).
The isolation sites on crewmember C were different at the two preflight periods, and the
S. aureus was not isolated at any time from throat or nasal samples of this crewman. It is
likely that the S. aureus was a transient microorganism on crewmembers C and B, and
that crewmember A was a carrier.

Table 1

Occurrence and Distribution of Staphylococcus Aureus

for the Apollo 7 Crewmembers

30-day Immediate Immediate

Sample Area Preflight Preflight Postflight

A a B C A B A C

Axilla v 0 0 0 0 0
Umbilicus 0 0 +c 0 0 4- +

Inguinal 0 0 0 0 0 + ÷

Hands + 0 0 + 0 4- 0
Throat 0 4- 0 + 0 + 0
Scalp + 4- 0 0 0 + 0
Nasal 4- 4- 0 + 0 + 0
Urine 0 0 + 0 0 0 0
Toes o 0 0 0 0 4- 4-

Ears 0 0 + 0 0 + o

aCrewmembers listed as A, B, and C.

b+ = isolation.
Co = no isolation.

On the Apollo 7 flight, although no isolations of _-hemolytic streptococci were made

from the throat samples of the crewmen at any preflight sampling period, _hemolytic
streptococci were present after the flight in the throat gargle sample of all three crewmen
(table 2). Each sample contained 1 x 105 streptococcal cells per cubic centimeter of
gargle. The presence and abundance of _-hemolytic streptococci and S. aureus on the
Apollo 7 flight undoubtedly contributed to the nasal congestion and discomfort
experienced by the crewmen.
Microbiological Investigations 91

Table 2

Occurrence and Distribution of Beta-hemolytic Streptococci

for the Apollo 7 Crewmembers

30-day Immediate |mmediate

Sample Area Preflight Preflight Postflight

Aa B C A C A B C

Axilla 1- 0t 0
Umbilicus + + 0
Inguinal + o +

Hands o 0 0
Feces 0 0 +

Urine 0 0 +

Throat o o +

aCrewmembers listed as A, B, and C,

b+ = isolation.

Co = no isolation.

A third microorganism, Aspergillus fumigatus, increased in number and apparently

spread over the body surfaces of the Apollo 7 crewmen (table 3). With a single exception,
all preflight isolations of A. fumigatus were made from the samples obtained from
crewmember A. After flight, three or more isolations were made from the samples of each
crewman. The organism was apparently transferred in flight from crewman A to
crewmembers B and C. No significant increase of A. fum_gatus or of any other fungus
occurred on any mission through the Apollo 12 mission.

After the apparent transfer of microorganisms between cre, wmen during the Apollo 7
mission, strain-specific bacteriophage typing was developed in the laboratory and
performed on all S. aureus recovered from later missions to better substantiate the
suspected transfer.

An increased incidence of S, aureus did not reoccur until the Apollo 12 flight
(table 4). Although only two isolations of S. aureus were made from one crewmember
immediately before flight, seven of the twelve crewmember samples analyzed after flight
were positive for S. aureus. Six additional isolations were made from the clothing samples
and the internal Command Module samples. The organisms obtained immediately before
and after flight were phage typed (table 5). Both isolates of S. aureus obtained from
crewmemberA immediately before flight were typed 3A. The microorganism was
evidently transferred to crewmember B, to the urine collection device (UCD) of
crewmember C, and to the couch support struts of the Command Module. The S. aureus
phage type 187 was possibly a spacecraft contaminant. Although no inflight samples were
obtained and the pustules on the crewmen's skin had dried at the postflight examination,
S. aureus may have been the causative agent of the skin infections on the Apollo 12
92 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 3

Occurrence and Distribution of Aspergillus Fumigatus

for the Apollo 7 Crewmembers

30-day Immediate Immediate

Preflight Preflight Postflight
Sample Area

A a B C A B C C

Scalp ÷1 v u v u 0

Exterior auditory canal 0 0 0 0 0 4-

Umbilicus 0 0 0 0 0 +

Hands 0 4- 0 0 0 +

Inguinal 4- 0 0 0 0 +

Toes 0 0 0 + 0 +

Gargle 4- 0 0 + 0 0

Axilla 0 0 0 0 0 0

aCrewmembers listed as A, B, and C.

b4- = isolation.

Co = no isolation.

Table 4

Occurrence and Distribution of Staphylococcus Aureus

for the Apollo 12 Crewmembers

30-day Immediate Immediate

Preflight Preflight Postflight
Sample Area

Aa C B C A B C

Axilla +

Inguinal +

Scalp +

Toes 0

Hands 4- 0

Nasal 4- 4-

Throat 0 4-

Ears 4- 0

aCrewmembers listed as A, B, and C.

b+ = isolation.

CO = no isolation.

d_ = no culture made.
Microbiological Investigations 93

Table 5

Distribution of Phage Typed Staphylococcus Aureus for the Apollo 12

Crewmembers and Command Module

Immediate Preflight Immediate Postf .ght

Sample Area Crewmembers Crewmembers


Toes 3A 0a _b
Hands 0 0 0 3A 0
Nasal 3A 0 3A 3A 187
Th roat 0 0 0 3A 187
Ears 0 0 0 3A 0
Gloves 0 0 3A 3A 0
UCD 0 0 3A 0 3A

Command Module Command Module

Maneuver Control 0 187

Struts 0 3A

a0 = no isolation.
b_ = not cultured.

An increase in S. aureus did not occur on the Apollo 8, 9, 10, or 11 missions, even
though, on two of these missions, at least one crewmember was carrying a nasal S. aureus.
The microorganism did not increase in number as observed on the Apollo 7 and 12
missions, and was not exchanged between crewmen.
During the Apollo 13 flight, the transfer of S. aureus was again demonstrated. The
Commander (CDR) and the Command Module Pilot (CMP) each carried S. aureus before
flight, but the organisms were of different strains. Both strains were recovered after flight
from the Lunar Module Pilot (LMP), who had not exhibited either strain before flight
(table 6).
The Apollo 15 flight was an example of a more common occurrence, in which one
crewmember, exhibiting multiple strains, probably acted as a reservoir to effect a transfer
of one strain to another previously uncolonized crewmember during the flight. The
transfer was from the CDR to the LMP, who spent more time with the CDR during the
mission than did the CMP (table 7). The occurrence of intercrew transfer of
microorganisms was demonstrated on many Apollo missions.

Specific Medical Microbiological Problems AssociaWd with the Apollo 13 and 17

Flights. Urinalyses were performed on specimens from the Apollo 14 CMP several times
during the 26 months preceding lift-off in response to a recurrent urethritis of possible
microbial origin. However, no microorganisms were recovered until seven months before
94 Biomedical Results of Apollo

launch. Urine samplcs were evaluated periodically through the day of launch, and seven
different medically important microorganisms were isolated (table8). Of the
microorganisms listed, the Haemophilus species was the most likely to cause a
bacteria-mediated recurrent urethritis. Clinical symptoms were not expressed during the
Apollo 14 space flight, although Haemophilus species was again isolated two weeks
following recovery. As was usually the case, the presence of potentially pathogenic
microorganisms Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, and Herellea vaginicola in the
postflight urine reflected the similar buildup observed in the urine collection device.

Table 6

Transfer of Staphylococcus Aureus Phage Types I and If

from Two Apollo 13 Crewmembers to the Third Crewmember

Types of Bacteriophage Groups Present

Subject Preflight Postflight
(F-0) (R +0)

LMP Absent I and II

Table 7

Distribution of Staphylococcus Aureus Phage Types

Among Apollo 15 Crewmembers

Sample Collection Period

Subject Sample Area
F-30 F-5 F-O R+O

Nasal 29/52 X a x X
CDR Throat 29 X 3A 29

Gargle X N.T.b 29 29

LMP Gargle X X 29/52

CMP N.A. c X X X

alndicates no isolation of S. aureus.

bNontypable S. aureus isolated.
c Not applicable.

An inflight malfunction of the Service Module, which caused early termination of the
Apollo 13 mission, created a suboptimal environment and a stressful situation for the
crew. Examination of the crew immediately after flight revealed that the LMP had a
severe urinary tract infection from which Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated as the
Investigations 95

Antibiotictherapy wasadministered
andclosely monitored for 48days
(figure4). Viablemicrobes
haddisappeared in themidstream urine
sampleswithinninedaysfollowingsplashdown, althoughP. aeruginosa could still be
recovered following prostatic massage after 16 days.

Table 8

Isolates from Urine of Apollo 14 CMP

CMP Urinanalysis

Preflight Postflight
by Month by Month

13 0 0.5

Micrococcus species
Corynebacterium species
Haemophi/us species +

Streptococcus species
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Proteus mirabilus
Herelea vaginicola

a Indicates designated speciesnot isolated.

blndicates isolation of designated species.

The illness occurrence illustr/ltes the types of infectious problems that can occur
when the life support system is operating suboptimally for even a short period. Another
example of the effect of unfavorable environmental conditions and poor hygiene was
observed with the increased incidence of pathogenic microorganisms on the body surface.
(figure 5). Whereas only three species (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and
Hereilea vaginicola) were recovered on the morning of launch, seven medically important
species were recovered immediately after splashdown. In addition, the number of isolates
of each species was generally higher after flight. Although there was generally a slight
postflight increase in the incidence of pathogens in other crews, the Apollo 13 increase
was significantly elevated. An average of 175 percent more medically important species
was recovered from the seven Apollo 13 postflight skin swabs as compared with an
average increase of only 33 percent for the same samples from the Apollo 14 flight.
It was not unusual to find at least one crewmember from each Apollo team harboring
the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans in the mouth. The presence of this species
generally does not pose a significant threat to healthy adults. However, the other fungi
that normally exercise a controlling influence on C. albicans populations through
96 Biomedical Remits of Apollo

Antibiotics Administered

A - Tetracycline (inflight)
B - Furadantin- Pyridium
C - Coly-Mycin B

I \

8 .( It \\

_ 10 3
_-_ / i II \\\

Midstream+/ iI! \\\ Following


e- \\\ / \\
¢J 101 ? ,\

(D R+0, April 19,1970_\\\\


100 i

0 10 20 30 40 50 6O

Days After Launch

Figure 4. Presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in urine

of Apollo 13 Lunar Module Pilot.

microbial competition have decreased dramatically during space flight. This population
shift creates a situation in which the natural resistance to infection may be decreased at a
time when clinical diagnosis and treatment are most difficult.
The presence of C. albicans, as well as other species of Candida that have similarly
been implicated in a variety of pathogenic situations, was carefully monitored during each
Apollo flight. No anomalies were noted among any of the Apollo crewmembers that
could be traced to yeast infections. Whether this lack of microbial competition could
mediate a disease state during missions of longer duration is a matter of conjecture, but
the Apollo data demonstrate the existing possibility.
The Apollo 17 Command Module Pilot exhibited a chronic dermatitis on the skin of
the groin and both feet before and after flight. The pathogenic fungus Trichophyton
rubrum was isolated as the causative agent at each sampling period. A similar dermatitis
was present on the skin of the Commander's toes, although the causative agent could not
be cultured. The presence of active dermatophyte infections on two of the Apollo 17
crewmembers afforded the opportunity to study the response of this type of disease
condition to short-term space flight. Analysis of the lesions after flight revealed no
discernible change from the preflight condition. Likewise, there was no evidence of
transfer of T. rubrum to other parts of the body.
A potential avenue of secondary infection was carefully monitored in the Apollo 17
crewmen. The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa was present on the toes
Microbiological Investigations 97

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98 Biomedical Results of Apollo

of the CDR before flight and spread to the toes of the CMP and the LMP during flight.
However, the presence of this species near the dermatophytic lesions did not result in a
secondary, P. aeruginosa mediated infection.

Spacecraft and Clothing Microbiology

Spacecraft microbial samples from the Apollo 7 through 12 missions were evaluated.
The microorganisms obtained from the four preflight and postflight Command Module
samples were grouped according to morphological type (table 9). Although the sample
population was small, a definite trend of increased numbers of potential pathogens was

Table 9

Morphological Types Isolated From Four CM

Sampling Sites: Apollo 7 through 12

Total Isolations
Morphological Type
Immediate Preflight Immediate Postflight

Gram-positive cocci 38 47

Baci/lus species 13 4

Diptheroids 8 13

Gram-negative rods 0 9
Filamentous fungi 14 9
Yeasts 6 3

A potentially pathogenic microorganism (Staphylococcus aureus) was isolated at the

preflight sampling period only on the Apollo 10 spacecraft (table 10). The organism,
recovered in each of the four preflight samples collected, was not recovered after flight
from any sampled site. However, several medically important organisms were isolated at
the postflight period of most of the Apollo 7 through 12 missions.
Of the 79 morphological types isolated before flight, only ten species were reisolated
after the flight on the same mission. The reisolated types were primarily Staphylococcus
epidermidis and Micrococcus species. These isolates are predominant in the human
microflora and their rcisolation from spacecraft samples is probably attributable to
recontamination of the sample sites by the crewmen rather than to survival in the
Command Module.
The transfer of microorganisms between the crewmen and the Command Module or
the extravehicular activity clothing became more obvious in the analysis of subsequent
missions. The data obtained from the Apollo 14 flight illustrate what generally happens
to the microbial load of selected Command Module sites during a space flight (table 11).
The various sites sampled harbored a variety of microbial species. Command Module
habitation did not generally affect a significant change in the number of contaminating
species. However, there was an obvious loss of the original contaminants on each site with
a concurrent invasion of microbes of different species.
Microbiological Investigations 99






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100 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table I 1

Analyses of Aerobic Species Recovered From Apollo 14

CM Hardware Sites

Microorganisms Recovered

Sample Site Preflight Postflight

(F--0) (R+0)

Floor Micrococcus species 3
Micrococcus species 5
Micrococcus species 14
Pseudomonas maltophilia b
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Herelea vaginicola b
Klebsiella pneumoniae b
Proteus mirabilis b
Streptococcus faecalis b

Head strut Gaffkya tetragena

Staphylococcus epidermidis
Bacillus species

Rotational hand controller Micrococcus species 10

Micrococcus species 19
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Corynebacterium bovis
Gaffkya species
Micrococcus species 4 Micrococcus species 4
Micrococcus species 29
Gaffkya tetragena
Staphylococcus epidermidis

a = Indicates designated species not recovered during this sampling period.

b = Medically significant species.

The Apollo 14 data also illustrate the general phenomenon of buildup of medically

important species during the space flight. Only one potentially pathogenic species

(Pseudomonas maltophilia) was recovered from the Command Module sites before
lift-off, whereas four different potential pathogens, Herellea vaginicola, Klebsiella

pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, and Streptococcusfaecalis, were recovered after flight. This

same pattern was generally noted in each of the flights for which the appropriate samples
were collected.

The increased incidence of medically important microorganisms is even more obvious

from urine collection device analysis. Table 12 illustrates a common pattern with the

UCD samples. UCDs were first sampled in the clean room at the NASA John F. Kennedy

Space Center the morning of launch, and were generally free of microbes. However,

samples collected in the Command Module immediately upon recovery contained a

variety of contaminants. All but one species (Bacillus) of the microbes recovered after
Microbiological Investigations 101

flight from the Apollo 14 devices were potential pathogens. The buildup of Proteus
mirabilis on the UCD reoccurred throughout most of the Apollo missions. Close contact
of susceptible parts of the body with a contaminated UCD presented a significant medical
Table 12

Number of Aerobic Specimens Recovered From Samples of Three Apollo 14 UCSs

Organism Preflight Postflight

Bacillus species a 1
Klebsiella pneumoniae b 3
Proteus mirabilis b 1
Pseudomonas maltophilia b 2
Staphylococcus epidermidis 2

alndicates designated speciesnot isolated during this sampling period.

bMedically important species.

Statistical Analysis of Crew Microflora

Paired t-tests were performed on the crew bacterial flora of the Apollo 7 to ll
missions to identify significant changes in the number or occurrence of microorganisms in
the postflight period as compared with the preflight period. Comparisons were made by
testing both the sum of actual bacterial counts within a genus and the sum of occurrence
of a particular genus at each sampling site. Times selected for comparison of the paired
genera in the identified groups were F-30 and F-0; F-30 and R+0; and F-0 and R+0. The
tests were performed on the microflora of the stool, urine, throat-mouth gargle, and
inguinal region samples. All body surface samples, which included the inguinal region
samples, were tested as a single group. The microflora of each sample area were further
divided into groups of aerobic gram positives, anaerobic gram positives, aerobic gram
negatives, and anaerobic gram negatives.
Significant alteration at the 0.05 level in the count, or occurrence, of microorganisms
during these missions was indicated only in the inguinal region by this test method.
Alteration of the microflora in this sample area was expected because of the poor
personal hygiene measures available to the Apollo crewmen following defecation. In
general, a high degree of variation was observed in the microflora between sampling
periods, between crewmen, and between missions. No other consistent alteration to the
microflora was observed by this test method.

Apollo Crew Virology

Serological titers were determined preflight on crewmen, crew contacts, and key mis-
sion personnel to ascertain immune status to mumps, rubella, and rubeola. The immune
status of all astronauts to poliomyelitis virus types I, 2, and 3 was also determined. In
addition, complement-fixation antibody titers to influenza A, influenza B, ECHO virus
(group), adenovirus (group), parainfluenza, herpes simplex, Mycoplasma pneumoniae,
cytomega]ovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus were determined for the crewmembers.
102 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Poliomyelitis virus was isolated from the preflight stools of thc Apollo 11 crewmen
after the crewmen had been given poliomyelitis boosters. Herpes simplex virus was
isolated from the throat specimen collected immediately before flight from one
Apollo 15 crewmember. This virus was not isolated from postflight specimens.
An investigation of the postflight illness of Apollo 7 crewmen established A 2 Hong
Kong influenza as the causative agent by serological confirmation. Postflight illnesses in
two Apollo 9 crewmembers were confirmed as influenza B virus by virus isolation and
A study of the rubella virus exposure of the Apollo 13 crewmembers definitely
established that a backup crewmember was infected with rubella virus. The source of the
backup crewmember's exposure was also identified. After the immune status of the
Apollo 13 crew was determined, one crew reassignment was made and the scheduled
initiation of the flight was permitted. The following viruses were isolated from personnel
who either worked behind the biological barrier or were contacts of the crew: rhinovirus;
herpes simplex; adenovirus type 2 and type 5; Coxsackie A6, A24, B1, and B3; and
enteric cytopathogenic human orphan (ECHO) virus type 1. The crewmen remained free
from manifestations of similar illnesses.
Mycoplasma species were routinely isolated from preflight and postflight specimens
from all Apollo crewmen. Throat specimens frequently yielded Mycoplasma salivarium
and Mycoplasma orale I, and Mycoplasma hominis was isolated from the urine.
Mycoplasma laidlawii A was isolated from throat and urine specimens of Apollo 12
crewmen. Some evidence of cross infection was noted. Usually, Mycoplasma species were
isolated from one or two crewmembers, and the same species were isolated before and
after flight. The largest number of isolations was obtained from the Apollo 12 and 13
crewmen. Mycoplasma species were isolated from preflight and postflight specimens
obtained from all crewmembers of these missions.

Summary and Conclusions

The return of sterile lunar soil indicated the success of measures developed to prevent
lunar soil contamination. The likelihood of returning a lunar microorganism was
recognized as being very small. However, the possibility of lunar soil contamination with
terrestrial organisms was considerably greater. Had the soil become contaminated, the
catalog developed before flight of microorganisms carried to the moon would have been
extremely useful in identifying a terrestrial contaminant. The need for a premission
microbial catalog will exist for future manned missions to other planets unless substantial
advances can be made in the collection and transportation procedures of foreign soil, thus
ensuring the return of the soil in its original state.
Considerable variation in the microfloral response was observed on the Apollo
missions. The variables of host susceptibility, external environmental factors, and
ecological relationships among competing species of microorganisms were undoubtedly
responsible for the observed response of the microflora.
An increased incidence and spread of potentially pathogenic microorganisms between
crewmen was demonstrated on several missions. In all cases, the organisms carried by each
Microbiological Investigations 10 3

crewman were carefully monitored throughout the preflight and postflight phases in an
effort to prevent, or control, infectious disease events. A major consideration for future
missions of longer duration should be to develop improved preventive measures and
inflight monitoring and diagnostic systems. Such systems will provide coverage for
inflight illness events and will provide additional understanding of the microfloral
response and its relationship to illness events.
Preflight and postflight microbial analysis of samples obtained from the Command
Module showed a loss of the preflight microorganisms occurs during the mission.
Microflora isolated at sampling sites before flight were replaced by microorganisms from
the crew.
No observations made suggest the spacecraft environment predisposes the crewmen to
viral or mycoplasma-induced illness.



J. Vernon Bailey
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


The solar and cosmic radiation found in space has long been recognized as a possible
danger in space travel. Exposure to such radiation has the potential of causing serious
medical problems. For example, radiation exposure can produce a number of significant
changes in various elements of the blood, making an individual more susceptible to
disease;also, ionizing radiations of the type found in space can produce significant damage
to the lens of the eye. Radiation exposure can also cause temporary or lasting damage
to the reproductive system ranging from rcduced fertility to permanent sterility. The
extent of damage dcpends upon the tissue involved, the duration of exposure, the dose
received, and other factors.
Apollo missions placed men for the first time outside the Earth's geomagnetic shield,
subjecting them to potentially hazardous particulate radiation of an intensity and
frequency not encountered in the Earth's environment. In addition, various aspects of
ground-based operations in support of Apollo missions involved some exposure to
radioactive materials, for example during manufacture, testing, and installation of
radioluminescent panels in the spacccraft. In flight, astronauts were exposed to both
manmade radiations and those occurring naturally in space. Of the two, space radiations
posed the larger hazard and were largely uncontrollable. Manmade radiation sources,
while of appreciable strength, could bc controlled.
The Apollo radiation protection program focused on both the natural radiations
encountered in space and manmade radiations encountered on the ground and in the
space environment. In both areas, the basic philosophy remained the same: to avoid
harmful radiation effects by limiting the radiation dose to the lowest level judged
consistent with the achievement of beneficial goals.

Radiation from Space

During a complete Apollo mission, astronauts were exposed to widely varying

radiation sources. These included the Van Allen belts, cosmic rays, neutrons, and other


106 Biomedical Results of Apollo

subatomic particles created in high-energy collisions of primary particles with spacecraft

materials. Spacecraft transfer from low Earth orbit to translunar coast necessitated
traverse of the regions of geomagnetically trapped electrons and protons known as the
Van Allen belts. When beyond these belts, the spacecraft and crewmen were continuously
subjected to high-energy cosmic rays and to varying probabilities of particle bursts from
the sun. In addition, the individual responsibilities of the crewmen differed, and with
these, their radiation exposure. Free-space extravehicular activity, lunar surface activity,
and intravehicular Command and Lunar Module activity imposed varying radiation doses.

Van Allen Belts

The problem of protecting astronauts against the radiation found within the
Van Allen belts was recognized before the advent of manned space flight. These two
bands of trapped radiation, discovered during the Explorer I flight in 1958, consist
principally of protons and high-energy electrons, a significant part of which were, at that
time, debris from high-altitude tests of nuclear weapons. The simple solution to
protection is to remain under the belts [below an altitude of approximately 556 km
(_300 nautical miles)] when in Earth orbit, and to traverse the belts rapidly on the way
to outer space. In reality, the problem is somewhat more complex. The radiation belts
vary in altitude over various parts of the Earth and are absent over the north and south
magnetic poles. A particularly significant portion of the Van Allen belts is a region known
as the South Atlantic anomaly (figure 1). Over the South Atlantic region, the
geomagnetic field draws particles closer to the Earth than in other regions of the globe.
The orbit inclination of a spacecraft determines the number of passes made per day
through this region and, thus, the radiation dose.




160 120 80 40 0 40 80 120 160

Longitude, deg

Figure 1. Isodose profile showing high-dose region

over South Atlantic.
Radiation Protection and Instrumentation 107

Particles wit in the Van Allen belts, in spiraling around the Earth magnetic lines of
force, display directionality. This directionality varies continuously in angular relation-
ship to the trajectory of the spacecraft. Therefore, dosimetry instrumentation for use in
the Van Allen belts had relatively omnidirectional radiation Sensors so that the radiation
flux would be measured accurately. The Van Allen belt dosimeter (figure 2) was designed
specifically for Apollo dosimetry within these radiation belts.

Figure 2. Van Allen Belt dosimeter.

Solar-Particle Radiation
N o major solar-particle events occurred during an Apollo mission. Although much
effort has been expended in the field of solar-event forecasting, individual eruptions from
the solar surface have proved impossible to forecast. The best that can be provided is an
estimate of particle dose, given visual or radio-frequency (RF) confirmation that an
eruption has occurred. A system of solar-monitoring stations, the Solar Particle Alert
Network (SPAN), provides a NASA-sponsored network of continuous data on solar-flare
activity. SPAN consists of three multiple-frequency radio telescopes and seven optical
telescopes. The network gives data for determining the severity of solar-particle events
and the resultant possible radiation hazards to crewmen. After the appearance of particles
is confirmed onboard a spacecraft, protective action can be taken.
In terms of hazard to crewmen in the heavy, well shielded Command Module, even
one of the largest solar-particle event series on record (August 4-9, 1972) would not have
caused any impairment of crewmember functions or ability of the crewmen to complete
108 Biomedical Results of Apollo

their mission safely. I t is estimated that within the Command Module during this event,
the crewmen would have received a dose of 360 rads" to their skin and 35 rads to
their blood-forming organs (bone and spleen). Radiation doses to crewmen while inside
the thinly shielded Lunar Module or during an extravehicular activity (EVA) would be
extremely serious for such a particle event. To monitor particle activity, a nuclear-
particle-detection system (figure 3) was designed to have a relatively narrow acceptance
angle. I t measured the isotropic proton and alpha particles derived from solar-particle

Figure 3. Nuclear-particledetectionsystem.

Cosmic Rays
Cosmic ray fluxes, consisting of completely ionized atomic nuclei originating outside
the solar system and accelerated to very high energies, provided average dose rates of
1.0 millirads per hour in cislunar space** and 0.6 millirads per hour on the lunar surface.
These values are expected to double at the low point in the 11-year cycle of solar-flare
activity (solar minimum) because of decreased solar magnetic shielding of the central
planets. The effect of high-energy cosmic rays on humans is unknown but is considered
by most authorities not to be of serious concern for exposures of less than a few years.
Experimental evidence of the effects of these radiations is dependent on the development
of highly advanced particle accelerators or the advent of long-term manned missions
outside the Earth's geomagnetic influence.

*Radiation absorbed dose. Correspondsto absorption of watts (100 ergs) per gram of any medicine.
That region of space between the Earth and the moon or the moon's orbit.
Radiation Protection and Instrumentation 109

Neutrons created by cosmic rays in collision with lunar materials were postulated to
be a potential hazard to Apollo crewmen (Kastner et al., 1969). Two methods for
neutron-dose assessment were used. These techniques of whole-body counting and
neutron-resonant foil were initiated on the Apollo 11 mission. Later analyses indicated
that neutron doses were significantly lower than had been anticipated. Both methods
were retained because of the remaining potential for neutron production by solar-event
particles and because of possible crewman exposure to neutrons from the SNAP-27
radioisotope thermal generator used to power the Apollo lunar surface experiments

Detection Devices
To allow accurate determination of overall radiation exposure of the crewmen, each
carried a personal radiation dosimeter (PRD) (figure 4) and three passive dosimeters
(figure 5). The PRD provided visual readout of accumulated radiation dose to each
crewman as the mission progressed. I t is approximately the size of a cigarette pack, and
pockets were provided in the flight coveralls as well as in the space suit for storage. The
passive dosimeters were placed in the garments worn throughout the mission. By placing
these detectors at various locations (ankle, thigh, and chest) within the garments, accurate
radiation doses for body portions were determined.



0 0.4 LBS

0 5.46 IN.3
0 0-1000 RADS I N 0.0

e 2000 HOURS

Figure 4. Personal radiation dosimeter.

A radiation-survey meter (RSM) (figure 6) allowed crewmen to determine radiation

levels in any desired location in their compartment. Crewmen could use the RSM, a
110 Biomedical Results of Apollo

direct-reading dose-rate instrument, to find a habitable low-dose region within the

spacecraft in the event of a radiation emergency.

Figure 5. Passive dosimeter with component parts.

5 b s - i x

Figure 6. Radiation-survey meter.

Problems Involving Radiations of Manmade Origin

Protection against manmade sources of radiation is a ground support function
concerned mainly with the protection of the ground personnel, the general public, and
the environment against detrimental effects of radiation. Much of this effort involved
Radiation Protection and Instrumentation 111

routine health-physics procedures governed by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

regu.lations (Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, 1971) and U.S. Department of Labor
Standards (Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, 1971). However, certain problems
concerning spacecraft radioluminescent sources were peculiar to the Apollo Program. The
chief problems were leakage of radioactive material from radioluminescent switch tips,
and emission of excess soft X-ray radiation from radioluminescent panels. Both of these
problems were solved.
A summary of all of the onboard instrumentation used during Apollo missions to
assess radiation exposure is presented in table 1.

Table 1
Onboard Radiation Instrumentation

Instrument Measurement Location

Nuclear particle Alpha-proton spectrometer (4 channels Service

detection system proton, 15 to 150 MeV; 3 channels Module
alpha, 40 to 300 MeV); telemetered

Van Allen belt Skin and depth dose rates; telemetered CM


Radiation survey Portable, hand-held ratemeter: 4 linear CM (portable)

meter ranges, 0 to 0.1 to 0 to 100 rad/hr,
visual readout

Personal radiation 1/crewman; accumulated radiation Suit

dosimeter dose; 0.01 to 1000 rad; visual

Passive radiation 3/crewmen; emulsion/thermolumines- Constant-

dosimeter cent dosimeters; postflight analysis wear

Results and Discussion

Average radiation doses were computed for each mission (table 2). Individual readings
varied approximately 20 percent from the average because of differences in the shielding
effectiveness of various parts of the Apollo spacecraft as well as differences in duties,
movements, and locations of crewmen. Doses to blood-forming organs were
approximately 40 percent lower than the values measured at the body surface. In
comparison with the doses actually received, the maximum operational dose (MOD) limit
for each of the Apollo missions was set at 400 rads (X-ray equivalent) to skin and 50 rads
to the blood-forming organs.
Radiation doses measured during Apollo were significantly lower than the yearly
average of 5 rem _ set by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for workers who use

*Roentgen Equivalent, Man refers to the absorbed dose of any ionizing radiation which produces the
same biological effects in man as those resulting from the absorption of I roentgen of X-rays.
l t2 Biomedical Results of Apollo

radioactive materials in factories and institutions across the United States. Thus, radiation
was not an operational problem during the Apollo Program. Doses received by the
crewmen of Apollo missions 7 through 17 were small because no major solar-particle
events occurred during those missions. One small event was detected by a radiation sensor
outside the Apollo 12 spacecraft, but no increase in radiation dose to the crewmen inside
the spacecraft was detected.

Table 2

Average Radiation Doses of the Flight

Crews for the Apollo Missions

Apollo Mission Skin Dose, rads

7 0.16
8 .16
9 .20
10 .48
11 .18
12 .58
13 .24
14 1.14
15 .30
16 .51
17 .55

One particular effect possibly related to cosmic rays was the light-flash phenomenon
reported on the Apollo 11 and subsequent missions. Although it is well known that
ionizing radiations can produce visual phosphenes (subjective sensations best described as
flashes of light) of the types reported, a definite correlation was not established between
cosmic rays and the observation of flashes during the Apollo Program. The light flashes
were described as starlike flashes or streaks of light that apparently occur within the eye.
The flashes were observed only when the spacecraft cabin was dark or when blindfolds
were provided and the crewmen were concentrating on detection of the flashes.
There is a possibility that visual flashes might indicate the occurrence of damage to
the brain or eye; however, no damage has been observed among crewmen who
experienced the light-flash phenomenon. During the Apollo 16 and 17 missions, a device
known as the Apollo Light Flash Moving Emulsion Detector (ALFMED) was employed
for the purpose of establishing if the flashes were indeed being caused by heavy cosmic
rays. Further information regarding the light-flash phenomenon is contained in
Section IV, Chapter 2 of this book.

Although Apollo missions did not undergo any major space radiation contingency,
procedures for handling radiation problems were ready. The development of spacecraft
dosimetry systems, the use of a space radiation surveillance network, and the availability
of individuals with a thorough knowledge of space radiation assured that any contingency
would be recognized immediately and would be coped with in a manner most expedient
Radiation Protection and Instrumentation 113

for both crewmember safety and mission objectives. The possible deterrent to manned
space flight by large radiation doses was successfully avoided in the Apollo missions. More
significantly, Apollo astronaut doses were negligible in terms of any medical or biological
effects that could have impaired the function of man in the space environment.
The two key problems affecting safe operations with manmade radiation were
resolved by design modifications. Leakage of radioactive materials from radioluminescent
switch tips was eliminated by a change in encapsulating material. The problem of
extensive emission of soft X-ray radiation from radioluminescent panels was resolved by
applying a layer of plastic to the panels.

Summary and Conclusions

Radiation was not an operational problem during the Apollo Program. Doses received
by the crewmen of Apollo missions 7 through 17 were small because no major solar-particle
events occurred during those missions. One small event was detected by a radiation sensor
outside the Apollo 12 spacecraft, but no increase in radiation dose to the crewmen inside
the spacecraft was detected. Solar-particle releases are random events, and it is possible
that flares, with the accompanying energetic nuclear particles, might hinder future flights
beyond the magnetosphere of the Earth.
Radiation protection for the Apollo Program was focused on both the peculiarities of
the natural space radiation environment and the increased prevalence of manmade
radiation sources on the ground and onboard the spacecraft. Radiation-exposure risks to
crewmen were assessed and balanced against mission gain to determine mission
constraints. Operational radiation evaluation required specially designed radiation-
detection systems onboard the spacecraft in addition to the use of satellite data, solar
observatory support, and other liaison. Control and management of radioactive sources
and radiation-generating equipment was important in minimizing radiation exposure of
ground-support personnel, researchers, and the Apollo flight and backup crewmen.


Anon.: Occupational Safety and Health Standards. Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, part 1910,
,May 1971.

Anon.: Standards fGl" Protection Against Radiation. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, part 20,
rev. July 15, 1971.

Kastner, Jacob; Oltman, B.G.; Feige, Yehuda; and Gold, Raymond: Neutron Exposure to Lunar
Astronauts. Health Phys., vol. 17, no. 5, Nov. 1969, pp. 732-733.
N76 12672




J.M. Waligora
D.J. Horrigan

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


Extravehicular activity, particularly on the lunar surface, was a key and essential part
of the Apollo Program. However, the physical capabilities of the crewmen in the
performance of extravehicular activity (EVA) and the physiological cost to the crewmen
were some of the significant uncertainties of the program.
The space environment imposed life support requirements during EVA: the
maintenance of a minimum oxygen pressure, the removal of expired carbon dioxide, the
provision for useful mobility, and the maintenance of body temperature. To meet these
requirements, a composite pressure suit of many layers and complex joints was
developed. * The result of the development was a pressure suit that provided excellent
thermal insulation in a vacuum, but imposed a much greater workload on the wearer in a
onc-g environment than the work required to perform the same activity without a suit. In
addition to the difficulty of working in a pressure suit, Apollo crewmen had to contend
with either zero g for the free-space EVA or one-sixth g for the lunar surface EVA.
Zero-g extravehicular activities were performed during five Gemini missions, and
considerable difficulty was experienced by the crewmembers. Crewmen experienced high
work rates and apparent overheating during Gemini 4, Gemini 9, and Gemini 11 EVAs.
The crewmen also encountered unexpected difficulty performing specific tasks on each of
the Gemini missions (Roth, 1968). After the particularly exhausting experience on the
Gemini 11 EVA, the Gemini 12 EVA was redirected to serve as an evaluation of zero-g
EVA capability and restraint technology. It was found that adequate body restraints,

*See Section VI, Chapter 6, Extravehicular Mobility Unit.

The following individuals shared responsibility for development of measurement methods and
real-time data analysis during extravehicular activities: G.F. Humbert, L. Kuznetz, L.J. Nelson, A.P.
Schachter, S.J. Vogel, and R.J. Kelley.


116 Biomedical Results of Apollo

realistic zero-g preflight training in a water immersion simulator and detailed preplanning
of activity were essential to insure task performance and reduce fatigue (Machel, 1967).
Although metabolic rates were not measured during the Gemini EVAs, it was clear in
several instances that crewmen worked at levels above the heat removal capability of the
gas cooled life support system (Kelley et al., 1968).
Several researchers reported on the effect of one-sixth g on the cost of work in a
pressure suit. The results were inconclusive. Wortz and Prescott (1966), Margaria and
Cavagna (1964), and Shavelson (1968) predicted metabolic costs would decrease with
subgravity walking. Roth (1966), Springer and co-workers (1963), and Shevelson and
Seminara (1968) indicated that a metabolic increase would accompany low traction
exercise. Another factor of uncertainty was the terrain and surface composition of the
moon and its effect on mobility and metabolic rate. In response to these uncertainties,
conservative biomedical estimates of the life support requirements were defined on the
basis of available data. Methods to measure metabolic rate during EVA were developed by
using operational data from the portable life support system (PLSS).

EVA Life Support Equipment

Because the pressure suit was well insulated to protect the crewman from external
high and low temperature extremes, the portable life support system of the pressure suit
had to dissipate the crewman's heat production. A liquid cooling system was developed to
accommodate high heat production in the suit as a result of the high EVA workloads.
This system consisted of plastic cooling tubes on the inside of an undergarment. The
garment could suppress sweating at work rates as high as 1670x 103J/hr
(= 400 kcal/hr) and allowed sustained operation at rates as high as 2090 x 103 J/hr
(_ 500 kcal/hr) (Waligora & Michel, 1968).
The PLSS used for the Apollo 9, 11, 12, and 14 missions could support a total
metabolic heat production of approximately 5020 x 103 J (1200 kcal), produced either
at 1670 x 103 J/hr (_400 kcal/hr) for three hours, or at 1260 x 103 J/hr (_300 kcal/hr)
for four hours. An expanded PLSS was used for the Apollo 15 through 17 missions that
could support a total metabolic heat production of 7530 x 103 J (_1800 kcal).
This system provided for EVAs of seven hours at 1050 x 103 J/hr (_250 kcal/hr) or eight
hours at 942 x 103 J/hr (=225 kcal/hr).
During the longer EVA periods a potential life support problem was dehydration. A
drinking bag containing 100 x 10 -5 m 3 of liquid was made available in the suit for
replacement of water lost in sweat and respiration.
During the Apollo 15 through 17 missions, zero-g extravehicular activities were
performed from the Command Module (CM) by means of an umbilical that provided
approximately 0.3 m3/min (10 ft3/min) of gas for cooling. These extravehicular activities
were limited to less than one hour.

Temperature Control

Suit temperature was controlled by a three-position manual valve that regulated the
temperature of the coolant water flowing through the liquid cooling garment (LCG).
Metabolism and Heat Dissipation During Apollo EVA Periods 117

During the Apollo 11, 12, and 14 missions, the valve positions provided cooling water at
temperatures of approximately 294°K (21°C) at the minimum position, 288°K (15°C)
at the intermediate position, and 280°K (7°C) at the maximum position. Typically
during these missions the temperature control valve was usually switched from minimum
to intermediate and back again. The Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot was the only crewman
who frequently used the maximum cooling position. The expanded portable life support
system used on the Apollo 15 through 17 missions had a diverter valve that provided
cooling water temperatures of approximately 300°K(27°C), 291°K(18°C),and
280°K (7°C). The minimum and intermediate cooling temperatures were increased to
avoid overcooling during riding of the lunar roving vehicle. These temperature settings
were quite satisfactory. Although the minimum and intermediate settings were most
commonly used, the maximum setting was frequently used during high workload periods
experienced during the Apollo 15 and 17 missions.
During two EVA periods, crewmen were instructed to change a diverter valve setting
from minimum to intermediate as a preventive measure, but no crewman ever appeared to
have a serious thermal problem. Despite variations in the frequency of diverter valve
changes, each crewman maintained a suitable average temperature during the EVA
periods. In all cases, 60 to 80 percent of the heat generated by metabolism was dissipated
through the LCG. The LCG used during the lunar surface extravehicular activities
undoubtedly minimized water loss from sweating and prevented dehydration and
excessive fatigue.
For the Command Module extravehicular activities performed during the Apollo 15
through 17 missions, the only cooling available to the crewmen was from gas
ventilation at a rate of 0.3 m3/min (_10 ft3/min). This ventilation rate could not
sustain prolonged work rates of more than 1050 x 103 J/hr @250 kcal/hr). Despite
this limitation, no overheating problems were experienced because good restraint
systems were available, training in the water immersion facility was adequate, and the
EVA periods were short.

Metabolic Rate Measurement Methods

Since it was desirable to measure metabolic rate during extravehicular aetivies on the
hmar surface and in free space, several measurement approaches were evaluated. The
standard laboratory methods would have required breaking pressure suit integrity if used
in space or during vacuum chamber training on the ground. Therefore, the operational
data available from the crewman and from his life support system were assessed to
determine their usefulness in approximating metabolic rate.
The data available from the crewmen during the EVA periods consisted of voice data,
electrocardiogram (ECG) data from each crewman, oxygen bottle pressure, liquid cooling
garment (LCG) coolant-water entry and exit temperatures, and suit-gas entry tempera-
ture. In addition, the sublimator water usage was available after the majority of the
EVAs. Sublimator water usage provided a measure of the total heat loss from the suit.
All of the heat removed from the pressure suit was first transferred to a heat sink
maintained by the sublimator which rejected heat by the change of state involved in
sublimating ice to water vapor in the vacud_ of space.
118 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Three methods were developed and used to estimate real-time metabolic rates:

1. The heart rate, counted from the electrocardiographic signal, was related to
metabolism on the basis of a correlation with bicycle ergometer workload which was
established before the flight (figure 1).

2. The oxygen usage, computed from the decrease in oxygen bottle pressure per unit
time, was related to metabolism. A correction was made for an assumed rate of suit
3. The difference between the temperatures of the coolant water flowing into and out
from the liquid cooling garment was multiplied by an assumed water flow rate and related
to metabolism directly. This relationship is illustrated in figure 2, and it is based on the
assumption that the crewman is maintaining a comfortable LCG inlet temperature. A
second mode of computation was available in which crewman comfort is not assumed,
but a steady-state of the coolant inlet temperature is assumed. An example of this mode
of the LCG program is illustrated in figure 3. The basic difference between the two modes
of computation, then, is the fact that the LCG inlet temperature is used in the second
mode. This provided a greater degree of precision but required a constant inlet
temperature. An operational procedure was established to select the appropriate LCG
calculation mode as a function of the constancy of the inlet temperature.
In both the LCG computational modes, the metabolic rate was corrected by
subtracting an estimate of heat leaked into the pressure suit from the environment from
the total heat removed from the pressure suit.
After the mission was completed, the estimations made by each method of
calculation were independently reassessed with respect to the information gained during
the EVA including data on the sublimator feedwater remaining; real-time data were
recalculated when required. The best metabolic rate estimate for the EVA and for EVA
segments was then obtained by averaging the oxygen method and the LCG method.
Because of apparent changes in the correlation of heart rate with metabolism, the heart
rate method was not used independently. A postflight relationship of heart rate to
metabolism was defined using the average heart and metabolic rates as a point and basing
the slope of the relationship between heart rate and metabolic rate on the average of the
preflight and postflight slopes.
Two types of task-identification methods were used for separat!ng the activities
performed during the EVA periods. The metabolic rate monitors divided the operational
tasks into four types that were of interest to mission planners. These tasks consisted of
overhead activities (that is, tasks required for each EVA, such as egressing and ingressing
the vehicle, rather than those directed to a specific objective), deploying the Apollo lunar
surface experiments package (ALSEP), making geological surveys, and riding in the lunar
roving vehicle (LRV). Although these tasks were easy to separate according to time
required for completion, the subtasks within a major task varied considerably from
mission to mission. The oxygen and LCG methods could be used to obtain accurate
metabolic rates for these activites. A more extensive task separation was accomplished in
conjunction with a time and motion study.* This effort resulted in dividing the EVA

*Performed by Fordham University under contract to NASA.

Metabolism and Heat Dissipation During Apollo EVA Periods 119




eq r_



_4 0

ili!_i! l
o _8





O .=

u!uals>.eaq sJea
"e_eJ H

• I I I
o_ (,0 (,o

(Jq/leO>l)£01.x Jq/F e:_eJ3!loqe]euJpa_,elnole

120 Biomedical Results of Apollo

timcline into as many definable activities as possible. Because of the short duration of

some of these activities, metabolic rates could be assigned only by using the postflight
heart rate method.

(Oc) OK
118.0) 291.2

114.4) 287.6

110.81 284.0

16.41 279.6

13.21 276.4

0 273.2 I i i i [
527 1054 1581 2108 2635 3162 J/hr x 103
(1251 (250) (375) (500) (625) (730) (kcal/hr)


Figure 2. Example of mode 1 LCG program, metabolic rate plotted as a function of heat
picked up by LCG. Relationship is based on the assumption that crewman is maintaining
comfortable LCG inlet temperature.

(°C1 OK
(18.0) 291.2

z_ (14.4) 287.6

(3 (10.81 284.0

_) (6.4) 279.6
(_ (3.2) 276.4

TWI_ 32 ° J , , i J
0 273.2
527 1054 1581 2108 2635 3162 J/hr x 103
(1251 (250) (375) (500) (625) (730) (kcal/hr)


Figure 3. Example of mode 2 LCG program; metabolic rate plotted as a function of heat
picked up by the LCG for each of a family of inlet temperatures. Relationship is based
on the assumption that a steady-state exists; crewman comfort is not assumed.
andHeat Dissipation During Apollo EVA Periods 121

Preflight data during one-g training was quite valuable in assessing the validity of the
techniques of measurement but only of limited value in predicting actual workloads on
the lunar surface and during free-space EVAs. Table 1 shows some of the data obtained
prior to Apollo 15 as compared with the inflight data. As inflight data from previous
missions became available, it became the best indicator of workloads to expect on
succeeding missions.

Table 1

Metabolic Rate Measurement During Training and Flight - Apollo 15

KSC Training Apollo 1 5

Activity EVA 2 & 3 EVA 2 & 3
J/hr x 103 (kcal/hr) J/hrx 103 (kcal/hr)

Overhead 359 (379) 261 (275) +38

Station activity 422 (445) 216 (228) +95

Lunar rover 192 (203) 463 (123) +65

Average 372 (393) 218 (230) +70

Energy Production

The metabolic rates experienced during the Apollo lunar surface extravehicular
activities are summarized in table 2. Representative data for the first Apollo 15 EVA are
given in table 3. The metabolic rates experienced during the EVA periods were lower than
had been predicted before the Apollo missions, and the crewmen were able to move easily
and confidently on the lunar surface. The overhead activities were the most energy
consuming tasks performed. These activities included egress, offloading and setup of
equipment around the Lunar Module (LM), ingress, and stowage of lunar samples. The
ALSEP deployment and geological survey resulted in lower metabolic rates than did the
overhead activity. This difference may have been attributable to the fact that the details
of these activities as a group were less predictable and required more time for judgment
and, in some cases, for precise manual manipulation.
The lowest metabolic rates occurred while astronauts drove and rode in the LIW
(figure 4). This was the most clearly defined operational activity. Metabolic rates for this
activity approached rates reported for shirt sleeve riding in an automobile (Webb, 1973).
The low metabolic rates experienced during this lunar activity were important factors
contributing to the success of the Apollo 15 through 17 missions through reduction in
both the use of consumables and the fatigue experienced by crewmen during the long
EVA periods.
The highest average metabolic rate during an EVA was exhibited by the Apollo 11
Lunar Module Pilot (LMP). This crewman had been assigned the task of evaluating modes
of locomotion and was quite active in performing this task. Several crewmen experienced
the minimum average metabolic rate of approximately 837 x 103 J/hr (200 kcal/hr) on
different missions. The highest metabolic rates experienced during the performance of
discrete activities were associated with LMP transport of the ALSEP pallet, LM ingress
122 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 2

Metabolic Expenditures During Apollo

Lunar Surface Extravehicular Activities

Metabolic Rate, J/hr x 103 (kcal/hr)

Lunar EVA
Mission EVA ALSEP Geological Roving Total For Dura-
No. No. Crewman Deploy- Station Overhead Vehicle Activities tion
ment Activity Operations (hr)

818 (195) 1023 (244) 899 (214) 949(227) 2.43

11 1
1267 (302) 1471 (351) 1269 (303) 1267 (302) 2.43

864 (206) 1017 (243) 1232 (294) 1028 (246) 3.90

1006 (240) 1028 (245) 1119 (267) 1054 (252) 3.90
913 (218) 902 (215) 922 (221) 3,78
1058 (253) 1038 (248) 1054 (252) 3.78

762 (182) 1230 (294) 920 (219) 843 (202) 4.80

947 (226) 729 (174) 1084 (259) 980 (234) 4.80
494 (118) 996 (238) 895 (213) 959 (229) 3.58
851 (203) 1120 (267) 894 (213) 1054 (252) 3.58

1182 (282) 1153 (275) 1417 (338) 639 (152) 1159 (277) 6.53
1369 (327) 778 (186) 1226 (293) 435 (104) 1033 (247) i6.53

1019 (243) 1227 (293) 1202 (287) 624 (149) 1054 (252)
15 2 _7.22
1110 (265) 792 (189) 1116 (266) 414 (99) 854 (204) 7.22

1095 (261) 1013 (242) 1303 (311) 578 (138) 1086 (260) 4.83
962 (230) 788 (188) 981 (234) 447 (106) 854 (204) 4.83

869 (207) 9O5 (216) 1146 (273) 725 (173) 917 (219) :7.18
1081 (258) 1125 (268) 1154 (275) 666 (169) 1065 (255) 7.18

933 (223) 1044 (249) 470 (112) 822 (197) 7.38

16 2
1023 (244) 987 (236) 438 (105) 874 (209) 7.38

966 (231) 983 (235) 518 (124) 854 (204) 5.67

1013 (242) 1107 (264) 430 (103) 864 (207) i5.67

1192 (285) 1094 (261) 1267 (302) 506 (121) 1150 (275) 7.20
1166 (278) 1255 (300) 1193 (285) 472 (113) 1139 (272) 7.20

1094 (261) 1267 (302) 506 (121) 864 (207) 7.62

17 2
1255 (300) 1193 (285) 472 (113) 874 (209) 7.62

1094 (261 ) 1267 (302) 506 (121) 980 (234) 7.25

1255 (300) 1193 (285) 472 (113) 990 (237) 7.25

Mean 1018 (244) 1018 (244) 1123 (270) 518 (123) 980 (234)

Total time (hr) 28.18 52,47 52.83 25.28 158.74

CDR = Commander
LMP = Lunar Module Pilot

Metabolism and Heat Dissipation During Apollo EVA Periods 123

with lunar samples, and drilling and removal of drill bits. The flight surgeon never had to
limit the work rate of any crewman during an EVA. The lowest rates experienced for

discrete activities were associated with riding the LRV, picture taking, and with periods

of observation and description.

Table 3

Metabolic Expenditures for the Apollo 15 Commander During EVA-1

Duration i Average
End Time
Metabolic Rate
Surface Activity (hr:min) (min)
J/hr x 10 3 (kcal/hr)

Preegress operations 119:51 12 1569 (374)

Egress 119:59 8 1726 (412)

Television deployment 120:11 12 1895 (452)

Lunar roving vehicle (LRV) offloading and

120:32 21 1463 (349)

LRV configuration 121:45 73 1239 (296)

LRV traverse (LM to station 1) 122:11 26 513 (122)

Station 1 activities 122:29 18 1032 (246)

Geological site selection 122:15 4 1045 (249)

Radial sample 122:24 9 852 (203)

Traverse preparation 122:29 5 1343 (321)

LRV traverse (station 1 to station 2) 122:35 6 486 (116)

Station 2 activities 123:26 51 1196 (285)

Description and documented sample 122:57 22 1120 (267)

Comprehensive sample 123:05 8 1212 (289)

Double core tube 123:16 11 1112 (265)

500-ram photography and traverse preparation 123:26 10 1444 (345)

LRV traverse (station 2 to LM) 124:00 34 617 (155)

ALSEP offloading 124 :24 24 1054 (252)

ALSEP traverse (LRV) 124:33 9 795 (190)

Heat flow experiment deployment 125:24 51 I IO'-_ ILo,.,_!

Laser ranging retroreflector deployment 125:33 9 1393 (333)

Photography and traverse preparation 125:38 5 1394 (333)

LRV traverse (ALSEP site to LM) 125:43 5 1343 (321)

EVA closeout 125:58 15 1305 (311 )

Solar wind composition experiment deployment and

126:11 13 1701 (406)
EVA termination

During the Apollo 14 mission, which included some of the most extensive walking
traverses (figure 5), a specific effort was made to relate walking speed to metabolic rate.
Thc results of this effort are presented in table 4. These data indicate a very poor
correlation between traverse rate and metabolic rate. During these operational traverses,
the crewman apparefifiy maintained a comfortable walking effort, and, to a large extent,
124 Biomedical Results of Apollo

the rate of travel at this level of effort varied with the terrain and the operational
requirements of each traverse.

R !! -I?&. --

Figure 4. Apollo 17 astronaut riding in the lunar roving vehicle.

Figure 5. Apollo 17 astronaut walking on the lunar surface.

EVAPeriods 125



-_ tl. 5
% =,
_ 0 ,_-

tr tr
._ t:)
'q" 0 e9


000 _0__0_ _ 0

_ .__
000 0



_ o0


LO _0 ,'-

O- O. _.
• _ _
% ee eeeeee_esee _eeo .s "0
> <<<
126 Biomedical Results of Apollo

In general, both the speed and the efficiency of lunar walking were greater than could
be achieved while wearing a pressure suit in a one-g environment; neither speed nor
efficiency was equivalent to that of a shirt sleeve operation at one g.

Operational film and kinescope were used in performing a time and motion study of
Apollo 15 and 16 activities. This study compared the facility for, and energy cost of
performing several specific activities at one g during training wearing the Apollo space suit
with one-sixth g on the lunar surface. One of the observations of this study was that tasks
were completed more rapidly at one g than at one-sixth g, but that greater metabolic
costs were involved (Kubis et al., 1972a; Kubis et al., 1972b).

In addition to the 14 periods of lunar surface activity, there were four periods of
zero-g EVA. The metabolic data from these EVA periods are summarized in table 5.
During the Command Module extravehicular activities performed during the Apollo 15
through 17 missions, the Command Module Pilot retrieved a film canister from the
Service Module while the Lunar Module Pilot tended his umbilical in the doorway of the
Command Module (figure 6). During the Command Module extravehicular activities,
heart rate was the only data available for estimating metabolic rate. Because the errors in
the heart rate method all tended to increase the metabolic rate estimate, these rates can
be considered maximum values. Voice contact with crewmen during these periods did not
indicate that they were working strenuously. The metabolic rates obtained from heart
rate data were not used to constrain extravehicular activities; in some cases, the actual
metabolic rates were much lower than the values obtained by means of heart rate
calibration data. Elevation of these heart rates was attributed more to excitement than to

Table 5

Metabolic Expenditures
During Apollo Zero-G EVA Periods

Mission Metabolic Rate, Duration

Number Crewman J/hr x 103 (kcal/hr) (min)

9 LMP 634 (150) 59

15 CMP < 992 (235) 40
LMP* < 486 (115) 40
16 CMP <2108 (500) 85
LMP* 85
17 CMP < 1267 (300) 67
LMP* <602 (145) 67

Total 443

*Standup EVA
**Not measured
LMP = Lunar Module Pilot
CMP = Command Module Pilot
Metabolism and Heat Dissipation During Apollo E V A Periods 127

Figure 6. Apollo 17 CMP retrieving film canister from the Service Module.

Concluding Remarks
The Apollo crewmen were able to perform planned extravehicular activities and to
extend them to the maximum time allowable without medical problems. The metabolic
rates experienced during the lunar surface extravehicular activities were lower than
conscrative premission estimates.
A manually controlled liquid cooling garment was effectively used to minimize
fatigue and water loss from sweating during lunar surface extravehicular activities.
Gas cooling was adequate during the short zero-g extravehicular activities performed
from the Command Module.
The prediction of EVA workloads became more reliable as inflight data was
accumulatcd. The prediction of the average metabolic cost of an EVA was more reliable
than the cost of an individual short-term task.


Kelley, G.F.; Coons, D.O.; and Carpentier, W.R.: Medical Aspects of Gemini Extravehicular Activities.
Aerosp. Med., vol. 39, June 1968, pp. 611-615.
Kubis, J.F.; Elrod, J.T.; Rusnak, R.; and Barnes, J.E.: (Final Report) Apollo 15 Time and Motion
Study, NASA CR-128695, 1972a.
Kubis, J.F.; Elrod, J.T.; Rusnak, R.; Barnes, J.E.; and Saxon, S.C.: (Final Mission Report) Apollo 1 6
Time and Motion Study, NASA CR-128696,1972b.
i28 Biomedical

ed:Summary ofGemini Extravehicular
NASA SP-149,I967.
R.;andCavagna,G.A.:Human Locomotion in Subgravity.
1964, pp.1140-1146.
ofSpace SuitsforLunar Exploration.
Roth,E.M.,ed.:Compendium ofLunarResponses totheAerospaceEnvironment.
NASA CR-1205
R.J.:LunarGravitySimulationanditsEffectonHuman Performance.
Human Factors,
RJ.;andSeminara, J.L.:Effectof LunarGravity on Man'sPerformanceof Basic
J.Appl. Physiol.,
vol52,1968, pp.177-183.
I.: TheMetabolic
Environment.Aerosp.Med., vol.34,June
J.M.;andMichel,E.L.:Application of ConductiveCooling
for Working
Menin the
Environment.Aerosp. Med.,vol.39,May1968,
Webb, P.:Work,Heat,andOxygen Cost.BioastronauticsDataBook.NASASP_3006, 1973,
E.J.:Effects ofSubgravityTractionSimulation
N76 12( 73



E.L. Michel, M.S.
J.M. Waligora, M.S.-
D.J. Horrigan, M.S.
W.H. Shumate, Ph.D.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


Although many gaseous environments could have been used for the Apollo spacecraft,
technological constraints existing in the early manned space flight program dictated the
selection of the atmosphere ultimately used. Ideally, from a physiological point of view,
the optimum spacecraft atmosphere would have simulated normal or near-normal sea
level conditions. Because the state-of-the-art was not sufficiently advanced to cope with
the weight and volume penalty imposed by maintaining such an atmosphere, and since
spacecraft decompressions could not be precluded, compromises had to be made which
resulted in the choice of a spacecraft atmosphere that was not optimum from all points of
view, but which was adequate based on practical considerations and the results of
appropriate validation tests (Michel et al., 1963).
In addition to establishing the acceptable range of atmospheric composition and
pressure, consideration had to be given to the establishment of acceptable carbon dioxide
levels, to thermal comfort criteria, and to acceleration and impact limits.

Atmosphere Selection Considerations

The prime design requirements in any spacecraft system are minimum weight,
volume, and power usage; reliability, ease of maintenance, environmental compatibility,
integration with other systems, and crew compatibility. In Project Mercury, a 100 percent
oxygen, 34500N/m 2 (5psia) spacecraft atmosphere was selected. Although such
physiological considerations as maintenance of adequate oxygen partial pressure and
protection against decompression sickness were examined, the decision to use this
atmosphere was based primarily on the engineering considerations described above and
the fact that the longest Mercury mission was 34 hours in duration.

130 Biomedical

Atmospheric Pressure and Composition

During initial planning for the Apollo Program, biomedical experts of the NASA
Space Task Group recommended a spacecraft atmosphere composed of 50 percent
oxygen and 50 percent nitrogen, at a pressure of 48 300 N/m 2 (7 psia). This recommen-
dation was approved, and contracts were awarded for the development of a suitable
environmental control system (ECS). Research involving mixed gas atmospheres was
initiated and mainly directed toward assessment of the potential dysbarism hazard
following either planned operational or emergency decompressions to the space suit
oxygen atmosphere of 25 500 N/m 2 (3.7 psia) (Damato et al., 1963).
Before the completion of Project Mercury, the decision was made to implement the
Gemini Program which would bridge the gap between Project Mercury and the Apollo
Program. The plan was one of minimum change and essentially involved enlarging the
Mercury spacecraft to permit occupancy by two crewmembers. The mission of the
Gemini Program was to obtain data and operational experience required for the Apollo
Program. From an engineering aspect, it was desirable to continue using the 34 500 N/m 2
(5psia), lOOpercent oxygen atmosphere, providcd that this atmosphere was
physiologically adequate for periods of as long as 14 days.
Several questions arose concerning the physiological acceptability of the pure oxygen
atmosphere for extended durations. At this time, the potential toxicity of oxygen at
34 400 N/m 2 (5 psia) had not been resolved. Additionally, it was felt that an inert gas
should be included in any artificial atmosphere as protection against atelcctasis.
Accordingly, a comprehensive validation program was instituted by NASA in cooperation
with the National Academy of Sciences Working Group on Gaseous Environments. Both
industrial and Department of Defense laboratories were used in the program. Data
obtained from fllese studies indicated that exposure of man for 14 days to the
100 percent oxygen, 34 500 N/m 2 (5 psia) atmosphere selected for the Gemini spacecraft
would not impose any physiological problem (Morgan et al., 1965; Welch et al., 1965;
Helvey et al., 1965; Mammen et al., 1965). As a result of these findings, the Apollo
Program Office elected to use this atmosphere in the Apollo spacecraft.
Subsequent atmosphere validation tests up to thirty days in duration indicated that
the 100 percent oxygen, 34 500 N/m 2 (5 psia) atmosphere was physiologically adequate
(Herlocher, 1964; Robertson et al., 1964; Zalusky, et al., 1964). These studies clearly
indicated, however, that this atmosphere was associated with nuisance findings such as
aural atelectasis, eye irritation, and nasal congestion. Medical investigations associated
with Gemini manned space flights resulted in suggestive, but not conclusive, evidence of
hematologic changes resulting from exposure to a single gas atmosphere (Fischer et al.,
1967). A consistent, time-related decrease in red cell mass was observed (Richardson
et al., 1972). Although the causes and implications of this decrease in red cell mass were
not completely understood they were not considered to be a deterrent to the use of
100 percent oxygen at 34 500 N/m 2 (5 psia) for Apollo spacecraft because of the limited
duration of these missions.
Apollo preflight checkout procedures initially encompassed an overpressurization of
the Command Module (CM) using 100 percent oxygen. After the Apollo fire, these
procedures were modified, and a mixture of 60 percent oxygen and 40 percent nitrogen
Factors 131

wasusedto reducethefire hazard. TheCMwaslaunched withthisgascomposition,

whicheventually wasbuiltup to almost100percentoxygen,throughleakage makeup
withoxygen, in atimeframeshownin figure1.Additional
decompression studies
to determine whether anydysbarism
problemsexistedunderthese conditions
(Maioetal., 1969;Maioetal., 1970;Allenetal.,1971).Theresultsof thesestudies


A 9o

Z 8o

0.30 kg/hr(0.67 Ib/hr)

60 I/, _' , 4, , _ , _' , , ,4 ,_ ......

o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Figure 1. Command Module oxygen purge after launch.

The atmospheric pressure and composition after each launch remained between
32 406 and 35 164 N/m 2 (4.7 and 5.1 psia) at almost 100 percent oxygen for the
duration of each mission, including the time in the Lunar Module (LM). During
extravehicular activity (EVA), the s, its were pressurized to 26 546 +1034N/m2
(3.85 +0.15 psia) with 100 percent oxygen. No untoward atmospheric effects, such as
hypoxia, dysbarism, or oxygen toxicity, were experienced during any of the Apollo

Carbon Dioxide Concentration

Because carbon dioxide has a powerful stimulatory effect on respiration as well as a

marked influence on acid-base balance, the problems of carbon dioxide removal and the
ability of man to perform adequately when exposed to various concentrations of carbon
dioxide have become important. Synergistic interactions were considered independently
in establishing acceptable levels of carbon dioxide for the Apollo Program. The optimal
mission design level was established as 505.4 N/m 2 (3.8 torr) carbon dioxide partial
pressure, with a maximum limit for continuous exposure of 1010.8 N/m 2 (7.6 torr). The
emergency limit was set at 1995 N/m 2 (15.0 torr) carbon dioxide partial pressure.
The carbon dioxide levels recorded by sensors in the Command and Lunar Modules
remained well below the limit of 1010.8 N/m 2 (7.6 torr) except for the return flight of
132 Biomedical

theApollo13spacecraft.TheLunarModule environmentalcontrolsystemwasusedfor
approximately83hourson thismission,andthefirstlithiumhydroxide cartridge was
usedfor approximately83man-hours. Duringthistime,thecarbondioxidelevelwas
permittedto increase
to anindicated1981.7N/m2 (14.9torr).Subsequently,
cartridgeswereusedin a specialarrangementdevised andtestedat the LyndonB.
Johnson Space Centerduringthemission.Byusingthisarrangement of four lithium
hydroxidecartridges,carbondioxidelevelsweremaintained between13.3 and
239.4N/m2 (0.1and1.8tort).
Space suitcarbondioxidelevelsweremaintainedwithinnominallimitsby proper
controlof oxygenventilation
flowaspredeterminedby laboratory

Thespace environment hasno knowneffectonthe thermoregulatory center,and
thereis noevidence thatanyeffectmightexist.However, it mustbeensured thatthese
environments do not exceedknownlimitswithin whichthermoregulation canbe
Nomajorproblems in thermoregulationwereexperienced duringProject Mercury or
theGeminiandApolloPrograms. However, thermal stressmayhavecontributed to the
shortening of someGeminiextravehicular activity.Moreextensive EVAandlarger
vehiclesthatpermitmoreactivityareconditions thatwill complicate theheatremoval
system design forfuturemissions.
Thedesignrangefor temperature andhumiditycontrolin theApolloCommand
Modulewas294° to 300°K(70° to 80°F)witharelative humidityof 40to70percent.
Similarly,thedesign range fortheLunarModule was291° to300°K(65° to80°F)with
a relativehumidityof 40 to 70percent. Thermalcomfortandtolerance criteriawere
developed duringtheApolloProgram. Although thesecriteriadidnotreplace theApollo
specifications, they wereusedfrequentlyto assess the adequacy of pressure suit
temperature controlandin someinstances toevaluate theacceptability of contingency
cabin environments (Waligora,1970).Thesecriteriapredicteda slightlycoolerand
expanded comfortrangefor the Apollospacecraft environment compared to the
101356N/m2 (14.7psia)Earthenvironment.
Temperature in the CMwascontrolledthrougha combination of coldplate wall
radiatorsandacabin-gas heatexchanger.In practice, however, the gas heat exchanger was
neither effective nor necessary and because it increased the ambient noise level it was
seldom used. The ambient temperature sensor was located near the inlet to the heat
exchanger and it was necessary that the heat exchanger be operating to provide a
representative ambient temperature reading. Typically, when the heat exchanger was
turned on the temperature reading immediately rose 2.2 ° to 3.3°K (4 ° to 6°F), although
no constant offset can be assumed. The data from this sensor are presented in table 1.
No operational humidity measurements were made. Relative humidity was measured
with a portable device on the Apollo 7 spacecraft and was found to be within the design
range of 40 to 70 percent.
Environmental Factors 133

Table 1

Command Module Cabin Temperatures in OK (OF)

Measured at the Inlet to the Heat Exchanger (See Text)


Apollo Flight Launch Average Range Reentry

7 294.3 (70) 294.3 (70) 290.9 to 299.3 (64 to 79) 291.5 (65)
8 291.5 (65) 295.4 (72) 289.3 to 300.4 (61 to 81 ) 289.3 (61)
9 291.5 (65) 294.3 (70) 291.5 to 295.4 (65 to 72) 292.6 (67)
10 297.0 (75) 295.9 (73) 290.9 to 299.8 (64 to 80) 287.6 (58)
11 294.3 (70) 290.4 (63) 285.9 to 295.9 (55 to 73) 285.9 (55)
12 294.3 (7O) 292.6 (67) 287.6 to 299.8 (58 to 80) 288.7 (60)
13 294.3 (70) 290.9 (64) 287.6 to 294.8 (58 to 71) 297.0 (75)
14 294.3 (70) 296.5 (74) 288.7 to 298.2 (60 to 77) 288.1 (59)
15 294.3 (70) 293.7 (69) 288.1 to 300.4 (59 to 81 ) 288.1 (59)
16 294.3 (70) 294.3 (70) 287.0 to 299.8 (57 to 80) 287.0 (57)
17 294.3 (70) 293.7 (69) 289.3 to 300.4 (61 to 81 ) 289,8 (62)

Crew comments indicated that the Command Module was uncomfortably cool during
several missions, especially during sleep periods. These occurrences were noL serious
problems and crewmen compensated by increasing their clothing insulation.
During the Apollo 13 mission, the LM environmental control system provided a
habitable environment for approximately 83 hours (57:45 to 141:05 ground elapsed
time). Cabin temperature remained low due to low electrical power levels. This caused
crew discomfort during much of this time, with cabin temperatures ranging between 283 °
and 286°K (49 ° and 55°F).
During the Apollo 11 mission, the crewmen could not sleep in the Lunar Module
following EVA because they were too cool. Contributing to thc crewmen's discomfort
were the sleep positions on the floor of the vehicle, the use by the crewmen, for some
time after the EVA, of a cabin supply to their liquid cooling garments that had been
provided against a hot-case contingency; and vehicle temperatures between 288 ° and
290°K (58 ° and 62°F). Hammocks were provided for sleeping after subsequent Apollo
EVA's, and the cabin liquid cooling garment support system was not used before the
sleep period; therefore, the problem did not recur.
At the conclusion of each of the missions, the Command Module was precooled prior
to reentry to minimize the possible effect of the reentry thermal transients on the
internal temperature of the Command Module. No elevated cabin temperatures were
experienced during any of the reentries.

Acceleration and Impact

With the exception of Apollo 7, which used the Saturn IB, all Apollo missions used
the Saturn V launch vehicle. Launch acceleration loads were well within Apollo system
specifications, and crewmembers routinely reported that the launches produced no
I34 Biomedical

stresses. A typical Saturn V launch profile is presented in

g 3


Saturn tl J_
Saturn IC


i i i J
O0 40 80 120 160 240 320 400 480 560 600
TIME (sec)

Figure 2. Typical Apollo launch profile - Saturn V launch vehicle.

Maximum reentry G levels for all Apollo missions are shown in table 2. As may
be seen, deceleration levels for Earth orbital missions, Apollo 7 and 9, were about
one-half those of lunar missions. Neither reentry mode resulted in any medically
significant physiological stress. The greater reentry lift capability of the Apollo
spacecraft over its predecessors accounts for the much lower acceleration forces.
Reentry deceleration profiles of an Earth orbital and a lunar mission are presented
in figures 3 and 4.
Table 2

Apollo Manned Space Flight

Reentry G Levels

Maximum G
Flight at Reentry

Apollo 7 3.33

Apollo 8 6.84

Apollo 9 3.35

Apollo 10 6.78

Apollo 11 6.56

Apollo 12 6.57

Apollo 13 5.56

Apollo 14 6.76
Apollo 15 6.23
Apollo 16 7.19
Apollo 17 6.49
Environmental Factors 135






,5 1.6





259:54 259:56 259:58 260:00 260:02 260:04

TIME (hr:min)

Figure 3. Earth orbital reentry profile - Apollo 7.



_ j_oyment

I I ) I I I h _ I,

191:48 191:49 191:50 191:51 191:52 191:53 191:54 191:55 191:56 191:57 191:58

TIME (hr:min)

Figure 4. Lunar orbital reentry profile - Apollo lO.

136 Biomedical Results of Apollo

While nominal reentry G levels had been well tolerated by the crew and posed
n o severe constraints on crew performance, an Apollo launch abort could have
resulted in G, acceleration levels as high as 16.2 G with an oscillating 1/2 flz
component ranging from -1G, to t3.2 G,. Such abort acceleration levels in all
probability could have been endured without injury by crewmembers experienced in
acceleration tests and protected by the Apollo couch and restraint system. I t is very
doubtful that spacecraft control tasks could have been adequately performed under
such conditions and, for this reason, crew tasks were minimized during a launch
abort reentry. The Apollo spacecraft abort escape system was similar to that used in
the Mercury Project, consisting of an escape rocket separated from the attached
spacecraft by a tower. The rocket was provided, if required to lift the Command
Module away from the booster to an altitude high enough for safe parachute
deployment. The escape rocket can be seen at the very top of the spacecraft
(figure 5).

Figure 5. Apollo 17 night launch showing abort escape system

at the top of the spacecraft.
Environmental Factors 137

The Apollo spacecraft landing system employed three parachutes and the
repositioned Command Module system used in the Gemini Program (figure 6). The
spacecraft entered the water at a 27 1/2O angle on a nominal landing. The most
severe impact experienced in an Apollo space flight occurred with Apollo 12. It was
estimated that the Command Module entered the water a t a 20 to 22O angle which
resulted in a 15 G impact. This abnormal entry angle occurred when the wind
caused the spacecraft to swing and meet the wave slope at the more normal angle.

Figure 6. Apollo spacecraft parachute landing system.

While the 15 G impact of Apollo 12 was described as very hard by the crewmen,
no significant physical difficulties were experienced. Apollo landing impact studies
involving 288 human tests were conducted on a linear decelerating device at
Holloman Air Force Base. These tests involved impact forces up to 30 G at various
selected body orientations. Although significant effects to the neurological,
cardiorespiratory, and musculoskeletal systems were recorded, none of the tests
resulted in significant incapacitation or undue pain (Brown et al., 1966).
138 Biomedical Results of Apollo


In summary, environmental factor considerations including atmospheric pressure

and composition, thermal comfort, acceleration, deceleration and impact levels; for
the most part, remained within physiologically acceptable ranges during the entire
Apollo Program. At no time did an anomaly alter these factors to a point where
crew health was jeopardized. The environmental changes following the Apollo 13
accident, if prolonged, would have endangered the crew. However, the quick and
successful makeshift ECS modifications prevented this from occurring.


Allen, T.H.; Maio, D.A.; and Bancroft, R.W.: Body Fat, Denitrogenation and Decompression
Sickness in Men Exercising After Abrupt Exposure to Altitude. Aerospace Med., vol. 42,
no. 5, May 1971, pp. 518-524.
Brown, W.K.; Rothstein, J.D.; and Foster, P.: Human Responses to Predicted Apollo Landing
Impacts in Selected Body Orientations. Aerospace Med. vol. 37, 1966, pp. 394-398.
Damato, Morris J.; Highly, Francis M.; Hendler, Edwin; and Michel, Edward L.: Rapid Decompression
Hazards After Prolonged Exposure to 50 Per Cent Oxygen - 50 Per Cent Nitrogen Atmosphere.
Aerospace Med., Vol. 34, no. 11, Nov. 1963, pp. 1037-1040.
Fischer, Craig L.; Johnson, Philip C.; and Berry, Charles A.: Red Blood Cell Mass and Plasma Volume
Changes in Manned Space Flight. J. Am. Med. Assoc., vol. 200, no. 7 May 15, 1967, pp. 579-583.
Helvey, William M.; Albright, G.A.; Benjamin, F.B.; Gall, L.S.; et al.: Effects of Prolonged Exposure
to Pure Oxygen on Human Performance. NASA TN D-2506, 1965, pp. 99-474.
Herlocher, James, E.: Physiologic Response to Increased Oxygen Partial Pressure. Part I- Clinical
Observations. Aerospace Med., vol. 35, no. 7, July 1964, pp. 613-618.
Maio, Domenic A.; Allen, Thomas H.; and Bancroft, Richard W.: Decompression Sickness and
Measured Levels of Exercise on Simulated Apollo Missions. Aerospace Med., vol. 41, no. 10, Oct.
1970, pp. 1162-1165.
Maio, Domenic A.; Allen, Thomas H.; and Bancroft, Richard W.: Decompression Sickness in
Simulated Apollo Space Cabins. Aerospace Med., vol. 40, no 10, Oct. 1969, pp. 1114-1118.
Mammen, Robert E.; Critz, George T.; Dery, Donald W.; Highly, Francis M., Jr.; et al.: The Effect of
Sequential Exposure to Acceleration and the Gaseous Environment of the Space Capsule on the
Physiologic Adaptation of Man. NASA TN D-2506, 1965, pp. 475-518.
Michel, E.L.; Sharma, H.S.; and Heyer, R.E.: Carbon Dioxide Build-Up Characteristics in Spacesuits.
Aerospace Med., vol. 40, no. 8, Aug. 1969, pp. 827-829.
Michel, Edward L.; Smith, George B., Jr.; and Johnston, Richard S.: Gaseous Environment Considera-
tions and Evaluation Programs Leading to Spacecraft Atmosphere Selection. Aerospace Med.,
vol. 34, no. 12, Dec. 1963, pp. 1119-1121.
Morgan, Thomas E., Jr.; Cutler, Ralph G.; Shaw, Emil G.; lIIvedal, Frode; el al.: Physiologic Effects
of Exposure to Increased Oxygen Tension at 5 psia. NASA TN D-2506, 1965, pp. 25-56.
Richardson, B., ed.: Hematologic Response to a Continuous 30-Day Exposure to Hypobaric
Hyperoxia. Final Report. NASA MIPR 74401-G. USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks Air
Force Base, Texas, 1972.
Robertson, William G.; Hargreaves, John J.; Heflocher, James E.; and Welch, B.E.: Physiologic
Response to Increased Oxygen Partial Pressure, Part II- Respirator Studies. Aerospace Med.,
vol. 35, no. 7, July 1964, pp. 618-622.
Waligora, J.W.: Thermal Comfort and Tolerance Design Criteria. NASA JSC Report BRO DB-57-67B,
Factors 139

Frode; Herlocher,
JamesE.;andWelch, B.E.:
PartIII- Hematopoiesis.
N76 12674



Bennie C. Wooley, Ph.D.*
Gary W. McCollum, M.S.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


When mission durations were increased during the Gemini Program, the possibility
that an infectious disease occurrence would adversely affect mission success also
increased. The problem did not seem one of major proportions for Project Mercury,
because the risk of developing and manifesting a disease during such short duration flights
was judged to be extremely low. Even so, crewmember activities were somewhat
restricted in terms of contact with persons not directly involved in flight activities. While
some cold and influenza symptoms were noted in crewmembers during the preflight
period, no inflight illnesses occurred during Project Mercury.
When the training phase of the Gemini Program began, medical personnel were still
providing active support for the Mercury flights. Little attention could, therefore, be
given to implementing any program of strict isolation of Gemini astronauts during the
prelaunch period. Medical personnel were successful in obtaining some reduction in the
number of persons with whom the crewmembers bad personal contact and were
succ_sfu!, to a limited extent, in having the flight crewmembers live in special quarters at
the launch site. During the prelaunch period, access to these living quarters was closely
controlled. While no direct illness erupted in flight, most Gemini crews experienced some
preflight illness including colds, influenza, Beta-hemolytic streptococcus infections, and
IrYlllm rb_

The authors are grateful to those who helped establish the requirements of the program and
participated in its successful implementation. Special acknowledgment is made to
Dr. Charles A. Berry, Mr. Richard S. Johnston, Dr. W.W. Kemmerer, Dr. Charles Ross, Dr. Jack
Teegen, Dr. John Elliott, Mr. Richard C. Graves, Dr. Howard Schneider, Mr. Larry Thompson,
Mr. DeArmond Mathews, and Mr. Paul Hilk. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Alfred E. Evans
of the National Academy of Sciences; Dr. Leslie Chambers, Dr. Harold Eitzen, Miss Kay Sue Blake,
University of Texas School of Public Health; Northrop Services, Inc.; the Kelsey-Seybold Medical
staff, Johnson Space Center; the Pan American Medical staff, Kennedy Space Center; Dr. T. Paul
Haney and the Brevard County Health Department, Rockledge, Florida; Mr. William F. Muller and the
Brevard County School Board, Titusville, Florida; and Dr. W.E. McConnell, USAF, who comple-
mented the programas a Dcpartment of Defense physician to the Kennedy Space Center.
*Currently with Becton, Dickinson, and Company, Rutherford, N.J.



142 Biomedical Results of Apollo

During the early development of the Apollo Program, steps were taken by medical
personnel to document and implement a preventive medicine program to decrease the risk
of illness during the prelaunch and flight periods. Because of early operational problems,
no successful program could be developed for the Apollo 7 crewmembers. Perhaps in part
as a consequence of this, two Apollo 7 crewmembers developed upper respiratory tract
infections during the prelaunch period. These infections were successfully treated prior to
launch, ttowever, all crewmembers fell ill during the flight with symptoms which
continued into the postflight period.
As a result of the Apollo 7 experience, a medical plan was developed for application
to the prime and backup crews of future missions. The intent of the plan was to minimize
exposure of crewmen to infectious diseases during the two-week period prior to launch
for the crews of Apollo 8, 9, and 10, and during the three-week period preceding the
Apollo 11 lunar landing launch. The program was designed to ensure optimal immunity,
to reduce person-to-person contact, and to ensure rapid diagnosis and treatment of any
diseases that might occur prior to flight. However, as had been the case in the Gemini
Program, the Apollo training schedules had already been developed at the time a health
stabilization program was conceived, and flight crewmembers, in seeking to maximize
their training time and familiarity with spacecraft hardware, ran the risk of incurring
greater than desirable disease exposure.
During the Apollo 8 preflight period, all crewmembers suffered viral gastroenteritis.
Treatment appeared to be successful, and the spacecraft was launched on schedule.
However, viral gastroenteritis reoccurred in the Commander in flight. Before the flight,
crewmembers had attended a dinner at the White House, where, it later became known,
several guests had had symptoms of influenza. While no rigid health stabilization program
was to be established until the time of the Apollo 14 mission, increasing efforts in that
direction commenced after the Apollo 8 illness episode.
The emphasis of the post-Apollo 8 health stabilization efforts involved constraint of
crewmember activities that could impose the risk of disease exposure when such activities
were not directly related to flight preparation. The residence of the crewmembers was
limited to the crew quarters at the launch site, and control and screening were provided
for personnel who had access to the quarters and conference rooms. The use of laminar
airflow rooms for preflight press conferences was initiated in advance of the Apollo 11
mission. A proposed Presidential dinner prior to the Apollo 11 mission was cancelled
because of the potential risk to the health of the crew. Activities of the crewmembers
continued to be monitored closely. Despite these efforts, one of the primary Apollo 13
crewmembers was exposed to rubella by a backup crewman. Laboratory studies indicated
that the Command Module Pilot alone had no immunity to the disease and he had to be
replaced by one of the backup crew.
The Apollo 13 episode showed beyond question that the need existed for
implementation of a meticulously conceived and strictly enforced program for
minimizing and, hopefully, preventing exposure of flight crewmembers to infectious
diseases during the prelaunch period. Such a program was developed and conceived for
the Apollo 14 and subsequent missions. The program became known as the Flight Crew
Health Stabilization Program.
Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program 143


The purpose of the Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program finally conceived and
implemented was to minimize or eliminate the possibility of adverse alterations in the
health of flight crews during the immediate preflight, flight, and postflight periods. The
elements of the program are indicated in figure 1. Each of these warrants discussion in
terms of the direction taken for implementation in the Apollo Program and for
subsequent missions.

Stabilization Program
Flight Crew Health

Clinical Exposure Epidemiological
Medicine Immunology Prevention Surveillance

Rapid Diagnosis Serology Fomites Medical History

Therapy Immunization Consumables Medical Surveillance

Figure 1. Elements of the Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program.

Clinical Medicine

Because it is critical that all astronauts be maintained in good health, the Government
provided a clinical medicine program for Apollo crewmembers and their families and
continues to do so for the astronaut corps. This health program is a continual one. It is
initiated immediately upon selection of flight crewmembers _nd continues as long as
astronauts are on flight status. The program provides both routine and emergency
physical examinations. Rapid diagnosis and prompt effective treatment of any disease
event in crewmembers and their families are ensured by complete virological,
bacteriological, immunological, serological, and biochemical studies at the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. (Additional
detail concerning the program is given in Chapter 2 of this section.)


Ideally, one would desire to immunize crewmembers and their families against all
disease agents to preclude the expression of disease symptoms. However, the number of
diseases for which there are satisfactory immunizations is extremely limited. Indeed,
immunizations are not available for the illnesses most likely to occur - viral and bacterial
infections of the upper respiratorY and gastrointestinal tracts. The immunizations listed in
144 Biomedical Results of Apollo

table 1 were those administered in conjunction with Apollo missions. These were selected
after careful review of all known immunizations by NASA medical personnel and a
microbiology advisory committee of the National Academy of Sciences. Other immuniza-
tions were excluded on the following bases: (1) questionable effectiveness; (2) traumatic
side reactions; and (3) low probability of disease agent exposure. Serological tests were
conducted to determine immunity levels prior to immunizations. Tuberculin skin tests
were given and serological tests were performed for tetanus, syphilis, typhoid, mumps,
polio, rubella, rubeola, and yellow fever.

Table 1

Apollo Program Immunization Requircmentsa

Required Immunization
Required Immunization
Disease of Family Members
of Astronaut
of Astronaut

Diphtheria Yes Yes

Pertussis No Yes

Tetanus Yes Yes

Typhoid Yes No

Influenza Yes No

Mumps Yesb Yes

Poliomyelitis Yes Yes

Rubella Yesb Yes

Rubeola Yesb Yes

Smallpox Yes Yes

Yellow fever Yes No

Other (c) (c)

aSchedule recommended by personnel of the USPHS and of the American Public Health
blmmunization if no serologic response was obtained.

COnly as indicated for travel to endemic areas.

Exposure Prevention

Disease exposure prevention was the most important aspect of the Apollo preventive
medicine program. If exposure to infectious diseases had not been minimized or
eliminated, the program would have been unsuccessful regardless of the effectiveness of
all other aspects combined. Diseases can be transmitted by fomites (contaminated
inanimate objects), contaminated consumables (air, food, water, etc.), and personal
contacts. Fomites probably represented the least important source of infectious diseases.
Nevertheless, the precaution of using separate headsets, microphones, and so forth, for
crewmembers was observed. Contaminated consumablcs posed a greater danger. To
Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program 145

prevent transmission of an infectious disease through the air, a closely controlled living
environment was provided during the pre!aunch period.
All areas in which crewmembers resided or worked were equipped with ultra-high
efficiency bacterial filters in all air supply ducts. This precluded exposure to microbial
agents from adjacent non-medically controlled areas and individuals. Air conditioning
systems were also balanced to provide air pressure in those areas inhabited by
crewmembers, as compared with areas outside. Air leakage around windows, doors,
floors, walls, and ceilings was directed outward rather than inward toward crewmembers.
The food supply consumed by flight crewmembers was a source of potentially
infectious microorganisms. As a precautionary measure, no set or publicized pattern of
food procurement was established. Crew quarters food procurement was supervised by
members of the medical team. Portions of each lot of food were subjected to
microbiological evaluations and all food preparation areas were inspected daily for
cleanliness and maintenance of satisfactory sanitary conditions. Drinking water sources
were limited to drinking fountains provided in the quarters and working spaces. Water
samples were taken daily from all areas visited by the crewmembers and subjected to
microbiological evaluations.
By far the most important means of preventing crew exposure to infectious diseases
was to minimize exposure to personal contacts during the critical preflight period. The
areas which could be visited by crewmembers were strictly limited and the number of
individuals allowed contact with the crewmembers was reduced to slightly over one
hundred people with mission-related responsibilities. A medical surveillance progra m of
primary contacts was conducted to ensure that those people who did have contact with
the flight crewmembers represented a low probability of disease transmission. Addi-
tionally, crewmembers were isolated from potential carriers, such as transient populations
(launch site visitors), high incidence groups (children), and uncontrolled contacts
(maintenance and other personnel about whom no medical information was known).
Launch site visitors came from all over the United States and from many foreign nations
and brought with them a flora that differed significantly from that normally experienced
by the astronauts. Children are the most common carriers and transmitters of upper
respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Astronauts were therefore isolated for 2l days
---:_llul-- to lll_lltgl:_Lt _v_.Jt
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epidemiological data obtained during initial implementation of the health stabilization
Several options were available to minimize crew exposure to infectious agents.
Building facilities to house crews and primary contacts for the prelaunch period or
modifying existing ones to this end would have been effective approaches, but they were
economically prohibitive. The more economical solution provided for strict isolation of
flight crewmembers, both prime and backup, in crew quarters and limiting their contacts
to medically approved individuals only. These latter individuals were permitted to
maintain their residence at home. However, their health status was continually monitored
to minimize the possibility of their exposing flight crewmembers to any infectious disease
agent. This monitoring of primary contacts resulted in the epidemiological surveillance
146 Biomedical
of Apollo

Epidemiological Surveillance
The medical surveillance program, initiated three months prior to launch, began with
the taking of medical histories and other critical information from each primary contact.
Each was then subjected to an extensive physical examination approximately 60 days
prior to launch, and microbiological samples were obtained to identify carriers. Based on
this information, certain individuals were medically approved for access to flight
crewmembers during the 21-day prelaunch period.

Each primary contact and all his family members were subjected to medical
surveillance during the F-21 (flight day minus 21 days) period. Primary contacts were
instructed to report to the medical examination facility whenever they or any of their
family became ill or had been exposed to any infectious diseases. Reports of illness
events were also obtained from all schools attended by primary contacts' or astronauts'
children. Daily reports were solicited from each school of interest concerning the total
number of absences, including absences of the children of any crewmember or primary
contact. Additional daily reports were obtained from public health authorities in the
launch site area to determine trends and incidence of specific disease events within the
population where primary contacts may have had exposure. A computerized data
processing system was developed to maintain complete and up-to-date records on all
crewmembers, primary contacts, and their families. The system linked the medical
analyses laboratories at the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas,
with the Medical Surveillance Office at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. Medical
information on any individual was immediately available by this system.


The success of the Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program implemented in

support of the Apollo 14 through 17 missions was evidenced by absence of preflight,
inflight, and postflight illnesses. A comparison of the illness incidents for astronauts,
primary contacts, and their families, and for the control group, their spouses and
children for each mission is tabulated in table 2. A comparison of the type of illness
event occurring in the primary contacts and dependent group is given in table 3.
Monitoring the health of primary-contact children proved to be valuable because in
approximately 30 percent of the cases of illness in primary contacts, similar illnesses
had occurred previously in one or more of the family members. The most common
type of illness reported was upper respiratory tract infection.

Summary and Conclusions

The Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program, developed to minimize exposure of

flight crewmembers to infectious microorganisms in the prelaunch period, had three basic
aspects. These were:
1. Control of locations to which flight crewmembers had access during the
three-week period before launch.
Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program 147

o ¢0 Q co I I I


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• 0%

m ._o
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148 Biomedical Results of Apollo

. Control of the number of pcrsonal contacts of the astronauts during the

three-week prelaunch period.
3. Careful monitoring of the health of individuals required to be in contact with
flight crewmembers.

Table 3

Apollo Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program Characterization

of Illnesses for the Apollo 14 to 17 Missions*
(values are number of illnesses)

Mission Number
14 15 16 17

Upper respiratory infections 156 32 89 77

Gastrointestinal infections 12 1 28 24

Ear infections 7 3 5 2

Chicken pox 3 0 3 0

Pneumonia 3 1 1 1

Measles 0 1 0 0

Primary contacts and

dependents under
surveillanee 575 569 59O 644

*Primary contacts and dependents only.

In summary, the Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program was an unequivocal

success. No crewmember illness was reported for the missions for which the program was
in effect. Statistics recorded for prior Apollo missions indicated that 57 percent of the
prime crewmembers experienced some illness during the 21 days prior to launch, as well
as illness events inflight and postflight.
The importance of a health stabilization program was clearly demonstrated by the
Apollo experience. The importance of such a program will become more critical for
manned missions of longer durations, and it is anticipated that a stricter isolation program
may be necessary to prevent the potential threat of infectious disease and compromise of
mission success.


Downs, T.D.; Eitzen, H.E.; and Labarthe, D.R.: Apollo 16 Surveillance Report (NAS 9-12640).
University of Texas School of Public Health (Houston, Texas), June 1, 1972.

Eitzen, H.E.: Apollo 15 Final Surveillance Report (NAS 9-11384). University of Texas School of
Public Health (Houston, Texas), September 1, 1971.

Eitzen, H.E.: Apollo 14 Fhght Crew Health Stabilization Program Analysis (NAS 9-11384). University
of Texas School of Public Health (Houston, Texas), March 1, 1971.
Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program 149

McCollum, G.W.: Apollo 17 Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program Mission Report. NASA
(Houston, Texas), January 17,1973.
Wooley, B.C.: Apollo Experience Report - Protection of Life and Health. NASA TN D-6856, 1972.
N76 2 ,75


Wayland J. Rippstein, Jr.
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


It had been determined from experiences with manned chamber tests and submarine
operations that human exposure to trace levels of a significant number of gases presented
a threat, both to man and to the successful completion of closed-loop operations. It was
therefore of major concern that adequate protection be provided for space crews. This
protection could be accomplished by eliminating, or at least minimizing, crew exposures
to possible harmful levels of trace contaminant gases contained in the spacecraft cabin.
A review of the offgassing characteristics of nonmetallic materials used in the
manufacture and fabrication of pre-Apollo spacecraft indicated that, without proper
safeguards, a potential toxicological problem could develop in the Apollo spacecraft
cabin. The offgassing from man and nonmetallic materials, such as surface coatings,
adhesives, elastomers, cleaning agents, solvents, and spacecraft fluids systems (heat
exchanger liquids, fire extinguishers, etc.), were all known to contribute to the overall
spacecraft trace contaminant burden. The trace contamination problem in the spacecraft
atmosphere was further complicated by the introduction of a new gc,lcration of fire
rctardant materials following the Apollo 204 fire. Most of these materials were of the
halogenated polymeric type and had undergone few or no toxicity investigations.

Toxicological Considerations

When toxicology is discussed, lethality is generally the major concern. It was equally
important, however, in the Apollo Program, to ensure that a crew's exposure to a
contaminated atmosphere created no irreversible physiological changes. Irreversible
decrements in any physiological function were considered completely unacceptable. Had
this criterion not been met, the ability of the crew to properly perform their duties
throughout the mission could have been seriously hampered and the success of the
mission jeopardized.
Most of the available inhalation toxicity information concerning man is based on the
eight-hour work period of the industrial worker. Such data presumes an eight-hour daily



152 Biomedical Results of Apollo

exposure, followed by a 16-hour recovery period prior to re-exposure, and a 48-hour

weekend recovery. New exposure limits had to be established for space missions since
these involved uninterrupted exposure for two weeks with no daily or weekend recovery
periods. Information concerning the possible resultant cumulative damage was
Two major toxicological situations were considered to develop a toxicology program
that could best be used to evaluate the factors involved in extended human exposures.
These were the potential contaminant levels that could occur during (1)"normal"
spacecraft operating conditions, that is all spacecraft systems functioning properly, and
(2) the "emergency" situation, that is when any spacecraft system experienced an upset
condition or a failure mode. In the normal condition, the major concern was generation
of trace contaminant gases by the normal offgassing of nonmetallic materials both at
ambient temperatures and at elevated temperatures during equipment operation. Other
sources of contaminant gases under normal conditions were the breathing gas supply
reservoirs onboard the spacecraft and, to a lesser extent, the crewmembers themselves.
Under emergency conditions, contaminant gas levels could be quantitatively much greater
because of overheating, spills, ruptures, and so forth. Rupture of the coolant loop, for
example, could have introduced a dangerous contaminant, ethylene glycol. Pyrolysis of
some of the electronic nonmetallic materials could have produced a host of particulates
and toxic gases.
Provisions were made in the spacecraft carbon dioxide removal unit for the removal
of trace levels of contaminant gases. The unit consisted of two parallel canisters, each
containing lithium hydroxide for removal of carbon dioxide, and activated carbon for the
removal of trace contaminant gases. The para:lel flow configuration permitted the
canisters to be alternately exchanged for fresh ones after 12 hours of continuous
operation. While activated carbon is the best all-purpose trace contaminant gas removal
agent, it does not remove carbon monoxide. The only means for removing carbon
monoxide from the spacecraft cabin was by cabin leakage. Since leakage rates were very
low, the presence of carbon monoxide in the spacecraft cabin was a major concern for all
the Apollo missions.
In summary, two major areas of emphasis in the toxicology program were (1) sources
of contaminant gases and (2)control or removal of these gases. The trace gas source
problem was dealt with by implementing a spacecraft materials control program to either
eliminate or minimize the acceptance of materials with undesirable offgassing properties.
A trace gas removal capability was incorporated in the spacecraft environmental control
system to maintain an acceptable trace gas level in the spacecraft cabin. Before either of
these programs could be intelligently implemented, however, maximum acceptable
concentrations had to be determined for trace contaminant gases in the spacecraft cabin.

Maximum Allowable Concentrations of Spacecraft Trace Gas

A major difficulty existed in deriving a set of maximum allowable concentrations
(MAC) for spacecraft trace contaminant gases. "New" toxicity values had to be
determined with a dearth of data concerning increased exposure time and human
responses to different compounds or mixtures of compounds.
The Role of Toxicology in the Apollo Space Program 153

Thomas (1968)* characterized human toxicity responses in a generalized manner, in

the following ways:

1. Equilibrium - (intake equals excretion). The total organism appears to maintain

equilibrium, since the excretion of the contaminant equals the intake or input. There is
no apparent biochemical reaction.

2. Adaptation - (desensitization, cross tolerance). There may be chemical reactions,

but these are countered by an adaptation of the organism to the contaminant exposure.

3. Cumulative - (summation of interests). The adsorbed contaminant damages one

or more internal organs, with concomitant biochemical derangement and probable
physiological dysfunction.

4. "All or None"- (carcinogens, sensitizers, irritants). Response may be immediate,

as with irritant substances, or delayed, as with sensitizing substances. Some materials may
be involved in cancer production. (Carcinogenic reactions were not considered in the
Apollo toxicity program.)

Considering these generalized response descriptions in relation to the differences in

the maximum allowable concentration values for the eight-hour work day exposure versus
the approximately 350 hours of lunar space mission exposure, it is noteworthy that, in
most cases, one or all four types of these responses were significant in determining new
MAC values for the lunar mission. In the cases for the "equilibrium," "adaptation," and
"all or none" responses, the alterations of the MAC values could be theoretically small or
none at all. In the case of the "cumulative" response, the MAC value required a major
reduction since the change in exposure duration was increased by a factor of
approximately 44 times the original exposure time value. It was realized that it was
virtually impossible to consider the synergistic effects of two or more compounds in
establishing the spacecraft MAC levels.

Establishment of Spacecraft Materials Selection Criteria

During the initial phases of the Apollo Program, a procedure was adopted that served
as a toxicological screening test for spacecraft candidate nonmetallic materials. This test
was used to determine the toxic effects of the offgassed products on laboratory animals.
The test consisted of heating materials to 341°K (68°C) and allowing the offgassed
products to flow over rats and mice for a period of 14 days. Weight losses of each
material were recorded, and the exposed animals were observed for their responses. The
animals were observed periodically for 30 days after exposure, and histopathological
studies were made.

In all, 150 materials were tested at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Toxicology
Facility. Approximately 10 percent of the materials tested were rejected because they
produced unsatisfactory responses in animals. Approximately 90 percent of the materials
tested offgassed significant amounts of carbon monoxide.

*A.A. Thomas: Man's Tolerance to Trace Contaminants. AMRL-TR-67-146, Aerospace Medical Research
Laboratories, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Jan. 1968.
154 Biomedical Results of Apollo

With the change of materials specification after the Apollo 204 fire, only about
20 percent of the information previously obtained was applicable for the fabrication of
subsequent spacecraft. The revised materials program emphasized the requirement for
low flammability characteristics. At that phase in the program, there was insufficient time
to conduct toxicological studies on the newly developed materials as had been done
earlier. A new screening test was adopted that included offgassing considerations so that
appropriate information would be available for the selection of the candidate materials.
As before, the candidate material was heated to 341°K (68°C) but animal exposures were
replaced with analytical analyses. The material was kept at 341°K (68°C) for 72 hours in
a dessicator filled with oxygen to a pressure of 337 x 102N/m 2 (253 mm Hg). At the end
of the 72-hour period, samples of the dessicator atmosphere were withdrawn for
determination of the amounts of total organics (TO) and carbon monoxide (CO). Results
were reported as micrograms of TO or CO per gram of material offgassed. Any material
tested was considered acceptable if it offgassed less than 100ttg TO or 10ttg CO per gram
of material.
An odor test was also employed to test for those materials considered undesirable
because they generated offensive odors. This test was accomplished by allowing a
specially qualified panel of laboratory personnel to grade their odor responses to an
administered sample of the atmosphere from the candidate material.
In cases where it was known that a candidate material might undergo overheating in
the actual spacecraft application, pyrolysis studies were employed using laboratory
animal exposures and analytical chemistry. The final decision, from a toxicological
standpoint, was then made for the data obtained.

Materials Acceptance
One of the main functions of the Johnson Space Center Toxicology Laboratory was
to provide a rapid response capability for handling emergency toxicity problems. Most
often the emergency problems resulted in one of three resolutions. A material usage or
procedure was either (1) approved, (2) disapproved, or (3) approved after modification.
During the Apollo Program some thirty of these emergency problems were resolved.
Some examples are listed below:

Disapproved. Carboxynitroso rubber was submitted as a candidate material for use as

an electrical insulator. Upon pyrolysis, the material was found to produce a very toxic
vapor. A flight log ink was found to produce toxic volite vapors at room temperature.

Approved. Ethylene glycol was selected as the candidate heat exchanger fluid for the
Command/Service Module. It was feared that even a minute leak in the spacecraft coolant
loop could result in a hazardous breathing atmosphere. A series of contractual and
in-house studies proved the problem could be handled by training the astronauts to detect
trace levels of the glycol vapor. Several paints and adhesives were found to offgas excess
quantities of total organics. These materials were all approved for usage after a qualitative
analysis proved the offgassed species to be nontoxic at the levels offgassed.

Approved After Modification. A special paint developed for the space program was
found to offgas excessive quantities of total organics and carbon monoxide. The paint
The Role of Toxicology in the Apollo Space Program 155

was approved for usage by employing a procedural change in the curing process. A quartz
window was installed in the Command/Service Module for conducting special ultraviolet
photographic work. The quartz window permitted the production of ozone in the cabin
atmosphere when the spacecraft orientation allowed sunlight to pass into the interior of
the vehicle. The use of the quartz window was allowed by requiring the use of an
ultraviolet filter over the window when photographic work was being done.
In general, the time required to conduct these special toxicity assessments was from
two to six weeks. The investigation on the use of ethylene glycol was the major
exception. Approximately 18 months were required for the ethylene glycol evaluation.

Atmospheric Assessment

Preflight Assessment

Prior to the first Earth orbital flights of the Apollo spacecraft, a series of solar
simulator-altitude chamber tests was accomplished to determine the overall performance
characteristics of the spacecraft systems. This included testing of the prototypes of the
Command/Service Module (designated as 2TV-1) and the Lunar Module (designated
LTA-8). These tests were conducted at the Johnson Space Center's High Altitude
Chamber Test Facility. During the testing of both vehicles, trace contaminant analyses
were performed on the crew cabin atmospheres to ensure the safety of the test crew and
to assess the performance of the spacecraft's environmental control system in maintaining
an acceptable breathing gas environment.
The atmospheric samples were taken both by whole gas sampling and by cryogenic
trapping techniques. Chemical analyses were accomplished by employing the latest
methods in gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and infrared spectrophotometry.
The final atmospheric assessment of the flight Command and Lunar Modules was
accomplished at the Kennedy Space Center during final checkout of the spacecraft.
Atmospheric samples were taken from both vehicles prior to their acceptance for
space flight. Sampling and analytical methods similar to those described previously were
employed at the Kennedy Space Center for assuring the atmospheric quality of these

Postflight Analyses

Inflight cabin trace gas composition was determined by chemical analysis of the
activated carbon canisters returned from the Apollo 7 through 17 spacecraft. The carbon
dioxide concentration calculated from conversion of lithium hydroxide in the canisters
was utilized to study crew metabolic performance.
Samples of activated carbon were removed from each of the canisters for trace gas
analysis. The trace gas samples were obtained by employing high vacuum and thermal
desorption techniques. Both qualitative and relative quantitative chemical data were
obtained by performing gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analyses on the
activated carbon desorbate. A list of the identified compounds from Apollo 7 through 17
is presented in table 1. (An' "X" under the mission number indicates that the compound
listed was present in the desorbate taken from that mission.)
156 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 1

Apollo Spacecraft Contaminants

Flights in Which Detected

Contaminant Name I E) 10 14 5 _ 17

Amyl Alcohol
Butyl Alcohol X X X X X X X X X '(

Capryl Alcohol X

Ethyl Alcohol × X X (

Isoamyl Alcohol X K

Isobutyl Alcohol X X x K

Isopropyl Alcohol x X x K

Methyl Alcohol X x X K

Propyl Alcohol X X (

Sec-Butyl Alcohol X X

Tert-Butyl Alcohol x X

Acetaldehyde X x

Butyraldehyde X

Cycl ohexane x x

Cyclopentane X

Heptane X x

Hexane X x

I sobu ta ne
Isopentane X X

Methylcyclohexane x x

Methylcyclopentane X

N-Octane X

Pentane x x

Trimethylbutane X

l'rimethylhexane X

Benzene X X

2-Butene (cis)
2-Butene (trans)
Cyclohexane X

Cyclopentene X

Ethylbenzene X

Ethylene X X

Indene X X

Mesitylene X

1-Pentene X


The Role of Toxicology in the Apollo Space Program 157

Table 1 (Continued)
Apollo Spacecraft Contaminants

Contaminant Name Flights in Which Detected

m -- n m m m

) 1: 3 17

Dichloroethane X X X

Dichloroethylene X X

Dichlorofluoromethane X X

Difluoroethylene x

Ethyl chloride X X X X

Ethylene dichloride
Ethyl fluoride X X X

Fluoroethane X X

Fluoropropane X X

Freon 11 X X
Freon 12 X X X x
Freon 22 X X X

Freon 113 X x X x

Freon 114 X

Methylchloride X X x

Methylchloroform X X X

Methylene chloride X X X X

Mono-Chloroacetylene X

Pentafluoroethane X X X X

Tetrachloroethane X

Tetrachloroethylene X x X X

Tetrafluoroethylene X x X X

Trichloroethylene X X X X

Trifluorochloroethylene X

Tetrahydrofuran X

Methylfuran X
Freon 21 x

Hexafluoroethane x

Trifluoroethylene X X X X X
Trifluoromethane X X X

Trifluoropropane x X X

Trifiuoropropene X X X

Vinyl Chloride X X X X X

Vinylidene Chloride X X X X X X

Dimethyldiflu rosilane x x X

Trimethylfluorosilane X x X X X X

Diethyldisulfide x

Dimethyldisulfide K X

Dimethylsulfide X X K X X

Vinyl Fluoride X X X

1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane X K X X

Tetrafluorochloroethane X

Chlorodifluoroethylene X K

Naphthalene x K

Pentyl alcohol X X

Cellosolve acetate x

Decahydronapthanlene X

158 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table l (Continued)
Apollo Spacecraft Contaminants

Contaminant Name Flights in Which Detected

R m m m m_

) I 1: ) 13 ) 17

Propylene X

Styrene X

Toluene X

Trimethyl Benzene
M-Xylene X

O-Xylene X

P-Xylene X

N-Propyl Benzene
2-Methyl Pentane
Dimethyl Butane
3 Methylpentane
Acetylene x X

Octyne X X

Butyl Acetate
Butyl Lactate X

Ethyl Acetate X

Ethyl Lactate X X

Methyl Acetate X X

Propyt Acetate X

Dimethyl Ether x

Dioxane X X

Furan X x

Sulfur Dioxide
Acetone X x

Methyl lethyl Ketone X X

Methyl Isobutyl Ketone X x

Acetonitrile X

Methoxy Acetic acid

Carbon Tetrachloride
Chloroacetylene X

Chlorobenzene X

Chlorofluoroethylene X

Chloroform X

Chlorotetraflu oroethane X

Chlorotrifluoroethylene X

Dichlorobenzene x

Dichlorodifluoroethylene x
The Role of Toxicology in the Apollo Space Program 159

Table 1 (Continued)
Apollo Spacecraft Contaminants

Contaminant Name Flights in Which Detected

10 17

Chlorotrifluoromethane X

Fluoroform X

Trifluoroacetonitride X

Octalfluorobutane X

Propadiene X

Dichlorodifluoroethane X

Dimethylcyclohexane X

Cyclohexyl alcohol X
1-Hexene X

Octafluoropropane X

Ethyl fluoride X

Hexafluoropropene X

Vinylidenefluoride X

Quantitative information is not included in this chapter because of the uncertainties

associated with the adsorption-desorption efficiencies of the compounds listed.


This chapter has presented some of the major considerations that governed the
formation and application of the toxicology program employed in support of the Apollo
Program. The overriding concern of the program was the safety of crews exposed to trace
contaminant gases for extended periods of time. The materials screening program
employed, in conjunction with a well designed spacecraft environmental control system,
helped to attain the goals set forth for the Apollo Program.
The knowledge gained from working with the toxicity problems and the identifica-
tion of compounds in the space cabin atmosphere are of much importance for continued
efforts in the realm of manned space flight.
Preflight and Postflight

Medical Testing

It was apparent at an early point in the Gemini Program that

exposure to the environment of space produces some changes in
man. These changes included postflight orthostatic intolerance, a
loss of red cell mass, some loss of bone mineral, and other effects.
While the fact of these changes was certain, their medical
significance was not. For this reason, a number of medical
experiments and evaluations were conducted during the Apollo
Program. The purpose was to gain additional information
concerning the physiological response of astronauts to the stresses
of space flight. The chapters within this section describe the
principal medical experiments of Apollo. Conclusions from these
experiments are based on a comparison of postflight measures with
baseline information obtained during preflight testing.


N76 12676



Carolyn S. Leach, Ph.D.

W. Carter Alexander, Ph.D.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

P.C. Johnson, M.D.

Baylor College of Medicine


As a result of medical observations during the American and Soviet manned space
flight programs, it is now known that complex physiological changes occurred in crew-
men returning from space missions (Berry & Catterson, 1967; Kakurin, 1971). These
changes have been associated with severe operational demands coupled with exacting
mechanical tasks, acceleration, weightlessness, sleep loss, changing circadian rhythms,
confinement, periods of relative inactivity alternating with strenuous physical activity,
and a cabin atmosphere which is both hyperoxic and hypobaric. The urgent need to
study the physiological changes in exact mechanistic terms led to the development of the
endocrine/metabolic program in support of manned space flight.
Before the Apollo7 mission, considerable knowledge had been accumulated
concerning the fluid and endocrine changes associated with Mercury and Gemini
F, arth-nrhital mi_ion_ /l._ach 1071: Dietlein & [tarri_ 1Q(_(_) It wa_ knr}wn that
astronauts always weighed less after a mission than they did before the mission. This
decrease in weight was associated with modest decreases in plasma volume. These results
showed that, although cardiovascular deconditioning resulting from space flight was
similar in extent to that found after bed rest, the weight changes after space flight were
greater but the plasma volume changes were smaller. There is evidence from Gemini

The authors would like to thank Drs. Edgar Haber, John Potts, Bonnalie Campbell and Myron Miller
for their scientific consultations. Additionally, the following individuals are responsible for the
conduct of the analyses in this report: Margaret Patton, Libby Troell, Vemell Fesperman, Dorothy
Hatton, Sylvia Wilson, Sandra Seals, Charles Shannon, Richard Long, Douglas Fogel, George Green,
Theda Driscoll, Karen Windier, Karen Swensen and Lee Bertam.



164 Biomedical Results of Apollo

studies that the reentry sequence is associated with a sudden increase in epinephrine
release as shown by a short-lived granulocytosis. This finding indicated that reentry for
Gemini crewmen was a stressful experience. Before Project Mercury, certain segments of
the scientific community were apprehensive that certain aspects of weightlessness might
produce life-threatening conditions including hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria. This
apprehension subsided when no evidence of a calcium abnormality was found. Even after
the 14-day Gemini 7 mission, X-ray bone densitometry showed absent to slight loss of
bone mineral (Mack et al., 1967).
Using this background, more extensive endocrine and metabolic studies were planned
for the Apollo Program. As with other portions of the medical program, these studies
were designed to provide data relative to the maintenance of flight crew health and
well-being during a mission. The purpose of this chapter is to summarize and discuss the
endocrine and metabolic results obtained before and after the Apollo missions and the
results of the limited inflight sampling. From these studies, it is possible to obtain an idea
of the nature and the extent of endocrine rcsponses by the crewmen who flew the Apollo
As part of the overall operational medical program, the endocrinological and
metabolic studies were designed to evaluate the biochemical changes in the returning
Apollo crewmembers. The areas studied were balance of fluids and electrolytes,
regulation of calcium metabolism, adaptation to the environment, and regulation of
metabolic processes.


The same general protocol was followed for most of the Apollo missions. Deviations
from the procedures occurred when the quarantine program was imposed upon the
Apollo 11,12, and 14 missions.
With the crewmembers reclining for 30 minutes, approximately 45 ml of peripheral
venous blood were drawn three times (thirty, fifteen, and five days) before space flight.
Blood was drawn approximately two hours after recovery (as soon as possible) and one,
seven, and fourteen days later. All blood samples were drawn with the subject fasting from
midnight until 7:00 a.m. except for the postrecovery sample, which was drawn regardless
of the time of day or prior food intake by the crewmen. Generally, the crewmen had not
eaten for six hours before recovery and had been awake for at least eight hours. For the
preflight control samples, the crewmen had been awake less than one hour.
The 24-hour urine samples were collected preflight and postflight from each crewman
on the same days as were the blood samples. The pooled urine was collected without
additive, aliquoted, stablized with acid, and frozen for analysis. Urine samples were
collected inflight by means of a biomedical urine sampling system (BUSS). Each BUSS
consisted of a large (four liters) pooling bag in which urine was collected. Each contained
10 gm of boric acid for stabilization of certain organic constituents. One entire 24-hour
urine sample from each Apollo 16 crewman was returned. For Apollo 17 collections, a
sampling bag was used. In this bag a sample of urine (as much as 120 cm 3) was stored for
later analysis. The collection bags contained 30 mg of lithium chloride. The final lithium
concentration was used to estimate total urine volume.
Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions 165

Ground control subjects were used during each mission to determine the effects of
collection and transportation of blood and urine samples. The control results showed that
transportation of the endocrine samples to the NASA laboratories produced no change in
values. Analyses of the blood samples (plasma or serum) included osmolality, sodium,
potassium, chloride, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), angiotensinI, cortisol,
human growth hormone (HGH), insulin, parathormone thyroxine, and triiodothyronine.
The 24-hour urine samples were analyzed for electrolytes, osmolality, volume,
aldosterone, cortisol, antidiuretic hormone (ADH), total and fractionated ketosteroids,
and amino acids. Procedures for these analyses have been previously reported (Leach
et al., 1973; Alexander et al., 1973). Radionuclide studies were performed according to
the schedule shown in table 1. The methods used for the radionuclide studies were
described by Johnson and co-workers (1973). Table 2 contains the calculated radiation
exposures from these radionuclide studies. The data in table 2 indicate that these
exposures added only modestly to total radiation exposure of the astronauts and that the
exposure levels are well within occupationally prescribed limits. All preflight data were
averaged, and the standard error (SE) of the mean was calculated. The data taken
immediately postflight were also averaged, and the percent deviation from the preflight
level given. Inflight data are presented in figures 1 to 16. Prolonged exposure to increased
temperature and to the boric acid preservative made the urine voided inflight unsuitable
for catecholaminc or ADH analyses.

Table 1

Schedule of Apollo Radionuclide Studies

Test Total Body Plasma Extracellular Total Body

Schedule Potassium Volume Fluid Water

30 days preflight
15 days preflight X X X
B days preflight
As soon as possible
after recovery X
1 day after recovery X
7 days after recovery X

Table 2

Calculated Radiation Exposure of Apollo Crewmen

Nuclide and Critical Organ Total Body Total Total Body

Physical Form (rem/#Ci) (rem/_.Ci) _uCi (rem)

Iodine-125 Albumin Thyroid -- 0.0625--0.1875 0.00050 8 0.0040

Sulfur-3B Sulfate Total body -- 0.00009 0.00009 100 0.0090
Hydrogen-3 Water Total body -- 0.00017 0.00017 200 0.0340
Potassium-42 Chloride Muscle -- 0.00134 0.00086 300 0.2580

166 Biomedical Results of Apollo


Postmission body fluid losses have been found in both American and Russian space
flight crewmen (Webb, 1967). Apollo crewmen showed an average of five percent
decrease in body weight after flight when the mean of the preflight results (thirty, fifteen,
and five days) was compared to the individual postflight values. The average loss was
3.51 kg, approximately one-third of which was regained within the first 24 hours after
recovery. These data are given in table 3.

Table 3

Summary of Apollo Crewmen Body Weight Data

Mean, kg Postflight Mean Postflight Mean Change
(Ib) kg (Ib) kg (Ib)
Preflight _-i Immediate One Day
75.96 (167.50) 72.45 (159.75) -- --4.6

-- 72.45 (159.75) 73.05 (161.08) +0.8

*Number of crewmen tested.

Body weight changes indicate significant fluid changes among all crewmembers
exposed to weightlessness. Loss of fluid does not seem to be related to the duration of
the mission. Because of this fact, studies were undertaken to investigate cations and
anions, both of which have critical roles in the regulation of fluid volume. Serum
electrolyte data from the Apollo crewmen are summarized in table 4. Significant
differences were observed in a 7.3 percent decrease in potassium and a 4.5 percent
decrease in magnesium immediately after flight. These changes were accompanied by no
significant change in serum sodium or chloride.

Table 4

Summary of Apollo Serum Electrolyte Results

Preflight Immediate Percent

Electrolyte N _
Mean +-SE Postflight Mean -+ SE Change

33 141 + 0.1 141 _+0.3 0

Sodium (mEq/I)
33 4.1 + 0.03 3.8 -+ 0.05 --7.3
Potassium (mEq/I)
32 104_+0.3 104 _+0.5 0
Chloride (mEq/I)
Magnesium (mg/100 ml) 32 2.2 _+0.04 2.1 _+0.05 --4.5

*Number of crewmen tested.

The 24-hour urine electrolyte results are given in table 5. These samples exhibited
significant decreases in sodium, potassium, chloride, and magnesium values. The results
from Apollo 17 inflight collections are shown in figures 1 to 4.
Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Chan_es Associated with Apollo Missions 167

Table 5
Apollo Twenty-Four Hour Urine Electrolyte Results

Preflight First 24 Hours Percent

N _ Mean + SE Postflight Mean + SE Change

Sodium (mEq/vol) 30 169 -+ 15 87- + 12 --49

Potassium (mEq/vol) 30 79+ 4 42_+ 3 --47

Chloride (mEq/vol) 30 155_+ 7 60-+ 7 --61

Magnesium (mg/vol) 23 9 + 0.5 6-+ 0.5 --36

*Number of crewmen tested.




Pre- Inflight
flight flight fIPight [ Infhght l P_g_t fPrg[ t Infhght J flPOgSht
Note: CDR =Commander
CMP = Command Module Pilot
LMP = Lunar Module Pilot

* Indicates one !2-hour sample

Figure 1. Apollo 17 urinary sodium results.


_ 100

_ 50

5 o

Figure 2. Apollo 17 urinary potassium results.

168 Biomedical Results of Apollo



_ 100

5 flPigehtI Infhght flPi_lti' fPg_t [ Infhght ]flPi;_ti"L ',",_"l,,_,s_'i


Figure 3. Apollo 17 urinary chloride results.



_ 8

_ 6
>- 4

5 2
o ::: .:

flight flight
Po,,PreL 'nf',oht
f,ightf,ight JPo,t

Figure 4. Apollo 17 urinary magnesium results.

To aid in the understanding of water and electrolyte balance and of renal function,
renin activity was measured as angiotensin I in blood samples, and aldosterone was
measured in urine. Table 6 contains these results. The plasma angiotensin I values show a
488 percent increase in the crewmen tested on the day of recovery. This elevation was
followed by a significant increase (57 percent) in urinary aldosterone during the first day
following recovery. In figures 5 and 6, the inflight aldosterone results for the Apollo 16
and 17 missions, respectively, are shown.
Table 7 contains summary data on urinary volume, ADH, and osmolality. These
results indicate a 32 percent decrease in urine volume after flight with significant
increases in osmolality (20 percent) and ADH (152 percent). The inflight volume and
Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions 169


_6 + ÷


,_ +1
+_ +1

[._ o_
O 2

,_ +1 d d
+I +I

•: N


c g


gLUnlOA Jq-l_;_/r_l'euoJai.sople kJeu!J n

170 Biomedical Results of Apollo


= 60"

o 50-

_ 30-

._ 10

5 o II
Post- bre- Inflight Post- Pre- Inflight ] Post-
flight flight flight flight LMP flight
flight CDR CMP

*Indicates one 12-hour sample

Figure 6. Apollo 17 urinary aldosterone results.

Table 7

Apollo Urine Volume Data

Preflight First 24 hours Percent
Mean -+SE Postflight Mean + SE Change

Urine Volume (ml) 30 1602 -+ 77 1089 -+ 109 -- 32

Osmolality (milliosmols) 30 696 + 24 833 + 45 + 20

ADH (milliunits/vol) 26 28 + 3 72 + 17 +152

*Number of crewmen tested.

osmolality values for the Apollo 17 mission are shown in figures 7 and 8, respectively. A
summary of the measured body fluid volumes is given in table 8. These same data are also
expressed as milliliters per kilogram of body weight. Table 9 contains the total body
exchangeable potassium data as measured by potassium-42. Table 10 contains blood urea
nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine clearance data. The creatinine clearance results show no
significant change in renal function after flight as indicated by this test. A slight but
significant increase in BUN was found. Apollo 17 infli_ht creatinine values are shown in
figure 9.
The calcium, phosphorus, and parathormone (PTH) changes are summarized in
table 11. It is believed that the calcium, phosphorus, and PTH results not only reflect
normal bone metabolism but would seem to reflect normal renal function. These results
are in agreement with the results of photon absorptiometrv studies performed on several
Apollo flights which s showed small to insignificant losses of bone calcium after flight
(Vogel, 1971).
Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions 171

5000 -

4000 -


.__ 2000

1000 t

0 _ d

Pre-I ,nfhght [ fPi;_ti fPi;h t [ Infhght J Pi_t fP;ht [ Inflight Post-

Figure 7. Apollo 17 urine volume data.


f I



! H
i 8°°
> 800

5 400

Infligh t

- _z f%e_t
L Infhght J Po;htt f_lght ,nfhght

Figure 8. Apollo 17 urinary osmolality.

172 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 8

Apollo Body Fluid Compartment Data

Mean Percent Change + SE

Volume ml/kg

Immediately One Day >7 Days Immediately One Day >7 Days
After After After After
Postflight Post flight
Recovery Recovery Recovery* Recovery

Plasma volume --4.4±1.7 +4.8±2.2 +3.4±1.4 --0.1 ± 1.4 +8.2 ± 1.9 +5.3±1.6

Total body water --2.4±0.4 --0.1±0.6 --0.5±0.3 +1.6 ± 0.4 +2.9 ± 0.8 +1.2±0.6

Extracellular fluid --2.7±1.0 +0.2±1.3 --0.5±0.8 +1.1 ± 0.9 +2.8 ± 1.5 +1.5±1.4

Intracellular fluid --2.1±0.8 +0.2±1.1 --0.6±0.9 +1.9 ± 0.9 +3.2 ± 1.2 +0.8±0.7

Interstitial fluid --2.2±1.0 --1.3±1.6 --1.5±1.1 +1.7 ± 1.0 +1.6 ± 1.8 +0.3±1.6

* Used R +2 values for Apollo 15.

Table 9

Apollo Total Body Exchangeable Potassium

Mean Percent Change in Total mEq Potassium

Dilution Time in Hours I 24 48

Apollo 16 + 3.8 + 2.3

Apollo 17
15 I --16.3
--15.3 -- 5.2

Mean Percent Change in mEq Potassium/kg Body Weight


Dilution Time in Hours I 24 48

Apollo 16 + 7.7 + 7.0

Apollo 15 I --12.7 --12.6
Apollo 17 --13.5 -- 0.3

Table l0

Index of Apollo Renal Function

Immediate Percent
Test Mean ± SE Postflight Mean Change

BUN (mg/lO0 ml) 33 18.5 ± 0.6 20.7 ± 0.7 +12

Creatinine clearance N*
29 ] Preflight
151 ± 8 133 ± 8 --12
(liters/24 hr)

*Number of crewmen tested.

Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions 173



'_ 1000


:_ 0 Pre [ Infhght J Post P Inflight i Post-

flight CDR flight flight flight flight flight

Figure 9. Apollo 17 urinary creafinine results.

Table 11

Apollo Calcium Metabolism Results

Preflight First Postflight Percent

N _ Mean -+ SE Examination ± SE Change

Calcium serum (mg/100 ml) 33 9.6±0.05 9.7 -+0.05 + 1.0

Urine (mEq/vol) 30 9.3±0.8 7.8 ± 0.8 --15
Phosphorus serum (mg/100 ml) 33 3.5±0.07 3.6 ± 0.1 + 3

Urine (mg/vol) 30 966±64 956 ± 67 --4

Parathormone serum (pg/ml) 12 0.44±0.03 0.42 -+0.05 --5

*Number of crewmen tested.

Plasma cortisol and ACTH results are given in table 12. Although no significant

change was found, a mean decrease was demonstrated in both hormones. The urinary
' ' uata
' " mmcaung
" " "" aurenal
' acuvlty
"" "" are atso
' gi ven " ' '
in tame lz.
"_" t_orusot
"" '' uemonstrateu• " "
a 24percent increase, whereas the total 17-hydroxycorticosteroid excretion was

decreased 30 percent. The inflight values for these measurements for Apollo 17 crewmen
are shown in figures 10 and 11. Both catecholamine compounds show decreases after

flight when the data from all crewmen are grouped for analysis. Some individual preflight

values are often elevated. This is believed to be due to premission stress. The total and
fractionated ketosteroid data are given in table 13. These results demonstrate a

30 percent decrease in the total component, which is spread over four fractions:

androsterone, etiocholanolone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and 11 = OH

etiocholanolone. A slight increase was observed in pregnanediol and 11=O

etiocholanolone. Figures 12 and 13 demonstrate the typical inflight component of these

results for Apollo 17 crewmen.
174 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 12

Apollo Adrenal-Pituitary Hormone Concentration

Preflight First Postflight Percent

Test Sample N _
Mean +- SE Examination ± SE Change

Cortisol Plasma 30 16.7±0.5 12.2±2.0 --27

(#g/100 ml)

ACTH (pg/ml) Plasma 12 37 ±5 28 ±5 --24

Cortisol Urine 27 60.3±3.0 74.7±7.0 + 24


Epinephrine Urine 24 26.3±2.0 24.1±4.0 --8

(/_g/vc I)

Norepinephrine Urine 24 55.5±3.0 55.8±8.4 + 0.5


Total 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids Urine 6 6.1±0.5 4.3±1.2 --30


*Number of crewmen tested.



_= 150


_ 75

_ 25

_ o Q
In fl ht - Pre- Inflight Post-
Pre L Infhght ]Pi_t fhght flight' flight

Figure lO. Apollo 17 urinary hydrocortisone results.

The serum and plasma values for various hormones and related parameters are
summarized in table 14. Glucose showed a 10 percent increase after flight, and insulin in-
creased 32 percent after flight. Human growth hormone demonstrated a 304 percent
increase after flight. The postflight increase in thyroxine was statistically significant,
whereas slight change was noted in percentage of triiodothyronine binding.
Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions 175

o 3°




Post- Pre- Inflight Post- Pre- I nflight Post-

Pre- L Inflight
fl igh t flight flight flight flight flight

Figure ll. Apollo 17 urinary total 17-hydroxycorticosteroids.

Table 13

Apollo Total and Fractionated

17-Ketosteroid Excretion Results

mg/Total Volume
First Day Percent
Compound N _
Mean + SE Postflight Mean + SE Change

Pregnanodiol i 0.33 +- 0.05

Preflight 0.38 -* 0.08 +14

Androstcrone 2.28 -+ 0.53 !.57 ± 0.!3 --49

Etiocholanolone 3.47 +-0.51 2.25 ± 0.27 --35

Dehydroepiandrosterone 1.15 -+ 0.46 1.10 -* 0.29 -- 5

11 -Ketoetiocholanolone 0.34 ± 0.13 0.38 * 0.09 +10

11-Hydroxy Androsterone 0.15 + 0.05 0.15_+0.06 0

11-Hydroxyetiocholanolone 0.33 + 0.19 0.18 -* 0.08 --44

TOTAL mg/TV 8.66 -+ 1.54 6.05 -+0.72 --30

* Number of crewmen tested.

Table 15 is a summary of the urinary amino acid results for six representative amino
acids from a total of 39 analyzed. The comparison of postflight to preflight control levels
has been variable. However, taurine has been consistently elevated after flight
(140 percent). The inflight data for Apollo 17 crewmen are presented in figures 14 to 16.
176 Biomedical Results of Apollo

® 3.0


_ 1.(1

I nflight 1_°._'
_reI ,n.,i0..
Post- i, Pre-
flight flight
Inflight Post-

Figure 12. Apollo 17 urinalysis of 11 = 0 ctiocholanolone.




Pre- )ost-" Pre- Post-

Inflight Posl-" Pre- Inflight Inflight
flight flight flight flight flight flight

Figure 13. Apollo 17 urinalysis of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

andFluidVolume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions 177

Table 14

Summary of Plasma Hormones

and Related Parameters for Apollo Crewmen

Hormone N _
Preflight ± SE Postflight + SE Change

30 6.8±0.1 7.6 -+0.5 + 12

Thyroxine (T 4)
(#g/1 O0 ml)

30 32.4±0.1 32.1 ± 0.1 - 1

Tri-iodothyronine (T 3)
(% uptake)

Insulin (p.U/ml) 22 6.8±1.2 9.0± 1.4 + 32

Glucose (mg/1 O0 ml) 33 96.7±1.3 105.1 ± 2.2 + 10

Human Growth Hormone 10 2.6±0.2 10.5- + 3.1 +304


*Number of crewmen tested.

Table 15

Summary of Apollo Amino Acid Excretion Results


Preflight First Day Percent

N _
Amino Acid Mean -+ SE Postflight Mean Change

12 6.1 ± 0.4 7.2 +- 2.6 + 18

Taurine 12 126.2 ± 18.5 304.0 -+ 89.5 + 140

Glycine 12 53.7 -+ 6.8 45.7 +_11.2 -15

Alanine 12 30.2 ± 6.8 25.3 + 3.2 -15

Tyrosine 12 18.4 ± 1.8 16.8 -+ 2.1 - 9

_-Alanine 12 5.25 ± 2.0 5.8 + 1.8 + 13

*Number of crewmen tested.

178 Biomedical Results of Apollo



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'au!:)AIE) 'au!Jasoqdsoqd
Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions 179


After considering all previously mentioned data together with the clinical condition
of the returning Apollo crewmen, the following hypothesis was proposed to explain the
changes. As a crewman enters the weightless environment, his circulating blood volume
and extracellular fluid shift from the extremities and the lower abdomen and are
redistributed equally throughout the vascular space. This alteration of the blood volume
is interpreted as a relative volume expansion. The fluid redistribution necessitates a
compensatory change in water balance with a net loss of fluid and electrolytes. The
extent of the fluid and electrolyte loss is related also to food consumption, which has
been variable and generally below basal requirements during the first 24 hours of a
mission. The changes in water balance are believed to occur principally in the first or
second day of flight just as they do in bed rest (Hyatt et al., 1970). This theory explains
why crewmembers showed weight decreases even after short duration Mercury and
Gemini missions 0Vebb, 1967). On return to Earth and the one-g environment, a portion
of the weight loss is regained within the first 24 hours. A rapid weight gain of this
magnitude indicates a renal and endocrine response to the new environment. The
remainder of the weight loss could be attributed to tissue loss. Consistently measured
decreases in red cell mass and decreases in individual cell electrolyte content, determined
by the electron microprobe, add support to this hypothesis. Furthermore, significant
decreases in serum magnesium during the postflight period suggest previous losses of
intracellular electrolyte, since magnesium is concentrated in the intracellular space along
with potassium.
Postflight decreases in total body potassium of the Apollo 12 to 14 crewmen were
determined by gamma spectrometric measurement of the total body potassium-40. Seven
of the nine men showed a significant decrease (three to ten percent) for this measurement
(Benson & Bailey, 1971). Beginning with the Apollo 15 mission, total body exchangeable
potassium was measured (Leach et al., 1972). The results are expected to differ from
total body potassium because slow-to-equilibrate pools may not be completely exchanged
in the 24- and 48-hour periods analyzed. However, because comparisons of measurements
before and after space flight of the same individuals are being made, the relative changes
are meaningful. Crewmembers of the Gemini 7 mission demonstrated positive potassium
baiance before and after the flight and negative balance during the flight. Results from
Gemini missions and data available from Apollo crewmen confirm that aldosterone is
elevated during space flight. This elevation could have been produced by decreases in
renal blood flow or in carotid artery or right-heart pressures: the specific etiology must
await further experimentation.
All Apollo missions were followed by a change in the plasma volume of returning
crewmen. The overall mean of the crewmen's plasma volume decrease for the Apollo
missions was considerably less than the 10 percent mean decrease associated with an
equivalent period of bed rest. Only three of the twenty-one crewmembers tested showed
losses greater than the average bed rest results. A smaller decrease in plasma volume could
be one manifestation of an inflight increase in adrenal activity, particularly aldosterone
secretion. Because no plasma volume measurements for Apollo missions were taken
during flight, it was not known whether plasma volume was actually lower during flight
180 Biomedical
Results of Apollo

and increased slightly before being recorded immediately after flight or whether plasma
volume remained essentially stable after the 4.4 percent decrease (table 8) had occurred.
Even with adequate calories available, most crewmen showed a weight loss after
flight. Part of this weight loss was made up during the first 24 hours after recovery, but it
took from several days to weeks for crewmen to return fully to their premission weight.
This fact suggests that part of the weight loss during a mission is tissue and another part
fluid. Only fluid loss could be made up in the first 24 hours; recovery of tissue losses
takes considerably longer. Weight loss from short term dieting is generally followed by an
increase in extracellular fluid, which compensates for the tissues lost. This extra fluid is
ordinarily lost by diuresis at irregular intervals of several days to several weeks. The in-
creased extracellular fluid volume seen after these missions could be explained as a com-
pensation for tissue losses. The water retention associated with weight loss is probably ac-
complished by increased aldosterone secretion.
During recovery operations, crewmen were exposed to increased ambient tempera-
tures in the spacecraft, in the helicopter, and on the carrier deck because of the tropical
location of recovery operations. The crewmen did not eat or drink between the time they
left the spacecraft and the time of blood sampling; thereafter, they could eat or drink
anything they desired. The postrecovery diet was generally high in salt, protein, and calo-
ries. The postrecovery urine generally showed increased osmolality with a decrease in
electrolyte content, a combination that indicated increased excretion of nonelectrolyte
osmotic substances. Part of this increase in osmolality might have been a result of the in-
creased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) found after recovery. The clinical laboratories found
postflight elevations in uric acid. Because of the increased environmental temperatures
during the first fourhours after recovery, a slight increase in serum sodium was to be ex-
pected then, and in osmolality later. However, serum sodium was actually less after flight
than before flight, and osmolality was unchanged; therefore, serum sodium may have been
even lower before reentry. This discovery, coupled with the BUN change, suggests that renal
blood flow is decreased during weightlessness, and this decrease could be partly responsible
for the increased aldosterone excretion by way of the renin-angiotensin system.
Balakhovskiy and others (1971) have suggested that the postflight weight loss in
American astronauts was due to dehydration caused not by space flight but by environ-
mental temperatures in the tropical recovery zones. Apollo data do not substantiate de-
hydration as the causative factor for the fluid/electrolyte results because serum sodium
and osmolality were not increased at recovery.
Prolonged bed rest is associated with a negative calcium balance beginning in the sec-
ond week (Deitrick et al., 1948). It was postulated that exposure to weightlessness would
produce similar losses of calcium from the skeleton. The results of the Apollo missions
did not appear to indicate significant changes in calcium metabolism. First, no change in
parathormone was found in recovery specimens; second, urine and serum calcium were
elevated; and third, bone densitometry failed to show consistent decreases in bone mass.
Therefore, for missions of 14 days or less, it was apparent that significant calcium losses
did not occur. Hypercalcemia does not account for the loss of sodium, as has been sug-
gested (Griffith, 1971). However, if changes in calcium dynamics had occurred, they
would have probably just begun during the last few days of the missions.
Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions 181

Current data show no evidence of plasma cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone

(ACTH) increase after flight. The stress of reentry is assumed to be not great enough to
produce a change in these hormones. The time of recovery, however, generally is at a
different point in the diurnal cycle of the pituitary-adrenal axis than in the preflight
control (Leach & Campbell, 1971). Without stress, higher values were to be expected at
the time of the control specimens (8:00 a.m.) than at the time of recovery (between
morning and early afternoon). Reentry stress may have elevated these hormones higher
than they were 24 hours before recovery.

The Apollo 16 mission was the first after Gemini 7 in which inflight urine samples
were returned for analysis. The 17-hydroxycorticosteroids were found to be significantly
decreased during the 14-day Gemini 7 mission (Lutwak et al., 1969). Likewise, total
17-hydroxycortieosteroid values were decreased in second-day inflight specimens from
Apollo 16 crewmen and were normal to decreased in the more comprehensive sample
collection of the Apollo 17 mission. Ordinarily, if total 17-hydroxycortieosteroid
excretion decreases, a decrease in eortisol is to be expected; however, eortisol excretion
during the inflight phase of both missions was normal to elevated or, stated differently,
no value was lower than preflight or postflight values. This divergence of results could be
related either to a sample storage program that affected the 17-hydroxycortieosteroid
analyses or, possibly, to changes in blood flow to the liver that altered the conjugation
rate of the free hormone resulting in decreased excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids.
In several endocrine-related diseases, the determination of urinary 17-ketosteroids,
either fractions or total, has been helpful in both diagnosis and understanding the
pathophysiology of these diseases. The decrease in the total 17-ketosteroid fraction agrees
with the decrease in the total 17-hydroxycorticosteroid data. The mechanism is believed
to be related to the liver conjugation of these steroids. The inflight increase in specific
fractions reflects the heightened adrenal activity during the flight phase. The
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) increases shown on the Apollo 16 and 17 missions
inflight are considered significant since they had been shown to occur in potassium-
depletcd subjects (Leach et al., 1973). The exact function of this steroid is not known,
but it appears to be related to stress responses as well as to nitrogen and mineral

Bed rest, the most frequently used analog of we_htlessness_ Mtar_ glucose metabolism
(Lipman, 1970). Studies have shown that glucose and insulin are elevated after two weeks
of absolute bed rest. Apollo results suggest that space flight may have a similar effect with
an apparent decrease in the efficiency of insulin to lower plasma glucose concentrations.
However, increased growth hormone may be a factor in these observed increases. A
significant change in plasma thyroxine (T4) may represent the thyroid gland's response to
increases in plasma proteins.
To assess metabolic responses in the area of nutrient use as well as stress, human
growth hormone (HGH) was measured. This hormone was significantly increased
(table 14) postflight. Because HGH acts to increase blood sugar and plasma-free fatty
acids, and to lower plasma amino acids by incorporating them into proteins, these results
after space flight are compatible with the evidence of muscle breakdown discussed
182 Biomedical Results of Apollo

The changes in amino acid excretion patterns are thought to be related to diet as well
as to muscle metabolism. However, as in every study of amino acid excretion, renal
threshold, glomerular filtration rate, and cellular use enter into the full explanation.
Furthermore, the relationship between adrenal steroid activity and amino acid excretion
must be considered because adrenal steroids alter urinary excretion patterns of amino
acids (Zinneman et al., 1963). Glycine, significantly elevated in the inflight samples, is
required by the body for formation of nucleic acid, porphyrins, creatinine, hippuric acid,
and bile acid conjugates (Searcy, 1969). Therefore, the increased excretion of this amino
acid could be related to cellular mass loss or to the suspected decrease in liver blood flow.
The significant increases in taurine after flight could be an indication of a decrease in bile
acid formation and hence in liver function. Sarcosine, another amino acid that was
increased during flight, is related to muscle protein and is believed to be a further
indication of muscle breakdown during flight.


Biochemical analyses were performed on samples of blood and urine obtained from
astronauts at various intervals before and after each Apollo space mission. During the
Apollo 16 and 17 missions, urine samples from the inflight phase were also obtained, and
a similar series of biochemical analyses was performed.
The observed universal loss in body weight was accompanied by decreases in
intracellular water and by increases in extracellular water after flight with a resultant net
loss in total body water. Water losses, however, appeared to account for only about
one-third of the total mass loss. That losses in cellular mass also occurred was evident
from decreases in the body's potassium-40 content and in its exchangeable potassium
pool. The loss of tissue was further supported by increases in blood and urinary
nitrogenous components after flight as well as in decreases in serum potassium and
The observed losses in potassium and retention of fluid were generally reflected in
appropriate postflight elevations in renin activity, aldosterone, and antidiuretic hormone
(ADH). Changes in excretion patterns inflight were also observed. Elevation of
aldosterone during flight supports the concept that the electrolyte changes were
hormonally induced. Hydroxycortisone was normal to increased, whereas total
17-hydroxycorticosteroids and total 17-ketosteroids were low normal to decreased during
flight. A change in the metabolism of these hormones is suggested by these results.
The following hypothesis is presented to explain the mechanisms underlying the
observed electrolyte and fluid compartment changes. In a weightless environment, there is
a tendency for plasma volume to be distributed more evenly within the vascular system
and away from the gravity-dependent extremities. This shift is interpreted by receptors,
probably in the right atrium, to be an increase in vascular volume. The increase in vascular
volume is counteracted by an increased water loss, followed by a compensatory,
adrenal-pituitary-mediated retention of water and sodium and by a continued loss of
potassium. Other hormone changes observed are tentatively ascribed to the stresses
associated with the condition of the Apollo space flights, to the well-known consequences
of hypokinesis, and to the metabolic effects of hypocaloric nutritional intake.
Endocrine, Electrolyte, and Fluid Volume Changes Associated with Apollo Missions 183

Alexander, W.C.; Leach, C.S.; Fischer, C.L.; Lambertsen, C.J.; and Johnson, P.C.: Hematological,
Biochemical, and Immunological Studies During a 14-Day Continuous Exposure to 5.2% 0 2 in N 2
at Pressure Equivalent to 100 FSW (4ata). Aerospace Med., vol. 44, no. 7, July 1973,
pp. 850-854.
Balakhovskiy, I.S.; Natochin, U.V.; and Kozyrevskaya, G.I.: Status of Water-Salt Metabolism Under
Space Flight Conditions. NASA TT F-14029, 1971.
Benson, R.E.; and Bailey, V.: Personal Communication. March 15, 1971.
Berry, C.A.; and Catterson, A.D.: Pre-Gemini Medical Predictions Versus Gemini Flight Results. Sec-
tion 16 of Gemini Summary Conference, NASA SP-138, 1967, pp. 210-218.
Deitrick, J.E.; Whedon, G.D.; and Shorr, E.: Effects of Immobilization Upon Various Metabolic and
Physiological Functions of Normal Men. Am. J. Med., vol. 41, no. 1, Jan. 1948, pp. 3-36.
Dietlein, L.F.; and Harris, E.: Experiment M-5, Bioassays of the Body Fluids. Section 42 of Gemini
Midprogram Conference, NASA SP-121, 1966, pp. 403-406.
Griffith, D.P.: Immobilization Hypercalciuria: Treatment and a Possible Pathophysiologic Mechanism.
Aerospace Med., vol. 42, no 12, Dec. 1971, pp. 1322-1324.
Hyatt, K.H.; Smith, W.M.; Vogel, J.M.; Sullivan, R.W.; Vetter, W.R.; Calder, B.E.; Bohnn, B.J.; and
Haughton, V.M.: A Study of the Role of Extravehicular Dehydration in the Production of Cardio-
vascular Deconditioning by Simulated Weightlessness (Bedrest), Part II. Final Report.
NASA CR-114809, 1970.
Johnson, P.C.; Driscoll, T.B.; Alexander, W.C.; and Lambertsen, C.J.: Body Fluid Volume Changes
During a 14-Day Continuous Exposure to 5.2% 02 in N 2 at Pressure Equivalent to 100 FSW
(4 ata). Aerospace Med., vol. 44, no. 7, July 1973, pp. 860-863.
Kakurin, L.I.: Medical Research Performed on the Flight Program of the Soyuz-Type Spacecraft.
NASA TT F-14026, 1971.
Leach, C.S.: Review of Endocrine Results: Project Mercury, Gemini Program, and Apollo Program.
Proceedings of the 1970 Manned Spacecraft Center Endocrine Program Conference,
NASA TM X-58068, 1971.
Leach, C.S.; Alexander, W.C.; Fischer, C.L.; Lambertsen, CJ.; and Johnson, P.C.: Endocrine Studies
During a 14-Day Continuous Exposure to 5.2% 0 2 in N2 at Pressure Equivalent to 100 FSW
(4 ata). Aerospace Med., vol. 44, no. 7, July 1973, pp. 855-859.
Leach, C.S.; Alexander, W.C.; and Johnson, P.C.: Adrenal and Pituitary Response to the Apollo XV
Crewmembers. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., vol. 35, no. 5, Nov. 1972, pp. 642-645.
Leach, C.S.; and Campbell, B.O.: Hydrocortisone and ACTH Levels in Manned Spaceflight. Rhythms
in Special Environments. Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Biologic
Rhythms (Little Rock, Arkansas), Nov. 1971.
Leach, C.S.; Hyatt, K.H.; and Johnson, P.C.: Increased Dehydroepiandrosterone Excretion During a
Low Potassium Diet. Clin. Res., vol. 21, no. 1, 1973, p. 87.
Lipman, R.L.: Impairment of Peripheral Glucose Utilization in Normal Subjects by Prolonged Bedrest.
J. Lab. Clin. Med., vol. 76, no. 2, Aug. 1970, pp. 221-230.
Lutwak, L.; Whedon, G.D.; LaChance, P.A.; Reid, J.M.; and Lipscomb, H.S.: Mineral, Electrolyte and
Nitrogen Balance Studies of the Gemini-7 Fourteen-Day Orbital Space Flight. J. Clin. Endocrinol.
Metab., vol. 29, no. 9, Sept. 1969, pp. 1140-1156.
Mack, P.B.; LaChance, P.A.; Vose, G.P.; and Vogt, F.B.: Bone Demineralization of Foot and Hand of
Gemini - Titan IV, V, and VII Astronauts During Orbital Flight. Am. J. Roentgenol., vol 100,
no. 3, July 1967, pp. 503-511.
Searcy, R.L.: Diagnostic Biochemistry. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1969, p. 50.
Vogel, J.M.: Bone Mineral Measurement, Apollo XV. NASA T-93591, 1971.
184 "E_iomedical
of Apollo

Webb, Paul: Weight Loss in Men in Space. Sci., vol. 155, no. 3762, Feb. 1967, pp. 558-560.
Zinneman, H.H.; Johnson, J.J.; and Seal, U.S.: Effect of Short-Term Therapy with Cortisol on the
Urinary Excretion of Free Amino Acids. J. Clin. Endocrinol., vol. 23, no. 10, Oct. 1963,
pp. 996-1000.
N76 12677



W.C. Alexander, Ph.D.
Carolyn S. Leach, Ph.D.
Craig L. Fischer, M.D.*
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


An extensive group of biochemical tests was instituted in support of the Apollo

Program. These tests were conducted for each flight by the Clinical Laboratories of the
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC), and gave investigators their first documentation
of the normal biochemistry of the astronauts who flew the Apollo missions. The results
were especially meaningful since comparable data were not consistently available from
the Mercury and Gemini Programs. The biochemical studies significantly increased the
understanding of man's adaptation to the spaceflight environment and of the resultant
physiological cost of spaceflight.
The biochemical evaluation of the Apollo crewmen was designed to document the
physical qualification of the invididual for each mission and to detect problems which
might require remedial or preventive action. Accordingly, the primary purpose of the
laboratories during tile Apollo missions w_s tn support the crew by providing clinical
biochemical and immuno-hematology data to the flight surgeon for evaluations of pre-
and postflight health status. The chemical measurements of various blood and urine
constituents were one portion of a comprehensive medical examination intended to
disclose a state of well-being or the presence of occult disease processes. The biochemical
studies furnished data which, when integrated with the facts obtained from a complete
history and physical examination, permitted an objective assessment of crew physical

*Now at Eisenhower Medical Center.

The authors wish to especially thank the following technical personnel in the Clinical Laboratory at
the Johnson Space Center for their support throughout the many missions of the Apollo Program: A.
Carmona, K. Brown, E. Coleman, N. Funderburk, C. Johnson, M. Johnson, H. Knippa, Jr., C. Lassiter,
R. Landry, H. Owens, N. Pettit, Jr., J. Potter, J. Terrell, L. Wallace, N. Whitecotton, and J. Wright.

186 Biomedical

Thesecond objectiveof thebiochemical

studies wasto elucidate
overextendedperiodsof timeestablished
of subtlebiochemical
of thesechanges

Blood Sample Collection

The preflight samples of blood were acquired depending on the location of the crew.
Normally the serum, acquired at Johnson Space Center, or Kennedy Space Center was
frozen immediately and transported to the JSC Clinical Laboratories for analysis. The
immediate postflight samples were acquired on the Prime Recovery Ship, stabilized and
returned to JSC for analysis. In both instances time critical analyses were performed prior
to freezing in remote site laboratories.
The biochemical studies in Apollo varied somewhat between missions depending on
overall mission objectives. In general, Apollo missions 7, 8, 9, and 10 were supported in
the same manner, except that the number of 24-hour urine collections increased as the
importance of these data became more evident. Apollo missions 11, 12, and 14 were
characterized by a postflight quarantine and therefore received similar laboratory
emphasis. Apollo missions 15, 16, and 17 were supported with an expanded protocol
characterized by an increasing number of biochemical studies. The general methods
included the withdrawal of 20 ml of venous whole blood at least three times,
approximately thirty, fifteen, and five days before each mission. Similar amounts of
blood were withdrawn within two hours after recovery, one day, six days, and thirteen
days later. Fasting blood samples were obtained with the crewman recumbent and at
approximately the same time each day except for the sample immediately after splash-
down. The crews' intake of food and water prior to splashdown was varied, and
operational considerations dictated the actual time and place of recovery.

Urine Sample Collection

Twenty-four hour urine samples were collected on each crewman beginning with
Apollo 8 and coincident with each blood collection. The urine was aliquoted, stabilized,
and frozen for transport to the JSC for subsequent analysis.

Overall Procedural Plan

The crews generally consumed a conventional diet during the pre- and postflight
periods and Apollo flight food throughout the mission. Fluids were available ad libitum
during all phases. In order to evaluate the data obtained, certain information from the
clinical history of each crewman was required. This information included medication
history one month prior to, during, and postflight; radiation; exposure to toxic products,
if known; and description of the pertinent history and physical examination findings.
Approximate dietary intake, and the amount and time of any alcohol consumption were
also noted. The biochemistry program was judged successful based on the criteria that the
Biochemistry 187

samples wereobtained at theappropriate timeandin theamount specified,andwere

processed anddelivered tothelaboratory inspecified conditions.
Ground-based controlsubjectsparticipatedin thesame procedural planusedforthe
flight crewevaluations. Beforeeachmission,threemenin goodhealthand in
approximately the samephysicalconditions asthecrewmen wereselected ascontrol
subjects. Thegoalof the ground-control programwasto supplycontrolsfor the
hematology evaluation andto predictanycomplex interactionswithotherphases ofthe
preflightandpostflightevaluation protocols.These individualswereutilizedalsoforeach
missionto preventmisinterpretation of datadueto sample preparation or artifacts
resultingfromsample manipulationandtransport fromremote sitelaboratories to the
JSCfacilityfor processing. Thecontrols demonstrated thatneitherthebloodsampling
nortransport hadanydemonstrable effectonthemeasured parameters.
In addition,eachcrewman servedashisowncontrol,withthepreflightperiodas
baseline. Thebackupcrewassigned to eachflight participated in the biochemical
evaluations to the samedegree astheprimecrewin thepreflight interval. These data,
provided no member of thebackupcrewactuallyflew,wereusedasadjunctive control
dataforcomparative purposes.
Theclinicalbiochemical methods wereselected specifically
utilizingminimalsample volume.Standard biochemical laboratory techniques wereused
(table1).Whenever possible,
analiquotofserum wasfrozenandstored forsubsequent or
retrospective analysis.Thedataweresubjected to statistical
analysis. Themeanof
preflightdata(threecrewmen, threesampledates)wasobtained andthe standard
deviationof themeancalculated. Themean valueofthepostflight data(threecrewmen,
onesample date),thestandard deviation,andthepercent deviation fromthepreflight
levelwererecorded. Theresultsweresubmitted to student's pairedt test (Snedecor,
1956). Annual comprehensive biochemical examinations were conducted also on the
entire group of individuals selected for the astronaut program. The normative values for
the astronaut population are defined in table 2.


A summary of serum biochemical measurements from all Apollo crewmen is

the astronaut population for the variables considered. However, when postflight values
were compared with preflight levels, significant changes were found, as listed in table 4.
This comparison described consistent and significant decreases in potassium, magnesium,
lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine phosphokinase (CPK), albumin, uric acid,
triglycerides and cholesterol. Increases were described in creatinine, total protein, blood
urea nitrogen (BUN), and glucose.
The 24-hour urine results are shown in table 5. Since the diet consumed in the pre-
and postflight phases was not controlled, there was variation between means which
resulted in large standard deviations; however, significant changes did occur, as shown in
table 6. Significant postflight increases were measured in specific gravity and osmolality.
Decreases were measured in the 24-hour urine volume, and in the 24-hour excretion of
sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, and uric acid.
188 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 1

Apollo Biochemical Laboratory Techniques

Serum Chemistries

Constituent Unitage Method

Sodiurl mEq/L Flame photometry (Henry)

Osmolality milliosmols Freezing point depression (Gambino)

Cholesterol mg% AutoAnalyser (Lieberman-Burchard)

Triglycerides mg% AutoAnalyser (Kessler & Lederer)

Magnesium mg% Atomic absorption (Willis)

Glucose mg% AutoAnalyser (Ferrocyanide reduction)

Inorganic phosphate rag% AutoAnalyser (Fiske & Subbarow)

Potassium mEq/L Flame photometry (Willis)

Chloride mEq/L Titration (Buchler-Cotlove)

Total bilirubin mg% AutoAnalyser (Jendrassic)

Direct bilirubin mg% AutoAnalyser (Jendrassic)

Calcium mg% Atomic absorption (Willis)

Uric acid mg% AutoAnalyser (Hawk)

Urea nitrogen mg% AutoAnalyser (Diacetyl monoxime/Marsh

et al .)

Creatinine mg% AutoAnalyser (Jaffe)

Alkaline phosphatase International units AutoAnalyser (Babson)

Creatine phosphokinase milliunits/ml Robot chemist (Oliver)

Creatine phosphokinase International units Rate reaction analysis (Boehringer-


Lactic dehydrogenase milliunits/ml Robot chemist (Wroblewski & LaDue)

Lactic dehydrogenase International units Rate reaction analysis (Boehringer-


Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase milliunits/ml Robot chemist (Karmen, Wroblewski, &


Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase International units Rate reaction analysis (Boehringer-


Urine Chemistries

Osmolality milliosmols/24 hrs Freezing Point Depression (Gambino)

Calicum mEq/24 hrs Atomic absorption (Willis)

Inorganic phosphate mg/24 hrs (P) AutoAnalyser (Fiske & Subbarow)

Specific gravity None Total solids

Chloride mEq/24 hrs Titration (Buchler-Cotlove)

£'reatinine mg/24 hrs AutoAnalyser (Jaffe)

Volume m1/24 hrs Volumetric

Sodium mEq/24 hrs Flame photometry (Henry)

Magnesium mEq/24 hrs Atomic absorption (Willis)

Potassium mEq/24 hrs Flame photometry (Henry)

Uric acid mg/24 hrs AutoAnalyser (Hawk)

Clinical Biochemistry 189

Table 2

Normal Biochemistry Values for Apollo Astronaut Population

A. Serum

Number of Two Standard

Crewmen Deviation Range

Osmolality 112 267.2-313.7

Sodium 127 115.8-164.9

Potassium 126 3.5-4.7

Chloride 127 98.4-111.2

Calcium 126 8.9-10.3

Magnesium 128 1.7-2.7

Inorganic phosphate 128 2.3-4.7

Blood urea nitrogen 126 11.3-25.7

Creatinine 125 0.9-1.5

Total protein 131 6.2-7.8

Albumin 131 3.7-5.3

Glucose 98 85.4-111.5

Triglycerides 86 26.9-195.9

Cholesterol 125 113.1-261.1

Uric acid 126 4.4-7.9

Total bilirubin 122 0.1.5

AI kaline phosphatase 128 7.8-37.1

Lactic acid dehydrogenase (RC) 59 29.8-65.4

(LKB} 66 134.1-263.0

Serum glutamic oxaloacetic

transaminase (SGOT) (RC) 59 14.2-44.8

67 9.5-22.i

Creatine phosphokinase (RC) 59 0.68.4

(LKB) 62 2.6-110.7

B. Urine

24-hr urine volume 87 102-2746

Specific gravity 85 1.007-1.031

Osmolality 73 282-1110
Sodium 88 20.1-306.9
Potassium 88 18.6-128.4
Chloride 88 20.8-278.9
Calcium 88 0.8-16.9

Magnesium 88 -30.5
190 Biomedical Results of Apollo

0 t'NI


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0 100


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Chnical Biochemistry 191

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'_ "_ 'z
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192 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 4

Slgmhcant Serum Biochemistry Changes

(Pre x- vs. Recovery Day)

Parameter Direction of Change

Potassium Decreased

Magnesium Decreased

Creatinine Increased

Lactic acid dehydrogenase Decreased

Creatine phosphokinase Decreased

Total Protein Increased

Albumin Decreased

Blood urea nitrogen Increased

Glucose Increased

Triglycerides Decreased

Cholesterol Decreased

Uric acid Decreased

* Significant change is defined as p < .05.


The clinical biochemical investigations conducted on the Apollo crewmen showed no

preflight or postflight abnormalities of clinical significance. Some transient changes,
however, were observed postflight which occurred consistently and merit discussion.

Blood Constituent Measurements

Postflight decreases in serum potassium, although not significant clinically, were

found in 24 of the 33 crewmen. This early finding was an important factor in the decision
to conduct more extensive electrolyte studies on the later Apollo flights (Leach et ai.,
1970). Based on measurements in Apollo 16 and 17 the increase in aldosterone which
occurred during flight was believed to be partly responsible for the decrease in serum
potassium, and for the lack of Change in serum sodium postflight. Decrease in serum
magnesium was interpreted as evidence of a reestablishment of ionic equilibrium
principally in muscle tissue occuring while in space.
Immediate postflight creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels were increased
over preflight mean values with return toward preflight levels by one day after recovery.
These increases often are associated with prerenal diversion of water, increased protein
catabolism, and impaired renal function. Although no evidence of renal impairment was
suggested in the associated chemistry data, it could not be ruled out. Increased protein
catabolism or dietary factors probably influenced the creatinine and BUN levels, as well
as the state of hydration of the returning crewmen.
Clinical Biochemistry 193

t_. _ 09 _ Ct_ o t,o _ i_ Q co

I I I + I + + + + + I

+1 +1 .i +1 +b .i +1 +_ +l +l +p


I + I I I I + I I I I


tD tD ¢'_
+_ +l +t +_ +l +_ +l +l +1 +h +l
I tD

rr *o'_ I

+_ +_ +1 +1 +1 +_ +1 +_ +1 ÷_ +_


o 0 CO

+l +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +l +1 +1 +,

tS E

+1 +t +t +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 E

o m. _.
-6 ._=

*-, f2.


_.':- _ _ = _'_.__ _ o

194 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 6
• . . a&

Significant Twenty-four Hour Urine Biochemistry Changes

(Pre _ vs. Recovery Day)

Parameter Direction of Change

Specific gravity Increased

Osmolality Increased
Volume Decreased
Sodium Decreased
Potassium Decreased
Chloride Decreased
Magnesium Decreased
Uric acid Decreased

*Significant change is defined as p < .05.

The serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels were reduced immediately postflight,
and mild elevations were evident by 24 hours after recovery. This alteration was probably
a result of muscle inactivity incident to weightlessness and to increased muscular activity
during the first 24-hour postflight interval. The decrease in LDH could not be as readily
explained, since this enzyme would be expected to increase with exercise (Halonen &
Koltinen, 1962). However, it is likely that preflight LDH levels were atypically elevated
due to rigorous physical conditioning by the crew, such that the postflight reduction in
LDH may simply have been a return to normal enzyme balance.

The postflight elevation of blood glucose may have been related to stress associated
with reentry. In support of this prediction the epinephrine and steroid increases
correlated well with the hematologic findings of a transient postflight neutrophilia,
eosinopenia, and lymphopenia. However, short-term bedrest is associated also with
glucosemia (Lutwak & Whedon, 1959), which raises the possibility that the increased
glucose seen after the Apollo missions was not entirely a result of stress. As in bedrest,
the finding may be a result of diminished uptake of glucose by inactive muscle cells
(Lipman, 1970).

The decrease in cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid may have been a result of
the low residue, high fat and carbohydrate diet consumed during the Apollo flights
However, these values did not return to preflight levels in two weeks after the
mission, even though the crewmen began eating a conventional diet immediately
after recovery. This fact suggested possibly that other metabolic consequences were
involved. Adrenal steroids have been shown to be elevated during flight which may
have accounted for the decrease in the stores of precursor cholesterol, particularly if
not replaced by the diet (see Section III, Chapter 1). The decreased cholesterol was
in agreement with elevated thyroxine levels, and contributed to the evidence for
increased thyroid function during flight (Sheinfeld et al., 1975); (see also Section III,
Chapter 1 of this book).
Clinical Biochemistry 195

The increase in total protein at recovery, and subsequent decrease in the days
following, portrayed the immediate postflight state of hydration of the individual
crewmen and the redistribution of fluid compartments which occurred throughout the
postflight interval. The immunological proteins were elevated also in many of the
crewmen, which perhaps contributed also to total protein elevation (Fischer et al., 1972);
(see also Section III, Chapter 3).

Urine Constituent Measurements

The postflight 24-hour urine collections revealed significant retention of sodium,

potassium, and chloride ions associated with a reduced total urine volume and
hyperosmolality. These findings are consistent with the reestablishment of preflight fluid
and electrolyte balance and with hormonal adjustments required for readaptation from
the space flight environment. The decrease in urinary uric acid predictably reflects the
anabolism which occurs during the postflight period. Although dietary factors cannot be
ruled out in uric acid metabolism, by six days postflight the crewmen should have
consumed diets sufficient to return those levels to the preflight mean. For a more detailed
review of the urinary constituents, the reader is referred to Section 1II, Chapter 1 of this


The objectives of the biochemical studies conducted for the Apollo Program were
(1) to provide routine laboratory data for assessment of preflight crew physical status
and for postflight comparisons; (2) to detect clinical or pathological abnormalities which
might have required remedial action preflight; (3) to discover as early as possible any
infectious disease process during the postflight quarantine periods following certain
missions; and (4) to obtain fundamental medical knowledge relative to man's adjustment
to and return from the space flight environment. The accumulated data suggest that these
requirements were met by the program described. All changes ascribed to the space flight
environment were subtle, whereas clinically significant changes were consistent with
infrequent illnesses unrelated to the space flight exposure.


Fischer, C.L., Gill, C.; Daniels, J.C.; Cobb, E.K.; Berry, C.A.; and Ritzmann, S.E.: Effects of the
Space Flight Environment on Man's Immune System: I Serum Proteins and lmmunoglobulins.
Aerospace Medicine, vol. 43, 1972, pp. 836-860.
Halonen, P.I.; and Koltinen, A.: Effect of Physical Exercise of Some Enzymes in the Serum. Nature,
vol. 193, pp. 942-944.
Leach, C.S.; Johnson, P.C.; and Alexander, W.C.: The Endocrine, Electrolyte and Fluid Volume
Changes Associated with Apollo. In: Apollo Medical Experiments. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1974.
Leach, C.S.; Alexander, W.C.; and Fischer, C.L.: Compensatory Changes During Adaptation to the
Weightlessness Environment. Physiologist, voi. 13, 1970, p. 246.
Lipman, R.: Impairment of Peripheral Glucose Utilization in Normal Subjects by Prolonged
Bedrest. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, vol. 76, 1970, pp. 221-223.
196 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Lutwack, L.; and Whedon, G.D.: The Effect of Physical Conditioning on Glucose Tolerance. Clinical
Research, vol. 7, 1959, p. 143.

Sheinfeld, M.; Leach, C.S.; and Johnson, P.C.: Plasma Thyroxine Changes in the Apollo Crewmen.
Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 46, no. 1, 1975, pp. 47-50.
Snedecor, G.W.: Statistical Methods. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1956.



Stephen L. Kimzey, Ph.D.

Craig L. Fischer, M.D.*

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

Philip C. Johnson, M.D.

Baylor College of Medicine

Stephan E. Ritzrnann, M.D.

University of Texas Medical Branch

Charles E. Mengel, M.D.

University of Missouri School of Medicine


The hematology and immunology program conducted in support of the Apollo

missions was designed to acquire specific laboratory data relative to the assessment of the
health status of the astronauts prior to their commitment to space flight. A second,
equally important objective was to detect and identify any alterations in the normal
functions of the immunohematologic systems which could be attributed to space flight
exposure, and to evaluate the significance of these changes relative to man's continuing
participation in space flight missions. Specific changes observed during the Gemini
Program formed the basis for the major portion of the hematology-immunology test

interpretation of the flight data base became apparent.

Detailed hematologic investigations had been conducted in support of selected flights
in the Gemini Program. Although the data collected were sparse and incomplete, certain
trends were noted and are worthy of comment (Fischer et al., 1967). Radioisotope:-
derived plasma volume measurements, performed on the crew of Gemini4, yielded

*Now at Eisenhower Medical Center.

The authors would like to thank the following individuals for their technical and scientific support of
these studies: J. Bailey, L. Brannon, L. C. Bums. H. R. Cantu, E. K. Cobb, H. Conrad. B. S. Criswell, J.
Daniels, T. Driscoli, B. Edwards. C. Gill, P. C. Gouch, M. Graham, R. C. Hirasaki, L. Hollaman, T.
Jefferson, H. Jordan, A. D. LeBlance, J. Lopez, T. D. Rogers, H. Sakai, C. Tuchman, D. G. Winider.

198 Biomedical Results of Apollo

calculated red cell mass deficits of about 12 percent after four days in orbit. Based on this
observation, direct measurements of red cell mass were performed on the crew of
Gemini 5 using a 51Cr tag. The data derived from this study showed a 20 percent de-
crease in red cell mass following eight days in orbit, accompanied by an abnormally low
red cell 51Cr half-life in both pilots. These studies suggested that a hemolytic process was
responsible for the observed red cell loss.
Affirmation of a hemolytic reduction in red cell mass was obtained from the crew of
the 14-day Gemini 7 mission. In this case, one pilot showed a modest decrease in red cell
mass, whereas the other crewman lost 20 percent. Special hematology, tests, accompany-
ing the isotope studies, revealed that the reduetion in red cell mass was associated with in-
creases in mean corpuscular volume and osmotic fragility. Reticulocyte counts before and
after the mission revealed no actual depression of bone marrow activity incident to flight;
however, no reticulocytosis appeared until the fourth day after landing. These data imply
that the erythropoietic mechanisms were insensitive to the red cell mass reduction which
occurred over the 14-day interval. The red cell mass was recovered in both men by three
weeks postflight.
Additional biochemical analyses of blood samples from returning Gemini crewmen re-
flected significant decreases in plasma alpha-tocopherol levels, total red cell membrane
lipids, specifically the long chain of fatty acids of cephalin and lecithin, and red cell
phosphofructokinase activity. All of these compounds influence red cell integrity. Indeed,
the Gemini findings provided a new impetus in red cell investigation, with emphasis di-
rected at the red cell membrane itself and not solely at intracellular enzyme systems.
The Gemini findings formed the basis of a working hypothesis for the influence of
space flight on red cell function and survival. This hypothesis, comparable to that of
Jacob (1969) for microspherocyte formation, proved to be actually applicable only to the
Gemini environment, but it strongly influenced both the selection and interpretation of
test data of the earlier Apollo flights. As more information was collected in the later
Apollo missions, it became apparent that the hemolytic damage characteristic of the
Gemini flights was not the only hematologic consequence of space flight.

Hematology Studies

The hematology analyses conducted in support of Apollo missions ranged from

routine procedures (table 1) intended primarily to provide basic information to the crew
surgeon to more specialized tests (table 2) designed to elucidate the effects of space flight
on the normal functioning and integrity of the red blood cell. For the most part, standard
laboratory techniques were employed. Some specific procedures are discu:sed in more
detail in the text or are referenced where details are necessary for a more complete
comprehension of the results. Blood samples were obtained by venipuncture beginning
approximately 30 days prior to launch. No blood samples were acquired during the
inflight phase of the missions. The first postflight sample was collected onboard the
recovery vessel within one to three hours after splashdown, after which sampling
continued for about two weeks. A typical blood sampling schedule for an Apollo mission
is illustrated in table 3. The logistics involved with the postflight quarantine of Apollo 11,
12, and 14 made it impractical to perform some of the analyses on those missions.
Hematology and Immunology Studies 199

Table l

Routine Hematology Tests

Red blood cell count

Reticulocyte count


Red cell indicies

Mean corpuscular volume
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
White blood cell count
White blood cell differential
Platelet count

Total eosinophil count

Table 2

Special Hematology Tests

Blood Volume Measurement

RBC mass
Plasma volume
Blood volume (calculated)
Serum iron turnover
RBC survival
Whole body hematocrit

R BC Metabolism

Giucose-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
Phosphoglyceric kinase
Pyruvate kinase
Adenosine triphosphate
2, 3-diphosphoglycerate
Reduced glutathione
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
Lipid peroxides

Cellular Analysis
RBC electrolyte distribution (electron probe analysis)
RBC hemoglobin distribution (microspectrophotometry)
RBC morphology and ultrastructure (electron microscopy)
RBC age density separation
RBC sodium/potassium flux (isotope exchange)
RBC sodium/potassium concentration
RBC volume distribution

0I .IG] 1J
200 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 3

Blood Sampling Protocol a

(Values in ml)

Fluid and
Sample Clinical Chemistry Type and
Hematology Immunology Electrolyte
Day Endocrinology Cross-Match

F-30 c 25 10

F -29

F-15 d 25 10 12 b


F -5 c 25 10 20


R+O d 25 10 12 b

R+I c 25 10 12 b

R +6 d 25 10 12 b


R+I 3 d 25 10 12 b



aFrom Apollo 16, Medical Requirements. NASA Document MSC-05259, February 17, 1972.
bK42(radioactive potassium).

COne venipuncture required on F-30, F-5, and R+I.

dTwo venipunctures required on F-15, R+0, R+6, and R+13. (Second sample must be taken exactly
30 minutes following injection of isotope.)

On each mission, a group of three male subjects of comparable age, weight, and

general physical condition to the crew formed a ground-based control group. These

individuals were examined simultaneously with the crew to ensure that the sampling

schedule, transfer of blood samples from remote sites, and the overall medical protocol

did not influence laboratory results. The data from these subjects will be referred to as

control data or simply "controls" throughout the following discussion, and should not be

confused with laboratory "standard samples" which were routinely used to verify


Routine Hematology

Routine hematological data from the Apollo missions are summarized in table 4.

Details concerning some of the results mentioned here are presented in subsequent
sections of this chapter. There were no changes in RBC count or hematocrit following the

flights. However, there was a modest (significant in one-third of the crewmen) elevation
Hematology and Immunology Studies 201

202 Biomedical Results of Apollo

in the hemoglobin concentration, resulting in an increase in the calculated mean

corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and the MCH concentration (MCHC) immediately
postflight in those crewmen. Determinations of concentration-dependent parameters were
complicated during the recovery day (R+0) examination by the often inadequate
laboratory facilities on the recovery vessel and by the changes in red cell mass and plasma
volume which occurred during the mission. There were rapid postflight shifts in body
fluid compartment sizes, which influenced particularly the plasma volume.
In contrast to the Gemini findings (Fischer et al., 1967) a slight, but statistically
significant, reduction in the reticulocyte count was observed at R+0. The significance of
this finding relative to changes in blood volume is discussed in the next section.
There was a postflight (R+0) leukocytosis generally associated with an absolute
neutrophilia and a complicated lymphocyte response. This finding was also consistently
observed during the Gemini missions. In all cases, the changes in the white blood cell
count and differential were transient and reverted to normal within 24 to 48 hours after
flight. The elevations in the neutrophil count were modest. In most crewmen, elevations
did not exceed the 10 000 count required for the classical definition of neutrophilia.
While these changes were possibly a consequence of increased blood epinephrine and/or
steroid levels associated with mission stresses, they were highly variable among
It should be noted that none of the changes observed in hematologic parameters were
outside accepted normal ranges, and therefore were not indicative of significant medical

Blood Volume
Measurement of red cell mass was of particular interest in the early Apollo flights
because of the significant decreases observed in red cell mass during the Gemini flights.
The procedures used to measure red cell mass and plasma volume have been reported
previously (Fischer et al., 1967; Johnson et al., 1971). The red cell mass loss in the first
two Apollo flights was negligible in five of six crewmen tested. This deviation from the
pattern of the Gemini crewmen was attributed to a change in the Apollo spacecraft
atmosphere composition at launch - from 100 percent oxygen in Gemini to a 60 percent
oxygen 40 percent nitrogen mixture at 346 × 102N/m 2 (260 torr) in Apollo. Therefore,
the Apollo 7 and 8 missions were characterized by an oxygen concentration of less than
100 percent during the entire flight interval, though it did approach the 95 percent level
by the end of the flight.
On the Apollo 9 mission, the crew opened the spacecraft hatches to perform
extravehicular activity. Even though denitrogenation began at the time of repressurization
and the crew lived in 100 percent oxygen for the next five days, only a seven percent
mean decrease in crew red cell mass was observed. This was a significant, but not
dramatic, change. However, the crew was not denitrogenated before the mission in the
manner of the crews in the Gemini Program. Gemini crewmen breathed 100 percent
oxygen at 101 x 103N/m 2 (760 torr) for three hours before the mission, again on the
launch complex for several hours before lift-off, and then proceeded with a mission in
which a 100 percent oxygen, 346 × 102N/m 2 (260 torr) atmosphere was used. Thus, the
Studies 203

Apollo7 and8 oxygen-nitrogen profilesdifferedconsiderably fromthoseoftheGemini

missions.Theatmosphere profileof theApollo9 mission wasals0different,butit was
somewhat similarto theGeminitypeatmosphere profileduringthelaterstages of the
Theresultsof Apollo9 andsubsequent chamber studyat Brooks Air ForceBase
(Larkinetai.,1972)seemed toconfirmthehypothesized toxiceffectof oxygenonthe
redbloodcells.These datawereintegrated intoahypothesis thathyperoxia
(evenat lowatmospheric pressures)
caninducethelossof redcellmass byinhibitionOf
redcellproduction and/orincreased destructionof circulatingredcells.Thedetailsof
thishypothesis,whichhavebeenreported (Fischer & Kimzey,1971; Fischer,1971),are
summarized infigure1.
















Figure 1. Hypothesis to explain loss of red cell mass as a result of a hyperoxic breathing atmosphere.

Hyperoxia can cause peroxidation of red cell lipids (all membrane-bound), resulting in
one or both of the following: (1)the plasma vitamin E and vitamin A levels can be
reduced by virtue of the fact that these sterols are lipid antioxidants and are consumed in
this type of reaction, and (2)peroxidated lipids can physically compromise red cell
membrane integrity. Lipid peroxides are very effective and efficient red cell membrane
sulfhydryl group inhibitors, as is oxygen directly. Thus, if red cell lipid peroxides were
formed, inhibition of red cell membrane sulfhydryl groups would be expected. The
sulfhydryl groups are essential in maintaining the integrity of passive red cell membrane
cation transport. If active cation transport is poisoned by the same mechanism, one
204 Biomedical

wouldobserve osmotic swelling of redcellsresulting inattainment ofcriticalvolumeand

lysis.Alteredactiveandpassive transmembrane cationtransportmay,therefore, be
occurring simultaneously. If theintegrityof theredcellmembrane isdisrupted,changes
in shapeand/orcompliance of themembrane will resultin thecell'sremoval by the
reticulocndothelialsystem (RES).
OnApollo9, the sodium-potassium flux in theredcellwasmeasured beforethe
mission, immediately afterward, andonedayafterrecovery. Theprocedure usedhasbeen
described previously (Larkin& Kimzey,1972).Thecontrolsshowed essentiallyno
change, but a significant reduction in the activecomponent (asdefinedby ouabain
inhibition)of potassium flux wasobserved in theoxygen-exposed flightpersonnel.This
change wouldcompromise thcosmoregulatory capacity of thecells,makingthemmore
susceptible to osmotic hemolysis. Nochanges incationfluxwereobserved onApollo10,
amission withanormaloxygen/nitrogen profile.
The Apollo9 missionwascharacterized by otherchanges consistentwith the
proposed hypothesis; specifically, (1)a reductionin plasma vitaminE andvitaminA
levels,(2)a decreased phosphofructokinase activity,(3)a reductionin total redcell
lipids,especially lecithin,and (4)abnormalred cellmorphology characterized by
acanthrocytoid cells,spherocytes andschistocytes (Fischer &Kimzey,1971).
Nomeasurements of redcellmass weremadeonApolloflights10through13dueto
operational constraints imposed bythequarantine requirements. OnApollo14,smallbut
significantred cell masslosseswereobserved postflight.The meandecrease of
-4.7percent is greater thanthechanges foundin Apollo7 (-3.4percent) andApollo8
(-1.4percent),but lessthanthe -7.2percentafterApollo9. TheApollo14dataare
somewhat misleading sinceonecrewman hadnolossofredcellmass duringtheflight.
A significantdecrease
in redcellmass(-10percent) wasmeasured afterApollo15.
Thered cell lossduringthis missionwasmorethanhalf recovered by theR+13
examination. Theatmosphere to whichtheApollo15crewwasexposed wasalsohigher
in oxygenduetoamorerapidthannominal leakrateearlyin theflight,anextended stay
onthelunarsurface, andextravehicularactivityduringthetransearth coast.
OnApollo16, asin othersimilarmissions, therewasa decreased redcellmass
postflightwhencompared to preflight(F-15)values.If the Apollo16 resultsare
compared withdatafromprevious missions, wefindthatthepercent changes inredcell
massof thethreecrewmembers (average of -14.2percent) weregreater than15of 16
otherApollocrewmembers. Thislosshadnotbeenrecovered byR+7.Whenexpressed as
millilitersper kilogramof bodyweight,the redcellmasschange wasgreaterafter
Apollo16thanin allprevious Apollomissions. It wouldappear fromdatacollected on
theApolloflights,thatthecrewmen judged tobeinthebestphysical condition(basedon
theirexercisetestingperformance)exhibited thegreatest
Thecrewof Apollo17showed an11percent decrease
in redcellmassatrecovery.
OneweeklateratR+8theredcellmass wasstillninepercent belowthecontrolvalues of
F-15.Whentheredcellmassiscorrected for bodyweightloss,thedecrease wasseven
percent atrecovery.Thechanges in thiscrewwereapproximately thesame asin crewsof
Hematology and Immunology Studies 205

Changes in plasma volume following space flight have been more variable, but with a
general tendency to be reduced following the Apollo flights. The rapidity with which the
plasma volume can equilibrate, combined with the varying length of time following
recovery at which the plasma volume was measured and the less than optimal conditions
for these tests on the recovery vessel, make these results somewhat less meaningful
relative to the inflight condition. Nevertheless, the reduction in plasma volume after space
flight might be expected based on similar studies of subjects during comparable periods of
bed rest (Hyatt, 1969).

In contrast to the Gemini flights, the red cell survival (as measured by the 51Cr
half-life) was not significantly altered during the inflight or postflight phases of the
Apollo flights.

To summarize, table 5 compares the percent change in red cell mass, plasma volume,
and red cell survival of the crews of the Apollo and Gemini missions in which these
studies were performed. The red cell mass decrease of the Apollo 7 and 8 crews was
significantly less than the decrease after the lunar missions 14 through 17. The flight
duration of the Apollo 7 and 8 missions was less than the average duration of the moon
landings; however, it is improbable that flight duration was the reason for the difference
since large red cell mass decreases were found after the shorter Gemini 5 mission.

Table 5

Blood Volume Studies

Plasma Volume Red Cell Mass

Mission (mean % change) (mean % change)

Gemini 4 -- 9 -13"
Gemini 5 -- 7 - 21
Gemini 7 +il -14
Apollo 7-8 -- 8 -- 2
Apollo 9 -- 9 - 7
Apollo 14-17 --4+2 --10+ 1
Apollo Controls +10 +-2 -- 1+-1

Red Cell Survival

(51Cr T '/2 in Days)

Preflight During Flight Postflight

Apollo 7-8 25 28 25
Apollo 14-17 24 23 27


Apollo 7 and 8 also differ from other Apollo missions in that the Lunar Module purged
the Command Module's atmosphere of nitrogen. After that maneuver, the Apollo atmo-
sphere was equivalent to a Gemini atmosphere. Small amounts of residual nitrogen were
206 Biomedical Results of Apollo

present throughout Apollo 7, the only mission in which atmosphere composition was mea-
sured. The difference between these two types of missions was further evidence to support
thc concept that a nitrogen-free atmosphere was the cause of the red cell mass decreases. The
red cell survival as measured by 51Cr half-life was not shortened to the extent found in three
of four Gemini crewmen, suggesting that hemolysis did not occur or was very slight.
While it was not possible within the framework of the Apollo Program to test this
hypothesis extensively, all of the Apollo, Gemini, and supporting ground-based studies
can be ranked according to the mean red cell mass loss that was measured in the subjects
(table 6). These data include the percent loss, the atmosphere composition, the number
of subjects, and the exposure duration. What is noteworthy is that anytime a 100 percent
oxygen atmosphere was used, significant red cell mass loss occurred. However, if a diluent
gas wa - present, no significant red cell loss was observed.
The initial hypothesis (figure 1) predicted an intravascular hemolysis of the cells as a
result of failure to maintain osmotic balance. Based upon additional data collected in
support of the Apollo Program, this hypothesis may need to be modified. The consistent
elevation of haptoglobin in all of the crewmen following Apollo flights is inconsistent
with intravascular hemolysis. Red cell survival was not significantly shortened in the
Apollo flights, and this finding does not support the concept of intravascular hemolysis.
It is possible that the alteration of red cell membrane lipids and/or sulfhydryl groups
would alter the cells' structural configuration leading to fragmentation of cells and their
subsequent destruction by the reticuloendothelial system. Shape changes have been
observed in red cells collected inflight (Kimzey et al., 1974).
However, the lack of any change in the 51Cr survival time suggests that the loss may
not be due to red cell destruction at all, but to a reduction in the production of cells.
Regardless of the exact cause of the red cell mass decrease, compensatory erythropoiesis
is not evident. There are data from later flights to suggest that initiation of the recovery
of red cell mass after completion of the mission may be delayed for up to two weeks
(Johnson et al., 1974; 1975). In order to account for the loss seen in some of the Apollo
flights, red cell production would have to be totally inhibited for the duration of the
flight (assuming a normal loss of approximately one percent per day), and even this could
not account for the large loss in the Gemini missions. It is obvious that the exact
mechanism of this red cell mass loss has not been established; oxygen undoubtedly is a
contributory agent, but is probably not the only one.

Special Hematology
The measurement protocol for red cell glycolytic enzymes and intermediate
compounds varied from mission to mission. Operational constraints associated with
quarantine prevented this protocol from being applied with any degree of consistency.
The changes in red cell metabolic function during space flight as determined by analysis
of selected compounds are summarized in table 7.
The energy-related enzymes in general showed a postflight elevation, but adeno-
sine triphosphate (ATP) levels were unchanged. The stability of red cell
2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2, 3-DPG) is indicative of the maintenance of normal
Hematology and Immunology Studies 207

hemoglobin-oxygen affinity. During a chamber study with a high oxygen atmosphere

[100 percent at 34 x 103N/m 2 (5 psi)], red cell ATP and 2, 3-DPG were reduced during
the exposure period. The ATP decline during this study resulted in a significant reduction
in the active component of potassium influx in the erythrocytes (Larkin & Kimzey,
1972). The decline in potassium influx noted in the Apollo 9 samples was not
accompanied by a reduction in ATP.

Table 6
Summary of Red Cell Mass Data

Atmospheric Oxygen
% RBC Mass Change Partial Pressure
Exposure No. of
Mean Range % Oxygen (Psia)* (days) Subjects

Tektite I 2.( + 8.0 to -- 7.4 15 3.09 60

Apollo 8 2.( + 3.0 to -- 4.0 60- 95 3.7 -- 5.1 7

Apollo 7 3.( -- 2.0 to- 9.0 60- 95 3.7 -- 5.1 11

2TV-1 chamber 3.( -- 1.6to-- 7.3 60 - 94 3.7 -- 5.1 11

BAFB chamber 3.( + 6.0 to --10.0 91 5.0 21

Apollo 14 4._ -- 1.7 to-- 9.1 60 - 99 3.7 -- 5.1 10

Sealab 111 5.1 + 4.0to-- 9.0 2 4.0 12

Apollo 9 7.( -- 4.0 to --10.0 60 - 99 3.7 -- 5.1 10

Apollo 15 10.' -- 7.0 to--13.7 60 -- 99 3.7 -- 5.1 12

Apollo 17 11.: -- 8.4 to --14.9 60 -- 99 3.7 -- 5.1 13

BAFB chamber (1970) 12._ -- 7.0 to --22.0 100 5.0 30

Gemini 4 13.1 --12.0 to --13.0 100 5.0 4

Gemini 7 143 -- 8.0 to --19.0 100 5.0 14

Apollo 16 --14.: --11.9 to --17.0 6O - 99 5.0 12

Gemini 5 --21 .( --20.0 to --22.0 100 5.0 8

Phila chamber --273 -19.0 to -31.0 5 3.1 14

"t = p_la
_.;. = 60x
, 103N/m 2

Studies are arranged in order of increasing loss of red cell mass. The atmospheric oxygen profite is
based on estimates in most cases instead of actual measurements. All results were collected using the
51Cr procedure (Fischer et al., 1967 and Johnson et al., 1971) except Gemini 4, which was
estimated from measurement of plasma volume and the hematocrit.

Although some moderate changes were observed during Apollo in some of the
glycolytic enzymes, no trend was evident and the magnitude of the changes did not
represent a significant alteration in the functional capacity of the cells.
Decreases were observed after the Apollo 9 mission in the plasma vitamin E and
vitamin A levels, as compared with three controls. The reductions in the plasma
vitamin E are statistically significant. Concomitant changes in the red cell membrane
vitamin E or vitamin A were not observed. Total phospholipid, neutral lipid, and
fatty acids of several major phospholipids of the red cell membrane were measured.
208 Biomedical Results of Apollo

The red cell lecithin, a major component of the red cell membrane, showed a
dramatic change both quantitatively and qualitatively. There was a quantitative
change in the phospholipids and a qualitative change in the fatty acids of the
phospholipids. These changes did not appear to bc related to diet. Lecithin and
other phospholipids showed a shortening of the fatty acid chains, particularly the
long-chain, unsaturated fatty acids, such as C24 ' C22, and C18, suggesting lipid

Table 7

Summary of Changes in Red Cell Metabolic Constituents

(Preflight vs Immediate Postflight Periods)

Apollo Mission
T 14 15 16 17

Hexokinase +

Phosphofructokinase 0 ND ND ND +

Glucose-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 0 + ND ND ND +

Phosphoglyceric kinase + -- ND ND ND +

Pyruvate kinase ND ND ND ND ND 0

Adenosine triphosphate 0 0 0 0 0 0

2, 3-diphosphoglycerate ND ND 0 0 0 0

Reduced glutathion + ND ND ND

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase ND ND ND ND ND 0

Lipid peroxides 0 0 ND ND 0 0

0 = no change, + = significantly increased, -- = significantly decreased, ND = not done.

Both changes can be explained on the basis of peroxidation. However, on those

missions where red cell membrane lipid peroxides were assayed (Apollo 7, 8, 9, 16,
17), none were detected. The lack of detectable lipid perioxidation implied that the
possibility of overt red cell damage was unlikely.
Methemogiobin concentrations in blood samples collected immediately postflight
after Apollo missions 7, 8, and 16 were substantially elevated and remained high in
subsequent postflight samples. The magnitude of this elevation was too great to be
indicative of the in vivo situation, and therefore must be assumed to have occurred
in vitro during sample storage. It is perhaps significant that the level of methemoglobin in
the crew samples was substantially greater than in control samples collected at the same
time, and the conversion rate would have to be many times in excess of that reported for
stored blood samples (Jaffe, 1964). The significance of this finding is unknown, but could
have been related to the reverse capacity of the reductase mechanism in the cells in vitro.
There would appear to be no compromise of red cell metabolic function as a
consequence of space flight. The elevation of several energy related enzymes following
Apollo 17 could have been indicative of a transient response of the cell to a stressful
condition, or could have been indicative of a younger population of red cells known to
Hematology and Immunology Studies 209

have a higher enzyme activity overall. However, both of these suggestions remain
speculative in the absence of additional data.
In Apollo 13 through 17, the erythrocytes were examined individually by electron
probe microanalysis for cellular sodium (Na), potassium (K), and sulfur (S) content.
These procedures were designed to evaluate changes in the population distribution of the
two major osmotically active cations (Na and K) of the red blood cell. In general, the
method consisted of focusing a beam of high energy electrons onto a single red cell and
determining the Na, K, and S content by detection of the resultant characteristic X-ray
photons emitted from the red cell structural matrix (figure 2). The precision and
usefulness of the technique for analyzing blood cells have been described in detail
elsewhere (Kimzey & Burns, 1973; Bums & Kimzey, 1973).

m DEWAR---...J
/ / [




X- RAY S-'/_,_.___ SLIT J

AMP ]____J

Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of X-ray detection systems utilized to examine red blood cells
with an electron probe microanalyzer.

The results of these studies on Apollo 13 and 14 showed a transient postflight shift in
the red cell Na/K ratios, reflecting an elevated cellular Na content and/or reduced cellular
K. This change was not detected on Apollo ] 5. A significant transient drop in erythrocyte
K, as measured by electron probe microanalysis, occurred postflight in all three crewmen
of Apollo 16; K levels returned to preflight values within one day following recovery. A
reduction in erythrocyte S (representative of cellular hemoglobin content) occurred at
R+0 on this mission and continued through R + 1 in samples obtained from one of the
three crewmen. No change was observed in the other two.
Evaluation of K/S ratios showed that a highly probable direct relationship existed in
all three crewmen at R+0. In view of the reduction in cellular K seen at R+O, these data
implied either the increased presence of smaller cells in the erythrocyte population or a
concomitant loss of hemoglobin at this sampling period.
210 Biomedical
of Apollo

On Apollo 17, rcd cells were analyzed individually with the electron probe to
determine the intracellular content of K, S, and P as well as to measure the relative
mass-density of the cell by X-ray absorption. The trend in Apollo 17 was different from
that noted on previous Apollo flights. For this flight, the cells were separated prior to
analysis by density centrifugation, using a modification of the procedure of Herz and
Kaplan (1965), into a young cell fraction (lightest 10 percent fraction of red cell column)
and an old cell fraction (heaviest 10 percent fraction). Thirty cells from each fraction on
each sample day were examined individually for their K, S, and P X-ray intensities. The
cells' ability to absorb silicon (Si) X-rays from the substrate was also measured as
representative of the cell dry mass. These four measurements were made simultaneously
on each cell. The S X-ray intensity (reflecting the cellular hemoglobin moiety) and P
X-ray intensity (primarily cellular metabolites and phospholipids) did not change
significantly during the mission in either the young or old cell fractions. The older cell K
did show a postflight drop from a steady increase during the preflight period, but these
changes were paralleled by shifts in red cell dry mass (ASi intensity).
When the K intensity was corrected for cellular dry mass (thereby reflecting
concentration), there was essentially no change following the flight. Red cell K was also
measured by conventional emission flame photometry using an internal Li standard.
These data for Apollo 17 whole blood, young cells, and old cells were consistent with the
results of X-ray microanalysis.
Previously, visualization of red cell shape and structure has been limited to the use of
the light microscope with a resolution of .2 micron. Transmission electron microscopy,
while providing information on intracellular ultrastructure, is of no help in delineating the
three-dimensional structure of the cell. With the use of the scanning electron microscope,
details of the cell can be visualized with a tenfold greater resolution .01 to .02 micron
than with the light microscope, and with a large depth of field.
Because of the physiological importance of the red cell shape and the variety of
pathological conditions in which red cells can undergo shape changes, a characterization
system for red blood cells using the scanning electron microscope was established during
the latter Apollo missions to evaluate changes in red blood cell morphology. This
classification scheme is similar to that described by Bessis (1973) and is reported in detail
elsewhere (Kimzey et al., 1974).
Six categories of red cell morphology were defined from examination of normal
human red cell preparations; these cell types and representative photographs are indicated
in table 8 and figures 3 through 7. Baseline data were obtained from control subjects, the
backup crew, and prime crewmembers preflight. No significant abnormalities were found
as a result of the space flight exposure to Apollo. However, extensive examination of red
cell shape changes in other studies has indicated that red cell morphological alterations do
occur during space flight (Kimzey et al., 1974). These changes were rapidly (within
hours) reversed after recovery. Thus, with only the pre- and postflight sampling
characteristic of the Apollo Program, any inflight changes might not be detected.
Examination of postflight crew and control buffy coat (leukocyte) samples by
transmission electron microscopy indicated no noticeable changes in intracellular
ultrastructure as compared with preflight samples. Mitochondria were intact, cytoplasmic
Hematology and Immunology Studies 211

granules were well preserved, nuclear membranes were intact, and cell membranes

appeared normal.

Table 8

Red Cell Shape Classification

Designation Characteristic Comments SEM Criteria

Discocyte Disc Normal biconcave Shallow but visible round depres-

erythrocyte sion in central portion of cell.

Leptocyte Thin, flat Flattened cell No visible depression and no evi-

dence of cell sphering (cell dia-
meter normal or larger than

Codocyte Bell Bell-shaped eryth rocyte Single concavity with extruded

(appearance depends upon opposite side or flattened ring
side of cell uppermost) around elevated central portion
of cell.

Stomatocyte Single Various stages of cup Swollen cell periphery with

concavity shapes smaller concavity or concavity
flattened on one side, indicating
the beginnings of sphering.

Knizocyte Pinch Triconcave erythrocyte Triconcave depression or cell

with pinched area in center.

Echinocyte Spiny Various stages of Deformed and angular cell

crenation periphery with spicule formation.
(From Kimzey et al., 1974)

Red blood cell samples were processed by microspectrophotometry on Apollo

missions 15 through 17 using techniques designed by Wied and co-workers (1968).
Samples were taken from both crew and controls on F-30, F-15, F-5, R+0, and R+8. A
minimum of 25 red cells was scanned from each sample at a wavelength of 280 mm. The
step size of 0.5 micron resulted in 150 to 200 measurements of optical density within
each red cell, providing quantitative measurements of protein (hemoglobin) content and
distribution within individual cells.
Comparisons of relative cell cross-sectional area, total extinction (at 280 nm), and
mean extinction values in the crew and control samples, both before and after flight,
indicated no significant differences. Two-dimensional (area and total extinction) cluster
analyses of these data also failed to reveal any changes attributable to space flight.
Evaluation of these data using a multidimensional space analysis whereby multiple
variables from the microspectrophotometric data are used for hyperspace comparisons
also failed to separate any distinct population changes.
From the data analyzed to date, there would seem to be no significant changes in the
structure or function of the blood cells, as measured by the procedures described, that
could be attributed to the space flight environment of Apollo. There were difficulties
with preparation of critical samples which left some gaps in the data, especially with
respect to analysis of the R+0 blood samples. Nevertheless, the conclusion from the
21 2 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Figure 3. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photograph of normal blood cells.

Shown in these photographs are erythrocytes (E), a lymphocyte (L), a platelet (P) and a
reticulocyte (R). The cell to the left of the reticulocyte is probably a more mature
Hematology and Immunology Studies 213

results is that man’s red cell function was n o t compromised during space flight a n d that
t h e formed elements of the blood had n o compromising structural abnormalities.

Figure 4. Progressive stages in the discocyte (normal biconcave shaped erythro-

cyte)--echinocyte (crenated cell) transformation as vi-wed by SEM. This transformation
is readily reversible in most situations.

Immunology Studies
T h e assessment of man’s immunologic integrity is of particular importance in
evaluating the health status of potential space flight crewmen prior to launch and in
214 Biomedical Results of ApoUo


Figure 5. Two stages of stomatocyte (lower image)-spherocyte transformation. Only a

slight depression remains in the upper cell of the deep cup prevalent in the stomatocyte.
Hematology and Immunology Studies 215

Figure 6. The upper SEM image is a knizocyte (“pinched” cell) and the lower one is a
codocyte with a very deep depression. These cells normally comprise less than 2 percent
of the circulating red cells.
216 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Figure 7. Leptocytes (flattened cells). The lower photograph also contains a

microstomatocyte (often identified under the light ,microscope as a microspherocyte).
Leptocytes usually have a greater diameter than discocytes.
Hematology and Immunology Studies 217

determining the medical consequences of space flight. The objectives of the immunology
program were to assess the health status of the crews during the preflight period to assist
in determining fitness for flight, and, in doing so, to establish individual baseline data for
later comparisons. Another objective was to detect any aberrations in immune function
resulting from exposure to the space flight environment, both from the standpoint of a
response to the environment and the capacity for an adequate immune response after the
The immune system is usually considered as being composed of two basic functional
branches. The humoral system consists of immunoglobulins, complement factors, related
serum proteins, and the B-lymphocytes. The T-lymphocytes, which when sensitized are
capable of performing the tasks of antigen recognition and repulsion, are a major
component of the cellular immune system. The T-lymphocytes are responsible for
delayed allergic reactions and the initiation of graft-versus-host reactions. They play a
major role in the body's defense against certain microorganisms and are also important in
the detection and destruction of malignant cells.
Like most biological systems, neither the humoral nor the cellular irrmune system
functions independently of the other. The response to certain antigens requires both
T-cell and B-cell interactions to achieve antibody synthesis. Although the differentiation
of the immune system into separate classes is somewhat artificial, it will be utilized in the
following discussion for the purposes of organization and clarity.

Humoral Immunology

The serum proteins were assayed serially before flight, immediately after recovery,
and for varying periods of time (up to two weeks) after flight. Serum protein
clectrophoretic patterns were obtained by cellulose acetate electrophoresis, from which
albumin, _2-globulin and 7-globulin fractions were computed. Individual serum proteins
were quantitatcd by radial immunodiffusion (RID), using specific antisera
(Ritzmann et al., !973). Proteins assayed by RID include immu:!oglobu!ins G, A, and M
(IgG, IgA, IgM), the third component of complement (C3), the carrier proteins
transferrin, haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin, the antiproteases, Ctl-antitrypsin and
a2-macroglobulin, and al-acid glycoprotein. The results of the serum protein assays
conducted during the Apollo 7 through 17 missions are summarized m table 9
(Fischer et al., 1972a).
The total concentration of serum proteins is typically increased after spacc flight,
with the o_2-globulin fl'action responsible for this change. It is of significance that the
mean concentrations of the albumin fraction and the total "y-gl0bulin fraction remained
unchanged in postflight as compared with preflight values. This elevation was statistically
significant in some individuals, but the overall assessment of any meaningful change was
complicated by substantial individual variation. Alterations in the plasma volume during
the first few hours postflight also contributed to some of the variations observed.
The immunoglobulin profiles in the Apollo astronauts showed a varied response to
space flight. Serum levels of IgG and IgM were unchanged over the flight intervals.
Individual crewmen occasionally demonstrated IgG values in the low normal range, but
these levels were consistent throughout the mission timeline. Serum IgA, which includes
218 Biomedical Results of Apollo


+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +l +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +_ +_


oooooo_m_o__ o_

+1 +t +l +1 +1 +1 +L +1 +1 +1 +1 +_ +1 +1 +l +1

E ,-

z _ E

.=. dddddd____

o .E
E a-

__o mo

4"I +1 4-1 ÷l +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 4'-I "H 4-1 4+1 4-t 4-1


O,I (NI t'_

_ O O O O

+1 +1 4-1 4-1 ÷1 ÷1 -I-I -H +1 -H +1 +1 4-1 +1 -H +1
LO C",l '£O ¢0 O


._ ++ .+.+++
i ====
•°++!! ++ _._

Hematology and Immunology Studies 219

immunoglobulins responsible for antitoxic, antibacterial, antiviral and isoagglutinin

activities, was significantly elevated in about one-half the crewmen on the day of
recovery, with a return to preflight levels within a few days. No definitive concentration
changes were detected in IgD (measured on Apollo 14 through 17 only).
No significant changes were observed in al-antitrypsin levels, but there was wide
variation among crewmen. The a2-macroglobulin had a distinctive pattern characterized
by a significant postflight increase at R+0, followed by a rapid drop until rather low levels
were obtained by R+14. Concentrations of al-glycoprotein were unchanged at R+0 from
preflight levels, but tended to rise during the postflight period.
The increased postflight a2-globulin fraction was a result of hyper-_2-macro-
globulinemia and hyperhaptoglobinemia. The consistent postflight elevation of the
a2-macroglobulin is puzzling. In the clinical setting, such a change would suggest an
underlying nephrotic syndrome; however, in the Apollo crewmen there was no evidence
for this disorder. Therefore, another etiopathogenic relationship, possibly associated with
the basic function of this protein as a moderator of certain proteolytic enzyme reactions
must be sought. The possibility must be considered that the concentration changes of
a2-macroglobulin are correlated with alterations in the coagulation mechanism, such as
accelerated plasmin production, possibly in response to a hypercoagulable predisposition
secondary to the hypodynamic state of space flight.
Of the three transport proteins assayed, transferrin, haptogiobin, and ceruloplasmin,
haptoglobin showed the most consistent and significant postflight change. The mean
increase in haptoglobin concentration on R+0 was almost double the preflight levels and
was generally still elevated 14 days following recovery. A postflight increase in
ceruloplasmin was also observed, but it was not as consistent, nor was it as significant as
the change in haptoglobin. Transferrin showed no significant difference between the
immediate postflight value and the preflight mean, but there was a tendency for the
concentration to decrease during the two-week postflight period in several of the
The causes of postflight hyperhaptoglobinemia are elusive. Although haptoglobin may
respond "non-specifically" as an acute phase reactant, the trigger mechanism for such a
response pattern is unknown. Haptoglobin is the specific carrier of free hemoglobin, and
haptoglobin-hemoglobin complexes are eliminated by the reticuloendothelial system
(RES). Thus, hemolysis may lead to increased consumption of haptoglobin and decreased
serum levels. However, in patients with severe thermal burns and hemolysis, there is a
paradoxical increase of serum haptoglobin levels. Such a contradiction may be due to an
RES blockage by tissue breakdown products following thermal injury, preventing the
uptake of hemoglobin-haptoglobin complexes and resulting in their accumulation in the
circulation. The elevation in haptoglobin levels was confusing in light of the consistent
loss of red cell mass during the Apollo flights.
The astronauts as a group demonstrated certain characteristic serum profiles following
exposure to the space flight cnvironment; specifically, elevated a2-globulin due to
increases of haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin and a2-macroglobulin, elevated IgA and C3
without evidence of compromised humoral immunity, and a delayed postflight depression
of a2-macroglobulin, which was transiently elevated after splashdown and recovery.
220 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Transferrin possibly tended to decrease toward the end of the second week of postflight
observation. The mechanisms responsible for these observed changes are unknown.
While these patterns prevailed for the astronauts as a group, individual astronauts
demonstrated interesting exaggerations or mitigations of these mean changes. One
crewman exhibited a marked increase of acute phase reactants such as haptoglobin and
0t1-antitrypsin, with a depression of transferrin levels. This pattern contrasted with that of
the other astronauts in the group, for which changes in ¢qantitrypsin were insignificant.
This crewmember had experienced a pyclonephritis secondary to a Pseudomonas
infection. Another crewmember experienced an episode of mild otitis media which was
coincident with a decrease of IgG to approximately two-thirds of normal levels. The
possibility cannot be excluded that this reduced IgG level may have contributed to this
individual's susceptibility to infection.
It would appear that there were no consistent abnormalities relative to the humoral
immune system as a result of exposure to the space flight environment of the Apollo
missions. There were unexplainable characteristic alterations in some of the proteins,
haptoglobin and a2-macroglobulin in particular. However, the medical consequences of
these changes relative to man's immune competence during and after space flight would
appear to be minimal. There were no indications from these data to suggest that the
functional capacity of the immune system is restrictive to man's participation in lunar
and orbital space flights of the duration and type of the Apollo missions.

Cellular Immunology
Techniques for assessing the cellular immune status utilize the ability of small
lymphocytes to undergo morphologic changes in response to in vitro antigenic
stimulation. These morphological alterations are accompanied by characteristic patterns
of biochemical changes which provide a useful measure of cellular immunocompetence.
The studies discussed here represent the application of such methods to lymphocytes
obtained from Apollo astronauts in an attempt to evaluate the effects of the environment
of space flight on cellular immunity.
Lymphocytes from astronauts and control subjects were analyzed for their in vitro
antigenic responsiveness by quantitating the rates of synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA)
and dioxyribonucleic acid (DNA) both in the presence and absence of the mitogen,
phytohemagglutinin P (PHA). The details of this technique have been previously
described (Daniels et al., 1970a; Fischer et al., 1972b). Lymphocytes were separated from
heparinized venous blood by a nylon reticulum column and cultured, with and without
PHA, in appropriate media. At the times of maximal RNA and DNA synthesis, 24 and 72
hours respectively, cultures were pulsed for one hour with either 3H-uridine or
3H-thymidine; and incorporation of radioactivity into the lymphocytes measured by
liquid scintillation spectrometry. Lymphocyte viability at the time of harvest was assessed
by supravital fluorescent staining. The results were calculated as 3H-disintegrations per
minute (DPM) per million viable cells. This technique, with appropriate modifications for
maintaining cellular functional capacity, yields valid data in the face of the various modes
of transport over considerable distances necessary for collecting lymphocyte samples
from the Apollo crews (Daniels et al., 1970b).
Studies 221

Absolute lymphocyte counts were determined for each of the 33 astronauts three
times during thc 30 days prior to launch (at approximately F-30, F-I 5, and F-5), as soon
as possible after recovery (R+0), and various days after recovery. The lymphocyte counts
of individual astronauts fluctuated rather widely, but there was a definite trend in many
of the crewmen (18 of 33) to exhibit a postflight lymphocytosis at either the R+0 or R+I
sampling periods. However, because of individual variations, this increase was not
statistically significant when all flights were considered.
Normal in vitro lymphocyte synthesis of nucleic acids, in both the basal unstimulated
state and in response to the stimulating agent PHA, tended to remain well confined
within relatively narrow ranges of variability, irrespective of the lymphocyte counts in the
individual astronauts. The RNA and DNA synthesis rates for lymphocytes cultured before
and after flight from the astronauts of Apollo 7 through 13 remained well within the
normal ninetieth percentile ranges (Fischer et al., 1972b).
In Apollo flights 14 through 17, the data were somewhat less consistent. The data for
the crews of Apollo 14 and 17 were all within normal ranges, both pre- and postflight,
and therefore fit the general trend. The data from Apollo 15 were confusing and were
complicated by sample handling problems.

Evaluation of the cellular immune response of lymphocytes from pre- and postflight
blood samples of the Apollo 16 crew strongly suggested the presences of a subclinical
viral infection in both the prime and backup crewmen. These indications were based on
(1) abnormal rates of RNA and DNA synthesis in unstimulated lymphocytes as indicated
by radioactivity count levels above and below the normal ranges, and (2) abnormal high
or low values for rates of RNA and DNA synthesis in PHA stimulated lymphocytes.
Electron microscope studies of lymphocytes from the prime crew (R+3 sample) provide a
supplemental evidence of subclinical viral infection, based on increased protein-
synthesizing capacity (increase in number of polyribosome aggregates and rough
cndop!asmic reticu!um) (Bethard, !974). These conclusions were supported by preflight
and postflight incidences of lymphocytosis and a high percentage of atypical

While individual astronauts exhibited a variability in lymphocyte patterns preflight

and postflight, the majority exhibited a significant but fluctuating increase in lymphocyte
numbers shortly after, but not coincident with recovery. The mean lymphocyte count for
all Apollo astronauts, however, reflected a value which remained within the normal range.
Based on a normal human peripheral blood lymphocyte mean count of 2400/mm 3 and a
range of approximately 1500 to 4000/mm 3, 20 of the 33 astronauts exhibited early
postflight increases above the normal mean, and five of the 33 above the upper limit of
the normal range. Five astronauts experienced lymphocyte counts below the normal
The significance of the lymphocyte pattern is unknown. Several factors must be
considered in the context of thc normal cnvironment during space flights. Among these
are demargination and mobilization of lymphocytes from sequestered pools, adrenal
corticosteroid influences, possible effects of radiation, and impaired recirculation
222 Biomedical Results of Apollo

The second parameter studied was the ability of small lymphocytes to respond to
antigenic stimulation by the kidney bean extract phytohemagglutinin (PHA) with
increased synthesis of RNA and DNA. The phenomenon, associated with characteristic
morphologic changes, is generally accepted as an in vitro indicator of in vivo
immunocompetence of T-cells. These morphologic alterations are paralleled by functional
changes, such as increased RNA and increased DNA synthesis rates.
The rates of spontaneous unstimulated and PHA-stimulated synthesis of both RNA and
DNA by lymphocytes cultured preflight and postflight from the Apollo astronauts remained
with the ninetieth percentile normal ranges with the exception of the Apollo 15 and 16,
crews which were discussed. The most meaningful mode of data presentation for such deter-
minations, which are based on liquid scintillation counting of radiolabeled nucleotide pre-
cursor incorporation, is absolute radioactivity per million viable lymphocytes.
While lymphocyte numbers fluctuated significantly shortly after return from space
flight and tended to exhibit a delayed increase, the immunocompetence of these cells, as
judged by in vitro stimulation techniques, remained stable throughout the preflight and
postflight observation periods. This finding is of significance in engendering confidence
that the human immune system, particularly such vulnerable components as circulating
antigen-sensitive small lymphocytes, can maintain functional integrity in the environ-
ments of space flights of the duration of the Apollo missions (10 to 12 days). The
influence of longer duration space flights may be more complicated and could influence
the lymphocyte responsiveness postflight (Kimzey et al., 1975a, 1975b).

Cytogenetic Studies

It has been appreciated for some time that increased frequency of chromosomal aber-
ration occurs in man following exposure to ionizing radiation. Structural chromosomal
aberrations are also known to occur following exposure to other environmental factors
such as viruses (both DNA and RNA), to various chemicals such as benzene, and to nu-
merous drugs, including aspirin.
Concern over the possible harm of low levels of radiation exposure centers mostly
around it's association with hereditary damage or malignancy. Essentially no information
is available concerning radiation effects on the chromosomes of gonadal or meiotic cells
of man, and estimates of hereditary damage are based in large part on theoretical views. It
should be remembered that one cannot extrapolate findings in somatic cells (in the case
under discussion, circulating lymphocytes) to gametic chromosomal patterns. However,
studies of patients receiving irradiation treatments as a part of a therapeutic profile
suggest a strong correlation between irradiation, chromosome damage, and cancer
(Buckton et al., 1962; Bender, 1969).
It is clearly established that many agents which produce tumors in man and animals
can also produce chromosomal aberrations in their cells. This information, coupled with
the fact that in several rare human disorders (Bloom's syndrome, Fanconi's anemia and
ataxia telangiectasia) there is a constitutional predilection for increased chromosomal
aberrations as well as an increased incidence of leukemia and lymphoma, has suggested
that an increase in structural chromosome aberrations cannot be ignored.
and Immunology Studies 223

Chromosomal aberrations of concern are structural in nature, that is, they arise
through breakage of the strands of chromatin. These breaks may occur either in one or in
both chromatids of a single chromosome, or multiple breaks may occur in several
chromosomes within an individual cell. Following such accidents, the strands may or may
not recombine with themselves, and the broken ends of several chromosomes may
combine with each other. Two general types of aberrations occur depending on the stage
of the cell cycle in which the break occurs. If the cell is in the pre-DNA synthesis period,
chromosome strands are single (chromatids); if the accident occurs after synthesis, the
chromosome consists of two chromatids. Chromosomes are technically examined in the
metaphase stage of division because that is when they can be separated as individuals, so
replication may not have occurred when the chromosomes of peripheral lymphocytes are
examined, depending in part on the time in culture. Generally, these two types of
aberrations may be morphologically separated. However, in several instances it is
impossible to tell whether the break occurred in the pre-DNA synthesis, and was
replicated, or whether both strands were affected after replication. A break will produce a
fragment that is generally lost in the next cell division. Separation of the aberrations into
chromatid-type chromosome-type is useful, since the type of structural defect occurring
in humans as a response to a specific exposure has varied with the agent to which the
person is exposed.
The results of the Gemini Program have been summarized elsewhere (Gooch & Berry,
1969). The percentage of breaks before flight ranged from zero to 9.5 percent, with a
mean of 4.4 percent. The postflight values ranged from 0.5 to 11 percent, with a mean of
8.3 percent or almost twice the preflight mean. More significantly, there were eleven
values which increased, five values which decreased, and one value which remained
The Apollo flights were marked by a greater magnitude increase in postflight
chromosome breaks in every crewmember tcsted. However, cultures obtained from the
missions associated with lunar quarantine did not yield sufficient well-spread mitoses for

In the Apollo studies, peripheral blood samples were collected and heparinized. After
centrifugation, the buffy coat was preserved for chromosome cultures and the serum and
erythrocytes were used for other laboratory experiments. The cultures were harvested
after 66 hours incubation at 310°K (37°C). Slides were prepared by the air-dry method
and the cells stained with Giemsa. Preflight blood samples were collected from 30 days to
one day prior to lift-off. Postflight samples were drawn on the day of recovery or within
four days postrecovery. From 200 to 1000 metaphase cells were scored for each

Chi-square tests on preflight versus postflight aberration rates showed that approxi-
mately 50 percent of the crewmen tested had significant increases in chromatid-type
changes postflight. Fewer tests showed significant chromosome-type increases. If the
Apollo astronauts are divided into two groups based on the presence or lack of previous
flight experience, an interesting fact emerges. Only one out of six astronauts who were on
their first mission had a preflight value above four percent, whereas all but one of the
nine experienced astronauts had preflight values of four percent or more.
224 Biomedical

Thepostflight breakrateswercfrcqucntly highcrforApollothanforGcmini,andthe

overallmeans werenearlydouble(7.73percent versus 3.94percent). Withthelonger
duration of theApollomissions compared toGemini, therewasacorresponding increase
in postflightaberrationyields.Although therewaswidevariation inindividual values, the
In ordertoevaluate thesignificance ofthese findings intermsofastronaut healthand
safetyandin termsof permanent geneticchange, moreinformation will berequired.
Scattered datahavebeenreported in theliterature forspontaneous chromosome breakage
in man.Thevalues varyfromlaboratory to laboratory, andamong observers in thesame
laboratory. Standardized slidepreparation andcellselection arehopesfor thefuture.
Automated chromosome analysis andmeasurement willhopefully provide dataonminute
chromosomal changes whicharenotdetectable bythecytologist.
Severalinvestigators havereportedcorrelations betweenchromosome lossor
hypodiploidy andage.It isnotyetknownwhether chromosome lossincreases withageor
withvariables suchasincreased mildradiation exposure frommedical examinations or
otherenvironmental factors.
In summary, the chromosome analysis of GeminiandApolloastronauts from
preflightandpostflight bloodsamples suggestthreetentative conclusions:
1. Postflightaberrations areapproximately double preflightvalues.
2. Thereisaratherconstant postflight aberration yieldwhichseems tobedependent
ontheduration offlight.
3. Baseline or preflightvalues in experienced astronauts appear tobehigherthanin
From the standpointof the normalfunctioningof the hematological and
immunological systems, it appears thatspace flighthasonlyminimalimpactof asyet
undetermined significance. Themoststrikingandconsistent findingisthelossofredcell
mass,but this eventmightwellbe dueto thehyperoxic atmosphere of theApollo
Command andLunarModules, andnottosome external factoruniquetothespace flight
environment. However, the redcellmasslossin thelaterApollomissions (Apollo14
through17)wasnot characterized by alterations in theredcellwhichwouldsuggest
hemolysis astheprimarycause of thedropin bloodvolume. Thisfindingdifferentiates
thesemissions wherered cellmassis concerned fromtheearlierGeminiflightsand
chamber studiesconducted withpureoxygen atmospheres. Clearly,morestudies mustbe
completed tofullyunderstand thecause andthesignificance oftheredcellmass loss.
Althoughthereweresubtlealterations on otheraspects of erythrocyte function,
plasmaproteinprofiles,lymphocyte response patterns, andchromosome aberrations,
noneof thesechanges compromise man'sperformance capacity whilein space orshould
limithisstayin space. Whilequestions remainunanswered, especiallywithrespect to
longerduration missions, nodrasticalterations wereobserved duringtheApolloProgram
forthehematological andimmunological systems whichwouldcause serious concern for
thehealthandsafetyof thecrewmen onlongerspace journeys. Asmanhasadapted to
otherextremes of hisnormalenvironment, bothbynaturalphysiological processes and
Hematology and Immunology Studies 225

by ingenious engineering fabrications, so it would seem that he is equally capable of

surviving and functioning in the artificial environment he has created for himself in space.


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Daniels, J.C.; Sakai, H.; Cobb, E.K.; Remmers, R.; Sarles, H.E.; Fish, J.C.; Levin, W.C.; and Ritzmann,
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Fischer, C.L.: Aerospace and Underwater Pathology. In, Pathobiology. An Introduction, J. Minckler,
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Fischer, C.L.; Gill, C.; Daniels, J.C.; Cobb, E.K., Berry, C.A.; and Ritzmann, S.E.: Effects of the
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Fischer, C.L.; Daniels, J.C., Levin, W.C.; Kimzey, S.L.; Cobb, E.K.; and Ritzmann, S.E.: Effects of the
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Gooch, P.C.; Berry, C.A.: Chromosome Analyses of Gemini Astronauts. Aerospace Med., vol. 40,
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Herz, F., and Kaplan, E.: A Microtechnic for the Separation of Erythrocytes in Accordance with their
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Hyatt, K.H.: Hemodynamic and Body Fluid Alterations Induced by Bed Rest. Proc. of Conference on
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Jacob, H.S.: The Defective Red Blood Cell in Hereditary Spherocytosis. Ann. Rev. Med., vol. 20,
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Jaffe, E.R.: Metabolic Processes Involved in the Formation and Reduction of Methemoglobin in
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Aerospace Med., vol. 42, 1971, pp. 423-426.
226 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Johnson, P.C.; Driscoll, T.B.; and LeBlance, A.D.: Blood Volume Changes. Proc., Skylab Life Sci.
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Johnson, P.C.; Kimzey, S.L.; and Driscoll, T.B.: Postmission Plasma Volume and Red-Cell Mass
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Kimzey, S.L.; and Bums, L.C.: Electron Probe Microanalysis of Cellular Potassium Distribution.
Proc., N.Y. Acad. Sei., vol. 204, 1973, pp. 485-501.
Kimzey, S.L.; Bums, L.C.; and Fischer, C.L.: Experiment Mll5-Special Hematologic
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Kimzey, S.L.; Johnson, P.C.; Ritzmann, S.E.; and Mengel, C.E.: Skylab Hematology and Immunology
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Larkin, E.C.; Adams, J.D.; Williams, W.T.; and Duncan, D.M.: Hematologic Responses to Hypobaric
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G. W. Hoffler, M.D.
Robert L. Johnson, M.D.
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


The Apollo Program was designed to fulfill the specific operational goals of landing
man safely on the moon, enabling him to explore the lunar surface, and successfully
returning him to Earth. The engineering and operational complexity of this effort
necessarily limited inflight physiological studics of man to those measurements
considered vital to crew safety and health assessment. Limited availability of astronaut
time during busy preflight and postflight periods constrained evaluations significantly;
therefore, only examinations believed to have the greatest relevance to the understanding
of man's physiological responses to the space flight environment were undertaken.
Reductions in orthostatic tolerance following space flight were first observed with the
late flights of Project Mercury. Tilt table tests revealed moderate orthostatic hypotension
in the Mercury-Atlas 9 Pilot after only 34 hours of orbital flight. Because of this finding,
tilt table tests for orthostatic tolerance were incorporated into routine preflight and
postflight evaluations and continued throughout the Gemini Program. The results of these
tests confirmed consistent but variable losses of orthostatic tolerance following three- to
fourteen-day flights. Elevated heart rate, reduced pulse pressure, and increased pooling of
fluid in the lower extremities were found consistently dnring 70 ° upright tilts in the early
postflight period. Responses to this stress usually returned to normal within 50 hours
after splashdown, regardless of flight duration (NASA, 1963; 1967).
The advent of the Apollo Program presented new questions and uncertainties.
Fundamental differences in the Apollo spacecraft, in its operational environment, and in
program goals were expected to produce physiological responses that differed from those

The authors are grateful for the technical assistance of R. A. Wolthuis, J. T. Baker, M. E. Taylor,
D. P. Golden, and M. M. Ward. The authors also thank T.A. Beale, S.A. Bergman, J. Day, J. A.
Donaldson, J. G. Groves, M. M. Jackson, N. A. Lee, S. McKamie, A. E. Nicogossian, R. A. Schiffman,
and E. Sloan. All associates of various tenure were affiliated with the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space
Center Cardiovascular Laboratory during the Apollo Program.

228 Biomedical

seenaftertheGeminiflights.Thetwo-gas (oxygenandnitrogen) atmosphere andthe

capabilityto moveaboutin the spacecraft ledto speculation thatreturning Apollo
crewmen mightshowlittle or nochange in orthostatic tolerance. Onthe otherhand,
therewassomeconcern regarding theabilityof thecardiovascular system to withstand
accelerationstressesassociated with lunardescent andascent. Headward acceleration
(+Gz)wasimposedduringthe LunarModuledescent afterthreeto four daysof
anda nearone-g(+Gz)forcewasproduced by theascent profileaftera
dayor moreof 1/6-gexposure. Also,theresults ofpostflight testswereexpected to show
important differencesin cariovascular responsiveness between crewmen whowalkedon
the moonandthosewhoremained in weightless flight.Thesespeculations andmany
otherunanswered questions emphasized the needto gainasmuchunderstanding as
possibleaboutthecardiovascular system anditsadaptation, firsttozerog and,later,to
Forseveral yearsbeforethefirstmanned Apolloflight,investigators hadstudied the
effectson thecardiovascular system of theapplication of lowerbodynegative pressure
(LBNP).Lowerbodynegative pressure involves the application of reduced pressure
usuallyto thatportionof thebodybelowthelevelof theiliaccrests. Evaluations ofits
useasasimulator oforthostatic stress
(Samueloff etal.,1966;Brownetal.,1966;Gilbert
etal., 1966;Murrayetal.,1967)andasa preventer of cardiovascular deconditioning
(Stevens etal.,1966a;1966b)hadbeenmade.Lowerbodynegative pressure, atlevels
rangingfrom -40 to -60mmHg (-53x ]02 to -80x 102N/m2) as determined by
individualtolerance,produced changes in heartrateandbloodpressure similarto those
resultingfromuprighttilting.Clearly,the cardiovascular responses initiallyinduced by
eitherstressproceduredepended primarilyondisplacement ofblood,chieflyfromcentral
bloodvolume reservoirs,
Althoughqualitativelyalike, differences in the magnitude of cardiovascular
compensatory, responses inducedby LBNPhavebeenreported. Stevens (1966)and
Stevens andLamb(1965)foundagreater increase inheartrateduringuprighttiltingthan
duringLBNPadjusted toproduce thesame cardiac outputreduction (-19percent). Later,
Musgrave andco-workers (1969;1971)reported thateventhoughLBNPat-40mmHg
(-53x 102N/m2) andtheuprightposture displaced essentiallyequalvolumes Ofbloodto
the lowerextremities, negative pressure levelsof -50mmHg(-67x 102N/m2) were
requiredto produce equivalent elevations of heartrate.Bothgroupsof investigators
thesmaller heartrateresponse duringLBNPto theabsence of stimulation of
carotidandotherbaroceptors bygravity-induced hydrostatic pressureandflowchanges.
Further,theabsence of hydrostatic pressure gradients alongthelowerextremities during
LBNPcaused displacedbloodtobedistributed differentlythanduringtilt.
In additionto thecapabilityto inducecardiovascular responses similarto those
fromorthostasis, severaladvantages overthetilt tabletestwereofferedbythe
LBNPprocedure. Nomovement of thesubject wasrequired; therefore, instrumentation
waseasierto applyandmaintain, andphysiological signalsremained morestable. Stress
couldbeappliedat several levelsandthemagnitude of stresscouldbeadjusted with
greatereaseandprecision with the LBNPprocedure. Because it couldbeusedin
weightlessconditionsandtilt tabletestingcouldnot,LBNPtestingof Apollocrewmen
Evaluations 229

furnished a valuabledatabasefor futureapplication to theunderstanding of Skylab

results.LBNPstudieswereperformed for mostApollocrewmen for missions not
encumbered by postflightquarantine restrictions. In someinstances, a staticstand
procedure wasperformedin conjunctionwith, or insteadof LBNPevaluations.
Admittedly, thesetechniqueshadlimitations. Theresponse of thecardiovascular
duringweightlessness canonlybeinferred fromstudies performed beforeandafterflight.
In addition,manyvariables, includingclimaticandemotional factors,complicated
interpretationof theresults
OnthelasttwoApollomissions, experimental antihypotensive garmentsweretested.
AlthoughtheGeminiandearlierApollomissions revealed no needforsuchpostflight
support,planners of the28-and56-daySkylabflightsenvisioned thepossibleneedfor
suchpostflight protection.Thisconcern wasinpartengendered byreports
of the18-day Soyuz9 orbitalmissionhadtobeassisted fromtheirspacecraftafterflight
because of difficulty standing,and that anti-Gsuits had beenprovidedfor
Soyuz11/Salyut crewmen forusefollowing flightif necessary.
In thischapter,theresultsofthelowerbodynegative pressureandpassivestandtests
arepresented, andtheefficacyoftheexperimental antihypotensive garments
Manyanswers will be requiredbeforethe entirepictureof man'scardiovascular
adaptation toweightlessnesscanbeclarifiedandunderstood. TheApollocardiovascular
studies constituteasmallbutimportant stepin theacquisition ofthisknowledge.
Methodsand Conditions
Asnotedpreviously, anLBNPprotocolwasusedin conjunction withmissions not
encumbered by postflightquarantine
restrictions. To assess thecomparability of the
LBNPandpassive standprocedures,
bothtestswereperformed ontheApollo9 crewmen.
Thepassivestandprotocolalonewasusedforevaluating theorthostatic tolerance of the
Apollo10and11crewmen. TheApollo10to 14missions included postflight quarantine,
whichprecluded useof theLBNP. Thetypesanddurations ofeach of theeleven manned
Apollomissionsand the orthostatic evaluation techniques employed for eachare
in table1.Totalmissiondurationvariedfrom143to 302hours;forthelunar
missions,thelengthofcrewtimei, t/o
" '_ g- vaH_u:J _...... ,_,, ._ -_z L .....
lit_till ._,_ LU l 0 IILtUl_.

The Command Module Pilot (CMP), his backup erewmember, and two control
subjects were fitted for Jobst waist-length leotards bcforc the flight of Apollo 16. These
garments were to be donned during postflight orthostatic evaluations to assess their
antihypotensive effect. A garment employing the capstan principle for the application of
lower body positive pressure was designed to be worn by the Apollo 17 CMP during
postflight tests.
The following subsections will describe the methodological aspects and conditions
affecting orthostatic evaluation with and without the use of countermeasure garments.

Equipment and Measures

Lower Body Negative Pressure Device. The device for accomplishing LBNP consisted
of a chamber of sufficient size to accommodate the lower body, an airtight waist seal, and
230 Biomedical Results of Apollo

o _-
_- 0
0 "_



0 "r


7 _°

_ eqqq

0 _0

.< E ,.'I-




0 "_ _0__
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 231

a regulated vacuum source OVolthuis et ai., 1970; Wolthuis et al., 1972). The LBNP
device is shown in figure 1. The type of physiological measurements taken during the
LBNP protocol varied slightly from mission to mission. Measurements made in
conjunction with the Apollo 7 to 9 missions included continuous axillary and sternal lead
electrocardiograms, indirect blood pressure taken every 30 seconds by the Korotkov
sound technique [using the NASA Gemini blood pressure measuring system (NASA,
1968) ], and changes in calf circumference measured by double-strand, mercury-in-Silasfic
strain gages.

Figure 1. Subject undergoing test

in lower body negative pressure device.

For the Apollo 15 to 17 evaluations, the limited two-lead electrocardiogram (ECG)

was replaced with a modified Frank lead vectorcardiogram (VCG), and wide-band
precordial heart sounds (vibrocardiogram) were recorded with a capacitance microphone
system (LTV Research Center, Anaheim, Calif.). The respiration rates of the Apollo 16
and 17 crewmen were measured with a mercury strain gage attached to the lower thorax.
The carotid pulse trace was recorded for Apollo 17 crewmen.

Antihypotension Garments. A Jobst waist-length elastic leotard was used in

conjunction with the Apollo 16 mission. This garment was designed to produce a pressure
232 Biomedical Results of Apollo

at the ankle of 40 to 45 mm tig (53 x 102 to 60 x l02 N/m 2) that decreased linearly to
approximately 10 mm Hg (13 x 102 N/m 2) at the waist. To accommodate the reduction
in limb size expected to occur during flight, garments in three separate sizes were made
for the CMP. They were, respectively, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 cm smaller in circumference at the
calf with proportionate reductions throughout the lower limbs.

A lower body garment using the capstan principle to apply pressure to the lower
limbs was designed, fabricated, and sized for the Apollo 17 CMP to use following
splashdown. The garment is pictured diagrammatically in figure 2. Capstan pressure was
read from an aneroid gage and the capstan was inflated with a hand bulb, both of which
were concealed in a zippered pocket. The capstan exerted the pressure of the garment
over the skin at the ankle in a 2:lratio. This pressure diminished linearly to
approximately 10 mm Hg (13 x 102 N/m 2) at the waist. Preflight testing with pressure
sensors between the garment and the skin verified the ratio and the diminishing gradient
of pressure from ankle to waist. To accommodate anticipated loss of limb girth, laces
were provided for reducing the garment size slightly before stowage in the Command
Module. The capstan itself accommodated moderate changes (+-2.5 cm) in limb girth.

Physical Examinations
Major medical examinations of space flight crewmembers were performed at
approximately 30, 15 and 5 days before flight (F-30, F-15 and F-5, respectively).
Orthostatic tolerance evaluations performed as an integral part of these medical
examinations provided baseline information for comparison with postflight evaluation
results. These preflight orthostatic tolerance evaluations took place at the NASA
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) Cardiovascular Laboratory, llouston, Texas, and
at the NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Medical Operations Facility, Kennedy
Space Center, Florida. As part of the major medical examinations, postflight orthostatic
tolerance evaluations were performed shortly after splashdown and at intervals of
approximately 24-hours thereafter. The number of postflight evaluations and the time at
which they were performed (table 2) were dictated partly by operational constraints and
partly by the length of time required for individual crewmembers to regain their preflight
status. As indicated in table 2, either two or three postflight orthostatic evaluations were
completed on each crewman; a fourth evaluation of the Apollo 15 to 17 crewmembers
differed in that it did not necessarily include orthostatic stress tests. Immediately
postflight, the first evaluations took place on the recovery ship; subsequent postflight
evaluations were performed on the recovery ship, at KSC, or at the JSC Cardiovascular

Control Subjects
To ensure comparability of test conditions and operability of test equipment, several
members of the attending support team assigned to each Apollo mission participated in
preflight and postflight orthostatic evaluations identical to those used on crewmembers.
These control subjects were evaluated a day or two before the Apollo crewmen were
evaluated. The data collected helped ensure the validity of postflight changes observed in
space flight crewmembers and the operational readiness of test teams and equipment.
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 233

_'.:._i ..__- - i_..!_ GARMENT MATERIAL

t _ 400-2 DU R R ETT



i" i


covi a,
_I .u _,c_oc_
400-16 DURRETT




Figure 2. Lower body positive pressure garment
employing the capstan principal.
234 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 2

Time of Apollo Postflight Orthostatic Tolerance Evaluations

Time of Postflight Evaluations

Apollo Crew-
hours following splashdown)
Mission member
First Second Third Fourth

CDR 3 34
CMP 2 35
LMP 5 32

CDR 3 26 51
CMP 4 27 53
LMP 5 26 52

CDR 2 31 53
CMP 4 33 55
LMP 3 32 54

CDR 2 26
10 CMP 3 27
LMP 2 28

CDR 6 25
11 CMP 7 25
LMP 8 26

CDR 3 43 73 122
15 CMP 4 42 71 121
LMP 5 44 72 137

CDR 4 24 68 162
16 CMP 6 26 70 162
LMP 5 25 71 162

CDR 6 24 48 90
17 CMP 5 26 50 91
LMP 7 25 51 91

Test Protocols

The protocols for the two orthostatic stress procedures are shown in figure 3. The

supine LBNP protocol consisted of a five-minute resting control period, a five-minute

period at each of three distinct reduced-pressure levels, and a five-minute recovery period.
The first five-minute period of reduced pressure included one minute at -8 mm Hg

(-11 x 10 2 N/m 2) and one minute at -16 mm Hg (-21 x 10 2 N/m2), followed by three

minutes at -30 mm Hg (-40 x 102 N/m2). The two short-duration, relatively low levels of

reduced pressure were adopted to obtain additional information regarding the

responsiveness of lower limb capacitance vessels. The three levels of sequentially applied
reduced pressure used were chosen on the basis of previous experience in the JSC

Cardiovascular Laboratory (Wolthuis et al., 1970). As reported, the use of an incremental

LBNP protocol produced physiological responses for each level of reduced pressure
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 235

applied and ensured a measurable, quantitative stress response in both the normal

preflight and the orthostatically intolerant postflight conditions.

50 mm Hg (67x102 N/m 2)

40 mm Hg [

(53x102 N/m 2)

30 mm Hg

I (40x102 N/m 2)

16 mm r._]

RESTING 8 mm Hgl (21x102 N/m2) RESTING

CONTROL (l-_'1x102 NtSm2)
f I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25



0 5 10


Figure 3. Orthostatic stress procedure protocols.

The passive stand protocol consisted of a five-minute resting supine control period
followed by a five-minute passive stand. For the passive stand, the subject leaned against a
wall in a relaxed manncr with his heels spaced 15 cm (6 in.) away from the wall.
Physiological measurements made during this protocol included continuous sternal and
axillary lead ECG's, and indirect blood pressure taken by the Korotkov sound technique
at 30-second intervals.
236 Biomedical

TheApollo16tests,utilizingtheJobstleotard,wereperformed pre-andpostflight.
Passivestandtestswereperformed attheF-15testsontheCommand Module Pilot,the
backupCMP,andthe two controlsubjects, andwererepeated on theCMPandthe
controlsattheirrespective recovery dayexaminations. Thetestsfollowed theLBNPtest
andconsisted ofa five-minute supine restperiodfollowedby afive-minute standperiod
in themanner of theearlierApollopassive standtests.Theleotards werethendonned,
and,aftera ten-minute periodof supinerest,thestandtestwasrepeated. Bloodpressure
andheart-rate datawereobtained byusingtheinstrumentation oftheearlierLBNPtest.
Approximately one-half
hourbeforeApollo17deorbit,theCommand Module Pilot
donned but did not intlatetheantihypotensive garment.Aftersplashdown, whilestill
recliningin the couch,he inflatedtile capstanto a pressure of 130 mm Hg
(173x 102N/m2) and,thus,furnished65mmHg (87x 102N/m2) pressure overthe
ankleregion. Thispressure wasmaintained untilastandtestcouldbeperformed. Thesuit
wastestedby performing a standtestfourhoursaftersplashdown andbeforeLBNP
testing.Crewtime restraints prohibitedrepetitionof the preflightprotocol,which
included separate testswithandwithoutthegarment, eachseparated byanappropriate
recovery period.Therefore, thecrewman spentfiveminutes in thesupine positionwith
thecapstan inflated,fiveminutes passivestandingwiththecapstan inflated,
standing with thegarment depressurized,andfourminutesstanding withthecapstan
reinflatedto theoriginalcapstan pressureof 130mmHg(173x 102N/m2).Thetotal
durationoftilecontinuous standwas15minutes, including
approximately 45seconds for
reinflationof thecapstan. Heartratewasobtained continuously fromtheVCG;blood
pressurewasmeasured every30seconds byaSkylab automaticbloodpressure measuring
of OrthostaticTolerance
Accessorycardiovascularandrelatedmeasurements weremadein conjunction with
of theApollo7 to 11and15to 17
crewmen, thecircumferenceofthecalfatitsmaximum girthwasmeasured duringsupine
rest.An assessment of total lowerlimbvolumemadeon the Apollo16 and 17
crewmembers consistedof multiplelegcircumference
measurements atdiscrete intervals
fromtheanklesto thegroinwhilethecrewman wassupinewiththelegsextended and
slightlyelevated.Limb volumewascomputedby summing sequential,truncated,
assumed-circularcones.Standard 1.8-m(6-ft)posterior-anterior
of everycrewmember athislastmajorpreflightmedical examination
evaluation.Thecardiothoracic(C/T)ratiowasdetermined by standardclinicalmethods.
Theambienttemperature andthe oraltemperature andbodyweightof eachcrewman
wererecorded ateachevaluation.
Ambient ConditionsandOtherVariables
Ambienttemperatures andoraltemperatureswererecorded duringpreflightand
sufficientlyhigh temperaturescanaffect
orthostatictestsin an adverseway.Whileambienttemperatures duringpreflight
low,temperatures duringthe first postflight
CardiovascularEvaluations 237

evaluations were generally markedly higher. Ambient temperatures during orthostatic

evaluations for the Apollo 15 Commander are illustrative. During preflight testing, the
mean ambient temperature derived from measurements made on three separate days of
testing was 297°K (24°C). On the first postflight day, the ambient temperature during
orthostatic evaluation was 301°K (28°C). The significant elevation in group mean
ambient temperature at the first postflight evaluation reflected the recovery zone climate
(usually tropical) and inadequate air conditioning of the recovery ships. Group mean
ambient temperatures for subsequent postflight evaluations were not significantly
different from preflight temperatures.
Preflight examinations employing the Apollo 16 antihypotensive garment were
performed under adequately controlled temperatures of 295 ° to 296°K (22 ° to 23°C).
However, environmental temperatures during the first and second postflight examinations
were the highest of any encountered during the Apollo shipboard tests, ranging from
305 ° to 306°K (32 ° to 33°C) during the postflight stand tests of the CMP. Apollo 17
crewmen were exposed to high environmental temperatures during transfer to the
recovery vessel and during subsequent ceremonies, but their tests were performed in the
air-conditioned Skylab Mobile Laboratory at a temperature of 296°K (23°C).
Table 3 is a tabulation of group mean oral temperature. [{ere, too, the preflight mean
was based on three separate determinations, thirty, fifteen and five days before flight.
The elevation in this parameter noted at the first postflight evaluation continued for
succeeding postflight days.
The effects of elevated ambient and oral temperatures within the postflight evaluation
periods may be altered by the presence of certain additional variables. For example,
although most Apollo crewmembers reported a normal amount of sleep before each
preflight evaluation, there was a significant group mean reduction in the amount of sleep
on the night before splashdown. Further, the interval between venipuncture for
biochemical analysis (30 to 80 cm 3 withdrawn) and time of orthostatic evaluation varied
widely (15 minutes to many hours) within preflight and postf!ight time frames_ Finally,
the interval between food ingestion and orthostatic evaluation also varied widely
(15 minutes to 17 hours).

Data Collection and Reduction

The various physiological measurements were recorded in real time on a strip chart
recorder and on frequency modulation magnetic tape. The strip chart data wcre used for
real-time assessment of crewmember well-being and safety. The appearance of
presyncopal symptoms in some crewmen during orthostatic stress caused early termina-
tion of the procedure. Analog tape data were subsequently converted to digital data and
analyzed by specially developed software on a Sigma 3 computer system.
Minute heart rates were derived from an analysis of electrocardiogram or vector-
cardiogram R-R intervals; systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure values were
read at the appearance of the first and last Korotkov sounds, respectively, on the
calibrated descending arm cuff pressure ramp. Percentage change in calf volume was
measured by calculating the change from initial, resting-calf circumference and converting
this value to percentage change in calf volume using the method of Eagan (1961). Two
238 Biomedical Results of Apollo

_ _ III

0 0_0 _00

4-4- 4-

0 lll_

3 0 _o_ _o_ oo_° ooo_ I I t _ I _
4- 4- 4

= v
I t I 0

+1 ddd dod ddd dod odd odd odd ddd



" N

0 000 000 000 O0

(J _o..J oo- {Jo.J ooJ _oJ oo- too- o,o.J


0 '_

Apollo Flight Crew CardiovascularEvaluations 239

successive heart sound complexes were analyzed from the vibrocardiogram each minute;
computation of stroke volume followed the method of Agress and co-workers (1967).
For each crewman evaluation, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood
pressure, pulse pressure, and stroke volume values were averaged within each of the five
five-minute LBNP periods and within the two five-minute passive stand periods to
produce the respective mean values within each of these periods. These mean values for
each crewmember, during each period and by each measurement, were subsequently used
as the best estimate of measurement within that period in the compilation of data tables.
In the case of percentage, maximal calf volume change rather than mean values within
each level of LPNP was used.

Data Analysis

Data were analyzed statistically by individual crewmember and by group mean. For
individual crewmembers, the mean and the standard deviation of the three preflight
values for each measurement in each distinct protocol condition were calculated
(preflight summary). From these values, fiducial limits of the normal range at the
95-percent confidence level were determined. Individual postflight values lying outside
these limits were defined as statistically significant changes and are indicated
appropriately in the tables. Group means and standard deviations were calculated for each
discrete measurement within each protocol condition for every evaluation day and for the
preflight summaries. Preflight summary group means were compared with each postflight
counterpart by using the independent t-test.
It should be noted that four astronauts flew two Apollo missions each. The Apollo 8
Command Module Pilot (CMP) flew as the Apollo 13 Commander (CDR); the Apollo 9
CMP flew as the Apollo 15 CDR; the Apollo 10 CMP flew as the Apollo 16 CDR; and the
Apollo 10 Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) flew as the Apollo 17 Commander.


Heart Rates

Of the various cardiovascular measurements obtained from Apollo crewmembers

a.._:__ ,L_: ..... I.._,:^__ heart rate was ,i. ....
• _n_:l..........
LlI_ tiling
a ._,_ .,:.lama ,I,.
ugi._ll.y I|IUOLOULLU _IlLI .y I_ILa_U LII_ _O_lll_OL

accurate and predictable values. Table 4 contains heart-rate data on individual crew-
members during three conditions of orthostatic stress evaluations: (1) resting supine
control, (2) the highest level of LBNP [-50 mm Hg (-67 x 102 N/m2)], and (3) passive
standing. Resting supine heart rate is elevated significantly in 13 of 24crewmen
(54 percent) at the first postflight evaluation; the group response is elevated at the
two-percent level of confidence. A trend toward preflight values is subsequently evident.
By the third postflight evaluation, only three of fifteen individuals (20 percent) show
significant elevations in resting supine heart rate, and the group mean value is not
statistically different from the preflight group mean heart rate (n = 15, paired).
Following the same comparisons, the application of -50 mm Hg (-67 x 102,N/m 2)
LBNP produced significantly elevated heart rates in 14 of 17 Apollo crewmen
(82 percent) at the first postflight evaluation, with a group elevation significant at the
0.1-percent level. The Apollo 15 LMP experienced presyncope during the last seconds of
240 Biomedical Results of Apollo

4 _ 4 44

0_ ¢ 4 _ _ _ 4 _ 4• 44 44 4 4

= _ _

$_$ o®_ _ _ SR_ _$ _ '_


tO _D I_

._ I.L

oo_ oo_ oo_ oo_ oo_ oo_ oo_ ooJ

0 "_
C%. __
,-, 00 _ o_ 2 _ _

Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 241

-o 4- + 4-4- 4"_4- 4 4- kOCq

w o r!._o

4-4-4- 4- 4- 4. < 44 4-+4 4 4

.-- 1.0l.O°

O_eO0 LO_ ocooo r-.e_ I o_ _ooco oe_ v

E +_ (.6_A ,,6_:_: ,<_6,.'.i

,_,-_: _:_:Ld _iV_d



e_ .w.


:r. r,


!rr (}..._ rr _,-, i"r _ rr _,-, CC_.. n"_o..

(J(J-J (j(J._l (J(J.J (JO.J (J(J._ 00-.I


0 "_,


EZ x

242 Biomedical Results of Apollo

IJJ g 001",,0

._ t_ Oi_i_ O_CO0 0000 _V

z. 444- 4- 4- 4_-_

O')CO0_ _Ot'NI _0_0 t_ V


_ o

°_ _

00_ 00_ O0 _ _

0 "_
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 243

-40 mm Hg (-53 x 102 N/m 2) LBNP and was not tested at -50 mm Hg (-67 x 102 N/m 2)
LBNP on recovery day. Five other crewmembers (the Apollo 8 CMP, the Apollo 8 LMP,
the Apollo 9 LMP, the Apollo 16 CMP, and the Apollo 16 LMP) developed presyncopal
symptoms at some point before protocol completion during their immediate postflight
-50 mm Hg (-67 x 102 N/m 2) stress; the Apollo 15 Commander experienced similar
symptoms during his second postflight evaluation. Although more crewmembers,
immediately postflight, demonstrated a larger heart rate increment over preflight values
during LBNP stress than during the resting control period, statistically significant group
differences disappeared by the third postflight evaluation. Passive vertical standing results
indicated a similar increase in heart rate immediately postflight, with eight of nine
crewmembers (89 percent) having heart rates above their 95-percent preflight envelope,
and the group mean value being elevated at the 0.1 percent level.

In table 5, heart rates of Apollo crewmembers are compared with those of control
subjects for three protocol conditions. Significant "postflight" heart rate changes among
the control subjects onboard the recovery ship were not observed. Although the control
subjects were exposed to similar environmental conditions, all had a five- to ten-day
acclimatization period onboard the recovery ship preceding their evaluations.

Table 5

Apollo Crewmember Versus Control Subject Heart Rate Data

Preflight Summary Postflight Evaluations

Protocol Apollo
Group Response , First Second
N X" SD i SDt N I _" p N _ p

Resting supinet Crew 24 61.6 I 8.60 1.06 24 ! 69.7 0.02 I 24 67.2 0.05
- Control 22 69.7 6.93 1.00 22 69.4 n.s. 10 70.4 n.s.
mm Hg* Crew 18 17

LBNP / Control 16 76.5 113.27 1.55 4 108.5

87.3 n.s, ] 17
0.001 9 84.2
92.2 n.s.
85.1 8.14 1.49 1
Crew 9 76.4 I 6 11 1 94 q 99.8 0.00! i 9 91.8 0.01
Stand }I Controlsl 7 179.6 640 2172 ; I 81.1 n.s. I - - -

*--67 x 102N/m 2
Note: N = Number of subjects
X = Group mean
SD i = Standard deviation of crewmember preflight summary means
SDt = Standard deviation of three preflight group means
p = Probability level

Heart Rate and Other Measures During Several LBNP Protocols

Table 6 contains group mean values for several physiological measurements by

protocol condition. Preflight summary group means are shown with two different
standard deviations. The first (SDi) is an expression of variability between the

crewmember preflight summary means; the second (SDt) is a measure of variability

244 Biomedical Results of Apollo

among the three preflight group means. Accompanying each postflight evaluation group
mean is the t-test probability that it differs from the preflight summary group mean. For
the resting supine control condition, heart rate is significantly elevated at the first
and second postflight evaluations. The reciprocal of this response is seen in the
stroke volume data. No significant differences are noted after flight in the resting
systolic, diastolic, or pulse pressures. During the three conditions of reduced pressure
[-30, -40, and -50 mm Hg (-40 x 102, -53 x 102 and -67 x 102 N/m 2) LBNP], heart
rates are significantly elevated at the first postflight evaluation, with a trend toward
preflight summary response values in subsequent postflight evaluations. Again, stroke
volume followed a reciprocal pattern. Significant decreases in systolic and pulse
pressures are seen during LBNP only in the first postflight evaluations. Changes
during the passive stand condition parallel changes during LBNP. Postflight changes
during the recovery condition are not significant. All postflight alterations return to
preflight summary values by the third postflight evaluation.

Calf Volume Changes Induced by LBNP

No significant postflight changes in calf volume are observed during the three
conditions of reduced-pressure stress at any of the postflight evaluations (table 6).
Table 7, which includes data on individual calf volume change during Apollo LBNP
maximal stress, is presented because plethysmographic data from Gemini tilt table tests
indicated increased postflight calf volume during tilt stress. Seven of seventeen Apollo
crewmembers (41 percent) showed significantly decreased postflight calf volume changes
during the maximal [-50 mm Hg (-67 x 102 N/m2)] LBNP level, and the total group
mean also decreased from the preflight value, although not to a statistically significant

Body Weight Changes

Significant body weight changes occurred in virtually all astronauts regardless of flight
duration. If a significant part of the weight change is due to a reduction in blood volume
or loss of body fluids, cardiovascular function might be affected. Consequently, weight
changes were considered in conjunction with orthostatic evaluations. Table 8 contains
data on individual body weights at each evaluation date. Preflight summary means are
based on three weights taken on the days of the major medical examinations. Launch day
(F-O) weights are also listed because the postflight weight of United States space crewmen
has been previously based on these data (Berry, 1973). The launch day group mean is
clearly decreased (0.7 kg) from the preflight summary group mean. The t-test probability
for postflight weight change is referenced to the preflight summary group mean rather
than to the single launch day group mean, because the preflight mean is more
representative of true crew weight change. The first postflight group mean weight shows a
3.4-kg (4.4 percent) decrement that is not regained at 90 to 160 hours after splashdown
by the nine crewmen (Apollo 15 to 17 missions) weighed that long after recovery.

Resting Calf Circumference and Volume of the Lower Limbs

The simple and relatively accurate supine measurement of maximal calf circumference
was performed before and after flight on 24 crewmen. The first section of table 9
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 245


Z __ _ __ _ __



U..I o Ix


Z _I" 00¢01_¢0 O_ _'COCOI".,O0 O_ _'00 com_co O_

o._._.m.o. _. hm._.m._ _. m._ _.o._ _.

0 _ (v_ _ _ _0

00_m_m cd o6od_d _d ,,d,,.6_ E



Z __ _ __ _ __

_ o. "It o_ "It _.
_z E_ E5
E'I > E-_ > E_ _"
0 e- -o ,3_
_ _a I I I rr _ I r_
_ .__
= .-._o,


"r zlx _ m o.
._ e
246 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Z __ __ __

O. dddd° E dEddd qqd d d
0 O0

U.I Ix
Z __

Eqqq £ q q d d dq qqqq E
000 0 0 0 0000

IE Ix _d_ _ _NNd _d_

z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_000_ 00000 _0_
..___ 0000_ _ 00000 0_0_

__ __ _0_
_ "._
_q_m_ _ _mm_ _q_q_


Z __ __

__ 0

E_ E_ E_
< EJ _ E.J _ E.-I >"
s_ -#
_8 _ooo 8 _ 8 8
8 00 _e oo I _ I I_


_E Z_ _ o --zlx _ _ ,_
_.E ,.3 oo ._
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 247

NN_ NNN _N_ _ N_N _d _

• • • _q _ I . . • . ,


o iZ'_$_• . . _-o_
¢q._._. _v_
r-:._._, mr-
m._. I

..= c_
odd odd ddo ddd dod dod

m_ mm_ _ _o m_ _mo o

E-_ _ m


tlJ Lt_
_o_ _mm _ _ _ _ _



o _ •.. _ _ o_ _o




248 Biomedical Result,_ of Apollo

_1 _dd _



E +t 00_ 000 0_0 000 0_0 000 _00

CO © _.=. E


0 I,.0 _o _ _o_ _ _ _,o

I11 1.0
_ _ _ _ _ I _ I _ I d
._ U,,.

_E_ mmm mmm mmm m_m _ mmm mmm

Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 249

d_ _d_ _

I I I o. _._.,w:._

t.O ',,.0
_._ _. o.m._,o._. .
g_ _o III

_ _ _ _ _,_o
_ _ _ _ _ V


+lOgO 000 _00 _00

•_= _ _.= E

ee _ _ g _
= _ _
- _2 = _ _ _ _°_'_


= ,,'

r_ 0
o q_._. _.0!. _._.,.= o._.o..0!_.

250 Biomedical Results of Apollo

contains values of the average of both calves for individual crewmembers at each test
date. In the first postflight evaluation, 16 of 24 crewmembers (67 percent) showed
significantly reduced calf circumference. Group mean values showed a statistically
significant probability (p < 0.05) immediately postflight of a decrement of l.l cm
(3 percent) that was not totally regained at approximately 120 hours after splashdown by
two of the three crewmen tested at that time.
Total leg volume was calculated for the six crewmen of the last two Apollo missions
(Apollo 16 and 17). The last section of table 9 contains data on total leg volume as the
sum of both legs. Although not statistically significant, a one-liter (5.8 percent) group
mean decrement was seen in the first two postflight evaluations. No clear trend toward
restitution was seen as late as 90 to 160 hours after splashdown; subsequent measure-
ments were not performed.

Cardiothoracic Ratios

To determine whether a change in heart size had occurred, cardiothoracic (C/T) ratios
were calculated. Once before and once after flight, posterior-anterior chest X-rays were
taken of each crewmember. The C/T ratios given in table 10 provided a measure of heart
size to amplify the preceding weight and leg-size data. Accurate cardiothoracic ratios
could not be obtained from three postflight films. Synchronization at peak systolic and
peak diastolic cardiac phases for X-rays taken on the last six Apollo crewmembers
(Apollo 16 and 17 missions) enabled achievement of greater accuracy by providing two
films for each preflight and postflight comparison, and by eliminating random X-ray
exposure in the cardiac cycle. Twenty-four of thirty crewmembers (80 percent) showed a
decrease in postflight C/T ratios with a group mean cardiothoracic ratio decrement of
0.021 (5 percent), highly significant at p < 0.001. The Apollo 17 CMP, who showed a
postflight increase in C/T ratio, wore a special antihypotensive pressure garment from
splashdown until LBNP evaluation five hours later.

Special Measures for Apollo 15, 16, and 17

Vectorcardiographic data for Apollo 15, 16, and 17 crewmen showed no changes of
clinical significance. An analysis of the phonocardiographic findings derived from the
vibrocardiogram and of the systolic time intervals obtained with carotid pulse and VCG
measurements was incomplete at the time of this writing.

Antihypotensive Garment Efficacy

Seven hours after splashdown, orthostatic evaluations were made of the Apollo 16
CMP wearing the antihypotensive garment. The garment was 0.5 cm smaller at the calf
than the one worn during preflight testing to compensate for the expected loss of lower
limb girth from disuse in zero g. The results are shown in table 11. Blood pressure and
heart rate data are expressed as mean values with one standard deviation, for each
five-minute period.
As noted earlier, ambient temperatures during postflight testing of Apollo 16
astronauts were high [305°K (32°C) to 306°K (33°C)]. During the same tests on two
control subjects one day earlier, the temperature was somewhat lower: 301°K (28°C) for
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 251



O .--
.-- .£= _ _ III

U.I --

-- O

O to
otO_ tOm_ _o_ tO_ _tO tO.tO


_-_ O +1 000 000 00o 000 000 000 000
O'J (Jl
w- i



._o i--



_E 00_ _0_ O0 _ 00_ OU_ 0 O_ 00_

0 c
_- 0
0 "_ CO O_ 0 _ _ co
252 Biomedical Results of Apollo

._ _

O "O


._ "O

0 ¢_ _'_

OK) CO r_, _D CO O_ r'_


elo LO

• -_ _

13 _ _000

m a
I.,tl it,) _,_


_ E

-- 0

Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 253

Table 10

Apollo Crewmen Cardiothoracic Ratios

During Orthostatic Evaluations
(Ratios based on X-radiographs)

Apollo Crew- Preflight First Post- Change

Mission member F-5 Days flight in C/T

CDR 0.46 0.44 --0.02

7 CMP 0.45 0.41 --0.04
LMP 0.39 0.36 --0.03

CDR 0.44 0.40 --0.04

8 CMP 0.44 0.41 --0.03
LMP 0.38 0.32 --0.06

CDR 0.37 0.36 --0.01

9 CMP 0.43 0.39 -0.04
LMP 0.36 0.33 --0.03

CDR 0.43 0.39 --0.04

10 CM P 0.43 0.39 --0.04
LMP 0.50 0.40 -0.10

CDR 0.40 0.40 0.00

11 CMP 0.35
LMP 0.40 0.39 --0.01

CDR 0.37 0.39 +0.02

12 CMP 0.41
LMP 0.40

CDR 0.42 0.41 -0.01

13 CMP 0.43 0.42 -0.01
LMP 0.43 0.39 --0.04

CDR 0.39 0.42 +0.03

14 CMP 0.41 0.40 --0.01
LMP 0.46 0.44 -0.02

CDR 0.42 0.43 +0.01

15 CMP 0.40 0.37 --0.03
LMP 0.48 0.51 + 0.03

CDR 0.41 0.40 -0.01

16 CMP 0.44 0.41 --0.03
LMP 0.36 0.34 --0.02

CDR 0.50 0.44 --0.06

17 CMP 0.43 0.46 +0.02
LMP 0.37 0.36 0.00

Group Mean 0.417 0.399 --0.021

-+SD 0.0383 0.0384 0.0281
t-Test n.s. p<0.001
254 Biomedical Results of Apollo

control subjcct 1, and 303°K (30°C) for control subject 2. The results of their tests also
appear in table 11.

Table 11

Preflight and Postflight Passive Stand Test Data With and Without
Jobst Antihypotensive Garment

Without Garment With Garment

Subject Measurement
Preflight Postflight
Mean +_SD Mean +SD Mean +-SD
Preflight { Mean +SD

Apollo 16 Command Module Pilot

Supine Heart rate, bpm 45.8 +_0.96 57.8 -+0.84 44.8 -+ 0.84 54.6 +- 0.89
SBP, mm Hg* 113.5 4- 2.64 119.2 + 4.80 117.9 + 7.09 112.6 -+6.17
DBP, mm Hg* 74.3 -+ 2.00 80.8 + 2.90 67.2 + 4.21 67.5 + 3.89

Erect Heart rate, bpm 55.8 + 1.79 87.6 + 0.89 55.2 +- 3.56 78.4 -+ 1.34
SBP, mm Hg* 121.6 + 5.62 112.6+_6.17 117.8 + 4.02 110.2 +- 5.24
DBP, mm Hg* 77.2 + 4.37 67.5 -+3.89 77.8 +- 5.27 75.2 + 6.02

Control Subject 1

Supine Heart rate, bpm 77.6 + 0.89 60.2 + 1.30 81.4 + 1.52 63.4 + 2.70
SBP, mm Hg* 118.0+ 2.71 102.8 + 4.77 118.4 +- 2.50 111.3 + 4.47
DBP, mm Hg* 57.4 + 2.95 62.1 + 2.81 58.0 + 4.45 58.4 + 4112

E rect Heart rate, bpm 85.8 +- 0.84 76.8 + 1.48 78.4 + 2.70 70.4 + 1.34
SBP, mm Hg* 119.1 + 0.72 104.4 +- 8.38 122.7 +-4.79 109.6 +- 3.95
DBP, mm Hg* 74.9 +- 2.66 75.8 +-4.02 75.1 +-3.60 76.5 +- 3.24

Control Subject 2

Supine Heart rate, bpm 67.2 + 0.84 72.4 + 0.89 64.0 + 1.87 71.2 +- 1.30
SBP, mm Hg* 134.3 +_3.11 127.7 + 5.58 137.1 + 2.85 124.2 -+ 5.55
DBP, mm Hg* 71.8 -+ 5.03 74.9 -+ 5.21 81.3 + 5.01 75.0 + 1.63

Erect Heart rate, bpm 76.8 +- 2.05 92.2 +-2.17 70.6 -+ 1.95 85.0 -+ 1.22
SBP, mm Hg* 145.0 + 7.44 132.7 -+8.74 149.7 +- 5.25 136.0 -+ 8.01
DBP, mm Hg* 82.8 + 2.57 81.4 + 5.52 90.4 + 3.47 84.4 + 7.95

"1 mm H = 1.33 x -102 N/m 2

The Apollo 17 CMP, as noted previously, inflated his antihypotensive garment

one-half hour before deorbit and kept it inflated [which provided a pressure of 65 mm Hg
( 87 x 102 N/m 2) over the ankle area] until a standard orthostatic evaluation could be
made. Under the conditions of testing, his heart rate increased slightly and tended to
climb after the garment was deflated. Heart rate declined slightly upon reinflation
(figure 4). Heart rate and blood pressure data are shown in table 12 as mean values for the
three five-minute periods and for the single four-minute period.
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 255



:_ 100

< 90


' I

• I



I I I I I I I I i I I i i i = , J

0 _ ' , 10 15 20


Figure 4. Passive Stand test

with antihypotensive garment - Apollo l 7 CMP.

Table 12

LI .... •t £t_ttu
[lual. D_ __r]
dllU utOO ju tDFessui-e r_ _.Lit

for Apollo 17 Command Module Pilot During Passive Stand Test

Utilizing Antihypotensive Garment

Supine Erect

Garment Garment Garment Garment

Inflated Inflated Deflated Reinflated

Mean +-SD Mean -+SD Mean +SD Mean +SD

Heart rate, bpm 70.1 + 3.50 98.3 +- 3.43 105.2 +-3.82 103.5 _+3.72
SBP, mm Hg* 115.5+8.28 128.8 + 3.27 131.0 -+3.89 1 29.1 -+ 5.92
DBP, mm Hg* 64.6 + 3.92 82.7 -+ 4.22 84.4 +_4.93 85.4 + 2.88
Pulse pressure, mm Hg* 49.4 +_6.90 46.9 +- 7.25 46.6 + 5.46 43.3 + 7.16

"1 mmHg=1.33x 102N/m 2.

256 Biomedical Results of Apollo


The objective of Apollo preflight and postflight cardiovascular evaluations was to

determine the effects of space flight on human physiological functions. These studies
were performed within the context of transporting man safely to the moon and returning
him to Earth while ensuring his well-being and functional capability in an unnatural
environment. It would be naive, however, to ascribe the cardiovascular findings reported
here to the effects of weightlessness alone. The observed postflight cardiovascular changes
reflect the total effect of the environmental conditions encountered by each crewman
within a given space flight mission. In addition to stresses of the weightless state, these
conditions included stresses of launch, inflight deviations from normal work and rest
cycles, variations in duration and magnitude of lunar activity, changes in diet, and stresses
of entry, splashdown, and recovery. Unfortunately, the relative contribution of each of
these environmental conditions cannot be established.

Significant postflight changes in cardiovascular measurements have included elevated

resting and orthostatically stressed heart rate, similar but reciprocal decreases in stroke
volume, and decreases in pulse pressure during orthostatic stress caused almost exclusively
by decreases in systolic blood pressure. These changes are characteristic of decreased
orthostatic tolerance. In addition, several presyncopal episodes occurred postflight during
orthostatic stress. To properly assess the postflight decrease in crew orthostatic tolerance,
however, one must consider the set of variables that existed during the recovery period.

1. Crewmen were launched and maintained in a temperate environment but were

recovered and evaluated immediately after flight at significantly elevated ambient
temperatures (Apollo 10, 11, and 17 missions excepted).

2. Crewmen were physically more active in the time periods immediately preceding
and following splashdown. This activity tended to augment any postflight thermal

3. Preflight evaluations were always performed in the morning hours, whereas

postflight evaluations were usually performed in the afternoon or evening hours
with respect to the preflight work and rest cycles established at the Kennedy
Space Center and normally maintained in flight. This change in the time of day
postflight evaluations were performed could have produced diurnal variations in
body temperature, heart rate, and orthostatic tolerance.

4. Returned crewmen were exposed for varying time periods to ortbostatic stress in
one-g prior to orthostatic testing.
5. Vestibular effects associated with readaptation to the one-g environment were
compounded by sea motion (not expressly evaluated).

6. Neurohumoral forces were altered by the excitement and the emotion of return
to Earth.

These stresses and uncontrolled variables undoubtedly affected the postflight cardio-
vascular changes reported here.
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 257

Certain relationships suggest that all the factors listed contributed significantly. A
positive, though statistically insignificant, correlation (r = 0.27) exists between change
(preflight to postflight) in resting heart rate and change in oral temperature (figure 5).
Also, there is a significant positive correlation (r = 0.52) between postflight change in
orthostatically stressed heart rate and postflight change in resting heart rate (figure 6). In
concert with similar data from Gemini crew evaluations, these Apollo findings suggest
that, for flights of eight to fourteen days, postflight resting or orthostatically stressed
heart rates do not increase in conjunction with increasing mission duration.

n-. 30
< 2O
I.- J

Y= 10.3X+9.6
-lO $ n = 24
z Q


--20 t t i i a t i I

-. -0.2 n
v 0.2 0.4 n=
v._ 0.B In
i .v 12.


Figure 5. Positive correlation between preflight to postflight change

in oral temperature and change in resting heart rate.

Weight loss was a universal finding among Apollo flight crews, but the cause and the
specific body tissues involved are not readily apparent. A positive correlation between
weight loss and change in total blood volume (r = 0.77) was obtained from Apollo data.
Fluid losses or changes, however, did not fully explain the weight loss. The relatively
inactive role of the lower extremities during space flight predisposes them to significant
loss of tissue substance, especially in muscle; consistent postflight reductions in maximal
calf girth on 24 Apollo crewmen and in total leg volume on the last six Apollo crewmen
showed significant soft-tissue decrements (table 9). The magnitude of these decrements in
the maximal calf circumference measurement taken immediately after recovery showed a
positive correlation (r = 0.42) with the time of the measurement following splashdown
258 Biomedical Results of Apollo

(figure 7). Assuming rapid changes to be due to fluid shifts to the lower extremities

postflight, a better correlation would be expected had the physical activities of the

crewmen between splashdown and time of calf measurement been controlled. Continued

decrements in leg size for several days after splashdown indicate that they were not

exclusively caused by fluid changes. On the other hand, a true flight-related tissue

deterioration was suggested by a negative and significant c.orrelation (r = -0.47) between

the decrement in calf size and the length of exposure to weightlessness (figure 8). When

both Apollo data and Gemini data (from missions shorter and longer than Apollo
missions) are used, weight loss reveals a leveling off with flight duration, if not a reversed

trend, after a peak at approximately 200 hours of flight time (figure 9). The relative

contributions of muscle, fatty, and interstitial tissues to weight loss have not yet been

"' 80
5u Y = 0.57X + 30.7
r = 0.52 (p < 0.01)
_ 70
I.-- n = 24
_ 60 • .... ;o:

"' gO


m 40

_ 30


o-I- 20
z_ 10

< 0 I I I I I I
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40

Figure 6. Positive correlation between postflight change in orthostatically

stressed heart rate and postflight change in resting heart rate.

Perhaps more specific arc data obtained from preflight and postflight chest

roentgenograms. Although a decrease in the frontal plane cardiac silhouette size may
Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 259


7 t
a" -5



6 -3

< -2

Z -1

0 2I 3i 4I I
5 6I I


Figure 7. Positive correlation between maximal calf circumference

taken immediately after recovery and time of measurement following splashdown.

-5 •

. Y = -0.012 + 0.013 •

-4 I" r = -0.47 (p<0.025) • • J


(_ L." I I I I I I I I

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


Figure 8. Negative correlation between decrement in calf size

and length of exposure to weightlessness.
260 Biomedical Results of Apollo

represent either a decrement of myocardial tissue, a decrement of intrachamber blood

content, or positional change such as rotation of the heart with reference to the chest
wall, changes in the cardiothoracic ratio show a very definite rise and subsequent reversal
with the duration of zero-g exposure; the peak decrement occurs between 100 and
200 hours (figure 10). The relationship between the cardiothoracic ratio and the duration
of zero-g exposure is definite, whereas correlations of the C/T ratio with weight loss or
change in blood volume are only vaguely suggested. A most unexpected finding, however,
is the significant difference (p<0.01) between the mean C/T ratio of the 12 lunar
explorers and the mean of those Apollo crewmen who were continuously exposed to
weightlessness. With 11 useful postflight data points, the lunar-walking group mean
postflight cardiothoracic ratio was essentially unchanged from the preflight ratio, whereas
the other 19 Apollo crewmen incurred a decrease in the group mean C/T ratio of -0.03.
Because changes explicitly caused by exposure to the space environment are of great
importance and concern, any opportunity to detect them is eagerly explored. Other
similar comparisons between these same groups have revealed no difference in postflight
weight loss or changes in resting and stressed postflight heart rate. Despite some use of
the lower extremities on the lunar surface, no difference in resting-calf circumference
changes was detected between the groups. These findings imply that exposure to the
lunar environment somehow maintains the preflight cardiothoracic ratio.



w -4

I- -2


I !

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


Figure 9. Apollo and Gemini data indicating a leveling off of weight loss
after 200 hours of flight.
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 261

o -0,1o X MERCURY
rr -0.08 i


c_ -0.04

z -0.02

I I I I I i I
rn 0.04 I
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


Figure 10. Roentgenogram showing peak decrement

in cardiothoracic ratio.

These Apollo data have also provided a comparison of cardiovascular responses to

LBNP and to vertical passive standing (the true orthostatic stress reference). For
18 crewmen evaluated with -50 mm Hg (-67 x 102N/m 2) LBNP and for nine tested with
the passive stand (both procedures for three of each group), heart rates were almost
identical before flight, and postflight values for LBNP stress were slightly greater, in
contrast, and as noted in prior studies comparing orthostatic techniques, preflight and
postflight systolic and diastolic blood pressure values were higher during stand stress than
during LBNP. Thoracic and carotid pressure sensors differentially responding to the two
stressors may partly account for the difference. Pulse pressure during LBNP, however,
differed very little from pulse pressure during passive stand. These findings supported tile
use of LBNP as an orthostatic stress procedure and provided a reference for the
integration of data from the Skylab inflight LBNP evaluations.

Of the two garments designed to offer protection against orthostatic hypotension: the
garment employing the capstan principle proved to be the more suitable for use in the
space flight environment. Although the elastic garment worn by the Apollo 16 CMP
appeared to furnish moderate protection against orthostatic hypotension following
weightless flight and heat stress, this type of garment seemed to be unsuitable for use in
the operational setting. The crewman was unable to don the leotards in zero g before
reentry or following splashdown in the confined volume of the spacecraft. Consequently,
any protection the garment afforded could not be made available until the postflight
testing phase. It was also impossible to ensure a garment of proper fit for postflight use
262 Biomedical Results of Apollo

because the decline in limb girth was neither uniformly distributed nor predictable in
The design of the pressurized garment used by the Apollo 17 CMP included features
intended to overcome the difficulty of predicting change in limb girth during flight. The
CMP reported that the garment was easier to don in flight than he had anticipated, due in
part perhaps to a relatively large reduction in limb girth. He wore the garment for more
than four hours and reported it relatively comfortable.
The heart rate while reclining with the suit inflated was ten beats per minute
slower than during the preflight test 15 days before launch (70.1 -+ 3.5 compared to
81 +- 2.12 beats per minute). Although uncommon, a reduction of the supine resting
heart rate from preflight values had been seen previously in Apollo crewmen. Mean
heart rate during the first five minutes of standing with the garment inflated after
flight was 98.3 -+ 3.43 beats per minute compared to 91 -+2.35 beats per minute in
the preflight test.
When the garment was deflated, heart rate increased and was still increasing after
five minutes. Garment reinflation, which required approximately 40 seconds, was
associated with an interruption of the rising slope of heart rate and a modest
reduction of mean heart rate, suggesting a protective effect from the garment.
Aside from the antihypotensive effect of using the garment, other physiological
processes that occurred during readaptation to one g may have been modified. The
Apollo 17 CMP was the only crewman of the 18 tested whose mean heart rate at R+0
during exposure to a pressure of -50 mm Hg (-67 × 102N/m 2) was within the preflight
envelope. In the other stress procedure, bicycle ergometry, he again showed no decrement
of performance from preflight levels. His pattern of postflight limb volume changes,
estimated from multiple circumferential measurements, was somewhat different from
that shown by the other five crewmen who received such measurements. Postflight
X-rays, taken before deflation of the garment, showed an increased cardiothoracic ratio in
contrast to the other 20 Apollo crewmen exposed to continuous weightlessness, for
whom data exist demonstrating postflight decreases in C/T ratios.

Summary and Conclusions

In summary, postflight orthostatic evaluations during the Apollo Program appear to

indicate that reduction in orthostatic tolerance is a consequence of space flight exposure.
Heart rate, the most reliable index, was increased, while systolic and pulse pressures were
decreased during immediate postflight evaluations using lower body negative pressure and
passive standing as the orthostatic stress. Elevation in resting heart rate was a less frequent
finding. There was considerable variability in the magnitude of these changes between
individual crewmembers and in the persistence of the chang6s over subsequent postflight
evaluations. Postflight changes in leg volume during LBNP were equal to or less than
those seen during preflight baseline evaluations. Body weight, resting calf girth, supine leg
volume, and cardiothoracic ratios were all diminished immediately postflight, and return
to preflight values was not complete within the postflight testing time frame.
The reported changes in orthostatic tolerance and other related measurements must
be interpreted with care in view of the conditions under which the data were obtained.
Apollo Flight Crew Cardiovascular Evaluations 263

The priority of operations during Apollo missions did not allow optimal control over a
number of important variables during preflight and postflight evaluations. Preflight
evaluations had to be scheduled and completed within narrow time limits and in
competition with the training and launch preparation of crewmembers. Postflight
evaluations were performed among intensive debriefing sessions, public appearances, and
other ceremonies. Relative degrees of sleep loss and high ambient temperatures also
undoubtedly influenced the findings.
Wearing of a lower body positive pressure garment during the reentry and immediate
postflight period appeared to offer some protective benefit by way of reducing
extravascular lower body pooling of fluid. It would, however, be premature to conclude
that the garment was the primary factor responsible for improved orthostatic tests for the
Apollo 17 Command Module Pilot. As was the case in all missions and for all crewmen,
individual variables cloud interpretation of the data. Other studies will be necessary to
determine the effects of such protective garments under space flight-type readaptive

Man's physiological adaptation to the space environment and his readaptive

alterations upon return to Earth are complex. The orthostatic evaluations performed in
conjunction with the Apollo missions provide some insight into these changes. But a more
complete understanding of the physiological role, especially for missions of longer
duration, requires a thorough analysis of the effects of the space environment with special
emphasis upon inflight evaluations, control of environmental conditions, and interrelating
findings from many study disciplines.


Agress, Clarence M.; Wegner, Stanley; Fremont, Robert P., Mori, lzumi; and Day, Dixie J.:
Measurement of Stroke Volume by the Vibrocardiogram. Aerospace Med., vol. 38, no. 12, Dec.
1967, pp. 1248-1252.
Berry, Charles A.: Weightlessness. Bioastronautics Data Book. Second ed. NASA SP-3006, 1973,
pp. 349-415.
Brown, Ellen; Goei, J.S.; Greenfield, A.D.M.; and Plassaras, G.C.: Circulatory Responses to Simulated
Gravitational Shifts of Blood in Man Induced by Exposure nf the Body 8e!ow the !!iac Crests to
Sub-Atmospheric Pressure. J. Physiol., vol. 183, no. 3, Apr. 1966, pp. 607-627.
Eagan, C.J.: The Physics of the Mercury Strain Gauge and of its Use in Digital Plethysmography.
Alaskan Air Command, Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory Tech. Note AAL-TN-60-17, 1961.
Gilbert, Charles A.; Bricker, Lee A.; Springfield, W. Thaxton, Jr.; and Stevens, Paul M.: Sodium and
Water Excretion and Renal Hemodynamics During Lower Body Negative Pressure. J. Appl.
Physiol., vol. 21, no. 6, Nov. 1966, pp. 1699-1704.
Hoffler, G.W.; Wolthuis, Roger A.; and Johnson, Robert L.: Apollo Space Crew Cardiovascular
Evaluations. Aerospace Med., vol. 45, no. 8, Aug. 1974, pp. 807-820.
McCally, Michael S.; Pohl, Shirley, A.; and Sampson, Plummer A., Jr.: Relative Effectiveness of
Selected Space Flight Deconditioning Countermeasures. Aerospace Med., vol. 39, no. 7, July 1968,
pp. 722-724.
Miller, Perry B.; Hartman, Bryce O.;Johnson, Robert L.; and Lamb, Lawrence E.: Modification of the
Effects of Two Weeks of Bed Rest Upon Circulatory Functions in Man. Aerospace Med., vol. 35,
no. 10, Oct. 1964, pp. 931-939.
264 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Miller, Perry B.; Johnson, Robert L.; and Lamb, Lawrence, E.: Effects of Four Weeks of Absolute Bed
Rest on Circulatory Functions in Man. Aerospace Med., vol. 35, no. 12, Dec. 1964,
pp. 1194-1200.

Murray, Raymond H.; Krog, John; Carlson, Loren D.; and Bowers, John A.: Cumulative Effects of
Venesection and Lower Body Negative Pressure. Aerospace Med., vol. 38, no. 3, Mar. 1967,
pp. 243-247.

Musgrave, F. Story; Zechman, Fred W.; and Mains, Richard C.: Changes in Total Leg Volume During
Lower Body Negative Pressure. Aerospace Med., vol. 40, no. 7, July 1969, pp. 602-606.

Musgrave, F. Story; Zechman, Fred W.; and Mains, Richard C.: Comparison of the Effects of 70 ° Tilt
and Several Levels of Lower Body Negative Pressure on Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in Man.
Aerospace Med., vol. 42, no. 10, Oct. 1971, pp. 1065-1069.

NASA, MSC: Mercury Project Summary, Including Results of the Fourth Manned Orbital Flight.
NASA SP-45, 1963.

NASA, MSC: Gemini Summary Conference. NASA SP-138, 1967.

NASA, MSC: Gemini Blood Pressure Signal Conditioner. NASA SP-5054, 1968, pp. 29-30.

Samueloff, Shlomo L.; Browse, Norman L.; and Shepherd, John T.: Response of Capacity Vessels in
Human Limbs to Head-up Tilt and Suction on Lower Body. J. Appl. Physiol., vol. 21, no. 1, Jan.
1966, pp. 47-54.

Stevens, Paul M.: Cardiovascular Dynamics During Orthostasis and the Influence of lntravascular
Instrumentation. Am. J. Cardiol., vol. 17, Feb. 1966, pp. 211-218.

Stevens, Paul M.; and Lamb, Lawrence E.: Effects of Lower Body Negative Pressure on the
Cardiovascular System. Am. J. Cardiol., vol. 16, Oct. 1965, pp. 506-515.

Stevens, Paul M.; Miller, Perry B.; Gilbert, Charles A.; Lynch, Theodore N.; Johnson, Robert L.; and
Lamb, Lawrence E.: Influence of Long-Term Lower Body Negative Pressure on the Circulatory
Function of Man During Prolonged Bed Rest. Aerospace Med., voi. 37, no. 4, Apr. 1966a,
pp. 357-367.

Stevens, Paul M.; Miller, Perry B.; Lynch, Theodore N.; Gilbert, Charles A.; Johnson, Robert L.; and
Lamb, Lawrence, E.: Effects of Lower Body Negative Pressure on Physiologic Changes Due to
Four Weeks of Hyperoxic Bed Rest. Aerospace Med., vol. 37, no. 5, May 1966b, pp. 466-474.

Vogt, Fred B.; and Johnson, Philip C.: Effectiveness of Extremity Cuffs or Leotards in Preventing or
Controlling the Cardiovascular Deconditioning of Bed Rest. Aerospace Med., vol. 38, no. 7, July
1967, pp. 702-707.

Wolthuis, Roger A.; Hoffler, G.W.; and Johnson, R.L.: Lower Body Negative Pressure as an Assay
Technique for Orthostatie Tolerance: Part I. The Individual Response to a Constant Level
(-40 mm Hg) of LBNP. Aerospace Med., vol. 41, no. 1, Jan. 1970, pp. 29-35.

Wolthuis, Roger A.; Hoffler, G.W.; and Johnson, R.L.: Lower Body Negative Pressure as an Assay
Technique for Orthostatic Tolerance: Part II. A Comparison of the Individual Response to
Incremental vs. Constant Levels of LBNP. Aerospace Med., vol. 41, no. 4, Apr. 1970, pp. 419-424.

Wolthuis, Roger A.; Hoffler, G.W.; and Baker, Joseph T.: Improved Waist Seal Design for Use With
Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) Devices. Aerospace Med., vol. 42, no. 4, Apr. 1971,
pp. 461-462.
N76 26so




J.A. Rummel, Ph.D.

C.F. Sawin, Ph.D.
E.L. Michel, M.S.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


Inherent in the successful completion of the Apollo Program was the necessity for the
lunar surface crewmen to engage in long and strenuous periods of extravehicular activity
(EVA). Even though reduced gravity was expected to make some tasks less arduous,
reduced suit mobility and a complex timeline indicated that metabolic activity would
exceed resting levels for extended periods of time. Because the type and extent of
physiological dysfunction that could result from habitability in a zero-g environment had
not been established, appropriate physiological tests were performed within Apollo Pro-
gram constraints to ascertain whether the physiological response of the crewmen to
exercise was altered as a result of space flight.
Early planning for the Apollo Program had provided that some indication of these
factors would be measured in flight; however, the Apollo spacecraft fire and the resultant
program redirection eliminated this capability. The next approach was to conduct only
preflight and postflight exercise response studies and to assume that these findings would
document any changes of cardiopulmonary status resulting from space flight. Obviously,
with such an endeavor, there were circumstances that could not be experimentally con-
trolled. First, the readaptation process would be expected to begin immediately after
reentry into the Earth's gravitational field and to introduce or modify responses that
might have been measured in null gravity. Additionally, required crew recovery pro-
cedures presented perturbations which precluded a well controlled experimental design;
the crewmen spent variable amounts of time in a hyperthermal spacecraft while it was in
the water; orbital mechanics constraints dictated recovery times which precluded
assurance that postflight testing would be accomplished in the same circadian time frame
in which preflight testing was performed. The influence of these conditions and that of
other physical and emotional stresses could not be isolated from the response attributed
to zero-g exposures. However, not attempting to provide information relating

266 Biomedical
of Apollo

physiological responses to exercise stress would have been an unsuitable alternative for
maintaining management of the medical aspect of the Apollo Program.
This section contains the preflight and postflight exercise findings. Preliminary results
were summarized previously (Berry, 1969; Berry, 1970; Rummel et al., 1973).


From the many methods that have been used to conduct exercise stress tests
(Bruce et al., 1965; Bruce et al., 1969; Blackburn et al., 1970; Rochmis & Blackburn,
1971; Taylor et al., 1969), the bicycle ergometer and a graded stress protocol were
selected for the Apollo Program. The selection of a bicycle ergometer as the stress device
(Rummel et al., 1973) was influenced mainly by the fact that it had been chosen for the
Skylab exercise program. The bicycle ergometcr was the only device capable of enabling
quantitation of the work level and of providing a basis for experimental evaluation
inflight. The Apollo experience provided a data pool and background information for the
Skylab inflight exercise response testing.
A graded exercise test permitted a progressive evaluation of physiological control
system response and provided a better understanding of safe stress limits. Heart rate was
used for determining stress levels (Maxfield & Brouha, 1963; Burger, 1969). By maintain-
ing the same heart rate levels before and after flight, the same relative cardiovascular
stresses were imposed.
Although the exact duration of each stress level was adjusted slightly (one to two
minutes) for the late Apollo missions to accomplish additional measurements, the graded
stress protocol comprised exercise levels of 120, 140, and 160beats per minute,
corresponding to light, medium, and heavy work, respectively, for each individual. For
the Apollo9 and 10 missions, a stress level of 180beats per minute was also
accomplished. The entire test protocol was conducted three times within a 30-day period
before lift-off. Postflight tests were conducted on recovery day, as well as 24 to 36 hours
after recovery.
During each test, workload, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory gas exchange
(oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and minute volume) measurements
were made. For the Apollo 15 to 17 missions, cardiac output measurements were
obtained by the single-breath technique (Kim eta|., 1966). Arteriovenous oxygen
differences were calculated from the measured oxygen consumption and cardiac output.
Figure 1 shows an exercising control subject at the Kennedy Space Center launch
facilities. This same equipment was packed and moved to the recovery ship for postflight
Each preflight test was treated separately, and a mean value (Rummel et al., 1973)
was computed for each subject for each mission with the crewman serving as his own
control. A preflight mean and variance estimate for all Apollo crewmen was then
computed, and a similar statistic was computed for the separate postflight examinations.
Statistical evaluations were made by means of standard t-test criteria. Although three
members of the medical operations team were tested in the same time sequence in which
the crewmembers were tested, these subjects essentially served as instrumentation
Exercise Response 267

Figure 1. Control subject engaged in bicycle ergometry testing.

The applicable data for each test on each crewman are given in table 1. Because
these data were voluminous, only summaries and statistical considerations are
presented. Testing, as noted earlier, was conducted both preflight and postflight.
Test protocols were divided into three basic categories: prestress, exercise stress, and

Prestress Data
Significant changes in the sitting heart rate were observed immediately after
flight; the mean difference was an approximate 16 beats per minute increase. This
variable was not significantly elevated hy the second postflight test (R+l). The only other
significant changes observed were a slight increase in minute volume on the day of
recovery and on Rt1, and an increase in the resting respiratory gas exchange ratio on
268 Biomcdic',d Rcsulls of Apollo

Z Z Z 0 d Z Z ZZZZ

0 0 kO 0 0 I..0


z z o z z z oddd
v v VVVV


eo. o r,-

I.,O f4D _0
t,,O 0 _1 0 04 CO

_o 05 r- co

Exercise Response 269


0 _C/) CO t_ 09 _0
d ZZ Z Z Z Z 2

tO tO;_
d _r_ co e,i _ o5

OQ e- o_e9
.I 0 O0 _0

_o 0 Cx

1.0 1.0 1.0

00 oS o
0 b9 o
0 C/_
z do d z d z z

= _ _"

ds o_
¢q. m

c- 0

e.. 00,_" r'_ 0

lOgO _ 0 1.0 0 P'_

c0¢_9 0 _

E Lj-o-... _1- co--..--..


0_--_ 0_
270 Biomedical Results of Apollo


(/) t.D

_. _ r-




== o
Z z
O "0
•- 0')



® , I'-

O_ e_O0

i cO c
> •-=.__o "_-.-E ,-o
_E® ° ®'_-_ _o_
Exercise Response 271

Exercise Stress Data

Several significant changes for this period were noted after flight. The relationship
between heart rate and oxygen consumption (O 2 pulse) was significantly altered at all
heart rate levels, whether evaluated on an absolute basis (liters per minute) or corrected
for body weight (liters per minute per kilogram). There were no significant changes in the
oxygen required for a given workload immediately after flight, although a small increase
was noted during the R+I examination.
Both the systolic and diastolic blood pressures attained at a given heart rate level were
significantly decreased immediately after flight but returned to normal by R+I. There
were no significant changes in the relationship between blood pressure and levels of
oxygen consumption or cardiac output.
The interrelationships of respiratory parameters (O 2 consumption per minute volume
and O 2 consumption per CO 2 production) indicated no significant changes immediately
after flight. Results of the R+I examination indicated that minute volume increased
A statistically significant decrease of large magnitude (-36 percent), was noted after
flight in the cardiac output at a heart rate of 160 beats per minute. This variable had
returned to preflight levels by the time of R+ 1 examination.

Poststress Data

Only heart rate data collected during the second minute of recovery are presented.
None of the measured variables changed significantly after the flight.


The basic physiological processes involved in the response to increased metabolic

activity are shown in figure 2. This discussion is an attempt to put available data into
perspective with these principles. Those parameters that are measured or indirectly
calculated are also indicated in the figure.
The external work in Apollo exercise stress testing always consisted of bicycle
ergometer pedal resistance of a known level. Because respiratory gas exchange was
........ A _K_ng_ ;.... banish! efficiency ,_- th_ amnnnf nf c'.xvcr_n recnlirecl fc_r a given
work level could be evaluated. A workload of 150 watts was selectzd for evaluation
because this level of stress was attained by all Apollo astronauts during exercise testing.
The preflight and immediate postflight mean oxygen consumption values were almost
identical, an indication that there had been no basic change in mechanical efficiency.
Utilizing the average resting oxygen consumption rate of 0.279 liter per minute, the
mechanical efficiency is calculated to be approximately 26 percent. Other investigators
have reported efficiencies of 30 percent (Whipp, 1970), 21 percent (Wasserman et al.,
1967), 20 percent (Henry & DeMoor, 1950), 24 percent (Davies & Musgrove, 1971),
23 percent (Christensen et al., 1960), and 24 percent (Astrand & Rodahl, 1970). Thus,
the mechanical efficiency measured on the Apollo crewmen agrees with other bicycle
ergometer studies.
The efficiency of respiratory gas exchange required to support the metabolic activity
of the tissues was evaluated by studying the oxygen consumption/minute volume
272 Biomedical Results of Apollo





_._ _USCLE_"



_/E = pulmonary rate

VO2= 02 utilization rate

VC02 = carbon dioxide production rate

A-V 02 = arteriovenous O2difference

Figure 2. Physiological mechanisms associated with increased metabolic activity.

Exercise Response 273

relationship, which has been called the ventilatory equivalent for oxygen. At a rate of two
liters per minute oxygen consumption, no significant change in the resulting minute
volume was observed. The value of 2.62 liters minute volume per 100 cm 3 of oxygen
consumption agrees with previously reported values of 2.7 (Higgsetal., 1967),
approximately 2.5 (Hermansen & Saltin, 1969), and 2.2 to 2.5 liters (Cunningham,
1963). Cunningham (1963) reviewed fourteen studies in which this relationship was
The circulatory responses required to support increased metabolic activity are striking
and involve a complex system of varying physical properties and feedback control loops.
Oxygen consumption requirements are equal to the cardiac output times the
arteriovenous oxygen difference (A-V 02). Although the relationship between oxygen
consumption and cardiac output (and thus a change in A-V 0 2 difference) appeared to
change in some individuals, the overall means for the nine subjects indicated no
significant changes (table 1). The absolute preflight values for cardiac output are
approximately 20 to 25 percent greater than previously reported (_strand et al., 1964;
Ekblom et al., 1968; Hermansen, 1970; Gilbert & Auchincloss, 1971) for this level of
exercise. Itowever, an evaluation of cardiac output/heart rate relationships indicated
highly significant decreases in stroke volume immediately after flight. This decrease had
returned to normal at the R+I" examination. These interrelationships explain the
significant reduction in oxygen pulse (0 2 consumption/heart rate relationship)
immediately after flight. The reduced cardiac output for the same heart rate may be
responsible for the significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure
immediately after flight.
The mechanism responsible for the reduced stroke volume is unknown and cannot be
evaluated from the available data. The possible alternatives are a decrease in the systolic
volume caused by myocardial contraction changes or a decrease in diastolic volume
caused by decreased venous return. Changes in the latter could be caused by changes in
the circulating blood volume, by redistribution of blood volume to the lower extremities,
or by both of these mechanisms.
Based on the above physiological responses to exercise measured after space flight, it
can be assumed that there was no significant change in mechanical or respiratory
J'e- • TI . ' 'g" .1 I • 1 .1 I

eu]c[ency, rate
etevateu for tne same oxygen consumption; wnen
coupled with a reduced stroke volume, increased heart rate maintained the same cardiac
output/oxygen consumption relationship. The decreased cardiac output for the same
heart rate could explain the observed reduced pressure in the systemic arteries, ttowever,
two points need to be considered. First, this general statistical response is different in
some individuals, and the possibility of separate or different mechanisms operating in
these separate cases should be recognized. For instance, some crewmen appeared to have
had changes in peripheral resistance. Thus, each individual must be evaluated on the basis
of his own particular response. Second, these responses were measured after recovery in a
temporal and physical environment that was not controlled with sufficient precision to
enable definition of the physiological response directly associated with the zero-g
These studies were extremely beneficial in assuring the success of the Apollo Program
and have provided alternative hypotheses for inflight study during the Skylab missions.
274 Biomedical Results of Apollo


Astrand, Per-Olof: Aerobic Work Capacity During Maximal Performance Under Various Conditions•
Supplement I to Circulation Research, Vols. XX and XXI, March 1967.
Astrand, P.; Cuddy, T.E.; Saltin, B.; and Stenberg, J.: Cardiac Output During Submaximal and
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Ekblom, B.; _strand, P.; Saltin, B.; Stenberg, J.; and Wallstrom, B.: Effect of Training on Circulatory
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Treadmill and Bicycle Exercise. J. Appl. Physiol., vol. 29, no. 1, 1970, pp. 82-86.

Hermansen, Lars; and Saltin, Bengt: Oxygen Uptake During Maximal Treadmill and Bicycle Exercise.
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Maxfield, Mary E.; and Brouha, Lucien: Validity of Heart Rate as an Indicator of Cardiac Strain. J.
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Rochmis, Paul; and Blackburn, H.: Exercise Tests: A Survey of Procedures, Safety, and Litigation
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Flight - Apollo 7 to Apollo 11. Aerospace Meal., vol. 44, no. 3, 1973, pp. 235-238.
Exercise Response 275

Taylor, H.L.; Wang, Yang; Rowel, L.; and Blomqvist, G.: The Standardization and Interpretation of
Submaximal and Maximal Tests of Working Capacity. Pediatrics, vol. 32, no. 10, 1963,
pp. 703-722.

Taylor, H.L.; Haskell, W.; Fox, S.M., III; and Blackburn, H.: Exercise Tests: A Summary of
Procedures and Concepts of Stress Testing for Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Function Evaluation.
Measurement in Exercise Electrocardiography. Ernst Simmonson Conference, part 4, H. Black-
burn, ed., Charles C. Thomas (Springfield, Illinois), 1969, pp. 259-305.
Wasserman, Karlman; Van Kcssel, Antonius L.; and Burton, George, G.: Interaction of Physiological
Mechanisms During Exercise. J. Appl. Physiol., vol. 22, no. 1, 1967, pp. 71-85.
Whipp, Brian J.; Seard, Charles; and Wasserman, Karlman: Oxygen Deficit-Oxygen Debt Relationships
and Efficiency of Anaerobic Work. J. Appl. Physiol., vol. 28, no. 4, 1970, pp. 452-456.
N76 lz6sa


Paul C. Rambaut, Sc.D.*

Malcolm C. Smith, Jr., D.V.M.
Harry O. Wheeler, Ph.D.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


The importance of nutrition in the adaptation of man to weightlessness was

recognized long before the first Apollo flight. Nutrition remained a primary concern
despite the fact that early projections of difficulties in swallowing, defecating, and
urinating in weightlessness had proved unfounded. By the conclusion of the Gemini
Program, space life scientists had noted several subtle changes with possible nutritional

Changes in museuloskeletal function appeared to be significant among these findings

(Rambaut et al., 1973; Vogel et al., 1974). Prior to the first manned space flight, it had
been suspected that the musculoskcletal system would be particularly susceptible to
prolonged withdrawal of gravitational stress. Astronauts were subjected to a nullified
gravitational field while they were confined in a vehicle in which mobility and physical
activity were restricted. These conditions singly, or in combination, were expected to
cause deterioration of bones and muscles.

The control studies by DeRrick, Whedon, and Shorr (1948) of the immobilization of
four young, healthy men for as long as seven weeks dearly demonstrated that
immobilization in body casts led to marked increases in urinary calcium. These levels
more than doubled in five week._ and were accompanied by negative calcium balances as
well as by related changes in nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism. In addition, a decrease
in the mass and strength of the muscles of the lower extremities occurred, and
deterioration in circulatory reflexes to gravity resulted within one week.
Other studies with immobilized subjects indicated that the clinical disorders most
likely to be encountered during prolonged space flight are primarily a consequence of an
imbalance between bone formation and resorption. As a result of these conditions, there
is a loss of skeletal mass, which could eventually lead to hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria,
osteoporosis, and possibly nephrolithiasis (Issekutz et al., 1966).

*Now with Bureau of Food, Food and Drug Administration.



278 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Since the most meticulous work has disclosed that the greatest loss of calcium during
bed rest is a result of increased urinary excretion, studies in which only urine calcium was
measured are pertinent. The total evidence indicates that a one to two percent per month
loss of body calcium is a reasonable prediction for persons in a weightless environment
(Hattner & McMillan, 1968).
With the advent of space flight, additional studies have been performed on the effects
of simulated weightlessness on skeletal metabolism. Graybiel and co-workers (1961)
found there was no increase in urinary calcium excretion after one week of almost
continuous water immersion. Negative balances of small magnitude and changes in bone
density of the calcaneus during bed rest are indicated by Vogt and co-workers (1965).
The role of simulated altitude in modifying the metabolic effect of bed rest has been
investigated (Lynch et al., 1967). In a study of 22 healthy men, four weeks of bed rest at
ground-level atmospheric pressure conditions resulted in expected increases in urinary and
fecal calcium and in urinary nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium, and chloride. In similar
metabolic studies performed with another 22 subjects at bed rest at simulated altitudes of
3000 and 3700 meters, urinary calcium losses were significantly less as the altitude
increased (Lynch et al., 1967). Urinary losses of phosphorus, nitrogen, sodium, and
chloride were less at a simulated altitude of 3700 meters than they were during bed rest
studies at ground level. Results of these studies indicate that diminished atmospheric
pressure, or perhaps a decreased partial pressure of oxygen or a change in pH, may have a
preventive effect on mineral loss from the skeleton. Limited data available from inflight
studies tend to support the use of immobilization as a terrestrial model to simulate
alterations in calcium metabolism during space flight. During the 14-day Gemini 7 flight,
loss of calcium occurred in one of the two astronauts, and the changes in phosphorus and
nitrogen balance also indicated a loss of muscle mass (Lutwak et al., 1969; Reid et al.,
As evidenced from bed rest studies lasting from 30 to 36 weeks, mineral losses are
likely to continue unabated during prolonged space flight. In balance studies (Vogel &
Friedman, 1970; Donaldson et al., 1970), calcium losses from the skeleton during bed
rest averaged 0.5 percent of the total body calcium per month. In the same subjects,
tenfold greater rates of localized loss from the central portion of the calcaneus were
detected by gamma-ray-transmission scanning.
Inflight weight losses were experienced throughout Project Mercury, Gemini, and the
Apollo missions. Such weight losses were attributed, in part, to losses in body water.
Since weight was not regained completely in the 24-hour period immediately postflight, it
was probable that tissue had also been lost. What part of these losses was brought about
by insufficient caloric intakes was unknown.
Speculation on the theoretical energy requirements of man during space flight began
before the United States Project Mercury and the Soviet Vostok flights. At one time, it
had seemed logical to assume that activity in a weightless environment would require less
energy than at one g because work associated with counteracting the force of gravity
would be eliminated. However, caloric requirements are affected by numerous variables
including age, physical and mental activity, stress, body size and composition, together
with relative humidity, radiation, pressure, and environmental temperature. During the
Studies 279

Apollomissions, therefore, thequestion of inflightcaloricrequirements wasexplored in

muchgreater depth.
Metabolic changesinaddition tothoseassociated withaninadequate intakeofenergy
werealsoelucidated duringtheGeminiProgram. Thepossibility remained thatspace
flightconditionswouldexertexaggerated demands onthemicronutrients andwouldthus
leadto somemarginal deficiency state.It is believed
thatSovietnutritionists provided
theircrewmen with elevated quantities of water-soluble vitamins,andthattheyhad
observed increaseddestruction of the B vitaminsunderconditions of prolonged low
frequency vibrationof testsubjects. These observationswerenotconfirmed duringthe
GeminiProgram. However, because alterations wereseenin redcellmassandplasma
volume,the vitaminE contentof the dietin thepresence of thehyperoxic Gemini
spacecraft atmospherewasquestioned (Fischer etal.,1969).
Thedevelopment of futurespace foodsystems necessitated
anaccurate knowledge of
inflight humannutritionrequirements. Foodsystems havingminimumweightand
minimum volumearerequired forspace flight(Heidelbaugh etal.,1973). Forthisreason,
theApollofoodsweregenerally dehydrated andformulated tooccupy littlevolume. The
nutritionalconsequence of thesemeasures wasa matterof continuing interestin the

Food Analysis

With very few exceptions, all foods used during the Apollo Program were analyzed for
nitrogen, fat, carbohydrate, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium,
and magnesium content. Some composite Apollo menus were analyzed for water- and
fat-soluble vitamins. It was not always feasible to analyze the same lot of food that was
actually used during the mission, and the variation in analytical values from one lot to
another and from one item to another must be considered when the intake data are


• ,,_...........
"rL m_nu_ u_u J ,y
tile _xpono astronauts were iormulateo Iron fiigh t- qua lift e d
Apollo foods in combinations that complied with the personal preferences of the
crewmen and that met the Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances (NAS, NRC, 1968).
The menus were primarily composed of dehydrated foods that could be reconstituted
before eating. The foods were consumed in a prearranged sequence but could be
supplemented by a variety of additional items that were packaged in an individually
accessible form.

Nutrient Intake Measurements

The quantity of individual nutrients consumed during all Apollo missions is presented
in table 1 as a composite estimate derived from numerous measurements. The crewmen
were provided with pLcl_ackaged meals that were normally consumed in a numbered
sequence. Foods omitted or incompletely consumed were logged. During the Apollo 16
280 Biomedical Results of Apollo

and 17 missions only, these deviations from programmed menus were reported to flight
controllers in real time. Snack items consumed that were not in the programmed

prepackaged menus were also recorded in the flight logs. On all Apollo flights, most food

residue and unopened food packages were returned; the residue was weighed only to

provide more precise information on inflight food consumption and to verify inflight

logging procedures. For the Apollo 16 and 17 missions, nutrient intake information was
obtained for 72 hours before flight and for approximately 48 hours after flight.

Table 1

Average Nutrient Intake During Apollo Missions

Mission Nutrient, gm
Days Protein Fat Carbohydrate Fiber

7 10 84 69 269

8 6 64 40 229

9 10 77 53 257

10 8 51 31 211

11 10 81 64 279

12 10 64 47 264 3.9

13 7 58 49 234

14 8 83 75 286

15 11 112 99 370 7.8

16 11 73 61 272 4.9

17 12 91 86 285 4.8

Average, all
76 61 269 5.4
Apollo missions

For the Apollo 17 mission, a five-day metabolic balance study was performed
approximately two months before the mission by using the flight menus and collecting

urine and fecal wastes. Low residue diets were generally used commencing three days

before each Apollo flight in order to reduce fecal mass and frequency during the first few

days of flight.

Fecal Measurements

Fecal samples were returned from all Apollo flights and analyzed for a variety of
constituents either by nuclear activation analysis or by wet chemistry techniques.

Metabolic Balance

Analysis of blood obtained postflight on early Apollo missions, together with certain

endocrinological and electrocardiographic changes in Apollo 15, made it desirable to

measure urine volume and bring back samples of urine on Apollo 16. During this mission, it

was also possible to continue to return fecal samples and to continue to measure nutrient

intake. Sufficient data were therefore available to conduct a partial metabolic study.
Nutritional Studies 281

For a more detailed metabolic balance study in conjunction with Apollo 17, accurate
measurements of fluid intake and output were performed approximately two months
before the mission. A five-day food compatibility/metabolic study was performed in
which the three Apollo 17 prime and backup crewmembers consumed their flight foods,
and metabolic collections were performed. The study was designed to obtain baseline
data on the excretory levels of electrolytes and nitrogen in response to the Apollo 17
flight menus. The crewmembers consumed the flight menu foods for five complete days.
During the last three days of this test, complete urine and fecal collections were made.
Beginning 64 hours before Apollo 17 lift-off and continuing throughout the mission
until 44 hours following recovery, all food and fluid intake was measured. For the Lunar
Module Pilot, these collections continued until suit donning; for the Commander and the
Command Module Pilot, collection continued until approximately 12 hours before
lift-off. All urine was collected, measured, sampled, and returned for analysis. Urine was
collected before and after flight in ]2-hour pools. Complete stool collections were
All deviations from programmed food intake were logged and reported. All foods
were consumed according to preset menus arranged in four-day cycles. Every food item
used during the flight was derived from a lot of food that had been analyzed for the
constituents to be measured. Inflight water consumption was measured by use of the
Skylab beverage dispenser. During the preflight and postflight periods, conventional meals
were prepared in duplicate for each astronaut. One duplicate of each meal was analyzed
in addition to the residue from the other duplicates to measure intake and output.
Apollo 17 inflight urine samples were collected by means of a biomedical urine
sampling system (BUSS). Each BUSS consisted of a large pooling bag, which could
accommodate as much as four liters of urine collected during a day, and a sampling bag,
which could accommodate as much as 120 cc. The BUSS was charged with 30 mg of
lithium chloride. The lithium chloride concentration in the sample bag was used as a
means of determining total urine volume. Each BUSS also contained boric acid to effect
_,_,,,,zat_on of certain organic constituents.
The inflight urine collection periods began with suit doffing at approximately
00:07:00 ground elapsed time (GET). The collection periods were the times between
scheduled effluent dumps and were approximately 24 hours each. During undocked flight
of the Command Module, urine was collected only from the Command Module Pilot.
During periods in which the crewmen were suited, urine was collected in the urine
collection and transfer assembly and subsequently dumped overboard without sampling.
However, urine collected in the Commander and Command Module Pilot assemblies
during the Command Module extravehicular activities (255:00:00 to 260:00:00 GET)
was also returned. For the Apollo 17 mission, the periods during which urine was not
collected are as follows:

1. Commander and Command Module Pilot - lift-off to suit doffing (00:00:00 to

00:07:00 GET)

2. Command Module Pilot - Lunar Module activation and lunar descent (108:00:00
to 114:30:00 GET)

3. Command Module Pilot - rendezvous (187:00:00 to 195:00:00 GET)

282 Biomedical

4. Commander andLunarModulePilot- LunarModule activation,

lunarsurfaceoperationsandrendezvous (107:00:00to208:00:00 GET)
Urinecollected fromtheCommander andtheCommand ModulePilotfromrendezvous
tothebeginning ofthefirstcollection
to208:00:00 GET)wasalsodumped directlyoverboard.
EachBUSSwasmarked withthenameof thecrewmember andthegroundelapsed
timeof collection.Followingeachcollectionperiod,the urinepoolwasthoroughly
mixedbeforea sample wastaken.Theurinesamples representeda24-hourvoidandwere
subsequentlyanalyzed forelectrolytes,
All fecalsamples collectedfromeachcrewmember for thefollowingperiodswere
returned:beginning 64hoursbeforelift-off,duringthemission, andfor44hoursafter
theflight.Inflightfecalsamples werechemicallypreservedfor storage
in thespacecraft.
BodyVolume Measurements
For the Apollo 16 crewmembers, a measurement of body volume was made by
stereophotogrammetry, using a special computer program, three times before the flight
and three times after the flight (Peterson & Herron, 1971). Body density was calculated
from body volume and weight. Density was used to calculate the percentage of fat by
means of the following formula.

450 = percent fat
body density

Changes in calculated lean body mass and total body fat were converted into caloric
equivalents by means of standard values of 37.6 kJ/gm _ for fat and 16.7 kJ/gm for protein.
Total body water was measured by means of potassium-42 dilution (Johnson et al.,
1974). Lean body mass was calculated as follows.

total body water


body weight - LBM = total body fat


The nutritional composition of the typical Apollo inflight diet is given in table 2. This
diet, which is characteristically high in protein and carbohydrate and low in residue and
fat, was not necessarily consumed by all astronauts in its entirety.

"1 Joule = .239 calorie.

Nutritional Studies 283

Table 2

Nutritional Composition of Typical Apollo Diet

Percent of
Dry Weight

Protein 18
Fat 17
Total carbohydrate 61
Fiber 1.0
Minerals 3.0

A typical Apollo diet was analyzed for vitamins, and results were compared with
Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances (NAS, NRC, 1968). The data indicate the
Apollo diet provided an excess of some vitamins (A, E, C, B12, B6, and riboflavin) and
marginal amounts of others (nicotinate, pantothenate, thiamine, and folic acid).
The average intake of protein, fat, and carbohydrate for the Apollo 7 through 17
crewmen is given in table 3. Fiber intake measurements are given for the Apollo 12, 15,
16, and 17 missions.
The quantity of energy supplied by dehydrated food for the Apollo 15 to 17 missions
is given in table 4. The average energy intake of each Apollo crewmember is given in
table 5. These energy values were calculated from the composition of the food consumed.
Average energy intakes expressed on the basis of body weight are given in table 6. For
comparison, the average energy intake of selected Apollo crewmembers during a mission
and on the ground is given in table 7.
The average intakes of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium for each Apollo
crewman are given in table 8. Diets for the Apollo 16 and 17 missions were fortified with
potassium gluconate. The contribution of supplementary potassium gluconate to the total
in_ke for the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 crewmen is given in table 9.
Inflight fecal samples were analyzed for inorganic constituents using nuclear
activation analyses and wet chemistry techniques. The findings were summarized by
Brodzinsky and co-workers (1971). Inflight fecal samples were also analyzed for total fat,
fatty acids, and conjugated and unconjugated bile acids (tables 10 and 11). Data on fat
absorption in flight (Apollo 16 and 17) are given in table 12.

Apollo 16 Metabolic Study

The input and output of various elements, particularly potassium, were carefully
examined in the Apollo 16 balance study and a detailed assessment of energy metabolism
was made (Johnson et al., 1974). The average daily inflight potassium intake for the
Commander was 113.6 miUiequivalents. During the mission, potassium was lost by the
fecal route at a rate of approximately 6.4mEq/day, whereas approximately
18.8 mEq/day were lost before the flight and 20.5 mEq/day after the flight. During the
mission, absorbed potassium levels were 107.2 mEq, whereas preflight and postflight
levels were 94.8 and 77.6 mEq, respectively. During the extravehicular and lunar surface
periods, the Commander consumed a maximum of 152.4 mEq daily.

284 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 3

Nutrient Intake During Apollo Missions

Mission Nutrient, gm
Duration, Crewman
Number Protein Fat Carbohydrate Fiber

10 CDR 81 259
CMP 96 280
LMP 74 268

CDR 59 231
CMP 80 240
LMP 52 217

10 CDR 86 280
CMP 78 240
LMP 66 252

10 CDR 58 213
CMP 46 213
LMP 49 208

11 10 CDR 79 290
CMP 71 224
LMP 94 322

12 10 CDR 70 263 4.6

CMP 65 249 3.9
LMP 57 280 3.3

13 CDR 59 239
CMP 57 235
LMP 57 228

14 CDR 90 309
CMP 79 230
LMP 81 319

15 11 CDR 126 356 8.2

CMP 109 334 7.9
LMP 100 421 2.2

16 11 CDR 88 319 6.2

CMP 79 295 5.3
LMP 52 2O3 3.1

17 12 CDR 88 248 3.9

CMP 87 293 5.3
LMP 98 314 5.3
Nutritional Studies 285

Table 4

Energy Supplied by Dehydrated Food

(Values in percent of total Joules consumed)

Number LMP

15 57.7 63.9 57.3

16 57.7 59.4 62.4

17 43.0 46.9 44.2

Table 5

Average Energy Intake During Apollo Missions

[Values in kJ/day (kcal/day)]


Mission Number CDR CMP LMP

7 8235 (1970) 8945 (2140) 7524 (1800)

8 6186 (1480) 7064 (1690) 5601 (1340)
9 8026 (1920) 7190 (1 720) 6855 (1640)
10 5643 (1350) 5267 (1260) 5225 (1250)

11 8527 (2040) 6855 (1640) 9530 (2280)

12 7315 (1750) 6981 (1670) 7064 (1690)

13 66O4 (1580) 6437 (1540) 6354 (1520)
14 9656 (2310) 7190 (1720) 9739 (233O)
15 12 134 (2903) 10 456 (2492) 10 751 (2572)

16 10 044 (2403) 6542 (1565) 9890 (2366)

i7 _t341 _ZZ_41 8389 (2007)

The average daily inflight potassium intake for the Lunar Module Pilot was

114.7 mEq, compared with an average daily preflight intake of 110.5 mEq and an average

daily postflight intake of 97.5 mEq. During the preflight, inflight, and postflight phases,

the average daily fecal losses were 33.5, 11.1, and 31.0 mEq, respectively. The absorbed

daily potassium levels for preflight, inflight, and postflight phases were 77.0, 103.6, and

66.5 mEq, respectively. Although these levels were less than the recommended levels of

150 mEq per day, they were adequate for ground-based requirements. A peak level of
148 mEq per day was consumed by the Lunar Module Pilot during lunar" surface
286 Biomedical

Table 6

Apollo Inflight Energy Intake Based on Body Weight

[Values in kJ/kg/day (kcal/kg/day)]

Mission Number CDR CMP LMP

7 93.7 (22.4) 128.8 (30.8) 106.7 (25.5)

8 80.8 (19.3) 92.0 (22.0) 84.5 (20.2)

9 109.9 (26.3) 97.0 (23.2) 92.5 (22.1)

10 71.1 (17.0) 68.7 (16.4) 66.1 (15.8)

11 108.7 (26.0) 90.8 (21.7) 122.2 (29.2)

12 109.9 (26.3) 99.1 (23.7) 101.1 (24.2)

13 84.1 (20.1) 71.9 (17.2) 89.8 (21.5)

14 123.4 (29.5) 95.8 (22.9) 117.2 (28.0)

15 149.7 (35.8) 141.8 (33.9) 145.2 (34.7)

16 125.5 (30.0) 104.6 (25.0) 135.4 (32.4)

17 93.7 (22.4) 123.8 (29.6) 110.5 (26.4)

Table 7

Comparison of Apollo Inflight and

Ground-Based Average Energy Intake
[Values in kJ/kg (kcal/kg)l

Crewman Ground-Based Intake * Inflight Intake **

9 LMP 151.4 (36.2) 92.5 (22.1)

12 CDR 157.3 (37.6) 109.9 (26.3)

LMP 147.3 (35.2) 101.3 (24.2)

16 CDR 184.1 (44.0) 125.4 (30.0)

CMP 150.9 (36.1) 104.5 (25.0)

LMP 176.8 (42.3) 135.6 (32.4)

17 CDR 129.6 (31.0) 93.7 (22.4)

CMP 163.9 (39.2) 123.8 (29.6)

LMP 130,8 (31.3) 110.5 (26.4)

* Mean value is 154.7 + 18.4 kJ/kg (37.0 +- 4.4 kcal/kg)

**Mean value is 110.8 -+ 13.8 kJ/kg (26.5 +- 3.3 kcal/kg)

For the Command Module Pilot, average daily preflight, inflight, and postflight
dietary potassium intakes were 94.3, 79.9, and 82.4 mEq, respectively. Fecal samples for
the same periods indicated that potassium levels were 27.6, 6.3, and 26.2 mEq,
respectively. Available daily preflight, inflight, and postflight potassium levels were,
therefore, 66.7, 73.6, and 56.2 mEq, respectively.
Nutritional Studies 287

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ _






•-_ _za__o_

r- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0


8 0

__o _o


288 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 9

Potassium Intake

(Values in milliequivalents)

Apollo Total Potassium Supplementary Potassium

Mission Number Intake as K-gluconate

15 CDR 91.1 0
CMP 69.7 0
LMP 74.9 0

16 CDR 114.2 23
CMP 81.8 26
LMP 106.9 26

17 CDR 77.2 10
CMP 88.5 18
LMP 98.1 19

Input and output data on sodium, chloride, and calcium levels for the Apollo 16
crewmembers are summarized in table 13.

In the analysis of the balance study performed for the Apollo 17 mission, inflight
metabolic data were compared with those obtained during the five-day control study
conducted approximately two months prior to flight. Rigorous intake and output
measurements were accomplished immediately before the flight and after the flight to
detect gross changes; however, the duration of these periods was not sufficient to
establish reliable metabolic baselines.

For the Apollo 17 Command Module Pilot, water consumption from all sources was
considerably lower during the flight than during the control balance study (table 14).
Inflight urine outputs were also proportionately lower for all three crewmembers than
those established during the control study. When the conditions of temperature and
humidity that prevailed during the flight are considered, it is estimated that in insensible
water loss of 900 to 1200 cc/day occurred. This loss was equivalent to the preflight loss.
Total body water measurements also did not support the tendency toward negative water
balance (see Section III, Chapter 2, Clinical Biochemistry).
Based on numbers adjusted for equilibrium during the control phase and insensible
losses, all three crewmembers were in negative calcium balance during the inflight period
(table 14). The negative balance was particularly pronounced for the Command Module
Pilot. For two of the crewmembers, the negative calcium balance persisted after the
flight. All crewmembers had exhibited a pronounced positive balance during the five-day
control period study possibly because the flight diets contained a higher calcium level
than did the customary daily intake of these crewmembers (table 14). As can be expected
from the negative calcium balance, phosphorus balance was generally negative during the
All three crewmembers demonstrated a sustained negative nitrogen balance during the
flight (table 14). Occasional negative nitrogen balances of small magnitude were also
detected before the flight. Diminished nitrogen retention is supportive evidence for the
Nutritional Studies 289

•_I ,_,

290 Biomedical Results of Apollo

_ o

+1 +l +t
O ¢'4 O
Pc Pc


F, O
CO +l tg_
¢0 I I I I t.t) +1
O O t.O PC
0q. 00

.m ..
CO +1 +1 +1 +_ +1 +h +l

o m m q m 00.
_6 r-- c,i c,i c_ _: m
I_ O P', I.O t.O O
• CNI •

4-1 U
........ o o .... o


+1 +1 +1 +1 +t +1 +1 +1

P9 t.O t%l Pc O_ Pc _ Pc

Pc _ ,_ oo _ d m

CO 0 qD LO CO tO 0
Pc i_. LO Pc O_ 0
o6 r_
+1 +1 +_ +l +1 +1 +1
r_ _)
0 i_. d
Pc Fo F_ Pc

0'_ 0'_ Pc
O_ 0')
,¢/ +1 +1 +1
+1 +1
0 CO

CO _0

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
o 0
0 0

d v-

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 o
o_o 0 0 '_"
Nutritional Studies 291

general musculoskeletal deterioration noted on previous flights and during ground-based

hypokinetic simulations of flight-type conditions.

Table 12

Analysis of Fat Absorbed

1 Sample Number
Measurement ]2 3] 41516

Apollo 16 mission

Food, gm/day 135 73 [ 100 50 98 60


Feces, gm/day 10.28 2.33 7.84 4.99 I 7.61 ] 1.21

Fat absorbed, percent 92 97 92 90 92 98
Apollo 17 mission

Food, gm/day 114 68 ] 87 [ 104 73 87

Feces, gm/day percent

Fat absorbed, 6.03
95 .86
99 t 1.63
98 [ 2.10
98 1.87
97 1.83

Sodium intakes during the flight were all less than 250 mEq/day. Intake and output
measurements for sodium indicated positive balances for this element, during the flight for
all three crewmembers (table 14). However, sodium output in sweat was not measured
and this route of excretion could have accounted for all the apparent "positive balance"
and even have resulted in a slight negative balance for sodium. Sodium balance was
positive during the flight for all three crewmembers (table 15) if insensible losses are

........ t' ....... with prcvious rccommendations based on obser;ed inf!ight p_-;"m
deficits, inflight potassium intakes were maintained above normal ground-based intakes
(73 to 97 mEq/day) (table 15). Potassium retention during the flight was significantly less
than that established during the control study. A summary of overall metabolic ljalance
for Apollo 17 crewmembers with all numbers adjusted to reflect equilibrium during the
control period is presented in table 15.

Anthropometric Measurements

A summary of body weight changes based on the mean of the weights on 30, 15, and
5 days before lift-off compared to those obtained immediately after recovery is presented
in table 16. The weight changes during the 24-hour period immediately following
recovery are also given.

Body volume was measured before and after the Apollo 16 mission by
stereophotogrammetry. An analysis of densitometric data is presented in table 17.
292 Biomedical Result_ of Apollo

A 0
o- •-:. m. _ m. ,-:. _. m q m. m. tq. _
0 _ _

to w
z E

0- E

o E _N2g_N_Ng_ IN _ N _o N
._, __ _ 0 _ _ _ _


_ _ ..... _ .... q_
_ U- v

_'Z E

< A
_ E
e- LL o)

_ A

0 _

*" E

E ._ .E .=- '- " '- _ .a F-. .E .E E

_ "7 + _ + + + + + + +
it LI_ LL I.I- LL U..,. LL LI- LL U. _ LL LL
Nutritional Studies 293

_'_N'o_ I

I§ _8__ ,_

_ _g_NgNNN _N N

= ¢z E
0 0_0_ _ _

v O
_0_0 0


o _m__ _

c c .5 a c .5 .5 ._c

0 0 ¢-I
÷ + ; + ¢_ ¢_ 7" + _ + + +
u. rr CC ,,' ,,' ,, u. ,, - - ,,
294 Biomedical Results of Apollo

OO 0_

t.O 0 qD t.O t'o _ '_" 0

tl. _ i _ I _ I _q_'_ t ___'*_'_'


.=. "_ A 0 m

O _ _ _ _0_0 0



= 17_I

0 0 '_"
e- _E _NMM

A O0 c0 ¢o r,. t0 q_

E E E _ C _ E E E E

- -_ B-_ _ _a __ B_ __ _
i- ,, i-,, i- u. i- u- i- u- i- u- i- u. i- U.l--u-

Nutritional Studies 295




"_ I =

O _
O m

= E



._= ..= • ," t: ,-" ,-

" I- I'- I- u- I- I-

,';', + _" + + 4- + "4- + 4- 4- 4- t-

r_r_ 1.1. IJ. 1,,I. tt IJ. IJ_ tt I,_ tt tt tt tt

296 Biomedical Results of Apollo



© A
=O A


_.._ -_

_ "_ E _E
_" E u._
_ 0

N _Sn

I- ,, _- u. _- u.

_ +

r_ rr rr rr
Nutritional Studies 297

Table 14
Balance of Water, Calcium, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, and Sodium
During the Apollo 17 Mission

Control Measurement Inflight Measurement






Feces, ml



cc/kg body weight





I 1120






Intake, mg 673 811 1622 1675 1704 I 643

Urine, mg 98 204 I 118 I 117 I 182 I 89
Feces, mg 257 247 269 1 540 I 721 I 591
Calcium absorbed, mg 318
360 235 18 --199 -- 37

Intake, mg 1603 11883 1544 I 1430 I 1646 1438

Urine, mg 1139 I 1056 1087 I 1267 I 1561 1253
i I I

Feces, mg 592 510

239 227 281 280 1
Phosphorus, absorbed, mg --507 --325
225 600 176 --117

Intake, N/day/gm I 17.6 I 17.9 I 15.9 I 1321 !6.5 I !3.7

Ur,neN Oa I.o
Nitrogen m
Feces, N/day/gm
absorbed, N/day/gm
2.4 -
2.3 I --
3.9 I --
1.8 I 1oo --


Intake, rnEq 216 209 185 168 I 205 163

Urine, mEq
149 139 I 192 143 164 135
Feces, mEq
2 5 3 17 26 7
Sodium absorbed, mEq
65 65 -10 8 15 21

Intake, mEq 99 117 95 73 81 97

Urine, mEq 75 81 82 76 75 89
Feces, mEq 4 7 5 12 13 16
Potassium absorbed, mEq 20 29 8 -- 15 - 7 - 8
298 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 15

Twelve-Day Totals for Apollo 17 Metabolic Balance


Water, ml 1224 -- 324 2952

Sodium, mEq -- 684 -- 600 + 372

Potassium, mEq -- 420 -- 444 -- 180
Calcium, mg --3600 --11 028 --3264
Phosphorus, mg --4104 --13 284 --6012
Nitrogen, gm -- 60 -- 101 -- 13
Protein (N x 6.25), gm -- 375 -- 631 -- 75
Mass, kg * -- 4.56 -- 2.68 -- 3.06
Mass, kg** .25 -- 1.50 -- 2.50

* Measurement made on day of recovery.

** Measurement made 24 hours after recovery.


Most of the Apollo crewmembers did not eat all the food available. Among the
reasons for reduced appetite were decreased hunger, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen,
nausea (Berry & Homick, 1973), and preoccupation with the critical mission tasks.
Dislike of the food and inadequate rest during the mission were minor problems (Berry,
1970). The evidence suggests that either weightlessness or some other aspect of the
mission environment caused the crewmen to restrict their food intake below quantities
available and below quantities necessary to maintain body weight.

A reasonable estimate of the energy requirement during a flight can be obtained by

correlating careful measurements of food intake with losses or gains in body tissue. The
data reveal a mean energy intake of 7854 + 1735 kJ/day for astronauts during the Apollo
missions. If this intake is compared to the NAS, NRC Recommended Daily Dietary
Allowance of about 12 000 kJ/day, it is apparent that an average energy deficit was
incurred by each Apollo astronaut.

To quantitate the metabolic energy demands throughout the mission and to help
define body composition changes, efforts were made during the Apollo 16 mission to
control nutrient intake at a constant level throughout the preflight, inflight, and
postflight periods. It was believed that stabilizing dietary intake would afford maximum
opportunity for detecting body composition changes caused by adaptation to

The mean loss in body weight between the day of the preflight total body water
determination and the day of recovery was 3.9 kg. Measurements of total body water loss
by tritiated water dilution indicated a mean decrease of 1.77 liters.
Nutritional Studies 299

Table 16

Total Weight Changes During and Following the Apollo Missions

(Values in kilograms)


Mission Command Module [ Lunar Module

Number Commander Pilot I Pilot

Weight losses during mission

7 --2.29 -2.86 -2.86

8 --3.77 -2.41 -3.77
9 --3.41 --3.77 -4.90
10 --3.04 --4.45 -5.49
11 --4.09 -3.50 -2.86
12 -- .82 -3.54 -6.36
13 --4.54 --5.04 -3.04
14 --1.73 -5.90 -3.00
15 --2.18 --1.54 -3.59
16 --4.81 --4.04 -2.63
17 --4.56 -2.68 -3.06

Weight gains during first 24 hours following each mission

7 .75 3.50 4.00

8 2.75 .75 .50
9 2.75 8.50 4.25
10 2.25 1.75 1.50
11 6.00 4.00
12 2.00 4.00 3.00
14 1.00 7,00 1.00
16 2.50 3.00 2.50
17 .25 --1.50 -2.50

Total 17

Apollo 16
Densitometric Data Uncorrected for Lung Volume


Preflight Weight (kg) 78.822 62.514 72.480

Volume (I) 75.499 62.136 73.199

Density (kg/I) 1.044 1.006 .990

Postflight Weight (kg) 75,425 59.343 70.442

Volume (I) 74.859 57,854 71.399

Density (kg/I) 1.008 1.026 .987

300 Biomedical Results of Apollo

When body water loss was converted into lean body mass lost, it was determined that
the three crewmembers lost fat in addition to lean body mass because the lean body mass
loss does not equal the recorded weight loss. The daily caloric expenditure of the
Apollo 16 crewmen can be calculated from the known caloric value of metabolized fat
(37.6 kJ/gm and of lean body mass(16.7 kJ/gm). For the three crewmembers, the mean
daily caloric expenditure was 17 347 kJ.
Changes in total body potassium measured both by radioactive (potassium 42)
dilution and by balance techniques did not reveal a significant loss of lean body mass, an
indication that a fat and fluid loss occurred rather than a lean body mass loss. If only
body fat were lost, the energy requirement for the three Apollo 16 crewmen would be
21 556, 12 043, and 14 291 kJ/day, with a mean of 15 963 kJ (Johnson et al., 1970).
In an alternate method of summarizing the data, each crewman's body mass loss was
calculated from the differences between his mean body weight obtained 30, 15, and
5 days before flight and his weight immediately after flight.
Total body water lost was defined as the mass regained by each astronaut during the
24-hour period following recovery. In this instance, it was assumed that the mean weight
loss that was not due to either water or protein loss was due to loss of fat. By this
method, a larger loss in body fat was calculated to have occurred in all crewmembers.
Because of difficulties in controlling the respiratory cycle during body volume
measurement (Peterson & Herron, 1971), the calculated changes in body composition
included the effect of respiration as a random variable; thus, the data have too large a
variance for calculation of individual changes in body fat.
During the Apollo 17 mission, a complete collection of urine and feces samples was
added to a record of dietary intake so that metabolic balance measurements could be
made. By using the results of this study, the energy balance of each crewmember during
the Apollo 17 mission was estimated. Each crewmember decreased his intramission
energy intake. During the mission, this intake decreased from a mean of 141.3 kJ/kg
body weight to 109.1 kJ/kg and represented a 23 percent decrease in the caloric intake of
the crewmen. This decrease would result in a net mean deficit in caloric intake of
30 129 kJ throughout the mission (Johnson et al., 1974).
The mean weight loss of the Apollo 17 crewmen was 3.3 kg. Nitrogen balance data
reveal a loss of approximately 1 kg of protein, and the" remaining loss can be attributed
to fat. A mean caloric deficit of approximately 104 500 kJ is, therefore, assumed to have
occurred (Johnson et al., 1974; Leach et al., 1974).
Body tissue losses were first calculated for each astronaut by averaging successive
body weights obtained before the mission and subtracting the body weights measured
24 hours after recovery (Rambaut et al., 1973). It had been assumed that any decrease in
body mass between the preflight weight and the weight recorded 24 hours after recovery
represented water lost. An average of 1.5 kg weight was not regained during this 24-hour
period. If this loss was composed entirely of fat, it would represent an additional inflight
expenditure of approximately 5643 kJ/day. Commencing with Apollo 16, food and fluid
intake, urinary and fecal output, and total' body water were measured for each crewman
before, during, and after the flight. From these measurements were derived estimates of
protein loss, lean body mass, and total body fat. Body volume was estimated by
Nutritional Studies 301

stereophotogrammetry, and body density was calculated. From all these data, it became
apparent that crewmembers had lost fat in addition to losing lean body mass.
Losses of musculoskeletal constituents (Rambaut et al., 1973; Vogel et al., 1974) and
a variety of fluid and electrolyte anomalies have been detected by biochemical
investigations associated with the Gemini, Apollo, Voskhod, and Soyuz flights. The
electrolyte anomalies were particularly pronounced during the Apollo 15 mission and
may have been associated with inflight cardiac arrhythmias and postflight changes in
exercise performance and cardiovascular responses.
Certain therapeutic measures including the elevation of dietary potassium intake were
partly responsible for the lack of significant metabolic disturbances following the
Apollo 16 mission. Similar elevations in dietary potassium were effected for the
Apollo 17 crewmembers.
The negative nitrogen and potassium balances that were observed during the
Apollo 17 mission are indicative of a loss in the body mass.


Apollo nutrient intakes have been characteristically hypocaloric. Estimates of body

composition changes from metabolic balance data, from preflight and postflight weights
and volumes, and from total body water and potassium provide no evidence for
diminished caloric requirements during a flight.
As observed during the Gemini Program and during periods of bed rest, measurements
of bone density and metabolic balance confirm a tendency toward loss of skeletal tissue
in weightlessness.
No evidence exists that any inflight metabolic anomaly, including hypokalemia, was
induced by marginal or deficient nutrient intakes. In general, the Apollo crewmen were
well nourished and exhibited normal gastroenterological functions, although appetite was
somewhat diminished and the organoleptic response to food was somewhat modified

Ututt tt t_ t _t_ttL.


D_. _ A . _ ........ ¢ _A_A;_a! Irvp_,-i_nrp in the Apnlln 7 ThroH_h 11 Manned Space Flights.
Aerospace Med., vol. 41, 1970, pp. 500-519.
Berry, C.A., and Homick, G.L.: Findings of American Astronauts Bearing on the Issue of Artificial
Gravity for Future Manned Space Vehicles. Aerospace Med., vol. 44, 1973, pp. 163-168.
Brodzinsky, R.L., Rancitelli, L.A.; Huller, W.A.; and Dewey, L.S.: Calcium, Potassium and Iron Loss
by Apollo 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 Astronauts. Aerospace Med., vol. 42, 1971, pp. 621-626.
Dietrick, J.E., Whcdon, G.D.; and Shorr, E.: Effects of Immobilization Upon Various Metabolic and
Physiologic Functions of Normal Man. Am. J. of Med., vol. 4, no. 3, 1948.
Donaldson, C.L.; Hulley, S.D.; Vogel, J.M.; Hattner, R.S.; Bayers, J.H., and McMillan, D.E.: Effect of
Prolonged Bed Rest on Bone Mineral. Metabolism, vol. 19, 1970, pp. 1071-1084.
Fischer, C.L.; Johnson, P.C.; and Berry, C.A.: Red Blood Cell Mass and Plasma Volume Changes in
Manned Space Flight. JAMA vol. 200, 1969, pp. 579-583.
Grayhiel, A; and Clark, B.: Symptoms Resulting from Prolonged Immersion in Water: The Problem of
Zero G Asthemia. Aerospace Med., vol. 32, 1961, pp. 181-196.
302 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Hattner, R.S.; and McMillan, D.E.: The Influence of Weightlessness Upon the Skeleton. Aerospace
Med., vol. 39, 1968, pp. 849-855.
Heidelbaugh, N.D.; Smith, M.C.; and Rambaut, P.C.: Food Safety in NASA Nutrition Programs.
J. Am. Vet. Med. Assn., vol. 163, 1973, pp. 1065-1070.
Issekutz, B.; Blizzard, J.; and Birkhead, N.C.: Effect of Prolonged Bedrest on Urinary Calcium Output.
J. Appl. Physiol., vol. 21, 1966, p. 1013.
Johnson, P.C.; Leach, C.S.; and Rambant, P.C.: Estimates of Fluid and Energy Balances of Apollo 17.
J. of Aerospace Med., vol. 44, 1970, pp. 1227-1230.
Johnson, P.C.; Rambaut, P.C.; and Leach, C.S.: Apollo 16 Bioenergetie Considerations. Nutrition and
Metabolism, vol. 16, 1974, pp. 119-126.
Leach, C.S.; Rambaut, P.C.; and Johnson, P.C.: Adrenal Cortical Responses of the Apollo 17
Crewmembers. Aerospace Med., vol. 45, 1974, pp. 529-534.
Lutwak, L.; Whedon, G.D.; LaChanee, P.A.; Reid, J.M.; and Lipscomb, H.S.: Mineral, Electrolyte, and
Nitrogen Balance Studies of the Gemini VII 14-Day Orbital Space Flight. J. Clin. Endoerinol. and
Metabolism, vol. 29, 1969, pp. 1140-1156.
Lynch, T.N.; Jensen, R.L.; Stevens, P.M.; Johnson, R.L.; and Lamb, L.E.: Metabolic Effects of
Prolonged Bed Rest: Their Modification by Simulated Altitude. Aerospace Med., vol. 38, 1967,
pp. 10-20.
NAS, NRC: Recommended Dietary Allowances. Seventh revised ed. National Academy of Sciences,
National Research Council, Food and Nutrition Board, Publication 1964 (Washington, D.C.),
Peterson, C.R.; and Herron, R.E.: Stereophotogrammetry Applied to Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation. Sou. Med. J., vol. 64, 1971, pp. 281-284.

Rambaut, P.C.; Heidelbaugh, N.D.; and Smith, M.C.: Calcium and Phosphorus Mobilization in Man
During Weightless Flight Activities. Report 25 (Research and Development Associates for Military
Food and Packaging Systems, Inc.), 1973, pp. 1-7.
Rambaut, P.C.; Heideibaugh, N.D.; Reid, J.M.; and Smith, M.C.: Caloric Balance During Simulated and
Actual Space Flight. Aerospace Med., vol. 44, 1973, pp. 1264-1269.
Reid, J.M.; Lutwak, L.; and Whedon, G.D.: Dietary Control in the Metabolic Studies of the
Gemini VII Space Flight. J. Am. Dietet., A., vol. 53, 1968, pp. 342-347.
Vogel, J.M.; and Friedman, R.J.: Mineral Content Changes in the Os Calcis, Ulna, and Radius Induced
by Prolonged Bedrest. In: Bone Mineral Conference, CONF-700515, USAEC (Chicago),
May 22-23, 1970, pp. 408-423.
Vogel, J.M.; Rambaut, P.C.; and Smith, M.C.: Bone Mineral Measurements from Apollo
Experiment M-078. NASA TMX-58110, Jan. 1974.
Vogt, F.B.; Mack, P.B.; Beasley, W.G.; Spencer, W.A.; Cardus, D.; and Valbonna, C.: The Effect of
Bedrest on Various Parameters of Physiological Function. NASA CR-182, 1965.
' N76 12682


Paul C. Rambaut, Sc.D.*
Malcolm C. Smith, Jr., D.V.M.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

Pauline Beery Mack, Ph.D t

Texas Womens' University

Denton, Texas

John M. Vogel, M.D.

U.S. Public Health Service Hospital

San Francisco, California


Derangements of bone mineral metabolism can be considered to be one of the major

threats to the health of crewmen on prolonged missions.
The integrity of bone and the maintenance of a skeleton capable of resisting the
stresses of everyday life are functions of several factors (Hattner & McMillan, 1968):

1. The pulling forces that are exerted on bone by its attached muscles.

2. The forces that are exerted along the longitudinal axis of the skeletal system by

3. The piezoelectric forces.

4. The hydrostatic forces that permit the proper flow of blood with its nutrient
materials to, and the waste products from, the bone.

This complex set of stimuli is balanced to provide a bone structure capable, by its
chemical composition as well as by its architectural deployment of these materials, of
supporting the organism and resisting the forces against which the organism must
function. Bone is a living organ that is continuously remodeling itself. When mechanical
forces applied to the skeleton during normal activity in a one-g environment are removed,
bone mineral is lost because bone resorption is allowed to outstrip bone formation. This
factor represents a danger not only because of the risk of fracture in demineralized bones,
but also because the associated increased urinary calcium excretion might lead to the
formation of kidney stones.

*Now with Bureau of Foods, Food and Drug Administration.


304 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Early radiographic densitometric studies in Gemini by Mack and co-workers (1967)

revealed significant bone mineral losses in the os calcis, radius, and phalanges of crewmen
who were exposed to varying short periods of weightlessness. Because the degree of loss
appeared excessive for such short periods of weightlessness, further evaluation of the data
led to a lower estimate of loss (Vose, 1974).
It is necessary, however, to view the Gemini and early Apollo results with an apprecia-
tion of the problems inherent in the measurement techniques used in Gemini 4, 5, and 7,
and Apollo 7 and 8. X-ray densitometry- with its attendant problems of a poly-
chromatic energy beam, film characteristic changes, film development variables, and ulti-
mate translation of film density to digital analysis - has many sources of error. Many of
the problems associated with the radiographic technique are amplified when measure-
ments arc to be made at a variety of locations with wide differences in temperature,
humidity, power sources, and equipment, as was the case with the earlier studies.
A photon absorptiometric technique (Witt et al., 1970; Vogel & Anderson, 1972) that
does not suffer from these problems was investigated by applying it to a series of bed rest
studies (Donaldson et al., 1970; Hulley et al., 1971; Hantman et al., 1973). The results
showed the technique to be suitable for the measurement of later Apollo crews
(Rambaut et al., 1972). Apollo 14 was to include postflight quarantine, and neither the
X-ray densitometric nor photon absorptiometric techniques had previously been adapted
to these conditions. Because the crew was to be isolated preflight and quarantined post-
flight, a device had to be designed that was compact, required minimal storage area, was
adaptable to measuring mineral in representative upper and lower extremity bones, and
was sufficiently portable for use preflight at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center and the
John F. Kennedy Space Center, and postflight in the Mobile Quarantine Facility aboard
the recovery carrier and in the quarantine area of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL)
at JSC. Because no changes were seen, the procedure was not applied to Apollo 17
Methods and Materials

The rectilinear bone mineral scanner designed and built for the Apollo missions was
compact, easily disassembled, and had the capacity for operation in two configurations:
heel scanning (figure 1) and arm scanning (figure 2). The unit consisted of a scanning
yoke, an apparatus for moving the yoke, and devices for positioning the limb to be
The scanning yoke held a collimated source and collimated detector 13 cm apart with
the apertures aligned in direct opposition. The source contained 1480 x 1010 disintegra-
tions/second (400-millicurie) iodine-125 and was shielded, except for a 3 mm-diameter
collimator output hole. The detector was a sodium iodide scintillator mounted in a
housing collimated to 3 mm. The limb to be scanned was placed between the source and
detector. The yoke was attached to a movable ram by means of a special mounting stud
that allowed for two different mounting configurations [figures l(a) and 2(a)].
Rectilinear scanning was accomplished by moving the yoke sequentially in two
directions. First, a traverse of the ram into and out of its housing constituted a row
during which data were collected (X-axis). Second, a movement by the Y-axis unit at the
completion of each row constituted an increment during which no data were collected.
Skeletal Response 305

The beam of radiation was oriented parallel to the Z-axis. The conversion of the scanner
from one configuration to the other required a 90 ° rotation of the frame with respect to
the base and a 90 ° rotation of the yoke with respect to its mounting stud.


jt x

(a) Diagram of heel scanner

(b) Diagram showing heel mounted

and ready for scanning

Figure 1. Heel scanner.

306 Biomedical

(a) Diagram of arm scanner

Arm_ .

(b) Diagram showing arm mounted

and ready for scanning

Figure 2. Arm seanner.

A row of data collected during the X-axis traverse contained 256 points, each point
representing an interval of 0.397 mm for a total row width of 10.16 cm. After the
completion of each row, the ram and yoke were moved by 3.0 mm increments along the
Y-axis. (This length is standard for Y-axis increments.) A full scan was completed when
16 rows of data or 4096 data points had been collected.

The devices that held the limbs stable and in position for scanning consisted of two
interchangeable tables on a common base that slid on the scanner legs for positioning.
The base was locked into position by locking thumbscrews.
Skeletal Response 307

All scans were made of the left os calcis, with the heel resting in a foot mold mounted
in a plastic box on a table [figure l(b)]. The plastic foot mold was fashionedfroman
impression of each subject's foot made before the study. The box was filled with water to
provide a constant tissue-equivalent path length. The scan was started at a point
determined from an initial radiograph to include the entire central os calcis in 16 parallel
rows, each spaced 3 mm apart (figure 3).

Figure 3. Schematic representation of os calcis scan rows.

...... s arm
r_...;._ scanning, ,,,_ arm 1ay ,,,.,,,,_v,,t,_,,y
.L. k^.;-_--_-.ll .........between two -10_a_,_
'--_:- Vel'tl_itl-'_ I upngnts
' ! .

on the arm table top [figure 2(b)]. Pegs in a movable handrest positioned and held the arm
with the ulnar styloid opposite a reference point in the upright. To maintain a constant
tissue-equivalent path length, the arm was surrounded by Superstuff (Oil Center
Research, Lafayette, Louisiana) and covered with a thin sheet of plastic. Sixteen rows
were scanned at 3-mm intervals beginning 2 cm proximal to the level of the ulnar styloid.

Bone scans using the photon absorptiometry technique were made for the crews of
Apollo 14, 15, and 16 approximately one month, two weeks, and one week before flight.
Four postflight measurements were made for each crew. No bone studies were performed
on the crews of Apollo 9 through 13. During the postflight period of Apollo 14, because
of the space restrictions in the Mobile Quarantine Facility and the isolation restrictions of
the Lunar Receiving Laboratory, only a single scanner could be deployed in each of these
areas. For this reason, arm and heel scans were performed separately using the same
308 Biomedical Results of Apollo

scanner in each of the two configurations. The scanner sctup was performed by the Flight
Surgeon. The data acquisition electronics were located outside of the quarantine area
with passthrough cable connectors installed previously in the bulkhead of the Mobile
Quarantine Facility and the wall of the crewmen's communication and visiting area of the
Lunar Receiving Laboratory. On the two subsequent missions, arm and heel studies were
performed simultaneously both preflight and postflight, because quarantine was no longer


In general, no mineral losses were observed in the os calcis, radius, and ulna during the
lO-day Apollo 14 flight (tables 1, 2, and 3). The Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) had a change
of mineral in the central os calcis of +3.5 percent when immediate preflight and postflight
measures were compared, in contrast to the -0.7 percent for the Commander (CDR), and
+ 1.5 percent for the Command Module Pilot (CMP). The preflight measurements varied
from +0.8 to -1.1 percent of mean baseline for all three crewmembers. In contrast, there
was a greater variation in the three controls of +1.8 to -2.8 percent. Postflight
measurements for control subjects 1, 2, and 3 were +2.9, -3.1, and -1.0 percent of mean

Table 1

Apollo 14 Left Os Calcis Mineral Content Change

(Percent change from mean baseline*)

Time Crewmen Control Subjects

(Days) CDR LMP CMP 1 2 3

F - 26 +0.7 +0.2 +0.2 -1.8 + 0.6 + 1.0

F -15 --1.1 -- ,3 + .8 +1.5 --1.5 --2.8

F-6 + .3 + .2 + 1.0 + .3 + .9 + 1.8

R--8 -- .5 + .9

R--2 .0

R + 10"* -- .4 +3.7 + .5

R + 30** +3.3

R+ 6 --2.6 +5.9 + .2 +2.9

R+16 -1.0 +4.8 + 1.2 .0

R +18 --3.1 --1.0

*Based on hydroxyapatite equivalency in mg/cm2: mean value for nine rows scanned.

The radius measurements postflight ranged within the values obtained preflight
(table 2). When immediate preflight values were compared to postflight values, there were
-0.7, +2.2, and -0.3 percent changes for the CDR, LMP, and CMP, respectively.
The ulna mineral content was somewhat more variable, but postflight values were
essentially within the preflight range (table 3). When immediate preflight and postflight
Skeletal Response 309

values were compared, there were -3.6, -2.9, and -5.2 percent changes for the CDR, LMP,

and CMP. These changes appear to be large; however, there was a +2.5 to 3.0 percent

variation preflight for the CDR and LMP and a -7.2 to +5.7 percent variation for the
CMP. This latter variation appears to be instrumental rather than real.

Table 2

Apollo 14 Right Radius Mineral Content Change

(Percent change from mean baseline*)

Time Crewmen Control Subjects

(Days) CDR LMP CMP** 1 2 3

F - 26 -0.7 --3.5 -5.3(----) -1.6 -1.5 -3.9

F--15 + .1 +4.1 +3.5(+ .8) + .3 + .1 +1.1
F--6 + .6 -- .7 +1.8(- .8) +1.3 +1.0 +2.8
R--6 -- .6 + .5
R+I -- ,1 +1.5 +1.5(-1.1)
R+6 -- ,4 +1.4 +3.5(+ .9) +2.3
R+16 + .3 +3.4 +3.3(+ .7) + 1.8
R+18 +2.2 +4.7

*Based on corrected computer unit values.

**Percent values in parenthesis based on only 2 baseline values; the first being omitted.

Table 3
Apollo 14 Right Ulna Mineral Content Change
(Percent change from mean baseline*)

Time Crewmen Control Subjects

(Days) CDR LMP CMP** 1 2 3

F - 26 -2.1 -0.1 -7.2(--) -1.5 -1.5 -0.1

F-15 + .1 -2.5 +1.5(-2.0) + 1.8 -- .9 +1.1
F-6 +2.0 +2.6 +5.7(+2.0) -- .3 +2.3 -- .9

R-6 -1.0 +3.4

R+I -1.6 -- .3

R+6 +3.0 --2.7 + .3(-3.2) +1.1

R+16 -- ,3 0 - .5(-3.8) -2.0
R+18 ,5 -2.0

*Based on corrected computer unit values.

**Percent values in parenthesis based on only two baseline values; the first being omitted.
***No match in ulna width. Data not valid.
310 Biomedical Resulls of Apollo

A significant increase in fat was observed on the plantar side of the os calcis. Changes
were seen in all crewmen immediately postflight. The most significant change was in the
CMP's measurement at ten hours after recovery (R+ 10). There was a 34 percent increase
in fat equivalence when compared to the immediate preflight measurement. This increase
would have resulted in a 4.3 percent overestimation of bone mineral if the soft tissue
contribution had not been measured. In contrast, the CDR had an 8.4 percent increase
and the LMP an 8.1 percent increase with a potential 2.2 to 2.5 percent overestimation in
As with the Apollo 14 crew, no mineral losses were observed during the ll-day
Apollo 16 flight. The left os calcis mineral values immediately postflight were +1.2, +0.4,
and +0.4 percent of mean baseline for the CDR, CMP, and LMP, respectively (table 4).
The four controls measured on the day before recovery were -0.6, +1.5, +2.5, and
-0.3 percent of mean baseline. Therefore, no changes can be attributed to the flight.

Table 4

Apollo 16 Left Os Calcis Mineral Content Change

(Percent change from mean baseline)

Crewmen Control Subjects


F - 30 --0.4 --( + 1.0 --0.1 + 2.3 --0.8 + 1.9

F--15 -- .1 + -.9 + 1.4 --.5 +1.7 -1.2

F--5 + .5 -- .2 --1.3 --1.8 --1.0 -- .7

R--2 + .4 -- .3 0 -- .1

R--1 -- ,6 + 1.5 +2.5 -- .3

R+4to7* +1.2 + + .4
R + 24* --1.0 + 1.4
R+3 -- .4 -- ,8 -- ,7 -- .2 + .5 --1.1

R+7 + 2.4 + 1.6 +2.4 + .3


The distal radius mineral measurements immediately postflight were + 1.0, +2.1, and
+1.5 percent of mean baseline for the CDR, CMP, and LMP, respectively (table 5). The
four controls were +0.1, +0.1, +0.5, and 0.0 percent of mean baseline on the day before
recovery. These values are within the +2 percent accuracy of the technique, and no radius
mineral losses can therefore be attributed to the flight. The distal right ulna values
immediately postflight were -2.2, -3.5, and -3.3 percent of mean baseline for the CDR,
CMP, and LMP, respectively (table 6). Similar values (-2.8, -2.9, -0.5, and -2.7 percent)
were observed in the controls on the day before recovery. It is, therefore, reasonable to
conclude that there were no significant changes from preflight in the Apollo 16 crew.
The Apollo 15 data differed somewhat from that obtained on Apollo 14 and 16 in
that two crewmen lost mineral from the left central os calcis during this mission (table 7).
Response 311

When compared with the mean baseline values, there were -6.6, -7.3, and
-0.5 percent changes in the CDR, CMP, and LMP, respectively. The changes for
control subjects 1, 2, and 3 were +0.3, -0.2, and -2.8 percent, respectively. The CDR
regained his mineral more rapidly than the CMP, and both were near baseline values
by the end of two weeks. The magnitude of these losses must be evaluated in terms
of the variability in the controls observed during the postflight period. Taken in this
context, the losses exhibited by the CDR and CMP could more likely reflect losses
of about 5 to 6 percent.

Table 5

Apollo 16 Right Radius Mineral Content Change

(Percent change from mean baseline)

Time Crewmen Control Subjects

(Days) CDR CMP LMP 1 2 3 4

F -- 30 +0.3 +0.2 +1.6 --0.2 --0.2 +0.8 +2.7

F--15 + .1 +1.2 -- .3 + .3 0 + .3 -- .7

F--5 -- .4 --1.4 -1.3 -- .1 + .3 -1.1 -2.0

R--2 -- .5 --1.6 -1.6 + .1
R--1 + .1 + .1 + .5 0
R+4to7* +1.0 +2.1 +1.5
R+ 24* -- ,9 +2.0 -1.4
R+3 +1.0 -- .9 -- .2 +I .0 --1.0 -1.2 +1.3
R+7 +1.1 + .5 --1.2 + .6 -- .3


There were essentially no changes in radius mineral during flight, namely -1.1,
-,.._, ,,,,u -.._, p,=,,,,¢ for the _ ¢tatJl_

for control subjects 1, 2, and 3 were -1.6, -0.9, and +0.1 percent, respectively. Also,
the crew's ulna mineral changes were not significant when compared with the
control subjects (table 9). Immediate postflight values differed from the mean
preflight by -1.4, -3.6, and -1.8 percent for the CDR, CMP, and LMP, respectively.
Changes for control subjects l, 2, and 3 were +0.6, +0.1, and -2.2percent,
respectively. The -3.6 percent mineral change in the CMP may be significant, but he
was +1.4 percent of the mean baseline the following day. As noted in the Apollo 14
and 16 crews, there is a greater variation in the ulnar mineral determinations, the
cause of which is unknown.

Whereas there were signficant changes in the soft tissue composition in the CMP
of Apollo 14, there were no significant changes in any of the Apollo 15 or 16
312 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 6

Apollo 16 Right Ulna Mineral Content Change

(Percent change from mean baseline)

Crewmen Control Subjects

(Days) CDR CMP LMP 2 3

F -- 30 --1.3 +0.4 +1.2 +0.8 +0.4 +0.5 +2.5

F--15 + .1 -- .5 +1.6 -- .4 -- .5 +1.0 --2.1

F--5 +1.2 + .2 -2.8 -- .4 + .1 -1.4 -- .4

R--2 --3.2 --5.2 +1.7 - ,8

R--1 --2.8 --2.9 - .5 --2.7

R+4to7* --2.2 --3.5 --3.3

R + 24* --1.1 +1.5 +1.7

R+3 --1.0 + .3 --4.7 +1.1 -- .6 +1.8 +2.6

R+7 --1.8 + .6 --1.4 +3.2 +2.5


Table 7

Apollo 15 Left Os Calcis Mineral Content Change

(Percent change from mean baseline*)

Time Crewmen Control Subjects

(Days) CDR CMP LMP 1 2 3

F -- 27 +0.1 --0.9 +0.1 -0.7 --1.7 0

F--13 -- .2 + .4 -- .2 + .6 +2.0 + .3

F--5 + .1 + .5 + .1 + .1 -- .3 -- .3

R--2 --2.2 -1.1 --1.0

R+0 --6.6 --7.3 -- .5

R+I --3.1 --5.7 --1.0 + .3 -- ,2 --2.8

R+5 --2.4 --3.5 -- .08 --1.7 -1.3 --2.4

R+14 --1.4 --1.7 +2.0 + .5

*Based on mg/cm 2 of hydroxyapatite in nine rows of the central os calcis.


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of weightlessness on bone
during prolonged space exploration. Ground-based studies designed to mimic the altered
physiologic state were used to constt'uct a time-effect curve. Bed rest, which most closely
models the weightless state at least as far as the musculoskeletal system is concerned, has
served as an experimental model to assess the bone mineral changes observed during bed
Skeletal Response 313

rest periods of up to 36 weeks, and to determine what remedial measures might be used

to stem the tide of bone mineral loss. The loss of bone mineral in the bedridden patient

has long been recognized. Contrary to previous reports, total recovery does occur

(Donaldson etal., 1970). Because of the combined effects of immobility and

weightlessness, losses of bone mineral in flight were expected to be, if anything, more
severe than were seen in bed rest.

Table 8

Apollo 15 Right Radius Mineral Content Change

(Percent change from mean baseline s)

Time Crewmen Control Subjects

(Days) CDR CMP LMP 1 2 3

F - 27 +0.4 +0.7 +0.2 +0.9 +2.5 +1.7

F --13 + .8 -- .3 + .1 -1.0 -1.7 0
F--5 --1.1 - .4 -- .3 0 -- .8 --1.7
R+2 --3.5 -4.0 --1.1
R--0 -1.1 -2.3 -1.0

R+I -4.7 -2.6 -3.3 --1.6 .9 + .1

R+5 -- .1 -- .6 +1.6 -2.5 -- .5 --1.3

R+14 + .1 -- .3 -1.3 --2.5

*Based on gm/cm of bone mineral as derived by Cameron.

Table 9

Apollo 15 Right Ulna Mineral Content Change

(Percent change from mean baseline s )

Time Crewmen Control Subjects

(Days) CDR CMP LMP 1 2 3

F - 27 +0.6 +0.4 +0.5 +1.3 +2.1 +3.7

F--13 -- .8 + .1 --2.1 +2.4 -- .7 -3.2

F-5 + .3 -- .5 +1.7 --3.8 -1.3 -- .4

R--2 --1.3 -2.8 --1.2

R+0 --1.4 --3.6 --1.8

R+I 0 +1.4 +2.1 + .6 + .1 --2.2

R+5 + .9 + .5 --2.1 --3.3 -6.0 + .4

R+14 0 +1.4 -1.0 + .7

*Based on gm/cm of bone mineral as derived by Cameron.

314 Biomedic',dReaulls of Apollo

The early reports of significant bone mineral losses in the five- to fourteen-day
Gemini and Apollo flights served to emphasize the need for correlating the bed-rest-
induced mineral losses with those observed during varying periods of weightlessness.
Time-effect curves for both situations needed to be established so that better estimates
could be obtained on the risk of prolonged space flight as translated from the
ground-based bed rest studies.
Using a gamma photon absorptiometric technique, a time-effect curve was con-
structed for the bed rest state. The following conclusions were derived:

1. Periods of up to 36 weeks of bed rest can account for a 40 percent mineral loss
from the central os calcis (Donaldson et al., 1970). This bone is highly trabecular, as well
as weight bearing. In contrast, the ulna and the radius (primarily cortical and
non-weight-bearing bones) failed to exhibit mineral losses during periods of up to
30 weeks of bed rest (Vogel et al., 1974). It is acknowledged that the muscular forces
may not have been reduced in the case of the radius and that the hydrostatic forces may
not have been sufficiently altered to result in a breakdown in homeostasis.

2. The amount of initial mineral content in the os caicis can influence the rate of
mineral loss (Vogel et al., 1974). In a study of 19 subjects on 17 to 36 weeks of bed rest,
two groups of subjects emerged: those who exhibited a high mineral content at the onset
and eventually lost the least mineral both in percent and in quantity, and those who
exhibited a low mineral content at the onset and lost at a greater rate than the other

3. The rate of mineral loss in general, but not in all cases, was greatest during the
second 12 weeks of bed rest and the least after the 24th week.

4. The mean rate of mineral loss in the os calcis was approximately 5 percent per
month, in contrast to a whole body calcium loss of 0.5percent per month
(Donaldson et al., 1970). Therefore, the os calcis is not representative of all the bones in
the body, and weight-bearing bones are more inclined to lose mineral in the recumbent
state than the non-weight-bearing bones.

5. The rate of mineral regain after reambulation follows a pattern roughly similar to
that of the loss; that is, if the maximal loss took 24 weeks, regain to baseline also took
approximately 24 weeks.

6. Little or no os calcis mineral loss was observed in less than 21 days of bed rest and
often was not observed until after 15 weeks (table 10).

From these data, a predictive model was established for the bed rest situation. In this
model, the ratio of initial mineral content to the initial 24-hour urinary hydroxyproline
excretion is related to observed losses (Lockwood et al., 1972). The greater this ratio, the
slower and smaller the losses and, conversely, the smaller the ratio, the faster and greater
the losses. The accurate measurement of baseline 24-hour urinary hydroxyproline
excretion is, therefore, an essential requirement for this prediction term.
Because of the limited available data, no time-response curve could be established for
the weightless state. It appears, however, that the time-response curve obtained from the
Skeletal Response 315

bed rest studies may be more prolonged with respect to the time of onset of
demineralization than is observed in true weightlessness (Donaldson et al., 1970;
Hulley et al., 1971; Hantman et al., 1973). Yet, this does not appear to be true for all
crewmen; in particular, the Apollo 14 and 16 crewmen and the LMP of Apollo 15 had no
mineral losses in the os calcis in 10 to 21 days.

Table 10

Left Os Calcis Mineral Content Changes During Bed Rest

(19 subjects - 29 measurements)

Days of Subject Percent of Days of Subject Percent of

Bed Rest Baseline Bed Rest Baseline

7 G.F. +2.1 23 A.D. --4.5

7 B.L. -- .6 24 R.B. + .8
7 R.W. 0 24 J.F. --2.4
8 T.A. --1.5 24 D.M. -- .5

8 A.K. --1.4 24 M.H.* +1 .O

9 R.G. --1.2 25 F.C. + .2
10 M.H. -- .8 25 J.C. --1.9
14 J.G. -2.3 25 W.R +2.1
16 F.K. -- .5 28 G.M. +1.2
17 F.B. 0 30 F.B.* + .4
17 R.R. + .5 30 J.G.* --2.5
21 G.F.* -- .2 30 R.R.* --1.3
21 B.L.* --5.1 31 R.G.* --3.2
22 T.A.* +3.3 31 F.K.* --4.1
22 A.K.* --2.6

"Os calcis mineral change was measured twice for particular subject.

Repetitive studies of normal ambulatory malcs carried out over six to eight months
exhibited a 0.9 to 1.5 percent standard deviation from the mean in repetitive
measurements performed every two to three weeks (table 11). Furthermore, control
subjects 1 and 2 studied during the Apollo 14, 15, and 16 missions had maximal
variations from their mean values of -2.7 to +2.1 percent for control subject 1 and -2.4 to
+2.1 percent for control subject 2 (table 11). Therefore, it seems reasonable that not only
did the six Apollo 14 and 16 crewmen and the LMP of Apollo 15 fail to lose calcaneal
mineral (table 12), but that the 2.9 and 2.8 percent losses for the Gemini 7 crewmen, 2.1
and 3.0 percent losses for the CDR and CMP of Apollo 8 and 0.8 and 2.3 percent gains for
the LMP and CMP of Apollo 7 could also represent minimal or no losses from this bone
(table 13).

These data must be contrasted to the 7.8 and 10.3 percent losses in Gemini 4, 15.1
and 8.9 percent losses in Gemini 5, 7.0 percent loss for the LMP on Apollo 8, 5.4 percent
316 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 11

Bone Mineral Content of Left Os Calcis

Control Mineral Content,

Subject mg/cm 2 I Mean -+Standard D] eviation
mg/cm 2 Percentin --

Apollo 14

Jan. 4,1971 493.74

Jan. 15,1971 483.29
Jan. 24,1971 495.37 ± 8.8 1.8
Feb. 2,1971 495.39 488.70
Feb. 27,1971 475.69

Jan. 4,1971 634.68

Jan. 15,1971 610.30
Jan. 24,1971 639.77 ±11.71 1.9
Feb. 18,1971 621.27 625.63
Feb. 27,1971 622.12

Apollo 15

June 27, 1971 476.45

July 13, 1971 493.93
July 20, 1971 482.95
Aug. 5, 1971 478.88 483.89 ± 7.1 1.5
Aug. 9, 1971 483.61
Aug. 12, 1971 478.12
Aug. 19, 1971 493.86

June 27, 1971 632.03

July 12, 1971 633.73
July 19, 1971 630.16
Aug. 5, 1971 625.81 626.17 -+8.3 1.3
Aug. 9, 1971 614.26
Aug. 12, 1971 616.69
Aug. 20, 1971 635.17

Apollo 16

Mar. 16, 1972 486.49

Mar. 30, 1972 493.58
Apr. 9, 1972 480.22
Apr. 25, 1972 488.29 487.74 ± 6.4 1.3
Apr. 26, 1972 483.82
Apr. 30, 1972 483.36
May 4, 1972 498.59

Mar. 16, 1972 631.03

Mar. 30, 1972 611.61
Apr. 9, 1972 614.42
Apr. 25, 1972 618.43 1.1
Apr. 26, 1972 616.96
617.90 ± 6.7
Apr. 30, 1972 611.95
May 4, 1972 620.87

Skeletal Response 317

loss for the CDR on Apollo 7 (table 13), and the reported losses of 6.6 and 7.3 percent
for the CDR and CMP of Apollo 15 (table 12). The 6.7 and 7.3 percent mineral losses for
the 12-day mission (Apollo 15) are in line with losses observed during the 18-day Soyuz 9
mission where there was no interlude of lunar gravity (1/6 g)(Biriukov & Krasnykh,

Table 12

Bone Mineral Changes During Apollo 14, 15, and 16

(Photon absorptiometric technique, percent change)
from mean baseline)


Central Left Os Calcis

Apollo 14 --0.4 --3.7 +0.5

Apollo 15 --6.6 -- .5 -7.3

Apollo 16 +1.2 + .4 - .4

Distal Right Radius

Apollo 14 --0.1 +1.5 +1.5

Apollo 15 --1.1 --1.0 -2.3
Apollo 16 +1.0 +1.5 +2.1

Distal Right Ulna


Apollo 15 --1.4 --1.8 -3.6

Apollo 14 I --1.6 I --0.3
Apollo 16 --2.2 --3.3 -3.5

*R + 1 measurement

Losses of this magnitude did not occur in bed rest subjects until after the tenth week;
very little significant change was evident until the fourth to sixth week of bed rest. This
appears to be similar to the comparisons made by Biriukov and Krasnykh (1970) who
considered the Soyuz 9 flight to be similar to their 62- to 70-day bed rest confinement.
Krasnykh's studies of 70- to 73-day bed rest subjects (1969) resulted in an observed
average loss of 11.1 percent in five subjects, without total recovery occurring after 20 to
40 days of reambulation. This observation appears to be similar to the authors' studies
where an average loss of 10.5 percent was observed in eight subjects after ten weeks of
bed rest, with recovery after reambulation requiring a time approximately equivalent to
the duration of bed rest.
Clearly, there are no known experimental differences to account for all of these
observations. Only in Apollo 14, 15, and 16 were there cxposurcs to 1/6 g for short
periods of time. Of the six crewmen who experienced such an exposure, only the CDR of
Apollo 15 had mineral losses in the os calcis, and he experienced a more rapid recovery
than the CMP who had no such exposure. Yet, the CMP for Apollo 14 and 16 did not
318 Biomedical Results of Apollo

experience any mineral losses. Of the nine crewmen studied, the CDR and CMP of
Apollo 15 had the greatest baseline mineral content; that is, 706.2 and 704.7 mg/cm 2,
respectively, while the LMP had 576.3 mg/cm 2. The Apollo 14 crew had 562.0, 520.4,
and 673.1 mg/cm 2, and the Apollo 16 crew had 606.3,601.4, and 532.6 mg/cm 2. The
losses experienced during Apollo 15 are at variance with the bed rest observations.

Table 13

Gemini 4, 5, and 7 and Apollo 7 and 8

Bone Mineral Changes During Flight

CP* (percent)
P** (percent)
CDR I (percent)
LMP l (percent)
Central Os Calcis

Gemini 4 I - 7.8 -10.3

- 8.9
Gemini 5] -15.1
- 2.8
Gemini 7 - 2.9
--5.4 + 0.8 + 2.3
Apollo 7
--2.1 - 7.0 -- 3.0
Apo Io 8
Distal Radius

Gemini 5 --25.3 --22.3

Apollo 7 -3.3 + 3.4 -- 3.6
Apollo 8 --8.8 -11.1 -11.4

Distal Ulna

Apollo 8 301 2113.
--6.4 --12.4 --16.2

*Command Pilot

The level of dietary calcium and phosphorus appears to have some effect on the rate
of mineral loss in bed rest subjects (Mack & LaChance, 1967). Some initial protective
effect is observed when supplemental calcium and phosphorus are administered
(Hantman et al., 1973). In examining the data available, the calcium intake could be
considered low only in the case of the crews of Gemini 4 and 5, the crew of Apollo 8, the
CDR of Apollo 7, and the CMP of Apollo 16; all others had an excess of 700 mg of
calcium in their diet (table I4). Additional exercise could have been a factor during
Gemini 7 and the Apollo missions as well as on Soyuz 9. Nevertheless, at this time, no
clear-cut pattern can be developed from the data available.

The results of the later Apollo studies contrast most sharply with the previously
reported flight mineral data in Gemini and Apollo in the case of the radius and ulna. In
none of these missions were there any significant losses in either of these bones for any of
Skeletal Response 319

the crewmen or controls. In these studies, the most distal area of the ulna and radius,
where the two bones are distinctly separated, was measured. This is the more trabecular

area of these bones. As shown in table 13, there were variations in Apollo 7 of -3.3, +3.4,
and -3.6 percent for the radius and -3.0, +2.1, and -3.4 percent for the ulna. These data

are not particularly different from the data of -0.1, + 1.5, and + 1.5 percent for the radius

and -1.6, -0.3, and +0.3 percent for the ulna on Apollo 14; 0.0, -0.7, and -1.9 percent for

the radius and -1.7, -3.5, and -3.1 percent for the ulna on Apollo 15; and +1.0, +1.5, and

+2.1 percent for the radius and -2.2, -3.3, and -3.5 percent for the ulna on Apollo 16

(table 14). In contrast, the reported values for Gemini 5 were -25.3 and -22.3 percent for

the radius with no data available for the ulna, and those for Apollo 8 were -8.8, -11.1, and

-11.4 percent for the radius and -6.4, -12.4, and -16.2 percent for the ulna. Data for these

two bones have not been reported for Soyuz 9, and, to date, no data have been reported
for Soyuz 11.

Table 14

Bone Mineral Change Related to Calcium Intake

Calcium Os Calcis Radius Ulna

Mission Crewmen
(mg) (percent) (percent) (percent)

CP 679 -- 7.8 m

Gemini 4
P 739 --10.3

CP 373 --15.1 -25.3 i

Gemini 5
P 333 -- 8.9 -22.3

CP 945 -- 2.9
Gemini 7
P 921 -- 2.8

CDR 644 -- 5.4 - 3.3 -- 3.0

Apollo 7 LMP 925 + .7 + 3.4 + 2.1

CMP 938 + 2.3

CDR 427 -- 2.1 - 8.8 -- 6.4

Apollo 8 LMP 366 -- 7.0 -11.1 --12.4

CMP 479 -- 2.9 -11.4 --16.2

GDR 802 -- 0.4 - 0.1 -- 1.6

Apollo 14 LMP 843 + 3.7 + 1.5 -- .3

CMP 8O9 + .5 + 1.5 + .3*

CDR 857 -- 6.7 0 -- 1.7

Apollo 15 LMP 778 -- .6 - .7 -- 3.5

CMP 725 -- 7.8 - 1.9 -- 3.1
CDR 806 + 1.2 + 1.0 -- 2.2

Apollo 16 LMP 7O5 + .4 + 1.5 -- 3.3

CMP 468 + .4 + 2.1 -- 3.5

*a + 1 measurement

It is not possible at this time to attempt any correlations on these conflicting data.

Clearly, Gemini 7 and Apollo 7 had the greatest similarity to the Apollo 14, 15, and 16
320 Biomedical Results of Apollo

results and Gemini 4 and 5 and Apollo 8 had the least. Based on the bed rest experience,
one would not have expected significant losses from the upper extremity bones. The
differences between the photon absorptiometric and X-ray densitometric techniques can
account partly for these differences. The accuracy of the radiographic technique has been
considered to approach 10 percent, whereas the photon absorptiometric technique can
claim a 2 percent accuracy (Cameron et al., 1969). It would appear that the forces
generally applied to the upper extremity bones are still applied during flight, although
they are significantly reduced. In contrast, except for the lunar excursion periods,
compression forces, most vital to the integrity of the os calcis, are completely removed
from that bone.
Reliable calcium balance data for these missions are not available. During Gemini 7
when a metabolic balance technique was used, the net calcium balance was distinctly less
positive for both crewmen (Lutwak et al., 1969). The mean urinary calcium increased
during the second week by 23 percent for the Command Pilot (CP) and 9 percent for the
Pilot (P), the latter not being significant. However, the changes in calcium balance were
appreciable. In addition to weightlessness, investigators speculate that high oxygen
atmosphere, low pressure, exercise, and dietary protein reduction were factors that
contributed in varying degrees to the calcium balance changes in these two crewmen. The
greater negativity of the CP was supported by a slightly greater mineral loss in the hand
phalanx 4-2 (-6.55 percent compared to -3.82 percent) and distal talus (-7.06 percent
compared to -4.0percent) but not by the oscalcis (-2.9percent compared to
-2.8 percent), capitate (-4.31 percent compared to -9.3 percent), or the hand phalanx 5-2
(-6.78 percent compared to -7.83 percent) (tables,13 and 15).
The CDR on Apollo 8 is estimated to have had a 1.01 gm/day mass balance deficit,
and the average for all three crewmen on Apollo 7 was a 0.59 gm/day deficit (Brodzinski,
1971). These data are based on the examination of fecal calcium only, and are only
approximate because the fecal calcium excretion was assumed to be a constant 80 percent
of the daily total. This value has been shown to vary between 69.4 and 91.6 percent. In
bed rest studies (Donaldson et al., 1970; Hulley et al., 1971 ; Hantman et al., 1973), the
calcium balance became negative almost immediately and reached a peak in the fifth to
eighth week with a range of about 250+ 200 mg/day (two standard deviations)
(ttantman et al., 1973). These Apollo data reflect a greater negative balance that might
account for an earlier onset of the mineral loss.
Other bones were studied by X-ray densitometry, and the results obtained are listed
in table 15 for completeness. No specific pattern can be ascribed to these results on the
basis of duration of weightlessness, calcium intake (table 14), or physical activity. The
crew of Gemini 5 appears to have had the greatest losses in all of the bones studied.


It is concluded that loss of mineral from bone incident to periods of weightlessness is

comparable to that observed in bed rest subjects but that the magnitude is not severe. If
these losses were allowed to continue unabated for a prolonged period of time, the
consequences might be more serious because the losses are probably not confined to the
bones described. Because of either biological variability between subjects or factors not
Skeletal Response 321

yet identified, not all crewmen were similarly affected during the ten- to twelve-day

missions. These studies can be used to construct a time-effect curve that can be compared

with the bed rest data, thus permitting a reasonable degree of prediction for longer space

Table 15

Mineral Changes in Other Bones Studied

by X-Ray Densitometry


Mission Bone
(percent) (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

Gemini 7 Distal talus -- 7.06 -- 4.00

Capitate -- 4.31 -- 9.30
Phalanx 4-2 -- 6.55 -- 3.82
Phalanx 5-2 -- 6.78 -- 7.83

Gemini 5 Distal talus --13.24 -- 9.87

Capitate --17.10 --16.80
Phalanx 4-2 -- 9.86 --11.80
Phalanx 5-2 --23.20 --16.98

Gemini 4 Distal talus --10.69 --12.61

Capitate -- 4.48 --17.64
Phalanx 4-2 -- 4.19 -- 8.65
Phalanx 5-2 --11.85 -- 6.24

Apollo 7 Central talus --3.6 + 1.8 +2.9

Phalanx 4-2 --9.3 + 2.0 --6.5
Capitate --4.1 + 3.3 --3.4

Apollo 8 Central talus --2.6 -- 2.8 --3.2

Phalanx 4-2 --2.2 -- 2.4 +4.8
Capitate --9.6 --12.1 --6.7

Soyuz 9 Phalanx II -- 4.!

Phalanx III -- 5.0 -- 5.0
Phalanx IV - 3.1 -- 4.3
Phalanx V - 4.7 -- 8.9


Biriukov, E.N.; and Krasnykh, I.G.: Changes in the Optical Density of Bone Tissue and in the Calcium
Metabolism of the Astronauts. A.G. Nikovaev and V.I. Sevastianov, Moscow, Kosmieheskaia
Biologiia i Meditsina, vol. 4, Nov.-Dec. 1970, pp. 42-45.

Brodzinski, R.L.; Rancitelli, L.A.; Haler, W.A.; and Dewey, L.S.: Calcium, Potassium, and Iron Loss
by Apollo VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI Astronauts. Aerospace Med., vol. 42, no. 6, June 1971,
pp. 621-626.

Cameron, John R.; Jurist, John M.; Sorenson, James A.; and Mazess, Richard B.: New Methods of
Skeletal Status Evaluation in Space Flight. Aerospace Med., vol. 40, no. 10, Oct. 1969,
pp. 1119-1122.

Donaldson, Charles L., Hulley, Stephen B., Vogel, John M.; Hattner, Robert S.; Bayers, J.H.; and
McMillan, D.G.: Effect of Prolonged Bed Rest on Bone Mineral. Metab., vol. 19, no. 12, 1970,
pp. 1071-1084.
322 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Hantman, D.A.; Vogel, J.M.; Donaldson, C.L.; Friedman, R.J.; Goldsmith, R.S.; and Hulley, S.B.:
Attempts to Prevent Disuse Osteoporosis by Treatment with Calcitonin, Longitudinal Compression
and Supplementary Calcium and Phosphate. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., vol. 36, no. 12, 1973,
pp. 29-42.
Hattner, R.S.; and McMillan, D.E.: Influence of Weightlessness Upon the Skeleton: A Review.
Aerospace Med., vol. 39, no. 8, Aug. 1968, pp. 849-855.
Heuck, F.; and Schmidt, E.: Die quantitative bestimmung des mineralgehaltes des knochen aus dem
Rontgenbild. Fortschr. Roentgenstr., vol. 93, 1960, pp. 523-554.
Hulley, Stephen B.; Vogel, John M.; Donaldson, Charles L.; Bayers, Jon H.; Friedman, Ronald J.; and
Rosen, Sheldon N.: Effect of Supplemental Oral Phosphate on the Bone Mineral Changes During
Prolonged Bed Rest. J. Clin. Inv., vol. 50, no. 12, 1971, pp. 2506-2518.

Krasnykh, I.G.: Mineral Saturation of Bone Tissue Under Conditions of Prolonged Hypodynamia.
NASA TT F-639, 1969.
Lockwood, D.R.; Lammert, J.E.; Vogel, J.M.; and Hulley, S.B.: Bone Mineral Loss During Bed Rest.
Proceedings of the Clinical Aspects of Metabolic Bone Disease, Excerpta Medica Foundation
(Amsterdam), 1972, pp. 148-151.
Lutwak, Leo; Whedon, G. Donald; LaChance, Paul A.; Reid, Jeanne M.; and Lipscomb, Harry S.:
Mineral, Electrolyte and Nitrogen Balance Studies of the Gemini-VII Fourteen-Day Orbital Space
Flight. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., vol. 29, Sept. 1969, pp. 1140-1156.
Mack, Pauline B.; LaChance, Paul A.; Vose, George P.; and Vogt, Fred B.: Bone Demineralization of
Foot and Hand of Gemini-Titan IV, V and VII Astronauts During Orbital Flight. Am. J.
Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine, vol. 100, no. 3, 1967, pp. 503-511.
Mack, Pauline B.; and LaChance, Paul A.: Effects of Recumbency and Space Flight on Bone Density.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., vol. 20, no. 11, 1967, pp. 1194-1205.
Rambaut, Paul C.; Deitlein, Lawrence F.; Vogel, John M.; and Smith, Malcolm C., Jr.: Comparative
Study of Two Direct Methods of Bone Mineral Measurement. Aerospace Med., vol. 43, no. 6, June
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Vogel, John M.; and Anderson, Jerome T.: Rectilinear Transmission Scanning of Irregular Bones for
Quantification of Mineral Content. J. Nucl. Med., vol. 13, no. 1, 1972, pp. 13-18.
Vogel, J.M.; Rambaut, P.C.; and Smith, M.C.: Bone Mineral Measurement from Apollo Experi-
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Vose, G.P.: Review of Roentgenographic Bone Demineralization Studies of the Gemini Space Flights.
Am. J. Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine, vol. 121, 1974, pp. 1-4.
Witt, R.M.; Mazess, R.B.; and Cameron, J.R.: Standardization of Bone Mineral Measurements.
Proceedings of Bone Measurement Conference, Atomic Energy Commission Conference 700515,
1970, pp. 303-307.
' NTe



J.L. Homick, Ph.D.
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

Earl, F. Miller, II, Ph.D.

Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory


The human vestibular system consists of two types of specialized sensory receptors
located in the inner ear. The semicircular canals are structured to respond primarily to
angular accelerations of the head. The otolith organs, closely related to the canals both
anatomically and functionally, are highly sensitive to linear accelerations and to changes
in the direction of gravity acting on the head. These two receptor mechanisms together
provide sensory information essential to the perception of body position and movement.
Results of physiological and anatomical studies have shown that afferent fibers from
these receptors project to a number of areas of the brain and the spinal cord and can
interact with or influence neural activity in those areas. Thus, the reticular system, the
autonomic nervous system, the eye muscles, and the voluntary skeletal muscles can be
.... ct_d ei_,_r directly or md,rcctly by vestibular activity, in laboratory and ficid
investigations, it has been well documented that excessive stimulation of the vestibular
receptors can lead to a variety of behavioral and physiological disturbances ranging from
decreased alertness, voluntary restriction of physical activity, oculomotor impairment,
nausea and, in extreme cases, vomiting. Discrepancies among visual, vestibular, and
tactile-kinesthetic spatial perceptions can lead to stressful sensory conflict, which can also
cause disturbances ranging from disorientation to nausea and vomiting.
Because a highly unusual gravito-inertial stimulus environment is present in space
flight, concern was expressed early in the United States manned space flight program
about vestibular problems that might occur during flight, particularly motion sickness.
For this reason, antimotion-sickness drugs were carried onboard the first manned Mercury
spacecraft. The drugs provided were Tigan and Marezine, in both oral and injectable
forms. However, no symptoms occurred and neither of these drags was required. The
early Mercury crewmen were also instructed to perform head movements cautiously and
to reach to different areas in the spacecraft. Again, no problems were reported.

324 Biomedical

lake the Mercury.flight series,the Geminiflights,includingthoseinvolving

extravehicular activity,werefree of significantvestibularproblems.Resultsof
quantitativepreflight,inflight,andpostflighttestsperformed duringthe Gemini5
and7 missions indicatedthatlifting thegravitational loadfromthe otolithorgans
did not resultin anydisturbance of the integrativeprocessesof thecentralnervous
systemthat mighthaveinfluencedthe crewmen's spatialorientation. Also,there
wereno significantdifferences betweenpreflightandpostflightmeasurements of
ocularcounterrolling (Graybiel
etal.,1967).A phenomenon thatoccurred duringthe
GeminiProgram, andthat hasbeenreportedroutinelyby American flight crews
sincethattime,wasa feelingof "fullness of thehead"uponentering weightlessness.
Someastronauts describedthissensation asa feelingof "hanging upsidedown."As
a result,the ideawasquicklyadoptedthatthesemenhadexperienced aninversion
illusionor a spatialdisorientation. On the basisof betterdescriptions from the
crewmen involved, the investigators
arereasonably certainthatthisphenomenon was
not an inversionillusion,but the resultof a redistribution of extravascular and
TheApolloProgram includedseveral significant
changes fromProject Mercury and
theGeminiProgram in thetypeof vehicleandthetypeof mission beingflown.The
ApolloCommand Module(CM)hada considerably largerhabitable volumethanhad
eithertheGeminiortheMercury spacecraft. Therefore,forthefirsttimeintheAmerican
space program, crewmen wereabletomoveaboutfreelywithinthespacecraft. Beginning
withtheApollo9 flight,theCMandtheIJunar Module(LM)weredocked in flight,and
crewmen wereableto movebackandforthbetween twovehicles for the firsttime.
Beginning with theApollo11flight,thefirstlunarlanding, crewmen madetransitions
fromzerog in flightto activityin one-sixth g onthelunarsurface andbackto zerog.
Withthesechanges, particularly
thegreater mobilitypermitted by thelargervolumeof
theCMandtheLM,thefirstserious vestibularproblems became evident.Thepurpose of
this reportis to presentanddiscuss all availableinformationon vestibular system
functionduringtheApolloseries ofspace flights.

Assessment Procedures
Withoneexception thatisdescribed inafollowing section,
nosystematicprogram to
theeffectsof space flightoncrewvestibular functionwaspursued
duringthe Apolloflightseries. A majorportionof the understanding of vestibular
problems encountered duringspaceflightis based, therefore,
derivedfromavarietyof sources. Anattempt hasbeenmadetocompile detailedmotion
foreachastronaut in theApolloflightseries.Thesehistories
whetheror not an individualastronauthaseverexperienced motionsickness in
automobiles,in boats,duringzero-gparabolic flight maneuvers,or duringspacecraft
In addition,
heavyemphasis hasbeenplacedonsubjective reportingby
individualastronauts on the type and the magnitude of vestibulardisturbances
Assessment 325

Preflight and Postflight Laboratory Measurements

Because of the need to obtain more definitive information on the effects of exposure
to the space flight environment on the vestibular system, procedures were implemented
to perform preflight and postflight vestibular tests on the Apollo 16 and 17 crewmen. To
accomplish a reasonably comprehensive evaluation of vestibular function, two types of
tests were performed. Postural equilibrium tests were selected as a means of providing an
assessment of a behavioral skill that is not only of practical importance, but also sensitive
to altered vestibular inputs that may result from prolonged exposure to weightlessness.
The second test used, caloric irrigation, complemented the tests of balance by monitoring
for changes in semicircular canal activity as a possible cause of postmission
Postural equilibrium was tested by using a modified and shortened version of a
standard laboratory method (Graybiel & Fregly, 1966). Each crewman was fitted with
military-type shoes for this test, both preflight and postflight, to rule out differences in
footwear as a variable in intersubject and intrasubject comparisons. Rails of four widths
(1.90, 3.17, 4.45, and 5.72 cm) plus the floor provided the foot support for the standing
crewman. A tape 10.16 cm wide and 68.5 cm long served as a foot-guide alinement for
the floor portion of the test. Time, the performance measure of balance, began when the
crewman, standing on the prescribed support with his feet in a tandem heel-to-toe
arrangement, folded his arms. His eyes remained open in the first test series. In the second
series, the time measurement was initiated after the crewman attained a balanced position
and closed his eyes. Several practice trials were allowed on representative rails until the
crewman demonstrated full knowledge of the test procedure and reasonable confidence in
his approach to this balancing task.
The initial rail width for testing with eyes open was 3.17 cm. Three test trials with a
maximum duration of 50 seconds each were given. If the time limit was reached in the
first two trials, a third was not performed, and a perfect score of 100seconds
(100 percent of the required task) was recorded for the initial support width. If the
crewman failed to obtain a perfect score, the two largest time values for the three trials
were summed to obtain the final score. The choice of the second width depended on the
individual's performance on the initial support width. If his score was greater than or
ctluatt to 80 peFcei-it, *l.tli_ licz, t
.......... _ilIdlIUIII ......... _uIp_Ju[ t4_ ....'._tL_w
i;3ttli was .....U3LL{ ,4" 11{g iu/3o|_ O/_
U',J ......
_Jt..iuullt_ t t_*_

next larger was used. Testing on a third support width was required when both of the two
prior width scores fell either below or above the 80 percent level. The testing with eyes
closed followed the same procedure, except that a larger rail support (5.72 cm) was used
initially. The eyes-closed test was executed in very dim laboratory light to initiate
dark-adaptation of the crewman in preparation for the caloric test.
Electrodes for recording nystagmic eye movements were attached before the posturai
equilibrium test. After cleaning the appropriate skin areas with 95 percent isopropyl
alcohol, silver chloride (Beckman) electrodes were placed at the outer canthus of each eye
and the reference electrode was placed in the center of the forehead. A Tracor RN-243
electronystagmograph system was used throughout the caloric test to record
corneoretinal potential changes. Electronystagmographic calibration of eye movements in
degrees per centimeter was obtained with the crewman sitting in an upright position and
326 Biomedical

fixatingontwoalternately flashingredlightsplacedatadistance fromthecenter ofeye

rotation,providinga separation of 20° of arc.Eye movement calibrationandall
subsequent calorictestingweredoneinadarkroom.Thecrewman thenwasreclined ina
fixedTracortorsionswingchairsothathisheadwasapproximately 60° fromupright,
andthe line fromhisoutercanthusto the tragusof the earwasvertical.Baseline
measurements thenweremadefor at least40seconds to determine thepresence of
spontaneous nystagmus. Twoseparate waterbathsweremaintained attemperatures that
ensured irrigatingtemperatures of 308.65°K(35.5°C)and307.15°K(34.0°C)by a
heater-mixer element. Thesetemperatures wereveryaccurately sensed by thermistors
locatedneartheexitnozzles oftheirrigatingsyringes,
andweremaintained between tests
byacontinuous recirculation ofwater.
Calorization of eachcrewman proceeded accordingto thefollowingschedule: right
ear(RE),308.65°K; leftear(LE),308.65°K; RE,307.15°K; andLE,307.15°K. In each
case,155to 160cm3 of waterweredirected ontothetympanic membrane foraperiod
of 40seconds. To maintainmentalalertness, the crewman silentlysolvedarithmetic
problems throughout certain specified
periods duringtheresponse period.
Following irrigationof eachearat 308.65°K andaperiodof continuous recording
that indicatedthe disappearance of all nystagmic response, an additionalperiod
(140seconds) of restwasinstituted;this restperiodwasincreased to 260seconds
followingthe307.15°Ktemperature irrigation.
calibrationsagain weremade in accordance withthepretestprocedure.
Preflightdatawerecollected ontheApollo16primeandbackup crewmen at30days
beforelaunch(F- 30).Postflight datawerecollected onallthreeprimecrewmen three
daysfollowingrecovery (R+3);twoof thecrewmen weretestedagain atR+7.Preflight
dataon the Apollo17primeandbackupcrewmen wereobtained at F- 30andat
F- 15.Nopostflight datawerecollected onanyoftheApollo17crewmen.


Inflight Disturbances
Motion sickness histories of individual Apollo crewmen, as well as motion sickness
symptoms and vestibular related illusions experienced by Apollo crewmen during space
flight, are summarized in table 1. All three Apollo 7 crewmen had positive motion
sickness histories. During their mission, however, none of these crewmen - including the
Lunar Module Pilot (LMP), who performed purposeful spinning and tumbling maneuvers
in the Command Module - experienced any symptoms of motion sickness. While donning
his space suit, the Apollo 7 LMP did experience a brief tumbling illusion once, as indicated in
table 1. All three Apollo 8 astronauts had some history of motion sickness. During flight,
soon after leaving their couches, all three crewmen experienced nausea apparently as a result
of rapid body movements. For the Commander (CDR), these symptoms progressively
worsened; and, shortly after waking from his first sleep period, he vomited. In this particular
case, the severe symptoms experienced were in part caused by gastroenteritis. The antimo-
tion-sickness drug, Marezine, was ineffective for the CDR, but it did alleviate the stomach
awareness and nausea experienced by the other two crewmen.
Apollo Flight Crew Vestibular Assessment 327

x x

c L_ 8
_ u. xx x

.2o c 0
xxx xx

x x

c xx x xx xx x


e_ x xx x x xxx

o <8 8
xxx xxx x xxx xxx x



ooJooJ o_J

328 Biomedical Result_ of Apollo

E x

-, X
:/) O

= ___
.o _.E
© c 0 x x x
O _E
<_ -- ffl


-.= F-_ _n 4) C

N r_
m _g .ca
c/3 g E
o 0

o _m"d co
× K:X:I


w.-w E _:
= _
O. _ .=-

g _ "O 0 0
Apollo Flight Crew Vestibular Assessment 329

The first clear episode of a severe vestibular related motion sickness problem occurred
during the Apollo 9 mission. Because this incident is unique, a detailed account is given.
The crewman involved, the LMP, had fewer flying hours than the average astronaut and a
definite history of motion sickness. Also, he was making his first space flight. Because he
was concerned about his previous history, he took one 50-rag Marezine tablet three hours
before lift-off and another one 1-1/2 hours after orbital insertion. Upon rising from the
couch later on the first day, he observed that when he turned his head rapidly, he
experienced mild dizziness. The dizziness did not seem to interfere with his performance,
and he was able to control it by executing all movements slowly and by turning at the
waist instead of turning his head. He did not experience any nausea with the dizziness
that was produced by head movements.
Shortly after donning his pressure suit for transfer from the CM to the LM at
approximately 40:00 ground elapsed time, the Apollo 9 LMP vomited suddenly. The
characteristic prodromal symptoms of motion sickness were not experienced. He was,
however, able to retain the vomitus in his mouth long enough to use a disposal bag
effectively. In the postflight medical debriefing, he could not recall whether he felt
nauseated after vomiting or whether he experienced some relief. About four hours later,
he vomited again after he had transferred to the LM. Again, the vomiting was sudden and
was not preceded by much warning. Aspiration of the vomitus did not occur on either
occasion. Just before vomiting the second time, he had been closing circuit breakers and
cycling switches located in different areas of the cabin. Such activities require
considerable movement within the LM. Immediately following the second episode of
vomiting, he felt much better and noted a marked improvement in his ability to move
around freely. The only residual symptom was a loss of appetite and an aversion to the
odor of certain foods. Until the sixth day of the mission, he subsisted exclusively on
liquids and freeze-dehydrated fruits (Apollo 9 Mission Report, 1969).
Because of great concern about the inflight problems of the Apollo 9 LMP, a decision
was made to perform comprehensive vestibular tests on him at the Naval Aerospace
Medical Institute, Pensacola, Florida. Functional tests of the labyrinth included
audiometry, measurements of semicircular canal sensitivity (caloric irrigation and
oculogyral illusion), ocular counterroUing, and ataxia/postural equilibrium. Provocative
tp_t_ int-hlttOA tho " d,al
" test" (p _f ........ r h_ ..a arm ........ "° m thc .t ....
rotating room), a coriolis motion sickness test (performance of programmed head
movements while rotating in a chair), an off-vertical rotation test, and a cineramie motion
On the basis of these tests, it was concluded that the Apollo 9 LMP had normal
function of the vestibular apparatus. The provocative tests, including parabolic flight test
data, indicated that he had no greater than average susceptibility to motion sickness.
Furthermore, he showed an ability to adapt or to gain increased tolerance with repeated
exposures to provocative stimuli.
As a result of the Apollo 9 vestibular problem, increased attention was given to
developing techniques for predicting and preventing any such future occurrences.
Insufficient time prevented individual crewmen from engaging in any special preflight
vestibular adaptation activities. However, on the basis of research performed using the
330 Biomedical Results of Apollo

slow rotating room at the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute, it was determined that
vestibular adaptation to the weightless environment might progress more rapidly if the
crewmen executed planned head movements very early during their flights. Also, the
antimotion-sickness drug was changed from Marezine to a combination of scopolamine
and Dexedrine.
During the first day of the Apollo 10 flight, the LMP executed the recommended
head movements in an attempt to hasten vestibular adaptation. The head movements
quickly induced stomach awareness and nausea, and he was compelled to stop. He tried
these head movements again on the second day and again had to stop after one minute
because of the rapid onset of symptoms. After the second day of flight, he apparently
had adapted and experienced no further difficulties. On the seventh day of the mission,
he experimented with the head movements again and was able to perform them for five
minutes before symptoms began to appear. No other Apollo 10 crewman experienced any
inflight symptomatology.
Although several of the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 astronauts had positive motion
sickness histories, none of these crewmen reported any difficulties either during
weightless flight or on the lunar surface. The complete absence of vestibular problems
during lunar surface activity throughout the Apollo Program has proved significant.
Before the Apollo 11 mission, many predictions had been made regarding possible
disorientation and postural stability problems that might occur on the lunar surface.
Very early in the Apollo 13 flight, vestibular problems were experienced by two of
the crewmen, including the LMP, who vomited on the second day. All available
information indicated that both of these crewmen had negative motion sickness histories.
The CDR, who had a definite history of motion sickness, experienced no vestibular
symptomatology during this flight. Although comprehensive historical data are not
available for the Apollo 14 flight crew, at least two of the crewmen had some past
experience with motion sickness. This history was especially true of the CDR, who,
several years before the Apollo 14 flight, underwent successful corrective surgery for
M_ni_re's disease. No crewman encountered vestibular difficulties during the Apollo 14
Complete historical data are not available for the Apollo 15 flight crew; however, at
least two of the crewmen had some minimal past experience with motion sickness. During
the flight, the CDR and the Command Module Pilot (CMP) had no illusions or symptoms.
The LMP reported, however, that he experienced a sensation of impending vestibular
difficulties and therefore limited his motions during the first several days of the flight.
This condition cleared, and he had no subsequent problems during lunar extravehicular
activity and return to Earth. Following splashdown and recovery, however, he developed
some unusual symptoms that probably were partly vestibular in origin. He reported a
feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness that persisted for seven days following recovery.
This condition was not accompanied by any type of gastrointestinal disturbance.
Locomotion was not impaired, nor was any tinnitus reported. In addition, he commented
on a 30 ° head-down, tilted sensation experienced when supine. This sensation was most
apparent during periods of "twilight" sleep and persisted even when he turned onto his
side. The tilted sensation was not present when he was fully awake, regardless of postural
Apollo Flight Crew Vestibular Assessment 331

position. This condition gradually lessened; the degree of tilt appeared to decline and
disappeared entirely after the fifth postrecovery day. At about the same time that his
symptoms disappeared, he was subjected to several different clinical vestibular tests,
which were conducted by an otolaryngologist. The tests included a standard Hallpike
(measurement of the amount of nystagmus produced by alternate irrigation of the right
and left ear canals with warm or cold water), positional nystagmus, postrotary nystagmus,
and standard audiometry. The crewman's responses on all of the tests were normal.
All Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 crewmen had positive motion sickness histories.
However, only the Apollo 17 CDR and LMP experienced inflight disturbances. In both of
these cases, the symptoms were mild and disappeared after the third day of flight.
An overall summary of Apollo motion sickness findings is presented in table 2. Eleven
of the 33 individuals who have flown on Apollo flights have experienced apparent
vestibular difficulties. Of these eleven, nine had positive motion sickness histories.
Conversely, 18 of 27 individuals with positive histories had no inflight symptomatology.
Six of the eleven crewmen with inflight problems experienced minor symptoms, two
experienced moderate symptoms, and three had severe symptomatology. As previously
stated, it is questionable whether the vomiting experienced by one of these latter
individuals was vestibular in origin or due primarily to gastroenteritis. Six (40 percent) of
the 15 individuals making their first space flight developed inflight symptoms. Of the
18 veteran pilots, only five (approximately 28 percent) experienced symptoms.

Table 2

Apollo Motion Sickness General Summary

Category Number of Crewmen

Motion Sickness (MS) History and Inflight MS

Total Apollo crewmen 33
Positive MS history 27
Positive MS history with inflight MS 9
Positive MS history with no inflight MS 18
Negative MS history 6
,._ ........ kA_ .. history •Wtut.:.k :-=,:
rtl^_÷;,,^ tttlltght " MS 2
Negative MS history with no inflight MS 4
Total crewmen with inflight MS 11

Severity of I nflight Symptoms

Occurrences of mild MS (stomach awareness)
Occurrences of moderate MS (stomach awareness, nausea)
Occurrences of severe MS (stomach awareness,
nausea, vomiting)

Previous Space Flight Experience

Inexperienced crewmen (first space flight) 15
Inexperienced crewmen with inflight MS 6
Veteran crewmen (one or more space flights) 18
Veteran crewmen with inflight MS 5
332 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Special Laboratory Measurements

Because no postflight tests were performed on the Apollo 17 flight crew, complete
laboratory data for the Apollo 16 crewmen only are described.
Test results showing the ability of each Apollo 16 crewman to balance on rails of
various widths are presented in figure 1. Preflight findings for all three crewmen are
within the range of performance typically exhibited by young, healthy, pilot-type
subjects. Examination of figure 1 indicates that during the first (R + 3) and second
(R + 7) postflight test periods, postural equilibrium with eyes open was nearly identical
to preflight performance for all crewmen. The CDR actually demonstrated a slight
progressive improvement on this task with time. At R + 3, however, the CDR and the
CMP exhibited a marked decrease in postural stability when deprived of all visual sensory
cues. When these two individuals were tested again at R + 7, there was a definite
improw_ment in postural stability with eyes closed compared to their R + 3 performance.
The CMP bettered his preflight, eyes-closed scores, whereas the performance of the CDR
was approximately midway between his two previous scores.
The principal characteristics of the spontaneous nystagmus - as well as the lag, the
maximum velocity, the maximum frequency, and the duration of nystagmus elicited from
each Apollo 16 crewman in response to the two irrigation temperatures - are summarized
in table 3. Lag is defined as the time between the onset of irrigation and the first
measurable nystagmus. Maximum velocity was obtained by selecting the ten-second
epoch of a given record that contained the greatest preponderance of high-velocity,
slow-phase nystagmus, and by calculating the average slow-phase velocity value for that
epoch. Maximum frequency was obtained similarly. The duration of nystagmus is the
interval between onset and complete cessation of nystagmus.
In general, the preflight responses indicate that all crewmen possess normally
functioning canals bilaterally. The nystagmus produced was always in the expected
direction. Spontaneous nystagmus was present in all three Apollo 16 crewmen, but no
meaningful trends were observed with this parameter. Also, all of the crewmen exhibited
an asymmetry or labyrinthine preponderance which, with the exception of a slight
reversal in the CMP at R + 7, remained unchanged.
To facilitate more discernible intersubject and intrasubject comparisons, the primary
parameters of lag, maximum velocity, maximum frequency, and duration of nystagmus
are plotted in the form of bar graphs for each Apollo 16 crewman at each irrigating
temperature in figures 2 to 4. Right and left ear data are shown separately in each figure.
Examination of figure 2 indicates that during the first test period (R + 3), the nystagmic
responses of the LMP were very similar to his preflight responses, particularly at
308.65°K. The tendency toward shorter lag times, higher velocities and frequencies, and
longer durations of nystagmus with the more stressful water temperature (307.15°K) is
also quite apparent in these data, as is the consistent right-greater-than-left response
asymmetry. Because no postflight changes were detected with either postural equilibrium
or caloric irrigation procedures, the Apollo 16 LMP was not tested further. Changes in the
CDR's responses to caloric irrigation at R + 3 are readily observable in figure 3. With two
exceptions that occurred with the 307.15°K stimulus, all of the R + 3 response
parameters are elevated compared to the F - 30 baseline. When tested again four days
Apollo Flight Crew Vestibular Assessment 333

F-30 --
R+3 .....

100 1 O0

// 60
/ / v-
u. 60 /" J
0 60 _
4/" i II
g4o // 40 _
J L_
/ 20 _
_ 2o

t I t I I I I I I 1

1,90 3.17 4.45 5.72 10.16 1.90 3.17 4.45 5.72 10.16


100 I O0



LL 60

_ 20
/ /# 1//1 / I


20 _

I I ! I I I

1.90 3.17 4.45 5.72 10.16 1.90 3.17 4.45 5.72 10.16


! / -t 100


Z 4_



/ / 80



20 _

, I i = I I = t I i
1.90 3.17 4.45 5.72 10.16 1.90 3.17 4.45 5.72 10.16


Figure 1. Pre- and postflight postural equilibrium scores for the Apollo 16 CDR, CMP,
and LMP. Performance with eyes open and eyes closed, expressed as percent of task, is
plotted as a function of rail width.
334 Biomedical Res.lls of Apollo

0 0

I [ I t o III

e. I I I I

ml Ill_ III

II llll _ _

]_ _ 0 _

tO O0 _ O_
L '_" O_ O0 r-


d_dld _dd


II Ii1°1 Ill


_ o
ol IIINI [11

II III I _ _
_ _0_ _ 00_

I_ _ I_ _o_


r rr ._ rr ._ E


J _

0 000 0 0 0 0



Apollo Flight Crew Vestibular Assessment 335


WATER TEMP-308.65°K (35.5°C)



60 O 1


15 Im I _ 0

F-30 R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7



oo ,.5 _
1.o - oo150
,<, .5 ---- _ lo0
m 0 50 --

F-30 R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7



WATER TEMP-307.15°K (34°C)




75 I Za 16 I

8 _
30 m
60 0 1!___==
15 i _" i---- _o
F-30 R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7



n 1.5 _ 200 I

FI-I _ 150 =

Sr.l- I; -
O _

F-3O R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7


Figure 2. Pre- and postflight values for each of four nystagmus parameters obtained
from the Apollo 16 LMP. Responses to irrigation with water temperatures of 308.65°K
and 307.15°K are shown in (A) and (B) respectively.
336 Biomcdical


WATER TEMP-308.65°K (35.5°C)



m 60 °o 12
8 4s
_ 30 1 _ E
i _
m-I I
F-30 R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7



8 1.5
o 1 1
8 1so
m i
250 _l
_.5 (n 100 m

0 50

F-30 R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7



WATER TEMP-307.15°K (34°C)



75 _ 1



F-30 R÷3 R+7


F-30 R+3 R+7



7° 200 1

Oo 1.5 = z_ l = l

1.0 I- - l _=
am 0 150 l_

,_t _.._
'5_1_ I_ I_
__. {2)
10 0
__ 1I1

0i 50 i,,

F-30 R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7


Figure 3. Pre- and postflight values for each of four nystagmus parameters obtained
from the Apollo 16 CDR. Responses to irrigation with water temperatures of 308.65°K
and 307.15°K are shown in (A) and (B) respectively.
Assessment 337


WATER TEMP-308.65°K (35.5°C)




:f I-I °

I- l- ,,, 8

_°_l= I = I--. = 4 Z m '_

15 _ _ 0 urn--" I = l-
F-30 R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7



1.5 ¢n
o 200

1,0 m
m m o° 150 m.
2"0I -n:
m --Ii. _m ii_ =
_ 250
100 m
,<, .s m __= ____
m 0 _ 50 m

F-30 R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7



WATER TEMP--307.15°K (34°C)



75 _
_6o o i

ao _ 4

15 o N
F-30 H+3 R+7 F-30 N+3 R+7



_1.0L | a
O t50 _

.5 I
i I ---
_ 2_o_-

0 _ 50

F-30 R+3 R+7 F-30 R+3 R+7


Figure 4. Pre- and postflight values for each of four nystagmus parameters obtained
from the Apollo 16 CMP. Responses to irrigation with water temperatures of 308.65°K
and 307.15°K are shown in (A) and (B) respectively.
338 Biomedical Results of Apollo

later, the CDR's nystagmic responses had essentially returned to preflight values. Figure 4
indicates that, although a few parameters were elevated at R + 3 compared to F - 30 and
R + 7, the data for the CMP are scattered and no overall trends are apparent. Left/right
asymmetry, which is pronounced in the first two crewmen, is not well defined in this
Although no provocative tests were administered, a motion experience questionnaire
completed before flight by each crewman indicated that all had low susceptibility to
motion sickness under one-g conditions. As stated previously, none of the Apollo 16
crewmen reported experiencing any symptoms of motion sickness during the flight.

Discussion and Implications

Apollo 16 Special Study

In evaluating the results of the Apollo 16 special study, the type of tests that were
used and the manner in which they were performed should be considered. Postural
equilibrium with eyes open served as a control condition for the eyes-closed portion of
the test. Whereas none of the crewmen at any time showed appreciable change in postural
stability with eyes open, a performance change was noted in two crewmen (CDR and
CMP) when they were deprived of visual cues, and were required to balance solely on the
basis of vestibular and proprioceptive sensory cues. This finding suggests that subtle
alterations in these nonvisual sensory modalities were present at R + 3. The fact that the
eyes-open scores did not change suggests that visual cues compensated for the relative
decrease in performance observed in the eyes-closed task. This finding is not unusual.
When minor changes occur in the vestibular system, they often can be overridden by
vision, which normally dominates human spatial orientation (Howard & Templeton,
1966). It can reasonably be assumed that the relative improvement seen in these two
individuals at R + 7 represented a return to normal of the sensory mechanisms involved.
It is also recognized that the postural stability test employed in this study is primarily
a behavioral task and, as such, is subject to learning effects. Examination of the data
indicates that a slight amount of learning may have occurred. The only clear evidence,
however, is in the case of the CDR on the eyes-open portion of the test. Even if a learning
effect was present, it could only have biased the postflight performance in a positive
direction, and it is clear that a decline in eyes-closed performance occurred in two of the
crewmen at R + 3. The significant improvement in eyes-closed postural stability observed
in these two crewmen at R + 7 undoubtedly is more representative of a return to normal
function of the sensory systems involved than of a simple learning effect.
An alert mental state is conducive to the elicitation of nystagmus (Guedry, 1965).
Apparently as a result of an understandable emotional letdown following their mission,
the crewmen exhibited some difficulty in maintaining an alert mental state during the
caloric test at R + 3. This condition should have tended to suppress nystagmus; however,
the CDR did show a very clear elevation in nystagmic activity at R + 3, indicative of a
labyrinthine hypersensitivity. The somewhat erratic nystagmic activity observed in the
CMP is also suggestive of unstable postflight vestibular function.
The finding of both decreased postural stability and increased nystagmic activity in
the same two crewmen at R + 3 corresponds well to a study reported previously by
Vestibular Assessment 339

Fregly and Graybiel (1970). Using procedures very similar to those employed in this
study, these investigators found a high positive correlation between tests of ataxia and
caloric irrigation. The majority of their subjects who performed poorly on the ataxia
tests, particularly with eyes closed, also yielded abnormal responses to caloric

On the basis of the data, a tentative conclusion is that the postflight responses
observed in two of the Apollo 16 crewmen reflected changes in vestibular function
brought about by exposure to the conditions encountered during their mission. Because
of the limitations inherent in this study, it is not possible to generalize from these data or
to identify causal factors with any degree of certainty. Although lack of a gravitational
stimulus was probably the most important environmental factor, other physiological
stressful events such as launch, entry, and recovery activities may have contributed to the
observed changes.

Overall Assessment of Apollo Series

The lack of quantitative preflight, inflight, and postflight vestibular data on individual
crewmen renders a valid assessment of the Apollo findings difficult. However, certain
tentative conclusions can be made:

1. Increased mobility, and thus increased head movements as afforded by the

larger volume of the Apollo CM/LM, resulted in a higher incidence of
vestibular disturbances in the Apollo Program than in previous programs.

2. In most cases in which symptoms did occur, they were mild to moderate
and could be controlled by limiting head movements the first few days in

3. Adaptation of the vestibular receptors to the weightless environment

apparently occu_ed within the first several days of flight for most
individuals. However, on the basis of these Apollo data alone, one can only
speculate whether or not adaptive processes will lead to complications of a
different nature during long duration missions.

4. Extravehicular activity in one-sixth g on the lunar surface resulted in no

disorientation or vestibular disturbances. Apparently, one-sixth g is an
adequate stimulus for Ilae otolith organs to provide sensory information
regarding gravitational upright and, hence, maintenance of posture.

5. With one important exception on the Apollo 15 mission, no crewmen

experienced pronounced vestibular disturbances after returning from space
flight. This finding suggests that adaptive processes that occur during
weightless space flight missions of up to two weeks in duration do not
render the vestibular system significantly hyposensitive or hypersensitive
following sudden return to a one-g environment. Again, on the basis of
these data alone, one can only speculate whether or not this condition will
be true following very long exposure to zero g.
340 Biomedical Results of Apollo

6. Whether or not an individual is likely to develop inflight vestibular

problems cannot be predicted reliably from his previous history of motion
sickness. However, astronauts making their first space flight appear to be
slightly more susceptible to the development of inflight symptoms than
are experienced astronauts.

The results of followup studies on two individuals who demonstrated the most
significant inflight and postflight vestibular problems have already been discussed.
However, further comment about one of these cases is warranted.
The severe motion sickness of the LMP during the Apollo 9 flight, and the subsequent
negative findings during laboratory tests, underscore a very important problem in
understanding vestibular function in weightlessness. Parabolic flight research has shown
that it is very difficult to predict an individual's vestibular responses in zero g on the basis
of his responses in one g. An individual may have normal vestibular responses on the
ground and show markedly greater or lesser susceptibility to vestibular stimulation in
weightlessness (Miller et al., 1969). The Apollo 9 LMP may well be one of these unique
individuals who become more sensitive.
One of the most obvious implications of the Apollo flight crew vestibular evaluation
is a need for more inflight as well as preflight and postflight vestibular information on the
astronaut population. Only by examining with quantitative methods the men who
actually fly in space can a thorough understanding of the effects of weightless space flight
on vestibular function be attained. Without such information, reliably predicting possible
vestibular problems for individual crewmen will be difficult. One positive step toward
achieving this desired goal will be available through the Skylab human vestibular function

Berry, Charles A.; and Homick, Jerry L.: Findings on American Astronauts Bearing on the Issue of
Artificial Gravity for Future Manned Space Vehicles. Aerospace Med., vol. 44, no. 2, Feb. 1973,
pp. 163-168.
Fregly, A.R.; and Graybiel, A.: Labyrinthine Defects as Shown by Ataxia and Caloric Tests. Acta
Oto-Laryngol., Stockholm, vol. 69, Mar. 1970, pp. 216-222.
Graybiel, A.; et al.: Vestibular Experiments in Gemini Flights V and VIII. Aerospace Med., vol. 38,
no. 4, Apr. 1967, pp. 360-370.
Graybiel, A.; and Fregly, A.R.: A New Quantitative Ataxia Test Battery. Acta Oto-Laryngol,,
Stockholm, vol. 61, Apr. 1966, pp. 292-312.
Guedry, F.E., Jr.: Psychophysiological Studies of Vestibular Function. Contributions to Sensory
Physiology. Vol. I. Academic Press, 1965.
Howard, I.P.; and Templeton, W.B.: Human Spatial Orientation. John Wiley and Sons, 1966.
Miller, E.G.; Graybiel, A.; Kellogg, R.S.; and O'Donnel, R.D.: Motion Sickness Susceptibility Under
Weightless and Hypergravity Conditions Generated by Parabolic Flight. Aerospace Med., vol. 40,
no. 8, Aug. 1969, pp. 862-868.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Apollo 9 Mission Report. MSC-PA-R-69-2. Prepared
by Mission Evaluation Team, Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, May 1969.
Inflight Experiments

Travel outside Earth's atmosphere can expose a spacecraft and its

occupants to potentially dangerous regions of radiation. Four
experiments flown aboard later Apollo missions were designed to
assess the degree to which exposure to cosmic ray particle radiation
might present a hazard to astronauts. Interest centered around
high-energy galactic cosmic radiation (HZE particles). In the single
experiment in which man was the experimental animal, attempts
were made to relate reports of light flashes "seen" by astronauts to
HZE events. Other experiments st-ddicd the effects of this _Tpe of
radiation on plant and animal tissue.
N76 12684



Professor Horst BUcker

University of Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany


The high atomic number-high energy particle component (HZE particles) of

galactic cosmic radiation was discovered in 1948 and radiobiologists soon became
concerned as to the effect this new type of ionizing radiation might have upon living
systems exposed to it. Soon after discovery of the HZE particles, Tobias in 1952
predicted that a visual light flash sensation could be experienced by individuals exposed
to these particles. There followed direct experimental evidence of the character and
effectiveness of HZE particles. Chase (1954) describes graying of hair in balloon-borne
black mice; Eugster (1955) demonstrated cellular death by single hits of heavy ions on
Artemia Salina eggs; and similar effects were reported by Brustad (1961) on maize
embryos. Brain injury studies were attempted by Yagoda and co-workers (1963) and by
Haymaker and co-workers (1970) in balloon-borne mice and monkeys, respectively.
Very high local concentration of absorbed energy produced by an HZE particle can
..... _.... cffccts -t ......... _................... t- .............
destroyed. The ultimate consequence of such damage is dependent upon the organism's
ability to repair or replace the affected cell. The destruction of cells in the central nervous
system is of serious concern since these cells cannot regenerate.
Although the potential hazards to living systems from the heavy nucleii component of
galactic cosmic radiation was recognized, very little active research was conducted until
the crews of Apollo 11 and subsequent Apollo missions reported experiencing a visual
light flash phenomenon. The primary reason for the inactivity in this field was an
inability to generate particles with comparable charge and energy with existing
accelerators. The light flashes experienced by the astronauts provided an increased
impetus for radiobiological experimentation by direct exposure to the HZE particles in
space. Exposure to HZE particles during a spaceflight mission offers several unique
advantages, principally, exposure to the primary spectra modified only by the
interactions in the relatively lightly shielded space vehicle. Balloon-borne exposures were



344 Biomedical Results of Apollo

limited to a spectrum significantly modified by the shielding of the remaining atmosphere

and by the geomagnetic field.
The Biostack experiment was designed to study the effect of individual heavy nucleii
of the cosmic radiation environment upon biological systems during actual space flight.
Since there were no means by which the Biostack experiment could be insulated from
other spaceflight factors, such as null gravity, the experiment must be considered one of
studying the combined effects of cosmic radiation and other spaceflight factors.
The objectives of the Biostack experiments were to study, in a direct manner, the
biological effects of individual heavy nucleii with high energy loss (HZE); to obtain as
much information as possible on the mechanisms of biological damage by HZE particles;
to measure the charge and energy spectra of cosmic radiation within the Apollo
Command Module; and to provide data to allow an estimate of the hazard to man from
space radiation.
It was of great importance to place this experiment on the last two Apollo flights,
since both were lunar missions. Apollo 16 and 17 would leave the Earth's magnetic field
and enter a region of space wher e the galactic cosmic ray flux was modulated only by the
solar magnetic field. Very little is known concerning the radiation environment outside
the geomagnetic field, and HZE particles are of special interest. At the time of Apollo 16
HZE particles were not available on Earth, and only a limited capability to generate them
has been achieved since the completion of the Apollo lunar missions.
Accomplishment of these objectives of the Biostack experiment required considerable
ingenuity. The experiment design had to meet several criteria in order to take advantage
of the two remaining flight opportunities. The design had to be simple enough to be
implemented and qualified for spaceflight in a relative short time. The package had to be
compact, lightweight, and require minimal changes in the spacecraft to enable stowage.
Most importantly, the experiment design could not draw power from the spacecraft or
impact the astronauts' activities.

The objectives of the experiment and the constraints imposed upon it were met by a
design that allowed the study of the combined action of individual heavy nucleii of
cosmic radiation and spaceflight factors in biological systems in a state of rest. Detailed
information on the particle incidence, energy loss, and spectra were essential information
to be obtained. The Biostack experiment package contained a series of monolayers of
selected biological objects fixed in position and interleaved with physical track detectors
(figure 1). This arrangement permitted evaluation of individual tracks, and allowed
identification of each penetrating particle and determination of its relationship to
possible effects on biological matter in its path.
The execution of the experiment had two major thrusts; identification and
quantitation of the influence of HZE particles on biological systems at the molecular,
cellular and organismic levels; and the localization of individual HZE particles and the
quantitation of the physical and dosimetric parameters of the particles.
A very sophisticated method must be used to localize precisely the trajectory of a
particle relative to the biological objects and to correlate the physical data of the particle
relative to the observed biological effects along its path. Special methods were developed
Biostack-A Study of the Biological Effects of HZE Galactic Cosmic Radiation 345

for this purpose (Bucker e t al., 1973) in the Biostack experiment. Biological specimens
and physical track detectors were selected to achieve the optimum return of information.
The biological systems had to meet the following criteria: (1) the organisms had to
survive the period of experimental exposure in the dormant state and yet be viable for the
subsequent phases of the experiment; (2) they had to comprise a variety of species to
allow evaluation of radiation effects a t different levels of biological organization;
(3) they had to vary in radiation sensitivity (based o n previous radiobiological
experimentation with X-ray and other radiations); and (4) based again o n previous work,
be representative of genetic or somatic radiation damage mechanisms. The biological
organisms investigated in the experiment and the responsible investigators are shown in
table 1. The radiation effects subsequently studied were changes in cellular and
organismic growth, damage to cellular components and induction of mutations leading to
genetic changes of biological significance.

Figure 1. The Biostack experiment package: left, external view of container;

right, stack of biological objects in monolayers and physical detectors.

Incident radiation was measured by several different track detectors and an

integrating lithium fluoride thermoluminescence dosimeter. The detectors and responsible
investigators are listed in table 2. These detectors complemented one another in their
recording characteristics of HZE-particles as well as in the localization of the biological
region hit.
Special methodswere developed for optimal localizing of the point of penetration in the
biological layer. The accuracy in determining this penetration point reached f 1 pm.
Therefore, in the case of the animal eggs and seeds, which all exceeded 5 0 p m in
diameter, even the hit region inside the biological organisms could be detected. For these
objects, a sufficiently high accuracy was obtained with all three types of detectors. In the
case of the bacterial spores, however, which were 1 . 5 p m in diameter, several spores
usually covered the determined target area, each with a different probability of sustaining
a hit.
346 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 1

Biological Experiments in the Biostack

Biological System Investigator Organization

Monocellular Spores of Bacillus subtilis G. Horneck University of

Frankfurt, Germany
Cysts of Colpoda cucullus H. Planel, University of
J. P. Soleilhavoup Toulouse, France

Plant Seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana E. Reinholz MPI f{Jr Biophysik

Frankfurt, Germany
Radiculae of Vicia faba W. Scheuermann T. University of
Hannover, Germany

Animal Eggsof Artemia satina W. R[Jther, University of

E. H. Graul Marburg, Germany
H. Planel, University of
J. P. Soleilhavoup Toulouse, France

Eggs of Tribolium castaneum W. RUther University of

Eggs of Carausius Morosus Marburg, Germany

For determination of the target area inside the spore layer, plastic detectors of
cellulose nitrate (CN) were used. The CN sheet was in fixed contact with the biological
layer. This contact was maintained during flight, during postflight etching and track
measurements, and during growth studies. Protection of the biological layer against the
toxic etching solution resulted in only one etch cone on the side of the CN sheet which
was not covered with biological specimens. The trajectory of an HZE particle in the
biological layer had to be extrapolated from this etch cone. With silver chloride (AgC1)
crystals, on the other hand, the biological layer was not exposed to toxic agents during
the development of the particle track images. The nuclear emulsion, attached to some of
the biological layers, received the pattern of biological objects by weak optical
illumination, during postflight disassembly. The hit biological objects were identified
directly from the developed emulsion, which showed the HZE particle track together
with faint images of the biological objects and a coordinate grid. Beside identification of
the biological area hit, evaluation of the track detectors resulted in extensive information
on the flux and angular incidence of the cosmic ray particles, on their absorption by the
wall of the spacecraft and the Biostack material, and on the spectral distribution of their
charge, energy, and energy loss.

The influence of the factors attendant to space flight (high gravity vectors, null
gravity, vibration, and temperature) were assessed by detailed controls made in parallel
with the Biostack experiment. For each space flight experiment, four identical Biostacks
were built. In each case, three units were delivered to NASA: one prime flight unit, one
backup, in case of damage to the prime flight unit, and one ground control to remain in
Houston. One laboratory control unit was kept in Frankfurt. Since the primary flight unit
was flown in both missions and a backup unit served as ground control, the two
Biostack-A Study of the Biological Effects of HZE Galactic Cosmic Radiation 347


_ _ _$ >._ ._




0 ,_
o_ _-
-1- .j _o

o _ o
z >- z
c-] c_
0 --
o _
z >- >- 0

c I.-
4- 0 UJ
0 ._, --I

._ E

:3 "0

n-o N


_,,._ _ _, _


348 Biomedical Results of Apollo

remaining units were available for further investigation. For Biostack I (Apollo 16), a
balloon flight at Fort Churchill, Canada, was conducted with one of the remaining units,
while the other served as the relevant control. For Biostack lI (Apollo 17), one of the
remaining units was irradiated at the University of California at Berkeley at the Bevatron
with carbon and oxygen ions. The other was subjected to vibration, acceleration, and
shock at the Centre National d_tudes Spatiales (CNES) in Toulouse, France.


The Biostack I experiment was launched with Apollo 16 on April 16, 1972.
Splashdown into the Pacific was on April 28. The total mission time was 266 hours. The
temperature in the Command Module during the mission ranged between 290°K and
296°K (17°C and 23°C) and the limits of 287°K and 301°K (14°C and 28°C) were
never exceeded. The flight data of the Apollo 17 mission, with which the Biostack II was
flown, were quite similar to those of Apollo 16. The total mission time of Apollo 17 was
304 hours. In both missions, the Biostack experiment was placed in the R-1 compartment
of the Apollo Command Module. Its position relative to the wall of Command Module is
shown in figure 2.
The approximate absorption in the four different layers of the wall of the Command
Module was about 2.4 gm/cm 2. The bottom of the Biostack container was aluminum
3.00 mm thick with absorption 0.84 gm/cm 2. Since the software of the Biostack itself
absorbed radiation, there was a decrease of radiation from outside to inside. Figure 3
shows some data of the physical evaluation of Biostack I as a function of absorption.
From this it is evident that the flux of efficient HZE particles behind an absorption
screen of 20 gm/cm 2 is still half of the total flux encountered in the mission of
Apollo 16. This datum demonstrates the difficulty of shielding the crew of a space vehicle
against the HZE particles encountered in deep space.
In each Biostack experiment, several thousand biological objects were hit by an HZE
particle. Their response to an HZE particle stopping within the object (an ender) or
passing through was studied in detail. The result was a broad spectrum of HZE-particle
induced effects in biological matter. This spectrum of biological effects can be
categorized as processes (1) insensitive to a hit; (2) moderately sensitive to a hit; and
(3) highly sensitive to a hit by an HZE particle.

Insensitive Processes

In bacterial spores and plant seeds, germination was found to be highly resistant to an
HZE particle hit. During germination, the bacterial spores, Bacillus subtilis, initially phase
bright, became dark. This was probably the result of a change in the refractive index,
caused by excretion of dry matter, slight swelling, and redistribution of water within the
spore. This process has proved to be highly radiation resistant. Irradiation with X-rays of
doses approximately 400 krad, which reduced the surviving fraction of colony formers to
about 10 -4 , did not influence the germination process. Much higher doses, approximately
2000 krad are necessary to induce "pseudogermination," which is correlated with an
increased permeability of the cell wall. The germinating fraction of the spores hit was
more than 90 percent in the Biostack 1 experiment and reached nearly 100 percent in the
Biostack-A Study of the Biological Effects of HZE Galactic Cosmic Radiation 349

Biostack II experiment. This fraction did not differ significantly from that of the
controls, indicating a high resistance to HZE-particle bombardment. Pseudogermination
was not observed on the spores hit. Likewise, the Arabidopsis thaliana seeds hit
germinated with the same frequency and rate as the controls.


+ X -- AXIS \

(_) R-I




B,OSTACK ,- ----"Z- NUM


Figure 2. Schematic of stowage and effective shielding_
of the Biostack experiments in the Apollo Command Module.

(1) ablator, 1.78 cm thick absorption 0.914 gm/cm 2

(_) steel honeycomb, 0.2 mm thick absorption 0.319 gm/cm 2

(_) insulation, 3.175 cm thick absorption 0.305 gm/cm 2

(_) aluminum honeycomb, 0.5 mm thick absorption 0.139 gm/cm 2

(_ wall of R1 container, assumed as absorption 0.692 gm/cm 2

aluminum, 2.5 mm thick Total absorption 2.369 gm/cm 2

The growth of Vicia faba radiculae also did not differ significantly from that of the
controls. It is likely that the surrounding intact cells replaced the destroyed cells, if any
destruction occurred. Even cytological investigations dealing with achromasia of the
nuclear material or repairability of damages in the nuclear DNA did not reveal any
remarkable influence of HZE particles.
350 Biomedical Results of Apollo

200 4O





150 30 500









0 ....................
0 5 10 15 20

I¢- ABSORPTION [gm/cm 2]


ALL ?o,-,O,

Figure 3. Data from physical detectors in Biostack I,

Apollo 16, as a function of absorption.

Moderately Sensitive Processes

The developmental stages, following the germination process, proved to be more

sensitive to a hit of an HZE particle. During spore outgrowth, the spore cases rupture and
the embryo vegetative cell emerges, to develop into the fully grown vegetative cell. A
reduction was noted in the outgrowth of the Bacillus subtilis spores hit in Biostack I.
After radiation with X-rays, the outgrowing fraction decreased with irradiation dose. A
dose of 350 krad produced a surviving fraction of 37 percent of outgrowing cells. Only
45 percent of the spores hit were able to grow out compared to a 72 percent outgrowth
of the flight control. The spores that did not grow out simultaneously with the flight
control never resumed their development during incubation.
The frequency of multicaulous Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown from hit seeds was
remarkably increased. This anomaly was not observed in the ground controls and was
very rarely observed in the flight controls. Thus it is assumed that the multicaulous forms
were developed from seeds, in which cells of the vegetative cone had been destroyed by a
penetrating HZE particle.
Only 55 percent of the Artemia salina eggs hit were able to pass the first
developmental stage, the emergence. During this process, the egg shell cracks open and
the nauplius larva emerges, still enclosed in the egg membrane. In most of the eggs hit, no
development at all was detected. Clearing the egg shell with antiformin revealed an
undeveloped gastrula.
of the Biological Effects of HZE Galactic Cosmic Radiation 351

Highly Sensitive Processes

The animal eggs were most sensitive to HZE-particle hits. Whereas irradiation of
Artemia salina eggs with gamma-rays, neutrons, electrons, and even helium ions (Z=2)
resulted in a sigmoidal dose effect curve regarding development to a swimming larva,
irradiation with oxygen ions of 160 MeV resulted in a exponential curve. It is assumed
that the passage of one single HZE particle may damage a cellular area large enough to
disturb embryogenesis. Only ten percent of the Artemia salina eggs hit developed to a
swimming larvae, compared to 90 percent of the ground controls and 45 percent of the
non-hit flight controls. The larvae derived from hit eggs had a high mortality. Only a few
reached maturity, and none was completely normal in further growth and behavior. They
never reached the normal 12-mm length and pair mating was reached retardedly. Time
until deposition of eggs took twice as long as in the case of ground controls. The number
of broods varied from none to two and the number of descendants in the F1 generation
was reduced. Malformations increased by a factor of ten. Shortened extremities or
abnormal thorax or abdomen were most frequently noted.
These results show that HZE-particle induced damage in cells of the encysted blastula
may be manifest in the gastrula stage, or even in later steps of development of the larva or
the adult. This indicates an inability of intact cells to replace the function of destroyed

Similar effects were found during development of hit Tribolium castaneum eggs.
Hatching frequency was significantly lowered, and, during the first two days after
hatching, a high mortality was observed. The frequency of abnormalities was increased
from 2.5 percent in controls to 48 percent in the experimental organisms. The most
frequent malformations were curved abdomina, fused segments of the abdomen or the
antennae, and split or shortened elytra.
Likewise, the hatching of hit Caurausius morosus "eggs was significantly reduced.
Many of the larvae died during the first two weeks after hatching. Curved abdomina and
fused s%.-m,..entsor shortened legs were the main abnormalities obse_,_cd in the descendants
of the eggs hit. The frequency of malformations was increased from 1.5 to 23 percent.


The physical characteristics of the HZE particles are important in regard to biological
efficiency. The integral distribution function of the relative energy loss (REL) was
obtained from analysis of the plastic detectors of Biostack I. The REL spectrum agrees
satisfactorily with that obtained in the MEED experiment (Benton & Henke, 1973 and
Section IV, Chapter 3 of this book), which was stowed within the Command Module for
nearly the entire mission. However, the personal radiation detectors of the lunar surface
crewmen recorded higher fluxes (Benton & Henke, 1972).
In the biological studies of Biostack, special attention was placed on the effects of
HZE particles of very high energy. Therefore, it was agreed to restrict the studies of
relative energy loss to hits above a threshold of 1.8 GeV/cm2gm. For each particle that
hit biological materials, the REL in the biological laYer was determined. In cellulose
352 Biomedical Results of Apollo

nitrate detectors, the length of a single etch conc gave the REL of the particle at that
point in its path. In hit spores, REL values of 3.1 GeV/cm2gm were determined.
The charge of the HZE particle is another physical characteristic of interest. The
charge of each particle that hit was estimated from the relation of the cone length L and
the residual range R (figure 4). In the Bacillus subtilis spore hit evaluation, charges ranged
from Z_>12 to Z_>24.














Figure 4. Schematic representation of track of a stopping HZE particle;
from Bacillus subtilis unit.

All particles that reached the Biostack penetrated the 3 gm/cm 2 shielding of the
spacecraft wall. A mean flux of approximately 0.1 particles/cm2-hr of Z_>4 was found for
Biostack I and II. The flux diminished remarkably from outside to the inside of the
Biostack due to absorption of the Biostack material itself, approximately 16 gm/cm 2.
Space flight conditions complicated the radiobiological research of HZE-particle
effects. Launch vibration, weightlessness, and ground exposure to cosmic background
radiation were the principal factors acting on the biological material. Therefore,
specimens flown but not hit were taken as flight controls, in addition to control groups.
Biostack-A Study of the Biological Effects of HZE Galactic Cosmic Radiation 353

Summary and Conclusions

The Bacillus subtilis spores were shown not to be influenced by the space flight
environment. Germination and outgrowth of the flight controls agreed with that of the
ground controls, also the rate of cellular elongation was not different. Likewise, there was
no difference in the kinetics of germination of Arabidopsis thaliana flight control and
ground control seeds. Slight damage, however, was observed in the Artemia flight control
eggs. The percentage of emergence and hatching was reduced in comparison with the
ground controls. Those flight control individuals, those able to hatch, afterwards
developed completely in accordance with the ground controls. This slight damage of the
flight controls has been assumed to be caused either by vibrational stress or by cosmic
background radiation.
The concept of the Biostack experiment made it possible for the first time to examine
the relationship between cosmic ray HZE particles and their biological effects. Emphasis
should be placed on the fact that the dose causing the biological effects during the Apollo
space flights was less than 35 millirem. This dose is much lower than the yearly
permissible dose for man on Earth, according to the recommendations of the
International Commission on Radiation Protection. At the present time, the question
concerning the significance of human HZE-particle exposures in long-duration space
flights cannot be answered satisfactorily. Further biophysical experiments will be
necessary to establish the upper limit of HZE-particle fluence that can be tolerated inside
spacecraft on long-duration missions.
The data of the Biostack I and II experiments confirm the assumption that HZE
particle-induced damage might become manifest if a significant number of nonreplaceable
cells are destroyed. In manned space flight, the prime candidate in this connection is the
central nervous system, which consists of highly differentiated nonreplaceable cells. The
question arises as to how many cells might be destroyed by each hit compared to the
number of cells that form a functional unit. It is likely that a large number of
....................hlt_ t_ the same ..... f +h_.._brain would be required to destroy +_-o'_,,,,_
particular function and that the HZE-particle radiation environment poses no major
threat to manned space activities that may be undertaken in the foreseeable future.


Benton, E.V.; and Henke, R.P.: The High Energy Multicharged Particle Exposure of the Microbial
Ecology Evaluation Device Onboard Apollo 16 Spacecraft. In, Proceedings of the Microbial
Response to Space Environment Symposium, G.R. Taylor, ed. NASA TM X-58103, 1973,
pp. 179-189.

Benton, E.V.; and Henke, R.P.: Heavy Cosmic Ray Exposure of Apollo 16 Astronauts. USF-TR-
72-20, 1972.

Brustad, T.: Molecular and Cellular Effects of Fast Charge Particles. Radiation Research, vol. 15,
1961, p. 139.

BUcker, H.; et al.: Life Sciences and Space Research XI. In, Proceedings of the 16th Plenary Meeting
of COSPAR (Konstanz, Germany), May 23 - June 6, 1973.

Chase, H.B.: Cutaneous Effects of Primary Cosmic Radiation. Journal of Aviation Medicine, vol. 25,
1954, p. 388.
354 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Eugster, J.: Weltraumstrahlung. Bern, Switzerland: Medizinsuhen Vedag Hans Huber, 1955.
Haymaker, W.; Bailey, O.T.; Benton, E.V.; Vogel, F.S.; and Zeman, W., in collaboration with
others: Brain Study in Balloon-Borne Monkeys Exposed to Cosmic Rays. Aerospace Medicine,
vol. 41, 1970, p. 989.
Tobias, C.A.: Radiation Hazards in High Altitude Aviation. Journal of Aviation Medicine, vol. 23,
1952, p. 345.
Yagoda, H.; et al.: Brain Studies of Mice Exposed to Cosmic Rays in the Stratosphere and Report of
Nuclear Emulsion Monitoring in Four Balloon Flights from Bemidji, Minnesota, July - August
1960. Military Medicine, vol. 28, 1963, p. 655.
' N76 z 6s5


W. Zachary Osborne, Ph.D.
Lawrence S. Pinsky, Ph.D.

University of Houston
Houston, Texas

J. Vernon Bailey

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


Crewmembers of the Apollo 11 mission were the first astronauts to describe an

unusual visual phenomenon associated with space flight. During transearth coast, both the
Commander and the Lunar Module Pilot reported seeing faint spots or flashes of light
when the cabin was dark and they had become dark-adapted. It is believed that these light
flashes result from high energy, heavy cosmic rays penetrating the Command Module
structure and the crewmembers' eyes. These particles are thought to be capable of
producing visual sensations through interaction with the retina, either by direct
deposition of ionization energy in the retina or through creation of visible light via the
Cerenkov effect.

Crewmembers of Apollo 12 and 13 were questioned concerning this phenomenon

during postmission dcbriefings. All reported the ability to "see" the flashes with relative
ease when the spacecraft was dark with their eyes either open or shut. The Apollo 12
t, ..... J .......bLdLCU
J "'tllitt
...... J[llel'E were big ,Drlgllt• ,. on_s allzz over, "and auueu
'" ' mat
"' " ne
' naa
' " not
seen anything similar during his two Earth-orbital Gemini missions. The Commander of
the Apollo 13 mission also observed these flashes but could not remember seeing them
during his earlier Apollo 8 mission.
The fact that the light flashes could be seen with eyes either open or closed suggests
that the flash effect is produced by cosmic radiation penetrating the optical nervous
system at some point. The fact that dark adaptation is necessary reinforces the view that
the phenomenon is connected with the retina rather than with a direct stimulation of the
optic nerve, since the biochemical changes associated with dark adaptation are localized
in the retinal tissue.

356 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Light Flash Observation Periods

The debriefing reports of crewmembers on the Apollo 11, 12, and 13 missions led to
the establishment of dedicated observing sessions on all subsequent Apollo flights. Three
separate one-hour sessions were programmed for Apollo 15 and two one-hour sessions for
Apollo 16 and 17. Simple blindfolds, designed to avoid corneal pressure, were used to
obtain and maintain a state of complete dark adaptation during the observing session.
Crewmembers' comments and descriptions of each event were radioed to tracking stations
and simultaneously recorded on tape in the spacecraft.
The flashes were generally described as white or colorless. The only exception was the
report by the Apollo 14 Lunar Module Pilot who described a flash as "blue with a white
cast, like a blue diamond." Three basic types of flashes were reported. The most prevalent
was the "spot" or "starlike" flash, which also has been referred to as a "super nova."
Sixty-six percent of the flashes were of this variety, described by the Apollo 15
Commander as resembling a photographic flashbulb that has been flashed across a dark
arena, several hundred feet from the observer. The Apollo 14 LMP described the flash as
being less clear than he had anticipated. "There still seemed to be at least two flashes,
maybe a bright flash followed an instant later by a more subdued flash, or perhaps a
halo-like effect - there does not seem to be a set pattern in each case. Sometimes it is a
very clear single flash; at other times it seems to be followed by a halo. Sometimes it
seems followed by an adjacent flash." On occasion, stars were reported in pairs, either
both in the same eye or one star in each eye.
The type of flash described as a "streak" was the second most abundant, occurring
about 25 percent of the time. Some streaks were described as sharp lines, while others
appeared to be diffuse. Still others were reported as dashed lines, with the most common
version consisting of two principal segments with a gap in the middle. All streaks had a
sense of movement, appearing to be "going from left to right" or "coming straight at
me." It has been hypothesized that these streaks were caused by particles with
trajectories approximately tangent to the retina, and their apparent motion was due to
either eye movement or the shape of the streak.
The final type of flash was referred to as a "cloud" and occurred in eight percent of
the cases. Clouds were flashes with no discernible shape and always appeared in the
peripheral visual field. The Apollo 14 Command Module Pilot described the clouds as
resembling a lightning discharge when viewed from behind terrestrial clouds in the
distance. Some of the cloud flashes were so large as to appear to fill the entire periphery,
while leaving the central visual field dark.
The number of events of each type seen by each observer in individual one-hour
sessions is shown in table 1. This table also presents the elapsed time in minutes from the
start of dark adaptation to the observation of the first event for sessions where that time
is known. This elapsed time, that is until the first flash was seen, averages to
19.3 minutes, compared with an average event rate after dark adaptation of one event
every 2.9 minutes.
Analyses of the elapsed time between events for a particular observer, and between
events for any observer, both indicate that the events seen during each one-hour session
were randomly distributed in time. Further, there does not appear to be a significant
Apollo Light Flash Investigations 357

preference for one eye or the other, either for a single event or for all events taken

Table 1

Summary of Light Flash Events Observed During Apollo Dedicated Sessions

(The tapes containing detailed descriptions of events observed

on the Apollo 15 translunar coast were lost during playback to the ground.)

Length Time to
of First Number of Events
of Crewman
Flight Event Total Streak Star Cloud I Mixture
(min) (min) L
Apollo 14

TEC I CMP 47 29 12 2 8 1 1


Apollo 15

TLC CMP 60 10 22
LMP 60 9 12
CDR 60 10 25
LO LMP 60 10 12 6 5 I 0 I 1
TEC CMP 60 30 8 2 5 I 0 I 1
LMP 60 26 9 3 5 I 0 I 1
CDR 60 17 6
o Io I o
Apollo 16

CDR ] 60 6 14 1

LMP 60 21§ 1 II 4 II 2 II 1 II
CDR I 60 21 8 111 0 0 0

ADollo 17

TLC CMP 60 10 1
CDR 60* 39* 4 1
LMP 60 15 I;
CDR 60

*A high phosphene level was reported during the first half of the session, fThe crew were already dark-
adapted and seeing flashes when the time session began. $ The first seven flashes were not reported in
real time; the elapsed time to the first event is not available but is probably about 15 minutes. §The
total includes those not reported in real time. IIComplete event descriptions were not available.

LO = Lunar orbit CDR = Commander

CMP = Command Module Pilot TEC = Transearth coast
LMP = Lunar Module Pilot TLC = Translunar coast
358 Biomedical Results of Apollo

It can be noted in table 1 that no results are presented for the Command Module Pilot
of the Apollo 16 mission. He was the only Apollo crewmember briefed to look for the
phenomenon who failed to see it. He volunteered the information that he considers his
night vision to be poor.
An interesting feature of the light flash phenomenon is shown in table 2. The data
presented indicates the mean time between events after dark adaptation for each
observer, and the average value for all observers for each session. Session averages were
computed by weighting the individual values according to the corresponding dark-adapted
observing times. It can be seen from the table that the average time between events was
longer during transearth coast (TEC) (returning from the moon) observation periods than
during translunar coast (TLC) sessions. TEC dark adaptation times (time to witness the
first flash) also were considerably longer than those found during TLC sessions. In
addition, most crewmembers commented that the flashes seemed not only less frequent
during the TEC sessions but also much less brilliant. The most dramatic example of this
difference occurred on Apollo 17, when all crewmen reported that no events were seen
during the entire one-hour transearth coast session. During a similar translunar coast
session, the two observing crewmen reported a total of 28 events.

Table 2

Mean Time Between Events After Dark Adaptation Times. No observing

session was scheduled for the Apollo 14 translunar coast.
No events were reported in the Apollo 17 transearth coast session.
(See legend to Table 1 for abbreviations.)

Translunar Coast Sessions Transearth Coast Sessions

Mean Time Dark Mean Time Dark

Flight Crewman
Between Adaptation Between Adaptation
Events Time Events Time
(rain) (min) (min) (min)

Apollo 14 CMP 1.64 29

LMP 1.43 17

CDR 2.23 18

Average 1.71 21.3

Apollo 15 CMP 2.38 10 4.29 30

LMP 4.64 9 4.25 26

CDR 2.08 10 8.60 17

Average 3.05 9.7 6.01 24.3

Apollo 16 LMP 1.28 2.50

CDR 2.73 5.57 21

Average 2.00 3.85 21.0

Apollo 17 CMP 2.81 15.0"

CDR 2.10

Average 2.59 15.0

All sessions 2.58 11 .Or 2.91 22.6§


*Dark adaptation time available for the CMP only. i'Averaged over four observers. §Averaged
over seven observers.
Apollo Light Flash Investigations 359

A number of possible mechanisms were examined in an attempt to explain the

decrease in flash events during TEC observing sessions. These included physical factors
such as geomagnetic shielding effects from the Earth's magnetosheath tail, a relative
difference in spacecraft shielding, and possible flux modulation due to solar activity.
None of these mechanisms offered an adequate explanation. Crewmember variables such
as fatigue or some visual impairment also were investigated. All crewmembers reported
feeling well rested and alert for the TEC sessions and no basis was found to ascribe this
phenomenon to a physiological change. It was suggested by the Apollo 16 Command
Module Pilot that the extremely bright albedo light from the lunar surface as viewed from
lunar orbit may have been sufficient to produce residual effects such as dark adaptation
impairment for the TEC duration. This suggestion is currently being investigated
independently. The anomaly remains as an apparently real effect for which no unique
explanation has as yet been demonstrated.

Monte Carlo Simulations

A Monte Carlo simulation of the exposure of an astronaut to cosmic radiation during

a mission was accomplished as a means of gaining additional insight into the light flash
observations. The Monte Carlo calculation was done by tracing the fate of each of a large
number of cosmic ray particles through the spacecraft-observer system to assess its
effectiveness in causing a light flash. Physical variables used in this simulation included
the charge, energy, and direction of motion of particles, as chosen from established
cosmic ray charge and energy distributions and a random direction distribution. Also
taken into account, as appropriate, were (1) solar modulation of the primary cosmic ray
energy spectrum; (2) effects of the Earth's magnetic field, including specific dependence
of cutoff rigidity upon particle momentum direction; and (3) shadowing of the primary
cosmic rays by the Earth. Detailed models of spacecraft shielding presented to the cosmic
ray beam also were included.
,,,y_lu_u_,_o, parameters used m the simulation were: _s_ thickness _ ,h ..... ;t;.,_
region of the retina; (2) minimum projection of the sensitive region track segment on a
plane tangent to the surface of the retina; and (3)minimum energy loss rate for the
ionizing particles in the sensitive region. A water phantom was used as being a reasonable
approximation of the geometry of the observer. Accumulated experience indicates that
observer sensitivity to light flashes can vary by a factor of two; therefore it was not
deemed necessary to incorporate the best available model of the human anatomy.
Physiological parameters were adjusted, within boundaries dictated by light flash data
obtained in accelerator experiments and by physical measurements of the retina, in order
to achieve agreement between observed and predicted flash rates. This was done with and
without the inclusion of Cerenkov radiation. Table 3 shows the values used for visual
system parameters in the simulation and presents the predicted Monte Carlo flash rates.
The Monte Carlo calculations also resulted in predicted charge and energy spectra at
the retina for particles believed to cause light flashes. The predicted charge spectrum is
shown in table 4, which also includes the primary cosmic ray charge spectrum to facilitate
comparisons. Inspection of the Apollo predictions shown in table 4 reveals that almost all
of the Apollo light flashes probably were caused by particles with Z/> 12, even though
360 Biomedical Rcsults of Apollo

only approximately 25 percent of the Z/> 6 primary cosmic rays have Z/> 12. This can
be understood by an inspection of table 5, which contains a summary of the predicted
energy spectra for the effective particles. Only at very low energies (0 to 200
MeV/nucleon), that is near the end of their range, do members of the C and O group have
an energy deposition rate large enough for them to cause light flashes.

Table 3
Monte Carlo Simulation Parameters
and Flash Rate Comparisons

Visual System Parameters

Effective retina thickness 50/_m

Minimum projected track length

inside retina with energy loss rate

greater than minimum value 40#m

Minimum energy loss rate

370 MeV cm2/gm or
37 keV/# in water

Apollo Flash Rates

Maximum observed rate 0.8/rain

TLC average rate 0.4/rain

Monte Carlo rate without Cerenkov 0.7/rain

Monte Carlo rate with Cerenkov 1.0/min

Table 4

Predicted Relative Fluxes at the Retina

for Particles Believed to Cause Flash Response


Primary Monte Carlo Monte Carlo

Cosmic Radiation No Cerenkov With Cerenkov

6--8 .693 .150 .115

9 .025 .029 ,022

10 .036 .036 .123

11 .043 .063 .134

12 .074 .100 .131

13--14 .043 .183 .140
15--21 .038 .226 .173

22-28 .047 .213 .163

Apollo Light Flash Investigations 361

Table 5

Predicted Relative Energy Spectra of Effective Particles

at the Retina for Apollo

Charge Interval
Interval No Cerenkov Radiation With Cerenkov Radiation

O- 200 .05 .27 .05 .07 .11 .05 .07

200- 400 .11 .53 .08 .08 .21 .08 .08
4OO- 60O .11 .20 .09 .08 .10 .10 .09
6-8 9-14 lfi11 22-28
600-1000 .18 .19 .13 .14 .18 .13
>1000 .55 .64 .44 .63

Finally, the Monte Carlo calculations were used to predict the number of Z/> 6 and
Z/> 12 particles which should have passed through an observer's eyes during the
Apollo 17 mission. This simulation predicts that, during the 60 minutes of an Apollo 17
observing session, a total of approximately 640 Z/> 6 primary cosmic rays (and spallation
secondaries) would pass through the eyes, as would approximately 130 Z t> 12 particles.

ALFMED Experiment

A system was developed for the Apollo 16 and 17 missions to obtain, for the first
time, a direct physical record of incident cosmic ray particles which would allow
correlation with crewmembers' reports of light flashes. The measurement system is
known as the Apollo Light Flash Moving Emulsion Detector (ALFMED).
The ALFMED was an electromechanical helmet-like device that supported cosmic
radiation-sensitive emulsions around the head of the test subject (figures l to 3). A direct
physical record was provided of cosmic ray particles that passed through the emulsion
plates and, in turn, through the head of the subject. The ALFMED contained two sets of
glass plates coated on both sides with nuclear emulsion and supported in a protective
framework. One set of plates was fixed in position wttnm"' " "u,c-,_u_L"-
-j ..... a,,u_ _u,,,,u,,u_,_d tho._
front and sides of the head. A second similar set of plates was located exterior and
parallel to the inner fixed plates and could be translated at a constant rate (10tt/sec) with
respect to the fixed plates, thereby providing a time resolution for events to within one
second. The total translation time available was 60 minutes, after which the moving plates
could be returned to the original or reference orientation.
The postflight analysis of the ALFMED plates proceeded through the following steps:
1. Location scan- The fixed plate was placed on a special microscope stage
containing the moving plate and positioned in the reference orientation (i.e., the r.elative
orientation of the plates during stowage). The fixed plate was then scanned for tracks
directed toward at least one eye, and the counterpart of each such track was sought in the
moving plate. The absence of an aligned counterpart indicated that the track was a
candidate (i.e., a track that originated while the plates were moving).
362 Biomedical Results of Apollo

I 'I

Figure 1. Exterior view of Apollo light flash moving emulsion detector (ALFMED)
with outer cover removed.

Figure 2. Interior view of ALFMED device.

Apollo Light Flash Investigations 363

Figure 3. Subject wearing ALFMED device.

2. Trajector,y measurement - The direction of the track was measured, and the
subsequent trajectory through the head was predicted.
3. Translation scan - For all the candidate events located in the first step, a scan of
the moving plate along the line of translation was made t o locate the counterpart track. A
measurement of the translation distance for each event was also made, yielding the time
of occurrence of the event.
4. Correlation with observations -The list of events was compared with the
observations reported by the crewmen in an attempt to determine if cosmic rays did in
fact cause the phenomenon; if there was an apparent charge, energy, or linear energy
transfer (LET) threshold; or if some particular event types correlated with certain particle
types (e.g., streaks caused by tracks tangent to the retina, etc.).
5. Charge and energy measurement - Particles passing through the emulsion (East-
man Kodak NTB-3) left latent images which were developed in the same fashion as the
latent images on normal photographic film due to exposure to light. Some of the
secondary electrons (&rays) produced by the passage of the particle through the emulsion
have sufficient range to leave small tracks of their own. A detailed analysis of the density
364 Biomedical Results of Apollo

of these secondary tracks over the entire available track length in the emulsion could
yield charge measurements with an uncertainty of Z =_+1. For kinetic energies/nucleon in
the interval 50 MeV/nuc.<E,< 300 MeV/nuc, the analysis could also yield a measurement
of the kinetic energy.

Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 ALFMED Results

The ALFMED film plates for the Apollo 16 mission were processed immediately
following the flight and examined extensively at that time. The ALFMED fixed plates
used for the flight had 200/am-thick emulsion on both surfaces while the moving plates
had 50/.an-thick emulsions. Thus the total emulsion thickness was approximately 500
_m. This, coupled with the extremely high particle flux experienced during the Apollo 16
mission (the highest for any of the Apollo missions), made it quite difficult to scan the
plates as originally planned. It was therefore decided that, due to the delays involved, it
would be advantageous to proceed with the Apollo 17 analysis first. Experience gained
during Apollo 17 analysis procedures then might be used to improve Apollo 16 analysis
As a result of the difficulties in scanning the Apollo 16 plates, the Apollo 17 plates
were flown with 50 gm-thick layers on both sides, giving a total emulsion thickness of
200/am. This greatly improved track detectability.
Analysis of the Apollo 17 plates yielded a total of 2360 individual tracks with
directions that appeared approximately correct for passage through the eye of the
astronaut. Of these tracks, 483 did not initially appear to have positional counterparts in
the moving plates. These particles were all considered candidates for events which
occurred during the period of observation and while the moving plates were displaced
from their reference orientation.
Of the 483 tracks, 229 were in the front plate. Detailed trajectory measurements on
the 229 front plate candidates revealed that 65 of that number passed through one eye or
the other (or both). (Since the front plate was scanned first in each analysis step, the
efficiencies for the various steps were probably somewhat less than those for the side
plates.) Upon careful inspection, 50 of the 65 eye-directed tracks were found to have
alined counterparts in the moving plate for the reference orientation, thereby reducing
the front-plate sample to 15 genuine candidates.
The Monte Carlo calculations predict that one should expect approximately 30 Z>_12
candidate tracks in the front plate which originated during the translation period. The
current number of 15 candidates indicates that most probably the first-scan efficiency for
such tracks is roughly 50 percent. We consider it unlikely that any Z < 8 events are
included in this first-scan sample, but experience leads us to believe that a rescan will
result in a considerably improved efficiency, especially for the smaller charges.
Two of the 15 genuine candidates were found to coincide, to within five sconds, with
reported flash observations. It is anticipated, that after final measurements are made, the
coincidences can be determined to accuracies of one or two seconds.
The first coincidence is with the fifth light flash reported, and occurred some
1465 seconds after the plate translation began. It was described as "just a spot" in the left
eye. The candidate particle traversed the left side of the left eye, moving upward and
Light Flash Investigations 365

slightly to the right, and passed almost tangent to the retina. Detailed charge and energy
measurements have not yet been completed; however, the particle was almost certainly
heavier than oxygen.
The second coincidence is with the eleventh event reported, and it occurred after
2368 seconds of plate translation. The light flash was described as a glow, "about one
eighth of an inch in diameter", and appeared to be three-fourths of the way out from the
center to the edge of the visual field at about 10:00 o'clock in the right eye.
The second candidate trajectory passed through the right side of the right eye,
heading from the front left to the right rear, and slightly upward. A rough estimate of its
location as it would appear to the observer places it in the periphery at approximately the
proper distance, but at 8:30 or 9:00 o'clock, rather than at 10:00 o'clock as reported.
Eye movement at the time of observation might account for this minor discrepancy. This
particle is also most probably heavier than oxygen.

Summary and Conclusions

In summary, available results are consistent with expectations based upon geometrical
considerations and upon the Monte Carlo calculations. First, evidence shows that, at least
in part, the flashes seen by astronauts are correlated with charged particles traversing the
retina. Further, since the flux of these particles is sufficient to explain the entire
phenomenon, it is likely that all of the flashes originate in this manner. From our sample
of two coincidences, we find no contradiction with the ability of the observer to discern
in which eye the event occurred. Finally, the ALFMED technique has been demonstrated
to be effective as a procedure for study of the light flash phenomenon.


Benson, R.E., and Pinsky, L.S.: Biomedical Experiments: Part C. Visual Light Flash Phenomenon. In
Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
Pinsky, L.S.; Osborne, W. Z.; and Bailey, J.V.: Visual Light Flash Phenomenon. In Apollo 17
Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-330, 1973.
Pinsky, L.S.; Osborne, W.Z.; Bailey, J.V.; Benson, R.E.; and Thompson, L.F.: Light Flashes Observed
by Astronauts on Apollo 11 through Apollo 17. Science, vol. 183, 1974_ pp. 957-959.




Gerald R. Taylor, Ph•D.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


Microorganisms have been subjected to a large variety of space flight conditions on

many United States and Soviet missions including Sputnik 4-6, Vostok 1-6, Voskhod 1
and 2, Cosmos ll0, Nervl, Discoverer l8, Gemini9, 10, and 13, AgenaS, and
Biosatellite 2. This considerable number of flights carried a large array of viruses, bacteria,
and fungi which were exposed to many different space flight conditions•
Most of these past studies were concerned with establishing the now accepted
principle that microbes can survive in the harsh space environment• However, during the
conduct of these viability studies certain anomalies were noticed which suggested that the
survival of some microbes was enhanced, whereas others were adversely affected by the
space environment. For example, aqueous suspensions of spores from members of the
genus Streptomyces (Actinomyees in the Soviet Union) demonstrated quite different
results following exposure to space flight conditions aboard the third, fourth, and fifth
Soviet satellites (Glembotskiy et al., 1962). The space flight conditions reportedly

The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the following persons, without whom the
many segments of this experiment could not have been completed. T.K. Mattilgly, III, C. Chassay,
J.V. Bailey, and R.C. Simmonds of the Johnson Space Center; A.M. Heimpel of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland; B.G. Foster and D.O. Lovett of Texas A&M University, College
Station, Texas; J. Spizizen and J.E. Isherwood of Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, LaJolla,
California; H. Biicker, G. Homeck, and H. Wollenhaupt of the University of Frankfurt, Germany;
P.A. Volz, Y.C. Hsu, D.E. Jerger, J.L. Hiser, and J.M. Veselenak of Eastern Michigan University,
Ypsilanti, Michigan; E.V. Benton of the University of San Francisco, California; R.A. English and
R.D. Brown of the Kelsey-Seybold Clinic, Houston, Texas; R.T. Wrenn, W.L. Ellis, R.A. Long,
M.B. Parson, C. Carmichael, and J. Lindsay of Northrop Services, Inc., Houston, Texas.
Special thanks is given to the Biological Sciences Section of Northrop Services, Inc., Houston,
Texas, in grateful appreciation for technical assistance provided to this study. Appreciation is also
expreased to Aerojet Medical and Biological Systems, El Monte, California, for design and fabrication
of the experiment hardware.

368 Biomedical Results of Apollo

increased the incidence of spore germinations of Strain 2577 of S. erythreus by about six
times that of the ground controls, whereas the viability of Strain 8594 decreased sharply.
These examples are typical of past survival studics where results are quite evenly divided
among those which report synergism, antagonism, or no relationship at all between space
flight and microbial viability (de Serres, 1969; Glembotskiy et al., 1962; Kovyazin et al.,
1962; Lorenz, 1968; Mattoni, 1968; & Parfenov, 1967). Many previous studies were
hindered by technical constraints, mission anomalies, or the inability to provide
meaningful controls. As a result, and in spite of the best effort of the investigators,
equivocal results were often produced. One of the objectives of the present experiment
was to take advantage of the considerable array of past experimentation, overcome as
many equivocating obstacles as possible, and help to establish a meaningful relationship
between space flight and the viability of several different microbial systems.
A few of the more recent United States and Soviet microbiology studies have
investigated the effect of space flight on other parameters in addition to viability.
Generally, these studies have involved genetic changes, and as with the survival studies,
they have produced variable results (Antipov, 1967; Antipov et al., 1969; de Serres, 1969;
de Serres & Webber, 1968; de Serres et al., 1969; Jenkins, 1968; Mattoni, 1968; Parfenov,
1967; & Zhukov-Verezhnikov etal., 1963). However, the combined results of these
studies suggest the possibility that the conditions of space flight influence microbial
genetic alterations (Townes, 1970). The "Microbial Response to Space Environment"
experiment was designed to evaluate this effect as well as to determine the survivability of
microorganism species.

General Experiment Design

From the multitude of microbial species and challenge systems available, the
experiment system outlined in table 1 was established. This experiment system comprised
a variety of species, each of which may be considered to be a model system for evaluation
of some medically important activity. Investigators were invited to study those
phenomena within their area of expertise, and to conduct critical investigations in their
own laboratories. This method allowed a large number of individual studies to be
conducted in a coordinated manner, and permitted a variety of species to be housed
within a single piece of flight hardware. Each investigator selected a test system which
was nonpathogenic to man (to avoid possible contamination of the crew), was well
characterized relative to the phenomenon to be studied, lent itself well to simple and
rapid screening tests, and was compatible with the unique environment of the flight
In order to allow for dose-response studies and comparative investigations, certain
variables were provided within the flight hardware. Microbes could either be suspended in
50 microliters of fluid or could be dried on a suitable carrier. Some of the microbes were
exposed to the vacuum of space whereas others were retained at one atmosphere. As
detailed genetic studies required exposure to a mutagenic source, provisions were made to
expose test systems to the full light of space or to components of the solar ultraviolet
spectrum at peak wavelengths of 254 nm, 280 nm, and 300 nm. An optical filtering
system was provided to control the total radiant energy reaching exposed test systems
The Apollo 16 Microbial Response to Space Environment Experiment 369

from a minimum of 4 x l01 ergs cm "2 to a maximum of 8 x 108 ergs cm 2. The use of
ambient solar radiant energy as the mutagen necessitated close monitoring of this factor.
Photographic emulsion and a modification of the potassium ferrioxalate system of
Wrighton and Witz (1972) were used to record the amount of radiant energy which
actually reached Selected test systems (table 2). The possible mutagenic activity of
galactic radiation necessitated the inclusion of lithium fluoride thermoluminescent
dosimeters and a package of passive nuclear track detectors capable of recording
high-energy multicharged particles (table 2).

Table 1

Biological Components

Phenomenon Assay Microorganism Investigator

Studied System

R. T. Wrenn, W. L. Ellis
Lipolytic a toxin Lytic zone Northrop Services, Inc.
production on agar Houston, Texas
G. R. Taylor• R. C. Simmonds
Deforming /3 toxin Sarcina flava Bacillus NASA Manned Spacecraft Center
production and house fly thuringiensis Houston• Texas
A. M. Heimpel
Fatal _ toxin Silk worm and U. S. Dept. of Agriculture
production crystal assay Beltsville, Maryland

R. A. Long, W. L. Ellis
Northrop Services• Inc.
Nema tospiroides Houston, Texas
Infectivity Mouse
dubius G. R. Taylor
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center
Houston, Texas

Hemorrhagic factor Guinea pig and

production hemoglobin B. G. Foster• D. O. Lovett
Texas A. & M. University
Hemolytic enzyme Human proteolytica
.... q_°_;on
_Lu¢, • T6xas
production erythrocytes

Bacil/us subtilis
J. Spizizen, J. E. Isherwood
Genome alteration spores• strains
Spore production Scripps Clinic and Research
HA 101
u^ 101 '_- ' r
La Jolla, California
UVand vacuum Colony formation Bacillus subtilis H. BLicker, G. Horneck,
sensitivity spores, strain H. Wollenhaupt
168 University of Frankfurt, Germany

J. Spizizen, J. E. Isherwood
Bacteria phage Host lysis Escherich ia coli Scripps Clinic and Research
infectivity (T-7 phage) Foundation
La Jolla, California

Cellulolytic Cloth fibers Chaetomium

activity globosum
Animal tissue Human hair Tr ich oph y ton ;_ LA..HViOle_
I Y.MC_ HeSUeleC)na
_. Jerger
invasion terrestre
Eastern Michigan University
Rhodo torula
Drug sensitivity Antibiotic sensi-
Saccharomyces Ypsilanti, Michigan
tivity in agar cerivisiae
370 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 2

Dosimctry Components

Measurement Monitor Used Assay Systems Investigator

Cellulose nitrate E. V. Benton
High-energy Passive nuclear
Photographic University of San Francisco
mutticharged track
emulsion San Francisco, California
particles detectors
Silver chloride

M. B. Parson, R. A. Long, W. Ellis

Northrop Services, Inc.
Passive ferrioxalate
Houston, Texas
Ultraviolet light dosimeters actinometry
G. R. Taylor
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center
Houston, Texas

J. V. Bailey
Penetration of Thermo- NASA Manned Spacecraft Center
galactic luminescent Lithium Houston, Texas
irradiation dosimeters fluoride R. A. English, R. D. Brown
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
Houston, Texas

These latter studies were conducted in a manner that allowed for direct correlation
with similar readings obtained from the BIOSTACK experiment, the Apollo crew
personnel radiation dosimeters, and the Apollo Light Flash Moving Emulsion Detector
(ALFMED), all of which were used in the Apollo 16 Command Module.

Description of the Hight Hardware

Each biological test sample, containing 102 to 106 living cells as appropriate, was
housed in a chamber (cuvette) 5 mm on a side, composed of Kel-f plastic with a quartz
window (figure 1). There were three types of these chambers, one of which was designed
to contain 50 microliters of fluid. This type possessed, on the side opposite the quartz
window, a fill port which was sealed with Shelwax 500 after filling with the test solution.
The cuvette body was designed to have a seven-degree internal slope to prevent possible
shadowing of the organisms.
The other two cuvette types were both designed to retain biological test systems
which had been deposited on Millipore filter chips with a mean pore size of 0.45 microns.
The only difference between these latter two types was that one was vented to the
outside, thus allowing for exposure of the contents to the vacuum of space (figure 1).

All loaded cuvettes which were to be exposed to UV irradiation were placed beneath
neutral density filters which were situated under bandpass filters. This optical filter
combination respectively controlled the amount and the wavelength of light reaching the
microbial systems (figure 2). Cuvettes and optical filters were placed in trays (figure 3)
which were mounted in a hardware case which measured 11.4 x ll.4x 24.5 cm. The
The Apollo 16 Microbial Response to Space Environment Experiment 371

flight hardware (figure 4), designated the Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device (MEED),

contained 798cuvettes with biological test systems, 140neutral density filters,

28 bandpass filters, eight recording thermometers, one high-energy multicharged particle

dosimeter, 64potassium ferrioxalate actinometry cuvettes, 44photographic film

cuvettes, and 18 thermoluminescent dosimetry cuvettes. The flight hardware was placed

within a stowage bag which helped absorb the launch vibrations and provided additional
thermal insulation. The bag was made from nonflammable Beta cloth and nonflammable

Fluorel sponge foam.





" // //i////i/

C U V ETT E BO D Y _ _ _'/'/////////////////'.//\\

VE RSAPORE FI LTE R_ .---..x__,_

P LU G V E NT --"" ":::::::::
ii \

_ _ _,._
'_ _i_ ............ ii::i::i::iii!iiiii

Figure 1. Biological test sample cuvette design.



, FILTER \\ _ _ I ///r/,_

_'_',_!_..jl..j ....Jl....!_
-- ' -- _"_'_C_":'_"_W":<-:"N"'f'TRA¥

Figure 2. Optical filter configuration.

372 Biomedical Results of Apollo



¢_I 4_________
1+_ e + •
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el+ =-_--:
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I°1!i-++_I-+X+.++. ,,+++,,_.1P,, _.ci4r714-
I IIkR+.._-Ii -I..-i-_,_, +++'K-i-* + I +4- "t"I:bl (+,H'-'M"-k+-l- , I
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i _-_____--,,=-_x _- - - -- - - q _:_-,_
to \'1' o ° r_ N -_ o o o --o,





i_ # t I CUVETTE

Figure 3. Details of MEED tray interior.

Deployment of the Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device

During the extravehicular activity phase of the Apollo 16 transearth coast, the MEED
hardware was removed from its protective stowage bag while in the crew compartment
and affixed to the distal end of the television boom which was then attached to the
handle of the opened hatch door (figure 4). The procedure of deploying the MEED
hardware by an Apollo 16 astronaut is shown in figure 5.
A small attitude adjustment of the Command Module was required to place the
appropriate surface of the MEED directly perpendicular to the rays of the sun. This was
indicated by a solar positioning device incorporated into the exterior surface of the
MEED. After attaining the proper attitude, the MEED was opened so that the biological
test systems and actinometers were exposed to the direct rays of the sun. After exactly
ten minutes of such exposure the device was closed, removed from the television boom,
and replaced in its protective bag for transport back to the Johnson Space Center.

Design of Individual Test Systems

Aeromonas proteolytica

This microorganism was selected for studying the effects of solar irradiation and space
flight conditions on the production of extracellular enzymes because it produces an
The Apollo 16 Microbial Response to Space Environment Experiment 373
374 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Figure 5. Artist’s conception of inflight deployment of MEED hardware by an astronaut.

The Apollo 16 Microbial Response to Space Environment Experiment 375

endopeptidase which can cause intracutaneous hemorrhage and necrosis in laboratory

animals (Foster, 1972), and a hemolysin which is elaborated into the culture fluid and has
the ability to hemolyse human erythrocytes (Foster, 1972). This microbe was retained in
fluid suspensions and exposed to solar ultraviolet irradiation at peak wavelengths of
254 nm, 280 nm, and 300 nm. In addition to survival evaluations, cells recovered from
the flight hardware were quantitatively tested for alterations in toxin production.
Postflight analysis of retrieved cells indicated that there was no significant difference
between the survival rates of inflight and ground-based control.

Bacillus subtilis

Different strains of this species were evaluated by two different groups as indicated in
table 1. Spores of this species are generally highly resistant to harsh environments and
were therefore expected to yield a high return of viable cells for detailed genetic analyses.
The manner in which spores of Strain 168 survive when exposed to one or more
factors of space has been critically studied in simulation experiments (Horneck et al.,
1971) as well as in the BIOSTACK experiment which was flown on Apollo 16 and 17.
For the present study, spores were exposed to space vacuum and solar ultraviolet
irradiation at a peak wavelength of 254 nm to determine the influence of these space
factors on their survival evaluated in terms of colony-forming ability. The combined
action of space vacuum and solar ultraviolet irradiation at a peak wavelength of 254 nm
resulted in greater loss of viability than was observed in ground-based studies. Space
vacuum alone did not cause a decrease in survival of predried spores, indicating that
air-dried spores may survive exposure to space vacuum if shielded against solar irradiation.
The additional environmental factors of space flight did not measurably influence the
viability and irradiation response of spores of Strain 168.
Another investigative group exposed Bac'illus subtilis spores of Strains HA 101 and
HA 101 (59) F to the space flight environment both in aqueous suspensions and in dry
layers, as outlined in table 1. These strains require three specific amino acids for growth
which are used as identification and mutation detection markers. In addition,
Strain HA 101 (59) F is defective in the ability to repair radiation damage (Gass et al.,
1971), and is therefore highly susceptible to the damaging effects of ultraviolet
irradiation. Generally, the lethal effects of irradiation at peak wavelengths of 254 and
200 um were greater for dried spores than for those exposed to distilled water.
Additionally, the repair-defective strain was more sensitive at both wavelengths of UV
irradiation. As expected, survival rates for space flight-exposed spores did not differ
significantly from analogous aliquots in the ground control units. Detailed genetic
analyses are being performed to determine if any mutational effects of space flight were

Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis

This microorganism, which has widely been used as a biological insecticide, was
selected for inclusion in this experiment because it produces three toxins which are active
against biological systems and lends itself well to both rapid screening and critical in vivo
analyses. The toxins include a lipolytic omxotoxin which in some ways resembles the
376 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Phospholipase C produced by Clostridium perfringens, a deforming _-exotoxin which is a

nucleotide that is heat stable and kills insects at time of molt or pupation, and a
crystalline 6-endotoxin which is a proteinaceous factor that destroys the midgut cells in
many Lepidopterans, causing gut paralysis and eventual death (Heimpel, 1967).
As with the B. subtilis tested, there was no significant difference between the mean of
B. thuringiensis survivors from the ground control, flight control, and vibration control
units. Also, there was no significant difference between the means of survivors for any of
the groups exposed to solar ultraviolet light in space. There was a significant difference
(p<0.01) in the survival rate of those groups exposed to full sunlight in space when
compared with the nonirradiated control groups. This indicates that the space-flown
spores of this species were resistant to the levels of ultraviolet irradiation encountered in
the test, but were sensitive to the full light of the sun. This follows previously established
patterns obtained from ground-based studies (Cantwell & Franklin, 1966) and is not
considered anomalous behavior.

Phage T7 for Escherichia coil

• Survival studies of the T-7 bacteriophage of Escherichia coli were included in an
attempt to relate the present experiment to the space flight-mediated effects reported by
Soviet investigators for E. coli phages which were flown on numerous manned flights
(Antipov, 1967; Hotchin, 1968; Lorenz, 1968; and Zhukov-Verezhnikov, 1968). Rather
than the T-1 or K-12 (k) phage commonly used in Soviet space flight studies, the simpler
and more stable T-7 phage was chosen for this study in hopes that it would be more
resistant to the rigors of space flight and therefore prove to be a better UV test subject.
Postflight survival evaluations support this hypothesis because large losses in the non-UV
exposed flight subjects (as compared to the ground controls) are not indicated. The lethal
effect of inflight solar ultraviolet irradiation at a peak wavelength of 254 nm was
considerably higher than ground-based controls which were exposed to the same levels of
irradiation; however, the characteristic shape of the dose response curve was similar to the
curve of the ground control data.

Nematospiroides dubius
This nematode was chosen for study largely because it is a complex multicellular
organism which has been successfully cultured in vitro from the egg to the third stage
infective larvae (Weinstein et al., 1969), is pathogenic to laboratory mice but not to
humans, and is quite insensitive to the special holding conditions of the flight hardware.
A total of 2 x 105 ergs cm "2 of solar inflight ultraviolet irradiation at a peak
wavelength of 254 nm was sufficient to completely inhibit ultimate infection in the
murinc host and subsequent maturity to adult worms. Therefore, the survival of space
flight irradiated larvae was too low for further comparative studies.
Comparison of nonirradiated flight and ground control subjects revealed no
differences in survival, infectivity in mice, formation of adults, or subsequent egg
productions. There was, however, a significant decrease in egg viability within the group
of adults which descended from flight control larvae that were exposed to the space flight
environment (excluding vacuum) but received no solar ultraviolet irradiation. This was an
The Apollo 16 Microbial Response to Space Environment Experiment 377

important observation since this control group was not purposefully exposed to any
experimental stresses and was simply a "passenger" on the space flight.

Mycological Studies

Four different species of fungi (two filamentous fungi and two yeasts) were
incorporated within the experiment package. Each of these species was carefully selected
by the investigator (table 1) so that exhaustive postflight studies of medically important
activities could be performed and compared to suitable ground-based controls.
Trichophyton terrestre was selected because it has the ability to attack human hair
under laboratory conditions and has not been shown to be naturally infectious. The other
filamentous fungus, Chaetomium globosum, was of special interest because of the
cellulolytic activity it has demonstrated on cloth fibers, such as those which compose
portions of the flight garments of the astronauts (Volz & Jerger, 1973): The two yeasts,
Rhodotorula rubra and Saccharomyees cerevisiae, were included because they lend
themselves well to drug sensitivity studies and other quantitative evaluations having
medical importance. Analysis of postflight data indicate that in no case was there a
significant difference between survival rates of static ground controls and other ground
control aliquots which were subjected to simulated launch vibration. There were slight
differences between survival rates of these two control series and the inflight controls
(not irradiated) of three of the test species. The survival of flown C. globosum, R. rubra,
and S. cerevisiae was slightly lower than corresponding ground controls. In addition,
aliquots of T. terrestre and S. cerevisiae demonstrated some sensitivity to inflight solar
ultraviolet irradiation when measured in terms of a loss of cell viability.
During the viability studies, selected isolates were recovered for ongoing postflight
investigations. These additional studies include evaluations of hyphal growth dynamics
and possible alterations in the chromosomal configuration of different filamentous
phenotypes. The nutrient requirements and drug sensitivity of returned phenotypes are
also being investigated for comparison with ground control values. Additionally, isolates
of T. terrestre are being examined for changes in the ability to decompose human hair
in vitro.

l Tltr2_inl,_t I_a¢imotr-.,
..................... j

Two methods were employed to monitor the actual radiant energy penetrating
selected optical .components of the flight hardware. One of these methods involved
Kodak High Resolution Film (Estar Thick Base) SO-343 which had been purged of
oxygen and sensitized with dry nitrogen gas to decrease the rate of latent-image fading.
This system was reliable over a range of 4 x 101 to 5.2 x 102 ergs cm "2 total energy with
a peak wavelength of 254 nm. Postflight analyses indicated that the dosimeters received
at least as much energy as had been expected from calculations based on data from the
NASA established Solar Spectral Irradiance Standard (Thekaekara, 1971). The
photographic film monitoring method proved to be a useful t0ol for measuring small
amounts of UV irradiation in space.
Solar irradiation within the range of 4 x 104 ergs cm "2 to 4 x 105 ergs cm -2 was
monitored by an adaptation of the Potassium Ferrioxalate Actinometry System described
378 Biomedical Results of Apollo

by Wrighton and Witz (1972). Data collected from analysis of the contents of flight
control and ground control cuvettes indicate that neither the simulated launch vibration
nor the total space flight exerted a detectable change in preirradiated control systems.
The ferrioxalate monitoring system, therefore, was shown to have the stability required
for successful measurements made within the flight hardware. Analysis of inflight
irradiated actinometry systems verified that the optical filter components of the
Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device performed in a manner which allowed for critical
evaluation of exposed biological test systems.

High Energy-Multicharged Particle Dosimetry

It was impossible, in the design of the flight hardware, to protect test systems from
galactic irradiation. Therefore this factor had to be measured in order to better
understand any observed biological effects. Data were obtained with two separate
One set of measurements was obtained by strategically distributing 76 extruded
thermoluminescent dosimeters composed of lithium fluoride wafers throughout the flight
hardware. This distribution was used to allow dose determinations for each tier, for each
of the six sides, and for the central volume of the closed assembly. Statistical analysis of
the resulting data indicates that the various areas within the MEED received extremely
uniform irradiation from the ionizing irradiation components of the space environment.
Therefore, it is valid to omit this factor as a variable when comparing inflight test
systems. The mean dose of all MEED thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) was
0.48+0.02rad with a range of 0.44 to 0.51 tad. Doses to crewmembers (from crew
passive TLD measurements) were reported as ranging from 0.48 to 0.54 rad, with a mean
of 0.51 + 0.02 rad. The dose of 0.48 + 0.02 rad represents a total absorption of 48 + ergs of
ionizing energy per gram of biological material within the MEED. This value was
applicable to all samples within the flight hardware, including flight controls and UV
irradiated samples.
The other set of galactic irradiation measurements was conducted in response to
current concern for the effect of high energy-multicharged (HZE) particles on biological
systems. A 2.5 x 3.8 cm container was provided within the flight hardware and ground
control units to house four different types of dosimeters capable of recording these
entities. Lexan dosimeters, identical to those employed in the crew personnel passive
dosimeters, were used so that direct correlation could be made. Cellulose nitrate (CN)
dosimeters were included in the MEED as well as in the Apollo Light Flash Moving
Emulsion Detector (ALFMED) which was flown on Apollo 16, again allowing for direct
comparisons. The other two detectors, Ilford G5 and silver chloride, were flown only in
the MEED, but were of considerable value in establishing the HZE particle environment
experienced by the flight hardware.
Both the Lexan and the cellulose nitrate (CN) detectors revealed track fluences (track
cm -2) of the HZE particles. Since the CN detector is more sensitive, it showed track
fluences substantially higher than those found in Lexan. The sensitivity of the two
detectors is such that the CN records particles with a Z (atomic number) greater than six,
while Lexan records particles with a Z greater than ten. Comparison of Lexan and CN
The Apollo 16 Microbial Response to Space Environment Experiment 379

track fluences found in the MEED flight hardware showed them to be somewhat lower
than those found in either the ALFMED or the passive personnel dosimeters. These
observations, along with the depressed TLD values presented above, imply that the MEED
flight hardware had a somewhat greater average shielding as compared with either the
ALFMED or the personnel passive detectors. Likewise, these data are slightly lower than
those obtained from the TLD and CN detectors employed in the BIOSTACK flight
hardware, which was stowed in the Command Module in an area of minimal shielding to
ambient cosmic radiation.

Summary and Conclusions

This experiment system was designed to evaluate the effect of a particular space flight
on the survival rate of nine different species. Although a reasonable variety of organisms
(viruses, yeasts, filamentous fungi, bacteria, and an invertebrate) were tested under several
different conditions, no statistically valid differences could be detected in the survival of
flight samples when compared to corresponding ground-based controls. In general, these
evaluations were based on multiple observations of from ten to thirty replicates of up to
one million cells each. While the results of this experiment conflict with those of certain
other space flight investigations, as noted in the Introduction, it must be observed that
the conditions of a particular space flight cannot be exactly duplicated, and therefore
results from different flights are not directly comparable.


Antipov, V.V.: Biological Studies Aboard the Spacecraft "Vostok" and "Voskhod." Vol. 6 of
Problems of Space Biology, N.M. Sisakyan, ed., Nauka Press (Moscow), 1967, pp. 67-83.
Antipov, V.V.; Delone, N.L.; Nikitin, M.D.; Parfyonov, G.P.; and Saxon0v, P.P.: Some Results of
Radiobiological Studies Performed on Cosmos-ll0 Biosatellite. Vol. 7 of Life Sciences and Space
Research, W. Vishniac and F.G. Favorite, eds., North-Holland Publishing Co. (Amsterdam), 1969,
pp. 207-209.

Cantwell, G.E.; and Franklin, B.A.: Inactivation by Irradiation of Spores of Bacillus thuringiensis vat.
thuringiensis. J. Invert. Pathol., vol. 8, 1966, pp. 256-258.
_ ....
_, T_J..j..
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r_ttects of Radiation
During Space Flight on Microorganisms and Plants on the
Biosatellite and Gemini XI Missions. Vol. 7 of Life Sciences and Space Research, W. Vishniac and
F.G. Favorite, eds., North-Holland Publishing Co. (Amsterdam), 1969, pp. 62-66.

de Serres, F.J.; and Webber, B.B.: The Combined Effect of Weightlessness and Radiation on
Inactivation and Mutation - Induction in Neurospora crassa During the Biosatellite II Mission.
Bioscience, vol. 18, 1968, pp. 590-595.

de Serres, F.J.; Miller, I.R.; Smith, D.B.; Kondo, S.; and Bender, M.A.: The Gemini XI S-4 Spaceflight
Radiation Inter-action Experiment II. Analysis of Survival Levels and Forward-Mutation
Frequencies in Neurospom crassa. Radiation Res., vol. 39, 1969, pp. 436-444.

Foster, B.G.: Toxic Properties of Aeromonas proteolytica. In Abstract of Annual Meeting of American
Society for Microbiology, 1972, p. 110.
Gass, K.B.; Hill, T.C.; Goulian, M.; Strauss, B.S.; and Cozzarelli, N.R.: Altered Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Polymerase Activity in a Methyl Methanesulfonate-Sensitive Mutant of Bacillus subtilis. J. Bact.,
vol. 108, 1971, pp. 364-374.
380 Biomedical

A.A.;Skamina, Z.B.;andKhvostova, V.V.:Influence
of Spaceflight
onHeredityandDevelopment inActinomycetes andHigher-Order Plants.
ofSpace Biology,
N.M. Sisakyan, ed.,USSR Academy ofSciencesPublishing
1962, pp.259-271.
A.M.:A Critical
Reviewof Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis Berliner and Other
Crystalliferous Bacteria. Annual Rev. of Entomology, vol. 12, 1967, pp. 287-332.

Homeck, G.; Biicker, H.; and Wollenhaupt, H.: Survival of Bacterial Spores Under Some Simulated
Lunar Surface Conditions. In Vol. 9 of Life Sciences and Space Research, Akademie-Verlag
(Berlin), 1971, pp. 119-124.
Hotchin, J.: The Microbiology of Space. J. of the British Interplanetary Society, vol. 21, 1968,
pp. 122-130.
Jenkins, D.W.: U.S.S.R. and U.S. Biosciences..Bioscience, vol. 18, 1968, pp. 543-549.
Kovyazin, N.V.; Lukin, A.A.; and Parfenov, G.P.: The Effect of Space Flight Factors of the Satellite
"Vostok-2" on Haploid and Diploid Yeasts. In Vol. 2 of Problems in Space Biology, N.M. Sisakyan
and V.I. Yazdovskiy, eds., 1962, pp. 156-160.
Lorenz, P.R.: Survival of Microorganisms in Space. Space Life Sciences, vol. 1, 1968, pp. 118-130.
Mattoni, R.H.T.: Space Flight Effects and Gamma Radiation Interaction on Growth and Induction of
Lysogenic Bacteria. Bioscience, vol. 18, 1968, pp. 602-608.
Parfenov, G.P.: Genetic Investigations in Outer Space. Cosmic Research, vol. 5, 1967, pp. 121-133.

Taylor, G.R.; Chassay, C.E.; Ellis, W.C.; Foster, B.G., Volz, P.A.; Spizizen, J.; Biicker, H.; Wrenn, R.T.;
Simmonds, R.C.; Long, R.A.; Parson, M.B.; Benton, E.V.; Bailey, J.V.; Wooley, B.C.; and Heimpel,
A.M.: Microbial Response to Space Environment. In Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report.
NASA SP-315, 1972, pp. 27-11 through 27-17.
Taylor, G.R.; Spizizen, J.; Foster, B.G.; Volz, P.A.; Biicker, H.; Simmonds, R.C.; Heimpel, A.M.; and
Benton, E.V.: A Descriptive Analysis of the Apollo 16 Microbial Response to Space Environment
Experiment. Bioscience, vol. 24, 1974, pp. 505-511.
Thekaekara, M.P.: Solar Electromagnetic Radiation. NASA SP-8005, 1971, pp. 13-15.
Townes, E.H.: Infectious Disease in Manned Spaceflight - Probabilities and Countermeasures. Space
Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences (Washington, D.C.), 1970, p. 86.
Volz, P.A.; and Jerger, D.E.: Fungal Growth on Fabrics Selected for Space Flight. Amer. Fabrics,
vol. 98, 1973, p. 75.
Weinstcin, P.P.; Newton, W.L.; Sawyer, T.K.; and Sommerville, R.T.: Nematospiroides dubius:
Development and Passage in the Germfree Mouse, and a Comparative Study of the Free-Living
Stages in Germfree Feces and Conventional Cultures. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc., vol. 88, 1969,
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Wrighton, M.; and Witz, S.: Stability of Fe (II) in Ferrioxalate Solutions. Mol. Photochem., vol. 3,
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Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N.N.; Mayskiy, I.N.; Yazdovskiy, V.I.; and Pekhov, A.P.: Evaluating the
Biological Effectiveness of Space Flight Factors by Means of the Lysogenic Bacteria E. coli K-12
(_,). Aviation and Space Medicine, V.V. Parin, ed., Akademiya Meditsinskikh Nank (Moscow),
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Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N.N.; Rybakov, N.I.; Kozlov, V.A.; Saksonov, P.P.; Dubrov, N.N.; Antipov,
V.V., Podoplelov, I.I.; and Parfenov, G.P.: Results of Microbiological and Cytological
Investigations Conducted During the Flights of "Vostok" Type Vehicles. In Vol. 4 of Problems in
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N76 12687


Webb Haymaker, M.D.
Bonne C. Look

NASA Ames Research Center

Eugene V. Benton, Ph.D.

University of San Francisco

Richard C. Simmonds, D.V.M.

NASA Ames Research Center


Travel outside the protective atmosphere of Earth can expose a spacecraft and its
occupants to potentially dangerous regions of radiation. Missions conducted to date,
including those of Apollo, have been fortunate since radiation doses received by
astronauts have been low and of no clinical significance. However, as space missions
increase in duration and move beyond the moon, the danger from radiation will become
more serious.

*A full report of this experiment (BIOCORE M 212: Biological Cosmic Ray Experiment) is given in
the April 1975, Special Issue of Aerospace Medicine. The present paper represents an amplification
of Paper I of the report. Permission for use of that paper was granted by Aerospace Medicine.

The authors wish to express their thanks to the following individuals for their support and
participation in the BIOCORE experiment: Pathology Group: O.T. Bailey, H.R. Brashear,
R.L. Dennis, J.T. Ellis, L.R. Eversole, R.O. Greep, G.A. Harrison, W.S. Hartroft, L.C. Johnson, L.M.
Kraft, C.C. Lushbaugh, J. Miquel, M.L. Moss, D.E. Philpott, E.A. Porta, T. Samorajski, G. Shklar, A.
Takabashi, T.V. Talmadge, F.S. Vogel, and W. Zeman. Biology Group: A.R. Behnke, Jr., K.R.
Brizzee, L.C. Erway, T. Laird, C. Leach, H.A. Leon, R.G. Lindberg, P. Pearson, J.M. Ordy, K. Suri,
J.W. Tremor, D.B. Webster, and D.L. Winter. Engineering Group: W.F. Barrows, F.L. Cota, J.A.
D'Urso, E.G. Park, Jr., G.H. Shillinger, C.E. Turnbill, and H.A. Zabower. Physics Group: E.V. Benton
and M.R. Cmty. Biotechnology Group: W.W. Ashley, R.M. Bianard, S. Black, W. Cooper, R.L.
Corbett, W.A. Dunlap, G.L. Humason, G. Klein, B. Lloyd, M. McTigue, Jr., W.T. Platt, J. Smith, V.
Teas, and T. Tilbury. Support Group: P.F. Beales, R.K. Clayton, M. Heflin, J.R. Larey, D.Leaffer, and
J.F. Saunders. The team acknowlcdges the invaluable management support and encouragement of H.
Mark, H.P. Klein, and J. Billingham.

382 Biomedical Results of Apollo

In order to gain a better understanding of radiation hazards, the Biocore Experiment

was flown on Apollo 17. This experiment attempted to assess the degree to which
exposure to cosmic ray particle radiation might present a risk to astronauts. In this study,
five pocket mice, with plastic dosimeters implanted beneath the scalp, were flown in a
sealed canister. The objective was to determine whether microscopically visible lesions,
attributable to particle radiation, could be found in brain, eye, and other tissues in these

Particular interest in the effects of particle radiation on tissue arises from the
markedly different character of high energy (HZE) particle radiation as compared with
that of electromagnetic (E-M) radiation (X-rays, "y-rays). The energy deposition (dosage)
in E-M irradiation decreases exponentially with penetration depth into the target. In
contrast, the energy deposition by a particle can increase as the particle penetrates the
target and decelerates, the maximum energy loss per unit path length (LET: linear energy
transfer) occurring near the stopping point (Bragg peak) (figure 1). Most of the energy
deposition from particle radiation occurs in a very narrow cylinder around the trajectory,
within which there is intense ionization of the target's atoms. While the concept of dosage
is not strictly meaningful in assessing the radiobiological effects of HZE particle radiation,
perspective on the potential destructive character is obtained by noting that the "dosage"
(energy deposition per gram) in the immediate vicinity of the particle trajectory can be
on the order of megarads or higher.

75 50 25 I0 5 I 0




IO00 /

0 I l t L I I I I I I I I
1600 900 400 I00 0


Figure 1. LET as function of residual range (distance to the stopping point) for three
species of heavy atomic nuclei. Not only is the maximum LET much larger for the
heaviest particle (iron) shown, but also the range of the very high LET values
(arbitrarily > 1000 KeV/#m) increases rapidly as nudear charge (Z) increases.
The Apollo 17 Pocket Mouse Experiment (Biocore) 383

For a given incident energy, a charged particle will penetrate a target to a relatively
well-defined depth that is a function of the particle’s charge. Collaterally, the LET of a
particle at any point along its trajectory is a function of the particle’s charge and distance
from the stopping point. In the present experiment, use was made of this last property,
that is, measurement of the LET, where the LET of each HZE particle was determined
from measurements on the particle’s track in the subscalp detector. Charge and distance
to the particle’s stopping point were calculated from the detector data.

Plan of the Experiment

The primary objective of this experiment was to determine whether a specific portion
of the high Z - high energy (HZE) galactic cosmic ray particle spectrum, especially
particles with Z 2 6, can produce microscopically visible injury of the brain and eye.
Pocket mice (Perdgnothus longirnernbris) obtained from the California desert were
selected as the biological target (figure 2). Five of these mice were flown on Apollo 17.
Not only the brain and eyes, but also many other tissues of these animals were studied for
evidence of cosmic ray particle damage.

Figure 2. The Little Pocket Mouse, Perognuthus Longimernbris.

In order to correlate any observed tissue damage in the heads of the flight mice with
the passage of HZE cosmic ray particles, it was necessary to record the trajectories of as
many of the particles passing through the heads during the flight as possible. To monitor
the primary targets - the brain and, to some extent, the eyes - a particle detector
composed of four layers of plastic (two of Lexan polycarbonate and two of cellulose
nitrate), sealed into a unit and coated with Paralene C for protection against tissue
fixatives, was developed. The dosimeter, designed to cover the entire brain from the
olfactory bulbs anteriorly to the cerebellum posteriorly, was mounted o n a Silastic
elastomer platform, the underside of which was contoured to the skull (figure 3). The
assembly was implanted beneath the mouse scalp, where scalp tension fixed its position
384 Biomedical Results of Apollo

with respect to the skull. N o deleterious effects in the mice due to the presence of the
subscalp assembly were observed, even several months after implantation.

Figure 3. Monitor assembly on skull of pocket mouse. At right is an assembly viewed

from below; the Silastic elastomer is molded to fit the skull.

Flight Experiment Preparation

T o house the five mice during the Apollo mission, a closed, self-sustaining system was
developed in which potassium superoxide (KO2) served as the oxygen source and as the
carbon dioxide absorber. The system was perfccted to the point that the well-being of the
mice over their projected 13-day flight would be reasonably assured. The major problem
was to house the mice and the KO2 in a canister 35.6 cm long and 17.8 cm in diameter
(14 in. and 7 in.), in such a manner that the mice could feed and move about despite the
tendency to free float. A water supply system was unnecessary since the mice produce
water metabolically from their food. Each mouse was housed in a metal tube having a
diameter [2.54 cm (1 in.)] slightly larger than the mouse that would allow it to turn
about. Each tube ran the full length of the canister. The KO2 tube of a larger diameter,
centrally located, ran thr full length of the canister (figure 4).
There was concern whether the mice would experience excess fatigue from
negotiating in the weightless state and lose their appetite. T o explore this possibility,
14-day clinostat tests were carried out. The mice together with their seeds, housed in
plastic boxes, were rotated at 1/4 RPM. During the revolutions of the boxes, cascading
seeds inundated the mice, and when they could n o longer. stay o n top of the seeds, the
mice would become torpid and roll 'with the seeds. A t intervals, the mice became active
again and ate. It was expected that the cylindrical shape and small bore of the tubes in
the flight canister would minimize tumbling in the zero-g environment, that the mice
The Apollo 17 Pocket Mouse Experiment (Biocore) 385

would not have difficulty in moving about within their tubes, and that they would be
able to consume an adequate number of seeds to survive.



\ *'
, /\'



Figure 4. Components of flight package, partially assembled. The KO2 tube and the
mouse tubeq can be removed from the supporting spool for cleaning and for
reloadine: the K 0 2 . The purge tube attached to the end cap carries the oxygen to
the closed end of the canister to assure ample purging of the air in the canister
during experiment startup.

Four aspects of the environment within the canister needed to be investigated in

order to determine whether the mice would be taking the trip under survivable
conditions: the oxygen partial pressure, the carbon dioxide partial pressure, the
temperature, and the relative humidity.
During the many tests (about 60) that were performed under ambient temperature
w r i d i h r i s approximating those of the Apoiio Eiight, the oxygen partiai pressure within
thc canister frequently rose to as high as 83 x IO3 N/m2 (12 psi), and occasionally higher.
Consequently, a separate study was conducted in which 28 mice were individually
exposed in an environmental chamber to oxygen a t a partial pressure of 03 x lo3 N/m2,
a t 297OK (2LEoC), and to a relative humidity of 20 percent over a period of seven days. All
survived the test.
The KOH generated by the interaction of KO2 and respiratory H 2 0 appeared to be an
ample absorbent, but nonetheless the tolerance of the mice to carbon dioxide buildup
needed t o be determined. To this end, six mice were sealed in a chamber in which the
initial oxygen partial pressure was 33 x lo3 N/m2 (4.8 psi). The mice withstood an
atmosphere in which the partial pressure of carbon dioxide rose to Is) x lo3 N/m2
(2.8 psi), while the oxygen partial pressure fell to 13 x 103N/m2 (1.87 psi) in a
four-hour test.
Thc other aspects of the canister environment requiring investigation were
(1) temperature, and (2) relative humidity (R.H.). Too high a temperature would be
prejudicial to the animals' well-being and potentiate the toxic effects of oxygen. Too low
a relative humidity would dehydrate both the animals and the seeds.
386 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Prior studies determined that pocket mice in a sea-level atmosphere can easily tolerate
an ambient temperature of 308°K (35°C) for one month. A calculated temperature
profile anticipated a temperature of 300°K (27°C) during part of the flight (figure 5),
and was the cause of some concern, since free convection does not occur in zero g, and the
heat generated by the KO 2 and by the mice in the canister would have to be dissipated by
conduction and radiation. Accordingly, the heat dissipated from the canister, including
heat loss at the canister-Command Module interfaces, was investigated through studies
conducted on the canister in a vacuum environment. It was established that heat
dissipation at the interfaces would probably maintain the temperature in the mouse tubes
at no higher than 301°K (28°C).

oc OK 302.6OK
30 303 - (29.4oc)

28 301

26 299

24 297
-- 297.6°K _ (27"2°C) _
22 295

20 293

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Figure 5. Approximate temperature profile in the Command Module in the

region where the canister was to be located, as calculated for the Apollo 17 flight.

The effects of the combined temperature-oxygen pressure stress were investigated

next. Eighteen mice (while in canisters) were exposed to an oxygen partial pressure of
83 x 103 N/m 2 (12 psi) in a room with a temperature of 305°K (32°C). The relative
htimidity was maintained at 22 percent during the test. Six additional mice were exposed
to the same temperature, but in a sea-level atmosphere, to serve as test controls. All of
these mice had undergone earlier oxygen tolerance testing. Most of the heavier mice
survived the test in satisfactory condition, while four of the lighter mice and one heavy
mouse (weighing 10 gm) died; all control mice in heat alone survived, indicating that
relatively heavy mice (mice weighing 9.5 gm or more) were the animals of choice.
The Apollo 17 Pocket Mouse Experiment (Biocore) 387

The problem of relative humidity (R.H.) as it affected the pocket mice was
considered. In an open-system, oxygen flow-through experiment, with an oxygen partial
pressure of 28 x 103 to 34 x 103 N/m 2 (4 to 5 psi) and ambient temperature of 302°K
(29°C), it was shown that the mice could withstand a relative humidity of 90 to
100 percent over a period of five days. Furthermore, in test runs in which the R.H. was
rather low- 23.4 percent R.H. or lower- the animals survived in apparent good
condition despite a loss in weight.
From the results of these and other studies it was evident that the pocket mouse is
exceptionally hardy and can survive wide variations in its environment. Moreover,
histological studies performed on many mice subjected to testing in canister oxygen
environments revealed no change in the brains or eyes of the animals, and relatively little
change in the lungs.
The primary criteria in the selection of the mice to be carried on Apollo 17 were
weight (9.5 gm or more), the general state and behavior, condition of the scalp over the
dosimeter, the presence or absence of nasal discharge, the appearance of the pelage, and
the activity of the animal and its housekeeping habits.

Test Procedures

Of the animals used as the major controls for the flight animals, some were
non-experimental controls, while others had been subjected to KO 2 oxygen tests as
controls against the oxygen partial pressures anticipated in the canister during flight. But
the most appropriate controls for the flight animals were the five mice taken to NASA
Kennedy Space Center (KSC) a few days prior to launch. Two canisters were loaded with
five mice each at KSC; one was chosen to fly, and the other to serve as flight backup. The
flight backup canister was flown back to NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), where the
mice were subjected to all stresses anticipated for the flight mice that could be carried out
on the ground. They were perfused with r" •lxm_
.' _ fluid on the same day (Dcccmbcr ._j
lax as
the flight animals. Four of these mice were used as flight controls.
A week or two prior to the time of anticipated spacecraft splashdown, 12 control
animals were perfused at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu (during the time the
engineers and pathologists were stationed there to process the flight animals in the event
of a mission abort), and an additional 17 animals were perfused at Pago Pago. Four of the
latter served as flight controls. The others were used as controls for subsequent
histological studies.
Two flight acceptance tests were run to qualify the hardware for flight. The two tests
were run concurrently (November 5 through 22, 1972). In these tests as well as in
preparation for flight, the initial step after the animals had been sealed in the canisters
was to flush the canisters with 100 percent oxygen for 15 or 25 minutes, a procedure that
left little residual nitrogen in the canisters. In the acceptance tests, the oxygen partial
pressure fell to a minimum of 17 x 103 N/m 2 (2.4 psi) and rose steadily thereafter. On
day 15, the pressure reached peaks of 81 x 103 and 84 x 103 N/m 2 (11.7 and 12.2 psi),
but fell to about 34 x 103 N/m 2 (5 psi) at the start of the simulated EVA maneuver.
Figure 6 shows the test profile.
388 Biomedical Results of Apollo


aJnssaJ d
The Apollo 17 Pocket Mouse Experiment (Biocore) 389

Flight Backup Test Carried Out Concurrently With the Apollo Flight

The initial pumpdown period of this test lasted 37 minutes. The minimum oxygen
partial pressure reached during autoregulation was 17 x 103 N/m 2 (2.5 psi). About
12 hours after the launch of Apollo 17, the package was flown from the Kennedy Space
Center to the Ames Research Center, causing a gap of 20 hours in the pressure data for
the time period starting from preparation for transport of the animal package at the
Kennedy Space Center until its installation in a test chamber at the Ames Research
Center. During those 20 hours the total pressure rose from 37 x 103 to 64 x 103 N/m 2
(5.4 to 9.3 psia). All five animals survived the test in excellent condition.
The flight backup canister experienced the same ambient temperature except during
the flight from the Kennedy Space Center to the Ames Research Center. The flight
backup and two other control canisters were flushed with a mixture of 50 percent
helium/50 percent oxygen toward the end of the test period, a procedure to be carried
out on the flight canister following splashdown. Moreover, the mice in all three canisters
were subjected to certain other stressful situations that were expected to be imposed on
them aboard Apollo 17: vibration following Apollo lift-off, launch acceleration with a
peak of 5 G soon after lift-off and a second peak of 2.5 G at second stage burnout, peaks
of 6.8 G and 4 G during reentry of the spacecraft into the atmosphere, and 37 G on
splashdown. These were test levels; the values were in excess of those anticipated on the
flight of Apollo 17. The mice tolerated the vibration and the G stresses without apparent
ill effects.
The data on the experiment package flown on Apollo 17 are given in figure 7. The
animals were placed in the canister on December 2, 1972. The initial pumpdown was
performed in 36 minutes. The minimum oxygen partial pressure reached during
autoregulation was 19 x ] 03 N/m 2 (2.8 psi). The Apollo was launched on December 7. In
the extravehicular activity (EVA) preparation during the flight, the Command Module
(CM) was emptied of its atmosphere and exposed to the vacuum of space in about eight
minutes, and the EVA was accomplished m about one hour. Hence, the rapidity of the
decompression of the mice in the CM (to 34 x 103 N/m 2, 5 psia) can be assumed to have
been approximately the same for the mice in the two flight acceptance canisters on the
ground and for the mice in the flight backup canisters as well. It can also be assumed that
the pressure in the flight canister rose slowly after the EVA maneuver. The rate of
recompression of the CM had no effect on the pressure in the flight. Splashdown in the
Pacific occurred on December 19, with the package received on the recovery ship on
day 13 of the flight (day 17 from the time the animals had been placed in the canister),
where it was flushed with He/O 2 gas mixture. The flushing was continued during
transport by plane to Pago Pago.
Upon arrival at Pago Pago the flight package was taken to a laboratory at the Lyndon
B. Johnson Tropical Medical Center. On opening the canister about seven hours after
splashdown, four of the five mice were found alive, while the fifth (A-3352) was dead.
Two of the surviving mice (A-3305 and A-3356) were active and in excellent condition
when released from their tubes into a container for observation. The other two surviving
mice (A-3326 and A-3400), when first examined, were docile and hunched up, as though
exhausted or arousing from torpor. They moved forward only a few steps when prodded.
390 Biomedical Results of Apollo

_r....-_ 0 2I_-- i

0 ,,, ._

z_ _-

_2_ _ ! -
_ _<_ -
N i,

Zl-- I--


<< u.
_0 .
LnZl-- -i-_
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_ Z w





.__I I I I <

E o r. _ C_

The Apollo 17 Pocket Mouse Experiment (Biocore) 391

A-3326, the female of the group and the most subdued, was uncoordinated on walking
and would fall to one side or the other when it attempted to sit up on its hind quartcrs.
Later, on histological examination, it was found that severe hemorrhage had occurred
into its middle ear cavities during the flight. This could easily have accounted for the
After all the animals had been examined and their weights recorded, the four live
animals were anesthetized with Metofane and perfused with a fixing fluid, FAM (FAM:
formaldehyde, 1 part; acetic acid, 1 part; methyl alcohol, 8 parts). The perfusion was
carried out via the heart by means of a Harvard apparatus. The brain of the mouse
(A-3352) that did not survive the flight was fixed by introducing FAM into the
subarachnoid space via the orbits.
Upon completion of the perfusion procedures, the heads of all the animals were
immersed in FAM. The next morning (after about 12 hours' fixation) the heads were
transferred to 70 percent methyl alcohol.

Processing of Tissues for Histological Study,

Establishment of Cosmic Ray Particle Trajectories
Back at NASA Ames Research Center three days after autopsy of the animals at Pago
Pago, the first step was to place the head of the animal that died during the flight
(A-3352) in a standardized aluminum box, and to secure the head by means of ear bars, a
jaw bar, and a nose clamp. The box was then secured on a rotatable stage attached to the
platform of a stereotaxic apparatus. Then the scalp was turned back and the position of
the dosimeter (with the head still in the box) established by photographs, and the degree
of tilt with respect to the stereotaxic apparatus platform established by means of a laser
beam. The dosimeter was then removed for analysis at the University of San Francisco.
About three weeks later, the same protocol was followed for the other four mice and, in
addition, X-rays of the heads in various planes were taken to establish more clearly the
position and degree of tilt of the dosimeters.
The five heads, still in the aluminum boxes and immersed in 70 percent methyl
alcohol, were transported to Duke University for further processing. The heads were
removed from the boxes and each was decalcified. The heads were then returned to their
boxes, and alined in exactly the same position as before. Th e next ._tep was to dehydrate
the heads by passing them through alcohols and xylol according to standard methods.
Then one end of each box- that near the occiput- was removed and replaced by a
microtome chuck, whereupon the boxes were filled with low melting point paraffin. The
heads were serially sectioned in the coronal plane, from anterior to posterior, at ten
millimicrons. The total number of sections per head came to approximately 1600, of
which about 1200 included the brain. All the sections were stained by the PAS-
hematoxylin method.
In order to locate the paths of cosmic ray particles through the heads of the flight
mice, it was necessary that a procedure be devised whereby the trajectory of each cosmic
ray particle registered in the subscalp dosimeters would be extrapolated into and be identi-
fiable in the heads of control mice. Before this procedure could be initiated the dosimeters
needed to be analyzed to determine cosmic ray particle trajectories. A total of 80 heavy
particle tracks were found in the five dosimeters. The head of each mouse to be used as a
392 Biomedical Results of Apollo

control for a flight mouse was placed in a fixed position in a standardized aluminum box,
in the manner just described for the flight mice. The box was then secured on a rotatable
stage situated on the platform of a sterotaxic apparatus. Through a painstaking
procedure, a manila paper “dosimeter,” identical in size and shape to the flight
dosimeters, was placed on the head of each mouse in precisely the same position and a t
the same degree of tilt as had been recorded for each of the flight mice. Fine drills were
then directed through the control head by means of the arm of the stereotaxic apparatus,
the drills being introduced along the trajectory (within the limits of experimental
accuracy) of each of the cosmic ray particles that had penetrated the dosimeter of a flight
mouse. Where numerous tracks (up to 20) were found in the subscalp dosimeter of a
single flight mouse, the heads of as many as four mice were “tracked,” with four to five
tracks per head to serve as controls for that flight mouse (figure 8); the number of
“tracked” control heads totaled 17. Thc heads of these animals were carried to Duke
University, where they were processed and serially sectioned in the same manner as for
the flight mice.

Figure 8. “Tracked” control heads (A-3504,3369,3372, and 3550)

for flight mouse A-3400, showing drill in place for each trajectory.

The significance of this tracking procedure was that the pathologists could check any
lesion found in the brain of a flight animal against the location of the drill tracks in the
control brains. If congruity was found between a lesion in a histological section of a flight
mouse and a drill core in the corresponding control histological section, and if the lesion
was consistent with current concepts of what a cosmic ray-induced lesion should look
like - that is linear, or columnar or even spherical - there would be a high probability
that the lesion was produced by the cosmic ray particle.
(Biocore) 393

In themeanwhile,
of theflightmiceandmanycontrolmicewere
for studyat numerous
in the UnitedStates
NASAAmesResearch Center.

ResultsofAnalysis oftheSubscalp Dosimeters

Forthe80cosmic rayparticlesrecorded inthefivesubscalp dosimeters(table1),the
energylossby theparticles permillimicron of dosimeter traversed(LET)ranged from
0.16to 0.5MeV/gm, withonlya fewof theparticles in theveryheavycharge group
(Z> 20).Therelatively narrowcharge andLETspectra of theregisteredparticles
attributable(1) to attenuation of thefrequency of theveryhighZ component of the
freespace cosmicrayflux by theshielding of theApollospacecraft andof theflight
package itself,and(2) to thefactthatanyhighLETparticledetector is morelikelyto
a cosmicrayparticlein thehighLET(< 0.1MeV/_m)rangethanin thevery
highLETrange(/>0.1MeV!gm),sincea muchsmaller portionof thetrajectoryliesin
Anothersetof datalistedin table1relates to particlethindown direction.
of eightyparticles weredetermined withhighcertainty tohavepenetrated thedosimeter
priorto entering thehead,while41particles mayhavepassed throughtheheadpriorto
reaching thedosimeter. Thethindown directionof theremaining 32particles_ wasnot
determinable, although statistically,
approximately one-half should havethinned downin
thedirectionoftheheadaftertraversing thedosimeter. Obviously,
particleswouldhave a
lowerLETin tissuethanrecorded in thedosimeter if theypenetrated theheadbefore
reaching the dosimeter. The reverse wouldbe true for the five particlescoursing
downwardinto the headafterhavingpenetrated the dosimeter; table2 givesthe
characteristicsof theseparticles.Twoof theseparticles wereclassedasin themedium
charge group(Z --6 to 9),andthreeasin theheavy(Z /> 10)category. LETsin the
dosimeter for thesefiveparticlesranged from{).24 to 0.32 MeV/_m. The residual range
(distance to the stopping point from the dosimeter) computed for each of the particles is
cited in the table. Of the 80 particles recorded in the subscalp dosimeters, these five
particles were of paramount interest to the pathologists because their stopping points
were calculated to be within or near the brain.
Among the cosmic ray particles whose thindown direction was not determinable were
the ten particles of highest charge. These were grouped together as heavy (Z/> 10) and
very heavy (Z >20) (H-VH) because of uncertainty as to which of the two charge groups
they belonged. All had an LET equal to or greater than 0.5 MeV/_tm at the level of the
dosimeter, and their stopping points were more than 1.2 mm beyond the level of the
dosimeters. Brain, eyes and other head tissues in areas traversed by these ten particles
were given particular attention in tile search for lesions because of their heaviness and
A further point to be made with reference to the monitoring system was that the
dosimeters could be expected to record on the average about 50 percent of the cosmic

_This adds up to 78 particles. Two of the particles thought to have traversed the head were found on
microscope examination of serial head sections not to have done so.
394 Biomedical Results of Apollo


F- f-

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The Apollo 17 Pocket Mouse Experiment (Biocore) 395

.o_ _ _

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396 Biomedical Results of Apollo

ray particle flux through the mouse brain, since particles incident on the mouse came
from all directions and the mice were not restrained. As a consequence, some particles
could have passed through or terminated in or near the brain without having been
registered in the dosimeters. Thus the pathologists were faced with the possibility of
observing cosmic ray particle-induced lesions in the brain and other target tissues without
the presence of corresponding tracks in the dosimeters.
The pocket mouse heads were exposed to far broader Z and LET spectra of particles
than the 80 HZE particles indicated in table 1. However, only the HZE particles, which
were registered, were the particles of interestin the present experiment.
The tissues traversed by some of the cosmic ray particles are indicated in table 2.
Analysis revealed that one or more head structures of the five flight mice were traversed
by particles; the scalp by 76 particles; the eye by 5; the nasal cavity by 15; the middle ear
cavity by 23; and the brain by 59 particles (olfactory bulb, 14; cerebellum, 12;
hippocampal formation, l l;and hypothalamus, 3).

Body Tissues
Study of the body tissues of the four flight animals that survived the flight revealed
no changes that could be regarded as due to cosmic particle radiation. Some pertinent
observations, however, emerged from the studies. The increased oxygen partial pressure
to which the flight animals and control test animals had been exposed depressed
erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. The increased oxygen partial pressure did not induce
changes in periodontal or other oral tissues. The lungs appeared relatively resistant to
oxygen intoxication, attributable in part to the inclusion of nitrogen with the oxygen.
Mild pneumonitis was observed in all four flight backup mice, but not in the flight mice.
The liver in one flight mouse (A-3305) contained large focal areas of hepatocellular
necrosis of undertermined etiology, while those of the other flight mice and the four
flight backup mice were normal or virtually normal.
The kidneys of the flight mice were unremarkable. The juxtaglomerular apparatus
could not be evaluated because the fixing fluid (FAM) had dissolved the granules from
its cells. Assessment of the adrenal cortex according to the method used revealed no
significant alterations. A study of certain nuclei of the hypothalamus and of the cell
population of the pituitary gland and, to some extent, the adrenal cortex revealed minor
enlargement of neuronal nuclei in the supraoptic nucleus as the sole positive finding. This
suggested an antidiuretic hormone response.
The thyroid appeared normal in all mice in which it was examined, including the
thyroid of three of the flight animals. The same was true for the parathyroids. Soft-tissue
calcifications were found in a number of the mice - flight mice and controls alike - and
thus the possibility exists that this might be attributable to parathyroid hyperactivity.
Heart muscle showed no ostensible change in any of the animals. Histological changes
in skeletal muscle of the flight animals were minimal and were found to occur in the
control animals with comparable frequency. This was with the exception of Sarcocystis
infestation. Sarcocystis were not found in any of the flight mice, but they were present in
three of the five flight backup mice.
Tissues with continuously replicating cells were given special attention. The lack of
abnormalities in bone marrow in the flight mice except for reduced erythropoiesis has
The Apollo 17 Pocket Mouse Experiment (Biocore) 397

already been mentioned. In the upper small intestine of the flight mice the mitoses in the
crypts of Lieberkiihn were normal in appearance. The gonads also showed no differences
ascribable to the Apollo 17 mission. In two of the three surviving male flight mice (but
not in the third) spermatogenesis was advanced to the same degree as in ground control
mice at the same season.

Olfactory Mueosa
There was another tissue composed of continuously replicating cells, the olfactory
epithelium, which was severely damaged in the four surviving flight animals and to a lesser
degree in the animal that died. The respiratory epithelium in all these animals was, by
contrast, unaltered. The need to assess the changes in the olfactory epithelium in some
detail became evident when it was found that the nasal epithelium of the 17 major
control animals, of which four were flight backup animals, was entirely free from change.

There were two kinds of pathological change in the olfactory epithelium. One was
characterized by disorganization of much of the epithelium, in the sense that the
thickness of the layer and the number of its constituent cells varied from area to area in a
given strip of olfactory epithelium. The other consisted of multifocal severe lesions
originating either in the disarrayed epithelium just mentioned or in intact epithelium.
Intermediate stages between these two types of change were sometimes encountered.
The lesions were in various stages of evolution ranging from acute, in which a few
cells or masses of cells were being sloughed from the epithelium, to "old," in which newly
proliferated cells had replaced the sloughed cells. The acute lesions elicited a conspicuous
polymorphonuclear leukocytic response. The proportion of lesions classified as recent, of
intermediate duration, and old, was roughly the same in each of the four mice; nor did
the lesions vary perceptibly in character from mouse to mouse. Obviously the lesions had
been caused throughout the 17-day stay of the mice in the flight canister or throughout
the 13 days of flight. The presence of aggregates of polymorphonuclear leukoeytes in the
l,,,lic_ _,,h,,,,e,_ was the oh;or r;nA;_g ;,. +h_ _lfa_t_ry mucosa o _'_t.. mouse ._._.
.................................................. u,at died LILt

during the flight.

The lesions in the olfactory epithelium had virtually the same spatial distribution in
the epithelium in all these mice. However. their size nnd canfla,,r, tlon _.... i....... 1_._1

varied considerably. Most astonishing was their number: at least 51 to 90 lesions per
animal. By comparison, the number of high-energy cosmic ray particles Z I> 6 traversing
the nasal mucosa was calculated to total ten to fourteen particles per animal. Thus, the
number of lesions in the olfactory mucosa was at least four to nine times the calculated
number of cosmic ray particles Z >/6 that impinged on the mucosa. To determine
whether concurrence existed between lesions and cosmic ray particle trajectories, the
paths of particles through the nasal cavity were established by tracing the tracks of drills
that had been inserted through the heads of the 17 major control mice in the trajectory
of each of the particles. A total of 15 particles recorded in the dosimeters were found to
have traversed the nasal cavity in the five flight animals (figure 9). Concurrence was
usually observed, but since the lesions, which were frequently multifocal and usually
relatively large, were also found more or less precisely in the same location in the
olfactory mucosa of the eontralaterai nasal cavity (which presumably had not been
398 Biomedical Results of Apollo

intersected by a cosmic ray particle), implication of the cosmic ray particles under
consideration as solely instrumental in lesion production could not be justified.

!' /

(A) A-3326 (B) A-3400 (C)A-3305 (D)A-3356 IEI A-3352

Figure 9. Subscalp dosimeters of the five flight mice, showing the sites at which they
were intercepted by cosmic ray particles that penetrated the nasal cavities. The letters
are designations of the individual particles. The arrows indicate roughly the projected
direction of the partide trajectory through the nasal cavity.

In view of the intensity of olfactory epithelial involvement, the question arose

whether the vomeronasai organ was also affected. Examination revealed that the
neuroepithelium in two of the four surviving flight mice exhibited alterations analogous
to the disarray observed in the olfactory epithelium of the flight mice. In one of these
animals the disarray was present in the left vomeronasal organ, yet in the "tracked"
control animal the drill that had been used intersected the right vomeronasal organ.
Hence in this animal there was no concurrence between the cosmic ray particle trajectory

and the damaged neurosensory cells.

A number of possible causes of damage of the oLfactory and vomeronasal epithelium
were considered: systemic or regional infection; inhaled particulate material (seed dust);
byproducts from the KO 2 bed reaching the mice in aerosol or particulate form; gas
contaminants originating in the flight package which the animals breathed; volatile
substances from the dead mouse reaching the live mice; weightlessness; and cosmic ray
particle radiation. Where feasible, studies were conducted in an effort to rule in or rule
out some of these potentially causative factors. No definitive conclusions were reached as
to the cause of the lesions. One point, however, was evident: whatever the cause, it had to
be operative only in the space environment, for the olfactory epithelium in the flight
backup animals and the other animals that were used as major flight controls was
unaffected. Another point was that if the pathological changes in the olfactory
epithelium were cosmic ray particle-induced, then the entire spectrum of cosmic particle
radiation (including protons, etc.) would have to be operative, not solely the particles
that were recordable in the subscalp dosimeters; and furthermore, it would be necessary
that the olfactory mucosa be particularly radiosensitive. Data in support of these
possibilities are not available.
The Apollo 17 Pocket Mouse Experiment (Biocore) 399


The status of the finer structure of the inner ear could not be assessed in any of the
animals because the perfusion technique used (FAM introduced through the heart) did
not provide adequate fixation. Suffice it to say that no changes attributable to factors
operative in the space environment were observed.
In all of the flight animals as well as in all of the flight backup animals, hemorrhagic
materials were found in the middle ear cavity bilaterally. In the animal that died during
flight (A-3352), massive hemorrhage, which was fairly fresh, was found in the middle ear
cavity bilaterally. In regard to the four live animals, there was an indication that their
condition on recovery after the flight was related to the degree of hemorrhagic materials
in their middle ear cavities. Mouse A-3305 was in the best condition when examined: no
hemorrhage was found, the only blood constituent in air cells being proteinaceous
material, the latter signifying that an alteration in capillary permeability had occurred,
not capillary rupture. Mouse A-3326 (the female of the group) was in the worst
condition: hemorrhage in its middle ear cavities was severe. Mouse A-3400 was groggy on
initial examination: hemorrhage of recent origin was encountered. Mouse A-3356 was in
excellent condition: the hemorrhage, which was of moderate degree, had largely been
resorbed by the time the mouse was observed.
The occurrence of hemorrhage in the flight and flight backup animals was not
unexpected because much the same was noted with considerable frequency during
preflight KO 2 test runs, presumably as the result of pressure excursions in the canisters in
which the mice were housed. The question thus arose: in the space environment would
the hemorrhagic materials in the middle ear cavities and the cellular reactions thereto
differ from those occurring in the control animals?
In serial sections from the flight mice and flight backup mice, a wide diversity of
hemorrhagic materials was found in air cells of the middle ear cavities. To establish a
frame of reference whereby possible differences in the reaction of air cell contents to
factor._ in the space environment could be assessed, it was dccidcd that the incidence of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the hemorrhagic materials (blood clots, plasma,
proteinaceous material) would be the sole variable to be taken into account in the
evaluation. The results were surprising: air cells that contained proteinaceous material or
plasma carried a significantly higher incidence in the flight animals _han in the flight
backup animals and, moreover, polymorphonuclear leukocytes were encountered in the
proteinacous material - sometimes in great number - in the flight animals but not in the
flight backup animals. Moreover, leukocyte attraction to resorbing blood clots seemed
greatest in the flight animals.
Factors peculiar to the space environment were taken into consideration as
instrumental in the greater exudation of blood components into air cells of the flight
mice and the greater degree of leukotaxis. No basis was found on which to invoke
weightlessness as causative. Analysis of the subscalp dosimeters revealed that 23 cosmic
ray particles registered in the dosimeters had traversed the middle ear cavities of the four
mice that survived the flight. Concurrence between particle trajectories and aggregates of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes in air cells was sometimes observed, but the incidence of
the leukocytes along the particle trajectories was no greater than in adjacent air cells
400 Biomedical

presumed notto havebeentraversed bycosmic rayparticles. Ilcncesome furtherinquiry

Ambientatmospheric pressure andairpressure withinthemiddleearcavities in the
pocketmouse arenormally keptequalized bymeans ofEustachian tubesthatconnect the
nasopharynx with thesecavities,in muchthe samewayas in the human.It may
reasonably beassumed thatsome factorrelated tothisexchange intheflightanimals was
differentthanin theflightbackup animals. Oneoutstanding difference in thetwogroups
wasthepresence ofsevere lesionsin theolfactorymucosa in theflightanimals butnotin
theflightbackup animals.Thisdifference mayprovide thekeyif it couldbeassumed that
someairborne noxious agentcaused notonlytheolfactorymucosal lesionsbutalsothe
increased exudation andgreater leukotaxis inthemiddleearcavities oftheflightanimals.
Thiscould,if theassumption isvalid,havebeenbrought about(1) directlyuponpassage
of theagentthroughtheEustachian tubes, or(2) indirectlythrough alocaleffectonthe
Eustachian tubesthatwoulddecrease theirpatcncy. Theoperation of eithermechanism
couldhaveresulted in greater capillary injuryin aircelllinings intheflightanimals than
in thebackupanimals. However, sincenonoxiousagent withintheflightcanister was
asthe cause of thelesions in theolfactorymueosa, theactualcause of the
greaterresponse in themiddleearcavityremains asopento explanation aswasthecase
fortheolfactorymucosal lesions. Thepresence ofexudate in thenasopharynx mighthave
beenafactorinEustachian tubeobstruction insome oftheflightanimals.

Thescalps of theflightanimals (exceptthatof themouscthatdiedduringflight)
wereobtainedfor studyat the timethatthesubscalp dosimeters wereremoved for
Chronicinflammatory changcs attributable to thepresence of thedosimeters
wereobserved inallofthesescalps. Inaddition, atotalof 13tinylesions werefoundinthe
epidermisor in hairfolliclesin threeof theflightanimals. (Inthefourthanimal, scarring
of the scalpowingto the presence of the dosimeter wastoo extensive to allow
evaluation.) Thelesions werecharacterized by necrosis of epithelial
cells,bothin the
epidermisandthehairfollicles,in focalareas measuring upto mooumacross. In tenof
thethirteenlesions, polymorphonuclear leukocytcs werepresent in varyingnumbers in
the dermisandsubcutaneous connective tissuein a columnar distributionextending
downward from the sitesof the necroticepidermal cells(scalpthickness, 0.15to
0.2mm).It wasevidentthatallthelesions wereincurred duringthecourse oftheflight
inasmuch asleukocyte lifetimein tissuesisnomorethanaboutfivedays.
Thequestionwasposedwhetherthe epidermal lesionshadresultedfromscalp
contusionduringtheflight,withtheexudation ofacuteinflammatory cellsinthedermis
asecondary reactivephenomenon, or whether cosmicrayparticles,intraversingthescalp,
hadin themselves createdthe lesions. Comparison wasmadewith thescalps of two
controlanimals.In oneof the controls(A-3329),in whicha dosimeter hadbeen
implanted forapproximately thesame periodof timeasfor theflightanimals, thescalp
contained twosuperficial focalepidermal lesionsbut nopolymorphonuclear leukocytes
inthedermis orsubcutaneous connective tissue. Thiswasinaddition to largerareas inthe
scalpin whichchronicreactive changes of moderate degree wereobserved. Thescalpof
17Pocket Mouse Experiment (Biocore) 401

the second control animal (A-3494), under which a dosimeter had not been implanted,
was free from epidermal-dermal lesions.
If the scalp lesions were indeed attributable to cosmic ray particle "hits," then one
would have anticipated that lesions having the same characteristics would be present in
the skin of flight animals in areas that had not been subjected to dosimeter implantation.
Accordingly, an area of skin from the back of a flight mouse was serially sectioned, then
studied. Examination revealed two tiny focal lesions in the epidermis. Beneath one of
these lesions the dermis contained a few mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear
leukocytes. A single striated muscle fiber deep to the other epidermal lesion was focally
necrotic, and occasional polymorphonuclear leukocytes were found in its vicinity.
Moreover, the area contained a few lipid-filled macrophages. In an examination of
hundreds of other fields in other sections from the area of skin obtained from this animal
no such cells were observed.
Comparison of the 13 lesion sites in the three scalps with the sites of the 76 particle
trajectories in the subscalp dosimeters revealed only one possible coincidence between a
lesion and a registered particle trajectory. The particle in question (Z > 10) passed
initially through the mouse head, had an LET of 220 KeV/gm as it traversed the
dosimeter, and stopped in the scalp. Although there was only this one possible
coincidence between particle trajectory and lesion, there remains the possibility that
some of the lesions were produced by unregistered particles, that is,particles with Z < 6
and LET _ 150 KeV/gm. If these lower LET particles were radiobiologically effective,
one would have expected that the registered particles would have induced damage. The
issue as to whether the focal lesions observed in the scalp of the four flight mice, and in
the skin of the back in one of the flight mice, were produced by cosmic ray particles
remains unresolved.


Both eyes of two of the mice that survived the flight and one eye each of the _ther
two surviving mice were retained in situ and serially sectioned along with the head and
examined under the light microscope. After animal perfusion (at Pago Pago), the other
two eyes of these flight animals were removed, placed in glutaraldehyde, and
subsequently studied by phase contrast and by electron microscopy. One eye of the dead
flight mouse was retained in situ, whereas the other was not available for study.
Five cosmic ray particles had trajectories that intersected the eyes of the four
surviving mice. They were shown to have traversed the retina at varying distances from
the optic nerve head. Four of theparticles (Z = 6 to 9 for three of them, and Z/> 10 for the
fourth) went through the head before reaching the subscalp dosimeter, while the
thindown direction of the fifth (Z > 10) was not determinable. On the average, the
particle LET in the retina was _ 200 KeV/_m. No retinal lesions were observed in the
flight animals.

Calvarium, Brain, Meninges

Preliminary to examining the brain sections of the flight and the flight backup
animals, a study was made of tile calvaria and c,'!ated tissues in the region where the
402 Biomedical
of Apollo

monitor assemblies (dosimeters and their supporting platforms) had been implanted. The
objective was to determine whether alterations occurring in these tissues could have
created artifacts in the underlying brain tissue. Reference is made to erosion of the very
thin calvarium (0.1 mm in thickness) which might allow invasion by an infective agent or
in some manner interfere with meningeal blood supply.
Histological examination showed that each of the monitor assemblies had become
surrounded by a thin fibrous tissue capsule, in and around which was a mild chronic
inflammatory reaction with rare polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Giant cell reaction was
surprisingly slight. There was marked atrophy of the calvarium under the monitor
assemblies. Fibrosis of the dura mater was slight and was confined to a few small areas.
The leptomeninges were virtually unaltered. These findings indicated that tissue reactions
to the dosimeters would introduce no complicating factors in the analysis of the brains.
Mitoses in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation were approximately
one-third as frequent in the flight mice, and occurred about one-half as often in the flight
backup mice as in non-experimental control animals. The significance of these findings is
not clear, but it is suggested that the cause may be found in the internal environment of
the flight and backup canisters, possibly the oxygen partial pressure. Otherwise no
pathological changes were observed in the brain tissue of the flight animals or in the
meninges. Special attention was given the meninges in the regions where columns of
leukocytes were observed in the overlying scalps. No ieukocytes were found in the
meninges in these regions. If cosmic ray particles were the cause of the scalp lesions, a
difference in vulnerability could be postulated: for mesodermal tissue (scalp), high
vulnerability to particle radiation; for neuroectodermal tissue (meninges), low

Summary and Conclusions

Although detailed studies were performed in an effort to answer the question whether
HZE cosmic ray particles are injurious to brain tissue, it should be appreciated that the
lack of demonstrable lesions by no means negates this possibility. The lack of lesions or
an inflammatory reaction that could be attributed to cosmic ray particle "hits" needs to
be evaluated in light of certain limiting factors relative to the recording of particles in the
subscalp dosimeters and of the LETs of the particles themselves. A total of 80 particles
were registered in the dosimeters of the five mice, nine of which did not pass through the
head. Among these 71 particles, only five were known to have had a downward trajectory
through the dosimeter, with thindown of the particles within or in the vicinity of the
head (table 1). Of the 32 particles of undeterminable thindown direction, ten of which
were in the heavy to very heavy charge group (table 2), roughly half must be considered
to have also passed through the brain prior to being registered m the dosimeters. Thus,
most of the particles had a higher LET in the dosimeter than in the brain. Owing to the
attenuation of the very high LET components of the cosmic ray particle flux by the
Apollo 17 spacecraft and by the animal package shielding, most of the particles that
penetrated the brain were in the lower portion of the high LET range (0.16 to
0.2 MeV/#m), and of medium to heavy charge. Most of the particles of prime interest
Experiment (Biocore) 403

biologically- those with a very high Z (iron group) and an LET in the MeV/ttm
range - did not reach the mice.
In summary, the lesions in the scalp can be taken as circumstantial evidence of
vulnerability to radiation from cosmic ray particles, but this issue remains unresolved.
Also remaining undetermined is the causation of the damage of the olfactory epithelium
and the factor responsible for the greater exudation and the greater leukotaxis in the
middle ear cavities, as well as the reasons for the difference in frequencies of mitoses
encountered in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation in experimental and
control groups of animals. The absence of demonstrable lesions in the brain leaves
unresolved the degree of vulnerability of brain tissue to this source of radiation.
Obviously, substantially less shielded exposures to cosmic ray particles are needed if the
effects (or the lack of effects) of the particles on brain tissue and other target structures
are to be established.


The lunar quarantine program was designed to ensure that return of

lunar material represented no threat to the public health, to
agriculture, or to other living resources. It established definitely that
no life exists on the moon. The crews of the three lunar quarantine
missions, Apollo 11, 12, and 14, experienced no health problems as
a result of their exposure to lunar samples. Plants and animals also
showed no adverse effects. Stringent quarantine was terminated
after Apollo 14, but lunar samples continued to be protected to
guarantee that scientists would receive uncontaminated materials for
N76 126 88




Richard S. Johnston
John A. Mason
Bennie C. Wooley, Ph.D.*
Gary W. McCollum
Bernard J. Mieszkuc

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


In 1963, a special subcommittee of the Space Science Board of the National

Academy of Sciences was convened to consider the general problem of handling
material and personnel returned from flights to the moon. The subcommittee
recommended that NASA establish a quarantine program to ensure that the Earth
and its ecology would be protected from any possible hazard associated with the
return of lunar material.
The development of the requirements, the philosophy, and the guidelines which
resulted in the Apollo quarantine program were the joint responsibility of NASA
and a newly-formed Interagency Committee on Back-Contamination (ICBC). Those
federal agencies responsible for protecting public health, agriculture, and other living
and natural resources had representatives on the ICBC. Included on the Committee
were members of the National Academy of Sciences and representatives from the
U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and U.S. Department of
The charter of the Committee defined its purpose as follows:

1. To protect the public's health, agriculture, and other living resources.

2. To protect the integrity of the lunar samples and the scientific experiments.
3. To ensure that the operational aspects of the program were least

An interagency agreement, which served as a basis for the development of the

quarantine program, was developed and:approved. Implementation of the program

*Currently with Becton, Dickinson, and Company, Rutherford, N.J.



lvj_ . . . aABW,¢_ J
408 Biomedical Results of Apollo

was the responsibility of NASA. The Committee served only as an advisory body to
review and approve plans proposed by NASA.
The quarantine objectives of the Apollo Program included biological containment
of the crewmen, lunar samples, and other lunar-exposed material until released from
quarantine, and biological assessment of the returned lunar materials to ensure that
_fe release could be effected.

The Apollo Back-Contamination Program was divided into three phases (figure 1).
The first phase was concerned with procedures to be followed by the crewmen
while inflight to eliminate the return of lunar-surface contaminants in the Command
Module (CM). The second phase included spacecraft and crew recovery and the
provisions for isolation and transport of the crewmen, spacecraft, and lunar samples
to the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC). The third phase encompassed the
quarantine operations in the l,unar Receiving Laboratory (LRL).
In order to meet the ICBC requirements, NASA began to plan special quarantine
facilities, equipment, and operational procedures. The facilities and procedures made
necessary by the quarantine program were often well beyond the state of the art.
Quarantine represented a major impact on the Apollo Program. It meant that the
crew, the Command Module, and the hmar material had to be isolated from the
moment of arrival back on Earth.

Specific physical science and biomedical requirements for the collection, return,
and examination of lunar samples were formulated. Whereas the primary concern of
the physical science advisory groups was to ensure that procedures and equipment
were developed that would minimize the possibility of the contamination of the
lunar samples bv terrestrial organic and inorganic material, the primary concern of
the biomedical advisory groups was to ensure that equipment and procedures were
developed that would minimize the possibili_ of introducing the lunar material into
the biosphere. Although the possibility of discovering an existing life system was
considered remote, it could not be ignored. Consequently, appropriate quarantine
precautions were required for both the crewmen and the lunar samples.

Program Description

Quarantine Requirements
By observation of plant and animal diseases, it was determined that most
terrestrial disease agents were capable of invading a host and causing evident disease
symptoms within 21 days after exposure of the host. Most disease agents capable of
causing epidemic or rapidly spreading diseases werc sufficiently virulent to be
transmitted in less than 21 days. The ICBC decided that a crew quarantine period of
at least 21 days should be required after each Apollo mission.
Intensive medical examinations of the flight crewmembers during quarantine
determined if any medical problems existed as a result of exposure to lunar
material. The returned lunar samples and equipment were evaluated to ensure that
release of these items to an investigation team did not represent a hazard. To
The Lunar Quarantine Program




- w
x w
n a
410 Biomedical Results of Apollo

accomplish this and other functions, the Lunar Receiving Laboratory was

constructed at the Johnson Space Center to serve in the following manner:

1. As a quarantine facility for returning Apollo crewmembers, spacecraft, equip-
ment, and lunar samples.

2. As an isolation facility where specific biomedical evaluations of the lunar samples

could be performed to determine whether the samples contained any hazardous
replicating microorganisms.

3. As an isolation facility where time-critical physical science investigations could be

performed. (Time-critical investigations were those for which data would be lost
or seriously degraded if the experiments were not initiated during the quarantine

4. As a facility for lunar sample preparation and distribution to outside principal

investigators for detailed scientific analyses.

Quarantine Assumptions and Guidelines

The coordination of the multidisciplinary, and often contradictory, requirements
presented a unique series of problems, many of them associated with the hypothetical
nature of an unknown lunar hazard. If precise scientific and technical decisions were to
be made, basic assumptions and guidelines had to be followed. Those established for
development of the Lunar Quarantine Program (LQP) were as follows:

1. The existence of hazardous, replicating microorganisms on the moon would be


2. The preservation of human life should take precedence over the maintenance of

3. Biological containment requirements should be based on the most stringent means

used for containment of infectious terrestrial agents.

4. The sterilization requirement should be based on methods needed for the

destruction of the most resistant terrestrial forms.

5. Hazard detection procedures should be based on an alteration of the ecology, and

classical pathogenicity.

6. The extent of the biological test protocol would be limited to facilities approved
by the Congress, to well-defined systems, and to biological systems of known
ecological importance.

Together, guidelines 1 and 2 provided the basis for the Lunar Quarantine Program;
that is, although the probability that life existed on the moon was extremely low, the risk
was sufficiently high that a quarantine program was justified. However, this risk was not
considered great enough to permit an otherwise avoidable injury and/or loss of human life
just to maintain the integrity of the program.
Many critical decisions, especially those involving emergency procedures, could not
have been made without the establishment of the second guideline. Typical examples
The Lunar Quarantine Program 411

were emergency procedures for escape of crewmembers should the Command Module
begin to sink after splashdown, and emergency exit procedures should a major fire occur
in the LRL living quarters for quarantined personnel. The third guideline became the
basic criterion for the design and operation of the required containment systems. Again,
the dilemma was that procedures and equipment had to be designed, fabricated, and
operated to contain microbial agents that were assumed to exist on the moon and about
which no characteristics were known. It was decided that the biological containment
requirements should be based on the most stringent means used at that time to contain
infectious terrestrial agents. The fourth guideline established that sterilization require-
ments should be based on the method needed for destruction of the most resistant
terrestrial life forms. Terrestrial spore-forming microorganisms were used as models in
providing design criteria for equipment and guidelines for sterilization procedures.
The fifth guideline concerned the detection of hazards assumed to be present. The
term "hazard" had to be defined before a method of detection could be developed.
Procedures were limited to those capable of detecting an agent that would exhibit
classical pathogenicity to some terrestrial life form or that could establish itself in a
terrestrial environment and thereby alter the ecology. This guideline limited the search to
the detection of replicating microorganisms. Parameters such as toxicity were eliminated;
even if the lunar samples were highly toxic, the toxicity characteristics would be
self-limiting and non-propagating.
The sixth guideline dealt with methods to be used for the detection of replicating
microorganisms that could cause disease or establish and replicate themselves in some
terrestrial environment. The guidelines made a first level of decision possible in that the
efforts of the biological test program were directed toward the specific detection of
hazards to the biosphere. Because the program was focused on hazards to the terrestrial
environment, only terrestrial environmental conditions were acceptable as test systems.
Three limitations were set for the biological test protocols in support of the
quarantine program. Test systems for which little or no hase!inc or background
information was available were not considered. Systems of known ecological importance
were stressed. Lastly, the size of the facility and the scope of activities were determined
for planning purposes.
The period of quarantine for spacecraft, crew, and lunar samples was considered to
have begun as soon as the Apollo crewmen left the moon. Isolation was accomplished by
containing men and equipment first in the Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF) located on
the hangar deck of the recovery ship, and, later, the Lunar Receiving Laboratory at the
Johnson Space Center. A crew surgeon and recovery engineer joined the crew in the MQF
and remained with them throughout the period of quarantine.
Boxes containing samples of lunar rocks and soil from early missions were opened at
JSC in a unique vacuum chamber. The chamber was designed to ensure sample sterility
and to provide a method for preliminary examination without compromising sample
integrity by exposure to air. The vacuum simulated lunar pressure.
The quarantine program was carried out with minimal breaks. There were a few
instances in the LRL operations when technicians had to be quarantined because of leaks
in vacuum chamber gloves while personnel were handling the lunar material or when
412 Biomedical Results of Apollo

similar faults in the other protcctive devices occurred. These instances were infrequent. In
no instance was the biological containment of the crewmen, lunar samples, and/or any
othcr exposed material compromised.

Equipment and Facilities


Spacecraft Equipment. The Apollo spacecraft carried equipment specifically to

maintain cleanliness and to reduce the quantity of lunar dust in the spacecraft
environment. This equipment included vacuum brushes, lunar equipment stowage bags,
and other items to maintain spacecraft cleanliness.

Recovery Equipment. A Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF) was designed and

fabricated to house and transport the Apollo crewmen from the recovery ship to the
Lunar Receiving Laboratory. The MQF was equipped to house six people for a period of
ten days and provided a lounge, galley, and sleeping and toilet facilities. It was powered
through several systems to interface with various ships, aircraft, and transportation
vehicles. Quarantine was assured in the MQF through the maintenance of negative
internal pressure and by filtration of effluent air.

Waste water from washing and showers was chemically treated and stored in special
containers. Body wastes (urine and feces) were stored in special tanks in the Mobile
Quarantine Facility. Items were passed in or out through a submersible transfer lock. The
MQF could be serviced with utilities (power, communications, alarm system) from
shipboard, aircraft, and/or trucks. Redundant power systems and fans assured
maintenance of a negative pressure. Specially packaged and controlled meals could be
passed into the facility to be prepared in a microwave oven. Medical equipment was also
provided for use in immediate postlanding crew examinations and tests.

Biological isolation garments were used in Apollo 11 to isolate the crew from the
Earth's environment and from contact with recovery personnel. These garments were
constructed from a fabric which effectively isolated microorganisms from the crewman's
body. The garment was donned in the spacecraft before the helicopter hoist operation
and was worn until the crew entered the MQF aboard the primary recovery ship. The suit
was fabricated of nylon. A respirator was worn with the garment. It featured an air-inlet
flapper valve and high efficiency air-outlet filter to biologically filter expired gas. The
Apollo 11 crew used a heavier biological isolation garment, but this was discarded as an
unnecessary precaution after the initial lunar landing flight. On later missions, a
lightweight overgarment was used when transferring from the Command Module to the

Special containers were fabricated for return of the medical and lunar samples, films,
and data tapes from the recovery area to the LRL.

Lunar Receiving Laboratory

The final phase of the Apollo back-contamination program was completed in the JSC
Lunar Receiving Laboratory (figures 2 and 3). The LRL, housed in Building 37 at JSC,
TheLunar Quarantine Program 413

covers 7700 m 2 (83 000 ft 2) of floor space and includes several distinct areas. These are:
the Crew Reception Area (CRA), Vacuum Laboratory, Sample Laboratories (Physical and
Bio-Science), and an administrative and support area. Special building systems were
employed to maintain airflow into sample-handling areas and the Crew Reception Area to
sterilize liquid waste and to incinerate contaminated air from the primary containment


iii_ ::ii_ .i_:: SUPPORT AREA



Figure 2. Functional area floor plan.



BIO-BA Z AREA / [..'_ /,_

Figure 3. Perspective view of functional areas.

414 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Biological containment in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory relied on a primary and

secondary barrier system. The primary biological barrier consisted of the vacuum
complex and Class Ill biological cabinets. A secondary barrier was maintained in the Crew
Reception Area and the sample laboratory by maintaining the areas at negative pressure
with respect to the atmospheric pressure external to the building. Within these two
barriers the postmission work on returned lunar samples was performed. The design and
operational features for the primary and secondary barriers are described below.
The need for a central facility to carry out the foregoing functions was identified
early in 1964. A series of studies preceded the construction of the building, which began
in July 1966. The test system equipment was developed and installed during the period
from mid-1966 until approximately September 1968.
The Lunar Receiving Laboratory was built to meet the most stringent biological
containment requirements of the U.S. Army Biological Laboratories, Fort Detrick. This
was a unique facility in many respects. It contained a vacuum chamber which permitted
scientists to manipulate and examine lunar samples without breaking the vacuum or
risking contamination of the samples or themselves. It had a low-level radiation counting
facility and could safely accommodate a large variety of biological specimens.

Primary Biological Barrier.

The Vacuum Complex. The vacuum complex was the area in which sample
containers were opened and processing of the lunar material was initiated. This system
was sterilized before return of the containers to ensure lunar samples would not be
contaminated with terrestrial microorganisms. All materials entering the vacuum complex
after premission sterilization were sterilized using peracetic acid. All items leaving the
comtdex during the quarantine period were either placed in vacuum-tight containers, the
exteriors of which were sterilized with peracetic acid, or were directly sterilized with the
acid. Effluent gases from the vacuum chamber pumps were passed through absolute
biological filters, incinerated, and filtered again prior to venting to the outside
environment. All lunar samples left the vacuum complex in sterilized vacuum-tight
containers. The containers were placed in sealed plastic bags for handling within the
sample laboratory.

Biological Cabinets. Biological and physical/chemical testing of the lunar samples

was performed within biological cabinets. These cabinets were gastight enclosures through
which all manipulations were performed using neoprene gloves. Air or nitrogen entered
the cabinets through absolute biological filters, was incinerated, and was filtered again
before being vented to the outside. All material entering the cabinets was sterilized. The
cabinets were operated at a pressure negative with respect to the laboratory to ensure that
any leak that developed would be directed into the cabinets rather than into the

Secondary Biological Barrier. The rooms in which the cabinets were housed were also
maintained at a pressure negative with respect to the adjacent corridors. This guaranteed
that any escaping lunar material would be contained. The secondary biological barrier
The Lunar Quarantine Program 415

which surrounded the sample laboratory included facility systems and operational
procedures. Tight building construction was used and all penetrations were sealed. The
sample laboratory had a single-pass air conditioning supply and exhaust system which
maintained the area at a pressure negative with respect to the outside air. Inlet air was
filtered, and air exited through absolute biological filters. All liquid waste coming from
the sample laboratory area was sterilized with steam before being transported to the JSC
sewage treatment plant. All solid materials including waste, clothing, and trash were
sterilized. The sample laboratory area received supplies during quarantine operations
through ultraviolet-lighted airlocks.


Lunar and Command Module Operations

The Apollo crewmembers represented the prime source of contamination to the lunar
surface. Three other sources of contamination were: (1) waste products such as feces,
urine, and residual food; (2) viable terrestrial microorganisms released during Lunar
Module depressurization; and (3) microorganisms present in the LM waste water system.
Procedures were defined to eliminate massive contamination of the lunar surface from
these three sources. Of the three, waste products were the chief source of potential
contamination. To minimize the thrust required for lift-off from the lunar surface, waste
products had to be removed from the ascent stage of the LM. All waste products were
stored in the equipment bays of the descent stage. Even if the storage bags had leaked or
the integrity of the containers had been violated, microbial contamination would have
been contained within the descent stage of the LM and not deposited on the lunar

The primary quarantine-related concern in collecting lunar samples was to minimize

their contamination with viable terrestrial microorganisms. Such contamination would
have complicated interpretation of biological findings. Lunar samples were collected with
sterile tools and returned to the Lunar Receiving Laboratory in a sterile environment. The
types of materials used for fabricating tools and other items that came in contact with
lunar _°_.:.l
.......... _ t limited by tile physical
wcre sewre,y ' • -._. contamination
' ' sclenurlc requirements
and by weight restrictions. A high-temperature bakeout under vacuum conditions was
considered the best method for removing volatile terrestrial contaminants from the
hardware. This treatment, at a sufficient temperature for a sufficient period of time, also
satisfied the sterilization requirements for the hardware.

The procedures and the hardware necessary for the stowage of collected lunar samples
were considered next. Because the lunar material had existed for millions of years in an
almost perfect vacuum, the physical scientists decided that the lunar samples should be
transported to Earth under environmental conditions as near to those on the moon as
technically feasible. This decision necessitated the design and fabrication of a pressure
vessel that could be filled with lunar samples and sealed on the lunar surface, and in
which the internal environment could be maintained throughout the sample transfer from
the lunar surface to the LRL. Because the pressure vessel had to be an ultraclean,
416 Biomedical Results of Apollo

gastight container, no additional requirements were necessary in terms of quarantine


The Lunar Module was designed to include a bacterial filter system to prevent
contamination of the lunar surface when the cabin atmosphere was released at the start of
lunar exploration. Before reentering the LM, the crewmen brushed any lunar surface dust
or dirt from their space suits. They scraped their feet on the LM footpad and kicked the
LM ladder while ascending to dislodge any particles on their boots.
After cabin repressurization, the LM was launched from the lunar surface and docked
with the Command Module. The CM tunnel was pressurized and checks made to ensure
that an adequate pressurized seal had been made. The crewmen then vacuumed the Lunar
Module, their space suits, and the lunar surface equipment. To prevent dust particles from
being transferred from the Lunar Module atmosphere to the Command Module,
provisions were made to ensure a positive CM pressure relative to the LM.
The Apollo Lunar and Command Modules had separate environmental control
systems that removed dirt particles continually from the spacecraft atmosphere. In
normal operation, the environmental control-space suit systems were used to condition
the cabin atmosphere. Cabin gas was drawn into the system, and, as it passed through the
lithium hydroxide canister, nearly all dirt particles were filtered from the atmosphere.
This cleansing action reduced the amount of airborne lunar dust in the LM at the time of
docking with the Command Module. The 63-hour operation of the CM environmental
control system had the capability to virtually remove all lunar dust from the atmosphere
which had been transferred from the Lunar Module during docked operations.
The vacuuming system allowed material as small as 0.3 micron to be trapped in the
lithium hydroxide canisters. Visible liquids were removed by the liquid dump system. The
crewmen used towels to wipe surfaces clean of liquids and/or dirt particles. The three suit
hoses were located at random positions around the spacecraft for positive ventilation and
cabin atmosphere filtration.


The general requirements of the recovery quarantine operation were as follows:

1. Crew Safety. To provide a safe method for the retrieval and return of crew and

2. Biological Isolation. To provide isolation during the recovery operation and

during the movement of the crew and equipment from the recovery area to the

3. Sustenance Provisioning. To provide eating, sleeping, and hygienic facilities for

the crew and technical personnel during the return phase.

4. Medical and Debriefing Provisioning. To provide some limited medical facilities

and interfaces during the recovery and transportation phases.

5. Transportation. To provide suitable hardware for the transportation of the crew,

CM, and hardware by ship, aircraft, and truck.
The Lunar Quarantine Program 417

The quarantine phase of the recovery operation began as soon as the Command
Module had been located and the flotation collar installed by swimmers. The swimmers
were instructed to withdraw upwind from the immediate vicinity of the Command
Module after installing the collar. An additional swimmer, dressed in a protective
garment, was then delivered by helicopter to the raft attached to the flotation collar on
the spacecraft. The spacecraft hatch was opened momentarily and three protective
garments and masks were passed to the crew.
After the crewmen had donned the garments in the spacecraft, they closed the
postlanding ventilation system valves. The hatch was then opened and they egressed into
the raft which contained a decontaminant solution. The hatch was closed immediately
after egress, and the swimmer who had provided the crew with their garments and masks
sponged them off with a solution of organic iodine, an antibacterial agent. The spacecraft
hatch was also washed down with the solution (figure 4).

Figure 4. Apollo Crewmen in biological isolation garments

egressing their spacecraft.

The Command Module crew was retrieved by helicopter and delivered to the aircraft
carrier. The helicopter was then towed to the immediate vicinity of the Mobile
Quarantine Facility where the crew left the helicopter and immediately entered the
Mobile Quarantine Facility. Following crew egress; the swimmer decontaminated the
Command Module, the collar, the raft, and his own protective garment with an
antibacterial agent. When the Command Module exterior had been decontaminated, all
decontamination equipment and the liferafts used by the Apollo crewmen were sunk at
418 Biomedical Results of Apollo

The Command Module was retrieved by the ship, towed to the immediate vicinity of
the MQF, and coupled to it with a plastic tunnel. The recovery engineer from the MQF
entered the Command Module via the tunnel, removed samples and data, and completed
Command Module shutdown procedures. The Command Module hatch was resealed and
remained sealed until it was placed in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory in Houston.
The biomedical samples and lunar sample containers, film, data, etc., from the CM
were packaged and decontaminated for return to the Johnson Space Center. The Mobile
Quarantine Facility with the astronauts, one crew surgeon, and one recovery engineer was
transported by the recovery ship to Hawaii where it was placed aboard an aircraft for the
flight to Houston. In Houston, the MQF was taken to the Johnson Space Center and
coupled to the Lunar Receiving Laboratory for transfer of crew, associated personnel,
and equipment. The MQF was then sealed and placed in quarantine as authorized.
The Command Module was also subjected to reaction control system
decontamination and pyro-safing in Hawaii. The CM was then transported to the Johnson
Space Center where it arrived approximately five days after the astronauts.

Quarantine of Personnel

The final phase of the Apollo back-contamination program was completed in the
Lunar Receiving Laboratory. The sequential flow of crewmen, spacecraft, and lunar
samples is shown in figure 5. The crewmen and spacecraft were quarantined for a
minimum of 21 days and were released after the completion of certain prescribed tests.
The lunar sample was quarantined for a period of 50 to 80 days, depending on the results
of extensive biological tests. In addition to the three Apollo crewmembers, other
personnel quarantined in the LRL were two crew surgeons, a recovery engineer, medical
laboratory technicians, cooks, and stewards.
During the quarantine period, the crew and their immediate contacts underwent daily
medical examinations. Basic observations consisted of recording oral temperature and
pulse rate, and a brief interview by the crew surgeon. Biological specimens were obtained
from the crew on the twelfth and eighteenth days after lunar departure, and the crew
underwent another complete physical examination on the twenty-first day. Selected
microbiologic and immunologic examinations were also conducted at several points in the
quarantine. The purpose of the latter examinations was to provide diagnostic information
in the event of clinical illness.
Provisions were made to treat routine illness and minor injuries within the Crew
Reception Area. Equipment and a small working pharmacy were available. Serious illness
and injury were also to be treated onsite so far as possible. But, had any of the Apollo
crewmen or support personnel become critically ill or injured, the quarantine would have
been broken and the individual transported to the nearest appropriate medical facility.
In the event of a serious crew illness, a quarantine Medical Advisory Panel was
available for consultation. This panel consisted of experts in various aspects of infectious
disease empowered to provide diagnostic information pertinent to any release
Release recommendations for the crew and support staff were developed by the
medical staff. The medical status of both the crew and the support personnel exposed to
The Lunar Quarantine Program 419

the crew and/or to the lunar mission equipment was taken into consideration.

Technically, release of the Apollo crews might have been delayed because of illness

among the support staff. This, however, never occurred.


,o Ys o_ oo Ys >






















Figure 5. Apollo Back-Contamination flow chart, phase III.

To safeguard the health of LRL personnel, every worker was subjectcd to extensive

medical examinations before each Apollo lunar mission. Because of the potential hazard
of working with lunar material, a requirement was established that pregnant employees,
all persons lakin_ mt_rlicatinn ant] thn_ r_m_irln_ rn_sti,.al aifl_ _,,oh ac o,-,,t_k,._h .....

or hearing aids would not be permitted to enter the secondary biological barrier. In

addition, serum pools were collected from each individual who might be exposed to lunar

material. The stored samples would serve as a baseline for analysis of any medical
'complications that might arise in the years following the exposure.

The quarantine program was in effect for the crews of Apollo 11, 12, and 14.

Procedures differed very little for the three flights. The quarantine of the Apollo 11 crew

was uneventful. No signs or symptoms of infectious disease related to lunar exposure

became apparent in any of the crewmen or support staff. No microorganisms attributable

to an extraterrestrial source were recovered from the crewmen or the spacecraft. Release

of crew, equipment, and lunar samples took place on schedule.

No variations of the quarantine procedure occurred during recovery and return of the

Apollo 12 crew. However, the biological isolation garments used for Apollo 11 were not
420 Biomedical Results of Apollo

used for Apollo 12 or 14 since they prow_d to be uncomfortably hot during recovery
operations. They were replaced with lightweight coveralls and biological masks which
filtered exhaled air. No significant trends were noted in any biochemical, immunological,
or hematological parameters in either the flight crew or support personnel.
The only change in quarantine procedures for the Apollo 14 mission was the use of
two MQFs and two helicopter transfers of the crew and support personnel. This
procedure was implemented to return the crew to the Lunar Receiving Laboratory five
days earlier than on the previous lunar landing missions. No signs of illness or significant
trends related to lunar material exposure were reported, and again, release took place on

Quarantine of the Spacecraft

There was no plan to decontaminate the spacecraft unless anomalies occurred during
a mission that might have indicated the need for an early spacecraft release. Provisions
were made, however, for spacecraft decontamination, if required. Before installing the
biological barrier (door panels) on the CM, the exterior was photographed, and
preparations were made for connecting the decontamination equipment. These activities
were performed by non-quarantined personnel, who did not deal with "contaminated"
systems. These persons then left the room in which the spacecraft was located and
biological barriers were installed.
The spacecraft room contained all equipment required for decontamination of the
Command Module. There were also communications and closed circuit television for
monitoring and supporting cleanup and decontamination activities. Personnel from the
Crew Reception Area were trained to open the Command Module hatch and remove the
double-bag stowed equipment, including lithium hydroxide canisters, fecal bags, food
bags, and space suits. The individual working inside the CM doffed shoe covers upon
egress. All persons then reentered the CRA and showered. Thus the likelihood of
contaminating the Crew Reception Area and space suit room was minimal.
Formaldehyde decontamination of the Command Module cabin and suit circuit was
accomplished without reopening the hatch. Following a minimum 24-hour kill period, the
hatch was opened and the cabin exhausted through the room air conditioning system.
The water and waste management systems were also decontaminated with aqueous
formaldehyde (formalin) for 24 hours. Spore strips were placed at random locations in
the CM to verify decontamination effectiveness.

Quarantine of the Lunar Sample

The returned lunar sample was processed through a sequence of steps which resulted
in the following:

1. Data upon which to base a release decision.

2. Preliminary scientific data upon which to base a sample distribution plan.
3. Portions of the lunar sample packaged for distribution to principal investigators.
4. Portions of the lunar sample sealed and protected for future experiments.
5. Time-critical experiments.
Program 421

Theincoming lunarmaterialwascontained in two sample returncontainers and

onecontingency bag.A portionof the sample waslunar"rock,"documented asto
locationof collection. Thebulkof the sample, however, wasloosesurface material,
predominantly below1cm(.40in.) in size.Lunarsample operationsaresummarized
in figure6.
Onarrivalat theLunarReceiving Laboratory, sample boxes weremoved through an
airlockandthroughthreedecontamination chambers to sterilizethe outsideof the
containers. Theywerethensentintoa vacuum chamber whereatechnician punctured a
diaphragm to drawoff anygases. Thesample wasthenpassed ontoamass spectrometer
to determine (1) if the interiorof theboxeshadbeencontaminated by theEarth's
atmosphere, and(2) if anygases couldbeidentified asbeingoflunarorigin.
Theboxeswereopened in anenvironment freeofterrestrialorganisms. Thenominal
modeof operation calledforopening thesample boxes in thespecialchamber described
earlierwhichoperated ata vacuum of 1.33× 10-4 N/m2 (10-6 mmHg).Analternate
modeemployed the samechamber but with an atmosphere of sterilenitrogenat a
pressure slightlybelowatmospheric. Acontingency mode wastoopenthecontainers ina
Class Ill biological cabinet. Eachlunarrockandportionof finematerial wasexamined,
photographed fromsixdifferentangles, andobserved visuallythrough glassportsand
throughmicroscopes. Arepresentative sample wascommitted toquarantine testing.Small
chipsof eachrock wereexamined for physicalandchemical properties. Selected
specimens weresubjected tospecial tests,radioactivitydetermination. Thebalance ofthe
material wassealed andprotected forlateruse.
Thepreponderance ofscientific workonthelunarsample wasdonebysome150to
200principalinvestigators throughout theworld.Eachinvestigator receiveda typeand
amountof lunarmaterialsuitable for hisworkandreturned theresidues to theLunar
Receiving l,aboratoryfor furtheruseby otherresearchers. A few of the principal
investigators performed theirexperiments in theLRLduringquarantine because of the
time-critical nature ofthedatabeingsought.
Release oflunarsamples wascontingent uponmeeting eitheroneofthefollowing:
1. Biological safetytestsuponrepresentative portionsof thesamples. These tests
included:bacteriology, mycology, virology-mycoplasma, mammalian animals,
botanical systems, invertebrate/lower vertebrate systems.
2. Sterilization of thesample bytheuseofdryheatduringthequarantine period.
All protocols weredesigned tobecompleted within30daysfromtheintroduction of
thesample tothelaboratories. Thiswastobeincreased to 60daysintheeventsignificant
numbers of microbial contaminants werefoundin thesample. By60days,sufficient data
wouldhavebeenavailable toevaluate therequirement forsecond ordertesting.
Quarantine of Flight Equipment

All flight equipment exposed to lunar surface materials was placed under quarantine
restrictions. The equipment included films, data tapes, logs, and other flight equipment.
Procedures for quarantine and release of the equipment were as follows:

Flight Film. Flight film was received in the Crew Reception Area and, after
appropriate preparation, was passed out for processing. Film from the Apollo 11 mission
422 Biomedical Results of Apollo


a.O +

z_- _t_z
u _nO


< I

a. I


z_ =

_g ,.5


The Lunar Quarantine Program 423

was sterilized with ethylene oxide. After the Apollo 11 mission, sterilization of flight film
was not required.

Data Tapes. Data tapes were received in the CRA and, after appropriate preparation,
were sterilized using ethylene oxide gas and passed through the biological barrier. The
tapes were then handled using normal procedures.

Other Spacecraft Equipment. All other items were either held in approved biological
containers until the release of lunar samples or were processed using the procedures
outlined in figure 7. Requirements for early release were kept to a minimum.


Item Example Treatment

Material exposed to lunar surface Pressure suJts Hold until sample release
or or
Equipment concentrating lunar - LiOH canisters Steam sterilization
or or

LM equipment Logs Dry heat sterilization

Peracetic acid

Hypochlorite dunk

CM Hardware (not concentrat- Food bags As above or

ing lunar material) Fecal bags Ethylene oxide and release with
dse recorder crew

Special Cases: Ethylene oxide and release with

Data Tape (spore strip controls included
with film/tape)
Flight Film Sterlization not required
Surveyor Equipment See text.

Figure 7. Crew Reception Area equipment release criteria.


The crews of Apollo 11, 12, and 14 experienced no health problems as a result of
their exposure to lunar material. The test species, plant and animal, which were exposed
to and injected with lunar material showed no adverse alterations or ill effects from
exposure. Since exhaustive studies of the astronauts and returned lunar samples from
Apollo 11 and 12 indicated there was no hazard to Earth's biosphere, the Interagency
Committee on Back-Contamination, in Januat:y of 1970, concurred in NASA's
424 Biomedical Results of Apollo

recommendation that stringent quarantine rules be abandoned for future Apollo missions
to the moon.
To ensure that lunar material represented absolutely no danger to the Earth's
environment, the quarantine program remained in effect for the Apollo 14 flight and was
then abandoned. Although the formal quarantine for the crew, spacecraft, and lunar
samples was over, procedures for handling lunar material and protecting it from
contamination remained in effect for the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions. This guaranteed
that scientists performing tests on the material would have uncontaminated samples.




Gerald R. Taylor, Ph.D.
Bernard J. Mieszkuc

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

Richard C. Simmonds, D.V.M.

U.S. Air Force

Charles H. Walkinshaw, Ph.D.

U.S. Department of Agriculture


The objective of the quarantine testing and hiocharaeterization portion of the Apollo
medical program was to test appropriate representative lunar samples for the possible
presence of agents that might be infectious or toxic for plants, man, and other animals.
The goal of the laboratory was to provide safety clearance for lunar samples within a
period of approximately 30 days. Lunar materials were analyzed in an isolated
environment. These analyses were performed immediately after the lunar samples were
unpacked in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) at the Johnson Space Center. Small
but representative samples of lunar material were used to assess whether they contained
microorganisms, and to ensure that the lunar materials were nonhazardous to the selected
test species.
The quarantine testing included a wide variety of biological species. Approximately
500 gm of lunar material were required for each investigation. Analyses of data from the
Apollo 11, 12, and 14 missions indicated that no microbial life forms had been recovered
from the lunar material. For subsequent missions, the containment aspects of the
postflight quarantine were omitted and the biocharacterization or preliminary biomedical
evaluation of lunar materials was initiated. The aims were to characterize the lunar
material with respect to its ability to stimulate biological activity, and to measure possible
microbial contamination of lunar samples. For the Apollo 15 mission, the number of
biological tests was reduced to one-third of those performed on previous missions.
Further reduction in the scope of the program occurred after the Apollo 15 mission.

426 Biomedical

Exceptfor theexposure of animaltissueculturecellsto suspensionsof lunarmaterial,

All testprotocolswereextensively reviewed by the scientificcommunity, the
American Instituteof Biological Sciences, andthe Interagency Committee on Back-
Contamination. TheInteragency Committee wasformedof representatives of various
agenciesof theFederal Government forthepurpose ofreviewingprotocolstoassurethat
thebiosphere wouldnotbecontaminated withorganismsfromthemoon.The'aimwasto
useasmanydifferentkindsof organisms aspossible.Theorganisms chosenwerewell
knownresearch tools,includingmice,oysters,paramecia,andfishes.
Theresultsof thefirst experiments in several
completely newfields,namelylunar
lunarsoilmicrobiology,'andecology of lunarsoiloncontact withterrestrial
organisms,arepresented in this chapter.It shouldbe statedat the outsetthatthe
implicationof the findingsreportedherearelargelyspeculative because of limited
experimentation.However, findingsateconsistentwiththegenerallyacceptedhypothesis
thatthelunarsurfaceisnow,andhasalways been,sterile.

Botanical Investigations

The botanical quarantine studies at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory were designed to
determine whether lunar material contained any agent capable of generating an epidemic
disease in representative species of the plant kingdom. These tests were conducted under
conditions which would ensure confinement of any infectious agents that might be found
in the lunar materials or generated in the lunar-exposed plants (Walkinshaw et al., 1970).
Class III biological glove boxes were used to achieve the required protective containment
(Kemmerer et al., 1969).
A total of 35 plant species wcre exposed to lunar material returned during the
Apollo 11 and 12 missions (table 1). Four test systems were employed. These included
liquid or solid cultures of algal cells, germinating spores and seeds, actively growing
seedlings, and tissue cultures on solid media.
Lunar samples used in Apollo 11, 12, and 14 studies were composites of
representative rock fragments and surface fines; samples used in Apollo 15, 16, and 17
postflight studies were composites of surface fines. The samples were handled and
analyzed as described by Johnson and co-workers (1972). Descriptions of the terrestrial
controls may also be found in the work by Johnson and his associates.
Treatment of algal cultures with lunar material inhibited growth in dense cellular
suspensions and stimulated growth in cultures grown on semisolid mineral media. Growth
promotion was evident by marked increase in cell density in areas adjacent to lunar
particles. Treatment of algal cells by exposure to lunar material suspended via gentle
agitation resulted in cultures having higher respiration rates than untreated controls.
Microscopic examination of treated cultures revealed no significant differences between
lunar- and terrestrial-treated cells.
The fern, Onoclea sensibililis L., which was tested with each composite sample,
appeared to be the most sensitive plant for demonstrating that lunar material can act as a
source of nutrients for plants. Clumps of spores germinating on lunar material placed
within a well cut into mineral agar showed a severalfold increase in mass. The resulting
Quarantine Testing and Biocharaeterization of Lunar Materials 427

Table 1
Plant Species Challenged With Lunar Materials
in Apollo 11 or 12 Quarantine Studies

Species Common Name Challenge


Allium cepa L. Onion SG

Anacystis nidulans (Richt) Drouet Blue-green alga A
Brassica oleracea L. Cabbage SG, S
Capsicum frutescens L. Pepper SG, S
Chenopodium amaranticolor Coste and Reyn. Weed S
Chlorel/a pyrenoidosa Chick Green alga A
Citru//us vulgaris Schrad. Watermelon S
Citrus limonia L. Lime S
Cucumis melo L. Cantaloupe S
Cucumis sativus L. Cucumber S
Glycine soja (L.) Sieb and Zucc. Soybean TC
Haplopappus gracilis (Nutt.) Gray Weed TC
Helianthus annuus L. Sunflower TC
Lactuca sativa L. Lettuce SG
Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. Tomato S
Lycopodium cernuum L. Clubmoss G
Marchantia polymorpha L. Liverwort G
Nicotiana tabacum L. (albino) Tobacco TC
Nicotiana tabacum L. (habituated) Tobacco TC
Nicotiana tabacum L. var. Samson Tobacco SG
Nicotiana tabacum L. var. Xanthi NC Tobacco S
Onoclea sensibilis L. Sensitive fern SPG
Oryza sativa L. R ice TC
Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin Diatom A
Phaseolus aureus L. ' Mung bean SG
Phaseoius vuigaris L. Common bean S
Pinus elliottii Engelm. Slash pine S
Pinus lambertiana Dougl. Sugar pine TC
Pinus palustris Mill. Longleaf pine TC
Prophyridium cruentum i ^, _ _._^, A
Raphanus sativus L. Radish SG, S
Saccharum officinarum L. Sugarcane S
Solanum tuberosum L. Potato S
Sorghum vulgate Pers. Sorghum S
Spinacia oleracea L. Spinach SG
Todea barbara (L.) Moore Fern G
Triticum vulgare Viii. Wheat S
Zea mays L. Corn TC
Zea mays L. var. everta Popcorn S

*A = algal culture, G = gametophyte culture, S = seedling, SG = seed germination unit,

SPG = spore germination unit, TC = tissue culture.
(Walkinshaw et al., 1970).


428 Biomedical Results of Apollo

gametophytes were also greener than those treated with terrestrial basalts. Other lower
plants, such as Lycopodium cernuurn L. and Marchantia polyrnorpha L. (liverwort),
exhibited similar stimulation. Measurements of chlorophyll a in the treated plants showed
significantly higher concentrations of that pigment than of chlorophyll b or carotenoids.
Seeds germinated in the presence of lunar materials grew vigorously and absorbed
significant quantities of aluminum, chromium, iron, titanium (Walkinshaw & Johnson,
1971), and a variety of elements including rare-earth elements. In addition, cabbage and
brussels sprouts absorbed large amounts of manganese. Lettuce seedlings generally thrived
in the presence of lunar material. Germ-free bean, citrus, corn, sorghum, soybean,
tobacco, and tomato plants showed no deleterious effects when their leaves or roots were
treated with 0.2 gm/specimen of lunar material (figure 1). Citrus, corn, and soybean
plants appeared to grow consistently better if treated in the sand-water culture system
originally described by Walkinshaw and co-workers (1970). Histological specimens taken
Erom lunar-treated plants revealed no deleterious effects.

Figure 1. Corn treated with lunar material from the Apollo 17 mission.

The twelve plant tissue culture systems used in the biocharacterization program
appeared to be the most useful for studying cell/lunar particle interactions (Walkinshaw
e t al., 1973). Lunar-treated tobacco cells accumulated approximately 30 percent more
total chlorophyll Q than did untreated ones (Weete & Walkinshaw, 1972). Relative and
absolute concentrations of fatty acids and sterols were changed by lunar treatment
Testing and Biocharacterizafion of Lunar Materials 429

(Weete, Walkinshaw & Laseter, 1972). Pine cells, on the other hand, exhibited a
remarkable increase in accumulation of tannin but not of fatty acids or sterols. Both
stationary and suspension cultures of tobacco tissue cultures treated with lunar material
exhibited an increased maturation of chloroplasts and apparent secretory activity (Baur
et al., 1973).
In summary, a number of beneficial effects were observed to be associated with
the use of lunar soil cultivation, and none of these effects was found to be
associated with an infectious process. The absence of microorganisms or any harmful
substance suggests that lunar material could be used as a support medium for the
growth of many plants. The tests conducted at the Johnson Space Center indicate
that ferns, liverworts, and tobacco cultures utilize lunar material as a source of
nutrients (Walkinshaw et al., 1970).

Virological Investigations

Virological studies of the lunar material obtained during the Apollo missions
consisted primarily of analyses for replicating agents, principally those able to reproduce.
The materials tested and the systems challenged are presented in table 2. The fluid
obtained from centrifuging 50 percent weight per volume (W/V) suspensions of lunar
material in sterile media was used to inoculate the test systems. Mammalian and avian
cultures were re-inoculated ten and twenty days later. Fish cell cultures were
re-inoculated in 15 days. Cell cultures in the final passage were tested for infection. All
systems were tested to make sure they would react with known viruses. African green
monkey kidney (GMK) cultures were challenged with enteric cytopathogenic human
orphan virus type !1; mammalian and avian cultures were challenged with pancreatic
necrosis virus. Embryonated eggs were inoculated by way of the yolk sac, the
chorioallantoic membrane, and the amniotic and allantoic sacs. Extracts of lunar material
were inoculated ;,,+,- the brain anA th_ h,,Ay cavil, of mice If; .... 9) l_lat_r;_l_ _r,,m
tissue cultures, embryonated eggs, and suckling mice were tested for hemaglutinins using
chicken, guinea pig, and human type O red blood cells. Viral passage materials were
processed for light- and electron-microscope examinations. Standard mycoplasma
isolation procedures were used. No evidence of replicating agents was found in any of the
systems used.
Additional studies were performed on the Apollo 15 lunar material to measure
changes in the ability to infect the host cells. The green monkey kidney cell cultures were
exposed to extracts (20 percent W/V) of lunar material and were challenged with
parainfluenza and rubella viruses. The ability of the cell cultures to support virus
replication was not affected. To determine the effect on growth, metabolism, and colony
morphology of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, the organism was grown in suspensions of lunar
material (ten percent W/V), in mycoplasma broth medium, and in agar containing
0.75 percent lunar material. No significant differences were observed between terrestrial
basalt used to simulate lunar material and lunar material suspensions. Colonies grown on
agar containing lunar material were similar to those grown on agar medium alone or on
agar containing simulated lunar material.
430 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 2
Systems Challenged in the Virological Analyses of Lunar
Material Obtained During the Apollo Missions

Systems Challenged
Apollo Number Tissue
of Samples Embryonated Suckling Mycoplasma
Mission Cultures
Tested Eggs Mice Media

11 3 GMK. HEK, WI-38, BEK, PEK, X - X


l 2 I I GMK. HEK, WI-38, MDBK, PK15,

l x I- I x
1 4 1 I GMK, HEK, WI-38. MDBK, PK15,
I x l X

I l::l
15 1 GMK. HEK, W I - 3 8 X X X


GMK. HEK. W I - 3 8
GMK, HEK, W I - 3 8

African green monkey kidney RTG-2 =

: :
Rainbow trout gonadal tissue, Salmo gairdneri
HEK = Primary human embryonic kidney FHM = Fathead minnow, Pimephalespromelas
WI-38 = Diploid human embryonic lung GF = Grunt fin, Haemulon sciuras
BEK = Primary bovine embryonic kidney MDBK = Heteroploid bovine kidney
PEK = Primary porcine embryonic kidney PKI5 = Heteroploid porcine kidney
DEF = Primary duck embryonic fibroblast

Figure 2. Mice, inoculated with lunar sample material,

are examined by NASA technician.
Quarantine Testing and Bioeharaeterization of Lunar Materials 431

Another study was performed to determine the effect of lunar materials on the
stability of poliomyelitis virus. Fifty-percent suspensions of lunar material from the
Apollo 11, 12, 14, and 15 missions were inoculated with poliomyelitis virus and
incubated at 277°K (_4°C). Virus-inoculated balanced salt solution and suspensions of
simulated lunar material served as controls. Aliquots were removed for viral assay
periodically. The number of virus particles in the suspensions of the lunar material was
significantly lower than the number in the balanced salt solution. However, no significant
differences were detected between simulated and lunar material suspensions.

Zoological Investigations

Following the Apollo 11, 12, 14, and 15 missions, 15 species of animals representing
five phyla were exposed to untreated lunar material (table 3). These tests were
complementary to the other protocols and were designed to detect any viable or
replicating agents capable of infecting and multiplying in animals. The lunar material used
for these tests came from the pooled biosamples (Long et al., 1972).

Because of the differences in maintenance techniques for the aquatic and terrestrial
species, the methods of providing exposure to the lunar samples differed. The aquatic and
protozoan species were exposed by adding lunar material to the medium in which the
animals were living. For the Apollo 14 tests, oysters were exposed by introduction of
lunar material into the shell cavity through a 0.32 cm (1/8 in.) hole drilled in the shell.
Exposure of the insect species was accomplished by mixing the lunar samples with their
food. The mice were exposed by inoculation into the body cavity (intraperitoneally) or
the skin (subcutaneously). The guinea pigs used for evaluating pulmonary response to
lunar material were exposed by inoculating this suspension into the respiratory tract
(trachea). The quail were exposed by intraperitoneal inoculation.

Results of exposure of the various animal species were uniformly negative (Simmonds
et al., 1972; and Benschoter et al._ 1970). Nn viable or r_,_li_J;,, ....... t_ ,_th_r the,,
identifiable terrestrial microorganisms, were ever recovered or observed in the test
animals. Exposure of the animals to the lunar material resulted in some minor and
temporary inhibition or toxicity.

Following relaxation of the quarantine requirements after the Apollo 14 mission,

lifespan studies were initiated with germ-free mice inoculated with lunar material. The
response of these mice to both intraperitoneal and subcutaneous injections of aqueous
suspensions of lunar material was evaluated on a long-term basis (Holland & Simmonds,
1973). Classical inflammatory reactions were noted in both intraperitoneal and
subcutaneous inoculations, and the lunar material was observed to persist for the life of
the animal (20 months). A low-grade inflammatory reaction and the absence of
significant fibroplasia (fibrous tissue development) characterized the lesion. These
observations suggest that the lunar material was relatively insoluble in tissue and that,
although acting as a low-grade irritant, it has little tendency to evoke reactive fibrosis.
The significance of such a chronic low-level stimulus and the various factors governing the
retention, the elimination, and the turnover of lunar material in mammalian tissue have
yet to be determined.
432 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 3

Summary of Species Conditions and Procedures Used in

Quarantine Testing and Biocharacterization of Lunar Materials

Lunar Material
Genus and Species from Apollo Results
(Common Name) Mission

Euglena gracilis (euglena) 11 Slight reduction in locomotive ability after ex-

posure and a return to normal activity by the
fourth day. All groups had normal morphologic

Paramecium aurelia 11, 12, 14 Initial reduction in fission rates after exposure,
(paramecium) rapidly increasing to normal after 4 to 5 days.
All groups had normal morphologic features.

Dugesia dorotocephala 11, 12, 14 No significant gross or histopathologic changes.


Crassostrea virginica 11, 12, 14 During Apollo 11 and 14 missions, large num-
(commercial oyster) bers of deaths were encountered in all groups
but correlation could not be shown between
the deaths and exposure to lunar material. Dur-
ing Apollo 12 mission, all oysters remained in
excellent health.

Penaeus aztecus (brown 11,14 No abnormal behavior or significant gross or

shrimp) histopathologic changes.

Penaeus duorarum (pink 12 Considerable fighting in all groups early in test.

shrimp) No significant gross or histopathologic changes.

B/atte/la germanica [German 11,12,14 No unaccountable gross or histopathologic

cockroach (gnotobiotic)] changes.

Musca domestica (house 11,12,14 No unaccountable gross or histopathologic

fly) changes.

Galleria mellonella (greater 11,12,14 No unaccountable gross or histopathologic

wax moth) changes.

Lebistes reticulatus (guppy) 12,14 No unaccountable gross or histopathologic


Pimephales promelas 11 Sporadic deaths in all groups because of sodium

(fathead minnow) hypochlorite spill. No unaccountable gross or
histopathologic changes.

Fundulus heteroclitus 11, 12, 14 With the exception of a few fish in each group
(mummichog minnow) during Apollo 12 mission (lost because of gill
congestion from exposure to sodium hypochlor-
ite), all mummichogs remained in excellent
health, and no unaccountable gross or histo-
pathologic changes ware found.

Coturnix coturnix 11,12 No unaccountable gross or histopathologic

(Japanese quail) changes. Several deaths attributed to inocula-
tion, laceration of internal organs or self-in-
flicted trauma.

Mus musculus [motobiotic 11,12,14,15 No indication of any infectious-disease-produc-

CD-I mouse (Charles River)] ing agent or acute toxic component in lunar
material. Some evidence of long-term irritative
effect; however, resolution of this point must
await complete analysis of data obtained from
long-term test groups.

Cavia porcellus (guinea 14 No unaccountable gross or histopathologic

pig) changes.

Quarantine Testing and Biocharacterization of Lunar Materials 433

Bacteriological and Mycological Investigations

A variety of samples from all six lunar exploration missions was examined for the
presence of biological forms or viable organisms (Taylor & Wooley, 1973). To evaluate
lunar material for the presence of viable organisms, aliquots of each sample were
inoculated into an array of culture media and incubated at several temperatures [277 °,
297 °, 308 °, and 328°K (_4 °, 24 ° 35 ° and 55°C)] in three gaseous environments(sterile
nitrogen, 10 percent carbon dioxide in air, and air) (Taylor & Ferguson, 1970). No
evidence of viable organisms was obtained from any of the analyses.
Following incubation of the lunar material in the culture media complexes, microbial
growth dynamics studies were performed with known test species to evaluate the possible
presence of toxic factors. Only extracts of culture media that had been in contact with a
mixture of lunar material from both Apollo 11 core tubes proved to be toxic to all
species tested (Taylor et al., 1971; and Taylor, Ellis et al., 1970). Attempts to reproduce
this toxic effect with individual Apollo 11 core samples Obtained at other parts of the
core tube and analyzed under somewhat different conditions were unsuccessful. The
mechanism causing this microbial death has not been determined. In all, 48 different
lunar samples, collected to a depth of 297 cm (117 in.) from six different landing sites,
were examined.


The likelihood that life existed on the moon was considered quite remote by most
members of the scientific community and by NASA officials, but the extensive testing
described above was conducted to ensure the safety of all life on Earth. The plants and
animals which were exposed to lunar material were carefully observed for prolonged
periods to determine if any mutation or changes in growing characteristics and behavior
occurred. The quarantine testing was terminated after the Apollo 14 flight when it
bccame apparent that previously returned lunar material contained no potentially
harmful agents. Further biological experimentation with the lunar material was
conducted to determine its chemical, physical, and nutritional qualities.


Anderson, D.H.: Numbering System for Moon Samples. Science, vol. 167, no. 3918, Jan. 1970,
p. 781.
Baur, P.S.; Walkinshaw, C.H.; Halliwell, R.S.; and Scholes, V.E.: Morphology of Nicotiana tabacum
Cells Grown in Contact with Lunar Material. Can. J. Botany, vol. 51, Jan. 1973, pp. 151-156.
Benschoter, C.A., Allison, T.C.; Boyd, J.F.; Brooks, M.A.; Campbell, J.W.; Groves, R.O.; Heimpel,
A.M.; Mills, H.E.; Ray, S.M.; Warren, J.W.; Wolf, K.E.; Wood, E.M., Wrenn, R.T.; and Zein-Eldin,
A.: Apollo 11: Exposure of Lower Animals to Lunar Material. Science, vol. 169, no. 3943, July
1970, pp. 470-472.
Carrier, W.D., III; Johnson, S.W.; Werner, R.A.; and Schmidt, R.: Disturbance in Samples Recovered
with the Apollo Core Tubes. Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, 1971,
pp. 1959-1972.
Carrier, W.D., llI; Johnson, S.W.; Wemer, R.A.; and Schmidt, R.: Core Sample Depth Relationships:
Apollo 14 and 15. Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, 1972,
pp. 3213-3221.
434 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Holland, J.M.; and Simmonds, R.C.: The Mammalian Response to Lunar Particulates. Space Life
Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1973, pp. 97-109.
Johnson, P.H.; Walkinshaw, C.H.; Martin, J.R.; Nance, W.B.; and Bennett, A.D.: Elemental Analysis of
Apollo 15 Surface Fines Used in Biological Studies at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory. Bioscience,
vol. 22, no. 2, Feb. 1972, pp. 96-99.
Kemmerer, W.W., Jr.; Mason, J.A.; and Wooley, B.C.: Physical, Chemical, and Biological Activities at
the Lunar Receiving Laboratory. Bioscience, vol. 19, no. 8, Aug. 1969, pp. 712-715.
Long, R.; Ellis, W.; and Schneider, H.: Biopreparation of Apollo 14 Lunar Material. Tex. J. Science,
vol. 24, 1972, pp. 262-263.
Simmonds, R.C.; Holland, J.M.; Young, E.L.; and Boyd, J.F.: Animal Maintenance for Biomedical
Evaluation of Lunar Material. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assn., vol. 161, no. 6, Sept. 1972, pp. 720-727.
Taylor, G.R., Ellis, W.L.; Arredondo, M.; and Mayhew, B.: Growth Response of Pseudomonas
aeroginosa (ATCC 15442) to the Presence of Lunar Material. Bacteriol. Proceedings, 1970, p. 42.
Taylor, G.R.; Ellis, W.; Johnson, P.H.; Kropp, K.; and Groves, T.: Microbial Assay of Lunar Samples.
Proceedings of the Second Lunar Conference, vol. 2, 1971, pp. 1939-1949.
Taylor, G.R.; Ferguson, J.K.; and Truby, C.P.: Methods Used to Monitor the Microbial Load of
Returned Lunar Material. Appl. Microbiol., vol. 20, no. 2, Aug. 1970, pp. 271-272.
Taylor, G.R.; and Wooley, B.C.: Evaluations of Lunar Samples for the Presence of Viable Organisms.
Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science Conference, Geochim Cosmochim Acta, vol. 2, 1973,
pp. 2267-2274.
Walkinshaw, C.H.; Sweet, H.C., Venketcswaran, S.; and Home, W.H.: Results of Apollo 11 and 12
Quarantine Studies on Plants. Bioscience, vol. 20, no. 24, Dec. 1970, pp. 1297-1302.

Walkinshaw, C.H.; and Johnson, P.H.: Analysis of Vegetable Seedlings Grown in Contact with
Apollo 14 Lunar Surface Fines. J. Hort. Science, vol. 6, 1971, pp. 532-535.
Walkinshaw, C.H.; Venketeswaran, S.; Baur, P.S.; Hall, R.H.; Croley, T.E.; Weete, J.D.; Scholes, V.E.;
and Halliwcll, R.H.: Effect of Lunar Materials on Plant Tissue Culture. Space Life Sciences, vol. 4,
no. 1, Jan. 1973, pp. 78-89.
Walkinshaw, C.H.; Wooley, B.C.; and Bozarth, G.A.: Technology Advancements in the Growth of
Germ-free Plants at the Manned Spacecraft Center. Germ-free Research: Biological Effect of
Gnotobiotic Environments. Academic Press, 1973.

Weete, J.D.; and Walkinshaw, C.H.: Apollo 12 Lunar Material: Effects on Plant Pigments. Can. J.
Botany, vol. 50, Jan. 1972, pp. 101-104.
Weete, J.D.; Walkinshaw, C.H.; and Laseter, J.L.: Apolo 12 Lunar Material: Effects on Lipid Levels of
Tobacco Tissue Cultures. Science, vol. 175, no. 4021, Feb. 1972, pp. 623-624.

The Apollo spacecraft and space suits provided a microcosm which

sustained the life of astronauts during the voyage to the moon and
through periods of lunar surface exploration. This mini-world
required a proper atmosphere, food and water provision, waste
disposal means, and techniques for ongoing monitoring of astronaut
status. The development of these spacecraft systems was a
significant part of the Apollo Biomedical Program.
N76 12690


Malcolm C. Smith, D.V.M.
N.D. Heidelbaugh, V.M.D.
Paul C. Rambaut, Sc.D.
R.M. Rapp
Harry O. Wheeler, Ph.D.
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

C.S. Huber, Ph.D.

C.T. Bourland, Ph.D.
Technology, Inc.


Before man ventured into space for the first time, there was concern that he might
choke while attempting to swallow food in zero gravity. Foreign body pneumonia from
aspiration of food particles and droplets was feared by some. The ability of man to digest
and absorb food in a weightless environment was also seriously debated. These concerns
for man's physiological well-being during weightlessness were augmented by fears that the
unfamiliar and austere limitations imposed by the space vehicle and flight plans might
place unacceptable constraints on the food system. Some food technologists doubted
that edible foods could be prepared to withstand conditions of temperature, pressure, and
vibration which were characteristic of unmanned :space flight vehicles. Limitations on
allowable weight and volume would also have direct impact on the food system.
Despite early concerns, restrictions, and technological hurdles surrounding space food
development, adequate and acceptable diets were formulated and made available in
sufficient time to accommodate the needs of man in space. The earliest food systems used
in the Project Mercury flights and the short duration Gemini Program flights resembled
military survival rations. For the first long term flight, the two-week Gemini 7 mission,
nutritional criteria became important considerations and began to constrain food system
designers. Adequate provisions for energy and nutrients had to be made within an
exceedingly small weight and volume envelope. This food system envelope, about .77 kg
per man per day (1.7 pounds) and 1802 cm 3 per man per day (110 cubic inches), also
had to allow for all packaging materials needed to protect foods.



438 Biomedical Rcsults of Apollo

Because water produced as a by-product of fuel cell operation in the Gemini

spacecraft could be made available, it became highly attractive from a food acceptance
and weight savings standpoint to use dehydrated foods that could be reconstituted in
flight. This was the departure point for the development of the Apollo food system, and
systematic improvements were subsequently made as technology became available and
the application was feasible. The results of these efforts are described in this chapter.

The Apollo Food System

The overall objective of the Apollo food system development program was to provide
adequate and safe nutrition for man during the most ambitious space explorations ever
attempted. This objective had to be achieved within many critical biological, operational,
and engineering constraints. Considerations from which specific constraints were
developed are listed in table 1. Details concerning the constraints are described in the
Apollo Experience Report - Food Systems (NASA TN D-7720, July 1974).

Table 1

Sources of Constraints
on Apollo Food System Development

Biological Operational Engineering

Safety Vehicle interface Weight

Nutrition Stability Volume water for
Organoleptics Packaging rehydr_ion
Personal hygiene Storage Pressure
Ingestion Preparation Temperature
Digestion Servicing Relative humidity
Absorption Waste disposal Acceleration
Gastroenterology Schedules Vibration
Crew idiosyncracies Crew time Power

Apollo food system technology evolved over a considerable period of time, with the
aid of efforts from the U.S. Air Force Manned Orbiting Laboratory Program, the U.S.
Army Natick Laboratories, industry, and universities. The earliest "space foods" were
bite-sized foods suitable for eating with one's fingers, and pureed foods, squeezed directly
into the mouth from flexible metal toothpaste-type tubes. Extensive modifications in
food and food packaging were made throughout Project Mercury and the Gemini and
Apollo Programs. Modifications of the food system were especially necessary during the
Apollo Program for the following reasons.

1. Inflight food consumption proved inadequate to maintain nutritional balance and

body weight.

2. Inflight nausea, anorexia, and undesirable physiological responses experienced by

some crewmen were believed to be partly attributable to the foods.
Apollo Food Technology 439

3. Meal preparation and consumption required too much crew time and effort.

4. Water for reconstitution of dehydrated foods was unpalatable initially and

contained undesirable amounts of dissolved gases.

5. Functional failures occurred in the rehydratable food packages in the early Apollo

Stepwise modifications of food system technology improved system capability to deliver

adequate nutrients in a form that enhanced food acceptance and convenient use. This
general trend of increased acceptance was reported by each successive Apollo flight crew.
An overall impression of the evolution of the Apollo food system can be gained by
comparing the flight menus for the Apollo 7, 11, and 17 missions (tables 2, 3, and 4). The
similarity of the menus for each Apollo 7 astronaut should be compared with the high
degree of individuality achieved for each Apollo 17 astronaut. This difference resulted
from increased personal selection of food items by the astronauts as the program
progressed. Table 4 also indicates the greatly increased variety of foods available for
Apollo 17 crewmen.
Increased variety of foods was important, but more important was the improvement
in quality of individual foods. Improved food quality is not apparent from the listing of
foods. For example, fruit cocktail was reformulated because the original product became
crushed by the effects of atmospheric pressure on the package and it was then difficult to
Details of the evolution in space food science and technology, from the first days of
planning for manned space flight to the end of the Apollo Program, can be traced in
reports cited in the chronological bibliography at the end of this chapter.
Each mission in the Apollo series had different objectives and requirements, and the
scope of the Apollo food system was modified to fit the needs of each. The primary
mission phases, from the vantage point c_f food provision, included times during which
the crewmen occupied the Command Module (CM) and the Lunar Module (LM), and
times when they were being transported in various vehicles from the recovery site to the
NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. A contingency food system
also was provided to be used if emergency decompression of the space vehicle occurred.
For the Apollo 11 through 14 missions, a postflight quarantine period required a food
system for use in the Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF) and the Lunar Receiving
Laboratory (LRL). Each of these environments presented a different set of constraints
and requirements for the food system. Inflight metabolic balance studies were conducted
on the Apollo 16 and 17 missions. These studies imposed unique requirements on the
food system for preflight, inflight, and postflight measurements and control of dietary

Before an Apollo launch, each prime and backup crewmember evaluated available
flight foods and selected the food items he preferred. Then the foods were assembled
into nutritionally balanced menus which were reviewed by crewmernbers and nutritionists
for maximum acceptability within nutritional constraints. Finally, the astronauts were
briefed on spacecraft food stowage, preparation, and waste disposal.
440 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 2
Typical Menu, Apollo 7-10

A. Commander (CDR)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 I Day 4

Meal A

Peaches (R) Fruit cocktail (R) Ham and apple-

Applesauce (R)
sauce (R)
Bacon squares (IMB) Bacon squares (IMB)
Sausage patties (R)
Peanut cubes (DB)
Cinnamon bread Apricot cereal Cinnamon bread
cubes (DB) cubes (DB) Strawberry cereal
cubes (DB)
Breakfast drink (R) Breakfast drink (R) cubes (DB)

Breakfast dr nk (R) Breakfast drink (R)

Meal B

Corn chowder (R) Tuna salad (R) Corn chowder (R) Pea Soup (R)
Chicken sand- Cinnamon bread Beef pot roast (R) Salmon salad (R)
wiches (DB) cubes (DB) Graham cracker Cheese sand-
Coconut cubes (DB) Chocolate cubes (DB) cubes (DB) wiches (DB)
Sugar cookie Cocoa (R) Butterscotch Cocoa (R)
cubes (DB) pudding (R)
Cocoa (R) Cocoa (R)

Meal C

Beef and gravy (R) Spaghetti with meat Potato soup (R) Shrimp cocktail (R)
Brownies (IMB) sauce (R) Chicken salad (R) Chicken and gravy (R)
Chocolate pudding (R) Cheese sand- Beef sandwiches (DB) Cinnamon bread
wiches (DB) cubes (DB)
Pineapple-grapefruit Gingerbread (IMB)
drink (R) Banana pudding (R) Date fruit cake (IMB)
Orange drink (R)
Pineapple fruit Orange-grapefruit
cake (IMB) drink (R)
Grapefruit drink (R)

B. Command Module Pilot (CMP)

Meal A

Peaches (R) Applesauce (R) Fruit cocktail (R) Ham and apple-
Bacon squares (IMB) sauce (R)
Bacon squares (IMB) Sausage patties (R)
Peanut cubes (DB)
Cinammon bread Apricot cereal Cinnamon bread
cubes (DB) cubes (DB) cubes (DB) Strawberry cereal
cubes (DB)
Breakfast drink (R) Breakfast drink (R) Breakfast drink (R)
Breakfast drink (R)

R = Rehydratable
DB = Dry bite
IMB = Intermediate moisture bite
Apollo Food Technology 441

Table 2 (Continued)

Typical Menu, Apollo 7-10

B. Command Module Pilot (CMP) (Continued)

Day1 [ Day2 I Day3 I Day4

Meal B

Chicken sand- Tuna salad (R) Beef pot roast (R) Pea soup (R)
wiches (DB) Cinnamon bread Graham cracker Salmon salad (R)
Coconut cubes (DB) cubes (DB) cubes (DB) Cheese sand-
Sugar cookie Chocolate cubes (DB) Butterscotch wiches (DB)
cubes (DB) Cocoa (R) pudding (R)
Cocoa (R)
Cocoa (R) Cocoa (R)

Meal C

Beef and gravy (R) Spaghetti with meat Potato soup (R) Shrimp cocktail (R)
Brownies (IMB) sauce (R) Chicken salad (R) Chicken and gravy (R)
Cheese sand-
Chocolate pudding (R) Beef sandwiches (DB) Cinnamon bread
wiches (DB)
Pineapple-grapefruit Gingerbread (IMB) cubes (DB)
drink (R) Banana pudding (R)
Orange drink (R) Date fruit cake (IMB)
Pineapple fruit
cake (IMB) drink (R)
Grapefruit drink (R)

C. Lunar Module Pilot (LMP)

Meal A

Peaches (R) Applesauce (R) Fruit cocktail (R) Ham and apple-
Bacon squares (IMB) Sausage patties (R) sauce (R)
Bacon squares (IMB)
Cinnamon bread Breakfast drink (R) Cinnamon bread Strawberry cereal
cubes (DB) cubes (IMB) cubes (DB)
Peanut cubes (DB)
Breakfast drink (.R) Breakfast drink (R) Apricu[ _real
cubes (DB)
Breakfast drink (R)

Meal B

Corn chowder (R) Tuna salad (R) Corn chowder (R) Salmon salad (R)
Chicken sand- Cinnamon bread Beef pot roast (R) Cheese sand-
wiches (DB) cubes (DB) wiches (DB)
Graham cracker
Coconut cubes (DB) Chocolate cubes (DB) cubes (DB) Peanut cubes (DB)
Sugar cookie Cocoa (R) Butterscotch Cocoa (R)
cubes (DB) pudding (R)
Cocoa (R)

442 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 2 (Continued)

Typical Menu, Apollo 7-10

C. Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) (Continued)

Day 1 Day 4
Day 2 I Day 3

Meal C

Beef and gravy (R) Spaghetti with meat Potato soup (R) Potato salad (R)
Brownies (IMB) sauce (R) Chicken salad (R) Chicken and gravy (R)
Chocolate Cheese sand- Beef sandwiches (DB) Cinnamon bread
pudding (R) wiches (DB) cubes (DB)
Gingerbread (IMB)
Pineapple-grapefruit Banana pudding (R) Date fruit cake (IMB)
Orange drink (R)
drink (R) Pineapple fruit Orange-grapefruit
cake (IMB) drink (R)
Grapefruit drink (R)

The initial Apollo inflight food system consisted of two basic food types: (1) light-
weight, shelf-stable, dehydrated foods that required rehydration prior to consumption,
and (2) ready-to-eat, dehydrated bite-sized foods. Dehydrated foods were selected
because of shelf life and because weight was critical in the Apollo vehicle. Approximately
80 percent of the weight of fresh food is water; therefore, the removal of water resulted
in a substantial reduction of food system weight. As was previously noted, water for
rehydration was available as a by-product of fuel cell operation, wherein hydrogen is
combined with oxygen to release electrical energy.

Freeze Dehydrated Foods

The optimal method of dehydrating food is freeze dehydration, a technique preferred

because of the remarkable preservation of quality in the resulting product. Color, texture,
flavor, nutrient content, and reconstitution of foods which are properly freeze-dried
closely approximate the original food. However, as with any other method of
preservation, the food which is preserved cannot be of higher quality than the original.
The high quality of freeze-dried food derives largely from the technique of removing
the water by sublimation directly from ice to vapor with minimum exposure of the food
to heat. The food is frozen rapidly in circulating air at a temperature of approximately
233°K (-40°C). The frozen food is then placed in a vacuum chamber, where the pressure
is reduced to less than 270 N/m 2 (=2 mm Hg). Energy in the form of heat is applied by
means of heating plates maintained at temperatures of 298 ° to 303°K (_25 ° to 30°C),
depending on the product. Under vacuum, this heat source provides the energy required
to sublime the ice while the temperature of the food is maintained below the eutectic
point. The heat input is carefully controlled to provide optimum removal of water vapor,
which is collected on condensers within the vacuum chamber. The core of ice in the food
completely disappears when the food reaches a moisture content of approximately two
percent. This residual moisture remains bound to the food, and the energy level required
to free it is greater than that of sublimation.
Apollo Food Technology 443

Table 3
Typical Menu, Apollo l 1-16

A. Command Module -- CDR and CMP

Day 1,* 5 I Day2 I Day3 I Day4

Meal A

Peaches (R) Fruit cocktail (R) Peaches (R) Canadian bacon and

Bacon squares (8) (IMB) Sausage patties (SBP) Bacon applesauce (R)

Strawberry cubes (4) (DB) Cinnamon toasted squares (8) (IMB) Sugar coated corn
bread cubes (4) (DB| Apricot cereal flakes (R)
Grape drink (R)
Cocoa (R) cubes (4) (DB) Peanut cubes (4) (DB)
Orange drink (R)
Grapefruit drink (R) Grape drink (R) Cocoa (R)
Orange drink (R) Orange-grapefruit
drink (R)

Meal B

Beef and potatoes (WP) Frankfurters (WP| Cream of chicken Shrimp cocktail (R)
Butterscotch pudding (R) Applesauce (R) soup (R) Ham and potatoes (WP)
Brownies (4) (IMB) Chocolate pudding (R) Turkey and Fruit cocktail (R)
gravy (WP)
Grape punch (R) Orange-grapefruit Date fruit cake (4) (IMB)
Cheese cracker
drink (R) Grapefruit drink (R)
cubes (6} (DB)
cubes (4) (DB)

drink (R)

Meal C

Salmon salad (R) Spaghetti with meat Beef stew (WP)

Tuna salad (R)
sauce** (SBP) Coconut cubes (4) (DB)
Chicken and Chicken stew (SBP)
rice (SBP) Pork and scalloped Banana pudding (R)
potatoes (SBP)
Sugar cookie pudd ng (R) Grape punch (R)
cubes (6) (DB) Pineapple truit
Cocoa (R)
cake (4) (IMB)
Cocoa (R)
Pineapple-grapefruit Grape punch (R)
Grapefruit drink (R)
drink (R)

*Day 1 consisted of meals B and C only

**CMP substituted potato soup (R)
R = Rehydratable
I = Irradiated
DB = Dry bite
WP = Wet pack
IMB = Intermediate moisture bite
SBP = Spoon-bowl packet
444 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 3 (Continued)
Typical Menu, Apollo 11-16

B. Command Module -- LMP

Day 1,* ] Day2 ] Day3 I Day4

Meal A

Fruit cocktail (R) Peaches (R) Canadian bacon and

Peaches (R)
applesauce (R)
Bacon squares (8) (IMB) Sausage patties (SBP) Bacon
squares (8) (IMB) Sugar coated corn
Strawberry Cubes (4) (DB) Cinnamon toasted
flakes (R)
bread cubes (4) (DB) Apricot cereal
Grape drink (R)
cubes (4) (DB) Peanut cubes (4) (DB)
Cocoa (R)
Orange drink (R)
Grape drink (R) Cocoa (R)
I Grapefruit drink (R)
Orange drink (R) Orange-grapefruit
drink (R)

Meal B

Frankfurters (WP) Cream of chicken Shrimp cocktail (R)

Beef and potatoes (WP)
soup (R) Ham and potatoes (SBP)
Butterscotch Applesauce (R)
pudding (R) Turkey and Fruit cocktail (R)
gravy (WP)
Brownies (4) (IMB) pudding (R) Date fruit
Cheese cracker cake (4) (IMB)
Grape punch (R) Orange-grapefruit
drink (R) cubes (6) (DB) Grapefruit drink (R)
cubes (4) (DB)

drink (R)

Meal C

Salmon salad (R) Potato soup (R) Tuna salad (R) Beef stew (SBP)

Chicken and Pork and scalloped Chicken stew (SBP) Coconut cubes (4) (DB)

rice (SBP) potatoes (R) Butterscotch Banana pudding (R)

Sugar cookie Pineapple fruit pudding (R) Grape punch (R}

cubes (6) (DB) cake (4) (IMB) Cocoa (R)
Cocoa (R) Grape punch (R) Grapefruit drink (R)

drink (R)

*Day 1 consisted of meals B and C only.

Apollo Food Technology 445

Table 3 (Continued)
Typical Menu, Apollo 11-16

C. Lunar Module

Meal A Meal B

Bacon squares (8) (IMB) Beef stew (R)

Peaches (R) Cream of chicken soup (R)
Sugar cookie cubes (6) (DB) Date fruit cake (4) (IMB)
Coffee (R) Grape punch (R)
Pineapple-grapefruit drink (R) Orange drink (R)

Additional Items Units

Extra beverage (R)

Dried fruit (IMB)

Candy bar (IMB)

Bread (I)

Ham salad spread (tube food)

Turkey and gravy (WP)

D. Pantr' Stowage

Accessories Units Breakfast Units

Chewing gum 15 Peaches 6

Wet skin cleaning towels 3O Fruit cocktail 6
Oral hygiene kit 1 Canadian bacon
3 toothbrushes and applesauce 3
1 edible toothpaste Bacon squares (8) 12
1 dental floss Sausage patties _ 3
Contingency feeding system Sugar coated corn flakes 6
3 food restrainer pouches Strawberry cubes (4) 3
3 beverage packages Cinnamon toasted
1 valve adapter (pontube) bread cubes (4)
Spoons 3 Apricot cereal cubes (4)
Germicidal tablets (20) 3 Peanut cubes (4)

Total Units 53 Total Units 51

Rehydratable Desserts Units

Banana pudding 6

Butterscotch pudding 6

Applesauce 6
Chocolate pudding 6

Total Units 24

Spoon bowl package

446 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 3 (Continued)
Typical Menu, Apollo 11-16

D. Pantry Stowage (Continued)

Beverages Units Bites Units

Orange drink 6 Cheese cracker cubes (6)

Orange-grapefruit dri n k 3 BBQ beef bites (4)

Pineapple-grapefruit drink 3 Chocolate cubes (4)
Grapefruit drink 3
Brownies (4)
Grape drink 6
Date fruit cake (4)
Grape punch 3
Pineapple fruit cake (4)
Cocoa 6
Jellied fruit candy (4)
Coffee (B) 15
Nutrient defined food
Coffee (S) 15
Coffee (C & S) 15 sticks (4) 6

Total Units 75 Total Units 48

Salads/Meats Units Salads/Meats Units

Salmon salad 3 Chicken and rice*

Tuna salad 3 Chicken stew*

Cream of chicken soup 6 Beef stew*

Shrimp cocktail 6 Pork and scalloped

Spaghetti and meat sauce* 6 potatoes 6

Beef pot roast 3 Ham and potatoes (wet) 3

Beef and vegetables 3 Turkey and gravy (wet) 6

Total Units 57

Bread Units Dried Fruits Units

Rye 4 Apricots

White 4 Peaches

Cheese Pears 6

Total Units 12 Total Units 18

Sandwich Spread Units

Ham salad (226.8 gm [8 oz]) 1

Tuna salad (226.8 gm [8 oz] ) 1

Chicken salad (226.8 gm [8 oz] ) 1

Cheddar cheese (56.7 gm [2 oz] ) 3

Total Units 6

Apollo Food Technology 447

Table 3 (Continued)
Typical Menu, Apollo 11-16

E. Low Residue Diet, One Day Before Flight

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Strained grapefruit Beef with rice soup Tomato juice cocktail

113.4 gm (1/2 c) 113.4 gm (1/2 c) 170.1 gm (3/4 c)
Cream of rice Crackers (4 squares) Roast beef au jus
113.4 gm (1/2 c) Sliced chicken sandwich 170.1 gm (6 oz)
Scrambled eggs (2) 113.4 gm meat (4 oz); Buttered noodles
Breakfast steak 2 slices of bread 113.4 gm (1/2 c)
170.1 gm (6 oz) Cottage cheese-pear salad Pureed beets 113.4 gm (1/2 c)
Toast (1 slice) 1 pear half; 113.4 gm Hard roll (1)
cheese (1/2 c)
Butter 9.45 gm (2 tsp) Butter 9.45 gm (2 tsp)
Angle food cake with rum sauce
Grape jelly (or substitute) Sherbet 113.4 gm (1/2 c)
Coffee or tea
Coffee Coffee or tea
Sugar Sugar

F. Low Residue Diet, Two Days Before Flight

B rea kfast Lunch ' Din ner

Tomato juice 113.4 gm (1/2 c} Apple juice 113.4 gm (1/2 c) Beef consomme 113.4 gm (1/2 c)
Canadian bacon (2 slices) Broiled flounder Baked chicken 170.1 gm (6 oz)
Soft cooked eggs (2) 170.1 gm (6 oz)
Buttered rice 113.4 gm (1/2 c)
Toast (1 slice) Paprika potatoes Pureed carrots 113.4 gm (1/2 c)
113.4 gm (1/2 c)
Butter 9.45 gm (2 tsp) Whipped strawberry
Pureed green beams
Cream of rice 113.4 gm (1/2 c) gelatin dessert
113A gm (1/2 c)
Sugar Lady fingers (2)
Hard roll (1)
Grape jelly Tea or coffee
Butter 9A5 gm (2 tsp)
Lime sherbet 113.4 gm (1/2 c)
Vanilla wafers (2)

Critical relationships exist between pressure and temperature during the drying
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were developed to assure the most rapid method of processing while maintaining
organoleptic quality and preventing destruction of nutrients.

Bite-Sized Foods

Bite-sized, ready-to-eat foods supplemented rehydratable foods for the first Apollo
manned flight. These bite-sized foods were either dehydrated (moisture less than two
percent) or prepared so that water in the product would be bound and, therefore, not
available for microbial growth. The latter category is generally referred to as
intermediate-moisture food to differentiate it from fresh foods at one extreme and

dehydrated food at the other. The intermediate-moisture foods (moisture less than
40 percent) are highly acceptable since they closely approximate the texture of fresh
foods and are ready to eat without reconstitution. Even with this combination of foods,
however, the range of texture and tastes was fairly limited for early Apollo astronauts, a
situation that was gradually rectified throughout the program.
448 Biomedical Results of Apollo


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Apollo Food Technology


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450 Biomedical Results of Apollo

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Apollo Food Technology 451


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452 Biomedical Results of Apollo


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Apollo Food Technology 453

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454 Biomedical Results of ApoUo

Packaging, like food items themselves, underwent substantial modification during the
Apollo Program. Flexible packaging protected each individual portion of food and made
handling and consumption easier. A series of redesign cycles finally resulted in a
rehydratable food package that had (1) an improved, transparent barrier-film of
laminated polyethylene-fluorohalocarbon-polyester-polyethylene; (2) a water injection
port consisting of a one-way, spring-loaded valve; and '(3) an improved opening that
permitted food consumption in weightlessness with a conventional tablespoon.
Cold [=283'K (lO°C)] and hot [=333OK (60°C)]water were available for food
preparation. Following water injection with the Apollo water dispenser, the food package
was kneaded to rehydrate the food and then opened for consumption. Early packages,
shown in figure 1, were fitted with plastic tubes through which rehydrated food was
extruded into the mouth. This configuration was changed by the introduction of a
spoon-bowl package, pictured in figure 2 and described in greater detail in the following


Figure 1. Apollo rehydratable food packages

Bite-sized, ready-to-eat foods were contained in packets made from the same plastic
laminate material used for packaging rehydratable foods. These packets were opened sim-
ply by cutting with scissors (figure 3). The food was eaten directly from the package or
by use of the fingers.
Apollo Food Technology 455

Figure 2. Apollo rehydratable food spoon-bowl package
shown opened with spoon inserted.

Figure 3. Bite-sized, ready-tocat, intermediate-moisture

and dry foods shown in Apollo flight packages.

456 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Evolution in Apollo Food Technology

Improvements in the food system were aimed at maintaining astronauts in the best
possible physiological condition and with a high level of morale. Modifications to improve
ease of consumption, stowage weight, and nutrient intake were reviewed and imple-
mented as dictated by changes in mission objectives, new activities, and medical,
operational, and experimental requirements.

Apollo 7
The food system for the first manned Apollo mission was basically that provided in
the Gemini Program but featured a wider variety of foods. However, while the availability
of 96 food items for the Apollo 7 flight contributed to better acceptance and increased
consumption relative to Gemini foods, the time and trouble required for meal preparation
was increased.

Apollo 8

The first departure from heavy reliance on rehydratable foods occurred during the
Apollo 8 flight. On Christmas day, 1968, during the first lunar orbital mission, the
Apollo 8 astronauts opened packages of thermostabilized turkey and gravy and ate with
spoons. This turkey entree required no water for rehydration because the normal water
content (67 percent) had been retained. The thermally stabilized, ready-to-eat meal in a
flexible can became known as a "wetpack," a term used to differentiate this package
from the dehydrated space foods that required the addition of water before consumption.
The flexible packs were made from a laminate of polyester, aluminum foil, and
Wet-type foods had not been used previously because of the disadvantages associated
with high moisture content, particularly the requirement for sterility and the weight
penalty associated with this type of food. The improved crew acceptance of the product
justified the weight increase. Technology for heat sterilization in flexible packages was
sufficiently advanced by the time of Apollo 8 to assure a high quality product with
minimal chance for failure.
The Apollo 8 crew also used a conventional teaspoon to eat some foods, and found
that this mode of food consumption in weightlessness was quite satisfactory. This finding
led to food package redesign which made the use of spoons much more convenient.

Apollo 9
Beginning with the Apollo 9 mission, more wetpack items were added to the food
system. The variety of foods provided for this flight made crew diets more typical of
those consumed on Earth. The extensive use of wetpack containers without difficulty
during this mission confirmed the potential for eating a substantial portion of food from
open containers. The Apollo 9 crewmen experimented further by cutting open a
rehydratable food package and dating its contents with a spoon; the experiment was
During Apollo 9, the Lunar Module Pilot experienced nausea and vomiting. Menu
manipulation in flight to reduce the tendency for nausea represented the first use of
Apollo Food Technology 457

real-time food selection for countering undesirable physiological responses to vestibular

stimuli. The Apollo 9 mission also included the first use of the Lunar Module food

Apollo 10

Evolution of the Apollo food system was continued with the Apollo 10.flight, during
which the spoon-bowl package (see figure 2) was introduced. The spoon-bowl package
permitted convenient use of a spoon for consuming rehydrated foods. This modified
package had a water inlet valve at one end and a large plastic-zippered opening on the
other, which provided access to the rehydrated food with a spoon. Large pieces of
dehydrated meat and vegetables could now be included to provide a more familiar and
acceptable texture. As a result of this modification, some Apollo crewmen expressed a
preference for selected foods in rehydratable form over the wetpack equivalent.

The feasibility of eating from open containers with spoons in weightlessness was first
tested in aircraft flight, and subsequently verified during the flights of Apollo 8 and
Apollo 9. Using jet aircraft flying parabolic patterns, numerous foods, packages, and
utensils were tested. While these flights produced only brief periods of near-weightless
conditions, the results indicated that spacecraft application of the spoon-bowl concept
could be made successfully without dispersal of food particles throughout the vehicle.
Apollo 10 also marked the first successful use of conventional slices of fresh bread
and sandwich spreads. This bread had a shelf life at Apollo vehicle temperatures for at
least four weeks when packaged in a nitrogen atmosphere (figure 4). Provision of the
bread allowed crewmen to make sandwiches using meat salad spreads provided in separate
containers. The sandwich spreads were preserved by thermal processing and final package
closing in a hyperbaric chamber. The process enhances preservation of natural flavor and
texture by reducing thermal processing time and temperature.
An additional modificatian
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pantry concept. Locker space was reserved for an assembly of food to provide ad libitum
selection of meal components. This method allowed for some versatility in menu planning
and for inflight dietary modification. In all subsequent Apollo flights, pantry-stocked
foods augmented prepackaged meals. Even though.most astronauts expressed a desire
prior to flight for real-time food selection, they typically reported that this often proved
to be more trouble than it was worth.
The Apollo 10 crewmen reported some discomfort from a feeling of fullness and
gastric awareness immediately after eating. This was troublesome to individual astronauts
throughout the Apollo Program. Many causes for this condition have been suggested.
Among these are (1)aerophagia; (2)undissolved gases (oxygen and hydrogen);
(3) reduced atmospheric pressure; (4) changes in gastrointestinal motility; and (5) shifts
in intestinal microflora. Moreover, removal of water during the process of food
dehydration is a complex phenomenon that causes many physical-chemical shifts at the
cellular level. It is conceivable that, during the rehydration process, continued occurrence
of microscopic phenomena could cause osmotic displacements sensed by the cells of the
gastric or intestinal mucosa.
458 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Apollo 11

New food items for the Apollo 11 flight included thermostabilized cheddar cheese
spread and thermostabilized frankfurthers. Sandwich spreads were packaged in “401”
aluminum cans, which featured a pull-tab for easy removal of the entire top of the can.
This can proved successful and cventually became the nucleus for the development of the
open-dish eating concept implemented in the Skylab Program.

Figure 4. Irradiated bread packaged for use on Apollo missions.

Command Module food for the first five days of the Apollo 11 mission was assembled
in nominal meal packages (figure 5). Forty-two man-meals (starting with day 1 , meal B),
an oral hygiene kit, and spoons were contained in a Command Module food locker.
Command Module menus for each Apollo 11 astronaut are presented in tables 3 (A, B).
Because the wetpack food items included did not require reconstitution in flight, the
menu was planned for consumption of wetpack foods during the midday meal when crew
activity was highest. The wetpack foods were stowed separately from nominal meal
A six-day supply of food and accessory items were stowed in pantry fashion (figure 6)
to permit some food selection based on real-time preference and appetite and to
supplement the meal packages if more food was desired by an individual. The foods
included beverages, salads, soups, meats, breakfast items, desserts, and bite-sized foods
[see table 3(D) for listing]. Primary food packages were placed in nonflammable
overwraps, which served to keep food groups together and to partition the spacecraft
Apollo Food Technology 459

food container for ease of retrieval in flight. Germicide tablets were provided for
stabilization of any food residue remaining in the primary food packages.
Four lunar surface meal periods were scheduled. The Apollo 11 Lunar Module menu
16 outlined in table 3(C). Foods for the four nominal meals (two each of meals A and B),
spoons, wetpack food, extra beverages, and tubed ham sandwich spread were stowed in
the Lunar Module food box. The remaining items (bread, candy, and dried fruit) were
stowed in the utility-light compartment of the flight data file.

Figure 5. Apollo meal pack.

Another major component of the Apollo 11 food system was the system employed
on the prime recovery ship in the Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF) and, subsequently,
at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) at Johnson Space Center. A typical MQF menu
is shown in table 5. The MQF foods were used from time of splashdown until the crew-
men entered the LRL. The menu contained primarily precooked, frozen entrees, which
were reconstituted in a microwave oven in the MQF. The LRL system used the same type
of entrees with the addition of a wider variety of frozen vegetables, salads, and snacks.
The LRL food system also included a “first class” restaurant service, complete with table
linens. china, and silverware which was available to the flight crew, their support team,
and the lunar quarantine staff of approximately 20 scientists and technicians.
Apollo 12
The food system for Apollo 12 was quite similar to that which had proven successful
for Apollo 11. Freeze dehydrated scrambled eggs were introduced and were well accepted
by the crew. Other changes in the menu were directed toward meeting individual
crewmember nutrient requirements.
460 Apollo Food Technology

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Biomedical Results of Apollo 461

Apollo 13
The Apollo 13 inflight explosion and loss of fuel cell systems tested the food system
in an emergency situation in which fluid and electrolyte intakes were critical for life
support. After the accident, crew nutrient consumption was limited by the amount of
available water. Beverage bags proved to be extremely useful as an emergency means of
storing water that was rapidly being depleted. The use of these packages and the
availability of wetpack foods for providing fluids for the Apollo 13 crewmen has been
largely credited with maintaining the health of the astronauts throughout the emergency.

Figure 6. Apollo food and accessory items.

The beverage packages found other uses during Apollo missions and proved to be
versatile, durable, and reliable. They were used in experiments on the separation of gas
from liquids in weightlessness and also served as head supports on the couch during
reentry of the Command Module in at least one mission.
The &&lo 13 food system included the first dehydrated natural orange juice. Orange
juice hadrn6t been employed in space food systems previously hecause the dehydration
methods available failed to prevent fusion of natural sugars with the formation of an
insoluble mass. The provision of fruit juices further improved the quality and nutritional
value of the food system.
462 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Apollo 14

The Apollo 14 flight marked the first time space crewmen returned to Earth without
a significant change in body weight. Thc Commander and the Lunar Module Pilot had
consumed essentially all of their programmed food supply.
The Apollo 14 food system included an in-suit drinkin_ device. This allowed the
astronauts to better maintain fluid balance during extensive lunar surface operations.
The food safety regimen throughout the Apollo Program included the production and
final packaging of all food items in a Class 100 000 filtered-air cleanroom to maintain low
microbiological counts of Apollo foods. Foods were also examined for the presence of
heavy metals. The only deviation from perfect performance in the food safety area was a
failure in the early detection of mercury contamination in the Apollo 14 tuna fish salad.
The mercury content ways in excess of maximum limits established by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration. The tuna fish was removed from the food system shortly prior to
launch, and a nutritionally equivalent substitute from the pantry was used to supplement
the menu.

Apollo 15
Apollo 15 crewmen consumed solid food while working on the lunar surface. High
nutrient density food bars were installed inside the full pressure suit (figure 7). Figure 8
shows a view of the neck ring area of the Apollo lunar surface pressure suit with the
in-suit food bar and the in-suit drink device installed. The in-suit drink device was
designed to provide, water or fruit flavored beverages. This crew was the first to consume
all of the mission food provided. Negligible weight losses, after equilibration for fluid
losses, reaffirmed that the diet provided adequately for the crew's energy requirements.
The typical Apollo menu ultimately provided energy equivalent to 155+-17kJ/kg
(37+_4 kcal/kg) of body weight. Sliced fresh bread that had been pasteurized by exposure
to 50 000 fads of cobalt-60 gamma irradiation was first used for the Apollo 15 flight.

Apollo 16
Electrocardiographic recordings for Apollo 15 crewmen indicated occasional
arrhythmias believed to be possibly linked to a potassium deficit. In an effort to prevent
recurrence of a similar situation in the Apollo 16 crew, a requirement was levied to
provide 140+_5 milliequivalents of potassium in the Apollo 16 diets daily during flight and
for 72 hours both before and after flight. In addition, nutrient intake and absorption for
each Apollo 16 crewman was monitored during the entire period, beginning 72 hours
before flight and ending 72 hours after flight. This control of nutrient intake afforded
maximum opportunity to detect physiological changes accompanying transition to and
from the weightless state.
The requirement for 140+_5mEq of potassium could not be met by menu
manipulations using unmodified flight-qualified Apollo foods. Therefore, potassium
fortification of qualified inflight foods was investigated, and the development of modified
preflight and postflight foods was undertaken. It was found that Apollo 16 beverages and
soups could be modified by the addition of 10 mEq per serving of potassium in the form
of potassium gluconate (2.35 _n per serving).
Apollo Food Technology 463

The physiological safety of potassium gluconate for food fortification and

supplementation was verified by a search of the literature concerning its use and effects
and by three studies involving human volunteers. The compatibility of this level of
potassium with individual flight crewmembers was tested by providing each individual
with fortified foods for consumption and evaluation.

Figure 7. Highdensity food bars for use in pressure suits on the lunar surface.

Figure 8. Neck ring of the Apollo lunar surface pressure suit

showing in-suit food bar and drink device.
464 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Apollo 16 grape drink, orange drink, pineapple-orange drink, pineapple-grapefruit

drink, grapefruit with sugar, and cocoa were fortified with potassium gluconate, for an
average daily inflight potassium intake of approximately 100 mEq. Real-time adjustments
in nutrition were applied by menu rearrangements to counteract the gastrointestinal
awareness reported by one crewmember and believed to be associated with dietary
potassium intake.
Apollo 17
In addition to a liberal usage of previously described improved foods, the Apollo 17
system was modified by the inclusion of shelf-stable ham steak that had been sterilized by
exposure to cobalt-60 gamma irradiation (3.7 megarads). The Apollo 17 food system also
incorporated a fruit cake that provided complete nutrition in shelf-stable,
intermediate-moisture, ready-to-eat form. Both proved to be highly acceptable to the
crewmen. This type of intermediate-moisture food was included in the Skylab
contingency food system and is being evaluated for use in the Space Shuttle food

Large improvements and advances in space food systems were achieved during the
Apollo food program. Nevertheless, the majority of Apollo astronauts did not consume
sufficient nutrients. Loss of body weight, fluids, and electrolytes was the rule, with few
exceptions. The Apollo food program showed that man and his eating habits are not
easily changed. Adequate nutrition begins with appropriate food presented to the
consumer in familiar form.
A space food system must fulfill program requirements and provide proper nutrition
to maintain physiological well-being during the specific environments and stresses
imposed by the mission. Such a system must ultimately rely on nutritious foods that are
easy to prepare, that have familiar flavor and texture, and that provide diversion,
relaxation, security, and satiety.
Modifications of the Apollo food system were directed primarily toward improving
delivery of adequate nutrition to the astronaut. Individual food items and flight menus
were modified as nutritional countermeasures to the effects of weightlessness. Unique
food items were developed, including some that provided nutritional completeness, high
acceptability, and ready-to-eat, shelf-stable convenience. Specialized food packages were
also developed.
The Apollo Program experience clearly showed that future space food systems will
require well-directed efforts to achieve the optimum potential of food systems in support
of the physiological and psychological well-being of astronauts and crews. The
accomplishments of the Apollo food program provide a significant beginning.

Finkelstein, Beatrice; and Taylor, Albert A.: Food, Nutrition and the Space Traveler. Am. J. Clin.
Nutr., vol. 8, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1960, pp. 793-800.
Apollo Food Technology 465

Finkeistein, Beatrice: Nutrition Research for the Space Traveler. J. Am. Dietet. Assoc., vol. 36, no. 4,
Apr. 1960, pp. 313-317.
Peryam, David R.; Polemis, Bernice W.; Kamen, J.M.; Eindhoven, J.; and Pilgrim, F.J.: Food
Preferences of Men in the U.S. Armed Forces. Quartermaster Food and Container Institute for the
Armed Forces (Chicago, Ill.), 1960.
Taylor, A.A.; Finkelstein, Beatrice; and Hayes, R.E.: Food for Space Travel. ARDC TR-60-8, 1960.


Welbourn, J.L.; and LaChance, P.A.: Suitability of Tubed Foods for In-Flight Feeding. ASD
TR-61-456, 1961.


Chichester, C.O.: Food Technological Problems in Adverse Environments. Federation Proc., vol. 22,
Nov.-Dec. 1963, pp. 1447-1450.
Heidelbaugh, Norman D.: Influence of the Package on Changes in Stored Heat-Processed Foods.
M.S. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963.
LaChance, Paul A.; and Vandervcen, John E.: Problems in Space Foods and Nutrition: Foods for
Extended Space Travel and Habitation. Food Technol., vol. 17, no. 5, May 1963, pp. 567-572.
Nuceio, P.P.; and Lis, SJ.: Method of Heating Foods During Aerospace Flight. AMRL TDR-63-139,

Senter, R.J.: Research on the Acceptability of Precooked Dehydrated Foods During Confinement.
AMRL TDR-63-9, 1963.


Harper, Alfred E.: Discussion: Proteins in Space Nutrition. Conference on Nutrition in Space and
Related Waste Problems. NASA SP-70, 1964, pp. 143-145.
Hollender, Herbert A.: Development of Food Items to Meet Air Force Requirements for Space Travel.
AMRL TR-64-38, 1964.

Klicka, Mary V.: Development of Space Foods. J. Am. Dietet. Assoc., vol. 44, no. 5, May 1964,
pp. 358-361.
LaChance, Paul A.: Nutrition and Stresses of Short Term Space Flight. Conference on Nutrition in
Space and Related Waste Problems. NASA SP-70, 1964, pp. 71-78.
Michel, Edward L.: Preparation, Handling, and Storage of Foods for Present Space Projects.
Conference on Nutrition in Space and Related Waste Problems. NASA SP-70, 1964, pp. 57-63.
Sarett, Herbert P.: Use of Formula Diets. Conference on Nutrition in Space and Related Waste
Problems. NASA SP-70, 1964, pp. 353-361.

Scrimshaw, Nevin S.; Johnson, Robert E.; and Davidson, Charles S.: Panel Discussion. Conference on
Nutrition in Space and Related Waste Problems. NASA SP-70, 1964, pp. 367-370.

Vinograd, S.P.: Nutritional Trends in Future Manned Space Flights. Conference on Nutrition in Space
and Related Waste Problems. NASA SP-70, 1964, pp. 17-21.


Austin, Philip R.; and Timmerman, Stewart W.: Design and Operation of Clean Rooms. Business News
Publishing Co. (Detroit, Mich.), 1965.
Hewitt, Eric J.: All-Purpose Matrix for Molded Food Bars. Report TR-FD-14, U.S. Army Natick
Laboratories, 1965.
Hollender, Herbert A.; and Klicka, Mary: Development of Dehydrated and Bite-Sized Food Items.
AMRL TR-65-160, 1965.
466 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Newlin, Harry E.; and Morris, E.R.: Development of Food Bars Employing Edible Structural Agents.
Report TR-FD-20, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, 1965.
Richards, A.; Streimer, I.; and Wendrow, B.: Foods and Food Systems as Influenced by Zero-Gravity
Space Flight. Vol. 5 of Physiological and Performance Determinants in Manned Space Systems,
Part I, Paul Hornwitz, ed., Western Periodicals Co. (North Hollywood, Calif.), 1965, pp. 31-38.
Smith, K.J.; Speckmann, E.W.; George, Marilyn E.; Homer, G.M.; and Dunco, D. Wiltsie: Biochemical
and Physiological Evaluation of Human Subjects Wearing Pressure Suits Under Simulated
Aerospace Conditions. AMRL TR-65-147, 1965.
Speckmann, E.W.; Smith, K.J.; Vanderveen, J.E.; Homer, G.M.; and Dunco, D. Wiltsie: Nutritional
Acceptability of a Dehydrated Diet. Aerospace Med., vol. 36, no. 3, March 1965, pp. 256-260.
Winitz, Milton; Graff, Jack; Gallagher, Neil; Narkin, Anthony; and Seedman, Daniel A.: Evaluation of
Chemical Diets as Nutrition for Man-in-Space. Nature, vol. 205, no. 4973, Feb. 20, 1965,
pp. 741-743.

Cooke, Julian P.; and Heidelbaugh, Norman D.: Rapid Decompression and Exposure of Fresh Foods
to Near Vacuum Conditions. SAM TR-65-321, 1966.
Cordaro, Joseph T.; Sellers, Walter M.; Ball, Robert J.; and Schmidt, Jerome P.: Study of Man During
a 56-Day Exposure to an Oxygen-Helium Atmosphere at 258mmHg Total Pressure:
Part X - Enteric Microbial Flora. Aerospace Med., vol. 37, no. 6, June 1966, pp. 594-596.
Dymsza, H.A.; Stoewsand, G.S.; Donovan, Patricia; Barrett, F.F.; and LaChance, P.A.: Development of
Nutrient-Defined Formula Diets for Space Feeding. Food Technol., vol. 20, no. 10, Oct. 1966,
pp. 1349-1352.
Heidelbaugh, Norman D.: Space Flight Feeding Systems: Characteristics, Concepts for Improvement,
and Public Health Implications. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., vol. 149, no. 12, Dec. 15, 1966,
pp. 1662-1671.
Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Vanderveen, John E.; Klicka, Mary V.; and O'Hara, May J.: Study of Man
During a 56-Day Exposure to an Oxygen-Helium Atmosphere at 258 mm Hg Total Pressure:
Part VIII - Observations on Feeding Bite-Size Foods. Aerospace Med., vol,. 37, no. 6, June 1966,
pp. 583-59O.
Macklin, Martin: Water Handling in the Absence of Gravity. Aerospace Med., vol. 37, no. 10, Oct.
1966, pp. 1040-1045.
Smith, K.J.; Speckmann, E.W.; LaChance, Paul A.; and Dunco, Dorothea W.: Nutritional Evaluation of
a Precooked Dehydrated Diet for Possible Use in _rospace Systems. Food Technol., vol. 20,
no. 10, Oct. 1966, pp. 1341-1345.
Vanderveen, John E.; Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; and O'Hara, May J.: Study of Man During a 56-Day
Exposure to an Oxygen-Helium Atmosphere at 258 mm Hg Total Pressure: Part IX - Nutritional
Evaluation of Feeding Bite-Size Foods. Aerospace Med., vol. 37, no. 6, June 1966, pp. 591-594.


Anon.: NASA Standards for Clean Rooms and Work Stations for the Microbiologically Controlled
Environment. NASA Handbook 5340.2, 1967.
Anon.: Standard Procedures for the Microbiological Examination of Space Hardware. NASA Hand-
book 5340.1, 1967.
Heidelbangh, Norman D.; and Rosenbusch, Marvin A.: A Method to Manufacture Pelletized Formula
Foods in Small Quantities. SAM TR-67-75, 1967.
Klicka, Mary V.; Hollender, H.A.; and LaChance, P.A.: Foods for Astronauts. J. Am. Dietet. Assoc.,
vol. 51, no. 2, Sept. 1967, pp. 238-245.
Apollo Food Technology 467

Nanz, Robert A.; Michel, Edward L.; andLaChance, Paul A.: Evolution of Space Feeding Concepts
During the Mercury and Gemini Space Programs. Food Technol., vol. 21, no. 12, Dec. 1967,
pp. 1596-1602.

O'Hara, May J.; Chapin, Roy E.; Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; and Vandervcen, John E.: Aerospace
Feeding: Acceptability of Bite-Size and Dehydrated Foods. J. Am. Dietet. Assoc., vol. 51, no. 2,
Sept. 1967, pp. 246-250.


Heideibaugh, Norman D.; Vanderveen, John E.; and Iger, Howard G.: Development and Evaluation of
a Simplified Formula Food for Aerospace Feeding Systems. Aerospace Med., vol. 39, no. 1, Jan.
1968, pp. 38-43.

Anon.: Contamination Control Handbook. NASA SP-5076, 1969.

Byehkov, V.P.: Influence of a Diet Consisting of Dehydrated Products on the Functional State of the
Human Organism. Environmental Space Sciences, vol. 3, no. 4, July-Aug. 1969, pp.261-266.
Bychkov, V.P.: Metabolic Characteristics of Humans Maintained on a Diet of Dehydrated Foods for
120 Days. Environmental Space Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1969, pp. 73-76.
EI-Bisi, Hamed M.; and Powers, Edmund M.: The Microbiological Wholesomeness of Space Foods.
Report TR-70-41-FL, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, 1969.
Lutwak, Leo; Whedon, G. Donald; LaChance, Paul A.; Reid, Jeanne M.; and Lipscomb, H.: Mineral,
Electrolyte and Nitrogen Balance Studies of the Gemini-VII Fourteen-Day Orbital Space Flight.
J. Clin. Endocr. Metab., vol. 29, no. 9, Sept. 1969, pp. 1140-1156.
Smith, Malcolm C.; and Berry, Charles A.: Dinner on the Moon. Nutrition Today, Autumn 1969,
pp. 37-42.


Flentge, Robert L.; and Bustead, Ronald L.: Manufacturing Requirements of Food for Aerospace
Feeding. SAM TR-70-23, 1970.
Hcidelbangh, Norman D.; and Karel, M.: Changes in Pouched Heat-Processed Foods. Mod. Packaging,
vol. 43, Nov. 1970, pp. 80-86.
Smith, Malcolm: The Apollo Food Program. Aerospace Food Technology. NASA SP-202, 1970,
pp. 5-13.
Vanderveen, John E.; O'Hara, May J.; and Leeber, Donald A.: Consumption of Rehydratable Food in
Zero-Gravity Environments Using Conventional Eating Utensils. Aerospace Med., vol. 41, no. 3,
Mar. 1970, pp. 306-308.


Bourland, C.T.; Huber, C.S.; and Heidelbaugh, N.D.: The Relative Effectiveness of 8-Hydr0xyquino-
line Sulfate and Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride in the Stabilization of Aerospace
Food Waste. J. Milk Food Technol., voL 34, no. 10, Oct. 1971, pp. 478-481.
Flentge, R.L.; Grim, A.C.; Doppelt, F.F.; and Vanderveen, J.E.: How Conventional Eating Methods
Were Found Feasible for Spacecraft. Food Technol., vol. 25, no. 1, Jan. 1971, pp. 51-54.
Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; and Smith, Malcolm C., Jr.: Potential Applications of Space Food Processing
Environment Controls for the Food Industry. Proc. of the Food Engineering Forum, American
Society of Agricultural Engineers (St. Joseph, Mich.), 1971, pp. 95-105.

Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Smith, Malcolm C., Jr.; Rambaut, Paul C.; Hartung, T.E.; and Huber,
Clayton S.: Potential Public Health Applications of Space Food Safety Standards. J. Am. Vet.
Med. Assoc., vol. 159, no. 11, Dec. 1, 1971, pp. 1462-1469.
Powers, Edmund M.; Ay, Carl; EI-Bisi, Hamed M.; and Rowley, Durwood B.: Bacteriology of
Dehydrated Space Foods. Appl. Microbiol., vol. 22, no. 3, Sept. 1971, pp. 441-445.
468 - ": Biomedical Results of Apollo

Smith, Malcolm C., Jr.; Huber, Clayton S.; and Heidelbangh, Norman D.: Apollo 14 Food System•
Aerospace Med., vol. 42, no. 11, Nov. 1971, pp. 1185-1192.


Berry, Charles A.; and Smith, Malcolm: What We've Learnt From Space Exploration. Nutrition Today,
Sept.-Oct. 1972, pp. 4-11 and 29-32.
Huber, Clayton S.; Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Smith, Malcolm C., Jr.; and Klicka, Mary: Space Foods.
Health and Food. John Wiley and Sons, 1972, pp. 130-151.
Ramhaut, Paul C.; Bourland, Charles T.; Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Huber, Clayton S.; and Smith,
Malcolm C., Jr.: Some How Properties of Foods in Null Gravity. Food Technol., vol. 26, no. 1,
Jan. 1972, pp. 58-63.
Smith, Malcolm C., Jr.; Rambant, Paul C.; Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Rapp, Rita M.; and Wheeler,
Harry O.: Food and Nutrition Studies for Apollo 16. NASA TM X-58096, 1972.


Hartung, T.E.; Bullerman, L.B.; Arnold, R.G.; and Heidelbaugh, N.D.: Application of Low Dose
Irradiation to a Fresh Bread System for Space Flights. J. Food Sci., vol. 38, 1973, pp. 129-132.
Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Rambaut, Paul C.; and Smith, Malcolm C.: Incorporation of Nutritional
Therapy in Space Food Systems. Activities Report: The Research and Development Associates for
Military Food and Packaging Systems, Inc., vol. 25, 1973, pp. 7-32.
Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Smith, Malcolm C., Jr.; and Rambaut, Paul C.: Food Safety in NASA
Nutrition Programs. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., vol. 163, no. 9, Nov. 1973, pp. 1065-1070.
Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Smith, Malcolm C.; Ramhaut, Paul C.; and Leach, Carolyn: Space Food
Processing Environment Controls and Safety Standards. AIChe Chemical Engineering Progress
Symposium Series No..,132, vol. 69, 1973, pp. 87-90.
Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Smith, Malcolm C., Jr.; Rambaut, Paul C.; Lutwak, Leo;
Clinical Nutrition Applications of Space Food Technology. J. Am. Dietet. Assoc., vol. 62, no. 4,
Apr. 1973, pp. 383-389.
Huber, C.S.; Heidelbaugh, N.D.; Rapp, R.M.; and Smith, M.C.: Nutrition Systems for Pressure Suits.
Aerospace Med., vol. 44 no. 8. Aug. 1973, pp. 905-909.
Luckey, T.D.; Bengson, M.H.; and Smith, M.C.: Apollo Diet Evaluation: A Comparison of Biological
and Analytical Methods Including Bioisolation of Mice and Gamma Radiation of Diet. Aerospace
Med., vol. 44, no. 8, Aug. 1973, pp. 888-901.
Rambaut, Paul C.; Heidelbaugh, Norman D.; Reid, Jeanne M.; and Smith, Malcolm C., Jr.: Caloric
• Balance During Simulated and Actual Space Flight. Aerospace Med., vol. 44, no. 11, Nov. 1973,
pp. 1264-1269.
Rambaut, Paul C.; Heidelbangh, Norman D.; and Smith, Malcolm C.: Calcium and Phosphorus
Mobilization in Man During Weightless Flight. Activities Report: The Research and Development
Associates for Military Food and Packaging Systems, Inc., vol. 25, 1973, pp. 1-7.


Bannerot, R.B.; Cox, J.E.; Chen, C.K.; and Heidelbaugh, N.D.: Thermal Preparation of Foods in
Space-Vehicle Environments. Aerospace Med., vol. 45, no. 3, Mar. 1974, pp. 263-268.


Richard L. Sauer

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

George K. Jorgensen

The Boeing Company


Defecation and urination have been bothersome aspects of space travel from the
beginning of manned space flight. Ideally, waste management systems for use in space
would permit elimination of body wastes-and their collection to be accomplished as
simply as they are on Earth. In the weightless environment, however, this is a difficult
goal to achieve. Waste handling equipment must not only be designed to function in zero
gravity, but must do so within the constraints of size, weight, and power imposed by
spacecraft systems. These restrictions resulted in the use of the waste management
systems described in this chapter.
The urine collection and transfer processes, with only minor modifications, were
essentially the same for Apollo missions as they were for all prior United States space
missions. Very simply described, the prime system used prior to Apollo 12 by unsuited
crewmen employed the urine transfer system. This system consisted of a rubber cuff
connected to a flexible collection bag. A new system, the urine receptacle assembly, was
, ,
ueveiopeu , for _podo
, , and serveu1 as the prime system on _pono" " lz "" anu1 an" sunsequent
' "
missions. This system employed a device which did not require intimate contact of the
crewman during urine collection. The urine transfer system served as a backup system
during the latter missions. Each of these approaches is illustrated in figure 1.
When crewmen wore space suits during launch, extravehicular activity, and emergency
modes, a special device was provided for collection and intermediate storage of urine.
This device, known as the urine collection and transfer assembly, is shown in figure 2 as it
was worn over the liquid cooling garment. The assembly was connected by a hose to the
spacecraft waste management system. Several modified devices were used when urine
samples were collected for postflight analysis.

470 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Waste Management System 471

Figure 2. Urine collection and transfer assembly

worn over the liquid cooling garment.

Efforts had been made prior to the first Apollo flight to simplify the waste collection
systems to allow waste collection without intimate contact devices and to permit direct
overboard dumping of urine. Because of problems encountered during the development
phase, the improved systems were not available in time to be used for Apollo missions.
In the absence of a system providing positive means for the removal of feces from the
body, an extremely basic system had to be relied upon for inflight fecal collection. The
device used was a plastic bag which was taped to the buttocks to capture feces. After
defecation, the crewmember was required to seal the bag and knead it in order to mix a
liquid bactericide with the contents to provide the desired degree of feces stabilization.
Because this task was distasteful and required an inordinate amount of time, low residue
foods and laxatives were generally used prior to launch. During flight, in addition to low
residue foods, some use was also made of drugs to reduce intestinal motility.
472 Biomedical Results of Apollo

During lunar surface activity and free space extravehicular activity, the use of the bag
fecal collection system was not feasible. Should it have become impossible for a crewman
to have prevented defecation during these activity periods, the fecal containment
system a pair of undershorts with layers of absorbent material - would serve to contain
any excreta.
The following sections describe the Apollo waste management system in detail and
briefly evaluate its performance.

Apollo Waste Management System

The function of the waste management system (WMS) was to control the disposition
of solid and liquid wastes and waste stowage gases. The basic requirements of the system
included collection and stowage of feces, collection and overboard dumping of urine,
removal of urine from the pressure garment assembly, provision for urination while in the
spacecraft couches, and venting of waste stowage gases. A urine and fecal waste stowage
vent and a vacuum subsystem were part of the overall waste management system (Sauer,
The waste managemen t system consisted of a urine subsystem and a fecal subsystem.
The principal elements of the urine subsystem were the urine receptacle assembly (URA),
the urine transfer system (UTS), the urine collection and transfer assembly (UCTA), and,
for several missions, modified urine collection devices to provide samples to be retained
for postflight analysis. The main elements of the fecal subsystem were a fecal and emesis
collection device, a waste stowage compartment, a waste stowage bag, and a fecal
containment garment (the "fecal containment system") for contingency and suited
conditions. Figure 3 is a schematic representation of the waste management system
elements within the Command Module (URA not shown).

Urine Subsystem

The urine subsystem consisted of three devices for collecting and transferring urine:
the urine transfer system, the urine collection and transfer assembly, and the urine
receptacle assembly. The remainder of the system consisted of a particulate filter to
prevent clogging of the orifice of the urine dump nozzle (see figure 1) and a hose for
transferring urine from any of the collection devices to the waste management panel for
Urine Receptacle Assembly (URA). The urine receptacle assembly (figure 4) was an
open-ended, cylindrical container that could be hand-held. The receptacle was connected
by a quick-disconnect fitting to a flexible urine dump line, which in turn was connected
by a quick-disconnect fitting to the waste management panel. The receptacle could
accommodate a maximum urine flow of 40 ml per second. Although the receptacle's
volumetric capacity was only 480 ml, the effective system capacity was 700 ml with
concurrent urination and dumping.
The URA contained a honeycomb cell insert that supported a 40/a hydrophilic
screen. The honeycomb insert provided a large contact area that acted as a bundle of
capillary tubes. The capillary action produced by each cell (0.32 cm pore size) of the
honeycomb tended to hold the fluid in place in the zero-g environment until it could pass

:c -¸,
Waste Management System 473


474 Biomedical Results of Apollo

into the urine dump line. A sealing cap installed during periods of nonuse blocked out
cabin airflow and permitted the interior of the URA to be exposed to the space vacuum
for venting between uses, if desired.

Figure 4. Urine receptacle assembly.

For use, the URA was taken from its stowage position, the cap removed from the
receiver chamber, and the device connected to the 3.05-m long urine transfer hose, which
in turn was connected to the waste management panel. The overboard dump valve on the
waste management panel was rotated to the “dump” position, allowing the system to be
vented to space at a pressure differential of 3.4 x lo4 N/m2 (5 psi). The man voided by
directing his urine stream into the receiver chamber of the URA. When the receiver
chamber had emptied, 60 seconds were allowed for clearing the hose and lines prior to
closing the urine dump valve. The cap was replaced on the receiver chamber and the URA
returned to its mission stowage position.
The urine transfer hose was made of flexible, convoluted fluorocarbon sufficiently
strong t o withstand the pressure differential and supple enough to facilitate easy handling
in zero g. The hose also could be used to join the space suit urine quick-disconnect fitting
to the waste management panel to facilitate emptying the urine collection and transfer
Installed between the waste management panel quick-disconnect and the hose was a
215-micrometer filter. Urine was filtered to prevent clogging the orifice of the urine
dump nozzle. The dump nozzle orifice had a diameter of 0.1397 cm, which restricted gas
flow t o a maximum of 0.01 m3/minute and liquid flow to 453.6 gm/minute. This
prevented excessive loss of cabin oxygen during system use. Because ice formation at the
dump nozzle could block flow, the nozzle was fitted with two redundant 5.77 watt
Urine Transfer System (UTS).The urine transfer system (figure 5) consisted of a
roll-on cuff, a receiver, a valve with a manifold, a collection bag, and a quick-disconnect
Waste Management System 475

fitting. The roll-on cuff was a rubber tube that functioned as an external catheter
between the penis and the receivedvalve. The cuff was designed to be used for one day
(five or six urinations) and was then replaced. Ten additional color-coded cuffs per
crewman were stowed. The receiver to which the cuff attached was a short tube
containing a low-pressure differential check valve [262 N/m2 (0.038 psi)] and a bypass

Figure 5. Apollo urine transfer system (UTS)with roll-on cuff.

The UTS could be used in two different modes: (1) dumping during time of
voiding, and (2) dumping subsequent to voiding. In the first mode, the hardware was
interconnected to the overboard dump system during the time of voiding, as shown in
figure 1. As a consequence, the urine was immediately dumped overboard as it was
voided. In the second mode, the UTS was not connected to the overboard dump
system during the micturition. In this mode, urine was collected in the UTS bag.
Following micturition, the UTS was connected to the overboard dump system and the
urine vented overboard. The urine collection bag had a capacity of approximately
1200 ml. For reasons of sanitation, each crewman was provided a personal urine
transrer system.
Urine Collection and Transfer Assembly (UCTA). The urine collection and transfer
assembly (figure 6) was designed to facilitate urination when crewmen were wearing
pressure suits, for example during extravehicular activities. The urine collection and
transfer assembly consisted of a roll-on cuff and a collection bladder worn around the
waist. The UCTA was worn over the fecal containment garment. Urine in the device
could he drained either while the crewman was in the suit or after the suit was
removed by connecting the urine transfer hose to the spacecraft waste management
476 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Figure 6. Apollo urine collectionand transfer assembly (UCTA).

Ancillmy Urine Hardware. Two ancillary urine collection devices were used. These
were the return enhancement water bag (REWB) and the biomedical urine sampling
system (BUSS).
The REWB, provided for the flight of Apollo 14, made available additional water
storage volume onboard in the event of a partial water system failure. The REWB was also
used for Apollo 15 and subsequent missions to pool urine for up to 24 hours in order to
circumvent overboard dumping during certain mission periods.* After the pooling period,
the REWB containing urine was dumped in a similar manner as was the urine transfer
system, except that an additional urine filter was installed downstream of the REWB to
prevent possible system plugging with urine precipitates formed as a result of urine
storage for 24 hours.
During the Apollo 16 mission, three return enhancement water bags (one for each
crewman) were provided to recover 24-hour pooled urine samples collected inflight with
the urine transfer system. Boric acid preinstalled in the REWBs preserved the urine. These
samples were collected to permit an investigation of fluid and electrolyte disturbances
suspected to have occurred during prior missions. Figure 7 depicts schematically the urine
collection system for Apollo 16.
Inflight urine samples were again collected during the Apollo 17 mission. In this case,
the samples were required for a study that focused on the cations and anions critical to
body fluid regulation. Twenty-four-hour urine samples were collected from each crewman
on each man-day of Command Module occupancy by use of the biomedical urine

*It was desirable, for example, to circumvent wine dumping for the conduct of lunar optical
experiments. Dumped urine tended to form a cloud of vapor around the spacecraft which fouled the
optics with particulate matter and interfered with observations.
Waste Management System 477



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478 Biomedical Results of Apollo

sampling systems. The BUSS consisted of two flexible plastic film containers - a 24-hour
pooling container and a collection container (figure 8). One BUSS was used per man-day.
This provided for transfer of a sample of pooled urine for return to Earth, with transfer
of the remaining urine volume to the Command Module urine overboard dump system for

Figure 8. Biomedical urine sampling system (BUSS).

The BUSS collection container measured 30 cm2 and incorporated a receiver/valve

assembly a t one corner similar to the receiver assembly used on the UTS. The collection
container had a capacity of 3000 ml. The pooling bag for each BUSS contained a known
amount o f preinstalled lithium chloride so that postflight volume determination could be
made from returned samples. (The collected sample volumes and calculated pooling
volumes are listed in table 1). The pooling bag also contained boric acid for urine
preservation. A t the end of each 24-hour pooling period, the container was inter-
connected with its sample container by mating quick-disconnects, and a representative
portion of the 24-hour pool was forced into the sample container. This container had a
capacity of 125 ml. The sample container was then stowed for postflight recovery and the
urine in the collection container was dumped overboard.

Fecal Subsystem
The fecal subsystem consisted of a fecal collection assembly, tissue dispensers, a waste
stowage compartment, and a waste stowage bag. For suited conditions, the fecal
containment system was provided.
The fecal collection assembly consisted of a fecal bag and an outer fecal/cmasis (FE)
bag bound together with a plastic wrapper. The fecal bag (figure 9) was a plastic sack with
a flange at the opening and a finger cot in the center of one side. A surface of
Stomaseal@ tape was used for adhering the flange to the buttocks. Tissue wipes and a
germicide pouch were stored in a pocket on the outside lower end of the bag. The outer
transparent FE bag was used for storing
- . the used fecal bag. Internal and external seals a t
Waste Management System 479

the mouth of the bag made it capable of containinga 3.4 × 104-N/m 2 (5 psi) gas
differential pressure.

Table 1

Apollo 17 Urine Sampling Results

Time of Sampling, GET*

Sample Calculated
Crewman Volume Pooling Volume
Preflight, Predicted Actual
(hr:min) (ml) (ml)

CMP 18:30 18:50 110.7 1154

35:00 34:36 85.5 811
58:45 58:22 91.0 1875
83:30 83:22 89.9 1034
107:00 110:00 83.2 1500
133:00 133:00 86.3 769
156:10 156:10 74.8 1667
180:45 180:40 104.9 2000
208:00 208:30 70.4 1500
230:25 230:28 84.0 1200
252:50 252:45 93.7 1304
276:50 276:30 89.8 938
300:30 299:50 116.1 1667

LMP 18:30 18:30 84.8 750

35:00 34:40 78.8 448
58:45 58:20 118.0 789
83:30 83:20 74.8 789
107:00 110:00 78.8 1250
230:25 230:30 71.9 714
252:50 252:15 80.9 i111
276:50 276:25 87.1 1304
300:30 300:15 104.7 1579

CDR 18:30 18:46 82.0 395

35:00 34:40 38.7 337
58:45 58:10 94.0 750
83:30 83:15 60.1 652
107:00 110:00 71.1 938
230:25 230: 28 90.2 1000
252:50 252:50 96.9 1429
276: 50 276:30 106.6 1154
300:30 299: 52 137.3 2500

*Ground elapsed time.

480 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Figure 9. Fecal bag.

Briefly, the fecal collection system was used in the following way. The finger cot was
employed to position the fecal bag over the anus. The finger cot was also used after
defecation to separate fecal matter from the anal area and push it to the bottom of the
bag. The bag was then removed from the buttocks, and the anus was cleaned with tissue
wipes. These were disposed of into the fecal bag. The user then secured the germicidal
liquid pouch and, after cutting the corneroff the outer pouch, deposited it along with the
inner pouch into the bag. The bag was then sealed. The germicidal liquid was a mixture of
sodium orthophenylphenol and sodium chlorophenylphenol of amaplast blue LXT
(NASA, c. 1967). The bag was kneaded to rupture the inner pouch and mix the germicide
with the wastes. The inner bag was placed into the outer bag which was rolled into the
smallest possible volume and then placed in the waste stowage compartment. This
compartment featured a split membrane inside the door to prevent fecal bags from
floating back out into the cabin once they had been placed within the compartment. For
later Apollo missions, the volume provided by the waste stowage compartment was
inadequate. Consequently, a waste stowage bag was provided for additional volume for
the disposal of fecal bags. Both waste stowage volumes had an overboard venting
capability for gases generated in the feces.
Data on returned fecal samples from Apollo crewmen are listed in table 2.
The fecal containment system (FCS) was a pair of underpants of absorbent material
worn under the liquid cooling garment (LCG) during suited periods (e.g., extravehicular
activity). Figure 10 shows the garment. If an uncontrolled bowel movement had
occurred, the underpants would have contained the feces. During lift-off and reentry, the
fecal containment systems were stowed.
Experimental FecalIEmesis System Flown Aboard Apollo 16. Three modified fecal
collection bags were flown to evaluate their performance on the Apollo 16 mission. The
Waste Management System 481

Table 2

Apollo Fecal Samples

Mission Weight Average Sample

Number Label (gm) Weight/Mission (gm)

7 S/N* 2270 81.3 210.1

S/N 2276 119.8
S/N 2277 229.8
S/N 2278 326.2
S/N 2280 340.2
S/N 2282 236.2
S/N 2299 228.1
S/N 2300 96.1
S/N 2312 233.7
1 186.5 156.9
2 85.6
3 198.6
CMP 168.0 265.3
CMP 190.7
CMP 317.5
LMP 385.1
10 S/N 3513 40.0 52.4
S/N 3527 40.9
S/N 3512 76.3
11 1 208.1 122.6
2 230.6
3 129.0
4 35.1
5 10.0
12 LMP 79.7 117.6
Unlabeled 219.1
LMP 143.1
LMP 41.6
CDR 133.0
CMP 3.3
CMP 79:00 GET 165.7
CMP 101:00 GET 109.3
CMP 225:00 GET 163.9
16 LMP 134.97 185.1
CDR 133.15 95.1
CMP 54.69 102.6
17 CDR 48 97
CMP 255 200
LMP 181 167

*Serial number.

482 Riomedical Results of Apollo

bags were of the same basic design as the Gemini-type fecal bag with the following
exceptions: (1) a modified seat flange, for better fit of seat flange to buttocks; (2) a wider
finger cot; and (3) an improved seal for keeping the device closed during performance of
personal hygiene.

Figure 10. Fecal containment system

for use during extravehicular activity.

Lunar Module Waste Management System

The Lunar Module waste management system incorporated systems used in the
Command Module. These systems were used in similar fashion in both the Lunar Module
and Command Module. The principal difference was that there was no overboard
dumping of wastes on the lunar surface. The urine subsystem in the Lunar Module
consisted of in-suit urine containers (identical to the Command Module system), a urine
transfer hose, a manually operated waste control valve, and a large (8900 cm3) waste
fluid container. To drain the in-suit device, the waste fluid container was attached to the
in-suit urine container by a urine transfer hose, and the suit was then slightly
overpressurized. Because of a 6.9 x 103-N/m2 (1.0 psi) pressure differential, when the
control valve opened urine flowed from the in-suit container to the waste fluid container
at a rate of approximately 200 cm3/minute. As a backup device, two 900-cm3 waste
containers were provided for direct attachment to the in-suit container. On Apollo 15 and
subsequent missions, a low pressure container was installed in the descent stage of the
Lunar Module. A line interconnected this tank with a urine receiver in the ascent stage.
This receiver was a simple funnel-like receptacle that permitted urine collection without
intimate contact.
The fecal containment subsystem in the Lunar Module was identical to the Command
Module fecal subsystem.
Table 3 presents a summary of the waste management system elements used during
each of the Apollo missions.
Waste Management System 483

Table 3

Waste Management Systems Used on Apollo Missions

Mission Waste Management

Number Equipment


UCTA = urine collection and transfer assembly

UTS = urine transfer system
FE = fecal/emesis bag
URA = urine receptacle assembly
REWB = return enhancement water bag(for
BUSS = biomedical urine sampling system

Overall Waste Management System Performance

In general, the Apollo waste management system worked satisfactorily from an

engineering standpoint. From the point of view of crew acceptance, however, the system
must be given poor marks. The principal problem with both the urine and fecal collection
systems was the fact that these required more manipulaticm than crewmen were used to
in the Earth environment and were, as a consequence, found to be objectionable. The
urine receptacle assembly represented an attempt to preclude crew handling of urine
specimens but, because urine spills were frequent, the objective of "sanitizing" the
process was thwarted. The fecal collection system presented an even more u,_Lasteiu, set
of problems. The collection process required a great deal of skill to preclude escape of
feces from the collection bag and consequent soiling of the crew, their clothing, or cabin
surfaces. The fecal collection process was, moreover, extremely time consuming because
of the level of difficulty involved with use of the system. An Apollo 7 astronaut
estimated the time required to correctly accomplish the process at 45 minutes.* Good
placement of fecal bags was difficult to attain; this was further complicated by the fact
that the flap at the back of the constant wear garment created an opening that was too
small for easy placement of the bags. _ As was noted earlier, kneading of the bags was
required for dispersal of the germicide.

*Entry in the log of Apollo 7 by Astronaut Walter Cunningham.

**The configuration of the constant wear garments on later Apollo missions were modified to correct
this problem.
4B4 ' ,Biomedical Results of Apollo

Attempts to improve the fecal collection system, as exemplified by the modified

fecal/emesis collection bags flown on Apollo 16, failed in the crew's estimation. During
postflight debriefings, crew comments indicated that the experimental bag was not
significantly better or easier to use than the baseline Gemini-type bag. Further
development of the bag was, therefore, not pursued.


Although there were inherent design limitations in the waste management systems
used for the manned Apollo missions, performance of the individual systems per se was
reasonably satisfactory. However, there were some problems. In addition to being
marginal from a hygienic standpoint, use of the collection devices required many steps
and the expenditure of a considerable amount of time. The problem of odor was
continually present because of the lack of a positive means of eliminating defecation
The Apollo waste management system's design and operations pointed to the need for
several improvements in future missions. These were the following:
1. Future systems should not require intimate contact.
2. The time required for system use should be significantly reduced.
3. The waste management system should provide some technique of automatically
removing feces from the buttocks area.

These considerations were taken into account in the design of the improved Skylab waste
management system.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Waste Management: Project Gemini, ETS-HISD-
MSC1500-651208. NASA Manned Spacecraft Center Information Sheet, c. 1967.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Apollo Operations Handbook. Block II Spacecraft,
Vol. 1. Spacecraft Description, 15 April 1969.
Sauer, R.L.; and Bustamante, R,D.: Water Supply and Waste Management in Spacecraft- Past,
Present, & Future. Paper presented at the Twenty-Sixth Purdue Industrial Waste Conference
(Lafayette, Indiana), May 4-6, 1971.




Stanley M. Luczkowski
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


With the inception of the United States space program, continuous monitoring of
vital signs was a relatively new concept. Since that time, the technology of bio-
telemetry - long distance transmission of physiological information - has come of age.
Thousands of hours of data have been transmitted from space to the Earth from as far as
400 000 km (250 000 miles) away. Only when astronauts were in lunar orbit on the far
side of the moon was there an interruption in the steady transmission of vital sign data to
Earth-based physicians and mission controllers. All three crewmen were continuously
monitored during Apollo missions 7 through 13. Beginning with Apollo 14, data were
obtained on a continuous basis for at least one crewman. Both the Commander and the
Lunar Module Pilot were closely monitored during the performance of lunar surface
extravehicular activities, but because only one channel was available in the Lunar Module
data were collected for only one crewman.
It was essential that vital signs be monitored during space flight. During early space
flight operations, there was uncertainty as to the effects of space flight factors on normal
physiological functioning. Transmission of physiological data provided essential informa-
tion upon which a decision to abort a mission could have been reliably made from the
ground, should it have become necessary. During Gemini missions, astronauts operated for
the first time in the new environment of free space during the performance of
extravehicular tasks. Vital sign monitoring coupled with voice communication in this
instance dictated that early free space EVA be cut short because these activities proved
too taxing. Later, modifications of training and procedures enabled astronauts to perform
long-term extravehicular activities safely.
During Apollo missions, all three crewmen were instrumented for medical monitoring
during operation in the Command Module, the Lunar Module, and during extravehicular
activity in free space and on the lunar surface. Lunar surface activity imposed stresses of
an unpredictable nature on the lunar surface crewmen. While attempts to simulate lunar
walking and operating conditions were made during ground tcstiag, the full nature of the

486 Biomedical
of Apollo

effect of the lunar terrain on work efficiency and, hence metabolic rate, was not known
until the first lunar surface mission. Medical monitoring during these operations
permitted real-time adjustments in activity timelines formulated before flight as such
alterations were needed. Such data permitted changes in the scheduling of Apollo 15
lunar surface tasks when electrocardiographic recordings and other data indicated that
this crew was being subjected to excessive workloads.
The Apollo bioinstrumentation system (BIS) requirements evolved as a continuation
and refinement of medical monitoring systems utilized throughout the Mercury and
Gemini Programs. The BIS and related hardware provided physiological data to
ground-based medical personnel for operational inflight safety monitoring; for inflight
medical experiments; and for ground-based operations safety monitoring.

System Description

The Apollo BIS had two configurations. The early Apollo (Block I) Program was
terminated prior to any actual space flights. All missions from Apollo 7 through
Apollo 17 (Block II) utilized the BIS.
The system planned for Block I of the Apollo Program consisted of two electrocardio-
graphs (ECG), one impedance pneumograph (ZPN), one body temperature signal
conditioner, a DC to DC converter, and appropriate electrode, temperature probe, and
interconnecting cables(see figure 1). The Block I configuration was designed, fabricated,
and qualified for flight use, and was utilized in Block I ground tests until the
spacecraft 204 accident. The design and packaging concepts were essentially the same as
developed for Gemini, except for the addition of the DC to DC converter, providing a
high level (0 to 5 VDC) output signals to the spacecraft telemetry system. The body
temperature measuring components (figure 2) were added for ground tests only, and were
not included in the flight configuration.
The Block II (figure 3) system utilized the same components as did the Block I. The
only system difference was the deletion of one of the ECG measurements. The
temperature measurement capability was again provided for ground testing. Block II
signal conditioners differed only in their grounding configuration. Block I units had a
common connection for case ground and signal-power ground, while Block II utilized
separate connections for improved radio-frequency interference characteristics. Block l
and II units were, otherwise, electrically and physically identical.
The Apollo signal conditioners were designed to be of uniform size,
5.84 cm x 3.81 cm x 1.04 cm (2.3 in. x 1.5 in. x 0.41 in.), with identical miniature input
and output connectors. Color coding was incorporated to facilitate proper mating with
their respective connectors on the bioharness and electrode harnesses.

Electrocardiogram Signal Conditioner

The ECG signal conditioner and electrodes were designed to provide inflight
measurements of a crewmember's ECG activity and to develop a signal wave ranging
between 0 and 5 volts peak-to-peak, which is representative of crewman ECG activity.
The unit was provided with an adjustment that permitted preflight calibrations. The
electrical activity sensed by the body electrode was passed into the signal conditioner
Bioinstrumentation 487

which had an input impedance of greater than 40 megohms, and common mode rejection
greater than 100 000 to 1. The gain of the signal conditioners was continuously variable
from 600 to 4500, and the output was the amplified ECG waveform which varied
k2.5 volts about a 2.5-V bias. Harmonic distortion was less than 1.0 percent over the
unit’s frequency bandpass of 0.2 Hz to 100 Hz. Signal conditioner power of plus and
minus 10 VDC at .5 milliamperes was required from the DC to DC converter.

Figure 1. Apollo Block I configuration

of bioinstrumentation system.

Impedance Pneumograph Signal Conditioner

The ZPN signal conditioner and electrodes were designed for measurement of a
change in the transthoracic impedance t o a low level current at a frequency of
approximately 50 kHz. Measurement was obtained from a pair of electrodes that
developed signals (0 to 5 volts peak-to-peak) corresponding to the respiration rate over a
wide dynamic range of respiratory activity. The excitation circuit accommodated
electrode impedance of 100 to 1000 ohms, and the signal conditioner input impedance
was greater than 1 megohm at 50 kHz and greater than 60 megohms in the 0 to 100 Hz
frequency range. The output had a range of 0 to 5 VDC with the respiration signal
varying about a 2.5-V bias level. Power drain from the DC to DC converter plus and
minus 10-V supply was less than 7milliamps. This unit was also provided with
adjustments to accommodate the characteristics of the individual.
488 Biomedical Results of Apollo


Figure 2. Body temperature measurement system.

Figure 3. Apollo Block I1 configuration

of bioinstrumentationsystem.
Bioinstrumentation 489

Body Temperature System

The body temperature probe and signal conditioner produced an output voltage in
the range of 0 to 5 VDC corresponding to sensed temperatures of from 303 ° to 319°K
(85 ° to l l5°F). The system accuracy was within _+0.17°K (_+0.3°F) and had a response
time to a 2.8°K (5°F) step change of five seconds. Power requirements were less than
5 milliamps from each of the DC to DC converter supply voltages.

DC to DC Converter (DCC)

The DCC as designed and delivered for Apollo provided isolated, balanced plus and
minus 10-V outputs. The outputs were regulated within -+0.1 volt over a current load
range of 0 to 30 milliamperes drawn from either side and with an input voltage of
between 14.8 and 20 VDC. Output impedance was approximately 3 ohms and output
voltage ripple less than 1 mv peak-to-peak.
Investigation into the potential short circuit fire hazards inside the space suit revealed
that, by shorting the output leads of the DC to DC converter, a spark could be produced
which would ignite cotton in the presence of oxygen under conditions of 131 kN/m 2
(19 psia). This ignition source was traced to output capacitor energy storage in the DC to
DC power converter and to the ability of the output capacitors to produce a high-current
pulse in a short-circuit condition (even though the output current would go to
50 milliamperes in a steady-state condition). The high-current pulse and the associated
ignition hazard were eliminated by installing resistors that limited the current in the
positive 10- and negative 10-volt output leads of the DCC.
The incorporation of these resistors influenced performance of the DCC due to the
increase in effective dynamic output impedance since the resistors could not be placed in
the voltage regulation loop. Output impedance, therefore, increased by 10 ohms and the
regulation increased from -+0.1 VDC to +0.1 VDC, -0.4 VDC under load variations.

Electrode Harnesses

The sternal-electrode harness was a small cable used in conjunction with the ECG
signal conditioner. The harness provided the electrical interface between the crewman's
electrode and the ECG signal conditioner. The cable also contained the system ground
electrode, which was a high-impedance ground primarily ....u_uJ._,, .........
... ,_movc tho..__,_oh_;_ _h_,g_
from the crewman.
The axillary-electrode harness was a small cable used in conjunction with the ZPN
signal conditioner. The cable provided the electrical interface between the crewman's
electrodes and the ZPN signal conditioner. Both electrode harnesses originally utilized
silver/silver chloride anodized discs in an acrylic housing. The wiring to the connector
which mated to the signal conditioner was Teflon insulated, and incorporated miniature
pin jack connectors in-line for quick-disconnect capability.
Several changes were made to the harnesses during the Apollo Program as a result of
inflight problems, testing, and operational changes. During the first manned Apollo
mission, data were lost due to separation of the pin jack connections inside the space suit
and also to wire breakage at the connectors. Therefore, the electrode harnesses were
redesigned to eliminate the pin jack and the electrodes were wired as a permanent part of
490 Biomedical Results of Apollo

the harness (figure 4). Also, the wire was changed from Teflon insulated to polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) insulated and a soft silicone rubber strain relief was added to the
connector. This eliminated the problems on all subsequent Apollo missions.
Continued testing during the program revealed a sneak ground path in the input
circuit of the ECG signal conditioner (which provided a current path to ground if the
crewmen should contact a voltage source). The solution to this problem required
increasing the input lead impedances by adding series current-limiting resistors to the
sternal-electrode harness. Also, a ground electrode with a series resistor was added to
reduce noise and artifact in the ECG data.
For missions through Apollo 14,the electrodes were filled with electrode paste and
attached to the crewman by double-back adhesive tape. Figure 5 shows a subject wearing
the biobelt with the electrodes in place. The electrodes were then covered with porous
surgical tape that permitted normal skin respiration. The electrochemical activity that
occurs at the electrode surface was degraded when the anodizing was damaged. This
problem occurs after many use cycles. Therefore, when it was decided that, for Apollo 15
and subsequent missions, the crewmen would be permitted to remove and replace their
electrodes during flight, the integrity of the anodized disc was doubtful. This problem
was eliminated by replacing the disc with a pressed pellet made of powdered silver/silver
chloride. This technique provided a homogeneous electrode that was not affected by
small surface damage.

Figure 4. ApoUo sternalelectrode harness

and axillaryelectrode harness.

Crew Interface
The bioinstrumentation system, which was required both in the vehicle and during
EVA, was designed to be worn inside the space suit. The biobelt containing the
instrumentation (figure 6) provided a compact means for placement and stowage of the
signal conditioners and the DC to DC converter. Snap fasteners were used to mate the
biobelt to the midriff section of either the constant wear garment or the liquid cooling
garment. The signal conditioners and the DC to DC converter were available for easy
connection to the biomedical harness and the sensing equipment. Elastic straps were used
to maintain the contents in a fixed position, and an overflap snapped over the contents of
each pocket. The overflaps were fabricated of Teflon-coated Beta cloth to satisfy
flammability requirements.
The electrode attachment technique was designed to maintain long-term reliable body
contact for good signals, but attachment was difficult to maintain without discomfort
and skin damage. Because electrodes became dislodged under such severe efforts as suit
doffing and donning, a kit was provided with attachment materials to replace electrodes
during unsuited periods.

Figure 5. Biobelt being worn witb electrodesin place.

49 2 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Figure 6. Bioinstrumentation system in the biobelt.

Results and Discussion

The bioinstrumentation system provided essential data in support of Apollo missions.
With the incorporation of current limiting modifications, the electronic system proved to
be very reliable. As expected, electrode attachment was a recurring, but minor, problem
which required crewmembers to reattach the displaced electrodes.
Figure 7 represents a typical ECG signal received a t the Mission Control Center during
various periods of the Apollo 11 mission. Figure 8 shows electrocardiographic tracings

Figure 7. Typical ECG signal

received during Apollo 11 mission.
Bioinstrumentation 493

obtained during the Apollo 15 mission during periods of cardiac arrhythmia. These data
led to a reassessment of workload and diet for subsequent crews, and alterations in
onboard medical supplies to include antiarrhythmic drugs.

This chapter has treated bioinstrumentation from its engineering aspects. The reader
is referred to Section II, Chapter 1, for clinical aspects of medical monitoring and the
bioinstrumentation system.

Normal Bigemini





Bigemini PAC




Figure 8. Apollo 15 ECG tracings obtained during periods of cardiac arrhythmia.

(a) shows the normal heart beat converting to a nodal bigemini rhythm; (b)shows
the bigemini rhythm converting to premature auricular contractions.




Richard L. Sauer
David J. Calley
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


The potable water system was an essential element in the Apollo life support system.
It provided water, on demand, for drinking, personal hygiene, dehydrated food
reconstitution, and for cabin cooling. Unlike earlier spacecraft which relied upon stored
water as the only potable water source, the Apollo system provided for resupply of
onboard stores by utilization of byproduct water from fuel cell operation.
Underlying the development of the Apollo spacecraft water system, and that used on
all prior spacecraft, are unique circumstances related to operation in the space
environment, in general, and in spacecraft, in particular. The absence of gravity requires
that the entire water system be sealed and that positive expulsion be provided through
such techniques as movable diaphragms or bellows installed in water storage containers.
Spacecraft operation demands highly reliable performance and minimum weight. System
reliability is insured through careful materials selection and the use of redundant or
multiple components. Volume constraints within the spacecraft itself and the cioscd
atmospheric environment severely limit the choice of materials to be used. In addition
toxicological and flammability parameters require consideration.
The interdependency of spacecraft systems imposes other constraints upon the
potable water system. For example, protecting the integrity of the spacecraft's cooling
system demands severe limitation of the types and amounts of additives which may be
used in the water system to control microbial growth, prevent corrosion, or protect the
taste of the water provided.
The bacteriological quality criteria used by NASA for potable water systems required
the absence of viable organisms (sterility). The criteria did not specify indicator organisms
but rather included specific analyses for the absence of E. coli, total count, yeast and
mold, and anaerobic organisms. The design characteristics of the water system, possessing
several potential sources of contamination, offered little restraint in preventing microbial
entry and proliferation ill the water. Information concerning the interrelationship



496 Biomedical

between microorganismsandmaninthespacecraft environment waslimited.Inaddition,

a remotebutrealchance existed thatfecalcontaminationofdrinking watercouldoccur.
Forthesereasons, theNASAstandard requiresthatwaterin allspacecraft systems be
Thestandard for waterpotabilityformulated by NASAwasbased on theUnited
StatesPublicHealthService DrinkingWaterStandards, 1962.Standardsforthechemical
compositionof spacecraft
drinkingwaterweresimilarto PublicHealthService standards;
standardswere,however, morestringent. In addition,several
contaminantsunique tospacecraftwaterwereincluded.
TheApollopotablewatersystemaccomplished the objectivesfor whichit was
anditsoverallperformance wasgood.Whiledesign andoperationaldifficulties
thesewereallsuccessfully resolved.
Thischapter tracesthehistoryandevolution
of theApollopotable watersystem anddescribes
itsoperation andperformance.
Evolutionof the ApolloPotableWaterSystem
Project Mercury Potable Water System
For the first United States manned spacecraft program, Project Mercury, potable
water was supplied by a simple "fill and draw" system. All metabolic water to be used
was loaded onboard before launch. The system consisted of a flexible water pouch
containing approximately 2.7 kg (6 lb) of water. The water was transferred to the
crewman by means of a flexible hose that terminated in a drinking tube. Water was
expelled from the tube by pressure on the pouch.

Gemini Program Potable Water System

The Gemini spacecraft was the first to use fuel cells to provide electrical power. These
devices combined gaseous oxygen and hydrogen through an electrode to produce an
electrical current, with water as a byproduct. While considerable effort was expended
during the Gemini Program to process this fuel cell-produced water by means of
filtration, carbon sorption, and ion exchange resins, none of these methods proved
sufficiently effective to make the water potable. Consequently, Gemini crewmembers like
their predecessors relied upon a fill and draw system for drinking water.
In addition to providing water for drinking purposes, the Gemini system (figure 1)
supplied water to the secondary spacecraft cooling system. In the event of a partial failure
of the space radiators (the primary spacecraft cooling mechanism), or during periods of
high heat rejection, secondary or supplemental spacecraft cooling was provided by the
spacecraft water boiler. This device evaporated water to the space vacuum and thereby
rejected heat from the spacecraft. In a contingency situation, water was supplied to the
boiler in the form of humidity or suit condensate, with supplemental water provided by
the potable water system. This design required that the water system and humidity
condensate system be interconnected. A potential cross-contamination problem was
thereby introduced- a problem which was further complicated because the humidity.
condensate system was interconnected with the urine management system. To obviate the
potential hazard, chlorine was added to the prelaunch-loaded water to prevent microbial
Potable Water Supply 497






7_116 LB) j,= I 1_ _ WATER

I _ _ r__ TANK A




Figure 1. Gemini spacecraft water system.

Apollo Program Potable Water System

The problems encountered in the use of fuel cell-generated water during Gemini were
resolved in sufficient time to make fuel cell water the principal source of potable water in
Apollo Command Module spacecraft. The solution was effeeted by the choice of a
sintered nickel electrode to replace the organic electrode used in the Gemini system. The
sintered nickel electrode did not degrade as did the organic electrode, consequently, the
Apollo fuel cell produced water of extremely high quality.
The water supply systems in the Command and Lunar Modules differed. In the
Command Module, water was generated by fuel cell operation; in the Lunar Module, all
water supplies were loaded in storage tanks before lift-off. Other differences between the
two systems were dictated by the functions unique to each vehicle. In the Command
_VlOOUle system, provision was llllllllU rut UILILIIII_ ............ _ .... supply .........
t ,u

or cooling was be provided for Lunar Module water. The Lunar Module water supply was
used as the primary means of vehicle cooling through a sublimation process. In the
Command Module, the potable water system provided for supplementary cooling only via
the spacecraft evaporators. (Primary sublimation cooling was accomplished through space

Command and Service Module Potable Water System

A schematic diagram of the Command and Service Module (CSM) water management
system is shown in figure 2. Water was generated by the fuel cells located in the Service
Module. These fuel cells consisted of two chambers separated by porous nickel electrodes.
The electrolyte was concentrated potassium hydroxide. One of the chambers was filled
with oxygen (cathode), and the other with hydrogen (anode); pressure in both chambers
was maintained at 4.1 x 105 N/m 2 (60 psi). Oxygen was diffused through the electrode
498 Biomedical Results of Apollo

into the hydrogen filled chamber, where the two gases reacted chemically to produce
electrical power to meet the requirements of the Command/Service Module. The initial
Apollo CM's were plagued with excess hydrogen in the water. As a consequence, a
hydrogen separator was developed and used on Apollo 12 and subsequent missions. This
device functioned as follows: hydrogen diffused from the water through the walls of
palladium-silver tubes and then vented into space, and the degassed water was conveyed
to the water valve (control) panel in the Command Module.



--L-_ I ,, _ ......
I L _'--'-- 1_r-- 7 FUEL CELL

-- I
J .........
/ '
O X_(3 E_N _

.__.__-_- .... "_--P_,SOPRENE

', / / ; J_--_OH--L---
_-- -- i ........ 1BLADDER rl'l I-h -- _ -'H-EAT

i iWA ST E I-'L-_po T A B L EI_ I L_J L_J "I_xcHANGER

j IWATERI [ \ I WATER I I _'I I I I _'7

I \ / I I\ / I_ I & _LI /ACCUMULATOR
I _ _.__ FUEL CELL

L----. -] ---- _ L-:J L lc'_ CTJIo_ !YDRC_ ATER





Figure 2. Command Module water system.

The fuel cells operated at a temperature of approximately 483°K (410°F) and at a

pressure of 4.1 x 105 N/m 2 (60 psi), and produced water at a nominal rate of .54 kg/hr
(1.2 lb/hr). The water production rate depended on the power drawn from the cells, and
increased to as much as 1.0 kg/hr (2.2 lb/hr) for brief periods. Before fuel cell water was
transferred to the Command Module, it was cooled to a temperature of 296°K (74°F),
and then reduced to a system pressure of 1.7 x 105 N/m 2 (25 psi).
Fuel cell water was transferred to the water valve panel by means of an aluminum
line. From this panel, water was routed either to the potable water tank or to the waste-
water tank. From the potable water tank the water was routed to either the food prepara-
tion unit after passing through a heater, or to the drinking water gun after passing
through a chiller. When the potable water tank was full, water was routed to the waste-
water tank. The waste-water tank also received humidity condensate from the pressure
suits and from the Command Module atmosphere. Excess water was dumped overboard.
Potable Water Supply 499

The main controls on the water panel were two water-shutoff valves (one each for the
potable water and waste-water systems), a shutoff valve that permitted access to the
waste-water system, a chlorine-injection assembly, a control valve to the overboard dump,
and two pressure-relief controls.
Possible microbiological contamination of the potable water resulting from the
humidity-condensate input was prevented by maintaining a chlorine residual in the
Command Module potable water. On Apollo flights 7 through 13, continuous minimum
residual of 0.5 mg/liter was maintained by adding 22 cc of a sodium hypochorite stock
solution (5000-mg/liter available chlorine) once every 24 hours. The chlorine solution was
added manually at the port between the fuel cells and the potable water tank. A modified
chlorine addition was used on Apollo 14 and the remaining flights. In these flights the
water systems were injected with one 22 cc ampoule of sodium hypochlorite (1860 mg/l
as available chlorine) and one 22 cc ampoule of mixed sodium dehydrogen phosphate
(0.297 molar) and sodium nitrate (0.217 molar). The addition of sodium nitrate was
found to have a conserving effect on the chloride, reducing its rate of decay in the
The food preparation unit consisted of a heater and two water-use ports for hot and
chilled water. A pressure of 1.7 x 105 N/m 2 (25 psi) was maintained by applying oxygen
to an expansion bladder in the potable water tank.

Functional Components. The following key functional components were used in the
Command Module water management system.

1. Potable Water Tank. The potable water tank served as a water storage container in
case of fuel cell failure and as an equalization tank to provide water during peak demand
conditions when the water demand rate exceeded the fuel cell production rate; for
example, during meal preparation times. The cylindrical vessel held a maximum of 16 kg
(36 lb) of water and was fabricated from 6061 aluminum alloy• An oxygen-filled
l- " . hladder maintained a pressure of approximately 1.7 x 105 N/m 2 (25 psi) in
the tank and throughout the system. Oxygen for pressurization was obtained from a
common Service Module supply that also provided oxygen for metabolic consumption
and for power generation. Because free hydrogen in the water diffused through the
bladder material, a low-rate gas bleed-off was provlueu to prevent a t,u,,uup .1.......
• 1 • I _a

result in an explosive hydrogen/oxygen mixture in the oxygen plenum.

2. Waste-Water Tank. The waste-water tank held a maximum of 25 kg (56 lb) of

water. It was similar in design and operation to the potable water tank.

3. Water Chiller and Water Heater. The chiller, which had a water storage capacity of
227 gm (0.5 Ib), reduced the temperature of the water from 298 ° to 280°K (76 ° to
45°F) for the drinking water gun and the food preparation unit. The heat exchanger
tubes and all other components in the chiller were made of stainless steel. Chilling was
provided by the spacecraft water/glycol cooling system. Heating was accomplished
through electrical resistance. The water heater had a storage capacity of 1.1 kg (2.5 lb),
and a maximum of two hours was required to raise the water temperature from 289°K
(60°F) to the operating temperature of 341°K (154°F).
500 Biomedical Results of Apollo

4. Food Preparation Unit. The food preparation unit dispensed hot or cold water in
28-gm (1-ounce) aliquots into the dehydrated food and beverages. The unit consisted of
two valves and one nozzle. The configuration of the nozzle was identical to the nozzle of
the water gun and permitted water to be injected into the food and beverage packages to
facilitate rehydration of the contents. The valves controlled either the hot or the cold
water to be used for food reconstitution. The water gun was used primarily to supply
cold drinking water to the crewmen, but could also be used for the reconstitution of food
and beverages requiring cold water (see figure 2).

5. Drinking Water Gun. A drinking water gun was connected to the water system by
a 178-cm (70-in.) long flexible hose fabricated from a fluorinated hydrocarbon elastomer,
Viton ®. It was calibrated to dispense 14 gm (0.5 ounce) of cold water upon each
activation. A counter was provided to permit inventory of the amount of water
dispensed. Water was ejected from the nozzle of the gun either directly into the
crewman's mouth or into a food or beverage container.

6. Transfer Lines. All hard lines in the system were fabricated from 0.64-cm
(0.25-in.) diameter aluminum tubing.

Lunar Module Water Management System

The Lunar Module power was supplied by batteries rather than fuel cells. Therefore,
no onboard fuel cell water generation was possible. Potable water, loaded prior to launch,
was stored in three tanks, a 151-kg (332 lb) tank in the descent stage and two 19-kg
(42 lb) tanks in the ascent stage (figure 3). The descent stage tank supplied all water
during lunar orbit descent and lunar surface exploration. The ascent stage tanks supplied
water during the ascent, rendezvous, and linkup phases. For the Apollo 15, 16, and 17
missions, which involved extended lunar stays, an additional 151-kg tank was installed in
the descent stage.

The Lunar Module water system was pressurized by gaseous nitrogen at

3.1 x 105 N/m 2 (45 psi). This pressure was transmitted to the water by silicone rubber
(Silastic) ® bladders in each of the water tanks.
Lunar Module cooling was provided by a water sublimator. This device, similar in
operation to the boiler in the Command Module, sublimated ice to the space vacuum
through a sintered nickel plate. As in the Command Module, the feedwater was provided
by the spacecraft potable water system. The requirement to minimize solids was even
more stringent for the Lunar Module sublimator operation. Consequently, distilled water
was loaded into the tanks to reduce to a minimum the potential blockage of the small
pores of the nickel plate in the evaporator unit.
The potential hazard of cross-connection between the humidity condensate and the
potable water system demanded the use of a water disinfection system in the Lunar
Module as well as the Command Module. Iodine was selected instead of chlorine because
it was thought that chlorine would create operating problems with the sublimation units.
Iodine was added (12 rag/liter) to the water prior to launch to ensure a minimum residual
of 0.5 mg/liter throughout the manning of the Lunar Module.
Potable Water Supply 501





-- CII






Figure 3. Lunar Module water system.

Results and Discussion

Overall, performance of the Command Module and Lunar Module water management
systems was good. Problems did, however, arise. The low solids requirements constrained
the use of materials for microbiological and corrosion control. Other areas of concern
were taste and odor control, water potability, and materials selection. Overall system
performance and resolution of problems that arose are described in the following

Water System Materials Compatibility

Metallic Components. Corrosion of metallic components was found during develop-

ment testing at the inlet tube to the heater, the tube in front of the drinking water gun
hose connection, and the section of tubing between the chlorine injection port and the
potable water tank. An investigation revealed that a pitting-type corrosion occurred
throughout the system. Because of the corrosion, nickel, cadmium, and manganese were
present in the water supply at levels in excess of allowable limits. Corrosion was
attributable to the following factors.
1. The use of ultra-high purity water, which is corrosive by nature.
2. Incompatibility of the biocide with the system (that is, the capability of chloride
ions to penetrate the passivating oxide layer formed on aluminum tubing).
3. Materials selected for system fabrication resulted in dissimilar metals being
electrically interconnected. For example, the interconnection of aluminum and copper in
502 Biomedical
of Apollo

the water system, produced an electromotive force of approximately two volts. Internal
tubing surface imperfections provided sites for active localized corrosion.

Tests indicated that the CM fuel cell water containing sodium hypochlorite (NaOC1)
and sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4) at concentrations used in the spacecraft
produced considerable corrosive action on aluminum. Nickel, cadmium, manganese, and,
to a lesser extent, other metals were released into the Command Module water supply as a
result of corrosive activity and the attendant deterioration of the nickel brazing and
copper baffles in the water heater and the aluminum alloy tubing.
In addition to the problems that corrosion imposed on maintaining Command Module
system integrity, corrosion also was a sink for the chlorine biocide, resulting in a rapid
loss of residual biocide. To solve the incompatibility problem, sodium nitrate was added
as a corrosion inhibitor.
The interaction of iodine with aluminum caused similar corrosion in the Lunar
Module water system. The presence of metallic ions in samples taken from the ascent
tank and the descent tank use port were evidence of this corrosion. However, because
corrosion proved to be limited, inhibitors were not deemed necessary.

Synthetic Components. A problem of iodine depletion was observed in the Lunar

Module. The primary cause of this depletion was the diffusion of iodine through the
Silastic ® membranous material used in the water tanks. This material acted as a
semipermeable membrane. The rate of membrane permeation increased with increasing
iodine concentration and the time of exposure of the bladder to iodinated water. To solve
the permeability problem, iodinatcd water was not placed in the tanks during
ground-based testing, and the tanks were not loaded until the latest possible time before
Interaction between the biocide and the membranous material in the Lunar Module
did not cause objectionable taste and odors as did interaction between the chlorine and
the chlorine-polyisoprene bladder material in the Command Module water tank. In
addition, the original neoprene hose connecting the drinking water gun to the water
system in the Command Module interacted with water to produce significant taste and
odors. An organic precipitate was found in the Command Module water system. The
precipitate, a metal carbamate, was a curing agent was used in the polyisoprene tank

Gases. Offgassing of water at the use ports caused problems during flight because the
quantity of gas in the water formed bubbles of sufficient size to inhibit direct use for
drinking or food preparation. Techniques for gas/liquid separation in zero g (such as
bagging and centrifugation) were not effective. Use of a hydrophobic/hydrophilic
separator, which performed with reasonable success during the Apollo 11 mission,
together with the palladium silver hydrogen separator that was used during the Apollo 12
and subsequent missions, relieved the problem somewhat, however, gases were still
The two major sources of gases dissolved in the Command Module water were
hydrogen released from fuel cell water and oxygen diffused through the water tank
bladders. Hydrogen gas was released from the fuel cell water as it passed through cascaded
Potable Water Supply 503

pressures from 4.1 x 105 N/m 2 (60 psi) to 3.4 x 104 N/m 2 (5 psi), the cabin atmosphere
pressure. Oxygen, used as a pressure balance in the water tanks, diffused through the
bladder membrane into the water supply. A third source of dissolved gases common to
the Lunar Module and the Command Module was ground support equipment water that
was not degassed before being loaded onboard the spacecraft.
Similar, but not nearly as pronounced, offgassing problems occurred at the use ports
in the Lunar Module. The gases consisted either of nitrogen diffused into the water
supply from the balancing plenum of the potable water tanks or air entrained in the water
supply at the time of servicing (no inflight data were collected).

Chemical Quality of Water

Water used to fill ground support equipment before spacecraft loading was drawn
from the resources of the city of Cocoa, Florida. The city water was filtered through
particulate filters, charcoal filters, and two mixed-bed ion exchange units. This product
water, which met the quality requirements shown in table 1, was then passed through
0.22g bacterial filters and then into the ground support equipment units for the
Command Module and the Lunar Module. The requirements for chemical quality for the
ground support equipment water are listed in table 2.

Table 1

Water Quality Requirements for Facility Water Supply, Test Point 1_

Properties Limits (max. allowable)

Electrical conductivity .33 micromho/cm at 298°K (25°C)

pH 6-8 at 298°K (25°C)
Total residue 2 rag/liter
SteriliW ** Reference only

*Test Point 1 is at the facility water supply/spacecraft

potable water the input interface.
**Sterility samples consisted of an anaerobic and an aerobic
sample. Total volume for both samples was 500 mi.

Command Module System. The Command Module water system was subjected to a
24-hour disinfection soak with chlorinated water (10 to 20 mg/liter). The ground support
equipment water was prepared with the chlorine solution plus sodium dihydrogen
phosphate (100 to 200 mgJliter) for pH buffering, and sodium nitrate (52 to 62 mg/liter)
as a corrosion inhibitor. This solution was loaded into the Command Module system. At
the end of the 24-hour period, the Command Module system was emptied, flushed, and
refilled with unchlorinated, high purity water from the ground support equipment. The
quality requirements for this water are cited in table 3. The water remained in storage in
the Command Module potable water tank for five to seven days. Between two to nine
.hours before lift-off, chlorine and buffer/inhibitor solutions were added to the storage
504 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 2

Water Quality Requirements for

(;round Support Equipment Water Supply, Tcst Point 2 a

Properties Limits (max. allowable)

Electrical conductivity 1.0 #mho/cm at 298°K (25°C)

6-8 at 298°K (25°C)
Total residue 2 mg/I
Fixed residue 0.5 mg/I
Taste and odor Threshold No. 3

Turbidity 11 units

Color, true 5 units

Particulate b
Particle size range No. of particles/500 ml fluid CSM/LM

0-10# Unlimited c

10-25 875

25-50 1O0

50-1 O0 # 50

(over)l O0 2

Ionic species
Cadmium 0.01 mg/I
Chromium (hexavalent) 0.05 mg/I
Copper 1.0 mg/I
Iron 0.3 mg/I
Lead 0.05 mg/I
Manganese 0.05 mg/I
Mercury 0.005 mg/I
Nickel 0.05 mg/I
Selenium 0.01 mg/I
Silver 0.05 mg/I
Zinc 5.0 mg/I
Total nitrogen 10.0 mg/I (CSM only)
Bactericide 0.5 mg/I
Sterility d

aTest Point 2 is defined to be at the last possible, but practical, point prior to the potable water
load line/spacecraft load point interface; this test point allowed water sampling without breaking
or remaking of water servicing system connections. Water was required to meet the Test Point 2
maximum property limits at the beginning of water servicing prior to bactericide/additive addition
if used, or prior to servicing the spacecraft if bactericide was not used.
bThe particulate sample was taken immediately following final servicing of the spacecraft.
CUnlimited means that particles in this size range were not counted; however, any obscuring of the
filter grid lines was cause for rejection.
dSterility samples consisted of an anaerobic and an aerobic sample: total volume for both samples
was 500 ml.
Potable Water Supply 505

Table 3

Water Quality Requirements for

Spacecraft Water Supply, Test Point 3 a

Properties Limits (max. allowable)

Electrical conductivity Reference only

pH 6-8 at 298°K (25°C) for CSM
4-8 at 298°K (25°C) for LM
Total residue 14 mg/liter CM/LM
Taste and odor Reference only
Turbidity 11 units
Color, true Reference only
Particulate b

Particulate No. of Particles per No. of Particles per

Size Range 500 ml Fluid CSM 500 ml Fluid LM

O- 10 microns Reference only Unlimited c

10- 25 microns Reference only 875
25- 50 microns Reference only 200
50-100 microns Reference only 100
100-250 microns Reference only 10

Ionic species
Cadmium 0.01 mg/I
Chromium (hexavalent) 0.05 mg/I
Copper 1.0 mg/I
I ron 0.3 mg/I
Lead 0.05 mg/I
Manganese 0.05 mg/I
Mercury 0.005 mg/I
Nickel d 0.05 mg/I
Selenium 0.01 mg/I
Silver 0.05 mg/i
Zinc 5.0 mg/I
Total nitrogen 10.0 mg/I (CSM only)
Bactericide 0.5 mg/I
Sterility e Free of viable organisms

aTest Point 3 is defined to be the onboard test/use ports in the LM and CSM.
bThe particulate sample was taken immediately following final servicing of the spacecraft.

CUnlimited means that particles in this size range were not counted; however, any obscuring of the
filter grid lines was cause for rejection.
dFor the CSM and for missions when water was used from the CSM for no more than 14 days
duration, the maximum allowable limit of the effective nickel concentration was 1.0 mg/liter.
eSterility samples consisted of an anaerobic and an aerobic sample: total volume for both samples
was 500 ml.
506 Biomedical Results of Apollo

tank by means of injection ampoules (22 cc). Water was cycled from the use ports to
distribute the injected solutions from the injection port (figure 2) into the storage tank.
During flight, injections were repeated at approximately 24-hour intervals. The corrosion
inhibitor described above was used only on the flights after Apollo 13.
Separate ampoules containing sodium hypochlorite (5000 mg/liter as chlorine) and
sodium dihydrogen phosphate buffer (0.7 molar) were used for inflight injection of the
Apollo 7 through 13 Command Module water systems. After the Apollo 13 mission,
sodium nitrate was added to the buffer ampoules to provide water system corrosion
inhibition. The water systems were injected with one ampoule of sodium hypochlorite
(1860 mg/liter as chlorine) and one ampoule of mixed sodium dihydrogen phosphate
(0.297 molar) and sodium nitrate (0.217 molar).
Three hours before lift-off, and at 24-hour intervals inflight, water was withdrawn
through the drinking water gun or the food preparation unit to permit a flow of fuel cell
water past the biocide injection point and into the potable water tank, after which the
contents of the ampoules were injected. The injected solutions were flushed into the
potable water storage tank by flowing fuel cell water past the chlorine injection port and
into the tank (figure 2). Most of the biocide and buffer passed the service line branching
point and was carried into the storage tank, but a small fraction remained in the injection
tee or was diffused into the service line. After a ten-minute contact time, an ampoule of
water was withdrawn through the injection point. As a result of withdrawal, any chlorine
solution in the service line was pulled back into the main line, where the chlorine was
transferred into the storage tank by the fuel cell water. Before the water was used, an
additional 20-minute period was required to allow biocide, buffer, and inhibitor to
disperse in the potable water tank. The treated water was withdrawn for consumption
through the drinking water gun and the food preparation service outlets.
On several occasions during the early Apollo flights, the crewmembers reported that
the water had a strong chlorine taste. In most instances, the difficulty was traced to a
procedural error that occurred during the injection of the chlorine and buffer. When clear
and concise procedures were developed and used, the crewmembers had no objection to
the taste of the water.
The chemical characteristics of the ground support equipment load water (test
point 2) and the spacecraft water (test point 3) are shown in table 4. As the table
indicates, the only potential contaminant consistently found was ionic nickel. The
Apollo 12 ground support equipment load water sample was the only sample in which
nickel appeared at a level above the specification limit. But, an excess of nickel was
contained in five samples taken from the drinking water gun. The excess amounts were
not considered medically significant for the short duration Apollo flights. Preflight
samples from the hot water port were examined, and they, too, were contaminated with
nickel. Based on these findings, a study was conducted to determine the inflight nickel
content in the hot water port on the Apollo 14 flight. A good correlation existed between
nickel concentrations found in flight and those found immediately after recovery
(table 5). Postflight concentrations (6.0 mg/liter) exceeded preflight load water specifica-
tions in nine out of ten samples taken within 40 hotirs of recovery. All evidence suggested
that the hot water heater was the source of the contaminant and that the concentration
Potable Water Supply 507

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508 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 5

Postflight Chemical Analysis of Command Module Potable Water, Apollo 7 Through 17

Drink Gun Hot Water Port

Parameter Test Point 3 Test Point 3
Range Range

pH (units) 6.0 - 7.4 6.5 -- 7.7

Electrical conductivity (umho/cm) 2.13-- 260.0 1.87-- 210.0
Total residue (mg/I) 11.56- 214.4 7.72 -- 178.8
Taste and odor (threshold) <3 -- 5 All < 3

Turbidity (nephlos) 0.3 - 2.0 0.4 -- 18.0

Color (true) <1 - 5 <1 - 5

Ionic species (rag/I)

Aluminum 0.07 -- 1,5 0,59 - 0.08
Cadmium < .01 -- < .05 <0,01 - < 0.05
Calcium .02 -- 0.57 0.O2 - 2.7O
Chromium (+6) <0.01 - <0.05 <0.01 - < 0,O7
Copper < 0.01 - 0.05 <0.01 - 0.08
Iron < 0.02 - 0.09 0.01 - 0.04
Lead <0.01 -- <0.05 <0.01 - < 0.05
Magnesium 0,04 -- 0.82 0.03 - 0.50
Manganese <0.01 - 0.06 <0.01 - 0.07
Mercury All <0,005 All < 0,005
Nickel 0.02 -- 1.12 0.34 - 6.0
Palladium <0.01 - <0,05 <0.01 - <0,05
Potassium < 0.01 -- 0.36 <0.01 -- <0.5
Selenium <0.01 - <0.08 <0.01 -- <0.08
Silicon All <0.5 <0.5 - 0.8
Silver <0,01 -- <0.02 <0.01 -- <0.02
Sodium 10.2 -- 59.9 6.4 -- 50.0
Zinc 0.03 -- 0.17 <0.01 -- 0.O8
Total nitrogen <10 - 10 All <10

of nickel increascd after the heater was activated inflight. A substantial quanti_ of nickel

brazing material was used in the construction of the heater. In addition, small amounts of

nickel appeared to be leaching because of corrosion from other components of the

potable water system. A review of the medical literature indicated that ingestion of nickel
in the amounts found for the relatively short duration Apollo missions would not create

an acute or chronic toxicological problem, but that reconsideration would be required for

missions of longer duration.

Command Module Fuel Cell Water Quality. Chemically, the fuel cell byproduct water
was of equal quality to distilled water, but the water was saturated with hydrogen gas.

The total dissolved solids in this water averaged 0.73 mg/liter, with an average pH of 5.6.

Analyses for total solids, turbidity, and particulates during chamber testing indicated that

the water met specifications except for the presence of a metal carbamate,

Bis-(pentamethylenedithioearbamate) Ni (II). As noted previously, this precipitate

appeared only after fucl cell water had collected in the water storage tank.
Potable Water Supply 509

Lunar Module Water Quality. The Lunar Module water tanks were filled with ground
support equipment load water containing 20 to 30mg/liter iodine solution for
disinfection. After three to four hours contact time, approximately one-fourth of the
loaded water was drained out and uniodinated water added. This process resulted in a
final load iodine concentration of 11 to 13 mg/liter. No provision was made for the
inflight addition of iodine to the water storage tanks. In most cases, the degradation rate
of iodine in the system was such that the initial load concentrations were adequate for
biocidal action during the entire Lunar Module mission. The iodine concentrations were
checked three times before lift-off, and depletion curves were plotted from the data. The
depletion rate, projected for the duration of the flight, had to be low enough that an
iodine concentration of at least 0.5 mg/liter was maintained during the period of Lunar
Module manning When preflight data indicated a depletion rate that was too rapid to
maintain an adequate iodine residual during the mission, a bacterial filter was installed in
the line just ahead of the water use port.

The preflight chemical quality of the Lunar Module ground support equipment load
water (test point 2) and of water from the spacecraft system (test point 3) is shown in
table 6. As with the Command Module, comparison of these data with specification
requirements listed in tables 2 and 3 shows that the upper range of certain parameters,
slightly exceeded specification limits. These were turbidity test point 2 and nickel in test
point 3 samples. These excursions were not considered to be medically significant. No
data were collected to determine inflight Lunar Module potable water quality.

Microbiological Quality of Water

The NASA specifications for potable water require that water be "sterile"*
throughout the course of a mission. The use of a biocide in the water system was
necessary to meet this requirement. Command Module and Lunar Module data indicated
adequate control of microbial growth existed whcn a proper biocide concentration was
maintained. Preflight data gathered on the Command Module water demonstrated that
system sterility could not be maintained without an adequate biocide residual.

During the preflight water storage period, several microorganisms were found in
routine sampling of the water system. Because the growth phenomenon was consistent
throughout the Apollo Program, chlorination of each CM water system (normally three
hours before lift-off) was accomplished. Verification of the effectiveness of this
procedure was obtained from Apollo 17 prelaunch water samples. For this mission, the
water system was chlorinated nine hours before lift-off and microbiological samples were
taken two hours before lift-off. These samples were negative for all forms of microbial

*Sterile is defined as the absence of viable organisms when employing specific analysis procedures, as
in the filtration of three 150-ml samples through 0.45-micrometer filters, and then applying selective
media for E. coil, total count or yeast mold to each of the filters. In addition, a qualitative anaerobic
analysis was performed.
510 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 6

Preflight Chemical Analysis of l,unar Module Potable Water, Apollo 9 through 17

Ground Support Equipment Spacecraft System

Parameter Test Point 2 Test Point 3*
Range Range

5.10 -- 7.7 4.3 -- 7.4

pH (units)
Electrical conductivity (umho/cm) 0.35 -- 4.2 0.37 -- 10.5

Total residue (mg/I) 0.2 -- 2.7 0.49 -- 8.3

Taste and odor (threshold) All <3 All< 3

Turbidity (nephlos) 0.2 -- <5 0.2 -- 22.0

Color (true) 0.2 -- 1.0 1.0 -- >100

Ionic species (mg/I)

Aluminum 0.04 -- <0.5 0.4 - < 0.5
Cadmium All <0.01 < 0.01 - 0.039
Calcium <0.01 -- 0.03 <0.01 - 2.0
Chromium (+6) <0.01 -- <0.05 <0.01 - 0.08

Copper <0.01 -- <1.0 0.01 - 0.12

Iodide <0.05 -- <0.1 0.1 - 7.6
Iron 0.01 -- <0.30 <0.01 - 0.04
Lead <0.01 -- <0.05 <0.01- < 0.05

Magnesium <0.01 -- <0.5 <0.01- < 0.5

Manganese <0.01 -- <0.05 <0.01- < 0.06

Mercury <0.005- <0.013 All < 0.005

Nickel <0.02 -- 0.35 <0.01 -- 0.25
Palladium <0.01 -- <0.02 <0.01- < 0.05
Potassium <0.04 -- <0.10 <0.01 - 0.3O
Selenium <0.01 -- <0.2 <0.01- < 0.2
Silicon All <0.5 All< 0.5
Silver <0.01 -- <0.05 <0.01- < 0.02
Sodium <0.01 -- 0.21 <0.1 -- 0.76
Zinc <0.01 -- 5.0 <0.01 -- 0.12

Total nitrogen All < 10 AII<10

*Test Point 3 was the use port inside LM cabin, with water drawn from the descent
storage tank.

The types and numbers of microorganisms isolated from preflight and postflight

samples are listed in tables 7 and 8. The most commonly found microorganisms were

Flavobacteria. Seven species of this group were identified in preflight samples. At least one

Flavobacterium species was found before each Apollo mission. Approximately 90 percent

of the preflight samples taken during the storage period prior to chlorination contained

viable microorganisms.

The single common-use water dispenser provided for the three Apollo crewmembers
inflight offered no protection against microbial transfer from crewman to crewman. The

Command Module water dispenser was attached to a 178-cm (70-in) flexible hose. The
water in the hose had little or no residual biocide after remaining unused for extended

periods: consequently, bacterial growth could occur during these periods.

Water Supply 511

Table 7

Microorganisms Isolated from Preflight and Postflight Apollo

Command Module Potable Water Samples

Number of Microbes
Number of Microbes
Microorganism in Preflight
in Postflight Water
Unchlorinated Water

Aeromonas hydrophila 17
Cephalosporium acremonium 15
Corynebacterium sp. 7
Flavobacterium harrison5 17
Flavobacterium sp. 7, 15,16,17 14,15
Flavobacterium sp II 11,12,17 12
Flavobacterium sp. I I I a 1,8,9,10,12,14 11
Flavobacterium sp. III b 9, 10, 12, 14 10,12
Flavobacterium sp. I I I c 7
Flavobacterium sp. IVc 7,12
Flavobacterium sp. I Ve 14
Gram negative rod 16, 17
Herelea sp. 7
Micrococcus sp. 7, 17
NCDC Group IIIb 17
NCDC Group IVc 16 16
NCDC Group IVd 16 16
NCDC Group IVe 16 16
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 16
Pseudomonas maltophila 14
Pseudomonas stutzerii 17
Rhizopus sp. 7
Sarcina sp. 7
Staphylococcus, betahemolytic
(Not Group A) 7
Staphylococcus epidermidis 9,12
Streptococcus equinus 14
Unidentified 11,12 7,13
Yeast/moid growth 7,13

It had been noted that maintenance of system sterility could not be achieved in the

absence of residual biocide. Connections, valves, metering dispensers, and O-rings in water

systems could harbor bacteria, rapidly recontaminating the water. Back-contamination at

use ports also occurred. Bacterial growth in the water storage tanks was unexpectedly

rapid. During Command Module chamber tests when no biocide was used, bacterial levels

of 6 x 10 6 organisms/lO0 ml of water were found during the time when the water was

stored in the spacecraft. The source of the nutrients to support this growth is unknown;

however, the nutrients may be received from the tank bladder material, the fluorocarbon

hose, or other carbonaceous compounds.

Postflight potable water samples were taken from all missions except Apollo 13. The

genus Flavobacterium was again the most commonly occurring microorganism (tables 7
512 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Table 8

Microbial Concentrations Found in Preflight

Command Module Unchlorinated Potable Water Samples

Ratio of Samples with

Apollo Mission Range of Concentrations* Positive Growth to Total
Number of Water Samples

7 Negative to TNTC ** 7:11

8 3x 102- 1.1 x 106 5:6
9 Negative to 5.25 x 104 7:8
10 86- 1.2 x 105 6:6
11 10- 2.1 x 105 5:5
12 1.1 x 103- 1.05x 105 4:4
13 6.0x 102-- 9x 106 6:6
14 4.5x 103- 1.215x 106 4:4
15 Negative - 1,13 x 107 3:4
16 4.2 x 105 - 1.9 x 107 4:4
17 3 - 9.0 x 105 4:4

*Concentration = Total microbes/150 ml of water

**TNTC = Too Numerous to Count

and 9). It was found in samples from l'iw_ of the eleven Apollo missions. In addition, tb4',
National Communicable Disease Center group IVc, IVd, and IVe microorganisms isolated
from Apollo 16 samples are very closely related to the Flavobacteria and some
classifications include them with Flavobacteria.

The potable water samples from three missions (Apollo 8, 9, and 17) contained no
microorganisms. All other mission samples contained concentrations ranging from three
organisms per 150 ml of water to those too numerous to count (table 9). Based on
preflight experience and public health data, microorganisms will not propagate in the
presence of chlorine or iodine biocide in concentrations of approximately 0.1 mg/liter or
higher. It must be assumed that residual chlorine was very low or absent in postflight
water samples containing viable organisms. The inflight schedule caued for chlorine
addition to the water at approximately 24-hour intervals. The final inflight chlorinations
were accomplished between 13 and 21 hours before splashdown. Samples for
microbiological analysis were taken between 7.5 and 40 hours after splashdown. This
schedule allowed the passage of approximately 25 to 55 hours, during which any residual
chlorine could become depleted from the system before samples could be taken. It is
known from qualification testing data that, in most cases, chlorine concentrations within
the water system are greatly reduced or disappear within 24 hours.

As soon as possible after the recovery operation, the residual chlorine concentration
in the hot water port and drinking water gun distribution systems was determined. These
values arc cited in table 10. As shown, chlorine residuals were present in the water in
Potable Water Supply 513

Table 9

Microbial Quality of Postflight Command Module Potable

Water Samples Collected 14 to 40 Hours After Splashdown

Ratio of Samples Concentration

With Positive of Microbial
Microorganism Growth to Total Numbers Found
Number of Samples (Irrespective
Taken of Species)

7 Unidentified 1:2 TNTC**

8 Negative 0:2

9 Negative 0:2

10 F/avobacterium sp. I I I b 1:2 20

11 Flavobacterium sp. I II a 1:2 3

12 Flavobacterium sp. II b 2:2 TNTC

Flavobacterium sp. III b

13 No determinations
14 Flavobacterium sp. 2:2 1.5x 10 5

Flavobacterium sp. IVe

15 Cephalosporium acremonium 2:2 No determination

16 NCDC* Group IVc 2:2 1.1 x 10 6

NCDC GrouplVd

NCDC GrouplVe
17 Negative 0:2

* NCDC = National Communicable Disease Center

**TNTC = Too Numerous to Count

seven of nine missions. No determinations were made after the Apollo 13 and 14

missions. Chlorine concentrations ranged from zero in the Apollo 15 and 16

missions to as high as 6.0 mg/iiter in the Apollo i0 drinking water gun sample. The

postflight samples for microbiological analysis were taken simultaneously with those for
chlorine residual determination. As can be seen, there were occasions when there was

both a biocide residual and an indication of viable microbiological contamination. It is

noted that the biocide depletion rate in the system is proportional to the area-to-volume

ratio. Therefore it is probable that while postflight analysis indicated the presence of

biocide (in effect the presence of biocide in the water tank because of sample volume),

the biocide level was nil in the water use ports and interconnecting tubing where there is a

high area-to-volume ratio. This could account for microbial growth in these portions of

the system and the positive analyses. Because of the requirement for a biocide contact

time and the immediate reduction of the biocide upon sample collection (sodium

thiosulfate) it is possible to have an indication of a biocide concentration and still have

viable organisms present.

514 Biomedical

Table 10
Postflight Chlorine Residuals in
Command Module Potable Water System

Postflight Chlorine Time Lapse Since

Apollo Residual, mg/I Last Inflight
Chlorination, hr
Drink Gun Hot Water Port

7 0.13 Not determined 25

8 2.0 0.1 17

9 2.0 1.0 40

10 6.0 0.5 27

11 0.8 0.05 29:30

12 Not determined 0.125 35:30

13 Not determined Not determined

14 Not determined Not determi ned

15 0.0 0.0 25

16 0.0 0.0 30

17 0.01 0.01 32

Summary and Conclusions

The Apollo potable water system satisfied the dual purpose of providing metabolic
water for the crewmen and water for spacecraft cooling. The overall performance was

good. Although design and operational difficulties existed, these were not insurmountable

despite the complexities of the unconventional type of water system required for space

The problems documented in this chapter were successfully resolved in the Apollo

Program. These efforts led to numerous technological advances including those in the

following general areas.

1. Selection and evaluation of new types of water system materials.

Metallics: Evaluation of corrosion resistance of certain metal alloys, their physical

characteristics as water system components, and their compatibility with biocides.

Nonmetallics: Endurance and permeability characteristics of polymeric membrane

materials; material compatibility with water, gases, and biocides; and taste and odor

problems related to material use.

2. Selection and evaluation of water biocides.

3. Selection and evaluation of physical and chemical corrosion inhibitors.

4. Importance of sanitary engineering concepts in the design, development, and

testing phases of potable or multiuse water systems.

The information, equipment, and instrumentation developed in the Apollo Program

will contribute toward the needs of future space flight missions. In addition, this
Potable Water Supply 515

technology may have useful application in municipal, industrial, and private water
conservation programs.


Anon: Apollo Block II ECS Components, No SS-1959-R. Garrett Airesearch Manufacturing Division,
March 1968.

Anon: Apollo Operations Handbook, Vol. 1. NASA SM 2A-03, Block II(1). North American
Rockwell, 15 April 1969.

Anon: Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, 1962. U.S. Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare, Public Health Service. Public Health Service Publication No. 9516. United States
Government Printing Office.

NASA: Command Service Module/Lunar Module/Orbital Workshop Potable Water Specification and
Test Procedures. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Manned Spacecraft Center, July

Sauer, Richard L.: Spacecraft Metabolic Water Supply. Paper presented at Spacecraft Potable Water
Symposium, American Chemical Society, Division of Water and Waste Management (Houston,
Texas), Feb. 28, 1970.

Sauer, Richard L.; and Calley, David J.: Apollo Experience Report: Potable Water System. NASA TN
D-7291. June 1973.





James C. Brady
Donald F. Hughes
Frank H. Samonski, Jr.
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

Roger W. Young
David M. Browne

The Boeing Aerospace Company


The Apollo Command and Service Module (CSM) and Lunar Module (LM) proved to
be highly successful space vehicles. Instrumental in the success of these spacecraft was the
satisfactory and reliable operation of their environmental control systems. This chapter
describes the systems and system requirements and discusses the performance of both
Command Module and Lunar Module environmental control systems during the Apollo
Program. The bulk of the material contained in this Chapter was orginaUy published in
Brady and co-workers (1973), and Hughes and co-workers (1973).
The concept of the Apollo mission itself and thc spacccraft that would be needed to
complete it can be traced back to 1955. In March of that year, the feasibility of a one
million pound thrust liquid-fueled rocket engine to launch the vehicle on its path to the
moon was established. By late 1962, the broad conceptual design of the Apollo spacecraft
and the lunar landing mission was complete. During 1963, formal contract negotiations
for the spacecraft were completed, and by June of 1963 most of the subsystem designs
for the Command Module (CM) were finalized. At the same time, critical decisions were
being made concerning the I,unar Module (LM). The key items affecting its design
included the decision to rotate the CSM and manually maneuver it into a docked position
with the LM; that the crew would operate the LM from a standing position; and, most
important for the environmental control and life support systems, that the Lunar Module
would be capable of supporting the operations of two men on the lunar surface for up to
24 hours plus 24 hours in flight. Before the end of 1963, the Lunar Module mockup was
completed and, in early 1964, the Block II CSM configuration was completed. The



518 Biomedical

requirementfora second configuration

landingandto dosobylunarorbitrendezvous, adecision
onsystemdesign. Thevehiclesresulting fromthe_developmenteffortsweredescribed
andpicturedin Section
I, Chapter
2,Apollo Missions.
Command and Service Module Environmental Control System

System Requirements and Description

Briefly enumerated, the system requirements for the Apollo Command Module
environmental control system (ECS) were as follows:

1. Oxygen atmosphere in the pressurized cabin of 34.5 kN/m 2 (5 psia).

2. Normal shirtsleeve mode except for critical mission phases.
3. Cabin pressure maintained at 24.1 kN/m 2 (3.5 psia) under certain defined
emergency conditions.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) removal by lithium hydroxide (LiOlt) absorption and
limited to a partial pressure of 1013 N/m2 (7.6 mm Hg).

. Cabin temperature maintained at 297o+_3°K (75o_+ 5°F) with relative

humidity limited to the range of 40 to 70 percent.

. Thermal control provided for the electrical and electronic equipment.

To accomplish these design objectives, the ECS interfaced with the electrical power
system for electricity, fuel cell system for water, and cryogenic storage system for

A schematic diagram of the ECS is shown in figure 1. For convenience of description,

the system may be divided into six major subsystems: oxygen, pressure suit circuit, water,
coolant, waste management, and postlanding ventilation. These subsystems interacted to
meet the total ECS requirements.

The oxygen subsystem was supplied from the Service Module cryogenic storage tanks
and controlled the distribution of oxygen within the Command Module. It stored a
reserve supply of oxygen, regulated several levels of supplied oxygen pressure, controlled
cabin pressure in normal and emergency modes, and provided for purging of the pressure
suit circuit.

The pressure suit circuit subsystem provided the crew with a continuously
conditioned atmosphere. It automatically controlled suit gas circulation, pressure, and
temperature, and removed debris, excess moisture, odors, and carbon dioxide from both
suit and cabin gases.

The water subsystem received the potable water produced as a byproduct of fuel cell
operation, stored the water, and chilled or heated the water for drinking and food
reconstitution. The waste water section collected and stored water extracted from the
suit heat exchanger and provided it to the evaporator for evaporative cooling. Potable
Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 519

....... r....... 1

..__.1 1

520 Biomedical Results of Apollo

water not needed for crew consumption was added to waste water storage. Water in
excess of system requirements was dumped overboard through a heated water dump

The coolant (water/ethylene glycol) subsystem supplied cooling for the pressure suit
circuit, potable water chiller, and electrical and electronic equipment mounted on
eoldplates in the Command and Service Modules. It also supplied heating or cooling for
the cabin atmosphere. Independent primary and secondary (backup) coolant loops were
provided, with each loop utilizing space radiators as the basic heat rejection mechanism
and water boiling from the glycol evaporator for supplementary heat rejection.
The waste management subsystem provided for dumping overboard of urine through
a heated nozzle and for storage arid venting of solid wastes. An interconnect capability
with the waste water dump system was available as a backup for all fluid dumping.
The postlanding ventilation subsystem provided means for circulating ambient air
through the cabin after landing.

Mission Performance

Oxygen Subsystem. The oxygen subsystem of the ECS, exclusive of the cryogenic
oxygen system, performed satisfactorily throughout the Apollo missions. Separate
regulation levels were maintained at nominal values of 690, 140, and 35 kN/m 2
(approximately 100, 20, and 5 psi), and the flow restrictors/heat exchangers demonstrated
satisfactory operation for flows approaching maximum capability. No emergency cabin
pressure regulation was required, and all planned depressurizations and repressurizations
were without incident. Oxygen allocated to the ECS was originally 78.29 kg (172.6 lb)
for a 14-day mission. Principal items were .82 kg (1.8 lb) per man-day for crew
consumption and 2.18 kg (4.8 ib) per day for cabin leakage. Additional allowan(:es were
made for the extravehicular activity in the latcr missions. Actual consumption, as shown
in table 1, proved to be less than alloeations, primarily because of lower cabin leakage and
crew requirements. A comparison of a typical mission with the specification requirements
is showp in table 2.

Pressure Suit Circuit Subsystem. The pressure suit circuit subsystem satisfactorily
accomplished all its design requirements. With the confidence gained during the program,
fully suited operation was eventually limited to launch and Lunar Module jettison. No
difficulty was ever encountered with the integrity of the Command Module pressure shell.
Therefore, the suit loop was not used as an emergency environment for the crew. During
the Command Module extravehicular activities on the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions, use
of the suit loop was required to support two crewmen, but no problems resulted and
pressure regulation was within the required 24. I to 27.6 kN/m 2 (3.5 to 4.0 psia) range.
The original concept of using 100 percent oxygen as the cabin gas during the
prelaunch and launch periods was abandoned following the Apollo 204 accident in favor
of a 60 percent oxygen/40 percent nitrogen mixture with the suit circuit remaining at
lO0percent oxygen. This required the inclusion of a pressure sensor to indicate
suit-to-cabin differential pressure, and the direct oxygen valve was used to provide a
constant 0.23 to 0.32 kg/hr (0.5 to 0.7 lb/hr) flow into the suit loop. This flow
compensated for metabolic usage and suit circuit leakage with some excess flow to keep
Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 521

the loop at a positive pressure and provide a purge through the suit circuit relief valve.
Although brief periods of negative pressure resulted from crew movement in the suits, the
system was judged to perform acceptably.

Table 1

Actual Environmental Control

System Oxygen Consumption

Apollo Mission Duration Oxygen Consumed

Number Days: Hours kg (Ib)

7 10:20 46.26 102)

8 6:03 23.13 51)
9 10:01 44.91 99)
10 8:00 32.21 71)
11 8:03 37.19 82)
12 10:05 44.91 99)
13 5:23 13.61 3O)
14 9:00 42.64 94*)
15 12:07 49.44 (109"*)
i6 11:02 48.08 (106"*)
17 12:14 49.90 (110"*)

*Includes 4.5kg (101b) for high flow demonstration

test of cryogenic system.
**Includes 11 to 13kg (24 to 291b) for EVA flow and
cabin repressurization.

Specification requirements called tbr the lithium hydroxide absorber elements to be

capable of removing carbon dioxide at a maximum average removal rate of 0.064 kg/hr
(0.142 Ib/hr) for 24 hours [1.54 kg (3.4 lb) total for 93 percent utilization]. With two
elements in parallel, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide was to be maintained at less
than 1013 N/m 2 (7.6 mm Hg). Flight measurements indicated that this level was never
exceeded and that carbon dioxide partial pressure seldom rose above 400N/m 2
(3 mm Hg). For three-man operations, the elements were changed every 24 hours, but the
replacement times were staggered every 12 hours to reduce the variation in carbon
dioxide partial pressure levels. For single-man operations, the changeout times were
lengthened proportionately.
In an effort to verify performance of the elements, chemical analyses of all of the
returned elements were performed and a correlation was attempted with their length of
time in service (equivalent to three-man usage). The results, indicated in fig-ure 2, showed
considerable scatter when plotted against this time variable. The figure shows how much
lithium hydroxide has been turned into lithium carbonate, indicating carbon dioxide
production and, thus, metabolic rate. The scatter shows that metabolic rates were
522 Biomedical Results of Apollo

different from flight to flight, but that there was a predictability within a certain band.
Additional refinements were attempted to account for estimated crew metabolic rates,

activity levels, and spacecraft environments. None of these was particularly successful in

consolidating the data. Considering the lack of sufficient instrumentation and knowledge
of actual metabolic levels, tolerances of the chemical analyses, and possibility of

out-of-order use by the crew, the results appear to be representative of the element usage.

Table 2

Environmental Control System

Oxygen Consumption Breakdown

Specification Requirement Apollo 15 Mission

I tern (14 Days) (12.3 Days)
kg (Ib) kg (Ib)

Crew consumption 34.29 (75.6) 22.09 (48.7)

Cabin leakage 30.48 (67.2) 2.68 (5.9)

Cabin repressurizations 5.31 (11.7) 4.08 (9.0)

One CM puncture 1.63 (3.6)

LM support 6.58 (14.5) 5.94 (13.1)

Tank bleeds 4.45 (9.8)

Cabin & WMS purges 3.49 (7.7)

EVA flow 6.67 (14.7)

TOTALS 78.29 (172.6) 49.40 (108.9)

100 --

Z 90 -- c
k- 80 -- _ _°
N 70
_o °

60 -
c o_ _ °_°
LU 50 --
(3 o i_ _ o_
x 40 --
rr 30 --
>- 20 --
10 --

3" o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 18 22 24 26 28 30 32



Figure 2. Apollo missions 8 to 16 returned LiOH canisters.

Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 523

Water Subsystem. The water subsystem typically managed from 180 to 225 kg (400
to 500 lb) of water with normal fuel cell production rates of 0.68 to 0.91 kg/hr (1.5 to
2.0 lb/hr). Because these rates far exceeded the requirements of the crew and evaporator
operation, most of the water was dumped overboard. Routine flight operation consisted
of maintaining a full potable water tank and alternately filling and dumping the waste
tank between limits of 10 percent and 85 percent full. On occasion, dumping was
inadvertently continued until the waste tank was completely empty, and some of the
potable water was dumped without adverse system effect. During later missions, the
waste water tank was kept almost full at Command Module/Service Module separation to
improve the spacecraft's lift/drag characteristics during reentry. A water balance for a
typical mission is presented in table 3. Quantities were determined from telemetered tank
quantities, calculated evaporative usage, and standard values for the lithium hydroxide
reaction and metabolic oxidation. (See Section VI, Chapter 4, Potable Water Supply, for
additional information.)

Table 3

Typical Environmental Control System

Water Balance Summary (Apollo 15)

I nitial Quantity
Onboard Water kg (Ib)

Potable tank 13.15. (29)

Waste tank 12.25 (27)
Subtotals 25.40 (56)

Water gained
Fuel cell production 235.87 (520)
LiOH reaction 12.25 (27)
Metaboiic oxidation 11.19 (26)

Subtotals 259.91 (573)

TOTALS 285.31 kg (629 Ib)
Final onhnard water
Potable tank 14.06 (31)
Waste tank 23.13 (51)

Subtotals 37.19 (82)

Water lost
Body waste water 43.09 (95)
Evaporator operation 3.63 (8)
Overboard dumping
Waste tank 191.42 (422)
Potable tank 7.26 (16)
URA flushing and samples 2.72 (6)

Subtotals 248.12 (547)

TOTALS 285.31 kg (629 Ib)

Initial onboard water + water gained = final onboard water + water lost.
524 Biomedic',d Results of Apollo

The hot water provided for food and drink reconstitution was _eatly appreciated by
the flight crews and improved the diet over tile cold diet supplied on earlier space flight
missions. However, while mechanical failures in the water system were infrequent, the
system itself was the source of frequent negative comments by the crew. These concerned
two aspects of system performance, gas in the water and problems with the sterilization
injection system.
Gas in the potable water originatc, d from two sources. Water produced as a byproduct
of fuel cell operation was saturated with hydrogen gas at a pressure of 415 kN/m 2
(60 psia). When this water was supplied to the environmental control system through a
140 kN/m 2 (20 psig) regulator, approximately one liter of hydrogen per day was released.
This gas was removed from the water system oil Apollo 112 and subsequent missions by
passing the water through a hydrogen gas separator. The separator removed about
99 percent of the hydrogen, reducing the partial pressure in the water to 4.1 N/m 2
(0.6 psia).
The other source of gas in the drinking water was oxygen from the bladder in the
drinking water storage tank. This tank contained an oxygen bladder pressurized to
140 kN/m 2 (20 psig) to expell the water. Oxygen permeated the bladder material until
the partial pressure was about equalized across the bladder. When the water was used by
the crew in the 35 kN/m 2 (5 psia) cabin, oxygen was released. This was particularly
troublesome when preparing food because large bubbles often formed in the food bags
and prevented proper reconstitution. A gas separator cartridge assembly was developed
for attachment to the water delivery port starting with the Apollo 11 mission. The
assembly separated the free gas from the water but was only partially successful due to
size and configuration limitations.
Subsequent to final design of the water system, a requirement for water sterility was
placed on the system. A method was devised by which 30 cm 3 (1 ounce) of chlorine
solution and 30 cm 3 (1 ounce) of buffer solution could be injected into the water system
every 24 hours through a fitting containing septa. The solutions were containcd in
hard-case, Teflon ampoules with flexible inner bags. During development, problems were
encountered with corrosion of the aluminum tubing and with chemical mixing. During
the first several missions, the crews complained of a strong chlorine taste after injections.
These problems were solved by (1) having the crew perform the injections just prior to
the sleep period, and (2) developing the use of sodium nitrate as a corrosion inhibitor for
addition to the buffer ampoules. The inhibitor was effcctiw_ in preventing the chlorine
from reacting with the aluminum and allowed a decrease in the concentration of the
chlorine injected from 5000 mg/liter (5000 ppm) to 1860 mg/liter (1860 ppm). Use of
the modified chlorine and buffer ampoule solutions began with the Apollo 14 flight. The
injection procedure itself posed certain problems primarily from ampoule bag leakage.
Additional preflight inspections improved this situation.

Coolant Subsystem. The coolant subsystem provided adequate thermal control

throughout the missions in spite of operational limitations imposed by procedural
requirements or by occasional hardware malfunctions. Early flights demonstrated that a
passive thermal control (PTC) mode, accomplished by a slow, controlled CSM roll,
Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 525

allowed satisfactory heat rejection by the space radiators during most periods. During the
translunar and transearth phases, the radiator outlet temperature seldom exceeded 283°K
(50°F) and often was below 280°K (45°F). When the temperature was below 280°K the
Service Module bypass valve was required to operate and control the Command Module
coolant temperature to 280°K (45°F). Evaporator operation was required only during
portions of launch, Earth orbit, lunar orbit, and entry, and during certain fixed attitudes
which prevented effective radiator operation. Starting with Apollo 11, when steam
discharge interfered with visual sightings and caused perturbations in orbital tracking and
attitudes, evaporator operation was inhibited except for launch, Earth orbit, and entry.
The resulting system temperature measured at the evaporator outlet exceeded the normal
278 ° to 283°K (40 ° to 50°F) range and cyclically increased during lunar orbits to 297°K
(75°F) or more. Typical lunar orbit system performance with and without evaporator
operation is illustrated in figures 3a and 3b. Principal impact of this excessive temperature
cycling was to increase the condensation on the colder cabin surfaces after the higher
temperature portions of the orbits.
The coldest coolant flowed through the suit heat exchanger for gas cooling and
condensate removal and then to the cabin heat exchanger for cabin gas cooling before
going to the electronic heat load. However, because the noise of the fans and the gas flow
passing through the cabin heat exchanger was amplified by the cabin structure, the crews
did not operate the cabin fans except during short specified periods and relied upon the
suit heat exchanger for the total thermal control of the cabin gas. This mode of operation
was normally adequate during translunar and transearth phases when the crews were
comfortable or slightly chilly. The higher coolant temperatures during lunar orbit
presented some discomfort, but the problem was not significant.
Early flight configurations of the evaporator showed a tendency to dry out under low
heat loads and required inflight reservicing. Later modifications, which included relocated
wetness sensors and trimming of the water distribution sponges, provided satisfactory
units. During the Apollo 16 mission, the mixing valw_ was operated in a manual mode for
almost the entire flight due to failure of the mixing valve controller. Less than a half
dozen adjustments were required by the crew, and overall system temperature increased
less than 3°K (5°F) which constituted adequate system performance.
Radiator heat load and rejection was determined by use of the total flow and radiator
inlet and outlet and evaporator outlet temperature measurements. Typical heat load and
rejection under favorable conditions during translunar or transearth PTC ranged between
1170 and 1470 watts (4000 and 5000 Btu/hr). Knowing the approximate electrical and
metabolic heat load, the heat loss through the structure was determined. Experience from
Apolio 7 and 9, both Earth orbit missions, showed that heat loss through the cabin
structure varied from 380 to 675 watts(1300 to 2300 Btu/hr), depending on the extent of
CM electrical load. This loss was largely due to heat shorts near the coldplates and was
greater than originally estimated.

Waste Management Subsystem. The environmental control system portion of the

waste management system provided for the disposal of crew waste liquids and solids. The
performance of this system is discussed in Section VI, Chapter 2, Waste Management.
526 Biomedical Results of Apollo


1701 294 RADIATOR iI II


rrw (60,289 k OUTLET !it _ / I

::3 _ I._T" ER MAL--I_ % I k

=83 _./B¥.PASS j _,
_ 1401 277 I

(30) 272 _ - _ #
120) 266 _,,w o, OPERATION _t_... 8

1101 261 I I I I I
84 85 86 87 88 89






w (70) 294 _ y '_ OF II
_- (60) 289
(50) 283

w (40)


(20) 266

(10) 261
84 85 86 87 88 89 90



Figure 3. Apollo coolant subsystem performance in lunar orbit

with and without evaporator operation.
Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 527

Apollo 13 Emergency. The Apollo 13 mission started in a routine manner with

environmental control system operation proceeding normally. However, with the loss of
the Service Module cyrogenic oxygen tanks, the ECS was without its main source of
supply for oxygen, water, and electrical power. To preserve the remaining onboard
quantities, the surge tank and repressurization package tanks were isolated, water tanks
were depressurized, and the Command Module was completely powered down. The Lunar
Module was activated as a "life-boat" to sustain the crew, and it operated in this capacity
for approximately 83-1/2 hours until jettison prior to reentry. With certain operational
restrictions imposed, the Lunar Module consumables proved adequate for all purposes
except for providing drinking water and removing carbon dioxide. Drinking water was
obtained from the Command Module on several occasions by briefly pressurizing the
oxygen system and withdrawing water. To supplement the Lunar Module lithium
hydroxide cartridges, a method was devised for CM lithium hydroxide elements to be
utilized with the LM atmosphere revitalization section.
During the powered down period of operation, the temperature inside the Command
Module slowly decreased and the crew noted considerable condensation within the cabin.
The CM was powered up briefly for data transmittal twice during the dormant period. A
summary of the temperature changes is included in table 4.

A reported inability by the crew to obtain additional drinking water and a subsequent
thermal model analysis indicate that the water tanks, or more probably the water lines in
the aft compartment, froze late in the powered down period. Command Module ECS
operation after reactivation and during entry was satisfactory.

Dust Control

A problem encountered with the start of the lunar landing missions was effective
control of lunar dust. After lunar EVA, the crewmen and the samples they had collected
were covered with this fine lunar material. Dcspite attempts at cleanup and packaging in
the Lunar Module, transfer of crew and materials back to the" Comnmud Module resulted
in contamination of the CM atmosphere. This was an undesirable situation in view of the
objectives of the quarantine program which sought to minimize contamination of the CM,
and thereby minimize the potential hazard of contaminating the biosphere after reentry
the spaeecralt. Larl]er contamination testing and analysis had shown that continuous
cycling of cabin gas through the lithium hydroxide elements (and filters) effectively
removed particles 5 microns or even less in diameter, even though 50 percent of the flow
was bypassed. Disadvantages to this automatic method were the relatively slow removal
rate and introduction of additional particles whenever a dusty, item was moved or
disturbed. To speed up the capture of suspended material, a filter was developed" for use
with the cabin fans. The filter, in a shape of a pleated bag, was made from the same
Armalon felt filter material used in the elements and was attached to the outlet of the
fans. When used for several hours during and after crew and sample transfer, the filter was
effective. An additional benefit was obtained by installing the filter shortly after launch,
thereby preventing floating objects from entering the inactive fan enclosure.
To assist in removing dust from suits and sample containers, a hand-held vacuum
cleaner (figure 4) was developed that used the qualified suit circuit compressor as a
528 Biomedical Results of Apollo




ooooo E

Z e gg
_ EE
_ O0



Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 529

blower. Replaceable bags were fabricated from the Armalon felt, and a brush was added
to the compressor inlet. A 4.27-m (14-ft) power cable for attachment to the Command
Module utility outlet enabled use in both the CM and LM. The device was effective for
removing dust before transfer of the items from the LM, and reduced the contamination
entering the CM. Heavy usage, however, tended to clog the inlet screen and impeller and
required frequent cleaning.

Figure 4. Hand-held vacuum cleaner.

EVA Provisions
The addition of the Service Module Experiment Bay on Apollo 15,16, and 17 added
an ECS revnirement to provide extravehicu!ar activity (EVA) czp,abilii;v for i'rie support
of one crewman while retrieving the experiment film containers. The system was designed
to provide suit pressure control and latent metabolic heat removal.
Oxygen flow from the cryogenic system originally was limited to two restrictorlheat
exchangers. In order to achieve the flow capability required for EVA, a third
restrictorlheat exchanger was added in parallel, increasing flow capacity to 4.54 kg/hr
(10 Ib/hr) minimum. Downstream of the restrictor manifold, and upstream of the
remaining ECS, a new EVA panel and life support system were added as shown in
figure 5.
Safety features, consistent with simplicity , were added to enhance problem detection
and backup provisions.
1. The EVA panel pressure gage was monitored for high pressure oxygen
[ 1030 kN/m2 (> 150 psia)] b y one of the two crewmen in the cabin.
2. The suit control unit (SCU) orifice controlled the flow rate to 5.0 + 0.5 kgjhr (11.0
+ 1.0 Ib/hr) a t 280°K (45OF)with 690 + 35 kN/m2 (100 + 5 psia) at the umbilical inlet, In
the event of a severed umbilical, reverse oxygen flow from the suit was limited by the
530 Biomedical
of Apollo


-_--- 4- - - -_/ _RESTR,CTORS
25 FOOT OXYGEN AND I\ (E) l// /
; \ _ A /
/_ _ /---.-(RIGHT ARM)
_\ L ........ J / r---PRESSURE

_) LOW
Ikl_._ _ I'_'ORIFICE /| \ OXYGEN
_ _ r--SUIT 1| \ PURGE
)} _ _ _PRESS._ I _ SYSTEM


J L-_..z-nt..z.





Figure 5. EVA life support system.

orifice. This allowed time [6.9 kN/m 2 (1 psi) drop in 80 seconds] for the EVA crewman
to close the SCU shutoff valve.

3. The pressure switch upstream of the orifice in the SCU activated a warning tone in
the EVA crewman headset should the umbilical pressure drop below 415 kN/m 2
(60 psig), indicating a low flow condition [2.7 kg/hr (6 lb/hr)]. Use of the pressure
switch as a means of low flow detection was possible since flow rate through the orifice
was sonic, and therefore, a function of upstream pressure.

4. The pressure switch downstream of the orifice in the SCU also activated the
warning tone in the EVA crewman headset and gave warning of low suit pressure [less
than 23.4 kN/m 2 (3.4 psig)].

5. The pressure control valve (PCV) controlled the suit pressure to 26 +- 1 kN/m 2
(3.80 +- 0.15 psig). The PCV was designed so that suit pressure would not fall below
20 kN/m 2 (3.0 psia) in the event the PCV failed in the open position.

6. A backup oxygen purge system (OPS) provided up to 3.6 kg/hr (8 lb/hr) oxygen
flow for 30 minutes. A purge valve controlled the flow for this system, utilizing either a
high flow or low flow setting.

Although no telemetry was added for the EVA hardware, existing telemetry and crew
data readouts indicated the system performance as given in table 5 was normal. No flight
Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 531

problems were encountered with the EVA system, and the EVA crewmen commented
that thermal conditions were adequate for the time and metabolic rates involved.

Table 5

EVA System Performance

Apollo Mission Number

Parameter Units
15 16 17

Suit circuit pressure kN/m 2 (psia) 26.9 (3.9) 25.9 (3.8) 25.5 (3.7)
EVA suit pressure kN/m 2 (psia) 27.6 (4.0) 26.5 (3.8) 25.9 (3.8)
EVA panel pressure gage kN/m 2 (psia) 2068 (300) 2068 (300) 2413 (350)
Calculated EVA flow at kg/hr (Ib/hr) 5.0 (11.0) 4.6 (10.2) 4.7 (10.4)
vacuum [using restrictor
delta P at 294 °K (70°F)]
EVA duration minutes 31 73 58

Program Considerations and Recommendations

Redundancy Utilization. The requirements for reliability dictated that practically all
components with moving parts have redundancy or backup provisions. In the oxygen
system, which was especially critical for life support, all regulators and relief valves had
parallel redundancy and both were used together. In addition, regulators contained relief
features set slightly above regulation setting to allow for a failed open regulator. Each
regulator had a separate isolation capability. Redundancy for electrical switches, electrical
circuits, and manual shutoff valves was not normally provided. Therefore, backup
provisions were made for items essential to crew safety or mission success.

Very few hardware failures resulted in required use of redundant components, but
backup provisions were used to extend the capability of the ECS. For example, the
secondary glycol loop proved useful for warming the crew during prelaunch when
ehiidown of the primary giyeoi loop by ground support equipment was necessary for
equipment cooling. The manual backup provision on the glycol temperature valve was
used when the controller failed during the Apollo 16 flight. The suit loop, usually
considered as a backup for cabin cooling and ventilation, baeame the prime system
because the crew preferred to keep the cabin fans off. The secondary glycol loop was
never required as a backup for the primary loop. However, it proved useful during flight
as a means of cold soak prior to reentry. In this mode of operation, the coldest fluid of
the secondary loop was sent to the suit heat exchanger. Again, accomplishing this without
hardware changes was made possible by backup provisions such as bypass and isolation

Material Age Life Inrestigation. The specification design age life for the Command
and Service Module environmental control system was three years. It became apparent
that much of the hardware manufactured for the program would exceed this specification
532 Biomedical Results of Apollo

life, particularly since several spacecraft were nearing or had already completed
installation and checkout and were scheduled for storage because of program changes.
Such was the case of CSM 111, designated for the Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP).
An age life analysis investigation was initiated. Each material, its application, failure
criticality, and rationale for age life extension, was listed and reviewed by material and
subsystem personnel. As a result of the review, the static age life of most materials was
extended to ten years. Also as a result of the study, specific valve positions were
identified to reduce material "set" during any storage periods.

Problem Summary and Recommendations

During the Apollo flights, several environmental control system problems were
experienced. None of the problems can be classified as a major anomaly and none
affected crew safety or mission success. Minor problems, however, encompassed almost
all aspects of ECS operation and can be used as a valuable source for identifying system
weaknesses and recommending future improvements. The listing in table 6 includes all of
the more significant problems encountered in the flight program, corrective action
applied, and recommendations for future design.

Lunar Module Environmental Control System

System Description
The Lunar Module environmental control system was comprised of four main
sections: atmosphere revitalization, oxygen supply and cabin pressure control, water
management, and heat transport.
The atmosphere revitalization section (ARS) consisted of a suit circuit assembly and
suit liquid cooling assembly. The ARS is illustrated in figure 6. The suit circuit assembly
was a closed-loop recirculation system that cooled and ventilated the two pressure
garment assemblies (PGA) through flexible umbilicals. The suit liquid cooling assembly
circulated water through, and controlled the temperature in the liquid cooling garment,
circulated cabin gas via a cabin fan when required, and removed lunar dust from the cabin
after ascent from the lunar surface.
The oxygen supply and cabin pressure control section (OSCPCS) stored gaseous
oxygen, supplied oxygen to and maintained pressure control of the suit circuit and cabin,
and provided refill oxygen to the portable life support system (PLSS). A schematic of the
OSCPCS is shown in figure 7.
The water management section (WMS) supplied water for drinking, food preparation,
cooling by heat transport section sublimators, and refilling the PLSS water tank. Figure 8
is a diagram of the WMS.
The heat transport section (figure 9) contained the hardware that heated or cooled
the gas flow to the PGAs and cabin, cooled the electronic equipment and batteries, and
rejected heat to space. It consisted of a primary coolant loop for normal operation and a
secondary loop which cooled critical equipment in the event the primary system failed. A
water/ethylene glycol solution circulated through each loop.
Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 533

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534 Biomedical Results of Apollo

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Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 535


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536 Biomedical Results of Apollo

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Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 537





Figure 6. Atmosphere revitalization section.

Mission Performance

Cabin Leakage. The Lunar Module was pressurized after transposition and docking.
During the translunar coast of the vehicles, the pressure decay of the LM was monitored.
The rate of pressure loss was used to evaluate the leakage of the cabin in space. The range
of leakages obtained for Apollo 11 through 17 was between 14 and 23gm/hr at
35 kN/m 2 (0.03 and 0.05 lb/hr at 5 psia). The maximum allowable specification leakage
of oxygen from the LM cabin to space was 90 gm/hr (0.2 lb/hr) at a total pressure of
35 kN/m 2 (5 psia). Thus actual leakage rates that existed were generally between
one-seventh and one-fourth of the allowable specification rates.

Consumables. Careful predictions were made in advance of lunar surface missions of

the quantities of water that would be required, based on planned Lunar Module usage and
planned lunar surface activities. The predictions compared well with actual usage data.

Water consumption for a typical mission during which a total of 181.4 kg (399 lb) of
water was used was subdivided as follows: approximately 1 kg (2.3 lb) for the sublimator
fill, 22 kg (48 lb) for PLSS water refills, 4.5 kg (10 ib) for drink bag fills, and 3.7 kg
(8.2 lb) for metabolic nonreclaimables.

The oxygen consumption was the total of the oxygen consumed due to crew
metabolic consumption, leakage, cabin pressurization, and PLSS refills. The oxygen
consumption rate was equal to the sum of the metabolic rates of each man [Joules/hr
(Btu/hr)] multiplied by 0.07052 kg/J (1.64 x 10 -4 lb/Btu). This was based on a
respiratory quotient (RQ) of 0.82. The oxygen consumption due to leakage was a
function of the vehicle configuration.
538 Biomedical Results of Apollo




I LM 10--12


\ f _OXYGEN! I
f-- I_ r RELIEF k_R_ I

_ ',._%'_V-'$-_¥_U-_C
...... _
L "
't-....... J ' J
_" ........ J PLSS
_D \ s


Figure 7. Oxygen supply and cabin pressure control section.


•P,S \jLJ COOLANT H201_ _




-2-L-LII III TI _IK I. (

<_c_:tl IllsE,-cv.H

'_ DESCENT I _'_ LM 10--12
GUILLOTINE ,_ .......... _11 --- DENOTES

Figure 8. Water management section.

Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 539



II Coolant

Suitwater_ III1 _ recirculator
cooling I IlrJ I vnmary I

Secondary_ Coolant ]
sublimator_accumulator I

Figure 9. Heat transport section.

The total descent oxygen consumed for the Apollo 17 mission was 21.2 kg (46.6 lb).
This compared very well with the preflight prediction of 20.7 kg (45.5 Ib). Comparable
values for the Apollo 11 flight were 8.6kg (191b) consumed versus lOkg (22 Ib)
predicted. The higher predicted value for Apollo 11 can be attributed to conservative
estimates of expected crew metabolic levels during earlier flights.

Apollo 13 Emergency. The Apollo 13 mission was aborted approximately 56 hours

after launch. The Apollo 13 mission started in a routine manner, however, the Service
Module cryogenic oxygen supply was lost and the environmental control ._ystem in the
Command Module was without its main source of supply for oxygen, water, and electrical
power. To preserve the remaining onboard quantities, the surge tank and repressurization
package tanks were isolated, water tanks were depressurized, and the Command Module
was completely powered down. The Lunar Module was activated to sustain the crew. This
support was required for about 83Y2 hours, which was nearly twice the duration of the
planned Lunar Module utilization.
Early assessment of the problem indicated that with no cabin repressurizations,
oxygen was not a critical consumable. However, since only 154 kg (338 lb) of water was
available in the Lunar Module, it was decided to utilize Command Module water for
drinking and food preparation and to limit the heat loads by activating a minimum of
electronic equipment. Power levels were maintained between 350 and 400 watts for most
of the Apollo 13 flight by limiting the operation of the electrical equipment. The greatly
reduced thermal loading resulted in cabin temperatures_between 286 ° and 289°K (54 °
and 60°F). The low power level resulted in an aver'age water consumption rate of
1.6 kg/hr (3.5 lb/hr) and approximately 132 kg (290 lb) of water was consumed during
the mission.
540 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Sufficient lithium hydroxide cartridges, the carbon dioxide control system of the
spacecraft, were not available in the Lunar Module to sustain the crew. The primary and
secondary cartridges supplied in the Lunar Module were used until the carbon dioxide
level reached approximately 2000 N/m 2 (15 mm Hg). Since additional lithium hydroxide
was needed, a means was developed for adapting the Command Module elements for use
in the Lunar Module system. Figure 10 shows the system ultimately devised.



_'-_E Kt<L5%_,_\\_\_MODULE

t- _ _ TOCOMMAND __,....... AIR


/] _ _ _...')/" LITHIUM HYDROXIDE
/ _ _ _ - ,_ ._,fSUIT CARTRIDGES

WATER IJ "',,-.,L---.-_ HOSE '_/ L



Figure 10. Supplemental carbon dioxide removal system.

Space suit return hoses were taped to plenum chambers, constructed by the crew
from onboard documents and tape, and attached to the Command Module environmental
control system elements. Cabin gas drawn through the elements by the atmosphere
revitalization system was successfully scrubbed of carbon dioxide. After about 20 hours
of operation, an additional unit was stacked on each original cartridge to improve the
removal of carbon dioxide. With this configuration, the indicated carbon dioxide level
was maintained between 13 and 240 N/m 2 (0.1 and 1.8 mm Hg). This special procedure
was used for 47 hours until the Command Module was activated and the Lunar Module


Flight Problems

The problems encountered during flight were not serious in terms of crew safety or
mission success. Two of the more interesting problems involved the water separators and
oxygen demand regulators.
Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 541

Water Separator. During the Apollo 11 and 12 flights, the crews reported free water
in their suits during lunar operations. Prior to the Apollo 12 flight, a thermal and system
analysis indicated that the most probable cause of the problem was bypass flow through
the separator selector valve, a part of the water separator. The problem could not be
reproduced during ground tests. However, during Apollo 12, free water was again
reported in the pressure suits.
Following the Apollo 12 flight, a detailed bench test was again performed to identify
the problem. It was found that the suit loop gas flow drove the separator too fast,
resulting in water carryover. To correct the difficulty, an orifice was incorporated in the
primary lithium hydroxide cartridges to limit the suit loop flow in future vehicles.
The Apollo 13 and 14 crewmen reported no free water. However, the indicated
separator speeds read "High" during some flight periods. In fact, in certain suited
configurations (for example, helmets and gloves removed), pressure resistance in the suit
was lowered and gas flow became unacceptably high. Therefore, the operating procedures
were modified to maintain adequate flow resistance during all modes of operation.

Oxygen Demand Regulator. Suit circuit and cabin pressures were controlled by two
oxygen demand regulators which sensed suit circuit pressure and supplied oxygen. The
regulators normally operated concurrently. Two pressure ranges could be selected: cabin
mode and egress mode.
While the cabin was being depressurized prior to the third lunar excursion during the
Apollo 17 mission, the suit circuit gas pressure increased above a normal regulator loekup.
The situation was cleared by manual shutoff of one of the two parallel oxygen demand
regulators. The mission was completed with exclusive use of the second regulator.
Postflight data review indicated that the pressure rise could have been caused by
inadvertently bumping the regulator out of its "Egress" position or by contamination
between the regulator poppet and seat.


The experience gained in the development and operation of the LM environmental

control system may prove to be useful in the design of future systems. The following
sections relate the more important derivatives of the program.

Instrumentation Adequacy. The initial system design incorporated instrumentation to

allow assessment of system performance and mode of operation during mission phases.
However, since the crews were expected to follow the specified procedure and flight
timelines, certain instrumentation was deleted. As a result, there were periods of
uncertainty. For example, the exact position of a valve might have been unknown to
ground controllers. Moreover, ground-to-crew communications to verify performance
were limited by mission and scientific activities.

Additional instrumentation would have been useful to provide engineering determina-

tion of flight discrepancies. This lack of data was aggravated as the vehicle was
nonrecoverable and postflight verification was not possible.
542 Biomedical

Component Redundancy. The Lunar Moduh; ECS was designed with sufficient
redundancy in critical life support areas to provide a "fail operational, fail safe" design.
The hardware performed successfully throughout the Apollo flights. Only during the last
flight, previously discussed under flight problems, was a redundant component required.
Redundancy considerations were simplified by the multiple function component
design. Hardware complexity and costs were high compared to single function
components. For system design where weight, volume, and manual operation are
premium design requirements, the use of multiple function components should be
considered in lieu of multiple single function components.

Modular Construction. Modular packaging concepts were used in several places in the
ECS where groupings of equipment appeared desirable. The major package in the Lunar
Module ECS was the suit circuit assembly which contained the necessary atmosphere
processing equipment. The suit circuit assembly was densely packaged to accommodate
the required hardware in the allotted space. Use of the modular concept was necessary
because of the weight and volume constraints, but this led to a number of problems.
It had been planned to replace the entire package in the field if any component
required change. Changing an entire package was a relatively long process. A large number
of tests were required to verify that all the components within the replacement package
were functioning after installation. For this reason and wherever possible, the practice of
changing individual components with the package installed was adopted. This practice,
which was successfully performed on a number of occasions, saved time in the vehicle
cabin and generally avoided schedule delays.

Subatmospheric Design. The Lunar Module environmental control system was

designed for optimum performance when operated at subatmospheric pressure and zero
to one-sixth Earth gravity. As this equipment could not be operated at sea level pressure,
considerable ground checkout problems and lengthy test flows resulted. For example, the
suit and cabin pressure control system, designed for absolute pressure maintenance,
would not function unless the suit circuit or cabin pressure was reduced to, or below, the
system control pressures. This design prevented normal system operation unless the
vehicle was placed in a vacuum chamber and its ambient pressure reduced to effectively
zero. Inadvertent operation of the suit and cabin fans at pressures greater than 70 kN/m 2
(10 psia) required considerable analysis and tests to certify that the affected hardware
was acceptable for flight. Nevertheless, some fans were replaced.
In order to simplify ground checkout and limit test errors which result in hardware
replacement or reverification, future design efforts for spacecraft environmental control
systems should include requirements for normal operation at sea level environments.


The performance of both the Command Module and Lunar Module environmental
control systems during the Apollo Program was highly satisfactory. Only minor problems
were experienced. These systems provided the astronauts with the necessary life
Apollo Command and Service Module and Lunar Module Environmental Control Systems 543

sustaining functions, with as much added comfort as possible. The knowledge gained in
the system design and performance should be beneficial to the development of future
trouble-free systems.


The bulk of the information in this chapter appeared in the following two articles:

Hughes, D.F.; Owens, W.L.; and Young, R.W.: Apollo Command and Service Module
Environmental Control System - Mission Performance and Experience. ASME Paper No.
73-ENA-29, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (New York), 1973.
Brady, J.C.; Browne, D.M.; Schneider, HJ.; and Sheehan, J.F.: Apollo Lunar Module
Environmental Control System - Mission Performance and Experience. ASME Paper No.
73-ENA-28, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (New York), 1973.


Maurice A. Carson
Michael N. Rouen
Charles C. Lutz
James W. McBarron, II

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


The Apollo extravehicular mobility unit was designed to meet a unique set of needs.
To assure the maximum return of scientific information from the moon, a method was
required for collecting samples, deploying/retrieving instruments, and performing cxpcri-
ments on the lunar surface and in free space. Man had to be able to operate safely in free
space to provide an emergency mode of translation from the l,unar Module to the
Command Module in the event a complete linkup could not be accomplished after lunar
lift-off. Since the weight required to provide redundant pressure vessels for each space-
craft would have been prohibitive, a space suit was required.
The extravehicular mobili_ unit (EMU) design reflected these needs. Figure 1 is a
cutaway representation of the EMU. The unit consisted of a highly mobile, anthropomor-
phic pressure vessel and a portable life support system (PI,SS). The pressure vessel, known
as the pressure garment assembly (PGA), when operatcd in conjunction with the Com-
mand Module and Lunar Module life support systems, provided pressurization backup
during critical mission phases, including launch and return. It provided primary pressur-
ization for the extravehicular activity conducted from the Command Module during the
m;_; ....
............. _ ,_po!!o 15, ,_,,
_ ,,u
--J ,,.
"_ _x,,,vctac_
................ of four to seven Hours (luratlon were made
with the PLSS on the lunar surface to perform the lunar science tasks.
A description of the EMU used for the first lunar landing is given here. A short
description is included of the changes made in the EMU design during the program to
incorporate the results of experience and to provide new capabilities.

The EMU was supplied by three different concerns. The pressure garment assembly was supplied by
ILC Industries, Incorporated, and the portable life support system by the Hamilton Standard Division
of United Aircraft Corporation. Both were under the monitorship of the Crew Systems Division of the
Engineering and Development Directorate of the Johnson Space Center. The communications equip-
ment was supplied by RC A under the monitorship of the Tracking and Communications Development
Division, also of the Engineering and Development Directorate.



546 Biomedical Results of Apollo














Figure 1. Cutaway of Apollo extravehicular mobility unit.

Apollo 11 Pressure Garment Assembly Configuration

Two configurations of the PGA were worn on the Apollo I1 mission. The
intravehicular configuration was worn by the Command Modulc Pilot (figure 2). The
extravehicular configuration, shown in figure 3, was worn by the Commander and Lunar
Module Pilot. The two configurations were similar in most respects. However, the
intravehicular version was equipped with a lighter weight and less bulky coverlaycr and
did not include hardware and controls necessary for extravehicular use.
Both versions of the PGA consisted of a torso-limb suit assembly (TLSA) with an
integrated protective coverlayer, a pressure helmet, pressure gloves, controls, instrumenta-
tion, and communication equipment. In addition, extravehicular equipment consisting of
a lunar extravehicular visor assembly, lunar boots, a liquid cooling garment, and fecal and
urinary containment systems were provided to complete the EVA PGA configuration.
These components of the EMU are pictured in figure 4.
Apollo space suits were individually tailored for each mission. Fifteen suits were
required to fully equip the mission. Each prime crewmembcr had three suits - a training
suit and two flight suits, and each backup crewmcmber had two suits - a training suit and
a flight suit.
The following sections describe the components of the extravehicular PGA
configuration. Table 1 lists the characteristics of the suit assembly.
Extravehicular Mobility Unit 547

Figure 2. Extravehicular configuration of the EMU.

Figure 3. Intravehicular configuration of the EMU.

548 Biomedical Results of Apollo

X w
I- .-
X I-
w 2
5 n

Extravehicular Mobility Unit 549

Table 1

Pressure Garment Assembly Characteristics

PressureGarment Assembly
Characteristics with Thermal
Micrometeoroid Garment

Weight 19.69 kg (43.42 Ib)

Operational temperature limitations -+394°K (-+250 ° F)
Leak rate at 25 511 N/m 2 (3.7 psig) 180 scc/min (.0315 Ib/hr)
Operating pressure 25 855 -+1724 N/m 2 (3.75 -+0.25 psig)
Structural pressure 41 369 N/m 2 ( 6.00 psig)
Proof pressure 55 158 N/m 2 ( 8.00 psig)
Burst pressure 68 948 N/m 2 (10.00 psig)
Pressure drop, water
.34 m3/min (12 cfm), 11.9 cm (4.70 in.)
24 132 N/m 2 (3.5 psia), _283°K
(50 ° F), and inlet diverter
valve open (IV position)
.17 rn3/min (6 cfm), 26 890 N/m 2 4.6 cm (1.80 in.)
(3.9 psia), _298°K (77°F),and
inlet diverter valve closed
(EV position)
Pressuregage range 17 237 to 41 369 N/m 2 (2.5 to 6.0 psig)

Torso-Limb Suit Assembly (TLSA)

The torso-limb suit assembly consisted of that portion of the PGA which
encompassed the entire body with the exception of the head and hands. The
cxtraw_hicular co_ffiguration is shown diagrammatically in fig'are 5. The torso portion was
custom-sized and the limb portions were graduated in size and were adjustable to
accommodate individual crewman limb lengths.
A pressure sealing and restraint slide fastener permitted the crewman to enter the suit.
A lock assembly prevented inadvertent opening. The pressure-containing bladder of the
TLSA was a neoprene-coated nylon fabric. Directly over the bladder outer surface was a
nylon restraint layer that controlled the conformal shape and provided structural support
to the bladder. Dipped rubber convoluted joints were located at the shoulders, elbows,
wrists, hips, knees, and ankles, to permit movement with a minimum expenditure of
energy. Restraint cables or cords sustained axial limb loads during pressurized operation
and prevented ballooning of the convoluted joints. A biomedical injection patch was built
into the right thigh portion of the torso-limb suit to permit a crewman to self-administer
a hypodermic injection without jeopardizing the gas retention quality of the PGA.
The arm assembly had a bearing to enhance rotational movements above the elbow.
The PGA boot, which was connected to the torso-limb suit, was sized to the individual
crewman's foot and had an ankle convolute which permitted ankle extension and flexion
550 Biomedical Results of Apollo













Figure 5. Extravehicular configuration of torso limb suit assembly (TLSA).

The innermost layer of the torso-limb suit was a nylon liner (figure 6) for comfort
and improved donning. A series of noncollapsible ducts attached on the inner surface of
the pressure bladder served as part of the ventilation system.
The ventilation system directed all inlet gas flow to the helmet for respiration and
helmet defogging during lunar surface operations. The gas flow then traveled over the
body to the extrcmities where return ducting routed the flow to the suit outlet. A
ventilation flow director valve was located on the inlet gas connectors. The PGA suit
pressure was displayed on a gagc mounted on the lower arm.

Pressure Helmet Assembly

The pressure helmet was a detachable, transparent closure with provisions for feeding,
drinking, and attachment of the lunar extravehicular visor assembly (LEVA). The helmet
was made by a special heat forming process from high optical quality polycarbonate
plastic. The helmet and neckring which attached it to the torso-limb suit are shown in
figure 7. It contained a feedport which allowed insertion of a probe for administering
Extravehicular Mobility Unit 551

water and contingency food to a crewman while wearing the complete PGA in either the

pressurized or unpressurized condition. A synthetic elastomer foam vent pad was bonded
to the back of the helmet shell to provide a headrest, and to act as a ventilation flow

manifold for directing the flow of gas to the oral-nasal area. This flow caused an efficient

exhaust of carbon dioxide from the nasal area through the torso neck opening.











Figure 6. Pressure garment assembly (PGA) liner.

The lunar extravehicular visor assembly, shown in figure 8, furnished visual, thermal,

and mechanical protection to the crewman's helmet and head. It was composed of a

plastic shell, three eyeshades, and two visors. The outer, or sun visor was made of high-

temperature polysulfone plastic. The inner, or protective visor was made of ultraviolet-

stabilized polycarbonate plastic. The outer visor filtered visible light and rejected a

significant amount of ultraviolet and infrared rays. The inner visor filtered ultraviolet

rays, rejected infrared and, in combination with the sun visor and pressure helmet,
formed an effective thermal barrier. The two visors in combination with the helmet

protected the crewmember from micrometeoroid damage and from damage in the event
552 Biomedical Results of Apollo

of falling o n the lunar surface. A hard shell protected the sun visor during non-use
periods. The eyeshades were adjusted by the crewman t o prevent glare from hampering
vision during EVA. The central eyeshade was added at the suggestion of' the Apollo 11
lunar surface crew who reported the need for greater glare protection.





Figure 7. Pressure helmet.




Figure 8. Lunar extravehicular visor assembly (LEVA).

Extravehicular Mobility Unit 553

Pressure Gloves
The pressure glove was a flexible, gas-retaining device which was attached and locked
to the torso-limb suit by means of a quick-disconnect coupling. The glove (figure 9) was a
protective hand covering which was attached to the torso-limb suit prior to egress for
extravehicular operations.

Figure 9. Extravehicular pressure gloves.

The glove consisted of a modified intravehicular pressure glove covered by a glove

shell. The shell covered the entire hand and had an integral cuff or gauntlet which
extended above the wrist disconnect on the arm as far as the PGA pressure gage or the
pressure relief valve. The gauntlet provided a convenient surface on which to put a
checklist for lunar extravehicular activities (figure 10).
The extravehicular glove shell was a multilayered assembly which provided scuff,
abrasion, and thermal protection to the pressure glove. A woven metal fabric
(Chromel-R) was incorporated over the palm and fingers to provide abrasion
protection. The thumb and fingertip shells were made of high-strength silicone
rubber-coated nylon tricot for improved tactility and strength. A silicone dispersion
coating was applied to the palm, around the thumb, and to the inner side of each finger
to improve the grip. The outer cover conformed so that it did not appreciably restrict
dexterity. A palm restraint strap could be tightened to minimize the ballooning effect of
pressurization. The shell assembly was secured to the pressure glove at the back and palm
areas of the hand by hook-and-pile fastener tape and near the tip of each finger by two
anchor straps and neoprene adhesive.
554 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Figure 10. Extravehicular pressure gloves showing gauntlet checklist.

Cotton wristlets were used to prevent arm chafing caused by the pressure garment
assembly wrist disconnects when the gloves were removed and the torso-limb suit was
worn. Comfort gloves constructed of nylon tricot were worn under both intravehicular
and extravehicular gloves. The comfort glove made donning the pressure glove easier and
acted as a sweat absorption layer between the hand and the pressure glove bladder.

Electrical Harness and Bioharness

The PGA electrical harness shown in figure 11 provided electrical connections for the
biosensor harness and for communications equipment. A central 61-pin connector was
designed to receive the engagement mechanism of the communications and bioinstrumen-
tation umbilical of the spacecraft or the portable life support system.

Integrated Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment

The integrated thermal micrometeoroid garment (ITMG) (figure 12) was a lightweight
multilaminate assembly which covered the torso-limb suit assembly to afford protection
against the thermal and micrometeoroid hazards encountered during free space and lunar
excursions. Figure 13 illustrates the makeup of the suit, layer by layer. For protection
against abrasion, an additional external layer of Teflon fabric was attached to the knee,
waist, elbow, and shoulder areas, and a layer of Chromel-R was added on the back under
the P I S . Pockets and flaps accommodated items needed by the crewman and permitted
the use of the urine transfer connector.
Lunar surface boots covered the PGA boots exclusive of the sole and heel. Boots were
made of the same material as the garment itself. Tape and lacing cords secured the ITMG
boots to the PGA boots a t the boot top and around the sole and heel area. A zipper a t the
top of each boot attached the boot to the leg of the ITMG. A Teflon patch encircling the
ankle of the boot prevented abrasion caused by the lunar boot.
Extravehicular Mobility Unit 555

...-.:_-_""'-; -. .-COMMUN,CAT,ONS
_"_*" "_, _,_ ". / CARRIER

I[ '_ "_f'-,'-f ,=:,¢

,i t
,; ,, , l,,,',-,_
t__. .



HARNESS "''_=-_Z':_';'-_": "'_ / CONNECTOR



oct )°s L---J

Figure 1 i. £ressure garment assembly electrical harness.

Liquid Cooling Garment

A liquid cooling garment (LCG) was worn next to the skin under the pressure
garment assembly during lunar and free space extravehicular activity. The LCG
(figure 14), made of nylon-spandex knit, provided for comfort, perspiration absorption,
and thermal transfer. The garment supplied a continuous flow of temperature-controlled
water through a network of polyvinylchloride (PVC) tubing stitched to the inside surface
of the open-mesh fabric garment (figure 15). A lightweight nylon comfort liner separated
the body from the tubing network. The network had a parallel flow path for maximum
surface coverage and optimum cooling. The LCG could be supplied with coolant water
from the Lunar Module support system and, during EVA, from the portable life support
The coolant water was warmed by heat transfer from the crewman's body and was
returned to the PLSS through the outlet channel of the multiple water connector. The
LCG could remove heat at a maximum rate of 62 ll2J/hr (=2000Btu/hr).
Characteristics of the LCG are listed in table 2.
556 Biomedical Results of Apollo











POCKET -- _'/0 e •1
COVER _]"_-- _ _/ _ ;

pR ESSU R E GAG e COVE R ,''_" "'_ _ _

"_ tm__j







Figure 12. Lunar integrated thermal micrometeoroid garment configuration.

Lunar Boots

The lunar boots, donned prior to lunar surface activity, provided thermal and abra-
sion protection for the pressure garment assembly boots during lunar surface operations.
The outer layer of a lunar boot, except for the sole, was fabricated from Chromel-R and
the tongue area was made of Teflon-coated Beta cloth. Ribs projected from the bottom
of the silicone rubber sole to increase thermal insulation qualities, to provide lateral
rigidity, and to provide traction on the lunar surface. The inner layers consisted of two
layers of Kapton followed by five layers of aluminized, perforated Mylar. The Mylar layers
were separated by four layers of nonwoven Dacron followed by an inner liner of Teflon-
coated Beta cloth. Two layers of Nomex felt in the sole provided additional thermal in-
sulation from the lunar surface. Figure 16 shows the lunar boot.
Unit 557


















8Alternating layers of insulation and spacer.

Figure 13. Material cross-section of Apollo 10-14

lunar integrated thermal micrometeoroid garment.

Constant Wear Garment

The constant wear garment (CWG) (figure 17) was a cotton fabric undergarment worn
next to the skin during intravehicular Command Module operations. It provided for
comfort and perspiration absorption, and for attachment of a biobelt which contained
the bioinstrumentation system. In the Command Module, the CWG was worn under the
pressure garment assembly. A fly opening and a rear buttock port allowed for urination
and defecation.
558 Biomedical Results of Apollo






', ).j




Figure 14. Liquid cooling garment and coolant system.


Figure 15. Liquid cooling garment construction.

Extravehicular Mobility Unit 559

Table 2
Liquid Cooling Garment Characteristics

Characteristic Value

Weight (chargedl 2.09 kg (4.60 Ibl

Operating pressure 28 958 to 158 579 Nlm2 (4.20 to 23.0 psigl
Structural pressure 217 185 f 3447 Nlm2 (31.50 f 0.50 psigl
Proof pressure 21 7 185 f 3447 Nlm2 (31.50 f 0.50 psigl
Burst pressure 327 501 Nlm2 (47.50 psigl
Pressure drop, 1.81 kglmin 22 063 Nlm2 (3.2 psi1
( 4 Iblmin) at = 294'+ 5.5'K (including both halves of connector)
(70" f 10°Fl inlet
Leak rate, 131 000 Nlm2 0.58 cm3lhr
(19 psigl a t = 280°K (45OF)






Figure 16. Lunar boots.

Communications Carrier
The communications carrier (figure 18) provided redundant microphones and
earphones in a soft-suspension skull cap. Proper fitting insured acoustic isolation between
the earphone and microphone. The connection could be made directly to the spacecraft
communications system or through the PGA internal communication harness.
Bioinstrumentation associated with the PGA is described in Section VI, Chapter 3. The
communications carrier permitted suited crewmen to talk to each other, and to the
Mission Control Center, through the Lunar Module systems. Telemetry data from both
crewmen were also communicated to the ground through the Lunar Module.
560 Biomedical Results of Apollo




Figure 17. Constant wear garment.


_ -_ A"SO22T'ON


EARPIECE WITH _'_\"_'_ k



Figure 18. Communications carrier.

Extravehicular Mobility Unit 56 1

Portable Life Support System

T o provide a suitable protective environment during both lunar surface and free space
excursions, the astronaut carried on his back a compact assembly of various environ-
mental control devices, which formed the portable life support system (PLSS), pictured
in figure 19. Figure20 shows two views of the system packaged as it would be for a
mission. The PLSS supplied breathing oxygen; controlled suit pressure; recycled oxygen
by removing carbon dioxide, odors, moisture, and some trace contaminant gases;
controlled temperature; provided warnings of system malfunctions; and provided voice
communications and telemetry data. Table 3 lists the specifications for the PLSS. A
separate emergency system provided oxygen for breathing, suit pressure, and cooling in
case of PLSS failure. This system was called the oxygen purge system (OPS) and was
manually activated.




~ I E R M I N A L
4, EF






Figure 19. Portable life support system and oxygen purge system.

The portable life support system supplied oxygen to thf pressure garment assembly
and cooling water to the liquid cooling garment. The PLSS subsystems were an oxygen
ventilating circuit, a primary oxygen subsystem, a liquid transport loop, a feedwater loop,
and an electrical power subsystem.

Oxygen Ventilating Circuit

The oxygen ventilating circuit (figure 21) provided temperature, humidity, and
contaminant control of breathing oxygen. Recycled gas and fresh oxygen entered the
562 Biomedical Results of Apollo

suit, absorbing heat, moisture, and body contaminants. The contaminated gas was then
returned to the PLSS contaminant control assembly where contaminants were removed.
The decontaminated gas then entered the sublimator (heat exchanger) where heat was
given up, and the excess moisture in the stream was condensed. Next, water was removed
by a water separator and transferred to a storage reservoir. A fan forced the air through a
back flow check valve, finishing the recycling process.

Figure 20. Operational packaging of portable life support system.

Table 3
Specifications for the Portable Life Support System

Design Requirements
Apollo 11 - 14 Apollo 15 - 17

Average metabolic load 6694 Jlhr (1600 Btulhr) 6694 Jlhr (1600 Btulhr)
Peak metabolic load 8368 Jlhr (2000 Btulhr) 8368 Jlhr (2000 Btulhr)
Maximum heat leak i n 1046 J/hr ( 250 Btulhr) 1255 Jlhr ( 300 Btulhr)
Maximum heat leak out 1046 Jlhr ( 250 Btulhr) 1464 Jlhr ( 350 Btulhr)
Maximum COP partial pressure 2000 Nlm2 (15 mm Hg) 2000 Nlm2 (15 mm Hg)
Pressure garment assembly pressure 26 545 N/m* (3.85 psia) 26 545 Nlm2 (3.85 psia)
Ventilation flow .I 557 m3/min (5.5 cfm) .I557 m3lmin (5.5 cfm)
Duration 4 hr 7 hr
Oxygen charge pressure a t 7 032 652 Nlm2 ( 1020 psia) 3 721 607 N/m2 (1410 Psis)
= 2940K (70OF)
Battery capacity 279 W-hr 431 W-hr
Emergency oxygen
Duration (minimum) 30 m i n 30 m i n
Maximum flow 3.63 kglhr ( 8 Iblhr) 3.63 kglhr (8 Ib/hr)
Pressure garment assembly pressure 25 510 N/m2 (3.7 psia) 25 510 Nlm2 (3.7 Psia)
Extravehicular Mobility Unit 563










Figure 21. Oxygen ventilating circuit schematic

Primary Oxygen Subsystem

The gaseous oxygen in the portable life support system primary oxygen subsystem
(figure 22) provided oxygen for suit pressurization and astronaut breathing. Oxygen,
stored in the primary bottle, was regulated to the correct pressure before entering the rest
of the system. A quick-fill connector allowed for oxygen recharging.



_PORT \ I / /" AMB!ENT






Figure 22. Primary oxygen subsystem.

564 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Liquid Transport Loop

The liquid transport loop (figure 23) was the primary means of crewman temperature
control. Water from the liquid cooling garment entered the loop through the multiple
water connector. The water was then pumped through the sublimator where heat was
given up. The cooled water was used for fan motor cooling before return to the LCG
through the multiple water connector.










Figure 23. Liquid transport loop schematic.

Feedwater Loop

The feedwater loop (figure 24) supplied expendable water to the sublimator for
cooling, and stored condensation removed by the water separator in the oxygen
ventilation circuit. As the water passed through the sublimator, it absorbed system heat.
The hot water was then discharged to the outside.

Electrical Power Subsystem

The electrical power subsystem provided electrical power to the fan and pump motor
assemblies, the communications system, and the instrumentation. The extravehicular
communications system (EVCS) provided voice communications and telemetry trans-
mission of system operation. The capabilities included voice communication between the
spacecraft and the astronaut, voice communication between astronauts, and voice
communication between Earth and astronaut. The EVCS consisted of two extravehicular
communicators that were integrated with the PLSS. The first extravehicular communica-
tor (EVC-1) consisted of two amplitude-modulated (AM) transmitters, two AM receivers,
one frequency-modulated (FM) receiver, signal-conditioning circuits, a telemetry system,
Extravehicular Mobility Unit 565

a warning system, and other components required for operation. The EVC-2 was similar
to the EVC-1 except that the EVC-2 had an FM transmitter instead of an FM receiver.



Figure 24. Portable life support system feedwater loop schematic.

Much of the instrumentation was located in the remote control unit. This
chest-mounted unit, shown in figure 25, housed electrical controls for the PLSS, a
primary oxygen quantity indicator, and warning devices. The warning devices would
signal the astronaut if system components failed to work properly. Malfunctions checked
were low feedwater pressure, low ventilation flow, low PGA pressure, and high oxygen
flow. In an emergency, the mission would be aborted or the emergency oxygen purge
system activated.

Figure 25. Portable life support system remote control unit.

566 Biomedical Results of Apollo

Oxygen Purge System

The oxygen purge system (OPS) (figure 26) provided an oxygen supply and pressure
control for certain failure modes. In the normal EVA configuration, the OPS was
mounted on top of the PLSS and used only for emergencies. The OPS was self-contained,
independently powered, and nonrechargeable. The OPS provided a minimum of
30 minutes of operation. The system consisted of two interconnected bottles of high
pressure oxygen, an automatic temperature control module, a pressure regulator, a
battery, an oxygen indicator, and the necessary checkout instrumentation. The OPS had
no communications capability, but provided the mount for the PLSS very-high-frequency
(VHF) antenna.


0 2 , COz, H2O.

Figure 26. Oxygen purge system.

EMU Performance
The life support system underwent changes during the program to meet new
requirements and incorporate improvements based on experience. The PLSS was
redesigned for Apollo,l5, 16, and 17 to allow longer lunar missions by increasing oxygen
storage pressure, adding more contaminant control material, increasing the size of the
power supply, and adding an auxiliary feedwater tank. A longer duration emergency
system was required for Apollo 14, 15, 16, and 17 because of the greater distances of
traverse from the Lunar Module. This requirement was accomplished by the addition of
the buddy secondary life support system (BLSS) shown schematically in figure 27. It
could provide backup cooling in the event of a failure of the PLSS cooling loop.
The extravehicular mobility unit was one of the outstanding engineering successes of
the Apollo Space Program. While there were some minor problems experienced with the
suit, for example, the lunar visor tended to scratch easily and finger dexterity was not
optimum, never was a major or even minor failure experienced with the suit or backpack
Extravehicular Mobility Unit 567



,,, , __,







Figure 27. Buddy secondary life support system.

Rigorous preflight testing was accomplished during suit development, and each
individual flight suit was tested prior to every mission. The Apollo suits were impact
tested against various objects, including extremely sharp devices, for resistance to
penetration and rips. Quality control was meticulous. Pins used in the manufacture of the
garment were accounted for and each suit was X-rayed to preclude the possibility of an
oversight. Training suits were used in most preflight tests rather than flight suits to ensure
there would be no compromise of the integrity of the flight suit. However, each flight suit
was tested in a limited number of altitude chamber tests, after which the suits were
thoroughly inspected for any possible damage.
The helmet used during EVA had an extremely high resistance to impact. The helmet
material, Lexan, will not break even upon impact with a hammer. Lexan was substituted
568 Biomedical Results of Apollo

for the Project Gemini visor material. The latter lacked the impact resistance necessary
for lunar operations. During one Gemini reentry, the visor cracked when the astronaut
lurched forward, hitting the instrument panel.
The extravehicular mobility unit and its associated components, the pressure garment
assembly, the portable life support system, and the oxygen purge system, were used in
various configurations in the Apollo 7 through 17 missions. Components were opera-
tionally tested before integration into the EMU. In all cases, the components performed
No outside spacecraft activities were performed during the missions of Apollo 7 and
8. The only EMU system aboard the spacecraft, therefore, was the pressure garment
assembly for use as a backup to the pressure and environmental control system and for
protection against noise and vibration during launch and reentry. The pressure garment
assembly performed satisfactorily during these missions, and crews reported that
ventilation in the PGA was adequate during the orbital phase. Further, donning and
doffing were found to be much easier at zero g than at one g.
The first use of the complete EMU under flight conditions was accomplished during
the Apollo 9 mission. The Lunar Module Pilot, wearing the complete EMU, opened the
side hatch of the LM and stepped out to simulate contingency transfer to the Command
Module. At the same time, the Command Module Pilot operating with an interface with
the environmental control system, opened the Command Module side hatch and stood up
in the hatch area several times to retrieve thermal samples and take photographs. Both
crewmen reported that they were comfortable and experienced no visual problems with
the extravehicular visor assembly.
After completion of the EVA, the Lunar Module Pilot doffed the PLSS, the OPS, and
the LEVA with no problems. At this point, the PLSS was successfully recharged in the
Lunar Module cabin for possible contingency reuse and for demonstration of this
operation under actual flight conditions. Each Apollo 9 crewman wore his PGA for
approximately 52 hours, for most of this time with the helmet and gloves off.
The Apollo 10 mission was similar to the Apollo 7 and 8 missions in that the EMU
was not used for extravehicular activities and the PGA was used only as backup to the
Command Module environmental control system. Again, the performance of the PGA was
The Apollo 11 mission was the first mission during which the EMU was exposed to
the lunar environment for which it had been designed. All aspects of EMU operation
demonstrated during testing and on previous flights were proved on the lunar surface. No
significant problems were noted at Lunar Module egress. The crew stated that they were
comfortable wearing the PLSS/OPS and that the mass of the unit was not objectionable.
In fact, the lunar surface crewmen reported that they were so comfortable in the suits
that, after a brief period of time on the lunar surface, they virtually forgot they were
wearing them. Mobility and balance were sufficiently adequate to allow stable movement
while performing lunar surface tasks. The Lunar Module Pilot demonstrated the
capability to walk, run, change directions while running, and stop without difficulty.
The liquid cooling garment worn by the crew was controllable by each astronaut to
maintain a temperature suitable for his needs. During the Apollo 11 mission, the
Unit 569

Commander kepthisLCGtemperature muchhigherthandidtheLunarCommand Pilot,

TheApollo12mission wasthefirstmission involving twoperiods of extravehicular
activity.Bothcrewmen spentapproximately fourhoursonthelunarsurface duringeach
of theEVAs,withtheEMUperforming satisfactorily.
Because of theadditional EVA,a
rechargeofeachPLSS wasperformed forthefirsttime.Noproblems werenoted.
ThefullEMUwasnotusedduringtheApollo13mission, asthemission wasaborted
anda lunarlandingwasnotmade. Thepressure garment assemblies wereworn,however,
asbackup tothespacecraftenvironmental controlsystem.
TheApollo14mission included twoEVAperiods, andwasthefirstmission during
whichthebuddysecondary life supportsystemwascarriedasthecrewmen traversed
approximately 1.5kilometers fromtheLunarModule.Again, performance of theEMU
Thelunarrovingvehicle wasusedfor thefirsttimeduring themission ofApollo15.
Thevehicleallowedthe astronauts to travelfartherfromtheLunarModulethanon
earliermissions.For the mission, the portablelife support systemcarriedadditional
expendables (water,power,lithiumhydroxide for absorption of carbondioxide,and
oxygen)whichallowedformuchlongerextravehicular activities thanhadbeenpossible
before.In addition,thenumberof EVAperiods wasincreased fromtwo to threeto
permitmoreextensive lunarexploration.
TheApollo15mission included anEVAfromtheCommand Modulein additionto
the lunarsurfaceEVAs.Duringthe returnto Earthfromthemoon,theCommand
ModulePilotperformed theEVAto retrieve a film package fromtheService Module
portionof thespacecraft. Oxygen wassupplied for thisEVAby anumbilicalfromthe
Command Modulelifesupport system, andtheastronaut woretheoxygen purgesystem
TheApollo16 and17 missions, liketheApollo15mission, involved threehmar
surfaceextravehicularactivityperiodsandoneCommand Module EVAoneachmission.
Thelongest EVAof the Apollo Program wax tt.e ,_cu_lu_-
-' lunar _u,,,,,_r
.... _xr._
• _A,,.._ Ae,,..
o_..u 1"7,.
which lasted seven hours and thirty-seven minutes.


On July 20, 1969, man took his first step onto the surface of another planet and
collected scientific data while his life was sustained by the extravehicular mobility unit.
Throughout the course of the Apollo Program, the EMU was used to provide a habitable
environment for astronauts on seven different missions. During its entire span of
performance, no significant problems were experienced with any part of the system. The
emergency oxygen system provided never had to be used.
A Summing Up



Lawrence F. Dietlein, M.D.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

This book closes yet another chapter in the continuing effort of biomedical scientists
to characterize the responses of man to perhaps his last frontier - space. The results of
Project Mercury (1961-1963) have been well documented (NASA, 1965) and need not be
reiterated here. Chapter 2 in the continuing manned space flight epic was the Gemini
Program (1965-1966). The principal objectives of the ten Gemini Missions were to perfect
the techniques of rendezvous, station keeping, docking, and extravchicular activity all
critical to the Apollo lunar landing goal. Three flights of the Gemini series were of
biomedical interest: Gemini 4, 5, and 7, lasting four, eight, and fourteen days,
respectively. Several inflight measurements or experiments were accomplished on these
missions, as well as preflight and postflight studies.
The significant results of the Gemini investigations are listed in table 1. In general, the
presence of postflight orthostatic intolerance observed following Mercury flights was
confirmed. Other biomedical findings included: moderately decreased postflight exercise
capacity and red cell mass; minimal loss of bone mincral and muscle nitrogen; and the
tt_iuttv_ty ltJ_u metabolic extravehicular activity. Th_ finAi,,g_ have ;,_-
reported in detail elsewhere (NASA, 1967; 1968).
The Apollo (1968-1973) results presented in this volume constitute the third chapter
of the biomedical manned space flight story. Eleven manned missions were completed in
the five-year span of the Apollo Program, from prelunar flights (missions 7 through 10);
the first lunar landing (mission 11), and five subsequent lunar exploratory flights
(missions 12 through 17). Apollo 13 did not complete its intended lunar landing mission
because of the pressure vessel explosion in the Service Module. Instead, it returned to
Earth following a partial lunar orbit.
As stated elsewhere in this report, biomedical studies in Apollo were limited
essentially to the preflight and postflight mission phases, along with inflight crew
monitoring and observation. Inflight biomedical experiments were originally planned for
Apollo. These, however, were subsequently cancelled by senior program management on



574 Biomedical Results of Apollo

the basis of the operational complexity of the Apollo flights. Despite this setback,
considerable biomedical information was gathered and served as a basis of the ambitious
Skylab Program, then in its formative stages.

Table 1

Significant Biomedical Findings in Gemini

• Moderatepostflight orthostaticintolerance
• Moderatepostflightlossof exercisecapacity
• Moderatelossof red cellmass
• Minimal lossof bonecalciumandmusclenitrogen
• Minimal lossof bonedensity
• High metaboliccostof extravehicularactivity

The purpose of this section is to summarize the significant Apollo biomedical findings
and the tentative conclusions that may be drawn.

Crew Health Monitoring

Preflight Phase

Apollo crew health problems in the preflight period were generally minor in nature
and, for the most part, involved the skin. Viral upper respiratory and gastroenteric
illnesses were next in frequency. The Apollo 9 launch had to be postponed for three days
because the three crewmen developed viral upper respiratory symptoms. The only other
instance in which preflight mission plans had to be altered for medical reasons was the
Apollo 13 mission. The exposure of one of the crew to rubella (German measles) and his
lack of demonstrable immunity to this viral disease resulted in a management decision to
substitute a backup crewman on this mission. Beginning with the Apollo 14 mission, a
Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program was instituted for the purpose of limiting,
insofar as was practicable, the exposure of the prime and backup crews to communicable,
infectious diseases. This program was described in Section II. Although it is difficult to
assess the effectiveness of such a program, it doubtless served to focus attention on the
problem, and in all probability reduced the number of direct crew contacts with persons
who could possibly transmit infectious agents, particularly upper respiratory viruses, to
the members of the crew.

Inflight Phase
Apart from cases of minor superficial dermatitis and skin or mucous membrane
irritation secondary to trauma, abrasion or exposure to spacecraft environment, several
more potentially serious inflight medical events deserve mention. The Apollo 7 crew
developed viral upper respiratory infections during their mission which were
uncomfortable nuisances and responded fairly well to decongestants. No secondary
bacterial infections developed, and antibiotic therapy was not required. Apollo 7 was
NASA's first experience with inflight illness.
andConclusions 575

In the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission, prostatic congestion, dehydration secondary to

emergency water intake restriction, and prolonged wearing of a urine collection device
together induced a urinary tract infection in one crewman. The infectious agent in this
case was Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The astronaut responded well to postflight antibiotic
routine supportive therapy.
One of the Apollo 15 crewmen experienced a single run of bigeminal cardiac rhythm
(22 coupled beats) as he lay in his couch observing Lunar Module tunnel leak rates. This
was the first significant arrhythmia observed during any American space flight. Another
Apollo 15 crewman exhibited a few supraventricular premature contractions resulting in
coupled beats but not a sustained bigeminal rhythm. It was at first conjectured that a
dietary deficiency of potassium might have been a contributory factor. Subsequent
careful analysis of the dietary intake and mission simulation studies with potassium
restriction failed to substantiate this hypothesis. The etiology remains obscure. Fatigue
following strenuous lunar surface activity most certainly was a factor. Other contributory
factors are speculative and are likely to remain so. It should be noted that the crewman
with the sustained bigeminal episode subsequently sustained a myocardial infarction in
April 1973, some 21 months after his flight of July 1971. Thus, coronary atherosclerosis
was very likely a factor in this case.
Perhaps the most significant inflight illness from an operational viewpoint, and from
its probable impact on future missions, was "space motion sickness." Thus, Apollo
witnessed the addition of vestibular disturbances to the list of significant biomedical
findings incident to space flight.
Vestibular disturbances with nausea were noted by Soviet Cosmonaut Titov during his
one-day, Vostok 2 flight on August 6, 1961, and by the crews of other later Soviet flights.
No astronauts had been subject to any motion sickness symptoms until the early Apollo ex-
perience. In retrospect, however, the anorexia and reduced caloric intake observed on cer-
tain Gemini and later Apollo flights, may have been, in fact, early symptoms of vestibular
Apollo 8 and 9 especially were plagued with vestibular problems: five of the six crew-
men developed stomach awareness, three of the six, nausea, and two of these six proceeded
on to frank vomiting. In Apollo 15 and 17, three of six of the crewmen also experienced
stomach awareness. The flight plans of Apollo 8 and 9 required that _rtain c,_ewm_n
leave their couches soon after orbital insertion. All three Apollo 8 crewmen noted some mo-
tion sickness symptoms (stomach uneasiness or awareness, nausea, or vomiting), confined
generally to the first day of flight. There is some confusion concerning the etiology of the
Apollo 8 crew's symtomatology, since the Commander felt that a viral gastroenteritis ac-
counted for (or aggravated) his symptoms. In Apollo 9, the vestibular disturbance lasted for
a considerably longer time and, in the case of the most severely affected crewman, necessi-
tated a postponement of the flight plan. Thus, an additional problem area was introduced in-
to the American space experience. This disturbance, which had long plagued the Soviets, and
which had been predicted in the early 1960's as a probable effect of weightless flight, had
made its belated American debut. Its late appearance was probably related to the relative im-
mobility of the crews in their spacecraft during the Mercury and Gemini flights and the ab-
sence of any rotation of the vehicles themselves.
576 Biomedical

andinfluenza(typesBandA2) contracted during numerous
debriefing sessions and public relations appearances. The only other unusual finding of
this period was probably related to vestibular dysfunction. A single astronaut reported a
mild sensation of being tilted slightly "head down," particularly when recumbent. This
sensation lasted for about seven days after the flight. It is an interesting observation of
presently obscure etiology.

Significant Findings


The late appearance of the space motion sickness syndrome in the American manned
space flight experience and its sudden elevation to prominence as a problem of
compelling concern in future manned space flight activities are sufficient reasons to
warrant a few additional comments on the subject. Increased mobility of head and body
permitted by the larger volume of the Apollo spacecraft, as compared with earlier
vehicles, apparently results in motion sickness symptoms during the early adaptive period
following orbital insertion. Individual susceptibility varies widely and neither previous
history of motion sickness at one g nor responses to current vestibular tests at one g have
any predictive value for susceptibility aloft.
It should be stressed that most Apollo crewmen experienced only mild motion
sickness symptoms, and only three vomited. Most symptoms subsided completely after
two to five days in space. Further, symptoms could be controlled or lessened by reducing
head movement during the first few days of flight, although some head and body
movement is required for the process of adaptation to proceed. Extravehicular activity at
one-sixth g on the lunar surface resulted in no disorientation or vestibular disturbance,
nor was there any apparent change in the sensitivity of the vestibular system on suddenly
returning to one g. Indeed, there was only one episode of postflight vestibular
Clearly, then, we are confronted with a complex problem. An aggressive attack on the
problem from several approaches is indicated: to devise reliable predictive tests; to
improve medications for symptom control; to investigate training methods and
procedures which will increase the threshold to space motion sickness or to mitigate its
symptoms during flight. A formidable task awaits us.


Postflight orthostatic intolerance was consistently demonstrated in Apollo. The

familiar signs of increased pulse rate, decreased systolic and reduced pulse pressures were
universally demonstrated during appropriate stress testing, lower body negative pressure,
or passive standing. This intolerance was short-lived and, except in the case of the
Apollo 15 crew, was not apparent beyond the second or third postflight day. Other
postflight corroborative data such as decreased body weight, diminished resting calf girth,
reduced supine leg volume, decreased cardiothoracic ratio, and decreased red cell mass all
andConclusions 577

argue in favor of reduced effective circulating blood volume as an important principal

factor in the orthostatic intolerance phenomenon. The Apollo findings do not indicate
whether the intolerance is present during flight, and if so, its onset and time course.
The answers to these questions must await inflight testing. If intolerance does develop
during flight, it apparently is of little consequence, since it had no discernible effect on
Apollo crew performance. The positive pressure garment tested in Apollo appeared to
offer some protective benefit by reducing the pooling of extravascular fluid in the lower

Exercise Tolerance

Reduced work capacity and oxygen consumption of significant degree was noted in
67 percent (18 of 27) of the Apollo crewmen tested on recovery. This decrement was
transient, and 85 percent of those tested (23 of 27) returned to preflight baseline values
within 24 to 36 hours. A significant decrease in cardiac stroke volume was associated with
diminished exercise tolerance. As we noted in the case of the cardiovascular "decondi-
tioning" phenomenon, the Apollo findings do not indicate whether the exercise
decrement has its onset during flight. If it does, Apollo could shed no light on its inflight
time course. Judging from the astronauts' performance on the lunar surface, we have no
reason to believe that any serious exercise tolerance decrement occurs during flight,
except that related to lack of regular exercise and muscle disuse atrophy.
There can be no doubt of the decrement in exercise tolerance in the immediate
postflight period. It would seem that multiple factors are probably responsible for the
observed decrement. Lack of exercise and muscle disuse atrophy have already been
mentioned. Catabolic tissue processes may be accentuated by increased cortisol secretion
as a consequence of mission stress and individual astronaut reaction to such stress.
Additional factors associated with the return to Earth's gravity may also be implicated.
Thus, the observed diminished stroke volume (cardiac output) is certainly contributory
and, in turn, is doubtless a reflection of dimished venous return and contracted effective
circulating blood volume induced by space flight factors. Other probable contributory
factors are unstable fluid and electrolyte flux states and fatigue, both of which defy
accurate objective assessment.

Nutrition and Mineral Balance

Apollo crewmen were provided with adequate dietary nutrients and exhibited
clinically normal gastrointestinal function, although their appetites were generally
somewhat diminished. Since no strict metabolic balance study was performed during
Apollo, only relatively crude estimates of the various balance parameters can be made.
The diminished appetites aloft may have been due primarily to early space
motion sickness symptoms such as stomach awareness or mild nausea. There is no
evidence that any inflight metabolic anomaly, including hypokalemia, was secondary
to marginal or deficient nutrient or mineral intakes.
All Apollo crewmen lost weight ranging from one to twelve pounds with a mean
loss of approximately six pounds on a balanced diet providing 2500 calories (10,475
Joules) per man per day. Again, not all the food provided was consumed. Most of
578 Biomedical Results of Apollo

the weight loss (roughly 60 percent) was attributable to water and electrolyte loss;
the remainder of the loss was attributed to lipid (30 percent) and muscle
(10 percent) catabolism.
The partially controlled metabolic study conducted in conjunction with the
Apollo 17 mission provided our only insight into inflight mineral balance during the
Apollo Program. These data must be regarded as only grossly indicative of actual balance
trends. The results argue in favor of a mild to moderate negative balance of sodium,
potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium. Exchangeable potassium values were
decreased in Apollo 15 and 17 but not in 16. The increased inflight cortisol secretion
would argue in favor of increased tissue catabolism and potassium loss. The negative
calcium balance observed in Apollo 17 and the slight losses in bone density in about half
of the Apollo astronauts are consistent with the losses observed in subjects at bed rest for
a comparable time period.
Postflight decreases in total body water and intracellular fluid volume are consistent
with body weight loss and contracted effective circulating blood volume. Decreased
potassium 40 and exchangeable potassium with increased urinary nitrogen argue in favor
of muscle catabolism and potassium loss.
Postflight increases in renin, aldosterone, and antidiuretic hormone are consistent
with the body's attempt to expand various body compartment volumes, conserve water
and electrolytes, and restore venous return, cardiac output, and orthostatic tolerance to
preflight levels. The finding of increased inflight aldosterone secretion is somewhat

Blood Volume
Investigations in Gemini revealed that effective circulating blood volume was reduced
following flight. This reduction was effected by a decrease in red cell mass, averaging about
17 percent and by a decrease in plasma volume in most instances. The mean red cell mass loss
in Apollo 7 and 8 was two percent with a ten percent loss registered for Apollo 14 through
17. Plasma volume was also consistently decreased following these Apollo flights.
The loss of red cell mass in Gemini was thought to be due to hemolytic destruction of
the cells secondary to oxidative changes in the corpuscular membrane. The Apollo data,
however, revealed no change in red cell survival times, indicating that the red cell mass
decrement is relative to inhibition of erythropoiesis rather than to intravascular
Thus, red cell mass loss was demonstrated in Apollo, but to a lesser extent than in
Gemini. Determination of the precise stimulus responsible for red cell loss (marrow
depression), the time course of the red cell mass reduction and its subsequent recovery
must await further study. It is generally held, however, that this phenomenon is another
in a series of adaptive changes to the space environment, that it is self-limiting in
character and that it poses no threat to extended manned space missions.

General Summation

Table 2 lists the significant biomedical findings of the Apollo experience. In

substance, the findings indicate that man generally adapts well to and functions
Summary and Conclusions 579

effectively in the space environment (and on the lunar surface) for time periods up to two
weeks in duration. Inflight medical problems such as space motion sickness and the
cardiac arrhythmias episode were observed for the first time in the American manned
space flight experience. Although these problems are potentially serious, they are not
insurmountable. Once their etiology is understood, they can be dealt with effectively.

Table 2

Summary of Significant Biomedical Observations in Apollo

• Vestibular disturbances
• Inflight cardiac arrhythmia
• Reduced postflight orthostatic tolerance
• Reduced postflight exercise tolerance
• Postflight dehydration and weight loss
• Flight diet adequate; food consumption suboptimal
• Decreased red cetl mass, plasma volume
• Negative inflight blance trend for nitrogen, calcium, other electrolytes
• Increased inflight adrenal hormone secretion
• No inflight diuresis

A number of decremental biomedical changes have been observed following the

Apollo missions - which are thought to be accommodative changes of the various body
systems to the new space environment - and to weightlessness in particular. It is felt that
many of these accommodative changes are self-limiting in nature such as decreased red
cell mass, orthostatic intolerance and vestibular disturbances; others, such as reduced
exercise tolerance, muscle mass loss, and bone demineralization may require preventive or
remedial measures, particularly on long-duration space flights.
Understanding the mechanisms of action responsible for the Apollo biomedical
findings and devising suitable countermeasures where appropriate will challenge the
ingenuity of biomedical scientists for years to come. We feel that we can meet that
_K _11 ....


NASA: Gemini Midprogram Conference, Including Experimental Results. NASA SP-121, Manned
Spaeeeraft Center (Houston, Texas), February 23 - 25, 1968.
NASA: Gemini Summary Conference. NASA $P-138, Manned Spacecraft Center (Houston, Texas),
February 1 - 2, 1967.
NASA: Space Medicine in Project Mercury. NASA SP4003, Scientific and Technical Information
Division, 1965.



Charles A. Berry, M.D.*

President, The UniversiW of Texas Health

Science Center at Houston


From its inception, the United States space program has been dedicated to the
concept of manned space flight. We have always viewed man as a vital element in the
system. Man's adaptive intelligence proved to be indispensable during many critical
operations. In 1961, when we became committed to a national objective to place an
American on the moon within nine years, virtually nothing was known about man in
space, beyond the fact that he could survive. Yet, NASA was charged with the
responsibility to send men on a mission that would take them beyond the Earth's
gravitational field, into orbit around the moon, and safely back to Earth after a stay on
the lunar surface. Such a mission could not be accomplished in less than eight days of
exposure to stresses whose effects were still a mystery.
People who were concerned with the future of man in space quickly became aligned
with _,ne of two n,_;,,v .... were me' more cautious and
.... ts_ v._'_view. r_..., thc one _:a_,,,_,'_u,_,_
conservative members of the medical and scientific community who genuinely believed
man could never survive the rigors of the experience proposed for him. The spirit in the
other camp ranged from sanguine to certain. Some physicians, particularly those with
experience in aeronautical systems, were optimistic. But by far the most enthusiastic
proponents were the very individuals who would themselves make the historic journey to
the moon. The population from which the astronaut corps was formed had considerable
test pilot experience. Pilots, and the engineers who develop the aircraft they fly,
characteristically view man as an element of the operational system that is every bit as
strong and reliable as any other component of that system. It became the task of the
medical team to work toward bringing these divergent views toward a safe middle ground

*Formerly NASA Director for Life Sciences.



582 Biomedical Results of Apollo

where unfounded fears did not impede the forward progress of the space program, and
unbounded optimism did not cause us to proceed at a pace that might compromise the
health or safety of the individuals who ventured into space.
At the start of the space program in this country, many scientists had qualms about
man's ability to survive in space. Since there were so many unknowns about the
environment and it was presumed to be hostile, some focused on the known limitations
of the delicately balanced human physiological system. In order to survive, the human
body requires food, mental stimulation, waste disposal, a relatively narrow temperature
range, and oxygen at a particular pressure for absorption into the blood stream. Those
who were discouraged or pessimistic about the fate of astronauts envisioned dire
consequences; for they felt the space flight environment would not allow these
requirements to be met. Before Cosmonaut Gagarin flew, some scientists predicted that
an astronaut would never survive launch because launch acceleration would cause heart
rate to soar, creating severe pathologic disorders or terminal fibrillation. Some believed
the phenomenon of weightlessness would result in a plethora of difficulties for an erect
animal like man. Man had evolved through millions of years with organs that had been
genetically designed to pump blood against the pull of gravity and to maintain an internal
fluid balance based on a gravity system. Some thought man would not be able to urinate,
swallow, or perform any physiological function that seemed to be gravity-dependent.
Others felt his vision might be impaired, and predicted empty field myopia would result
from staring endlessly into the void of space. Among other physiological disruptions
feared were cardiac arrhythmias, muscular atrophy, hallucinations, disorientation, and

Because of the rapid progress of the program and the fact that so few astronauts were
actually flown, decisions concerning appropriate mission lengths had to be made
conservatively. Far less medical information was available for decision making than would
ideally have been the case. At the conclusion of the Mercury Program, the longest U.S.
manned space flight was 34 hours. Mercury 9 was scheduled to be the last flight in the
Mercury series, to be followed by the first Gemini mission, slated for seven days.
However, the last two Mercury astronauts had shown significantly reduced cardiovascular
tolerance upon reentering Earth's gravity, engendering reluctance to commit man to a
week-long flight without additional medical data. One solution would have been to fly
another Mercury mission to bridge the gap. From a medical standpoint, the question of
man's safety in space was, at that point, still a serious one. Only electrocardiographic and
blood pressure monitoring were available.
Budgetary and other considerations precluded a Mercury 10 mission. Moreover, an
additional Mercury flight might have diluted the effort directed toward Gemini and
interrupted its momentum. The solution was to schedule the first Gemini mission for four
days rather than seven. If a four-day mission went well, a second mission of eight days
could be safely recommended, which in turn, would provide a sound basis for proceeding
with a fourteen-day mission. A fourteen-day mission was deemed necessary because it was
projected that no Apollo mission would exceed two weeks. With two weeks worth of
medical data, man could be committed safely, from a physiological standpoint, to a lunar
landing mission.
Perspectives on Apollo 583

Conduct of medical investigations during the two-week Gemini mission was critical to
planning for lunar landings. Because there was a paucity of information concerning man
in the environment of space flight, every opportunity had to be exploited to collect data
in a systematic way. However, some compromises had to be made for operational reasons.
One of the astronauts selected for the fourteen-day Gemini mission exhibited a liver
enzyme abnormality. Ideally, from a purely medical experimentation point of view, such
an individual would not have been chosen because his condition could be expected to
influence hematological findings. From an operational standpoint, however, he was the
man for the job.
The medical experience of Gemini was extremely valuable, and plans had been made
to continue medical experimentation in the early Apollo flights. When the Apollo 204
fire tragically supervened, a planned series of inflight medical experiments was deleted
and all energies were directed toward engineering and other operational problems.
Amassing medical information was difficult for numerous technological reasons, and
was further compounded by certain attitudinal issues. Some astronauts were reluctant to
admit physiological difficulties for various reasons, some purely pragmatic. In military
aviation, the field from which the vast majority of astronauts were selected, the flight
surgeon is required to keep close watch over pilots and to disqualify them when they are
unfit for flight. The psychological set of the astronauts may have caused them to fear
exclusion from the program for medical reasons.
With the enormous investment of time and training in the astronaut corps, the
medical approach in the space program was quite different. Every effort was made to
keep these highly select, highly trained individuals qualified for flight. One astronaut who
had been scheduled for a mission was not permitted to participate because a bony bridge
developed on a cervical vertebra and had to be removed surgically. After surgery, he was
requalified and flew on a critical space mission. Another astronaut who suffered from
Memere s syndrome was also qualified after surgery corrected the situation with an
endolymphatic shunt.
A final aspect of the philosophy which governed the manned space flight program in
general and the Apollo Program in particular is worthy of note. Space flight created a
,,ni.l ...... P r_bl_m--- ._.c-_personnel charged ...:+l.,,.,. ,,,_,,,,_,,,-_:=_t
rr,anagen-,ent. _,,any_
.... aspects of the
entire space flight experience, during all phases - before flight, during flight, and after
flight - have a potential for straining the privileged communication between doctor and
patient. The entire issue of medical privacy is, and always has been, a very difficult one
for physicians involved with persons of any notoriety. Astronauts, as such a group, lost
many of their rights of privacy by virtue of their position. An individual who has
volunteered as an astronaut in our nation's space program must pay a certain price and
owes a certain debt for the privilege of his participation. As part of this debt, he must give
up a certain amount of privacy and be willing to sacrifice an "image" where such a
sacrifice bears on the success of his mission or future missions. A physician monitoring a
space mission has to receive reports on such intimate issues as the number of bowel
movements, thetypes of pains suffered, the amount of sleep obtained, and so forth.
Reporting this information was particularly irksome to many astronauts, especially since
this information had to be transmitted over open loop telemetry links and became public
584 Biomedical

knowledge.Thesmallnumber ofastronauts involvedinanymission made it impossible

maintainanonymity for theindividual. Forexample, if a crewman hadvomitedin the
duringa mission, thepress,asa whole,wasunable or unwillingtoaccept a
statementto theeffectthata crewman hadvomited. Theydemanded to knowwhich
crewman.Theastronauts became, inasense, publicproperty. Thcybelonged totheentire
andthepress felt they had an obligation to report their status to the people.
Every effort was made, however, to safeguard the privacy of astronauts as individuals
wherever possible. A distinction was drawn between information of medical importance
related to the safety of a mission or to the safety of future missions, and medical
informatign which was not of such import and could properly be maintained as privileged
doctor-patient information. This point can clearly be illustrated in the case of
information sought by Congressional committees concerning the crewmen who perished
in the Apollo 204 incident. Congressional committees in both the House and Senate spent
a substantial amount of time interviewing NASA staff members concerning the fire to
attempt to determine any factors that could prevent such an incident in the future. This
was their proper concern. At one point during the investigation, however, a fire occurred
in an altitude chamber at the Brooks Air Force Base and an airman was killed. The House
Armed Services Committee then became involved in a situation which was not totally
dissimilar from that faced by the Senate and House Committees concerned with
aeronautics and astronautics. The Armed Services Committee asked to have the medical
records of the deceased Apollo crewmen made available to them. The medical records per
were privileged information and could not be surrendered. Instead, all pertinent facts
related to the accident and causes of death that were relevant to the Committee's concern
were presented.
Every hour crewmen spent in space and all their responses to that peculiar
environment were important, not just to ensure their safety but to provide for the safety
of crews who would fly for longer periods of time. Every data point assumed much
greater importance because data points were few.

A Medical Chronology

Many of the early biomedical preconceptions concerning man in space were answered
during Mercury and Gemini flights. Project Mercury's indispensable legacy was that man
could survive in space and, moreover, that he could do useful tasks. The legacy of Gemini
was in many respects an even richer one. The fourteen-day Gemini mission demonstrated
that weightlessness does indeed cause changes in man. Cardiovascular and bone density
changes were just two findings that signaled that the world of zero gravity profoundly
affected the human. Gemini missions also provided a fund of knowledge concerning the
measurement of physiological functioning at a distance. But, at the end of the
2000 man-hours of Gemini, we were confronted with difficult issues. Because the number
of individuals involved was small, we could not tell whether genuine space-related
phenomena were being observed or whether the changes reflected individual variations. If
the changes seen were authentic responses to the space environment, we could not at that
point say whether they represented the beginning of downward trends, whether they
would level off in time, or whether, perhaps, they would be cyclic. The contribution of
, Perspectives on Apollo 585

confinement to physiological effects observed during and after space flight had also to be
assessed, along with numerous less-well-defined factors. This was Gemini's legacy to
Apollo, and it became the task of the Apollo Program to search for answers.
The Apollo Program provided an opportunity to gain biomedical information in a
more orderly manner than was possible during the Gemini missions. More definitive data
now could be obtained concerning man's performance during what was truly a space
voyage. Biomedical information returned from the later Apollo missions has allowed us to
progress significantly toward a detailed description of man's behavior in space and the
physiological changes which occur.
Apollo 7 marked our first experience with inflight illness. It also represented our first
experience in diagnosing and treating illness via telemetry across the void of space. This
situation illustrated the difficulty of dealing with medical issues privately. Space flight
procedures called for all consultations to be effected through the Capsule Communicator
and not directly between the physician and patient, eliminating the possibility for
privileged communication. The Apollo 7 crew suffered colds and upper respiratory
symptoms. Colds on Earth are bothersome enough, but weightlessness exacerbates
symptoms still further. In zero gravity, mucous clogs the nasal passages and does not
drain. Even decongestants seem less effective; shrinking of the membranes gives no relief
because there is no drainage from the sinuses. There was some concern on the part of the
crew about the possibility of rupturing their eardrums if they wore helmets during
reentry and were unable to perform a modified Valsalva maneuver to equalize pressure on
either side of the tympanic membrane. The crew made the decision to reenter with
helmets off despite opposition from the ground. As it turned out, the crewmen were able
to ventilate the cars during reentry.
In Apollo 8, the first incident of vestibular illness was encountered during an
American space flight. When the astronauts left their couches after the spacecraft had
entered orbit, all three developed vertigo. One crewman had a vestibular problem for
about two and one-half days and suffered nausea; another vomited and had diarrhea. For
the first time, astronauts were moving around rapidly in a spacecraft with a relatively
large volume, and some of them were quite susceptible to motion sickness. The effects of
Seconal, a sleeping medication, and viral gastroenteritis have been implicated, but
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by the crew.
Even more severe vestibular disturbances were experienced during the Apollo 9
mission, and a portion of the scheduled extravehicular activity had to be cancelled as a
result. There was grave concern over this incident because, for the first time, vestibular
disturbances interfered with performance of mission-related tasks. This was a distressing
discovery because it suggested, ominously, that missions could indeed be compromised by
vestibular problems. In the extreme case, mission success and even crew lives could be
The mission of Apollo 9 underscored the problems that could be created by any
illness in flight, and alerted us to the hazards of clinical illness. At that time, there was no
preflight isolation program, and crews engaged in a rigorous preflight schedule of
activities. After the flight, there were press conferences and tours to be taken, and the
astronauts were not allowed sufficient time to readjust before they engaged in these
586 Biomedii:al Results of Apollo

activities. In fact, the launch of Apollo 9 had to be delayed for three days because all
three crewmembers developed upper respiratory symptoms. The problem of the lack of a
preflight isolation program to prevent clinical illness was brought into sharp focus. This
topic has been dealt with in detail in several chapters of this book, and will be discussed
further later in this chapter from the point of view of medical program management.
Apollo 10 was the first Apollo mission during which no inflight illness occurred.
While there was still no highly structured preflight preventive medicine program, illness
was kept in check.
Apollo 11, the first lunar landing mission, gave man the first opportunity to visit an
extraterrestrial body and to experience an environment where the gravity was one-sixth
what it is on Earth. There had been concern in many quarters about man's capability to
operate effectively in this environment. Some felt man would be disoriented in lunar
gravity, and, when he attempted to walk on the moon, would become motion sick and
vertiginous and be unable to move in a given direction. This fear was resoundingly
demonstrated to be baseless by Apollo 11.
Apollo 12 gave us further confidence about man's capabilities in a 1/6-g field.
Projections concerning metabolic cost of work in this environment proved to be
reasonably accurate. Metabolic cost of routine locomotion and nominal tasks was not
excessive, nor was it detrimental to adequate lunar surface performance.
Apollo 13 was the most difficult, danger-ridden mission in the U.S. space program.
Even before the flight, the mission had been threatened by medical difficulties. The
incident in point began just before the 21-day examination period. Astronaut Charles
Duke, a backup crewmember, and his family spent a weekend with friends. Two of the
children in the household had rubella (German measles), and Astronaut Duke contracted
it. Detailed blood studies were conducted, and other viral illnesses were considered
because rubella is easily misdiagnosed. When the illness was confirmed as rubella, an
epidemiological investigation was initiated. A flight surgeon visited the family from whom
the disease had been contracted, and blood samples and epidemiologically significant data
were collected. Next, complete immunologic evaluations were made of the Duke family
and of all prime and backup crewmen.
On the day before Astronaut Duke exhibited the rubella rash, a prime crewman had
worked with him in the Command Module Trainer. The crewman, Thomas K. Mattingly,
was the only individual in the prime crew who showed no protective antibodies against
the disease. With the launch fast approaching and the crew already at Cape Kennedy
making preparations, a complex epidemiological and medical situation was created. Daily
flights were made between Houston and the Cape to study blood samples collected from
the prime crew. Specialists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
were consulted on the problem, and assisted in evaluating the risks. By this time, the
crewman's measles exposure was public knowledge. Agency officials were queried from
many quarters, some requesting daily briefings concerning the status of the flight.
There was no question of the risk involved, and a decision had to be made to
substitute a backup crewman. The decision to make the crew substitution was based on
medical advice given by many respected individuals. In fact, Mattingly did not develop
rubella, although he just as easily might have. He was subsequently immunized to the
disease and participated in a later mission.
Perspectives on Apollo 587

The events surrounding the harrowing inflight experience of Apollo 13 are well
known. The only medically significant occurrence during that mission was a urinary tract
infection in one crewmember resulting from reduced water intake and the cold
environment of the Lunar Module "life boat." The afflicted individual had chills and
fever associated with the illness, but he did not identify these as symptoms of clinical
illness because all crewmembers were chilled by the cold.
Apollo 14 was unremarkable from a medical standpoint. This was the first mission for
which a full-fledged Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program was in effect. This
program, and the effectiveness with which it was executed, must be credited for its
contribution to the reduction of inflight clinical problems on this flight and subsequent
Apollo 15 will remain an anomaly in the Apollo Program. Preflight and inflight
activities went well. The lunar surface operations were characterized by heavy work
schedules and some sleep difficulties. The crewmen worked to a point of near exhaustion
on some occasions, and the Commander pulled a shoulder muscle while operating the
lunar surface drill. The pain from the muscle injury interfered with his sleep on the lunar
surface and during the return flight to Earth, and persisted for several weeks. At the
conclusion of Apollo 15's lunar surface activities, a very tired crew departed the moon to
rendezvous with the Command Module.
The schedule of the labors after the link-up was also heavy, and the Command
Module Pilot had to rely on his already fatigued companions to transfer equipment from
the Lunar Module to the Command Module, a task he himself had been slated to perform.
Once transfer operations were complete, difficulty was experienced in sealing the hatch
between the two vehicles. This problem necessitated two additional lunar orbits and
additional labors before the tunnel connecting the vehicles was successfully sealed and the
LM could be jettisoned.
After Lunar Module jettison, the crew was engaged in a space suit integrity check
when a bigeminal rhythm appeared on the console monitoring Astronaut Irwin's
electrocardiogram. Paper copies of the trace were called for to establish that the
irregularity was not artifactual. The bigeminal arrhythmia lasted for 10 to 20 beats, and
was followed by a series of premature ventricular and atrial beats, interspersed with
normal ones. One other crewman had exhibited some a_hythmias, but they were far less
serious than those with which Astronaut Irwin was afflicted. The crew had transmitted no
messages indicating a problem. In fact, Astronaut Irwin reported later that he had
experienced a feeling of a brief loss of contact as though he had momemtarily gone to
sleep. In retrospect, this episode could have been a momentary loss of consciousness at
the precise time the arrhythmia was noted. After the arrhythmias were noted, continuous
electrocardiographic recordings were obtained for all three crewmen while they slept.
It took the Apollo 15 crew three to four weeks after the flight to return to
preflight normal levels of exercise and cardiovascular orthostatic tolerance. This was
the longest recovery period seen in our space program and was uncomfortably
reminiscent of the findings of the eighteen-day Soviet Soyuz 9 mission. This Soviet
mission had been marked by a prolonged recovery wherein cardiovascular, vestibular,
and musculoskeletal difficulties were experienced by the crewmen. While it would
have been, ideally, preferable to shield the two astronauts from public attention, it
588 Biomedical Results of Apollo

was judged in the best interest of the space program to provide information about
their conditions.
There is a reasonable basis for suspecting that the Apollo 15 crew was launched with a
potassium deficit. They had engaged in very rigorous training for lunar surface tasks prior
to this space mission in intense summer heat. The crew drank considerable amounts of an
electrolyte solution during this training, which tended to leach potassium from the
system. These factors, coupled with intlight diets that were not particularly high in
potassium, are believed to have contributed to negative potassium balances.
Apollo 16 and 17 crewmen were free of any cardiac difficulties during their missions.
This may have been in part due to the institution of a program involving dietary
potassium supplements and revised work/rest schedules to preclude a negative potassium
balance. Such a negative balance can contribute to cardiac irritability and can predispose
to arrhythmias. The crews of both missions were also free of any clinical illness during
flight. Again, the meticulously conducted Flight Crew Health Stabilization Program
seemed to be effective. All crewmen took sleeping medications to ensure sufficient rest to
complete busy lunar surface schedules. Both the Apollo 16 and 17 missions were
unqualified successes from an operational and a medical standpoint.

Flight Crew Health Stabilization

The clinical illnesses which were encountered in the early Apollo missions clearly
indicated the need for a health stabilization program during the preflight period.
Uncertainty about the nature of potential lunar soil contaminants dictated in the minds
of some individuals in the scientific community the necessity for a postflight quarantine
program after the first several lunar surface missions. Details of these programs can be
found in Section II, Chapters 1 and 6, and in Section V of this book. Some of the
nuances surrounding the establishment and the conduct of the isolation and quarantine
programs are presented here.
As mentioned earlier, the launch of Apollo 9 had to be delayed for three days because
of the development of upper respiratory infections in the crew. That was the first
instance of medical problems impacting the operational aspects of a space flight.
Understandably, there were some objections to the sort of control medical management
proposed to exercise during the preflight period. But the facts were immutable. Crewmen
were becoming ill during flight, and an illness of any severity could seriously jeopardize
the safety of a mission and crew. Some form of preflight isolation was mandatory.
A postflight quarantine period was to be required for the first lunar landing and for
the missions of Apollo 12, 13 (not conducted because the lunar landing was aborted), and
Apollo 14. The Interagency Committee agreed to remove this requirement when
exhaustive studies conducted by NASA indicated beyond a doubt that no life of any kind
existed on the moon.
Every precaution was taken which feasibly could have been taken to safeguard the
objectives of the quarantine program. When Lunar Receiving Laboratory technicians and
other persons were accidentally exposed to lunar materials through breaks in the gloves
which allowed manipulation of these materials, off they went into "exile" with the crew
and quarantine support personnel until the official quarantine period had ended.
onApollo 589

Had there been an organism on the moon, the quarantine program would, in this
writer's opinion, have had about a 90 percent chance of containing it. Preflight isolation
simplified the matter of identifying the etiology of any illness that might have arisen
postflight. Catalogs of crew microorganisms allowed for postflight identification of
organisms as terrestrial versus lunar.
The problems associated with conducting the isolation periods preceding and
following space flight were myriad. Emotions ran high when families had to be separated,
and there were occasional tense moments.
Apollo 11 demonstrated that man could indeed fly the Lunar Module after having
flown only a training device, which was, of course, not an exact duplicate. In fact, not
only could he fly the vehicle near the lunar surface and effect a landing, but he could
change the coordinates of that landing based upon terrain characteristics making such a
change necessary. This was the case with the Apollo 11 lunar landing. Astronaut
Armstrong did a masterful job conducting the landing and demonstrated man's capability
to execute such control operations under adverse circumstances.
There had been much conjecture concerning man's response to the one-sixth gravity
environment. Serious concern also existed about his ability to work effectively in 1/6 g in
a pressure suit. Therefore, his capability to do so was measured by conducting lunar
surface-type activities in simulated 1/6-g conditions on the ground. Man's responses were
also evaluated in underwater, neutral buoyancy simulations in order to determine the
metabolic loads associated with various activities. The first true data obtained from the
Apollo 11 crew's lunar experience indicated that the real metabolic cost of 1/6-g activities
was an acceptable one.
At first, it was speculated that time spent in 1/6 g might have a salutary effect after
zero-g exposure, and perhaps reduce the postflight "deconditioning" effect. However, it
was not possible to show any salutary effect on deconditioning from the brief periods
spent at 1/6 g, perhaps because these effects were obliterated by the additional two and
one-half to five days spent in weightlessness on the return flight to Earth. However, in the
case of one astronaut, 1/6 g did appear to counteract vestibular disturbances - stomach
awareness and vertigo - experienced in zero g.

Psychological Issues

One of the questions most frequently asked about space flight is what psychological
effect does it have on astronauts? Do they experience fear? What is their reaction during
launch when seven and one-half million pounds of thrust catapults them from the surface
of the Earth? How do they feel when they are approaching the moon? Are they
compatible in the cramped quarters of a spacecraft?
It is perhaps remarkable that there was virtually no difficulty from a psychological
and psychodynamic viewpoint among highly competitive, driving, and forceful
individuals. Some of the success in the psychological sphere must be attributed to the
original astronaut selection process. All Apollo astronauts were carefully screened
psychologically and psychiatrically prior to entry into the program; and attempts were
made to assess their ability to deal with stressful situations. The fact that most astronauts
were veteran military pilots aided in the selective process since this served to indicate they
590 Biomedical Results of Apollo

could keep emotional reactions under control and were capable of professional behavior
during conditions of danger. This was buttressed by numerous observations made during
medical and other types of training and monitoring activities in the preflight period.
Certainly there were times when tempers flared and differences of opinion led to
arguments. But at no time were any psychological responses observed before, during, or
after flight which could be considered in any way abnormal.
Careful psychological screening and selection excluded individuals with any
psychopathology from the astronaut corps. The astronauts were intrinsically stable
individuals. But several other important factors accounted for the high degree of psychic
stability exhibited in some exceedingly stressful inflight situations. The first, and perhaps
most important, was the level of motivation among these individuals. Astronauts are an
exceedingly motivated group. Their training program is an extremely rigorous one. It
involves countless hours of difficult training, some of which is unpleasant and some
frankly dangerous. All astronauts must go through this training, even before they are
designated to fly on a particular flight. Many never will participate in a space mission, and
they know it. By the end of the Apollo Program, only 52 percent of the astronaut corps
ever actually flew an operational mission. All of these factors are testimony to the
inherent motivation of these people. This spirit allowed them to overcome many
difficulties which would have been extremely bothersome to other individuals less
determined to succeed.
Space flight operations clearly have aspects that would frighten any ordinary person.
Nothing on Earth could have prepared these men for the stillness of the void of space or
the experience of being weightless. And, a whole complex of emotions must have been
produced by knowing one was totally alone and literally out of this world. Workload
played an important part in helping the astronauts manage the anxiety-provoking parts of
the space flight experience. Time lines were constantly active. This allowed little time for
deep contemplation. In the author's opinion, had there been long periods of
unprogrammed time, it is possible that some difficulty might have developed in the
psychological sphere.
A voyage to the moon is unquestionably one of the most profound experiences
encountered by man. It would have been shortsighted of us to have believed that such an
experience would not impact our astronauts at some later time. It is perhaps surprising
that more individuals did not react in some marked way to this experience.
Several astronauts had some rather well publicized difficulties in the psychological
sphere after flight. Astronaut Aldrin was clinically depressed after his mission. By his own
account, the largest factor contributing to this depression was difficulty in handling
public exposure after Apollo 11. Further, he had expected that the landing of men on the
moon would have a tremendous impact on the world. He was extremely distressed to find
that the world did not change appreciably, and certainly not immediately, as a result of
the achievement of Apollo 11.
Two other individuals radically changed their way of life after space flight. Astronaut
Irwin became actively involved in evangelical religion, and Astronaut Mitchell in
parapsychology. Neither of these developments was especially surprising in view of the
interests each individual had prior to space flight in these respective areas. In this writer's
opinion, neither one of these astronauts exhibited any behavior which could be described
Perspectives on Apollo 591

as psychologically aberrant. Having gained new perspectives, they simply chose different
life styles.
Space flight must be recognized as an experience which taxes the individual every bit
as much psychologically as it does physiologically. This aspect of the experience must not
be overlooked.


Before the Apollo program began, there were many questions regarding the
physiological phenomena space flight produced. The Apollo missions answered many
questions left unresolved by the Gemini Program, and, as is so often the case where
phenomenological issues are involved, it raised as many new questions as it answered. The
biomedical results of Apollo assured us that our planning and preparation had been of
great value. Almost every observation in the physiological realm had been identified, at
least in kind if not in degree, by the Gemini experience. Physiological changes did indeed
occur, but these were all reversible shortly after flight. The single exception to this rule
was the Apollo 15 crew. Apollo 15 stands out as an anomaly. It took this crew nearly a
month to recover from the effects of space flight. The anomalous findings of Apollo 15
will perhaps never be totally understood, but they were probably due largely to a lack of
adequate potassium intake. Cardiac arrhythmias suffered by two members of this crew
had not been seen in other missions and were not seen following increased potassium
intake in the two subsequent crews. It is, of course, difficult to be certain that potassium
deficits were the cause or, for that matter, that potassium supplements were the cure.
We learned from Apollo that man can perform very nicely in a one-sixth gravity
environment. One-sixth of the gravity to which he is accustomed proved to be sufficient
to give man a feeling of near normalcy for performing functions with at least the same
ease as he does on Earth and, in some cases, with greater ease. The astronauts adapted
quickly to movement in the lunar gravity environment and traversed the surface of the
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_IIIL_, somc lO_llUltUt Apollo
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lunar surface activity also demonstrated that the metabolic costs of working in that
environment were completely acceptable. On the basis of this experience, a lunar surface
laboratory in the future is not only feasible but may be highly desirable. Perhaps an
international laboratory will ultimately be established there for the study of our solar
system and the universe.
The Apollo experience also emphasized the importance of preflight isolation of
crewmen to guarantee, insofar as is medically possible, that no infectious illness will
intervene in the inflight or the immediate preflight period. We learned the importance of
closely following the immunologic status of crewmen and of immunizing them
adequately against childhood diseases. Postflight quarantine was an interesting and
valuable exercise which provided experience for future quarantine programs. We learned
in the course of a carefully conducted program, however, that there are no organisms, live
or dead, on the lunar surface.
Satisfying the medical objectives of the Apollo Program had a number of
unanticipated benefits. Much of what we have come to call spinoff was produced by the
program. Technology developed in support of Apollo missions has found useful and
592 Biomedical

widespread application
in thepublicsector.
A fewof themanyexamples whichcanbe
citedhavebeenselected for comment•A one-sixthgravitysimulator
to allowtheastronauttoadapttolunarsurfacegravityinadvance
ofhismission hasbeen
usedin rehabilitatingthc physicallyhandicapped• The Apollo liquid cooling
undergarment hasfoundmedical application
in thesymptomatictreatmentofsustained,
andin personsworkingin highthermalenvironments,
suchasoil well
fire fighting. A portable, noninvasive, continuous blood pressure monitoring and
recording system has made possible biomedical monitoring of hypertensive patients
during uninterrupted, normal daily activities. Laminar airflow clean room techniques,
used in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory and the crew quarters at Cape Kennedy to reduce
the of infectious agents, are used with enormous success in hospitals and surgical
suites for identical reasons.
Probably the most impressive aspect of the Apollo medical program and its most
important accomplishment was that man could be supported in the hostile operating
environments of space and the lunar surface. This was done with minimal data and in the
face of difficulty in obtaining some of the data. We monitored man's vital signs across the
void of space and could offer him assurance of his safety during dangerous and difficult
operations. The Apollo medical program supported man on his journey to the moon and
back and provided a fund of information that will form the medical data core for
allowing him to venture still further into the solar system and, perhaps, li;_e and work in
lunar laboratories of the future.
The Anollo Program triumphantly closCd man's first decade in space• To reach for the
• l c_ , / , +_, ¢.

moon m 1961 when man s total Orbital flight time was less than two hours, and to de.clare
that we would attain it before the decade was out, was an extremely ambitious goal. The
vehiclc for this achievement was the Apollo spacecraft, and it served its purpose well. The
Apollo Program placed twelve men on the moon, leaving them there for a total of over
four man-weeks, and returned them safely to Earth• It was an engineering and medical
feat with few parallels in the history of mankind. The universe is man's destiny, and the
Apollo Program was the first definitive step toward that destiny. The term space flight
always connotes manned space flight in my view. No machine can observe space and
celestial bodies with the resourcefulness and intuition that man can bring to the task.


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