Good Resume Idea

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Categories Excellent Average Needs Improvement Unacceptable Score

4 3 2 1 (4-1)
Overall Appearance, Format, -One page -Runs onto second page or -Runs onto second page -Multiple pages
& Style -Font style and type size are fails to fill one page or fails to fill one page -Unattractive, sloppy,
consistent -Font style and type size are -Contains uneven white unprofessional
Goal: The resume is neat and -Spacing is appropriate and consistent space -Too much or too little
consistent -Spacing is appropriate and -Inconsistent use of white space
easy to read; conveys a good
-Margins are acceptable consistent bold/italics, bullet points, - Margins are less than
first impression -Information is aligned on -Contains uneven white font, type size, and/or ½ inch or more than 1
the page space spacing inch
-Appears attractive and -Contains one error or - Margins are less than ½ -Completely lacking in
professional inconsistency inch or more than 1 inch structure, clarity, visual
-Has structure, clarity, -Has some structure, clarity, -Lacks structure, clarity, appeal
visual appeal visual appeal visual appeal - Hard to read

Grammar, Spelling, Contains all of the Contains three of the Contains 2 of the Contains 1 of the
Punctuation, & Vocabulary following: error-free following: error-free following: error-free following: error-free
capitalization spelling and capitalization spelling and capitalization spelling and capitalization spelling
Goal: The resume is polished, punctuation; No typos; punctuation; No typos; punctuation; No typos; and punctuation; No
appropriate use of grammar; appropriate use of grammar; appropriate use of typos; appropriate use
clear, and error-free
concise and readable concise and readable grammar; concise and of grammar; concise
readable and readable
Contact Information/Header -Displays accurate name, -Displays accurate name, -Displays accurate name, -Missing accurate
address (optional), phone postal address (optional), postal address (optional), name, postal address
Goal: The reviewer of the number, and professional phone number, and and phone number (optional), phone
resume can easily reach you email professional email -Does not provide a number, or professional
-Easy to read -Free of any typos or other professional email email
-Free of any typos or other errors -Contains typos or other -Excessive typos or
errors -Does not stand out errors other errors, appears
-Stands out to reader -Does not stand out sloppy and
Content, Structure & Order -Excellent choice of subject -Good choice of subject -Lacks appropriate subject -Lacks appropriate
headers headers headers subject headers and/or
Goal: The resume is separated -Categories include enough -Categories include enough -Category selection may category selection
into relevant, readable sections information to substantiate information to substantiate be unclear -Lacks structure and
the need for a heading the need for a heading -Structure and order is order
-Structure and order of -Most important information difficult to follow -Most important
sections is easy to follow does not stand out to the -Categories do not include information does not
-Most important reader enough information to stand out
information is listed on the substantiate the need for a -Provides irrelevant
top half of the page heading information (e.g.
-Most important marital status, photo,
information may not stand age, or other personal
out information)
Education Section -Contains complete degree -Contains abbreviated -Contains missing or -Contains missing or
title/major with graduation degree, major, or school inaccurate degree, major, inaccurate degree,
Goal: The resume conveys month and year and full information graduation, or school major, graduation, or
relevant academic name and location of school -Highest level of education information school information
-Highest level of education is listed first or second -Entries are not in reverse -Entries are not in
qualifications and training
is listed first -GPA is listed if it is over a chronological order reverse chronological
-GPA is listed if it is over a 3.0; alternatively, major -GPA is not listed, is order
3.0; alternatively, major GPA is used if it is over 3.0 lower than a 3.0, or is -GPA is not listed, is

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