Ammarindar - Adam An Tine Kingdom

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880 DR

Adamantine Kingdom

Compiled, edited and in parts written by “Snowblood”
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Introduction by Ed Greenwood from Dwarves Deep page 3

Maps of the Kingdom page 5

History of the Kingdom page 6

Chronicle of Kings & Queens page 19

Cities and Holdings of Ammarindar page 20

Localities of Note page 39

Treasures of Ammarindar page 43

Magic of the Xothol Dwarves page 54

Dark Secrets of the Past page 63

Kits & Classes page 70

Monsters of Ammarindar page 71

Notables of the realm page 72

Sources Used page 75

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Introduction –from “Dwarves Deep” by Ed Greenwood

This dwarven realm was centred in the Greypeak Mountains, and flourished when the human land of Netheril
was strong, supplying many needed metals to that land. Much of dwarven knowledge and techniques of
enchanting items and combating hostile magic date from observations and the teachings of Netherese sorcerers
at this time. Ammarindar's greatest rulers were haughty King Azkuldar and the much later King Olaurin, a
great warrior. Also, Queen Helmma, who skilfully saved most of her subjects and saw them safe to southern
deeps as her realm crumbled about her, ruled this land.

Ammarindar fell when Ascalhorn became Hellgate Keep, and evil creatures overran the surface lands and the
underways all down the valley of the Delimbiyr. Most of its folk escaped to Oghrann, only to be scattered
when that realm fell soon after. Many died in the savage fighting, especially the valiant rearguard led by
Queen Helmma, who perished to the last dwarf, their queen among them. They bought with their lives time for
the less warlike of their people to flee south from raiding orcs in the Vale of Naurogloth, known today as
Bleached Bones Pass.

What was left Behind.

Ammarindar was abandoned in such haste that cartloads of treasure were left behind. Among the riches were
coins and gems, metal-work of all sorts, and armour and weaponry of beauty and the highest quality.
Cartloads of it were soon brought to Hellgate Keep. Human scavengers brought more out via Loudwater in
the years after the kingdom’s fall. However, more is thought to lie, yet undiscovered, in caverns and caches all
over the Greypeak Mountains (now a dangerous region of roaming monsters, desperate outlaws, and Hellgate
Keep patrols). In particular, the dwarves of Ammarindar were known for their everbright adamantine armour.
They fashioned suits of full plate worked into horns, ridges, barbs, and crests of a shining blue-silver hue. The
undead riders of Hellgate Keep are known to wear pieces of some of this armour, when they hunt humans for
sport around the Shining Falls. However, most of this armour has gone missing, not in the hands of dwarves, nor
of any other known plunderers of fallen Ammarindar since.

Several fortunes in adamantine must still lay waiting to be found. The greedy are warned that the adventuring
companies of the Black Band, the Company of the Horse, and the Company of the Scaled Tail have all perished
in the search for Ammarindar’s lost riches. The Harpers have sent a general warning to adventurers of the
North. It states that the Royal Caverns of Splendarrmornn have been stripped of all treasure, probably by
those of Hellgate Keep, and are now home to undead and fell creatures of even greater evil.

The Borders of the Realm

The borders of Ammarindar were always less clear than those of more northerly and westerly dwarven realms,
but at its height, the Throne of Ammarindar’s rule extended over much of the upper Delimbiyr valley. The
King’s seat was at Splendarrmornn, the Shining Mountain, and western most peak of the pair that stands
west of the Shining Falls. The borders of the realm were the tree’s edge all along the High Forest (then part of
the Elven realm of Eaerlann) south to Dahaurock, a hook-shaped bare rock crag just upriver of present-day
Loudwater. From there, the border crossed the river and followed the present-day trade road from Loudwater
to Llorkh, turning south at the eastern edge of what is now known as South Wood, to take in the mountains.

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Naurogloth (Bleached Bones Pass) then marked the southern edge of the realm, which took in all the Greypeak
Mountains, east almost to Dekanter, and then north as far as Horindon Lhar (High Gap). The realm then took
in the eastern bank of the Delimbiyr (and the lands up to the mountains, to the east) as far south as the
confluence of the Delimibyr and the Heartsblood, a place known as Karscragg to the dwarves. There of old,
two leaping stone bridges spanned the Delimibyr, and the realm of the dwarves crossed the river with them, to
command the western shore as far as tree’s edge, past the Shining Mountain to Dahaurock. The Sign of the
Realm of Ammarindar of old was a side-on, three-horned crown, points uppermost, a four-pointed star floating
above each point of the crown. This can be found carved on some trails high in the Greypeak Mountains, and in
tunnel-passages in the dark hearts of those mountains, but the dwarves of Ammarindar seem not to have
marked their borders with it, or with anything else.

The Shining Mountain


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Ammarindar Circa 880 DR
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History of the Realm
-4160 DR established at Whitewater and West Delve to
accommodate this sudden influx of kin.
The Shield Dwarf Prince Ammar Ironfist leads a
collection of clans north from the shattered -3737 DR
remnants of Shanatar and Besilmer to establish a
new realm in the central Grey peak Mountains After a brief and prosperous reign King Ammar II is
Ammar Ironfist I becomes the first king of the killed in a rock fall whilst inspecting a new
newly established realm of Ammarindar With adamantium seam near West Delve. Ammar’s son
prompting from the Coronal of Eaerlann, Laranlor Azkuldar Ironfist becomes the next king of
Aulathar instigates a free trade agreement Ammarindar.
between the two realms in an attempt to make up
for past ill deeds between the two races. –3649 DR

-4001 DR The Netherese begin to enslave the rock gnomes

living in the hills nearby. Fleeing refugees begin
The dwarves of Greyvale Delving discover the creeping into the Greystone hills in the north
crystal filled caverns of Splendarrmornn beneath western reaches of the kingdom. King Azkuldar
the western most Greypeak, naming it the Shining welcomes these new comers establishing a series
Mountain. After little debate Ammar Ironfist I of watch posts and safe houses on and beneath his
elects to establish his realms capital beneath the realms border with Netheril.
Shining Falls.
–3655 DR
-3850 DR
Orcs pour forth from the Spine of the World, first
King Ammar Ironfist I dies of extreme old at the meeting a mighty host of Gold Elves marching out
age of 691 and is interred in the newly finished of Siluvanede, the orcish vanguard is annihilated at
royal vaults established beneath the centre of the heavy cost to the Gold Elves whilst the main host
Shining Falls. Ammar’s son Ammar II is crowned continues its destructive run south where the elves
the new king of Ammarindar. of Illefarn and Eaerlann stand to meet them on the
west bank of the Dessarin River at the Battle of
-3843 DR Weeping Arrows. Just about to be overrun by the
150000 strong horde, a relief force in the form of
The drow city of Ched Nasad is founded, beginning dragons from Sharrven and Dwarves of
centuries of strife between the drow and the Ammarindar led by King Azkuldar, turn them back
dwarves of Ammarindar. with help from the fledgling Netherese Empire and
the Rengarth barbarians. Driven south this orcish
–3770 DR incursion last 19 years.

Refugees pour in from the north as the dwarf –3611 DR

realm of Oghrann falls. Beset on all sides by
enemies—lizard folk, nomadic human tribes, Gharraghaur becomes the first of the great dwarf
wemics, and the usual bugbears, trolls, and kingdoms to fall to orc attacks. Its people are too
goblinkin races—the realm was swept away by busy mining to arm themselves in numbers
disease and war even before the dwarves’ more enough to withstand the orcs before it is too late.
northerly kingdoms fell. New delvings are Refugees fleeing east and south are gathered in by

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prospectors from Ammarindar and led south to gnomes who are hiding in old tombs in the
safety and a new home in the Greypeaks. Sepulchre Downs. It would have been a complete
Dawnspire and East keep are established to cater massacre if not for the sudden appearance of
for this new influx of migrants. The survivors of the several ghostly reptilian warriors who slaughtered
dwarf royal house of Helm are welcomed into the Arcanists and their troops allowing the gnomes
residence within Splendarrmornn. and their dwarvish rescuers to escape. With no
direct heir, the Clan Moot selects Sigurd’s aunt, the
–3552 DR kingdoms war leader, Freya Tarynstone as the first
queen of Ammarindar.
The Netherese found Runlatha, a port on the
Narrow Sea. -3274 DR

–3520 DR Netherese settlers begin moving into the

Greystone Hills (Fallen Lands), lands already
The elves of the North and the dwarves of claimed by Ammarindar, and filled with dwarven
Ammarindar begin helping gnome slaves escape farms and steadings.
from their Netherese captors and move south and
east across Faerûn. -3270 DR

–3389 DR Greystone Border Wars

The dwarf realm of Haunghdannar falls. The sea is The first serious clashes between human and
thought to have driven the dwarves of dwarven settlers occur near the site of present day
Haunghdannar mad; the realm rapidly dwindled as Storm Keep. These clashes escalate dramatically
ship after ship that put out did not return, except when Netherese arcanists employ potent magics
for small fishing boats that never left the sight of and monsters to clear away vast tracts of scrubby
land. The land was overrun by bugbears, trolls, forest and dwarven settlements both. These
ogres and orcs. clashes initiate 300 years of low level internecine
battles known as the Greystone Border Wars.
-3373 DR
-3252 DR
King Azkuldar of Ammarindar initiates trade
relations with the magic- wielding humans of Queen Freya is killed whilst repulsing a concerted
Netheril. Negotiators are sent west with two Netherese push into the southern Greystone’s the
missions. One to scout out trade opportunities in Netherese are massacred but at great cost to the
direct competition with their kin to the north, and dwarves. Freya’s brother, Connar Tarynstone
to establish the state and whereabouts of the becomes the next king of Ammarindar.
gnomish slaves.
–3150 DR
-3372 DR
King Connar I extends Ammarindar’s network of
King Azkuldar I is slain by the white wyrm safe holds and with the help of Songknights from
Fersosstylaxzar at the eastern end of Horindon across the north the Trail of Mists (a series gate) is
Lhar. Azkuldar’s young son Sigurd slays the dragon established to speed the escape of gnome slaves
in single combat and claims the crown of from Netheril. Parties of magi and Songknights are
Ammarindar. despatched to set up way stations along the trail
until the gnomes can be taught to manage it for
-3301 DR themselves.

Young King Sigurd is slain fighting against –3149 DR

Netherese slavers as they attempt to kidnap freed

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Thousands of gnomes continue to pour across the A minor Draco rage descends upon the settlements
border into Ammarindar and over crowding in the of the Greypeaks, many smaller villages and
established safe zones becomes a very real steadings are lost to a flight of 2 red, 1 blue, and 4
problem. Contacting his cousins in the Copper green dragons. Most of the dragons are either
Mountains way off to the east King Connar I slain or driven odd but not without the loss of
negotiates the resettlement of many gnomish hundreds of lives, including the Queen and both of
refugees into that region a thousand miles from her sons. Lacking a direct heir, the High Guard of
their Netherese tormentors. Because of a large Clangeddin Silverbeard, King Connar’s cousin,
influx of gnome refugees into the area, the secret becomes King Connar Tarynstone III.
gnome kingdom of Songfarla is officially founded
beneath the Sunrise Mountains separating the -2770 DR
Horde lands from Faerûn.
The Slaughter of Sharrven
-3017 DR
Three houses of Siluvanede, Floshin, Ealoeth and
King Connar I and a large patrol are slain fighting Aelorothi flee to the depths of the pillaged
human settlers and orcish raiders both in a Dlardrageth strongholds. Where they plot in secret
desperate 3 way battle on the lower slopes of to re-build their strength. Following the example
Mount Elphinspar outside the gates of East Keep. It of the Dlardrageths, the Gold Elves summon and
is only the timely arrival of the army from there breed with succubi and Incubi thus both
that saves the rest of the patrol from disaster. strengthening and forever tainting their bloodlines.
Back in Splendarrmornn upon learning of his
father’s death, the effete and churlish, prince After centuries of carefully selective breeding, they
Connar Tarynstone II immediately has himself create a clan of Fey’ri skilled in magic and
crowned king. possessing powerful innate abilities. Utilising all
that they have learned about the relative strengths
-2990 DR weaknesses of Sharrven’s defences, the Fey’ri shift
their base of operations to the ruins of
After several resounding defeats of their eastern Tyllathardon in Morynath. There they re-awaken
armies by the Netherese and their orcish allies, the the citadels abandoned portal nexus. Over the
dwarves of Ammarindar relinquish their claim upon next few months using a captured colony of Deep
the Greystone Hills, ceding them to Netheril. Spawn, and an alliance with a demon named
Reduced to a barren and rocky wasteland, the Malorus’kand, they summon hordes of demonic
handover is considered no great economic loss by minions and enslaved goblins, giants, and trolls.
the ever pragmatic dwarves. But their symbolic Others make use of captured Dragon Orbs to
value is inestimable and as a consequence, the summon and unleash a Dragon Rage.
humiliated King Connar II is assassinated by his
niece who is unanimously supported by the Clan The fey’ri choose the autumn equinox to unleash
Moot as Queen Freya II. their hordes through the very portal network
established by the Vyshaanti so many millennia
-2950 DR before. Using spells taught to them by demonic
powers the Fey’ri magi cast spells that transform
Queen Freya II re-establishes trade and diplomatic the very forest animals into unspeakable horrors.
relations with the ever resource hungry Netherese. These along with their summoned and suborned
It is not long before a new generation of human minions begin pouring forth from their hidden
and dwarven traders is travelling back and forth caves and grottos. The Daemon’fey’s careful
building the famous cobblestone trade road known planning and spells cause a seeming explosion of
as the “High Way” through Horindon Lhar. monsters that begin appearing right in the heart of
almost all the major cities and settlements within
-2800 DR Sharrven, and beyond to Illefarn, Eaerlann and
Ardeep. The ensuing slaughter leads to the

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collapse of Sharrven, leaving naught but a few After intense negotiations, trade embargoes and
Elven settlements and outposts in the southern sabre rattling by Eaerlann, Illefarn and Ammarindar,
High Forest. Netheril releases all its gnome slaves who promptly
leave the empire heading west, south and east to
In the ensuing battles on Ammarindar’s western Songfarla via the portals established by the
border King Connar Tarynstone III leads and army Songknights in Ammarindar and Eaerlann.
of dwarves and gnomes deep into Sharrven to
relive the besieged elves in Lhuve. Arriving too late –2103 DR
to save the city, he and his forces still manage to
slay a force of nearly 20000 demons and A horde of orcs from the Spine of the World, led by
golblinoids thus allowing many thousands of the giants and their ogre generals, crushes the human
elves to escape. Surrounded on all sides by a civilization of Illusk despite aid from Netherese
demonic horde, King Connar calls down the wrath arcanists led by Jeriah Chronos the Chronomancer.
of Clangeddin upon them all. In the ensuing Heading south they run into an alliance of Elves
conflagration the surviving 350 dwarves, including from Illefarn, Siluvanede and Eaerlann who
King Connar III and over 2000 demons are promptly rout them. The retreating horde is
consumed in a fire of the purest silver leaving a crushed by a legion of Steel Shields and Griffon
crater a ½ a mile deep and more than a mile in Riders from Fellridge who leave not one goblinoid
diameter; a place known today as Lake Silverbeard or giant alive.
in Clangeddin’s and King Connar’s honour.
-2036 DR
Learning of his father’s death while fighting a
horde of giants and goblins lead by the Great Red After a long and at time glorious reign, King Connar
Wyrm Rithaerosurffel, Prince Connar Tarynstone is IV, known by most as Connar Wyrm Tamer is laid
crowned in the field, becoming King Connar IV. to rest with full honours. Nobles from all across the
north attend his funeral and the subsequent
Survivors flee to Cormanthyr, Ammarindar, Ardeep, crowning of his daughter the Princess Alaria
Illefarn, Eaerlann and Evereska. The mysterious Ironfist I, the newest queen of the realm.
arrival of a flight of silver dragons wielding Elven
high magic, manages to stem the worst ravages of -1901 DR
the horde preventing it from spreading across the
Lhuvael River (Hearts Blood River) and into After a short and peaceful reign Queen Alaria dies
Eaerlann. King Connar IV of Ammarindar and is giving birth to her 9th child. Her husband, the
army of Rune-Chanters, battle priests and steel prince regent, is crowned Azkuldar Ironfist II to
shields vanquishes many of the creatures that have hold the realm in perpetuity until their oldest child
devastated Sharrven, including the red wyrm comes of age.
Rithaerosurffel, known as the Bane of Sharrven.
-1888 DR
Using the portal network established so long ago
by the Elves of Illefarn, Coronal Orm’lanass orders The wily and cunning King Azkuldar II secures his
Illefarn’s troops into the Hills of Dardath and hold on the throne with the mysterious and
beyond, to stem the monster hordes southern untimely death of his last child, the princess
advance. After many days of running forest battles, Corallyn in a boating accident on the Deep
Araegisess Valiaor Ildacer and King Connar IV of Delimbiyr. Foul play is suspected but never proven,
Ammarindar meet at the confluence of the despite the fact that all of the Regent’s children
Delimbiyr and Lhuvael Rivers atop the corpse of a have died under tragic and mysterious
great red Wyrm the dwarf has just slain. circumstances. King Azkuldar II is seen by most as
Azkuldar the Cursed.
–2387 DR
-1883 DR

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Gold and Moon Elven caravaneers journey north to -1537 DR
begin trading with the newly established Citadel
Felbar. Princess Fonthalyra secretly accompanies While travelling the underground road from
her ranger mentor, the ½ Moon Elf, Darius Dawnspire to West Delve, King Tharsult I and most
Rivencloak upon the journey. Her disappearance of his escort are attacked and slain by a strange
causes panic amongst her guards and family until horde of Minotaur like demons called Baphotaurs
divinations reveal her whereabouts. Thence a lead by a band of dwarven renegades. After much
party of Songknights is dispatched to covertly keep death and destruction the demons are finally
an eye on the princess while she learns more about defeated and tracked back to the Unspoken Hall
the world. The princess Fonthalyra and her escort where the remnants are sealed beneath powerful
are captured by a strange cult of demon wards thanks to Ammarindar’s rune-chanters and a
worshipping dwarves as they camp in the hills west group of visiting High Magi from Eaerlann. With his
of Horindon Lhar. father’s death, prince Tharsult Honedaxe II is
crowned King.
-1722 DR
-1506 DR
After many years of capture and servitude to the
demon hugging King Azkuldar II, princess After a short and lacklustre rule, King Tharsult dies
Fonthalyra and her lover the Songknight, Sir peacefully in his sleep, the victim of poison at the
Allyonfindar Durothil, slay Azkuldar and his high hands of his overly ambitious son and his wife
priest during a dark ritual in an attempt to make Lobelia. King Tharsult Honedaxe III, becomes the
her a thrall of Baphomet. 15th ruler of Ammarindar, but it soon becomes
Learning of the Ironfist’s involvement in Demon apparent that the Princess Consort, Lady Lobelia is
worshipping practices, the Clan Moot orders their the real power behind the throne.
exile from the realm and removal from all clan
records. Seeking a fresh start free from the taint of -1437 DR
the Tarynstones, the Clan Moot after pouring
through the clan genealogies, selects a distant A new vast load of adamantium is discovered
relative of Ammar Ironfist, the Songknight Captain, beneath the peaks above Whitewater. A sudden
Tharsult Honedaxe I as the newest King of the influx of migrants from other failing realms more
realm. than doubles Ammarindar’s current population to
almost 300 000 dwarves. With this sudden influx of
-1700 DR wealth and power, Princess Lobelia urges her
husband to go on a building spree and thus begin
Tharsult Honedaxe I leads a crusade against the the building of the Adamantine Palace in the
demon worshippers hiding all across his realm. In largest of the crystalline caverns of
the purges that follow, 6 whole clans of dwarves Splendarrmornn.
and gnomes are wiped out or exiled for their
crimes and nefarious habits. -1321 DR

-1650 DR Celebrations ring out across the realm as the

Adamantine Palace is finally finished. Its 1200 halls,
In response to its continuous persecution a secret galleries, chambers and rooms are carved from the
cult of evil dwarves in the kingdom of Ammarindar solid basalt bed rock and a vein of natural diamond
build the Unspoken Hall. It is many years before stretching ¾ of a mile is enchanted to glow 24
these halls are found and sealed off, imprisoning hours a day lighting the entrance of the palace
the few remaining cultists inside with their which is made from 100% glitteringly burnished
demonic servants. adamantium. King Tharsult III unveils twin statues
of him and his wife the lady Lobelia is the guises of
Moradin and Sharindlar, much to the consternation

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of the more conservative elements of Ammarindan back describing what she has seen before dying as
society. a phaerimm grub bursts from her stomach.

-1298 DR -1184 DR

Princess Lobelia and her escort disappear whilst After leading the realm to peace and a new era of
travelling the low-road from Splendarrmornn to prosperity and trade with the outside world, King
Dawnspire. Her loss is greatly mourned back in the Connar V known as Connar the Redeemer is laid to
capital while a force sent out to investigate runs rest without beneath the Shining Mountain. On his
into a Drow army from Ched Nasad secretly mining death bed he names his niece the princess
an previously unknown vein of mithral and Hildagard Snowsbattle I as his heir and successor.
adamantium. The subsequent series of battles
becomes known as the War of Burnished Shadows. –1100 DR

-1291 DR Illefarn’s last coronal, Syglaeth Audark, commands

a Retreat to Evermeet. The remnants of the elf
Dark elves attack the halls beneath East Keep, in a empire fragment into the independent realms of
sudden reversal of fortunes the previously Ardeep, Iliyanbruen (in Neverwinter Wood), and
spineless king leads his armies to counter the Rilithar (in Westwood and Kryptgarden Forest).
increasingly aggressive moves in the mountains
north of Horindon Lhar. Despite his new found Saddened by the loss of close allies and friends,
courage, the aged and foolish king leads his troops Queen Hildegard and her retinue travel to
into a trap where they are massacred with not one Aelinthaldaar to see farewell their ancient friends
survivor. In a sudden reversal of the family’s
previous fortunes, Duke Connar Tarynstone V of -1017 DR
Dawnspire, war leader of the remaining forces of
Ammarindar is elected by the Clan Moot as the After a short and peaceful reign , Queen Hildagard
newest King of the much troubled realm. dies peacefully in her sleep, her son and prince
royal, Olaurin Snowsbattle I is soon after crowned
-1246 DR the 18th monarch of Ammarindar.

The Battles of Bloody Snows -1014 DR

The drow of Ched Nasad are finally driven from The Axe, Staff and Sabre Wars
their surface holdings and upper underdark halls by
a combined effort Ammarindar and Eaerlann. In In a move designed to destabilise the dwarven
order to prevent the drow from re-establishing realm and gain both Ched Nasad and Netheril
within these ranges Ammarindar establishes a much needed resources, both realms begin
colony and fortifications around the newly simultaneous raids against Ammarindar’s eastern
conquered drow mines calling the new delves, holdings. The city of East Keep finds itself besieged
North Peak. In an agreement with the elves, the above and below by goblinoid hordes driven to
dwarves build a series of watch towers jointly battle by their dark elf and human masters.
garrisoned by both races.
At the same time the delves of Greyvale and
-1208 DR Whitewater come under similar attack. The passes
of Horindon Lhar and Naurogloth are occupied and
Digging deeper and further than they ever have garrisoned by human and orcish mercenaries in the
before dwarvish miners stumble across a pay of their human Netherese masters.
previously unknown species of conical floating spell
casters. The single survivor manages to stumble -1012 DR

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Having survived two years of siege, East Keep is -800 DR
finally abandoned with great loss of life on both
sides. The orcs and drow move in and soon turn on The Four Stars War
the humans who seek to beat them to the hidden
armouries and treasuries within the city. King Connar VI and his band of knights are slain to
a soul by Altaminora, the mate of the deep dragon
King Olaurin leads a relief force to Greyvale and slain by Connar and his knights. She then ransacks
then to Whitewater routing the humans and the vaults of Splendarrmornn, stealing many of the
goblinoids occupying the vale with the help of realms greatest treasures including the Connar’s
arcane casters from Eaerlann and distant Songfarla. Aegis and the Pegasus Helm of Kloeth Ironstar.
Devoid of a bodyguard the entire Snowsbattle
-1008 DR family is slaughtered in their beds by drow
assassins hired by Gharriakha Narlagh of
After 6 years of often catastrophic warfare, King Whitewater who claims the throne as his own
Olaurin leads his troops and their allies south to when invading grey dwarves and beholders invade
reopen the trade route through the Vale of and sack the capital of Splendarrmornn.
Naurogloth. Confronted by a series of cunningly
built fortifications spanning the pass, they begin -799 DR
laying siege along a 10 mile front. Deadlocked
after 6 months the siege is finally lifted when Ammarindar fractures into 4 separate realms
reinforcements from Netheril are slaughtered by based around the duchies of North Peak,
archers and spell blades from Eaerlann and Ardeep. Whitewater, Dawnspire and Haafgarn Mountain.
In the ensuing civil war it takes the forces of exiled
-1004 DR prince Azkuldar Ironfist III many years to rest
control from the bloody minded demon
With Netheril out of the war and a slow trickle of worshipping Narlagh clan and restore peace and
trade beginning to return along the southern trade order to the realm.
routes, King Olaurin marshals his forces for one
more push to oust the drow once more from their -590 DR
northern conquests. After months of constant
fighting the drow and their goblin hordes are finally King Gharriakha Narlagh I the Usurper is slain in the
driven back almost to the gates of Ched Nasad. siege of East Keep as troops loyal to prince
Knowing that hew lacks the strength to take the Azkuldar storm and retake the fortress from the
city, King Olaurin elects instead to seal the nearest renegades and their human and demonic allies.
tunnels isolating the city from the surface realms Ghareriakha’s son the blackguard thrall of
for 50 miles around. Baphomet, Zhavak Narlagh I takes up his dead
father’s axe and crown whilst fighting a rear-guard
897 DR action east along the Horindon Lhar.

King Olaurin, greatest hero-king of Ammarindar, is -570 DR

slain by the deep dragon Erthungaron who is
caught raiding the treasuries of Splendarrmornn After being hunted for nearly 20 years the
whilst in the company of a band of Vhaeraun pretender King Zhavak and his supporters are
worshipping drow from Ched Nasad. Erthungaron finally cornered in the Sepulchre Downs where
is in turn slain by the High Knight, Connar they have been hiding and raiding from for some
Snowsbattle and his band of Steel Shield royal years. Despite the lengthy cat and mouse battle
guards. Being King Olaurin’s eldest surviving son, the demon huggers are finally brought to heal and
Connar Snowsbattle VI becomes the latest in a long slain by Prince Azkuldar Ironfist III who finally
line of kings to hold that name. reclaims the throne as his own.

–555 DR

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their travels westward they run into drow patrols
The gnomes of Songfarla come under attack from from Ched Nasad and dwarven miners from
the demon armies of Narfell. The gnomes repel the Ammarindar. They manage to fight their way west
first assaults and then veil their city with powerful but at great cost to their numbers and personal
illusions, preventing further attacks and hiding stores of magic and supplies.
them from the rest of Faerûn. King Azkuldar a
highly skilled Rune-Caster, sends a legion of his –350 DR
highly skilled and battled hardened troops and
Rune-Casters to help their distant allies repel the Three mighty phaerimm sorcerers subvert the
demonic invaders. beholders of Ooltul (and have lived and ruled there
ever since).
-553 DR
–339 DR
Alarmed at the apparent rise in military and arcane
might of the normally insular dwarves, Netheril Fall of Netheril
begins strengthening its border defences with
Ammarindar Nearly all of the Netherese enclaves fall to the
earth and are destroyed due to disruptions in the
- 550 DR Weave brought about by the casting of the spell
Karsus’s avatar and the subsequent death of the
King Azkuldar III of Ammarindar secretly creates goddess Mystryl. The body of the momentary god
the Xothol, an arcane collage charged with Karsus falls to earth in the eastern region of the
guarding against the increasingly antagonistic High Forest.
Human refugees begin pouring west into the
–500 DR Greystone Hills and beyond in their thousands.
Moved to stem this human tide, King Azkuldar
In the North, Citadel Sundbarr is constructed instead opens up his cities gates and surface
by the dwarves of Delzoun with help from the holdings to the refugees, gradually funnelling
stone masons supplied by the clans of safely to the south, north and west. Whilst at the
Ammarindar. . Like Adbar to the same time r- occupying the Greystone Hills and
north, the citadel is mostly subterranean, allowing a few more honourable communities to
with only a few structures on the surface. establish themselves under dwarven guidance and
-461 DR
–333 DR
King Azkuldar’s rune casters face their first real
challenge when a phaerimm and its goblinoid Ascalhorn and Citadel Sundbarr accept human
thralls emerge from beneath the Greystone hills in refugees from Netheril. As the Narrow Sea dries up,
the Elphinspar Vale. Several steadings and delves the dwarves begin the slow abandonment of
are destroyed before the rune-caster combined Ascore. The elves of Eaerlann allow other
might brings the tip of the mountain down upon Netherese refugees to settle in Ascalhorn .
the phaerimm and its horde.
-324 DR
–351 DR
King Azkuldar the Compassionate finally succumbs
As the life-draining spells of the phaerimm rapidly to the ravages of extreme old age and passes on to
despoil central Netheril, several Netherese the halls of Moradin. Before he dies he names his
arcanists abandon their demesnes and begin daughter, the arch-mage Irmalla Ironfist I as his
searching for a place to build a city in the heir and successor.
Underdark, beneath the western wilderness. In

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- 286 DR
Concerned about the growing threat of goblinoids
With the fall of Netheril Queen Irmalla no longer and trolls migrating up from the south, Queen
sees the need for a secret arcane society and Taarnahm commissions the building of a citadel
openly moves its base of operations back to the above the Vale of Naurogloth. The citadel
capital. Xothol is closed and all of its secrets sealed becomes the southernmost expression of power
within for awakening at a time when they sleeping for the realm and helps to regulate trade through
guardians are needed the most. the pass and keep the way safe and open for the
burgeoning human realms either side.
–111 DR
1 DR The dwarves of Ammarindar complete Citadel
The Orc Marches Yaunoroth. Immediately the crown prince’s and
heirs to the throne are stationed there.
The entire North erupts as great orc hordes
stream south from the Spine of the World and the 149 DR Dwarves of Ammarindar led by Iirikos
Ice Mountains to lay waste to all in their path. Stoneshoulder build a stone bridge across the River
Illusk and Gauntlgrym fall to this onslaught, and Shining at the site of present-day Loudwater to
Delzoun is devastated by countless orc assaults. help facilitate trade and to replace the aging ferry
Most of Illusk’s population manages to escape by service that can no longer cope with the increased
sea or by magic and is spared. The humans of amount of traffic making use of the road.
Sundabar and Ascalhorn, the elves of Iliyanbruen,
Rilithar, Siluvanede, and Eaerlann along with the 201 DR
Dwarves of Ammarindar and Delzoun unite to
shatter the strength of the orcs and halt their Queen Taarnahm Ironfist I is killed in an avalanche
rampage south into the High Forest and Dessarin while hunting during winter on the slopes above
Valley. Grayford. Her daughter Princess Royal Taarnahm
Ironfist II travels north from Yaunoroth to take the
–100 DR axe and crown of rulership upon hearing of the
death of her mother.
The dwarf realm of Delzoun, the North-kingdom,
falls to encroaching phaerimm and other dangers. 216 DR
The dwarves’ surface citadels survive the attack
and remain in dwarf hands. Many dwarven clans Trade with the west and south begins to dry up as
abandon the under halls and migrate south to join the North erupts in battle as many orc bands vie
their kin in Ammarindar and Dardath beneath the for supremacy, and countless thousands of
Horn Hills. Their numbers once again swell the goblinkin perish. Upon the death of the Stag King,
realms formerly shrinking numbers and many halls his five sons, known thereafter as the Warring
once again ring with the strikes of mining picks and Princes of Athalantar, begin open battle for the
hammers and the laugher and songs of dwarven throne.
families in halls long thought forever silent,
225 DR
-52 DR
Gluthtor’s great orc horde is turned back by the
Queen Irmalla Ironfist I like her father before her combined forces of the Elves of Illefarn, Ardeep
passes peacefully onto Moradin's Hall. Her and Siluvanede, at the cost of much of their
granddaughter, the Princess Royal Taarnahm strength, in the battles of the Five Falcons (east of
Ironfist I is crowned the next Queen of Stone Bridge), and Hungry Arrows (south east of
Ammarindar. Besendar’s Blockhouse). The rise of archery
amongst the orcs is said to rise from this slaughter
as the surviving orcs saw a few thousand Elven
-35 DR archers slay hundreds of thousands of goblin-kin.

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King Aoxar I dies suddenly in a riding accident
The fleeing horde is then crushed under the when the griffon he is on is attacked and eaten by
combined weight of the Knights of Ascalhorn and a blue dragon. His son and heir Aoxar Darkfell II
Ammarindar’s Steel Shields so that not 1 in 100 becomes the youngest king in the nation’s history
orcs return to its hold in the north. at the tender age of 32. After finding out about
how his father died young King Aoxar studies under
233 DR the Dragon Slayers of Dawnspire preparing for the
time when he can bring an axe to his father’s killer.
Queen Taarnahm Ironfist II is killed in a skirmish
with trolls outside the gates of Yaunoroth whilst 484 DR
conducting an inspection of the fortifications.
Confident in her ability to handle the situation, the After many years of fruitless searching King Aoxar
Queen is surprised when the trolls use arcane finally gets his chance to revenge his father’s death
spells of their own. The dwelf archmage Craemmol when the same blue dragon begins raiding the
Blackhammer I Queen Taarnahm’s husband sheep flocks in the high pastures above Grayford.
assumes the throne until his children come of age Leading a team of griffon riders Aoxar corners the
and one can become the next ruler of the realm. wyrm in its lair on the edge of the Anaurach.
Challenging it to single combat, the King and
261 DR dragon manage to destroy each other and bring
the cavern down upon the entire horde. With this
The elf city at the heart of Cormanthyr becomes disastrous event the royal line of the Darkfells
the unified city of Myth Drannor. Coronal Eltargrim, comes to a premature end, and Aoxar’s niece,
in an edict called the Opening, declared that Helmma Snowsbattle I who is next in line, becomes
Cormanthyr was to be an open realm, accessible to the latest Queen of the realm.
all non-elves (N’Tel’Q uess), following the laying of
the mythal and the renaming of the city. Lord 523 DR
Regent archmage Craemmol Blackhammer I, sends
a delegation via Eaerlann to congratulate the elves Realm of Three Crowns
and offers help and trade opportunities for the
newly opened city. The rising power of orc hordes in the North leads
to the calling of the Council of Axe and Arrow.
273 DR There, the humans of Delimbiyran, the dwarves of
Dardath, the elves of Ardeep Forest, the gnomes of
Three dwarf clans from Ammarindar and Citadel Dolblunde, and displaced halflings from Meiritin
Felbar migrate together to Myth Drannor taking up collectively found the Tri-Crowned Kingdom of
the Coronal Eltargrim's invitation for the finest Phalorm. The aging Ulbaerag rejects an invitation
crafters and artisans to make a new home for to join the Realm of Three Crowns. King Aoxar
themselves and share their vast wealth of sends troops, engineers and arms to help the
knowledge with the other goodly folk of the realm. fledgling kingdom get onto its feet and survive the
Members of clans Snowsbattle, Honedaxe & coming winters.
Ironstar travel via Elvish portal to the newly
opened city. 528 DR

391 DR Phalorm’s armies slaughter the Howltusk orc horde

at the House of Stone, but their human King
After a lengthy regency Lord Regent Craemmol Javilarhh “the Dark” Snowsword is slain.
Blackhammer I abdicates in favour of Queen
Taarnahm’s grandson the Knight militant Oxer
Darkfell I who becomes Ammarindar’s 27th King.
399 DR 557 DR

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An army of hobgoblins devastates the dwarf Duchy and pillaged. Whilst Phalorm’s northern armies,
of Hunnabar, which is centred above the still mopping up the remnants of the Everhorde,
underground city of Kanaglym near present-day move south to defend the realm but are driven
Dragonspear Castle. Phalorm’s armies destroy the into Uthtower, a relief force from Ammarindar
hobgoblins, but the elf king, Ruardh Lightshiver, is escorts the survivors of Dolblunde to the portals
slain. Many of the survivors head north into that will take them to Songfarla whilst the main
southern Ammarindar and resettle the old delves legion surrounds and smashes the second horde
around Dawnspire. against Uthtowers mighty walls and ramparts.

590 DR 622 DR

The Dwelf Archmage of Ammarindar, Isinghar Whilst overseeing the rededication of the royal
"Feyrune" Ironstar takes his circle of Rune-Casters vaults and tombs in Splendarrmornn the aged
north from Splendarrmornn into Eaerlann and Dowager Queen Helmma Snowsbattle I is crushed
helps raising Myth Glaurach's mythal at the by an giant adamantium statue that has been
Eaerlanni city of Glaurachyndaar. The mages there carved in her honour. Her great grand-daughter
in turn agree to lay a similar warding about the the princess Irenna Snowsbattle I becomes the
deeper city beneath the Shining Mountain, west of next Queen of Ammarindar.
705 DR
604 DR
Queen Irenna Snowsbattle I is slain by trolls as she
The armies of Phalorm drive off an orc horde that leads her troops alongside her husband, the war
besieges Secomber. Ellatharion, Phalorm’s elf king, duke Hoarvard Ironstar IV against a horde pouring
leads an army of elves and halflings into the High out of the Highmoor. Her son named after his
Forest in pursuit of the orcs, and neither king nor famous forebears, becomes Connar Snowsbattle
army returns. VII, the 31st King of Ammarindar.

Leading a follow up force of Steel Shields Duke 711 DR

Hoarvard Ironstar discovers the slaughtered
remains of the army amongst the shattered ruins The Weeping War
of Lhuve. No survivors are found amongst the
thousands of looted and despoiled bodies of Daemon led hordes invade the forests of
dwarves, elves and humans. Laranlor Ellatharion’s Cormanthor. Sensing a looming disaster, the
body is never found. wisest and perhaps more savvy of the dwarves
migrate west back to Ammarindar before the
612 DR trouble really begin, whilst the more steadfast
actually move from the west to reinforce their kin
The armies of Phalorm and their allies from Illefarn, in Myth Drannor.
Eaerlann, Siluvanede and Ammarindar, in the
North crush the Everhorde south of Triboar, but 714 DR
their victory comes at the cost of many lives. The
casualties include Lathlaeril “Leafspear,” the elf Battle of Two Gates’ Fall
During this battle in the Weeping War, the city of
614 DR Delimbiyran and much of the southern Delimbiyr
are devastated by a magical explosion resulting
Two orc hordes attack Phalorm, a realm that has from the destruction of the Warrior’s Gate—a
already been gravely weakened by the Everhorde. portal in Myth Drannor. Many of Delimbiyran’s
The dwarf king Oskilar of Phalorm dies in battle remaining splinter kingdoms sink into decline.
with the second horde, and Dolblunde is sacked Fall of Myth Drannor

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specially prepared orcs are more than a match for
715 DR the over confident humans and elves of the city,
they fail to grasp to obvious fact that dwarves rely
Refugees from the fall of Myth Drannor come to on strength of arms and tactics. The War Duchess
Ammarindar via gates to Eaerlann and Ardeep. of Yaunoroth, Olmma Snowsbattle leads a force of
King Connar VII leads 3000 troops east to reinforce dwarves north along the Delimbiyr meeting the
the retreating elves allowing many survivors in armiy of Eaerlann at Teu’tel’Alu. The joined forces
Semberholme to hide out amongst the tombs of along with knights from Ascalhorn root out the
the Vale of Lost Voices while the dwarves and elves orcs and retake the ruins of the city.
organise a fighting retreat to the Elven Court,
Eaerlann and Ammarindar. 882 DR

731 DR The War of Stone and Shadows

King Connar Snowsbattle VII allows many of the After years of diabolical double dealing, demons
refugees from Myth Drannor to settle in Fellridge, finally openly conquer the ruins of Ascalhorn, Elven
many elves, humans, halflings and dwarves who forces sent against the massing horde of demons
feel out of place amongst the more traditional and Yugoloth are annihilated. Within weeks
societies of Ammarindar and Eaerlann find a new Teuveamanthaar, and Teu’tel’Alu are abandoned
sense of peace and purpose high atop their and Mhilamniir is besieged by the growing horde.
mountain fastness. Before too long Ammarindar is overrun by
lingering horrors unleashed by the Netherese of
786 DR Ascalhorn as city, croft, steading and hold is laid
waste by the demons and their goblinoid hordes.
King Connar VII the Wise finally lays down his axe
and retires to a temple of Dumathoin high in the The battle of the Forlorn Hopes
eastern Greypeaks overlooking the Naurogloth.
Before leaving he names his nephew Azkuldar While Helmma's sister, Princess Olmma defends
Ironfist IV as the 32nd monarch of the realm. Citadel Yaunoroth with her life, Helmma is busy
853 DR counting and cataloguing her riches. Helmma has
been visiting for a short period to examine the
After leading a revival in the fortunes of the realm riches that are stored in Yaunoroth. When the
with new buildings, and huge strikes of hordes of Ascalhorn swarm the citadel, Princess
adamantium and mithral being exploited and Olmma buys time for the citizens to flee, the
bringing untold wealth to the realm, King Azkuldar greedy Queen Helmma is so enamoured of her
Ironfist IV dies quietly in his sleep of a mysterious gems and jewels that she cannot abandon her
illness. His avaricious and greedy wife, and cousin riches and perishes in the flames of her avarice.
assumes the title of Queen regent, becoming Helmma curses Moradin for not protecting
Helmma Snowsbattle II. Thus ending Ammarindar's Yaunoroth, and he in turn curses her soul,
final Adamantine Age of peace and prosperity. preventing her from an afterlife with the dwarves.
Seeing a kindred spirit (and enjoying any
864 DR opportunity to get back at Moradin for losing
dominion over the gold dwarves to Dumathoin),
The feyr’ri strke when they led a specially prepared Abbathor, dwarven god of greed, turns Helmma
orcs, trolls, giants and demons of the Nethertusk into a vestige. At the last, only Dawnspire and
horde against the city of Myth Glaurach, sacking Fellridge remain, isolated and alone amidst a sea of
and burning the city, putting most of its inhabitants demons, daemons and orcs. There they stay
to the sword and claw. The fey’ri then proceed to locked away in their mountain strongholds, hidden
loot another Vyshaan armoury and search the ruins from the evil throngs.
for other hidden secrets and treasures. While the

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The Chronicle of Kings & Queens
of Ammarindar

-4160 DR to 882 DR
Length of Reign Rulers Name Race and Sex
-4160 DR to -3850 DR Ammar Ironfist I Shield Dwarf Male
-3850 DR to -3737 DR Ammar Ironfist II Shield Dwarf Male
-3737 DR to -3372 DR Azkuldar Ironfist I Shield Dwarf Male
-3372 DR to -3301 DR Sigurd Ironfist I Shield Dwarf Male
-3301 DR to -3252 DR Freya Tarynstone I Shield Dwarf Female
-3252 DR to -3017 DR Connar Tarynstone I Shield Dwarf Male
-3017 DR to -2990 DR Connar Tarynstone II Shield Dwarf Male
-2990 DR to -2800 DR Freya Tarynstone II Shield Dwarf Female
-2800 DR to -2770 DR Connar Tarynstone III Shield Dwarf Male
-2770 DR to -2036 DR Connar Tarynstone IV Shield Dwarf Male
-2036 DR to -1901 DR Alaria Ironfist I Shield Dwarf Female
-1901 DR to -1722 DR Azkuldar Ironfist II Shield Dwarf Male
-1722 DR to -1537 DR Tharsult Honedaxe I Shield Dwarf Male
-1537 DR to -1506 DR Tharsult Honedaxe II Shield Dwarf Male
-1506 DR to -1291 DR Tharsult Honedaxe III Shield Dwelf Male
-1291 DR to -1184 DR Connar Tarynstone V Shield Dwarf Male
-1184 DR to -1017 DR Hildagard Snowsbattle I Shield Dwarf Female
-1017 DR to -872 DR Irmgard Snowsbattle I Shield Dwarf Female
-872 DR to -800 DR Connar Snowsbattle VI Shield Dwarf Male
-800 DR to -590 DR Gharriakha Narlagh I Shield Dwarf Female
-590 DR to -570 DR Zhavak Narlagh I Shield Dwarf Male
-570 DR to -324 DR Azkuldar Ironfist III Shield Dwarf Male
-324 DR to -52 DR Irmalla Ironfist I Shield Dwarf Female
-52 DR to 201 DR Taarnahm Ironfist I Shield Dwarf Female
201 DR to 233 DR Taarnahn Ironfist II Shield Dwarf Female
233 DR to 391 DR Craemmol Blackhammer I Shield Dwarf Male
391 DR to 399 DR Aoxar Darkfell I Shield Dwarf Male
399 DR to 484 DR Aoxar Darkfell II Shield Dwarf Male
484 DR to 622 DR Helmma Snowsbattle I Shield Dwarf Female
622 DR to 705 DR Irenna Snowsbattle I Shield Dwarf Female
705 DR to 786 DR Connar Snowsbattle VII Shield Dwarf Male
786 DR to 853 DR Azkuldar Ironfist IV Shield Dwarf Male
853 DR to 882 DR Helmma Snowsbattle II Shield Dwarf Female
882 DR to ---- Olmma Snowsbattle I Shield Dwarf Female
882 DR to 1365 DR The Hellgate Wars Demons of Hellgate Keep
1365 DR to 1475 DR The Sceptred King Cambion Male

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The Cities and Holds of
“Ammarindar stood strong through the rise and fall of many of its contemporaries, including Netheril and
Sharrven. Its end came with little warning and the fleeing dwarves left much that was valuable to them behind.
The citizens of Ammarindar chose hollowed areas of tremendous size to house their communities so that they
would have plenty of room for buildings and roads. Most of Ammarindar’s structures are spherical in shape
and appear to flow from the surrounding stone. Protected from the outside elements, the gracefully arching
tunnels and halls of the capital city and the surrounding clan holds reveal much about the way the dwarves of
this wealthy nation live.” – Old Empires.

Royal Caverns of Splendarrmorn

Rulers: High King or Queen, plus council made up of Priests, Guild Masters, Soldiers, and Hearth Wardens
from each of the major Dwarf holds. Queen Helmma Snowsbattle DF Pr 16 Moradin AL LG
Population: 22000, 90% Shield Dwarves, 5% Deep Dwarves, 2% Gold Dwarves, 1% Gnomes, 1% Humans, 1 %
Other races, - Elves, Half Elves, Halflings.
Exports: Weapons, Armour, Gems, Jewellery, Gold, Silver, Adamantine Products, Iron Ore, Beers, Ales, Toys,
Artworks, Statuary. Imports: Foodstuffs, Rope, Wines, Timber, Cloth, Small Goods
Standing Army: 6000 Warriors (Plat email, Shield, Battle Axe, Shorts word, Dagger, Heavy Crossbow)
Notables Characters: Myron Black axe the Younger, Queen Helmma Snowsbattle, High Priestess Katella
Notable Temples: Hearth Guard Temple of Berronar Truesilver, presided over by , High Priestess Katella
Borindaar : This is a cavern in which the priests have carefully arranged mosses, lichens, fungi, and the like
brought by the hands of faithful. They keep these watered and nourished to form a lush carpet all over the
floor; this covering also climbs the walls as high as possible. Luminescent fungi are favoured, to give the
cavern as much natural light as possible. Home to 3 braids of the goddess’s flowing golden beard, encased in
solid diamond and set in a mithral case that acts as the central shrine of the temple cavern. This shrine
prevents anyone from knowingly telling a falsehood within the confines of the temple, and prevents mortals
from using any thieving abilities within it either. The Grand Hearth, houses a wide variety of activities,
including exhibits of dwarven craftsmanship, royal marriages, storytelling, balls, feasts, and the like.

When the very home of the dwarves is threatened lady Bereonar imbues here Hearth Guards with her
individual favours, which appears as an aura or radiance of bright silver. While so imbued (a condition typically
lasting 1 or 2 turns), a favoured dwarf has the Armour Class of Berronar's avatar, -4. Next she or he is affected
as if by a haste spell for which no aging occurs. Finally, the dwarf receives attack and damage bonuses of +2.
This blessing lasts until the emergency has passed, or until the next sunrise witnessed by the Hearth Guard.

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Notable Organisations:
The Independent Order of Deep Delvers : A society dedicated to the independent exploration of the
mountains and the hidden caverns and vaults within so as to extract the hidden beauties of these places and
expose them to the world for all to see.
Clan Ironthorne has suffered greatly from the loss of its adamantium trade monopoly trade under Queen
Helmma who favours a more open approach to trade. The clan maintains a few small outposts North Peak,
Lindiscaer, West Delve, and Grayford. The clan would like to expand into other areas of mining and trade, but
needs to make a few successful caravan runs before it could make such an attempt as its coffers were drained
by the loss of its monopoly of supplying adamantium to the capital. It would like to move into gem mining,
refining and transportation.
Emblem: A green emerald on a field of gold.
Trade Goods: Iron, gems, adamantium ingots.

Places of Interest :

Adamantine Palace

A castle constructed entirely of the black metal for which it is named. Most of its interior walls and ceilings are
decorated with engraved images of Dwarvish life and deities, inlaid with precious metals and set with gem
stones. Immediately upon entering the Palace, one is struck with the richness of its furnishings. In the ornate
antechamber, two sweeping onyx staircases gently rise to the library on the upper level beyond. Massive
mithral-bound doors block the way to the Royal Audience Chambers. Inside opulent hand wrought-mithral
and adamantine thrones rest upon an equally majestically designed dais. Scattered about the throne rooms
are luxuriant carpets tapestries, cushions and pillows crafted from the finest wools and silks. The floor directly
in front of the dais is set with flakes of lapis lazuli and a potch of sparkling emerald, opal, sapphire, diamond
and ruby off cuts. Near the walls, fluted granite columns rise to the ceiling, where silver-gilded rafters support
mystic globes of light. Masking the rear of the irregularly shaped chamber, a silken curtain conceals the royal
private stairwell, leading down to the royal families personal chambers.

Making up much of the palace within the “Royal Cavern” are the halls and chambers of Ammarinar's
government. Each of these collections of halls and chambers houses one of the reals governmental bureaus.
Priests and bureaucrats staff the offices from dawn until sundown to conduct government business. The High
Bureaus include the bureaus of: Mines, Trade, Fields, Security, Defence, the Gardens, Administration, State,
Finance, and Water.

The Noble Quarter can be found branch off either side of the Royal Cavern It is here that princes, several
ranking priests, and landless nobles make their homes. Some mine and plantation owners maintain cavern-
villas here as well. One-, two-, and three-level habitations of various designs can be found here. The
residences in this section of the mountain are expansive and lavish. Many have rooms for live-in servants and
some have private courtyards with expensive underground grottos and gardens. A few businesses specializing
in luxury goods are located in the noble quarters also, catering to the refined tastes of Splendarrmornn’s elite.
Private guardsmen patrol the outer halls of this exclusive area, usually in groups of five to 10, to protect
against thieves and ruffians. Don’t be fooled, however, by the appearance of order and harmony. Intrigues
and deceptions are everywhere in the Nobles’ Quarter. They occur behind closed doors and take place on a
grander scale than the petty street crimes evident in the poorer sections of town.

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Dana Knutson©
The Adamantine Palace

Merchants and Warehouse Chambers

Large warehouse caverns are dotted about throughout the mountains. Each of multi-level chambers houses
the city’s precious reserves of grain, adamantine, mithral, other precious metals, iron, and weaponry, and
barracks for the guards. Transportation of these commodities to the warehouses is achieved by using
cunningly crafted tunnels that extend from the different mining and farming communities scattered about the
valleys and high meadows scattered about the Greypeaks. The warehouses and the tunnels leading to them
are permanently guarded through magic and mechanical means.

The Cataract Gates

Trading caravans enter the city of Splendarrmorn travelling up the road, behind the Shining Falls and through
this ancient portal. Loading and unloading is done in an area behind the gates in a large natural cavern . The
enormous gate may accommodate fully loaded wagons or carts that generally pass directly into the city
before unloading at a trading emporium. The massive gate consists of two large adamantine doors, each 20
feet high and nearly as wide. Just inside the trade cavern of the emporium rests a monstrous block of
ironstone. In times of war, the gate is barred and a priest or rune-chanter summons an earth elemental to
carry the stone into position to seal the tunnel. There it remains until the war ends.

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Black Axe Smithy

The smithy of clan Blackaxe lies a few caverns down from the caravan gate. Those who know weapons often
seek out the bad tempered but highly efficient dwarves to fill their needs. The Blackaxe mob sell finely crafted
weaponry of all sorts within the cluttered, two-story shop during daylight hours. The walls of the caverns
first story are lined with alcoves cut from uneven blocks of sandstone, the second floor being much the same.
A massive stone door seals the entrance after hours. There are no windows. A stairway behind the
counter at the back of the shop leads to the clans living quarters upstairs. The dwarves here lead by Myron
Blackaxe the Younger a fine and well respected smith who has a knack for honing edges to an uncanny

Miners Mounts & Hostelry

The boarding stable known as the Miner’s Mount and Hostelry is familiar to miners and caravan alike. This
two-story cavern structure provides shelter for caravan mounts and lone miners and traders. The Broadblade
family has managed the stables for over 10 generations. The Miner’s Mount and Hostelry houses only smaller
travelling beasts such as mountain ponies, riding horses, and pack mules.. The Broadblade family charges a
fair price: a single silver piece per animal per day. For a negotiated fee, they will supply trainers or healers to
attend to a problem animal.

The Emerald
Midway along great emporium cavern lies a great hall lined with balconies and arched colonnades, that is
home to The Emerald. A cracked sign over the entrance bears a shining fist sized emerald on its left side
opposite a stylized bed & bottle, declaring the building to be an inn and tavern. An imposing ½ dwarf doorman
grasping a huge morning star stands just to the right of the door. Seventy tables with seating for 8-12 people
each take up floor of the main lower chamber all the way to a spiralling mithral stairway going up with a wide
landing off to each of the other 5 level. A giant, L-shaped counter is to the right of the stairway that runs the
entire length of that wall. In the wall behind the northern end of the counter, a curtained doorway parts at
irregular intervals as serving girls bring food and drink to the customers seated at the tables.

The Emerald offers good food at reasonable prices. They are usually well stocked, offering three or
four different meat dishes daily and an almost infinite choice of spirits, wines, beers and ales. The price of a
meal is 1 – 5 sp with drinks running from 1 to 5 silvers each. Six hundred spacious rooms containing
comfortable bed, settees, baths and chamber pots are available for rent upstairs at the rate of 5 silvers a night
(meals not included).

Local Lore :

Shining Mountain, the western most summit of the Graypeaks is the site of Ammarindar’s Royal Capital.
Through centuries of digging and stone shaping, the dwarves have hollowed out much of the mountain,
creating a tremendous central vault surrounded by several immense caverns. The vast halls of Ammarindar
are linked together by a lattice of sweeping tunnels. Gently arching stone paths bridge different levels of the
cities open spaces creating a magnificent stone web of roadways. The centrepiece of Splendarrmornn is the
legendary Adamantine Palace, a castle constructed entirely of the black metal for which it is named. Most of
its interior walls and ceilings are decorated with engraved images of Dwarvish life and deities, inlaid with
precious metals and set with gem stones. The sole entrance to the Royal caverns lies behind the Shining Falls,
high above the Delimbyr River.

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Citadel Yaunoroth
Rulers: Princess Olmma Snowsbattle DF Fg 12/Pr14 Dumathoin, Duke Delvarth Ironstar DM Fg 16 AL NG
Population: 5000, 90% Shield Dwarves, 5% Deep Dwarves, 2% Gold Dwarves, 1% Gnomes, 1% Humans, 1 %
Other races, - Elves, Half Elves, Halflings.
Exports: Weapons, Armour, Gems, Jewellery, Gold, Silver, Adamantine Products, Iron Ore, Beers, Ales, Toys,
Artworks, Statuary. Imports: Foodstuffs, Rope, Wines, Timber, Cloth, Small Goods
Standing Army: 2000 Warriors (Platemail, Shield, Battle Axe, Shortsword, Dagger, Heavy Crossbow)
Notable Temples: The Cavern of Victorious Might : Temple dedicated to Clangeddin Silverbeard. A large
cavern dominated by great stone statues of dwarven heroes past, armour and weapons worn by Clangeddin's
greatest warriors, and huge granite blocks stained blood-red that serve as altars on which weapons are
offered up to the god.
Notable Organisations: The Brotherhood of the Silver Axe: An order of warriors, crusaders and priests
dedicated to the protection of travellers throughout the trails above and the tunnels below in the realm of
Stone and Shadow. This order headquartered in Yaunoroth has chapter houses and keeps dotted throughout
the realm. The members are a resolute warrior who never back down from danger and who refuse to
surrender even when all seems lost. They are a strict and ethical order who brook no treachery or deceit and
who never negotiate or compromise. Triumph must be obtained through valour and bravery, and they are
swift to humble and humiliate any who overcome by cowardly or deceitful means. The Brotherhood is known
for often snatching victory from the narrowest of margins in battle. To outsiders the members of the
brotherhood are often perceived as little more than bloodthirsty berserkers, but those who fight alongside
them quickly learn of their principled approach to warfare and the lengths to which they will go to defend
their fellow dwarves and allies. The most fearsome relic of this order is the Living Axe, an animated, bronzed,
adamantine, double-bladed battle axe of great size.

Clan Jundeth trades silverware, silks and glassware with inhabitants of other citadels and colonies in exchange
for other precious metals, wines, meads and ales, and other foods stuffs vital to the lives of the people of
Ammarindar. The clan always has need fore outriders and guards for its caravans as they are the targets of
frequent raids because of their habit of travelling overland from one hidden vale to the next in search of the
rare vintages the region is famous for.
Emblem: A silver spear crossed with a bronze axe on an sky blue field.
Trade Goods: Silk, glassware, alcoholic beverages craftwork.

Local Lore :
Citadel Yaunoroth was constructed in response to the growing concerns about the orc invasions plaguing the
realms to the north. The fortress serves as Ammarindar’s southern bastion, yet it has never been attacked. It
is linked to the capital by a deep subterranean road that cuts under the river to the southern Graypeaks.
This dwarf hold is built into the side of a mountain over looking Bleached Bones Pass. It incorporates miles of
curved, dwarf sized tunnels that extend throughout the Lower Graypeaks. The current ruler of Yaunoroth is
Princess Olmma Snowsbattle, daughter to the Current High Queen Helmma Snowsbattle.

While Helmma's sister, Princess Olmma (LN female shield dwarf ghost fighter 6) defended Citadel Yaunoroth
with her life, Helmma was busy counting and cataloguing her riches. Helmma had been visiting for a short
period to examine the riches that were stored in Yaunoroth. When the hordes of Ascalhorn swarmed the
citadel, Princess Olmma bought time for the citizens to flee, but Helmma was so greedy that she couldn't
abandon her riches and perished in the flames of her avarice. Helmma cursed Moradin for not protecting
Yaunoroth, and he in turn cursed her soul, preventing her from an afterlife with the dwarves. Seeing a kindred

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spirit (and enjoying any opportunity to get back at Moradin for losing dominion over the gold dwarves to
Dumathoin), Abbathor, dwarven god of greed, turned Helmma into a vestige.

North Peak
Rulers: Duke ‘Old Iron Guts’ Verdith Stoneshield DM Fg 14/Pr 9 of Moradin AL LN (G)
Population: 8000, 90% Shield Dwarves, 5% Deep Dwarves, 2% Gold Dwarves, 1% Gnomes, 1% Humans, 1 %
Other races, - Elves, Half Elves, Halflings.
Exports: Adamantine Ore, Gems, Gold, Silver, Iron Ore. Imports: Foodstuffs, Rope, Wines, Timber, Cloth,
Small Goods, Beers & Ales, Food Stuffs.
Standing Army: 3000 Warriors (Platemail, Shield, Battle Axe, Shortsword, Dagger, Heavy Crossbow)
Notable Temples: Vigilant Towers of the Bronze Axe : Temples and watchtowers dedicated to Gorm
Gulthyn. The Vigilant Towers are scattered throughout the north and are often filled with humourless, no
nonsense warriors and priests dedicated to defending the realm from all comers. Working with the even more
dour cousins the Silver Axemen, The Bronze Watchers make up the bulk of Ammarindar’s armed forces. In
this case garrisoning the outer redoubts are early warning stations scattered throughout the realms frontiers.
Each tower is made of unadorned stone set with a single solid adamantine door, Such towers are often
decorated with visored helms, or if particularly blessed, a shield or breastplate with twin eyeholes burned
Through. The Towers are typically built upon a buried armoury, a training hall, and barracks, and most are
located atop hidden fortifications that guard entrances to the halls of the Stout Folk.

Notable Organisations: Clan Foehammer is very efficient and conservative in nature, and is one of the
most profitable and prosperous clans in the kingdom. They deal in small but valuable items and run swift
mountain pony caravans to transport their cargos. Foehammer almost always avoids open conflict at all costs,
but avenges wrongs committed against it by penetrating valuable markets of offending clans and merchants.
Its outposts are positioned strategically at the crossroads of several important trading routes to take
advantage of a variety of markets with a minimum of cost. Foehammer clan houses can be found in Yaunoroth,
West Delve, Haffgaarn Mountain, Fellridge and Whitewater.
Emblem: A gold coronet on a sable field.
Trade Goods: gems, spices, jewellery and other small, valuable items.

Places of Interest :

Balkallish Bazaar

Buys and sells goods of all sorts, including musical instruments, jewellery, and clothing, old wagons, mule
packs and mining equipment. The Halfling and gnomish owners of the Bazaar buy and sell previously owned
goods, at a tenth to a quarter of book price. Some real bargains can be had, an estate sale of missing
adventurers are
Popular events, often gaining the biggest crowds, except for when a clan goes bankrupt then the vultures
from all across the realm can be found here. The Bazaar’s proprietors have ties to the black market and can
help buyers locate hard-to-find items for a fee, usually a tenth of the item’s value.

Tallieah Buclebar’s Leather and Hides

The tannery and leatherworks is run by Tallieah Buclebar , a rambunctious female dwarf. She supplies many of
North Peak's artisans and crafters with leather for boots, belts, bridles, and other items of leather craft. She
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also makes leather armour and barding herself, often studded with adamantine. Lady Lallieah is a
perfectionist, obsessed with making sure that every thing perfect and every customer is satisfied. She enjoys
working with exotic leathers and has a good selection of expensive dragon hides cured and waiting for the
right buyer and occasion.

Local Lore :
North and west of the High Gap is a small group of well tunnelled mountains collectively called North peak, in
which Ammarindar’s most active mining complex is located. Rich in Adamantine ore, the mines of North Peak
furnish the raw materials for the Dwarf crafted armour worn by the forces of Eaerlann, Ascalhorn and Illefarn.
Goods are taken via the trade road to Elven Port where they are bought by Eaerlanni and Ascalhi merchants.
The Dwarves make good use of the slender leaf barges that run up and down the Delimbyr River to take their
raw product to the smithies of Splendarrmornn, and to gold, silver gem merchants from other lands below the
Shining Falls. North Peak is Ammarindar’s largest colony outside of the Graypeaks, but it is not the only one.

The Mines of West Delve

Rulers: Duchess Emerald Galloglar DF Fg7/Thf6/Pr10 Dumathoin AL LG
Population: 6500, 90% Shield Dwarves, 5% Deep Dwarves, 2% Gold Dwarves, 1% Gnomes, 1% Humans, 1 %
Other races, - Elves, Half Elves, Halflings.
Exports: Adamantine Armour, Gems, Gold & Silver Ornaments, Jewellery and Toys. Imports: Foodstuffs,
Rope, Wines, Timber, Cloth, Small Goods, Beers & Ales.
Standing Army: 2000 Warriors (Platemail, Shield, Battle Axe, Shortsword, Dagger, Heavy Crossbow)
Notable Temples:: Major temples to Clangeddin & Dumathoin, Pantheon temples to gods of the Dwarves,
Humans, Gnomes and Halflings..
Places of Interest :

West Traders Market is located in a dell outside of the main entrance to West Delve. Apart from the
regular visits of dwarven and human traders, several Elven houses also trade here, bringing exotic goods and
curiosities from across the region. The markets buildings typically have a broad door and a large window with
counter from which the merchants hawk their wares. Anything (legal or not) can be found in the West Traders
Market if the customer can afford it and knows the right questions to ask of the right people. Nobles often
have servants accompany them to watch for cutpurses, for on trade days the Market is rife with thieves and
con-artists. Others clutch their purses tightly, having a care not to display unnecessary wealth. In spite of its
predatory nature and the dubious quality of its products, the West Traders Market draws throngs of people
from all over the region because, quite simply, one can acquire items here that seldom can be found
anywhere else.

The Shattered Axe: Set at the edge of the West Traders Dell, this fine tavern serves good food and drink at
affordable prices. The owner of the Axe, Jontey Orothiar (SDM, F9/Mg9 RC), is a members of the Rune
Chanters of Xothol. Anyone wishing to contact this secretive society is best placed to do it here rather than
risk arrest and extinction at the hands of the societies enforcers.

Local Lore :
Deep in the eastern heart of The Shining Mountain lay the Mining Complex and Smithies of West Delve. It is
here that the majority of weapons and armour are made by the Dwarves before being sent either to the
capital or south to Loudwater for trade and sale. A busy complex of dwarves and their families, the finest
silver and gold smiths, the finest jewellers and the best armourers can be found practicing their trades here.
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Armours can be ordered and fine trinkets, jewellery and toys are a specialty here, and many children run the
halls here much to the delight of their Dwarvish parents.

Lindiscaer - lindiskaer
Rulers: Harrison Thistlewood ½ M Fg 9/ Bd 7 AL NG and a local council of 7 members elected annually.
Population: 1500 (town 100 and 1400 farmers orchardists & wine makers in the surrounding district), 30%
Shield Dwarves, 30 % Humans, 40% Elves, Half Elves, Halflings.
Exports: Cut and polished marble, statues, water features, timber, fresh fruits & vegetables, wines, fish and
meat and leather products .
Standing Army: 200 Warriors of various races, plus most inhabitants can wield an axe, spear or bow with
Notable Characters: Anthalass Rockfist, Daul of Rorrina, blood of Helmma
Notable Temples: Wanderers Temple of Haela Brightaxe – A wooden lodge built hard up against a granite
grotto dedicated to the Happy Wanderer. This order of priests, wilderness warriors, druids and rangers acts
as the environmental conscience of the folk of Ammarindar. The Wanderers as they are known act as scouts,
foresters, hunters, farmers and guides for many who live in the surface communities of famers and herders in
the isolated valleys and highland pastures of the kingdom. Often these priests are the only holy-ones many
villagers ever see as many isolated dwarven communities never leave their high, often snowbound valleys.
This particular temple and hunters lodge is the most visible in all the kingdom, and often acts as the public
voice of a widely scattered and much underestimated order. Anyone waylaying and killing a Wanderer best
beware for it is said that she appears when her favourites die, to carry their souls away to become her
Guardians, and to avenge their deaths by pursuing and slaying their killers, however long it takes and no
matter how powerful they are.

Notable Organisations:
Clan Quarrymaster, based in Lindiscaer, is a dominant force in the quarrying and marble cutting trade in the
southern portions of the kingdom. This clan is on very good terms with the rulers in Eaerlann and Illefarn and
is seeking to expand its trade in this area. Clan Quarrymaster has crafters and stone masons working in all the
major cities, but also maintains important offices in Elvenport and Aelinthaldaar
Emblem: A black hammer and chisel on a field of white marble.
Trade Goods: Cut marble, statuary, stone masons and masons tools.

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Places of Interest :

Brightaxe Keep

Brightaxe Keep – A stout, motte & bailey style keep of imposing black granite surrounded by a square 50’ high,
15’ thick, curtain wall 100’ on a side with 4 imposing 80’ battlement topped towers set with ballista and
trebuchet atop the central keep. A barbican with a double portcullis gate house, stouts iron doors, and
murders holes above complete this stark edifice. The keep is a storehouse of food, small smithies, and
armoires’ crammed with weapons and armour, and are never guarded by less than a dozen guards. There is a
highly destructive trap set somewhere in the basement of the keep: If the dwarves are slain or forced out,
no enemy of the dwarves will get the store of weapons without taking heavy losses.

The Lucky Maiden Inn & Tavern: Home to a retired Dwarven adventurer and priestess of Haela, Anthalass
Rockfist. A two story, sprawling manor in the tudor style, with several out buildings, stables, and paddocks, a
blacksmiths, wagon-wrights, a duck pond, vegetable garden and orchards. Lady Anthalass is the youngest
sister of Queen Helmma who gave up her noble and pampered existence for a life of hard-nosed adventuring
and monster slaying when she defied her father and joined the priesthood as a young stripling at the tender
age of 14. From that day forth she was disowned by her family and has never looked back.

Dahaurock- dahaurok – A hook shaped crag of volcanic granite inscribed with the royal symbol of
Ammarindar marking the realms southern boundary, just upriver of present-day Loudwater.

Local Lore :
Sitting in the shadow of the bare, hook shaped crag known as Dahaurock is the farming and trading village of
Lindiscaer. This little out of the way hamlet sits at the confluence of the Greyflow and Delimbyr Rivers. It acts
as a service centre for surrounding farms, and supplies fresh fruits, vegetables, wines, fish and live stock to the
dwarves of Ammarindar. Started by an enterprising group of humans, dwarves and Halflings, the village is
protected at all times by a small garrison of dwarves, halflings, elves and humans.

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Xothol -zothol
Local Lore

This dwarven college of magic was founded in the years of King Azkuldar III, in the year - 550 DR. King Azkuldar
secretly created the Xothol, an arcane collage charged with guarding against Ammarindar against attacks by
the increasingly antagonistic Netherese. Xothol was to be Ammarindar’s secret weapon should the conquering
Netherese ever turn an eye on the shield dwarves. The college was carefully tucked away beneath the south
western Graypeaks and its existence was kept secret from most of Ammarindar’s population. The dwarven
rune casters of Xothol developed new spells and new methods of spell preparation all of which were designed
the thwart the Netherese arcanists. After Netheril’s fall, however support for Xothol waned. King Tormalk
eventually closed the college and ordered it magically sequestered until a time when Ammarindar needed its
protection again. The collected lore of Xothol remains untouched to this day. The college is filled will tomes,
scrolls, magical items, guardians and traps of the most cunning kind. Also here are several Dwarven Arch
Liches who could not give up their studies. They stay waiting for the time when their kin will call them forth to
defend the realm they studied so for so long to defend. Hidden in 4 specially hidden lairs 4 Dragon Arch-
Liches. There are 2 copper dragons, 1 silver dragon and 1 adamantine dragon, all are of very old category or

Haffgaarn Mountain
Rulers: Duke Durthane Silveraxe DM FG 17 AL LE
Population: 4500, 90% Shield Dwarves, 10% Deep Dwarves,
Exports: Adamantine Armour, Gems, Gold & Silver Ornaments, Jewellery and Toys, Beers & Ales.
Standing Army: 1500 Warriors (Platemail, Shield, Battle Axe, Shortsword, Dagger, Heavy Crossbow
Notable Temples:: major temples to all dwarven gods, particularly Moradin and Clangeddin Silverbeard.
Notable Organisations:
Clan Deepaxe is the region’s primary trader of mithral. With their mithral mines producing more than any
other clans, Their primary clan houses are in Haffgaarn, Splendarrmornn, Dawnspire and Whitewater. The
Deepaxe clan Hold sits north of the main entrance to Haffgaarn and over 300 clan members and guards serve
customers who come to the hold to trade. Mithral tools and weapons gleam from wall racks, bolts of silk
fabric rest on high shelves and precious works of glass, stone, and gem craft are displayed in a fine cases lining
the walls.
Emblem: A mithral hammer on a scarlet and sky-blue field.
Trade Goods: Mithral, weapons, artwork, textiles, and gems.

Places of Interest:
Moonlight Madness: Is a cavern tavern of some renown. It boasts large cushioned booths with sheer silken
curtains fluttering in artificial breezes generated by tiny elementals, the breeze, scented oil lamps, and
winsome serving girls. Its lavish approach does seem to encourage business, but its prices are nearly twice
those of other taverns in the city.
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Haalla Trueforger Wagon-Wrights

Haalla Trueforger owns and operates Haffgaarn s largest wagon manufacture and repair facility. Two large
chambers south of the main entrance cavern are used by Haalla and her 10 children. The Trueforgers are well
known for their workmanship. Their shop produces wagons of every description from small open wagons to
mine cars and stately coaches. Fine two and four wheeled chariots are crafted here as well. The two main
caverns serve as workshop and showroom, respectively. If she doesn’t have the wagon in stock that the
buyer wants, she can build it in two weeks if she has the materials on hand (70% chance) or in four to six
weeks if she doesn’t. Custom orders take from one to four weeks longer to build and cost 50-100% more
depending on the extent of customization involved.

The Dragon’s Fang

Run by smiths of the Rockfist clan the dwarves here are renowned for specializing in custom-made weapons
of exceptional quality. The Dragon’s Fang maintains a large clientele among noblemen and professional
warriors. The shop deals exclusively in mithral and adamantine weaponry Harranudyn Rockfist, the master
weapon-smith who owns and runs The Fang is a former mercenary with a strong appreciation for what a fine
quality weapon can mean in a battle. Weapons purchased at The Fang cost thrice the standard rate, but are
custom made and have a +2 non-magical bonus for attack and damage.

Local Lore :

Like West Delve its main purpose is the manufacture of Dwarven Goods, and the housing of the realms
populace in relative safety. Ruled by the Silveraxe clan, Haffgaarn’s ruler, Duke Durthane Silveraxe is a stern
and taciturn dwarf who likes nothing better than to add more wizard’s skulls to the walls of his private
chambers. Durthane is a little xenophobic and does not tolerate outsiders well. His wife Gundilla is the grease
that keeps the wheels turning whilst Durthane is off hunting Netherese. The folk here are considered rough
and uncouth by Ammarindan standards and this suits them fine. Haffgaarn warriors are amongst the fiercest
soldiers and tunnel rats in the realm, and the clans here produce most of the berserkers and battle-ragers of
Ammarindar’s army.

Rulers: Merchants and Farmers Council
Population: 1250 (Shield Dwarves 50%, Humans 20%, Halflings 10% Moon Elves 10%, ½ Elves 5%, Rock
Gnomes 3%, Others 2%)
Exports: Mules, horses, fruit & vegetables, fish & freshwater pearls, leather goods, timber products, wines,
spirits & ales,
Standing Army: militia of archers, spear throwers, axe and sword wielders of 300 stout shields for the wall.
Notable Temples: High Water’s Lodge – Hostelry & Temple to Marthammor Duin. This homey and
comfortable keep like structure sits astride the bridge crossing the river at Grayford. Set 50’ above the highest
‘High Water’ mark, hence its name, this solid stone 4 story structure is home to a sept of the Tarynstone clan
who operate the toll way and barge service here. The place is maintained by Garth Tarynstone, a Dwarven
adventurer and priest who is open and friendly, and definitely curious about what lies over the next horizon.
He has a keen interest in the doings of the wider world as a whole, and he is far less xenophobic than most
dwarves. Garth carries with him a walking stick gifted to him by a kindly wizard that serves as a quarterstaff
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+1. When in the hands of a dwarf, it furnishes one limited wish if that wish is spoken aloud as the stick is
broken. The walking stick then crumbles to dust as the magic is expended, accompanied by the ringing tone of
a mace crashing against metal in the distance. For some unknown reason Garth’s walking stick has
reappeared at the High Water’s within a 10 day of having been broken, on 41 different occasions.
Places of Interest:

The Fateful Ring

This small, but well-appointed jewellers is located off of the main market square. The owner, Felorinda
Arnskull, works in a variety of media including all forms of gold, silver, mithral, copper and bronze, both with
and without gems. Unlike some designers whose work is in vogue one day and out the next, Felorinda creates
simple designs set off with understated flares and variations that carry a broader appeal.

The Seven Water Horses Inn

The Seven Water Horses Inn is run by Celestiar Moonsong, a aging Moon Elf woman. Celestiar’s husband and
two sons were killed by raiding orcs many moons ago so now, the family home is all she has left and she
refuses to part with it. To maintain the home and feed herself, Celestiar operates the house as an inn. Visitors
may rent rooms by the day, the week, or the month. A courtyard at the rear of the main building contains a
small stable where up to six mounts can be housed. Rooms run from 5 silvers per person per night, or 25 sp
per person for the week, and 10 gold pieces per person per month, payable in advance. Prices include stabling
of one mount per guest and meals. Quality of the lodging is good, the meals are fail.

The Delirious Dragon Tavern serves the widest variety of ales in the district including its own brand,
Black Death, a potent draft which is brewed from the local deaths- head mushrooms and black rye that grows
in the fields south of the village.

The Collapsed Shaft is the dive of choice among the districts less discriminating drinkers. It’s got the
cheapest Beers, ale and wine in town, and it tastes like it. The meals reflect this standard of service and the
contents of the meat pies is questionable at the best of times.

Dawnspire Citadel
Rulers: Duke Guntalbron Ironaxe DM F19 AL LG + council of elders
Population: 14900 (Shield dwarves 70%, deep dwarves 10%, humans 5%, rock gnomes 5%, elves (all types)
5%, others 5%)
Exports: Imports: magnificent armour and weapons of mithral, adamantine and cold wrought iron as hard
as steel, diamonds, garnets, rare star sapphires, emeralds and rubies, spirits & ales.
Standing Army: 2500 axe wielding shield warriors, 350 dire-wolf riders.
Notable Characters:
Notable Temples: Karlyth Sharindlar – Temple to the Lady of Mercy and Compassion; Deep within the
heart of the mountain, is the Hall of Joyous Souls, a great halls, free of pillars or other architectural features.
Serving as both a chancel and grand ballroom, they are well lit by craftily positioned mirrors set in windows
atop the mountains surface that capture the first rays of the dawning sun and follow it until it sets. The edges
of the Hall hold fountains, pools, and formal gardens. The goddess's temple has numerous small guest
chambers for visitors, of which there are many. Amongst these many chambers is a small library that serves as
a repository of rune stones inscribed with dwarven genealogies, clan records, courting rites, descriptions of

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formal dances, astronomy charts, medicinal practices, herbal brews, agricultural and husbandry records, and
the like.
Notable Organisations:

Clan Watchever, a vast trading power exiled from Delzoun , corrupt and decadent, is in advanced stages
of decline. Once a name feared and respected throughout the region, Watchever now is the target of ridicule
and derision. Members of the family have withdrawn from the day to day affairs of the clan, too absorbed
with their own lavish lifestyles and personal vices to care. Senior retainers care nothing for the collapsing
Watchever mercantile empire. Driven by greed, they use their positions to line their own pockets. Even
smuggling and selling contraband can be arranged for a hefty bribe. Clan Watchever serves most of the major
cities. The clan also maintains an outpost in the village of Grayford. Many other outposts exist, but are
generally not profitable or are placed at out of the way locations where trade routes have long ago dried up.
Emblem: Three red stars on a yellow and black diagonally divided field.
Trade Goods: Metals, gems, grain, wines & spirits, and wood with minor trade in art and weapons.
Places of Interest:

Chalahoolees Blown & Cut Glass and Crystals

Extremely high quality blown and cut glass/crystal creations are sold here. The glass is of a fine and unique
quality with no two no two pieces in a set ever exactly alike. The artisans working here are under the
supervision of Golda Rockfist, and are considered the finest proponents of the arts anywhere in the Tri-
Kingdom region.

The Makers Wheel

Reputed to make the best pottery in Ammarindar, this shop creates individually painted and glazed, hand-
thrown clay pots. For an extra fee, they are painted or etched with scenes of everyday life. Dozens of potters
work here during the day.

Buclebar Weavers

In this immense underground weavers croft soft silken threads, woollen fibres, fur, and yarn are interwoven
to make clothing, bedding, linens, curtains and decorative wall and floor coverings. A mass of vertical
hand looms are in perpetual motion with bits of coloured fabric constantly introduced to the weave. A
couple, Yorik and Kestral Buclebar, are the head weavers. The Buclebar’s trade their good up and down the
Delimbiyr and to the lands beyond.

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Greyvale Delving
Rulers: Baroness Niquitta Stardelve , ½ dwarf female, Fg10/Skald7 – Rune Chanter. AL LG
Population: 750 (Shield dwarves 90%, humans 5%, gnomes 5%)
Exports: Adamantine, rare gems, mining equipment and tools, spider silk rope,
Standing Army: 300 strong militia of blade swingers for the shield wall.
Places of Interest:

Black Cider Inn

For those who want the finest, and can afford it, there is the Black Cider Inn. The inn caters to visiting nobles
and senior traders with gold in their pockets and a desire for pampered care. Guests of the Black Cider receive
deluxe accommodations with scented baths and access to the inn’s private stock of rare spirits, wines, beers
and ales. Gourmet meals are served in the inn’s exquisite dining room or brought to the guest’s room upon
request. The staff includes several maids and stewards who not only clean the rooms, but can provide guests
with more personal attention, such as private baths and massages. Tipping is acceptable and encouraged.
Runners are available at no extra charge to deliver messages or make purchases for guests. The luxuriant
decadence of the Black Cider Inn can be had for 25 gold pieces a night per person.

The Rambling Rover (Wheelwrights & Cooperage)

One of the cheapest locations for replacing a lost or broken wheel, spoked wheels of all sizes, shapes, and
materials are found in this large complex of sheds and warehouses. Ready-to-use or custom wheels and
spokes are available. The cooperage caters for merchants brining wines and fruits from the surrounding
orchards and vineyards for which Greyvale is justly proud.

Whitewater Mines
Rulers: Baron Harlingenn Stoutshield SDM, Fg14/Pr10 AL NE
Population: 3500 (Shield dwarf 50%, rock gnome 20%, deep dwarf 10%, halfling 5%, human 5%, other 10%)
Exports: Silver, lead, copper, coal, mineral oils, metal wares, lanterns and water pumps.
Standing Army: 800 axe wielders & 50 Griffon riders.
Notable Temples:
The Adamantine Hall – Temple to Vergadain, treasury, counting house, merchant’s guild hall and armoury.
Set just off of the main mine entrance are the fortress like, near impregnable vaults. They are filled with
countless coins, jewels, and other treasures, whose collective value rivals that of most dragon's hoards, with
appropriate magical and non-magical traps to guard them. The central chapel is dominated by a huge stone
cauldron that serve as the altar. A huge gold coin, fully 5 feet across, hangs above the altar. These coins are
guardian anators that emit lightning bolts and magic missiles at unauthorized beings who take things from an
altar where the offerings of Vergadain's faithful are placed.
Notable Organisations:
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The Copper Hands Merchants Guild (and secret guild of fences and thieves).
Clan Brimstone, takes a predatory approach to business. Blackmail, espionage, and assassination are all
acceptable practices to the clan in its quest for wealth and power. Brimstone maintains friendly relations with
Clan Deepaxe and cordial relations with others except Tarynstone, to which it is overtly hostile. When the
opportunity presents itself, Brimstone ruthlessly exterminates smaller clans who trespass upon its trade and
mining interests, picking up the pieces for itself.
Emblem: A pair of silver gauntlets set on a black banner.
Trade Goods: Brimstone is a major supplier of hemp, grain, iron, copper, coal and occasionally deals in

Clan Horn, based in Whitewater, is the most aggressive, militaristic clan in the settlement. Its cavern complex
is a veritable fortress. Heavily armed and armoured guardsmen patrol the grounds with brisk efficiency.
The major caravanserais run by the clan are to be found in all the major settlements and citadels of the
Emblem: A pair of crossed black whips on a golden field.
Trade Goods: Slaves, stolen cargo, weapons, pottery, steel, and occasionally hostages for ransom, hardwood
and gems.

Places of Interest:

The Smashed Goblin

The establishment, whose ownership has changed many times, has an imprint of a crushed goblin in its door
from whence the tavern takes its name. Many years ago, goblins raided the town, one not so bright boy
decided to wait in ambush behind the taverns front door. When the taverns owner, an obese battle-rager
named Velentwth Battlecrasher charged in to check on his ale stocks, he inadvertently crushed the poor
goblin into the wood, leaving a distinct goblin shaped impression in the stout ironwood door. It caters for the
rough and ready crew of miners, warriors and caravan guards. Its food is good if plain, the furniture practical
and oft repaired, and the beers cheap and plentiful. Just the way the patrons like it.

The Hungry Griffon Bakery and Barbers

The Hungry Griffon is a famous meeting place for clandestine meetings and the like . It is the single
establishment never frequented by elves, as it is the one place they must surely fear for their lives. The
establishment is run by a surly dwarf named Galleb Maendrar and his Halfling wife, the barber Trianna
Hammerfoot. The pair developed a strong relationship many years ago whilst adventuring, and it is said they
stalk the countryside late at night looking lone elves or half-elves for their stew pot and famous meat pies.
Both claim to have never killed for a meal, but they always to have fresh meat for the stew and pies for those
who wish to partake. The pair have survived several assassination attempts and arson attacks by angry elves
attempting to close them down, but somehow they manage to keep their doors open.

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East Keep
Rulers: Princess Myrallia Tarynstone SDF, Pr15 (Moradin) AL LG
Population: 7200 (Shield dwarf 75%, human 10%, deep dwarf 5%, rock gnome 5%, other 5%)
Exports: Foodstuffs, Rope, Wines, Timber, Cloth, Small Goods, Armour, Gems, Jewellery, Gold, Silver,
Adamantine Products
Standing Army: 1000 axe wielders, 250 griffon riders.
Notable Characters: Geldenstaf Oakshield, SDM Druid 18 (Doodad) of Silvanus, Fassbjorn Honedaxe SDM
F14, Dragon Slayer, Galladria Clovenshield, ½ DF – Rune Chanter 9/9 – Griffon Rider.
Notable Temples: major temples to Dumathoin and Tempus, with a druids circle located in the nearby
Crescent Woods dedicated to Silvanus
Notable Organisations: Oakshields of the Crescent Wood, a large circle of human and dwarvish druids
who se it as their job to protect the natural wilderness of the northern Greypeaks. These many mountain
druids, of which there are over 60, serve as advisors to the dwarves in the matter of timber cutting and tree
growing. They care for the kingdoms many hardwood and pine plantations so that the dwarves have a
continuous supply of timber for their mines, smelters and forges whilst not angering the elves by cutting into
the High Forest. Grey Cloak Wyrm Slayers: raids by dragons are a constant concern for the people of East
Keep, particularly blue wyrms from the desert and whites from the High Ice. To this end the dwarves have
assembled and trained an elite band of dragon slayers. This high risk, high reward profession has a high turn
over of guildsmen, but those veterans who survive gain fearsome reputations and much wealth besides.

Places of Interest:
Mithral Pick Miners Hall, the central meeting place and residential hall for the keeps many miners. Really
an complex of interlocking gran chambers and galleries set deep inside East Peak.
Skybolt Aerie: Home to the griffon riders of East Keep, the highest towering spire atop the mountain, and
home to the nests and landing platforms of over 300 griffons and their many riders and those who care for
Wyrmstrike Mines: an incredibly rich series of silver, gold and adamantine veins runs beneath the nearby
mountains, besides the many deep shafts that riddle the upper under-dark hereabouts, there are also several
open-cut pit mines that scar the deeper valleys and canyons of the Greypeaks around East Keep, these are
collectively known as the Wyrmstrike Mines, as they were founded when a group of prospecting dwarves and
humans exploring a slain dragons lair, discovered that it was set in an enormous silver and gold reef just
below the surface.

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Local Lore:
The people of East Keep have always been an independent lot, striking out on their own millennia ago, they
have developed a reputation as fierce fighters who will not give way under any circumstances. There have
been several bloody clashes with the drow of Ched Nasad. It was because of this intractable attitude that
they chiefs decided to start open-cut mining. This was due mainly in part because the drow and their minions
were less likely to attack miners working in full sunlight. This has proven to be a highly successful, if labour
intensive solution to dwindling numbers of miners due to violence. East keep and Fellridge share many
resources and kinship ties and the dwarves of Whitewater Mines are perhaps their best trading partners with
Whitewater’s mechanical water pumps for keeping ground water out of the pits and mines, being in constant

The Keep itself is set deep inside East peak mountain, a branch of the High Road wends its way up to the
Keeps craftily hidden doors set at the end of a box canyon ending at a sheer cliff wall flanked by two giant
Dwarven warriors in forbidding plat email and covered in ancient magical runes. Within are the great halls
and galleries of a city capable of holding 15000 of the stout fo9lf but currently holding less than half that
number. At the top of East Peak a series of watchtowers and huge glass-steel windows look out over the
desert harkening back to a day when the fields and forests and seas of Netheril graced the view of these
ancient halls.

Greypeak Mountains Looking West from the Anaurach Desert.

Obrynn’s Landing Trade Depot

Rulers: Obrynn Thistlewhite SDM F9/Thf16 AL NG
Population: 300 (Shield dwarves 50%, Halflings 20%, humans 20%, others 10%)
Exports: barges, boats, chandlery, tack and harness, dry goods.
Standing Army: militia of who ever is around at the time + 60 stout axes for the shield wall.
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Notable Characters: Obrynn Thistlewhite, a rascally and belligerent old dwarf who runs the trading post
atop the cliffs above Obrynn’s landing. Built by his great grandfather the original Obrynn Thistlewhite, the
current Obrynn builds and supplies barges for the river traffic between Port Shining Falls and the Docks of
Teu’tel’Alu (Elvenport). Portia Casseldon – Halfling proprietor of the only Inn/Tavern in town.
Notable Temples: None, shrine and a single priest to Dumathoin, Gaddernthor Honedaxe, Pr 5, AL LG.
Notable Organisations: The White Thistle Trading Coster and Barge Wrights.
Places of Interest:
The docks: steep loading ramps wend their way down the 500’ cliffs, to the loading docks cut into the cliff on
the banks of the River Shining. The 300’ long 100’ wide platform is equipped with two large steel cargo cranes
that lower heavy, cargo laden pallets down to the docks. Which are then picked up by smaller cranes
operated by stevedores who load and unload the cargos onto barges and leaf boats who ply their trade up
and down the River Shining. Two large warehouses are cut deep into the cliff face and a comfortable four
story, dockside inn/tavern – The Sunken Barge and customs house sit alongside.
Local Lore: Obrynn’s Landing acts as the main trading port for dwarven goods from the upper vale and
northern Greypeaks. Placed strategically at the western end of the High Gap, many merchants use the High
gap Market and Caravanserai maintained by Obrynn’s clan as a major trading hub thus having to avoid
crossing the river 20 miles up stream. Obrynn operates a ferry service to the trade road on the other side for
those travellers seeking quick passage to Elvenport and its surrounding cities. The place may be small but it
sits astride a major trade route and is subject to frequent raids by orcs and giants. Obrynn maintains a
standing contingent of giant slayers, and artillerists who maintain the town’s heavy catapults, ballistae and

Rulers: Baron Skyrenfell, Dwelf M High Mage 22 AL LG,
Population: 6000 (Shield dwarf 60%, moon elf 20%, dwelf/ ½ elf 10%, human 5%, gnome 5%)
Exports: siege machines and equipment, heavy mining equipment, explosives, enchanted weapons,
armours and other unusual devices, leather and timber products, fine bears wines ales, horses and mountain
ponies, barrels and kegs.
Standing Army: 1800 axe & sword wielders for the shield wall, 200 dire-wolf riders, 150 griffon riders.
Notable Characters: Baron Torkillas Skyrenfell, Dwelf M High Mage 22 AL LG, Arch-mage of Ammarindar
and head of the Griffonclaw High Magic circle, Lady Chyron Skyrenfell ½ Moon Elf Mage 15/Fg15, wife of the
Baron and head of the blade singing dragon & griffon riders.
Notable Temples: Major temples to Sehanine, Dumathoin, Garl Glittergold, shrines to Selarine, Dwarven,
Human and Gnomish pantheons.
Notable Organisations: Skyfire Riders: a society of ½ elves and ½ dwarves dedicated to defending their
home from all comers. Most are either blade-singers or rune-chanters with the occasional duskblade or
poet/priest. Gasselgriffs Beer, Barrels and Ports – chief exporter of Skyfire beers and ales, their fortified
liqueurs have been known to sustain more than one weary traveller on those cold winter nights. Their rarest
port wine – Old Smokey, acts as a potion of warmth and vitality for up to 8 hours if 3 full drams are consumed,
the downside is the person ends up exceedingly drunk and passed out for most of that time, with a matching
hangover upon awakening.
Places of Interest:

Skyrenfell Hall: is really a series of interconnected keeps, towers, aeries, halls and galleries set atop and
within the multiple peaks of Skyfire Mountain. The actual keep is a seven towered, 60’ high curtain walled
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castle astride the mountain plateau known as the Fellridge. Built into the mountain below are many halls and
galleries lit by gigantic glass-steel windows set high into the sheer cliffs of the mountain side. The castle is
connected to its other halls and buildings by stout covered stone bridges and craftily hidden portals for use in
the winter months. A well guarded lone, winding stair leads 9000’ to the valley floor.

Skyfire Aerie: A series of caverns, landing platforms and aeries dedicated to the housing the windriders of

Local Lore

Fellridge Hall is a mist shrouded granite keep set atop Skyfire Mountain. The Keep once overlooked the Far
Forest and the Sea of Ascore. Its dragon and griffon riders escorted the sky ships of Netheril on trade missions
to the capital of Splendarrmornn. In more modern times the people of Fellridge have acted as a redoubt
against the wandering horrors unleashed by the phaerimm. Fellridge Hall is the traditional home of those
deemed untraditional in the kingdoms of Eaerlann and Ammarindar. Always home to outsiders, the Barony of
the Skyrenfells prides itself on being the last best line of defence. With links to Mintarn, Ruathym and Lantan
the traders of Fellridge use well guarded trade portals to export and import wares across the realms. If you
want it, they can get it…for a price. Famed as builders and inventors the engineers of Fellridge are often hired
as siege breakers and large construction consultants. There buildings, dams, tunnels and halls can be found all
across the realms. Their greatest claim to fame was is the construction of the Adamantine Palace in
Splendarrmornn. There is a steep and winding stair to the keep atop the mountain, but no internal tunnels of
stairs. Access to the city is via either flight or portal. Even in the aftermath of the Hellgate Wars, the people
of Fellridge have maintained a discreet presence in their mountain fastness.

Several villages and farm steading owe their allegiance to Fellridge and 8 farmer’s portals connect the Tower
Tor (southernmost peak) to a fortress designed to hold all of their families and livestock in times of war.
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Localities of Note
The Realm of Stone and Shadow

The Realm of Stone and Shadow is a huge network of caverns in the upper Underdark beneath the Greypeak
Mountains. Some of these subterranean chambers are natural, bringing hot, foaming springs up to join the
River Shining. Others are the passages of abandoned Ammarindan delves. The surrounding Underdark bears
the scars of countless spell battles, however, from the battles the drow of Ched Nasad waged wars against
beholders, dwarves, fiends, and phaerimm. The dwarven realm of Ammarindar also extended down into the
upper Underdark, encompassing both natural caverns and an extensive mining network. The underways of
Ammarindar ran the length of the upper Delimbiyr valley, permitting travellers to walk from North Peak, at
one end of the kingdom to the Citadel of Yaunoroth at the other without ever returning to the surface.
Isolated clan holds lay scattered throughout the Ammarindan Underdark wherever the richest veins of ore
and gemstones were found.

Vale of Naurogloth - The Bleached Bones Pass

It was here of old that the final stand of the Dwarves of Ammarindar too place. Queen Olmma’s brief reign
began and ended here upon the lower slopes of Bone Mountain as she and her troops fought a desperate rear
guard action against the orcs and fiends boiling up out of the tunnels and forgotten holds of the underdark.
This barren and wind-swept valley was the main trade route from southern Netheril to Illefarn, via the mines
of Dekanter. Its stony floor marks the southern boundary of the kingdom, and stone markers carved with the
triple horned crown and stars emblem of the realm being found all along the southern side and either end of
the ancient caravan trail. In more modern times the pass draws its name from piles of sun-whitened bones
that line the trail. Numerous small, crude orc strongholds dot the slopes of the pass, warring constantly with
one another.

Ched Nasad

The City of Shimmering Webs lies in a great V-shaped cavern under the High Gap in the northern Greypeak
Mountains. The grotto is nearly a mile high and a half mile wide at its largest. While the cavern roof is
relatively flat, the grotto’s walls are so steeply pitched as to make it impossible for creatures other than
spiders or lizards to stand upright. The drow of Ched Nasad have built their city atop slender filaments of
magically calcified webbing that endlessly dance and flicker with the radiance of faerie fire. Over one
hundred major layers of web work stretch across the cavern, and hundreds of other near-vertical webs
provide access for climbers from one level to the next. Individual dwellings, which resemble great hollow
cocoons, are constructed both above and below the layers of webbing.


Beneath the High Forest in the upper Underdark, lies the largest and possibly longest-lived organism in all of
Faerûn. Tales dating back to the height of Ammarindar speak of dwarven mines located deep beneath the
Elven realm of Eaerlann that were abandoned to the slow, inexorable growth of Araumycos, a dwarven term
that means .Great Fungus.. The Fair Folk have legends that date back farther still that tie the birth of
Araumycos to the fell sorceries of the Vyshaantar Empire, but so little is known of that era, even among the
elves, that no origin can be conclusively determined. The gods of the Realms are curiously silent on the
mysteries of Araumycos, leading many to conjecture what wonders it conceals. The Great Fungus is believed
to extend from the Shining Falls to the Lost Peaks and from Tall Trees to the Hall of Four Ghosts, wholly
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occupying the labyrinth of tunnels and caverns that wend their way beneath the High Forest. Its size seems to
be in some way constrained by the woodland, for the fungus does not extend beyond its periphery.

Cavern of Cloven Heads

Over five thousand years ago, this small cave was the site of a battle between a rear guard of dwarven heroes
of Clan Black Axe and a group of drow refugees led by Menzoberra the Kinless. Located at the heart of the
network of Black Axe iron mines, the Cavern of Cloven Heads gained its name from the greatly outnumbered
.Brave Beards,. Who fell one by one yet managed to take more than half of Menzoberra’s drow with them.
The last dwarf, bloody but unbending, his body wracked by spasms brought on by drow poison, cursed the
drow and then sank into the solid stone of the cavern floor. The Stout Folk of Clan Black Axe later reclaimed
the caverns, but they were forced to abandon them again as Ammarindar collapsed overhead.

Set in the middle of the cavern floor is a monstrous boulder engraved with runes. Riven skulls of hundreds
of drow lay in concentric circles around it. Since this is actually an ancient dwarven cairn of the Black Axe Clan.
The inscriptions on the great boulder are actually Dethek runes that relate the legend of the .Brave Beards..
The rock itself lies atop the site where Dorn Black Axe, the last defender of the dwarven rear guard, sank into
the floor of the cavern. Dorn’s arms and armour remain entombed in the floor; although the legendary
dwarf’s physical form has merged with the rock. If the boulder cairn is ever moved and the stone beneath it
transformed via stone shape, transmute rock to mud, or similar magical effects, the Black Axe of Dorn, the
Dragonbane Towershield, and the Adamantine Golemcloak may be removed in pristine condition.

Horindon Lhar – The High or Night Gap

In ages past this pass was considered the northern boundary of the realm, its finely paved road served as the
main trade road between western Netheril, Ammarindar and Eaerlann. The road starts at the ferry terminus
of Obrynn’s Landing and runs almost straight south east before it branches into three byways; the shortest
road wends its way back into the mountains to East Keep, the more well travelled road continues east into the
rolling hills of Fallen Lands and on into Netheril, whilst the southern and most ancient road winds its way past
the ancient ruins of forgotten kingdoms that predated Netheril, to eventually join up with the Dawn Pass road
at the village of Haaftondowns.

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The Leaping Bridges of Karscragg

Here at the confluence of the Delimibyr and the Heartsblood, a place known as Karscragg to the dwarves, two
high arched and heavily buttressed stone bridges span the Delimibyr. These two spans, one dedicated to
Moradin and the other to his wife mark the formal alliance between the elves of the High Forest and the
dwarves of Ammarindar. A major trade route passed over these bridges and led to the establishment of the
twin communities of Karandon and Telleer, thriving villages of elves, halflings, humans and dwarves on either
side of the river.


A hook-shaped bare rock crag just upriver of present-day Loudwater, under whose shadow the farming village
of Lindiscaer is located. Atop the crag is a watch tower equipped with a signal fire that is garrisoned 24 hours a
day. This small, jutting crag of bare rock provides a perfect natural lookout. On a clear day, some 60 miles of
territory can be viewed; on clear nights, campfires can be seen 90 miles.

Shining Mountain

The western most peak of the two great mountains west of the Shining Falls. This basically hollowed out
snow-capped extinct volcano contains within its many chambers the royal capital of Splendarrmornn.

Shining Falls

A high, spectacular horseshoe falls behind which lies the hidden entrance to the Royal capital of Ammarindar
beneath the torrential waters of the Shining Falls.

Greypeak Mountains
This eastern mountain range separates the Fallen Lands from the Delimbiyr river valley. The range is named
for the tribes of gray skinned stone giants who dwell here. Its mineral wealth was removed thousands of years
past during the reign of lost Netheril. The easternmost mountains of the Interior are known to offer the
richest concentration of griffons in all Faerûn. Cloud giant castles are sometimes seen drifting over these
eastern peaks, and every so often, dragons are seen in full, magnificent flight among the clouds, winging their
lone and splendid ways into or out of the most remote peaks.

The Greyvale consists of the grasslands drained by the Greyflow and the Loagrann, the three-branched river
that joins the Greyflow at Orlbar, northwest of Grayford. Travel in the Vale is easy with well marked and
paved trade roads heading to all the major settlements radiating out from Grayford to Splendarrmornn, West
Delve, Greyvale Delving, Lindiscaer and Whitewater. Even so these lands can be perilous. Bordered on one
side by wild mountains and on the other by a vast wild wood, perhaps the largest in Faerûn, this is a territory
roamed by monsters and rapacious humanoids. The dale also holds many farms and ranches along with
hamlets of miners and fishermen.

Sepulchre Downs

This barren, lonely and wind swept group of hills tucked between the mountains the forest and the dunes is of
old the burial place for kings who names were lost before the name of the realm of Netheril was ever
muttered. The tombs and barrows were here when the dwarves arrived from Shanatar, and they learned very
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quickly to leave well enough alone. Even is the days of High Vyshantaar the elves gave this lonely place of old
death a wide birth, knowing in their hearts that it is a fell place of long forgotten evils. Even when in later
times the nobles of Netheril occupied the Fallen Lands, they learnt very quickly to leave the tombs in peace
after several nameless horrors released by greedy tomb robbers reeked untold death and destruction before
being returned to their places of rest.

The tombs are nameless mounds covered in low scrub and grasses, occasionally the ancient stumps of ruined
towers sit atop an ancient crypt. The weathered writings carved into the ancient lintels at the entrances to
uncovered tombs are in a language lost to the mists of time, so that only the most obscure scholars or the
preternaturally ancient could ever hope to read it. The tongue is a form of Sarruhk that was a dead language
amongst that folk when the Elves first appeared. The hieroglyphs warn of ancient curses, of evils un-named
and better left at rest. Most tombs contain only dust and a few semi precious stones, most other items have
long since lost their enchantments after more than 40000 years. Some texts carved into the walls speak of
foes faced by the first sarruhk and how they themselves were pushed to the brink of extinction in some lost
and forgotten “War of the Primordials”.

Some tombs however are truly untouched and may contain treasures and horrors in equal portions. These
barrows are the oldest and hardest to find. Often they are part of the landscape, so that only a careful aerial
survey may reveal their location. Some horrors unleashed from these tombs have been Nightwalkers, Insane
Sarruhk Demi-Liches, Abyssal Djinn, ancient sauropod death knights, plagues of ghosts and undead warriors,
poisonous cloud of vapour that covered whole valleys in a lingering green death and worse. Most
undiscovered tombs are warded against detection spells and powers, and are often filled with magical and
mundane traps both simple and complex that reset themselves no matter how often they are disturbed or

Typical treasures include coffers full of gems and spices, gilded furniture of strange and alien designs, 1-10
alcoves for the bodies…often long since dust…the jewellery that adorned the bodies, and ancient weapons
and other magic and psionic items that may or may not still hold their powers. In one recently opened
sepulchre the explorers all died after releasing a Sarruhk Barrow Wraith with the powers of an arch-mage.
Found near the drained and desiccated bodies outside the tomb were a variety of items.
1. +3 ring of red coral that turned undead draining powers into healing energies for the wearer.
2. A black leaf bladed shorts word, set with jade and garnets in the hilt that acted as a reptilian bane
sword of wounding.
3. A adamantine chain link choker that acted as a ring of blinking whilst making the wearer immune to all
forms of heat and fire – including hell fire and dragon breath.
4. A snake headed bronze sceptre with all the powers of a staff of magi and a rod of lordly might.

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Ancestor Weapons

When a truly great dwarf passes away, her ashes are often saved and incorporated into some structure or
item that either meant something to the individual during her life or is considered representative of her skills
and greatness in some way. Dwarves being the martial individuals they are, this object is usually a building or
weapon of some type. The latter is much more common. The weapon is then given to whichever descendant
of the deceased is judged to be the most worthy.

Since this weapon is intended to be a tribute, such a weapon is always of dwarven-craft quality. The weapon
must be made of metal, so as to allow the ashes to he incorporated with the weapon during forging. A priest
is always present for the entire forging of the weapon, and must give an appropriate blessing at each critical
juncture of the process.

In the end, an ancestor weapon is an intelligent magic item. The smiths and clerics who forge ancestor
weapons claim that an ancestor weapon contains a link to the spirit of the deceased, and they believe that the
spirit dictates the magical qualities of the weapon, from its basic capabilities (its enhancement bonus and
special abilities, such as holy or flaming) to the particular powers it manifests as a result of its intelligence. An
ancestor weapon has an Ego score 2 points higher than a normal intelligent item with the same powers and
abilities, and it generally resists using its powers in the service of anyone who is nor a member of its bloodline.
Like a dwarf, an ancestor weapon has a Charisma score 2 points lower than normal, and even the least
powerful ancestor weapons have dark-vision with a range equal to their normal vision. Ancestor weapons
with ranks in Search gain the dwarven racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework. Most
ancestor weapons are lawful good.

Gharriakha, the Hearthwarden

+4 defending Dwarven war-axe; AL LG; Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 8; Empathy, 60-ft. dark-vision and hearing; Ego
score 10. Lesser Powers: Cure moderate wounds 3/day, death-watch. Personality: In life Gharriakha was a
dwarven defender, and the weapon that contains her ashes shares her selfless, protective spirit. It is content
to remain quiet and stay out of the spotlight, while offering all the help it can to its wielder. Generally, its only
communications are the feelings of encouragement and support it sends to its wielder. Strong abjuration; Cl
13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, shield or shield of faith, creator must be a dwarf; Price 61,830 gp.

Morzhul, the Forgeheart

+2 flaming burst warhammer; AL CN; Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 16; Speech, telepathy, 120-ft. dark-vision, blind sense,
and hearing; Ego score 25. Lesser Powers: Daze monster 3/day, faerie fire 3/day, item has 10 ranks in
Intimidate (total modifier +13). Greater Power: Wall of fire 1/day (in a ring centred on the wielder). Special
Purpose: Defeat/slay creatures with the cold subtype. Dedicated Power: 10d6 fireball. Strong evocation; Cl
15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, flame blade, flame strike, or fireball, creator must be a dwarf; Price
127,212 gp.


+1 axiomatic great-axe; Al IN; Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12; Speech, 120-ft. dark-vision and hearing; Ego score 10.
Lesser Powers: Zone of truth 3/day, item has 10 ranks in Sense Motive (total modifier +12). Personality: The

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name of the once-living dwarf whose spirit is linked to this great axe is no longer known, and the weapon will
not reveal it. It is known, however, that in life he was a judge, and his obsession with truth is manifested in the
personality of the weapon that carries his spirit. The weapon immediately initiates conflict with a wielder who
lies. Strong evocation (lawful); Cl 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, order's wrath, creator must be a dwarf
and lawful; Price 34,120 gp.

Zhavak the Sunderer

+2 bane (constructs) adamantine battleaxe; Al LG; Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 15; Speech, telepathy, 120-ft. dark-
vision and hearing; Ego score 18. Lesser Powers: Bless 3/day, cure moderate wounds 3/day, item has 10 ranks
in Knowledge (arcana) (total modifier +13). Special Purpose: Defeat/slay constructs. Dedicated Power: Rusting
grasp. Personality: Generally as dour as the most taciturn dwarf, Zhavak's personality springs to life when the
weapon is in battle with constructs. The dwarf whose spirit is linked to the weapon was a mighty cleric of
Moradin slain in battle with an iron golem, and Zhavak loves to fight such foes above all others. It is prone to
giving its wielder tactical advice in battle with golems, which is not always sound. Devoutly religious, it
immediately initiates conflict if its wielder does not demonstrate proper piety. Strong conjuration; Cl 15th;
Craft Magic Arms and Armour, summon monster I, creator must be a dwarf; Price 99,110 gp.

Axe of Ancestral Virtue

+4 adamantine keen dwarven war axe, AL LN; Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 17; Speech, telepathy, 120 ft. dark-vision
and hearing; Ego score 17.
Lesser Powers: Bless 3/day, cure moderate wounds on wielder 3/day, faerie fire 3/day.
Greater Power: Haste on wielder 3/day.
Personality: One of Moradin's high priests volunteered to be bound into the original axe of ancestral virtue
ages ago, and his personality has since been duplicated into what few copies of the weapon that exist. The
priest, who refuses to reveal his old name, is a fierce warrior who urges his owner to attack the ancient
enemies of the dwarves (goblinoids and giants) at every available opportunity. He takes great delight in
"illuminating targets" (faerie fire), "salving honour-wounds" (cure moderate wounds), and granting
"godspeed" (haste). He judges wielders on how well they adhere to traditional dwarven culture. He rebels
mightily against non-dwarves who so much as pick him up.

Millennial Chainmail

This suit of armour feels like mithral chainmail to the touch, but the miniscule rings are a pale green, turning
brighter when the millennial chainmail is in the sun. Millennial chainmail functions as +3 chain mail, but it has
a maximum Dexterity bonus of +8, an armour check penalty of-2, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. It
is considered light armour. Millennial chainmail painlessly extends tiny green roots into the wearer's skin,
granting fast healing 3 as long as the wearer is standing in better than shadowy illumination.

Shield of the Resolute

This +2 mithral moderate fortification heavy shield is made from hundreds of strips of mithral, each a different
size, riveted together. It is said that shields of the resolute are assembled from pieces of shields from
hundreds of dwarves who fell in battle defending their homelands. Goblinoids and giants within 30 feet who
gaze upon a shield of the resolute must succeed on a Will save (DC 17) or be shaken (if they have the same or
more HD than the wielder) or frightened (if they have fewer HD). This functions like a gaze attack, so the
goblinoids and giants must make saves at the beginning of their turns every round unless they take measures
to avoid seeing the shield of the resolute

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Craemmol 's Hammer

Owned by a dwarf warrior legendary for both his battle prowess and his greed, this +3 warhammer sheds
bright yellow light equivalent to that of a torch. Whenever a drow comes within 60 feet of the wielder, the
weapon makes a loud ringing sound like a tremendous bell. If the wielder concentrates on the hammer for 1
full round, she learns the precise location of the nearest drow and the total number of drow that are within
the weapon's detection radius. The hammer has the added property that if “hurled” it gains a +5 bonus to hit
an damage but only vs drow.

Mace of Smiting

This +3 heavy mace has a +5 enhancement bonus against constructs, and any critical hit dealt to a construct
completely destroys it (no saving throw), Furthermore, a critical hit dealt to an outsider deals x4 critical
damage rather than x2.


This +1 warhammer made of dark steel bears a large rune on its head, representing a spell stored in the
hammer. Unlike with a spell storing weapon, a runehammer's spell is not expended, and can be used once per
day. Rune powers common to the runehammers are:
Alhalbrin: Heat metal upon the target.
Faerindyl: Burning hands upon the target.
Thundaril: Polymorph other on target (typically into a snail or toad).

As a dark steel weapon, the runehammer inflicts +1 point of electricity damage each time it hits. If this
treasure is generated randomly, roll 1d6 to determine which runehammer is found: 1-2 Alhalbrin; 3-5
Faerindyl; 6 Thundaril.

Silvermane 's Axe

This +3 evil outsider bane battleaxe is inscribed with the symbol of Moradin and a phrase in dwarven: "Let the
fiends fall before me, to the greatest glory of my clan, as I stand upon their heaped corpses and bellow the
Soul Forger's name."


This +2 great axe has a slightly curved cleaving-blade on one side of its head and a long chisel-point pick on
the opposite side. The weapon is specifically designed for dwarves, taking into account their size, strength,
physique, and magical ties to the stone. In the hands of a dwarf, a stonereaver gains the construct bane
(against any construct primarily made of earth, stone, or metal only) and earth elemental bane special abilities.

Roaring Armour of Ammarindar

+2 breastplate; displays a bear or dragon head symbol on the back which roars whenever danger approaches
and grants a free uncanny dodge ability (as a 6th level Rogue), non-magical missiles that do less than 10
damage are automatically turned back on their source and the wearer suffers no damage (damage against the
source target is re-rolled).

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Ammarindar’s Fist

Minor Artifact; +5 returning warhammer; grants +4 Strength bonus (as a belt of giant strength) and acts as a
ring of spell turning,

Ring of Nine Lives

Casts heal on the wearer automatically when they reach 0 HP or less (1 charge), wearer can choose to convert
a failed save roll to a success (1 charge), limited charges.

Unicorn Pendant

Displays symbol of Lurue; casts cure moderate wounds and neutralize poison each 1/day, the lay on hands
ability is treated as 4 points higher than normal when worn by a Paladin; Weight 1 lb.

Adamantine Breastplate

This non-magical breastplate is made of adamantine, giving it a natural +2 AC bonus when worn with
adamantine chainmail. Easily enchanted up to +6. Caster level: -; Prerequisites: -; Market Price: 5,350 gp.

Armour of Dragonshape

This suit of +3 dragon craft hide armour grants its wearer resistance 5 against a specific type of energy, as
appropriate to the dragon from whose scales it was crafted (acid for black, copper, or green; cold for silver or
white; electricity for blue or bronze; or fire for brass, gold, or red). This resistance is treated as an
extraordinary (and thus non-magical) feature of the armour. If the wearer has the wild shape ability, she may
change into a Small or Medium dragon of the same colour as the armour once per day, and may remain in
that form for up to 7 hours. This change doesn't count against the character's normal limit of daily wild shape
uses. Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Dragon crafter, wild shape ability; Price
23,165 gp; Cost 14,665 gp + 680 XP; Weight 25 lb.

Armour of Mobility

This suit of +2 leather armour grants its wearer the Mobility feat, even if he doesn't have the prerequisites.
Faint transmutation; Cl 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, cat's grace; Price 16,160 gp; Cost 8,160 gp + 320
XP; Weight 15 lb.

Armour of Transport

This +2 mithral breastplate is prized by quick-strike forces in battle. Once per day on command the wearer can
use dimension door, as the spell. Moderate conjuration; Cl 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, dimension
door; Price 25,300 gp; Cost 12,900 gp + 976 XP.

Armour of the Unending Hunt

This mithral +2 chainmail armour was built by the elves for rangers on long-range patrols. In addition to its
protective qualities, it provides the wearer with immunity to fatigue and exhaustion. Moderate Abjuration; Cl
8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, restoration; Price 21,500 gp; Cost 10,900 gp + 848 XP; Weight 20 lb.
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Banded Mail of Luck

Ten 100-gp gems adorn this +3 banded mail. Once per week, the armour allows its wearer to require that an
attack roll made against him be rerolled. He must take whatever consequences come from the second roll,
since not all luck is good. The wearer's player must decide whether to have the attack roll rerolled before
damage is rolled. Caster level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, bless; Market Price: 18,900
gp; Cost to Create: 10,150 gp + 700 XP

Celestial Armour

This bright silver or gold +1 chainmail is so fine and light that it can be worn under normal clothing without
revealing its presence. It has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +8, an armour check penalty of -2, and an arcane
spell failure chance of 15%. It is considered light armour, and it allows the wearer to fly on command (as the
spell) once per day. Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, creator must be good;
Market Price: 25,300 gp; Cost to Create: 12,800 gp + 1,000 XP.

Crimson Coat of Dumathoin

Dyed a brilliant scarlet colour, a crimson coat of Dumathoin is a suit of +4 leather armour whose surface is
embroidered with flame motifs in golden thread. As a free action, the wearer can command the armour to
ignite three times per day, enveloping her in magical flames that give off light as a torch. The wearer is not
harmed by these flames, gaining a +4 deflection bonus to Armour Class and fire resistance 15 while they last.
Any creature attacking the wearer with a natural weapon or a melee weapon that is not a reach weapon takes
1d4 points of fire damage per attack. A crimson coat can burn for up to 1 minute at a time. Moderate
abjuration; Cl 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, fire shield, resist energy, shield; Price 28,300 gp; Cost
14,230 gp + 1,125 XP.

Ammarindan Dwarven Plate

This full plate is made of Adamantium. This armour has an arcane spell failure chance of 25%, a maximum
Dexterity bonus of +3, and an armour check penalty of -4. It is considered medium armour and weighs 25
pounds. Caster level:-; Prerequisites:-; Market Price: 10,500 gp.

Adamantium Shirt

This very light chain shirt is made of very fine adamantine links. Speed while wearing a adamantine shirt is 30
feet for Medium-size creatures, or 20 feet for Small. The armour has an arcane spell failure chance of 10%, a
maximum Dexterity bonus of +6, and no armour check penalty. It is still considered light armour. The shirt
weighs 10 pounds. Caster level: -; Prerequisite: -; Market Price: 1,100 gp.

Mithralmist Shirt

Forged from a silver-white mithral alloy, a mithral-mist shirt is a +2 mithral shirt that fills the wearer's square
with a billowing silver mist on command. The mist grants the wearer concealment but does nor interfere with
his vision. The armour sheds silver mist for 1 minute per use, up to seven times per day. Finally, once per day,
the wearer of this armour can assume gaseous form for up to 10 minutes. Moderate abjuration; CL 6th; Craft
Magic Arms and Armour, gaseous form, obscuring mist; Price 21,300 gp; Cost 11,200 gp + 808 XP.

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Captain Aerad's Shield

Once wielded by a legendary dwarf hero of Ammarindar, this shield is currently believed to rest in Hellgate
Keep. Legends say that Captain Aerad's shield could shatter any weapon that struck it, but in fact it is merely a
+3 heavy steel shield. Its legendary weapon-breaking prowess was a function of the crude bronze weapons
that Aerad's foes wielded against him, not of powerful magic. Moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms
and Armour, creator must be 9th level; Price 9,170 gp; Cost 4,670 gp + 360 XP; Weight 25 lb.

Dragonheart Armour of King Connar IV of Ammarindar

Made from the hide of the Great Red Wyrm slain by the dwarves of Ammarindar during the slaughter of
Sharrven and worn by one of the last kings of Ammarindar, this dwarf-sized suit of armour is +5 red dragon
hide scale mail. In addition to its normal protective properties, it bestows ½ damage from fire including
dragon breath. Faint abjuration; CL 3rd, Craft Magic Arms and Armour, resist energy; Price 25,400 gp; Cost
12,900 gp + 1,000 XP; Weight 30 lb.

Roaring Armour of Ammarindar

These twelve sets of +2 breast-plates are decorated with silver Elven runes on the front and are carved with a
bear or dragon head on the back. Any non-magical arrow, bolt, sling bullet, or similar missile that strikes the
wearer of the armour for 10 or fewer points of damage is automatically turned back by the armour to strike at
the creature that fired it (the damage is re-rolled against the attacker and the wearer suffers no damage from
the attack). Because the bear or dragon head on the armour roars whenever danger approaches from the rear,
the wearer gains the uncanny dodge ability of a 6th-level rogue (he retains his Dex bonus to AC even when
flat-footed or struck by an invisible attack, and cannot be flanked except by a rogue of at least 10th level). All
twelve of these breastplates are believed to be in the hands of the tanarukks of Hellgate Keep, who plundered
them from Ammarindar. Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: raft Magic Arms and Armour, protection from
arrows, true seeing, Market Price: 49,350 gp; Cost to Create 24,850 gp + 1,960 XP.

Aoxar’s Helm

This open-face metal helmet of otherwise unremarkable but sturdy construction can be placed on the head of
a dead human-size humanoid creature and, within three days, subsequently put on by a living
humanoid. The wearer then sees how the dead creature died as if viewing the death scene through the dead
creature’s eyes. The helm also alerts the wearer to compatriots in dire need giving their precise need and
location. Lastly the helm allows the wearer to pass along a dying friends last wishes to his/her/its family. The
wearer can use “death-watch” at will and” speak with dead” 1/day.

Helmma’s Axe

This war axe +5 of hurling was used to great effect by Helmma during her last stand against the demons of
Hellgate Keep in 882. Against evil outsiders, drow and goblinoids it inflicts triple damage and glows a brilliant
blue when they approach within 500 yards.

Left Hand Glove of Taarnahm the Vigilant

This chain mail gauntlet imbues any melee weapon its wearer grips with the flight abilities of a hammer +3,
dwarven thrower but not the combat bonus.

Right Hand Glove of Taarnahm the Vigilant

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Fashioned of tiny links of mithral, this +1 gauntlet bestows a +1 initiative bonus. The chainmail glove of
Taarnahm the Vigilant also senses any creature within 120 feet who intends harm to the possessor, mentally
alerting him or her of the danger from an unfriendly creature. (It does not however give any other clue to the
identity of the threat.)

Lashing Sword(s) of Samos the Skullreaver

This Ammarindan +3 short sword +5 vs undead, once owned by a famous Dwarven undead hunter, trails an
arc of magic that, if wielded like a whip against undead, destroys most undead creatures utterly with a touch.
The second matching Sunblade shorts word was lost in the fall of North Peak and may well lay their still.

Pegasus Helm of Kloeth Ironstar

This full helm +1 of the legendary scout (Mountain Ranger) Kloeth Ironstar can summon a translucent pegasus
twice a day to be used as a phantasmal mount. The pegasus can carry up to one extra passenger of human
size and otherwise operates as a normal pegasus with regard to its movement abilities. The pegasus has no
independent intelligence and cannot fight for its rider. However, it can be directed with a thought and can
function for up to three hours at a time.

Twinblades Alight

This unique vorpal battle axe has one half forged of black iron and the other of mithral. It glows only at the
touch of a lawful good dwarf warrior and functions as a vorpal weapon only when wielded by such a warrior.
In anyone else’s hands, it functions as a battle axe +2.

Tyranny’s Knell

This golden war hammer +3, dwarven thrower causes earthquakes (earthquake spell of 21st level) 1/day when
slammed against the ground and shrinks giants by a foot with each blow (reduce spell also at 21st level).
Whether this shrinking effect is permanent or not is not recorded, and tales never seem to mention the
earthquake effect being invoked (or working) more than once in every great battle it was wielded in.


These +1 to +4 daggers of throwing always look pitted and corroded. Any object made of iron (or with a
ferrous content) crumbles away as if touched by a rust spells. Save vs disintegration to avoid.

Connar’s Aegis – by George Krashos ©

Shattered helm and sundered shield
Scales awash with fire
With deadly hand and steady eye
He braved the dragon’s ire

Excerpt from the epic poem The Axe and the Dragon
by Elshar “the Shieldskald” Jundeth, son of Orthangh, blood of Maegar, of Karscragg
Year of Last Songs (-248 DR)

The single-handed slaying of the great red wyrm Rithaerosurffel, "the Bane of Sharrven", by King Connar IV of

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Ammarindar in -2770 DR is reckoned by most dwarven sages as one of the greatest feats in the annals of the
Stout Folk. To commemorate this grand achievement, Connar commanded that the hide of the vanquished
dragon be fashioned into a mighty suit of armour which subsequently became a part of the royal regalia of the
kingdom. The suit was comprised of a red dragon hide scale mail hauberk, a war helm, a shorts word carved
from one of the wyrm’s talons and a spiked buckler made from red dragon hide, adamantine and one of the
dragon’s fangs. This ensemble was known to the dwarves as Rornaugharth, but modern sages and lore
masters such as Elgrath of Candlekeep have dubbed it Connar's Aegis, and it is this name which is now in
common usage.

The fall of Ammarindar in the Year of the Curse (882 DR) saw the defeat of its dwarven armies and the
plundering of most of the kingdom's treasures by the demonic hordes of Hellgate Keep. Connar's Aegis is
believed to have been worn by Axe Prince Isinghar, son of Queen Helmma, who was slain whilst commanding
the northern armies of the realm which were the first to be overwhelmed by the fiends. For this reason
Connar's Aegis is sometimes referred to as "Isinghar's Bane". His corpse was stripped on the battlefield and
the pieces that made up Connar's Aegis were soon separated and scattered. Whenever any of the pieces of
Connar's Aegis is first brought within 100-feet of another, both pieces glow with a fiery red radiance akin to
faerie fire for five minutes (this won't happen again until the two pieces are put further apart, and then
moved together again; it doesn't happen continuously when the pieces are touching or worn together).

In his book Moradin's Empty Hands: the Lost Treasures of the Shieldfolk the dwarven loremaster Agamm
Eaglecleft of Sundabar, lists the pieces that made up Connar's Aegis and provides much of the known lore
regarding this lost heirloom of the Stout Folk. It is through the generosity of Agamm that the following details
are presented below:

“What the Sages Say …

Characters who consult with sages or have the benefit of conducting their own research at such places as
Candlekeep, the Vault of Sages or the Herald's Holdfast can gain the following pieces of information about
Connar's Aegis by making Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (history) checks.

DC 15: The fall of Ammarindar in 882 DR saw great treasures of the dwarves seized by the fiends of Hellgate
Keep and the scattering of many others into surrounding lands.
DC 20: In -2770 DR, King Connar IV of Ammarindar slew the mighty red dragon Rithaerosurffel and fashioned a
legendary suit of armour from the creature's scaly hide made up of a hauberk, a war helm, a sword and a
spiked buckler. Together, these items became known as Connar's Aegis.
DC 25: The various pieces of Connar's Aegis all exhibit powerful magic but when brought together and worn
by the same person, their powers collectively increase.
DC 30: DMs should provide a specific fact or piece of information pertaining to the history, powers or location
of one or more of the pieces of Connar's Aegis.”

Collection Benefits
Wearing multiple pieces of Connar’s Aegis grants you vision that can pierce invisibility, wards you from
all attacks and also allows you to gain the strength and durability of a dragon for a time.
When you wear the entire Connar’s Aegis the pieces give off a faint heat and radiance. The wearer also
appears to have insubstantial, shadowy wings.
2 pieces: Four times per day, you can speak the command word of “Dorgar” and with a standard action
gain the effect of a see invisibility spell for 4 minutes.
3 pieces: Three times per day you can speak the command word of “Ardûl” and with a standard action
gain damage reduction 10/-. This benefit lasts for 5 rounds.
4 pieces: You can use draconic might (CL 10th) as a standard (command) action twice per day when
you utter the command word of “Narlaug”.
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Connar’s Aegis Collection Benefits
Pieces Worn Benefit
2 pieces 4/day see invisibility for 4 min
3 pieces 3/day you gain DR 10/- for 5 rounds
4 pieces 2/day draconic might (SC) for 3 min


Auglarn is the most well-known of the pieces that make up Connar's Aegis and is known to humans as the
"Dragonheart Armour".

History: With the dread rise of Hellgate Keep, many fortune-chasers throughout the North flocked to plunder
this grim fortress given Ascalhorn’s reputation as a city of powerful magic and immense wealth. At that time,
the long-dead sage Cthethros described Hellgate Keep as the “most enticing pile of riches to be found north of
Candlekeep since the slaying of the great wyrm Narglarashdrano”. The first five winters following the Year of
the Curse (882 DR) took a fearsome toll of the foolhardy and the over-zealous ere the cost in lives was
deemed to be prohibitive even for that brand of crazed wits known to all as “adventurers”. However several
adventuring bands managed to brave the ruins of Ascalhorn and live to tell the tale. Of these, the men of the
Blackblades Brotherhood paraded their booty in the city of Mirabar in the summer of the Year of the Tolling
Bell (899 DR), much to the ire of the dwarves residing in the city who recognized priceless heirlooms of lost
Ammarindar, Auglarn included, and schemed to recover them.

A scant three rides later, the men of the Blackblades Brotherhood were all slain in an ambush at Redstone
Knoll located two days ride along the western road leading out of Mirabar. Their slayers, dwarves of the
Blackbanner clan led by Hathar, blood of Morinn, trekked north to a hidden clan hold in the foothills of the
Spine of the World and Auglarn was subsequently worn from time to time by various clan warriors and
champions. Their deeds saw the old beards of the clan name Auglarn the “Dragonheart Armour” for its
seeming propensity to bestow tale-worthy courage and valour upon its wearer.

In the Year of the Reaching Beacon (1042 DR), dwarves of the Blackbanner clan gathered for a rare
Dragonroot seeking to bring low the vicious and wily green dragon Garthmalthataur who laired then in the
Lurkwood and may dwell there yet, ancient and terrible. Auglarn was worn by the clan champion Jhaster
“Swiftaxe”, son of Mith, in the attack and lost when he and the flower of the Blackbanner clan warriors were
slain by the mighty dragon. Of Garthmalthataur, little is known today and lore masters reckon that he resides
in the Lurkwood no longer. However they all agree that when the current lair of this viridian wyrm is
discovered, Auglarn is very likely to be sitting amidst the heaped treasures of his reputedly vast hoard.

Description: Auglarn is a scale mail hauberk made of layered red dragon scales with a deep crimson hue
reinforced by horns and ridges of adamantine. Each scale is engraved with two crossed battle axes and a
hammer and anvil, the symbols of the dwarven deities Clanggedin and Moradin respectively.

Effects: Auglarn is +1 red dragon hide scale mail of fire resistance.

Aura/Caster Level: Faint Abjuration; CL 3rd
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, resist energy, 12,900 gp, 1,000 XP
Price: 25,400 gp
Weight: 30 lb.

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Drathaglandar is famous in its own right as a weapon of renown and is far less commonly known as one of the
pieces that make up Connar's Aegis. It is known to humans as the "Flametalon of Aumar".

History: Following the fall of Ammarindar the orc chieftain Irmgrith is known to have wielded Drathaglandar
although how this squat, one-eyed, cunning orc obtained the blade is unknown. While some sages speculate
that he may have entered the environs of Hellgate Keep to obtain his prize, most believe that he and his group
of orc raiders waylaid and slaughtered a pack of fiends roaming the Delimbiyr Vale to obtain the sword and
much other booty. Irmgrith fell to the adventuring band known as the Company of the Icedrake in the Year of
the Raised Sword (893 DR) and they took Drathaglandar to Silverymoon where they exchanged the blade for
training with the famed swordmaster and often-time mercenary leader Haerthild Latarn.

Haerthild kept the blade in his possession until in his dotage he gifted Drathaglandar to the city and High
Mage Threskaal for lodgings and care in his advancing years. The blade remained in the city’s armouries for
centuries until it was bestowed upon Aumar Norshald by High Mage Orjalun when he was proclaimed
Silverymoon’s newest War Captain and entrusted with the command of Citadel Felbar. The valiant Aumar
wielded Drathaglandar valiantly in his never-ending battles with the orcs of the mountains and in time the
blade became named for him and its blazing puissance.

The fall of Citadel Felbar in the Year of the Dark Dawn (1104 DR) saw Drathaglandar lost to the reckoning of
humans and dwarves. It most probably lies in some mountain orc cache or is lost in the trackless ravines of the
northern mountains, for no tales or descriptions of anyone wielding the sword have come out of the environs
of the North since that dark day. The weapon’s fate remains a mystery that only the brave or the lucky are
likely to unravel.

Description: Drathaglandar is a shorts word constructed from carved dragon talon set in a cross guard, haft
and pommel of forged adamantine. The haft is wrapped with red dragon scale and the pommel holds a
brilliant cut fire opal.
Effects: Drathaglandar is a +1 flaming burst shorts word.
Aura/Caster Level: Strong Conjuration; CL 12th
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, flame blade, flame strike or fireball, 12,500 gp, 1,000 XP
Price: 25,000 gp
Weight: 2 lb.


Haratholdokh is the most recognizable of the pieces that make up Connar's Aegis and is known to humans as
the "Burning Bassinet".

History: First mentioned, almost in passing, by the famed bard Mintiper Moonsilver in discussions with the
sage Operth of Silverymoon as one of a number of the treasures that he had examined and identified during
his perilous expedition through the bowels of Hellgate Keep, Haratholdokh is an item that has only recently
come out of the depths of this ruined city.

With the destruction of Hellgate Keep in the Year of the Gauntlet (1369 DR) the ruins of Hellgate Keep once
again saw an influx of eager adventurers that mirrored the time that followed the fall of Ascalhorn centuries
before. A Harper-sponsored group of adventurers known as The Harp Held High managed to avoid the treant
guardians of Turlang and braved the ruins in the Year of Wild Magic (1372 DR), returning to Loudwater with

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various treasures, including Haratholdokh. The Harp Held High ventured forth for Berdusk that same season
but they never found the succour of Twilight Hall.

Attacked on the fringes of the Serpent Hills and routed by bandits, the company scattered and the warrior
Khenar of the Scarlet Edge fled south and disappeared somewhere along the twisting eddies of the Serpent’s
Tail Stream. Citizens of Loudwater had reported Haratholdokh as being in his possession and it is possible that
Khenar survived his ordeal and has unobtrusively gone on to undertake further activities in the service of the
Harpers. It is more likely however that he fell afoul of the serpent folk that infest the region and met his
demise at their hands. As such, Haratholdokh likely lies among the treasures of Ebarnaje, ruler of Najara, but
no brave soul has braved his twisting demesne to confirm whether the “Burning Bassinet” lies amidst the King
of Serpent’s coils.

Description: Haratholdokh is an adamantine full-face war helm shaped like the head of a stylized red dragon
with red dragon scale inlay. The helm’s two dragon eyes are both rubies.

Effects: Haratholdokh is a helm that allows the wearer to use scorch (CL 10th) as a standard (command) action
three times per day when they utter the command word “Gornthak”. The jet of flame bursts from the open
maw of the helm’s dragon head.
Aura/Caster Level: Faint Evocation; CL 3rd
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, scorch, 20,000 gp, 1,600 XP
Price: 40,000 gp
Weight: 5 lb.


Issbarak is mentioned in many tavern tales and trail stories of the North, although few sages know that it is
part of Connar's Aegis. This spiked buckler is also known as "Turbaern’s Tooth" for one of its most famous

History: The fall of Ascalhorn saw many wizards of that city enslaved by the rampaging demons and used as
battle fodder when the fiends began to march against surrounding regions. The most notorious of these
“slave mages” was one Fildorn “the Shackled” who fought with the vanguard of the horde of fiends that
overwhelmed Ammarindar. Fildorn did not long remain in the service of his fiendish masters and through use
of his Art managed to escape the spell thrall that controlled him, fleeing north and west to Illusk with a swag
of riches purloined from the ruined city of his birth, including Issbarak.

Fildorn was slain in the Year of the Empty Hand (896 DR) by the bloodthirsty Magister of Mystra, Jonsryn
Daerathal, and his tower and belongings were quickly seized by greedy rivals and opportunistic thieves, chiefly
the rogue Nithil of the Five Blades. Nithil is known to have sold Issbarak to the warrior Boldraggar of
Neverwinter and over the ensuing centuries the shield had a score or more owners as it changed hands “the
hard way”.

Issbarak’s last and most famous known owner was the dwarf battle master Turbaern Steelhelm of Sundabar.
A former member of the Bloodaxe mercenary company, Turbaern wielded Issbarak for over thirty winters
until it was stolen from him by thieves unknown in the Year of the Rogue Dragons (1373 DR) after he was laid
low by blacktongue fever in the village of Yartar. Turbaern seeks the shield still and has parted with good coin
to various people throughout the Dessarin Valley to send word to him should the shield re-appear. When that
day arrives, the grim Turbaern will come looking for it.

Description: Issbarak is a spiked buckler made of layered red dragon scales over an adamantine frame
sporting a wickedly sharp spike of carved and shaped dragon tooth.

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Effects: Issbarak is +1 heavy spiked shield of spell resistance (SR 13).
Aura/Caster Level: Strong Abjuration; CL 15th
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, spell resistance, 11,250 gp, 900 XP
Price: 22,500 gp
Weight: 20 lbs

Xothol Spells
Of old the Dwarves of Faerun were the first to practise magic, so greedy and avaricious were they in their
quest for knowledge and power that their very beings rejected it. All dwarves of the early days were able to
use a limited form of rune magic to help them with their daily lives. As time wore on this art to was lost to all
but a few. During the rise of Netheril, one clan, the Ironstars managed to renew the blood lines and re-found
the lost arts of Arcane Rune Chanters. It was discovered however that only those with the blood of strangers
flowing through their veins possessed the ability to tap into the weave just like their ancestors of the Dawn

The Dwarves of Ammarindar soon learnt that those of their people who had at least one Elven, Gnomish,
Human, Draconic or Outsider grandparent were able to overcome their races basic genetic aversion to arcane
magic use and manipulation. Their have never been many Ammarindan mages but those few with the
bloodline and the talent have become powerful scions for their people and these few proved to be the main
difference between salvation and complete annihilation when the hordes of Ascalhorn appeared.

The most famous of Ammarinar’s arch-magi was The Dwelf Isinghar "Feyrune" Ironstar who helped raise Myth
Glaurach's mythal at the Eaerlanni city of Glaurachyndaar.

Most dwarven arcane spell casters are either sorcerers of elementalists, there are few others as their has
never been a large pool of talent to draw from. The primordials of earth, fire and stone are often the major
sponsors of arcane ability for those seeking to manipulate these powers.


Arcane Shield
School: Summoning
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Self
Saving Throw: NA
When a Rune Chanter casts this spell, he is immediately protected from magical spells cast against him. The
shimmering field that surrounds him acts to diffuse magical energy, giving the templar a +2 save vs. all spells
of arcane magic users.


Arcane Harmonies
School: Transmutation
Range: 0
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Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Saving Throw: None

The mage blends their chanting and magic seamlessly, while this spell is in effect Arcane Rune Chanters are
able to initiate other magical effects with a change of note. This also has the effect of adding a +1 caster level
bonus to the next spell or power initiated by the Chanter, at which time the spell ends.

Arcane Surcoat
School: Summoning
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Self
Saving Throw: NA

A Rune Chanter can use this spell to coalesce a magical field about him. The field lowers his armour class by 2,
and gives him a +2 saving throw vs. Magical force or scintillating spell attacks.


Conjure Lesser Elemental

School: Conjuration/Summoning
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round per level of the caster
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Material Component: Handful of the proper element

With this spell a Rune Chanter may freely summon a lesser elemental. The creature will do anything within its
power to aid the caster. Once cast, there is a 50% chance for one to three 2 Hit Die elementals to appear, a
25% chance that one 6 Hit Die elemental will appear. The lesser elementals can be sent back by the caster,
one at a time or all at once, at any time. They automatically return to their home plane after the duration of
the spell. Conjured lesser elementals must be controlled by the caster; otherwise, they will simply assume a
defensive posture until they return to their native planes. Lesser elementals will not attack the priest when
uncontrolled. They may be controlled up to 30 yards away per level of the caster. Lesser water elementals are
destroyed if they are more than 30 yards from a large body of water.

Iron Shield
School: Abjuration
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: see below
Saving Throw: None
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Rock shield, allows the caster to deflect missiles of all types and from all sources. The shield remains in effect
for one round/level, infallible against all missiles. Once cast, it surrounds the caster and all within a 5’ radius
and does not require continued concentration or further action.

Lesser Rune Chant

School: All
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

It causes a rune of power (see above) to form anywhere in range, in midair, without the caster inscribing it,
this allows the caster to duplicate any spell they know from 1 st to 9th level. The rune of power takes immediate
action against a target or area selected by the will of the caster. A successful save vs. spell on the target’s part
will cause the rune of power to affect an area adjacent to the one intended (perhaps endangering another
friendly or hostile creature, which does not receive a saving throw).

Spirit of Fury
School: Summoning
Range: Touch
Components: V
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: NA

In times of need this spell enables Rune Chanters to fight with unusual aggressiveness and vigour. When cast
the spells recipient will fight at a +2 to their attacks and a +2 to damage while under the influence of this spell.
They will lose 1 hit point after the spell ends. Hit points can be regained normally, a side effect of the spell’s

Magma Jet
School: Invocation/Conjuration
Range: 2 yards per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Avoid
A Rune Chanter casts this spell by simply pointing his finger at a target and screaming the praises of the
magma lords. A gout of sticky, molten rock will gush and cover the victim in fiery goo. This causes 2d6+1d6 per
level hit points of damage the first round and 1d6+1 hp damage per level of the caster, every round thereafter
until the magma is either cooled or removed, up to a period of 10 additional rounds. A body of water will cool
magma in 2 rounds; a canteen will not, but it will halt damage for one round. Ice spells or resist fire are the
most effective forms of protection. A victim can drop and roll, extinguishing the magical flame in 1-4 rounds. If
he rolls in loose sand or wet earth, the magma is expunged in 1-2 rounds.

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Walk the Mountain’s Path
School: Transmutation
Range: Touch
Components: V, S,M
Duration: 1 turn / level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: creature touched
Saving Throw: yes

The caster infuses the spells subject with the strength and power of the elemental earth, gaining greater
strength dexterity and endurance. Whilst under this spell the creature gains a +3 bonus to strength, dexterity
and constitution for the purpose of skill/proficiency checks that use these abilities.

School: Illusion/Phantasm
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 year/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 square foot of surface area/level
Saving Throw: None

This spell alters the appearance of stone to hide seams, openings, traps, runes, doors, and so on. The priest
touches the central point of the area to be masked, and visualizes what appearance is desired (i.e. hue,
fissures, shape and general appearance). The spell cloaks the stone with the visualized, long-term illusion.
Features of the stone under the maskstone spell remain physically unchanged and traceable. A known door
can be felt for and located in 1d3 rounds. Unless it has been used by the searcher before, determining how it
opens, in what direction, and the location of locks or catches will be impossible without a dispel magic
to end the cloaking effect.

A dwarf, duergar, gnome, xorn, or other subterranean dweller encountering the spell effect can tell the
stone’s surface has been magically masked, but not what the true surface appearance is. Features affixed to
the stone’s surface (such as maps or inscriptions) are hidden by this magic.

The reverse of this spell, Reveal Stone, will clearly outline (momentarily illuminating) secret or hidden doors,
panels, cavities, storage niches, catches, locks, and other deliberately-hidden features. These features will be
revealed if the stone has a maskstone spell on it or if it is simply in poorly-lit or confusing natural conditions.
The material components are an eyelash (from any creature) and a pinch of dust or sand. The reverse of the
spell requires a scrap of gauze and a piece of phosphorous or a handful of iron filings.


Magma Blade
School: Enchantment
Range: 0
Components: S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Area of Effect: 1 weapon
Saving Throw: None
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Material Component: A metal blade

When used on a sword, axe or polearm, this spell sharpens the blade to a razor edge and magically stores a
burst of energy within. The blade does +3 damage to anything it hits, and the impact releases a store of
magical heat that turns the blade molten. The blade bursts all over an opponent, covering him in burning
magma, and causing an additional 2-12 points of heat damage. It can destroy equipment, and continues to
burn for 1-6 points of damage per round, up to 10 rounds. A body of water will cool the magma in 2 rounds; a
full canteen will not, but it will halt damage for 1 round. Ice spells or resist fire are the most effective forms of
protection. Finally, the victim can drop and roll, extinguishing the magma in 1-4 rounds. If he rolls in loose
sand or wet earth, the magma is expunged in 1-2 rounds.

Return to the Earth

School: Necromancy
Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Area of Effect: 3 yard radius per level
Saving Throw: None

This spell turns a dead body into dust. Corpses inhabited by spirits, such as wights or liches, are allowed a save,
but zombies, skeletons, and other undead are not. Once cast, bits of the undead begin to crumble and fall to
the ground, completely destroying it in 3 rounds. To represent their deterioration, undead suffer a cumulative
-1 to attack, each round after the spell has taken affect. The undead must actually have a physical form,
ghosts and ghasts would not be subject to this spell.

Stone Warriors
School: Conjuration/Enchantment
Range: 30 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: NA
Material Component: A stone of granite or other hard substance

The conjurer can summon 1d4+1 warriors per level from the bedrock to fight in his stead. The warriors are
completely loyal and cannot be controlled or stolen, although they can be banished by dispel magic. They
have an armour class of 5, 2 Hit Dice, and wield terrible swords of compressed, fine sand that cause 1-10
points of damage whenever they hit THAC0 is 18, and movement is 150 feet.


Flame Harvest
School: Conjuration/Invocation
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
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Material Component:

This powerful spell creates a trap of a large cavern, hall or mine, triggered by certain, predefined conditions.
The Rune Chanter slowly walks the area to be trapped for a period of an hour, envisioning the rising flames
and deciding on the conditions that will trigger its activation. The spell unleashes flames doing 2d6, +2 hp
flame damage per level of the caster to all creatures and objects in an area 10 cubic yards per level of the
caster. When the meditation period ends, the Rune Chanter may leave the area and the trap remains set for 1
month per level of the caster.

School: Alteration
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: S, V
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5 round
Area of Effect: 1 item of 1 cubic foot per level
Saving Throw: None

Crumble instantly reduces an inanimate object’s water content to zero. Up to one cubic foot of clay, rock, soil,
or other solids per level of the caster can be desiccated to the point that they lose cohesion, crack, and
crumble. Nonliving organic materials such as hide, leather, bone, and wood split and crumble into dust when
affected by this spell. Liquids disappear instantly. Metals and living organic material and silicates such as glass
are entirely unaffected. Mindless corporeal undead like zombies and skeletons take 1d6 points of damage for
every 3 levels of the caster.

Rune Chant
School: All
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

It causes a rune of power (see above) to form anywhere in range, in midair, without the caster inscribing it,
this allows the caster to duplicate any spell they know from 1 st to 5th level. The rune of power takes immediate
action against a target or area selected by the will of the caster. A successful save vs. spell on the target’s part
will cause the rune of power to affect an area adjacent to the one intended (perhaps endangering another
friendly or hostile creature, which does not receive a saving throw).

Whirlpool of Doom
School: Evocation
Range: 10 yards per level
Component: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Area of Effect: 5 foot radius per level
Saving Throw: Vs. Spell

This terrible spell turns earth or stone into a swirling sea of rock and earth. Anyone standing in the area must
make a save vs. spells. Failure indicates that they have been sucked into the centre of the whirlpool and must
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begin to make swimming proficiency checks at a +3 penalty. Creatures that make three successful checks in a
row are able to make their way to the edge of the pool and pull themselves free. Failing a proficiency check
means that the character drowns swallowed up by the earth. Even if they can survive without air, they still
take 4d8 hp damage per round, until rescued or, reduced to a bloody pulp.


Circle of Stone
School: Evocation
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level of lowest dwarven caster
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell can be cast in any location in which there are pieces of stone larger than the caster surrounding him
on at least three sides. The spell involves a short chant and the physical linkage (touching) of all the beings to
be encircled, and creates an invisible magical field around them. The field is spherical, with a 10 foot radius
per caster involved. While it lasts, it confers a bonus of +4 to the saving throws of all beings in the circle
(friendly or hostile), and a 5 in 6 chance (per attack) of a spell or magical item effect being reflected back at
full power on its caster or source, even if outside the circle. Dwarves within a circle of stone gain a +3 bonus to
attack (not damage) rolls, and can hit all opponents, even those normally struck only by magical weapons of
certain bonuses.

Eyes of Stone
School: Divination
Range: Personal
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level.
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Self
Saving Throw: None

The caster creates an invisible magical sensor that can move through solid stone, the spell works exactly as an
“Arcane Eye” spell with 1d6+1 eye per level, except that the eyes can move through earth, metal and stone.

Transmute Rock to Magma

School: Alteration
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: 5 cube per level
Saving Throw: Vs. Paralysation

This spell turns a patch of rock or solid earth into fiery magma by superheating it in a matter of seconds.
Anything caught within the area should make a saving throw vs. paralysation or take 6d8 points of damage
per round of immersion. The magma will remain for about 2 days, and then cool to a black circle of ash. The
reverse of this spell is only of temporary duration. It transforms magma to stone cool enough to walk on for
one hour.
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Bane of the of the Arcane Caster

School: Necromancy
Sphere: Cosmos
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: NA
Material Component: A bone from an arcane spell caster’s corpse

This spell turns an ordinary missile weapon of wood, metal, or stone into a deadly projectile of defiler slaying,
adding +3 to attack and double damage if they save vs death. The soul is consumed as the missile hits if the
victim fails their save.

School: Invocation
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: 30 inch diameter
Saving Throw: ½

This spell causes an area around the target to erupt into geysers of molten rock. Columns of fiery stone burst
from the ground and spew deadly lava over everything within the radius of the spell. Creatures within the
area must attempt to move out (unless protected from fire or heat) and take 6d8 points of damage every
round they are outside this area. The molten rock sticks to skin and continues burning, so damage continues
at 3d8 points per round until cooled or until 10 rounds have passed.

Rune of Power
School: All
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent until discharged
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

This special type of magical inscription, more powerful than a glyph of warding but less powerful than most
symbols is at heart of all dwarven arcane magic. They are usable by all dwarven wizards as taught by the
Mages of Xothol.

Runes of power as used by dwarven mages and they increase in power according to the level of the dwarf
casting them. A successful saving throw vs. Spell enables a creature violating a rune of power to escape some
of its effects. The mage casting the rune sets the exemption conditions; that is, the situations or creatures that
will not cause the rune of power to operate. Otherwise, any being passing, entering, or opening the surface on
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which the rune of power is inscribed will suffer its harmful effects. Touching or attacking the rune of power
itself will also certainly activate it. A rune of power can be set to avoid discharging when creatures of certain
races, alignments, faiths, and sizes try to pass it.

The dwarven mage uses the rune to duplicate any wizard spell of sixth level or less that he or she knows. The
effects of the spell are then placed into the rune until discharged by a specific set of conditions or by a
command word.

It cannot be set to avoid specific levels, hit dice, or classes of creatures, and cannot be combined with other
runes, glyphs, or symbols. Runes of power can be drawn to any size larger than the caster’s hand, and their
trigger lines can be extended to encompass any size of protected area on a single surface. Dispel magic spells
will remove runes of power. Find and remove traps by thieves will locate runes of power, but not identify or
foil them.


Greater Rune of Power

Just the same as a Rune of Power except that it allows the wizard to set spells of 8 th level of less, and in many
cases make spells, with a duration of greater than instantaneous, permanent until the rune is destroyed.

Greater Rune Chant

School: All
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

It causes a rune of power (see above) to form anywhere in range, in midair, without the caster inscribing it,
this allows the caster to duplicate any spell they know from 1 st to 9th level. The rune of power takes immediate
action against a target or area selected by the will of the caster. A successful save vs. spell on the target’s part
will cause the rune of power to affect an area adjacent to the one intended (perhaps endangering another
friendly or hostile creature, which does not receive a saving throw).

Augment Crystals

Nearly two thousand years ago, dwarven wizards studying at Xothol--the school of magic in Ammarindar--
developed a new form of magical crystals to empower dwarven weapons and armour. They believed these
would be vital in bolstering Ammarindar's armies against possible Netherese incursions. These crystals were
meant to give the forces extra magic in their weapons and armours to thwart and circumvent Netherese
assaults, but they never came into use. After the fall of Netheril, King Azkuldar Ironfist III ordered the school
magically sequestered until a time when it was needed.

Before it was closed, however, one of the dwarven wizards, a greedy student known as Abathron Silvermelder,
secreted some of the stones for further study.

Crystal of Mind Cloaking Price (Item Level): 500 gp (3rd) (least), 4,000 gp (8th) (lesser), or 10,000 gp (12th)
(greater) Body Slot: -- (armour crystal) Caster Level: 5th Aura: Faint; (DC 17) abjuration Activation: --; see text
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Weight: -- This crystal is black as a clouded night sky. A crystal of mind cloaking protects you against mental

Least: This augment crystal grants you a +1 competence bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells
and abilities. Lesser: As above, except the crystal grants a +3 competence bonus.
Greater: As above, except the crystal grants a +5 competence bonus. In addition, if you fail a save against a
mind-affecting spell or ability, you can choose to reroll the save as an immediate (mental) action. This ability
functions once per day.

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Extract From “The Shadow Trail” by James Wyatt


Collectively, the dwarves of Ammarindar never harboured any specific animosity toward elvenkind. So it is
with some surprise for outsiders to learn that this instrument of genocide was forged by Ammarindar hands.
Not a hundred years before the fall, the withdrawn dwarven cleric Sok sojourned from his homeland, only to
be scorned by the outside world. Although the mild insults he received were merely responses to his own ill-
temperament, Sok believed them to be attacks on his race and culture. He took refuge with other dwarves
from other clans--in other situations--and found in them a dedication to dwarven purity which Sok admired
and, ultimately, emulated.

Upon his return, Sok preached against other races, especially elves, whose treatment of him was unforgivable.
His fellow dwarves cared little for his ministry of hate, but respected his piety enough to avoid rather than
discourage him and his teaching. Not dismayed, Sok thus turned inward again in search of solution and spent
two decades in seclusion as he crafted his Hammer of Cleansing. When the other priests of Ammarindar first
learned of his project, they dismissed it as irrational but harmless, given Sok's apparent limitations. However,
when Sok completed the Hammer, they elected to confront him before there was an embarrassment to the
clergy and, ultimately, the clan. Sok's Hammer was confiscated and buried beneath the temple. Sok called his
peers and superiors traitors. When Sok refused to recant what he'd done, they banished him from
Ammarindar forever. But he never forgot about his Hammer.

A few years later, as Ammarindar fell, Sok sent a band of human mercenaries to steal back the Hammer of
Cleansing, and then--in a surprising turn--allowed these humans to keep it. Those same mercenaries, never
before swearing allegiance to anyone, soon fought alongside the woodcutters in the Battle of Singing Arrows
against the elves. A mystery, that. Lothla, an Elven priestess took possession of the Hammer in battle, and,
struck with hatred of her own kind and self, detected the hammer's corrupting power. She rowed out into the
Sea of Fallen Stars and, full armoured and with the Hammer braced tightly to her belt, threw herself into the
water not twenty miles from the mouth of the River Arkhen.

The Hammer of Cleansing looks and feels like a solid-steel hammer +1 designed for human hands, but paladins,
clerics, or other characters with heavy religious background see their holy symbols (or, if faiths do not have a
symbol per se, they see the face--real or imagined--of their gods and/or goddesses) engraved on the handle.
They also feel their deities beckoning them to wield the weapon for their faith's greater glory. When wielders
strike an elf with the Hammer, its enchantment changes to a +2. When they slay an elf, it becomes a +3. When
they slay an Elven priest, it becomes a +4. The change is permanent only for the slayer; any new wielders find
its enchantment at +1 until they use it to strike an elf. Wielders who cast priestly spells find themselves
casting at two levels higher than their actual level while holding the Hammer. They also feel safer, as it acts as
a ring of protection +2 and shields the wielder from all mind-influencing spells.

The Hammer of Cleansing constantly encourages its possessors in the convincing voice of their gods, offering a
morale bonus of +1 whenever they listen and/or heed the Hammer's encouragement. The Hammer's words
are never heard by anyone other than its carrier. In addition, the Hammer of Cleansing grants its possessors
the following spells (as if from a 16th level spell caster): blade barrier (2/month), slay living upon opponent
struck (1/month), water breathing (2/week), cure serious wounds on self (1/day), and know alignment (3/day),
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although all elves and half-elves, according to this spell, will always appear as evil to the wielders of the

In-between its offerings of encouragement, the Hammer will speak of elvenkind as a filthy infestation bringing
ruin to the realms. To Elven wielders, the Hammer will be considerably more subtle, but speak the same idea,
negating any morale bonus from encouragement. The Hammer will periodically make requests for the
destruction of anything Elven in proximity, including the elves themselves, accusing them of blasphemy and
offense. If its wielders object, the hammer claims that, for denying their god, they are no longer granted
priestly powers or even the comfort of prayer. Indeed, the characters' spells thus fail if attempted, and their
prayers seem hollow and unfulfilling, even when the Hammer is out of reach. This remains so until they
succumb to the request or are released from the Hammer's power. When priestly spell casters grip the
Hammer, the Hammer steals all spells from them, and thus has the authority to grant or deny them their own
powers as if it has become the wielders' god. In addition, the Hammer steals one point of Constitution from its
wielders per day, even though their Constitution apparently remains the same while physically within one
yard of the Hammer. When their actual Constitution reaches 1, the Hammer steals Wisdom, then Charisma
and, finally, hit points. This results in wielders needing the Hammer more and more for their survival, above
and beyond the corrupting nature of the artefact. To be released from the Hammer of Cleansing, the affected
must be separated from the weapon for three weeks. During those three weeks, they gain back no ability
scores, and no priestly powers.

They continue to crave the Hammer and see it as their only path to their deity. At the end of three weeks,
former wielders gain back ability scores and hit points at one per week, beginning with the last one lost. It
may take them the rest of their lives to put their faith somewhere other than in the Hammer, as, after their
restoration, they have but a 3% chance of understanding their predicament each day they spend in devotion
and prayer. The Hammer of Cleansing may only be destroyed by the willing sacrifice of a dwarf who
demonstrates true love for one of the Elven race.

"Interestingly enough," the mariner muses, "the elf's armour was almost rusted completely through, and that
Hammer imbedded in its side looked as pristine as the day it was forged." You exchange inquisitive looks with
your comrades, but no one feels willing to challenge the old woman's truthfulness. She turns and looks sternly
at the thief in your party. "I know what you seek, child." She shakes her head gravely. "You don't want it."

The Unspoken Hall

In the centuries after Ammarindar's fall, the drow of Ched Nasad and the beholders of the Graypeaks both
moved into its subterranean tunnels and fastnesses, looting its treasures and defiling its halls. Around 1220
DR, the demons of Hellgate Keep began to appropriate these areas for their own use, driving out the drow
and beholders and establishing a network of outposts throughout that region of the Underdark. To their
fiendish delight, these demons stumbled upon the Unspoken Hall -- a cavernous shrine built by dwarves but
custom-tailored to suit demonic needs. For the dwarves that hollowed out the Unspoken Hall were the
worshiper-slaves of a demon lord.

A portal in Iltkazar leads to a nondescript cavern, which also serves as the only place of entry for anyone
stumbling upon the Unspoken Hall by way of nearby Underdark tunnels (area 1 on the map). A number of
dead-end tunnels branch off from this area, as well as one narrow tunnel that winds over a treacherous and
monster-infested route to a main Underdark thoroughfare connecting Ched Nasad to distant Menzoberranzan.

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To the west of this entry cavern, a statue stands on a raised platform in the middle of another large natural-
looking cavern (area 2). The statue depicts a dwarf with demonic features -- large feathered wings, clawed
hands and feet, and an elongated, almost birdlike face. Crafted long before the birth of the individual it
depicts, the statue represents the Speaker, a half-vrock dwarf who now makes his residence in the Unspoken
Hall. Branching off from this chamber are three more natural caverns, with one (area 3) containing a deep
sinkhole whose depths have never been plumbed. Stairs leading up and away from the statue's demonic face
indicate the continuation of dwarf stonework in the remainder of the hall.

To the east of the stairs in the hall's upper level is the Hellfire Forge (area 6), which is a blazing smelter of
undying abyssal fire. Actually a portal of sorts in its own right, this furnace carries any creature wholly entering
its flames into a fiery region of the Abyss that is populated with balors and other, nameless, fire-loving
demons. Strangely, the tremendous heat from the fires does not extend farther than 5 feet into the
remainder of the room. Work tables and anvils are set up near the forge. A smith can heat metal in the
abyssal flames, carry it back to an anvil or work table, and work it successfully for as long as 5 minutes away
from the flame, thanks to the demonic magic of the flames and the anvils. Countless unholy weapons and
other tools of evil were forged here in secret during Ammarindar's height, and then they were forged openly
when the hall was held by fiends from Hellgate Keep. (In game terms, the magic of this forge reduces the time
required to create magic arms and armour by one day, but the crafted item is always tainted with evil in some
way, and a holy item cannot be created here. The forge does not reduce the cost of creating any item.)

Stairs and a ramp lead down and east from the Hellfire Forge, to a natural cavern (area 7) that was probably
once connected to area 1. This cavern served as an armoury for the dwarves of the Unspoken Hall. It held
their weapons and armour at the ready in case of attack from the good dwarves of Ammarindar. Drow and
demons have long since plundered the unholy treasures once held here and unwittingly spread them across
Faerûn. The northern alcove, however, holds a treasure of a different sort: a portal leading into the Labyrinth .
The portal is marked by an archway carved into the natural stone wall and is activated by placing a hand on
the stone within the archway and reciting a sentence in praise of Baphomet: "Lord of might, horned god,
praise to you, great Baphomet."

Drow from Ched Nasad occasionally use this portal as a way of traversing significant distances with no
interference from faerzress. Occasionally, raiding parties camp in this cavern before venturing to the Labyrinth

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and on toward Gracklstugh or the outskirts of Menzoberranzan or onward through the Labyrinth's portal to
Oryndoll. As long as

they avoid the western part of the Unspoken Hall, they find they can make camp in safety, at least by
Underdark standards.

A long hallway leads west from the stairs to the shrine area of the Unspoken Hall. Area 8 was once a barracks
area for dwarves who either lived in the hall full-time or needed to stay for a while -- either because they were
needed in the hall or because their loyalties had been discovered and they could not return home. Three small
chambers on the east side were more private rooms for high-ranking leaders of the demon-worshiping cult.
The large room on the west was never occupied until a few years ago, when the Speaker arrived and claimed
the room that had been ready for him for three thousand years.

In -1650 DR, a secret cult of evil dwarves in the kingdom of Ammarindar built the Unspoken Hall under the
pretext of mining adamantine and forging weapons and armour from that rare, fine metal. They built it -- and
portals linking it with the other centres of their far-flung cult -- on the basis of a prophetic vision their leader
received. In three centuries' time, he believed, a half-fiend dwarf would come to the hall and claim it for his
own, doing the will of the cult's demonic patron. The statue in area 2, the large room off area 8, and, indeed,
the whole Unspoken Hall was built in honour of this yet-to-be-born half-fiend. A century to a demon prince
passes on Faerûn like a thousand years, or else the cult leader was misguided -- but now three millennia have
passed and the Speaker has come, unwilling heir to an ancient prophecy and an evil birthright. He now lives in
his appointed room, scavenging in the Underdark for food where the hall's builders intended him to feast in

At the north end of the barracks, ornately carved double doors forged of solid adamantine (2 inches thick,
hardness 20, 80 hp, break DC 60) lead to the inner sanctum of the Unspoken Hall. Here stands a massive stone
statue of a figure like a minotaur -- a bullheaded humanoid with large, curving horns, covered in shaggy hair,
with a long, bovine tail. This is Baphomet, the demon prince revered by the corrupted dwarves of Ammarindar.
Two smaller shrines to the east and west contains smaller statues. The one to the west depicts a normal dwarf
with an evil visage. This is Balik Blackhand, the builder of the hall and founder of the Baphomet cult. The one
to the east represents the Speaker again.

Behind the statue of Baphomet is a secret door so well hidden that it has remained undiscovered since the fall
of Ammarindar (Search DC 35). Beyond the door, Balik Blackhand is interred in a stone sarcophagus bearing
his likeness. Lying on his breast is Gamadurth, his great axe.

The Speaker
The Speaker: Male half-fiend/half-shield dwarf Ftr9; CR 11; Medium-size humanoid; HD 9d10+45; hp 99; Init
+7; Spd 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (average); AC 24, touch 13, flat-footed 21; Atk +14 melee (1d6+5/19-20, bite) and +9
melee (1d4+2, 2 claws); SA spell-like abilities; SQ acid resistance 20, cold resistance 20, dark-vision 60 ft.,
dwarf traits, electricity resistance 20, fire resistance 20, poison immunity; AL CE; SV Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +5;
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Climb +13, Craft (metalworking) +3, Craft (stoneworking) +3, Jump +13, Listen +8; Cleave,
Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack,
Spell-like Abilities: 3/day -- darkness, poison; 1/day -- desecrate, unholy blight. Caster level 9th; save DC 10 +
spell level.
Dwarf Traits: The Speaker has a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, a +2 racial bonus
on saves against spells and spell-like abilities, a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against all poisons, and a +4
dodge bonus against giants. He has dark-vision (60-foot range) and stonecunning (+2 racial bonus on checks to
notice unusual stonework; can make a check for unusual stonework as though actively searching when within
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10 ft. and can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can; intuit depth). The Speaker also has a
+2 racial bonus on Appraise checks and Craft or Profession checks related to stone or metal (these bonuses
are already figured into the statistics above).

Possessions: +2 scale mail, +2 large steel shield, gauntlets of ogre power (reflected in statistics above).
Three thousand years ago, a demon-worshiping cult of dwarves in ancient Ammarindar built their sanctum
and a sprawling network of portals on the basis of a prophetic vision: Their leader saw a half-fiend dwarf,
spawn of a vrock, arriving in a hall prepared for him and speaking words of power. The Speaker has at last
arrived, but he has yet to speak words of power -- or any word at all. He listens well enough, as Durhgathu
Maendrar prattles incessantly about doing the will of Baphomet and fulfilling his destiny. But he steadfastly
refuses to open his mouth.

Born from the unholy union of a vrock and a shield dwarf adventurer from Citadel Adbar, the Speaker is a
dwarf in shape and build: He stands 4 feet 6 inches tall and weighs some 180 pounds. His features are
distinctly demonic, however, from the large feathered wings on his back to the claws on his hands and feet.
His face is long and his features are sharp, strongly suggesting the face of a vulture or bird of prey. If he has a
name other than the one ascribed to him by the prophecy of Balik Blackhand, he has not revealed it.

The Speaker is all too happy to accept the welcome he has received from the far-flung cult of Baphomet,
particularly Durhgathu. He has always worshiped Baphomet himself, in a casual and wantonly destructive way,
and even felt he had some sort of religious calling. He has been an outcast for his entire life and rather enjoys
being bowed to on the rare occasions that other cultists visit him in the Unspoken Hall. They used to visit
more often, thronging about him as they waited for him to speak the prophesied words, but they seem to
have grown tired of waiting for him to break his silence. Still he does not speak, because he does not know
what he is supposed to say, nor does he know what effect his words will have. He does not speak, because he
is afraid he might say the wrong thing -- and even more afraid that he might say the right thing.

If the Speaker were to find himself on death's door, however, he would take the chance by opening his mouth
and saying whatever came to mind. In such a case, the words he would speak would open a gate to
Baphomet's residence on the Abyss, drawing the demon-god himself through to pursue his aims on Faerûn.
The world would shudder and all its peoples tremble before him, or so the cult of Baphomet believes.

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Gamadurth: Gamadurth is a +3 unholy adamantine great axe crafted in the Hellfire Forge. The weapon can
detect good at will, grants its wielder the use of the Blind-Fight and Sunder feats, and relieves its wielder of
the need for sleep. In addition, it can use finger of death once per day. Gamadurth speaks and reads Common,
Dwarven, Abyssal, and Giant. It can also communicate telepathically.
AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +11; Str -- , Dex -- , Con -- , Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 12, Ego 18.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, unholy blight, creator must be evil and at least
15th level; Market Price: 114,320 gp; Cost to Create: 4,200 XP.
Durhgathu Maendrar
Durhgathu Maendrar: Female shield dwarf Rog7; CR 7; Medium-size humanoid; HD 7d6+21; hp 45; Init +3;
Spd 20 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 18; Atk +7 melee (1d6+2/x4, +1 heavy pick); SA sneak attack +4d6; SQ
dwarf traits, evasion, traps, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC, can't be flanked); AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref +8, Will
+1; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Appraise +11, Bluff +9, Climb +11, Craft (locksmithing) +11, Craft (metalworking) +3, Craft
(stoneworking) +3, Decipher Script +11, Diplomacy +1, Hide +13, Intimidate +1, Move Silently +13, Search +11,
Use Magic Device +9, Dodge, Martial Weapon Proficiency (heavy pick), Mobility.
Dwarf Traits: Durhgathu has a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, a +2 racial bonus on
saves against spells and spell-like abilities, a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against all poisons, and a +4
dodge bonus against giants. She also has dark-vision (60-foot range) and stonecunning (+2 racial bonus on
checks to notice unusual stonework; can make a check for unusual stonework as though actively searching
when within 10 ft. and can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can; intuit depth).
Durhgathu also has a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks and Craft or Profession checks related to stone or
metal (these bonuses are already figured into the statistics above).
Evasion (Ex): If exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for
half damage, Durhgatha takes no damage with a successful saving throw.
Possessions: +2 studded leather, +1 heavy pick, scroll of flame strike.

Durhgathu Maendrar believes that she was called by Baphomet to revive his worship among the dwarves of
Iltkazar. She has no illusions that the demon lord has any greater plans in place for her, and she has no
aspirations to conquer the world and lay it at her demonic patron's feet. She expects, in fact, to die a martyr
to her cause, and lulls herself to sleep at night imagining how future generations of Baphomet cultists will
whisper her name with reverence during their dark rites.

Durhgathu is a spry and nimble dwarf, stocky in frame and very plain of face. Her dirty blond hair falls in an
unkempt braid over one shoulder, and a downy beard adorns her chin. She scowls constantly as she bustles
about Iltkazar or along the Shadow Path on what she believes are missions for Baphomet. She has not yet
succeeded in winning any converts to the worship of the bull-headed demon god, and she has had to kill too
many targets of her evangelization to keep them from alerting the authorities to her activities. But she has
nothing but confidence that her patron will open a way for her and help her accomplish the task he himself
set before her.

Durhgathu has contacts all along the Shadow Path and is the one common link among the life eaters in Oryndoll, the
Labyrinth, and the Speaker, who resides in the Unspoken Hall. These various devotees of Baphomet aren't quite sure
She does not seem to be a natural leader, but it is clear that she has the motivation and drive to accomplish much. So
the life eaters, are beginning to wonder if her true purpose has more to do with reviving the use of the Shadow Path

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Medium-Size Outsider
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 1/19 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +5 breastplate), touch 11, flat-footed 19
Attacks: Greataxe +5 melee
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+3/x3
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Charge 2d6+3
Special Qualities: Cold resistance 5, darkness, electricity resistance 5, fire resistance 5,
natural cunning, rage, scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills: Jump +4, Listen +8, Search +8, Spot +8
Feats: Power Attack

Climate/Terrain: Any underground

Organization: Solitary, pair, or
gang (3-4)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic
Advancement: By character class

WOTC © (insert picture from website here)

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Rune Chanter
A kit for Fighter/Mage or Thief/Mage or rarely Skald/Mage
Rune Chanters are the backbone of any arcane society within a Dwarven Community. Looked upon with a
mixture of suspicion and awe, they never-the-less are held in great standing when their talents are truly
required. A Rune Chanter had learned to combine the effects of Runes with Arcane power. This ability is
harnessed with the Rune Chanters ability to enter battle wearing full battle armour.

Role: The Rune Chanters provide the heavy arcane muscle to patrols and small groups during skirmishes in
the deep dark and mines of Dwarven civilisations. They work fist in gauntlet with the priests and skalds of
Dwarven society to provide a safe haven for their people to thrive. They act as scouts and as the extra
firepower for bodies of heavy shock troops.

Weapon Proficiencies: Shortsword, dagger, light crossbow, battle axe, hammer (war/throwing).

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus proficiencies: Spell Craft, Gemmology, stone mason, religion,
Recommended Proficiencies: weapon/armour/blacksmithing, gem cutting, ancient history, appraising,
information gathering, tracking.

Equipment: battle plate mail, shorts word, dagger, light crossbow, staff, shield.

Special Benefits:
1. A Rune Chanter is able to cast their spells whilst in specially prepared battle armour wearable only by
that one caster, to wear any other metal armour negates this ability until it can be especially
enchanted and tunes to that Dwarf.
2. A Rune Chanter can prepare runes that duplicate spells upon objects that can then be activated at a
later date. These ‘hanging spells’ count against the Chanter’s total number of spells until they are
triggered. These runes can then be passed onto others who can later release the power stored within.
The rune remains active for a number of days equal to the level of the Chanter.
3. At 9th level a Rune Chanter can inscribe upon his/her own body a permanent rune of any spell with a
personal range up to 3/day for a maximum of 1 round per level. Each use costs the Chanter 1d4 hit-
points which can be regained normally.

Special Hindrances: Rune Chanters are limited to what spells they can cast to just two schools plus one
elemental school and divination. Often they will combine abjuration and evocation, Enchantment and Illusion.
A rune caster belongs to a secret society and must conform to its rules and traditions. They will almost never
share the secrets of their craft with one who is not of their society AND clan.

Battle Plate: heavy armour consisting of reinforced adamantium plates, a layer of padding worn under the
armour, and a light suit of mithral chain mail worn between the two.

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Monsters of Ammarindar

Barrow Wraith

Climate/Terrain: Barrow/Sepulchre
Frequency: Very…very rare (thankfully)
Organisation: Solitary (sometimes)
Activity Cycle: Any (only when disturbed)
Diet: The greedy & foolish.
Intelligence: Very (15-25)
Treasure: What ever they were buried with (but it’s all extremely ancient and alien).
Alignment: any evil (usually)
No. Appearing: 1 (most of the time) some times 2-4 if a family crypt is opened.
Armour Class: -5 (base) + what ever defensive magical items they were wearing in life that still function.
Movement: 24 (Base)
Hit Dice: 1d10 for every 100 years of unlife +what ever hit points they had accrued at death, considering that
each wraith has been buried for around 40000 years, that’s a lot of hit dice…….best leave them buried unless
you have an army backing you. A 400 hit dice very angry alien wraith is something you really don’t want to
face…. Or do you????? Eg mage 27 with 76 hit points at death plus 356d10= 356d10+76 hp’s for the wraith.
No. of Attacks: Claws x3 (base) +1 for every 20 hit dice.
Damage per attack: 2d6+1d100 hit-points per blow from energy drain.
Special Attacks: Whatever powers they had in life plus paralytic gaze and sleep charm via voice whispers.
Special Defences: Standard undead immunities + See Below.
Magic Resistance: 50%
Morale: 20
XP Value: a lot!!!!!!!

The Barrow Wraiths are the spirits of those whose bodies have been laid to rest under an ancient curse. They seek to
manipulate the spirits of their victims to nurture their ever present, but never sated hunger for the life that has long fled
their own mortal forms. Their victims are drawn to the treasure filled tombs under the downs and laid on a stone altar,
bound with gold chains, draped in the cloth and jewellery of the ancient dead before being devoured. Barrow Wraiths
are a parasitic spirit in nature. They feed upon violence. Where no violence exists, they create it using their power to
influence people nearby via powerful and disturbing dreams and nightmares.

Barrow wraiths seek only to rest in eternal slumber but they also crave life and whilst killed outright by sunlight, they
are unaffected by powers that duplicate the suns affects. They have the normal undead immunities, and their burning
gaze can paralyse all who they look upon. To attract victims they send out enticing thoughts of hidden wealth and
dreams of lust and power, attracting the avaricious and greedy to their deaths. Those sleeping within ½ a mile of a
tomb wraiths resting place will find themselves having strange dreams from which they may never awake. (Save vs
spells at -4, wisdom bonus applies). To save merely means a poor nights sleep with no benefits of rest and an unusual
need to be elsewhere in a hurry. Failure finds the being pulled physically through the ether and into the barrow proper
where they are fed upon at the wraiths leisure. The cold touch of a wraiths claws or lips will usually awaken a victim
from their magically induced slumber, but it’s usually too late by then…..

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Notables of the Realm
Olaurin the Great
Race: Shield Dwarf AL: LG
Sex: Male AC:
Ht: 4’9” Class: Fighter
Wt: 185 lb Level(s): 14
Hair: Granite HP: 131
Eyes: Black Kit: Steel Shield Knight
Age: 127 (at death) MR%
Skin: Copper God(s): Moradin/Dumathoin

Str 18/61 Con 19

Int 18 Dex 13
Wis 14 Chr 15

Languages: Auld Dwarven, Dwarven Common, Eaerlanni Elvish, Halfling Common, Chondathan, Tethyran, Orcish, Giant
Standard abilities for northern shield dwarves, +5 to saves vs magic and poison.

Special Equipment:
+3 Ammarindan Dwarven Platemail of Blending, +3 Battleaxe of Hurling – Moradin’s Tongue, Aoxar’s Helm,
+3 Shield of the Resolute, Kraanfhaors Sceptre – Rod of Rulership & Splendour and Staff of Poloymorph any
Object – this last function works just 3/day.

The Chronicle of King Olaurin

In the year -1017 DR, after a short and peaceful reign , Queen Hildagard died peacefully in her sleep, her son
and prince royal, Olaurin Snowsbattle soon after was crowned the 18 th monarch of Ammarindar. At first his
rule was one marked by peace and continuing prosperity. But this was not long to last. Three years into his
reign, in a move designed to destabilise the dwarven realm and gain both Ched Nasad and Netheril much
needed resources, both realms began simultaneous raids against Ammarindar’s eastern holdings. The city of
East Keep found itself besieged above and below by goblinoid hordes driven to battle by their dark elf and
human masters. These battles became known as The Axe, Staff and Sabre Wars.

At the same time the delves of Greyvale and Whitewater came under simultaneous attacks. The passes of
Horindon Lhar and Naurogloth were occupied and garrisoned by human and orcish mercenaries in the pay of
their human Netherese masters. Ammarindar found itself cut off on three sides and King Olaurin’s forces were
losing ground fast.

In -1012 DR, having survived two years of siege, East Keep was finally abandoned with great loss of life on
both sides. The orcs and drow moved in and soon turned on the humans who sought to beat them to the
hidden armouries and treasuries within the city. King Olaurin marshalled his troops and lead a relief force to
Greyvale and then to Whitewater routing the humans and goblinoids occupying the vale with the help of
arcane casters from Eaerlann and distant Songfarla.

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After 6 years of often catastrophic warfare, King Olaurin lead his troops and their allies south to reopen the
trade route through the Vale of Naurogloth. Confronted by a series of cunningly built fortifications spanning
the pass, they laid siege along a 10 mile front. Deadlocked after 6 months the siege was finally lifted when
reinforcements from Netheril were trapped and at the mouth of Naurogloth and slaughtered by archers and
spell blades from Eaerlann and Ardeep.

With Netheril out of the war and a slow trickle of trade beginning to return along the southern trade routes,
King Olaurin gathered his forces for a more push to oust the drow once more from their northern conquests.
After months of constant fighting the drow and their goblin hordes were finally driven back almost to the
gates of Ched Nasad. Knowing that he lacked the strength to take the city, King Olaurin elected instead to seal
the nearest tunnels isolating the city from the surface realms for 50 miles around.

After a reign of a little over 20 years, King Olaurin, greatest hero-king of Ammarindar, was slain by the deep
dragon Erthungaron who was caught raiding the treasuries of Splendarrmmmorn whilst in the company of a
band of Vhaeraun worshipping drow from Ched Nasad. Erthungaron was in turn slain by the High Knight,
Connar Snowsbattle and his band of Steel Shield Royal Guards. Being King Olaurin’s eldest surviving son,
Connar Snowsbattle VI became the latest in a long line of kings to hold that name.

King Connar IV - the Tamer of Wyrms

Race: Shield Dwarf (1/4 silver dragon) AL: LG
Gender: Male AC
Ht: 5’3” Class: Warrior/Scald
Wt: 205lb Level: 16 14
Hair: Fiery Red HP: 94
Eyes: Hazel Kit: Rune-Chanter
Age: 205(at death) God(s): Clangeddin Silverbeard
Skin: Copper

STR 17 Con 16
Int 18 Dex 13
Wis 16 Chr 12

Languages : Auld Dwarvish, Dwarven Common, Eaerlanni Elvish, High Drow, Orcish, Auld Wyrmish.
Abilities: standard for a northern shield dwarf, +4 to saves vs magic and poison.

Equipment of Note:

+5 Great Axe of Hurling – double damage thrown, triple damage vs giants & giant-kin, Twin Blades Alight, +4
Mithral Shirt, +2 Rust Dagger, Staff of Power, Wand of Viscid Globs, Elf Boots, Elemental Gem – 25 HD Earth
Elemental 1/10 day, Morzhul, the Forgeheart, Ring of Nine Lives, Right Hand Glove of Taarnahm the Vigilant.

The Chronicle of King Connar IV

Learning of his father’s death while fighting a horde of giants and goblins lead by the Great Red Wyrm
Rithaerosurffel during the Slaughter in Sharrven, Prince Connar Tarynstone was crowned in the field,
becoming King Connar IV. The new King of Ammarindar and his army of Rune-Chanters, battle priests and
steel shields vanquished many of the creatures that had already devastated vast swathes of Sharrven,
including the red wyrm Rithaerosurffel, known as the Bane of Sharrven and devourer of Lhuve. After many

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days of running forest battles, Araegisess Valiaor Ildacer and King Connar IV of Ammarindar met at the
confluence of the Delimbiyr and Lhuvael Rivers atop the corpse of a great red Wyrm the dwarf had just slain.

In the year –2387 DR , after intense negotiations, trade embargoes and sabre rattling by the Coronals of
Eaerlann, Illefarn and King Connar of Ammarindar, Netheril released all of its gnome slaves who promptly left
the empire.

In -2103 DR a horde of orcs from the Spine of the World, led by giants and their ogre generals, crushed the
human civilization of Illusk despite aid from Netherese arcanists led by Jeriah Chronos the Chronomancer.
Heading south they ran into an alliance of Elves from Illefarn, Siluvanede and Eaerlann who promptly routed
them, forcing them east. The retreating horde was crushed by a legion of Steel Shields of Splendarrmornn led
by the aging King Connar, and Griffon Riders from Fellridge who together left not one goblinoid or giant alive.

After a long and at time glorious reign, King Connar IV, known by most as Connar Wyrm Tamer was laid to rest
with full honours and nobles from all across the north attended his funeral, such was the admiration, love and
respect that he was held in. Nearly 50000 souls stood in the central cavern and over hanging balconies of
Splendarrmornn as King Connar was interred with his ancestors.

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Sources Used
Dwarves Deep – Ed Greenwood
Races of Stone – various Authors
Posts by George Krashos on Candle Keep
The Grand History of the Realms – Brian R James & Co’
Lost Empires of Faerun – Eric Boyd, George Krashos & Co’
Cloak and Dagger – Eric Boyd, Steven E Schend & Co’
Hellgate Keep – Steven E Schend
Forgotten Realms Adventures
Forgotten Realms Players Guides 1-4
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guides 1-4
The North: Boxed Set – Ed Greenwood
Players Handbooks: All
Dungeons Masters Guides: All
Mintiper’s Chapbook – Eric Boyd
The Shadow Portals – James Wyatt
Volo’s Guides – all of them.
Realms of Eaerlann – Paul Simpson

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