6 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

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6 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B


1 Complete the sentences with will / ’ll, won’t, or shall and a verb.

close not drive not forget go have

help make

Example: ‘How will you get to Berlin?’ ‘I’ll go by train.’

1 I’ll ring you tomorrow – I _______________!
2 _______________ I __________ you a sandwich?
3 ‘I can’t do this exercise.’ ‘Don’t worry I _______________ you.’
4 We _______________ to Oxford; we’ll take the bus.
5 _______________ we _______________ some water with our lunch?
6 ‘It’s cold in here.’ ‘I _______________ the window.’

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: Magda is having (have) an English lesson right now.
1 Otto isn’t here today. He _______________ (not work) on Fridays.
2 I’m tired! I _______________ (not sleep) well last night.
3 Where ___________ they __________ (going) when you saw them yesterday?
4 I promise I _______________ (not be) late.
5 _________ Emily ever _______________ (be) abroad?
6 I _______________ (see) the doctor tomorrow morning – I’ve got an appointment.
7 They aren’t hungry. They _______________ just _______________ (have) breakfast.
8 Sarah _______________ (look) for a job when she finishes school.

3 Write predictions with will / won’t.

Example: we / miss / the train ?
Will we miss the train?
1 what time / Giorgio and Rosana / arrive ?
2 I / sure / I / not enjoy / Sue’s party
3 there / be / heavy rain this evening
4 I / not think / we / find / anywhere to park
5 he / not pass / the exam
6 you / think / it / snow tonight ?
Grammar total 20
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

6 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B


4 Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

call come give go pay send take

Example: That’s the end of the coffee break. Now it’s time to go back to work.
1 That’s my book. __________ it back to me.
2 We’ll __________ back here after the meeting.
3 I don’t like these boots I bought on the internet. I’m going to __________ them back.
4 Lend us £20 and we’ll __________ you back tomorrow.
5 Leave me your phone number and I’ll __________ you back in half an hour.
6 He’s going to __________ the jumper back to the shop. He doesn’t like it.

5 Complete the phrases with the correct preposition.

Example: The shops are always full of customers at the weekend.
1 I think China is very different __________ Canada.
2 What subjects were you good __________ when you were at school?
3 I get angry __________ my sister when she borrows my clothes.
4 Too much salt is bad __________ you.
5 Why aren’t you nice __________ your brother?
6 Are you interested __________ music?

6 Write the opposite.

Example: push the door pull the door
1 catch the bus _______________
2 fail an exam _______________
3 send a letter _______________
4 teach English _______________
5 remember a name _______________
6 find a key _______________
7 sell a house _______________
8 finish work _______________
Vocabulary total 20


7 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: ha|ppen
1 com|plain
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Class ____________________________

6 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

2 pro|mise
3 de|cide
4 prac|tise
5 pre|fer

8 Match the words with the same sound.

window town borrow know down


Example: phone know

1 phone __________
2 phone __________
3 owl __________
4 owl __________
5 owl __________
Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

6 Reading and Writing B


1 Read the article about positive thinking and tick () A, B, or C.

Are you a positive thinker?

On our website this week, Dr Charles offers some tips on positive thinking.

Are you an optimist? I hope so, because if you are, you’ll live longer and you’ll be
healthier. Or are you a pessimist? I hope not. Studies show that you won’t enjoy life
as much and you’ll take longer to get better when you’re ill. So how do you think
positive, not negative, thoughts? Here are some tips on how to be a positive thinker.

Stop thinking negative thoughts such as ‘I’ll never find a partner’ or ‘I’ll never
pass my driving test’. Find something positive to do. Phone your best friend and
have a chat. Go out and do some exercise. Put on a funny DVD. This will stop you
thinking negative thoughts, and will cheer you up.

Don’t compare your life with other people’s lives. For example, thoughts like
‘She’s got a better job’ or ‘He’s got a bigger house’ make you feel pessimistic about
life. Change your thinking to ‘I’ve got a good job and I like my work’ and ‘I’m happy
in this house. It’s big enough for me’. Remember, being successful doesn’t always
mean you are happy.

Write down your negative thoughts. This will help you to clear those thoughts
from your head. And that will make you feel more positive. You could also write
down positive things that happened to you. Read them when you are feeling sad or
depressed, and that will make you feel more positive.

Use positive language when you speak. This will make you think more positively.
For example, don’t say ‘Our holiday was a disaster’. Say ‘Next holiday, we’re going
to do things differently’. Don’t say ‘Famous? It’ll never happen’. Say ‘Famous? I’ll try
my best’. Try it – it works!

Example: According to Dr Charles, if you’re an optimist, you’ll live longer.

A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
According to Dr Charles, …
1 … if you’re an optimist, you’ll be healthier.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
2 … if you’re a pessimist, you won’t get ill.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
3 … we should try not to have negative thoughts.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
4 … if you do something positive, your life will change.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
5 … you should compare yourself with others.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
6 … if you’re successful, you aren’t always happy.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
7 … if you write down your negative thoughts, you won’t have them again.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

6 Reading and Writing B

8 … you should never write down your positive thoughts.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
9 … if you read your positive thoughts, you’ll always be an optimist.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
10 … if you use positive language, you’ll think more positively.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 

2 Read the article again and answer the questions.

1 What positive things can you do if you are thinking negative thoughts?
2 What will happen if you do something positive (e.g. watch a funny DVD)?
3 If you are unhappy because you think your home is too small, what should you do?
4 What should you read if you are feeling sad?
5 What should you say if your holiday was a disaster?
Reading total 15


Your friend is feeling sad and depressed because she has just lost her job.
Write her an email, giving some tips to make her feel more positive (100–150
words). Include the following information.
Paragraph one
Explain the reason for your email.
Paragraph two
Give her some tips to keep positive – ideas for things to do / not to do and why; give
examples of things to say / not to say and why.
Paragraph three
Tell her when you’ll come and visit to cheer her up.
Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

6 Listening and Speaking B


1 Listen to the conversation. Tick () A or B.

1 Anne and Robbie got engaged last night.
A True  B False 
2 Robbie has already bought Anne a ring.
A True  B False 
3 They are going to get married this spring.
A True  B False 
4 Sally will pay for Anne’s ticket.
A True  B False 
5 Anne and Robbie will probably move to London after they get married.
A True  B False 

2 Listen to five people talking about a dream they had. Match the speakers with
what they think their means (A–E).
Speaker 1 
Speaker 2 
Speaker 3 
Speaker 4 
Speaker 5 
A I’ll be poor.
B I’ll meet someone special.
C I’ll lose the match.
D I’ll become famous.
E I’ll fail my test.
Listening total 10


1 Answer your partner’s questions.

Now ask your partner these questions.
1 What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?
2 What do you think you’ll do tonight?
3 Do you think you’ll buy anything at the shops this weekend?
4 What job do you think you’ll do in the future?
5 Where do you think you’ll be in ten years’ time?

2 Make questions and ask your partner about Alison’s dream.

• Where / take place?
• What happened?
• Who / in the dream?
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

6 Listening and Speaking B

• What / mean?

3 Now read the information about Bobby’s dream and answer your partner’s

Location of dream: a forest

Description: tall trees, very dark, couldn’t see the way

through the forest, couldn’t see the sky

People in dream: me, my work colleagues

Possible meaning: lose our jobs? things more difficult

at work?

Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

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