Corporate Social Responsibility

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The impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the profitability of

companies listed in Muscat Securities Market.

Mr. Santhosh Nithyananda, Lecturer, Al Musanna College of Technology

Email ID: [email protected]

Dr Sankar Ganesh, Assistant Professor, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education

Email ID: [email protected]
Ms. Samyuktha Paliathuparambil Suresh, Lecturer, Al Musanna College of Technology

Email ID: [email protected]

The study investigated the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the profitability of the companies
listed in Muscat Securities Market under industrial sector. Specifically the study analyzed the type of
relationship that exist between the CSR and profitability of the companies and the impact of the CSR
spending on the profitability of the companies. Thirteen companies under industrial sectors were selected
randomly and the data was collected from their published audited financial statements for a period
ranging from 2010-2017.The study employed correlation and regression for analysis. The results of the
analysis reveals that there is a positive relationship (0.71) between the CSR spending and profitability of
the companies. Also, the relationship is significant in terms of the P value which is less than 0.1.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Profitability, CSR spending.

1. Introduction
Corporate social responsibility (Resources, 2018), often abbreviated "CSR," is a corporation’s
initiatives to assess and take responsibility for the company's effects on environmental and social
wellbeing. The term generally applies to efforts that go beyond what may be required by
regulators or environmental protection groups. Corporate social responsibility is something more
than a business trend. The companies that want to stay relevant to new generations and who want
to help people in need around the world, will benefit from embracing CSR. Simultaneously, it
helps in increasing their own revenue and efficiency. [1]
CSR has become much popular and also mandatory in most of the countries. When it comes to
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries (CERNIGOI, 2015).[2] the things are different.
Philanthropy is embedded into the culture and religion of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
countries. But the practices labelled as CSR are very much in their infancy stage. Companies in
GCC gave $727 million to charity in the year 2012 accounting to 18% of the regional donations
worth more than $1million, according to a Coutts philanthropy report. This compares favorably
to the US and UK, where corporations gave 13 per cent and 7 per cent of $1m gifts, respectively.
In asian countries,India is the first country to manadate the companies with revenue of more than
10 billion Indian rupees ($155million) to give away 2 per cent of their profit to charity every
year.Whereas, still it is not mandatory for the companies in GCC to spend any specific

percentage of profit as charity . But UAE’s Ministry of Economy is modifying laws to introduce
voluntarily corporate giving in UAE. (Badam, 2017)[3].According to Khaleej Times ,famous
newspaper in GCC,the ministry of economy has launched 11 initiatives to make CSR
compulsory in 2018. However, the percentage of funds that companies will be required to
allocate to CSR initiatives, whether monetary or in-kind, is yet to be announced. The ministry
also announced implementing the CSR Index that lists the ranking of entities in the country
based on the percentage of their contributions to community responsibility projects. (Zakaria,
Regarding Sultanate of Oman which is one among the GCC countries,the situation is not much
different. Here too it is not mandatory for the companies to spend a specific percentage of the
netprofit for CSR. However, the old code of corporate governance in Oman, was replaced by the
new code which came into force on 22 July,2016.It requires the board of all the public sector
compnaies listed on Muscat Securities Market to draft their own internal Code of Professional
Conduct which should be adhered to at all times.It requires the executive management of the
companies to develop an annual plan or strategy to address corporate social responsibility and
include a separate statement of the social responsibility activities of the companies in the annual
report. (Services, 2016)[5]. The thirteenth principle of Code of Corporate Governance for Public
Listed Companies in Oman says that the companies should develop a plan on CSR outlining the
allocated budget, available support and participation means, the values and principles which the
company seeks to disseminate through the different CSR activities and community segments or
social fields targeted by the company.Also, the annual report shall contain a special report on
CSR activities detailing such activities, expended amounts, and its impact and sustainability
According to Flaskey (2015) impact of CSR on the companies is varied ,in the sense that it has a
short run as well as a long run effect over the firms.In reality the CSR activities or CSR spending
by the compnaies will reduce the value of the firms in the short run as it affects the cash flow of
the business which results in less money flowing to the investors and eventually reduction in the
value of the firm.Whereas in the long run, it will enhance the ability of the compnay to attract
qualified personnel,greater employee engagement ,increased sales and profitability.This study
aims to understand the impact of CSR activities or CSR spending by the Omani companies on
their profitability.[6]
As it is evident that CSR reporting has become mandatory for Omani companies from 22 July ,
2016, this study which tries to understand the impact of CSR on the profitability of the
companies in Oman which will be useful for the companies as well as investors.Before 2016,
most of the companies did not mention the amount expended on CSR activities eventhough they
gave a brief description about the activities they have undertaken.As a result no much studies
were possible to correlate the CSR spending and profitability of the company.
Objective of the study

The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship bewteen the CSR spending and
profitability of the Omani companies.Also, the study aims to understand the extend to which
CSR spending can bring a change in the profitability of the companies.

2. Literature review
Examining the relationship that exist between the CSR and the performance of the firm
especially the profitability of the firm is a main attempt made by many academicians and researh
scholars.Still it is a prominent topic which is not much explored in a country like Oman. There
was a study conducted by Mamari (2016) in Sohar Port area of Oman, which throws light on the
various activities of CSR carried out by the selected companies in the Al Batinah region of
Sultanate of Oman. The study reveals that the manufacturing companies have high inclination
towards CSR programs than the other. The study was conducted to understand the various types
of CSR activities the companies are engaged in[7].It is understood that there are no much studies
conducted in Oman to reveal the actual relationship between the CSR and profitability, and
hence the present study aims to fill the gap.
The study by Farzana (2013) conducted on Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd in Bangladesh which was the
first bank to introduce CSR activities in the country, shows a positive significant relationship
between the CSR spending and the profitability of the bank.[8] The annual reports from 2002-
2011 were studied and analyzed using regression. The same is the situation in the study by
Munaza Kanwal (2013)conducted in Pakistan on 15 companies listed in Karachi stock exchange
which shows a positive relationship between the CSR and the profitability of the compnaies.The
results of the study conducted using correlation shows that the CSR activities not only enhance
the profitabiltiy of the compnaies but also their social vlaue.[9].Yet another case study
conducted by Akhtar(2014) on Fertilizer and Cement industry in Pakistan, using descriptive
statistical tools gave the same result that there is positive significant relationship between the
CSR and prfoitabiltiy of the firm.[10]
According to the study by Babalola (2012) conducted in Nigerian firms ,around 62% of the
changes occuring in the profitability of the firm is due to CSR.[11]The study conducted in Jordan
by Mutasim Dabbas (2012) on 50 workers from industrial companies, also showed the same
significant positive relationship between the CSR and the profitability of the company. The study
recommends that the Industrial companies should increase the efficiency of workers constantly
in order to improve efficiency and productivity to maxinamize profits, Industrial companies
should pay more attention to public interest for the community.[12].In another study by Al-
Kayed (2014) which was conducted to examine the effect of CSR and Jordanian Orange
telecom company Profit, 110 employees in different administration level were analyzed using 5
Likert scale.The study found a significant effect of CSR on the commuity as well as the
employees and thereby increase the profitablity[13].Another study which is conducted in Indian
context using CSR indexes ( also shows a positive significant relationship
bewteen the CSR and financial performance (sales and net profit) of the company. (Namita
Rajput, 2012)[14]. The case study of Dangote Cement Plc by Zakari(2017) assesses the impact of
CSR investment on Dangote’s increase in revenue, profit after tax (PAT), and earnings per share
(EPS) over a period of 5years.The content analysis and trend analysis used for the study reveals
that there is a positive relationship between CSR investment and profitability.[15]. All the above
mentioned studies fetched a significant positive relationship between the CSR and the
profitability of the companies.
A group of researchers have made an attempt to use Economic Value Added (EVA) to measure
te relationship between the CSR and profitability.EVA is the difference between net operating
profit after tax and the weighted average cost of capital.But the results showed a weak but
positive correlation between CSR and profitability. (Linda-Marie Emilsson, 2012)[16].Whereas
in the study by Samra Kiran(2015) of CSR spending of the Oil and Gas sector companies listed
on Pakistani Stock Exchange on the profitability of the companies, shows a positive but
insignificant relationship between the CSR and the profitability. Here the profitability is a
dependent variable and the proxy was taken as net profit of the company. Whereas the
independent variable is CSR spending of the company. [17]
Furthermore, there is also a study by Faustina (2017) which gives a negative relationship
between the CSR and profitability of the companies. The study conducted on multinational
companies in Nigeria revealed that there is a weak and insignificant negative correlation between
the CSR and the profitability of the companies. [18]
On the basis of the prior studies the hypothesis for the study is formulated as follows:
H0: There is no significant positive relationship between the CSR spending and profitability of
the companies.
H1: There is a significant positive relationship between the CSR spending and profitability of the
3. Research Methods
The study uses a deductive approach where the hypothesis is set to test the data.The population
of the study is companies listed in MSM which comes under industrial sector.There are
altogether 42 companies listed in this sector.From them by using random sampling technique 13
companies are chosen as a sample for the study. The two variables which are considered for the
study are CSR expenditure and profitability of the companies.The former variable is the
independent variable and the latter one is a dependant variable.The panel data is collected from a
period of 2010-2017. The panel data so collected is analysed using correlation and regression.
Regression model used to examine the relationship between the independent variable CSR and
the dependent variable Net Profit After Tax is:
Y = β0 + β1X1 + ἐ
Y represents the dependant variable net profut after tax and the X1 represents the CSR spending
of the companies which is the independant variable.

4. Data analysis and interpretation
The data pertaining to a period raning from 2010-2017 is collecetd from the 13 companies listed
under industrial sector in MSM.Altogether 38 observation were collecetd. In order to test the
hypothesis the correlation and regression analysis is used.

The list of companies taken a s a sample for the study are as follows:

1 Construction Materials Ind

2 Gulf International Chemicals
3 Salalah Mills
4 Galfar Engineering And Con
5 Oman Cement
6 Oman Chromite
7 Oman Packaging
8 Sweets Of Oman
9 Gulf Mushroom Products
0 Omani Euro Foods Industries
1 A'Saffa
The 1 correlation and regression analysis results
show that 3 Oman Flour Mills CSR expenditure and the profitability of the
companies are highly positively correlated (0.71).It
connotes that the both the variables CSR and profitability of the companies movie in the same
direction. When there is an increase or decrease in the CSR spending it will have the same effect
of increase or decrease in the profitability of the companies. The P value obtained after running
regression is less than 0.1.Hence the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is
accepted. It states that there is a positive significant relationship between the CSR spending and
the profitability of the companies. Also, the R square value which is 0.51 shows that, a more than
50% of the change in profitability is explained by CSR.
5. Conclusion

The study on Omani companies shows a positive and significant relationship between the CSR
spending and the profits earned by them. CSR is one of the factors which decides the
profitability of the Omani companies. These wide range of CSR activities is beneficial for
enhancing the financial performance of the companies. Also it boosts up the society by its
activities like employment generation, educational scholarships, charitable donations health care
and environmental sustainability schemes etc. They play an active role in developing the
community. As it is made mandatory for the public listed companies it can be made mandatory
for the companies in the private sector also, to initiate and implement good CSR practices in
6. Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research
In panel data, it was not able to include the observations related to some years as the companies
did not reveal the amount spend on CSR for some years especially those before 2016 when it
was not mandatory. It is evident that the CSR has a twofold effect. The impact of profitability on
CSR is as important as the impact of CSR on profitability of the companies. As far as the scope
of future research is concerned, the impact of profitability on the CSR activities of the Omani
companies can be explored.

7. References
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2. Cernigoi, A. (2015). CSR in the Middle East: good business. Philanthropy Age.
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4. Zakaria, S. (2017). CSR to be compulsory for UAE companies. Khaleej Times.
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12. Mutasim Dabbas, S. T.-r. (2012).The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the
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13. Al-Kayed, W. J. (2014). The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility toward the Local
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14. Namita Rajput, G. B. (2012). Linking CSR and financial performance: an empirical
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