Atmosphere Handout
Atmosphere Handout
Atmosphere Handout
(The Atmosphere)
Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and
the processes that produce weather and
Weather vs. Climate
• Weather is the • Climate – a
state of the description of
atmosphere at any aggregate weather
given time. conditions; the sum
• Weather is of all statistical
constantly weather
changing (hour by information that
hour, day by day) helps describe a
place or region.
• Climate based on
observations over
many decades
List the ways in which
human beings
interact with the
Describe the variations you
have observed in the
atmosphere where you live
or from your travels to other
What characteristics of
the atmosphere are
typically described in
weather forecasts?
Air Evolves
• Our atmosphere = the air
(specific mix of gases)
around us
• Protects Earth from harmful
solar radiation, and
incoming projectiles.
• Lower bound – touches
surface of Earth
• Upper bound – gradual
transition into space
• Observed from space the
atmosphere is a thin shell
around Earth
Air Evolves
• What is the
atmosphere made of?
− Mostly Nitrogen and
− CO2 is a small
component but plays a
large role in the
greenhouse effect
− Water vapor in the air
can range from 0%
over deserts to 7% in
humid climates
• Atmospheric
pressure is
simply the
weight of the
air above.
Structure and Processes of the Atmosphere
The above pans of water are heated to the same temperature for the same
amount of time. They contain the same amount of heat, which is spread among
the water molecules in each pan. But the water in pan 2 has a higher
temperature, as the heat would have produced more rapid motion among fewer
water molecules.
Structure of the Atmosphere
4 thermal layers of the atmosphere
Shows a decrease in temperature
with altitude.
Gets its warmth from the Earth’s
Contains our weather systems.
Air pollution collects here.
The bulk of air and aerosols reside
Thickness varies based on its
thermal character. Thickest (10
miles) over equator and thinnest
(5 miles) over poles.
Structure Processes of the Atmosphere
Shows an increase in temperature
with altitude.
Over 25 miles thick.
Contains ~20% of the
atmosphere’s air.
This is where ozone resides, which
blocks out harmful ultraviolet solar
Temperature increase is due to
absorption of solar radiation by
ozone molecules. Higher kinetic
energy (nothing to bump into).
The cool air of the troposphere
cannot rise into the stratosphere.
At extremely low temperatures the thin
polyethylene fabric (0.002 inches thick)
that made up the balloon carrying Joe
Kittinger’s capsule would have become
nearly brittle. Any small flaws in the
fabric could have caused the balloon to
spring a leak and deflate. At what
location during the ascent would the risk
of this potential danger have been most
a) Lower troposphere
b) Upper troposphere
c) Middle stratosphere
Structure and Processes of the Atmosphere
Decreasing air temperatures that
reach a minimum of -139°F!
Temperature minimum at the
Temperature decreases due to
fewer and fewer ozone molecules
to absorb solar UV radiation.
Very little oxygen and nitrogen.
Sufficient gases to burn up
incoming debris.
Most near earth objects burn up
in this layer.
Structure and Processes of the Atmosphere
Increasing air temperature up to
1,830°F due to solar radiation!
Blocks most of the harmful cosmic
radiation (x-rays, gamma rays,
some UV).
Very few gas molecules – heat
energy is actually low.
Gases here are ionized (broken
into constituent ions as solar
radiation strips them of electrons).
Ionized gases cause auroras
(interaction near the magnetic
poles of electrons and protons
from the sun).
Mechanisms of
Heat Transfer
Heating the Atmosphere
Three mechanisms of energy transfer as heat are conduction,
convection, and radiation.
Highest energy
radiation is absorbed in
Much of UV absorbed
in stratosphere.
Solar Radiation and the Atmosphere
What happens to EMR that reaches Earth’s surface?
• It can be scattered
- Can change direction when it hits particles and gas molecules
- This is what causes the blue color of the sky – blue light is scattered more easily
than other colors. This scattered blue light reaches our eyes, making the sky
- Higher in atmosphere, fewer gas molecules, less scattering, sky appears black
• It can be reflected
- Incoming radiation can be reflected off gas molecules and returned to space
- Can be reflected off surface features
- Albedo = reflectivity of a surface (ice is very reflective, forests and water are
Solar Radiation and the Atmosphere
• Some EMR is absorbed
- Interacts with material in atmosphere and is converted into some other form of
energy (heat).
- Atmospheric gases absorb certain wavelengths
- Thermosphere absorbs short wavelengths (x-rays, gamma rays)
- Ozone in stratosphere absorbs UV
- Water vapor and CO2 in troposphere absorb infrared
Evaporation and
condensation are
They occur over
large areas.
They contribute to
phenomena and
redistribution of
heat in the
Your body feels cooler when you
step out of a warm shower
a)water evaporates on your skin
b)water condenses on your skin
c)water evaporates from the
surrounding air
d)water condenses in the surrounding
The Role of Water in the Atmosphere
Humidity = the amount of moisture in the air.
Determined by evaporation and condensation.
Hot and humid go together – higher temperatures cause evaporation to
dominate allowing more moisture in the air.
Air is saturated when it can hold no more water vapor at a given
Absolute humidity =
mass of water (g) in a
volume of air (m3).
Relative humidity =
amount of water vapor
in air compared to
maximum mass of
water vapor the air
could hold if saturated.
The Role of Water in the Atmosphere
When cold air moves over warm water, some of the warm water
evaporates (steam fog).
When warm air moves over cold water, the air cools.
Dew Point = temperature air must reach in order to become
Condensation occurs when the relative humidity of air increases
enough that the air becomes saturated with moisture.
Highest air pressures are found in cold regions, lowest air pressures are found in
tropical warm environments.
Air pressure decreases rapidly at lower altitudes where air density is greatest,
and decreases slowly at higher altitudes.
Air Pressure, Condensation, and Precipitation
As a parcel of air rises, the total amount of energy present doesn’t change,
but it can be used to either maintain a constant temperature OR to work to
expand the size of the air parcel.
As the air expands – heat is distributed through a larger volume, producing
a cooling effect.
As rising air cools, its relative humidity increases and the air eventually
becomes saturated.
Precipitation will occur which releases latent heat. This latent heat
counterbalances adiabatic cooling which reduces the cooling rate.
Wet adiabatic lapse rate = 6°C per 1,000 m The Good Earth/Chapter 14: The Atmosphere
Air Pressure, Condensation, and Precipitation
Heavier cloud droplets fall and collide and combine with other droplets to form
One raindrop contains ~1 million cloud droplets.
Pure water droplets in high clouds can remain liquid down to -38°F.
Supercooled water will only freeze if it is agitated or has a surface to freeze on.
Air Pressure, Condensation, and Precipitation
Wind is characterized
by its speed and
b. Winds diverge in
high pressure
systems creating a
clockwise airflow at
the surface.
Wind energy
- Northern Part of the
Philippines (Ilocos)
- Wind velocities must
be greater than 12
mph to make wind
turbines viable
- What are some of
the advantages of
wind energy? What
are some