6 HDO Issued by Judge Madronio, MTC Manaoag, Pangasinan

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The Hold-Departure Order shall contain the following information:

a. The complete name (including the middle name), the date and place of
HDO issued by Judge Madronio, MTC Manaoag, birth and the place of last residence of the person against whom a Hold-
AM  No. 99-12-192-MTC
Pangasinan Departure Order has been issued or whose departure from the country
January 26, 2000 Mendoza, J has been enjoined;
b. The complete title and the docket number of the case in which the Hold-
Jurisdiction to Issue Hold Departure Orders Fernandez Departure Order was issued;
c. The specific nature of the case; and
SUMMARY: Secretary of Justice questioned the propriety of the issuance of a hold d. The date of the Hold-Departure Order.If available, a recent photograph
departure order in criminal case, “Ppl v. Christopher Castrence” by Acting Judge of the person against whom a Hold-Departure Order has been issued or
Aniceto Madronio, Jr., of MTC Manaoag, Pangasinan, stating that the same is contrary whose departure from the country has been enjoined should also be
to Circ. No. 39-97.The SC held that, indeed, the authority to issue HDOs is limited to included.
RTCs in criminal cases within their exclusive territorial jurisdiction. SC reprimanded 4. Whenever (a) the accused has been acquitted; (b) the case has been
the Judge. dismissed, the judgment of acquittal or the order of dismissal shall include
therein the cancellation of the Hold Departure Order issued. The courts
DOCTRINE: The authority to issue HDOs is limited to RTCs in criminal cases
concerned shall furnish the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Bureau of
within their exclusive jurisdiction.
Immigration with a copy each of the judgment of acquittal promulgated or the
FACTS: order of dismissal twenty-four (24) hours from the time of
Acting Judge Aniceto Madronio, Jr., MTC Manaoag, issued a hold-departure order promulgation/issuance and through the fastest available means of transmittal.
in criminal case “Ppl v. Christopher Castrence” for forcible abduction with rape and “All Regional Trial Courts which have furnished the Department of Foreign Affairs
homicide. This issuance was questioned by the Secretary of Justice, calling attention with their respective lists of active Hold Departure Orders are hereby directed to
to the fact that the said HDO is contrary to Circ. No. 39-97. conduct an inventory of the Hold-Departure Orders included in the said lists and
inform the government agencies concerned of the status of the Orders involved.”
In his comment, Judge Madronio admitted his mistake, stating that he signed the
order through oversight, pleading for leniency in view of his cardiac illness and his The Court took note of the fact that in 1999, a similar complaint for violation of the
assignment to 3 salas in addition to the MTC of Manaoag. same circular has been filed against Judge Madronio, wherein the SC found him
ISSUE(S): WoN MTC Judges can issue HDOs - N guilty and reprimanded him with a warning that a repetition of the same would be
dealt with more severely. That fact of his illness and additional assignments does not
HELD: excuse him. However, considering that the act complained of was committed before
Circ. No. 39-97 limits the authority to issue HDOs to RTCs in criminal cases within the decision in his previous case, SC simply reprimanded him.
their exclusive jurisdiction. It provides the ff guidelines on the issuance of HDOs:
“In order to avoid the indiscriminate issuance of Hold Departure Orders resulting in
inconvenience to the parties affected, the same being tantamount to an infringement
on the right and liberty of an individual to travel and to ensure that the Hold
Departure Orders which are issued contain complete and accurate information, the
following guidelines are hereby promulgated:

1. Hold-Departure Orders shall be issued only in criminal cases within

the exclusive jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Courts;
2. The Regional Trial Courts issuing the Hold Departure Order shall
furnish the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Bureau of
Immigration (BI) of the Department of Justice with a copy each of the Hold-
Departure Order issued within twenty-four (24) hours from the time of
issuance and through the fastest available means of transmittal;

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