Life and Works of DR Jose Rizal

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Don Francisco Rizal Mercado was born on May 11,

1818 and was the youngest of his 13 siblings. Mercado was a
well respected man in their home town of Calamba in which
citizens made him the their "cabeza de barangay" (head of
town.) He was of part Chinese descent, having been related to
a Chinese entrepreneur by the name of Domingo Lamco.
Mercado die shortly after Rizal in the home of his daughter,
Narcisa Rizal in Binondo, Manila on January 5, 1898.


Dona Teodora Alonso was born on November 14, 1827 in Santa

Cruz Manila. Her parents were Lorenzo Alonso, a municipal captain
and Brijida de Quintos, an educated housewife and had four other
siblings . It is said that her great grandfather, Eugenio Ursua was of
Japanese ancestry making her of Japanese descent. When Teodora
was 20 years old, she married Francisco Mercado, a native from
Binan, Laguna. Together they prospered in Calamba after involving
themselves in business and agriculture. She was known to be a
hardworking, intelligent, business minded woman. She died in 1913
in Manila.

Saturnina Mercado Rizal Hidalgo was born in 1818 and was the
eldest sister of Jose Rizal. She had five children together with
husband Manuel T. Hidalgo and died the same year as her
mother in 1913.


General Paciano Mercado Rizal aka "Lolo Ciano" was the

only brother of Jose Rizal. He was born in 1851 and studied in
Binan later attending school at the Colegio de San Jose in
Manila. After the execution of his brother, he joined in the
Philippine Revolution where he rose up to the ranks of a
General. He later married Severina Decena of Los Banos and
had two children of which one died at an early age. Paciano
passed away in 1930.

Narcisa Rizal Lopez was born in 1852 and was the one who found
the unmarked grave of her brother, Jose in the abandoned Old Paco
Cemetery. Narcisa married Antonio Lopez who was a teacher and
musician from Morong, Rizal. She died in 1938.


Olympia Rizal Ubaldo was born in 1855. She married Silvestre

Ubaldo and together they had three children. She died in 1887 when
she was only 32 years old.


Lucia Herbosa, sister

Lucia Rizal Herbosa was born in 1857. She married Mariano
Herbosa and had 5 children together. In 1889 Mariano died due to an
epidemic but was denied a Christian burial. This was due to the fact
that he was the brother in law of Jose Rizal. This showed the
beginning of the persecution of the Rizal family by Spanish friars.
Lucia died in 1919.

Maria Cruz Rizal was born in 1855. She married Daniel

Faustino Cruz of Binan, Laguna and together they had 5
children. Mauricio Cruz, one of Maria's children became a
student of Jose Rizal in Dapitan and was known to be one of his
uncle's favorites. Maria was a known recipient of many od
Jose's letters during his lifetime. Maria died in 1945.


JOSE RIZAL, the seventh child of Francisco Mercado

Rizal and Teodora Alonso y Quintos, was born in
Calamba, Laguna.


Concepcion Rizal, sister

Concepcion Rizal was born in 1862. Concepcion did not live very
long as she died at the age of 3 in 1865.
Josefa Rizal, sister

Josefa Rizal was born in 1865. She was unmarried lived together
with sister Trinidad until death. Josefa was said to have suffered
from epilepsy. She died in 1945.


Trinidad Rizal, sister

Trinidad Rizal was born in 1868. She remained unmarried and
lived together with her sister Josefa. Trinidad was the one who
recieved an alcohol lamp from brother Jose, in which he secretly
hid the "Last Farewell" better known as "Mi Ultimos Adios," a
poem Rizal wrote on the eve of his death in 1896. Trinidad died in
1951, outliving all her siblings.


Soledad Quintero, sister

Soledad Rizal Quintero was born in 1870 making her the youngest
of the Rizal siblings. She married Pantaleon Quintero and together
they had 5 children. Soledad died in 1929.

Little over view:

Rizal apparently came from a Chinese-Filipino descent – Francisco Mercado Y

Chinco. Francisco Mercado was born in Biñan, Laguna on May 11, 1818. He took
up Philosophy and Latin in the Colegio de San Jose in Manila. After his parents’
death, he moved to Calamba. There he became a tenant farmer of the Dominican-
owned hacienda and later became one of the town’s wealthiest men. He was able to
establish a private library and kept carriage. The name ‘Francisco’ was in high
honor in Laguna for it had belonged to a famous sea captain who had been given
the ENCOMIENDA of BAY for his services.

Rizal’s mother Teodora Alonso came from the clan of Lakan Dula, known as the
last Malay king of Tondo. She was also traced to Eugenio Ursua whose ancestors
came from Japan. She was the second daughter of Lorenzo Alberto Alonso who
was a former representative of Spanish Cortes and Brigida de Quintos whose
parents were Manuel de Quintos, of a well-known family in Pangasinan and
Regina Ursua who was the daughter of Benigna and Eugene Ursua.
As already noted, Teodora Alonso had a trace of Japanese ancestry. Moreover, she
was of Ilocano-Tagalog-Chinese-Spanish descent. Combining the paternal and
maternal ancestry, therefore Jose Rizal was born with Malay, Chinese, Japanese
and Spanish lineages in his blood. Teodora Alonzo died on August 16, 1911 at the
age of 84.
Rizal's surname
Domingo Lam-Co, the great-great-grandfather of Jose Rizal, decided to use
Mercado as his surname in 1731 to match his profession, being a merchant. He
used this surname from 1731 to November 11, 1849 as soon as Governor-General
Narciso Claveria posed a regulation that requires them to make use of Spanish
family names. Meanwhile, for Don Francisco Mercado, Rizal’s father, Rizal was
used, which means new pasture or greenfield.
Paternal Ancestry
Maternal Ancestry
Mi Ultimo Adiós

Adios, Patria adorada, region del sol querida,

Perla del Mar de Oriente, nuestro perdido Eden!
A darte voy alegre la triste mustia vida,
Y fuera más brillante más fresca, más florida,
Tambien por tí la diera, la diera por tu bien.

En campos de batalla, luchando con delirio

Otros te dan sus vidas sin dudas, sin pesar;
El sitio nada importa, ciprés, laurel ó lirio,
Cadalso ó campo abierto, combate ó cruel martirio,
Lo mismo es si lo piden la patria y el hogar.

Yo muero cuando veo que el cielo se colora

Y al fin anuncia el día trás lóbrego capuz;
Si grana necesitas para teñir tu aurora,
Vierte la sangre mía, derrámala en buen hora
Y dórela un reflejo de su naciente luz.

Mis sueños cuando apenas muchacho adolescente,

Mis sueños cuando joven ya lleno de vigor,
Fueron el verte un día, joya del mar de oriente
Secos los negros ojos, alta la tersa frente,
Sin ceño, sin arrugas, sin manchas de rubor.

Ensueño de mi vida, mi ardiente vivo anhelo,

Salud te grita el alma que pronto va á partir!
Salud! ah que es hermoso caer por darte vuelo,
Morir por darte vida, morir bajo tu cielo,
Y en tu encantada tierra la eternidad dormir.

Si sobre mi sepulcro vieres brotar un dia

Entre la espesa yerba sencilla, humilde flor,
Acércala a tus labios y besa al alma mía,
Y sienta yo en mi frente bajo la tumba fría
De tu ternura el soplo, de tu hálito el calor.

Deja á la luna verme con luz tranquila y suave;

Deja que el alba envíe su resplandor fugaz,
Deja gemir al viento con su murmullo grave,
Y si desciende y posa sobre mi cruz un ave
Deja que el ave entone su cantico de paz.

Deja que el sol ardiendo las lluvias evapore

Y al cielo tornen puras con mi clamor en pos,
Deja que un sér amigo mi fin temprano llore
Y en las serenas tardes cuando por mi alguien ore
Ora tambien, Oh Patria, por mi descanso á Dios!

Ora por todos cuantos murieron sin ventura,

Por cuantos padecieron tormentos sin igual,
Por nuestras pobres madres que gimen su amargura;
Por huérfanos y viudas, por presos en tortura
Y ora por tí que veas tu redencion final.

Y cuando en noche oscura se envuelva el cementerio

Y solos sólo muertos queden velando allí,
No turbes su reposo, no turbes el misterio
Tal vez acordes oigas de citara ó salterio,
Soy yo, querida Patria, yo que te canto á ti.

Y cuando ya mi tumba de todos olvidada

No tenga cruz ni piedra que marquen su lugar,
Deja que la are el hombre, la esparza con la azada,
Y mis cenizas antes que vuelvan á la nada,
El polvo de tu alfombra que vayan á formar.

Entonces nada importa me pongas en olvido,

Tu atmósfera, tu espacio, tus valles cruzaré,
Vibrante y limpia nota seré para tu oido,
Aroma, luz, colores, rumor, canto, gemido
Constante repitiendo la esencia de mi fé.

Mi Patria idolatrada, dolor de mis dolores,

Querida Filipinas, oye el postrer adios.
Ahi te dejo todo, mis padres, mis amores.
Voy donde no hay esclavos, verdugos ni opresores,
Donde la fé no mata, donde el que reyna es Dios.

Adios, padres y hermanos, trozos del alma mía,

Amigos de la infancia en el perdido hogar,
Dad gracias que descanso del fatigoso día;
Adios, dulce extrangera, mi amiga, mi alegria,
Adios, queridos séres morir es descansar.

Mary, sweet peace and dearest consolation

of suffering mortal: you are the fount whence springs
the current of solicitude that brings
unto our soil unceasing fecundation.

From your abode, enthroned on heaven's height,

in mercy deign to hear my cry of woe
and to the radiance of your mantle draw
my voice that rises with so swift a flight.

You are my mother, Mary, and shall be

my life, my stronghold, my defense most thorough;
and you shall be my guide on this wild sea.

If vice pursues me madly on the morrow,

if death harasses me with agony:
come to my aid and dissipate my sorrow!

And so it has arrived — the fatal instant,

the dismal injunction of my cruel fate;
so it has come at last — the moment, the date,
when I must separate myself from you.

Goodbye, Leonor, goodbye! I take my leave,

leaving behind with you my lover’s heart!
Goodbye, Leonor: from here I now depart.
O Melancholy absence! Ah, what pain!

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