Engineering Data Book: Si Version Sections 1-15
Engineering Data Book: Si Version Sections 1-15
Engineering Data Book: Si Version Sections 1-15
Volume I
Sections 1-15
Preface to the Twelfth Edition
The Gas Processors Suppliers Association is an organization ity studies, preliminary design, and for making on-site oper-
of companies with specialized knowledge of the supply and ating decisions.
service needs of the gas processing and related industries. A
The loose-leaf format of the Data Book permits periodic up-
major service to them is embodied in the Engineering Data
dating to meet the changing technology of the process indus-
Book, which was first published in 1935. Over 150,000 copies
of the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Editions of the book were
distributed for use throughout the world by engineers, operat- GPSA recognizes that the maintenance of the Data Book is
ing personnel, and students. a continuing task. Users’ comments and suggestions are wel-
The Twelfth Edition of the Engineering Data Book, avail- come. Any such comments should be made in writing to:
able in two versions — FPS and SI — is an attempt to assem-
ble, in a single compilation, basic design information together
with data and procedures that can be used by field and plant Gas Processors Suppliers Association
engineers to determine operating and design parameters. It is 6526 E. 60th St.
also intended as an aid to design engineers who, in spite of Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145
increasing availability of computer routines and other sophis- Fax: (918) 493-3875
ticated design methods, require a general reference work as a e-mail: [email protected]
guide to accepted engineering practice for estimating, feasibil-
Twelfth Edition
GPSA wishes to acknowledge the work of those individuals D.J. Morgan, John M. Campbell & Company
who contributed their talents and literally thousands of hours J.M. Kramer, KBR
of time to the writing, editing, reviewing, and assembling of Ari Minkkinen, Institut Francais du Petrole
the information in this Twelfth Edition of the Engineering Bob Heigold, Jacobs Canada
Data Book. Many, though not all, of those individuals are listed Gustavo A. Soto Soto, PDVSA
in the roster of contributors. GPSA is also indebted to process- Helge Rivelsrud, Norsk Hydro a.s.
ing and service companies that made available expert person- Mark Bothamley, John M. Campbell & Co.
nel, and for release of technical information for this edition, Ken Hall, Texas A&M University
some of which has not been published previously. Scott Northrop, ExxonMobil
GPSA also acknowledges the outstanding work and dedica-
tion of the Editorial Review Board, which was totally respon- GPSA also wishes to acknowledge all the work of Ed Raper,
sible for final editing, review, and assembly of editorial ELR; Susan Coman and Pat Dock, ProType, Inc.; and Mike
material for the Twelfth Edition. Review Board members at Jackson, Jackson Design; for their work in publishing this
the date of publication: book.
Brian Price, Chairman, Black & Veatch Pritchard
Fred G. Russell, Hudson Products Corporation
Harvey L. Hensley, Davy McKee-Dresser Engineering Div. Donald Papa, Anderson Greenwood
Janet D. Herbert, Oxy Cities Service NGL, Inc. Dav Parnell, Coastal Chemical Co.
J.P. Herrin, J.P. Herrin & Associates Susu Patel, Petro Canada Resources
John Hersley, Marley Equipment Co. Charles C. Patton, C.C. Patton & Associates
R.D. Higgins, Stearns-Roger Corp. Jerry R. Peebles, Oxy Cities Service NGL, Inc.
T.L. Hillburn, Turnbow Engineering Glen Petty, Crawford Enterprises
Robert J. Hlozek, Union Carbide Rob Phillips, Optimized Process Furnaces, Inc.
David Holbrook, UOP William Phillips, M W Kellogg Co.
Howard Holder, El Paso Natural Gas Co. Bob Piehl, Chevron
Patrick Holub, Huntsman Corporation J.G. Pierpoint, Stearns-Roger Corp.
Bill Homuth, Westinghouse F.J. Pocock, Babcock & Wilcox
Robert Hubbard, John M. Campbell & Co. Verleon H. Porter, Key Engineering, Inc.
Jack T. Hull, Fluor Engineers & Constructors W.A. Potts, Exxon Production & Research Co.
Mike Jackson, Jackson Design Michael Prevade, Calgon Corporation
Frank Jarrett, John M. Campbell & Co. Brian Price, Black & Veatch Pritchard
Arland H. Johannes, Oklahoma State University J. Printz, Stearns-Roger Corp.
Johnny Johnson, The Pritchard Corp. Bui Quynhthy, Conoco
J.V. Johnson, Jr., Mobil Oil Corp. Ed Raper, ELR
Ken Joslin, Mobil R&D Co. Laurance Reid, Laurance Reid Associates, Inc.
Kathrin Juch, Grace GmbH Bret Rhinesmith, Pearl Development Co.
Bill Judd, Dow Chemical Canada, Inc. J.M. Richards, Stearns-Roger Corp.
J.E. Junkin, Stearns-Roger Corp. Peter Richardson, Davy McKee-Dresser Engineering Div.
Dan Kemp, Oxy Cities Service NGL, Inc. C.J. Riley, Stearns-Roger Corp.
Wendell Kensell, Aker Omega, Inc. Helge Rivelsrud, Norsk Hydro a.s.
K. Kilgannon, Stearns-Roger Corp. W.E. Robert, Fish Engineering & Construction, Inc.
Dean King, ExxonMobil Bill Robinson, Robinson-Utter & Associates
Bernard Kouzel, Union Oil Company of California Sharon Robinson, Oxy Cities Service NGL, Inc.
J.M. Kramer, Halliburton KBR Gary T. Rochelle, University of Texas
Kevin Kramer, College of William & Mary Gene Rochette, Optimized Process Furnaces
Francis Lallemand, TotalFina Elf Rolf Roenning, Norsk Hydro
Joseph Larue, IFP Alexandre Rojey, IFP
Willard A. Lewis, Amoco Production Co. Bill Roof, C-E Natco
R.M. Ligon, Brown & Root, Inc. C.E. Rose, Warren Petroleum Co.
Ted Levin, Hudson Engineering Corp. Frank Rusche, KBR
Havard Lidal, Statoil Tom Russell, T.H. Russell Co.
Larry Lilly, John M. Campbell & Co. Dana Salamone, Contritech Corp.
Louis Lloyd, Lufkin Industries S.R. Salzesen, Ingersoll-Rand Co.
Mark Loring, M W Kellogg Co. D.J. Sampat, Stearns-Roger Corp.
Royce Loshbaugh, Mobil R&D Corp. James Schauls, Trane Co.
R.N. Maddox, Oklahoma State University Ted H. Scheer, Arco Oil & Gas Co.
G.A. Madore, Stearns-Roger Corp. Paul Schmidt, Fish Engineering & Construction, Inc.
Charles Maitland, Perry Gas Processors Robert Schwartz, John Zink Co.
William P. Manning, C-E Natco Fred Selleck, Fluor Engineers & Constructors
Bill Manning, Coastal Chemical Dale Sharpe, Bingham-Willamette Ltd.
Frank Manning, Tulsa University R.M. Sherman, Peerless Manufacturing Co.
Tony Marburger, Chevron Texaco J.H. Shieh, Glitsch, Inc.
Randy Marek, Hudson Engineering Corp. Alan Silverman, Mobil R&D Co.
Herbert D. Marsh, Crest Engineering, Inc. C.R. Sivalls, Sivalls, Inc.
John E. Martin, Canterra Energy Ltd. Bill Small, Phillips Petroleum Co.
Sharon Mason, ProType, Inc. Dexter Smith, Applied Automation, Inc.
P.M. McCann, Koch Hydrocarbon Co. Robert Smith, OPC Engineering
Dan G. McCartney, Black & Veatch Pritchard, Inc. Robert C. Smith, Quantum Technology
Russell L. McGalliard, Amoco–Retired Gustavo A. Soto Soto, PDVSA
J.T. McKinney, Process Equipment Co. Cal Spencer, KBR
Al Medencorp. Trend Construction Co. S.T. Stark, Stark & Associates
Wiley B. Megee, Phillips Petroleum Co. Kenneth Starling, John M. Campbell & Co.
Yuv Mehra, Advanced Extraction Technologies, Inc. Danny Stowe, John M. Campbell & Co.
H.M. Merritt, Glitsch, Inc. Ellen Strange, Norsk Hydro
Bill Millard, General Electric Co. James H. Stuart, Fluor Engineers & Constructors
Ari Minkkinen, Institut Francais du Petrole Mike Stubenhoffer, Hanover
Haakon Moestue, Norsk Hydro Carl Sutton, GPA
D.J. Morgan, John M. Campbell & Co. M.F. Sutton, GPA, GPSA
Gary Mori, Warren Petroleum Harry Temple, Applied Automation, Inc.
Don Morris, Davy McKee-Dresser Engineering Div. R.E. Trent, Zeochem
Mahmood Moshfeghian, Shiraz University J.C. Upchurch, Union Carbide Corp.
H.W. Mulkins, Stearns-Roger Corp. Gary Utter, Robinson-Utter & Associates
M.J. Mulvany, Pioneer Gas Products Co. William R. Valego, Exxon Company, U.S.A.
Marv Natham, Crawford & Russell, Inc. Herman van Herwijnen, Shell International (SIPM)
Gerry W. Nell, UOP Canada, Inc. Fred VanOrsdol, Williams Energy
H. Lee Norris III, Exxon Production & Research Co. Tom Varadi, Merichem Company
O.E. Norris, CBI-NaCon, Inc. Robert Veroba, Huntsman Corporation
Jimmy Ong, ChevronTexaco R.E. Vickrey, Vickrey Engineering Co.
Scott Northrop, ExxonMobil Andrew Ward, International Process Systems
John Palsgrove, Bentley-Nevada John Waterous, M W Kellogg Co.
Tom Welker, Welker Engineering Arild Wilson, Norsk Hydro
Jim Westmoreland, Texaco William Woodard, Phillips Petroleum Co.
Jeff White, John Zink Co. Colin Woodward, ICI Katalco
Edward Wichert, Sogapro Engineering, Ltd. K.W. Won, Fluor Enterprises, Inc.
Gordon C. Wichert, Penn West Petroleum, Ltd. Rich Worsham, Worsham Enterprises
L. Wielgot, Stearns-Roger Corp. Jesse Wyrick, Fenix & Scisson, Inc.
Dennis Williams, Chapman Engineers, Inc. Lyman Yarborough, Amoco Production Co.
G. Brymer Williams, University of Michigan C.D. Young, Stearns-Roger Corp./Colorado School of Mines
R.T. Williamson, Stearns-Roger Corp.
Table of Contents
Volume I Volume II
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 1 Hydrocarbon Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 16
Product Specifictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 2 Fluid Flow and Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 17
Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 3 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 18
Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4 Fractionation and Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 19
Relief Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 5
Dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 20
Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6
Hydrocarbon Treating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 21
Separation Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7
Sulfur Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 22
Fired Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 8
Heat Exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 9 Physical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 23
Aircooled Exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 10 Thermodynamic Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 24
Cooling Towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 11 Equilibrium Ratio (K) Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 25
Pumps and Hydraulic Turbines. . . . . . . . . . . . Section 12 GPSA Members List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 26
Compressors and Expanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 13
Refrigeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 14
Prime Movers for Mechanical Drives . . . . . . . . Section 15
AGA-American Gas Association, 1-21 Forced Draft, 10-2
AIChE-American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1-21 Friction Factor, 10-15
AISC-American Institute of Steel Construction, 1-21 Header Design, 10-3
AISI-American Iron & Steel Institute, 1-21 Heat-Transfer Coefficients, 10-9
ANSI-American National Standards Institute, 1-21 Induced Draft, 10-1
API Gravity, 1-2 Internal Recirculation, 10-4
API-American Petroleum Institute, 1-21 Liquid Physical Properties, 10-11
ASHRAE-American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Location, 10-6
Air-conditioning Engineers, 1-22 LMTD Correction Factors, 10-8
ASME-American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1-22 Maintenance and Inspection, 10-14
ASTM-American Society for Testing & Materials, 1-22 Mechanical Design, 10-1
Absorber, 1-2 Noise Considerations, 10-16
Absorption, 1-2, 19-30 Pressure Drop, 10-13
Absorption and Stripping Factors, 19-31 Thermal Design, 10-7
Calculations, 19-31 Warm Air Recirculation, 10-4
Strippers, 19-32 Air Density, 8-14, 15
Absorption Factor, 1-2 Air Evaporative Coolers, 10-6
Absorption Oil, 1-2 Air Separation, 18-9
Acentric Factor, 23-30 Alkalinity and pH Relationships, 18-1
Acid Gas, 1-2, 22-1 Altitude and Atmospheric Pressures, 10-17
Acid Gas Injection, 21-26 Amine, 1-2
Adiabatic Expansion, 1-2 Amines, 21-4, 21-10
Adsorbent, 1-2 Diethanolamine (DEA), 21-10
Adsorption, 1-2 Diglycolamine® (DGA®), 21-10
Affinity Laws, 12-3 Diisopropanolamine (DIPA), 21-11
Air Cooled Exchangers, 10-1 Formulated Solvents, 21-11
Advantages, 10-1, 10-2 Freezing Points, 21-9
Air Static-Pressure Drop, 10-16 Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), 21-10
Air-Density Ratio Chart, 10-15 Monoethanolamine (MEA), 21-10
Air Evaporative Coolers, 10-6 Physical Properties, 21-7
Air Film Coefficient, 10-15 Specific Gravity, 21-9
Air-Side Control, 10-3 Sterically Hindered, 21-11
Disadvantages, 10-2 Triethanolamine (TEA), 21-11
External Recirculation, 10-4 Vapor Pressures, 21-8
Film Coefficient, 10-12 Associated Gas, 1-2
Fintube Data, 10-10 Atmospheric Pressure, 1-2
Control, 12-8
B-P Mix, 1-3 Differential Head, 12-5
BS&W, 1-3 Drivers, 12-11
Barrel, 1-2 Efficiency, 12-8
Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling (BWRS), 25-7 Installation/Operation/Maintenance, 12-15
Benfield Process, 21-19 Materials of Construction, 12-13
Blanket Gas, 1-2 NPSH, 12-5
Blow Case, 1-3 Selection Guide, 12-10
Blowdown, 1-3, 18-1 Series and Parallel Operation, 12-11
Boilaway Test, 1-3 Shaft Seals, 12-13
Boiler Water Systems, 18-4 Suction Specific Speed, 12-5
Boiler Water Treatment, 18-9 Temperature rise, 12-11
Boiling Points, 23-26 Theory, 12-8
Petroleum Fractions, 23-26 Troubles and Causes, 12-16
Bottoms, 1-3 Charcoal Test, 1-3
Bourdon Tubes, 4-7 Chemsweet, 21-22
Breathing, 1-3 Chillers, 14-22—24
Bubble Point, 1-3 Chromatography, 1-3, 3-29—33
Butane, Commercial, 1-3, 2-1 Claus Plant
Butane, Normal, 1-3 Maintenance, 22-33
P-H Diagram, 24-32 Operations, 22-17
Vapor-Siolid Equilibrium, 20-18 Systems, 22-9
Butane, Propane, Commercial, 2-1 Claus Process, 1-3
Calculations, 22-19
CGPA-Canadian Gas Processors Association, 1-22 Sulfur Recovery, 22-1
Calgon, 21-26 Theoretical Flame Temperatures, 22-32
Calorimeter, 1-3 CO2 Distillation, 16-30, 16-31
Carbon Dioxide CO2-Ethane Separation, 16-30
P-H Diagram, 24-25 CO2-H2S Separation, 16-31
Vapor-Solid Equilibrium, 20-18 CO2-Methane Separation, 16-30
Carbon Disulfide, 22-1, 22-4, 22-7 CO2 Processing for EOR, 16-29
Carbonyl Sulfide, 1-3, 22-1, 22-4, 22-6 Cobalt Bromide Test, 2-3
Carbonyl Sulfide Removal, 21-21 Combustion
Casinghead Gas, 1-3 Air Requirements, 8-11, 8-12
Catacarb, 21-19 Fuel/Air Ratio, 8-12
Catasol, 21-18 Heating Value, 8-13
Caustic Embrittlement, 18-1, 18-11 Efficiency, 8-13, 8-16
Caustic Wash, 21-13, 21-30 Burners, 8-16, 8-18
Centrifugal Compressors, 13-17 Flue Gas, 8-18, 8-22
Anti-surge Control, 13-36 NOx Control, 8-18
Control Systems, 13-34 Compressibility
Critical Speeds, 13-37 Gases, 23-10
Efficiency, 13-27 Hydrocarbon Liquid, 23-24
Flow Limits, 13-29 Natural Gas, 23-12—15
Flow Range, 13-19 Compressibility Factor, 1-3
Head, 13-22, 13-26 Compressibility Factors
Horsepower, 13-27 Natural Gas, 23-12
Inlet Guide Vanes, 13-35 Compression Ratio, 1-3
Interstage Cooling, 13-29 Compressors, 13-1
Isentropic Calculation, 13-22 Axial, 13-40
Journal and Thrust Bearings, 13-30 Centrifugal, 13-17, 14-21
Lubrication and Seal-Oil Systems, 13-31 Integrally geared, 13-39
Mechanical Losses, 13-28 Performance Calculations, 13-3
P-H Diagram, 13-29 Reciprocating, 13-2, 13-13, 14-21
Performance, 13-17, 13-38 Refrigeration Compressors, 13-29
Performance Calculations, 13-17 Rotary, 14-42
Polytropic Calculation, 13-28 Screw Compressors, 14-42
Pressure Control, 13-34—35 Types, 13-2
Rotor Dynamics, 13-37 Condensate, 1-3
Shaft Seals, 13-31 Condensers, 9-8
Speed, 13-28 Steam, 10-6
Troubleshooting, 13-39 Control Valves, 4-18
Unbalance, 13-38 Actuators, 4-20
Vibration Control System, 13-37 Bodies, 4-19
Volume Control, 13-35 Calibration, 4-24
Wheels Required, 13-29 Cavitation, 4-23
Centrifugal Pumps, 12-8 Characteristics, 4-20
Affinity Laws, 12-8 Failure, 5-4
Alignment/Supports/ Couplings, 12-15 Gas Service, 4-21
Common Pump Equations, 12-4 Installation, 4-24
Liquid Service, 4-23 Dew Point, 1-4
Noise Prediction, 4-21 Diaphragm Pumps, 12-20
Sizing, 4-21, 4-23 Distillation, 1-4
Troubleshooting, 4-24 Doctor Test, 1-4
Valve Selection, 4-20 Dry Bulb/Web Bulb Temperature Data, 11-4—8
Controlled Freeze Zone Process, 21-32 Dry Gas, 1-4
Convergence Pressure, 1-3, 25-1
Conversion Factors, 1-8
EP-Mix (Ethane-Propane Mix), 1-4
Area, 1-9
Editorial Review Board, 1-2
Base Pressures, 1-11
Effective Temperature Difference
Capacity – Volume, 1-9
Heat Exchange, 9-2
Commercial Base Pressure, 1-11
Electrical Systems, 18-24
Energy, 1-8
Building and Area Classification, 18-34
Length, 1-9
Cathodic Protection, 18-34
Mass, 1-9
Electrical Control Devices, 18-31
Pressure, 1-9
Electrical Formulas, 18-25
Velocity, 1-8
Grounding, 18-33
Weights Per Unit of Area, 1-9
Lighting, 18-32
Cooling Systems Characteristics, 11-9
Motor Controls, 18-30
Cooling Systems Evaporative, 9-33
Motor Protection, 18-30
Cooling Towers, 11-1
Motors, 18-24
Air Properties, 11-15
NEMA Enclosures, 18-35
Atmospheric Spray Towers, 11-14
One Line Diagrams, 18-26
Blowdown Rate, 11-2
Programmable Controllers, 18-33
Coil Shed, 11-14
Power Factor Correction, 18-32
Concentration Cycles, 11-13
Power Supply System, 18-24
Dry Bulb/Web Bulb Data, 11-4—8
Short Circuit Protection, 18-30
Forced Draft, 11-13
Stand-by Power, 18-33
Hyperbolic Natural Draft Towers, 11-14
Transformer Connections, 18-24, 18-29
Induced Draft, 11-14
Transformer Locations
Mechanical Draft, 11-13
Electrical Heat Tracing, 19-33
Natural Draft, 11-14
Emissivity, 8-9, 8-10
Nomenclature, 11-1, 11-2
End Point, 1-4
Performance Characteristics, 11-9
Engines, Internal Combustion, 15-21
Performance Nomograph, 11-12
Auxiliaries, 15-25
Psychrometry, 11-2, 11-3
Bearings, 15-25
Range, 11-11
Couplings, 15-27
Types, 11-13
Diesel, 15-21
Cooling Water Systems
Dual-Fuel, 15-21
Open Systems, 18-12
Four-Stroke-Cycle, 15-21
Copper Corrosion Test, 2-3
Gear Ratings, 15-25
Copper Strip Test, 1-3
Gears, 15-25
Coriolis Meters, 3-18
Lubrication, 15-27
Corrosion, in gas treating systems, 21-20
Performance Rating, 15-21
Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI), 18-24
Spark Ignition, 15-21
Cricondenbar, 1-3
Supercharged, 15-21
Cricondentherm, 1-3
Two-Stroke-Cycle, 15-21
Critical Density, 1-4
Types, 15-21
Critical Pressure, 1-4
Vibration, 15-27
Critical Temperature, 1-4
Enthalpy, 24-2
Cryogenic Plant, 1-4
Calculation, 24-3, 24-10
Effect of Pressure, 24-4, 24-9
Deaerator, 1-4, 18-17, 18-18 Hydrocarbon Liquid, 24-18—19
Debutanizer, 1-4 Hydrocarbon Vapor, 24-11—17
Dehydration, 1-4 Ideal-Gas-State, 24-2, 24-5—7
Dehydration, Gas, 1-4, 20-1, 20-22 Mixtures, 24-2
Glycol Systems, 20-30 Pure Components, 24-2
Solid Desiccant, 20-36 Entropy, 24-3
Dehydration, Liquid, 20-45 Calculation, 24-20
Demathanized Product, 1-4 Effect of Pressure, 24-22—23
Demethanizer, 1-4, 19-4 Pure Components, 24-21
Demisters, 7-7 Ethane Recovery, 16-11
Densitometers, 3-19 Equations of State, 25-6
Depropanizer, 1-4 Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling (BWRS), 25-7
Desiccants, 1-4 Peng-Robinson, 25-7
Properties, 20-40 Redlich-Kwong, 25-7
Regeneration, 20-39 Soave Redlich Kwong (SRK), 25-7
Desorex, 21-26 van der Waals, 25-6
Desulfurization, 1-4 Equilibrium Ratios, 25-1
2000 psia Convergence Pressure, 25-11 Flare Systems, 18-9
3000 psia Convergence Pressure, 25-12—24 Flash Calculation, 25-4
Calculating Convergence Pressure, 25-2 Flash Point, 1-4
Carbon Dioxide, 25-2 Flash Tank, 7-1
Convergence Pressure, 25-1, 25-9 Flow Calculation Guide, 3-2, 3-3, 3-5
Correlations, 25-4 Flow Sensors, 4-11
Flash Calculation, 25-2 Fluid Densities, 23-16
Methane-Ethane Binary, 25-10 Compressibility, 23-24
Nomenclature, 25-1 Liquid Densities, 23-23—25
Sources of Data, 25-3 Fluid Flow, 17-1
Ethane AGA Equations, 17-4
P-H Diagram, 24-27 Bernouli’s Theorem, 17-2
Quality Criteria, 2-2 Calculations, 17-17
Vapor-Solid Equilibrium, 20-16 Friction Factors, 17-3, 17-5
Ethylene Fritzsche’s Formula, 17-15
P-H Diagram, 24-28 Liquid Flow, 17-11
Exchanger Nomenclature, 9-15 Low Pressure Gas Flow, 17-7
Exchangers Nomenclature, 17-1
Air Cooled, 10-1 Panhandle A Equation, 17-6
Core-in-Kettle, 9-30 Panhandle B Equation, 17-6
Plate Fin, 9-21 Physical Properties, 17-2
Plate Frame, 9-31 Plant Piping, 17-7
Shell and Tube, 9-2 Pressure Drop, 17-13
Tube Count vs. Diameter, 9-18 Reynolds Number, 17-2
Typical Operating Velocities, 9-28 Single Phase Flow, 17-4
Expanders, 13-45 Slugging, 17-21
Auxiliary Systems, 13-48 Two Phase Flow, 17-11
Calculation, 13-47 Weymouth Equation, 17-6
Control Systems, 13-49 Weymouth Formula, 17-8, 17-9
Expander Process, 13-45 Fluor Solvent, 21-13
Field Performance, 13-50 Fouling Resistances
Lube Oil, 13-49 Heat Exchangers, 9-2
Mechanical, 13-48 Fractionation, 1-4, 19-1
P-H Diagram, 13-47 Design, 19-27
Pressure-Temperature Diagram, 13-46 Design Considerations, 19-25
Seal Gas, 13-49 Downcomer Design, 19-12
Shutdown, 13-50 Energy Efficiency, 19-30
Thermodynamics, 13-46 Flood Capacity of Valve Trays, 19-13
Expansion Turbine, 1-4 High Capacity Trays, 19-15
Extraction, 1-4 Inlet/Outlet Connections, 19-25–29
Key Components, 19-4
Key Parameters, 19-5
Field Separator, 1-4 Minimum Reflex Ratio, 19-6
Filter Separators, 7-1, 7-16 Minimum Stages, 19-6
Filters, 7-1 Number of Stages, 19-5—6
Filtration, 7-17 Operating Pressure, 19-5
Partical Removal, 7-17 Packed Column Internals, 19-18
Fin Efficiency, 8-7 Packed Column Sizing, 19-16
Finned Tubes, 8-6 Packed Columns, 19-16
Fired Equipment, 8-1 Packing Depths, 19-17
Burners, 8-18 Packing Factors, 19-18
Cabin Direct Fired, 8-18 Packing Height, 19-17
Combustion, 8-11 Product Specifications, 19-4
Conduction, 8-2 Reboiler Arrangements, 19-20
Controls, 8-27 Reflux Ratio, 19-5, 19-6
Convection, 8-4 Sizing, 19-9
Convection Heaters, 8-28 System Factors, 19-12
Direct Fired, 8-19 Tray Efficiency, 19-15
Draft, 8-13, 8-23 Trayed Columns, 19-15
Firetube Heaters, 8-28 Types of Fractionators, 19-2
Molten Salt Heaters, 8-32 Valve Tray Diameter, 19-11
Steam Heaters, 8-31 Freeze Valve, 1-4
Thermal Efficiency, 8-13, 8-35 Fuel Gas Specifications, 180-9
Troubleshooting, 8-34 Fuel Systems, 18-8
Water Bath Heaters, 8-28
Flammability, 18-8 GPA
Flare Stacks, 5-17 Publications, 1-13
Low Temperature, 5-4 Research Reports, 1-15
Smokeless, 5-17 Technical Publications, 1-20
Stack Height, 5-18 GPA/GPSA Technical Activities, 1-1
GPM, 1-5 Tank Heaters, 9-20
GPSA Members, 26-1—9 Tube Vibration, 9-18
GPSA Services, 26-10—20 Tubing Characteristics, 9-17
GPSA Supplies, 26-21—29 Heat Loss, 8-10
Gas Constant, 1-4, 1-11 Heat Media (Heating Media) (see also Hot Oil), 1-5
Gas Exchangers, 9-18 Heat Medium Systems, 18-5
Gas Hydrate, 1-4 Heat Transfer
Gas Injection, 1-4 Burners, 8-16
Gas Lift, 1-4 Combustion, 8-12
Gas Measurement, 3-2 Conduction, 8-2
Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR), 1-4 Controls, 8-25
Gas Processing, 1-4 Convection, 8-4, 8-28
Gas Processing Plant, 1-4 Direct Fired, 8-9
Gas Sampling, 3-22 Draft, 8-14
Gas Treating Chemicals Finned Tubes, 8-6
Freezing Points, 21-9 Fired Heaters, 8-1
Physical Properties, 21-7 Hot Oil Heaters, 8-31
Specific Gravity, 21-9 Hot Oil System, 8-29
Vapor Pressure, 21-8 Molten Salt Heaters, 8-31
Gas-Well Gas, 1-4 Radiant, 8-18
Gas-Well Liquids, 1-4 Reboilers, 8-32
Gasket Material Stack Draft, 8-23
Temperature Limitations, 9-31 Thermal Efficiency, 8-14, 8-25, 8-33
Gathering System, 1-5 Troubleshooting, 8-32
Glycols Heat Transfer Coefficient, 8-5, 9-2, 9-6
Boiling Point, 20-29 Heat Transfer Fluids–Properties, 18-6
Concentration Processes, 20-35 Heaters
Contactor Capacity, 20-36 Electric, 8-40
Densities, 20-24 Fired Equipment, 8-1
Dew Points, 20-27, 20-28 Tank, 9-20
Flow Diagram, 20-30 Heating Value
Freezing Points, 20-30 Natural Gas, 23-39
Heat Capacity, 20-25—26 Heating Value (Heat of Combustion), 1-5
Physical Properties, 20-29 Heavy Ends, 1-5
Thermal Conductivity, 20-26 Henry’s Constants, 19-34
Vapor Pressure, 20-27 Hexanes Plus (or Heptanes Plus), 1-5
Viscosity, 20-24—25 HgSiv, 21-26
Gravity Hi-Pure Process, 21-19
API, 1-10 Hot Oil
Baumé, 1-10 System, 8-36
Weight Factors, 1-10 Heaters, 8-32
Gravity Settling, 7-2 Hydrate, 1-5
Newton’s Law, 7-3 Hydrates
Separators, 7-3 Formation, 20-9
Stokes’ Law, 7-3 Inhibition, 20-19
Ground Water, 18-1 Natural Gas Systems, 20-9
Prediction, 20-10, 20-15
Hydraulic Turbines, 12-17
Head, Acceleration, 12-2 Hydrocarbon Recovery, 16-1
Heat Exchange with Non-Linear Behavior, 9-2 Absorption Refrigeration, 16-7
Heat Exchanger Specifications, 9-9 Cascade Refrigeration, 16-18
Heat Exchangers, 9-1 CO2 – Ethane Separation, 16-24
Condensers, 9-8 CO2 Processing for EOR, 16-22
Film Resistance, 9-2 Cold Residue Recycle Process, 16-16
Fouling Resistance, 9-2 Condensate Stabilization, 16-5
Hairpin Exchangers, 9-19 Conventional Process, 16-12
Heat Transfer Coefficients, 9-6 Cryogenic Technology, 16-21
Heat Transfer Fundamentals, 9-1 Dew Point Control, 16-2
LMTD Chart, 9-3—5 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), 16-22—23
Nomenclature, 9-15 Ethane Recovery, 16-11, 16-15
Performance Variables, 9-7 Four-Column Ryan/Holmes Process, 16-26
Plate Fin Exchangers, 9-21 Fractionation Considerations, 16-19
Plate Frame Exchangers, 9-31 Gas Composition, 16-1
Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger, 9-32 Gas Subcooled Process (GSP), 16-14, 15
Reboilers, 9-11 Glycol Injection, 16-5
Selection of Components, 9-14 GPM, 16-1
Selection Guide, 9-16 Higher Heating Value (HHV), 16-1
Sensible Heat Transfer, 9-6 IOR Process, 16-18
Shell and Tube, 9-2 IPSI Process, 16-17
Specifications, 9-9, 9-25 Joule-Thompson Effect, 16-11
J-T Expansion, 16-12 Solubility in Liquid Sulfur, 22-24
J-T Valve, 16-1, 16-11 Vapor-Solid Equilibrium, 20-14
Lean Oil Absorption, 16-8, 16-9
Liquefied Natural Gas Production, 16-17
Ifpexol, 21-18
Low Pressure Retrograde Condensation, 16-3
Immiscible, 1-5
Low Temperature Separation, 16-3
Inert Gas Generators, 8-40
Low Temperature Separation Unit, 16-4
Inerts, 1-5
Mechanical Refrigeration, 16-10
Instrument Air, 18-7
Mixed Refrigerant Processes, 16-18, 19
Instrumentation, 4-1
New Technology, 16-22
Analytical, 4-27
Nitrogen Rejection Unit, 16-20—21
Computer Systems, 4-27
Overall Process Configuration, 16-25
Concepts, 4-14
Precooled Mixed Refrigerant Process, 16-20
Control Modes, 4-15
Process Alternatives, 16-7, 16-10
Controllers, 4-15
Process Considerations, 16-7
Electronic Power Supplies, 4-4
Propane Recovery,16-7, 16-10
Nomenclature, 4-1
Recovery Efficiencies,16-8, 16-21
Sensing Devices, 4-7
Refrigerated J-T, 16-13
Symbols, 4-5–6
Refrigerated Lean Oil Absorption Process, 16-10
Temperature Sensors, 4-10
Refrigeration, 16-4
Transmitters, 4-13
Residue Recycle, 16-14, 15
Retrograde Condensation, 16-3
Exchangers, 9-29
Separation of CO2 and H2S, 16-24
Fired Heaters, 8-25
Separation of CO2 and Methane, 16-22
Heat Flow, 6-14
Shrinkage Value, 16-3
Properties, 8-3
Side Draw Reflux Process, 16-16
Storage Facilities, 6-12
Single Column NRU, 16-23
Ion-Exchange Processes
Stabilization, 16-6
Electrodialysis, 18-7
Straight Refrigeration Process16-7
Ions, Anions, Cations
Turboexpander, 16-10
Water Treating, 18-2
Turboexpander Processing, 16-13
Iron Sponge, 21-22
Twister, 16-7
Two Column NRU, 16-22
P-H Diagram, 24-33
Vortex Tube, 16-7
Iso-Butane, 1-5
Hydrocarbon Treating, 21-1
P-H Diagram, 24-31
Acid Gas Injection, 21-26
Vapor-Solid Equilibrium, 20-18
Alkaline Salt Processes, 21-18
Batch and Cyclic Processes, 21-21
Biological Processes, 21-24 J-T Expansion Process, 16-12
Caustic Wash, 21-13 Jacket Water, 1-5
Caustic Wash, Liquids, 21-30 Joule-Thomson Effect, 1-5
Chemistry, 12-5
Continuous Liquid Processes, 21-28
Knockout Drums, 5-16
Continuous Solvent Processes, 21-4
Emerging Technologies, 21-30
Equilibrium Data, 21-12 LMTD Chart, 9-3
Gasoline and LP-Gas, 21-28 LMTD Correction, 9-4—5
Gas Treating — Processing Options, 21-3 LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), 1-5, 16-20
General Considerations, 21-19 Cascade Process, 16-21
Hybrid Solvent Processors, 21-18 Mixed Refrigerant, 16-21
Hydrogen Sulfide Removal, 21-20 Precooled MR Process, 16-22
Iron Chelate Processes, 21-24 LO-CAT II, 21-24
Liquid Hydrocarbon Treating, 21-26 LP-Gas (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), 1-5
Liquid Redox Processes, 21-23 International Specifications, 2-4
LO-CAT II, 21-24 Odorization, 2-5
Membrane Separation, 21-24 LP-Gas Specifications, Parameters, 2-1
Mercaptan Treating, 21-28 Moisture Content, 2-2
Mercury Removal, 21-25 Residue, 2-5
Merox Process, 21-27 Test Methods, 2-1
Molecular Sieve, 21-22 Sulfur Content, 2-3
Nomenclature, 21-1 Vapor Pressure, 2-2
Offshore Design Considerations, 21-30 LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), 1-5
Physical Solvent Processes, 21-13 LRG (Liquefied Refinery Gas), 1-5
Pretreatment, 21-2 LTX Unit (Low Temperature Extraction Unit), 1-5
Process Flow, 21-6 Langelier Scaling Index, 18-2, 18-13
Process Selection, 21-25 Lead Acetate Test, 1-5
References, 21-32—34 Lean Gas, 1-5
Safety Precautions, 21-2 Lean Oil, 1-5
Types of Contaminants, 21-2 Lean Oil Absorption, 16-8
Hydrogen Sulfide Level Sensors, 4-8
Lift Gas, 1-5 Nitrogen
Light Ends, 1-5 P-H Diagram, 24-24
Light Hydrocarbons, 1-5, 21-19 Nitrogen Generation, 18-9
Liquid Measurement, 3-26 Nitrogen Rejection, 16-23, 16-28
Meter Proving, 3-19 Nitrogen Systems, 18-7
Meter Selection and Performance, 3-17 NOx Control, 8-17
Orifice Meters, 3-16
Orifice Sizing, 3-17
Liquid Sampling, 3-28 Odorant, 1-6
Liquid Redox Processes, 21-23, 22-13 Oil-Well Gas, 1-6
Loading Rack, 1-5 On-Stream Factor, 1-6
Low Temperature Separation (LTS), 16-4 Operating Factor, 1-6
Orifice Flanges, 3-4
Orifice Flow Rate, 3-13, 3-17
Maintenance Guidelines, 18-40 Orifice Meter Measurement, 3-2
Maintenance Program Development, 18-42 Gas Orifice Calculations, 3-13
Mass Flow Meters, 3-18 Installation Requirements, 3-11—13
Mass Measurement, 3-23 Meter Tube Lengths, 3-9
Mass to Volume Calculation, 3-19 Orifice Plate Dimensions, 3-7
Mcf, 1-5 Orifice Plates, 3-4
MMcf, 1-5 Departure From Flatness, 3-9
Measurement, 3-1 Tap Hole Location, 3-8
Gas, 3-2 Orifice Sizing, 3-13, 3-17
Liquids, 3-16 Orifice Well test, 3-13
Steam, 3-21 Outage, 1-6
Membrane Separation, 21-24 Oxidizers, 8-39
Mercaptan, 1-5 Oxorbon, 21-23
Mercaptan Treating, 21-28 Oxygen
Mercury Removal, 16-19 P-H Diagram, 24-35
Merespec, 21-26 Oxygen Contamination, 21-3
Merichem, 21-27, 29 Packaged Unit, 1-6
Merox Process, 21-26 Packed Column, 1-6, 19-15
Metal Resistance for Tubes Particle Characteristics
Heat Exchangers, 9-2 Separators, 7-4
Meter Proving Reports, 3-20, 3-24 Peak Shaving, 1-6
Meter Proving Systems, 3-20 Pelton Wheel, 12-2
Meter Tubes, 3-4 Pentane-Plus, 1-6
Methane Pentane, Normal
P-H Diagram, 24-26 P-H Diagram, 24-34
Vapor-Solid Equilibrium, 20-15 Perco Sweetening, 21-29
Mined Caverns, 6-7 Physical Constants, 23-2—9
Miscible Flood, 1-5 Physical Properties, 23-1
Mist Extractors, 7-7
Acentric Factor, 23-27
Vane Type, 7-8
Boiling Points, 23-26
Molar Heat Capacity, Mcp, 13-5
Compressibility, Gases, 23-10, 23-12—15
Molecular Sieve, 20-37, 21-22
Compressibility, Liquids, 23-24
Design, 20-37
Computer Prediction, 23-10
Morphysorb, 21-18
Critical Properties, 23-26
Motors, Electric
Fluid Densities, 23-17, 23-19
Drip-Proof, 15-19
Liquid Densities, 23-18, 23-23—25
Enclosures, 15-19
Methanol Solutions, 20-23
Induction, 15-18
Nomenclature, 23-1
Induction Generator, 15-20
Pseudocritical Properties, 23-10
Selection, 15-18
Pseudocritical Temperature, 23-11
Speed, 15-18
Specific Gravity, 23-19, 23-21—22
Synchronous, 15-18
Thermal Expansion, 23-25
Voltage, 15-19
Vapor Pressures, 23-27—29
Physical Solvent Processes, 21-13
NGL (Natural Gas Liquids), 1-6 Pigging, 1-6, 17-21
NGL Recovery, 16-1 Pipeline Gas, 1-6
NPSH Correction Factors, 12-6 Quality Criteria, 2-3
Natural Gas, 1-2, 1-5 Piping, 17-22
Components, 1-2 Design Properties, 17-24
Pipeline Quality, 2-3 Flanged Fitting, 17-27
Natural Gas Processing Plant, 1-5 Pipe and Flange Data, 17-22
Natural Gasoline, 1-5 Pressure-Temperature Ratings, 17-27
Grades, 2-2 Steel Flanges, 17-23, 17-25
Specifications, 2-2 Transmission and Distribution, 17-25—26
Test Methods, 2-2 Working Pressures, 17-24—25
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH), 12-5 Pitot Tubes, 3-29
Plant Spacing Guidelines, 18-36 Acceleration Head Factors, 12-15
Plate Fin Heat Exchangers, 9-21 Calculations, 12-15
Basic Configuration, 9-21 Displacement, 12-15
Hardware, 9-23 Pulsation, 12-16
Heat Load Curve, 9-24 Suction System, 12-18
Sizing, 9-27 Volumetric Efficiency, 12-17
Specifications, 9-24 Recorders, 4-14
Plate Frame Heat Exchangers, 9-31 Recovery, 1-6
Pool Boiling Curve, 9-11 Rectisol, 21-13
Positive Displacement Meters, 3-17, 4-12 Recycle, 1-6
Pressure Correction Factors for Steel, 3-23 Redlich-Kwong, 25-7
Pressure Enthalpy Diagrams, 24-8—9, 24-24—35 Reflux, 1-6
Pressure Sensors, 4-7 Reflux Ratio, 1-6
Prime Movers, 15-1 Refractories, 8-3
Electric Motors, 15-18 Refrigerants
Gas Turbines, 15-9 Aqueous Ammonia System, 14-27
Internal Combustion Engines, 15-21 Ethylene, 14-14, 14-18, 14-22
Steam Turbines, 15-1 Ethylene Condensing Curves, 14-10, 14-14, 14-18
Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers, 9-32 HFC-134a, 14-25
Propane, 1-6 Lithium Bromide, Water, 14-23, 26
P-H Diagram, 24-29 Mixed, 14-22
Specifications, 2-1 Physical Properties, 14-9
Vapor-Solid Equilibrium, 20-17 Propane Condensing Curves, 14-11, 14-15, 14-19
Propane, Commercial, 1-6 Propylene Condensing Curves, 14-12, 14-16, 14-20
Specifications, 2-1 Properties, 14-7
Propane, HD-5, 1-6 Purity, 14-17
Specifications, 2-1 R-22 Condensing Curves, 14-13, 14-17
Propylene Refrigeration, 14-1
P-H Diagram, 24-30 Absorption, 14-23
Psychrometric Chart, 11-3 Aqueous Ammonia System, 14-24
Pump Efficiency, Mechanical, 12-2 Cascading, 14-7
Pump Efficiency, Volumetric, 12-2 Chillers, 14-22
Pumps, 12-1 Compressors, 14-21
Centrifugal, 12-8 Condensation, 14-3
Codes, 12-22 Condenser Duty, 14-7
Conversion Formulae, 12-4 Condensing Temperature, 14-6
Datum Elevation, 12-6 Controls, 14-22
Diaphram, 12-16 Cycles, 14-2
Nomenclature, 12-1, 12-2 Design, 14-13
Reciprocating, 12-15 Evaporation, 14-2
Speed Control, 12-10 Horsepower, 14-9
PuraSpec, 21-22 Lithium Bromide, Water System, 14-23, 26
Purisol, 21-18 Mechanical, 14-2
Nomenclature, 14-1
Operating Considerations, 14-13
RAM Analysis, 18-44 Single Stage, 14-3
RVP (Reid Vapor Pressure), 1-6 Stages, 14-3
Raw Gas, 1-6 Subcooling, 14-6
Raw Mix Liquids, 1-6 System Check List, 14-24
Reboilers, 8-20, 8-25 Three-Stage, 14-3
Kettle, 19-22 Two-Stage, 14-3
Types, 9-12 Vacuum Systems, 14-13
Reciprocating Compressors, 13-2, 13-13 Relief Systems, 1-6, 5-1, 18-9
Bottle Sizing, 13-15 Back Pressure, 5-17
Capacity, 13-6 Blocked Discharge, 5-2
Capacity Control, 13-13 Design, 5-2
Control Devices, 13-13 Devices, 5-4
Cylinder Design, 13-11 Discharge Piping, 5-14
Detailed Calculations, 13-6 Fire Exposure, 5-2
Discharge Temperatures, 13-9 Fire Sizing, 5-12
Equivalent Capacity, 13-9 Flares, 5-18
Horsepower, 13-10 Gas or Vapor Relief, 5-7
Horsepower Required to Compress Gases, 13-4 Knockout Drums, 5-16
Pulsation Control, 13-15 Liquid Relief, 5-8
Pulsation Dampeners (Snubbers), 13-16 Mixed Phase Relief, 5-10
Rod Loading, 13-9 Nomenclature, 5-1
Troubleshooting, 13-18 Piping Design, 5-13
Volumetric Efficiency, 13-7 Recommended Practices, 5-19
Reciprocating Pumps, 12-15 Sizing, 5-6
Acceleration Head, 12-16 Steam Relief, 5-8
Thermal Expansion, 5-4 Solution Gas, 1-6
Tube Rupture, 5-2 Sonic Velocity, 5-18
Vessel Protection, 5-3 Sour Gas, 1-7
Relief Valves, 5-1 Sour Water Strippers, 19-32
Back Pressure Sizing, 5-16 Specific Gravity, 1-7
Balanced, 5-4 Hydrocarbon Mixtures, 23-22
Characteristics, 5-3 Petroleum Fractions, 23-19, 23-21
Chatter, 5-15 Specific Gravity Factors, 3-3
Conventional, 5-4 Splitter, 1-7
Cycling, 5-14 Sponge Absorbent, 1-7
Discharge Piping, 5-14 Stabilized Condensate, 1-7
Fire Sizing, 5-12 Stabilizer, 1-7
Gas or Vapor Relief, 5-7 Stage Separation System, 1-7
Installation, 5-13 Steam Coefficient Factors, 3-16
Liquid Relief, 5-8 Steam Measurement, 3-21
Mixed Phase Relief, 5-11 Steam Systems, 18-5
Pilot Operated, 5-5 Still, 1-7
Piping, 5-13 Storage, 6-1
Rupture Disks, 5-6 Atmospheric, 6-2
Seat Leakage, 5-14 Codes, 6-19
Sizing, 5-6 High Pressure, 6-2
Steam Relief, 5-8 Installation, 6-15
Thermal Relief, 5-11 Insulation, 6-12
Residue, 1-6 Low Pressure, 6-2
Retrograde Condensation (Vaporization), 1-6 Materials of Construction, 6-11
Reverse Osmosis, 18-17 Medium Pressure, 6-2
Rich Gas, 1-6 Nomenclature, 6-1
Rich Oil, 1-6 Partial Volumes, 6-19
Rotary Pumps, 12-16 Protective Coatings, 6-12
Ryan/Holmes Technology, 19-32 Refrigerated Storage, 6-7
Ryznar Scaling Index, 18-2, 18-13 Site Preparation, 6-15
Underground, 6-2, 6-7
Working Pressures, 6-2
Scf (Standard Cubic Foot), 1-6 Storage Vessels, 6-5
SI Terminology, 1-8 Strapping, 1-7
SNG (Synthetic or Substitute Natural Gas), 1-6 Stream Day, 1-7
Sampling, 3-22, 3-28 Stretford Process, 21-24
Saturated Air Properties, 11-15 Stripper, 1-7
Saturated Compounds, 1-6 Stripping Factor, 1-7
Saturated Liquid, 1-6 Stripping Medium, 1-7
Saturated Vapor, 1-6 Sulfa-Check, 21-21
Scaling, 18-20 Sulfa-Scrub, 21-22
Scrubber or Knockout, 7-1 Sulfa Treat, 21-22
SeleFining, 21-18 SulFerox®, 21-24
Separation Sulfinol, 21-18
Coalescing, 7-16 Sulfint HP, 21-24
Newton’s Law, 7-3 Sulfur, 1-7
Stokes’ Law, 7-3 Heat Capacity, 22-15, 22-18, 22-23
Separators, 7-1 Heat of Vaporization, 22-22
Design and Construction, 7-11 Liquid Viscosity, 22-15
Gas-Liquid, 7-11 Properties, 22-14
Horizontal, 7-6 Specifications, 22-31
Internals, 7-7 Thermal Conductivity, 22-19
Liquid Handling, 7-13 Vapor Pressure, 22-21
Mist Eliminators, 7-7 Viscosity, 22-16, 22-22
Principles, 7-1 Sulfur Compounds
Types, 7-5 Enthalpies, 22-27
Vapor Handling, 7-11 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), 1-7
Vertical, 7-6 Recovery, 22-12
Shell and Tube Exchangers, 9-2 Sulfur Recovery, 22-1
Selection Guide, 9-16 Calculation, 22-19
Shrinkage, 1-6 Catalyst Converter Operation, 22-7, 22-9
Slug Catcher, 7-5, 17-21 Claus Process, 22-1
Soave Redlich Kwong (SRK), 25-7 Combustion Operation, 22-4, 22-8
Solid CO2 Formation, 16-24 Condenser Operation, 22-5, 22-9
Solid CO2 Formation Conditions, 13-42 Piping, 22-10
Solids Formation, 16-22 Process Calculations, 22-19
Solubility of Benzene in Ethane, 16-27 Reheating Operation, 22-6, 22-9
Solubility of Benzene in Methane, 16-26 Shutdown, 22-18
Solubility of Hydrocarbons in Water, 20-4 Startup, 22-16
Waste Heat Recovery, 22-5, 22-8 Part Load, 15-5
Sulfur Removal, 21-28 Single Stage, 15-1
Sulfur Storage and Handling, 22-15 Steam Rates, 15-6
Surface Tension, 23-36 Superheat Correction Factor, 15-6
Paraffin Hydrocarbons, 23-40 Types, 15-1
Surface Water, 18-2 Turboexpander, 1-7
Sweet Gas, 1-7 Turboexpanders, 13-45, 16-13
System factor, 19-12
Ullage, 1-7
Tail Gas Clean-up Processes, 22-12, 22-13 Ultrasonic Flow Meters, 3-15
Tail Gas Handling, 22-10 Unsaturated Compounds, 1-7
Temperature Base Factors, 3-3 Utilities, 19-1
Temperature Correction Factors, 1-7
for Mild Steel, 3-22
Valve Freeze Methods, 2-3
Temperature Difference (Effective)
Vapor Losses, 6-15
Heat Exchange, 9-12
Vapor Pressure, 1-7, 23-32
Temperature Factors, 3-3
High Temperature, 23-29
Temperature Sensors, 4-10
Low Temperature, 23-27
Therm, 1-7
Vapor Pressure, GPA, 1-7
Thermal Conductivity, 23-34
Vapor Pressure, Gasoline, 1-7
Calculation, 23-40
Vapor Recovery, 1-7
Gases, 23-37
Vapor Recovery Systems, 6-17
Hydrocarbon Gases, 23-37
Vaporization Losses, 6-17
Liquid Paraffin Hydrocarbons, 23-38
Vaporizers, 8-36
Metals, 8-8, 9-6
Submerged Combustion, 8-38
Miscellaneous Gases, 23-37
Viscosity, 23-33
Natural and Hydrocarbon Gases, 23-37
Air, 23-33
Petroleum Fractions, 23-38
Gas Mixture, 23-33, 23-36
Refractory and Insulation, 8-3
Gases, 23-33
Thermal Expansion, 23-25
Hydrocarbon Gas, 23-32
Thermocouple Tables, 4-12
Hydrocarbon Liquids, 23-30
Thermocouples, 4-10
Liquids, 23-35
Thermodynamic Properties, 24-1
Paraffin Hydrocarbon Gases, 23-31
Enthalpy, 24-2
Petroleum Fractions, 23-34
Entropy, 24-3
Pure and Mixed Hydrocarbons, 23-35
Nomenclature, 24-1
Ratio vs. Pseudoreduced Temperature, 23-33
Steam, 24-39—42
Steam, 23-36
Water, 24-37, 24-38, 24-39
Viscosity-Temperature Chart, 23-30
Thermometers, 4-11
Water, 23-34
Thermosyphon Reboilers, 9-13, 19-22
Viscosity Relationships, 1-12
Trayed Column, 1-7, 19-8
Volatile Sulfur, 1-7
Turbine Meters, 3-17, 4-12
Turbine Meter Installation, 3-17
Turbines, Gas Waste Heat Recovery, 8-39, 22-8
Acoustics, 15-13 Wastewater Treatment and Disposal, 18-15
Air Filtration, 15-12 Water Content
Altitude Correction, 15-14 Gases, 20-2
Ambient Temperature Correction, 15-14 Hydrates, 20-4
Auxiliary Systems, 15-12 Measurement, 20-9
Basic Specifications, 15-16 Of Acid Gas Mixtures, 20-7, 20-9—11
Brayton Cycle, 15-11 Of Carbon Dioxide, 20-7, 20-8
Combined Cycle, 15-11 Of Gases, 20-2
Cycles, 15-11 Of Hydrocarbon Gas, 20-5—6
Emissions, 15-15 Of Hydrogen Sulfide, 20-5, 20-7, 20-8
Exhaust Loss Correction, 15-14 Propane, 2-4
Inlet Loss Correction, 15-14 Solubility, 20-2
Lube Systems, 15-12 Solubility in Liquid Hydrocarbons, 20-3
Open Cycle, 15-11 Water Treating, 18-10
Types, 15-9 ABMA and ASME Standards, 18-12
Turbines, Steam Biological Fouling, 18-21
Components, 15-3 Boiler Blowdown, 18-10
Condensing/Non-Condensing, 15-1 Caustic Embrittlement, 18-19
Control Systems, 15-4 Chemical Reactions, 18-15
Control Valves, 15-3 Closed Systems, 18-22
Efficiency, 15-5 Corrosion Control, 18-21
Exhaust Casings, 15-4 Corrosion Mitigation, 18-19
Extraction/Admission, 15-1 Deaeration (Degasifying), 18-16, 18-17, 18-18
Impulse/Reaction, 15-3 Electrodialysis, 18-16
Nozzles/Blades, 15-4 Evaporation, 18-14
Foam Control, 18-18 Water Analysis, 18-10
Impurities in Water, 18-11 Water Chemistry, 18-10
Ion-Exchange Processes, 18-14, 18-16 Water Treatment, 18-12, 18-13, 18-17
Once-Through Cooling Water Systems, 18-22 Weathering, 1-7
Open Cooling Water Systems, 18-19 Weathering Test, 1-7
Oxygen Scavenging, 18-17 Weight in Air, 1-7
Precipitation Softening, 18-13 Wellhead, 1-8
Reverse Osmosis, 18-16 Wet Gas, 1-8
Scale Control, 18-18, 18-19 Wobbe Number, 1-8
Silica Solubility, 18-12
Sludge Conditioning, 18-18
Ziegler-Nichols Method
Solids Removal, 18-13, 18-22
Instrumentation, 4-17
Source Waters, 18-10
Vacuum Dearation, 18-17
Wastewater Treatment, 18-22