Remembering and Respecting: Silver Jubilee Year

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Silver Jubilee Year

(August 2009 - August 2010)

The campus newspaper of SRM University

Private Circulation only Volume 3 Number 2

Remembering… and Respecting

Inside Spectrum

By A Spectrum Staff Writer

Hundreds of faculty
members cutting across
disciplines gathered at the
main auditorium to celebrate
Teachers Day on September Nasa... 4
5 and in the process listen
to what the Chancellor, the
Vice Chancellor and other top
 

officials had to say on what 


it is to be in the profession 


  

   
   
    
    

“I also started my career

      
   
    
  

as a teacher” remarked the

    
     
    

Chancellor Mr.T.R.Pacha
   
    
   

Aarush ' 09... 5

    
    

muthu making also the point

    
     
   

that he did not drift into the Now a teacher’s role is something extraordinary. They should

profession by accident but
 
 
     

mould the students for their future. - Chancellor

       
   

was by deliberate choice.

        
      
    
       
        

Recalling his days as an

   
        
   
   
 

youngster and as a student

 

increased inter-disciplinary more student involvement” afoot for an industrial park

who was guided by eminent nature of the various faculties, approach. behind the Medical College.
teachers who reflected several the Vice Chancellor called on “This is the only place On the issue of scholar-
qualities such as discipline, teachers to encourage students where the product and the ships to students the Vice
honesty and sincerity the to interact among themselves consumer are the same”, the Chancellor maintained that it New life... 7
Chancellor paid a high tribute more. Vice Chancellor said stress- is very important that this not
to his mentors for the “Lovely But he had a message for ing that the involvement of be seen as a handout and hence
way of taking the students the teachers as well: “You students must come more the idea of having students
with them”. should be more than a teacher. through “understanding… not working in the Library or in
Painting the scenario I would like to see you all as intimidation”. the hostels. “Some say it is not
of a changed educational educators.As an educator you “The role of a teacher is possible,but unless we try we
environment where will be giving education for more like (that) of a spark will not know” he said.
students possessed brilliance, life”. plug… igniting the students
the Chancellor urged the “A student should feel
The educator, the Vice and kindling their interest” he has earned… not given
teaching community to go the Chancellor maintained, not the Vice Chancellor said mak- I will not... 10
extra mile in ensuring that (a scholarship) on account
only took care of educa- ing the point that while SRM
they will be a “model” for the of some reason” the Vice
tion, they also managed the University has been ranked
students. Chancellor maintained.
administration;and hence a Number One as a Private
“Every moment of your The Teacher’s Day celebra-
teacher is not just for teach- University, it should march
presence on campus should into being recognized as Num- tions witnessed several faculty
ing but must get some sense
mean something”,the of ownership. He reminded ber One across the world.” members being recognized
Chancellor said even while the Deans and the Heads of We have to be ranked as the for their professional work.
making the point that a Department that the agenda is undisputed Number One”, the The event topped off with
teacher should look beyond the multi-faceted-- “from admis- Vice Chancellor stressed. the Director of the Faculty
narrow confines of the sion to placement” should be The Management and other of Science and Humanities,
syllabus and examinations. the refrain ! top University officials,the D r. R . B a l a s u b r a m a n i a n Sports... 12
Reminising his days as a Calling upon the teach- Vice Chancellor said, are asking the audience to repeat
toddler and youngster who ing community to have in working on a SRM Research a ten point pledge drawn up
was “born and brought up them a sense of “pride of Institute with an accent on by the former President of
in school and waking up to belonging to SRM” the Vice research, academic and indus- India Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
the national anthem” the Chancellor called for a trial, which will be announced commemorating Teachers
Vice Chancellor Professor more “student centric and a formally soon;and plans are Day, 2009.
P.Sathyanarayanan said that
this Teacher’s Day at the SRM
University this time around is
You should be more than a teacher.I would like to see you all
Review... 16
very special as it is a Silver as educators - Vice Chancellor
Jubillee Year. Pointing to the
 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2

What they said.... and What they say

On the occasion of Teacher's Day 2009

Honouring SRM Faculty on their achievements

By a Spectrum Staff more of a spark plug… ignit- “Teachers are perennial interests of the student and the short of this would seem to
Writer ing the students and kindling students and ceaseless learn- teacher in their determination make education at SRM Group
their interests” ers” to make a great institution of Institutions incomplete.
“It is not by accident but “As there is diversity in like this is to move further
Vice Chancellor What we strive for here is the
by choice that I took up the students, there is diversity in ahead. And at the heart of that
P.Sathyanarayanan whole or the total picture…
teaching profession… be- teachers” journey is a realization that
cause I was very serious and “Dr. S.Radhakrishnan was “A teacher cannot be re- the ultimate job of a teacher education beyond books and
honest;because I decided a teacher, scholar, writer and placed…” is to mould the student in a examinations.
myself that I should be in the a philosopher. He was highly comprehensive fashion.
Advisor Mr.Sahani
teaching line” inspirational… in that sense Dr.R.Balasubramanian,
“Every moment of your he was the best teacher” “ What has not been forgot- Director, Faculty of S&H.
presence on campus should “ We have to come to terms ten on Teacher’s Day every
mean something” with the changing role of year is the changing face of “In a ever expanding and “The accent on brilliance
Remembering his teachers: teachers. They have to re-ori- education and the constant challenging educational envi- at the SRM Group which cuts
“(They had) a lovely way of ent themselves in the present challenges it brings about for ronment, the role of a teacher across disciplines and facul-
taking the students along with day” the community of teachers and is multi-faceted. He or she
ties involves both the students
them (and) that made me come “The whole system of ed- by extension the University to is not only the educator and
to this profession” which they belong. At SRM mentor but also the parent and and the teachers and hence
ucation has changed. The
we take pride in our teachers guardian on campus. The job emphasizes to the teaching
Chancellor teacher would have to be
highly knowledgeable with and for many reasons—their of a teacher does not cease community the importance
Mr. T.R.Pachamuthu
an ability to transfer this to dedication to teaching and with the student boarding the of not only keeping pace with
“ I would like to see in all the student; a teacher not only research; the sense of identifi- bus every evening to go home
the changing beat but also
as educators. As an educator cation with the interests of the or going back to the hostel at
have the sympathy and inter- in ensuring that the fulsome
you will be giving an educa- students and in a readiness to the end of the day”
ests of the students at heart but
tion for life” adapt and change”. “All said and done,it is a development of an individual
also act as a role model. This
“This is the only place “If there is one message two way street. Students have is not lost in the process”
is the main function”.
where the product and the coming out at this Teacher’s as much to learn from teach-
customer are the same” Pro Vice Chancellor Day celebrations here at the ers as the teachers have to Dr. P.K.A. Muniswaran,
“The role of a teacher is Dr.T.P.Ganesan SRM University is a unison of learn from students.Anything Director, E & T.

And so the story goes: Book Fair

By Prashanti Ganesh  unlike in the catalogues. This chance can be
used to select books for both the library as
The dog-eared and creased pages of books well as personal use,” Dr.Ganesan said in an
show the connection people have with books. exclusive comment to Spectrum
To bring about such magical bonds, the SRM
“Such fairs are organized to cater to the
University library organized a Book Fair.
large student and faculty communities.
The fair was inaugurated by Dr. T.P.Ganesan, Learning and improvement of knowledge is
Pro-Vice Chancellor. “This is an opportunity important and University like this is the right
for both the faculty and students to actually place to hold a book fair” remarked Dr. P.K.A.
see the books that they want to purchase, Muniswaran, the Director of Engineering
and Technology.
Teachers and students thronged the third
floor of the library to avail the 20 per cent
discount offered on all books. While teachers
saw this as an opportunity to inculcate reading
habits and self-learning among the students,
the latter showed interest in books on higher
education, competitive exams and specialized
“The resident students need not go all the
way to the city to buy books with options like
this.” said Mr. Rajendran, Chief Librarian and
The Pro Vice Chancellor Inaugurating the fair. Students and faculty Members browsing.
Organizer of the Book Fair.
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2 

M' Nagar faculties win Happy Birthday,

international acclaim
By A Spectrum Reporter Diego, recently. The paper got the
‘Best Research Paper’ award for the
Dr. R.P. Mahapatra, the Head year 2008. 
of the Department of Computer
Another paper Panoromic Sensor
Science Engineering (CSE), Madhavi
based Blind Spot Accident Prevention
Karanam, Assistant Professor,
System was recently accepted for
CSE and Prashant Mani, Lecturer,
publication in the European Journal
Electronics and Communication
of Scientific Research and has been
Engine-ering, all from SRM Univer-
selected as the Best Research Paper
sity, Modinagar, have had their papers
in WASET, Dubai.  He was also
published in international journals
the Conference General Chair in
and conferences.
the International Conference on
Dr. Mahapatra’s paper titled Computer and Network organised
Integrating Generative and Aspect by the International Association of
Oriented Technology for the Frame Computer Science and IT recently
work Instantiations was submitted and in the International Conference
in ‘ICSTE 2008’, an international on Software Technology and
conference held in California, San Engineering, held in Chennai.
The Chairman of the SRM Group of Institutions and the Chancellor of SRM University
turned 67 on August 24, 2009 - a well known educationist and philanthropist, Mr. T.R.
Pachamuthu was greeted by hundreds of well wishers from all walks of life...

Drug Information
Center Inaugurated
By Ratnika and mation Center (DIC) is to handle and
Rajapavithra answer queries from health care pro-
fessionals and patients. The queries
The Drug Information Cen- which are frequently asked are related
tre was inaugurated on september to drugs, dosing schedule frequency,
2 in the SRM General Hospital side effects of various drugs, adverse
by the Department of Pharmacy drug reaction, drug-interaction, new
Practice. The ribbon was cut by drugs on trials and disease condi-
Dr. Shivakumar, Pro Vice Chancellor. tions. Information about anything and
Dr. N.Chandraprabha, Associate everything related to drugs, medicine
Director of Paramedical felicitated and health will be provided in the
DIC. People seeking information will
the Pro Vice Chancellor.
be required to fill up a form, giving
The initiative was taken by Prof. their personal details along with the
K.S.Lakshmi, Dean, SRM School of query.
Pharmacy as a service given to the
Working hours of the DIC will be
SRM Hospital as it is a tertiary care
from 8:30am to 3:30 pm. The que-
The home page of the GPA calculators
ries can also be posted at dic_srm@
The basic function of a Drug Infor-

Ramapuram student
creates GPA calculator
By A Spectrum Reporter thought that it should be shared with
others. The sole aim of making it was
Rajat Kapoor, a Year II Computer to devise a method to calculate the
Science Engineering student of SRM GPA without any hassle and waste of
University, Ramapuram, recently time,” explained Rajat.
developed a software application for
The application has been created by
calculating the GPA of students. To
using Macromedia Flash MX 2004.
calculate the GPA with this applica-
The application along with an in-built
tion, all that one has to do is type the
help can be downloaded from http://
subject name, grade and credits for The
every subject. The application displays
flash source (.fla) file is also available
a summary of the information entered
for download from the site for those
and the calculated GPA.
who are curious about the development
“I first made this for myself but later part of the application. Dr. Shivakumar Inaugurating the center
 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2

NASA, National Association

of Students of Architecture
By:Ritika Agarwal 
In its Silver Jubilee Year,
SRM University is all set
to host the 52nd Annual
NASA Meet. The National
Association of Students of
Architecture, also known as
NASA, is one of the largest
communities of the students
of architechture in Asia.
With over 120 colleges
across India, spread over 6
zones, the Association aims
at providing a platform for
budding architects to interact
and grow.
NASA organizes an
Annual Convention at the
National level where the
member colleges across the Each NASA Meet is based life into the students and participating colleges will the zonal level also. The Zone
country take part in various on some theme. The events faculty after the day’s hard strive for 9 trophies. The 6 NASA includes architectural
competitions. The Annual and the competitions of NASA work. college laying their hands colleges of Tamil Nadu and
NASA Meets are generally fall into three categories; on the highest number of
To participate in the national Kerala. This year, Zone 6
held in December. namely, formal, informal
level fest, the colleges first trophies also grabs the ‘Le NASA will be organized by
Since its inception in and culturals. The formal Corbusier’ award.
need to clear the preliminary Satyabhama College, Chennai
1957, NASA has scaled events include workshops
round which is the Annual The convention focuses from the 13th to the 15th of
new heights. This year, and seminars conducted by
it is a conglomeration of NASA Design Competition primarily on design competi September where nearly 20-
leading architects from all
architectural colleges from over the world. The informal (ANDC). Once colleges tions. Each participating team 25 colleges will compete.
India as well as other SAARC events consist of various on- clear this stage, they compete puts in a labor of 2-3 months With the amount of exposure
countries. SRM University the-spot games. The days for the coveted trophies. on every sheet before it is NASA provides, the students
will play host to the SAARC are concluded with cultural Each college competes for sent for the competition. of architecture gain an edge
NASA this year. performances, which infuse 4-7 trophies. This year the NASA organizes the fest at over the rest . 

Cressida 2K9
By N. LakshmiKanthan • Discussion on patent and courts. We also hanged a set
D. Anbu Selvi copyrights. of events board with Cres-
One more reason for the sida symbol on the top which
Do you want to know how success is the way we handled attracted quite number of
sium…’. In our zeal to remain video. We never failed to im-
the success will be? Go and our publicity. Our first and people. We made a live horse
unique and different we de- press at every moment then.
ask students and faculties of foremost goal is to make the to run on the premises on the
cided to stick to a theme for The Memento given again
department of IT who are word Cressida popular. Unless day of Cressida. We beauti-
entire Cressida 2k9. And we had a special significance as
enjoying the success flavor of the usual case of going and fully handled crowd under the
chose the ancient Greek parch- it was designed by the Cres-
Cressida 2k9. Yes, Cressida’09 visiting other colleges in and
ment style design. All the sida team. registration desk and with all
is a fabulous success with par- around Tamil Nadu, this time
event names, design of posters We took more care in the events especially gaming. The
ticipants of 1500+ from 58+ we gave more importance to
and banners were all based events. We stood unique in video made by our team also
colleges in and around Tamil internal publicity. We setup
on this theme. Our first major that also with events like stole a big applause among the
Nadu. Here comes the suc- help desks in various hotspots
success was our fantastically ‘ZEUS-the mega developer’, audience.
cess flavor especially for the of SRM for publicizing the
designed posters which caught Mediatrix, Pixelate, etc. To be
spectrum readers. events and workshops. We A number of sponsors from
the attention of students and more particular, we consider
We the students and facul- staff throughout and was ap- hanged wooden boards in the the industry and media came
ZEUS as the crown of all the
ties of Department of IT put plauded. The design team was name of our events all over together to make the event a
events as we had the tag line as
our soul and goal together approached by professional the roves of canteens and food grand success!
‘a search for IT Genius’. The
into a single motto, success designers and that speaks a lot traditional events like debug-
of Cressida. We are proud about this talented bunch of ging and hardware assembly
to say that our motto has kids. We designed our website were retained but they were
been fulfilled and all our two inside our own departmental revamped and presented in a
months sacrifices have finally website completely new, never seen
got some meaning. Yes, I am before avatar which left the
August 7th and 8th became
talking about the success of participants spell bound and
an answer for our dreams.
Cressida’09. impressed. We had a very
The day came to start off.
The beautiful journey of Huge crowd awaited outside special thing in Cressida’o9,
Cressida started in early July, of the New Seminar Hall ‘Cressida Special’. It is a pack-
just a month before the sched- were the Inauguration of the age of six beautiful events.
uled date of the event. The Grand event Cressida 2K9 is • Embedded system work
mission of Cressida 2k9 team supposed open its true colour. shop
was to ensure that this year The Chief Guest Ms. Shobana • Animania workshop
Cressida was more than just Ravi, Chief Information Of- • Microsoft road show
another departmental fest. ficer, TAFE and our Associ- • Sun Microsystems quiz
That’s why we made our tag ate Director were extremely • Exhibition on smart card
line as ‘not just a sympo- happy about the Inauguration technologies
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2 

Aaruush '09... Seen through the pages of "Shin Bun"


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From start to finish students of the Department of

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Journalism and Mass Communication covered Aaruush '09

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and produced daily the "Shin Bun" (meaning a newspaper).
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A glimpse of the student production...

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a puzzle. The other events Linux Poison, Black Hole colourful treat for the eyes and
  
  

All the way...

under this domain were Concentriques, Conbilliards attracted over 2000 students.
Verdure 365, Med Expo, Q and Grope 4 Dope, which There was also an excellent
Chem and Bio Biz. tested the innovative performance by Russian
knowledge of the participants’ artistes. A spellbinding
The X – Zone events were a
Logic and Reasoning, performance by Mr. Suresh
cut above the rest. Techies 0.9,
By: Aditya Kesanupalli, was also a guest lecture by Simulation & Programming who holds 20 Guinness
a technical version of popular
Deepak Pinninty and cyber guru Ankit Fadia skills, Cryptology, and World Records in singing,
TV show MTV Roadies, was
Siddharth Panicker   Scientific Skills. The winners his latest being of singing
The various events in the most hyped. The event
of Grope4Dope and Code 100 for hours non-stop kept
Aaruush were divided into was a mini Aaruush in itself
Churner gained a direct entry everyone glued to their
separate domains. One and had participants tested in
“Aaruush 2009” –SRM into Kshitij, the tech-fest of seats. War of the DJ’s, held at
of the major successes of almost all categories of the
University’s National level IIT Kharagpur. the Valliammai grounds, saw
the Praesentatio Domain Aaruush events. Game Lords
tech fest was held from the everyone charged after the
was the Youth Parliament and Clash Of The Titans were Konstruction, the quest
9th to the 12th of September. tiring event schedule.
which had 16 shortlisted major blockbusters too. for finding the true engineer,
This year it was all the
teams participating in a had events like Mad The event wouldn’t have
more special because SRM The Magefficie category,
debate with topics like For CAD, Hybridomia, been a grand success without
University is celebrating 25 which tests the business
corporal punishment and Aerogami, Junkyard Wars, the support of various
glorious years of its existence. and management skills
validity of class 10th board Damage Control, Calatrava sponsors which include
The Chief Guest for the of the participants, was a
examinations. The winners Bridge and Kraftology. Pepsi Nimbooz, Indian Bank,
Inaugural Function was Mr. great success.  Events like
were given wild card entry Here the participants were Beatrix Solutions, Lanson
Suranjan Pal, Director of the Spotlight, Acey Deucey,
into IIT Kharagpur’s All tested in abilities ranging Toyota, Acer, Inox, CADD
Directorate of Public Interface Ad Mania, The Corporate,
Asia fest Kshitij. Soch-Think from designing in CAD to Centre – Tambaram, Nescafe,
at DRDO headquarters. The Dalal Bull and Apprentice
Again was a hit too. Gadgets Aeroplanes and on-the-spot Sun Microsystems, Word
event saw the participation of were an absolute success
Expo, Intelligent Systems events which required them to Press, e-Pronto, ILUGC,
over 8000 students from 29 with participants seeing an
and Paper Presentation won design a bridge from waste. Study in Holland, Mozilla
states all over the country and overflow of registrations!
wide acclaim. Firefox, Oxford Book Store,
from 6 continents! One of the major attractions
Robogyan, which poses a Education Plus, Allahabad
The Fundaz Domain had of Aaruush was the Acer Main
The four day fest saw challenge to the participants Bank, Dinamalar and NDTV
events like Funstud and Quiz which awarded two
various workshops being in autonomous and manual Hindu and Radio Mirchi as
Pragmatic Physics which laptops to the winning team. 
organized on Ethical robotics, had events like media partners.
attracted school students There were also Industrial
Hacking, Robotics and Lost in the Dark, Marco
too and Varta Yantra, which Exhibitions by Acer, CMS, The final day witnessed
Entrepreneurship by Beatrix Polo, Auto Man – Maze,
included re-assembling a BSNL, TOP GRE, Spirotech the Valedictory function
Solutions, Sun Microsystems Armageddon, Robo Yankees
mobile phone, was the most and DRDO in the University’s in the evening at the
and Mozilla Firefox which and Micromouse.
talked about. library. Auditorium. The Chief Guest
witnessed participation Yuddhame, which has been of the function was Dr. S.
of over 600 participants. Bluebook’s most hyped Aaruush also gave everyone
called the ultimate battle Gomathinayagam, Executive
Apart from these, there event was BioHolic which opportunities to unwind and
of technical geeks, held Director (CWET), Ministry
were workshops on  VLSI had a bio-based treasure hunt relieve the stress of the day.
events like Chilling Factor, of New and Renewable
& Embedded Systems, and followed by identification The Laser Show organized
Gold Rush, Code Churner, Energy Sources, Chennai.
Adobe applications. There of microorganisms through by Beatrix Solutions was a
 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2

Did you know?...

helpful and supportive?  
I don’t think they could have
been any better! Everyone I
came in contact with in the
first week of my being here
were extremely helpful and

What is it all about studying overseas ? supportive. I had no worries

How is the study and work
Providing its students with environment different from
a Golden Gatepass to Global India?
Universities, SRM University
presents its unique and com- It is very different. The ma-
prehensive Dual Degree Pro- jor difference was that we do
gram. Transferring students not have any exams. All our
after their third year in college, assessments were based on
to a Foreign University, this scientific essays and presen-
program helps them gain an tations, which are very good
advantage of one year over transferable skills to take away
their peers, as they complete at the end of my course. Hav-
their Final year along with ing had no prior experience in
their Master’s degree, way writing scientific essays, I did
ahead of others. With the setup have some difficulty initially
of the ‘Centre for Interna- but all my professors were as
tional Collaborative Program’, helpful as they probably could
students can now select the have been. Another major dif-
Foreign University for the ference is the fact that unlike
Dual Degree, while taking ad- in India, where one module
mission into B.Tech, and thus is taught by one lecturer for a
follow specifically structured Going Abroad Through SRM…… whole term, here each profes-
courses for the same. Having sor takes up only those lectures
completed almost one year at A well known program at the SRM University is the semester abroad program that is in in which they are experts. This
Warwick University, UK, place thanks to a number of Memorandums of Undertstanding reached with several Uni- gives the students with several
after three years of B.Tech Bio- versities in the United States,Europe and Asia. advantages such as: they get to
technology from SRM, Sajna In 2009 as many as 21 students have opted for the semester abroad program thus far know about all the experiences
Anand shares her experiences including from the Ramapuram and Modi Nagar Campuses. of the experts in research in
with Menorca Chaturvedi of that particular field.
Spectrum. The list of students heading overseas includes such prestigious universities like the MIT,
the University of California at Davis, the University of Arkansas, Kyushu Institute of Tech- Apart from this,  in India
How did you decide on nology, Japan, Han University of Netherlands, and Birmingham City University. we have at least 7-8 modules
taking up the Dual Degree running at the same time but
course? How is the special- here we had just 2 modules
ization chosen by you?   most after going through their The major problem I faced running at any particular time.
I first came to know about website and reading about the was the fact that I had to com- This gives students the time to
Before I started from War-
the Dual Degree programme course curriculum.   plete all the subjects for both concentrate on just 2 topics at
wick I was very apprehensive a time rather than having to
when I saw a poster in my the 7th and 8th semesters of my
What was the procedure about being the only one
hostel. I called Dr.Gopal (IRO) B.Tech Degree from SRM be- think about 8 totally different
you had to undergo, pre-de- on this program. But after I subjects! Students are also
to find out about it and he fore departure. I was exempted
parture? Did you face any reached here, I understood that encouraged to read more…
explained the whole process
problems? from doing 3 modules (for it doesn’t really matter! The
over phone and suggested I not just books but latest publi-
which I could find equivalents Warwick campus is breathtak-
visit the International Office to The first procedure was to cations on any topic. Warwick
here). But writing a semester ingly beautiful. As soon as I
know more about it. I decided apply to Warwick University has access to all available
soon after my first visit to the exam in just 1 week after sit- reached, I was given the keys journals which is a great plus
and get selected for the course
IRO that this was something I ting in class for a month was to my room and directed to when one writes essays. 
by their selection committee.
really wanted to do. I had full a bit difficult.  my accommodation block. So,
Since I applied pretty late (mid What would be your mes-
support from my parents too.  July) I did face some delay in You were the only one it was a smooth arrival and a
sage to all the students, as-
The Warwick HRI offered getting my offer letter from from your batch, going to nice reception. 
piring for a Master’s degree
three MSc. Programs and Warwick. I had to write IELTS Warwick.  How was your How was the hospitality abroad?
I chose the one I liked the and send in my scores.  experience on reaching the meted out to you? Were they
Be prepared. It is definitely

a big change in every way.
Right from food to cultural
habits to the most important
purpose of you being here
By Menorca Chaturvedi  Campus. students in delight, the old as frequent greetings and (which is studying), there will
Library  has undergone be monumental changes in
With plenty of changes smiles do the rounds. The
With a rush of colours, a renovation, thus giving it a everything you do. As long as
implemented recently, and most common hangouts of you manage to keep a level-
gush of excitement, and a refreshing look. Meanwhile,
being a first hand witness to the students though, seem head and not get dragged into
burst of energy, hundreds of the Aerospace Laboratory, in
all the hustle and bustle, the to be the University Canteen all the amazing distractions
enthusiastic Freshers have the making, has almost been
Main Campus, has notably that the West has to offer, you
livened up the atmosphere painted complete on the and the Open Canteen, which
become a major Hotspot should be able to do fine. But
of the Campus. Beginning exterior. Work is on in full are jam-packed during the
these days. then of course, this one year
a new chapter of their lives, swing inside it too.  The Hi-
Lunch hours, also serving as I have spent here has been a
the Freshers have infused  While freshly painted Tech Block, being entirely
new spirit and zeal into classrooms in the Mechanical  filled up by students, is seen an interactive platform for very inspiring experience for
their work place- the Main PG Block welcome to be very busy and crowded, all the students. me. Have as much fun as you
can but just don’t forget what
you’re here for!
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2 

A new life,
By Rahul Preeth and recruits than bookworms
Ratnika Sharma   and the touchstone for such
  a student is certainly their

a new beginning!
Nothing could have come in attendance sheet along with
the way of the Freshers of the the report card”, emphasized
Faculty of Engineering and the VC.
Technology as they streamed He reminded the
into the Dr.T.P.Ganesan beginners of the long lasting
Auditorium on August 17,
2009 to see for themselves
Induction of Freshers in the Faculty of Engineering & Technology relationship of the University
with them in the form of
and along with their parents, students, alumni and alma
guardians and siblings what maters. He reiterated one of
the SRM Family is all about.  the distinctive features of
Taking the cue from the the University, the Students
anxious faces the Registrar Abroad Programme sends
Dr. N. Sethuraman, began a fair amount of students
with an emboldening overseas every year. 
welcome address at the Next to speak was the Pro
induction ceremony that Vice Chancellor, Dr. T.P.
was followed by the lighting Ganesan who recalled the
of the traditional lamp, accreditations and accolades
conventionally starting off achieved by the University
the function. and envisaging the same
“Students are lucky to get in the coming years. The
admitted into a renowned sprawling campus of 242
University like SRM and for acres provides a conducive
us you all are very much dear environment for sports and
for a simple reason that you academic excellence, he
are here”, said the Registrar. added.
The top University official gave credence to the unique company can thrive potential Dr. P.K.A Muniswaran,
pointed out that that if the
Students should not aspect of unity in diversity employment and we are trying director, E&T introduced the
SRM University is rated as of SRM and highlighted heads and deans of the various
confine themselves only to harness that potency”,
Number One in the survey the infrastructural and other disciplines of his office.
to class room but also added the Chancellor.  
of Education Times( of The facilities provided to the
Times of India) that has to do widen their horizons. students.
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. In the end, on behalf of
with the “efforts and toil” of - Chancellor P. Sathyanarayanan, for his the parents and students, two
each and every one of the staff “Students should not came forward to share their
going all the way through the University officials. That it only confine themselves to expectations and impressions
hierarchy.  was a steady drizzle outside classroom teaching but also Focus on a holistic of SRM. “Most of the queries
hardly seemed to matter, even widen their horizons by going development of of the parents are patiently
“I congratulate all of you on
becoming the Silver Jubilee
for those who literally brought to the hi-tech library which personality answered in an eye opening
their bag and bedding into the occupies four of the sixteen - Vice Chancellor ceremony like this and I am
batch of the University which
state- of- the art auditorium.  storied goliath University really satisfied” said one of
will make you privileged
building, on- campus the parents.
alumni”, said the Chancellor, The Chancellor welcomed
interactions etc”,he said. part, advised freshers to focus
Mr.T.R.Pachamuthu.The the novice batch into the Dr Muthamizhchelvan,
big SRM family that has 17 “I am being an optimist on a holistic development Associate Director, E&T
gathering listened in rapt
attention, quite unmindful of institutions spread over three in saying that SRMites can of their personality. “The gave it a deserving end
the fact that they had indeed campuses and educating be certain of getting placed present day employment by acknowledging all the
waited for sometime to listen 40,000 students under the care in jobs in spite of heavy generators are looking for dignitaries and the assesmbled
to the Chairman and other top of 5,000 faculty members. He global recession because no passionate and dedicated audience.

Students of Viscom displaying their Skills...

A face mask exhibition organised at the University Building Students going through the exhibits.
was formally opened by Dr. R.Balasubramanian, Director,
Faculty of Science and Humanities. At right is the Dean of
FSH Dr. K.Sengotti.
8 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2

Voices of Ho
Varying dreams but united in a conviction ...
that they have come to a first rate Institution for a first class edu

By A Spectrum Team together by the Department future, lots of exposure and to

of Journalism and Mass learn lot of languages from the
Carrying lots of hope, dreams Communication and which has people in SRM during her four
so colourful, and unmindfull the inputs from a cross section year dream journey.
of the rain that was pounding of the faculty and students.
away at times to its way to People from different
Most reached early on and cultures found themselves
glory, drizzles of blessings
were not inclined to head to comfortably mingling with
showered on the  freshers of
the nearby cafeterias which each other in the campus and
the Faculty of Engineering and
in many ways reflected the eager to learn. There was
Technology.The dampness of
seriousness of the programme chattering everywhere and one
the weather had nothing to do
that was about to get under could hear all the languages
with the ebullient mood of the
way.The faces of parents and flowing in the air. But it was not
youngsters as also the parents
elders reflected an enthusiasm all language and dialects in a
who came with them. Eager
of wanting to know more gathering of this sort--  dresses
faces bore a sign of hope,
about the institution to which also do create an impression.
happiness and fulfillment.
they have admitted their It looked as though India had
What had the freshers of young ones.Faces reflected the come together at one place to
engineering had in their minds inner thoughts and feelings. prove its unity.
about SRM University ? What And students were full of
were their expectations and excitement. While Sachin Akhuri praised
impressions? The reception SRM as the best in Automobile
And all this made the task of
area of the auditorium carried Engineering, .Mani Vannan
interaction easy,or relatively
a  busy look and it more said this University
so.Freshers were comfortable
seemed like a Mini-India with provided good placement
and seemed to be loving every
people from various parts of opportunity. Admitting her
bit of it and determined to
the country. After all was this son,MrsAnuradha hopes he will
make the best of their years at
not to be expected? SRM is
Kattankulathur. They were keen
known for its multilingual
on learning many languages,
and multi-cultured student
the culture. Many really loved
the food offered at the canteen
They came from all parts of and appeared satisfied with the
the country, most of them with accommodation facilities. Even
heavy baggages that carried if there was some discomfort
new hopes of their future at in the initial settling down that
SRM.Luggages were seen even did not seem to matter for the
in the auditorium and it was time being.
obvious from this that they had
Manoj and Rajendran said
come to the University campus
they were amazed by the
straight from the airports and
infrastructure of the college
the railway stations.
while Abhinaya who had just
Parents and students were stepped into the architecture
amazed by the infrastructure. department said she found the
They were enlightened about environment friendly, food
the campus through Spectrum, “yummy” at the hostel and
a University newspaper put was looking forward to a better
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2 9

excel in communications skills.
She also agrees with Vignesh 
a fresher of the Department
of Mechanical Engineering
that they look forward to
quality education  during
their stay here. Many parents
felt SRM is a knowledge
university on the lines of what
the former President of India
Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam had

But for every beginning

there has to be an end and in
this case that came by way
of parents,guardians,elders
and siblings at last having
to say a good-bye to their
loved ones;and the emotions
were indeed displayed
differently even while trying
to hide that teary eye.But the
separation,both sides knew
well,was only going to be
temporary.Still the idea of
their loved ones having to
adapt to a “new” environment
forced several parents to be
a temporary part of this new
ambience,even if only for a
day or two.

“Go confidently in the

direction of your dreams. Live
the life you have imagined”
said  Henry David Thoreau.
With parents giving the
necessary confidence and the
University officials and faculty
members shaping their dreams
and honing their skills we sure
wish this wonderful batch of
students the very best as they
make it big here at SRM.

That’s the way to go folks---

‘Learn Leap and Lead!’ 
10 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2

I will not forget SRM

By Dr. David Nelson and banners that hung from say Americans are hard work- ing the bus, train and “autos” all the servers, wait staff and
their walls. They all were very ers, yes, some of us are as they to the city with the students to those at the SRM international
It was a December afternoon positive and contained mes- are in India. But, the site of shop, eat and just hang out will hostel and hotel in making my
when the Dean of my school sages of respect, integrity and these workers working with always be deeply embedded in stay comfortable.
asked if I would be interested team work. This, somehow, old tools and technology made my memories of India.
in going to India. I remember provided me an early look into me think that the Indian work Thank you to all, including
The evening chats with Dr.
thinking what a great opportu- the culture I was going to live ethic may have a leg up on us the students, for the wonderful
Krishnaswami about politics,
nity to visit another country- in for the next four weeks. Americans. experience. I hope to return.
education and the state of jour-
so distant, so different, and
Immediately, I saw strong Overall, my experience was nalism will be an experience So, please keep a place for
so awe-inspiring. Well, I had
evidence that the faculty, staff valuable and enriching. My that I will cherish to the end. me in your hearts, as I have
that chance, seized it and came
and administration were wise, new friends at the Depart- You are a great friend, Srid- for you all. Peace to you all
away with a great number of
intelligent and very well quali- ment of Journalism and Mass har. Seeing Mr. Watson every from across the other side of
memories that will live with
fied in providing their students Communication, Dr. Sridhar morning was a delight. Mr.
me forever. the world.
a quality education. I believe Krishnaswami and Mr. Wat- Watson was always radiant
When I, and two American son, I owe a great gratitude and displayed a gentle spirit. (Recently at the SRM
the students are in great hands
students who traveled with too. They were very kind in Dr. Winkins, my gratitude ex- University as a part of an
at SRM. I see the university
me, first got off the plane we opening their department to tends to you and your family. Exchange Programme,Dr.
playing a major role in the
met the energetic and blissful me to the extent that they al- The weekends would not have
future development of the David Nelson is an Associate
Dr. Winkins, an Engineering lowed me to share and learn been the same without you and
city, country and the people Professor and Assistant Chair
Lecturer, and a wave of heat! from their students, daily. your lovely family. Dr. Gopal,
of southern India. Much of in the Department of Com-
Dr. Winkins politely intro- Every afternoon I met with the thank you for the opportunity
the evidence of growth was
duced himself and quickly students and learned so much to visit your campus and for munications at the University
just across the street. Daily,
whisked us away to an air con- about Indian culture, food, tra- the wonderful accommoda- of Central Oklahoma in the
I watched men and women
ditioned taxi. As we made our ditions and pop culture. Tak- tions. And, a big thank you to United States).
laborers craft, in the pound-
way through the terribly busy
streets of Chennai a sugges- ing heat and humidity, a new
tion was made to have a little high-rise building while using,
something to drink. I expected for the most part, antiquated
a small bottle of water, but the tools. Buildings, gardens, and
driver and Dr. Winkins had student housing were being
different plans. erected all around the campus
at a surprisingly rapid pace. I
We stopped on the side of
later concluded, after hearing
the road at a coconut stand
construction workers laboring
where two ladies used a ma-
one late evening, that the work
chete to cut the top of the
ethic in India is very robust,
coconuts for one to drink the
and well beyond anything I
juice. We drank the coconut
have ever seen in the US.
juice; it was wonderfully
refreshing and rather timely In Chennai, I witnessed
after being in the air for nearly several men doing a job that
20 hours. We then boarded the in the United States would be
SUV and the driver continued done by one man operating a
to SRM University. Over the very expensive machine. I was
next three days, I met the so intrigued by this image that
friendliest and kindest people I felt a great need to reflect
I have ever met. As I visited on the work ethic differences
Neither will we forget you... students of the Department of Journalism and
their offices, I remember read- between my fellow Americans
Mass Communication at a "farewell" for Dr. Nelson
ing carefully the many posters and the Indian culture. Some

Briefly…. Training for Secretarial Staff on

The Department of Training and Placement from SRM
Institute of Hotel Management at Kattangulathur organized the Implementation of the 5-s
a one day workshop titled "How to Become a Successful The Secretarial Staff of of Japanese Scientists and Video footings of 5-s being
Hotelier" Auditorium mini hall in the main campus with practiced in public gather-
SRM University recently un- Engineers. 5S comprises Re-
about 250 students  from SRM IHM at Kattangulathur
derwent a one day training moving the unwanted, Setting ing places in countries like
campus participating in the program.The response and 
program on 5s conducted things in Order(Fixed Place), China and Japan. Those who
involvement from the students fraternity during this event
by ABK-AOTS DOSAKAI, Standardisation, Shining sur- attended the training program
was excellent and overwhelming with the Principal Dr.
Antony Ashok Kumar emphasizing that such workshops Tamilnadu Centre.It is worth- face of workspot/all gadgets were Ms.P.Magila-Secretary
will help the students to enhance their competency. while mentioning that 5-s and Finally Sustaining 5s to Registrar;Mr.S.V.Sridhar-
stands as the stepping stone successful by making this as Secretary to Directorate-E&T
Mr. Amjat Hussain, Associate Director of Training ;Ms.Amudhavalli-Secretary
and cultural transformation HABIT
from Hotel Rain Tree Chennai, (a 5 star Ecotel Hotel) in to Associate Directorate-
his presentation symbolically conveyed to the student catalyst for most global orga-
The training disseminated E&T ;Mr. R.Malini-Sec-
audience that reaching towards success is a journey to the nizations.
conceptual framework on retary to Directorate-Cam-
Destination and in the process they will have to face the This is the fundamental step removing the unwanted, Or- pus Affairs and Sports ;Mr.
various ladders of ups and down “ very confidently and of Self Discipline towards derliness, Standardization, P.Rajendran-Supervisor-Es-
longterm Quality Journey of Quick Retrieval of records (30 tate Office (Maintenance) and
Mr. Arockiam John Christopher from the Department of any organisation leading to Seconds Rule) and Cleanli- Mr.S.Yamunadhevi- Secre-
Training and Placement addressed the audience. Deming award. The Deming ness in Workspace. Training tary to Principal Coordinator,
Award is instituted by Union was imparted largely through International Relations
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2 11

By Spectrum Reporters

Adding to the richness of

A New Campus….
having 24 B.Tech and 32
M.Tech programs, SRM Uni-
versity now owns the pride of
having Ramapuram Campus
But the same SRM Spark
group of students as “one of
at Vadapalani starting with a the blessed batches in SRM”
strength of 400 students with the Vice Chancellor,Prof.
all modern facilities. The First P.Sathyanarayanan pointed
Year Engineering Technology out that there are some 2000
UG Programme Inaugural engineering colleges in India
Function that took place on the and 14 lakh seats out of which
7th of September, 2009 started SRM got 75,000 applications
with the blessings of Sri Sri and the students present there
Ravishankar. were the ones selected out
of it.
The Registrar proudly said
that although a new one, the In an obvious reference
Vadapalani campus is special to the high academic intake
because it is located in the at the University as also the
heart of the city. competititon factor in the
admissions process the Vice
T h e C h a n c e l l o r, M r.
Chancellor pointed out that
T.R.Pachamuthu, said that
one third of the students se-
the University gives corporate
lected have achieved 90 per
level training to the students..
cent in their examinations and
Talking about the special iden-
tity of the batch, the Chancel- “You have got your own identity….Silver Jubilee year batch. This two-third have acquired 80
per cent.
lor said, “You have got your
own identity….Silver Jubilee
campus is located in a special atmosphere” Chancellor
Dr.Muniswaran, Director
year batch. This campus is of Engineering And Technol-
located in a special atmo- “There are many more things to be developed ogy welcomed the students
sphere.” But the Chancellor
reiterated a favourite theme
along with your study” Vice Chancellor to the college and inspired
them through his address.
of his that he has been stress- “Add life to the days we live
“There are many more pointed reference to how he SRM Group of Institutions.
ing for quite some time—that and not days to the life we
education goes beyond books things to be developed along would be looking at the suc- live” were one of his words
and examinations. with your study” he said in a cess of the various units of the Characterising the current of motivation.

Breathing Process Activities and

Improves Academic Scores enthusiasm! By Aditya Kesanupalli  preneurship Club, Social Ser-
vice club and Festival Com-
By Medical College of Living” which is of 24 Living workshop) compared The SRM Cultural associa- mittee, thus catering to the
Students hours duration, spread over to exams prior to April 09. tion has just come into exis- variety of interests among the
6 days (Tuesday to Sunday). tence with the cultural secre-
This is an ongoing study. student population.
S tu d en ts en ter in g S R M Participation in all the sessions tary, Johney Pandian and the
University possess good is essential. Next workshop is planned
treasurer, Mahesh Eallanti, at The Entrepreneurship club
intelligent quotient (IQ’s). from October 5 th at the
After learning the the helm of activities. commenced its activities on
Yet some perform less than Biotechnology Hall of SRM the first day of counselling for
techniques, one is required University. Last date of
satisfactory and get poor Adding on to the existing the new students, by selling
to practice them at home for registration is September 25th
academic scores. This is ‘Spectrum’, ‘Reflections’ and SRM merchandise through
about 20 min per day. Follow 2009. Course fee is Rs.500.
obviously not because of the up sessions are conducted the Activity houses, a total the SRM World platform.
IQ but because of the stress As there are only limited seats of six different clubs are be- It also took over the task of
about once a month.
they face at the school /college available those interested may ing formed. They include My selling the basic domestic
and/or at home. One such workshop was contact any of the following: Friend Forum, Adventure utilities to the students last
conducted in SRM University Club, Quizzer’s Club, Entre- month.
Sudarshan Kriya (SK) and in the month of April, this
Pranayam (P) are breathing year.
processes that are known to
(Final year MBBS student) For Information
Ten students, who had not - 9884329006
eliminate stress. We at SRM been performing adequately
University are conducting in the exams, got themselves Ms.Swapna The United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) will be
a research study to see if enrolled. (PhD student)
coordinating The Linden U.S. University Fair at Hotel Taj
these breathing processes can Coromandel,37, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam,
It was a pleasant surprise -9840653278
improve academic scores. Chennai 600 034 on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. About 19 U.S.
to all that their academic universities will be participating in the fair. The fair will be from 6
To learn these processes scores improved by 15% on Mr.Mayank p.m. to 9 p.m. for students interested in bachelor’s, master’s and
one needs to participate in an average in the exams held (Biotech student) doctorate level study in the United States. (Courtesy : USIEF)
a workshop called as “Art after April 09 (after Art of -9884848450
12 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2

Scholarship for sports...

Speaking at the occasion
Prof K Vaithianathan, Vice
Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Phys-
ical Education and Sports
By Chinmayee Mishra. SSS Scheme. He referred to stressing private participation ished and individuals have to University,Chennai said that
Aditya Panja. the globe outside auditorium and encouraging parents be supportive to achieve great these kind of awards motivate
and said, “If students come to to motivate their wards for heights. Giving an overview a player to enhance perfor-
Scholarship schemes for SRM they have the world in sports. The Vice Chancellor of SDAT he mentioned 42 mance besides evolving moral
sports students are given by their hands”. He proudly said pointed out that the University values.“Sports teaches us for-
crores are given per annum for
every other government and that facilities in SRM are not has awarded Rs 3.5 crores in givingness, respect and accep-
the development of sports.
private institutes but SRM found anywhere else in India sports scholarship last year. tance” he said emphasising the
modifies the scheme and pro- especially for sports students Commenting on the grow- importance of physical train-
He traced the inception of
vided scholarships to school adding that the International ing population he said, “If ers who helps in identifying
this scheme from the gov-
students along with the physi- committee helps in improve- population is growing it is talents of students.He assured
ernment plan “Catch them
cal trainers in the function ment of both sports and aca- also helping in achieving more that he would collaborate with
Young” introduced to support
organised by the Directorate demics. players which will take us to SRM to find young talents in
school students excelling in
of Sports and Games and our the top”. India.
Starting from Abhinav Bin- sports. To help the students in
own University.
dra to eight year old Mamtha a wider way Prof Satyanaray-
The function started off with Shiv Dharshani, a young swim- anan also put forward his ideas
the welcome address by Prof mer from S.V.H.V school, of a sports academy in SRM
N Sethuraman who enlight- Chennai SRM University has University.
ened the gathering about the honoured everyone till date. “Spirit of excellence repre-
various steps taken by SRM
“It’s not a function pertain- sents sports,” said Mr Saty-
in field of sports and also the ing to universities alone, it’s abrata Sahoo, IAS , Member
support given by the faculty something reaching beyond Secretary SDAT, Chennai, the
members to encourage the to the schools”, said Prof. chief guest of Sports students
students. P Sathayanarayanan, Vice and PET’s/PD’s Award Func-
Mr S.M Nandagopal who Chancellor SRM Universi- tion’09. He added that chil-
gave the annual report of ty addressing the gathering dren’s talents should be nour-

Kongu Trophy Winners : (Left) Women's Basketball Team, (Right) Men's Volleyball Team
2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2 13

SRM wins
By A Spectrum Reporter

SRM University won the

football championship beating
Jeepiaar Engineering College
3-2 in the State-level Buck
Sports festival organized by
the YMCA College of Physical
Education recently.
On the way to the final,
SRM beat Nazerath College
of Arts Science 2-0, YMCA
College of Physical Education
4-2, Agrasen College of Arts
Science 3-0 and St Joseph’s
College of Engineering 1-0. The Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor and other top University officials with the football Champions

SRM rises to
the occasion
By Prashanti Ganesh Vels Srinivasa Engineering
College and won the finals
The SRM University Ten- against Sri Ramachandra
nis team outplayed Stella Medical University with
Maris Women’s college 2/1 scores of 2/0 in both the
in the finals of the Sri Ram- games.
achandra Udayar Memorial
Trophy organized by Sri Ra- In chess, Dr. Suranasu
machandra Medical Univer- Shankar Das won in the
sity, Porur, Chennai. men’s staff category. He fin-
ished with 5 points, securing
The women’s team (Arthi, the championship.
Nithya and Krithika) and the
men’s staff team (Dr. Rajku- Premnath from the Com-
mar) played steady games, puter Science department

Record breaking
without being challenged clinched the men’s (students)
much. title.
The women’s team led 2- Ramanathan finished
1 in the qualifying match fourth and Aravind Subrama-

against St Josephs Engineer- nian came sixth in the tourna-
ing College. ment.
The men’s staff team capi- The event took place from
talized on their win against 8th to 10th August, 2009.

By: Chinmayee Mishra In the quarters they routed Pa- 29-24. Vellammal Trophy : Cricket Winners
chiappas Kanchipuram.In the
The Madras University A- In the 3rd & deciding
semi-final they beat Sankara
Zone Ball Badminton Cham- set SRMASC raced to 12-
College,Kanchipuram with a
pionship was conducted by 0 lead,courtesy the trio of
score of 29-8 & 29-12.
SRM Arts & Science Col- Thangapandi,Manobarathi
lege on 19th August,the hosts In the much awaited title & Aneesh kumar who were
emerged winners as they beat clash SRMASC met the fa- rocksolid with their defense
Loyola in a nail biting final. vourites Loyola. The first set and they virtually blocked
SRMASC ended the 20year went to Loyola with a score everything near the net.
reign of Loyola with this of 27-29. SRMASC failed to Loyola tried to equalise but
win. hold on to their serve with the SRMASC capitalised on
score reading 27-27. their early lead. The play of
The winners put up a splen-
did show as they blanked all In the 2nd set SRMASC right back-Sujeeth was the
their opponents in straight raised their level of play and highlight the winning team
sets till semis. In prequarter with the help of unforced er- as SRMASC won the set and The Team posing with India's ace K.Srikanth
they beat Annai Velankanni. rors they bagged the set with match with 29-21.
me depend on our only ray

The Battle of Poori

of hope.....W.H.A.C.K.....
There’s a reason why he’s
known as WEIRDLY HE-
KID. As soon as we grab our
By Abin Biswas plates W.H.A.C.K. makes a
run for the tray of pooris as if it
WAR.....hate it or love it,
were a portal to Willy wonka’s
you just cant ignore it. They chocolate factory. He dodges
say war affects everyone, the huge dogpile of humans
young and old, loudly obnox- and forces his way through
ious and weirdly silent, FAT the heaviest of crowds...
everyone! Its easier to start a TWEEN USAIN BOLT AND
war amongst us adolescent A WORLD CLASS RUS-
hostellers with soaring adrena- SIAN GYMNAST...watching
line takes a minor him get those little buggers
bone of contention for us to is like watching a perfected
shed our images of “humble” dance routine!
social animals to bloodthirsty
rampaging guinea pigs....YES Somebody needs to stop
this often puts us
GUINEA PIGS....dont let their
in weird situations...You
whiskers fool YOU!
know how we always tend to
About the battle....well, it take more than we eat...OK,
takes place on the days when MUCh MORE!....and when
we get poori in our mess W.H.A.C.K. sees his hard
(actually we have an erratic earned pooris being thrown
schedule in the never into the bin, he obviously
fails to STARTLE US...which gelasils we have to gobble for those cholesterol ridden around like bullets....There
gives us this expression.....
isn’t a bad thing). There is afterwards! treats in a manner that would are of course casualties, some
C.R.A.C.K. and me feel bad
something about those little The entire hostel somehow put savage, flesheating were- get hot oil on their hands,
and instead of owning up, we
round, oil laden deep fried gets the smell when there is wolves to shame. In fact its some burn the tips of their start pointing fingers at each
snacks that just grabs our at- poori in the mess (C.R.A.C.K. so intimidating that even the fingers, some even drop food other, sometimes even com-
tention.....maybe its the beau- says that the ability to detect guys in the mess prefer to on their clothes while fighting ing up with silly reasons like
tiful golden texture, maybe good food is in our genes!). stay inside the safety of the for these WMC’s(Weapons “the fly in my poori was actu-
its the oil oozing out, maybe And once those gates open.... kitchen.......The battle rages of Mass Consumption). The ally moving”. Who could’ve
its the intoxicating odour..... its all about how fast, how on for the most fluffy, the facts are simple;”FIGHT OR thought that something so
and C.R.A.C.K., W.H.A.C.K. ruthless, how selfish and how most crisp and sometimes STARVE!!!” tiny could actually lead to an
and me LOVE THE POORIS tactful you can be. The first even the largest poori....and However in these desper- article in the college newspa- matter how many tray is brought out we pounce chaos reigns.......Pooris fly ate times, C.R.A.C.K. and per!!!! Funny eh.....

By Siddharth Panicker in any popular showroom

White Is Back !
comprises mainly white.
If there’s anything constant
Visit an Apple retail
in the trendy world of outfits,
store, and you’ll know
it’s change. Something new,
the value of white in the
something old, something
Reasons vary-- from the year B.Tech student, whose spunky bracelets, lockets or tiniest manifestations of
picked up from the past
practical to the age old ‘it favourite combination is a dogtags. And when it comes technological advancement.
and tweaked so as to suit In other words, white’s
looks cool’. With the mercury pair of white shirt and blue to the suave corporate attire,
the present. However, the word when it comes to
level soaring every day and jeans. Sarthak, another Third white is at a premium. Be
some elements stand out gadgets (except the pink
reprieve nowhere in sight, Year B.Tech student, feels it an informal gathering, a
as interesting exceptions, ones that girls go curiously
white plays a crucial role light coloured clothes give garden stroll, a morning jog,
defying the word ‘change’. gaga over, of course).Take
reflecting the heat, exactly a professional look and he a workout session, white has
The conspicuous comeback opposite to what black does. loves going to college in light its say in almost every walk a look at those vehicles
of white is a case in point. Hence, our body temperatures hued outfits. of life. swarming our busy roads,
remain cool, being conducive and you’ll appreciate the
By virtue of the niche that The colour white gives Anything brushed up with value of white when splashed
to work. Some students,
white has carved for itself an incomparable classy a little white at the right over a variety of cars, be it
on being asked why white
in the world of fashion, it makeover to the word places can look really smart, the small size Marutis or the
remains to be in vogue, came
remains pleasantly embedded ‘trendy’. White blends with is the popular view. Hence, luxury segment Mercs and
up with some interesting
in the best of tastes. And when everything, be it the formal we have all those white- BMWs. Smoothly pushing
it comes to the best of tastes, necktie outfit, the slick gel- based watches and shoes. The away the bright, screaming-
our college can never miss “White always looks cool, groomed hair, the front- most expensive and desired for-attention colours, white is
the mark. Nowadays, white is and it goes with all kinds bencher oily-haired persona, brands thrive on the demand back in action. And this time
being increasingly donned by of accessories one wears”, low-cut rugged jeans, spiky of white-based products. The around, it promises to stay in
students of our college. says Prashant Singh, a Third hair, semi tucked-in shirt, highest segment of shoes town.
The Big Bang
By Varun Krishnan accurate measurements were they are whizzing through
made by using microwave the earth and everybody the
Man has always been try- radiation which gave rise to whole time at the speed of
ing to answer the ever elusive third scenario possible, highly light. As a result of experi-
question of how the universe unlikely though. It says that ments using ultra-sensitive
came into being. The idea that there is just enough matter detectors to observe the col-
the universe was conceived in in the universe to gradually lision between electrons and
one gigantic primeval bang slow down and stop expan- neutrinos, it is now thought
some 14 billion years ago sion at time infinity. A snag that the neutrino may after all
still represents best current with all this has been that the have some mass. Although
thought. According to the Big estimates of the amount of it is tiny, only around a mil-
Bang(BB), the whole of the matter in the universe have lionth of the electron’s, the
known universe once existed not been encouraging. There neutrino’s abundance means it
as a singularity, a vanishingly seems to be at best only 5% could account for a significant
small, mind-blowingly dense of the amount needed to de-
proportion of the total mass of
concentration of matter that celerate the rate of expansion.

Music On The Go
the universe.
made the general compart- However, all may not be lost
ment of a Mumbai local dur- for there is the concept of dark Findings made in the late
ing peak hours look thinly matter. This is the stuff which, 1990s, show that even dark By Shiv Prakash
populated in comparison. This unlike normal matter which is matter might not balance the
singularity then took it into its visible in one or other part of cosmic equation. The rate Today’s generation ‘Y’ eats, drinks, sleeps and swears by
head to explode. the electromagnetic spectrum of expansion of the universe its music. Be it hip-hop, rock, classical, bollywood dance
to our instruments, for reasons far from slowing down, is numbers or retro swing, lovers of all the genres can be
Just after the BB, there was of its own just sits out there actually increasing. To resolve found in abundance throughout our campus. Music gives
brief period of fierce expan- not emitting anything we can this cosmic conundrum it may them company on way to college, on their way back, during
sion. The Universe expended pick up readily, although its
prove necessary to invoke the the lunch hour or even during their stroll from the class to a
so hugely that its geometry existence can be inferred from
existence of a completely new lab. They simply consider music as one of the vital elements
was fixed as what is math- such things as gravitational required for survival.
ematically known as flat, and form of energy, the energy of
image splitting.
it has been expanding in a empty space, which of course But how do they like to carry their music?? Gone are the
more orderly manner ever Two prime candidates for has an associated mass(as Ein- days of walkman and Discman…and who bothers to carry a
since. The knotty question dark matter are wimps(weakly stein never got tired of telling). bunch of audio cassettes or cds these days! Cell phones are the
here is, would it continue to interacting massive parti- The repulsive force exerted by gadgets which most of the students turn to when they have to
centrifuge forever, or would cles) and machos(massive this energy drives the other- carry their music with them.
it eventually stop flying out- astronomical compact halo wise inexplicably increasing The Nokia Music Xpress and Sony Ericsson Walkman series
wards, pause and then start objects). Another intriguing rate of expansion. are the hot favourites in this respect. For those who wish to
to collapse in on itself, ulti- possibility, which has been keep their music completely isolated from their socializing
under our noses the whole If all this is confusing, take
mately disappearing up into gadget carry it in their ipods, Mp3 and Mp4 players.
time, is the neutrino, an odd heart, for we are not alone. It
its own singularity once more? Phillips Gogear and Sony’s Mp4 player are used in great
What was crucial in decid- particle, formed in the BB, is also hugely exciting and
we can safely opine that the numbers by the students but the Apple iPod clearly steals the
ing between the two was the which suffuses the whole
resolution of this confusion show here with its great sound quality and unbeatable battery
amount of matter out there. universe in enormous num-
back up. Apple has a wide range of players from the low end
If there was enough matter it bers- something 500 million in the next few years is going
Shuffle to the highly desirable Nano and iPod Touch, which
would be able to arrest expan- per cubic metre. However, to advance greatly our knowl-
are truly considered a status symbol. These players can be
sion by virtue of the intrinsic since they have no charge and edge of the birth and eventual
conveniently charged and songs can be transferred into them
property of gravitation; if not, were long believed to have no death of the universe and have by connecting them to a computer or a laptop via a USB Cable.
it wouldn’t. However, as the mass either, their presence is other fascinating spin-offs With all these gadgets the students ensure they are wired to
millennium came to a close, difficult to detect even though elsewhere. their music 24x7.

Celebrating Onam...
at home away from home
By A Spectrum Reporter SRM School of Man- hall in bright gold, yellow,
agement celebrated Onam orange & white color.
With the glimmer of gold this year amidst much joy
in the silhouette of pure and celebrations. The team Dr. Jayashree Suresh, Dean
white, “God’s own Country”- consisted of Philips, Soji, SRM School of Management,
Kerala & with it all Malay- Sinjith, Srijesh, Shijo, all Faculties & visiting pro-
alees celebrate the festival of Dilip, Dinu, Ajith, Deepak,
fessors lit the traditional lamp
Onam. Onam is celebrated in Siddharth, Rubin, Rejimin,
remembrance of King Maha- Sharaf & Milash. A colorful “Nilavilakku”. After which
beli & is associated with his traditional “Athapookalam” banana chips and “Payasam”
annual visit to his kingdom. adorned the entrance of the were distributed.
16 2009 | Spectrum | Volume 3 Number 2

Worth the Wait?

BY Geetha Bharathi the movie have strong resemblance
to Anniyan’s character in the movie
FILM: Kandasamy ‘Anniyan’ as the only difference that
CAST:Vikram,Shreya,Vadivelu, exists is that he questions justice un-
Ashish Vidyarthi consciously in the former whereas he
does it consciously under disguise in
Director:Susi Ganesan the latter.
Kandasamy directed by Susi Gane- The film losses greatly in the way it
san starring Vikram, Shreya, Ashish is portrayed on screen. Too much use
Vidyarthi and Vadivelu is the first super of effects and unwanted use of comedy
hro film in Kollywood.The storyline and glamour adds to the complexity
is simple: a CBI officer steals money and makes the film fusty.
from the rich people who have more Performances
than that they earn and give it to the The technicians need applause as far
needy in the name of the Lord Kan- as the lighting, camera and set work
The magic lives on…Harry dasamy.He also creates panic among
the wrong doers through a super hero
is concerned.Vikram has created yet
another milestone in his acting ca-
Potter And The Half Blood Prince identity with the help of his friends.In
between all this an officer (Prabhu)
reer through this film.Shreya shows
improvement on the acting front but
starts investigating the mystery behind she could have reduced giving up too
the poor’s wishes being granted in the much of her dignity.Susi Ganesan
By Aparna Nair into tears seeing Ron with Lavender
name of Lord Kandhasamy. Does the could have worked more to make the
Brown and Harry falling for Ginny
mystery get solved? What is the reason screenplay and make it less complicat-
Finally the wait is over for the sixth Weasly. The movie ends well with
behind this activity of Kandhasamy is ed and understandable for the layman.
installment in the movie series about Harry vowing to destroy Voldemort.
the rest of the story. Certain details are too intricate for the
our favorite boy wizard! HARRY
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and The characterization of Vikram in common man to understand.
Emma Watson, the terrific trio does
PRINCE directed by David Yates hit
justice to their respective roles by their
the theatres on July 15th and no doubt
endearing performances. Jim Broad-
even this one delivers the magic and
bent plays his part well as the evasive
the mystery which we all are used to
Horace Slughorn as does Helena
seeing.And hence it manages to strike
Carter with the seductive, crazed look
the right chord yet again.
of Bellatrix Lestrange. Jessie Cave as
PLOT-The muggle and the wizard- Lavender Brown is very superficial
ing worlds are in peril. The movie and annoying.Young Riddle played by
begins with the destruction of Brock Hero Fiennes Tiffin looks as haunted,
Dale Bridge by the death eaters .Mys- cold and maniacal as the adult one
teries deepen as Harry enters his sixth but finally it’s Tom Felton as Draco
year at Hogwarts. As Dumbledore as- Malfoy who steals the show. one’s
signs him a tough job of worming out heart just reaches out to him seeing his
secrets about Tom Riddle/Voldemort act of a troubled distressed boy. The
from a former Potions master Horace first half drags but the film catches the
Slughorn,there is also a strange case
Truly a prized Screenplay
pace in the second half.The gripping
about some unknown Half Blood special effects deserve a special men-
Prince whose old diary accidentally tion. So,packed with action, romance
ends up with Harry. Also there are and MAGIC this movie is a complete
hints of dark and evil things called entertainer. Being a hard core Potter BY Geetha Bharathi have made the screenplay at the cli-
Horcruxes which come into picture. fan I give this movie a 5 star rating.So max more lively and the voice more
But one of the biggest highlights of the if you have not seen it yet go ahead. Film: Pokisham, CAST: audible .
movie is its romantic entanglements. It won’t disappoint you because at the Cheran,PadmaPriya, Director:
Cheran As in most of Cheran’s creations like
Hormones level are racing in the main end of the day it is HARRY POTTER
‘Autograph’, this movie also carries
characters with Hermione bursting and magic can’t go wrong!!!!!!!
with it nostalgia in the air. And like
‘Pokisham’ starring Cheran, Pad- in the former film, it is the girl who
mapriya is an emotional love story is lonely in the end. For people who
that is told in a measured screenplay. cherish going down their memory
It is about the life of Lenin (a marine lane Cheran’s films are of its kinds to
engineer) and Nadira (Padmapriya) look out for.
who fall in love with each other in a Cheran shows desire and love in
period where letters where the only many scenes but he can sure avoid the
mode of communication. The film has dramatic expressions in certain scenes
a beautiful opening that first shows us especially in the montages in certain
the state of lovers today with all means songs.Padmapriya displays first-class
to communicate and then takes us back acting and lives real-time as Nadira
to Lenin’s love story. in the movie. Camera work by Rajesh
The screenplay is rather slow but Yadav needs special applause as they
the sets spell class. We find it hard to bring the movie to life. For hard-core
believe how the sets of 1970’s were film lovers who have the patience to
recreated especially scenes involving see a film with good story and screen-
the flooded environment near Lenin’s play rather than a racy one ‘Pokisham’
home in West Bengal.Cheran could is the apt choice.

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