Part A I. Choose The Correct Answer: AGM 301 Soil and Applied Microbiology (1+1)

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AGM 301 Soil and Applied Microbiology (1+1)

Part A
I. Choose the correct answer

1. which microorganism stands first in the transformation and vigorous decomposition

of variety of substrates
a. Bacteria b. Fungi c. Actinomycetes d.Protozoa

2. The groups of symbiotic bacteria, which have the ability to fix nitrogen

a. derive their food and minerals from the legume, and in turn they supply the
legume with some or all of its nitrogen
b. grow together for a mutual benefit is called symbiosis and so these bacteria are
called symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria
c. these bacteria are from the genus, Rhizobium
d. all of the above

3. The nematode trapping fungi is

a. Dactylella b. Arthrobotrys c. a & b d. None of above

4. Primitive unicellular organism involved in phagotrophic nutrition is

a. Algae b. Bacteria c. Archaea d.Protozoa

5. Which of the following is not the biofertilisers producing bacteria?

a. Nostoc b. Anabaena c. Both (a) and (b) d. Clostridium

6. Who developed the Buried slide technique to study the qualitative changes in soil
a. Rossi and Cholodney b. Hilter c. Ruska d. Conn

7. Which microorganism predominates when the concentration of nutrients diluted at

higher moisture content
a. Aerobic b. Anaerobic c. Microaerophilic d. Both b & c

8. Continuous application of ammoniacal fertilizers in soil leads to

a. Favour growth of bacteria b. Favour growth of fungi c. Inhibit the growth
of fungi d. None of above

9. The process of converting organic substrate to protoplasmic carbon is

a. Mineralization b. Assimilation c. Immobilization d. Nitrification

10. The decomposition of organic matter is measured by

a. Evolution of Co2 b.Uptake of O2 c. Both a & b d. None of above

11. For rapid decomposition by microbes, the substrate should have a C/N ratio of
a. 10-20 :1 b.20-30:1 c.30-40:1 d.60-80:1

12. The organic matter decomposition is considerably slow in

a. Aerobic condition b. Anaerobic condition c. Microaerophilic condition d.
Both a & b

13. At which depth in a garden soil does the maximum number of microorganisms per
gram occur
a. 3 – 8 cm b. 15 cm c. 20 cm d. 2 cm

14. The dark coloured and fairly stable partially decomposed organic matter is
a. Humus b. Compost c. Cellulose d. Lignin

15. The crops which are involved in nitrogen fixation are

A. alfalfa and clover b. soybean
C. Both a & b d. None of above

II. Fill in the blanks

16. The soil bacterium which is a pathogen of insects is _____________

a. Bacillus subtilis b. Bacillus thuringiensis c. Pseudomonas d. E. coli

17. ________ is an example of nitrogen economics in a forest involving alga and

a. Mycorrhiza b. Lichens c. Actinorhiza d. Frankia

18. Who is called the Father of soil Microbiology

a. Beijerinck b. Winogradsky c. Alexander Fleming d.Hiltner

19. Microorganisms indigenous to a particular environment are called as _____

a) Autochthonous b) Allochthonous c) Zymogenous d) Autogenous

20. The transformation of nitrates to gaseous nitrogen is accomplished by

microorganisms in a series of biochemical reactions. The process is known as
a. nitrification b. denitrification c. nitrogen fixation d.ammonification

21. Nitrogen fixation refers to the direct conversion of atmospheric nitrogen gas into
a. ammonia b. glucose c.ATP d.nitrate
22. The diagnostic enzyme for denitrification is _______
a. nitrate reductase b.nitrate oxidase c. nitro oxidoreductase d.none of these

23. The musty odour reminiscent of freshly turned soil is due to ________
a. Piperine b. resins c. limonene d. Geosmin

24. Nitrogen oxidation (nitrification) refers to _______________

a. conversion of ammonium ions into nitrates through the activities of certain

b. changing of atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to nitrogen compounds
c. sulfur is oxidized to the sulfate form through Thiobacillus bacteria
b. none of the above

25. The process of nitrification occurs in two steps where each step is performed by
different group of bacteria. The oxidation of nitrite to nitrate is exhibited by
a) Nitrosomonas b) Nitrosovibrio c) Nitrobacter d) Nitrosococcus

26. The nitrogenase consists of ______________

a. dinitrogenase b. dinitrogenase reductase
c. both (a) and (b) d. none of these

27. The organic matter constituent which is highly resistant to degradation

a. Cellulose b. Hemicellulolose c. Lignin d. Chitin

28. Anabaena, a nitrogen fixer is present in the root pockets of ________

a) Salvinia b) Marselia c) Azolla d) Pistia

29.. Which of the following fungi on infecting crop roots can improve their uptake of
phosphorus and other nutrients?
a. Saccharomyces cerevisiae b.Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza
c.Candida torulopsis d.Aspergillus niger

30. Considering the specificity between the species of legume and rhizobia species in
establishing the symbiotic state, soybean is infected by
a) Azorhizobium b) Bradyrhizobium c) Mesorhizobium d) None of above

III. Match the following

1. Microaerophilic - a. High respiratory rate
2. Azotobacter - b. Anaerobic N fixer
3. Blue green algae - c. Azospirillum
4. Clostridium - d. Casuarina
5. Frankia - e. Heterocyst

Answers : 1.c 2.a 3.e 4.b 5.d

6. Azorhizobium - a. Nitrogen fixation

7. Sinorhizobium - b. Azotobacter
8. Glucanoacetobacter - c. Stem nodulator
9. Nif genes - d. Sugarcane
10. Beijerinck - e. Fast growing soybean nodulator

Answers : 6.c 7.e 8.d 9.a 10.b

11. Fungi - a. Rhizosphere

12. Bacteria - b. Clostridium pasteurianum
13. Ruinen -c. Alkaline soil
14. Hiltner - d. Acidic soil
15. Winogradsky - e. Phyllosphere

Answers : 11.d 12.c 13. E 14. A 15.b

Answer the following

The following are the contributions of important scientist related to soil microbiology. The
students can learn the inventions thoroughly by answering to the following questions
1. Who isolated root nodule bacteria in pure culture?
a. Beijerinck b. WInogradsky c. Omeliansky d.Frank

2. Lysozyme was discovered by the scientist ________

a) Louis Pasteur b) Alexander Fleming c) Robert Koch d) Arthur

3. Who developed the Antibiotic Streptomycin

a. Alexander Fleming b. Salman A Waksman c. Beijerinck d.

4. Who wrote book on “ Principles of Soil Microbiology”

a. Beijerinck b. Winogradsky c. Salman A Waksman d.Frank

The students were exposed to different groups of microorganisms and their functions in
soil. The following questions will help them to understand about the microorganisms well
5. A transitional group between Bacteria and Fungi is __________
a. Actinomycetes b. Mycobacterium c. Corynebacterium d. Coxiella

6. The population of bacteria _________ with increase in depth

a. Decreases b. Increases c. Does not changed d. First increases and then

7. _________ is an example for Soil yeast

a. Candida b. Torulopsis c. Both a and b d. None of above

8. _________ is an organism that colonizes barren rock surface, fixes Co2 and used
for Single Cell Protein (SCP) production
a. Bacteria b. Yeast c. Molds d. Algae
The following questions will help the students to know about the different factors affecting
microbial activities in soil

9. ______ influences the structure and texture of soil besides enriching with
nutrients for plants and microorganisms
a. Soil pH b. Soil Organic matter c. Soil air d. Soil temperature

10. Cell number is greatest during _____ season

a. Spring b. Autumn c. Winter d. both a and b

11. Increase in Protozoan population will _______

a. Decreases bacteria b. Increases bacteria c. Increases algae d. Decreases

12. Addition of nitrate to soil inhibits _____

a. Azotobacter b. Phosphobacter c. Thiobacillus d. Pasteuria

The students have been exposed to various transformation processes of the elements. The
following will help them to have deep knowledge on that

13. The most important element in the biological realm that constitutes 40 – 50% of
all living organisms is _____

a. Nitrogen b. Carbon c. Water d. Phosphorus

14. The carbon cycle revolves about

a. Methane b. Carbon dioxide c. Both a and b d. Hydrogen

15. Mineralization refers to _______________

a) Conversion of inorganic complex compounds into simple inorganic compounds
b) Conversion of complex organic compounds into simple inorganic
c) Conversion of complex organic compounds into simple organic constituents
d) Conversion of inorganic complex materials into elements

16. In which process, the aminoacids are deaminated to yield ammonia

a. Ammonification b. Proteolysis c. Mineralization d. Denitrification

The cross inoculation group (CIG) refers the groups of leguminous plants that will develop
effective nodules when inoculate with the rhizobia obtained from the nodules from any
member of that legume crop. The following questions will help the students to identify the
CIG of the different genera

17. Rhizobium meliloti is used for the crop ______

a. Pea b. Alfaalfa c.Clover d.Bean
18. Bradyrhizobium japonicum is used for the crop _________
a. Cowpea b. Soybean c. Lotus d.Chickpea

19. Frankia is used for the crop

a. Sesbania b.Daincha c. Teak d.Casuarina

20. Azorhizobium is used for the crop

a. Sesbania rostrata b.Daincha c. Teak d.Casuarina

The following questions will help the students to understand about the organic matter

21. The most abundant element cellulose in the organic matter constitutes about

a. 10-30 % b. 5 – 30 % c. 15 – 60 % d. 30 - 75 %

22. _________ process is considered good in Organic matter decomposition

a. Immobilization b. assimilation c. Mineralization d. None of the above

23. Wider C:N ratio results _____ decay of Organic matter decomposition

a. Slow b. Quick c. Medium d. rare

24. The enzyme that degrade the cellobiose into D-Glucose is _______

a. Exglucanases b.Endoglucanase c. ß glucosidase d. Glucanase

The Students have been learnt about the transformation process of nitrogen. The questions
given below will help them to increase the knowledge on Nitrogen transformation

25. The anaerobic decomposition of proteins is called as _______

a. Ammonification b. Putrefaction c.Proteolysis d. Deamination

26. In acid soil, the nitrification process is ______

a. Good b. Poor c. most suitable d. None of above

27. Denitification leads to ________ in soil

a. Loss of N b. Increase N content

c. Loss of NH3 d. Increase of NH3 content

28. Certain bacteria are capable of using nitrate as the terminal electron acceptor under
anaerobic condition is called as ______

a. nitrate respiration b. nitrate reduction c. Nitrification d. Ammonification

The following questions will help them to understand about the process of Nitrogen

29. How many molecules of ATP is required to fix a molecule of N2

a. 8 b. 12 c. 16 d. 18

30. The first stable product of nitrogen fixation is ______

a. Nitrate b. Ammonia c. Nitrite d. Glutamine

31. The Mo-Fe protein consists of ______ subunits

a. 2 subunits b. 4 sub units c. 8 Subunits d. 3 sub units

32. During the assimilation of ammonia, glutamine is synthesized using the enzyme

a. Glutamate synthase b. Glutamine synthetase c. Nitrate reductase d. Glutamine


The process of nodulation carried out by the symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria exhibits
various events. Answering to the following questions will help the students

33. The plant proteins which specifically bind to carbohydrate receptors in the
rhizobial cell is referred as ____

a. IAA b. Lectins c.nod factor d. None of the above

34. Rhizobium produces specialized structure during symbiotic nitrogen fixation is


a. Rhizoid b. Bacteriod c. Nodule d. Both a and b

35. The root hair curls as a result of the action of substances excreted by the
bacterium call

a. Nif gene b. Nod gene c. Sym plasmid d. trp gene

36. The swallon deformed Rhizobium free cell found in the root nodule capable of
nitrogen fixation is ______

a. Rhizoid b. Bacteriod c Asteriod d. Heterocyst

The following questions will help the students to learn more about the transformation of

37. In acid soil, the solubilization of insoluble phosphate is carried out by

a. Formation of organic acids

b. Addition of Phosphate solubilizing microorganism

c. Both a and b D.None of above

38. Mineralization of phosphorus is carried out by the enzyme

a. Phosphatases b. phytases c. Both a and b d. Reductase

A1. Winogradsky is a A1 : Soil Microbiologist

a) Medical Microbiologist b) Virologist

c) Soil Microbiologist d) Pathologist

A2. Predominant group of microorganism A2:Bacteria

a) Bacteria b) Fungi

c) Actinomycetes d) Algae

A3. Actinomycetes are called as A3:Ray fungi

a) Fungi b) Ray fungi

c) Protozoa d) Mold

A4. The pleasant earthy odour (Geosmin/Petrichor) producing organism A4:Actinomycetes

a) Bacteria b) Fungi

c) Actinomycetes d) Mold

A5. Nitrogen fixation refers to the direct conversion of atmospheric nitrogen gas into A5: Ammonia

a) Ammonia b) Glucose

c) ATP d) Nitrate

A6. The diagnostic enzyme for denitrification is A6: Nitrate reductase

a) Nitrate reductase b) Nitrate oxidase

c) Nitrogenase d) Pectinase

A7. Cellulose degrading bacteria A7: Clostridium and


a) Clostridium and Cytophaga b) Trichoderma and Penicillium

c) Strptomyces and Nocardia d) Alternaria and Aspergillus

A8. An example of a symbiotic nitrogen fixer is A8: Rhizobium

a) Azotobacter b) Clostridium

c) Beijerinckia d) Rhizobium

A9. In the process of nitrogen fixation, which of the following microorganism is A9: Non symbiotic
involved microorganisms
microorganisms only

a) Non symbiotic microorganisms b) Symbiotic microorganisms only


c) Non symbiotic microorganisms d) Endosymbiont

Symbiotic microorganisms only

A10 The process of converting substrate to protoplasmic carbon is known as A10: Carbon
. assimilation

a) Carbon assimilation b) Mineralization

c) Nitrification d) Organic matter decomposition

A11 The physical structure of the soil is improved by A11: Azotobacter


a) Azotobacter -PHBA b) Minerals

c) Water d) Inorganic matter

A12 The crops which one is not involved in nodulation A12: Rice and maize

a) Alfalfa and clover b) Soyabean and ground nut

c) Bean and lupine d) Rice and maize

A13 The breakdown of cattle manure in biogas is accomplished by which of the A13: Methanogenic
. following type of bacteria

a) Phosphobacteria b) Methanogenic

c) Bacillus d) Pseudomonas

A14 The microbial ecosystem of soil includes A14: Biotic

. components and
Abiotic components
of soil

a) Biotic components of soil b) Abiotic components of soil

c) Biotic components and Abiotic d) Microbes

components of soil

A15 Secondary metabolite is produced during A15: stationary

. phase

a) Log phase b) Lag phase

c) Stationary d) Death phase

Fill in the blanks (Answer all questions)

B1. Root nodules are formed by ------------------------------------ B1:Rhizobium

a) Rhizoctonia b) Rhizobium
c) Agrobacterium d) Rhizosphere

B2. Region around the root zone is called as ------------------------------------ B2:Rhizosphere

a) Ribosomes b) Rhizobium

c) Rhizoids d) Rhizosphere

B3. The population of algae in soil is ------------------------------------ bacteria B3: Generally smaller

a) Generally smaller than b) Generally greater than

c) Equal to d) Higher

B4. Example of an Microaerophilic organism ------------------------------------ B4: Azospirillum

a) Azospirillum b) Azotobacter

c) Rhizobium d) Glucanacetobacter

B5. ------------------------------------ is N2 fixing bacterium living in association with B5: Acetobacter


a) Azospirillum b) Acetobacter

c) Frankia d) Azotobacter

B6. Bacterial biopesticide B6: Bacillus


a) Bacillus thruingiensis b) Verticillium lecanii

c) Beauveria bassiana d) Metarhizium anisopliae

B7. ------------------------------------ is a N2 fixing actinomycete B7: Frankia

a) Phosphobacteria b) Acetobacter

c) Frankia d) Azotobacter

B8. ------------------------------------ is petroleum degrading species B8: Penicillium

a) Clostridium b) Cytophaga

c) Penicillium d) Klebsiella

B9. The ------------------------------------ is where that are found on aerial surface of plants B9: Phyllosphere
are growing

a) Rhizosphere region b) Phyllosphere region

c) Microfilm region d) Rhizoplane region

B10 Most soil protozoa are flagellates or amoebas, having their dominant mode of B10 : Ingestion of
. nitrogen is ------------------------------------ bacteria

a) Ingestion of bacteria b) Ingestion of fungi

c) Ingestion of yeast d) Ingestion of virus

B11 Majority of the soil fungi grow in ------------------------------------ soils with aerobic B11 : Acidic
. condition.

a) Alkaline soil b) Salinity

c) Sodic soil d) Acidic

B12 Conversion of ammonia to nitrite and then nitrate is called as -------------------------- B12 : Nitrification

a) Nitrogen fixation b) Denitrification

c) Nitrification d) Ammonification

B13 Xenobiotics are ------------------------------------ B13 : Products used

. for the biological
control of pest

a) Products used for the biological b) Special soil amendments favoured in

control of pest organic farming

c) Synthetic organic compounds d) Organic matter

not found in nature
B14 ------------------------------------ is a biodegradable organic chemical / substance B14 : Garbage
. abiotic component of the ecosystem

a) Plastics b) Oils

c) Pesticides d) Garbage

B15 ------------------------------------ is an abiotic component of the ecosystem B15 : Humus


a) Bacteria b) Plants

c) Humus d) Fungi

Match the following

C1 Conn’s direct microscopic a. Azotobacter
C2 Aerobic - free living nitrogen b Quantitative method of soil microorganism
fixing bacteria .
C3 M.W.Beijerinck c. Omeliansky
C4 Anaerobic degradation of d Father of microbial ecology
cellulose .

C5 Steptomyces a. Archaebacteria
C6 Saprophytic fungi b Biogas
C7 Methanobacteria c. The production of antibiotics
C8 Anaerobic digester d Secure their food from dead organic
. materials

C9 Sulfur bacteria a. Absence of cell wall

C10 Mycoplasma b. Corrosion problem
C11 Denitrification process occurs c. Proteolysis
C12 Organic matter to amino acid d. Anaerobic

C13 Nitrite to Nitrate a. Lignin peroxidase

C14 VAM b. Nif genes
C15 Rhizobium c. Nitrification
C16 Lignin d. Phosphorous solubilization
Answer key
C1 Conn’s direct microscopic : Quantitative method of soil microorganism
C2 Aerobic - free living nitrogen : Azotobacter
fixing bacteria
C3 M.W.Beijerinck : Father of microbial ecology
C4 Anaerobic degradation of : Omeliansky
C5 Steptomyces : The production of antibiotics
C6 Saprophytic fungi : Secure their food from dead organic materials
C7 Methanobacteria : Archaebacteria
C8 Anaerobic digester : Method to convert agricultural waste into a
C9 Sulfur bacteria : Corrosion problem
C10 Mycoplasma : Absence of cell wall
C11 Denitrification process occurs : Anaerobic
C12 Organic matter to amino acid : Proteolysis
C13 Nitrite to Nitrate : Nitrification
C14 VAM : Phosphorous solubilization
C15 Rhizobium : Nif genes

1. Azotobacter is a soil inhabiting bacterium and fixes the atmospheric nitrogen.

D1. Pink colour pigment producing Azotobacter sp. D1:


a) A.insignis b) A.beijerinckii

c) A.vinelandii d) A.macrocytogenes

D2. The atmospheric N2 fixation is catalysed by the enzyme D2: Nitrogenase

a) Nitrogenase b) Peptidase

c) Pectinase d) Oxidoreductase

D3. Azotobacter forms the special resting structures which are resistant to dessication D3: Cyst
a) Cyst b) Akinetes

c) Bacteroids d) Exospores

D4. Aerobic free living nitrogen fixing microorganism D4: Azotobacter

a) Azotobacter b) Rhizobium

c) Azospirillum d) Vessicular arbuscular mycorrhizae

2. Rhizobium forms nodules and fixes the atmospheric nitrogen in symbiotic association with
legume plants.

D5. Sesbania rostrata possesses both stem and root nodules D5: Azorhizobium

a) Azorhizobium b) Mesorhizobium

c) Sinorhizobium d) Photorhizobium

D6. Slow grower D6: Bradyrhizobium


a) Bradyrhizobium Japanicum b) Rhizobium leguminosarum

c) Rhizobium meliloti d) Rhizobium trifolii

D7. The bacteria living inside the nodules are irregular in shape and are called as D7: Bacteroids

a) Bacteroids b) Cyst

c) Endospores d) Akinetes

D8. Legume nodule contains a unique protein D8: Leghaemoglobin

a) Leghaemoglobin b) Haemoglobin

c) Inositol d) Myoinositol
3. Phosphorous is only second to nitrogen as a mineral nutrient required for plant, animals and
microorganisms. It is essential for the nucleic acids in all living organisms. It is essential for
accumulation and release of energy.

D9. The cleavage of phosphorous from organic matter is done by enzyme is called as D9: Phosphatases

a) Phosphatases b) Nitrogenase

c) Transferase d) Peptidase

D10 Soil contains a large amount of organic phosphorous which is unavailable to plants. D10: mineralization
. It is microbiologically converted into available form (inorganic form)

a) Mineralization b) Ammonification

c) Nitrate reduction d) Denitrification

D11 Phosphate solubilisation commonly requires D11: Acid production


a) Acid production b) Gas production

c) Alkali production d) Ethanol production

D12 Phosphate solubilisation is performed by D12: Bacteria and

. fungi

a) Bacteria and fungi b) Protozoa and bacteria

c) Fungi and yeast d) Algae and bacteria

4. Microorganism inhibit the growth of the other living microorganism is called as antibiotics.
Antagonism among microorganisms is most common phenomena in soil resulting in the
production of antibiotics.

D13 Greatest commercial application of antibiotic is from D13: Streptomyces


a) Strptomyces b) Bacteria
c) Yeast d) Fungi

D14 Ernst Chain and Howard Florey had got nobel prize in medicine with D14: Alexander
. Fleming

a) Alexander Fleming b) Waksman

c) Vuillemin d) Beijerinck

D15 Primary metabolite is produced during D15: Log phase


a) Log phase b) Lag phase

c) Stationary d) Death phase

D16 Antagonism is defined as one organism inhibits the growth of the other organisms D16: Antibiotics
. by producing

a) Antibody b) Antibiotics

c) Monoclonal antibody d) Antigen

5. Organic matter contains cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Well decomposed organic matter is
called as humus.

D17 Under anaerobic conditions, decomposition of organic matter takes place by the D17: Mesophilic and
. activity of thermophilic

a) Acidophile and Alkalophile b) Psychrophile and Mesophile

c) Acidophile and thermophile d) Mesophilic and thermophilic

D18 Organic matter decomposition by measurement of D18:CO2 evolution


a) O2 evolution b) N2 evolution

c) CO2 evolution d) Phosphorous mobilization

D19 Pentose and hexose sugar rich source is D19: Hemicellulose

a) Cellulose b) Hemicellulose

c) Pectin d) Lignin

D20 --------------------- is the highly resistant to microbial degradation D20: Lignin


a) Lignin b) Hemicellulose

c) Pectin d) Wax

6. Fungi live symbiotically with algae and higher plants. The plant cells as well as the fungi
benefit mutually.

D21 Phosphate solubilisation is performed by D21: Bacteria and

. fungi

a) Bacteria and fungi b) Protozoa and bacteria

c) Fungi and yeast d) Algae and bacteria

D22 VAM fungi increases D22: Absorption of

. water

a) Absorption of water b) Desorption of water

c) Water stress d) Scarcity of water

D23 Some of the VAM species produce spore which is called as D23:
. Chlamydospores

a) Chlamydospores b) Ascospores

c) Basdiospores d) Zoospores
D24 The bacteria is responsible for phosphorous solubilisation D24: Bacillus
. megatherium

a) Bacillus megatherium b) Aspergillus flavus

c) Aspergillus fumigatus d) Penicillium digitatum

7. Nitrogen fixation is a process of conversion of gaseous form nitrogen (N2) into combined
forms i.e. ammonia or organic nitrogen by some bacteria cyanobacteria.

D25 The process of formation of ammonia from organic compound is known as D25: Ammonification

a) Ammonification b) Nitrification

c) Denitrification d) Proteolysis

D26 The microbial reduction of nitrate and nitrite with the liberation of molecular D26: Denitrification
. nitrogen and nitrous oxide is called as

a) Denitrification b) Ammonification

c) Mineralization d) Enzymatic hydrolysis

D27 Microorganism responsible for denitrification process D27: Thiobacillus

. denitrificans

a) Fungi b) Actinomycetes

c) Thiobacillus denitrificans d) Mold

D28 Bacteria responsible for oxidising nitrite to nitrate D28: Nitrobacter


a) Nitrosococcus b) Nitrobacter

c) Nitrosolobus d) Nitrosospira

8. The nitrogen fixing organisms are widely distributed in soils. Among them, Azotobacter
and Azospirillum are well known and exhaustively distributed in soils

D29 Associative symbiont with plant D29: Azospirillum


a) Azotobacter b) Rhizobium

c) Azospirillum d) Phosphobacteria

D30 Azospirillum is a D30: Microaerophilic


a) Microaerophilic b) Obligate anaerobes

c) Anaerobes d) Facultative anaerobes

D31 Which one is not Azospirillum sp D31: A.agilis


a) A.lipoferum b) A.oryzae

c) A.irakens d) A.agilis

D32 Azospirillum utilizes -----------------is a carbon source D32: Malic acid


a) Malic acid b) Glucose

c) Mannitol d) Fructose

9. the Rhizosphere soil microbial activity is manily depends upon the age of plant, soil
moisture, pH, temperature and soil type.

D33 Who coined the term Rhizosphere D33: Hiltner


a) Hiltner b) Jensen

c) Beijerinck d) Winogradsky

D34 The ratio of microbial population between Rhizosphere and non Rhizosphere soil D34: R:S ratio
. is referred as

a) R:S ratio b) C:P ratio

c) C:N ratio d) N:P ratio

D35 Which one is not Rhizosphere microorganism D35: Earthwrom


a) Bacteria b) Earthform

c) Fungi d) Actinomycetes

D36 The population and functional dynamics of soil microorganism differ from the D36: Rhizosphere
. Rhizosphere to non Rhizosphere zone due to the effect

a) Rhizosphere effect b) Non Rhizosphere effect

c) C:N ratio d) R:S ratio

10 . Soil contains organic matter due to addition of plant residues and dead animal tissues. Plant
residues contain various polysaccharides and are degraded by various groups of microorganism.

D37 Lignin degrading microorganism produce except this D37:β -Glucosidase


a) Peroxidase b) Catalase

c) Ligninase d) β -Glucosidase

D38 Cellulose is a polymer of D38: Glucose


a) Glucose b) Mannose

c) Xylose d) Arabinose

D39 Decomposition of organic matter is estimated except this D39: N2 evolution


a) CO2 evolution b) Weight loss in organic matter

c) Loss in organic matter d) N2 evolution

D40 Endogluconase hydrolyses D40:Inner region of
. cellulose

a) Inner region of cellulose b) Outer region of cellulose

c) Random of cellulose d) Inner and outer region


(Affiliated by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University)
AGM 301 Soil and Applied Microbiology (1+1)
Midterm Question paper
III B.Sc.(Agri) 2015 batch –V semester
I. Choose the correct answer

A1. The predominant microorganism in soil responsible for decomposition

a. Molds b. Bacteria c. Yeast d. Protozoa
ANS : b. Bacteria

A2. The most available form of P in soil

a. HPO4 b. Ca3(PO4)2 c. H2PO4 d. a and c
ANS : d. a and c

A3. Who coined the name “Rhizosphere”

a) Beijerinck b) Ruinen c) Hiltner d) Martin Alexander
ANS : c. Hiltner

A4. The term phyllosphere was coined by

a) Beijerinck b) Ruinen c) Omeliansky d) Martin Alexander
ANS : b. Ruinen

A5. The concentration of carbon dioxide in soil air is

a) 78 % b) 12 % c) 20 % d) 100 %
ANS : a.78 %

A6. Annual CO2 fixation in biosphere

a 1.4 x10 14 kg/ yr b 1.3 x10 14 kg / yr c) 1.3 x10 13 kg / yr d 1.3 x10 15 kg / yr
ANS : b. 1.3 x10 14 kg / yr

A7 The earthy odour is due to the presence of ----- in soil

a) Bacteria b) Actinomycetes c) Fungi d) Yeast
ANS :b. Actinomycetes
A8. During organic matter decomposition, C:N ratio will
a Increase b) Decrease c) Remain constant d) Not be affected
ANS :b. Decrease

A9 The earthy odour is due to the presence of ----- in soil

a) Bacteria b) Actinomycetes c) Fungi d) Yeast
ANS :b. Actinomycetes

A10. The following which soil have more organic matter

a) Sandy soil b) Clay soil c) Loamy soil d) Red soil
ANS :b.Clay soil

A11 The soil under the influence of root is termed as

a. Spermosphere b. Rhizosphere c. Phyllosphere d. Xylum
ANS :b. Rhizosphere

A12. The form of nitrogen present in the atmosphere

a. N2 b. NO c. NH3 d. NO3
ANS :a.N2

A13 Who is called the Father of soil Microbiology

a) Beijerinck b)
Winogradsk c) Alexander d) Salman A waksman
y Fleming
ANS :b. Winogradsky

A14 Lignin degrading fungi

a white-rot b brown-rot fungi c Cytophaga d. Both a and b
. fungi . .
ANS :d Both a and b

A15 The annual biological nitrogen fixation is ------ million tones

a. 100 to 175 b. 110 c. 125 d. 180
ANS :a. 100 to 175

II. Filling the blanks

A16 The acid, produced by microbes  made more available form of P is ----------
a organic acid b. Humic acid c Fulvic acid d. All the above
Answer: A. Organic acid

A17 P mobilization is achieved by ------------

a. b. b. Mycoorrhiza c. d.
ANS : b. Mycoorrhiza
A18 The endophytic N2 fixer in sugarcane crop is
a Gulconacetobacter b Beijerinckia c Clostridiu d. Klebsiella
. m
ANS : b. Gulconacetobacter

A1 Example of free-living, photosynthetic nitrogen fixing organism

a. Rhizobium b. Azotobacte c. Azospirillum d. Blue green algae
Answer: c. Blue green algae

A20 Nitrogenase enzyme is sensitive to

a. O2 b. H2 c. N2 d. CO2
Answer: c. O2
A21 The nitrogen fixer presents in the rhizosphere of grasses
a) Azotobacter b) Azorhizobium c) Azospirillum d) Thiospirillum
Answer: c. Azospirillum

A2 ----------- are the group of eukeroytic microorganisms control the bacterial population
a) b) c) d)
Answer: c. Protozoa
A23 Who isolated nitrifying bacteria from soil
a) Beijerinck b) Winogradsky c) Alexander Fleming d) Salman A waksman
Answer: b. Winogradsky
A2 Nitrogen fixation is mediated by
a) Cellulase b) Hemicelluloses c) Both a and b d) Nitrogenase enzyme
Answer: d. Nitrogenase enzyme

A25 Zymogenous organisms are --------------

a) Indigenous b) Native in soil c) Fermentative d) Both A and B
Answer: Both A and B

A2 Conversion of NO3 to N2 is ______

a. Nitrification b. Denitrification c. N2 fixation d. Nitrate oxidation
Answer: b. Denitrification

A2 This is the example of interaction of fungi and higher plant roots

a. Ectomycorrhiza b. Endomycorrhiza c. Ect-endo d. All the above
Answer: D. All the above

A2 An example of P solubilizing bacteria --------

a. Bacillus b. Pseudomonas c. Aspergillus d. Both a and b
Answer: D. Both a and b

A29. The rhizobia nodulate the soybean plant

a) Bradyrhizobium b) Azorhizobium c) Sinorhizobium d) Mesorhizobium
Answer: A Bradyrhizobium

A30. Denitrification is ___________ process

a) Aerobic b) Anaerobic c) Microaerophilic d) None of the above
Answer: b.Anaerobic
IV Match of the following:
A3 Extracellular polysaccharides A. Azotobacter
A3 Leghaemoglobin B. Blue green algae
A3 Heterocyst C. Azospirillum
A3 High rate of respiration D. Beijerinkia,
A3 Microaerophillic E. Rhizobium
Answer: A31-D, A32-E, A33-B, A34-A, A35-C

A3 Bradyrhizobium A. Dhaincha
A3 Azorhizobium B. Soybean
A3 Rhizobium trifoli C. Winogradsky
A3 Frankia D. Clover
A4 Clostridium pasteurianum E. Casuarina

Answer: A36-B, A37-A, A38-D, A39-E, A40-C

A41 Autochthonous A. Acidic soil
A42 Zymogenous B. Alkaline soil
A43 Clostridium C. Pseudomonas
A44 Fungi D. Anaerobic N fixer
A4 Bacteria E. Arthrobacter

Answer: A41-E, A42-C, A43-D, A44-A, A45-B.

Two mark questions
B1. Read the following passage and answer the questions 46-49
A microbiology teacher want to explain, soil microbiology emerged a distinct branch of soil science
only in 1838. Since then several significant developments made in soil microbiology.
46. The pure culture of Rhizobium was isolated in 1888 by
a) Beijerinck b) Winogradsky c) Alexander Fleming d) Salman A waksman
Answer: a. Beijerinck
47. The first authenticated drawings of microorganisms by
a) Antony van b) Winogradsky c) Alexander Fleming d) Salman A
Leeuwenhoek waksman
48 Answer: a. Antony van Leeuwenhoek
The following which scientist identify the Legumes can obtain nitrogen from air
a) Boussingault b) Woroni c) Hillriegel and Wilfarth d) Salman A waksman
Answer: a. Boussingault
49 The pure form of Azosprillum isolated by
a) Beijerinck b) Winogradsk c) Alexander Fleming d) Salman A waksman
Answer: a. Beijerinck
B2 Read the following passage and answer the questions 50-53
A microbiology teacher want to explain, soil contain five major groups of microorganisms.
Bacteria, Actinomycetes, fungi, algae and protozoa. The soil ecosystem includes these microbial
groups as well as the inorganic and organic constituents of a given site.
50 The following which soil horizon have more Microbial population
a) A b) B c) C d) All the above
Answer: a. Beijerinck
51 Which type of organism most frequently dominates the soil in terms of total biomass
a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) Algae d) Protozoa
Answer: b. Fungi
52 Which type of organism most frequently dominates the soil in terms of total population
a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) Algae d) Protozoa
Answer: a. Bacteria
53 The earthy odour is due to the presence of ----- in soil
a) Bacteria b) Actinomycetes c) Fungi d) Yeast
Answer: B. Actinomycetes
B3 Read the following passage and answer the questions 54-57
A microbiology teacher want to explain, Nitrogen is an essential constituent of protein and is a
major component of the atmosphere (78%). However, in its gaseous state, it is unavailable to most
life and must be converted to a usable form. Nitrogen undergoes a number of transformations,
which make the element available for plant growth
54 --------------is a pink colored compound present in the nodules of legumes which regulates oxygen
supply to bacteroids
a) Leghaemoglobin b) Lectins c) Flavanoids d) Rhicadhesin
Answer: a. Leghaemoglobin
55 The crops which are involved in nitrogen fixation are
a) alfalfa and b) soybean c) bean and lupine d) All the above
Answer: C. all the above
56 Denitrification may be distinguished as
a) Dissimilative b) Assimilative c) both (a) and (b) d) Blue baby syndrome
Answer: C. both (a) and (b)
57 The reduction of gaseous nitrogen to ammonia is called
a) Nitrogen fixation b) Nitrification c) Denitrification d) Ammonification
Answer: A. Nitrogen fixation
B4 Read the following passage and answer the questions 58-61
A microbiology teacher want to explain, fixation of elemental nitrogen in the atmosphere by the
micro organism through a reductive process into ammonia is called as BNF. A variety of
prokaryotic organism has the ability to reduce the atmosphere N 2. BNF accounts for about 70% of
the total N fixed in the biosphere.
58 The predominant symbiotic N2 fixing bacterium
a) Rhizobium b) Frankia c) Anabaena azollae d) All the above
Answer: a. Rhizobium
59 Example of the Associative N fixers bacterium
a) Azospirillum b) Gulconacetobact c) Burkholderia d) All the above
Answer: a. Azospirillum
60 The Nitrogenase enzyme containing
a) Mo-Fe Protein b) Fe protein c) Mu-Fe Protein d) Both a & b
Answer: a. Both a & b
61 What are the structural genes for nitrogenase.
a) nif HDK b) nif Y c) nif ENX d) nif J
Answer: a. nif HDK
B5 Read the following passage and answer the questions 62-65
A microbiology teacher want to explain, Nitrogen fixation by legume Rhizobium, symbiosis is of
considerable agricultural importance, as it leads to very significant increases in combined nitrogen
in the soil
62. During nodulation process, which one of the following protein produced by Rhizobium
a) Rhicadhesin b) Lectins c) Flavanoids d) Bacteriods
Answer: a. Rhicadhesin
63. A swallon deformed Rhizobium cell found in the root nodule called as
a) Rhicadhesin b) Lectins c) Flavanoids d) Bacteriods
Answer: d. Bacteriods
64. The following which gene is a Regulatory gene
a) Nod A b) Nod B c) Nod C d) Nod D
Answer: d. Nod D
65. The genes encoding enzymes involved in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
a) Nif gene b) Nod gens c) Sym gene d) All the above
Answer: d. Nif gene
B6 . Read the following passage and answer the questions 66-69
A Microbiology teacher want to explain, phosphorus is only second to N2 as an inorganic nutrient
required by both plants and micro organisms. Phosphate constitutes nearly 0.1% of the earth’s
crust. They occur in soil in inorganic and organic forms.
66. Enzyme involved in the P solubilization is
a) Peroxidases b) Phosphatase c) laccases, d) Mn peroxidases
Answer: B. Phosphatase
67. Mineralization refers to -------
a) Conversion of inorganic complex compounds into simple inorganic compounds
b) Conversion of complex organic compounds into simple inorganic compounds
c) Conversion of complex organic compounds into simple organic constituents
d) Conversion of inorganic complex materials into elements
Answer: B. Conversion of complex organic compounds into simple inorganic compounds
68. The process of converting organic substrate to protoplasmic carbon is
a) Mineralization b) Assimilation c) Immobilization d) Nitrification
Answer: b. Assimilation
69. The decomposition of organic matter is measured by
a) decrease in b) Measurement c) Disappearance of d) All the above
organic matter of CO2 cellulose,
evolution or O2 hemicellulose or
uptake lignin
Answer: D. All the above

B7. Read the following passage and answer the questions 70-73
The following are the contributions of important scientist related to soil microbiology. The students
can learn the inventions thoroughly by answering to the following questions
69. Who isolated root nodule bacteria in pure culture?
a) Beijerinck b) WInogradsky c) Omeliansky d) Frank
Answer: a. Beijerinck
70 Lysozyme was discovered by -----
a) Louis Pasteur b) Alexander c) Robert Koch d) Frank
Answer: b. Alexander Fleming
71. Who developed the Antibiotic Streptomycin
a) Louis Pasteur b) Alexander c) Salman A d) Frank
Fleming Waksman
Answer: C. Salman A Waksman
72 Who wrote book on “ Principles of Soil Microbiology”
a) Louis Pasteur b) Alexander c) Salman A d) Frank
Fleming Waksman
Answer: C. Salman A Waksman
B8 Read the following passage and answer the questions 74-77
The following questions will help the students to know about the different factors affecting
microbial activities in soil
73. ------- influences the structure and texture of soil besides enriching with nutrients for plants and
a) Soil pH b) Soil Organic c) Soil temperature d) All the above
Answer: b. Soil Organic matter
74. Addition of nitrate to soil inhibits --------
a) Azotobacter b) Phosphobacter c) Thiobacillus d) Pasteuria
Answer: a. Azotobacter
75. Cell number is greatest during -------- season
a) Spring b) Autumn c) Winter d) d. both a and b
Answer: d. both a and b
75. In soil ecosystem the bacterial population controlled by
a) Protozoans b) algae c) Fungi d) All the above
Answer: a. Protozoans
B9. Read the following passage and answer the questions 78-81 The following questions will help
the students to know about the Soil organic matter and humus formation affect the microbial
activities in soil
78. The rapid decomposition by microbes, the substrate should have a C/N ratio of
a) 10:1 b) 40:1 c) 60:1 d) All the above
Answer: d. All the above
79. The organic matter decomposition is considerably slow in
a) Aerobic b) Anaerobic c) Microaerophilic d) Both a & b
Answer: b. Anaerobic
80. The dark coloured and fairly stable partially decomposed organic matter is
a) Humus b) Compost c) Cellulose d) Lignin
Answer: a.Humus
81. Cellulose decomposition by
a) β 1-4 b β 1-4 exoglucanase c Cellobiase d All the above
Answer: a. All the above
B10. Read the following passage and answer the questions 82-85
The following questions will help them to understand about the process of Nitrogen fixation
82. How many molecules of ATP is required to fix a molecule of N2
a) 8 b 12 c 16 d 18
Answer: c.16
83. The first stable product of nitrogen fixation is -----
a) Nitrate b Ammonia c Nitrite d Glutamine
Answer: b. Ammonia
84. The Mo-Fe protein consists of ______ subunits
a) 2 subunits b 4 sub units c 3 sub units d 8 Subunits
Answer: b. 4 sub units
85. During the assimilation of ammonia, glutamine is synthesized using the enzyme
a) Glutamate b Glutamine c Nitrate d Glutamine synthase
synthase synthetase reductase
Answer: b. Glutamine synthetase

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