Petrel Ibooks Jan 2017 PDF
Petrel Ibooks Jan 2017 PDF
Petrel Ibooks Jan 2017 PDF
Learning Objectives
1. To see how this iBook is organised Each section has a movie that can be
2. To learn how to navigate through this iBook viewed here. Please remember to put
3. To understand what the different icons and text your headphones on so as not to disturb
others around you.
Questions Step-by-step Media
iii. Notes will take you to a list of all the notes you may have
made throughout the iBook
b. Two finger pinching the screen will also take you to the Table of
(1) Here we will ask some exercise questions that need to be completed.
(2) Occasionally you will be asked to fill out one or more surveys regarding your mod-
elling choices. Please fill these in as accurately as possible as the submitted answers
will be compiled and shown in class at a later date.
Data Import
This section will discuss how to import ready-
made structural top surfaces and fault polygons to
be used in the model making process.
Learning Objectives
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Importing surfaces
4. Navigate to the 0_Input data folder and select Top Schelde Fm then
press OK/OPEN
7. Press OK to import the file. A file called Top Schelde Fm will appear in 1. Select the Input pane
the Input pane
2. Right-click and select Import file...
8. Move the surface file into the folder Surfaces >> Horizons
Questions Step-by-step Media
4. Navigate to the 0_Input data folder and select both Fault 1 and Fault 2
then press OK
6. Press OK for all to import the file. Two fault files will appear in the
Input pane
3. Under File of Type: select CPS-3 lines
7. Move the fault polygon files into the folder Fault Polygons (ASCII) (*.*)
Well Correlation
Well correlation is the first step in dividing up
the model into geologically related sections.
We identify the divisions between the
different geological units, be it by facies
(lithostratigraphy) or time
(chronostratigraphy). The process is to
identify the common correlation points called
well picks in each well to which we fit
geological horizons. By the end of this
process we will have created our geological
conceptual model of the field.
Data Import
There are several ways to import well data into
Petrel. The most common is through a standard
well log LAS file which is read automatically in
Petrel. Another common import file is an ASCII
file which is what we will discuss in this section,
specifically how to import core data.
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
5. Navigate to the 0_Input data folder and select BR-P-18 core data then
press OK
8. Add a row by clicking the icon. In each row: 2. Expand the Brugge wells folder
a. In column Global well log select Create new 3. Right-click on well BR-P-18 and select Im-
port (on selection)...
b. Rename the log Facies_core
c. Select Column 3
Well Sections
In this section we will discuss how to create and
manipulate a well sections within Petrel so that
we will be able to view, compare and interpret
well log data for use in the geomodelling process.
Learning Objectives
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2. Rename the new section X-section 1 Brugge and the template Well
section template Brugge
3. Press OK. The well section window will now be available in the
Windows pane on the left
Questions Step-by-step Media
There are two ways to display well logs within Petrel. The first way is the
• Gamma ray simplest but is limited to showing a single black log per track. The second
way offers us more freedom in displaying our logs (multiple logs per track,
• Density ability to rescale the logs, log colour and fill colour options, etc) but is more
• Porosity
Method 1
• Permeability
1. Open a well section window
What is the uncertainty
in the acquisition of each 2. Toggle on one or more wells (e.g. BR-I-2 or BR-P-19) by navigating
log and the subsequent through Wells >> Brugge wells in the Input pane. Well depth tracks
petrophysical 1. Open a well section window
will be displayed for each toggled well in the viewing window.
2. Toggle on one or more wells (e.g. BR-I-2
3. Expand the Global well logs folder and toggle on one or multiple
How much can/should and BR-P-19) by navigating through Wells
we trust this data? logs (e.g. GR, DT, RHOB, etc.). These logs will now be displayed in >> Brugge wells in the Input pane. Well
individual log tracks next to the depth tracks for each toggled well. depth tracks will be displayed for each toggled
well in the viewing window.
In this way logs can be viewed quickly but they are unformatted and the
section can become unwieldy.
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Method 2
3. From the toolbar at the top of the screen select Well section template
Brugge from the drop-down list then click Open selected template
settings page
b. Select Add new object 2. Toggle on one or more wells (e.g. BR-I-2
and BR-P-19) by navigating through Wells
c. Select Track >> Brugge wells in the Input pane. Well
5. Add a new log(s) to the track depth tracks will be displayed for each toggled
well in the viewing window.
a. Select a Track
c. Select Log
Questions Step-by-step Media
a. In the Definition tab find the template for the log of interest.
The two ways of doing this using Gamma Ray as an example
ii. Enter Gamma Ray into the box entitled Filter template. All
the logs that are attached to that template will be displayed.
b. Remove all the logs that are not of interest by selecting them
then selecting Delete selected objects so that only the
log GR is remaining
6. Define the log(s)
c. Press Apply
i. Scroll through the drop-down list en-
7. Set limits to the log(s) titled Templates for the Gamma Ray
a. In the Limits tab toggle on Min value and Max value
c. Press Apply
Questions Step-by-step Media
Questions Step-by-step Media
3. On the same depth track click the black line at the boundary between Select the white depth track and...
the white and grey intervals and drag the black line towards the
centre of the screen. Note that the log(s) contract or stretch as you
drag up or down.
Questions Step-by-step Media
Method 2
2. Enter a value of 500 in the box in the top right-hand side of the screen
which contains the word Undef and press ENTER.
This will scale the wells so that 1cm = 500cm. Entering a value of 1000 will
scale the wells 1cm = 1000cm, a value of 50 will scale the wells 1cm = 50cm
Enter a value of 500 in the box in the top
and so on. right-hand side of the screen which contains
the word Undef and press ENTER.
Questions Step-by-step Media
i. Select a well top horizon from the well tops folder in the Input Select the Definition tab
pane and add it to the box by clicking the arrow icon
Choose a flattening method
5. Press OK
Create a well section template with the log formats provided in the table below.
GR 1 0 to 150 API Red or Dark Green solid Curve GR to Value 70, Yellow
RHOB 3 1.95 to 2.95 g/cc Red long dash Curve RHOB to Curve NPHI, Yellow
NPHI 3 -15 to 45 pu REVERSE Blue short dash Curve NPHI to Curve RHOB, Green
Tap to Maximise
Well Tops
In this section we will discuss how to interpret,
create and edit well tops within Petrel and their
role in the geomodelling workflow.
The correct identification and interpretation of for-
mation well tops, also known as well correlation,
is a fundamental step in ensuring the correct char-
acterization of formations in a geomodel.
Many steps in the workflow rely on this includ-
• Seismic interpretation
• Making geomodelling zones
• Applying petrophysical functions to zones
Learning Objectives
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2.In the Menu bar select Stratigraphy >>Well tops and Zones>>New
well tops folder. A well tops folder called Well tops 1 will appear in
the Input pane. Double click on Well tops 1 and under the Info tab
rename this to Well tops_Top Reservoir the click Apply.
Questions Step-by-step Media
There are two methods to give a top a depth in each well using either
interactive or spreadsheet methods.
Method 1 - Interactive
1. Open a well section window displaying all of the wells and at least
one log
2. Toggle on and expand the Well top_Top Reservoir well tops folder
4. Select edit well tops from Stratigraphy>>Well tops and Zones>>Edit 4. Select Create/edit well tops from the
Well tops. A Tool palette will appear. Select the Edit Well tops icon right tool bar
5.In a well track click at the depth where you want to place the top. A
coloured line across the track marking the top will appear.
6.Edit the depth by clicking and dragging the well top up and down.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each well in the section until all wells have a top
8. Where there are multiple tops repeat steps 2-7 until all tops have a
depth defined in all wells
Questions Step-by-step Media
5. Select a surface from the Surface drop-down list. In this case select Top 2. Under Input right-click Well tops_Top
Reservoir. Reservoir and select Spreadsheet...
The Brugge Well Tops_exercise folder in the input pane is missing some well tops! Us-
ing the well correlations you conducted in class and all the techniques learned in this
chapter to identify and correlate for the missing tops. This step must be completed for
your model.
Fault Modeling
In this section we will discuss how to create verti-
cal faults using fault polygons for your grid.
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
What does the fault 1. In the Processes pane under Corner point gridding double-click on
model do?
Define Model, enter a name (e.g. Brugge Field Model) and select OK
3. In the Input pane display the Fault 1 and Fault 2 polygons in the Fault
Polygons folder by toggling their boxes. The two faults should now
How many faults are in
be displayed in a 3D window in the viewing window.
your field?
What kind of faults are 4. In the Processes pane single click on Fault modelling
5. Select the Select/pick mode icon from the toolbar on the right
Are they all in the same
orientation? 1. In the Processes pane under Corner point
6. In the viewing window select one of the fault polygons. You will
know the fault is selected properly when the polygon changes to a
gridding double click on Define Model, enter
Do they act as
boundaries to flow? a name (e.g. Brugge Field Model) and select
lighter colour, and the polygon name is highlighted in the Input pane.
What is the
transmissibility across
7. Under the Structural modelling tab>>Corner point
the faults? gridding>>Fault model object – choose ‘convert selected lines to
faults’ from the drop down menu. Click Ok in the pop up window.
Questions Step-by-step Media
Is this gap likely to be Note that there is a gap between the two faults.
real or should the
splaying fault be
connected to the main
For the purposes of this exercise we will assume that the two faults are
fault? connected.
What data and 9. To connect the two faults first select the the view button and then
knowledge do we need to zoom in to the gap between the two faults (using the mouse roller ).
be sure?
Click the Select/pick mode icon from the toolbar on the right
What are the 10. Single click the last point on the splaying fault (Fault 2) then CTRL +
implications of both
click a point on the main fault (Fault 1) that you wish to connect to.
Zooming in to the points may make the selection easier.
11. Now keeping the pointer on one of these points , click the right hand 9. To connect the two faults first select the
mouse button. From the options, select the Connect two faults icon. Select/pick mode icon from the toolbar on the
Ensure Extend fault ‘Fault 2’ is toggled and select OK right
In this section we will learn how to orient our grid
and select our grid dimensions.
Learning Objectives
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2. Toggle on the Fault model box in the Models pane. The two faults
should be displayed in white with a series of white square boxes
along the length of the faults. Each of these white boxes represents a
fault pillar. Select Pillar gridding in the Processes pane. A window
will pop up, press Apply then OK.
3. With the 2D window open go to the Input pane to display the Top
Schelde and OWC_1670mTVDSS surfaces and select the Create
1. In the Menu Bar open a 2D window by
external grid boundary segment by going to Structural
selecting Window >> 2D window
Modelling>>Corner Point gridding>>Edit Fault model and selecting
it in the pop up window.
4. Now select a pillar (white box) along the main fault (Fault 1) that is
outside the accumulation area (starting pillar). Click around the area
so that it is captured within the boundary using as many points as
necessary. End the boundary by selecting a fault pillar on the main
fault on the opposite side of the accumulation (finishing pillar).
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Questions Step-by-step Media
Alternately you can SHIFT + click any two points on the same fault and
apply a trend to them.
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This is useful if your model does not contain any faults or you do not want
to orient your grid along fault lines.
What does your grid look like now? Experiment here by adding different
trends and more points along your trends. Look at what happens to your
grid and particularly note what is happening at the boundary edges and at
the faults.
1. Remove the trends from the faults by selecting the fault and
clicking Set arbitrary direction (‘SHIFT + A’)
Questions Step-by-step Media
1. Open the Pillar gridding window in the Processes pane and select the
What happens if you
enter different increment Settings tab
values in the I- and J-
directions? Why would 2. Enter a cell size in the boxes marked I-increment and J-increment. To
you use this type of grid? start with enter 250 in each box and rename the grid 3D grid 250x250
What other cell shapes 3. Select Apply in Pillar gridding window to create a preliminary grid.
are available for Check it before continuing.
simulation grids (not
necessarily within
Petrel)? 4. Select OK then Yes in the pop-up menu
1. Open the Pillar gridding window in the
5. In the Models pane right-click 3D grid 250x250 and select Show Processes pane and select the Settings tab
What is the relationship
between cell dimensions settings...
and the number of cells?
6. Select the Statistics tab and in the lower box scroll down to Total
number of 2D cells and mark down this value. What other statistics
are of interest? Press OK when finished
Experiment here with different increment values. Try at least 10x10, 25x25,
50x50, 100x100 and 250x250. Keep in mind that the number you are
marking down here is for a single 2D layer. This becomes important in the
Layering stage where every layer you add adds a multiple of this 2D value.
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
How many formations do Using the Make horizons module we will make the top and base horizons
you need to model?
for the model. This module uses surfaces and well tops as inputs to create
the top and base horizons.
Which formations
contribute most to flow?
Creating surfaces
Why do you need 5 First you need to create a top and base surface for each formation. In most
surfaces if there are 4
formations? cases the top of the lower formation will serve as the base for an upper
formation except in the case of the lowest formation. In the Brugge Field
How thick are your there are 4 formations so you need 5 surfaces.
formations? Are they a
constant thickness across 1. Select the “Top Schelde Fm” surface located under Input >> Surfaces
the field? Is there a
>> Horizons
1. Select the “Top Schelde Fm” surface located
2. Copy and paste the surface by pressing CTRL + C then CTRL + V.
What data has less under Input >> Surfaces >> Horizons
uncertainty when
Rename the surface “Top Maas Fm”
considering well tops:
seismic interpretation or 3. Right-click the Top Maas Fm surface and select Settings (alternatively
well log interpretation? double-click the surface)
Are the formations 4. Select the Calculations tab then under Operations toggle on A = 0
conformably bedded? Is
there an unconformity? 5. Enter the average formation thickness for the Schelde Fm you
Is there cross flow
between formations or calculated previously in the Well correlation exercise then select Z = Z -
are they unconnected? A (remember that Z is negative depth). Press OK
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each of the formations until you have a surface
for the Top Schelde Fm, Top Maas Fm, Top Waal Fm, Top Schie Fm and Base
Schie Fm.
Questions Step-by-step Media
Make horizons
The Make horizons process separates the grid into vertical stratigraphic
2. In the Horizons tab select Append item in the table icon so that
there are five rows. Alternatively click the Append number of items in
the table icon and enter a value of 5.
3. To add a well top: in the Input pane navigate to Brugge Well Tops >>
Stratigraphy and select the well top called Schelde Fm. Add the
well top in the Make horizons window by selecting the arrow icon
1. Open Make horizons in the Processes
under the Well tops column. The Schelde Fm well top will be visible in
the box.
2. In the Horizons tab select Append item
4. To add a surface: in the Input pane navigate to Surfaces >> Horizons
in the table icon so that there are five
and select the surface called Top Schelde Fm. Add the surface in the rows.
Make horizons window by selecting the arrow icon under the
Input #1 column. The Top Schelde Fm surface will be visible in the
5. Repeat steps 3-4 for the Top Maas, Top Waal, Top Schie and Base Schie
well tops and surfaces
6. Press OK to create the top and base horizon. These horizons will now
be available to toggle on and off in the 3D grid Horizons folder
Questions Step-by-step Media
The Brugge Field has 4 formation zones that were created through the
Make horizons process. The Make zones process allows you to split these
formations further into zones. Why would we want to do this?
In the case of this Brugge Field exercise we will not use this process but it is
worth knowing for future projects.
5. Check the Input type box and select Conformable from the drop-
down list TIPS: other input types produce different results
7. Select OK to create the zones. A set of horizons for each of these zones
will now be available to toggle on and off in the Horizons folder of
your 3D grid. You will be able to see these zones by toggling Edges on
and off in your 3D grid.
Similarly to gridding, which is used to create lat-
eral resolution in your model, layering determines
its vertical resolution. In this section we will dis-
cuss the methodology and considerations in the
layering process.
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
b. Select Create new then Zone index from the Method drop-down
What do you notice with 1. Open Layering in the Processes pane
this layering scheme?
Does each formation 2. For each of the zones under Zone division
have the same vertical c. Select From all zones. Press OK
resolution? Is this select Proportional and enter a value for
reasonable? d. Open a Well correlation window that is displaying all wells, the Number of layers. To start with enter a
well tops, the Gamma Ray log and the Zones property value of 10 for each zone.
How many cells are in
your grid? e. Open the 3D grid statistics by double-clicking on the 3D grid and 3. Press OK
selecting the Statistics tab then scroll down to Total number of 3D
grid cells and note the value
(1) Using the techniques described in this chapter create a geomodel for the Brugge
Field that:
(A) accurately characterizes the reservoir;
(B) has a grid aligned as you want;
(C) has vertical faults; and
(D) is no more than 1.5 million cells.
Brugge Field
Facies Modelling
Facies modelling is the process of capturing
geologically realistic distributions of the
reservoir facies away from the wells. Here we
must decide on the most relevant technique to
apply to capture each different type of
geology and the most appropriate input
parameters/geological dimensions for our
reservoir. The spatial distribution of the facies
will drive the distribution of porosity and
permeability in the reservoir.
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
What averaging
1. Open Scale up well logs from Property modelling in the Processes
technique(s) would you pane
use when upscaling: (a)
a porosity log, (b) a 2. Ensure Create new is toggled
permeability log, and (c)
a water saturation log?
3. Ensure Well logs under Input is toggled
6. Under Scale up settings select the following from the respective drop-
down menus 1. Open Scale up well logs from Property
modelling in the Processes pane
a. Average method select Most of
7. Press Apply
8. Repeat steps 2-7 for porosity (PORO), permeability (PERM) and water
saturation (SW) using the appropriate averaging technique.
9. Press OK
At the end of this process the upscaled logs will appear in the 3D grid
Properties folder in the Models pane as the log name followed by a [U]
suffix (e.g. Facies [U]).
Questions Step-by-step Media
When you overlay the Quality control - Comparing logs and upscaled logs
upscales logs over the
logs how well do they
The upscaled logs can now be displayed in your well section window by
using the techniques in the Well correlation section of this manual. The
Would you expect them only difference is that step X.7 (Add a new log to the track) is replaced by:
to match perfectly?
1. Add a new property to the track
What could you do to get
a better match? a. Select a Track
c. Select Property
Try doing this for the upscaled facies, porosity, permeability and water
saturation logs.
Note: Make sure the scales for both the logs and the properties are the
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
What is the formation 1. Ensure the Scale-up well log processes have been completed
2. Open Data analysis in the Processes pane
How many facies are
there within this 3. Select Facies [U] from the Property drop-down menu
environment? 4. Select the first zone Top Schelde Fm - Top Maas formation
Is there any analogue
5. Unlock the zone by clicking the Leave settings unchanged icon
data that may help to
understand the facies
proportions in the 6. Select the Proportions tab
a. The viewing window will now show a histogram of the relative
proportion of each facies in the zone for each layer. There are several
options for attributing facies to each layer: 2. Open Data analysis in the Processes
i. Fit to a constant average
c. Press Apply
Questions Step-by-step Media
8. Press Apply
10. Press OK
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
2. Copy and paste the facies property. Do this in the Models pane by
selecting the property Facies [U] and pressing CTRL + C then CTRL +
V. A new property should appear with the prefix Copy of…
10. In the Facies tab add the facies that have a facies proportion greater
than 0% by selecting each facies in turn then pressing Add facies
A minimum of 2 facies must be added.
11. Repeat steps 6-10 for each zone. Note: Make sure that every zone has
been changed to the correct simulation method!
Questions Step-by-step Media
2. Copy and paste the facies property. Do this in the Models pane by
selecting the property Facies [U] and pressing CTRL + C then CTRL +
V. A new property should appear with the prefix Copy of…
6. Select the first zone Schelde Fm 8. In the Method for zone/facies drop-down
menu select Indicator kriging
7. Unlock the zone by clicking the Leave settings unchanged icon
10. In the Facies tab add the facies that have a facies proportion greater
than 0% by selecting each facies in turn then pressing Add facies
A minimum of 2 facies must be added.
11. In the Expert tab select Simple kriging from the Kriging type drop-
down menu
Questions Step-by-step Media
12. Repeat steps 6-12 for each zone. Note: Make sure that every zone has
been changed to the correct simulation method!
14. Repeat steps 2-14 once more using Ordinary kriging (i.e. rename the
property Facies_OrdinaryKriging and select Ordinary kriging from the
Expert tab)
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
What facies are in your Object based modelling can be conducted using any object type. In this
exercise we will be creating models using channel objects but the same
steps apply for any shape you want.
Can a shape be applied to
these facies?
Object based modelling
What shape would you 1. Copy and paste the facies property. Do this in the Models pane by
selecting the property Facies [U] and pressing CTRL + C then CTRL +
V. A new property should appear with the prefix Copy of…
What facies do you
actually want to apply an
object to? Is it always 2. Rename the copied facies property Facies_Object
the reservoir facies?
3. Open Facies modeling in the Processes pane
4. Select Edit existing then Facies_Object [U] 7. Select Object modelling (stochastic)
from the Method for zone/facies drop-down
5. Select the first zone Schelde Fm menu
Questions Step-by-step Media
ii. Select the Channel sands facies from the Facies drop-down menu
iii. Under Fraction (%) enter a value for the fraction of channel sands
to gross formation interval. Note: the upscaled sand fraction from
the field wells is provided under Upscaled (%). This value can be
used in the absence of more information.
Questions Step-by-step Media
What should the a. Ensure the Constant button is toggled on and select Shale from the
background facies be? drop-down menu
11. Repeat steps 5-11 for all zones using suitable objects for each
depositional environment.
12. Press OK
Questions Step-by-step Media
Trend modelling can be used when you want to give an object a non-linear
trend or to splay away from a source point. To do this you use flow lines in
conjunction with the object based modelling.
When would you use a 1. Create a flow line polygon. You may skip this step as several flow line
trend? polygons are available for you.
4. Press Apply
(1) Using any of the techniques described in this chapter create facies’ models for each
of the Brugge formations (Schelde, Maas, Waal and Schie). Each formation should be
considered separately and you may decide to apply a different modelling tech-
nique on each.
(2) Complete the following surveys on your facies modelling choices for each forma-
Petrophysical Modelling
Petrophysical modelling is the filling in of the
physically measureable properties that dictate
the reservoir volume and flow capacity –
namely porosity, permeability and saturation.
By the end of this section we will have a
complete model ready to make predictions
Questions Step-by-step Media
What averaging
1. Follow the steps 1-7 in Log Upscaling - Facies for porosity (PORO),
technique(s) would you permeability (PERM) and water saturation (SW) using the appropriate
use when upscaling: (a) averaging techniques.
a porosity log, (b) a
permeability log, and (c)
a water saturation log? 2. Press OK
At the end of this process the upscaled logs will appear in the 3D grid
Properties folder in the Models pane as the log name followed by a
[U] suffix (e.g. Facies [U]).
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
6. Toggle on the Facies button. Having both the Zones and Facies
buttons toggled on will enable us to determine separate probability
distributions for each facies within each zone
2. Open Data analysis in the Processes
7. Next to the Facies button select your final facies model (e.g. pane
Facies_final) and select a reservoir facies (e.g. Channel Sands)
Questions Step-by-step Media
i. Fit the distribution curve to the transformed property values 8. Under the Transformations tab
Questions Step-by-step Media
11. Select the next zone and repeat steps 4-11 for reservoir facies only.
12. Press OK
In this section we will discuss pixel-based model-
ling techniques to populate our model with poros-
ity from log information.
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
In this section we are going to model reservoir facies using the SGS
technique and are going to give non-reservoir facies a constant value.
2. Copy and paste the facies property. Do this in the Models pane by
selecting the property PORO [U] and pressing CTRL + C then CTRL
+ V. A new property should appear with the prefix Copy of…
9. Next to the Facies button select your final facies model (e.g.
Facies_final) and select a reservoir facies (e.g. Channel Sands)
10. Select Gaussian >> Sequential Gaussian simulation from the Method
for zone/facies drop-down menu
Questions Step-by-step Media
11. Toggle on Use variograms from Data analysis and Use vertical
proportion from Data analysis
12. Select a non-reservoir facies (e.g. Shale or Cement) from the drop-down
13. Select Assign values from the Method for zone/facies drop-down
14. Toggle on Constant and put in a representative value (e.g. 0.05 for
Shale and 0.02 for Cement)
15. Repeat steps 6-15 with the next zone and reservoir facies until all
zones have been completed
12. Select a non-reservoir facies (e.g. Shale or
16. Press OK
Cement) from the drop-down menu
Questions Step-by-step Media
And differences?
(2) Complete these surveys on your porosity modelling choices for each formation
Permeability property modelling can be con-
ducted using the same methods as mentioned in
the Porosity section however there is often a rela-
tionship between porosity and permeability that
should be captured in your model. This is usually
conducted in one of two ways:
(1) by direct function determined from porosity-
permeability crossplots; or
(2) by stochastic modelling using collocated krig-
ing to porosity.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both.
We will also use the property calculator to create
model vertical permeability.
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
Direct function
4.Select the Permeability property template from the Attach new to 2. Open the Property calculator by right-
clicking the Properties folder in your 3D
template drop-down menu
grid in the Models pane and selecting Calcu-
5. Press ENTER and view the new property in the Properties folder lator...
Questions Step-by-step Media
Collocated kriging
Look at figure: Is there a Collocated kriging can be used to model two properties that have a degree
positive or negative of dependence.
correlation between
porosity and
permeability? 1. Using the permeability property follow the same SGS steps as
described in the Porosity section (including Data analysis) except add
the following steps:
h. Press OK
Questions Step-by-step Media
Vertical Permeability
5. Press Run
(1) Create multiple realisations for permeability, select your preferred model and re-
name it PERM_FINAL
(2) Using core data in the PR-P-18 core data text file find an appropriate Kv/Kh ratio
and create a vertical permeability model
Water Saturation
Water saturation can be a difficult property to
model. It can be modelled using all of the meth-
ods mentioned in the previous sections.
In this section you will be shown how to model
water saturation as a function of height using the
property calculator.
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
Property Calculator
1. Select your best porosity and permeability properties and ensure they
are named PORO_final and PERM_final, respectively. Note: The script
will not run correctly unless these are renamed correctly.
4. Click the ... button 1. Select your best porosity and permeability
5. Select All Files (*.*) from the drop-down menu properties and ensure they are named
PORO_final and PERM_final, respectively.
6. Navigate to “...> Brugge Exercise > Import Data > PropCalc_SW_PC” Note: The script will not run correctly unless
and select Open these are renamed correctly.
# Creates a property for the height above Free-Water Level assuming a FWL of_
# 1670mTVDSS
# Determines the J(Sw) for each grid cell using J(Sw) = SQRT(k [md] / phi_
# [v/v])*(0.609086 * HAFWL [m] * (RHOw - RHOnw) [g/cc] / IFT [dynes/cm])
J_Sw=(Sqrt(PERM_FINAL/PORO_FINAL))*((0.609086*HAFWL*(1.003-0.878)/70)) HELP
Questions Step-by-step Media
When the script has finished you will notice three new properties (HAWFL,
J_Sw and SW_PC) in the Properties folder. All three properties have are
attached to a General template which needs to be changed. Do this by:
4. Press OK
Model Predictions
This is the last step in modelling process and
takes the completed geomodel of the reservoir
(a) provide an estimate of the STOIIP; and
" (b) export to a reservoir simulator for
estimating the recovery.
In this section we will discuss the steps within Pet-
rel to obtain a volumetric results like gross rock
volume, pore volume and oil-in place for our mod-
Learning Objectives
Questions Step-by-step Media
2. Select Create new and give the case a name (e.g. Brugge Case)
a. General tab
b. Oil tab
i. Untoggle the box next to the water saturation icon 1. Open Volume calculation in Processes
>> Utilities
ii. Select SW_PC from the drop-down menu
iii. Enter a value for Bo next to the oil formation volume factor
Questions Step-by-step Media
a. Output tab
• Press OK
6. Press Run
(1) Complete this survey on your final model volumetrics
Brugge Field