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Every Little Mistake =⇒ 0 Shortlist

MOP 2012

June 12, 2012

Note: The problem czars’ recommendations are bolded.

1 Geometry

G1. (Ray Li) In acute triangle ABC, let D, E, F denote the feet of the altitudes from A, B, C, respectively,
and let ω be the circumcircle of 4AEF . Let ω1 and ω2 be the circles through D tangent to ω at E
and F , respectively. Show that ω1 and ω2 meet at a point P on BC other than D.
G2. (Ray Li) In triangle ABC, P is a point on altitude AD. Q, R are the feet of the perpendiculars from
P to AB, AC, and QP, RP meet BC at S and T respectively. the circumcircles of BQS and CRT
meet QR at X, Y .
a) Prove SX, T Y, AD are concurrent at a point Z.
b) Prove Z is on QR iff Z = H, where H is the orthocenter of ABC.

G3. (Alex Zhu) ABC is a triangle with incenter I. The foot of the perpendicular from I to BC is D, and
the foot of the perpendicular from I to AD is P . Prove that ∠BP D = ∠DP C.
G4. (Ray Li) Circles Ω and ω are internally tangent at point C. Chord AB of Ω is tangent to ω at E, where
E is the midpoint of AB. Another circle, ω1 is tangent to Ω, ω, and AB at D, Z, and F respectively.
Rays CD and AB meet at P . If M is the midpoint of major arc AB, show that tan ∠ZEP = CM .

G5. (Calvin Deng) Let ABC be an acute triangle with AB < AC, and let D and E be points on side BC
such that BD = CE and D lies between B and E. Suppose there exists a point P inside ABC such
that P D k AE and ∠P AB = ∠EAC. Prove that ∠P BA = ∠P CA.
G6. (Ray Li) In 4ABC, H is the orthocenter, and AD, BE are arbitrary cevians. Let ω1 , ω2 denote the
circles with diameters AD and BE, respectively. HD, HE meet ω1 , ω2 again at F, G. DE meets ω1 , ω2
again at P1 , P2 respectively. F G meets ω1 , ω2 again Q1 , Q2 respectively. P1 H, Q1 H meet ω1 at R1 , S1
respectively. P2 H, Q2 H meet ω2 at R2 , S2 respectively. Let P1 Q1 ∩ P2 Q2 = X, and R1 S1 ∩ R2 S2 = Y .
Prove that X, Y, H are collinear.
G7. (Alex Zhu) Let 4ABC be an acute triangle with circumcenter O such that AB < AC, let Q be the
intersection of the external bisector of ∠A with BC, and let P be a point in the interior of 4ABC
such that 4BP A is similar to 4AP C. Show that ∠QP A + ∠OQB = 90◦ .

2 Algebra

A1. (Ray Li, Max Schindler) Let x1 , x2 , x3 , y1 , y2 , y3 be nonzero real numbers satisfying x1 + x2 + x3 =
0, y1 + y2 + y3 = 0. Prove that
x1 x2 + y1 y2 x2 x3 + y2 y3 x3 x1 + y3 y1 3
p +p +p 2 ≥−
(x21 + y12 )(x22 + y22 ) (x22 + y22 )(x23 + y32 ) 2 2 2
(x3 + y3 )(x1 + y1 ) 2

A2. (Owen Goff) Let a, b, c be three positive real numbers such that a ≤ b ≤ c and a + b + c = 1. Prove
that √
a+c b+c a+b 3 6(b + c)2
√ +√ +√ ≤p .
a2 + c2 b2 + c2 a2 + b2 (a2 + b2 )(b2 + c2 )(c2 + a2 )
√ √
A3. (David Yang) Let a0 , b0 be positive integers, and define ai+1 = ai + b bi c and bi+1 = bi + b ai c for
all i ≥ 0. Show that there exists a positive integer n such that an = bn .

A4. (David Yang) Prove that if m, n are relatively prime positive integers, xm − y n is irreducible in the
complex numbers. (A polynomial P (x, y) is irreducible if there do not exist nonconstant polynomials
f (x, y) and g(x, y) such that P (x, y) = f (x, y)g(x, y) for all x, y.)
A5. (Calvin Deng) Let a, b, c ≥ 0. Show that

(a2 + 2bc)2012 + (b2 + 2ca)2012 + (c2 + 2ab)2012 ≤ (a2 + b2 + c2 )2012 + 2(ab + bc + ca)2012 .

A6. (Victor Wang) Let f, g be polynomials with complex coefficients such that gcd(deg f, deg g) = 1.
Suppose that there exist polynomials P (x, y) and Q(x, y) with complex coefficients such that f (x) +
g(y) = P (x, y)Q(x, y). Show that one of P and Q must be constant.
Note: A4 is a special case of A6, but is significantly easier.
A7. (Alex Zhu) Find all functions f : Q → R such that f (x)f (y)f (x + y) = f (xy)(f (x) + f (y)) for all
x, y ∈ Q.
A8. (David Yang) Let A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 be a cyclic octagon. Let Bi by the intersection of Ai Ai+1 and
Ai+3 Ai+4 . (Take A9 = A1 , A10 = A2 , etc.) Prove that B1 , B2 , . . . , B8 lie on a conic.

3 Number Theory

N1. (David Yang, Alex Zhu) Find all positive integers n such that 4n + 6n + 9n is a square.
N2. (Anderson Wang) For positive rational x, if x is written in the form pq with p, q positive relatively
prime integers, define f (x) = p + q. For example, f (1) = 2. Prove that if f (x) = f ( mx
n ) for rational x
and positive integers m, n, then f (x) divides |m − n|.
Possible part (b): Let n be a positive integer. If all x which satisfy f (x) = f (2n x) also satisfy
f (x) = 2n − 1, find all possible values of n.

N3. (Alex Zhu) Let s(k) be the number of ways to express k as the sum of distinct 2012th powers. Show
that for every real number c there exists an integer n such that s(n) > cn.
N4. (Lewis Chen) Do there exist positive integers b, n > 1 such that when n is expressed in base b, there
are more than n distinct permutations of its digits? For example, when b = 4 and n = 18, 18 = 1024 ,
but 102 only has 6 digit arrangements. (Leading zeros are allowed in the permutations.)

N5. (Ravi Jagadeesan) Let n > 2 be a positive integer and let p be a prime. Suppose that the nonzero
integers are colored in n colors. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an be integers such that for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n, pi - ai and
pi−1 | ai . In terms of n, p, and {ai }ni=1 , determine if there must exist integers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn of the
same color such that a1 x1 + a2 x2 + · · · + an xn = 0.

N6. (Calvin Deng) Prove that if a and b are positive integers and ab > 1, then

(a − b)2 − 1 (a − b)2 − 1
ab ab − 1

Here bxc denotes the greatest integer not exceeding x.

N7. (Bobby Shen) A diabolical combination lock has n dials (each with c possible states), where n, c > 1.
The dials are initially set to states d1 , d2 , . . . , dn , where 0 ≤ di ≤ c−1 for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Unfortunately,
the actual states of the dials (the di ’s) are concealed, and the initial settings of the dials are also
unknown. On a given turn, one may advance each dial by an integer amount ci (0 ≤ ci ≤ c − 1), so
that every dial is now in a state d0i ≡ di + ci (mod c) with 0 ≤ d0i ≤ c − 1. After each turn, the lock
opens if and only if all of the dials are set to the zero state; otherwise, the lock selects a random integer
k and cyclically shifts the di ’s by k (so that for every i, di is replaced by di−k , where indices are taken
modulo n).
Show that the lock can always be opened, regardless of the choices of the initial configuration and the
choices of k (which may vary from turn to turn), if and only if n and c are powers of the same prime.
N8. (Victor Wang) Fix two positive integers a, k ≥ 2, and let f ∈ Z[x] be a polynomial. Suppose that
for all sufficiently large positive integers n, there exists a rational number x satisfying f (x) = f (an )k .
Prove that there exists a polynomial g ∈ Q[x] such that f (g(x)) = f (x)k for all real x.
N9. (David Yang) Are there positive integers m, n such that there exist 2012 positive integers x such that
both m − x2 and n − x2 are perfect squares?

4 Combinatorics

C1. (David Yang) Let n ≥ 2 be a positive integer. Given a sequence si of n distinct real numbers, define the
“class” of the sequence to be the sequence a1 , a2 , . . . , an−1 , where ai is 1 if si+1 > si and −1 otherwise.
Find the smallest integer m such that there exists a sequence wi such that for every possible class of
a sequence of length n, there is a subsequence of wi that has that class.
C2. (David Yang) Let A be the set of positive integers with at most 10 digits and with all digits 0 or 1.
Let B be the set of positive integers with at most 10 digits and with all digits 0,1,2, or 3. Define the
difference set X − Y of two sets of reals X, Y to be the set of elements z of the form x − y, where
x ∈ X and y ∈ Y . Prove that for any finite set of positive integers C, |C − A| ≤ |C − B| ≤ 1024|C − A|.
C3. (David Yang) Find all ordered pairs of positive integers (m, n) for which there exists a set C =
{c1 , . . . , ck } (k ≥ 1) of colors and an assignment of colors to each of the mn unit squares of a m × n
grid such that for every color ci ∈ C and unit square S of color ci , exactly two direct (non-diagonal)
neighbors of S have color ci .
C4. (Calvin Deng) A tournament on 2k vertices contains no 7-cycles. Show that its vertices can be par-
titioned into two sets, each with size k, such that the edges between vertices of the same set do not
determine any 3-cycles.
C5. (Linus Hamilton) Form the infinite graph A by taking the set of primes p congruent to 1 (mod 4), and
connecting p and q if they are quadratic residues modulo each other. Do the same for a graph B with
the primes 1 (mod 8). Show A and B are isomorphic to each other.
C6. (Linus Hamilton) Consider a directed graph G with n vertices, where 1-cycles and 2-cycles are permit-
ted. For any set S of vertices, let N + (S) denote the out-neighborhood of S (i.e. set of successors of
S), and define (N + )k (S) = N + ((N + )k−1 (S)) for k ≥ 2.
For fixed n, let f (n) denote the maximum possible number of distinct sets of vertices in {(N + )k (X)}∞
k=1 .
Show that there exists n > 2012 such that f (n) < 1.0001n .
C7. (David Yang) We have a graph with n vertices and at least n2 /10 edges. Each edge is colored in one
of c colors such that no two incident edges have the same color. Assume that no cycles of size 10 have
the same set of colors. Prove that there is a constant k such that c is at least kn 5 for any n.
C8. (Victor Wang) Consider the equilateral triangular lattice in the complex plane defined by the Eisenstein
integers; let the ordered pair (x, y) denote the complex number x + yω for ω = e2πi/3 . We define an
ω-chessboard polygon to be a (non self-intersecting) polygon whose sides are situated along lines of
the form x = a or y = b, where a and b are integers. These lines divide the interior into unit triangles,
which are shaded alternately black and white so that adjacent triangles have different colors. To tile
an ω-chessboard polygon by lozenges is to exactly cover the polygon by non-overlapping rhombuses
consisting of two bordering triangles. Finally, a tasteful tiling is one such that for every unit hexagon
tiled by three lozenges, each lozenge has a black triangle on its left (defined by clockwise orientation)
and a white triangle on its right (so the lozenges are BW, BW, BW in clockwise order).
a) Prove that if an ω-chessboard polygon can be tiled by lozenges, then it can be done so tastefully.
b) Prove that such a tasteful tiling is unique.

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