Foundation Engineering Week 17 - 18 Assessment Task PART. I: DISCUSSION. Answer All Questions 5 Points Each
Foundation Engineering Week 17 - 18 Assessment Task PART. I: DISCUSSION. Answer All Questions 5 Points Each
Foundation Engineering Week 17 - 18 Assessment Task PART. I: DISCUSSION. Answer All Questions 5 Points Each
1) Discuss briefly the characteristics of the following piles in terms of their methods of installation and their
relative skin friction resistances:
a) Large displacement piles
b) Small displacement piles
c) Non-displacement piles
2) Driven piles will normally densify the surrounding soil at a radius of about 3 times the diameter of the pile.
This densification could eventually cause difficulty in driving. If a group of piles (say, 10x10 piles) is to be
installed by driving, how should the pile driving proceed to eliminate such difficulty in driving?
3) Discuss the factors that influences the adhesion factor α in driven and bored piles.
4) The underdrained skin resistance for block failure of group piles in clay is normally calculated using the
adhesion factor, α, of 1.0, regardless of the shear strength of the surrounding clay. Explain why this
assumption can be considered theoretically correct.
5) Describe the limitation of Rankine and Coulomb theories in earth pressure calculations of braced excavations.
Also, briefly explain with illustration the stability criterion against upheaval of a strutted excavation in clay
A Foundation contractor is bidding for design-build tender package. The available information on the subsoil
condition at the site of the project is shown in Figure 1. You are engage as a geotechnical engineer to submit
a design of a piling system. The contractor has decided on three options, one of which is 18-in diameter
drilled shafts. The pile cut-off level is 6 ft below the ground and the pile toe is at a depth of 50 ft. Additional
data is given in Table 1 for your reference.
The best estimate of the preconsolidation pressure σ p (¿ maximum past pressure) is indicated by a square
symbol in Figure 1.
TASK: For the 18-in diameter drilled shafts piling system.
a. Assess the shaft and end-bearing resistance of individual pile;
b. Determine the allowable working load per pile if FS = 2.5;
c. Assess the efficiency of a 5-pile group with a pile spacing of 3 times the pile diameter;
d. Determine the ultimate capacity and overall factor of safety of the pile group if the working load is
unchanged from that in part (b); and
e. Estimate the total settlement of the pile group.