Second Semester Syllabus: 19chy102 Engineering Chemistry-B (2 1 0 3)

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Unit 1: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
Fundamental particles of atom – their mass, charge and location – atomic
number and mass number – Schrödinger equation. Significance of and 2 –
orbital concept – quantum numbers - electronic configuration. Periodic
properties. Formation of cation and anion by electronic concept of
oxidation and reduction – theories on bonding - octet, Sidgwick and
Powell, VSEPR and VBT-MOT. Formation of electrovalent, covalent and
coordination compounds. Chemistry of weak interactions – van der Waals
force and hydrogen bonding.
Unit 2: Electrochemical energy system
Faradays laws, origin of potential, electrochemical series, reference
electrodes, Nernst equation, introduction to batteries – classification –
primary, secondary and reserve (thermal) batteries. Characteristics – cell
potential, current, capacity and storage density, energy efficiency.
Construction, working and application of Leclanche cell-Duracell, Li-MnO2
cell, lead acid batteries. Ni-Cd battery, Lithium ion batteries. Fuel cell
- construction and working of PEMFC.
Unit 3: Photochemistry and solar energy
Electromagnetic radiation. Photochemical and thermal reactions. Laws of
photochemistry, quantum yield, high and low quantum yield reactions.
Jablonski diagram - photophysical and photochemical processes,
photosensitization, photopolymerization and commercial application of
photochemistry. Solar energy - introduction, utilization and conversion,
photovoltaic cells – design, construction and working, panels and arrays.
Advantages and disadvantages of PV cells. DSSC (elementary treatment).
Unit 4: Solid state Chemistry
Crystalline and amorphous solids, isotropy and anisotropy, elements of
symmetry in crystal systems indices - Miller indices, space lattice and
unit cell, Bravais lattices, the seven crystal systems and their Bravais
lattices, X-ray diffraction - Bragg’s equation and experimental methods
(powder method and rotating crystal technique), types of crystals -
molecular, covalent, metallic and ionic crystals - close packing of
spheres – hexagonal, cubic and body centred cubic packing, defects in
crystals – stoichiometric, non-stoichiometric, extrinsic and intrinsic

UNIT 5: Polymer and composite Materials


Conducting polymers: Conducting mechanisms - Electron transport and

bipolar polymers. Photoconductive polymers: Charge carriers, charge
injectors, charge transport, charge trapping. Polymers for optical data
storage - principles of optical storage, polymers in recording layer.
Thermosensitive polymers: Applications - Mechanical actuators and
switches. Photo resists - Types - Chemically amplified photoresists
-Applications. Magnetic polymers - structure and Applications. Liquid
crystalline polymers: Fundamentals and process, liquid crystalline
displays – applications. Organic LEDs-their functioning-advantages and
disadvantages over conventional LEDs - their commercial uses. Piezo
electric materials.

1. Vairam and Ramesh “Engineering Chemistry”, Wiley, 2012.
2. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Department of Sciences, “Chemistry
Fundamentals for Engineers”, McGraw Hill Education, 2015.

Reference Books:
1. Jain and Jain, “Engineering Chemistry”, DhanpatRai Publishing company,
2. Puri, Sharma and Patania, “Principles of Physical chemistry”, Vishal
Publishing Co., 2017.
3. Atkins, “Physical Chemistry”, OUP, Oxford, 2009.


1. Estimation of alkalinity in given water samples.
2. Adsorption of acetic acid by charcoal.
3. Potentiometric titration – acid-base/redox.
4. Conductometric titration.
5. Estimation of hardness by ion-exchange method.
6. Determination of molecular weight of polymer.
7. Determination of cell constant and unknown concentration of
8. Estimation of tin from stannate solution.
9. Separation techniques – TLC, Column chromatography.
10. Verification of B-L law by UV-spectrophotometer.


Unit 1
Introduction and Review of C language constructs. Functions – inter
function communication, standard functions, scope. Recursion – recursive
definition, recursive solution, designing recursive functions, limitations
of recursion. Arrays – 1D numeric, searching and sorting, 2D numeric
Unit 2
Pointers: introduction, compatibility, arrays and pointers, Dynamic memory
allocation, arrays of pointers, pointer arithmetic. Strings: fixed length
and variable length strings, strings and characters, string input, output,
array of strings, string manipulation functions, sorting of strings.
Unit 3
Structures: structure vs array comparison, complex structures, structures
and functions, Union. Files and streams, file input output, command line

1. Forouzan BA, Gilbert RF. Computer Science: A structured programming
approach using C. Third Edition, Cengage Learning; 2006.

Reference Books:
1. Byron Gottfried. Programming with C. Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill; 2018.
2. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. The C Programming Language.
Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988.
3. Eric S. Roberts. Art and Science of C. Addison Wesley; 1995.
4. Jeri Hanley and Elliot Kauffman. Problem Solving and Program Design in
C. Fifth Edition, Addison Wesley (Pearson); 2007.


Unit 1
To the World from India; Education System in India; Insights from
Mahabharata; Human Personality. India’s Scientific System for Personality
Unit 2
The Vedas: An Overview; One God, Many Forms; Bhagavad Gita – The Handbook
for Human Life; Examples of Karma, Yoga in Modern India.
Unit 3
Chanakya’s Guidelines for Successful Life; Role of Women; Conservations
with Amma.

1. Cultural Education Resource Material Semester-2

Reference Books:
1. Cultural Heritage of India. R.C. Majumdar. Ramakrishna Mission
Institute of Culture.
2. The Vedas. Swami Chandrashekhara Bharati. BharatiyaVidyaBhavan.
3. Indian Culture and India’s Future. Michel Danino. DK Publications.
4. The Beautiful Tree. Dharmapal. DK Publications.
5. India’s Rebirth. Sri Aurobindo. Auroville Publications.

19ECE111 Circuit Theory (3 0 0 3)

Unit 1
Mesh current and node voltage analysis of circuits with independent and
dependent sources. Network Reduction – Source transformation - Star-Delta
transformation. Network Theorems: Thevenin and Norton’s theorems -
Superposition theorem - Maximum power transfer theorem.
Unit 2
Transient Analysis - Time domain analysis of first and second order
circuits – source free excitation- with DC Excitation. Frequency response
of Series and Parallel circuits - Resonance - Q-factor and Bandwidth. Two-
port Networks - impedance - admittance – hybrid - transmission parameters.
Passive filters as two port networks - poles and zeroes, filter design.

Textbooks/Reference Books:
1. Charles K Alexander, Mathew N. O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric
circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. D. Roy Chaudhary, Networks and Systems, New Age International
Publisher, 2003.
3. John D. Ryder, Myrle Baird Reedand W. L. Everitt, Foundation for
Electric Network Theory, Prentice Hall of India, Second Edition, 2013.
4. M. E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall India Private
Limited, Third Edition, 1999.

19ECE112 Electronic Devices and Circuits (3 0 0 3)

Unit 1
Review of Network and Semiconductor Basics - PN Junction Diodes - Forward
and Reverse Biasing - Reverse Saturation Current - Diode current
components - Cut-in voltage - VI Characteristics. Diode Parameters – Data
sheets - Diode Models. Rectification – Half-wave - Full-wave and Bridge –
Filters. Zener Diodes -Shunt voltage regulator - Regulator Design – Case
Study. Varactor Diodes - Schottky Diodes - Tunnel Diodes and LEDs.
Unit 2
Transistors – BJTs - PNP and NPN transistors – Effects - Transistor
Currents - Amplifying action of a transistor. Transistor Characteristics -
CE configuration - Biasing - Quiescent point - Load line - Biasing - Fixed
base bias - Small Signal Model of BJT.
Unit 3
Field Effect Transistors - MOSFET - Enhancement and Depletion Modes -
Regions of Operation. MOSFET Characteristics - MOSFET Amplifier - MOSFET
as a switch.

Textbooks/Reference Books:
1. Adel S Sedra, Kenneth C Smith and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic
Circuits – Theory and Applications”, Seventh Edition, Oxford University
Press, 2017.
2. Robert L Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit
Theory”, Eleventh Edition, Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd.,
3. Donald A Neamen, “Electronic Circuits – Analysis and Design”, Third
Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2006.
4. Albert Malvino and David Bates, Electronic Principles, Eighth Edition,
McGraw Hill Education, 2016.

19ECE181 Electronic Systems Lab (0 0 3 1)

1. GPIO and ADC Interfacing - LED, Switch, Relay, Proximity Sensor,
Temperature Sensor, Moisture Sensor.
2. Serial Communication – Bluetooth, ZigBee, RFID.
3. GSM and GPS Interfacing.
4. Motor Interfacing – DC, Stepper, Servo.
5. I2C Interface – EEPROM, RTC.
6. Internet of Things – Wi-Fi Web Server, MQTT.
7. Cloud Interfacing – UbiDots, Think speak.
8. Processing IDE – 2D, 3D operations, Colour Transformations.
9. Image and Video Processing – Thresholding, Pixel manipulation, Filters,
Colour Tracking.
10. Keyboard and Mouse Interfacing –Arduino Interface.

Textbooks/Reference Books:
1. Michael Margolis, Arduino Cookbook, Oreilly, 2011.
2. Casey Reas, Ben Fry, Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual
Designers and Artists, The MIT Press, 2014.
3. Jan Vantomme, Processing 2:Creative Programming Cookbook, Packet
Publishing, 2012.

19ENG111 Technical Communication (2 0 3 3)

Unit 1
Mechanics of Writing: Grammar rules -articles, tenses, auxiliary verbs
(primary & modal) prepositions, subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent
agreement, discourse markers and sentence linkers. General Reading and
Listening comprehension - rearrangement & organization of sentences
Unit 2
Different kinds of written documents: Definitions- descriptions-
instructions-recommendations- user manuals - reports – proposals. Formal
Correspondence: Writing formal Letters. Mechanics of Writing: impersonal
passive & punctuation. Scientific Reading & Listening Comprehension
Unit 3
Technical paper writing: documentation style - document editing – proof
reading - Organising and formatting. Mechanics of Writing: Modifiers,
phrasal verbs, tone and style, graphical representation Reading and
listening comprehension of technical documents. Mini Technical project
(10 -12 pages). Technical presentations.

Textbooks/Reference Books:
1. Hirsh, Herbert. L “Essential Communication Strategies for Scientists,
Engineers and Technology Professionals”. II Edition. New York: IEEE press,
2. Anderson, Paul. V. “Technical Communication: A Reader-Centred
Approach”. V Edition. Harcourt Brace College Publication, 2003.
3. Strunk, William Jr. and White. EB. “The Elements of Style” New York.
Alliyan & Bacon, 1999.
4. Riordan, G. Daniel and Pauley E. Steven. “Technical Report Writing
Today” VIII Edition (Indian Adaptation). New Delhi: Biztantra, 2004.
5. Michael Swan. ‘’ Practical English Usage’’, Oxford University Press,

19MAT111 Multi Variable Calculus (2 0 0 2)

Unit 1
Functions, limit and continuity. Partial differentiations, total
derivatives, differentiation of implicit functions and transformation of
coordinates by Jacobian. Taylor’s series for two variables.
Unit 2
Vector and Scalar Functions, Derivatives, Curves, Tangents, Arc Length,
Curves in Mechanics, Velocity and Acceleration, Gradient of a Scalar
Field, Directional Derivative, Divergence of a Vector Field, Curl of a
Vector Field. (Sections : 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.9, 9.10, 9.11)
Unit 3
Line Integral, Line Integrals Independent of Path. (Sections : 10.1, 10.2)
Green’s Theorem in the Plane, Surfaces for Surface Integrals, Surface
Integrals, Triple Integrals – Gauss Divergence Theorem, Stroke’s Theorem.
(Sections : 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.9)
Unit 4
Graph of functions of two variables, shifting and scaling of graphs.
Vector products. Visualizing different surfaces.

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E Kreyszig, John Wiley and Sons,
Tenth Edition, 2018.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dennis G. Zill and Michael R.
Cullen, second edition, CBS Publishers,
2. ‘Engineering Mathematics’, Srimanta Pal and Subhodh C Bhunia, John
Wiley and Sons, 2012, Ninth Edition.
3. ‘Calculus’, G.B. Thomas Pearson Education, 2009, Eleventh Edition.

19MAT112 Linear Algebra (2 1 0 3)

Unit 1
Review of matrices and linear systems of equations. Vector Spaces: Vector
spaces - Sub spaces - Linear independence - Basis - Dimension - Inner
products - Orthogonality - Orthogonal basis - Gram Schmidt Process -
Change of basis. Orthogonal complements - Projection on subspace - Least
Square Principle.
Unit 2
Linear Transformations: Positive definite matrices - Matrix norm and
condition number - QR- Decomposition – Linear transformation - Relation
between matrices and linear transformations - Kernel and range of a linear
transformation. Change of basis - Nilpotent transformations - Similarity
of linear transformations - Diagonalization and its applications - Jordan
form and rational canonical form. Single Value Decomposition.

1. Howard Anton and Chris Rorrs, “Elementary Linear Algebra”, Ninth
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
Reference Books:
1. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition,
Brooks/Cole, 2005.
2. Gilbert Strang, “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, Third Edition,
Harcourt College Publishers, 1988.


1. Product Workshop
Disassemble the product of sub assembly-Measure various dimensions using
measuring instruments-Free hand rough sketch of the assembly and
components-Name of the components and indicate the various materials used-
Study the functioning of the assembly and parts-Study the assembly and
components design for compactness, processing, ease of assembly and
disassembly-Assemble the product or subassembly.
2. Pneumatic and PLC Workshop
Study of pneumatic elements-Study of PLC and programming. Design and
simulation of simple circuits using basic pneumatic elements-Design and
simulation of simple circuits using electro-pneumatics.
3. Sheet Metal Workshop
Study of tools and equipment - Draw development drawing of simple objects
on sheet metal (cone, cylinder, pyramid, prism, tray etc.)-Fabrication of
components using small shearing and bending machines-Riveting practice.
4. Welding, Soldering and Plumbing Workshops
Study of tools and equipment - Study of various welding & soldering
methods- Arc welding practice - fitting, square butt joint and lap joint -
Soldering practice. Plumbing tools – Make a piping joint to a simple
piping layout (should include cutting, threading and pipe fixing)
5. 3D-Printing Workshop

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