Martin Palatsi CLIL Project Improved

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Martin Palatsi CLIL Final Project 2019-2020

1. - Introduction to 1 hour lesson:


AGE: 16-21

LEVEL: PFI, PQPI (professional insertion programs)

2. - Objectives:
The main purpouse of this activity is to introduce the students the basics of boat maintenance. It
is an introductory task in which they are expected to:

 Break the ice both between them and learning through English.
 Work in pairs and share information: team working.
 Take confidence with teacher as the help given scaffold them.
 Scaffold within executable examples at home (here through economy concepts, task 2).
 Make them aware that tiny simple facts can build up great things when summed up.
 Make them aware (II) that small time on bits of maintenance can avoid disasters on future
(which can act as a mirror to “small activities can lead to big rewards on future marks or
as brushing your teeth 2 minutes a day avoids a surgery and a repairing)
 Personal care, money savings.
 Be a continuous growing up activity remembering from LOT to HOT and to BICS to CALP

3. - Content:
This activity contents are not intense but they are wide in curriculum (intense?):

We are going to talk as an introduction about:

 Safety basics
 Engines
 HVAC (Heat-Vacuum-Air Conditioners)
 Piping-plumbing
 Electrical
 Canvas, fabrics
 Hull structure and its repairing (fibre, polyester resin, gel coating)

At the end of the activities they will:

 Know the main systems and the boat structure as a whole.

 Write simple sentences.
 Use of connectors to build bigger texts.

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Martin Palatsi CLIL Final Project 2019-2020

4.- Communication:
Pupils will learn, use, and have to understand…

 Language of: Sailors, chemicals and safety.

 Language for: Technical expressions, main asking structures.

Giving reasons, asking for support.

 Language through: Reading and interpreting real boat and parts manuals.

Vocabulary: boat specific resources:

Workplace Safety and Health Council (Youtube channel)

The boat mains:



Plumbing (very good schemes)



Very technical: (the very best about boats in English)

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Martin Palatsi CLIL Final Project 2019-2020
5. – Assessment Criteria:

As it is an introductory task the intention is to engage. The point here is to give a push to any
piece of activity given to encourage them make more things.

The debate activity as an introductory has been forbidden any not passed mark as any shy pupil
could have a bad mark just for not participating as expected.

Assessment criteria should be told in general aspects to the students positively, as for example in
debate they should know that an active attitude is enough for passing it.

Name: Level: Group: Class group

ITEM Beginner Amateur Advanced Professional SCORE Teacher notes

4 6 8 10

Active Active Active

participation participation participation +
DEBATE into the + questions answers other
speech other group group members

More than half Ideas meets Activity meets Main ideas are
of the main half of more than explained
SENTENCE ideas can be curriculum. half of the meeting full
BUILDER improved. curriculum. curriculum and
L2 speaking is are truly
Does not work fair. L2 speaking is applicable.
participate. great.
L2 is high.

The fact of Boat Boat Excellent vision

producing maintenance maintenance of maintenance,
FORUM barely happens. is understood. is explained everything is
CLOUD L2 is used But own successfully. explained from
incorrectly. explanations Sentences are understanding.
are fair in good at L2.
language and Contents are L2 use reaches a
contents. fully high level.

Task does not Text is Text is Text is written

reach good written, more written, good meeting a very
ESSAY level. Feedback or less correct use of L2 and good use of
received is use of L2, final contents. both language
poorly applied sentence is Improvement and ideas. Final
or no work is not may occur. sentence is
done. understood. Final sentence understood and
is understood explained.


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Martin Palatsi CLIL Final Project 2019-2020
6. - Teaching notes:

This one hour lesson consists of two activities. It is aimed to engage our students into maintenance
through some media pieces to scaffold simple concepts. After the activity they will be aware that have been
able to write down a paper about maintenance by using some basic concepts and just following instructions.
It is the start with basics about boat maintenance.

First activity

I have chosen an introductory activity with text and visuals to break the ice. They will need
computers to make some research with the links provided. It is expected to last about 20 minutes.

First activity part one is intentionally done to start up and break the ice with a debate about all the
things that should be maintained at a boat.

At first sight the activity is in Cummins’ matrix quadrant 2 but as it is an open debate it could move
into quadrant 1 as it offers the opportunity to use different levels. It is a good point to observe the
participating level of each student.

First activity part two about writing sentences is done as a bridge part to link ideas with sentences
which will be used at task 2. It also serves as a buffer for those who go faster and also to be a shorter one
for those who need more help. Remember this activity is a scaffolding to activity two.

Second activity

As my student’s level is PFI, (initial vocational learning) this activity is a build an essay aimed to be in
quadrant 2 too. It is not so cognitive difficult but it is a just bit more difficult in language than previous task, it uses
the same vocabulary than the activity before but with correct structure to build a bigger text. The point is just to
scaffold language to a higher level. Here they have double the time at first one, 40 minutes.

Motivation is done through focusing in interests they will profit at any situation, which are:

 Economic reasons to maintain

 Safety at maintenance

The activity scaffolding is done providing fill in blanks sentences, annotations and a structure prepared to
step-by-step, sentence by sentence, build up a full text.

To scaffold the economic reasons it is given a short examples of self-maintenance. This is done as they like
a lot sports and are following apps and webpages with a lot of bodybuilding language.

So I thought it would be a good idea to previously to each point make the metaphor of maintain a body
with boat maintenance. Consequences are the same so they can practice with what they know and further they
can change language to achieve a higher level when cognition and vocabulary meet together.

The teacher is expected to be supporting and live supervising their tasks. Also, after the sentence building
a short speech is expected to give ideas before writing the final essay.

It is supposed they can reach a HOT activity at Quadrant 3 at the end of the lesson.

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Martin Palatsi CLIL Final Project 2019-2020


Activity one, part one

Boat maintenance, as a whole, is actually quite similar to automobile maintenance. There

are a few very basic items that require constant maintenance which the owner normally takes
care of, and a few items that require maintenance at regular intervals which some owners deal
with but most people leave to the professionals. Any basic boat maintenance checklist would
include the following items... or do you think there are more items to maintain?

1. - Engine. Do you think engine is only a part of 2. - Boat’s hull and topsides. Maybe
a bunch of parts? the more simple part, but it is the one
that keeps us afloat.

4. - Plumbing. From a shower to the

3. - Electrical systems. Water, salt and
toilet and from air conditioner to
electricity are not good friends. Imagine all day
engine cooling system. Each of these is
staying together.

- Moving parts: hinges, tracks, and zippers. Rust 6.-Canvas and upholstery. Which
avoids opening the chest of the emergency boat things you know are made of fabric at
in the middle of the sea. Is it important? boats and yachts? Only seats?

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Martin Palatsi CLIL Final Project 2019-2020
Activity one, part two

What does this images suggest? Do you think maintenance has changed through time?

Decades ago this list would

have been much longer,
because a list of wooden
boat maintenance tips would
go on for pages and pages.

Thankfully, all new modern

fiberglass boat maintenance
and aluminium alloy boat
maintenance is a tiny
fraction of what was once
necessary to keep Mom’s
Mink afloat.

Join to a 3 members group and choose the first or the second page and debate within all
your members what the image suggest to each of you about maintenance. You have 10
minutes to search and debate within your group before we start the big debate at class. Write
down new vocabulary as well as main ideas to remind them.

Need ideas?

 You can start with something like: This two images suggest the difference between the
past ships made of wood and its difficulty to…..
 Also you can say: In the images of the first page there are a lot of systems and we have
decided that: the most important, the most interesting, the most difficult, the one can
save you is….
 Not decided yet? Not sure what to write? Have a look at both pages and investigate
which vocabulary and ideas can help you from one page to the other you like.

Let’s start!

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Martin Palatsi CLIL Final Project 2019-2020


As seen all over the second unit we now know the improvement when doing the proper maintenance. That
also happens with our mind and body as well with electrical and mechanical parts of the boat.

Build up sentences to later write down an essay by fulfilling the frames, you can give your own opinion and
examples. Before each step it will be held a forum to discuss the answers.

There are given questions to make you think about the kind of answer required. In each space is supposed
a short explanation.

Fact: Regular maintenance extends boat life (positive sentence


Economic reasons to Each time I (clean, brush, repair, mend) ________ my teeth I
maintain your body and avoid spending a (very, lot, few) _______ of (pennies, euros,
mind pounds, money) _______at the dentist.

I like doing sports (always, frequently, seldom,) as it improves

my (heart, muscles, health, lungs) _________

A way to (maintain, improve, keep) _______ both mind and

body is (practising, doing, attending to) _______yoga.

FORUM CLOUD TIME Here you can note ideas and vocabulary to improve the next

Economic reasons: Use the sentences above changing the words of your
body with boat’s parts.
Is economically worth a
yearly maintenance?
Questions to give clues
about answer asked.

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Martin Palatsi CLIL Final Project 2019-2020

This forum you can use all your sentences from other parts.

Safety: Most of the times I don’t (warm up, stretch,

How much damage can be prepare,)_______ before running my (legs, arms,
done to your body when back,)______hurt/s
not practising correctly?
When I don’t (rest, relax, chill out)_______ properly, I have
(pains, nightmares, lack of memory) in my head

Safety: Here you can use the sentences above changing the
words of your body with boat’s parts.
How much damage can be
done to a boat when not
properly maintained?


SENTENCES HERE In this section you can write all sentences to build up an
(In fact, summing up all
sentences is where here
you are writing the Essay). 

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