NDT-Bobath Method in Post-Stroke Rehabilitation in Adults Aged 42 - 55 Years - Preliminary Findings
NDT-Bobath Method in Post-Stroke Rehabilitation in Adults Aged 42 - 55 Years - Preliminary Findings
NDT-Bobath Method in Post-Stroke Rehabilitation in Adults Aged 42 - 55 Years - Preliminary Findings
of Pages 7
Article history: Introduction: Stroke is among the leading causes of death in both developed and developing
Received 20 July 2014 countries. Although stroke is perceived predominantly as a disease of middle aged and older
Received in revised form people, its occurrence in younger people is not rare, influencing all aspects of young people's
26 August 2014 lives, including the ability to work.
Accepted 5 March 2015 Aim: Pilot study – a single group before-and-after preliminary study to investigate the
Available online xxx feasibility of conducting a larger randomized controlled trial investigation of the efficacy
of the NDT-Bobath method with the younger adult stroke survivor population.
Keywords: Material and methods: Patients were admitted to the neurological rehabilitation unit after
Neurorehabilitation ischemic stroke. Ten sessions of the NDT-Bobath therapy were provided within 2 weeks,
Neurological physiotherapy constituting 10 days of the therapy. The therapy was performed every day for 5 days a week.
Activities of daily living Measurements of the Ashworth Scale, the Bobath Scale, the Barthel Index, gait velocity,
Hand function cadence and stride length were conducted twice: on admission, and after the last session
Gait disorder of the rehabilitation.
Results and discussion: Statistically significant and favorable changes in the muscle tone,
hand functions, selected activities of daily living, gait velocity, cadence and stride length
have been observed.
Conclusions: Findings confirm that the NDT-Bobath method for adults may be perceived as
a promising form of post-stroke rehabilitation in young adults.
# 2015 Warmińsko-Mazurska Izba Lekarska w Olsztynie. Published by Elsevier Sp. z o.o.
All rights reserved.
from 1.1 million cases per year (2000) and an estimated 1.5
1. Introduction
million in 2025 in Europe, with significant variations world-
wide.1,2 Although stroke is considered predominantly a
There is a need to recognize that stroke is among the leading disease of middle aged and older people, its occurrence in
causes of death in both developed and developing countries: younger people is not rare. Stroke is considered a common and
* Correspondence to: Powstańców Warszawy 5, 85-681 Bydgoszcz, Poland. Tel.: +48 725 889 909.
E-mail address: [email protected]
1230-8013/# 2015 Warmińsko-Mazurska Izba Lekarska w Olsztynie. Published by Elsevier Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Mikołajewska E, NDT-Bobath method in post-stroke rehabilitation in adults aged 42–55 years –
Preliminary findings. Pol Ann Med. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.poamed.2015.03.001
POAMED-97; No. of Pages 7
long-term condition, affecting the physical, cognitive and stroke survivor population has special rehabilitation needs,
emotional abilities of stroke survivors. specifically with regard to promoting return to work.
Suffering a stroke represents a particularly heavy loss for
young adults of working age. Depending on the country, the
2. Aim
working age range might be identified as between 18 and 55
years. No doubt stroke in young adults results in a greater loss
of potential working years in life. Effective prevention The key aim of the research described in this paper is to begin
programs and acute care and long-term rehabilitation restor- to fill an important gap in the available data by showing the
ing patients to their highest possible functioning are crucial results of post-stroke neuro-rehabilitation using the NDT-
and reflect the greater interest of society. This emphasizes the Bobath method in the population of younger adults.
importance of looking for effective rehabilitation approaches
in post-stroke therapy.
3. Material and methods
This Neuro-Developmental Treatment-Bobath (NDT-
Bobath) intervention method is considered one of the most
common in contemporary post-stroke rehabilitation. It is not A group of 21 participants with a mean age of less than 50 and
specifically a set of exercises, but rather an entire concept of an age range of 42–55 admitted to the neurological rehabilita-
24 h 7 days a week neurorehabilitation and care based on tion unit were assessed according to the criteria described
proper patterns and stimulation, optimal utilization of below. The study population represents the younger adult
patients' nervous system neuroplasticity, avoiding of com- post-stroke group compared to the mean age and age range in
pensatory patterns, and maximal independence of the conventional stroke rehabilitation literature.
patient in activities of daily living. Despite a long tradition The inclusion criteria were as follows: age (between 18 and
(since the 1940s) and the wide use of NDT-Bobath concept, 55 years), time after cerebrovascular accident (CVA) 1 month to
there are only a few studies in the area of its outcomes 3 years, and clinical status of first ischemic stroke confirmed by
in stroke survivors.3–9 The magnitude of the results of the examination. The exclusion criteria was serious complicating
intervention using the Bobath concept does not exceed medical illness making rehabilitation not possible. Each of
other intervention approaches. What is more, there seems them received the same intervention. The divisions were
to be a lack of outcome studies that focus on younger adults made due to various age limits accepted by the other
with stroke. Generally, the limited amount of reliable researchers and clinicians. The patients' profiles are presented
evidence is regarded as a key problem in contemporary in Table 1.
neurorehabilitation faced with the Evidence-Based Medicine The study addressed all young adults, but a significantly
paradigm.10,11 This paper aims to change this situation. The high mean age of patients was observed: 48.667 (median 49).
current investigation is regarded as a pilot study. The design The study was accepted by the appropriate bioethical
presented is a single group before-and-after preliminary committee. All subjects gave written informed consent before
study to investigate the feasibility of conducting a larger entering the study in accordance with the recommendations
randomized controlled trial investigation of the efficacy of of the bioethical committee acting on the rules of Good Clinical
the NDT-Bobath method with the younger adult stroke Practice and the Helsinki Declaration.
survivor population. The study design consists of before and after measurement
The importance of this problem seems to have significantly of the selected parameters in the study participants without a
increased in the new millennium.1,2 The influence of stroke control or comparison group. Ten sessions of the NDT-Bobath
on the ability to work may be perceived as more significant therapy within 2 weeks were provided, constituting 10 days of
than other factors, causing long-term problems for the the therapy; the therapy was performed every day for 5 days a
stroke survivors, their families, the community, and society.
The possible consequences of stroke in young adults that are
considered severe are as follows:
Please cite this article in press as: Mikołajewska E, NDT-Bobath method in post-stroke rehabilitation in adults aged 42–55 years –
Preliminary findings. Pol Ann Med. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.poamed.2015.03.001
POAMED-97; No. of Pages 7
week. Each session lasted 30 min. During the sessions, Table 2 – Assessment of the normalization of upper limb
consistency of intervention was maintained, and fidelity to muscle tonus in patients estimated on the Ashworth
the NDT-Bobath method or concept was ensured given that all Scale for Grading Spasticity.
patients were treated according to the current rules of the Parameter Number and percentage
method by the same experienced therapist (more than 10 years (n = 21)
of experience in post-stroke neurorehabilitation) with interna- Recovery 6 (28.57%)
tional certificates: both IBITA (International Bobath Instructors No change 15 (71.43%)
Training Association) and EBTA (European Bobath Tutors Relapse 0
Association) recognized. This is the proper methodology to N/A 0
provide up-to-the-date knowledge and experience in the NDT- Minimum change for recovery 1
Maximum change for recovery 1
Bobath method, consistency of intervention, and fidelity to the
Mean change for recovery 1
NDT-Bobath method, useful for comparison-study purposes.
Median change for recovery 1
There were no additional treatment techniques used in addition
t-Test results for changes Before therapy:
to NDT-Bobath. This study provides evidence of effictivity of
between before and after therapy Mean = 1.095, SD = 1.48,
sole NDT-Bobath method of therapy. This will provide data sets
SE = 0.32
for further comparison-study purposes between application of After therapy:
the sole NDT-Bobath method of therapy and eclectic/mixed Mean = 0.809, SD = 1.209,
method applied usually in clinical practice. SE = 0.26
Assessment was based on the change in parameters: the P = 0.005
Ashworth Scale for Grading Spasticity to assess upper
extremity muscle tone (validity and reliability: Morris,19
Pandyan et al.,20 Alibiglon et al.21), the Bobath Scale to assess Table 3 – Assessment of the upper limb mobility using
upper limb mobility, the Barthel Index to assess selected Bobath Scale.
activities of daily living (assessed as ‘‘valid’’ Collin et al.,22 Parameter Number and percentage
Ghandehari et al.,23 Huybrechts and Caro24), gait velocity, (n = 21)
cadence, and stride length. Measurements of the parameters
Recovery 18 (85.71%)
were conducted by the same therapist twice: on admission, No change 3 (14.29%)
and after the last session of the rehabilitation. The author's Relapse 0
own gait analysis method published in9 is based on: N/A 0
Minimum change for recovery 1
– gait recording (using a digital video camera), Maximum change for recovery 6
Mean change for recovery 3.278
– visual gait evaluation,
Median change for recovery 3
– measurement of spatio-temporal gait parameters: gait
SD for recovery 1.592
velocity, cadence and stride length,
t-Test results for changes Before therapy:
– calculating values (including normalized values) using the
between before and after therapy Mean = 11.05, SD = 5.33,
Clinical Gait Analyzer – free software developed by Chris
SE = 1.16
Kirtley MD (USA), and their interpretation. After therapy:
Mean = 13.52, SD = 3.87,
The results of measurements, where available, were given as SE = 0.84
mean, median, maximal value, minimal value and standard P = 0.000
deviation (SD). The level of statistical significance was set at
P < 0.05. The data were analyzed with Statistica 9 software.
Table 4 – Assessment of the selected ADLs using of
T-tests were used to establish significance to determine if
Barthel Index.
there was significant change from the first to the second
measurement. There is a t-test for dependent samples, meaning Parameter Number and percentage
(n = 21)
before and after scores using the same sample of participants.
It is also called the repeat measures t-test. Recovery 6 (28.57%)
No change 15 (71.43%)
Relapse 0
4. Results and discussion N/A 0
Minimum change for recovery 10
Maximum change for recovery 10
The results are presented in Tables 2–5. Mean change for recovery 10
In the first part of the study – assessment of the Median change for recovery 10
normalization of upper limb muscle tones – ‘‘no change’’
t-Test results for changes Before therapy:
outcomes reflected the best possible outcomes, and cannot between before and after therapy Mean = 37.38, SD = 4.9,
be improved. Results of all the remaining patients improved SE = 1.07
with mean value: 1 point. After therapy:
In the second part of the study – assessment of upper limb Mean = 39.76, SD = 1.09,
mobility using the Bobath Scale – 85.71% recovery was SE = 0.23
P = 0.01
observed. Mean recovery was: 3.278 points.
Please cite this article in press as: Mikołajewska E, NDT-Bobath method in post-stroke rehabilitation in adults aged 42–55 years –
Preliminary findings. Pol Ann Med. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.poamed.2015.03.001
POAMED-97; No. of Pages 7
t-Test results for changes between before and after therapy Before therapy:
Mean = 0.64, SD = 0.23, SE = 0.05
After therapy:
Mean = 0.91, SD = 0.44, SE = 0.1
P = 0.000
Normalized velocity
Recovery 14 (66.66%)
No change 3 (14.29%)
Relapse 3 (14.29%)
N/A 1 (4.76%)
Min change for recovery 0.01
Max change for recovery 0.43
Mean change for recovery 0.14
Median change for recovery 0.08
SD for recovery 0.138
Change for relapse (abs) –
Min change for relapse (abs) 0.03
Max change for relapse (abs) 0.1
Mean change for relapse (abs) 0.053
Median change for relapse (abs) 0.03
SD for relapse (abs) 0.032
t-Test results for changes between before and after therapy Before therapy:
Mean = 0.22048, SD = 0.08291, SE = 0.01809
After therapy:
Mean = 0.32, SD = 0.15, SE = 0.03
P = 0.000
Recovery 15 (71.43%)
No change 1 (4.76%)
Relapse 4 (19.05%)
N/A 1 (4.76%)
Minimum change for recovery 5
Maximum change for recovery 42
Mean change for recovery 18.133
Median change for recovery 10
SD for recovery 13.21
Change for relapse (abs) -
Minimum change for relapse (abs) 6
Maximum change for relapse (abs) 30
Mean change for relapse (abs) 18
Median change for relapse (abs) 18
SD for relapse (abs) 9.192
t-Test results for changes between before and after therapy Before therapy:
Mean = 87, SD = 22.18, SE = 4.84
After therapy:
Mean = 104, SD = 32.11, SE = 7.0
P = 0.01
Please cite this article in press as: Mikołajewska E, NDT-Bobath method in post-stroke rehabilitation in adults aged 42–55 years –
Preliminary findings. Pol Ann Med. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.poamed.2015.03.001
POAMED-97; No. of Pages 7
Table 5 (Continued )
Parameter Number and percentage (n = 21)
Normalized cadence
Recovery 14 (66.66%)
No change 2 (9.53%)
Relapse 4 (19.05%)
N/A 1 (4.76%)
Minimum change for recovery 0.03
Maximum change for recovery 0.31
Mean change for recovery 0.129
Median change for recovery 0.1
SD for recovery 0.095
Minimum change for relapse (abs) 0.03
Maximum change for relapse (abs) 0.15
Mean change for relapse (abs) 0.088
Median change for relapse (abs) 0.085
SD for relapse (abs) 0.045
t-Test results for changes between before and after therapy Before therapy:
Mean = 0.43, SD = 0.11, SE = 0.02
After therapy:
Mean = 0.51, SD = 0.16, SE = 0.04
P = 0.01059
Stride length
Recovery 17 (80.95%)
No change 3 (14.29%)
Relapse 0
N/A 1 (4.76%)
Minimum change for recovery 0.15
Maximum change for recovery 0.68
Mean change for recovery 0.32
Median change for recovery 0.28
SD for recovery 0.173
t-Test results for changes between before and after therapy Before therapy:
Mean = 87, SD = 22.18, SE = 4.84
After therapy:
Mean = 104, SD = 32.11, SE = 7.0
P = 0.01
t-Test results for changes between before and after therapy Before therapy:
Mean = 1.95, SD = 0.66, SE = 0.14
After therapy:
Mean = 2.36, SD = 0.57, SE = 0.12
P = 0.000
In the third part of the study – assessment of the selected – in gait velocity: 71.43%,
activities of daily living using part of the Barthel Index – 28.57% – in normalized gait velocity: 66.66%,
recovery was observed. Mean recovery was 10 points in both – in cadence: 71.43%,
cases. Remaining ‘‘no change’’ outcomes reflected the best – in normalized cadence: 66.66%,
possible outcomes, and cannot be improved. – in stride length: 80.95%,
In the fourth part of the study – assessment of the spatio- – in normalized stride length: 80.95%.
temporal gait parameters – despite the short period of the
rehabilitation (two weeks), high percentages of recovery were The NDT-Bobath method (the Bobath concept) has merit as
achieved: an intervention for survivors of stroke, but outcomes research
Please cite this article in press as: Mikołajewska E, NDT-Bobath method in post-stroke rehabilitation in adults aged 42–55 years –
Preliminary findings. Pol Ann Med. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.poamed.2015.03.001
POAMED-97; No. of Pages 7
on post-stroke rehabilitation in the younger adult is lacking. research. There is a need for a larger randomized controlled
Properly focused intervention is needed to promote return to trial investigation of the efficacy of the NDT-Bobath method
work in this population. with the younger adult stroke survivor population. If proven,
This study has focused on the determination of changes better rehabilitation outcomes may increase self-assessment,
observed in a group of young adults after hemiplegic stroke as quality of life, and the ability to work in this age group.
a result of the therapy conducted according to the NDT-Bobath
method. These changes were reflected by the significant
Conflict of interest
changes in measured parameters. The good and very good
results of the rehabilitation may confirm both the efficacy of
the method used, and the high potential for rehabilitation, None declared.
which is perceived in young stroke-survivors. Unfortunately,
there is a lack of similar studies in relation to this topic and
thus descriptive results may be very useful for comparison
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Preliminary findings. Pol Ann Med. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.poamed.2015.03.001
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Please cite this article in press as: Mikołajewska E, NDT-Bobath method in post-stroke rehabilitation in adults aged 42–55 years –
Preliminary findings. Pol Ann Med. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.poamed.2015.03.001