Methanolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) in The Presence
Methanolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) in The Presence
Methanolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) in The Presence
Received 3 April 2002; received in revised form 18 September 2002; accepted 18 September 2002
Aluminium triisopropoxide (AIP) promoted the methanolysis of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to form monomers, dimethyl
terephthalate (DMT) and ethylene glycol (EG), in an equimolar ratio. The methanolysis at 200 C in methanol with an AIP catalyst
gave DMT and EG in 64% and 63% yields, respectively. The yields were increased by using a toluene/methanol mixed solvent
containing 20–50 vol.% toluene; maximum yields, 88% for DMT and 87% for EG, were obtained at 20 vol.% toluene. These
results indicate that the rate of methanolysis strongly depends on the solubility of PET. The results of GPC analysis suggest that the
methanolysis of PET in the absence of the catalyst includes three steps. In the first step, the depolymerisation occurred at a tie
molecule connecting PET crystals and the chain length was shortened to about 1/3. The shortened chain was depolymerized to
oligomers in the second step. The GPC curve of the oligomers tailed to low molecular weight, clearly indicating that the depoly-
merization took place at random positions on the polymer chain. The third step, the depolymerisation from the oligomers to the
monomers, was promoted only in the presence of the AIP catalyst.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: PET; Methanolysis; Aluminium triisopropoxide; Chemical recycling; Catalyst
Fig. 1. SEM images of PET recovered after methanolysis. The samples were obtained by methanolysis (a), (b) at 200. in the absence of catalyst, (c)
at 160 C in the presence of catalyst, and (d) at 190 C in the presence of catalyst.
trometry; the structures were mainly HOOC–C6H4– PET was recovered after the blank test (Run 8) in 20
COOCH2CH2OH and HOOC–C6H4–COOCH2- vol.%-toluene/methanol, whereas original PET was
CH2OOC–C6H4–COOH [19]. recovered after methanolysis in methanol without AIP
Runs 5–7 represent the relationship between yield and catalyst (Run 1). These results indicate that the solubi-
the amount of catalyst charged. The yields of monomers lity of PET increased by addition of toluene to
increased with the amount of catalyst up to 32 mg and methanol.
did not depend on the catalyst loading at yields higher When toluene content was raised from 50 vol.% to 80
than 60% because of equilibrium between the mono- vol.%, the yields of DMT and EG decreased from
mers and oligomers. 82.0% and 83.4% (Run 11) to 25.2% and 31.6% (Run
13), respectively. One possibility is the lower concen-
3.2. Methanolysis in methanol/toluene mixed solvent tration of methanol.
Methanolysis of PET under severe conditions is both powder and chips became sharp in comparison
known to yield diethylene glycol (DEG) [1]. This con- with that of the initial PET. These findings suggest that,
densation of EG is catalyzed by an acidic–COOH group when Mn is above 4000, depolymerization does not take
of partially hydrolysed PET [24]. The formation of place at random positions of the polymer chain. When
DEG was also reported in hydrolysis of PET in the methanolysis was carried out in the presence of the cat-
presence of an acid catalyst [25]. Therefore, we carefully alyst (Run 6, AIP=32 mg), most PET was depolymer-
analyzed the formation of DEG by a GC in Run 8. As a ized to the monomers and 12.3% for the initial charge
result, we confirmed the formation of DEG in small was recovered. Mn of the recovered PET was equal to
quantity (about 0.8%), but did not detect 2-methoxy- 2200 and its GPC curve tailed to low molecular weight
ethanol formed by condensation of ethylene glycol with [Fig. 2 (c), Mw/Mn=2.6]. This means the occurrence of
methanol. These results clearly indicate that the AIP depolymerization at random positions on the polymer
catalyst does not promote the undesirable consecutive chain.
reaction of EG even when EG concentration is rela- As shown in Fig. 2 (d), the molecular weight dis-
tively high. tribution of the recovered PET in Run 8 (methanol/tol-
uene mixed solvent, no catalyst) is broad (Mw/
3.3. GPC analysis Mn=3.8), and peaks derived from oligomers are
observed in the low molecular weight region, clearly
The average molecular weights (Mn and Mw) of indicating that PET was easily depolymerized in the
recovered PET were determined by GPC for investigat- mixed solvent at random positions on the chain. Mn
ing the details of methanolysis, and Fig. 2 shows the (1400) of recovered PET in Run 8 was one-quarter that
GPC curves. Average molecular weight of the starting (5500) in Run 1 and half that in Run 6, but the yield
PET was Mn=16,000, and its distribution was Mw/ (2.9%) of DMT in Run8 is extremely low in comparison
Mn=3.4 [Fig. 2 (a)]. After methanolysis at 200 C in the with that (57.4%) in Run 6.
absence of catalyst (Run 1), PET was recovered as chips The results of GPC analysis suggest that the metha-
(Fig. 2 (b)) with a small amount of powder. Mn of the nolysis in the absence of a catalyst includes at least three
powder portion (4300) was nearly equal to that of the steps represented in Fig. 3. In the first step of methano-
chips (5500) and about one-third lower than that of the lysis, the chain length of PET was shortened to about 1/
starting PET. The molecular weight distributions of 3 [Fig. 3 (i)]. Even when the catalyst is not used, the first
step takes place easily [Fig. 2 (b)]. The details of this
step are not well understood, however the polymer
chain might be cut off at a tie molecule because such
molecules exist in an amorphous part of PET and have
high accessibility. Collins and Zeronian [26] reported
similar results for alkaline hydrolysis of fabric PET;
after the hydrolysis, crystalline material was deposited
on the fibre surface, and its molecular weight was
approximately 2400.
A significant difference in GPC curves was observed
between samples obtained by reacting PET in methanol
and those in toluene/methanol mixed solvent. In tolu-
ene/methanol, most PET was depolymerized to oligo-
mers in the absence of the catalyst [second step, Fig. 3
(ii)] but the peak (log M=4) derived from the crystalline
material was still shown in Fig. 2 (d). This fact denotes
that the oligomers are produced through the first step.
The mixed solvent accelerates the formation of oligo-
mers effectively and this promoting effect is due to
swelling of PET crystals.
The third step [Fig. 3 (iii)], the formation of mono-
mers from oligomers, is promoted only in the presence
of catalyst and the monomers were produced in high
yield. Those results suggest that the catalyst promotes
Fig. 2. GPC curves of PET recovered after methanolysis. Before the formation of monomers from oligomers.
methanolysis. After methanolysis in methanol (b) at 200 C in the
absence of catalyst, and (c) at 200 C in the presence of catalyst. (d)
In conclusion, aluminium triisopropoxide promotes
After methanolysis in methanol/toluene mixed solvent in the absence the methanolysis of PET to form the monomers DMT
of catalyst. and EG. The yields of monomers strongly depend on
H. Kurokawa et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 79 (2003) 529–533 533