An Introduction To Non-Classical Logic: Philosophy 407 - Seminar: Advanced Symbolic Logic

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Philosophy 407 – Seminar: Advanced Symbolic Logic Instructor: Professor Scott Pratt

Spring 2013 Office Hours: 3:00-5:00 W and by appt.

3:00-5:50 Tuesdays Office: 370 PLC
314 PLC Phone: 346-5971
e-mail: [email protected]

Course Description:

This course will study classical and non-classical logics An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic (Second Edition) by Graham Priest and a
variety of supplementary readings. The first three weeks will be an accelerated review of propositional logic using the 'tableaux' proof
method and the introduction of basic modal logic. We will then consider the “non-normal” logics of strict implication, conditional logics,
intuitionist logic, many-valued logics, and first degree entailment. We will then review quantified first order logic (using the tableaux method
of proofs) and conclude by considering constant and variable domain logics. Throughout the course we will also consider the philosophical
issues raised by (and also motivating) these diverse logics. The course will satisfy the undergraduate philosophy major logic requirement.
The course may be taken for a grade or P/NP.

PREREQUISITE: PHIL 325, Logic, Argument, and Inquiry or Equivalent.

Required Text (available at the UO bookstore):

Graham Priest, An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic: From If to Is (Second Edition), Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Additional readings will be available on reserve.

Course Requirements:

Problem Sets: There will be seven problem sets due at the end of class on the date indicated in the schedule of topics and assignments
below. Each class will begin with a review of the problems for the day during which you may correct or complete problems that gave you
difficulty. Since there will not be time to review all problems, you should come to class with all problems attempted and prepared to discuss
both the problems that were easily completed and those that were not.

Participation: All students will be expected to present answers to the problem sets on the board for the class. This practice will provide an
opportunity to work collaboratively on the assigned problems, to learn strategies for problem solving, and discuss related philosophical
considerations raised by the particular logic at issue.

Quizzes: There will be three quizzes given in class on the dates listed in the schedule. The quizzes will be open book but will be
comparable to problem set questions.

Take Home Final: The final exam will be focus on the philosophical issues raised over the course of the term and several proofs. The exam
will be uploaded to the course Blackboard site by Monday, June 10, at 5:00 pm.

Problem Sets (6) 50%
Participation 10%
Quizzes 15%
Take-Home Final 25%

Grading Standard:

A = excellent. No mistakes, well-written, and distinctive in some way or other.

B = good. No significant mistakes, well-written, but not distinctive in any way.
C = OK. Some errors, but basic grasp of the material.
D = poor. Several errors. A tenuous grasp of the material.
F = failing. Problematic on all fronts indicating either no real grasp of the material or
complete lack of effort.
In order to receive a ‘P’ grade, you must receive a grade of ‘C’ or higher. Improvement in participation and written work will count positively
in calculating your final grade.

Statement on Plagiarism: Plagiarism is grounds for failing the course. For more information, see:

Accommodation for a Disability: If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make
arrangements to meet with me soon.

Week Dates Topic Readings/Assignments

1 April 2 Introduction Discussion: Background of propositional, predicate and modal logics.
Review of the rules of propositional logic and the use of the Tableau method of proofs.

2 April 9 Basic Modal Logic Problem Set Due: 1.14.1 & 2.12.2 (b, d, f, h, j, l, n, p, r, s, v)
Reading: Priest, Chapters 1 and 2.
Discussion: System K and “Normal Worlds”

3 April 16 The Meaning of Problem Set Due: 3.10.2 (l, n, p, r, s, v), 3 (a, c, e), 4 (a), 5 (a, b, c) & 6 (a, b).
Possible Worlds Reading: Priest, Chapter 3; Meinong, “Kinds of Being,”; Quine, “On What there is”; David
Lewis, a short selection from On the Plurality of Worlds; Plantinga, “Actualism and Possible
Discussion: The meanings of possible worlds.

4 April 23 Non-Normal Modal Quiz.

Logics Reading: Priest, Chapters 4 & 5; C. I. Lewis, Pragmatism and Logic.
Discussion: Lewis’s challenge to standard logic and the development of “non-normal”
5 April 30 Conditional Logics Problem Set Due: 4.12.2 (a, b, d), 3 (a, b, e, f); 5.12.2 (a, c, e), 3 (a, b, c), 4 (a), & 5
Discussion: Completing the problem set.

6 May 7 Many-Valued Logics Reading: Priest, Chapters 7, 8 & 9

and First Degree Discussion: The concept of many-valued logics, entailment, and paraconsistency.
7 May 14 Quantified Logic Problem Set Due: 8.10.1 & 6 (a, c, e, g, i); 9.11.2 & 4 (a, c, e, g, i), 9.11.7 & 8.
Reading: Priest, Chapter 12
Discussion: Quantification and possible worlds.

8 May 21 Constant Domain Quiz.

Logics Problem Set Due: 12.10.2, 3, 5 (a, b, d, f), 6 (a, b, d) & 7
Reading: Priest, Chapters 13, 14 & 15.
Discussion: Constant and Variable Domains.

9 May 28 Variable Domain Problem Set Due: 14.10.2, & 3; and 15.12.2 & 3.
Logics Reading: Kripke, Preface to Naming and Necessity.
Discussion: The place of individuals in possible worlds

10 June 4 Review Reading: Priest, Sylvan’s Box

Discussion: Agency and Impossible Worlds.

Finals June 11 Final take-home exam due on the course Blackboard by Monday, June 10, at 5:00

Note that the schedule of readings is subject to change during the quarter based on our progress through the work and developing
interests. All changes will be announced in advance during class. If you have questions about the assignments, requirements, or subject
matter, please let me know.

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