Emerging Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Neuro-Oncology
Emerging Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Neuro-Oncology
Emerging Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Neuro-Oncology
Due to the exponential growth of computational algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI) methods are poised to improve the precision
of diagnostic and therapeutic methods in medicine. The field of radiomics in neuro-oncology has been and will likely continue to
be at the forefront of this revolution. A variety of AI methods applied to conventional and advanced neuro-oncology MRI data can
already delineate infiltrating margins of diffuse gliomas, differentiate pseudoprogression from true progression, and predict recur-
rence and survival better than methods used in daily clinical practice. Radiogenomics will also advance our understanding of cancer
biology, allowing noninvasive sampling of the molecular environment with high spatial resolution and providing a systems-level
understanding of underlying heterogeneous cellular and molecular processes. By providing in vivo markers of spatial and molecular
heterogeneity, these AI-based radiomic and radiogenomic tools have the potential to stratify patients into more precise initial diag-
nostic and therapeutic pathways and enable better dynamic treatment monitoring in this era of personalized medicine. Although
substantial challenges remain, radiologic practice is set to change considerably as AI technology is further developed and validated
for clinical use.
© RSNA, 2019
AI = artificial intelligence, BraTS = Multimodal Brain Tumor Image Seg-
mentation Benchmark, CNN = convolutional neural networks, CNS =
central nervous system, EGFR = epidermal growth factor receptor,
FLAIR = fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, IDH = isocitrate dehy-
drogenase, MGMT = O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase,
TCGA = the Cancer Genome Atlas, TCIA = the Cancer Imaging Ar-
chive, WHO = World Health Organization
Advances in artificial intelligence applied to radiomics and radioge-
nomics in neuro-oncologic imaging will improve our diagnostic,
prognostic, and therapeutic methods, helping propel the field into an
era of precision medicine.
nn Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are driving neuro-oncology
radiomics research forward by identifying complex patterns in
advanced MRI with important diagnostic, prognostic, and thera-
peutic implications.
nn Radiogenomics in neuro-oncology offers insights into underlying
cellular and molecular mechanisms of cancer biology.
nn Radiomic and radiogenomic tools provide a means of noninvasive
sampling of tumor microenvironments, allowing for a dynamic
Figure 1: Diagram shows overview of terms encompassed by artifi-
and comprehensive evaluation of regionally heterogeneous central
cial intelligence and their nested relationships with each other.
nervous system tumors.
nn Despite substantial challenges, targeted clinical implementation of
AI methods in neuro-oncology is set to transform the field into an and alignment of image volumes from different modalities. A
era of precision medicine.
variety of methods have been used for segmentation, ranging
from manual labeling and/or annotation and semiautomated
methods (11) to more recent deep learning methods (12–14).
dating model weights (“backpropagation”), these algorithms The next step of radiomics with traditional machine learning
learn to appropriately identify lower and intermediate level involves the extraction of quantitative features, including basic
image information in order to maximize classification per- shape, size, and intensity metrics, as well as more complex fea-
formance. Typically, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), tures derived from a variety of statistical approaches applied to
a class of feed-forward neural networks, have been used for the images, for example, histogram-based features, texture-based
image-based problems. In recent years, deep learning ap- features, fitted biophysical models, spatial patterns, and deep
proaches have achieved super-human performance on visual learning features (Fig 2, B). A variety of different machine learn-
processing tasks, as benchmarked by the ImageNet challenge, ing models can then be applied to the intermediate quantitative
a yearly competition to test algorithms on visual recognition features in order to “mine” them for significant associations, al-
tasks (7,8). Interestingly, the weights derived from these net- lowing them to predict crucial information about a tumor, such
works trained on ImageNet can be adapted for new tasks, as infiltrating tumor margins, molecular markers, and prognosis
including medical images, in a process termed “transfer learn- (Fig 2, C), which are relevant for therapeutic decision making.
ing.” Although some deep learning architectures for medical Alternatively, deep learning approaches to radiomics in neuro-
image processing use transfer learning, others use custom im- oncology generally necessitate less domain-specific knowledge
age-naive architectures, which may perform better depending compared with the explicitly engineered features for traditional
on the specific task. Although deep learning models can run machine learning, allowing them to make predictions without
quickly and do not require as much manual intervention as explicit feature selection or reduction steps.
traditional machine learning approaches, they tend to require
large amounts of labeled training data in order to be robust Public Neuro-Oncology Radiomic Data and
to data variability. Competitions
Advances in the field of segmentation and radiomics within
Radiomics in Neuro-Oncology neuro-oncology have been supported by data made available
Although clinical radiology generally relies on visual assess- through the Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) (15), which is part
ment of images in subjective and qualitative terms, the field of a larger effort from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) (http://
of radiomics extracts information from clinical images for use cancergenome.nih.gov/). Since 2012, TCIA data have been fur-
as quantitative imaging biomarkers (9,10). The first essen- ther curated through the annual Multimodal Brain Tumor Im-
tial step of radiomics generally involves lesion segmentation age Segmentation Benchmark (BraTS) challenge (16,17), which
(Fig 2, A), which is generally preceded by image preprocess- seeks to improve the accuracy of automated glioma segmenta-
ing steps including skull stripping, intensity normalization, tion and survival prediction with preoperative MR images. This
Figure 2: Workflow of radiomics in neuro-oncology. A, After preprocessing steps, multimodal MR images are segmented by using automated
or manual methods. B, This is followed by feature extraction with use of a variety of different techniques. C, Machine learning methods are then
trained on the features to generate models of underlying molecular markers and predict survival. Deep learning models can be used for performing
each of the described steps individually or in a more comprehensive fashion (bottom pathway of figure). EGFRvIII = epidermal growth factor recep-
tor variable III, IDH = isocitrate dehydrogenase, MGMT = O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase.
public data set contains multimodal images of high- and lower- Unfortunately, contrast enhancement is nonspecific and the
grade gliomas with expert manual segmentations with five labels detection of foci of tumor infiltration within the T2-weighted
(healthy brain tissue, necrosis, edema, and nonenhancing and FLAIR signal intensity abnormality is nearly impossible with
enhancing tumor). Deep learning approaches have surpassed conventional sequences (20). Most institutions rely on other
more traditional segmentation methods to win the BraTS chal- advanced MRI methods that are more sensitive to this crucial
lenges in 2016 (12) and 2017 (14). aspect of tumor physiology. Diffusion-weighted imaging is a
useful method for evaluating areas of high cellularity and can
Current Methods in Neuro-Oncologic be extended to diffusion tensor imaging, which can help iden-
Imaging tify tissue microstructure and depict neoplastic infiltration in
Most research in neuro-oncology has focused on diffuse areas of brain that appear normal on conventional MR images
gliomas, World Health Organization (WHO) grade II–IV (20–22). Perfusion MRI with dynamic susceptibility-weighted
tumors, which are typically divided into lower-grade gliomas contrast material enhancement, dynamic contrast enhancement,
(WHO grade II and III) and glioblastoma (WHO grade IV) or arterial spin labeling exploits the neoangiogenic properties
(18). Much work has focused on glioblastoma, given that it of gliomas. MR spectroscopy, which depicts the distribution of
represents more than half of malignant primary brain tumors chemical metabolites such as choline, creatine, and N-acetyl-
and has an aggressive course and grim prognosis (19). Lower- aspartate, is used clinically for grading gliomas and identifying
grade gliomas can sometimes progress into glioblastoma, and regions of tumor infiltration (23,24). Despite the potential vi-
these are known as secondary glioblastomas. A variety of other ability of these advanced modalities, they are usually interpreted
brain tumors, including WHO grade I tumors, pediatric CNS in a qualitative manner. Their widespread adoption is further
tumors, primary CNS lymphoma, and brain metastases, en- complicated by variability across sites, imaging units, and post-
compass important areas of neuro-oncology but represent less- processing methods.
active areas of research given smaller sample sizes, more disease
heterogeneity, and relatively lower morbidity. Genomics and Radiogenomics in Neuro-Oncology
Given its excellent soft-tissue contrast, MRI is the central tool Vast mutational, molecular, and microenvironment hetero-
for tumor detection and characterization. Conventional MRI geneity in CNS neoplasms substantially complicates diag-
sequences, which include pre- and postcontrast T1-weighted nostic and treatment approaches. Diffuse gliomas typically
imaging, T2-weighted imaging, and T2-weighted fluid-attenu- harbor more than 60 genetic alterations, encompassing
ated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences, are good at help- several major cellular pathways (25). Developing a better
ing delineate tumor volume and morphologic characteristics. understanding of these cellular pathways is crucial for im-
Figure 3: Genomic and radiogenomic landscape of diffuse gliomas. Diffuse gliomas are fundamentally differentiated according to presence
of IDH mutation. IDH mutant gliomas are typically lower grade (World Health Organization [WHO] grades II–III) but can sometimes be glioblas-
toma (GBM) (WHO grade IV), in which case they usually arise from a lower-grade astrocytoma. IDH mutant gliomas are subdivided according to
presence of 1p19q codeletion, which defines an oligodendroglioma, and are associated with “poorly circumscribed” margins. The 1p19q non-
codeleted tumors are characterized by “circumscribed” margins and exhibit the “T2–fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) mismatch” pattern.
IDH wild-type gliomas are typically glioblastomas but may sometimes be a lower-grade astrocytoma or oligodendroglioma not otherwise specified
(NOS). Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations and O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT ) methylation status are impor-
tant molecular and prognostic markers. EGFR mutant gliomas are associated with increased cerebral blood volume (CBV ). Methylated MGMT
gliomas are associated with “masslike” T2-FLAIR signal intensity abnormality and heterogeneous and/or nodular enhancement pattern, whereas
unmethylated MGMT gliomas are associated with "infiltrative" T2-FLAIR signal intensity abnormality and thick enhancement pattern with central
necrosis. Background shading represents overall prognosis (green = best, yellow = intermediate, red = worst). wt = wild-type.
proving diagnostic methods and delivering targeted thera- correlates imaging characteristics with genetic, mutational, and
pies. In fact, given the prognostic significance of different expression patterns (29,30). Radiogenomics also has the power
mutations, molecular markers have recently taken a larger to dynamically monitor the microenvironment over the course
role in establishing an “integrated diagnosis,” as seen in the of treatment, potentially allowing for a reduced number of re-
most recent 2016 WHO classification of CNS tumors (26) peat biopsies or resections. Glioma radiogenomics (Fig 3) has
(Fig 3). For example, glioblastoma is now fundamentally begun to characterize radiomic phenotypes of several candi-
grouped according to the presence of mutations in isocitrate date genetic alterations, including IDH mutation, O6-meth-
dehydrogenase (IDH), with worse survival seen in IDH ylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) methylation,
wild-type gliomas (27). Seminal work analyzing gene ex- epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) splice variant, and
pression data of subjects from TCGA (https://cancergenome. the 1p/19q codeletion. Additional work in radiogenomics has
nih.gov/) identified prognostically influential gene expres- attempted to develop a systems-level understanding between
sion–based subgroups, namely proneural, neural, classic, gene expression patterns and radiomics.
and mesenchymal, representing distinct cellular pathways
with prognostic and therapeutic implications (28). Candidate Genetic Alterations
Further advancing our understanding of neuro-oncology is Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 are found in 70%–80% of lower-
the nascent field of radiogenomics (imaging genomics), which grade gliomas but only 5%–10% of glioblastomas, which are
usually secondary glioblastomas, arising from lower-grade now defines an oligodendroglioma (26). The 1p/19q codele-
gliomas (27,31–32). IDH mutant gliomas result in the accu- tion has been shown to have a protective effect on prognosis
mulation of D-2-hydroxyglutarate, an oncometabolite absent (53). Comparison of lower-grade gliomas with and without
in IDH wild-type tumors. D-2-hydroxyglutarate can be de- the 1p/19q codeletion showed that noncircumscribed borders,
tected with high specificity with MR spectroscopy (33–35). heterogeneous signal on T1- and/or T2-weighted images, and
Although advanced MR spectroscopy sequences (eg, two-di- lower apparent diffusion coefficients are strongly associated
mensional localized correlation spectroscopy at 7.0 T [36]) are with 1p/19q codeletions (37,54). More recent work with use
highly reliable in the detection of 2-hydroxyglutarate, they are of CNNs found that the 1p/19q codeletion is associated with
not readily available in most centers, which limits their utility. increased enhancement, left frontal predominance, and ill-de-
Interestingly, visually apparent imaging biomarkers, including fined margins on FLAIR images with mass effect (33), with up
indistinct margins and T2-FLAIR mismatch (regions within to 93% accuracy (55).
the tumor that are hyperintense on T2-weighted images but
hypointense on FLAIR images), have been shown to be use- Systems-Level Radiogenomic Approaches
ful in the differentiation of IDH mutant from IDH wild-type Complementary to these candidate gene approaches, a systems-
gliomas (37). CNNs applied to conventional MRI modalities level radiogenomic approach has been used by some groups to
have been used to differentiate IDH mutant gliomas from better understand how radiomic markers relate to gene expres-
IDH wild-type tumors with 92% accuracy, consistent with sion patterns more globally, which is important considering that
prior visual assessment and underlying pathophysiology that each tumor contains a combination of different mutations. An
IDH wild-type tumors demonstrate more infiltrative, ill-de- early study (56) looked at the relationship between gene expres-
fined margins (38). sion modules with several neuroradiologist-defined MRI patterns,
Approximately 33%–57% of diffuse gliomas exhibit hyper- including contrast-to-necrosis ratio, subventricular zone involve-
methylation of the promoter of the MGMT gene, encoding ment, contrast-to-T2 ratio, and T2 heterogeneity patterns. The
for a DNA repair protein (39,40). MGMT promoter hyper- investigators found that activation of specific gene expression pro-
methylation has been associated with better prognosis owing grams can be inferred from imaging traits; for example, the hy-
to improved sensitivity to alkylating agents (eg, temozolomide) poxia module was associated with contrast enhancement and the
(39,40). Radiomic studies have identified distinct imaging signa- proliferation module was associated with mass effect. Grossmann
tures for this molecular marker. Several groups have been able to et al (57) compared genomic pathway enrichment analyses with
predict MGMT methylation status with up to 88% accuracy by volumetric tumor phenotypes, finding that immune response and
combining texture features with traditional supervised machine apoptosis cellular pathways were associated with necrosis pathways
learning methods (41–43). In addition, several deep learning ar- and that tumor bulk and edema were associated with homeostasis
chitectures have been shown to predict MGMT methylation sta- and cell cycling pathways. Zinn et al (58) evaluated the relation-
tus (44,45). Korfiatis et al (44) obtained up to 94.9% accuracy ship between radiomic features in gliomas and nonoverlapping
with only T2-weighted images and without the need for previ- mutations in TP53, PTEN, and EGFR genes in 29 patients from
ous tumor segmentation. By performing principal component TCGA. Although there were minimal differences in conventional
analysis on their final CNN layer, Chang et al (38) found that MRI volumetric parameters, texture analyses yielded distinct and
nodular and heterogeneous enhancement and "masslike FLAIR partially nonoverlapping radiomic feature sets and a variety of
edema" were helpful for predicting MGMT methylation status, gene expression signatures uniquely associated with these three
with up to 83% accuracy. mutations (TP53 with angiogenesis, PTEN with invasion, and
EGFR is a receptor tyrosine kinase that regulates normal cel- EGFR with immune response).
lular growth in epithelial cell lines (46). EGFR mutations are
present in approximately 40% of glioblastomas but are rarely Prognostication in Neuro-Oncology
found in lower-grade gliomas (31). The most common extra- In current clinical practice, prognostication is based on histo-
cellular EGFR mutation in glioblastoma is the splice variant III logic tumor grade and clinical models incorporating the pa-
(EGFRvIII), which is found in 31% of patients (47). Radioge- tient’s age, sex, and functional status (eg, the Karnofsky per-
nomic studies performed with perfusion imaging have demon- formance status scale) (59). In addition, some of the previously
strated a moderate relationship between EGFR amplification discussed specific molecular markers are now central in diag-
and tumor blood flow and volume (48,49). Support vector nosis and prognosis. However, imaging features and radiomic
machine–based approaches have shown that EGFRvIII mutant metrics are not used in any widely adopted clinical prognostic
gliomas exhibit deep peritumoral infiltration, which is consistent model, despite their potential to capture underlying tumor bi-
with a more aggressive and/or infiltrative phenotype (50). Fur- ology and outcomes.
ther multivariate approaches incorporating a larger set of mul-
tiparametric features have shown that EGFRvIII tumors have Radiomic Prediction of Prognosis
increased neovascularization and cell density, as well as a spatial Previous radiomic studies have shown that basic imag-
preference for frontal and parietal regions (51,52). ing metrics, including maximal dimension and enhancing
The codeletion of chromosome arms 1p/19q is present in volume, are predictive beyond clinical models (60,61). A
approximately 30% of lower-grade gliomas (but is not present rule-based model combining clinical, imaging, and genetic
in glioblastoma) and, in combination with an IDH mutation, variables resulted in the best predictive accuracy in patients
in TCIA (62). Diffusion, perfusion, and MR spectroscopy apy are being applied to treat patients with glioblastoma (70),
measures have also been found to be prognostic (63,64), and including ones that target specific molecular pathways such as
more recent studies have used machine learning methods to EGFR (71).
predict patient survival on the basis of multiparametric MR
images (65–67). Kickingereder et al (65) identified 11 cross- Clinical Response Assessment
validated features portending a poor prognosis, including vol- Increasing size of T2/FLAIR signal abnormality with new or
ume, shape, texture, and wavelet features. These features were increasing areas of enhancement after combined radiation and
exclusively derived from FLAIR images within the contrast- chemotherapy, known as pseudoprogression (72), makes the
enhancing portion of the tumor. Macyszyn et al (66), using evaluation of treatment response particularly challenging and
features explicitly extracted from traditional and advanced is more common in MGMT methylated and IDH mutant tu-
MRI sequences, developed a support vector machine model mors. Conversely, antiangiogenic agents (eg, bevacizumab) can
to predict survival group (low, medium, and high), with up to result in pseudoresponse, which consists of a dramatic reduc-
80% accuracy in training and prospective replication cohorts. tion of enhancement by altering the blood-brain barrier, but
The most predictive features in this model included tumor do little to alter progression of the infiltrating component—
volumes, angiogenesis (enhancing tumor volume), peritu- with no improvement in overall survival (73).
moral infiltration (peak perfusion height), cell density (trace Initial guidelines for response assessment followed the Mac-
diffusion values), and distance to the ventricles. donald criteria (74), which incorporated only the size of enhanc-
ing components. More recently, the evaluation of treatment
Systems-Level Radiomic Approaches for response has been described with the Response Assessment for
Prognostication Neuro-Oncology, or RANO, criteria (75), which incorporates
With use of unsupervised machine learning methods, radiomic changes in enhancing tissue and T2/FLAIR nonenhancing sig-
features can also be used to generate novel subgroups that may nal intensity abnormalities in addition to clinical status. A recent
more closely align with the underlying biology of gliomas. Ita- modification to the RANO criteria (76) changed the baseline as-
kura et al (68) performed clustering of features capturing the sessment to be the first postradiation treatment image rather than
shape, texture, and edge sharpness of 121 solitary glioblasto- the postresection image and provides some response assessment
mas with postcontrast T1-weighted MRI. They identified three rubrics to identify pseudoprogression. However, RANO is still a
clusters—premultifocal, spherical, and rim enhancing. These limited tool for assessing response, especially considering that it
clusters were subsequently validated in 144 multi-institution uses two-dimensional measurements, which are subjective, and
subjects from TCIA and had significant differences in survival. does not incorporate advanced imaging modalities such as MRI
The best prognosis was seen in the rim-enhancing subgroup, perfusion, diffusion tensor imaging, and MR spectroscopy, despite
and the worst prognosis was seen in the premultifocal group. their clinical utility and use at most institutions. Newer immu-
Rathore et al (43) also applied an unsupervised high-dimen- notherapy agents have been shown to elicit complex inflam-
sional clustering algorithm to a comprehensive feature set de- matory responses (77), adding additional difficulties in response
rived from conventional and advanced MRI in 208 patients assessment. The immunotherapy RANO criteria (78,79) extends
with glioblastoma. The resulting subtypes were remarkably the timeline for determining progression in an attempt to help
similar to those found in the study by Itakura et al (68), cluster- account for immune inflammatory-related pseudoprogression.
ing into rim-enhancing, irregular, and solid subgroups. These
subgroups were associated with distinct survival estimates, Radiomic Prediction of Pseudoprogression and
with the best survival seen in the rim-enhancing subgroup. Progression
The clusters were also associated with particular anatomic lo- The differentiation of pseudoprogression from true progres-
cations, molecular subtypes, and genetic variations, including sion remains a crucial diagnostic dilemma, for which AI
IDH, MGMT, and EGFRvIII. Although these subgroups are methods are well suited (Fig 4). Several radiomic studies have
still preliminary, requiring larger sample sizes and additional had moderate success by evaluating diffusion-weighted imag-
validation to ensure their robustness, they show the promise of ing (80,81) and dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast en-
unsupervised methods in providing more precise subgrouping hancement measures (82,83). Machine learning approaches
and prognostication than clinical models and molecular mark- that incorporate multiple measures from both diffusion-
ers currently used in WHO classification. weighted imaging and dynamic susceptibility-weighted con-
trast enhancement have also had success in predicting pseudo-
Treatment Response Assessment in progression (84,85). Notably, although most previous studies
Neuro-Oncology have used longitudinal clinical and radiologic follow-up to
Current standard-of-care treatment for glioblastoma consists of determine pseudoprogression, histologic examination of re-
maximal safe resection followed by radiation and chemother- peat resections often shows a combination of treatment-re-
apy with temozolomide (69), whereas lower-grade gliomas may lated changes and recurrent and/or residual tumor. Wang et al
be treated with surgery and/or chemoradiation. The addition (86) used a multivariate logistic regression model, incorporat-
of tumor-treating fields has more recently been shown to have ing measures derived from dynamic susceptibility-weighted
an additional survival benefit in glioblastoma (19). Although contrast-enhanced MRI and diffusion tensor imaging within
not yet proven, an array of clinical trials using immunother- the enhancing tissue to predict pseudoprogression on the ba-
Figure 4: Treatment response in neuro-oncologic imaging. After standard-of-care treatment with combined radiation therapy and chemo-
therapy, increasing T2–fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) signal intensity abnormality and new and/or increasing size of enhancing le-
sions are often seen. Artificial intelligence (AI )–based “virtual biopsy” could assist in distinguishing underlying biology and segregating treatment
response into three possible categories: true progression (.75% recurrent and/or residual glioma at pathologic examination), mixed response
(25%–75% recurrent and/or residual glioma at pathologic examination), and pseudoprogression (.75% treatment-related changes). Categories
dictate distinct therapeutic approaches. In this example, the new enhancing lesion was found to represent 100% treatment-related changes at
pathologic examination, with few atypical cells.
sis of histologically classified cases of true progression, pseu- relationship between cellularity and apparent diffusion coeffi-
doprogression, and mixed response, with an area under the cient and FLAIR values and a direct relationship between de-
curve of 0.90. Akbari et al (87) conducted a support vector gree of enhancement and cellularity. This approach effectively
machine–based analysis of conventional and advanced MRI generates noninvasive maps of cell density, which are useful
features by training the model on pathologists’ scores of true for identifying the infiltrative margins of gliomas. Given
progression versus pseudoprogression, demonstrating a high that current surgical resection is guided largely by means of
correlation (r = 0.86) between pathologic and radiomic scores the enhancing tumor alone, these methods have substantial
of pseudoprogression. promise in developing noninvasive means to stratify patients
into clinical trials and guiding more aggressive treatments.
Radiomic Predictions of Infiltration and Recurrence Indeed, the method by Akbari et al (89) has already spurred
Despite the difficulty in differentiating infiltrating neoplasm a clinical trial with intensified radiation to areas of infiltrative
from edema by using conventional qualitative approaches, tumor for patients who have recently undergone an initial
there is substantial promise for machine learning methods to resection.
identify margins of infiltrative tissue on preoperative MR im-
ages. These delineations may be used to guide extended sur- AI Applications in Neuro-Oncologic
gical resections, localized biopsies, and radiation treatment Imaging: Non-Glioma Evaluation
planning. With use of a voxel-wise logistic regression model, Machine learning approaches have also been applied to other
FLAIR and apparent diffusion coefficient maps were shown CNS tumors, particularly brain metastases and CNS lym-
to be sufficient to enable prediction of areas of future tumor phoma, with the potential to clarify diagnostically ambiguous
recurrence (88). Akbari et al (89) developed and Rathore et al situations and/or improve workflow efficiency and accuracy.
(90) refined a multivariate support vector machine approach, Initially, a variety of image-processing methods, such as three-
incorporating features from conventional and advanced MRI dimensional template matching, were used to detect and lo-
modalities after registering areas of glioblastoma recurrences to calize brain metastases (92,93). More recent work with use
preoperative MR images. This approach generates predictive of three-dimensional CNNs has shown increasing promise
spatial maps of infiltrated peritumoral tissue (Fig 5), with ap- (94,95), with potential to aid in stereotactic radiation therapy
proximately 90% cross-validated accuracy. planning. In some situations, the differentiation among brain
For another approach, which uses pathologic-radiologic metastases, primary CNS lymphoma, and glioblastoma is not
relationships, Chang (91) developed a fully automated system possible with existing clinical and imaging paradigms. To ad-
to register biopsy sites from neuronavigational cross-hairs to dress this problem, Wang et al (96) developed a decision tree
the preoperative MR images by using a CNN in 36 patients. and multivariate logistic regression model incorporating dif-
Multimodal imaging measures at the biopsy sites were then fusion tensor imaging and dynamic susceptibility-weighted
used to train a network on a cell density counting method contrast-enhanced MRI metrics from the enhancing region
applied to pathology images (Fig 6). They found an inverse to differentiate among these three entities. In another study
Figure 5: Predictive maps of tumor infiltration. Multimodal pre-operative conventional and advanced MRI data were analyzed with support
vector machines to generate an estimated infiltration map overlaid on postcontrast T1-weighted image (red areas signify higher risk). Postcontrast
T1-weighted MR image obtained at 6-month follow-up (right) demonstrates area of recurrence near site of highest predicted infiltration (arrow).
Figure 7: Schematic of future artificial intelligence–based neuro-oncologic imaging and clinical management workflow. A, Initial lesion detec-
tion and analysis system would generate a probabilistic differential of lesion(s) seen on patient’s initial brain MR image (precision diagnostics).
It would also recommend additional useful imaging examinations, laboratory tests, or tissue sampling. B, Glioma-specific module could make
personalized predictions of molecular markers, survival, and treatment responses (precision diagnostics), thereby recommending optimal treatment
plan(s), which would be continuously updated on the basis of follow-up imaging (precision therapeutics). CNS = central nervous system, DTI =
diffusion tensor imaging, EGFR = epidermal growth factor receptor, EGFRvIII = epidermal growth factor receptor variable III, IDH = isocitrate dehy-
drogenase, MGMT = O 6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase, TTFields = tumor-treating fields.
standing between feature patterns and underlying biology will An additional barrier to the development of more robust
be helpful both for clinical acceptance and for improving the algorithms in the field of neuro-oncologic imaging, and ra-
biologic and treatment relevance of the patterns revealed by diomics more generally, is the lack of clear, targeted “use
these methods. cases” or specific tasks against which their performance can be
One of the premier challenges in AI research is the avail- benchmarked. Other than the BraTS competition, the mea-
ability of large, well-annotated data sets. Unfortunately, sured performance of an individual algorithm is highly task-
studies with relatively small sample sizes are prone to mea- dependent, data set–dependent, and strongly influenced by the
surement error (103). TCIA and BraTS have made sub- particular scientific question, all of which limit comparison of
stantial progress in the creation of centralized, well-labeled different algorithms developed by different groups. The newly
data for glioma image analysis, whereas non–glioma-based formed American College of Radiology Data Science Institute
research has been limited by a lack of public data sets. Nev- (https://acrdsi.org/) is helping define standard use cases, an-
ertheless, the vast majority of available data remain siloed notation tools, and data sets, which should greatly help with
within individual institutions and hospital systems. In or- standardization and benchmarking relevant to both academic
der for these algorithms to improve further, larger and more pursuits and commercial ventures.
heterogeneous data sets (likely orders of magnitude larger) In addition, although the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
may be needed to improve the generalizability of an algo- tion is developing pathways for approval of these emerging tools,
rithm’s performance across different imaging sites, acquisi- there are many unanswered questions, including the generaliz-
tion parameters, and patient populations (104). An impor- ability of the methods and when retraining is appropriate.
tant component of assembling such data sets is the sharing
of data among institutions, similar to efforts in Alzheimer Pathways to Clinical Implementation
disease (105) and autism (106) research. Other ways of im- Despite the growing use of AI algorithms in research settings,
proving data sets include statistical techniques to harmonize there are major obstacles to the efficient and consistent deploy-
the data sets and to introduce more uniform data collec- ment of these sophisticated algorithms in a clinical setting. The
tion by adoption of standardized neuro-oncology imaging system must be easily integrated into the radiologist’s work-
protocols across institutions (76). Interestingly, novel deep flow (electronic medical record system, picture archiving and
learning methods, namely generative adversarial networks, communication system, and dictation software) to be adopted.
have shown promise in improving performance by generat- Furthermore, many of the segmentation and radiomic meth-
ing synthetic data (107). ods require manual intervention and the use of a variety of
in-house pipelines and have lengthy processing times. There alties for patent licensed to GalileoCDS; has stock/stock options in GalileoCDS.
Other relationships: has patents issued and held by University of Pennsylvania; has
has been relatively little work done to develop tools for easily patents licensed to GalileoCDS. C.D. disclosed no relevant relationships. S.M. Ac-
translating and sharing these methods. In fact, most publi- tivities related to the present article: institution received grants from GalileoCDS
cations do not provide enough information to re-create their and NovoCure. Activities not related to the present article: disclosed no relevant
relationships. Other relationships: disclosed no relevant relationships.
method independently. A few examples of open source tools
that may facilitate sharing of different methods are Modelhub
(http://modelhub.ai/), Pyradiomics (http://www.Radiomics.io/) References
(108), and the Cancer Imaging Phenomics Toolkit (https://med. 1. Chang PJ. Bayesian analysis revisited: a radiologist’s survival guide. AJR Am
J Roentgenol 1989;152(4):721–727.
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