SC-11 Safety Code For Barricading
SC-11 Safety Code For Barricading
SC-11 Safety Code For Barricading
1. Objective:
This safety code defines the process of deploying best practices in
barricading at shop floor. It also provides guideline on engineering solutions
on restriction of unwanted access to hazardous place at shop floor.
2. Scope:
The scope of work covers all steel plants in Iron and Steel sector.
3. Procedure:
3.1 Deployment Methodology:
i) Gap Identification and assessment of current practices.
ii) Identifying critical areas to improve and prioritize.
iii) Preparation of deployment plan
iv) Review and monitoring the improvement and compliance of plan
3.2 Process:
3.2.1 Barricades:
i) Barricades are used as warning devices, alerting people of the hazards in
the construction sites. These are also used to control traffic movement on
roads and to protect hazard prone vital installations like gas holders,
electrical sub-stations etc.
ii) Barricades are used to prevent un-authorized entry into hazardous area
inside production departments.
iii) Consultants, site-in-charge from Central Project Engineering Division
andOperating Departments are responsible to ensure that the work site is
properly barricaded.
iv) Where required for protection of workers, public safety, or as required by
laws, substantial barricades shall be provided for the areas where
excavation, trenching, construction and demolition work are being
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i) Indicative Barricades
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Doc. No: SC/11, Rev no: 00 Areas with temporary wiring operating at more than 600 volts shall
be barricaded with indicative barricade comprising “Red-White”
safety tape, if the job requires at most one day to complete. If job
requires longer time, then the site is to be barricaded with
protective barricades as per the above-mentioned sketches.
Plastic barriers must not be used to barricade the work area.
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i) All the roads and open areas adjacent to demolition site shall be
barricaded with caution board. Unauthorized entry to demolition site
must be prevented.
ii) Properly cover or securely barricade all the floors or roof openings /
lift shaft entrances / doorways leading to staircases (where
staircases are to be removed).
iii) When floors are being removed, the area underneath shall be
properly barricaded to prevent any other workman to work under the
iv) All floor openings / wall openings shall be adequately guarded /
v) During night, red light and/or luminescent danger signs shall be
placed on and around the barricades.
3.2.7 Barricading Roads :
i) Before working on road or along road side, the executing agency
shall obtain approval for working on road from Safety Department.
Barricade to control or to protect traffic is to be provided as per the
norm mentioned below and to be approved by the site-in-charge and
the safety officer of the concerned department before starting the
ii) Executing agency shall make safe work procedure for the job with
the help of the safety officer of the concerned department.
iii) Care should be taken to block only one-half of road width at a time.
Caution boards and boards indicating diversion are to be placed at
both sides of barricade.
iv) If entire road width is to be blocked, in addition to the caution board,
the road diversion sign is to be prominently placed on both ends of
the work area.
v) If access by construction vehicles is required, the contractor or
agency doing the work is responsible for properly replacing the
barricades immediately after entry & exit of the construction vehicle.
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Doc. No: SC/11, Rev no: 00
1. IPSS:1-11-022-14
2. TSL Safety Standard: SS/ENGG-13, Version-06
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