PRINCE2 Notes: The Following Are Study Notes From PRINCE2 Manual Published by The UK Office of Government Commerce

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The following are study notes from PRINCE2 manual published by the UK
Office of Government Commerce.


A project is an organisation created to deliver one or more products

according to an agreed business case. A project introduces change, is
temporary, cross-functional, unique and uncertain.

Project management is a method for planning, delegating, monitoring and

controlling the aspects of a project. The aspects are scope, time, cost,
quality, risk and benefits.

The PRINCE2 method includes (a) principles, (b) themes, (c) processes and
(d) tailoring. There are only two specific techniques detailed; the product-
based planning technique and quality review technique.

PRINCE2 does not provide specialist aspects, detailed techniques, or

leadership capability.

PRINCE2 is embodies proven best practise, can be applied to any type of

project, is widely recognised with a common vocabulary, provides explicit
recognition of responsibilities, and provides a highly structured approach to
accountability, delegation, authority, and communication. It manages by
exception and manages by stages.


It is the adoption of principles that determines whether a project is using

PRINCE2, not the adoption of processes and documents alone. The principles
are (a) business justification, (b) learn by experience, (c) defined roles and
responsibilities, (d) manage by stages, (e) manage by exception, (f) focus on
products, (g) tailor to suit the environment.

A PRINCE2 project must have justification to start it and to continue

throughout the project. If a project can no longer be justified it must stop.
Justification must be documented and approved.

A PRINCE2 project learns by experience. When starting a project lessons

learned from similar projects are sought, as the project progresses lessons
are included in reports and reviews, and when the project closes lessons are
identified and passed on for the future.

A PRINCE2 project has defined and agreed roles and responsibilities. All
projects have the following primary stakeholders; business sponsors, users,
and suppliers. Business sponsors ensure the investment provides value for
money. Users gain the intended benefits and feel the pain. Suppliers, internal
and external, provide the resources.

A PRINCE2 project is planned, monitored and controlled by stages. There is

at least two stages; initiation plus one or more management stages. Planning
is only conducted on the level that is forseeable. The greater the complexity
and risk, the more stages that should be implemented.

A PRINCE2 project has agreed tolerances for its aspects. If these tolerances
establish limits of delegated authority. If they are breached the next higher
level must manage the exception. PRINCE2 enables appropriate governance
by defining distinct responsibilities for directing, managing, and delivering
the project.

A PRINCE2 project focuses on the definition and delivery of products,

according to their quality criteria. This means there is a common
understanding of the products required. When delivered, this provides

A PRINCE2 project ought to be tailored for a particular situation. Tailoring

ensures that the method relates to the environment, and that project
controls are based on the project's scale, complexity, and importance. The
Project Manager and the Project Board will make an decision on how the
method will be applied, and this will be documented in the Project Initiation

PRINCE2 themes describe the aspects of project management which must be

addressed continually. There are seven themes: (i) business case (why?), (ii)
organisation (who?), (iii) quality (what?), (iv) plans (how?, how much?,
when?), (v) risk (what if?), (vi) change (what's the impact?), (viii) progress
(where are we?, where are we going? should we continue?).

Business Case Theme

The Business Case theme establishes mechanisms to judge whether the

project is and remains desirable, viable and achievable. It is the justification
for the project. The business justification is documented in the Business

Products are outputs, which lead to outcomes, which provide benefits.

Benefits are always expressed in quantifiable terms.

In PRINCE2, the business case is developed at the beginning of the project

and is maintained throughout the project, verified by the Project Board at
each stage assessment and other key points, and confirmed that the benefits
accrue. The Executive is responsible for the Business Case. Development
may be delegated, typically to a Business Analyst or Project Manager. A
detailed Business Case is derived from the outline Business Case, the Project
Plan (cost, timescale, products), and the Risk Register.

It is the responsibility of the Executive to assure that the project

stakeholders remains justifiable at all times. The Executive should not rely on
end-stage assessment alone, but rather should make use of Project
Assurance as Highlight Reports as well.

The Senior User(s) specify the benefits and is held to account by

demonstrating to corporate or programme management that forecasts are in
fact realised. The Executive is responsible for ensuring that benefit reviews
are planned and executed. The Benefits Review Plan is first created by the
Project Manager in the initiation stage and approved by the Project Board.

The three basic business options concerning investment always include (a)
do nothing, (b) do the minimal (e.g., a workaround), (c) do something.

The Business Case should list each benefit that it is claimed would result
from the project's outcome. This can be financial and non-financial, but must
be aligned to corporate strategy, mapped to outcomes and outputs,
quantified (with tolerance), measurable, and assigned.

Organisation Theme

The Organisation theme defines and establishes the project's structure of

accountability and responsibilities. It is based on a customer/supplier model.

A project may be a stand-alone entity or it can be part of a programme of

related projects. Regardless, it will exist within the wider context of a
corporate organisation.

PRINCE2 does not define management jobs - it defines roles. This includes
the three primary categories of stakeholder which are included on the Project
Board; Business, User and Supplier interests. The Business is interested in
value for money, the User in desired outputs, and the Supplier in producing
the project products. The customer is usually interpreted as a collective term
for Business and User roles. Sometimes the Executive (Business) can be
combined with the Senior User.

PRINCE2 separates the direction and management of the project from the
delivery of the outputs. The project management structure has four levels, of
which the bottom three represent the project team. The top level is the
corporate or programme management. The Project Board gives direction, the
Project Board gives management, the Team Manager delivers.

The Executive can be combined with the Senior User role.

The Project Board should display four key characteristics; (a) authority, (b)
credibility, (c) ability to delegate, (d) availability.

The Executive is ultimately accountable for the project's success and the key
decision maker. The Executive ensure that project gives value for money and
is responsible for the Business Case. The Senior User represents those who
will use the project (including operations and maintenance). The Senior
Supplier is accountable for the quality of products delivered and is
responsible for the technical integrity of the product.

The Board is responsible for appointing a Project Assurance role, independent

of the Project Manager. Assurance however is also responsible for supporting
the Project Manager with advice and guidance.

Producing a matrix of products with stakeholders helps split stakeholders

from decision-makers. Stakeholders need to be engaged as part of the
Communications Management Strategy, project decision makers need to be
on the Project Board.

The Project Board should define in the Configuration Management Strategy a

scale of severity ratings for change, and determine, as Change Authority,
what conditions are places for the authorisation for change or off-

In PRINCE2 the Project Manager's role should not be shared. The Project
Manager managers Team Managers and Project Support, and is responsible
for liaison with Project Assurance and the Project Board. The Team Manager's
primary responsibility is to ensure production. PRINCE2 uses Work Packages
to allocate work to Team Managers or team members.

The Project Support role, which is responsible for the documentation

repository, is not optional. It does default to the Project Manager if there is
no other person allocated to the role.

The use of "management by stages" also allows smooth transition for

changes to the project management team if needed.

The Communications Management Strategy facilitates engagement with

stakeholders through the establishment of a controlled and bi-directional flow
of information.

Quality Theme

The theme of Quality defines the means by which a projects verifies that
products are fit for purpose. Quality Systems and Quality Assurance exist on
the Corporate level and should be differentiated from Quality Planning and
Quality Control, on the Project level.
In PRINCE2 Quality is defined as the totality of features in a product,
process, person, service, or system. The scope of a plan is the sum total of
its products, defined by a product breakdown structure.

Project Assurance is undertaken from within the project and assures that the
project is being conducted properly with regard to internal rules. Quality
Assurance is the responsibility of the corporate or programme management
is external to the project. It assurances the the project complies to corporate
standards and legislation.

The Quality System and Quality Assurance is corporate responsibility. Quality

planning and quality control is project responsibility.

The Project's acceptance criteria provide a prioritised and measurable

definitions of attributes. A popular prioritisation technique is MoSCoW (must,
should, could, won't).

Product Descriptions should not be written in too much detail as it increases

the cost of quality in the project. Project Product Descriptions include (a) the
overall purpose of the project, (b) composition (set of products), (c)
customer's quality expectations, (d) acceptance criteria, methods, and
responsibilities, (e) project-level quality tolerances.

The Quality Register is a diary of quality events planned and undertaken.

This will include quality control, which includes carrying out quality methods
(e.g., inspection, testing etc), maintaining quality and approval records, and
gaining acceptance.

The quality review technique is conducted as a formal meeting with prior

circulated questions. The review team agrees on actions for each question. If
follow-up action is not feasible or not within tolerance, then it should be
raised an issue for the Project Manager.

Plans Theme

Plans facilitate communication and control, by focusing on products and

managing by stages (the where, how, by whom, and when of products).

Plans are the backbone of the management information system required for
any project. They must be kept in line with the Business Case at all times.

PRINCE2 recommends three levels of plan to suit the needs of the different
levels of management. Outside of the project there may be a corporate or
programme plan. The Project Plan provides the Business Case, with Project
costs and timescales as a baseline. The Stage plan is similar to the Project
Plan but with adequate detail for day-to-day control for the Project Manager.
Team plans are produced by a Team Manager to facilitate Work Packages.
They are optional.
Exception Plans are prepared for the appropriate management level to show
the actions required to recover from the effects of tolerance deviation.

Plans are designed as a prerequisite. Then, simultaneous with an analysis of

risks, products are defined and analysed, then activities and dependencies,
then estimates, then the schedule, and finally documentation. This process is
repeated for project, stage and team plans. It is a product-based planning

The "philosophy" (grrr) behind producing plans in PRIONCE2 is that the

products required are identified first and only then are the activities,
dependencies, and resources required to deliver those products identified.
This is product-based planning. The benefits include (for example) involving
users in specifying the product requirements, thus increasing buy-in and
reducing approval disputes, and clarifying the scope boundary, defining
products that are in and out of the scope.

The first task of product-based planning is to write the Project Product

Description. The plan is then broken down into its major products, which are
then further broken down etc, until an appropriate level of detail is reached.
It is useful to identify any external products required by the plan, as the
Project Manager is not accountable for their creation. For each external
product there should be a corresponding entry in the Risk Register.

If a detailed requirements for specification for a product is already available,

this may be used as a substitute for the Product Description.

A flow diagram needs to be created that identifies and defines the sequence
in which the products of the plan will be developed and any dependencies
between them. Dependencies are internal or external. An external
dependency includes the delivery of a product from another project.

Risk Themes

The Risk theme identifies, assesses and controls uncertainty. Risk is an

uncertain event that will have an effect on the achievement of objectives.
They can be threats or opportunities. Different organisations have different
'risk appetites'.

Project Support will maintain the Risk Register on behalf of the Project

The Risk Management procedure is sequentially (a) identify (context and

risks), (b) plan, (c) implement, with (d) communication, throughout.

An effective way to identify risks is to use a risk workshop. Identification

should involve noting the risk cause, the event, and the effect. A typical
estimation technique is a quantitative probability impact grid.
Risk responses do not necessarily remove a risk in entirety; it may leave a
residual risk. It is also possible that the response to a risk can change some
aspect of a project resulting in a secondary risk.

Threat responses are; avoid, reduce (probability and impact), fallback

(impact only), transfer, share, or accept. Opportunity responses are exploit,
enhance, share or reject.

The Risk owner is the named individual responsible for managing,

monitoring, and control of a particular risk. The risk actionee carries out the
risk response action.

Change Themes

The Change theme identifies, assesses and controls changes to the baseline.
The baseline should use a form of version control in documentation. The
process to manage changes and issues is the Configuration Management

A configuration item is an entity that is subject to configuration

management. The entity may be a component of a product, a product, or a
set of products that form a release.

Issues consist of Requests for Change (funded from the Change Budget),
Off-Specifications aka stuff-ups (funded from Tolerances), and
Problem/Concerns, which require approval from the Project Board.
Tolerances should not be used to fund Requests for Change!

The following management products are used to establish and maintain the
project's controls for issues, changes, and configuration management: (a)
configuration management strategy, (b) configuration item records, (c)
product status accounts, (d) daily log, (e) issue register, (f) issue reports.

Effective issue and change control is only possible if it is supported by a

configuration management system that facilitates impact assessments
(relationships between products) and maintains product baselines (the basis
from which the entity will change).

The Configuration Management Strategy should define the configuration

management procedure and the issue and change control procedure.

It is the Project Board's responsibility to review and approve requests for

change and off-specifications. But for projects where there is likely to be lots
of changes the Project Board may choose to delegate this to a Change
Authority (e.g., the Project Manager).

The Project Manager needs to consider whether it is worthwhile going a

detailed impact analysis as the effort itself may cause a deviation from the
plan. An impact analysis must cover the three areas of business, user, and
supplier. Having taken an impact analysis, the severity or priority should be

Progress Theme

The Purpose of the progress theme is establish mechanisms to monitor and

compare actual achievements against those planned and provide forecasts. It
is based on the principles of manage by stages, manage by exception, and
business justification.

An exception is a situation where it can be forecast that there will be a

deviation beyond the agreed tolerance levels. The principle of manage by
exception uses different types of tolerance against which a project can be
controlled which equate to setting and reporting. They are (i) project
tolerance, from programme and corporate management and (ii) project
progress/exceptions, to programme and corporate management, (iii) stage
tolerance, to the project manager, (iv) stage progress/exceptions, from the
project manager, (v) work package tolerance, from the project manager, (vi)
work package progress/issues, to the the project manager.

Stages should be shorter when there is greater risk, uncertainty, or

complexity. They can be longer when the risk is lower, typically in the middle
of projects. PRINCE2 provides two types of progress control reports
throughout the life of a project; event-driven controls and time-driven

The Work Package and report back to the Project Manager is via Checkpoint
Reports. There is one Checkpoint Report per Work Package.

If the forecast is project tolerances will be exceeded, the Project Board has
the authority to manage the project and must refer the matter to corporate
or programme management for a decision.


PRINCE2 is a process-based approach to management. Pre-project there is a

project mandate to set the inquiry into action. It is important to verify that
the project is worthwhile and viable. This is the Project Brief and a stage plan
for initiation.

The Project Board reviews the brief and decided whether to initiate the
project. The initiation stage culminates in the production of a Project
Initiation Document. The Project Board delegates day-to-day control to the
Project Manager on a stage-by-stage basis. The Project Manager ensures
that a set of project records are maintained to assist with project control.
The Team Managers execute the Work Packages and keep the Project
Manager appraised of progress via Checkpoint Reports. During the final
stage, once the Project Manager has gained approval for all of the Project's
products, it is time to decommission the project.

Starting Up A Project (SU)

The purpose of the starting up a project process is to determine whether or

not there is a worthwhile project. At this stage, do the minimum necessary to
come to this decision. The effort involved with vary (business context).

During the Starting Up process, the activities include appointing the

Executive and Project Manager, capture previous lessons, prepare the outline
Business Case, assemble the Project Brief, and plan the initiation stage.

Appointing a Project Manager will allow the project to be managed on a day-

to-day basis. The Project Manager will initiate a Daily Log and Lessons
Learned Log and develop the Project Brief, which will include an outline
Business Case and a Project Product Description, along with the project
approach and additional role descriptions.

Documentation includes the Project Brief (Role descriptions, Outline Business

Case, Project Product Descriptions, Project Approach), Daily Log, Lessons
Lohg, Initiation Stage Plan, and the Request to Initiate A Project.

Directing A Project (DP) Process

The purpose of the directing a project process is to enable the Project Board
to be accountable for the project's success whilst delegating day-to-day
management to the project manager. The Project Board manages by
exception. It monitors via reports through a small a number of decision
points. The Project Board is responsible for ensuring there is continued
business justification.

The Directing a Project process is initiated from the Starting up a Project

process, as input, and concludes with the Closing a Project process, as an
output. i.e.,

Starting Up a Project - Directing A Project (Initiating A Project - Controlling A

Stage (Managing Product Delivery) - Managing A Stage Boundary) - Closing
A Project

Within the directing a project process, the Project Board will authorise
initiation, authorise the project, authorise a stage or exception plan, give ad-
hoc direction, and authorise project closure. Initiation is triggered by a
request from the Project Manager for authorisation to deliver the project. Ad-
hoc direction may occur as a response to reports e.g., Highlight Report
(time-driven within a stage), Exception Report, Issues Report.
Authorising closure of the project is the last activity undertaken by the
Project Board, prior to its own disbandment, and may require endorsement
from corporate or programme management.

Initiating A Project Process (IP)

The purpose of the initiating a project process is to establish a solid

foundation for the project. It establishes a common understanding of benefits
and risks, the scope, the products and their cost, etc as baselines.

During this process the Project Manager will create a suite of management
products required for the level of control specified by the Board. This will
include the Risk Management Strategy, the Configuration Management
Strategy, the Quality Management Strategy, the Communications
Management Strategy, the project controls, the Project Plan, a refined
Business Case, and assembling the Project Initiation Documentation.

The refined Business Case will include a Benefits Review Plan. The Business
Case will be part of the Project Initiation Documentation.

The activities to establish the strategies for the project may be executed in
parallel, but it is recommended that the Communications Management
Strategy is completed last as it will need to include any communications
required of the other strategies.

Project controls include the frequency and formation of communication

between project management levels, the number of stages and end-stage
assessments, mechanisms to capture issues and changes, mechanisms to
escalate exceptions, tolerances for delegated authorities, monitoring of
delegated authority.

Documentation of the Initiating a Project stage includes the Project Initiation

Document (Strategies, Role descriptions (U), Project Controls, Project Plan,
Project Product Description (U), Detailed Business Case), the Risk Register,
Benefits Review Plan, Configuration Item Records, Issue Register, Quality
Register, Request to Deliver a Project

Controlling A Stage Process (CS)

The purpose of the controlling a stage process is to assign and monitor work,
deal with issues, report progress to the Board, and take corrective actions to
ensure that the stage remains within tolerance levels.

The controlling a stage processes is first used after the Board authorises the
Project. Work Packages are used to define and control the work being done,
and sets tolerances for the Team Managers. There must be a level of
autonomy within the project teams.
Activities include the authorisation, reviewing work package status, and
receiving completed work packages, reviewing stage status, reporting
highlights to the Board, examination of issues and risks, escalation of issues
and risks and taking corrective action.

Documentation in the Controlling A Stage process include Work Packages,

Configuration Item Records (C, U), Quality Register (U), Risk Register (U),
Issue Register (U), Stage Plan (U), Lessons Log (U), Issue Report (C, U),
Highlight Reports. Daily Log (U), Exception Report (C), Stage Boundary
Approaching notification, Project End Approaching Notification, Requests for
Advice, Exception Raised notification.

Managing Product Delivery (MP) Process

The purpose of the managing product delivery process is to control the link
between the Project Manager and the Team Managers by placing formal
requirements on accepting, executing, and delivering project work.

Activities are simply to accept, execute and deliver a work package.

The Team Manager agrees works on products allocated to the team and is
authorised to carry out the tasks by the Project Manager. Accurate progress
information is provided to the Project Manager via Checkpoint Reports.

Documentation in the Managing Product Delivery process includes the Team

Plan (C, U), Quality Register (U), Specialist Products (C), Configuration Item
Records (U). Checkpoint Reports (C), Work Package (U), Completed Work
Packages, and Approval Records (formalises that the product is complete).

Managing A Stage Boundary (SB) Process

The purpose of the managing a stage boundary process is for the Board to
review the current stage, approve the next stage, review the updated project
plan, confirm business justification and acceptance of risks. The Board must
assure that all products in the current stage plan have been completed and
approved. For exceptions, the Project Manager must prepare an Exception
Plan and seek approval from the Board for the Exception Plan.

If a stage or the project is forecast to deviate beyond its agreed tolerances, it

no longer has the approval of the Project Board. Exception Plans are
requested by the Project Board in response to an Exception Report. Although
an Exception Plan will be produced prior to the planned stage boundary, its
approval by the Project Board marks a stage boundary for the revised stage.

The activities within the managing a stage boundary process include planning
the next stage, updating the project plan, updating the business case,
reporting a stage end, and producing exception plans.
Documentation for the Managing A Stage Boundary process include the
Project Initiation Document (U) (Project Plan, Business Case), Stage
Plan/Exception Plan (C) (Product Descriptions)

Closing A Project (CP) Process

The purpose of the closing a project process is to provide a fixed point where
acceptance of the project product has been confirmed and that the objectives
in the Project Initiation Document have been achieved.

The activities of the process are Project-Manager orientated and are to

prepare planned closure, prepare premature closure, hand over products,
evaluate the project and recommend project closure. It must include transfer
of ownership to the customer and terminate the responsibility of the project
management team.

Project closure is confirmed by the Board. The Communication Management

Strategy is used to identify stakeholders who should be notified of closure.
The project's registers (Issues, Risks, Quality, Daily Log, Lessons Learned)
should be closed. Project information should be secured and archived. The
Manager must seek approval to give notice to the corporate or programme
management that resources are about to be released.

In some situations, the Project Board may have instructed the Project
Manager to close the project prematurely. In such circumstances, the Project
Manager must ensure that the work in progress is not simply abandoned, but
that the project salvages anything of value created to date and checks that
any gaps left by the cancellation of the project are raised to corporate or
programme management.

Documentation in the Closing A Project process include the Project Plan (U),
Product Status Account (C), Issues Register (U), Additional Work Estimates
(C), End Project Report (C), Configuration Item Records (U), Benefits Review
Plan (U). Follow-On Recommendations (C, U), Lessons Report (C),
Acceptance Records (formalises that the project has met its agreed
acceptance criteria).

Tailoring PRINCE2 to the Project Environment

Tailoring refers to the appropriate use of PRINCE2 on any given project,

ensuring there is the correct amount of planning, control, governance, and
use of processes and themes, whereas the adoption of PRINCE2 across an
organisation is known as embedding. Tailoring is about thinking about how to
apply the method and then using it with a lightness of touch.

The distinction between projects and programmes is that projects typically

produce or change something and are then disbanded. The benefits of the
understanding are likely to be accrued afte the projects are complete.
Programmes are typically used to transform organisations and have a
lifespan that covers the realisation of the benefits - which could be several

Overall, the purpose of PRINCE2 can be regarded as reducing the risk of

failure. Thus, whenever an element of PRINCE2 is reduced, this should be
seen as a risk.

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