Powers and Functions of The Legislative Council
Powers and Functions of The Legislative Council
Powers and Functions of The Legislative Council
Under the Basic Law, the Legislative Council is the Legislature of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region. The main functions of the Legislative Council
include enacting laws, approving public expenditure and monitoring the work
of the Government. The powers and functions of the Legislative Council are
specified in Article 73 of the Basic Law.
POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE (7) To endorse the appointment and removal of
LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL the judges of the Court of Final Appeal and
the Chief Judge of the High Court;
As provided for in Article 73 of the Basic Law,
the Legislative Council exercises the following (8) To receive and handle complaints from Hong
powers and functions: Kong residents;
(1) To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance (9) To report a motion of impeachment passed
with the provisions of the Basic Law and against the Chief Executive to the Central
legal procedures; People's Government. If a motion initiated
jointly by one-fourth of all Legislative Council
(2) To examine and approve budgets introduced Members charges the Chief Executive with
by the Government; serious breach of law or dereliction of
(3) To approve taxation and public expenditure; duty and if he or she refuses to resign, the
Legislative Council may, after passing a
(4) To receive and debate the policy addresses motion for investigation, give a mandate
of the Chief Executive; to the Chief Justice of the Court of Final
(5) To raise questions on the work of the Appeal to form and chair an independent
Government; investigation committee. The committee
shall be responsible for carrying out the
(6) To debate any issue concerning public investigation and reporting its findings
interests; to the Legislative Council. If the committee
considers the evidence sufficient to (10) To summon, as required when exercising the
substantiate such charges, the Legislative above-mentioned powers and functions,
Council may pass a motion of impeachment persons concerned to testify or give
by a two-thirds majority of all its Members evidence.
and report it to the Central People's
Government for decision; and
Further Reference:
Legislative Council in Brief No.7 - How Laws are Made
Legislative Council in Brief No.8 - How does the Legislative Council Approve Public Legislative Council Secretariat
Expenditure Education Service Team
Legislative Council in Brief No.9 - How does the Legislative Council Handle Complaints www.legco.gov.hk
from the Public Dec 2015
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"Legislative Council in Brief" are subject to copyright owned by the Commission. The Commission permits accurate reproduction of "Legislative Council in Brief" for non-commercial use in a manner not adversely affecting
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