2.CE GATE Paper II

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Q. No. 1 - 5 Carry One Mark Each

1. Daytime temperatures in Delhi can ___ 40°C

(A) Peak (B) reach (C) get (D) stand

Key: (B)

2. The growth rate of ABC Motors in 2017 was the same ___ XYZ Motors in 2016.

Key: (B)
(A) as those of (B) as that of (C) as that off (D) as off

3. Suresh wanted to lay a new carpet in his new mansion with an area of 70 x 55 sq. mts. However

an area of 550 sq. mts had to be left out for flower pots. If the cost of carpet is Rs. 50 per sq.
mts, how much money (in Rs.) will be spent by Suresh for the carpet now?

Key: (A)
(A) 1,65,000 (B) Rs. 1,92,500
ngi (C) Rs. 1,27,500 (D) Rs. 2,75,000

Sol: Area of carpet   70  55 sq.mts. = 3850 sq. mts.

Given, left out area for flower pots = 550 sq.mts.

ne eri
 Required area of carpet  3850  550  3300 sq.mts.
Cost of required carpet area  3300  50  Rs.1,65,000.
4. A retaining wall with measurements 30 m × 12 m × 6m was constructed with bricks of
dimensions 8 cm × 6cm× 6cm. If 60% of the wall consists of bricks used for the construction,
the number of bricks is ______ lakhs

(A) 45 (B) 30 (C) 40 (D) 75

Key: (A)
Sol: From the given data, we have

Volume of wall =  30  12  6  2160m3

 2160  100  100  100cm3  1m  100cm
 2160 10 cm 6 3

 Volume of one brick  8  6  6 cm3  288cm3

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 60% of volume of wall =   2160  106
 216  6  106  1296  106

1296  106
Number of bricks used in 60% of volume of wall =  4.5  106  45 lakhs.

5. Hima Das was ___ only Indian athlete to win___ gold for India.

(A) the, a (B) an, a (C) an, the (D) the, an

Key: (A)

ww Q. No. 6 - 10 Carry Two Marks Each

6. w.E
Population of state X increased by x% and the population of state Y increased by y% from 2001

to 2011. Assume that x is greater than y. Let P be the ratio of the population of state X to state Y

in a given year. The percentage increase in P from 2001 to 2011 is______.

100  x  y  100  x  y  x
(A) xy (B)
100  x
ngi (C)
100  y

Key: (B)
Sol: Given that, ne eri
P be the ratio of the population of state X to state Y in 2001.
Let, the population of state x in 2001= A ng.
Population of state Y in 2001 =B

 P   2
From (1), B

Now population of state X increased by x% and population of state Y increased by y% from

2001 to 2011.

So from;

10  x 
 
 100   P  3 ; where P*  new ratio.
 
100  y 
B 
 100 

The pecent increase in P from 2001 to 2011 is

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P*  P
 100; sin ce x  y.
 A 100  x  
 A 
 100  
 B 100  y  B 
 
 req percentage increase   100
100  x 
  1  100
100  y 
100  x  100  y  100  x  y 
   100 
 100  y  100  y

7. The Newspaper reports that over 500 hectares of tribal land spread across 28 tribal seetlements

in Mohinitampuram forest division have already been “alienated’. A top forest official said,
“First the tribals are duped out of their land holdings. Second, the families thus rendered

landless are often forced to encroach further into the forests”. On the basis of the information

The newspaper
available in the paragraph, ___ is/are responsible for duping the tribals.

(B) Landless families

(C) forest officials ngi (D) it cannot be inferred who

Key: (D)
ne eri
8. An oil tank can be filled by pipe X in 5 hours and pipe Y in 4 hours, each pump working on its
own. When the oil tank is full and the drainage hole is open, the oil is drained in 20 hours. If ng.
initially the tank was empty and someone started the two pumps together but left the drainage
hole open, how many hours will it tak for the tank to be filled? (Assume that the rate of drainage
is independent of the head)
(A) 2.50 (B) 1.50 (C) 2.00 (D) 4.00

Key: (A)
Sol: From the given data;
Pipe ‘X’ can fill the tank in 5 hours

 Pipe 'X'  1 hour work 
Pipe ‘Y’ can fill the tank in 4 hours

 Pipe 'Y'  1hour work 
Let pipe ‘Z’ can emptying the tank in 20 hours.

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i.e, PipeZ  1 hour work 
1 1 1 8
X  Y  Z  1hr work    
5 4 20 20
1  Total work
 Required time 
8 20  1 hour work
20 5
   2.5 hours.
8 2

9. Mohan, the manager, wants his four workers to work in pairs. No pair should work for more
than 5 hours. Ram and John have worked together for 5 hours. Krishna and Amir have worked

ww as a team for 2 hours. Krishna doesnot want to work with Ram. Whom should Mohan allot to
work with John, if he wants all the workers to continue working?


(C) Ramw.E
Amir (B)


None of three

Key: (B)
Sol: Mohan  Manger
a syE
Ram John Krishan Amir  workers.
No pair should work for more than 5 hours.
Krishna & Amir worked together for 2 hours.

Ram & John have worked together for 5 hours.

ne eri
Now we have to consider new pairs.
New pair
 present pair 
 Ram  John 
 
   New pair. ; Since Krishna does not want work with ram
Amir Krishna 
 
After ‘5’ hrs; so
John    Krishna want to work with ram.

One pair.

Ram  Amir  Another pair.

 Mohan Should allot Krishna to work with John.

10. “Popular Hindi fiction, despite – or perhaps because of – its wide reach, often does not appear
in our cinema. As ideals that viewers are meant to look up to rather than identify with, Hindi
film protagonists usually read books of aspirational value: textbooks, English books, or high
value literature.”

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Which one of the following CANNOT be inferred from the paragraph above?

(A) Textbooks, English books or high literature have aspirational value, but not popular Hindi

(B) Protagonists in Hindi movies, being ideals for viewers, read only books of aspirational value

(C) People do not look up to writers of textbooks, English books or high value literature

(D) Though popular Hindi fiction has wide reach, it often does not appear in the movies

Key: (B)


ww Q. No. 1 to 25 Carry One Mark Each

1. w.E
What is the curl of the vector field 2x 2 yi  5z1 j  4yzk ?


14zi  2x 2 k

6zi  8xy  2x 2 yk syE


6zi  4xj  2x 2 k

14zi  6yj  2x 2 k

Key: (A)
Sol: Consider the vector field

F  2x 2 yi  5z 2 j  4yzk
i j k
ne eri
curl F    F 



z ng.
 
2x y 5z 2

  

   
 i   4yz    5z 2    j   4yz    2x 2 y    k   5z 2    2x 2 y  
 y z   x z   x y 
 Curl F  i  4z  10z   j 0  k  2x 2 
 Curl F  14z i  2x 2 k

2. Analysis of a water sample revealed that the sample contains the following species.

CO32 , Na  ,H ,PO34 ,Al3 ,H2CO3 ,CI ,Ca 2 ,Mg 2 ,HCO3 ,Fe2 ,OH
Concentrations of which of the species will be required to compute alkalinity?

(A) CO32 ,H ,HCO3 ,OH (B) H ,H2CO3 ,HCO3 ,OH

(C) CO32 ,H2CO3 ,HCO3 ,OH (D) CO32 ,H ,H2CO3 ,HCO3

Key: (A)
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Sol:  Alkalinity in water caused by mainly OH ,CO32 and HCO3

 HCO3 and H2CO3 never come together.

3. The value of the function f(x) is given at n distinct values of x and its value is to be interpolated
at the point x* using all the n points.

The estimate is obtained first by the Lagrange polynomial, denoted by IL, and then by the
Newton polynomial, denoted by IN.

Which one of the following statements is correct?

(A) IL is always greater than IN
(B) No definite relation exists between IL and IN.

ww (C)
IL is always less than IN
IL and IN are always equal

Key: (D)

IL and I N are always equal, since the n th degree polynomial generated by the newton’s divided

a syE
difference formula is the exact same polynomial generated by Lagrange formula. Thus, the error
is the same.

4. ngi
If the fineness modulus of a sample of the fine aggregates is 4.3, the mean size of the particles
in the sample is between

(A) 150 m and 300 m

ne (B)
2.36 mm and 4.75 mm

Key: (D)
(C) 300 m and 600 m (D) 1.18 mm and 2.36 mm

Sol: 150μm
600μm - 3
1.18mm - 4
2.36mm - 5
4.78 mm - 6

5. The command area of a canal grows only one crop, i.e., wheat. The base period of wheat is 120
days and its total water requirement, , is 40 cm. If the canal discharge is 2 m3/s, the area, in
hectares, rounded off to the nearest integer, which could be irrigated (neglecting all losses), is
Key: (5184)

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Sol: Base period (B) = 120 days

Delta (Δ) = 40cm=0.40m
Discharge (Q) = 2m3/sec
8.64B 8.64 120
Duty (D)    2592
 0.40
Discharge (Q) =  A  Q  D  2  2592  5184 hectres

6. The characteristic compressive strength of concrete required is a project is 25 MPa and standard
deviation in the observed compressive strength expected at site is 4 MPa. The average
compressive strength of cubes tested at different water-cement (w/c) ratios using the same
material as is used for the project is given in the table.

ww w/c(%) 45 50 55 60

Average compressive Strength of cubes (MPa) 35 25 20 15

Key: (46)
Sol: f ck  25MPa
The water-cement ratio (in percent, round off to the lower integer) to be used in the mix is

f m  f ck  1.65  25  1.65  4  31.6MPa
From table ngi
fm w / c
35 45
ne eri
31.6 ?
25 50
From linear interpolation
35  25 45  50

35  31.6 45  x
 35  31.6 
45  x   45  50    
 10 
45  x  1.7  x  45  1.7  46.7

7. A solid sphere of radius, r, and made of material with density s , is moving through the
atmosphere (constant pressure, p) with a velocity,  . The net force ONLY due to atmospheric
pressure (Fp) acting on the sphere at any time, t, is

4 3 dv
(A) r s (B) zero (C) r 2 p (D) 4 2 p
3 dt
Key: (B)

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8. An earthen dam of height H is made of cohesive soil whose cohesion and unit weight are c and
 , respectively. If the factor of safety against cohesion is Fc, the Taylor’s stability number  Sn 

H Fc H c cFc
(A) (B) (C) (D)
cFc c Fc H H

Key: (C)
Sol: As per Taylors stability number method

Factor ofsafety(Fc )   Sn 
Sn H Fc H

9. A closed thin walled tube has thickness, t, mean enclosed area within the boundary of the
centerline of tube’s thickness, Am, and shear stress . Torsional moment of resistance, T of the

(A) w.E
section would be

2Am t (B) A m t (C) 0.5Am t (D) 4Am t

Key: (A)

Sol: Shear stress  

a T
2A m t
 T  2A m t

10. ngi
For a channel section subjected to a downward vertical shear force at its centroid, which one of

the following represents the correct distribution of shear stress in flange and web?
(C) (D)

Key: (C)

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11. The degree of static indeterminacy of the plane frame is shown in the figure is____


Key: (15)

Sol: Number of support reactions, (r)  3  2  2  7
Number of members (m) = 21

Number of closed loops(C)=4
Degree of static indeterminacy  Ds   Dsi  Dse  3C   r  3

Force releases = 1 at the Hinge Ds 16  1  15
 3  4   7  3 12  4  16

12. ngi
Structural failures considered in the mechanistic method of bituminous pavement design are

Fatique and shear
Shear and slippage
ne (B)
Rutting and shear

Fatigue and Shear

Key: (D)
Sol: As per IRC, Fatigue and shear failure criteria’s can be considered for the design of bituminous ng.
13. Which one of the options contains ONLY primary air pollutants?

(A) Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides

(B) Nitrogen oxides and peroxyacetyl nitrate

(C) Ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate

(D) Hydrocarbons and ozone

Key: (A)
Sol: Based on origin, air pollutants are classified into two categories
(i) Primary air pollutants: Particulates, CO, SOx, NOx, hydrocarbons …….etc.
(ii) Secondary air pollutants: Ozone, PAN, PBN, PPN, Smog…. etc.

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14. The following inequality is true for all x close to 0.

x2 x sin x
2  2
3 1  cos x
x sin x
What is the value of lim ?
x 0 1  cos x

(A) 2 (B) 1/2 (C) 0 (D) 1

Key: (A)

x sin x  0  x cos x  sin x  0 

Sol: lim 
x 0 1  cos x 0
  lim    u sin g Lhorpital rule 
  x 0  sin x 0

ww  lim
x 0
x   sin n   cos x  cos x
 cos x
 Using L'Horpital rule

0 11 2
1 w.E
  2.

The velocity field in a flow system is given by v  2i   x  y  j   xyz  k. The acceleration of
the fluid at (1, 1, 2) is syE
Key: (C)
(A) j+k (B) 2i + 10 k
ngi (C) 4j + 10k (D) 4i + 12 k

Sol: Velocity field  v   2i   x  y  j   xyz  k

d  v
ne eri
 v   v v 
Acceleration  a n  
     u n  v. n  w 
 t   x y 
Temporal Convective acceleration

Here, u  2; v  x  y; w  xyz; t  0; n is direction

   2   2
ax  0  2  2   x  y .   xyz 
x y z
ax  0
  
a y  0  2.  x  y    x  y   x  y    xyz   x  y 
w y z
ay  2  x  y
  
a z  0  2  xyz    x  y   xyz   xyz.  xyz 
x y z
 0  2.yz   x  y  xz   xyz xy
a z  2yz   x  y  xz   x 2 y 2 z

Acceleration  a x i  a y j  a z k

a  0   2  x  y  j   2yz   x  y  xz  x 2 y 2 z  k

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a 1,1,2  0   2  1  1 j  2 1  2  1  11  2  12 12  2  k

 4j   4  4  2  k  4j  10k

16. A steel column is restrained against both translation and rotation at one end and is restrained
only against rotation but free to translate at the other end. Theoretical and design (IS: 800 –
2007) values, respectively, of effective length factor of the column are

(A) 1.0 and 1.0 (B) 1.2 and 1.0 (C) 1.0 and 1.2 (D) 1.2 and 1.2

Key: (C)
Sol: As per IS:800-2007
For column, restrained against both rotation and transalation at one end and restrained only

ww against rotation but free to translate at other end

Theoretical value of effective length factor = 1.0

Design value of effective length factor = 1.2

17. a
Euclindean norm (length) of the vector [4–2-6]T is
Key: (D)
(A) 48 (B) 24
ngi (C) 12 (D) 56

Sol: Given, vector is

4 
ne eri
 4  2  6   2 

 6 
 length of the vector  4   2    6   16  4  36  56
2 2 2

18. An inflow hydrograph is routed through a reservoir to produce an outflow hydrograph. The peak
flow of the inflow hydrograph is PI and the time of occurrence of the peak is tI. The peak flow
of the outflow hydrograph is P0 and the time of occurance of the peak is t0.

Which one of the following statements is correct?

(A) PI < P0 and tI > t0 (B) PI > P0 and tI > t0

(C) PI < P0 and tI < t0 (D) PI > P0 and tI < t0

Key: (D)

19. Construction of a new building founded on a clayey soil was completed in January 2010. In
January 2014, the average consolidation settlement of the foundation in clay was recorded as 10

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mm. The ultimate consolidation settlement was estimated in design as 40 mm. Considering
double drainage to occur at the clayey soil site, the expected consolidation settlement in January
2019 (in mm, round off to the nearest integer) will be_________.

Key: (15)
Sol: January-2014
Consolidation settlement (S) = 10mm
Ultimate settlement (Sf) = 40mm
S 10
Degree of consolidation (U)   100   100  25%
Sf 40

ww Time = 9years
Drainage is double drainage
 
U  60   Tv 1   U    Tv 1   0.25  0.0491
2 2

4 4
C v .t  2
Tv   U  U2  t

 
U2 t 2
H2 4

U12 t1  0.25 
4 9

  U 22   0.252
9 4
U2 
 0.252  0.375 ngi
Total consolidation = 40  0.375  15mm
ne eri
20. The notation “SC” as per Indian standard Soil Classification System refers to
Key: (C)
(A) Clayey silt (B) Sandy clay (C) Clayey sand
(D) Silty clay

21. The speed-density relationship in a mid-block section of a highway follows the Greenshield’s
model. If the free flow speed is vf and the jam density is kj, the maximum flow observed on this
section is

vf k j vf k j vf k j
(A) (B) (C) vf k j (D)
2 8 4
Key: (D)
Exp: Maximum capacity  q max   Vmax .K max
As per Greenshield's model
Vmax will occur at

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K Jam
K max will occur at
Vf k J Vf k J
Maximum capacity  q mean   
2 2 4
22. An anisotropic soil deposit has coefficient of permeability in vertical and horizontal directions
as kz and kx, respectively. For constructing a flow net, the horizontal dimension of the problem’s
geometry is transformed by a multiplying factor of

kz kx kz kx
(A) (B) (C) (D)
kx kz kx kz
Key: (C)

23. The Laplace transform of sinh (at) is

s s a a

Key: (C)
(A) 2

s  a2
s  a2
s  a
s  a2

L sin h  at  
s  a2

, u sing definition of L.T.

The data from a closed traverse survey PQRS (run in the clockwise direction) are given in the

Included angle (in degree)
ne eri
94 ng.
SP 89

The closing error for the traverse PQRS (in degrees) is_______.
Key: (3)
Sol: In a closed traverse

Sum of interior angles  (2n  4)  90  (2  4  4)  90  360deg rees

Thesumof angles given  88  92  94  89  363deg rees
Error  363  360  3deg rees

25. A vehicle is moving on a road of grade +4% at a speed of 20 m/s. Consider the coefficient of
rolling friction as 0.46 and acceleration due to gravity as 10 m/s2. On applying brakes to reach a
speed of 10 m/s, the required braking distance (in m, round off to nearest integer) along the
horizontal, is ______.

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Key: (30)
Sol: Initial speed (Vi)=20m/sec
Coefficient of friction (μ) = 0.46
Final speed (Vf) = 10m/sec
Vi2 Vf2
Braking distance  
2g    0.01n  2g    0.01n 

Vi2  Vf2 202  102

   30m
2g    0.01n  2  10  0.46  0.01  4 

Q. No. 26 - 55 Carry Two Marks Each

26. A broad gauge railway line passes through a horizontal curved section (radius = 875 m) of

length 200 m. The allowable speed on this portion is 100 km/h. For calculating the cant consider
the gauge as centre-to-centre distance between the rail heads, equal to 1750mm, The maximum

permissible cant (in mm, round of to 1 decimal place) with respect to the centre-to-centre
distance between the rail heads is ______.

Key: (157.5)
Sol: For a railway track
G.V 2 ngi
Allowable cant 

Allowable cant 
1750  1002
127  895
where V is in km/hr = 100

ne eri
27. When a specimen of M25 concrete is loaded to a stress level of 12.5 MPa, a strain of 500×10–6
is recorded. If this load is allowed to stand for a long time, the strain increases to 1000×10 –6. In
accordance with provisions of IS: 456-2000, considering the long-term effects, the effective
modulus of elasticity of the concrete (in MPa) is ________

Key: (12500)
Sol: Effective modulus (or) long term modulus  E  
1 
E C  5000 f ck  5000 25  250000MPa
1000  106  500  106
creep coefficient     1
500  106
250000 25000
E   12500MPa.
11 2

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28. The probability density function of a continuous random variable distributed uniformly between
x and y (for y > x) is
1 1
(A) (B) xy (C) yx (D)
xy yx
Key: (D)
Sol: The probability density function
f x  for y  x.
[Using uniform distribution over [x, y] ]

29. The uniform arrival and uniform service rates observed on an approach road to a signalized

ww intersection are 20 and 50 vehicles/minutes, respectively. For this signal, the red time is 30 s,
the effective green time is 30 s, and the cycle length is 60s. Assuming that initially there are no

vehicles in the queue, the average delay per vehicle using the approach road during a cycle
length (in s, round off to 2 decimal places) is _______ .

Key: (12.5)
a Co  G i 
1 
2  Co 
 syE 2

Sol: Average delay  d i  

1 i
Si ngi
Cycle length (Co) = 60 seconds
Normal flow (qi) = 20 veh/min
Saturation flow (Si) = 50 veh/min
ne eri
60  30 
2  60  ng.
di 
1  20 / 50
30. A rolled I-section beam is supported on a 75 mm wide bearing plate as shown in the figure.
Thickness of flange and web of the 1-section are 20 mm and 8mm, respectively. Root radius of
the I-section is 10mm. Assuming: material yield stress, fy = 250 MPa and partial safety factor
for material,  mo  1.10

Beam (I-section)

Bearing plate


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As per IS: 800-2007, the web bearing strength (in kN, round off to 2 decimal places) of the
beam is _______

Key: (272.23)

root length


Effective are in bearing = [75 + 2.5(flange thickness + root length)] × 8

ww = [75 + 2.5(20 + 10)] × 8 = 1200 mm2

So, web bearing strength  A g

 1200 
 103

w.E 1.1 1.1

 272.73 kN

a syE
The critical bending compressive stress in the extreme fibre of a structural steel section is 1000

MPa. It is given that the yield strength of the steel is 250 MPa, width of flange is 250 mm and
thickness of flange is 15 mm. As per the provisions of IS: 800-2007, the nondimensional

Key: (A)
slenderness ratio of the steel crosssection is
(A) 0.50 (B) 2.00 ne (C) 0.25

eri (D) 0.75

Sol: As per IS800 : 2007

Non-dimensional slenderness ratio    
f cr

 0.5

At the foot of a spillyway, water flows at a depth of 23 cm with a velocity of 8.1 m/s, as shown
in the figure.


M-3 profile
Spillway 23cm yi  ?

The flow enters as an M-3 profile in the long wide rectangular channel with bed slope and
Manning’s n = 0.015. A hydraulic jump is formed at a certain distance from the foot of the

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spillway. Assume the acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m/s2. Just before the hydraulic jump,
the depth of flow y1 (in m, round off to 2 decimal places) is ________.

Key: (0.42)
Sol: Wide rectangular channel (B>>y)

A  B y
P  B  2y
A By By
R   y
P B  2y B y

Given profile is M3  NDL  CDL B

By manning’s equation

ww 1
Q  .A.R 2 3 .S1 2
Q  .  By  .y 2 3 .S1 2
Q 1 53 12
 .y S
B n
AV 1 5 3 1 2
 .y S
a syE
B.y V 1 5 3 1 2
 .y .S
n ngi
0.23  8.1 

y n  1.107m
 1 
 y5n 3  
 1800 

ne eri
Before the hydraullic jump, depth = y1 ng.
y n is the conjugate depth of y1

y1 1 
 1  1  8.Fn2 
yn 2  

 yn  q2 
y1  1  1  8  3 
2  g.y 

1.107  8  1.8632 
y1  1  1    0.42m
2  9.81 1.1073 
1/3 1/3
 q2   1.8632 
yc        0707m.
 g   9.81 

33. Consider the reactor shown in the figure. The flow rate through the reactor is Q m3/h .The
concentration (in mg/L) of a compound in the influent and effluents are C0 and C, respectively.
The compound is degraded in the reactor following the first order reactions. The mixing
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condition of the reactor can be varied such that the reactor becomes either a completely mixed
flow reactor (CMFR) or a plug-flow reactor (PFR). The length of the reactor can be adjusted in
these two mixing conditions to LCMFR and LPER while keeping the cross-section of the reactor
constant. Assuming steady state and for C/C0 = 0.8, the value of LCMFR/LPER (round off to 2
decimal places) is _______

Key: (1.12)

Sol: Given
 0.8


1 w.E For PFR
 e  K
C0 1  K

0.8  a1
1  K1 syE
e k2  0.8

0.8  0.8K1  1
0.8K1  0.2
K2  0.2231
K2  0.2231 ngi
K1  0.25

ne eri

Q V1 A1  L1
  
K2 K  2 V2 A 2  L 2 0.2231
 1.12

A series of perpendicular offsets taken from a curved boundary wall to a straight survey line at
an interval of 6 m are 1.22, 1.67, 2.04, 2.34, 2.14, 1.87, and 1.15 m. The area (in m2, round off
to 2 decimal places) boundary by the survey line, curved boundary wall, the first and the last
offsets, determined using Simpson’s rule, is _______.

Key: (68.56 )
Sol: Using simpson’s rule, we have
 f  x  dx  3  y
0  y n   2  y 2  y 4  ...  y n 2   4  y1  y3  ...  y n 1  ... 1

x x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
y  f  x  1.22 1.67 2.04 2.34 2.14 1.87 1.15

y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6
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Wher ‘y’ denotes perpendicular off sets taken from a curved boundary wall to a straight survey
line [x-axis].
Required Area [from (1)];

6   

 f  x  dx    1.22  1.15   2  2.04  2.14   4 1.67  2.34  1.87   ; where h = 6.

3  y   
  0 y 6  

 2  2.37  2  4.18   4 5.88

 2  2.37  8.36  23.52  68.5m 2 .

35. A water treatment plant treats 6000 m3 of water per day. As a part of the treatment process,

ww discrete particles are required to be settled in a clarifier. A column test indicates that an
overflow rate of 1.5 m per hour would produce the desired removal of particles through settling

in the clarifier having a depth of 3.0 m. The volume of the required clarifier, (in m3, round off to
1 decimal place) would be

Key: (500)

Flow  Q   6000m3 / day 
6000 3
m /hr = 250m3 /h

Overflow rate  Vo  1.5m3 /h

Q 250 ngi
Area  
Vo 1.5
 166.67m 2

Volume  Area  depth 

 3  500m3
ne eri
36. A flexible pavement has the following class of loads during a particular hour of the day.

(i) 80 buses with 2-axles (each axle load of 40 kN);

(ii) 160 trucks with 2-axles (front and rear axle loads of 40 kN and 80 kN, respectively)

The equivalent standard axle load repetitions for this vehicle combination as per IRC:37-2012
would be

(A) 320 (B) 250 (C) 240 (D) 180

Key: (D)
Sol: Standard axle load = 80kN
4 4 4
 40   40   80 
Equivalent standard axle load  280     160     160   
 80   80   80 
4 4
1 1
 160    160    160  14
2 2
 20  160  180

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37. Constant head permeability tests were performed on two soil specimens, S1 and S2. The ratio of
height of the two specimens (LS1: LS2) is 1.5, the ratio of the diameter of specimens (DS1:DS2)
is 0.5, and the ratio of the constant head (hs1:hs2) applied on the specimens is 2.0. If the
discharge from both the specimens is equal, the ratio of the permeability of the soil specimens
(ks1:ks2) is ________

Key: (3)
 Ls 1  Ds 1  h s 1
Sol: 1.5 ;  0.5,  2.0
 Ls  2  Ds  2  h s 2
By constant head permeability test
h kh  2 kh 2
Q  k A  d  Q  d

ww L
k1 h1 2
L 4 L

1  d1 


Q2 k h 2 d 2 k 2

k1 h1
 
 
 L2 
 
h 2  L1   d 2 

As Q1  Q2  1  a k1
 2    0.5 

k1 1.1.5

k 2 2  0.52
A long uniformly distributed load of 10 kN/m and a concentrated load of 60 kN are moving
together on the beam ABCD shown in the figure (not drawn to scale). The relative positions of
the two loads are not fixed. The maximum shear force (in kN, round off to the nearest integer)
caused at the internal hinge B due to the two loads is _______
Internal hinge

2m 2m 4m
Key: (70)


2m 2m 4m

Influence line for shear force at B.

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From muller's breslauce principle

1 
Maximum shear force  60  1   1 2   10
2 
 60  10  70kN

39. A square footing of 2m sides rests on the surface of a homogeneous soil bed having the
properties: cohesion c = 24 kPa, angle of internal friction   25, and unit weight

ww   18kN m3 . Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factor   25 are Nc = 25.1, Nq = 12.7, N   9.7,
N'c  14.8, Nq  5.6 and N  3.2. The ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation (in kPa,

round off to 2 decimal places) is ______.

Key: (353.92)
  25  29  Localshear failure
2 2
Cm  C   24 16kPa
3 3
As per Terraghi's theory
For square footing
ne eri
Ultimate bearing capacity  q u  1.3Cm N C  Df N q  0.4B. N 
 1.3 16 14.8  0  0.4  18  2  3.2 ng.
 307.84  46.08  353.92kPa
40. The dimensions of a soil sampler are given in the tale.

Parameter Cutting edge Sampling tube

Inside diameter (mm) 80 86

Outside diameter (mm) 100 90

For this sampler, the outside clearance ratio (in percent, round off to 2 decimal places) is

Key: (11.11)
Sol: D1  80mm D3  86mm
D2  100mm D4  90mm

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D2  D4 100  90
Outside clearance ratio   100   100  11.11%
D4 90

41. A plane frame shown in the figure (not to scale) has linear elastic springs at node H. The spring
constants are kx = ky = 5 × 105 kN/m3 and k  = 3 × 105 kNm/rad.

30 kNm Internal
hinge H
F G kx

ww 6m

a syE

3m 3m

For the externally applied moment of 30 kNm at node F, the rotation (in degrees, round off to 3
decimals) observed in the rotational spring at node H is ________.

Key: (0.006) ne eri

Sol: Since horizontal reaction at E  Hc  0

Bending moment at F for member FE  MFE  0 ng.

Member FH behaves like propped cantilever beam
3m 3m H
30kN  m
m F  0
3m H v  10 kN

v  3  k  

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MH  
V  3 K  
10  3
  104 rad  0.0057 deg
3  10 5

42. Chlorine is used as the disinfectant in a municipal water treatment plant. It achieves 50 percent
of disinfection efficiency measured in terms of killing the indicator microorganisms (E-Coli) in
3 minutes. The minimum time required to achieve 99 percent disinfection efficiency would be

(A) 9.93 minutes (B) 11.93 minutes

(C) 21.93 minutes (D) 19.93 minutes

Key: (D)

Sol: Disinfection efficiency 1  50%

  1  e k.t  0.50  1  e k3
e3k  0.5

 3k  n0.5   3k  0.693  k  0.23 / mm
For   99%    1  e  kt syE
0.99  1  e 0.23  t
e 0.23t

  0.23t  n  0.01   0.23t  4.60

 0.01
 t  20minutes.
ne eri
43. A confined aquifer of 15 m constant thickness is sandwiched between two aquicludes as shown
in the figure (not drawn to scale) ng.
Piezometer P

Piezometer Q
Piezometric Surface



L  2500m

The heads indicated by two piezometers P and Q are 55.2 m and 34.1 m, respectively. The
aquifer has a hydraulic conductivity of 80 m/day and its effective porosity is 0.25. If the
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distance between the piezometers is 2500 m, the time taken by the water to travel through the
aquifer from piezometer location P to Q (in days, round off to 1 decimal place) is ______.

Key: (925.65)
Sol: From the figure
h  55.2  34.1  21.1m
time taken 
Seepage velocity Vs  
Velocity Ki
  L  kh
Porosity n n Ln
80m / day  21.1m
Vs   2.7008m / day
2500m  0.25

ww Time taken =

Vs 2.7008m / day
 925.65days

For a plane stress problem, the state of stress at a point P is represented by the stress element as
shown in the figure.

a syE 20 MPa

ngi 25 MPa

80 MPa

25 MPa
ne 80 MPa

20 MPa ng.
By how much angle () in degrees the stress element should be rotated in order to get the
planes of maximum shear stress?

(A) 26.6 (B) 48.3 (C) 31.7 (D) 13.3

Key: (C)

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Sol: x  80MPa,   25MPa, y  20MPa 30,max 

Centre of Mohr's circle 80, 25
 x   y   80  20 
= , 0   ,0    30, 0 
 z   2  


Radius of Mohr's circle ,

 80   20  
 x   y 

    xy  
  25  55.9MPa

 2   2 

ww Tan 
80  30
  Tan 1  0.5   26.56

  90    90  26.56  63.44

Angle to be rotaed 
 31.7

45. a 2 3 4
The inverse of the matrix  4 3 1  is
1 2 4 

 2 5
4 9
 
ngi  4
 2 5
9 


 3 4

14 
5 

ne (B)

 3 4

eri 
5 


14 

 1 1
 5

5 
 1 1
 5
6 
5 
 10 4 9 
 15 4 14 

 5

1 6 
 10 4

 5 1
9 
 15 4 14 

6 
Key: (B)
 2 3 4
Sol: Let A   4 3 1 
1 2 4 

10 15 5 

 Adj  A    4 4 1 &

 9 14 6 

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  
2 3 4
A  2 12  2  316  1  4 8  3
4 3 1
1 2 4

 A  20  45  20  5
10 15 5 

Adj  A 
   4 4 1
1 1
A 
A 5
 9 14 6 
 9
  2
 2 3 1  5 5
   
4 4 4 14 
 3
 A 1  

ww 5 5
 9 14


 1 1
5 5

5 5  5 5 

Two identical pipes (i.e. having the same length, same diameter,and same roughness) are used

a syE
to withdraw water from a reservoir. In the first case, they are attached in series and also
discharge freely into the atmosphere. In the second case, they are attached in parallel and
friction factor is same in both the cases, the ratio of the discharge in the parallel arrangement to
that in the series arrangement (round off to 2 decimal places) is _____
Key: (2.83)
Sol: 1st case: Series connecton ne 2nd case: Parallel connection

1 2

net 1

For series connection For parallel connection

total head loss due to friction total head loss due to friction
h f  h f1  h f2 is same in both pipes Q1  Q 2 
f1L1Q12 f 2 L 2 Q 22 Q
hf   fL  
12.1d15 12.1d 52 fLQ 2II
h f   5 
2fLQ 2I 4  12  d 5
 
 h f1 
12.1d 5
as given  h f 2   h f 1
 h f 2
Q2 Q  Q
 II   II   8  II  8  2.83
 h f 1 4  QI  QI

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47. A camera with a focal length of 20 cm fitted in an aircraft is used for taking vertical aerial
photographs of a terrain. The average elevation of the terrain is 1200 m above mean sea level
(MSL). What is the height above MSL at which an aircraft must fly in order to get the aerial
photographs at a scale of 1:8000?

(A) 3200 m (B) 2800 m (C) 2600 m (D) 3000 m

Key: (B)
Sol: We know that
Scale of photograph S
1 0.2

8000 H  1200
H  1200  8000  0.2

ww H  1200  1600  2800m

48. w.E
Raw municipal solid waste (MSW) collected from a city contains 70% decomposable material

that can be converted to methane. The water content of the decomposable material is 35%. An

elemental anlysis of the decomposable material yields the following mass percent.

C:H:O:N: other = 44:6:43:0.8:6.2

The methane production of the decomposable material is governed by the following
stoichiometric relation

Ca Hb Oc Nd  nH2O  mCH4  sCO2  dNH3 ne eri

Given atomic weight: C = 12, H = 1, O = 16, N = 14. The mass of methane produced (in grams,
round off to 1 decimal place) per kg of raw MSW will be _________.

Key: (137.6)
Sol: Let 1 kg of raw municipal solid waste (MSW)
Decomposable material = 70% of 1 kg = 0.7 kg
Water content = 35%
 100  35 
Weight of solids in MSW     0.7  0.455 kg  455gms
 100 
Given: C:H:O:N: other  44 : 6: 43: 0.8:6.2
 44 
Weight of C   455  200.2 gms
 44  6  43  0.8  6.2 
 6
Weight of H   455  27.3 gms
 44  6  43  0.8  6.2 
 43
Weight of O   455  195.6 gms
 44  6  43  0.8  6.2 
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 0.8
Weight of N   455  3.64 gms
 44  6  43  0.8  6.2 
 12a  200.2  a  16.68
1  b  27.3  b  27.3
16  c  195.6  c  12.225
14  d  3.64  d  0.26
Now, balancing the given stoichiometric r × n
Ca H b OC N d  nH 2 O  mCH 4  SCO 2  dNn 3
12a  12m  12s  12m  12s  200.2 12a  200.2 
b  2n  4m  3d  4m  2n  26.52  6  27.3
16c  16n  325  n  25  12.225 16c  195.6 
ww  4m  2  2s  12.225  26.52

 4m  4s  2.07
 12m  12s  6.21
Also,12m  12s  200.2
 m  8.6
a syE
 Mass of methane produced  16  m  16  8.6  137.6 gms

49. ngi
In the context of provisions relating to durability of concrete, consider the following assertion:

concrete exposed to marine environment. ne

Assertion (1): As per IS 456-2000, air entrainment to the extent of 3% to 6% is required for

Assertion (2): The equivalent alkali content (in terms of Na2O equivalent) for a cement
containing 1% and 0.6% of Na2O and K2O respectively, is approximately 1.4% (rounded to 1 ng.
decimal place).
Which one of the following statements is correct?

(A) Assertion (1) is TRUE and Assertion (2) is FALSE

(B) Both Assertion (1) and Assertion (2) are TRUE

(C) Both Assertion (1) and Assertion (2) are FALSE

(D) Assertion (1) is FALSE and Assertion (2) is TRUE

Key: (D)

50. The ordinates, u of a 2-hour unit hydrograph (i.e. for 1 cm of effective rain), for a catchment are
shown in the table.

Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ordinates 0 2 8 18 32 45 30 19 12 7 3 1 0

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A 6-hour storm occurs over the catchment such that the effective rainfall intensity is 1 cm/hour
for the first two hours, zero for the next two hours, and 0.5 cm/hour for the last two hours. If the
base flow is constant at 5 m3/s, the peak flow due to this storm (in m3/s, round off to 1 decimal
place) will be ________.

Key: (97)
Sol: For the first two hours  rainfall intensity = 1 cm/hr  rainfall = 2cm

2-4 hours 0

Time 2-hr UH 2hr × Prceci 2hr UH Lagged by 4 hr Total DRH

ww lagged by 2

R = 2 × 0.5 =

0 0 0 0
1 2 4 – – 4
2 8 18 0 – 16
a 18

92 = Peak
6 30 60
ngi 0 8 68

7 19 38 0 32 70
8 12 24 0 45 69
9 7 14 0
30 44
ng. 25
12 0

Peak of flood=92+base flow=92+5=97

0 0 7
net 3

51. The speed-density relationship of a highway is given as u = 100 – 0.5 k

where, u = speed in km per hour, k = density in vehicles per km. The maximum flow (in
vehicles per hour, round off to the nearest integer) is ______.

Key: (5000)
Sol: Method-I
Given speed density relationship as u  100  0.5K
Capacity (q) = K. u = K 100  0.5K  100K  0.5K 2
For capacity to be maximum, 0

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q  100K  0.5K 2
100  0.5  2K   0  K 100veh/km
Maximum capacity = 100k  0.5k 2 100 100  0.5 1002
 5000veh / hr
Given u=100-0.5k
At the speeds of vehicle zero then, the density will be jam density
u  0  K  KJ
100  0.5K  0  K   200 veh/hr
Similarly Vf  100  0.5  0  100km/hr

ww Maximum capacity(q max ) 

Vf  K J 100  200

4 4
 5000veh/hr

a syE
Consider the hemi-spherical tank of radius 13 m as shown in the figure (not drawn to scale).
What is the volume of water (in m3) when the depth of water at the centre of the tank is 6 m?


ne eri
(A) 78 (B) 468 (C) 156
ng. (D) 396

Key: (D)
Sol: We have
dv  x dh, where h  0, h 
  OAB  right angle triangle. 
e Rh
  R X
 AB  0B  0A
2 2 2
 B
 dv    2Rh  h  , 

 X  R  R  h
2 2 2
 h
  X 2  2Rh  h 2  dh
 


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 V     2Rh  h 2  dh
    2Rh  h 2  dh
  h2  h3  13
   2R   
  2  3 0
 h3 
 V    Rh 2    1 , A
 3
where R  radius of hemi-sphere
h  height from bottom to water level.

ww  Using (1); we have

 63 
Required volume, V   13 62   

w.E  3
 V    468  72  396.

53. a syE
A timber pile of length 8m and diameter of 0.2m is driven with a 20 kN drop hammer, falling
freely from a height of 1.5m. The total penetration of the pile in the last 5 blows is 40mm. Use

the engineering news record expression. Assume a factor of safety of 6 and empirical factor
(allowing reducing in the theoretical set, due to energy losses) of 2.5 cm. The safe load carrying
capacity of the pile (in kN, round off to 2 decimal places) is ______.

Key: (151.5)
ne eri
Sol: Uning Engineering News Formula ng.
Safeload carrying capacity  Qs  

Where W  weight of hammer  20kN

F(S  C) net
h  Height of fall  1.5m
S  set value  mm  8mm  0.008m
C  2.5cm  0.025m
F  factor of safety  min imum of 6 to be taken

Wh 20  1.5
Qsafe    151.51kN
F(S  C) 6  0.008  0.025

54. A 2 m × 4 m rectangular footing has to carry a uniformly distributed load of 120 kPa. As per the
2:1 dispersion method of stress distribution, the increment in vertical stress (in kPa) at a depth
of 2 m below the footing is _______.

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Key: (40)
Sol: Stress increment 
 B  Z  L  Z 
120  2  4 960
   40kPa
 2  2  4  2  24

55. An ordinary differential equation is given below:

 dy 
   x nx   y
 dx 
The solution for the above equation is (Note: K denotes a constant in the options)
y  K nx y  Kx nx y  Kxex y  Kxe x

Key: (A)
(A) (B) (C) (D)

Sol: Given D.E

 dy 
 x n x  y
 dx 


y x nn
dx a
 var iable  spearable D.E syE
Integrating on both sides; then

dy  
1x ngi
y nx

 ny  n  nx   nk; since 
f1 x
f x

dx  nf  x  
ne eri
 ny  nK  n  nx 
 n  y k   n  nx    nx

 y  K nx

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