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A-Level Practice MCQ Physics ee *eeeeeeP 1000" Typical MCQs and oe Solutions janised by Topies for Sten pre Capen GCE A-Level Higher 2 CS Toh Edition 2.0A-Level Practice MCQ — Physics — Edition 2.0.2 eBook edition: First published in 2013 Print edition: ISBN 978-981 -08-0314-8 First published in 2009 Reprinted in 2010, 2013 Published by Step-by-Step International Pte. Ltd. ‘My Mail Box 889128, Singapore 919128 Copyright © 2009-2013 Step-by-Step International Pte. Ltd All rights reserved. No part ofthis book shall be reproduced, stored in a database or retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written petmission of the Publisher, [No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Every reasonable effort has been made to contact the holders of copyright material, but if any have been inadvertently. overlooked, the Publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Conditions of Sale This publication and the materials included therein are provided on an “as is", “as available” basis without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied While all reasonable care have been taken in the preparation of this publication, tothe fullest extent permitted by law, the Publisher does not warrant and hereby disclaims any warranty as to its accuracy, correctness, reliability, timeliness, non-infringement, tile, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Its availability or updates are also not guaranteed. ‘The Publisher, the editors of, the contributors to this publication and anyone else involved in creating, producing or delivering this publication, shall not be liable for any damages or losses, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages or losses, arising out of your use or inability to use this publication, even if the relevant parties have been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses. For the avoidance of doubt, the sale of this publication exelude providing it in any other form or media, electronic or otherwise, Important! By purchasing this publication, you are deemed to have agreed to these conditions. For information on distributors, please visit Please send feedback to hip www post-I-comvstep-by se
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Dengiggey Pwo p-by-step TERA SP by stp@rContents Q s Section 1 8 1.01 Measurement 6 18 Section 2 21 2.02. Kineties 2 79 2.03 Dynamies 3185 2.04. Forces 3990 2.05 Work, Energy, Power 495 2.06. Motion in a Circle 56 100 2.07 Gravitational Field 64105 2.08. Oscillations 7 10 Section 3 us 3.09. Thermal Physics 116131 Section 4 141 4.10. Wave Motion 2157 4.11 Superposition 48161 Section 5 167 5.12 Electric Fields 168 221 5.13 Current of Electricity 17 226 5.14 D.C. Circuits 186231 5.15. Electromagnetism 194237 5.16 Electromagnetic Induction 206-244 5.17 Alternating Currents 214249 Section 6 253 5.18 Quantum Physics 254281 5.19 Lasers and Semiconductors 265 (288 5.20 Nuclear Physics 272 = 292 Please check for updates to this book at http://www. post-I com/step & Aten MOQ FhyseePreface This book contains 1000" typical multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for readers to practise with, and suggested solutions to illustrate how the answers are obtained. All suggested solutions show the essential steps to apply the relevant theories, intended to help our readers learn and apply the relevant knowledge. ‘The questions and suggested solutions are organised by topics to facilitate referring to them as the topics are being discussed. Related topics are further grouped into sections to facilitate cross referencing In each section, the questions come first followed by the solutions. It is aimed at facilitating the readers attempting the questions first and referring to the suggested solutions thereafter. Each Section starts with an introduction comprising the relevant summaries of the syllabus describing the topics. This is to facilitate keeping the reader focused on what need to be studied. Following the introduction page are question pages containing serially numbered questions. Each question is separated from the next by a horizontal line The 1" page numbers (under Q) in the Content page are the starting pages of the questions on the topic. A keyword of the topic, followed by a letter Q, and the page number is shown at the outer-top comer of each question page to facilitate finding them quickly. The introduction and question pages are also marked with a black tag at the right edge. ‘The solution pages are formatted in two columns with each solution following the serial number ‘The 2™ page numbers (under S) in the Content page are the starting pages of the solutions to questions on the topic. The keyword of the topic and the page number is shown at the outer-top comer of each solution page to facilitate finding them quickly. We recommend that readers review the relevant updates at our website before using this book. The updates contain late-breaking information that became available after the book was printed. Our books are intended to help our readers learn and apply the relevant knowledge. An Ancient Chinese Proverb: Give aman a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Wadi: PAUL, S482 HG; AEA Li, BE ZL ‘We believe our books will also help our readers learn to fish for knowledge Arkerel CQ PieSection! [J Measurement 1.01 Measurement 6, 15 Units, Tables and Graphs Errors and Uncertainties Scalars and Vectors & Level MCQ Pyser& Measurement B ampere, kelvin SI base units are metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin and mole. (ans) A. kelvin, metre, mole, ampere, kilogram ‘The base quantities (and their units) are: ‘mass (kilogram), length (metre), time (second), current (ampere), temperature (kelvin) and amount of substance (mole). (ans) newton, ohm SI base units are metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, and mole. (ans) cts 4 B kgm’s” Work = force * distance => joule = base units of force « base units of distance =kgms?m =kgm’s? (ans) 5, D Nm*s F=arv e units of F = units ofa = ts of r(units oF = N mms (ans) 6. A yer Only the base units of A gd = im) =mst is equivalent to the units of speed. (ans) 7. C_ The product RS has the same units as P and Q. For the equation to be homogeneous, P, Q and RS must have the same units. (ans) Aten MOQ Fhysee Measurement 15 8 A. density * volume x velocity Base units of density x volume x velocity = (kg m™)« (m’)x(ms) =kgms* Base units of rate of change of momentum, the Young modulus * area, and weight arekgms?, (ans) B kgm Pressure = force / area base units of pressure = base units of force / base units of area = (kgms?)/(m*) = kg m v's? (ans) 10. Cc ms*k" Q=meP base units of ¢ = base units of Q ‘(base units of m * base units of J”) = (kgm*s“y{(kg) « (K)] =m°s*K" (ans) emma Hl ~ in the usual notations B kgm’s' neEIf base units of h = (base units of E)/(units of f') =kgm’s*/s' =kgm’s' (ans) teint 12, D kg,m,sandA P.d. = work done / charge base units of volt = base units of work / base units of charge =(kgm’s*)/(As) (ans) teph 13, A. energy Base units of p?/m = kems'Yikg) ase units of energy (ans)16 Measurement 14. D__ mass + spring constant Base units of "mass + spring constant" =kg+(kgs*) =s° # 8 (ans) omnne 15, B charge ‘Among the given options, only charge could => base units of magnetic flux, ® = base units of E * base units of ¢ = (base units of power /base units of current) x base units of ¢ = 3/A)x(s) = kgm? be expressed in terms of 2 different SI base ike J*@) = kg mi . units: —_—_eoO_ OO Q=It inthe usual notations (ans) i. 4 on c ms°k 16. e=aT? BNC = units ofa = Ualsete = BO Units of electric field strength an = units of [force per unit charge] aaa coe (ans) 1 ere =NC" (ans) om 2 1. « B unit alternative form pl gk? | 3K C pascal (Pa) Nm? Among the given options, Units of a = WaseC = TET WK only C has a correct alternative form: pascal (Pa) = unit of pressure = unit of £2 = Nm? (ans) area 23. 18. D 104mm a 4 ‘Average reading D | Pam* mol? m? mol! = (1.02 +1.02 +1.01 +1.02+ 1.2/5 = 1.018 pla=RT and pl'=nRT = 1.02 £0.01 mm (with appropriate precision) — in the usual notations = Va=V/n => units of My=m mol? 1.02-(-0.02)= 1.04 mm (ans) oseine 24, Cn~ = RP D 330ms* = units of p * units of I £3% of 327.66 = 10 (1 sf) Pa x (m? mol)’ = Pam mol, It is only meaningful to express the result to the units of b= units of V',=m? mol" (ans) nearest 10ms"'. (ans) ome etese 19, 25. D Ast. c¢ The coulomb is the quantity of electricity passing a given point when a current of 1 A is maintained for Is, ie. C=As. (ans) C stopping a stopwatch at the end of a race ‘The (human) error in stopping a stopwatch will ‘cause a scatter of readings around the true value, (ans) Arkerel CQ Pie& 26. A (1.504001) mm Deduce that the appropriate precision of the readings is + 0.01 mm. Average reading = (1524148 +1.49+1,51+1.49)/5 = 1.498 = 1.5040.01 mm (ans) 21. C__ It may be possible to identify and avoid random errors. Random errors may be identified and reduced but cannot be avoided. (ans) 28, B (1040.1)em Diameter of a steel ball = [(5.0£0.2)-(1.0£0.2))/4 =(4.0404)/4 =(1.040.1)em (ans) 29. B_ There isa constant delay between starting the timer and releasing the bal. ‘The graph shows a relationship of Vh=kt-e where k, ¢= positive constants Only B, a constant delay between starting the timer and releasing the ball will produce a intercept (h=0) at ¢> 0. (ans) Measurement 17 32. ‘student p_ | 845 results g/ms™ 846 [850 841 precise = small spread in measurements accurate = close to true value (9.81) Student D's results have the smallest spread but the mean of his measurements is the furthest from the true value. (ans) results are accurate to within 1mm. results are precise to within 1mm B no yes Average readings = 891.5 is 3.5mm less than true value of 895 mm and so results are not accurate to within | mm, is within £0.5mm of all readings and so results are precise to within 1 mm. (ans) ete 34, CP, Qs,R Random errors refer to the scatter of readings about a mean value (usually the sum of the true value and all systematic errors). ‘The errors are of varying sign and magnitude and cannot be eliminated, but could be reduced by taking the average of repeated readings. (ans) BON 30. ‘A. adjusting an ammeter to remove its zero error before measuring a current ™ Systematic errors cannot be reduced by Precise = small spread in measurements repeated readings, measuring multiple Accurate = close to true value (x) ‘measurands together, or measuring a larger Graph B best represents precise measurements, measurand. (ans) with poor accuracy. (ans) 31 bal- teading / kg ‘mean lance] 1 | 2 [3 | 4 [5 |e B |1.011[0.999[1.001|0.989[0.995)0.999 = percentage uncertainty in P, Balance B has the smallest systematic error, i.e, its mean is closest to the true value, but is not very precise, ie. readings are scattered widely about their mean. (ans) Aten MOQ Physee AP AV AR % = x 100% + AR 100% * 100% = 2 x 100% 100% 23%) + (2%) = 8% (ans) te18, Measurement D 1% V=1 —in the usual notations a D 2% force F'= constant « (velocity = AE x 100% = 24% «100% F v = (1%) =2% (ans) ce 44, D 18% Let r= dd, = (6442)- 47 £1) = 1743 mm x 100% = 3 x 100 =176 = x 100% r 7 ji = 18% (2sf) (ans) 35g «100% = 1% Cans) os 39. Cc 6% P=FR Ag Al, AT AP, 2Ar , AR _ 200.05), _2_ ST tp ny tte aw) PTR 250” 100 oom =0,06=6% (ans) = 46. D (2042) 40. a D 15x 10?mm* hahge —in the usual notations In general, the calculated volume should have = ¥10)(2.0)° = 20 m no more significant figure than any of the > Ah ap at — in the usual notations ‘measurements used in the calculations. (ans) on amine Ah 2901 = ie Hea25h = Ah=20m 41 C £0.05 gem? Pe oa osuphneny 47. ———_Mass_ D 10% Length x Breadth Height AD _ AM , AL , AB , AH = in the usual notations LB H O01 , 0.01, 0.01 0 100% = 4" 100% +3.» 1008 +300 * Top 70021 | => Ax 100%= Sx 100% + 3 AA x 100% AD = 0.021 «2.50 = £0.05 gem* (ans) = 1% +3(3%) = 10% (ans) 2. 48. D_ measurement of extension ‘The measurement of extension has the highest percentage uncertainty, (ans) B displacement, velocity, momentum Displacement, velocity, momentum, acceleration and force are vector quantities. (ans) osepinsep Arkerel CQ Pie& 49, B 10N Sketch triangle 10N for vector addition Deduce that triangle is equilateral, ie.|R|=10N (ans) RON 120° 3 10N Only B shows =X-Y = Z=X+(¥) or => X=Z+Y (ans) sl B_ mass Acceleration, momentum and velocity are vectors, Mass isa scalars. (ans) 52, B force: kinetic energy Displacement, acceleration, force, momentum, and velocity are vector quantities. Kinetic energy, power and speed are scalar quantities. (ans) 33 B__ mass, volume, electric potential, kinetic energy Mass, volume, electric potential, kinetic energy, temperature, electric charge, density and magnetic flux are scalar quantities. Acceleration, moment, electric field and velocity are vector quantities. (ans) ett 54. ‘A. kinetic energy and momentum Kinetic energy, potential energy and work are scalar quantities. Momentum, velocity acceleration, weight and force are vector quantities. (ans) Aten MOQ Physee Measurement 19 force ‘momentum D vector kinetic energy scalar vector Force and momentum are vector quantities. Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity. (ans) ttt 56. The line of action of the resultant force should originate from the intersection of the lines of action of the 2 forces. (as) 31 D 217 N : 20N Sketch vector aon diagram 4 of forces: P Z a7 30N For equilibrium, the vector representing the additional force A must end at P. (ans) 38 A IN 6N ———» __+ ‘The magnitude aN 4N of the resultant 2N is maximum (10N) TON when the forces are in the same direction, and minimum (2N) when the forces are in the opposite directions ‘The magnitude of the resultant ranges from 2Nto 10N. (ans)20 Measurement 39. C15 ms" atan angle of 120° to Ox. Vetuage = Vena Viasat — it the usual notations Sketch vector diagram of velocities O” Vea, * asms) (ans) te 60, D 127° 3N Sketch a possible vector diagram of forces: Sketch vector diagram of forces: For the resultant of all 3 forces of to be along Ox, the vector representing Jim's force should end in Ox, For Jim's force to be smallest, it should be perpendicular to Ox. (ans) comin 62. A Feos0 ~mgsind Deduce that, in the given context, motion is possible only along plane surface, => resultant force must be along plane surface. Sketch vector diagram of forces (with components along plane surface). Resultant along plane surface, mg upward +ve, =Feos0~mgsind (ans) cee 6. B 1.00ms" in a northerly direction. Change in momentum of body (westerly), Ap= forex time = (0.2) (10) = 2.0kgms* Change in velocity (westerly), ‘v= Ap/mass = (2.0)/(2.0) = 1.0ms* Sketch N vector x diagram of lone velocities: Resultant 10 mst : 141 ms" w E (ans) Arkerel CQ Pie& 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 Newtonian Mechanics Kinematics Linear motion. Non-linear motion. Dynamics Newton's laws of motion. Conservation of linear momentum. Forces Types of force Forees in equilibrium Tuming effects of forces. Work, Energy, Power Work and Energy. Potential energy and kinetic energy Power. Motion in a Circle Kinematics of uniform circular motion. Centripetal acceleration. Centripetal force Gravitational Field Gravitational force and field Gravitational potential Orbital motion. Oscillations Simple harmonic motion. Damped and forced oscillations: resonance. Section 2 22, 79 3, 85 39, 90 48, 95 56, 100 64, 105, 71, 110 Mechanics is concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces. Newtonian mechanics (or classical mechanics) confines itself to situations where (1) the speeds of bodies relative to one another are small compared to the speed c of electromagnetic radiation, and (2) the dimensions of bodies are /arge compared to the dimensions of atoms, Aten MOQ Physee 2 gg& Kinematic C Velocity is the rate of change of displacement. Velocity is the rate of change of displacement (with respect to time) (or change in displacement per unit time). (ans) 2 D the gradient of its velocity-time graph. Acceleration = rate of change of velocity gradient of velocity-time graph (ans) 3 0 ¢ First part: acceleration, ie. increasing speed => first part of s-t graph is concave upwards Mid-part: constant speed => mid partis a straight line Final part: deceleration, ie. decreasing speed => final part is concave downwards (ans) Only D fits. (ans) 4. displacement o time 1* interval: constant acceleration, => displacement « 1°, concave upwards 2" interval: constant velocity => displacement «1, straight line 3" interval: constant deceleration, => displacement 2: —1?, concave downwards Only C fits. (ans) Aten MOQ Physee Kinematics 79 D 48ms! Overall average speed = overall distance overall duration _ E(average speed x duration) - duration = (202.0) + 40%2.0) + (60%6.0) - 2.0+2.0+60 =48ms! (ans) time A uniformly increasing speed = auniform acceleration. (ans) 1 D The ball rises and falls through the same distance between impacts ‘Area under the v-t graph (downward positive) is the distance travelled The ball must rise and fall through the same distance between impacts. (ans) 8 D 30s Just after car safely overtakes, its displacement relative to lorry, d= lorry length + 2x car length = (17.0) + 2x (3.5) =24.0m From v-t graph, d= (area under graph for car) ~ (area under graph for lorry) ie, (24.0) = %4(10+26)7 - 107 24.087 T=3.0s (ans) ctr80__ Kinematics 9. 0 ted 7 @ 8B c D Acceleration = rate of change of velocity = rate of change of the slope of displacement-time graph Among the given options, the slope of the graph is changing in interval A only. (ans) ape 10, D R-S = distance travelled by stone from top of cliff to maximum height R= distance travelled by stone from maximum height to the sea Height of the cliff-top above the sea =R-S (ans) supine 11 B displacement For a bouncing ball, only the displacement (downward positive) would " bounce off" a fixed value. (ans) 12 Height is maximum when ball stop rising, i.e, when its velocity becomes zero from an upward velocity. Since downward is positive, height is maximum at D, when its velocity become zero from negative (upward). (ans) supine gradient of s-1 graph = v>0 around ‘=0,v=0 around mid point, and v <0 around end point Only C fits. (ans) csetee 14, B 10m Distance is maximum when v= 0. Maximum distance up the slope = area under v-t graph (above v = 0) =%4x0.80%2.5 = 1.0m (ans) time Velocity of car is maximum when it stop increasing, i, when acceleration becomes zero from a positive value. => velocity is maximum at C. (ans) 16. B 1sms* v?=u?+2as — —in the usual notations ie. (20)*= (10)? +2a(100) => a=15ms* (ans) ee 1, C 6.0«10?ms* Speed of ball when it hits sand, u=(O)+gt — in the usual notations = (9.81)(1) =9.81 ms" Aiter hitting sand, v=u+2as ie. (0)= (981)? + 2a(8.0x107) => average acceleration a = -6.015*10* ie. deceleration of 6.0 10 ms” (2 sf) (ans) erupts — in the usual notations Arkerel CQ Pie18 A 038s seutt Yat? ~ in the usual notations B0)= ©) +40) typ? => 9 = 2.4498 (40) = (0) + 410) tyg? = typ = 2.828 5 ‘Time taken for stone to fall last 10m, At = tag ~ too = (2.828) - (2.449) 379 = 0.38 s (2 sf) (ans) 19. at maximum rising teight falling B | -98lms? | -98lms* | -981ms* ‘Neglecting air resistance, the ball would be in a state of free fall and would have a constant acceleration throughout its motion. (ans) etupsep 20. > «tO a The acceleration of the steel ball remains constant at the acceleration of free fall g except during the bounce, when it reverses sharply for avery brief moment. (ans) 2 ° 1 Height h should start at a non-zero value. Gradient of h-t curve (speed) should be zero at 1= 0, as ball is released from rest. As ball is falling at constant acceleration (g), height h should decrease with increasingly negative gradient (speed). (ans) & Aten MOQ Physee Kinematics 81 22. ° ¢ Gradient of s-t curve (speed) should be zero at 1= 0, as body is at rest As body has constant acceleration, displacement s should increase with increasingly gradient (speed). (ans) 23, — in the usual notations [constant deceleration] graph is a negative-gradient straight line => vss graph is concave downwards with vertical tangent at v= 0. (ans) ° Ball is subjected to gravity only (air resistance is assumed negligible) => straight-line v-t graph with negative gradient (upwards is +ve, g is downwards) When the ball bounces back, the velocity v changes direction, ie. from —ve to +ve, (almost) instantaneously. (ans) te 25, A. the height of fall and the time of fall s=(0)+%a0° —in the usual notations => height of fall (s) and time of fall (¢) have to be measured to calculate a. (ans)82_ Kinematics 26. B 22ms! — in the usual notations = (10)" + 2(1.6)(120) = 484 22ms" (ans) 2as 21. D x/tands For uniform acceleration (or retardation), ut+ ‘sat? —in the usual notations > xii u+%at x/t-at graph isa straight line. (ans) — in the usual notations ie (30)? +2a(75) => a=-45ms* further distance travelled ie. 15° +2C-4.5)d => d=25m (ans) sept sip 6 ot Acceleration a should start at acceleration of free fall g, as body is released from rest and so has zero speed and so zero air resistance. As its falling speed increases, air resistance (assumed) increases, and the net downward force on the body decreases, Hence acceleration a tends to zero. When the body reaches its terminal velocity, where the air resistance is equal to its weight, net force is zero and acceleration a is zero. (ans) ete 30. ° Distance d fallen should start at zero. Gradient of d-t curve (speed) should be zero at 1=0, as body falls from rest ‘As body is falling through air (with air resistance) curve should tend towards a straight line with gradient (speed) equal to terminal velocity. (ans) eset 31 at When parachutist is falling freely for 2 s, ais constant (= g). When the parachute opens, a will reverse rapidly to negative (upwards) due to rapid increase of air resistance on the parachutist. Thereafter, speed of descent will decrease rapidly to terminal velocity, while a will increase rapidly from negative to zero. (ans) trite 32. of ° aan Before entering liquid, a should be (approximately) constant. On entering liquid, a will reverse sharply to negative (upwards) due to sudden addition of viscous drag In the liquid, speed will decrease rapidly to terminal velocity, while a will increase rapidly from negative to zero. (ans) trim Arkerel CQ Pie33. D speed when air resistance is not negligible For a falling body, the only attribute that could tend towards a constant value must be its speed when air resistance is not negligible. (ans) 34, path of ball A SS , Sr ’ ®c Ball is acted upon by its weight (downwards) and air resistance (backwards, ie. left), and so direction of the resultant force should be B. (ans) 35. horizontal component vertical component C | wsina-gt | ucosa veutat = in the usual notations > Veeneat = (wsina) + (-g)t =usina— gr, (ucosa)+(O)t =ucosa (ans) 36. B y=utsind —%gt?, x=utcosd s=utt hat? in the usual notations => y=(wsind t+ A-g)t? = utsind — Ygr?, {ucosd)t+4(0)t? = utcosO (ans) 37. C 20mm ssutt Yat? ~ in the usual notations Let 5), 8: = distance below P at which bullet strike screen at 1", 2™ position Let 4, f2= time at which bullet strike sereen at 1", 2™ position With negligible air resistance, For vertical motion, v= 0 s2= 45; =4(5.0) =20mm (ans) empin & Aten MOQ Physee Kinematics 83 38. D_ Itisthe same at P as at T. Air resistance is negligible => motion with uniform acceleration of g in the vertical direction, i.e. the same acceleration at the 2 points. (ans) tnt i 39, A. The horizontal component of the projectile's acceleration is zero. With air resistance neglected, the horizontal component of the projectile's ration is always zero. (ans) 40. 1 a D_ 10s 2km Vertical motion, under constant g s=ul—Ygt ie, (500)=(0)- (10)? => 1= 10s (ans) Horizontal motion, at constant speed v d=vt —in the usual notations = (200)(10) = 2000m =2km (ans) — in the usual notations 4l D 20mst Vertical motion, under constant g: s=utt gt? —in the usual notations ie. (1.25)=)+%O8)0 => t=0.505s Horizontal motion, at constant speed v’ sev ie. (10)=¥(0.505) 19.8 =20ms" (2 sf) (ans) ometom 42. — in the usual notations, >yv vims' him B10 50 Deduce that 6 c h/v Among the given options, B (highest h and lowest v) will give the greatest value of @ (ans) mime84 Kinematics 43, Path of ball should be parabolic. With exposures at equal intervals (and assuming negligible air resistance), horizontal components of the spacing between images should be constant, and vertical components of the spacing between images should be inereasing. (ans) 44, Path of sphere should be parabolic after collision With exposures at equal intervals and negligible air resistance, horizontal components of the spacing between images should be constant, and vertical components of the spacing between images should be increasing. (arts) 0 x Constant speed in y-direction and uniform acceleration in x-direction => path is parabolic and coneave in x-direction Acceleration for +e value of y => path is vertical at y= 0 (ans) tnt 46. Cc 50ms! Let v,, v, = horizontal, vertical component of velocity — in the usual notations utat (0) +(10)3) v= 40mst Speed of ball = Jv? = (4OP+G0? SOms* (ans) Omst 47. Cc m2 Negligible air resistance, and P & Q at the same altitude i => vohas the same magnitude as but opposite in angle of elevation to vp, as shown. Magnitude of change in velocity, [Av | = vpsin 45° + vg sin 45° Yo tg ev ‘Magnitude of change in momentum, [Ap| =m|Av| =mv V2 (ans) 48, C They have equal horizontal components. Assuming air resistance is negligible, the horizontal component of velocity is constant => the displacements have equal horizontal components, (ans) etait Arkerel CQ Pie& A. The total momentum of a system of interacting bodies remains constant, providing no extemal force acts. D, Band C are Newton's 1*, 2" and 3" laws. Avis the principle of conservation of momentum. (ans) etetnin 2 D zero. Aircraft in level flight at constant velocity => zero resultant force (Newton's I" law). (ans) B zero Parachutist descending at constant velocity => zero resultant force (Newton's I" Jaw). (ans) D__Itremains over the mark because the ‘motion of the train produces no additional force on the bob. Train is moving with constant velocity => no (additional) resultant force on carriage and contents (Newton's I" law). (ans) A zero Helicopter rising with a constant velocity => zero resultant force (Newton's 1" law). (ans) 6 B_ 1000N Y%4 of 4000N resistance acts on trailer '4(4000) tractor => resistance on trailer, 1000N Tr R_| trailer Trailer moving at constant speed no resultant force on trailer (Newton's I" law) 000 N (ans) tension in tow-bar, = R Aten MOQ Physee Dynamics _85 7 B the gravitational force acting on the object Weight is the effect of a gravitational field, ie. the gravitational force, ona mass. (ans) 8 F a) Before time 7, vertical velocity / acceleration is, zero and so resultant vertical force is zero After time 7, assuming negligible air resistance, the ball’s (constant) weight WV is the only vertical force. (ans) 9. / Force exerted by road on rear wheels must comprise a vertical component to support the car's weight and a forward (to the right) rate the car. (ans) component to aces 10. © Limg Magnitude of F [o(0.50g)P + (mg)? =1118mg L.lmg(2 sf) (ans) ee) (0.59) in D weight Rate of change of momentum of body force, icc. weight of body when falling freely ‘under gravity, ignoring air resistance. (ans) tpi 12, C 20kgms' (Change in momentum area under force-time graph =20kgms! (ans)86 Dynamics 13, c 10 Gain in Momentum = area under F-1 graph ie. (40)=x* 4(3+5) => x=10N (ans) 14, ‘momenta 0 time Constant force => constant rate of change of momentum => a straight line momentum-time graph. (ans) seine 15, D 50Ns ‘Change in momentum = area under force-time graph = (10) x 4(4+6) =S0Ns (ans) csipinse 16. C 4kgms* Rate of change of momentum = force =4kgms” (ans) 17. momentum Change in momentum = area under F-1 graph (Newton's 2™ law) (ans) sepitee 18. A 037s veut(Cayt — in the usual notations = (u-vm _ (50-30)m 0.002857 m ae F 7000 t= fy = 0.002857 (ms — mi) 0.002857 [(500+130) -(500)] = 0371 =0.37s(2sf) 19. C The acceleration is a. On a given slope, accelerations of all objects due to their weight (gravity) alone is the same regardless of their masses. (ans) orpinse 20. D 22ms* Let L = maximum safe fe working load t m ha Force = mass * acceleration ie L-mg=mxa ~ in the usual notations (1.2*10*)—(1000)(9.81) = (1000) a => maximum safe upward acceleration, a=2.19 =2.2ms?(2sf) (ans) en 21. mg DF Let a= acceleration of X and Y R= force exerted on Y by X Fore = mass x acceleration nom ace for X+Y F R ie. F=(m+3m)xa = XI = a=Fi(4m) Foree = mass « acceleration for Y 3mxFi(4m) =%F (ans) ie. R=3mxa 22 B 96N 4.0ms~ Fe Force |» 12 = mass x eke acceleration ie, (12-F)= (0.60) x (4.0) = frictional force, F=9.6N (ans) otic 23. B _Itis constant but not zero F=m*a ~ in the usual notations => for constant m and uniform a, resultant is constant but non-zero. (ans) tte Arkerel CQ Pie& 24, ° 0 : ax force on latch o (&)—x) where x9 = equilibrium position (constant) => a-x graph is a negative-gradient straight line. (ans) tte 2. speed 0 time Force-time graph indicates constant force (after driver presses the accelerator) => constant acceleration => speed-time graph should be a straight line with non-zero gradient (= acceleration) (after driver presses the accelerator) (ans) 26. R a P 5 Before P, object falls at terminal (constant) velocity => Ris zero After P, object's deceleration is constant => Risconstant but not zero, until it stops, where R becomes zero. (ans) tps 27. Ca An equal horizontal force applied to the same ‘mass, will produce an equal acceleration, regardless of the gravitational forces which is vertical, ie. perpendicular. (ans) Aten MOQ Physee Dynamics _ 87 28, ; © 50ms? . Let T= tension in spring , Initial equilibrium 02g => T=(0.20)g+O.10g =0,20(10)+0.10(10) =3.0N olg Let a= acceleration of 0.20 kg mass just after thread is bumed through Force = mass x acceleration ie. T-(0.20)g=(0.20)xa (3.0) - 0.2010) = 0.204 => a=5.0ms' (ans) 29. D The two forces are equal and opposite so the bodies are in equilibrium. r af 02g The bodies are in equilibrium only if the resultant forces acting on them are zero. Newton's 3 law does not imply that. (ans) erie 30. B_ The force that the ball exerts on the ground is always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force the ground exerts on the ball. Newton's 3" law (action = reaction). (ans) 31 ‘magnitude of magnitude of forceonQ acceleration of Q c F (m,/m,)a Newton's 3" law = force on Q (due to P) = force on P (due to Q) F (ans) Let a,= acceleration of Q Force = mass * acceleration, ie. F= mga =m, aq ‘mglm,)a (ans) aint 32, A the centripetal force holding a satellite in orbit round the Earth and the weight of the satellite, > a, ‘The centripetal force holding the satellite in orbit round the Earth is usually provided by the weight of the satellite. In addition, both refer to forces acting on the same body (the satellite) and so cannot be an action-reaction pair. (ans) tmp88__Dynamics 33 D__Itisequal to the magnitude of the force exerted on the lift floor by his feet. Newton's 3" law (action = reaction). (ans) opts 34, C the gravitational force on the Earth due to the man, Newton's 3 law implies “the force on the man (due to the Earth)" must be equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and collinear with “the force on the Earth due to the man". (ans) 35. D_ Momentum is conserved providing no external forces act. ‘The momentum of an isolated (or closed) system, ie. no extemal forces act on it, remains constant. (ans) 36. 2mu c before M+m + collision me eM Sr rater : collision Let v1, v2 = velocities of particles of masses m, M after collision Conservation of momentum => mu=my,+Mvs —) Elastic collision => relative speed of approach = relative speed of separation > vy Subst v, = v>—1 into eqn (1): mu= m(v,—u) + Mvy 2mu=va(M+m) ie. u-0 2mu Mim @) snp sng 37. D_ total energy and momentum only Total energy and momentum are always conserved. Kinetic energy is conserved only in elastic collisions. (ans) tnt 38, B_ The total kinetic energy after impact ismv? For an elastic collision, KE is conserved ie. KE=%mv?+ "amv? = mv? (ans) ctr 39. velocity of X | velocity of Y S0cms* to the right D 30cems! to the left For (head-on) elastic collisions between two equal masses, conservation of momentum and KE => the masses will exchange velocities. (ans) erenee 40. B MIM, Conservation of momentum = My =Mavy > vy/vy=Ma/M, (ans) eepinse 41 C 10Ns Let p = magnitude of momentum of ¥ after collision 2Ns pNs Conservation of momentum = (20)+C12)=p +2) p=10Ns (ans) [right = +ve] 42. A. less in magnitude than its initial velocity 70 7 0 before after For elastic collisions, relative approach speed is equal to relative separation speed, ie. |y—O]=|y2— Cu] > |=] tae] Conservation of momentum => v:>0 |u2|<|ux| (ans) comnoe Arkerel CQ Pie& 4B. D_ Total momentum, total kinetic energy and total energy are all conserved Total momentum and total energy are always conserved. Inelastic collisions, total kinetic energy is also conserved. (ans) enein On a horizontal frictionless surface, p should be constant except during the collision After colliding inelastically with and rebounding from the wall, p should be of smaller magnitude and opposite in direction (ie. negative). (ans) 45. momentum | kinetic energy A 0 0 Conservation of momentum, total momentum after collision = total momentum before collision =M2v-2Mv =0 Since the objects stick together after collision, their speed after collision must be zero, and so their kinetic energy is also zero. (ans) 46. B 12] Let v= velocity of trolleys after collision Conservation of momentum = 4) +A) =Q2+4)v mst KE of trolleys Ymy? — in the usual notations = (2+ 4)2)? = 123 (ans) Aten MOQ Physee Dynamics 89 41. ay 4 Let I= speed of trucks after collision Conservation of momentum => total momentum before collision = total momentum after collision ie. (m)(2v) + Bm\—v) = (m43 mI" V=-"v ie. ’v in direction of 3m truck (ans) etn ie 48, A zero System of trolleys and elastic cord was initially at rest and no external foree is acting on it Total momentum of system after collision should remain unchanged at zero, speed of the trolleys, which stick together after collision, should be zero. (ans) tie 49. ie A 4ms" Conservation of momentum = Q(8)+AQ=2+4)v 4ms* (ans) 7 50. kinetic energy | momentum Cc | reduced conserved Momentum is always conserved. In inelastic collisions, kinetic energy is not conserved (reduced). (ans)90 _ Forces 1 D 3x Let k= spring constant With weight IV and 3 springs, = 3kx With weight 217 and 2 springs, 217 = 2kx,ey Equating 1: Xyw=3x (ans) smminee 2 A 80N Tension in spring, T =k(I-b) = in the usual notations = (400)(70-50)x10° =8.0N (ans) ce 3 c Fax ~ in the usual notations Force between each division should be equal => increase in separation of divisions, for a uniform strip, should be equal. (ans) ometnse 4 0 ok 360 At around @ = 0 (and 360°), mercury column is above air column, pressure in air column is highest, and so length of air column is shortest At around = 180°, mercury column is below air column, pressure in air column is lowest, ‘and so length of air column is longest. (ans) osmtnsee 5, A 075m hog = in the usual notations => height of column, Pp (100x103) pe (3.6x10)08) 0.7495 =0.75m (2 sf) (ans) Forces © 2x1 Since both the initial pressure of 1 Pa and the new pressure of 1<10°* Pa are small compared to the atmospheric pressure of 1«10°Pa, the resultant force remain approximately the same at 2 107N. (ans) omnes 1. C The pressure in the liquid increases with depth. Upthrust arises because pressure in a fluid increases with depth resulting in greater forces on the lower surfaces of a body that are in greater depth than the upper surfaces. (ans) oun 8 C__ There is a difference in water pressure acting on the top and bottom of the submarine, Upthrust arises because the pressure of fluid increases with depth. (ans) tre 9 D The pressure of water increases with depth, Upthrust arises because pressure in a fluid increases with depth resulting in greater forces on the lower surfaces of the block that are in greater depth than the upper surfaces. (ans) tnt 10. B The pressure difference between the lower and the upper surfaces of the lump of ice give rise to an upthrust equal to its weight. Upthrust arises because pressure in a fluid increases with depth resulting in greater forces on the lower surfaces of the ice that are in greater depth than the upper surfaces. (ans) -piA Upthrust on block = net upward force due to fluid pressure =p:A-piA (ans) opine Arkerel CQ Pie& 12, © (pod Upthrust on block = net upward force due to fluid pressure =(Po-pi)A (ans) 13 D__ weight > upthrust Submarine descends at constant velocity upthrust + drag => net force =0, ie. weight = weight>upthrust (ans) 14. B X+Z New balance reading initial reading + upthrust on object = initial reading + weight of displaced water X+Z (ans) 15. B_ 1000N Vertical resultant = weight — upthrust = (10000)-(9000) = 1000N (ans) 16. force X force ¥ A | airresistance | resultant force For a ball falling from rest, air resistance increases from zero and tends towards the weight of the ball, while the resultant force, initially the weight, decreases and tends towards zero. (ans) 11. C 14>, because at a given speed the net accelerating force when the body is moving downwards is smaller than the retarding force when it is moving upwards. ‘When moving downwards, the accelerating force is gravity minus viscous force ‘When moving upwards, the retarding force is gravity plus viscous force, (ans) a Aten MOQ Fhysee Forces 91 Let d= dimension of an ant Relative strength of an ant = (weight ant can lift)/(weight of ant) & (cross-sectional area of its muscles) UGts volume) add? =1d relativestrength of the giant ant relativestrength of the normal ant & doocmat at! pant ane = 1/X (ans) 19. Shelf is in equilibrium => line of action of force exerted on shelf by hinge must be concurrent with lines of action of weight IV and tension 7 in the chain, i, pass through one point, as shown. (ans) tpi 20. B PS Flagpole is in equilibrium under 3 forces = lines of action of the forces must be concurrent, ice, pass through one point (S). (ans) 21 In addition to the normal reactions, friction (holding the ladder about to slip) should be to the right at P and upwards at Q. (ans)92 Forces 7 ™ A force triangle representing 3 forces in equilibrium should have the vectors connected head-to-tail, i. in the same direction round the triangle. (ans) 22 23, P ‘A vector diagram representing 3 forces in equilibrium should be a triangle with the vectors connected head-to-tail, ie. in the same direction round the triangle. (ans) 24, 40Nn BON r A vector diagram representing 3 forces in equilibrium should be a triangle with the vectors connected head-to-tail (i. in the same direction round the triangle). (ans) 25. p ‘ Sh A force triangle representing 3 forces in equilibrium should have the vectors connected head-to-tail, ie. in the same direction round the triangle. (ans) 26, P S F Q A vector diagram representing 3 forces in equilibrium should be a triangle with the vectors connected head-to-tail, ie. in the same direction round the triangle. (ans) supe 21, C tand= Fi Equilibrium perpendicular to thread => Feosd stand =F, cone 28. DD? 4N oP Construct at Le force iy, diagram: a4 a (ans) 29. a BN sy WN If3 forces acting on a point are in equilibrium, their vector sum is zero. Only the vector sum of forces in A could be zero. (ans) ttre 30, in tension PQ Equilibrium at junction of P and R (and IV) in compression D RS => Rin compression and P in tension Equilibrium at junction of Q, R and S, => Qin tension and S in compression. (ans) pene 31 Cc 58N tT Equilibrium = 27'sin60° = 10.0 T=5.173 =S8N(Qsf) (ans) 32. D Wtan60° 4 Equilibrium: => Togsin30°=W => Tog =W/sin30° > Equilibrium => Tog = Tog 00830? = (IV'/sin 30°) cos 30° = Weot30° = tan 60° (ans) crt Arkerel CQ Pie 8& 33. C the point at which the weight of the object may be considered to act Usual definition of centre of gravity. (ans) 34. B They both act on the same point. A couple is a pair of forces, equal in magnitude but opposite in directions, acting on the same body but not on the same point, and so tends to produce rotation only. (ans) Forces 93 39, {" 43N D i Bar has rotational motion only => Eforee=0 and Zmoment #0 Among the given options, only D meets the conditions. (ans) 40. 2N 35. Bo 42Nm Torque of couple = force * perpendicular distance to line of action = (8.0) x (0.60c0s60°) =4.2Nm (ans) 36. © 046Nm Torque of couple = force « perpendicular distance to line of action = 2.0 x 0.30sin 50° =0.46 Nm (2 sf) (ans) 37. cM ‘Torque of a couple remains the same if the perpendicular distance between the forces remains the same, regardless of the positions of the lines of action. (ans) 38, P Q R Rod is in equilibrium = Lforee=0 and ELmoment=0 Among the given arrangements, only B could have moment =0. (ans) Aten MOQ Fhysee resultant force | resultant torque D non-zero non-zero ‘The 30 pair produces a resultant torque, ‘The 20N pair produces a resultant force. (ans) opine 41 D 450mm Let x= distance of 160 N weight from E 1000 mm 600 mam pat be IGN GON For a balanced beam, Z moment about support ie, 160. (600 -x)mm - 60N x 400mm =0 => x=450mm (ans) supp 42, Cc 2:3 eT Fy oe F; Beam is in equilibrium => Emoment about cg. ie. Fyx L-Fsx4L=0 FylFy=2/3 (ans)94 Forces 43, at X (downwards) D 900'N at ¥ (upwards) 1500N Sm te 47. Aq metreto the left Let x= distance of c.g. from geometrical centre tsi tn i Board is in equilibrium => (additional) 5 moment about X = 0 ie. Fyx2-600x5=0 = Fy=1500N (ans) => (additional) ¥ force = 0 ie. Fy—Fx-600 Vix 600 => Fx=900N (ans) 7 qr cs t® 7 oF Beams in equilibrium, => Emoment about the c.g. = 0 ie Txdl-Txtiz0 > B 20N, 40N Resultant turning moment 4.0 x 0.40 2.0 0.10 14Nm (ans) 46, B 100N 60° x y 100N Let [= length of rod Rod is in equilibrium => Ymoment about X= 0 ie. 10.0 %41—Feos60° x!=0 => F=100N (ans) tnt [ | { 0362 060g 024g Rod is in equilibrium => ¥ moment about geometrical centre = 0 ie. (0.36g)(0.5) — (0.6g)x - (0.24g)(0.5) =0 => ¥=0.10m (ans) ome 48. B 20kN Let Fx = force on trailer by cab Trailer is in equilibrium => moment about trailer's wheel = 0 ie. 20*5+ 30x 10-Fxx20=0 OKN (ans) > Fe Arkerel CQ Pie
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