Cyclical Adjustment of Point-In-Time
Cyclical Adjustment of Point-In-Time
Cyclical Adjustment of Point-In-Time
Sigurdur Ingolfsson,
Riskmanagement Ltd
[email protected]
1 Introduction
1.1 The Problem
The CRD stipulates that to calculate its capital requirements a bank should use “long-run average
PD’s”. Here, “long-run” should be taken as at least sufficiently long to cover a full credit cycle. Not
all banks, however, have sufficiently reliable data on which to train a credit scoring model for such
a long period. This is because to train a model, detailed information on the values of all
explanatory variables are needed. Thus the problem arises, how to construct a model that
predicts not short term PD, reflecting the current credit environment, but the required long-run
One approach to resolving this problem, is to model the credit cycle separately, and then adjust
or calibrate the estimated short term model to reflect the long-term average. The reason this may
be simpler often banks have good data regarding the dependent variable alone, i.e. defaults or
losses, even when the detailed application or behavioral data describing the obligors is
unavailable equally far back in time.
As regards the “scalar methodology”, the FSA acknowledges that: “The effect of this mechanism
is to convert the original rating system into one with Through-the-Cycle (TtC) characteristics in
terms of the stability with the cycle of the resulting IRB capital requirements” (p.4). It voices its
concern, however, that “a number of firms proposing to use such scalar approaches have not
given sufficient thought to how [its variation over time] will operate.”
In conclusion, the FSA affirms that “it is acceptable in principle for UK firms to use methodologies
of [this] type”, while presenting two important caveats. One is that “ a firm must be able to
overcome the considerable conceptual and technical challenges involved”. (p.4) The supervisor
warns that it will take a skeptical questioning approach to firms’ proposals in this regard. The
other caveat is that notwithstanding the adjustment for “normal” cyclicality, a firm’s stress testing
must still include a “once in 25 years” stress test based on the parameters of the underlying rating
system, in addition to the stress factor built into the cyclical adjustment used in the Pillar 1 capital
In particular, the FSA voices concern that cyclical adjustment may not distinguish between
portfolio degradation that is due to cyclical fluctuation, and bank specific, or idiosyncratic credit
FSA: Use of long run Probabilities of Default, counter-cyclical scaling factors, and the interaction of these with economic
cycle stress testing. Memorandum to the Crtedit Risk Standing Group, 30 October 2006. (FSA Memorandum 2006)
deterioration. If such a distinction is not made, the capital requirements of a bank may become
insensitive to changes in a bank’s specific risk profile, e.g. due to a riskier acquisition strategy,
undermining the purpose of the IRB approach. Other sources of concern include the use of
industry data and proxies, the length of the time series used to determine the economic cycle,
and the appropriateness of the scaling factor to all portfolios which it is used to scale
Finally, the FSA noted that due to scaling, the result of the standard Pillar 1 stress test (BIPRU
4.3.38) will tend to zero, and the capital requirement will remain unchanged regardless of where
we are in the economic cycle. This is why an additional “once in 25 years” stress test is
mandatory. On a positive note, however, the FSA acknowledges that adequate modeling of the
credit cycle for the purposes of scaling to the long-run-average may be helpful in constructing the
worst case scenario and provide support to appropriate stress testing.
The structural model is cast in a state-space form incorporating the basic economic features of
the credit cycle, i.e. a cyclical component and a long-term trend. With reference to the principle of
parsimony, no further systematic elements are introduced to the model. The time-varying
parameters of the model are then estimated by the application of the Kalman filter. Using the
methodology advocated by Harvey (1989), inter alia, the so-called hyperparameters governing
the dynamics of the system are estimated from historical data using the method of maximum
likelihood, to train or tune the filter using the whole historical series.
Due to the Kalman-filter setup, the model can be continually updated as new data arrives, and an
optimal balance is achieved at each time between the weight of historical elements and new
2 Data
2.1 Definition of dependent variable
The dependent (and only) variable in the Credit Cycle model is the series of incurred losses or
write-offs, covering the period 1990-2004, and the data was retrieved from the bank’s files and
from historical annual reports early in the year 2005.
Economic growth, and to some extent inflation, characterize this period and impose a stochastic
trend that tends to obscure the parameter of interest. The data is in monetary terms, and to
detrend the loss-series, it is transformed into percentage terms by dividing each observation by
the average size of the commercial lending balance in the previous year. Notwithstanding the fact
Harvey A., Forecasting, Structural Time Series Models and the Kalman Filter, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Hereafter: (Harvey)
that the bank has grown through mergers in this period, they have minimally affected both losses
and the size of the commercial lending portfolio and it is safe to assume that the series provides a
good measure of the development of credit loss over time.
For the most recent years (2003 and 2004) an additional adjustment must be made to account for
the fact that not all write-offs that will eventually be made have yet been formally entered into the
bank’s books. To adjust for this, 80% of the specific provisions are added to the losses, based on
the fact that historically 80% of specific provisions have resulted in a write-off over a 10 year
The data is segmented into “Individuals” and “Other legal entities”, meaning small corporates,
qualifying for treatment as members of the retail asset class under Basel II.
3 Model methodology
3.1 Model approach
3.1.1 Timing of losses
The Credit Cycle Model is a structural time series model that utilizes a Kalman filter algorithm to
estimate the credit cycle based on a state-space representation of The bank’s historically incurred
losses. Definitive losses, in the sense of accounting write-offs, are booked at an arbitrary point in
time often many years after the corresponding default. Thus the time of write-off is of no help in
constructing the credit-cycle. By using the time-stamp of the corresponding default event (as
defined in the Basel II guidelines), this problem can be resolved. This simple adjustment
transforms the write-off data into a time series that may be interpreted as a progression of
“consequential” or “serious” defaults.
The series of consequential defaults is admittedly not consistent with the series of simultaneously
occurring defaults at any given time because it disregards the defaults that are “cured” without
any recorded loss. We may argue, however, that this series is more meaningful for the present
purpose because it includes credit events if and only if they are economically meaningful in a
clear sense of this term. In another perspective, the series is simply a series of loss events with a
meaningful temporal structure.
The Kalman filter addresses the general problem of trying to estimate the state of a given process
x that is governed by a stochastic differential equation (SDE):
x k = Ax k −1 + Qwk −1
z k = Hx k + Rv k
where wk and v k are standard normal variables. In this context we can think of x as being the
state of the credit cycle and z as the observed losses.
The Kalman filter algorithm provides the solution to the above SDE, proceeding in the following
We assume that the credit cycle is a stationary periodic process with zero drift where the matrices
A, Q and H take the form:
η 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 ξ 0 0
A= , Q = 0 1 0 0 and H = [1 0 1 0]
0 0 κ 0 0 0 ρ cos(ω ) ρ sin(ω )
0 0 0 κ 0 0 − ρ sin(ω ) ρ cos(ω )
N ( z k − Hxˆ k− ) 2
( )
Γ = ∑ log HPk− H T + R + ( N − 1) log ∑
k =2
k =2 HPk H + R ( N − 1)
T )
and N is the number of observation-periods. This is equivalent to the assumption that the credit
cycle consists of three components: a cyclical component that behaves more or less like a sinus
wave, a relatively stable long-term trend or average component, and finally a random error
component or noise term. Of these, the two former define the regular structure of the component
and define the state-equation, i.e. the process x above. Whether the state varies more or less
between periods depends of the size of the term that drives the variance of the state, i.e. the
random vector wk .
In addition, the predictive performance of the model depends on the size of the measurement
error, or noise component represented by the scalar v k . The relationship between their variances
is called the signal-to-noise ratio. If the two variance terms are normally distributed, the Kalman
filter is the best available estimator of the state-space model. If they are not, it is the best linear
estimator. On the assumption that this quantity is known, it is easy to demonstrate that the
Kalman filter is the optimal – or minimum mean square error (MSE) – estimator of the unobserved
components of a structural time series model. In practice, though, the various signal-to-noise
ratios, or hyperparameters, in the model are not known and must be estimated. This is the normal
situation in applied statistics, and the estimator remains the best feasible one.
Figure 2: Kalman filter estimate of the Credit Cycle based on losses from legal entities other than individuals.
A practical discussion of signal extraction and the Kalman filter can be found in Harvey, p.227ff.
The figures above show that the Kalman filter successfully approximates bank losses for the past
15 years for the retail portfolio. This period includes two recession periods that can easily be
accommodated with economic analyses. The first recession represents difficulties that arose in
the economy due to the transitional difficulties of the early nineties, with peaks in 1993 to 1995.
During these years, the Icelandic government simultaneously fought inflation by structural
measures and loosened its grip of the economy by extensive privatization and liberalization of
financial markets. The second recession occurred in 2001, when a bubble in asset prices burst
and the ISK was subsequently floated, resulting in a massive devaluation.
The mid-nineties recession was particularly difficult for VSE companies, as the structural changes
in the economy reduced the demand for their services in many cases and partly made their way
of management obsolete. Households suffered less severe losses during the mid-nineties than
VSE companies but there were still significant signs of recession among households as a
consequence of the problems of the corporate sector. The peak in credit losses coincides with an
unusually high unemployment rate.
In 2001 many individuals had entered the financial markets and were burned by unexpected
volatility when both the ISK and the stocks of many companies fell sharply. Although the 2001
setback was not as pronounced as the earlier one in the “real” sector, and even benefited the
export industries, the losses of banks were no less real than earlier, and continued to have a
ripple effect throughout 2002.
It may be concluded that the Credit Cycle model correctly and consistently represents the credit
cycle of the Icelandic economy over the years 1990 to 2004, based on 60 quarterly intra-bank
loss-data points.
To address this issue, a structural time-series model was used to decompose historical losses
into a stochastic cyclical component on one hand, and a fixed long-term average level on the
other, in addition to a purely random element attributed to measurement error. This model was
fitted on a quarterly series of “serious defaults”, i.e. defaults that subsequently led to loss in 1990-
2004. This was done separately for private clients and corporations. The estimation results are
summarized in
Figure and Figure for the Personal and Incorporated loan portfolios respectively.
The Credit Cycle model predicts the level of serious credit events in this sense as a wave with a
varying shape based on the available historical observations at each time. With the help of the
predictive formula, each PiT PD estimate that is produced by the PD models can be scaled back
to its estimated long-run-average. Thus, large scale migrations across rating classes and
fluctuations in regulatory capital over time can be avoided, while the distinction between
creditworthy and less creditworthy clients is preserved in the cross-section of the portfolio.
Assuming that the Credit Cycle model yields an accurate description of the credit cycle and that
the average PD of the portfolio is a function of the credit cycle, a correction term for a logistic
regression model can be derived. It is assumed that the average PD of the portfolio is of the form
PDt = f ( xt ) PD
where xt = ( µ + η t ) µ is an adjustment term due to the Credit Cycle, f is a polynomial of the 1st
degree and PD is the TtC average PD. Now note that the predicted PD from the logistic
regression models is based on a 12 month observation period. This leads to the following
Ε ts PDr = PDf (Ε ts x r )
where Ε ts denotes the expected value operator on the time interval between t and s, Ε ts PDr is
the average default rate during the observation period and f (Ε t x r ) is the average scaling of the
Armed with this estimate of the adjustment factor at = Ε ts x r it is possible to estimate f by the
means of a linear regression and from that estimate the distance to the long-term average PD at
any given point in time from PDt .This permits the adjustment of the PiT PD estimate of retail
clients according to the level of their long term default probability by simply dividing PDt by
f (at ) . Similarly, future PD's can be estimated by the appropriate adjustment.
Lt = PD × (1 + ε t ) × LGD × (1 + rε t )
where r is the correlation between PD and LGD we see that the scaling at is exact for r=0 but for
r>0 it is conservative during expansion and optimistic during recession. Negative correlation is
implausible, and it is a general consensus that PD and LGD are positively correlated. However
during recession the square root of at is a conservative estimate of the scaling since by
assuming that r=1 the estimate for the loss curve reduces to
Lt = PD × (1 + ε t ) 2 × LGD
at , at < 1
At =
at .a t ≥ 1
And as before a new estimate for the TTC PD is obtained by dividing the PIT PD with f ( At ) .
Given a logistic regression model, the predicted mean is adjusted in the following way. Let p0
denote the current mean and p1 the desired mean and let log( pi /(1 − p i )) = α i + C i , i ∈ (0,1)
be the logit transformation of pi , α i the constant of the linear model with predicted mean pi and
Ci the contribution of the model input parameters to the mean. By assuming that the ordering of
obligors by the regression model is fixed throughout the cycle, C 0 = C1 , we get:
which gives:
and from this we derive the correction term for a logistic regression:
Furthermore, when the PD models are re-calibrated annually, the changes in the composition of
the portfolio with regards to changes in the default rate are studied.
By internally comparing the PD of new obligors to the previous obligors’ PD and externally
comparing the bank’s default rates to default rates published the Central Bank of Iceland, the
changes due to re-calibration are determined. If the deviation in the internal obligors default rate
is substantially different from previous years, the credit cycle scaling is adjusted accordingly.
FSA: Use of long run Probabilities of Default, counter-cyclical scaling factors, and the interaction of these with economic
cycle stress testing. Memorandum to the Crtedit Risk Standing Group, 30 October 2006.
To test the appropriateness of the scaling, monthly defaults from 2002 to present were regressed
on the Credit Cycle adjustment factor. The results, which can be seen from figure 3, show that the
model fits the data quite well, with an R 2 of 87%. Figure 3 illustrates this relationship.
Figure 3: The observed default frequency of non-defaulted individuals within12 months (dots) compared to the smoothed
Credit Cycle adjustment term f ( At ) (line).
4.2 Implications
The main purpose of the Credit Cycle model is to provide means to calibrate a PiT PD model to
an arbitrary point in the Credit Cycle and as such it seems to perform adequately for the banks
retail clients.
4.3 Discussion
This paper addresses the problem of obtaining TtC or long-run average PD for the purpose of
calculating capital requirements when statistical models are estimated on short-run data and thus
This measure is discussed in Harvey (1989), p. 268.
produce short-run or PiT predicted PD. It was proposed to model the credit cycle, predict the
deviation from the long-run average for the prediction period, and adjust the PiT PD by a scaling
factor based on this deviation in percentage terms.The scaling is applied on the level of the
logistic regression to obtain a new prediction for each individual client under the restriction that
the average corresponds to the long-run average term of the structural credit cycle model. The
approach is conceptually simple and technically manageable. It offers optimal use of information
under weak assumptions and requires only routine monitoring and maintenance. In short, it is a
practical solution for a bank that possesses loss data over a full credit cycle (or two) and good
obligor data a few years back, but lacks detailed data on obligor risk drivers for a sufficiently long
period to qualify as “long-run”. However, the acid test is whether such an application is likely to
find favor with the supervisory authority.
Section 1.2 highlights some elements of the position of the UK FSA vis-à-vis this methodology.
Any comparison of this particular application to the FSA criteria is likely to remain hypothetical,
but may still be of some interest.
Their first concern is that banks may underestimate the modeling effort needed to account for the
true dynamics of the credit cycle. For its level of complexity, we hold that this model reasonably
accounts for the cycle, and correctly represents the stylized concept of credit cycle that underlies
the Basel II guidelines.
Secondly, they advocate a “once in 25 year” stress test as a necessary complement to cyclical
adjustment of Pillar 1 PD estimates. In fact the present approach greatly facilitates the application
of such a stress test for the portfolios in question, as the credit cycle model and the underlying
data can be helpful in reasonably determining the level of such a stress test for the portfolios in
The third issue we noted concerned the ability of the scaling approach to distinguish between
systematic and bank-specific portfolio deterioration. In Section 3.3.3 we proposed a mechanism
to monitor the effect of the two components by regular checks. Such a mechanism could probably
also be incorporated into the automated adjustment process using a model that decomposes
deterioration into systematic and the idiosyncratic components based on certain criteria. But this
would be at the expense of simplicity and clarity.
The remaining issues of Section 1.2 are those of industry or proxy data, the length of the time-
series, and its applicability to the portfolio being scaled. None of these arise in the present
application, as internal data covering two credit crunches is available and can be decomposed
into reasonably similar portfolios. This does of course not mean that these data issues can be
solved for all banks and portfolios, but it is likely that in many cases external data can be used to
construct such a model if this is done with sufficient care.
The main weakness of the credit cycle model – and thereby of the whole adjustment approach –is
one it shares with most macroeconomic models. It lies in the possibility that a structural change
may radically alter the character of the credit cycle. An advantage of the Kalman-filter approach is
that it is responsive to changes, especially if uncertainty rises in the system. But it is a linear
mechanism and it can not accommodate sudden jumps or drops. If the timing of the break is
known, however, this can be addressed by adding a dummy variable to the model. Interestingly,
in 2004, a boom in real-estate prices and partial privatization of the mortgage market in Iceland
combined to induce a sharp drop in default rates, as a large portion of households refinanced
their debt at lower rates and longer term with mortgages. The effects are slow to appear in write-
offs, but it is an interesting task to study the effect of this during the past 10 quarters using
specific provisions to determine whether the credit cycle has changed markedly with this change
in market structure.