Endodontics: Part 2 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: Practice
Endodontics: Part 2 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: Practice
Endodontics: Part 2 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: Practice
● An accurate diagnosis of the patient’s condition is essential before an appropriate treatment
plan can be formulated for that individual.
● A logical approach to clinical examination should be adopted.
● A high quality long-cone parallel radiograph is mandatory before commencing root canal
treatment, and should be carefully examined to obtain all possible information.
● Root canal treatment may not be the most appropriate therapy, and treatment plans should
take into account not only the expected prognosis but also the patient’s dental condition,
expectations and wishes.
Endodontics: Part 2
Diagnosis and treatment planning
As with all dental treatment, a detailed treatment plan can only be drawn up when a correct and accurate diagnosis has been
made. It is essential that a full medical, dental and demographic history be obtained, together with a thorough extra-oral and
intra-oral examination. This part considers the classification of diseases of the dental pulp, together with various diagnostic
aids to help in determining which condition is present, and the appropriate therapy.
ENDODONTICS The importance of correct diagnosis and treat- practitioner should be consulted before any
1. The modern concept of ment planning must not be underestimated. endodontic treatment is commenced. This also
root canal treatment There are many causes of facial pain and the dif- applies if the patient is on medication, such as
2. Diagnosis and treatment ferential diagnosis can be both difficult and corticosteroids or an anticoagulant. An example
planning demanding. All the relevant information must be of the particulars required on a patient’s folder is
3. Treatment of endodontic collected; this includes a case history and the illustrated in Table 1.
emergencies results of both a clinical examination and diag- Antibiotic cover has been recommended for
nostic tests. The practitioner should be fully certain medical conditions, depending upon the
4. Morphology of the root
canal system
conversant with the prognosis for different complexity of the procedure and the degree of
endodontic clinical situations, discussed in bacteraemia expected, but the type of antibiotic
5. Basic instruments and
Part 12. Only at this stage can the cause of the and the dosage are under continual review and
materials for root canal
problem be determined, a diagnosis made, the dental practitioners should be aware of current
appropriate treatments discussed with the patient opinion. The latest available edition of the Dental
6. Rubber dam and access and informed or valid consent obtained. Practitioners’ Formulary1 should be consulted for
cavities the current recommended antibiotic regime.
7. Preparing the root canal CASE HISTORY However, when treating patients who may be
8. Filling the root canal The purpose of a case history is to discover considered predisposed to endocarditis, it may be
system whether the patient has any general or local con- advisable to liaise with the patient’s cardiac
9. Calcium hydroxide, root dition that might alter the normal course of
resorption, endo-perio treatment. As with all courses of treatment, a Table 1 A simple check list for a medical history
lesions comprehensive demographic, medical and previ- (Scully and Cawson2)
10. Endodontic treatment for ous dental history should be recorded. In addi- Anaemia
children tion, a description of the patient’s symptoms in
Bleeding disorders
11. Surgical endodontics his or her own words and a history of relevant
Cardiorespiratory disorders
12. Endodontic problems dental treatment should be noted.
Drug treatment and allergies
1*Clinical Lecturer, Department of Adult Medical history Endocrine disease
Dental Care, Glasgow Dental Hospital and There are no medical conditions which specifi- Fits and faints
School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow Gastrointestinal disorders
G2 3JZ cally contra-indicate endodontic treatment, but
*Correspondence to: Peter Carrotte there are several which require special care. The Hospital admissions and attendances
Email: [email protected] most relevant conditions are allergies, bleeding Infections
Refereed Paper
tendencies, cardiac disease, immune defects or Jaundice or liver disease
doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.4811612 patients taking drugs acting on the endocrine or Kidney disease
© British Dental Journal 2004; 197: CNS system. If there is any doubt about the state Likelihood of pregnancy or pregnancy itself
231–238 of health of a patient, his/her general medical
Diagnostic tests
Most of the diagnostic tests used to assess the
state of the pulp and periapical tissues are
Pulp testing There are several different methods of applying
Pulp testing is often referred to as ‘vitality’ test- heat to a tooth. The tip of a gutta-percha stick
ing. In fact, a moribund pulp may still give a may be heated in a flame and applied to a tooth.
positive reaction to one of the following tests Take great note that hot gutta-percha may stick
as the nervous tissue may still function in fast to enamel, and it is essential to coat the
extreme states of disease. It is also, of course, tooth with vaseline to prevent the gutta-percha
possible in a multirooted tooth for one root sticking and causing unnecessary pain to the
canal to be diseased, but another still capable patient. Another method is to ask the patient to
of giving a vital response. Pulp testers should hold warm water in the mouth, which will act on
only be used to assess vital or non-vital pulps; all the teeth in the arch, or to isolate individual
they do not quantify disease, nor do they meas- teeth with rubber dam and apply warm water
ure health and should not be used to judge the directly to the suspected tooth. This is explored
degree of pulpal disease. Pulp testing gives no further under local anaesthesia.
indication of the state of the vascular supply
which would more accurately indicate the Cold
degree of pulp vitality. The only way pulpal Three different methods may be used to apply a
blood-flow may be measured is by using a cold stimulus to a tooth. The most effective is the
Laser-Doppler Flow Meter, not usually avail- use of a –50°C spray, which may be applied using
able in general practice! a cotton pledget (Fig. 7). Alternatively, though
Doubt has been cast on the efficacy of pulp less effectively, an ethyl chloride spray may be
testing the corresponding tooth on the other side used. Finally, ice sticks may be made by filling
of the mid-line for comparison, and it is sug- the plastic covers from a hypodermic needle with
gested that only the suspect teeth are tested. water and placing in the freezing compartment
of a refrigerator. When required for use one cover
Electronic is warmed and removed to provide the ice stick.
The electric pulp tester is an instrument which However, false readings may be obtained if the
uses gradations of electric current to excite a ice melts and flows onto the adjacent tissues.
Fig. 6 A modern electric pulp tester response from the nervous tissue within the pulp.
combined with an endodontic apex Both alternating and direct current pulp testers Local anaesthetic
locator. are available, although there is little difference In cases where the patient cannot locate the pain
and routine thermal tests have been negative, a of the perforation, followed by the provision of
reaction may be obtained by asking the patient to new posts and cores, and crowns.
sip hot water from a cup. The patient is instructed However, success in this case may depend
to hold the water first against the mandibular upon the correct planning of treatment. For
teeth on one side and then by tilting the head, to example, what provisional restorations will be
include the maxillary teeth. If a reaction occurs, used during the root canal treatment, and during
an intraligamental injection may be given to the following re-evaluation period. Temporary
anaesthetise the suspect tooth and hot water is post-crowns have been shown to be very poor at
then again applied to the area; if there is no reac- resisting microleakage.4 The provision of a tem-
tion, the pulpitic tooth has been identified. It porary over denture, enabling the total sealing
should be borne in mind that a better term for of the access cavities, would seem an appropri-
intraligamental is intra-osseous, as the local ate alternative, but if this has not been properly
anaesthetic will pass into the medullary spaces planned for, problems may arise and successful
round the tooth and may possibly also affect the treatment may be compromised.
proximal teeth.
Wooden stick All teeth with pulpal or periapical pathology are Fig. 7 A more effective source of
If a patient complains of pain on chewing and candidates for root canal treatment. There are also cold stimulus for sensibility testing.
there is no evidence of periapical inflammation, situations where elective root canal treatment is
an incomplete fracture of the tooth may be sus- the treatment of choice.
pected. Biting on a wood stick in these cases can
elicit pain, usually on release of biting pressure. Post space
A vital tooth may have insufficient tooth sub-
Fibre-optic light stance to retain a jacket crown so the tooth may
A powerful light can be used for transilluminat- have to be root-treated and restored with a post-
ing teeth to show interproximal caries, fracture, retained crown (Fig. 9).
opacity or discoloration. To carry out the test,
the dental light should be turned off and the Overdenture
fibre-optic light placed against the tooth at the Decoronated teeth retained in the arch to pre-
gingival margin with the beam directed through serve alveolar bone and provide support or
the tooth. If the crown of the tooth is fractured, removable prostheses must be root-treated.
the light will pass through the tooth until it
strikes the stain lying in the fracture line; the Teeth with doubtful pulps
tooth beyond the fracture will appear darker. Root treatment should be considered for any
tooth with doubtful vitality if it requires an exten-
Cutting a test cavity sive restoration, particularly if it is to be a bridge
When other tests have given an indeterminate abutment. Such elective root canal treatment has
result, a test cavity may be cut in a tooth which a good prognosis as the root canals are easy to
is believed to be pulpless. In the author’s opin- access and are not infected. If the indications are
ion, this test can be unreliable as the patient may
give a positive response although the pulp is
necrotic. This is because nerve tissues can con-
tinue to conduct impulses for some time in the
absence of a blood supply.
Having taken the case history and carried out the
relevant diagnostic tests, the patient’s treatment is
then planned. The type of endodontic treatment
chosen must take into account the patient’s med-
ical condition and general dental state. The indi-
cations and contra-indications for root canal
treatment are given below and the problems of re-
root treatment discussed. The treatment of frac-
tured instruments, perforations and perio-endo
lesions are discussed in subsequent chapters.
It should be emphasised here that there is a
considerable difference between a treatment
plan and planning treatment. Figure 8 shows a
radiograph of a patient with a severe endodontic
problem. A diagnosis of failed root canal treat-
ments, periapical periodontitis (both apically
and also associated with a perforation of one
root), and failed post crowns could be made. A Fig. 8 This complicated case exhibits a number of
treatment plan for this patient may be different endodontic problems, and requires careful
orthograde re-root canal treatment, with repair treatment planning if success is to be achieved.
Fig. 9 Tooth UL1 (21) requires a sure. In some cases these teeth should be elec-
crown, but there is insufficient tively root-treated.
coronal tissue remaining. One
possible treatment plan would be
elective endodontic treatment Periodontal disease
followed by the provision of a post- In multirooted teeth there may be deep pocket-
retained core build-up and crown. ing associated with one root or the furcation.
The possibility of elective devitalisation follow-
ing the resection of a root should be considered
(see Part 9).
Inadequate access
A patient with restricted opening or a small
mouth may not allow sufficient access for root
canal treatment. A rough guide is that it must
be possible to place two fingers between the
mandibular and maxillary incisor teeth so that
there is good visual access to the areas to be
treated. An assessment for posterior endodon-
tic surgery may be made by retracting the
Fig. 10 A 23-year-old female patient cheek with a finger. If the operation site can
b suffered trauma to tooth UL1 (21) when be seen directly with ease, then the access is
aged 16, and is complaining about the
yellow discoloration of the tooth (a). A sufficient.
radiograph (b) reveals that the pulp
space has sclerosed. Poor oral hygiene
As a general rule root canal treatment should
not be carried out unless the patient is able to
maintain his/her mouth in a healthy state, or
can be taught and motivated to do so. Excep-
tions may be patients who are medically or
physically compromised, but any treatment
afforded should always be in the best long-term
interests of the patient.
Fig. 11 Tooth UL1 (21) was so extensively decayed Fig. 12 The vertical root fracture can be clearly seen in
subgingivally that restoration would have proved this extracted tooth which had been fitted with a post
impossible even if endodontic treatment had been carried crown.
tis, for example one who has had a previous pathological fracture of the tooth. Internal resorp-
attack, may not be considered suitable for com- tion ceases immediately the pulp is removed and,
plex endodontic therapy. provided the tooth is sufficiently strong, it may be
retained. Most forms of external resorption will
Patient’s attitude continue (see Part 9) unless the defect can be
Unless the patient is sufficiently well motivated, repaired and made supragingival, or arrested with
a simpler form of treatment is advised. calcium hydroxide therapy.
Root fractures
Incomplete fractures of the root have a poor prog-
nosis if the fracture line communicates with the
oral cavity as it becomes infected. For this reason,
vertical fractures will often require extraction of
the tooth while horizontal root fractures have a
more favourable prognosis (Fig. 12).
1 Is there any evidence that the old root filling root canal filling of a tooth with a periradicu-
has failed? lar lesion falls to about 65%.
• Symptoms from the tooth. The final decision by the operator on the treat-
• Radiolucent area is still present or has ment plan for a patient should be governed by the
increased in size. level of his/her own skill and knowledge. General
• Presence of sinus tract. dental practitioners cannot become experts in all
2 Does the crown of the tooth need restoring? fields of dentistry and should learn to be aware of
their own limitations. The treatment plan pro-
3 Is there any obvious fault with the present
posed should be one which the operator is confi-
root filling which could lead to failure?
dent he/she can carry out to a high standard.
Practitioners should be particularly aware
of the prognosis of root canal re-treatments. 1. Dental Practitioners’ Formulary 2000/2002. British
Dental Association. BMA Books, London
As a rule of thumb, taking the average of the 2. Scully C, Cawson R A. Medical problems in dentistry.
surveys reported in the endodontic literature Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, p74, 1998.
(see Part 12) suggests a prognosis of 90–95% 3. National Radiographic Protection Board. Guidance
for an initial root canal treatment of a tooth Notes for Dental Practitioners on the safe use of
x-ray equipment. 2001. Department of Health,
with no radiographic evidence of a periradicu- London, UK.
lar lesion. When such a lesion is present prog- 4. Fox K, Gutteridge D L. An in vitro study of coronal
nosis will fall to around 80–85%, and the microleakage in root-canal-treated teeth restored by
the post and core technique. Int Endod J 1997; 30:
longer the lesion has been present the more 361–368.
established will be the infection, treatment (ie 5. Ørstavik D. Time-course and risk analysis of the
removal of that infection from the entire root development and healing of chronic apical
canal system) will be more difficult and the periodontitis in man. Int Endod J 1996; 29: 150–155.
6. Andreasen J O, Andreasen F M. Chapter 9 in Textbook
prognosis significantly lower. The average and colour atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth. 3rd
reported prognosis for re-treatment of a failed Ed, Denmark, Munksgard 1994.
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