Defense Mechanism: Definitions of Individual Psyche Structures
Defense Mechanism: Definitions of Individual Psyche Structures
Defense Mechanism: Definitions of Individual Psyche Structures
The term "defense mechanism" is often thought to refer to a definitive singular term for
personality traits which arise due to loss or traumatic experiences, but more accurately
refers to several types of reactions which were identified during and after daughter Anna
Freud's time.
They include:
Level 2 - Immature
These mechanisms are often present in adults and more commonly present in adolescents.
These mechanisms lessen distress and anxiety provoked by threatening people or by
uncomfortable reality. People who excessively use such defenses are seen as socially
undesirable in that they are immature, difficult to deal with and seriously out of touch with
reality. These are the so-called "immature" defenses and overuse almost always leads to
serious problems in a person's ability to cope effectively. These defenses are often seen in
severe depression and personality disorders. In adolescence, the occurrence of all of these
defenses is normal.
They include:
Level 3 - Neurotic
These mechanisms are considered neurotic, but fairly common in adults. Such defenses
have short-term advantages in coping, but can often cause long-term problems in
relationships, work and in enjoying life when used as one's primary style of coping with the
They include:
Level 4 - Mature
These are commonly found among emotionally healthy adults and are considered mature,
even though many have their origins in an immature stage of development. They have been
adapted through the years in order to optimize success in life and relationships. The use of
these defenses enhances pleasure and feelings of control. These defenses help us integrate
conflicting emotions and thoughts, while still remaining effective. Those who use these
mechanisms are usually considered virtuous.
They include: