Beamforming Algorithm For Multiuser Wideband Millimeter-Wave Systems With Hybrid and Subarray Architectures

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Beamforming Algorithm for Multiuser Wideband

Millimeter-Wave Systems with Hybrid and Subarray
Carlos A. Viteri-Mera, Senior Member, IEEE, and Fernando L. Teixeira, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—We present a beamforming algorithm for multiuser to a certain extent using high-gain antennas. Uniform linear
arXiv:1905.03918v1 [eess.SP] 10 May 2019

wideband millimeter wave (mmWave) communication systems arrays (ULAs) [3] or planar arrays [4] are typical high-gain
where one access point uses hybrid analog/digital beamforming antenna implementations at mmWave which can be mounted
while multiple user stations have phased-arrays with a single
RF chain. The algorithm operates in a more general mode in compact terminals given the small wavelength [5]. However,
than others available in literature and has lower computational these antenna arrays have narrow pencil-like radiation patterns
complexity and training overhead. Throughout the paper, we that require beamforming techniques to align their main beams
describe: i) the construction of novel beamformer sets (code- according to the specific scenario.
books) with wide sector beams and narrow beams based on the Despite the advantages of mmWave systems, many chal-
orthogonality property of beamformer vectors, ii) a beamforming
algorithm that uses training transmissions over the codebooks lenges remain open to fully exploit their potential. One of
to select the beamformers that maximize the received sum- the most active research areas in mmWave is the design of
power along the bandwidth, and iii) a numerical validation beamforming procedures that take into account the specific
of the algorithm in standard indoor scenarios for mmWave hardware constraints at these frequencies [6]. For example,
WLANs using channels obtained with both statistical and ray- fully-digital beamforming, which requires one RF chain for
tracing models. Our algorithm is designed to serve multiple users
in a wideband OFDM system and does not require channel every antenna element, is unfeasible in mmWave due to
matrix knowledge or a particular channel structure. Moreover, the large number of small antenna elements deployed in
we incorporate antenna-specific aspects in the analysis, such as typical arrays. For this reason, several hybrid analog/digital
antenna coupling, element radiation pattern, and beam squint. beamforming architectures (which use phase shifters, power
Although there are no other solutions for the general system splitters/combiners, and switches in the RF domain together
studied in this paper, we characterize the algorithm’s achievable
rate and show that it attains more than 70% of the spectral with digital baseband processing) have been proposed as
efficiency (between 1.5 and 3 dB SNR loss) with respect to practical solutions for mmWave terminals [7]–[10]. The hybrid
ideal fully-digital beamforming in the analyzed scenarios. We beamforming design problem, which is the focus of this paper,
also show that our algorithm has similar sum-rate performance refers to the selection of phase-shifter configurations and
as other solutions in the literature for some special cases, while digital processing matrices that maximize a given performance
providing significantly lower computational complexity (with a
linear dependence on the number of antennas) and shorter criteria under given hardware constraints. In this work, we
training overhead. propose a beamforming algorithm for mmWave systems with
the following features:
Index Terms—Phased arrays, millimeter wave, hybrid beam-
forming, frequency-selective channels, OFDM, multiuser MIMO. F1. One single access point (AP) serving multiple user sta-
tions (STAs).
F2. Fully-connected hybrid architecture at the AP, where a
few RF chains are connected to a large antenna array
through a network of phase shifters and power split-

M ILLIMETER wave (mmWave) systems are emerging

technologies for future wireless communication net-
works. These systems use carrier frequencies around 28, 38,
F3. Subarray architecture at the STAs, where a single RF
chain can use the full antenna array or smaller subarrays
60, and 72 GHz, where large bandwidths are available to alle- selected with an RF switch.
viate spectrum scarcity affecting current cellular networks [1]. F4. Wideband (OFDM) operation.
Propagation at mmWave frequencies is characterized by large F5. Blind operation: it does not require knowledge (nor
free-space losses and strong atmospheric attenuation [2]. These estimation) of the channel matrix.
features are favorable for short-range (<100 meters) com- F6. A beamforming procedure based on hierarchichal code-
munications since large propagation losses naturally decrease books.
interference across dense small-cells and can be compensated

C. Viteri-Mera is with the Department of Electronics Engineering, Univer- A. Related Work

sidad de Nariño, Pasto, Colombia, email: [email protected]. The hybrid beamforming problem for single-user narrow-
F. Teixeira is with the ElectroScience Laboratory, The Ohio State University,
1330 Kinnear Rd., Columbus, OH, 43212 USA, email: [email protected]. band mmWave systems was first studied in [7] and [8]. In [7],
Manuscript updated on March 15, 2019. assuming perfect channel state information (CSI), the authors

design hybrid transmit beamformers to approximate the linear ing have also been studied recently, with focus on the array
precoder that maximizes the spectral efficiency. This is done response’s frequency dependence (beam squint effect). Ref-
by leveraging the spatially sparse nature of the mmWave erences [23] and [24] study the capacity loss in mmWave
channel and considering phase shifters with quantized states. systems due to beam squint and propose a beamforming design
This work is expanded in [8], where channel estimation is to compensate for this effect.
formulated as a sparse reconstruction problem. This approach
uses sets of hybrid beamforming configurations, called hier- B. Contributions
archical beamforming codebooks, that provide main beams of
different widths. These codebooks are used to perform training This paper presents a new beamforming algorithm incorpo-
transmissions over increasingly narrow angular regions in rating two main contributions with respect to previous works:
space, converging to the sharpest beam that maximizes the 1) The algorithm operates in a more general setting than
received power. Both [7] and [8] focus on systems having other beamforming solutions (including all the 6 features
features F2 and F6 only. above). Previous algorithms work in systems that can
The use of hierarchical beamforming codebooks (feature be considered special cases of this general setting (for
F6) has become a design principle for beamforming in differ- example, single-user or narrowband systems).
ent mmWave applications. For example, the IEEE 802.11ad 2) The algorithm reduces the computational complexity and
60 GHz WLAN standard uses beam training over a hierarchi- training overhead with respect to previous works by
cal codebook [11]–[13]. Reference [14] presents a codebook leveraging the hybrid and subarray hardware architec-
construction methodology for hybrid beamforming based on tures. More specifically, our algorithm’s computational
planar antenna arrays in single-user narrowband systems. In complexity and training overhead increases linearly with
the analog beamforming case, [15] presents a hierarchical the number of antennas, while previous solutions have a
beamforming procedure that accounts for wind-induced an- quadratic dependence.
tenna movement in mmWave links. To achieve these two objectives, the algorithm uses novel
Another widely used design criteria for hybrid beamformers analog hierarchical beamforming codebooks specifically de-
in mmWave systems is the spectral efficiency (mutual informa- signed for hybrid and subarray configurations. The codebooks
tion) maximization. In the single-user frequency-selective case provide sector beams and narrow beams to allow training
(feature F4), [9] proposes a greedy optimization technique to transmissions over increasingly narrow regions in the angular
maximize mutual information under perfect CSI. Reference domain. The codebooks are based on the orthogonality of
[16] obtains closed-form solutions to a relaxed mutual in- beamforming vectors in uniform antenna arrays, which allows
formation maximization problem and examine subarray struc- an exact number of narrow beams to overlap with a given
tures for single-user frequency-selective hybrid beamforming sector beam regardless of the frequency. Thus, they are well-
(features F2-F4) assuming perfect knowledge of the channel suited to compensate for beam squint effects.
sample covariance matrix. The algorithm decouples the design process into two stages:
Reference [17] demonstrates that multiuser hybrid beam- the analog beam selection procedure and the digital beam-
forming (features F1 and F2) is better suited for networks forming. First, in the beam selection procedure, the algorithm
where users are well-separated in the angular domain. A obtains analog beamformers that maximize the estimated sum-
multiuser hybrid beamforming design solution for narrowband power across subcarriers for each user. The beam selection
mmWave is presented in [18], where the analog beamformer uses the orthogonal beamforming codebooks for uplink and
is obtained by training over a hierarchical codebook and the downlink training transmissions. In the second part, the AP
digital beamformer is calculated in a conventional zero-forcing calculates a BD digital beamformer that maps the user streams
approach (features F1, F2, and F6). to the available RF chains. Our algorithm does not require
For multiuser frequency-selective hybrid beamforming (fea- channel matrix knowledge, or any particular channel structure.
tures F1, F2, and F4), [19] formulates the design problem The only assumption about the channel is that it is reciprocal
such that the hybrid beamformer approximates the fully digital and quasi-static. Thus, the algorithm is suitable for time
solution found with block-diagonalization (BD) [20]. The division duplex systems. We also present wideband mmWave
work in [19] assumes perfect CSI with a total power constraint system models that take into account beam squint, element
and analog beamforming with infinite resolution phase shifters. radiation patterns, and antenna coupling effects, which are
Reference [21] also investigates hybrid beamforming in the traditionally ignored in literature.
multiuser frequency-selective case assuming perfect CSI and The algorithm’s performance is evaluated in terms of
infinite resolution phase shifters; its approach is to simplify the achievable sum-rate in the downlink under two channel mod-
problem to a frequency-flat equivalent by using an average of els: i) a statistical channel model with a discrete number of
the channel matrices along subcarriers. paths and uniformly distributed angles of departure and arrival,
Note that most of the works referenced above require and ii) channel matrices obtained with ray-tracing simulations
additional algorithms to estimate the wideband channel ma- from a realistic scenario taken from the IEEE 802.11ay chan-
trix, thus increasing their complexity and training overhead. nel models [25]. These simulations include diffuse scattering
Reference [22] presents several methods for wideband channel at surfaces to model mmWave propagation characteristics. We
estimation in the time and frequency domains. compare our algorithm versus fully-digital BD precoding (with
Antenna-specific aspects of wideband mmWave beamform- one RF chain per antenna), which is the linear beamforming

technique that best approximates the channel capacity [26]. Access Point 𝑀ap p.s.
We show that our algorithm’s achievable sum-rate performance S/C
has only approximately a 3 dB loss with respect to the fully-

RF chain S/C

digital BD solution. Given that (to the best of our knowledge)

there is presently no method that operates in a system with
all 6 features above, we compare our algorithm with others

𝑁RF chains antennas
in current literature for specific cases (i.e. single-user, or 𝑀ap p.s.
multi-user with single-antenna terminals). We show that our
algorithm provides advantages with respect to computational

RF chain S/C

complexity (linear vs. quadratic dependence on the number S/C

of antennas) and training overhead in those specific cases. In
some cases, this computational complexity advantages come
Fig. 1. AP hardware configuration. Each RF chain is connected to a group
at a cost of a marginal performance loss (0 to 3 dB SNR), of Map phase shifters (p.s.) through one splitter/combiner (S/C). One phase
while in other cases is even complemented with a better shifter from each RF chain is connected to every antenna through other S/C.
Throughout the paper, we show application examples for
Subarray with
ULAs and parameters taken from the IEEE 802.11ad WLAN 𝑀sub antennas + p.s.
standard. However, the principles discussed here are also

applicable to 2D uniform planar arrays and other types of
mmWave networks. Note that our algorithm can be easily
antennas SW RF chain
modified to suit specific system requirements (special cases
of the 6 features).


User Station
In this section1 , we introduce wideband (OFDM) mmWave Fig. 2. User station configuration. Each one of the Msta antennas is
connected to a single phase shifter (p.s.). An RF switch allows the antenna
system models for the two stages of our algorithm. We begin reconfiguration to use the full array with Msta antennas or a subarray with
by defining the hardware configurations at the AP and the Msub antennas.
STAs, and then we present baseband signal models for two
stages of hybrid beamforming design. In the beam selection
procedure, the algorithm searches for analog beamformers that digital processing in addition to the analog beamforming, an
maximize the estimated received power for each STA, alter- operation known as hybrid beamforming or precoding. In the
nating between uplink and downlink training transmissions. STA side, where there are usually very strict size and power
We define single-user uplink and downlink OFDM system constraints, we use a less demanding hardware configuration
models for this stage. In the digital beamforming stage, the with Msta antennas and a single RF chain, as shown in Fig.
algorithm uses the analog beamformers found in the first stage 2. This is a conventional analog phased-array configuration,
to calculate a digital beamformer that maps the transmitted with one phase shifter per antenna. However, we propose to
signals (directed to all users) to the available RF chains. employ a switching network so that the STA can also use a
Hence, we define an OFDM multiuser MIMO downlink model smaller subarray of Msub antennas to provide wider beams
with hybrid beamforming. Importantly, the models presented at the expense of less beamforming gain. The STAs can use
here include wideband effects relevant in mmWave systems either full-array or subarray configurations by controlling the
that are traditionally ignored in literature. For example, we RF switching network denoted by SW in Fig. 2. We assume
include detailed frequency-dependent array response vectors that all phase shifters have digital control. Therefore, there is
that account for antenna coupling, element radiation patterns, a discrete (quantized) set of phases and beamformers available
and beam squint effects. at the terminals. In Section IV, we describe how to leverage
this hardware configuration to construct discrete beamforming
A. Hardware Configuration codebooks with both wide sector beams and narrow beams.
We consider a mmWave system consisting of one AP and
U user stations (STAs). The AP has Map antennas and Nrf
B. Single-User mmWave Uplink - Beam Selection
RF chains, which are fully connected as depicted in Fig. 1.
Since the AP has multiple RF chains, it can also perform Consider a wideband wireless communication system rep-
resented in complex baseband. The system uses an OFDM
1 Notation: a and A are scalars, a is a vector, and A is a matrix. Vector
and matrix sizes are defined explicitly for every variable. (·)T , (·)∗ , (·)H ,
waveform with K subcarriers, and we assume that the OFDM
and k · kF represent transpose, complex conjugate, conjugate transpose, and cyclic-prefix removes all of the inter-symbol interference. In
Frobenius norm of a matrix, respectively. [A]m,n is the element in the √m-th the beam selection procedure, the STA transmit a training
row and n-th column of A. [A]:,n is the n-th column of A. kak2 = aH a sequence x[k] ∈ C1×T in the uplink, which spans T time-
is the `2 norm of a. IN is the N × N identity matrix. E{·} denotes expected
value and CN (0, R) is the zero-mean circularly-symmetric complex Gaussian domain OFDM symbols (each row represents different time
distribution with covariance matrix R. samples). The received uplink vector signal, which represents

Access Point Channel User Station the hardware described above, and assuming a reciprocal

channel, the received signal at the STA for subcarrier k is
ydl [k] = w[k]x[k] + zdl [k] ∈ C1×T ,

Uplink (5)

where zdl [k] ∼ CN 0, σz2 IT is complex white Gaussian
noise, and the complex downlink channel coefficient is

Downlink w[k] = gH H[k]Pa 1,
Digital Analog Analog r
ρ X
Combiner Beamformers Beamformer
= gH H[k] pa,n . (6)
(a) KNrf n=1

Access Point User

where 1 is a Nrf × 1 vector whose entries are all 1. For
convenience, we use the same total transmit power ρ in the
uplink and downlink, and we define the signal-to-noise ratio

in the system as
Digital Analog Analog
Beamformer Beamformers Beamformer
SNR = 2 . (7)
Fig. 3a shows the downlink model and its relationship with
Fig. 3. System model. (a) Training uplink and downlink, and (b) Downlink the uplink. In the special case where all RF chains use the
for user u.
same beamformer p, the downlink channel coefficient reduces
the output of all RF chains at the AP in subcarrier k, is r
Nrf ρ H
r w[k] = g H[k]p. (8)
ρ T T K
yul [k] = P H [k]g∗ x[k] + zul [k] ∈ CNrf ×T , (1)
K a −1
If we set pa,n = p in (4), the relationship v[k] = Nrf 2 w[k]
where ρ is the transmitted power, g ∈ CMsta ×1 is the column between uplink and downlink channel coefficients holds due
vector of beamforming coefficients (steering vector) at the −1
to channel reciprocity. The factor Nrf 2 accounts for the power
STA, HT [k] ∈ CMap ×Msta is the uplink MIMO channel loss caused by a single RF chain receiving with a given
matrix between the STA and AP arrays, zul [k] is a complex beamformer in the uplink, whereas all RF chains transmit
white Gaussian noise matrix whose elements have zero-mean the same training signal with the same beamformer in the
and variance σz2 /Nrf , and Pa ∈ CMap ×Nrf is the analog downlink.
beamforming matrix defined as
Pa = [pa,1 · · · pa,Nrf ] , (2) D. Multiuser Downlink - Hybrid Beamforming
where the column vector pa,n represents the n-th RF chain When the AP sends independent signals to U different users,
beamforming coefficients. The time-domain sequence received the downlink is represented by a broadcast channel where the
at RF chain n and subcarrier k is signal at user u is

yul,n [k] = vn [k]x[k] + zul,n [k], (3) yu [k] = heq,u [k]Pd [k]s[k] + zdl,u [k], (9)

where where Pd [k] ∈ CNrf ×U is the digital precoder that maps the
ρ T U independent transmitted signals to the available RF chains,
vn [k] = p HT [k]g∗ (4) T
s[k] = [s1 [k], . . . , sU [k]] ∈ CU ×1 is the vector of complex
K a,n
symbols transmitted to the users, and heq,u [k] is the equivalent
is the complex channel coefficient after beamforming. We as- MISO channel after analog beamforming for user u defined
2 2
sume the power constraints kpa,n k2 = Nrf−1 ∀n, kPa kF = 1, as
and kgk2 = 1, which take into account the power split-
ters/combiners in the system. This model, depicted in Fig. 3a, heq,u [k] = guH Hu [k]Pa ∈ C1×Nrf , (10)
assumes that the transmitted power is uniformly distributed where gu [k] and Hu [k] are the beamformer and the channel
across subcarriers. Note that the analog beamformers Pa matrix for user u, respectively, Pa is defined as in (2). heq,u [k]
and g, which represent the phase shifters configuration, are represents the channel coefficients between each RF chain
independent of frequency (we elaborate on this property in and user u. The transmitted signalshsatisfy ithe total power
Section II-G). P 2
constraint u ρu ≤ ρ, where ρu = E |su [k]| . In this model,
the AP applies both analog and digital beamformers to the
C. Single-User mmWave Downlink - Beam Selection signal, so the total transmitter processing is represented by
For the downlink, the AP sends a training signal x[k] with a hybrid precoding matrix Pa Pd [k] ∈ CMap ×U . Thus, the
equal power through all the RF chains and subcarriers. Using maximum number of users the AP can support is limited by

the number of RF chains (U ≤ Nrf ). In addition, we use F. Antenna Array Response Vector and Radiation Pattern
the power constraint kPa Pd [k]kF = 1, ∀k, which allows One of the features of OFDM mmWave systems operating
a fair comparison with other techniques. In Section III, we with the hardware configuration described above is that the
formulate the problem of selecting analog beamformers Pa array response vectors are frequency-dependent. This is caused
and {gu [k]} that maximize the received SNR at every user by changes in electrical lengths at different frequencies. As a
and a digital beamformer Pd [k] that eliminates the remaining consequence of this feature, a fixed phase shifter configura-
inter-user interference. tion has different maximum radiation directions for different
subcarriers. This effect is commonly known as beam squint
E. Channel Model and can severely impact the performance of mmWave com-
munications [23], [24]. To analyze its impact on the array’s
The hybrid beamforming algorithm presented in Section
radiation pattern, let f0 denote a reference frequency in the
V does not require knowledge of the channel matrix H[k].
band of interest, such that the array inter-element spacing is
However, it is specifically designed for uniform (linear or
referenced to it. Let fk denote the frequency of subcarrier k.
planar) antenna arrays. Thus, in this section we describe a
As an example, we present a ULA model for the AP, where
simple channel model that is only instrumental to characterize
θ represents the angle with respect to the array axis. The
the algorithm’s performance through simulations. We stress
elements in the array response vector aap (k, θ) represent the
that our algorithm is sufficiently general to operate in any
phase of an incoming/outgoing plane wave received/generated
channel that uses uniform arrays and without explicit channel
by the array in the far field [30]. For a ULA, the m-th element
information. Assuming L propagation paths between the AP
in aap (k, θ) is
and the STA (with angles of arrival and departure for path `    
given by θsta,` and θap,` , respectively), the downlink channel fk M +1
aap,m (k, θ)=F (k, θ) exp j2πd m− cos θ ,
matrix has the form f0 2
H[k] = (IMsta + Ssta [k])
where m = 1, . . . , Map , d is the antenna element spacing
× α` asta (k, θsta,` ) aap (k, θap,` ) (normalized to the central frequency wavelength), and F (k, θ).
`=1 As an example, and with performance evaluation purposes, we
∈ CMsta ×Map ,

× IMap + Sap [k] (11) use antenna elements with radiation patterns
where Sap [k] and Ssta [k] are the frequency-dependent S- 2 sin θ if θ ∈ [0, π],
F (k, θ) = (14)
parameter matrices of the antenna arrays at the AP and 10−2 otherwise.
the STA, respectively, aap (k, θap,` ) ∈ CMap ×1 is the array
This model approximate mmWave antennas found in literature,
response vector at the AP in the angle of departure θap,` at
e.g. [31]–[33], which are typically mounted over reflecting
subcarrier k, asta (k, θsta,` ) ∈ CMsta ×1 is the array response
chassis. The arrays are able to scan a half-space only, with
vector at the user terminal in the angle of arrival θsta,` at
a small power leakage to the back. If suitable, this model
subcarrier k, and α` ∈ C is the coefficient of path `. This
can be replaced with measurement data for a more accurate
multipath model is adapted from [27] to consider antenna
performance evaluation. The array’s electric field pattern at
coupling effects by using the array’s S-parameters as in [28,
subcarrier k is then
Ch. 2]. As an example for simulation purposes, we define the
coupling between antennas m and m0 in a ULA (assuming Ψap (k, θ) = aH
ap (k, θ) (I + Sap [k]) p. (15)
perfect antenna impedance matching) as
 Analogous definitions apply to the array’s radiation pattern at
0 if m = m0 , the STA Ψsta (k, θ).
[S[k]]m,m0 = (12)
f 0
c exp −j2πd f0 |0m−m |

|m−m | if m 6= m0 , G. RF Phase Shifters

where c is a scalar that determines the coupling amplitude, Phase shifters commonly have a frequency-independent
which is typically below −15 dB for adjacent antennas [29]. group delay τ , which translates into a quasi-linear phase
The idea behind this model is to generate coupling coeffi- change with respect to frequency . A typical group delay value
cients whose power decays with the squared of the distance for mmWave phase shifters is around 10ps−100ps [34], [35].
separating antenna elements. This is a conservative model for Thus, we can model the frequency response of a phase shifter
coupling, especially for adjacent elements that observe a sum as b(k) = e−j2πτ (fk −f0 ) ejβ0 , where β0 is the phase shift
of power components of higher order. However, the model can at the reference frequency f0 . However, the phase difference
be easily adjusted using the constant c to match measurements between phase shifters connected to different antenna elements
of implemented antenna arrays. We note that this antenna is independent of e−j2πτ (fk −f0 ) . Thus, we ignore this term
coupling model is only used for testing in Section VI and can when designing the beamforming vectors so that they are
be replaced with measurement data, if available. The array independent of frequency. Fig. 4 shows an example of two
response vectors depend exclusively on the array geometry. radiation patterns at different frequencies in the 60 GHz band
The model given by (11) assumes ULAs but it can also be obtained with the models described in this Section and using
extended to planar antenna arrays as pointed out in [14]. the parameters described in the figure caption.

Note that, unlike other methods, our algorithm does not

attempt to obtain an estimate of the channel matrix Hu [k]
nor assumes perfect CSI, but instead it estimates the channel
coefficients vu after beamforming, thus reducing the com-
putational complexity. To solve this problem, we propose
a heuristic algorithm to decrease the required number of
training transmissions with respect to an exhaustive search
(a) over B(Map )×B(Msta ). Our approach is based on hierarchical
codebooks that we describe in Section IV. Note that train-
ing transmissions provide maximum likelihood (ML) channel
estimates for every user. However, using ML estimates, the
solutions to (16) and (17) are equal only when the SNR is
asymptotically large. This fact, combined with the algorithm’s
operation, causes a nonzero probability of obtaining different
solutions to (16) and (17) at finite SNR. If those solutions
(b) differ, we declare a beam selection error, and we use the
beam selection error rate (BSER) as an algorithm performance
Fig. 4. Power radiation pattern |Ψap (k, θ)|2 (in dBi) generated by a ULA
with Map = 16 and element spacing d = 0.5 at f0 = 60 GHz plotted
metric. Once (17) is solved for every u, Pa is constructed
for the highest and lowest subcarriers in Channel 1 for IEEE 802.11ad [12]. using {p?u } as columns. Estimates of the equivalent MISO
Fixed phase shifts for main beams pointing to (a) θ ≈ 30◦ and (b) θ ≈ 110◦ channel given by (10), and denoted by ĥeq,u [k] for user u, are
at f0 . Beam squint is more pronounced for angles closer to the array’s axis.
obtained for every STA. Finally, the AP calculates the Pd [k]
using block-diagonalization to eliminate the residual inter-
user interference after analog beamforming. This algorithm
is detailed in Section V.
After defining the system model, we now formally state
our approach to beamforming for the wideband multiuser IV. C ODEBOOK D ESIGN
downlink in (9). We propose to decouple the design of Pa
and Pd [k]. The general idea is to first find analog beamformer In this section, we describe a method to design beamforming
vectors that maximize the SNR for each STA and construct the codebooks for the analog beamformers Pa and {gu } based
analog matrix Pa using those vectors. Then, the AP can design on the orthogonality of beamforming vectors. We leverage
Pd [k] with conventional digital beamforming techniques to the hardware architectures described in Section II to construct
eliminate the remaining inter-user interference. To construct hierarchichal codebooks whose elements provide main beams
Pa , we aim to solve the following optimization problem for of two widths. The first codebook at the AP, denoted as Ps ,
each user: scans wide sectors of the angular domain in the uplink by
using different (adjacent) narrow beams in each RF chain.
gH Hu [k]p 2 , At the STAs, Gs is the codebook with sector beamformers
{p?u , gu? } = arg max

p∈B(Map ) obtained using the subarray configuration. The codebooks with
g∈B(Msta ) k
narrow (pencil) beams are denoted by P and G at the AP and
= arg max kvu k (16) the STAs, respectively. The algorithm in Section V uses these
p∈B(Map )
g∈B(Msta ) codebooks to solve (17).

where vu = [vu [1], . . . , vu [K]] is the channel coefficient
A. Orthogonal Beamformers for ULAs
vector, vu [k] is the channel coefficient as given in (4) for
user u, B(Map ) and B(Msta ) are discrete beamformer sets We construct codebooks using orthogonal beamforming
for the AP and STAs, respectively. These sets are known vectors for uniform arrays. Orthogonal beamformers allow an
as codebooks and their cardinality depends on the number efficient exploration of the channel subspaces [9]. They also
of antennas and the quantized phase-shifter configurations. have interesting properties for hybrid and subarray configura-
The optimization problem above can be understood as a sum- tions. Orthogonal beamformers simplify the analog precoder
power maximization across all subcarriers, where the system design, facilitate the hierarchical structure design, and enable
selects the best beamformers available at the AP and the a frequency-independent alignment between narrow beams
STA. Solving this optimization problem with exhaustive search and sector beams. Thus, the constructed codebooks are not
requires perfect knowledge of the objective function for every vulnerable to beam squint. With the goal of simplifying the
combination of feasible values of p and g. Since this is codebook description, we assume that the AP and the STAs
unattainable in practice due to noise, we relax the problem have 1D ULAs printed over a planar substrate with element
in (16) by using a channel vector estimate v̂u to get spacing of half-wavelength at the frequency f0 , i.e. d = 0.5.
This configuration is common in mmWave systems [36], and
{p?u , gu? } = arg max kv̂u k . (17) it allows us to describe the radiation pattern for θ ∈ [0, π)
p∈B(Map )
g∈B(Msta ) only. The orthogonality property also exists for uniform 2D

then there are precisely M sub
+ 1 beams in B(Msta ) that
overlap a wider beam in B(Msub ). This is observed in
the sectors marked in Figs. 5 and 7, where Msta = 16,
Msub = 8, and thus 3 narrow beams overlap with each
sector beam. Furthermore, this property holds even when
changing the operating frequency. We use this fact to
construct hierarchical beamforming codebooks that are
(a) not affected by beam squint.
3) kbm (M )k2 = 1, ∀m, M to ensure power normalization.
4) The set always contains a broadside beam (with direction
of maximum radiation at 90◦ with respect to the array
axis) when m = M 2 + 1 independently of frequency and
element spacing.
5) Their directions of maximum radiation are not uniformly
distributed in the interval [0, π). Beams which are closer
(b) to the array’s axis are wider than beams close to the
array’s broadside.
Fig. 5. Power radiation patterns (in dBi) generated by orthogonal beamformers
for for a uniform linear array with (a) 8 antennas (B(8)) with b7 (8) 6) The number of orthogonal beams is the same as the
highlighted in black, and (b) 16 antennas (B(16)) with b13 (16) highlighted number of antennas. However, they do not provide the
in black, both operating at the central frequency. Parameters: d = 0.5, same gain or number of sidelobes since these features
F (k, θ) = 2 sin θ. The first beamformer is symmetric with one grating lobe.
The sector spanned by b7 (8) (dotted line) overlaps with beams generated by depend on the element pattern and spacing.
b12 (16), b13 (16), and b14 (16). We use the characteristics above to construct hierarchical
codebooks for the AP and the STAs.
antenna arrays, so the principles described here can be easily B. Sector Codebook with Hybrid Beamforming
extended to other uniform array geometries.
In this section, we describe how to construct analog beam-
Let B(M ) denote a set of orthogonal beamforming vectors
forming matrices that scan wide sectors in the angular domain
for ULAs with M antennas defined as
by leveraging the hybrid architecture at the AP. These matrices
B(M ) = bm (M ) ∈ CM | m = 1, . . . , M .

(18) form a codebook that contains possible configurations for Pa
in the uplink given by (1). We begin by defining the orthogonal
where Map × Nrf beamforming matrices as
1 h jβm (M ) i
, . . . , ej(M −1)βm (M ) .
h i
bm (M ) = √ 1, e (19) Bm = bl1 (m) (Map ), bl2 (m) (Map ), · · · , blNrf (m) (Map ) ,
The entries in the beamforming vector represent the phase ln (m) = (m − 1)Nrf + n,
shift applied to each antenna element. The phase difference m = 1, . . . , Map /Nrf ,
between elements is n = 1, . . . , Nrf . (22)
(m − 1) where the columns are Nrf elements in B(Map ) with adjacent
βm (M ) = π 1 − 2 . (20)
M beams. The codebook of sector beamforming matrices is then
The elements in B(M ) are orthogonal, since they satisfy constructed as
n o
bH Ps = P(m) = Nrf 2 Bm | m = 1, . . . , Map , (23)
m (M )bm0 (M ) = δm,m0 , ∀M, (21)
where δm,m0 is the Kronecker delta function. Fig. 5 shows where the factor Nrf 2 accounts for the Nrf -port power splitter
radiation patterns generated by two orthogonal beamformer at each antenna. From the point of view of hardware configu-
sets, B(8) and B(16). Some important properties of the ration, each RF chain in the AP uses a different beamformer,
beamformers in B(M ) and their radiation patterns are: such that different angles are seen at the uplink outputs. Fig.
1) Orthogonal beamformers explore the dominant subspaces 6a shows an example of the radiation patterns for the sector
of the channel matrix more efficiently (see [9, Sec. codebook with Map = 16 antennas and Nrf = 4 chains.
VI.A.] for a discussion of this property). Moreover, their
orthogonality is frequency-independent, so it is preserved C. Narrow Beam Codebook with Hybrid Beamforming
even under beam squint. The codebook P has configurations for Pa that provide
2) Another convenient property of the beamformers defined narrow main beams for the downlink in (5). Beamformers are
in (18) and (20) is that the main beams generated by constructed by configuring the same beamforming vector in
vectors in B(Msub ) (sectors) and the main beams gen- all RF chains, which directs the radiated power in a narrow
erated by vectors in B(Msta ) (narrow beams) overlap in angular region. Codeword n within sector m is
the angular domain. More precisely, if Msta and Msub are 1 
P(m,n) = √

two integers such that Msta > Msub and M Msta
is even, bln (m) (Map ) · · · bln (m) (Map ) , (24)
sub Nrf

Subarray with


(a) SW



Sectors Beams antennas


Full array
Fig. 6. Power radiation patterns (in dBi) generated by (a) sector beams − RF
chains in the uplink use adjacent narrow beam, and (b) narrow beams − all
RF chains in the downlink use the same beamforming vector, thus increasing
the array gain by an Nrf factor. In this example, Map = 16 antennas and


Nrf = 4.

where ln (m) is as defined in (22). This implies that the same
beamforming vector bln (m) (Map ) is assigned to all RF chains.


The second-level codebook is then

n o
P = P(m,n) | (m, n) ∈ [1, ... , Map ] × [1, ... , Nrf ] . (25) antennas
Narrow Beams

Fig. 6b shows a set of narrow beamformers P(3,n) , whose
main beams point in directions within the sector beamformer Fig. 7. (a) Sector beams constructed from orthogonal beamformers when
only the subarray is active (g(3) is highlighted). (b) Narrow beams (full array
P(3) . Note the gain improvement by a Nrf factor with respect configuration) that overlap with the sector g(3) . In this example, Msta = 16
to the sector beamformers. and Msub = 8.

D. Sector Codebook with a Subarray where the codewords are selected as

We denote the sector codebook at the STAs as Gs , which g(m,n) = bl(m,n) (Msta ), (27)
is used to select g to operate both in the uplink and downlink h
Msta Msta
((1) and (5), respectively). Sector beamformers are available l(m, n) = Msub (m − 1) − 2Msub +n ,
mod Msta
only when the Msub -antenna subarray is active at the STA.
and we define the function
We use the orthogonal beamformer set B (Msub ) to construct (
the sector codebook as M, if n mod M = 0,
[n] mod M = (28)
( r   ) n mod M if n mod M 6= 0.
M sub b m (M sub )
Gs = g(m) = , m = 1, . . . , Msub , This definition guarantees that, for a fixed m, beamformers in
Msta 0 Msta
 M +1
(26) the set g(m,n) n=1 sub point their main beams in directions
q overlapping the sector beam generated by g(m) . The function
Msub [·] mod M is required to include the adjacency between the
where the factor Msta accounts for the power loss in the
switching network that activates the subarray. main beams generated by b1 (Msta ) and bMsta (Msta ). Fig. 7
shows the construction of codebooks Gs and G with Msta = 16
 Msub = 8 antennas. Note that the 3 beamformers
E. Narrow Beam Codebook with a Subarray in g(3,n) overlap with the sector from g(3) .
The narrow beam codebook G is also used to select g at the
STA, and is constructed using narrow orthogonal beams from V. MM WAVE OFDM B EAMFORMING A LGORITHM
B(Msta ). This means that the STA uses the whole antenna In this section, we present an algorithm for the independent
array. We define the codebook as construction of Pa and Pd [k] in the multiuser downlink given
n h io by (9). The algorithm also finds beamformers {gu } for every
G = g(m,n) | (m, n) ∈ [1, ... , Map ] × 1, ... , M
+ 1 , STA and estimates their equivalent channel coefficients.

A. General Description of the Algorithm Algorithm 1 Analog Beam Selection - Stage 1 (Uplink)
Our algorithm for hybrid beamforming is split into two Input: Ps known at the AP and Gs known at the STA.
procedures: i) the analog beamforming design procedure (or Training signal x[k].
beam selection) to solve (17), and ii) the digital beamformer Output: Beamformers P? , p? known at the AP.
1: for m0 = 1 to Msub do
design based on block-diagonalization (BD). Beam selection 0

is applied to every STA independently and consists of 3 2: STA: set g = g(m ) .

training transmission alternating between uplink (first) and 3: for m = 1 to Nrf do
downlink (second and third). This is equivalent to an alter- 4: STA: Transmit x[k].
nating optimization of the problem in (17) where, starting 5: AP: set Pa = P(m) and receive the signal.
with a fixed g (Stage 1), the algorithm solves for p using an 6: for every k ∈ K do

exhaustive search over Ps . Given the hierarchical codebook 7: AP: estimate vnm,m [k] using (29).
structure and the fact that Ps contains all the beamformers 8: end for
in B(Map ) distributed over different RF chains, a search 9: end for
10: end for
over Ps is equivalent to a search over B(Map ). Once an
11: AP: obtain P? and p? using (30) and (31).
optimum configuration for Pa is found, the AP begins training
12: return P? and p? known at the AP.
transmissions in the downlink while the STA performs an
exhaustive search over Gs (Stage 2) and then a limited search
over G (Stage 3). The limited search uses the superposition
property of hierarchical orthogonal beamformers Gs and G. Kt in Section VI. The vector ofi channel estimates is
h 0 0 T
When the training transmissions are finished and beamformers v̂nm,m = v̂nm,m [1], . . . , v̂nm,m [K] .
for all STAs are selected, we describe how to construct Pa 3) After trying all possible AP/user sector beam combina-
using the beamformers to each STA as columns.n The digital
o tions, the AP obtains the beamformers that maximize the
beamforming design requires channel estimates ĥeq,u ob- received power across subcarriers as
tained with training transmissions from each STA, where the
m,m0 2
n 0
AP uses Pa as constructed in the previous stage. Once these P(m? ) , g(m? ) , n? = arg max v̂n , (30)
P(m) ∈Ps 2
estimates are available, the AP applies BD to calculate Pd [k] 0
g(m ) ∈Gs
as described in [20]. The details of each stage are presented n∈{1,...,Nrf }
which is equivalent to an exhaustive search over
B(Map )×Gs , given that all of the elements in B(Map ) are
B. Beam Selection - Stage 1 (Uplink) used in Ps . The optimal narrow AP beamformer solving
This stage is summarized in Algorithm 1. Fig. 8 shows an (17) is in column (RF chain) n? within P(m? ) . Due to
implementation example. This stage’s goal is to find beam- the codebook structure in (22) and (23), this search leads
former p? ∈ B(Map ) that solves (17). The detailed steps are to
the following:
p? = bln? (m? ) (Map ). (31)
1) The STA uses every sector beamformer in Gs to transmit
Nrf training sequences sequentially. For each sector Note that multiple RF chains are used to reduce the
beamformer at the STA, the AP receives the training number of required training transmissions by testing
signals by sequentially sweeping through its Nap rf
sector simultaneously Nrf distinct beamformers using the code-
beams. 0 book Ps .
2) Let yul,n [k] be the uplink received signal at RF chain 4) We use the notation P? = P(m? ,n? ) , which is the
n when g = g(m ) and Pa = P(m) (see (3)). We denote beamforming matrix with p? in all its RF chains.
0 M
the corresponding channel coefficient as vnm,m [k]. Since 5) A total of Naprf
×Msta training transmissions are required
m,m in this stage.
yul,n [k] is a T -dimensional Gaussian row vector, we
obtain an ML channel coefficient estimation as [37, Sec.
4.4] C. Beam Selection - Stage 2 (Downlink)
0 yul,n [k]xH [k] In this stage, summarized in Algorithm 2, the STA finds
v̂nm,m [k] = . (29) 0
the sector beam gm? that maximizes the estimated downlink
received sum-power across subcarriers. Fig. 9 shows an im-
To reduce the computational complexity, this channel plementation example. The procedure is the following:
estimation can also be performed for a reduced subcarrier
subset K ⊆ {1, . . . , K}. The subcarriers used for channel 1) The AP sends training signals using Pa = P? .
estimation are commonly known as pilot subcarriers 2) The STA receives the training signals by sequentially
and they can be used to track changes in the channel using all the sector beams in Gs .

while other subcarriers are used for data transmission. 3) Using (5) with g = g(m ) and Pa = P? , the received
(m0 )
We denote the number of pilot subcarriers as Kt = |K| signal in this downlink is ydl [k]. The corresponding
and analyze the algorithm’s performance with respect to channel coefficient is wm0 [k].




training transmissions

Time symbols symbols symbols symbols symbols … symbols symbols


Fig. 8. Beam selection procedure - First stage (uplink). The STA transmits the training signal using every sector beamformer in Gs . For each STA beamformer,
the AP tries every sector beamformer in Ps . In this example, Map = Msta = 16 antennas, Msub = 8 antennas, and Nrf = 4 chains.



Time symbols symbols … … symbols

training transmissions

Fig. 9. Beam selection procedure - Second stage (downlink). The AP uses the optimal beamformer found in stage 1 to transmit training signals. The STA
finds its best sector beamformer by sweeping through beamformers in Gs . In this example, Map = Msta = 16 antennas, Msub = 8 antennas, and Nrf = 4
chains. The sector where g(2) provides maximum received power (under a single-path model) is highlighted.

4) Following the same procedure as in Stage 1, the STA D. Beam Selection - Stage 3 (Downlink)
obtains an ML downlink channel coefficient estimate as
In this stage, summarized in Algorithm 3, the STA obtains
(m0 ) H a narrow beam that maximizes the estimated downlink sum-
ydl [k]x [k]
ŵm0 [k] = . (32) power. Fig. 10 shows an implementation example. The proce-
dure is the following.
We define the vector of downlink channel estimates for
T 1) The AP sends training signals using Pa = P? .
STA beamformer m0 as ŵm0 = [ŵm0 [1], . . . , ŵm0 [K]] .
2) The STA receives the training signal by sequentially using
5) The STA finds its best sector beamformer as
all the narrow beams n that0 overlap
o the sector generated by
0 (m0? ) (m? ,n0 ) Msta
g(m? ) = arg max ⊂ G, n = 1, . . . , M
2 g , i.e., the set g +1.
kŵm0 k2 , (33) sub
g(m ) ∈Gs 3) The received signal in this downlink is denoted as
(m0 ,n0 ) 0 0
this is, the STA selects the beam that maximizes the total y ? [k], which has the form in (5) with g = g(m? ,n )
estimated sum-power across subcarriers using exhaustive and Pa = P? . The corresponding channel coefficient is
search within Gs for a fixed AP beamformer. wm0? ,n0 [k].
6) The number of required training sequence transmissions 4) Following the same procedure as in Stages 1 and
for this stage is Msub . 2, the STA obtains an ML downlink channel coeffi-




Time symbols symbols symbols

training transmissions

Fig. 10. Beam selection procedure - Third stage (downlink). The AP uses
 the optimal beamformer found in stage 1 to transmit training signals. The STA
finds its best narrow beamformer by sweeping through beamformers in g(m? ,n) , i.e. narrow beams that overlap with the optimal sector found in stage 2

(highlighted). In this example, Map = Msta = 16 antennas, Msub = 8 antennas, and Nrf = 4 chains.

Algorithm 2 Analog Beam Selection - Stage 2 (Downlink) Algorithm 3 Analog Beam Selection - Stage 3 (Downlink)
Input: P? known at the AP. Gs known at the STA. Training 0
Input: P? known at the AP. g(m? ) and G known at the STA.
signal x[k]. Training signal x[k].
Output: Beamformer g(m? ) known at the STA. Output: Beamformer g? known at the terminal.
1: AP: set Pa = P? 1: AP: set Pa = P? .
2: for m0 = 1 to N sub do 2: for n0 = 1 to M
+ 1 do
3: AP: transmit x[k]. 3: AP: transmit x[k].
4: STA: set g = g(m ) and receive the signal. 4:
0 0
STA: set g = g(m? ,n ) and receive the signal.
5: for every k ∈ K do 5: for every k ∈ K do
6: STA: estimate wm0 [k] using (32). 6: STA: estimate wm0? ,n0 [k].
7: end for 7: end for
8: end for 8: end for
9: STA: obtain g( ? ) from (33). 9: STA: find g? using (34).
10: return g( ? ) known at the STA.
10: return g? known at the STA.

cient estimate denoted ŵm0? ,n0 [k]. The vector of down-

link channel estimates for all subcarriers is ŵm0? ,n0 = matrix for the multiuser downlink in (5) depending on the
 T number of RF chains and the number of users:
ŵm0? ,n0 [1], . . . , ŵm0? ,n0 [K] .
5) The terminal finds its best narrow beamformer as • If U = Nrf , the analog beamforming matrix is con-
structed as Pa = [p?1 p?2 · · · p?U ]. Hence, every RF chain
g? = arg max ŵm0 ,n0 2 .

0 0 ? 2
(34) points to a different STA.
g(m? ,n ) ∈G
• If U < Nrf , the beamforming vector for any given
Note that this is an heuristic algorithm since it assumes user should appear at least once as a column in the
that a solution for g? found using (33) and (34) is equiv- analog beamforming matrix. For example, if Nrf = 4
alent to an exhaustive search in (17). This assumption is and U = 2, Pa = [p?1 p?1 p?2 p?2 ] is an acceptable matrix.
only true when the channel has one path. When multiple The number of times that a beamforming vector appears
paths exist, our algorithm might converge to a suboptimal in the matrix has no influence in our algorithm2 .
solution even at high SNR. However, the performance • If U > Nrf , simultaneous communications with all the
loss due to this misalignment is negligible in the scenarios STAs are not feasible using linear precoding only since
analyzed in Section VI. rank (Pa Pd [k]) < U . This is also the case when two
6) The number of required training sequence transmissions or more STAs share the same AP beamformer vector.
for this stage is Msub + 1. In such cases, other multiple access techniques should be
At this point in the algorithm, both the AP and the STA combined with hybrid precoding to communicate with all
know the beamformers that maximize the received power. the users. The algorithm could also be repeated for some
STAs to find alternative beams to form feasible analog
E. Beam Selection - Stage 4 (Analog Beamforming Matrix beamforming matrices.
Let p?u and gu? denote the optimum AP and STA beamform- 2 Further algorithm extensions could consider power constraints per RF
ers for user u, respectively, obtained by applying the previous chain. In that case, the multiplicity of a vector in the analog beamforming
stages to all the STAs. We construct the analog beamforming matrix might be used as a design parameter.


Algorithm Training Overhead Single-User


Map Msta M M
This work Nrf
Msub + Msub + Msub
+1 O Kt2 Nap Msub * O Kt2 Nap U
rf rf
[22] 40 - 100** - -
2 M 3

[9] - O KMap sta + KNrf *** -
2 U

[21] - - O KMap
* Kt2 is in the order of K, for example, Kt = 16 and K = 512.
** Values reported in [22] for 16 to 32 antennas at the terminals (similar to this work).
*** Obtained from [9, Algorithm 2].

F. Digital Beamformer Design We start by analyzing the training overhead and computational
After obtaining a suitable Pa , the AP calculates a digital complexity of the algorithms, and then analyze their sum-rate
beamformer Pd [k]. We assume that the analog precoding (spectral efficiency) performance.
matrix is able to resolve signals to different users such
that rank (Pa [k]) = U , and we use block-diagonalization
A. Training Overhead
(BD) to eliminate residual inter-user interference after analog
beamforming [20]. The first step is to obtain equivalent MISO Since the approaches in [9] and [21] require channel matrix
channel estimates (as given by (10)) using the following knowledge, they need an additional wideband channel estima-
procedure, which is executed for every STA: tion algorithm. We use the frequency domain method proposed
• User u sends the training signal in the uplink using gu .
? in [22] to obtain the channel matrix estimate. Our algorithm
M Msta
• The AP uses Pa as constructed from the beam selection requires Naprf
Msub + Msub + M sub
+ 1 training transmissions
procedure. to converge to a beamforming solution. In the practical sce-
• The AP obtains a maximum likelihood channel coef- narios described later in this section (terminals with 16 or
ficient estimation at each RF chain. Then the equiva- 32 antennas), this value is approximately 40 - 80 training
lent MISO channel estimate for user u is ĥeq,u [k] = transmissions compared with the 40 - 100 transmissions to
[v̂u,1 [k], . . . , v̂u,Nrf [k]], where v̂u,n [k] denotes the esti- estimate the channel matrix using [22]. Thus, our algorithm
mate for RF chain n. is similar to other state-of-the-art methods with respect to
• U total training transmissions are required in this stage. training overhead.
BD enforces the zero-interference constraints, i.e.
ĥeq,u [k] [Pd [k]]:,u0 = 0, ∀u 6= u0 , ∀k, (35) B. Computational Complexity
and then maximizes the received signal power at each user, as Regarding computational complexity, our algorithm calcu-
shown in [20]. lates Kt inner products for each training transmission, stores
them on a vector, and then compares its magnitude to that of
VI. N UMERICAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION vectors obtained with other beamformers in each stage. The
In this section, we describe numerical experiments that process is repeated for every user. Since the number of training
validate the proposed algorithm under standard operating transmissions in the first stage is much greater than the number
conditions in indoor environments. Our algorithm is designed required in the remaining stages, the dominant term in the

2 Map
for systems having the 6 features described in Section I. To computational cost of our algorithm is O Kt Nrf Msub U .
the best of our knowledge, there are no other algorithms that Note that this cost depends on the squared number of pilot
incorporate all of these features and simpler systems found subcarriers Kt2 , which is typically in the order of the total
in literature can be regarded as special cases of the general number of subcarriers K, and is linear with respect to the
system considered here. Because of this, we analyze three number of antennas at the AP (e.g., Kt = 16 and K = 512).
specific wideband mmWave scenarios for which there are other However, the complexity is linear with respect to the number
algorithms available and comparison is possible: of antennas in the STA subarray (not the full array) and it
S1. A single-user system with hybrid beamforming at the AP depends on Nrf−1 . Thus, our algorithm effectively harnesses
and analog beamforming (multiple antennas connected to multiple RF chains at the AP and subarrays at the STAs to
one RF chain) at the STA. In this case, we compare our reduce complexity. Table I shows the training overhead and
algorithm with the approaches in [9] and [21]. complexity comparison of our algorithm with [22], [9] and
S2. A multiuser system with hybrid beamforming at the AP [21] in the special cases mentioned above. We obtained the
and single-antenna STAs. We compare our algorithm with computational cost from the number of operations required to
the work in [21]. execute each algorithm (e.g. inversion of an n×n matrix has a
S3. A system with the 6 features described in Section I. We cost of O(n3 )). Note that current algorithms have complexities
compare our algorithm with ideal fully-digital BD pre- depending on Map and Nrf3 . Hence, our algorithm has a lower
coding [20], which would be costly in terms of hardware computational burden with respect to current methods, taking
and would require one RF chain per antenna. advantage of hardware architectures to reduce complexity.

TABLE II Losses have the same behavior as the BSER, decreasing until
S IMULATION PARAMETERS the SNR reaches approximately 10 dB as shown in Fig. 11b.
Parameter Value
Losses are approximately constant for larger SNRs (0.2 dB
Reference frequency, f0 60 GHz for Map = Msta = 16 and 2.4 dB for Map = Msta = 32 with
Channel central frequency 58.32 GHz 16 pilot subcarriers). When the number of antennas increases,
OFDM sampling rate 2640 MHz
OFDM sampling time 0.38 ns
losses are larger due to higher BSER.
Subcarrier spacing 5156.25 KHz The third performance metric is the achievable sum-rate R
Normalized element spacing, d 0.5 (spectral efficiency) defined as
Number of subcarriers, K 512
Number of pilot subcarriers, Kt 4, 16 and 64 K U   
Number of antennas at the AP, Map 16 and 32
1 XX ηu
R= E log2 1 + int , (36)
Number of antennas at the STAs, Msta 16 and 32 K u=1
ηu + σz2
Number of subarray antennas at the STAs, Msub 8
Number of RF chains at the AP, Nrf 4 where ηu and ηuint are the desired signal and the interference
Number of training symbols, T 64
powers given by
ηu = ρu guH Hu [k]Pa [Pd [k]]:,u , (37)

C. Statistical Algorithm Characterization
ηuint = ρu0 guH Hu [k]Pa [Pd [k]]:,u0 , (38)

We provide an algorithm performance characterization un-
u0 6=u
der a statistical single-path channel model with angles of
departure and arrival uniformly distributed over the interval respectively. BD guarantees that ηuint is set to zero under
[0, π]. This is represented as L = 1 and α1 ∼ CN (0, 1) in (11), perfect CSI. We assume that OFDM eliminates inter-symbol
for which we also used a −20 dB coupling between adjacent interference from the system, so that its power is not con-
antenna elements as described in Section II. Under these sidered in (36). If rank (Pa ) < U for a particular channel
conditions, the channel power constraint is E kH[k]k22 = realization, the result is not considered for the calculation. We
Map Msta , ∀k. ULAs with 16 and 32 antennas were analyzed evaluated the achievable sum-rate of our algorithm in the three
since they fit typical form factors for indoor terminals. Other scenarios above for 103 channel realizations.
parameters are summarized in Table II and were taken from 1) Single-User System: In this scenario there is one hybrid-
[12, p. 446]. beamforming-capable AP serving one STA that performs only
The algorithm’s performance is analyzed in terms of three analog beamforming (multiple antennas connected to one RF
metrics. The first metric is the error rate of finding the global chain). Since there are no subarrays in this scenario, we
optimum of (16) given a large number of channel realizations. replaced stages 2 and 3 of our algorithm with an exhaustive
We call this parameter the beam selection error rate (BSER), search over B(Msta ) (narrow beamformers at the STA). We
and we obtained it for 105 channel realizations as shown in used the parameters in Table II and calculated the achiev-
Fig. 11a for different numbers of pilot subcarriers. BSER able rate of our algorithm, [9], [21], and ideal fully-digital
decays when increasing SNR until approximately 10 dB. beamforming (using the singular values of the channel matrix).
After this value, BSER is constant regardless of the number Furthermore, we used the channel estimation method in [22]
of subcarriers. This BSER bound (approximately 0.08 for with the same number of training frames as our algorithm.
Map = Msta = 16 and 0.19 for Map = Msta = 32) is due This estimate was set as an input for the other methods. All
to the element radiation pattern selected for the simulation of the algorithms used the same power constraints for a fair
(see (14)), which has nulls in the array axis directions. comparison. Fig. 12 shows the achievable rate results in this
Those nulls affect detection given that all beamformers in the scenario. Our algorithm performs better than [9] and [21]
codebooks have approximately the same gain for AoD/AoA below 0 dB. At high SNR and the 3-path channel model,
close to 0 and π radians. We also observe a lower BSER our algorithm performs below [9] and achieves approximately
for Kt = 16 pilot subcarriers. Using more pilot subcarriers the same rate as [21] (∼ 3 dB below the ideal fully-digital
spreads the power across the bandwidth and thus diminishes beamforming performance). For the 1-path channel model,
the channel estimates precision, while less subcarriers fail to [21] performs marginally better than our algorithm but the
capture beam squint. For comparison, we also used a channel ∼ 3 dB difference with respect to BD is maintained. This
model with 3 paths (uniformly distributed AoD and AoA with difference is due to the codebook design with a fixed number
relative powers 0, −10, and −10 dB, preserving the channel of available beams that does not allow to steer the beam
power constraint). The algorithm has a BSER lower bound at accurately in certain directions. This (moderate) rate loss in
BSER ≈ 0.07 for the 3-path channel with Map = Msta = 16. the proposed algorithm is the price to pay for a much lower
The errors occur mostly when there are 2 dominant paths with complexity, as discussed in Section VI-B.
similar total sum-power. BSER gets larger when increasing the 2) Multiuser System with Single-Antenna STAs: In this
number of antennas due to a larger codebook. scenario, stages 2 and 3 of our algorithm are omitted since
The second performance metric is the average loss due there are no arrays at the STAs. Only stage 1 is executed to find
to missalignment, which is defined as the average power the best beamformers at the AP for every user, which requires
difference (across subcarriers) between the algorithm’s beam- only Naprf
training transmissions. We compared our algorithm
forming solution and the optimal solution in the codebook. achievable rate to that of [21]. However, we found that [21]

0.3 15


0.2 10


0.1 5


0 0
-10 0 10 20 30 40 -10 0 10 20 30 40

(a) (a)

3 15


2 10


1 5


0 0
-10 0 10 20 30 40 -10 0 10 20 30 40

(b) (b)
Fig. 11. (a) Beam selection error rate. (b) Missalignment loss. Plots for Fig. 12. Achievable rate in the single-user system for a channel with (a) 1
different number of pilot subcarriers for Map = Msta = 16. path, and (b) 3 paths. Plots for different algorithms with Map = Msta = 32.

is highly sensitive to channel estimation errors and that [22] beamforming architecture (one RF chain per antenna) with
requires more training transmissions than our algorithm to BD at the transmitter, eigenbeamforming at the receivers, and
perform well in this scenario. Hence, we used Nap rf
training perfect CSI. As we mentioned before, to the best of our
frames for our algorithm and 16Map training frames for the knowledge, there are no other algorithms that operate under
channel estimation with [22]. Results are shown in Fig. 13 for this general setting. The beam selection procedure was made
Map = 32 antennas. We found that the multiuser algorithm with Kt = 16 pilot subcarriers in each case. Fig. 14 shows
in [21] is unfeasible at SNRs below 10 dB and the results are the achievable sum-rate for 2 and 4 users with 16 and 32
omitted in those conditions. Our algorithm’s performance is antennas at the AP and each STA. In the asymptotically large
∼ 1.5 dB below fully-digital BD in this scenario. For U = 2 SNR regime, the algorithm’s performance is ∼ 3 dB below
users, the performance of [21] is marginally better than our that of fully-digital BD regardless of the number of antennas
algorithm’s but the difference decreases until they are the same and users. For practical SNR regimes (10 to 30 dB, see Sec.
at 40 dB. For U = 4 users, our algorithm outperforms [21] for VI-D), the algorithm achieves at least 70% of the rate with
SNR ≥ 20 dB and it also reduces both training overhead and ideal BD. This performance is remarkable taking into account
computational complexity in this scenario. We note that our the hardware simplification from the fully-digital architecture
approach is not sensitive to channel estimation errors, which (16 or 32 RF chains at the AP and each STA) to the hybrid
negatively impacts the performance of [21] at high SNR. beamforming architecture (4 RF chains at the AP and 1 at
3) Multiuser System with Hybrid AP and Subarrays at the each STA). Sum-rate results with the 3-path channel model
STAs: The achievable rate results for this case are shown have negligible variations with respect to the single-path model
in Fig. 14. As a reference, we used an ideal fully-digital and are thus omitted here.

18 40
16 35
14 30
20 32 antennas
4 10

5 16 antennas
0 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -10 0 10 20 30 40

(a) (a)

18 40
16 35
14 30
10 32 antennas
4 10
16 antennas
2 5

0 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -10 0 10 20 30 40

(b) (b)
Fig. 13. Achievable sum rate in the multiuser single-antenna STAs system Fig. 14. Achievable sum rate R as a function of SNR = σρ2 for the hybrid
with 32 antennas and 4 RF chains at the AP. (a) 2 users, and (b) 4 users. Our beamforming algorithm and ideal fully-digital BD beamforming. (a) U = 2
approach requires 8 training transmissions, while [21] requires 512 frames users, and (b) U = 4 users. Plots for Map = Msta = 16 (black) and
using the channel estimation in [22]. Map = Msta = 32 (blue).

D. Ray-Tracing Validation by REMCOM R

, as shown in Fig. 15. This simulator uses a
We conducted ray-tracing simulations in scenarios specified diffuse scattering model to simulate scattering from surfaces
in the IEEE 802.11ay channel models for 60 GHz WLAN at mmWave frequencies [38]. This approach approximates
[25]. Our goal is to examine the algorithm operation under measured channel features [39]. Under the diffuse scattering
real-life conditions and determine potential SNR regimes, model, each interaction of a ray at a dielectric boundary is a
propagation features, and algorithm accuracy. We selected source for multiple (scattered) rays, whose powers depend on
the conference room evaluation scenario depicted in Fig. a configurable angular distribution. We set the diffuse scatter-
15, where users will access wireless services such as ultra- ing parameters following the developer’s recommendations to
high-definition video streaming, augmented and virtual reality, approximate measured channel impulse responses [39]. The
and mass-data distribution in dense hot-spots [25]. Other AP and STAs use planar ULAs with 16 or 32 antennas and
scenarios, such as living rooms and enterprise cubicle offices, beamforming codebooks designed with the method described
have similar geometric characteristics and have the same use in Section IV. This type of arrays are suited for common
cases. We set up four STAs in the conference room, with terminals such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, TVs, and video
their antenna arrays located 10 centimeters above the central projectors. We set up the arrays such that the beam codebook
table. The AP array height is 2.9 meters (10 centimeters sweeps along the azimuth angle. Antenna arrays at STAs have
under the ceiling), which is a typical deployment in WiFi maximum gain at 0◦ elevation angle, while the AP is tilted
networks. We modeled this conference room scenario using the −45◦ in the elevation angle, pointing to the middle of the
commercial ray-tracing software Wireless Insite R
developed conference room.

3m E. Implementation Considerations
Some further practical considerations for the algorithm
1m operation are listed below:
• Phase shifters with log2 Map control bits are required at
STA-1 STA-4 the AP and log2 Msta bits at the STA since the number
of orthogonal beamformers is equal to the number of
4.5 m

STA-3 antennas.
• The algorithm requires the transmission of a total of
STA-2 Map Msta
Nrf Msub + Msub + Msub + 1 training sequences. Guard
intervals are required between training transmissions so
AP the phase shifters and switches can reconfigure.
Door 0.5 m -20 dBi 16 dBi
• Using the parameters in Table II with Map = Msta = 32,

Fig. 15. Conference room scenario model in Wireless Insite

. Msub = 8, and Nrf = 4, the total number of training
transmissions would be 77 with a required time of ap-
proximately 3.75 µs. Similarly, if we consider a settling
time of 50 ns to reconfigure switches and phase shifters
-60 -60
[35], the minimum time required for guard intervals
would be 3.85 µs. Thus, a total time in the order of tens of
-64 microseconds would be required to perform the multiuser
-66 beamforming procedure in the analyzed indoor scenarios.
-68 Given the considerations above, the training procedure can
-70 -120 efficiently track changes in the channel with periodic repeti-
57.5 58 58.5 59 59.5 0 20 40 60 80
tions controlled by higher protocol layers.
(a) (b)
Fig. 16. (a) Channel coefficient power | [heq,2 [k]]1,2 from RF chain 2 to |2
STA 2 after applying the algorithm in the scenario in Fig 15. (b) Equivalent We presented a beamforming algorithm for multiuser wide-
power-delay profile obtained from (a). band mmWave systems. The algorithm is designed to work
with a fully-connected hybrid architecture at the AP consisting
one antenna array, multiple RF chains, and one set of phase
Ray-tracing simulations are used to obtain frequency- shifters for each RF chain. The STAs are equipped with one
dependent channel matrices for every user in the room with antenna array, one RF chain, and a switching networks with
the parameters in Table II. The algorithm is then applied to two operation modes: full-array or subarray. The algorithm
this scenario, where global optima for (16) are found with has two main contributions with respect to previous works.
BSER = 0 after 103 noise realizations. This outstanding no- First, it is designed for a more general system (i.e., multiuser,
error performance is due to the presence of strong line of sight wideband, with multiple hardware configurations). Second, the
or reflections and a well-oriented antenna array at the AP. Fig. algorithm has reduced computational complexity and training
16 shows the frequency response between RF chain 1 and STA overhead, which is achieved by leveraging the hardware con-
1 (whose beams are paired) and also its equivalent power-delay figuration to avoid an explicit estimation of the channel matrix.
profile obtained via inverse discrete Fourier transform. It is Our algorithm is based on novel beamforming codebooks
clear that, after beamforming, the channel impulse response is with sector beams and narrow beams for hybrid and subarray
sparse. Received power varies with frequency mainly due to hardware configurations. The codebooks are based on the
beam squint, but also due to weak multipath contributions. orthogonality principle of beamforming (steering) vectors of
Fig. 17 shows the achievable rates in this scenario con- uniform arrays, which preserve the hierarchical codebook
trasting our hybrid beamforming algorithm and the ideal structure along the bandwidth. We also presented system
fully-digital BD beamforming solution. Results are shown models that account for realistic antenna array effects such
with a system load of 1, 2, and 4 STAs, and different as beam squint, antenna coupling, and individual element
antenna array sizes. A maximum spectral efficiency of 13.52 radiation patterns.
bits/s/Hz is achieved in this conference room scenario, which The algorithm decouples the design of analog and dig-
is sufficient to provide multi-Gbps links to all users. The ital beamformers by first finding analog beamformers that
algorithm achieves sum-rates of more than 74% of those maximize the received power at each STA (beam selection
obtained with fully-digital BD (marked above the bars), with procedure) and then calculating a digital beamformer that
a much simpler hardware configuration. User 2 has the largest eliminates inter-user interference.
spectral efficiency due to its proximity to the AP, while user 3 We provided numerical evaluations of the algorithm in
experiments the lowest spectral efficiency due to its proximity both statistical (Monte Carlo) and real-life scenarios. First,
with users 2 and 4 in the angular domain (larger power is the algorithm’s performance in terms of beam selection error
required to suppress the interference). Users 1 and 4 have rate (BSER), missalignment losses, and achievable sum-rate
comparable performances due to their distances to the AP. was analyzed for three systems: single-user, multiuser with

16 16 16
14 STA 2 14 STA 2 14 STA 2
12 STA 4 12 STA 4 12 STA 4

10 10 10

8 8 8

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0
1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4

Fig. 17. Algorithm achievable rates [bps/Hz] (sum and per-user rates) in the conference room ray-tracing scenario. Marks above the bars indicate the sum
rate obtained with fully-digital (ideal) BD.

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