11things That Happen When You Meet Your Soulmate

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11 things that happen when you meet your soulmate

What is a soulmate?
The first question that comes to our minds when we hear someone speaking about
soulmates, is, of course, “What is a soulmate?”. This happens because there are a lot of
myths and false information revolving around all spiritual concepts. There, in this article I will
be trying to shed some light on the concept of soulmates for you and to help you understand
how to recognize yours. A soulmate is someone that comes from the same soul family as
ours, which means, we were created at the same time and from the same source of energy.
Although soulmates may come into our lives into many shapes and forms – such as loving
parents, spiritual guides or best friends, in this article I am going to focus on soulmates that
manifest as romantic partners.
Richard Bach said “A soulmate has keys that fit our locks, and locks that fit our keys”. Our
soulmates come into our lives when we are ready to receive them, to create that magical
union and to fulfil our purpose together. This is a time we are all secretly or not so secretly
waiting for, and when it’s happening we feel like our deepest dreams and desires are coming
true. If your soulmate has come into your life, it means that you have been doing a lot of
self-healing and self-improvement and that now you are ready to create a high-quality
relationship that serves a higher purpose, therefore, congratulations! In order to make your
relationship even more amazing, have a look at what happens when you meet your
soulmate. These clear signs will help you recognize them and will give you a better
understanding of what is truly happening.
1. You have the feeling that you’ve known them forever
Ukrainian writer and poet Vironika Tugaleva once said “A soul mate is not found, a soul mate
is recognized!”. Because you are soulmates and you basically come from the same soul
family, you will have this feeling that you’ve seen them before and that you have somehow
known them your whole life. You will experience an instant, life-altering connection with
your soulmate. This is because you do, in fact, know them on a soul level, even before you
meet them in the physical realm. As your souls will recognize each other, you will feel like
you can trust them with anything, even when you barely just met them. This instant
connection will feel very deep and strong and it will come with many amazing experiences
such as telepathy and an increased level of empathy between you two, about which I will tell
more in the next section.
2. You will experience telepathy and high levels of empathy
In other words, you will be able to “hear” what they are thinking and to feel what they are
feeling. This level of telepathic communication will happen whether you are together or
apart, and needless to say, you will instantly know if there is something wrong with them.
The emotional intimacy between you two will be very deep and undeniable, like nothing you
have experienced before. This may scare you or your partner in the beginning, but you do
not need to worry, because this will benefit your relationship, deepening the emotional
intimacy and helping you understand each other in the most profound ways.
3. You’ve found the Yin to your Yang, the Ben to your Jerry, the salt to your pepper
I can probably find even more metaphors to express the fact that your level of compatibility
will be higher than you could ever imagine, but you get the picture. Basically, your soulmate
will complete you in every way, therefore, they will help you reach a whole new level of self-
love and self-acceptance. When they come into your life, you will suddenly understand why
it didn’t work with anyone else before. It didn’t work because you were meant to end up in
this relationship, and now all the stars have aligned for this magical union to happen and to
flourish in unimaginable ways. My honest advice is to rejoice the blessing that was bestowed
upon you, without taking it for granted. Invest unconditional love and affection into your
relationship, and don’t forget that every flower needs water, light and love to blossom.
4. Divine timing
When you look back at how you met your soulmate, you realise that starts really have
aligned to make it happen. The strongest forces in the Universe took action to make your
union happen. It was no mistake, no accident, no coincidence, but it was meant to happen
for you two to fulfil your destiny. When the Universe is conspiring to make something
happen, nothing can stay in the way. So if your first meeting seems to have been
orchestrated, that’s because it was. For example, you might have lost a train or a bus to go
somewhere, you got lost in that new city you were visiting, you won the lottery or you
received a surprise plane ticket for a trip that was never planned. Mundane plans and habits
will not stay in the way of an encounter that is destined to happen, because the Universe will
break all the barriers that might stay in its way.
5. The relationship flows naturally
You don’t have to force it, to stress about it or to play games to get them to like you. The
relationship is unfolding in the most natural way and being with them seems like the easiest
thing in the world. In other words, when you are together you are experiencing a “sacred
simplicity”. This is because you have met your other half, the one you were supposed to
meet and the entire Universe is conspiring to make your relationship work. Of course you
have to make a contribution too in order to make that happen, but you will notice that there
are no more barriers standing in the way. Everything seems to be aligned the way it’s
supposed to be.
6. Starts are aligning to facilitate your relationship
After you met, the fact that you will be together is a given. Everything will unfold in such way
that your relationship has room and resources to establish and to flourish. For example, if
before meeting them you were living with your parents, when you meet them you will finally
get the chance to live by yourself so that they can visit. Or maybe they have a house where
you two lovebirds can spend quality time together. If you didn’t have a job and the lack of
financial security was preventing you from being in a committed relationship, when you
meet your soul mate you will finally get that job. Like I said before, there is no worldly thing
than can stand in the way of the Divine Will.
7. You can’t keep secrets from each other
If you ever tried to keep a secret from your soul mate, you know how uncomfortable and
unnatural that feels. Not to mention, there is no real way to actually succeed in doing that.
Because your soul mate knows what you are thinking and feels what you are feeling, they
will detect any lie that might try to tell them and will sense if you are trying to hide anything
from them. The high level understanding and trust that you experience in your relationship
will make it a lot more easier for you to tell them anything, no matter how bad it seems to
be, than to hide it. Your soulmate will go a long way to help you guard any secret you may
tell them and, as they say, will be willing to “help you burry the body”.
8. It’s not just about physical intimacy
Although intimate life will be just perfect and you will experience a deep connection in the
bedroom, your relationship will be about a lot more than just sex. Your connection will be
present in every aspect of life – you will share the same life purpose, you will have the same
core values and mostly the same hobbies, which will make you love spending time together.
Being with your soulmate makes sense on a very deep level, so even if one day they just
want to cuddle in front of the TV and eat junk food, that will seem like the perfect thing to
9. You are not afraid of being vulnerable
Because you experience such an intense connection and a deep level of trust, being
vulnerable with your partner is all of a sudden the easiest thing to do. You know deep down
that your relationship is way beyond game playing and any sort of pettiness, so you have no
trouble in showing your softer side and letting your true feelings out. You also sense the fact
that your soulmate would never hurt you on purpose, so it’s very easy to be yourself around
them. You know you can cry when you need to, you can be silly when you want to and you
can be open about your shortcomings without being judged. If any misunderstanding takes
place, it is resolved with love and compassion, and you are both committed to diffusing the
conflict and making the relationship work.
10. Your partner is also your best friend
Famous artist Faye Hall said “true love is finding your soul mate in your best friend” and she
was right! The romantic connection that you experience with your soulmate is so deep and
powerful that you have basically found your life partner and best friend at the same time. I
would just like to add, if that happened to you, my friend, you are one of the few lucky ones.
When a relationship is built on friendship first, the foundation is very strong. Some people
find themselves in relationships that are built around the urge to have their needs met or on
various interests. In contrast, the relationship you have with your soul mate will be built on
understanding, unconditional love and mutual care. If you two can cherish that and add to it,
nothing will stay in your way.
11. They fit into your life like a piece of puzzle
Because your destinies are intertwined and you are meant to help each other achieve your
life purposes, your soulmate will be the perfect fit into your life. This means that somehow
they will facilitate your divine mission or give you something that you really needed in order
to advance on your path. This doesn’t mean necessarily that everyone in your life will like
them, or that you will never fight. After all, your soul mate is a human being and all
relationships in the physical realm have to experience ups and downs. The catch with your
soulmate is that despite all the setbacks that your relationship may encounter, their
presence will always make sense into your life. Allow yourself to be guided by that deep,
inner knowing that it’s meant to be.
If you are lucky enough to have met your soulmate, bear in mind that not many people have
your good fortune. Your role in the relationship is to nourish it, to allow it to guide you
through life and grow alongside your partner. Perhaps the most important mission that
soulmates have when they meet is spiritual evolution. Ask the Universe or your Spirit Guides
to help you figure out in what ways you are supposed to develop and what lessons you can
learn from your other half. The soulmate relationship is a very powerful tool that can help
you advance on your spiritual path. Also, you can ask for guidance to help you understand
what divine mission you and your other half have to fulfil in this lifetime, for there is no
accidental meeting between soulmates. The Universe always bring them together for a
powerful reason.

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