Ammett Williams Google Cloud Network

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Google Cloud Professional Cloud Network Engineer Exam

Prep Notes by

White papers you must review
Google Cloud Professional Cloud Network Engineer 1-Best practices for enterprise 6- Choosing a load balancer 12- Dedicated Interconnect 17- Cloud DNS
Exam Prep Sheet by Ammett organizations 7- Cloud CDN Overview 13- Partner Interconnect 18- Networking Kubernetes
2- VPC Overview 8- Choosing a VPN option 14- Creating a VPC-native 19- URL_Map
This is my guide based on my preparation for the exam. References 3- Alias IP 9- Cloud Router Cluster 20- Load balancer health
from Google Docs and other sources. 4- VPC Network Peering 10- Direct Peering 15- Private Cluster Kubernetes checks
V1.2: 01-2020 5- Shared VPC 11- Carrier peering 16- Firewall Rules Logging

Organisation What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Structures Resources are organized 1- Flow (Organisation, Folders, Projects, 1- Permissions level necessary to do Cloud Platform hierarchy Hierarchy This area is fundamental please
hierarchically. This allows you to Resources) certain functions understand how to control to get
map your enterprise's 2- Where to manage permissions for 2- Domains, Groups, G Suite domain, the separation and security in
operational structure to GCP, groups, department, entire organisation, Super users.
your domain.
and to manage access control etc
and permissions for groups of
related resources.
Cloud IAM What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
IAM which lets you manage 1- Best way to manage (use groups) 1- Permissions level necessary Cloud IAM overview Cloud IAM IAM on a networking exam? Yes,
access control by defining who 2- Roles (primitive, predefined & custom) 2- Permission errors know it well because it will come.
(identity) has what access (role) 3- Roles necessary to do certain 3- How & when to create custom roles Best practices for identity Knowing the roles necessary for
for which resource. functions (network, security, IAM, cloud 4- Service account permissions
certain actions may help if you
can figure it out.
CIDR RFC-1918 What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
You can choose any private RFC 1- The 4 Reserved Address (network, 1- How to assign static internal IP IP Addresses Some form of RFC-1918 will
1918 CIDR block for the primary gateway, google reserved, broadcast) 2- How to change IP Reserve Internal IP Networking with IP Address come. Keep in mind what is
IP address range of the subnet 2- How to assign your own range reserved, auto-mode RFC 1918
External IP What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
These are routable on the public 1- This is optional 1- Charged if not attached to VM These can appear but shouldn’t
internet and allow you access to 2- Default is ephemeral-these change 2- How to change ephemeral IP to be too difficult to handle
the internet. 3- Static can be assigned another ephemeral IP
3- How to create static external IP
Reserve External IP
Subnet Types What it is Key points What you should know Video My experience
Subnets are used to separate 1- Default (automatically generated with 1- Custom is fully user controlled Create Custom Subnet Take note of this area. CIDR block
resources and control a project) they have default firewall rules 2- Avoid overlapping ranges host availability for VPC and also
communication between tiers. and a subnet in every region 3- You can convert from auto to custom in Kubernetes.
Access can be controlled via 2- Auto-mode- automatically creates a (one way). Things can get affected.
routes and firewalls subnet in every region (the default subnet 4- You can increase range not decrease
is an auto mode subnet) IP range
Private Access What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Allows VM with internal (RFC 1- No public IP address 1- Services that support Private access This is a key topic. Especially
1918) IP addresses to reach 2- Enabled on subnet 2- Default route next hop “ Private Google Access Access GCP and 3rd party what services are supported and
certain APIs and services 3- Default route default internet gateway” or custom services privately how to set up.
without internet access. routes or nexthop “default
internet gateway”

IAM example 1 IAM example 2

Hierarchy Flow

Reserved range example

Private Service What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
The private connection enables VM in your 1- External IP addresses are not 1- Works via peering from customer Config private service Access GCP and 3rd party Know difference between Private
VPC network and the services that you required or used to service producer network access services privately services and Private access.
access to communicate exclusively by 2- Service producers network 2- Must define CIDR range for Know which services use which.
using internal (RFC 1918) IP addresses. 3- Private IP services.
4- Cloud SQL supports this 3- Connect within same region
Alias IP What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
Alias IP ranges let you assign ranges of 1- Main address from primary 1- Use of alias IP ranges does not Alias IP Pay attention here. Alias IP can be
internal IP addresses as aliases to a (VM) CIDR require secondary subnet ranges. used in VM and Kubernetes.
nic. This is useful if you have multiple 2- Alias can be from main CIDR or These secondary subnet ranges Configuring Alias IP
services running on a VM and you want to 3- Alias IP can be from secondary merely provide an organizational tool.
assign each service a different IP address. rages.
Alias IP ranges also work with GKE Pods.
VPC What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
A VPC network is your virtual network in 1- VPC are global SDN 1- Internal and external access VPC Overview VPC Deep Dive Core area. Let me put it like this; If
the cloud just like an on premise physical 2- How to get traffic flowing 2- Controlling access and firewalls you do not understand all of the
network or data centre or office network. 3- Using RFC 1918 subnets 3- How to Connect VPC together elements of a VPC; then don’t do
4- Internal and external access (peering or sharing)
the exam.
Routes What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
These define the paths network traffic 1- The route table is defined at 1- Type (system and custom) Routes in GCP You cannot have networking
takes from a VM instance to other network level 2- Default route & Subnet route without routes. (Static, dynamic,
destinations. These destinations can be 2- The routing to next hop where 3- Static and Dynamic routes Cloud Router subnet, custom, default, import,
inside or outside of your VPC. should the next hop be 4- Routing order
Cloud Router What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
This enables you too dynamically 1- Cloud Router automatically 1- Global dynamic routing Another critical area. Know how
exchange routes between (VPC) and on- learns new subnets in your VPC 2- Regional dynamic routing Cloud Router these are setup. Has lot of small
premises networks by using Border network and announces them to parts get familiar.
Gateway Protocol (BGP). your on-premises network
BGP What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
Border Gateway Protocol is 1- The ASN number range (64512 - 1- MED (route priority) A question or 3 may come on
a protocol that manages how packets are 65534, 4200000000 – 2- What can be configured without Establishing BGP sessions BGP. Know what is required,
routed across the internet through the 4294967294) BGP problems and how it works.
exchange of routing and reachability 2- IP range used 3- Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Cloud
information between edge routers. Router
Firewall What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Allow or deny traffic to and from your 1- How they work (Stateful) & 1- How to restrict traffic Firewalls You can’t allow everything on your
virtual machine (VM) etc, based on Scope Firewalls network so expect a few firewall
configurations you specify. 2- Implied rules questions in the networking exam
3- Default rules Network and security
Firewall logging What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
Firewall Rules Logging allows you audit, 1- Individually enabled 1- Troubleshooting viewing (Log Firewall Logging You should have an idea where to
verify, and analyze the effects of your 2- Supported for TCP & UDP only entries missing, cannot view logs, look, what rules are logged,
firewall rules. 3- Cannot enable on implied or where to apply logs) priorities and how to fix.
default rules

Alias IP image example Cloud Router for VPNs with VPC network

Trouble shooting logs

HTTP(S) Load balancer SSL Proxy TCP Proxy Network Load balancer Internal load balancer Kubernetes Load balancing Review documents
Choosing a load balanced
Troubleshooting health
HTTPS logging
Kubernetes HTTP(s) LB ingress

What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is Setting up HTTP Ingress LB

Load balancer for HTTP(S) Load balancer for TCP with Load balancer for TCP without Load balancer for TCP/UDP no Load balancer for TCP This allows you balance between
traffic, global, external, 80 or SSL offload, global, external. SSL, global, external. SSL offload, regional, external. /UDP you application running in Video
8080 on 443. (25, 43, 110, 143,195, 443, 465, 587, (25, 43, 110, 143,195, 443, 465, 587, (any port) regional, Internal traffic (any Kubernetes
700, 993, 995, 1883, and 5222) 700, 993, 995, 1883, and 5222) port)
Cloud Load balancers

What you should know

My experience
What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know
1- Scope regional Loads and loads of variation on this
1- Scope global 1- Scope Global 1- Scope Global 1- Scope Regional 1- How it works
2- TCP/UDP traffic area. (Global vs Regional, External vs
2- HTTPS traffic 2- Non HTTPS traffic with 2- TCP/UDP traffic 2- Internal TCP/UDP traffic 2- Connections points
3- Health checks Internal, Traffic type, VoIP, TFTP, IP,
3- Health checks SSL termination 3- Health checks 3- Type of LB supported (HTTPS-
TCP, UDP). Understand health checks
Ingress, Internal, External)
checks. For Kubernetes understand
Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points connection points of load balancers.
1- Services that need HTTPS 1- SSL termination 1- Scope global 1- Scope global 1- Scope global 1- What IP you connect to If you don’t understand these don’t do
Load balancing 2- HTTPS traffic 2- HTTPS traffic 2- HTTPS traffic the exam.

DDoS URL-Mapping Managed Instance Groups Unmanaged Instance Canary Deployments Rolling Deployments Review documents
Groups Rolling Updates

Managed instances

Unmanaged instances

What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is Video

A (DDoS) attack is a malicious Google Cloud Platform A managed instance group Unmanaged instance groups are A canary update is an A rolling update is an update that Highly available deployments
attempt to disrupt normal traffic HTTP(S) load balancers use contains identical instances that collections of instances that are update that is applied to a is gradually applied to all
to a targeted service or network a URL map to direct you can manage as a single not necessarily identical and do partial number of instances instances in an instance group
by overwhelming the target incoming requests to entity in a single zone. not share a common instance in the instance group. until all instances have been
infrastructure with a flood of backend services and template. updated
Internet traffic. backend buckets.
What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know
1- How to prevent with GCP 1- How to configure 1- Global 1- When to use. 1- Applies to a defined 1- Applies to 100% of the target as
tools 2- It works with HTTPS LB’s 2- TCP/UDP traffic 2- Different template. amount or % of host defined
3- Health checks 2- You can configure time etc
Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points My experience
1- Traffic controlling tools is 1- Hostname and path 1- Managed instance groups 1- Unmanaged groups do not 1- Understand when to use 1- Understand when to use and All these area combined made for
necessary 2- Characters / an * support Autoscaling, load create, delete, or scale the for minimization of impact on application some VERY challenging questions.
balancing, rolling updates, number of instances in the application performance performance Kubernetes is well represented, learn
autohealing, and more. group. issues networking, subnetting and load
balancing well.

Kubernetes networking example Choosing a Load balancer diagram

URL Map example

Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Node Pods IP tables Kubernetes subnetting Review documents
Networking in Kubernetes

What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is

GKE provides a managed A cluster consists of at least They are the worker machines Pods are the smallest, most Kube-proxy manages IP addresses are used for Pods, Video
environment for deploying, one cluster master and that run your containerized basic deployable objects in the iptables rules on the Nodes and services. The IP Deep dive Into Kubernetes
managing, and scaling your multiple nodes. These applications and workloads Kubernetes. Pods contain one or node. subbnetting scheme must take Networking
containerized applications using master and node machines Each node is managed from the more containers, into consideration enough for
Google infrastructure. run the Kubernetes cluster master. expansion. My experience
orchestration system Kubernetes is represented as it
What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know should be on this exam. Pay attention
1- IP (Cluster, Pod, Node) 1- Kubernetes object all run 1- You can run a maximum of 1- Pods are ephemeral. 1- Facilitate forwarding 1- How to assigned based on to the networking components,
2- IP allocation to (nodes, pods, on top a cluster 110 Pods on a node with a /24 2- Pods do not "heal" or repair within a cluster. network requirement (Node, Pod, subnetting and structure.
services) 2- Cluster master runs range. themselves. 2- These differ from one Services/Cluster IP)
3- Health checks control plane, API server, 2- Node run kubelet and services 3- Containers in a pod scenario to the other 2- Know subnet host count and
scheduler and resource to support Docker containers. communicate via local host restrictions
controllers. 3- IP assigned from primary 4- IP assigned to Virtual NIC in 3- Node get IP from primary range,
range. the pod’s network namespace. Pod and services from secondary
Subnetting guide Kubernetes networking example

Cloud DNS Session Affinity Logging Flow logs Route based VPN Policy based routing Review documents
Troubleshooting health
HTTPS logging
Network and Tunnel routing

What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is Session affinity

Cloud DNS is a high- Session affinity sends all Log generation can be exported VPC Flow Logs record a sample Consider when the peer Consider when the peer gateway Flow Logs
performance, resilient, global requests from the same to Stackdriver Logging, Cloud of network flows sent from and gateway cannot use BGP. cannot use BGP. Policy based Import Record-sets
Domain Name System (DNS) client to the VM instance as Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, or to by VM instances. These are In route based VPN, you routing uses local and a remote Static Routing
service that publishes your long as the instance stays BigQuery. used for monitoring, forensics, specify only the remote traffic selectors. Use with classic
domain names to the global healthy and has capacity. real-time security analysis, and traffic selector. Classic VPN static routing
DNS in a cost-effective way. expense optimization. VPN static routing. My experience
What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know Routes based, Policy based, logging,
1- Types Zones (managed, 1- Supported by the 1- Benefit of logging 1- Cases to use this to gather 1 - Local and remote traffic 1- Configurable remote and local DNS, session affinity these can be
Public, Private, forwarding, following LB (Internal, TCP 2 – What kinds of logs info to lock down access, see selector always traffic selectors troublesome if you do not understand
peering) and SSL proxy, HTTP(s) & 3- How to view data traffic etc each concept clearly for exams. Get
2-Internal DNS, delegated Network) 2- How to enable my hint, really troublesome.
Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points
1- On Prem connection 1- How each type of LB 1- General awareness of log 1- What it records, how to read it 1- You must manually 1- You must manually create and
2- Private Zones handle session affinity types and viewing. create and maintain the maintain the routes to the subnets
3- Importing Zone record-sets options (None, IP, Protocol, routes to the subnets in in your VPC network on your peer
4- Forwarding zones Port) your VPC network on your routers.
peer routers.

Compute instance Key Management DNSSEC Cloud Armour Cloud NAT IKEv1 Review documents
Rolling Updates
Connecting using advanced methods

What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is

Your virtual machine in the By creating and managing Prevents attackers from Google Cloud Armor security Allows virtual machine IKEv1 limits remote traffic Video
cloud. This is part of Google SSH keys, you can allow manipulating or poisoning the policies are made up of rules (VM) instances without selectors to a single CIDR. Cloud DDoS
IaaS offering users to access a Linux responses to DNS requests. that allow or prohibit traffic from external IP addresses and VPN does not support creating a
instance through third-party IP addresses or ranges defined private (GKE) clusters to tunnel using IKEv1 with multiple
tools. in the rule. connect to the Internet. Child SAs, each with a single CIDR
What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know
1- IP assignment internal, 1- How to configure 1- How to set up 1- Where and how it works 1- How it works 1- Difference between IKEv1 and My experience
external 2- What are the risk 2- How to disable (Edge, HTTPS load balancing IKEv2 All these area combined made for
2- Static IP’s proxy) some very challenging questions. It’s
Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points Key Points worth spending a bit of time
1- Testing updates 1- How to assign to your 1- The components to make this 1- How it works (whitelist, 1- Hide internal IP from 1- How this affect Multiple CIDR’s reviewing.
2- Tagging VM’s work and be removed. blacklist) external host. traffic selectors Cloud VPN
2- How to remove from VM 2- DDOS

NAT image Cloud Armour image

Session affinity image

VPC Sharing What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Used to connect to a common VPC network. 1- Centralised management 1- When to use (depend of services Hybrid Connectivity This will pop up. Who knows
Resources in those projects can communicate 2- Firewall control and controls necessary etc) CONNECTIVITY peering is sharing . Core topic
with each other securely and efficiently across 3- Internal RFC1918 communication 2- Who gets billed Shared VPC
project boundaries using internal IPs.

VPC Peering What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Connecting to My experience
Access G Suite and Google Cloud features over 1- When to peer 1- How to peer to a shared VPC VPC Peering Datacentre This will come. Know
VPN or the internet, while cutting egress fees. 2- What services you have access to requirements of peering and how
Connect directly with Direct Peering, or choose to peer to shared networks. Core
a partner with Carrier Peering. topic
VPN What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
Connect your on-premises or other public cloud 1- How to setup 1- Multiple tunnels Cloud VPN Core area. Make sure you know
networks to GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 2- IPSEC used 2- ECMP VPN very well. Know high
securely over the internet through IPSec VPN 3- Best practices availability, multi tunnelling
various scenarios for use.

Dedicated What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
Interconnect Use dedicated Interconnect to connect to 1- Single mode fiber 10GBase-LR 1- Type (system and custom) Dedicated Interconnect Core area well represented in
Google's network through a highly available, low 2- LACP for links & 802.1q Vlan 2- Default route & Subnet route exam. Did I say well represented?
latency connection. (10GB higher) 3- Support EBGP with multihop 3- Static and Dynamic routes
4-Ipv4 link local addresses 4- Min 10GB
5- Meet at Co Location facilities 5- Layer2

Partner Connect What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
Use Google Cloud Interconnect - Partner 1- Best case use 1- The IP Range used Core area well represented in
(Partner Interconnect) to connect to Google 2- Min size 50MB 2- How to assign static internal Partner Interconnect exam also. If you don’t know all
through a supported service provider. (from 50 3- Not over the internet 3- How to change IP the interconnect option well don’t
MB up) do the exam.
VLAN What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
VLAN attachments (also known 1- Works with Cloud router 1- Create VLAN attachments over Questions on this point may
as InterconnectAttachments) determine which 2- Maximum speed 10 Gbps Cloud Interconnect connections Creating VLAN attachment appears. You need a VLAN for
Virtual Private Cloud networks can reach your 3- Multiple VLANs that have passed all tests and that what?
on-premises network through an interconnect are ready to use
Dynamic routing What it is Key points What you should know Review documents My experience
Dynamic routing is suitable for any size 1- Cloud router necessary 1- IP automatically updated and Setting the network How are routes updated?
network. It frees you from maintaining static 2- BGP session necessary propagated dynamic routing mode Manually or automatically.
routes. Also, if a link fails, dynamic routing can 2- Modes are Global or regional Understand how this works.
automatically reroute traffic if possible.
Stackdriver What it is Key points What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Stackdriver Logging allows you to store, search, 1- Individually enabled 1- Troubleshooting viewing (Log Stackdriver You should have an idea where to
analyze, monitor, and alert on log data and events 2- Logging is supported for TCP and entries missing, cannot view logs, Stackdriver look, what rules are logged,
from Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web UDP only where to apply logs) priorities and how to fix.
Services (AWS).

Connection options Interconnect comparison

My closing thoughts Video

Cloud Networking is a core component of the cloud. In fact, public cloud is based on advanced SDN networking and the internet. Whether you are using code to deploy your A year in GCP networking
Networking environment or IaaS, the end result is that you want people to connect to your apps and services. If your apps are not reachable then it makes no sense. Constructing a
well-defined network is important to ensure content delivery and performance is kept at it’s SLO  as much as possible.

Thanks for reviewing

Google presence
Please visit the official certification outline HERE

Official practice test HERE

ps. These are my notes and tips that helped me pass the networking
exam on the second attempt this is a tough exam. Every area on the
document represents a topic that has a strong probability of appearing.
Google may change the exam requirements at any time so always review
the outline.

The knowledge is free it just cost me some time to put together. Please
share with your network who may be interested in GCP Networking or
need a quick refresher on networking topics.

You can also check my other Google prep notes for the Security, DevOps
and Engineer exam HERE

Bonne Journée

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