UWP Portfolio Reflection Essay Final Draft

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Merrielle Markham-Davis

December 10, 2018


Mario Giron

Dear Portfolio Reader

     Throughout the course of UWP 1 I felt myself grow as a writer. Over the quarter we have

read many different articles that all correlated with the UWP learning outcomes: rhetorical

concepts, processes, knowledge of conventions, research, and metacognition. Each article was

on the topic of writing, different drafts, revision, peer responses, research, or giving feedback.

All of these articles have given me tools and examples of way I can become stronger in my

writing. They showed me how to think outside of the five-paragraph box that everyone learns

in high school and how to ask more reflective questions about any writing I am presented with.

     I feel that one of the biggest learning outcomes I have improved in is processes. Before

taking this class I always felt pressure to write a first draft that was perfect, which is the reason

why I would always get stuck and think that I wasn’t a good writer. I constantly struggles with

hating writing because I thought I wasn’t capable of it. Reading Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts”

helped me realize that it was okay to write a perfect and cohesive essay right off of the bat. This

article made me feel less vulnerable as a writer because it reinforces the idea that first draft you

write is not going to be the draft you turn in- even famous writers don’t have perfect first

drafts. Another article that really helped me was Invention Throughout the Writing”. It taught

me different ways to help my first draft come to life. It showed me that I do know how to write
with good topics, I just need to get all of my ideas out, so I can sort through it and pick which

one I think is best. Both of these articles helped when writing my literacy narrative, “My

Journey Dealing with Anxiety Through Horses”. I was able to find my topic through free write,

then take that topic and write out a mistake-riddled first draft. I didn’t have the worry of it

being perfect, which helped my final draft be one of my favorite paper I’ve written.

     Contrarily, I did struggle with writing my discourse community essay about the Orange

County Horse Show Association, but through struggling with it I felt myself grow within the

research and rhetorical concepts learning outcome. The research portion was new for me- I

have never conducted research on my own. Despite it being unfamiliar, I enjoyed doing the

research because it was on an interesting topic for me and I was able to uncover opinions of

people in the same community as me. Also, since my topic for the project was so niche finding

secondary research articles was difficult, but I was able to learn how to use Boolean phrases

and find things that coincided with my paper. The topic of my discourse community paper was

enjoyable to write about and even though I struggled with it I learned from my mistakes, which

made me a stronger writer.

     I was able to grow within the knowledge of conventions learning outcome by understanding

about the different genres and what academic writing actually is from Irvin’s “What is Academic

Writing”. When I would think about academic writing, my mind first would go to a research

paper I wrote in Animal Science 1 my fall quarter freshman year. It was, in my opinion, the first

experience of true academic writing because it was a real scientific research paper. However,

reading Irvin’s article helped me realize almost every essay I have written was academic writing.
For example, throughout high school I took AP Literature and AP Language & Composition

classes, which consisted of academic writing weekly and about 3 essays for the AP Exam. I

didn’t realize that those were all academic writing at the time, that is a realization I learned this

quarter. Writing each essay I did this quarter, all in different genres that falls under academic

writing, helped me cement what the difference is, and this lesson will stay with me throughout

my future writing career.

     Even though I felt a big growth in myself this quarter I don’t believe I am done becoming a

better writer. The metacognition learning outcome was one that I struggled with because

before this course I was never asked to give my opinions on my writing. My previous professors

and teachers would always have me give peer review, but never feedback on my own writing.

However, I did learn how to give a more effective peer edit throughout this course by reading

Straub’s article “Responding Really Responding”. In the past, when I have peer reviewed other

people’s papers, it usually goes the way Straub describes in the first paragraph of his article. I

used generic comments, try to emulate how the teacher would edit the essay, and keep it

simple. Also, I would sometimes catch myself being too nice because I don’t want to offend

anyone, which I now know is only hurting the person who I am peer editing for. Reading

Straub’s article gave me better ways to peer edit and ideas on how I would like people to edit

my papers. I have gotten some peer reviews over this quarter that I found very helpful because

they left directed questions, example rewrites, and explained or followed up on their comments

with a note at the end of the review. Also, leaving cover memos for your peers was a great idea

because it gave the reviewer an idea of what tone and point the author wanted their essay to

have. Although, actually writing the cover memos, specifically the strengths and questions, was
very challenging for me because I never have felt confident in myself as a writer. I can still grow

in that aspect, even though it has gotten better over the course because of the learning

outcomes we were taught.

     This quarter I feel I have become stronger in my writing because of the fantastic essays we

have read that I can relate to and learn from. Each big writing assignment we had correlated

with the articles we read and they all had great points to learn from. The learning outcomes

were taught and perceived in a effective manner which contributed towards my growth as a

writer. I thoroughly enjoyed this course, writing the assigned essays, and continuing my journey

as a writer.

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