Martin Luther School: "Quality Education For The New Generation"

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“Quality Education for the New Generation”



PUPIL’S NAME: ____________________________

1. Remember to write your three names properly.
2. Answer all the questions as per instructions.
3. Read all questions carefully before answering.
4. This holiday package should be returned to school when we


1. A group of people living the same place is known as ………A. family B. clan C. community D. school [ ]
2. The following are example of community except ……A. home B. country C. school D. village [ ]
3. Great interest in something or someone and oneself is …A. love B. respect C. behaviour D. obedience [ ]
4. ……………a person belongs to a country. A. patriot B. citizen C. elder D. President [ ]
5. Taking care of oneself is to …………….. A. steal B. fight C. abuse D. dress up smartly [ ]
6. The actions of self concern includes……….. A. hard work B. cruelty C. smartness D. behaving well [ ]
7. The following are the dangerous behaviour to your community family and personal except ……………
A. insulting others B. fighting C. cruelty D. playing with other [ ]
8. Challenges that face us they make us …………….. A. weak B. strong C. angry D. happy [ ]
9. The secret of success of the person is ………………………………
A. working hard B. a positive attitude C. runn9ing very fast D. has no strong attitude [ ]
10. A journalist is a person who …………………………....
A. writes and report news B. analyses sources of information C. teaches at standard four D. writes books [ ]
11. Responsibility is …………………………..….
A. something that one must do B. a person who work hard C. a person who loves himself/herself [ ]
12. To be transparent and honest means …………….
A. open and trust full B. avoid cheating C. study hard D. protect and care for their properties [ ]
13. All good citizen cannot allow ……………………………….
A. crimes and evils to happen in the community B. don’t love the police officers
C. study hard D. all the above are correct [ ]
14. Working together simplifies ……………….….. A. work B. time C. walk D. power [ ]
15. Felling of loving your country more than any other country and being proud of it is called …………….
A. leadership B. patriotism C. citizen D. fighter [ ]
16. In the national flag water bodies are represented by ……colour. A. yellow B. blue C. green D. blacks [ ]
17. The union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was formed on …………………………
A. 9th December 1961 B. 12th January 1964 C. 26th April 1961 D. 26th April 1964 [ ]
18. The buying and selling of goods is known as ………………………..
A. barter trade B. trade C. transport D. communication [ ]
19. The black colour on the nation flag ………….A. vegetation B. people C. mineral D. Tanzania [ ]
20. Child abuse means ………………..….A. sending him /her to school B. loving the children
C. to give him/her balanced diet D. mistreating children [ ]
21. Tanzania currency is divided into …………………………….
A. coin and shillings B. shillings and note C. notes and coin D. shilling and currency [ ]
22. Tanzania national flag is hoisted at what time?
A. 6 o’clock pm B. 6 o’clock am C. 12 o’clock am D. 12 o’clock pm [ ]


23. Man and woman in a coat of arm represent.
A. equality and cooperation B. love and peace C. limity and peace D. independence [ ]
24. The national flag of Tanzania has …………..colour. A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 1 [ ]
25. Tanzania currency is ………………A. shillings B. notes and coin C. money and coins D. all of above [ ]
26. Which of the following sentences is not correct about water bodies?
A. provide fish with us B. is a mean of transport C. we build on them D. we recreate on them [ ]
27. …………… the highest government board in the village government.
A. village assembly B. village council C. village government D. village standing committee [ ]
28. The head of day to day school activities is ……… A. Director B. pupils C. teachers D. Headteacher [ ]
29. the first country to colonize Tanganyika was ……A. British B. Arabs C. Germans D. British and German[ ]
30. A small town in rural areas is called …………… A. town B. street C. district D. village [ ]
31. The village council it comprises how many member? A. 25 B. 18 C. 5 D. 20 [ ]
32. ………………is a secretary of village council.
A. village chair person B. village Executive officer C. hamlets chairperson D. village assembly [ ]
33. To take care of others means ……………A. love B. kindness C. smartness D. respect [ ]
34. Resource can be classified into two groups namely: -
A. natural and man made B. water bodies and forest C. land and minerals D. fish and wild animal [ ]
35. …………….are plants that cover the earth surface. A. vegetation B. flowers C. trees D. minerals [ ]
36. The third president of Tanzania is …………………...
A. John Magufuli B. Benjamin Mkapa C. Jakaya Kikwete D. Abeid Karume [ ]
37. The current prime Minister of Tanzania is …………
A. Samia Suluh Hassan B. Alli M. Shein C. Kassim Majaliwa Kassim D. Rashid Kawawa [ ]
38. School rules and regulation help us to ……………….
A. fight with others B. studying hard C. live in peace D. to disobey teacher [ ]
39. Group of people sharing common ancestor. A. family B. clan C. community D. Tanzanian [ ]
40. Tanganyika and Zanzibar united in ……………A. 1961 B. 1963 C. 1962 D. 1964 [ ]
41. A national symbol which show where country start and where country end is called …………………….…..
A. coat of arm B. map of Tanzania C. national flagD. national currency [ ]
42. It is bad to receive gift from …………… A. visitor B. teachers C. unknown people D. parents [ ]
43. ……….can lead to the destruction of the environment.
A. soil conservation B. overgrazing C. planting trees D. agriculture [ ]
44. A person who supervises and direct others is called ……………….
A. perfect B. leaders C. police officer D. teacher [ ]


45. Cocaine, alcohol, heroin and marijuana are bad because …………….
A. they make people lazy B. they cause health problems
C. the make a person and family poor D. they make people in active [ ]
46. Taking care of oneself involves ………………………..
A. playing in dirty environment B. not using mosquito nets when sleeping
C. avoiding thing that endanger his or her health D. engaging in drug abuse [ ]
47. We report crimes at the ……………….. A. police station B. home C. school D. hospitals [ ]
48. Drug abuse is dangerous to our ………………A. health B. friends C. school D. food [ ]
49. A piece of a cloth that represents a nation is called ………… A. flag B. currency C. language D. emblem [ ]
50. In a democratic society leaders should be ………. A. elected by people B. tolerant C. committed D. lazy[ ]
51. The following are the principles of democracy except …………..
A. equality B. corruption C. transparency D. rule of law [ ]
52. The first verse of the national anthem is a prayer for ……………………..….
A. Tanzania B. East Africa C. Dodoma D. Africa [ ]
53. Before independence Tanganyika was ruled by ………..A. German B. British C. Portuguese D. governor [ ]
54. Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are ………………………………...
A. religions B. government organs C. political parties D. non governmental organs [ ]
55. What is the importance of the National culture?
A. source of wars B. National identity C. unemployment D. disunity [ ]
56. To take something from a person, shop or store without the owner’s permission is to ………………..
A. steal B. respect C. fight D. trouble [ ]
57. ……….is harmful to your health. A. hardworking B. planning C. self discipline D. smoking [ ]
58. Unplanned pregnancies may result into …………. A. good health B. war C. poverty D. peace and love [ ]
59. Controlling your desires and staying focused is called …………………..…
A. planning B. self discipline C. love D. hard working [ ]
60. The Head Teacher is assisted by …………………
A. the director B. the manager C. the deputy Head teacher D. Head of department [ ]
Write True or False.
61. There are three human basic needs ……………….
62. Studying hard is a good behaviour ………………..
63. Security is freedom from danger ………………..
64. Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere was the father of our Nation ………………..
65. A leader is the person who shows the way ……………….
66. The father is the leader of the nation ………………..
67. It is not a right for a girl to be sent to school ………………..
68. Our currency is called Euro ………………..
69. There are six types of family ………………..
70. The major economic sector of our country is agriculture ………………..
Match items.
List A
71. Cash crops
72. Culture
73. 9th December 1961
74. Tanzanian’s currency
75. 12the January 1964
76. 26th April 1964
77. Responsibility
78. National language
79. Right
80. Food crops
List B
A. Sisal and cotton
B. Zanzibar revolution
C. Shilling
D. Total way of life
E. Tanganyika got independence
F. Swahili language
G. Maize and banana
H. Tanzania got her independence
I. Something a person should do.
J. Something a person should get.
K. Union day
L. English language

List A 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

List B


Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks in the statement below.

Community, integrity, culture, family, symbol, obedient, patriot, responsibility, holiday, resilient

81. The group of people who are related to each other are called a ……………………………….
82. The quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right is called ………………..
83. ………………………………is something that stand for something else.
84. The group of people who live in the same area or town is called …………………………..
85. ……………………..…… a way of life of people in a particular place and time.
86. ………………………….…is the ability of withstand difficult condition.
87. To do what we are told to do by our parents and teachers is …………………………………
88. ……………….……….is a duty that you have to fulfill.
89. ………………………………is a day by the law on which people do not work.
90. A person who loves his/her country, and he/she is ready to die for a country is called …………..……..
Fill the blanks with correct answers.
91. Explain each of the following colour.
(a) Black ……………………………………………..
(b) Blue ………………………………………..…….
(c) Yellow ……………………………………………
(d) Green ……………………………………..……..
92. Mention any three natural resource that you know;
(a) ………………………………….
(b) …………………………………..
(c) …………………..……………..
93. Freedom and unity are word which found in ……………………………………………
94. Independence day and union day are among of …………………………holidays.
95. Mention four Martin Luther school rules.
(a) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(b) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(c) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(d) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
96. A village chairperson is elected by …………………………………………………………………………….
97. A village government is made by ……………………………………and ………………………………………
98. The book that has fundamental laws and basic principle of a nation is called …………………..
99. Every nation has its own …………………………….………………………………..
100. The first Prime Minister of Tanzania was ……………………………………..


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