Synopsis "Zee Bank Atm System" Submitted by Archana Panwar: For The Award of The Degree of

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Submitted By
Archana Panwar
for the award of the Degree of
Master of Computer Applications
(Banasthali Vidyapith, Newai)
Under the supervision of

External Guide
(Name, Designation, Organization)

Apaji Institute of
Banasthali Vidyapith
Banasthali - 304022
Session: 2019-20

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This is to certify that Archana Panwar of VI Semester, Master of Computer

Application, session 2019-2020 has worked on the industrial project entitled

“ZEE BANK ATM” in the partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Computer
Application under Banasthali Vidyapith ,Newai.

Date: Signature of HOD:

Signature of External Examiner:

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It would be inappropriate to call this report complete and successful, if I don’t

think the people who guided me in the preparation of this project.

The submission of this project report gives me an opportunity to convey my

gratitude to all those who’ve helped me reach stage from where I have immense
confidence to launch my career in the competitive world of Information

First and foremost, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude and indebt
ness to Dr. Swati V. chande for her valuable help during the development of this
project. Without her suggestions and timely help I would not have been able to
complete project. She has been source of perpetual inspiration to us, gently guide
and inspired us towards a bright career.

I am also thankful to all faculty of Apaji Institute of Mathematics and

AppliedComputerTechnology for their guidance in the completion of the project.

Archana Panwar
ID: ABMCL18145

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Sr. No. Topic Page No.

1. Certificate 1

2. Acknowledgement 2

3. Preface 4

4. Introduction 5

5. Technology and Tool Description 6

6. System study 7-8

7. Requirement Analysis 9

8. Feasibility study 10-13

9. Work Plan 14-18

10. Coding 19-24

11. Testing 25-26

12. Snapshots 27-31

13. Conclusion 32

14. Future Application Of The Project 33

15. Reference 34

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When computer software succeeds, it make possible for the people, who use it by
performing flawlessly over a long period.

It can & does change things for the better. But when software fails, its users are
dissatisfied, when it is error prone, when it is difficult to change & even harder to
use bad things can & do happen. We all want to build software that makes things
better. Avoiding the bad things that work in the shadow failed effort. To succeed,
we need discipline when s/w is designed & build. We need an engineering
approach. This project is intended to save as guide to maturing engineering
discipline. The project is initiated to accommodate the dramatic growth in the field
of enterprise resource management & planning and to emphasize new & important
s/w engineering practices.

The industrial training has been an integral part of MCA curriculum. This has an
everlasting impact on the trainee & helps in setting himself/herself in industrial
environment when he /she tales up a job. While taking training in the Zeetron
Networks Pvt. Ltd. I learnt many things in my training period. Apart from getting
industrial exposure my communication skills overall interaction capabilities has
also been improved.

This training report is an effort to summarize all the pieces of information gathered
by me during my training period.

The early topics in the training report include the rise of Zeetron Networks Pvt.
Ltd. , Jaipur, its journey to reach acme of success & its organizational structure.
In the next session of report follows labs of the organization.

The next part of the report included my project “ZEE BANK ATM SYSTEM”
made in Python.

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Information technology is a rapid growing sector now a day. Daily new inventions
are taking place in market. In financial sector especially the banking sector there
are so many new technologies are taking place in financial operations.ATM is an
important invention for banking sector. The wonders of modern technology have
made it possible for bank customers to interact with an electronic banking facility
as Automated Teller Machine (ATM) rather than with a human Being for cash

ZEE BANK ATM SYSTEM provides you the way to login into the atm by
entering pin or by face recognization . In this you can easily withdraw , deposit and
can find your balance enquiry .

The ZEE BANK ATM is an automatic banking machine (ABM) that allows the
customer to complete basic transactions without any help from bank

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Python is currently the most widely used multi-purpose, high-level programming

language. Python allows programming in Object-Oriented and Procedural
Python programs generally are smaller than other programming languages like
Java. Programmers have to type relatively less and indentation requirement of the
language, makes them readable all the time.
Python language is being used by almost all tech-giant companies like – Google,
Amazon, Facebook , Instagram , Dropbox , Uber… etc.

Python 3
Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in early 1990’s and its latest version
is 3.7.1, we can simply call it as Python3. Python 3.0 was released in 2008. and is
interpreted language i.e it’s not compiled and the interpreter will check the code
line by line. I have worked on version 3.6.8.

OpenCV module:
 is a huge open-source library for computer vision, machine learning, and image
processing. OpenCV supports a wide variety of programming languages like
Python, C++, Java, etc. It can process images and videos to identify objects, faces,
or even the handwriting of a human. When it is integrated with various libraries,
such as numpy which is a highly optimized library for numerical operations, then
the number of weapons increases in your Arsenal i.e whatever operations one can
do in Numpy can be combined with OpenCV.

SQLite (for database)

SQLite is an embedded relational database engine. The documentation calls it a

self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration and transactional SQL database
engine. It is very popular and there are hundreds of millions copies worldwide in
use today. Several programming languages have built-in support for SQLite
including Python and PHP.

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A system is an orderly grouping of independent components linked together
according to a plan to achieve a specific objective. Its main characteristics are
organization, interaction, independent, integration and central objective a system
does not necessarily mean to a computer system. It may be a manual system or any
other names.


Social and economic factor: a wave of social and economic changes often follows
in the wake of the new technology. New opportunities may arise to improve on a
production process or to do something that was not previously possible. Changes in
the ways individuals are organized into groups may then be necessary, and the new
groups may complete for economic resources with established units.

Technological factor: People have never before in a time when the scope of
scientific inquiry was so broad, so when the speed of applying the new technology
accounts for many changes in the organization.

High level decisions and operating processes: In response to technological,

socio-economic factors, top level managers may decide to recognize operations
and introduce new products. To deal with these needs, people commonly seek new
modified information to support the decision. When that happens, then they obtain
turn to a computer system for help the information users and data processing
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specialist then work together to complete a series of steps in a system study to
produce output results to satisfy information needs.

Proposed System:

The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to
develop on-line application by keeping the entire process in the view of database
integration approach.

 Classical instruments are also available in product list.

 We also provided additional information about different instruments, their

components, and related parts.

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Requirements Analysis

1.1:- Requirement Analysis:-

Requirement Specification is the part of the project which gives the

detail about the Hardware and software requirements of our project. It also details
the features of the programming language used

1.2:- Hardware Requirements:-

In order to implement a new system the choice of processor with maximum
possible speed is made. There should be sufficient memory to store data and
software tools for efficient processing

Ram:- 256 MB
Hard disk:- 10 GB
Processor:- Pentium IV
Main memory:- 64GB

1.3:- Software Requirement:-

 Platform: windows 7 and above
 Language : python
 Designer Tools: gui, tkinter
 Software : idle , pycharm community edition 3.6.8

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Feasibility study is the most important step in system analysis. It is the
determination of whether the project is feasible or not. Once it has been
determined that a project is feasible, the analyst can go ahead and prepare the
project specification which finalizes project requirement.

It provides data about user requirements and a full identification of system

objectives. A feasibility study is carried out to select the best system that
meets performance standards.

Any system performance is judged under 3 steps:

 Statement of constraints : Encompassing all the factors that

limit the solution of the problem.
 Identification of specific system objectives.
 Description of outputs as required by the users.

Steps in feasibility analysis:

 Form a project team and appoint a project leader.
 Prepare system flowcharts.
 Enumerate potential proposed system.
 Define and identify characteristics of proposed system.
 Determine and evaluate performance and cost effective of
each proposed system.
 Weight system performance and cost data.
 Select the best-proposed system.
 Prepare and report final project directive to management.

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There are 4 types of feasibility considerations:
 Economic feasibility
 Technical feasibility
 Behavioral feasibility
 Operational feasibility


Economic Feasibility deals about the economic impact faced by the
organization to implement a new system. Financial benefits must equal or
exceed the costs. The cost of conducting a full system, including software and
hardware cost for the class of application being considered should be
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the
effectiveness of a new system. More commonly known as cost/benefit
analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are
expected from a candidate system and compare them with costs. If benefits
outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and implement the system.
An entrepreneur must accurately weigh the cost versus benefits before taking
an action.

Economic Feasibility in this project:

 The cost to conduct a full system investigation is possible.
 There is no additional manpower requirement.
 There is no additional cost involved in maintaining the proposed system.


This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will

successfully satisfy the user requirement. The technical needs of the system

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may vary considerably, but it may centers on the following situations:
 Whether the current/existing manual process of the system is
compatible enough to accommodate technical enhancements
accommodated by the proposed candidate system.
 Hardware or software repairs and availability and maintenance in
case of damage or wear-tear.
 The facility to produce outputs in a given time.
 Response time under certain conditions.
 Ability to process a certain value of transaction at a particular speed.

The examining technical feasibility configuration of the system is given

more importance than the actual make of hardware. The configuration should
give the complete picture about the system’s requirement. The existing
computer system properly supports this software. Hence it can be concluded
that the proposed system is technically feasible.


An estimate should be made of how strong a reaction the user staff is likely to
have towards the development of a computerized system. It is a common
knowledge that computer installations have something to do with turnover,
changes in employee job status. It relates human behavior in the organization
and political aspects. Here we focus on:

1) What changes will be brought with the system

2) What organizational structures are disturbed?

3) What new skills will be required Do the existing members

have these skills?

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If not can they be trained in due course of time? It also includes social and
managerial aspects that are whether the proposed project will be acceptable
to the customer and the management, along with the determination of
whether the proposed project considers Act, Status as well as pending
Legislations as a part of the legal feasibility People always resist Change. Any
user staff finds it uneasy to switch over man managed system to computer
managed system due to lack of computer knowledge.

The proposed system :

 Is user friendly
 Is interactive
 Does not require any profound technical knowledge or skill to use
the system.

By the above discussion, we conclude that, the proposed system

considered in all aspects i.e. economically, technically and behaviorally


This system can be implemented anywhere, as there is an adequate support
for the user. With minimum training the user can get familiar with it and
can get better results. The system is easy to operate so it is operationally

This feasibility test asks if the system will work when it is developed and
installed. Operational feasibility in this project:

 The proposed system offers greater level of user-friendliness.

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 The proposed system produces best results and gives high
performance. It can be implemented easily. So this project is
operationally feasible.

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 An automatic teller machine increases existing business. The typical ATM

customer will spend 20-25% more than a non-ATM customer, according to
research conducted by AT&T Global Information Solutions.

 An automatic teller machine generates new business. Customers are more

likely to seek out a location with an automatic teller machine

An automatic teller machine provides additional revenue streams. Each ATM

withdrawal transaction generates surcharge ("convenience fee") income for the
owner of the automatic teller machine

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Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. Testing is
acrucial element of software quality assurance and presents ultimate review of specification,
design and coding. System Testing is an important phase. Testing represents an interesting
anomaly for the software. Thus a series of testing are performed for the proposed system
before the system is ready for user acceptance testing. A good test case is one that has a
high probability of finding an as undiscovered error. A successful test is one that
uncovers an as undiscovered error. The testing phase is an important part of software
development. It is the pauperized system will help in automate process of finding errors and
missing operations and also a complete verification to determine whether the objectives are
met and the user requirements are satisfied. Software testing is carried out in three steps:

1. The first includes unit testing, where in each module is tested to provide itscorrect
ness, validity and also determine any missing operations and to verify whether the
objectives have been met. Errors are noted down and corrected immediately. Unit
testing Is the important and major part of the project. So errors are rectified easily in
particular module and program clarity is increased. In this project entire system is
divided into several modules and is developed individually. So unit testing is
conducted to individual modules.

2.  The second step includes Integration testing. It needs not be the case, thesoftware
whose modules when run individually and showing perfect results Perfect results
when run as a whole. The individual modules are clipped under this major module
and tested again and verified the results. This is due to poor interfacing, which may
results in data being lost across an interface. A module can have inadvertent, adverse
effect on any other or on the global data structures, causing serious problems.

3. The final step involves validation and testing which determines which the software
functions as the user expected. Here also some modifications were. In the
completion of the project it is satisfied fully by the end user.

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Unit Tests
Unit tests are most commonly done by developers on their own machines or on a
common server that is very volatile. It is not necessary that the unit test machines
be the same platform and operating system as the target deployment environment,
but the movement from the unit test environment to other testing environments
should not require material code changes by developers. A plan for one machine
per developer plus one small server should be included in the overall system

System Tests
The system test environment allows multiple modules to be connected together and
executed as in a typical use-case scenario. The choice as to whether this is done on
a separate machine from unit testing is up to the implementation and test team. If
the target deployment environment is different from the unit test environment, the
system test environment should contain a machine that matches the target
environment. Although the system test machine need not match the size of the
deployment box, it should have the same platform and operating system. A good
rule of thumb is to prepare to add one more box for system tests of a smaller size,
but the same operating system as the target environment. Again, this will be a
relatively volatile environment, so it should not be viewed as a place to do
industrial-strength testing by a large team.

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There is a two options continue or open account if we click on open account there
is a form which required some fields like fast name second name date of birth
mobile number email Aadhar number and 3 images of user.

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And for the OTP send on email address enter OTP on next screenThen it will
verify you and if you’re verified then generator account number and pin number
for you and send to your email.

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And if we click on continue from home screen. There is a new window open and
ask for the ATM card number.. ATM card number which generated by machine
when we sign up or create account then we can continue . Now ask for 4 digit pin
which is auto generated and sent to the email address… there is another option face
unlock ,you can login using face ID also.

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There is option for forget pin in , using that option you can get your pin back when
you forget your pin.

Then now we enter the right pin number then it continue now we get enquiry,
withdrawal, statement and deposit options when we click on enquiry we get
account balance.

we can click on withdrawal to withdrawal money and deposit for depositing money
or you can click on statement to get the statement option. sent the mail button
which can used to send the statement to the mail ID.

ok if we click on unlock with face ID… when we click on using face id button… it
scan face and verify acoount if you’re right person then login you otherwise get

now we talk about forget password option… forget pin option have to options
email or mobile you can either use email or mobile to get your OTP … when I
click on email then system send otp to my email address …if I enter right OTP …
new window pop up and ask for the new pin same with mobile.

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From this presentation, one can observe that an ATM  Majorly, thesystem is
associated with the bank transactions of the consumers.  ATM system is utilized
for the money associated transactions from the consumers. Consumers make major
use of ATM to withdraw money from their bank account

Information Technology has swept the Globe. It has positive influence on bank
management in general and management of delivery channels in particular.
Electronic and net based facilities like ATMs, Net Banking, and Mobile Banking
have given a whole new face to the banking business. Banks, allover the world,
have realized the need for adapting themselves to the changes that are taking place
in the modus operandi of delivering the services to the customers. Maintenance of
customer loyalty forces the banks to constantly seek innovative ways and means to
give convenience to customers.

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 The future enhancement in the project could be as follows:

 The system could be more interactive and simpler to handle.
 Designing could be more efficient in the next enhancement.
 Transactional Details can also be implemented.
 Transactions could occur in different currencies.
 User Interface could be more resourcefull

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1. ATM Network. ATM Machines, The benefits of owning an ATM, An ATM
Buyer‟s Guide, Copyright 2008.

2. Brett King,( 2013), “Why banking is no longer somewhere you go but

something you do”, published by John Wiley & Sons, Singapore Private Limited,

3. DavidL.Kurtz, Kenneth E.Clow, J.Wiley & Sons (1998), “Services Marketing”

Business and Economics, ISBN-0471180343, pp 161

4. Harshey, P.A. USA (1999), “Managing Information technology Resources in

Organizations in the next Millennium 1999” Information Resources Management
Association International Conference, May 16 – 19

5. Joseph M.Juran, Joseph A.De Feo, (1999), “The complete Guide to

Performance Excellence” published by Tata Mc GrawHill Education Private
Limited, 7 West Patel Nagar, New Delhi, ISBN-13,978-0-07-107089-8, pp734

6. K.C.Shekhar, Lakshmy Shekhar (2005), “Banking Theory and Practice,” Nineth

Edition, pp.1

7. McGraw-Hill (1997)”ATM and Multiprotocol Networking” January 1997

8. McGraw-Hill (1998)” Hands-On ATM” January 1998

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9. Oonargh MC Donald & Kevin Keasey (2002), “The future of Retail Banking in
Europe”, Banks and Banking – Europe Unisys, ISBNo-471-89277-7, pp 15

10. P.T.Harker(ed.) (1995),” The Service Productivity and Quality Challenge”

Kluwar Academic Publishers, Netherlands, ISBNo-7923-3447-7, pp 261

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