Mormon Pioneer Trail, Historic Resource Study - Interactive Ebook

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Mormon Pioneer

National Historic Trail

Resource Study
Stanley B. Kimball, Ph.D.
may 1991

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Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study





The Mormon Trail in Historic Perspective

Sketch of Mormon History: 1830-1846
Mormon Beliefs
Growing Interest in the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Name of the Trail
Mormon Motivation
The Perpetual Emigration Fund
Trail Experience in Mormon History
Reading, Interpreting and Protecting Trail Ruts


The Great Trek: General Comments

Points of Departure and Time Periods
Wagons, Draft Animals, Speed of Travel
Problems of Illness, Stress, Privacy, and Traveling
Routine, Rules, Discipline, Constitutions
Trail Larder
Women Emigrants
Little Emigrants, Children
Indian Relations
Blacks on the Trail
Foreign Mormon Emigrants
Non-Mormons on the Trail
Mormon Interest in the Far West to 1846
Western Travel Accounts Consulted by the Mormons
Western Maps Consulted by the Mormons
Western Travelers Consulted by the Mormons
Mormons and the Environment

Chapter 3 - ACROSS IOWA IN 1846

Leaving Nauvoo
Trek Commences/Difficulties/Skills Learned
Organization Improved
"Come, Come Ye Saints" Composed
Garden Grove Established
Mount Pisgah Established
Council Bluffs Reached


Council Bluffs General Area

Mormon Camps and Communities
Indian Relations
The Mormon Battalion
Camps West of Missouri River
    Cold Spring and Cutler's Park
    Winter Quarters
Mormons and Trail-Side Services
Winter Quarters Abandoned

Chapter 5 - THE PIONEER TREK OF 1847

Scientific Instruments and Observations
Staging Ground
1847 Trek Begins
The Trail/Divisions and Topography
    Part I, Winter Quarters to Kearney, Nebraska
    Part II, Kearney to Fort Laramie
    Part III, Fort Laramie to Fort Bridger
    Part IV, Fort Bridger to Valley of the Great Salt Lake
Establishment of a Colony and Return to Winter Quarters

Chapter 6 - MORMON EMIGRANTS: 1848-1868

General Comments
Wagon Emigrants, 1848-1860
    Canal Boats, Lake Boats, and Riverboats
The Handcart Emigrants, 1856-1860
    The Brigham Young Express Company, 1856-1857
Church Team Emigrants, 1860-1868
"Rail and Trail" Pioneers: 1856-1868
Trail Preservation and Marking
Suggestions for Further Research on the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail



Recommendations to the National Register



1. New York Saints Trail, 1831

2. Zion's Camp Trail, 1834
3. The Fremont-Preuss Map, 1843
4. S.A. Mitchell's New Map of Texas, Oregon, and California, 1846
5. Major S.H. Long's 1823 Map of the Country Drained by the Mississippi
6. Mormon Trail Across Iowa, 1846
7. Mormon Trail Across Nebraska, 1847
8. Mormon Trail Across Wyoming, 1847
9. Mormon Trail In Utah, 1847
10. The Handcart Trail Across Iowa, 1855-1857
11. The Nebraska City Cutoff Trail, 1864-1866
12. The Overland-Bridger Pass Trail, 1862-1868
13. Sketch Map of Council Bluffs-Winter Quarters Area, 1846-1853
14. Sketch Map of Winter Quarters, 1846-1847
15. National Trails System, 1986

APPENDIX B: Documents

1. Bill of Particulars, 1845

2. Mormon Hymn, "Come, Come Ye Saints"
3. Roster of Pioneer Camp, 1847
4. Andrew Jenson's Tabulation of the Number of Mormon Emigrants by Year

APPENDIX C: Biographical Sketches

1. Eliza Roxcy Snow

2. Patty Bartlett Sessions
3. Brigham Young
4. Heber Chase Kimball
5. Parley Parker Pratt
6. Peter Haws
7. John Taylor
8. George Miller
9. William Clayton
10. Orson Pratt
11. Wilford Woodruff

APPENDIX D: Illustrations

1. Bone Mail
2. Eliza Roxcy Snow
3. Patty Bartlett Sessions
4. Brigham Young, 1853
5. 1846 Exodus from Nauvoo
6. Heber C. Kimball, 1853
7. Parley Parker Pratt
8. John Taylor, 1853
9. William Clayton
10. Garden Grove, Iowa
11. Peter Hansen's Drawing of Mount Pisgah, Iowa, 1846
12. Mormon Trail Ruts, Adair County, Iowa
13. Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1853
14. Peter Hansen's Drawing of Cutler's Park, Nebraska, 1846
15. Winter Quarters' Cemetery, Nebraska
16. Orson Pratt
17. Loup River, 1853
18. Win. Clayton's Emigrants' Guide, 1848
19. Sand Hill Trail Ruts, Nebraska
20. Ancient Ruins Bluffs, Nebraska
21. Rebecca Winter's Grave, Nebraska
22. Laramie's Peak, Wyoming
23. Mexican Hill, Wyoming
24. Guernsey Ruts, Wyoming
25. Devil's Gate, Wyoming
26. Martin's Cove Handcart Site, Wyoming
27. Split Rock Ruts, Wyoming
28. Willie's Handcart Site, Wyoming
29. Church Butte, Wyoming
30. Fort Bridger, Wyoming
31. Cache Cave, Utah
32. Mormon Emigrants in Echo Canyon, Utah, 1860
33. Mormon Emigrant Company in Echo Canyon, Utah, 1867
34. Wilford Woodruff
35. Handcart Family


Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study


In the opening preface to Mormon Pioneer Historic Trail, Historic Resource Study, Stanley B.
Kimball notes that his ancestors crossed the plains, that he personally traveled the trails de-scribed in
the study and that he read 900 pioneer journals. How he got to that point is a remark-able story that
helps put the study in context and better connects us to the pioneers that crossed the Mormon Trail.
A grandson of J. Golden Kimball by marriage and a great great grandson of Heber C. Kim-ball,
Stanley B. Kimball, Ph.D. is remembered as a remarkable teacher, author, Mormon Church historian
and a champion of Western pioneer trails.
Kimball was born in Farmington, Utah where he was raised by his grandparents. A mission for
the Church to Czechoslovakia in 1948 eventually led him to a doctorate degree in Eastern European
history from Columbia University. From Columbia he accepted a teaching position at Southern
Illinois University where he stayed for the next forty years. Along with Eastern European studies,
Kimball became interested in- then an expert in- the history of the Mormons in Illinois. Early in
his career he compiled a registry totaling 105 rolls worth of microflm documenting every known
primary source connected with the history of the Mormons in Illinois. The registry is widely used
by historians interested in the subject today.
When the opportunity came along in the early 1970s, Kimball wrote Heber C. Kimball, Patriarch
and Pioneer, considered the defnitive biography of his great great grandfather, Heber C. Kimball,
who served as Brigham Young’s frst counselor. The biography was followed by On the Potter’s
Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball.
When a cousin purchased the Heber C. Kimball home in Nauvoo, Illinois as a summer home,
Stanley Kimball served as resident historian in restoring and maintaining the structure. Eventu-ally
so many tourists wanted to stop and see the home, however, that the building was deeded over to
the Church, forming the seed for what is now Nauvoo Restoration Incorporated.
Kimball spent years researching Nauvoo and the Nauvoo Temple, writing a series of articles
written for the Improvement Era magazine along the way. Together with an architect he recreated
the plans of the temple in such detail and with such accuracy that the designers of the new Nauvoo
Temple consulted Kimball’s drawings in their plans.
From the moment Stanley B. Kimball and his family moved to Illinois in the late 1950s, he began
exploring local Church history sites and trails used by the pioneers. Describing his great fondness for
exploring pioneer trails he said, “To me, the trail was like a linear temple and it was just a marvelous
experience to be out there with the power of place and the spirit of locale.” In 1965 he wrote his frst
book on Mormon trails, Guide to Historic Mormon America which is still in print today.
Ten years later when the US Department of the Interior came to the Mormon Church wanting to
do a study of the entire Mormon Trail, they recommended Stanley B. Kimball. When the National
Park Service took over responsiblity for the trail they published this study as a primer on the Mor-
mon Trail for public use, putting it in the public domain.
Stanley B. Kimball passed away in 2003.
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study

This historic resource study was prepared to identify and evaluate the historic events and
resources related to the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail. The study will be
distributed by the National Park Service to federal, state, local, and private entities along the
trail to enable them to better interpret a common body of history to interested parties.

The study focuses on the history of the trail from its official beginning in Nauvoo, Illinois, to
its terminus in Salt Lake City, Utah, during the period 1846- 1869. During that time,
thousands of Mormon emigrants used many trails and trail variants to reach Utah. This study
emphasizes the "Pioneer Route" or " Brigham Young Route" of 1846-1847.

The document is divided into four parts. The first includes a discussion of Mormon history
and beliefs, reasons for going west, a background of the whole emigration, and the story of
the trek across Iowa in 1846. The second provides a detailed account of the crossing of the
plains during the years 1847 through 1868 by wagon emigrants, handcarters, church team
emigrants, and "rail to trail" emigrants. The third part identifies and evaluates historic
resources along the trail. And the fourth part consists of four appendices, keyed to the text,
containing documents about the trail and the Mormons.

Several of my ancestors "crossed the plains," and I have personally traveled every trail
mentioned in this study many times since 1963, and have annotated more than 900
contemporary Mormon Trail accounts.

I would like to acknowledge the help, advice, and support I have received in this work.
Michael Snyder and Michael Duwe of the Rocky Mountain Regional Office of the National
Park Service have been supportive from the inception of this project. I wish also to thank two
outside readers, Charles S. Peterson and Thomas G. Alexander, who read the entire
manuscript and offered many helpful suggestions. Especially I must thank Jere Krakow of
the National Park Service's Denver Service Center, for critiquing and improving every draft
of this work, and for guiding ine in its preparation.

Stanley B. Kimball
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study


To place the Mormons and the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail in historical
perspective is difficult, for they were both unique as well as uniquely American. Most
Mormons tend to emphasize that which is unique in their history. This is an outgrowth of
their theology, which teaches that they are a unique people, a Chosen People, a "peculiar
people." They call themselves Latter-day Saints to both distinguish themselves from and
identify themselves with the "Former -day Saints" of the New Testament, and to stress their
difference from all other Christians of today. (See "Mormon Beliefs," page 7.)

In no way do Mormons stress their uniqueness more than in reference to their exodus, their
move west between 1846 and 1869, from Illinois to what is now called Utah. Mormon
scholars have discovered at least ten "Uncommon Aspects of the Mormon Migration." [1]
These unique aspects are: A religiously motivated migration; the economic status of the
participants; Mormons did not employ professional guides; non-frontiersmen were quickly
transformed into pioneers; the migration of families; the Mormon Trail was a two-way road;
the magnanimous aspect of the Mormon migration; the organization of Mormon wagon trains;
respect for life and death; and the Mormon migration was a movement of a community. In
this study, the author often refers to these uncommon aspects. Other authors like Wallace
Stegner and Bernard De Voto also stress these unique aspects. [2]

While there is nothing wrong with stressing the uncommon aspects of the Mormon westward
movement, they are only part of the story. A truer account would present the Mormon
migration within its proper historic context, as a part of the great westering movement of the
mid-nineteenth century; as part of a national experience.

In many ways the Mormons were very much like their contemporary Oregonians and
Californians. West of the Missouri River they shared trails, campgrounds, ferries, triumphs,
tragedies, and common trail experiences of the day, with thousands of other westering
Americans. Their daily routine, their food, wagons, animals, sicknesses, dangers, difficulties,
domestic affairs, trail constitutions, discipline, the blurring of sexual distinctions relative to
work, and so forth, were typical. [3]

The Mormons of the 1840s through the 1860s were very much a part of the great westward
surge that began in the 1820s when fur trappers started exploring the west, searching out
mountain passes for vital water sources and continued through the westering activities of
traders, missionaries, and land -hungry settlers, to the completion of the transcontinental
railroad in 1869. The Mormons were part of the idea and the realization of the doctrine of
Manifest Destiny, the great reconnaissance of the west, and they contributed to the growth of
white supremacy in the west. For the most part, the Mormons used the trails already blazed
by earlier westering Americans. Many Americans had preceded the Mormons on trips west of
the Missouri River. Travel on the Santa Fe Trail commenced as early as 1821, with the trader
William Becknell from Missouri, and the numbers of travelers increased until the Santa Fe
Railway passed Santa Fe in 1880. This trail, however, was largely a commercial and military
road, used by few emigrants. (In 1853, some Texas converts did use the trail to pick up the
Mormon Trail in Wyoming.)

The first significant emigrant movement to Oregon began in 1841, when sixty-nine men,
women, and children, comprising the Bidwell-Bartleson party, left from Independence,
Missouri. Thereafter, increasingly large emigrant parties used the Missouri River as a
"jumping off' point (staging site) for Oregon. That same year, the Bidwell-Bartleson party
also initiated the first significant emigrant movement into California. When the Bidwell-
Bartleson party reached Fort Hall in what is now called Idaho, it split. About half continued
on to Oregon, while the remainder blazed a dangerous route across desert and mountains into
the lower San Joaquin Valley of what is now California. Thereafter, as on the Oregon Trail,
increasingly larger parties immigrated to California. Eventually more than 300,000 (no one
knows how many) emigrants went to Oregon and California. The some 70,000 Mormons who
immigrated to their new Zion were very much a part of this national westward movement.

Furthermore, during the trans-Missouri Mormon emigrant period (and generally along the
route of the Mormon Trail) the Pony Express rose and fell, and the transcontinental telegraph
line and the Union Pacific Railroad were completed. Stage freight and mail service to Salt
Lake were inaugurated and federal wagon roads were surveyed and constructed. The
Mormons were, in one way or another, involved with all these ventures. They, for example,
helped supply and build the telegraph line and the railroad, helped construct federal roads,
proposed some freighting and mail services, and during the Civil War, provided guard
service for ninety days, protecting the overland mail and telegraph in southern Wyoming. To
see the relationship of the Mormon Trail to the Oregon, California, and the later Pony
Express Trail, refer to Appendix A, Map 15.


Mormon history officially began April 6, 1830, when Joseph Smith (1805-1844) organized
the Mormon Church (officially known today as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints) in Fayette, Seneca County, New York, in accordance with the laws of that state. [4]

Although the new church grew well and the western New York and northern Pennsylvania
area proved to be a fertile ground for missionary activities, Smith believed God had revealed
to him in January 1831 that the church should move to the area of Kirtland, Ohio, and by that
spring, the church was headquartered there. [5] The author has called this migration "The
New York Saints Trail: The First Mormon Trail West." It started in Susquehanna County,
Pennsylvania, and proceeded through Ithaca, New York, Lake Cayuga, the Erie Canal,
Rochester, and Buffalo New York. (See Appendix A, Map 1.)

Shortly after the move to Ohio, for reasons that are not entirely clear, but which surely
included the concept of "the gathering" and a desire to convert Indians, Smith established a
second headquarters in Jackson County, Missouri, and for the years 1831 to 1837, there were
two centers of the church. [6]

New England Mormons were very unpopular in rather wild western Missouri for several
reasons. In addition to having a strange faith that labeled all other churches wrong, that
professed Smith talked with God, and that claimed western Missouri was to become their
"inheritance," the Mormons were clannish, economically better off, and were against slavery.
Trouble with rough frontier Missourians was not long in coming, and by November 1833,
most Mormons were driven from Jackson County into adjacent Clay County. [7]

It was in 1834 that Smith formed and led a paramilitary unit known as Zion's Camp on a
900-mile march from church headquarters in Ohio to western Missouri, in an attempt to
restore the Missouri Mormons to the lands from which they had been driven. [8] This trail
started in Kirtland, Ohio, and proceeded via Akron, Mansfield, and Dayton, Ohio; Richmond,
Indianapolis, and Clinton, Indiana; Paris, Decatur, Springfield and Pittsfield, Illinois;
Louisiana, Moberly, and Richmond, to near Liberty, Missouri. (See Appendix A, Map 2.)
This journey was plagued by cholera and redressed no wrongs, but it gave the Mormons
some basic training in moving large numbers of people, and it helped prepare them for the
exodus west in 1846-1847.

The Mormons stayed in Clay County until the summer of 1836, when they were pressured to
move northeast into the almost uninhabited upper part of Ray County. They centered in a
settlement named Far West, in what became Caldwell County.

The new church continued to grow well in Ohio and Missouri, but early in 1838,
misunderstandings and apostasy forced Smith to move himself and as many of his followers
as he could, from Ohio to Far West.

The troubles that broke out in Missouri during August 1838 were the beginning of the end for
the Mormons in Missouri. By November of that year the general expulsion from Missouri
was well under way, and by spring 1839, nearly all the Mormons in Missouri had fled to Iowa
and to Illinois.

In the spring of 1839, Smith again set up church headquarters at a new settlement in Illinois
named Nauvoo--derived from a Hebrew root meaning a beautiful place or the "green
pastures" of the 23rd Psalm. The sparsely settled, twenty-one-year-old state of Illinois
welcomed these new taxpayers and Nauvoo quickly became one of the largest cities in
Illinois. [9] It was the Mormon headquarters for seven years, during which time the church
flourished and even sent missionaries to Europe. The Mormons did not long enjoy the fruits
of their industry and dedication. Hostility, suspicions, and trouble increased in direct
proportion to their growth and success. The political, economic, social, and religious
problems (including from 1841, the new teaching and practice of polygamy, and unusual and
secret temple ordinances) that had previously caused trouble in Ohio and Missouri, led to
their expulsion from Illinois early in 1846.

This time, however, the Mormons would not move from one state to another. Instead they
decided to leave the United States and settle in the Far West, in what was then Mexico, in a
new Zion somewhere in the Rocky Mountain area.


The best and easiest way to understand Morinonism and Mormons; to comprehend why they
were persecuted in Jacksonian America from their beginnings through most of the 19th
century; to grasp why they not only endured persecution, but even flourished because of and
in spite of it; to understand why they were driven from New York to Ohio, to Missouri, to
Illinois, and finally, out of the United States; and to understand why they were so successful
in "westering," pioneering, and in colonizing the Far West, is to first, think of Christian
churches in three categories: Catholic, Protestant, and Restored.
Mormons do not consider themselves Protestant, or Catholic. They are not a breakaway from
any other church, and they are not a reformed group. They believe they are the "only true
church," the true church of Jesus Christ "restored" in these latter days; they believe they are
modern Children of Israel led by prophets, Joseph Smith being the first. Today Mormons
believe their prophets, from Smith to Ezra Taft Benson, speak for God, as did the prophets of
the Old Testament. [10]

This belief in modern-day prophets explains why Mormons were (and are) so disciplined,
why they could accomplish what they did on the frontier, on their immigrating trails, and in
the valley of the Great Salt Lake. Since their prophets speak for God, Mormons believe that
what they are told to do is God's will and little else matters. Certainly persecution could not
be allowed to deter them in their duty. Orthodox Mormons are first Mormons and all else
second. They believe it is their imperative, their main purpose in life, to proclaim the
restoration of the gospel to the world, no matter what the cost. They take persecution to be a
sure sign that they are right. It is Satan attempting to thwart their work. [11]

Another important point in understanding Mormons and their discipline and concept of
authority is the fact that all worthy Mormon males from the age of twelve "hold the
priesthood." They are ordained to certain graded priestly offices, and they share, in varying
degrees, the administration of the church. They are expected to honor this blessing or
opportunity. They are granted authority by one holding a higher priesthood, and those over
whom they preside are expected to be obedient. There is no paid clergy; the Mormon Church
is strictly a lay organization. In trail days, as in the present, when the priesthood speaks,
Mormons are expected to act accordingly. [12]

It seems clear that Joseph Smith was affected by the religious fervor of the Second Great
Awakening, which began in New England in the 1790s and spread rapidly. Western New
York of Smith's time was so affected with spiritual awakenings and revivals that it is often
called the burned-over district. Many books and articles have been written attempting to
show that Smith; the Book of Mormon, a "new testament for Christ," a New World bible
translated by Smith from golden plates in 1830; and other distinctive teachings and beliefs of
the Mormon Church derive from the mid-19th century phase of the Second Great
Awakening. [13] Whether one accepts Mormon beliefs or not, does not change the fact that
early Mormons thought they were modern Children of Israel and that is the key to
understanding what motivated them.



We are in the midst of a great American western trails renaissance. Our historic trails are now
becoming better known, more fully appreciated, more carefully preserved, and more clearly
marked. In 1968, Congress enacted the National Trails System Act (Public Law 90-543) and
in 1978, added National Historic Trail designations. Also several publishers are devoted
almost exclusively to trail publications. Additionally there has been a yearly increase in
county, state, and federal road signs pointing out historic sites and markers connected with
trail history. As further evidence of the renewal of interest in western trails, there has been an
annual increase in the number of markers, parks, schools, businesses, museums, exhibits,
events, and tourist attractions developed that pertain to and celebrate the Mormon Trail.

All this fascination with the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail (hereafter MPNHT) is
well deserved. Interest has never been greater than it is today. There seems to be a direct
relationship between the speed with which we destroy our national heritage and our desire to
write and read about it, and to go in search of it, to experience the power of place and the
spirit of locale. Nowhere is this more true than with our great western trails. For more than
twenty years, concern for the trails has been growing. Excellent books have been published,
preservation and historical societies have been organized, and there is no evidence that this
special and general interest is waning. The belief, however, that the MPNHT was a Mormon
creation or discovery is a mistaken one. [14]

It may be that of the thousands of miles of trails and roads the Mormons used during their
migrations from New York to Utah, between 1831 and 1868, they actually blazed less than 1
mile. This one bit of authenticated trail -blazing lies between Donner Hill and the mouth of
Emigration Canyon, just east of Salt Lake City. The Mormons were not looking for a place in
history books. They had a job to do and they did it as easily and as expeditiously as possible,
always using the best roads available.


Although the MPNHT was not blazed by the Mormons and has at various times been known
as the Council Bluffs Road, the Omaha Road, the Great Platte River Road, the Omaha-Fort
Kearny Military Road, and the North Branch of the Oregon Trail, it is best and almost
universally known today as "the Mormon Trail." [15]


It is a curious fact that the Mormons, who did not want to go west in the first place, were
among the most successful in doing so. Mormons, in as much as they did not go west for a
new identity, missionary work, adventure, furs, land, health, or gold, but were driven beyond
the frontier for their religious beliefs, were not typical westering Americans. While their trail
experience was similar to other westering Americans, their motivation was different. It hardly
seems necessary to document such a well known fact, but it will be helpful, in this respect, to
refer to the city of Nauvoo, Illinois, itself. It was not a typical frontier community, nor did it
resemble other frontier communities peopled by those pushing west. Nauvoo, rather,
resembled an established New England city. It contained the many brick and substantial
frame homes of people intending to remain, not the temporary log cabins of people on the

The pioneer group was not concerned with just getting themselves safely settled, but with
making the road easier for others of their faith to follow. Furthermore, the Mormons moved
as villages on wheels, transplanting an entire people, rather than isolated, unrelated groups as
was the case with the Oregon and California migrations.

As previously noted, Mormons differed from most westering Americans in several important
ways. Not only did the Mormons not want to go west, but they were generally much poorer
than the average California or Oregon migrants. Mormons used no professional guides, but
they did consult many contemporary guidebooks, reports, and maps. Furthermore, many
Saints were not rugged frontier types who had come from pioneering stock. Most, especially
the European urban converts, had little experience with rural life at all; they traveled
generally as families, not as individuals; the Mormon Trail was a two-way road, hundreds--
missionaries, "go backs," or disenchanted Mormons, and church wagon trains hauling
emigrants from the Missouri River --traveled eastward on the trail. Mormons were
conditioned by religious convictions; they followed a chain of command, maintained
organized groups and trail discipline. Consequently, the Mormons are generally considered to
have been some of the most systematic, organized, and disciplined pioneers and colonizers in
United States' history. [16]


Another unusual aspect of the Mormon emigration, was the Perpetual Emigration Fund, one
of the biggest single enterprises undertaken by the Mormons in the nineteenth century. [17]
Begun in 1850, the idea was that the church would create a revolving (or perpetual) fund to
aid the poor, especially the poor European emigrants. Those helped by the fund were
expected to reimburse it after settling in the American West.

Perpetual Emigration Fund (PEF) agents in Europe chartered ships, or special sections of
ships, at reduced fares, and other PEF agents in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, New
Orleans, and St. Louis helped make travel arrangements, at reduced costs, for the overland
journey to Utah.

Initially the fund accomplished its main purpose well. Between 1850 and 1859 the fund
brought 4,769 emigrants to Zion at a cost of $300,000. By the time of its demise in 1887, the
fund had helped to emigrate more than 100,000 people, at a total cost of about $12,500,000.
The Saints were slow, however, in paying back their advances. By 1877, $1,000,000 was
owned to the fund. Ten years later the PEF was dissolved.


The experience of the trail, the crossing of the plains, turned into a great event not only in the
lives of the pioneers, but in the minds of their descendants. It became a rite of passage, the
final test of faith. [18] The contemporary Mormon is prouder of nothing in their heritage than
of their ancestors who "crossed the plains" for the sake of religious freedom. Even modern
Mormons who have no pioneer ancestors vicariously share this heritage.

Today a special mythology and clouds of glory surround the Mormon Pioneers. The most
important honor societies in Morinondom pertain to these pioneers. Many Mormons belong
to the Sons of Utah Pioneers or the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, whereas no similar societies
exist for the founders, the original apostles, or the members of Zion's Camp. Throughout the
world Mormons regularly celebrate July 24th as Pioneer Day. It was on this date in 1847, that
the pioneers entered the valley.


In trail days, "reading trail" or "reading [Indian] sign" was vital to the welfare of emigrants.
This science made use of any evidence that something or someone had been over the ground.
An experienced scout could tell from a broken blade of grass, disturbed soil, tracks, a bead, a
feather, or dung, such things as what game was near; how many Indians of what tribe had
proceeded, when and in what direction; the number of horses, how fast they had been
moving, and whether they had been mounted or stolen; whether it had been a hunting party
or a whole camp moving; whether an individual had been walking, running, or attempting to
leave a false trail.

Today reading trail can be a rewarding pastime as well as essential for serious trail students.
And, since authentic trail ruts are the most valuable and interesting resources connected with
historic trails, something should be said here about reading and interpreting them.
Because so many current ranch and energy trails and roads look more like the old trails than
the old trails do, it is not always easy to identify authentic trail ruts. There are, however, some
guidelines. The romantic notion that trail ruts are always two lines stretching into the sunset is
just that, romantic. Where possible, westering Americans usually traveled several abreast to
avoid breathing dust. All kinds of parallel trail ruts also developed because of water, land
features, or browse. Swales (saucer-shaped depressions) in the landscape 50 to 100 feet wide,
developed where wagons traveled abreast and close to each other. At other times, what would
properly be called "trail corridors" (up to 1 mile wide) developed.

Trail followers should do their homework and have good maps so that they know in advance
approximately where trail ruts should be. Most modern trails, or disturbed land (a buried
pipeline for instance) run straighter than the old trails. That modern tire tracks can be seen
only means someone recently drove down the old trail.

One should study the overall terrain well, especially the vegetation. Sometimes the vegetation
is fuller in old ruts, sometimes it is sparse. In some areas where the hard topsoil was broken
up (and continually fertilized by the draft animals) rain water penetrated deeper and, as a
result, the growth is more lush, even today. It is also true that ruts tend to collect water, which
aids growth. In some instances, however, the broken topsoil was simply blown away, leaving
a poorer subsoil which, even today, supports only sparse growth. The best way to learn to
read trail is by experience.

In the matter of protecting trail ruts, someone once said in reference to following the old
trails, 'Take nothing but photographs; leave nothing but footprints." Good advice. Ruts are not
as fragile as many think. They were created, after all, by plodding animals pulling wagons
weighing tons and rolling on iron tires! They can be damaged, however, by careless use of
motorcycles and ORVs, and totally destroyed by road crews, agriculture, urban sprawl, utility
corridors, pipelines, mining and other extractive industries, and a host of other modern
activities. Walking in ruts seldom causes damage to them, it may even help preserve them.
Even careful driving in ruts might do no harm. Proper management, legislation, and
parameters for use should be sought.
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study



We can now turn to a discussion of the Mormon move to the Far West, the story of the
Mormon Trail. From its beginning in 1846, to the completion of the transcontinental railroad
in 1869, the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, stretching from Nauvoo, Illinois, to
what is now Salt Lake City, Utah, has captivated the fancy of both Mormons and non-
Mormons, and is one of the most written-about trails in all history. Hundreds of journals
were kept during the twenty-two years the Mormons used the trail. Many books and articles
and hundreds of stories have been written about it, as well. (For further reading see the
bibliography at the end of this study.)

As noted in the introduction, westering Mormons were very much a part of a general move
to the west that happened in the 19th century. In spite of all the unique aspects of their move
to the west, as detailed in this study, the Mormons were still much like the Oregonians and

The great trek, although the most important segment, was only part of the story of the
Mormon westward movement. During the thirty -seven years (1831 -1868) of Mormon
immigration to various church headquarters in Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, and Utah, from their
removal from New York to Ohio in 1831, through the arrival of the first European converts
in New York City in 1840, to the "wedding of the rails" in 1869, Mormons developed or used
at least twenty-two points of departure, or staging grounds and many other trails.

Several other trails directly related to the MPNHT will be mentioned briefly in this study—
The New York Saints Trail, The Zion's Camp Trail, The Nebraska City Cutoff Trail, and the
Overland-Bridger Pass Trail. Other trails used by immigrating Mormons, such as the
Mississippi Saints Trail, the Santa Fe Trail, the Mormon Grove Trail, the Dragoon Trail, The
Golden Road, and The Ox-Bow will not be treated in this study. In one way or another,
however, all westering Mormons eventually intersected the famous MPNHT of 1846- 1847
and followed it to their Zion. (However, this historic resource study is restricted largely to the
Nauvoo to Salt Lake City route during the years 1846-1868.) [1]


The Mormons used many points of departure during their emigration period. Only the first
two groups of European emigrants in 1840 sailed to New York City; thereafter for fifteen
years, all emigrants sailed to New Orleans and then traveled up the Mississippi River to
various other points of departure. Until 1845 they went straight to Nauvoo, Illinois, where
The Exodus of 1846 commenced. Afterwards many other jumping-off places to the Far West
were developed:

Winter Quarters (Florence, now North Omaha), Nebraska, 1847-1848

Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1847-1852

St. Louis, Missouri, 1852

Keokuk, Iowa, 1853

Westport, Missouri, 1854

Mormon Grove, Kansas, 1855-1856

Iowa City, Iowa, 1856-1857

Florence, Nebraska, 1856-1863

St. Joseph, Missouri, 1859

Genoa, Nebraska, 1859

Wyoming, Nebraska, 1864-1866

The Union Pacific Railroad began moving west from Omaha on July 10, 1865. Thereafter,
Mormons took trains from Omaha to three different railheads.

North Platte, Nebraska, 1867

Laramie City, Wyoming, 1868

Benton, Wyoming, 1868

While the trans -Missouri section of the MPNHT was used extensively by the Mormons
between 1847 through 1868, the Iowa segment of the trail was used much less. The Iowa
portion was used by the pioneers in 1846, by a few companies from Keokuk in 1853, and by
seven handcart companies in 1855-1857. Furthermore, the segment of the original pioneer
trail of 1846 between Drakesville, Davis County, and Garden Grove, Decatur County, may
have been used but once or twice, because it was too far south and too close to Missouri,
where the Mormons had been persecuted in the 1830s. At Drakesville, shorter variants more
to the north originated. The handcarters followed the 1846 trail in Iowa only from what is
now Lewis, in Cass County.

Four time periods will be treated in this study:

Between 1846- 1860, the Mormons generally went west in wagon trains organized at
different points of departure.

Between 1855-1860, they experimented with handcarts.

Thereafter, during the years 1861-1866, the Mormons switched to large ox-team church
trains sent out from Salt Lake City to haul emigrants and freight west.
And, finally, during 1867-1868, they came by "rail and trail."

After 1869, Mormons who came west by trail were dubbed "Pullman Pioneers." [2] Only
those Mormons, for example, with ancestors who came to Utah before 1869 can become
members of the Sons of Utah Pioneers or the Daughters of Utah Pioneers.


The Saints used all kinds of wagons and carriages, but mostly they used ordinary reinforced
farm wagons, which were about ten feet long, arched over by cloth or waterproof canvas that
could be closed at each end—almost never the huge, lumbering Conestoga wagons beloved
by Hollywood. Because the wagons had to cross rivers, the bottoms were usually caulked or
covered with canvas so they would float. While the ubiquitous white tops, or covered
wagons, of the era may not have been ideal for travel (they were uncomfortable to ride in,
broke down, were slow and cumbersome), they were the most efficient means of hauling
goods. Families en route could live in, on, alongside, and under these animal-drawn mobile
homes, and at the end of the trail, they could become temporary homes until real houses
could be erected.

The pioneers used a variety of draft animals, especially horses, mules, and oxen. They often
preferred the latter when they were available, for oxen had great strength and patience and
were easy to keep; they did not balk at mud or quicksand, they required no expensive and
complicated harness, and Indians did not care to eat them, so seldom stole them. (They could,
however, be eaten by the pioneers in an emergency.) The science of "oxteamology" consisted
of little more than walking along the left side of the lead oxen with a whip, prod, or goad,
urging them on and guiding them, and was considerably simpler than handling the reins of
horses or mules. With gentle oxen, widows with children could and did (with a little help,
especially during the morning yoking up) transport themselves and their possessions
successfully all the way to the valley of the Great Salt Lake.

Along the trail, under normal conditions, the Mormons averaged 2 miles an hour, the usual
speed of an ox pulling a heavy wagon all day long. [3]


To keep the emigrant companies together, or at least to keep in touch with the various
leaders, mounted couriers were appointed to ride back and forth, and bells, bugles and
different colored signal flags were used to communicate messages and call meetings
throughout the entire migration period. Beyond the Missouri River, the pioneers occasionally
wrote messages on animal skulls and scapula. (See Appendix D, Illustration 1.) An example
of this sort of "bone mail" read "Pioneers double teamed. 8 June 1847. Camp all well. Hail
storm last night, fine morning. T[homas] Bullock, no accident." [4] Sometimes they wrote on
rocks and boards, tied notes to trees, or left letters enclosed between two pieces of wood. A
trail "post office" was sometimes made by setting up a pole by the side of the trail, drilling a
hole in it for a letter then plugging the hole. [5] After October 24, 1861, when the Overland
Telegraph wires were joined in Salt Lake City, the Mormons also used the telegraph,
especially with church headquarters in Salt Lake City.

Mormons also liked to leave their names behind, a common practice of emigrants in trail
days, and many can be found along the trail today in such places as Avenue of Rocks,
Independence Rock, Devil's Gate in Wyoming, and in Cache Cave in Utah. [6]

Injury, sickness, and death were commonplace. Emigrants suffered cuts; broken bones; gun
wounds; burns; scaldings; animal, insect, and snake bites; stampedes; overturned wagons;
shifting freight; drownings; quicksand; black scurvy; black canker (probably diphtheria);
cholera; typhoid fever; ague; quick consumption (tuberculosis); headaches; piles; mumps;
asthma; inflammation of the bowels; scrofula; erysipelas; diarrhea; small pox; itch; and
infections of all kinds, including puerperal fever, which can follow childbirth. In reference to
the latter, the journals of some of the midwives make melancholy reading. [7] Although oxen
moved very slowly, there was no quick way of stopping them. Therefore, many women,
because their long skirts got caught, were injured when dragged under animals or wagon
wheels. Children often fell under the animals or wagons. Emigrants were also stepped on,
gored, and kicked by animals.

Also, because emigrant trains moved so slowly, emigrants, especially children, occasionally
got lost. This was the result of straggling, gathering flowers or berries, hunting, attempting
short cuts, or trying to visit landmarks that were farther away than they appeared because of
the clarity of the high plains' atmosphere. Most found their way back (some were helped by
Indians), but some never were seen again in spite of searches, rifle shots, and signal fires. [8]

Some emigrants suffered from being physically or emotionally impaired. There were persons
with various kinds of physical disabilities, like blindness, inability to speak, and absence of
limbs. Emotional disturbances ranged from the mild to the bizarre. The number of physically
and emotionally disabled Mormon emigrants who attempted to cross the plains or whose
guardians attempted to take them to Zion is surprising. Mormon emigrant companies
probably started out with a higher percentage of disabled people, because of their belief in
the "power of the priesthood" and in miracle healing. It was common practice among
Mormon emigrants to request church leaders to give blessings to the sick and the injured, and
sometimes people were healed. Many were not.

Emigrants were also plagued by mosquitoes, chiggers, ticks, lice, gnats, bed bugs, fleas, flies,
and other vermin. To these trials must be added the weaknesses of human beings under
stress, which sometimes led to abusive language, fighting, quarreling, divorce, stealing,
selfishness, sponging, excessive harshness, and alcohol abuse. [9]

Weather was also an important cause of discomfort and death. Emigrants suffered from
exposure to heat, mud, wind, rain, cold, snow, and blizzards. Some were hurt and even killed
by lightning, and children were occasionally hurt by whirlwinds; one little boy was dropped
in the Platte River by one. [10]

Funerals and burials were often hurried affairs, as little time could be spared while en route.
Shallow graves were dug, unless the ground was frozen, in which case, no grave could be
dug. (In cold but not yet freezing weather, the preferred place to dig a grave was the site of
the previous night's campfire.) A few were buried in coffins, many others only in blankets,
hollowed out logs, or between pieces of bark. Children were often buried in containers like
bread boxes and tea canisters. Some graves were marked, but more often everything was
done to obliterate all traces of the grave, to discourage wild animals (and sometimes Indians)
from digging up the corpse.

The problem of privacy for the purposes of elimination was solved by following the common
rule: men to one side, women to the other. If the women went in a group, several sisters
standing with skirts spread wide could provide a privacy screen for each other. Most wagons
also had chamber pots.


The basic trail routine, more or less observed throughout the migrating period, might be
summed up as follows: arising, praying, cooking, yoking up, pulling out, "nooning" (when
people ate [usually cold] lunches and draft animals rested and grazed), pushing on, selecting
camp, gathering fuel, cooking, washing up, mending, recreating and socializing, rounding up
stray livestock, milking, grazing the animals, praying, retiring, and standing guard. To this
routine should be added washing, repairing wagons and equipment, hunting, dealing with
Indians, conducting or attending religious services, and occasional births, accidents, sickness,
deaths, funerals, marriages, and quarrels. [11]

Discipline was set and maintained by church leaders and, as previously noted, was based on
the belief that Mormons were modern day saints, led by living prophets, carrying out God's
will. Thus, discipline was generally preserved on the trail. Mormons, like most other
westering Americans, usually had some basic trail rules and constitutions, but they were
seldom elaborated or written down. Generally Mormon companies felt they were led by the
Lord, or at least by His designates, and that they were to follow orders and rules without
question. A member of the Mormon ruling priesthood was always in charge of the
companies, usually assisted by one or two counselors. Mormons were supposed to be (Web
Edition Note: Text missing from published edition)

Such rule by the priesthood usually sufficed. When serious troubles arose, company councils
were called and a rough and ready trail-side justice was meted out. Those in the wrong were
expected to apologize, make amends, and repent. Men were occasionally flogged. (For
improper sex matters emasculation was hinted at, although there is no record it was ever
carried out.) Men and women could also be expelled from the company—a serious
punishment on, or beyond, the frontier. [12]

The more experience the Mormons gained in westering, the less important rigid rules and
regulations became, but sometimes constitutions were written down. A typical one of the
period was drafted by a company of English Saints at West Port, Missouri, in 1854. It reads:

Camp Ground, State of Missouri, 14 July 1854

At Council Meeting this evening Elder Empey presiding, it was resolved:

That Bro. Robert Campbell be president of this company.

That Bro. Richard Cook be his first counselor and Bro. Woodard be his second

That Bro. Brewerton be captain of the guard.

That Bro. Charles Brewerton be wagon master and Bro. Win. Kendall to assist

That Bro. Richard be captain of the first ten.

That Bro. Fisher be captain of the second ten.

That Bro. Balliff be captain of the third ten.

That Bro. Thos. Sutherland be clerk and historian of this company.

That no gun shall be fired within 50 yards of the camp under a penalty of one
nights guard.

That the captain of each ten shall awaken the head of every family at 4 o'clock in
the morning and be ready to roll out at seven, if circumstances will admit.

That all go to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening.

That every man from 16 to 60 years of age be eligible to stand guard.

The above resolutions have been afterwards laid before the whole company in
camp and have received their unanimous sanction.

Robert Campbell, Pres.; Thomas Sutherland, Clerk. [13]


Trail larders were well supplied, consisting of staples like flour, bacon, sugar, tea, coffee,
beans, dried fruits, canned goods, salt, dried meats, vinegar, cheese, pickles, oat mean,
molasses, bran meal, eggs, butter, wine, whiskey, and other alcoholic beverages. In addition,
Mormons sometimes had chickens, pigs, sheep, and milk cows. Such supplies were
supplemented by whatever emigrants could gather or catch that swam, flew, ran, or crawled
or grew. This included fish, turtles, clams, buffalo, antelope, beaver, prairie dogs, mountain
sheep, squirrels, rabbits, snakes, bear, deer, elk, ducks, pheasants, quail, prairie hens, turkeys,
geese, pelicans, strawberries, cherries, grapes, currents, gooseberries, serviceberries,
mulberries, choke cherries, plums, blackberries, wild pears, honey, and volunteer corn. [14]


Most Mormon companies, with the exception of the pioneer company of 1847, had more
women (and children) than most non-Mormon companies. This was because most Mormons
did not go west for furs, gold, adventure, or a new identity, but seeking religious freedom;
they usually traveled as families and often had single women converts along. [15] And
because man of these women, like Bathsheba Smith, Sarah Leavitt, Sarah Alexander,
Caroline Crosby, Mary Field Garner, Eliza R. Snow (see Appendix D, Illustration 2 and
Appendix C, Biographical Sketch 1), Patty Bartlett Sessions (see Appendix D, Illustration 3
and Appendix C, Biographical Sketch 2), Jane Rio Pearce, and Patience Archer wrote trail
accounts, we know much of their trail life. [16] Typically, trail life was harder on them than
on the men. The lack of privacy in bathing, elimination, and sleeping was especially difficult
for Mormon women, as was their task of gathering bison dung, euphemistically termed bois
de vache, meadow muffins, or chips for fuel. There were several trail songs about this work.
The following is typical:

There's a pretty little girl in the outfit ahead

Whoa Haw Buck and Jerry Boy
I wish she were by my side instead
Whoa Haw Buck and Jerry Boy
Look at her now with a pout on her lips
As daintily with her fingertips
She picks for the fire some buffalo chips
Whoa Haw Buck and Jerry Boy.

Women also were responsible for most of the care of infants and children, as well as the fuel
gathering, cooking, churning, sewing, laundering, and nursing. (Many women found it
difficult at first to cook in the higher altitudes, where water boils at a lower temperature—
sometimes beans and rice could cook for hours and never get soft.)

Many women were pregnant when they left for the west and others became pregnant en
route. Both realities added to the difficulties of immigrating women. Probably a tenth of all
Mormon emigrants died. The author's study of Mormon Trail accounts indicates that most
were women and children. [17]

Women were also greatly hampered and disadvantaged by their clothing. Westering males
dressed for the conditions: heavy boots, strong trousers, shirts, jackets, coats and broad-
brimmed hats to protect the face and eyes. Tragically the same cannot be said for westering
females. While modesty is almost universally considered a great virtue, it, like everything
else except good will, can be overdone. The female attire of trail days, decreed by modesty
and fashion, got filthy, soaked up water (even from dew), and often caused accidents. Long
skirts could get caught in many ways, drawing females under animals and moving wagons.

Even after the super modest and "trail safe" bloomers (of Amelia Bloomer) came into
existence in 1852, few Mormon females cared or dared to wear them, for they were
considered a costume espoused by feminists as a dress for liberated women and signaled
radical sexual and political messages that were denounced at the time. Furthermore, the Bible
(Deuteronomy 22:5) decreed, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a
man...all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." Women also kept their long
skirts, petticoats, ribbons, bows, and white aprons to maintain their sexual distinction from
men and their "superiority" over Indian women, and to preserve their femininity and

Balancing out the grim realities of trail life are female trail accounts of the "romance," beauty
of the landscape, the adventure of it all. Activities included dancing, singing, games,
recitations, feasts, parties, socializing, tea parties, courting, and weddings. Westering women,
including Mormons, enjoyed thinking up trail -related names for their infants born en route,
such as Platte, Lucile Platte, Humboldt, Nevada, Laborious, Echo, Handcart, Blue River, La
Bonte, and Liberty. Sometimes at night, camp women would place their scanty domestic
belongings around their campfire to approximate their "parlors" back home. They also
arranged the interiors of their covered wagons to be as homelike as possible. They hung
mirrors, pictures, and lamps, spread carpets, and placed other belongings to this end. In fact
pioneer women generally did everything they could to preserve their traditional role and
image and the niceties of civilization, domesticity, and a semblance of home while westering.

The realities of trail travel, however, greatly altered some aspects of family life. While the
nineteenth century clearly distinguished between male and female roles, defining women as
agents of civilization and keepers of morals, the differences between male and female work
were blurred by the trail experience. Women were often called upon to take over men's duties
and responsibilities. (Sometimes men even had to do women's work.) Throughout the
Mormon migrations, every possible type of arrangement of family groups formed, including
the unique Mormon contribution to the westward movement—polygamy. (See also below,
page 44.)

Since polygamy had been practiced at Nauvoo, it existed on the trail. At the beginning of the
exodus in 1846, some men took all their wives and children with them, some returned later
for the balance of their families. Some women and their children joined their husbands later
on the Missouri River, or in Utah. Some never did go west. Some men married plural wives
en route; some missionaries returned from Europe with additional wives.

18 Stanley B. Kimball, "Women, Children, and Family Life on Pioneer Trails," Paper
presented before the National Convention of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Salt Lake City,
Utah, October 1980.

There were also single Mormon emigrants, bachelors, maidens, widows, widowers, the
divorced and the orphaned. The net of faith brought in all kinds. As far as possible singles
were fitted into the emigrant companies and completely accepted. Often such single pioneers
were hired hands taken along as teamsters, drivers, cattle tenders, and handymen. Single
females were sometimes hired to assist with the children and to aid older family members.
[19] Despite the big differences between Mormon and non-Mormon trail emigrants, it
appears that in general, the lives of Mormon female emigrants were much the same as those
of most women on the Oregon and California trails. [20]


Most Mormon immigrating companies included children and infants, and child care was one
of the greatest responsibilities and concerns, especially to the mothers. [21] Proper child care
was greatly complicated by the constant traveling.

Older children usually had assignments, such as watching the younger ones, driving, herding,
gathering fuel, and helping their mothers. Little children, however, tended to wander off, get
lost, play too close to the draft animals and wagons, or step on cacti. Little girls wore the
same inappropriate clothing as their mothers did.

A favorite, and dangerous, pastime of young boys was hanging on tent poles or extra axles
that were stored under the wagons. An even more dangerous pastime of boys was standing on
the wagon tongue and balancing themselves by placing their hands on the backs of the oxen.

Children were attracted to fire and boiling water. They were also susceptible to many
illnesses and often there was little suitable food for infants. Some mothers tried to keep their
children by their sides, or safely in the wagons. Some companies attempted to protect their
children by keeping them all together in one group, supervised by one or more adults. Every
morning the group would be marched ahead of the main company, and herded like sheep all
day long. This was hard on the children and on their parents, but it did prevent many

Children made pets of cats, birds, prairie dogs, eagles, chickens, and lambs. Some even tried
to tame buffalo calves. And all children, it seems, took a great liking to the family oxen,
giving them pet names like Rouser, Brindle, Old Smut, Bill, Tom and Jerry, and Buck and
Bright. There were few dogs on the trails. Cats were quiet and good mousers, but barking
dogs could cause stampedes, attract Indians, or scare game.

Children played draughts or checkers, cards, hide-and-seek, tag, and ball. Some had toys like
iron lions or dolls. Boys had pocket knives. They played with crickets and eagerly looked for
anthills, for sometimes they could find Indian beads there—the ants picked them up like small
pebbles. Despite all the hardships, most children who made the journey revelled in it the rest
of their lives.


Along the MPNHT and throughout their immigrating period, Mormons met with many
different groups and tribes of Indians, such as the Potawatomi, Omaha, Oto, Pawnee, Sioux,
Snake (or properly, Shoshoni), Ute, and Paiute, but seldom experienced difficulties. This was
in part because of the Book of Mormon, which gave Mormons their unique and positive
attitude towards Indians. In short, Mormons treated Indians better than other whites treated
them. According to the Book of Mormon, many American Indians are descended from
several groups of people in pre-Columbian America, who had somehow found their way
from the Old World Holy Land to the New, and who had subsequently rejected God and
fallen under a curse. This curse was to be removed eventually through the Indians' acceptance
of true Christianity—Mormonism. Mormons felt it was their obligation to help the Indians,
not only to "civilize" them, but also to convert them and to help them become a "fair and
delightsome people." [22] Indians tended to leave immigrating Mormons alone for other
reasons as well: the size and preparedness of most Mormon companies, the fact that almost
all Mormons merely passed through Indian lands and did not settle on them, were usually
considerate in their consumption of game, grass, and wood, and gave Indians presents of salt,
tobacco, and food.

Prior to their exodus west, the Mormons had had no sustained relations with Indians. (This
was in part because between 1825 and 1846, the U.S. government practiced an Indian
Removal program for the purpose of driving all eastern Indians west of the Mississippi.

The Sauk and Fox, for example, had been driven from Illinois by the cruel Black Hawk
"War" of 1832.) There had been chance encounters here and there. In the early 1830s,
Mormon missionaries had tried unsuccessfully to proselytize some Wyandot in Ohio and
some Shawnee and Delaware, west of the Missouri River, near Independence, Missouri. In
1841, Chief Keokuk accompanied by Kiskukosh, Appenoose, and about 100 other chiefs and
braves of the Sauk and Fox, crossed the Mississippi from Iowa (whence they had been driven
in 1832) and visited Nauvoo. [23]

During the Nauvoo period of Mormon history (1839 -1846), several extremely important
precedents were established regarding the relations between Mormons and Indians. Some
Indians were given the Mormon priesthood, there was some intermarriage, and a few Indians
had been permitted to go through the Nauvoo temple and take part in those sacred and secret
ordinances. In no other way could the potential equality of red men with white men have
been so conclusively demonstrated to Mormons and to their Indian friends. [24]

Because of their unique view of Indians, Mormons generally treated them more fairly than
other whites and throughout their migrating period, Mormons had little trouble with Indians.
There are only several authenticated cases of kidnappings and killings. [25] (There were,
however, a good many Indian attempts along the trail to buy or trade for Mormon wives. To
the author's knowledge, no such arrangements were ever consummated, although up to twenty
horses were sometimes offered, especially for redheads with ringlets!) [26] Indians did,
however, steal Mormon livestock, especially horses, whenever possible.

Contemporary Mormon Trail accounts reveal none of the horror most white Americans held
concerning the captivity of white women by red men. On the contrary, Mormon journals
mention Indians as being stately, helpful, nice, clean, handsome, stylish, and living in
primitive grandeur. Mormons recorded that Indians provided food, rides on horses, guide
services, entertainment, such as horse races and bow and arrow demonstrations, and
occasional succor to lost pioneers. Some handcarters recorded that mounted Indians
sometimes threw a rope on a handcart and helped pull it through rough terrain. [27] When
the Mormons settled in the Great Basin, however, and thereby pre-empted Indian lands, they
experienced the same type of Indian troubles as non- Mormon settlers. There were
intermittent conflicts for about twenty years—from some horse stealing in 1849 through the
Black Hawk War of the 1860s.


There were very few Blacks connected with the early Mormon Church and fewer still on the
emigrant trails. There were, for example, only three Blacks in the pioneer company of 1847—
Green Flake, Hark Lay, and Oscar Crosby. In the much bigger group of 1848, twenty-four
more Blacks crossed the plains. Thereafter the records indicate a scattering of Black
"servants" going west during the 1850s. Almost all of the servants mentioned in the sources
were slaves of white southern converts, who saw no compelling reason for freeing their
slaves just because they had become Mormons. Fortunately, most Blacks were later freed in
Utah. On the trail, most of these slaves served as teamsters, herders, or cooks. [28]


Mormon missionaries first reached Europe in 1837, and from England, missionaries spread to
the continent. There were, therefore, many Mormon emigrants from, not only England,
Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but also from Denmark, Norway, Iceland, France, Italy, and
Germany. Many of these emigrants were at a disadvantage in not knowing English in
addition to not being accustomed to life on and beyond the American frontier. Mormon
emigration officials tried to reduce this disadvantage through the previously mentioned
Perpetual Emigration Fund, by organizing the foreign emigrants in Europe so that they sailed
and traveled together all the way to their new Zion, and by always putting leaders in charge
who knew the requisite languages. The sources indicate the system worked well. [29]


The Mormons, of course, met many traders, freighters, trappers and mountain men at their
various points of departure and along the Mormon Trail. Additionally they encountered other
westering Americans, the military, including discharged soldiers and even deserters and
draft-dodgers from both north and south (during the Civil War, sometimes Mormon trains
were even stopped and searched for such men), mail carriers, 49ers, Overland Telegraph
workers, government roads workers, and Union Pacific Railroad workers.

During the Civil War, some of the Mormon trains were stopped, usually near Fort Bridger,
and all native born males eighteen years or older had to take an oath of allegiance to the
United States, while all male aliens eighteen years or older had to swear to act in strict
neutrality. [30]


We can now turn to a discussion of just when the Mormons decided to settle in the Rocky
Mountain area. The usual place to start the story of the Mormons and the Far West is with a
statement made August 6, 1842, allegedly by Joseph Smith, to the effect that the Saints would
continue to suffer much affliction and would be driven to the Rocky Mountains. In July 1843,
Smith sent Jonathan Durham to investigate a route across Iowa from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the
Missouri River. By February 1844, Smith had also suggested an exploring party be sent to
investigate locations for possible settlement in California or Oregon. In March 1844, he sent a
petition to Congress requesting authorization to raise 100,000 armed volunteers to protect
Mormons who might immigrate to Oregon. [31] Nothing came of the projected exploring
party or the petition. Among other things, Smith began campaigning for the presidency of the
United States, Congress refused to receive the petition, and Smith was murdered the
following June by an anti-Mormon mob in Carthage, Illinois.

One important event, however, did come from the abortive petition. Congressman Stephen A.
Douglas from Illinois sent Smith a map of Oregon, a copy of John C. Fremont's 1843 map
(see Appendix A, Map 3) and a report on the exploration of the country lying between the
Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains.

The death of Smith ended further discussion of going west for the rest of that year and the
church as a whole dedicated itself to effecting the plans of its martyred prophet—completing
the temple, building a better Nauvoo, and expanding the proselytizing program.

It appears that by January 1845, Brigham Young (see Appendix D, Illustration 4 and
Appendix C Biographical Sketch 3), Joseph's de facto, if not de jure, successor and other
Mormon leaders simultaneously carried on two mutually exclusive programs: (1) to build up
Nauvoo, and (2) to prepare to leave. [32] Until October 1845, however, the second program
was not generally known. That Young indeed was preparing his followers for such a move is
manifested by the fact that on October 30, 1844, the Nauvoo Neighbor, a Mormon newspaper,
printed a selection from Washington Irving's Astoria entitled "The Climate of the Rocky
Mountains," and that throughout 1845, the same paper published many other articles on
Oregon, the Indians, and especially extracts from Fremont's Reports about the Oregon Trail,
the Bear River area, and the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. Also published were portions of
Lansford W. Hastings' The Emigrants' Guide to Oregon and California, which had just
appeared in 1845. Furthermore, in 1845, the New York Messenger, another Mormon
publication, printed almost the entirety of Hastings' book. [33] Young even revived Smith's
proposal about sending out a party to search for locations in the west, but nothing came of it.

How long Young intended to carry on both programs is not known, for his hand was forced
that fall. In September of 1845, anti-Mormons, convinced that the Mormons were not going
to leave Illinois, began a program of harassment. More than 200 Mormon homes and farm
buildings located outside Nauvoo were burned that fall and the anti-Mormon convention
headquartered in Carthage decreed that the Mormons must quit Illinois the following spring.
Therefore a western exploring party was organized and the exodus was officially announced
and scheduled for the spring of 1846. [34] Mormon historical records show that during
December 1845 Mormon leaders studied the works of Fremont, Hastings, and other travelers
of the Far West. [ 35] (See section entitled Western Travel Accounts Consulted by the
Mormons, page 29.) Even after quitting Nauvoo during February 1846, the advance group of
Mormons continued to gather information about the west. On January 6, 1847, for example,
Young wrote to a church member in St. Louis: "I want you to bring me one half dozen of
Mitchell's new map of Texas, Oregon & California and the regions adjoining...for 1846.... If
there is anything later or better than Mitchell's, I want the best." (See Appendix A, Map 4.)

It will be useful at this point to discuss the accounts, maps, and frontiersmen the Mormons
consulted before and during their great exodus to their New Zion. To do this let us examine
the trans-Missouri travel/guide literature available to Mormon leaders generally through April
1847, when they left the Missouri River for the Far West. Probably the Mormons were not
even aware of much of the literature, still less able to consult it, but it will be helpful,
nonetheless, to survey the field.

Travel literature had long been in vogue in the young Republic. Dozens of guides appeared,
beginning with a 1748 guide to Kentucky, throughout the nineteenth century, to a guide to
the Klondike goldfields in 1897. Perhaps the earliest publication of specific value to the
Mormons would have been Edwin James' 1823 Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to
the Rocky Mountains 1819-1820, based on the notes of Major S.H. Long of the famous U.S.
Army Corps of Typographical Engineers. This work detailed Long's 1820 expedition from a
point on the Missouri about 10 miles above what was to become the site of the Mormon
Winter Quarters, westward along a line of march very similar to that of the Mormons in
1847. That is, along the north bank of the Platte, across the Elkhorn River and Shell Creek,
past the Pawnee villages, the ford of the Loup River, and continuing west along the north
bank of the Platte to the confluence of the North and South Platte branches. That is where
Long turned southwest into what is now Colorado, and discovered the peak that bears his
name. The forty-two-page account of this part of Long's expedition would surely have been
one of the best works the Mormons could have consulted, for this was the best exploring
account of the Great Plains before Fremont.

In 1837, the imagination of the nation was caught by Washington Irving's reworking of the
1833 journal of Captain Benjamin Louis Eulalie de Bonneville into The Adventures of
Captain Bonneville in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West. The account of the Oregon
Trail between Fort Laramie and the Green River would have been of some value to the
Mormons. Of special interest would have been the five-page description of the Great Salt
Lake provided to Bonneville by one of his men, Joseph W.R. Walker. Bonneville was also
the first to prove the feasibility of taking loaded wagons over the famed South Pass.

The following year a book appeared of which the Mormons might have known. This was the
Rev. Samuel Parker's Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains along the
Oregon Trail from Fort Leavenworth to the Green River via Bellevue (in what is now
Nebraska); that is, across the Papillion, Elkhorn, the Loup, and along the north side of the
Platte to Fort Laramie—the same way the Mormons later went.

The publications of John K. Townsend, Maximilian, Prince of Wied, Father Pierre Jean De
Smet, and Thomas J. Farnham in the 1830s and 1840s would have been of little value to the
Mormons. Of far greater importance was Captain John C. Fremont's A Report of the
Exploring Expeditions to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842. Published in 1843, this work
was probably worth as much to the Mormons as everything else published to that date
combined. This was the Fremont Report mentioned so often by the Mormons. A 10,000-copy
edition was reprinted in 1845 as the first part of his A Report of the Exploring Expedition to
the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842 and To Oregon and North California in the Years
1843-44. The seventy-nine-page report of 1843 was the first scientific survey of the Oregon
Trail and the first reasonably accurate guidebook to the Far West.

The 1843 Report was useful to the Mormons for its account of the Platte River Valley from
what is now North Platte, Nebraska, to South Pass. Of most value to the Mormons in the
subsequent 1845 Report was the three-page account of the exploration of the Great Salt Lake
(which he reached via the Soda Springs), the Bear River area, and the valley of the Great Salt
Lake. Of paramount interest to the Mormons were his comments on the fertility of the valleys
west of the Rocky Mountains.

Next to Fremont the most often -mentioned source of information to the Mormons was
Lansford W. Hastings' The Emigrant's Guide to Oregon and California, also published in
1845. For all of the fame or notoriety of this work, it is difficult to see wherein its value to
the Mormons lay. Hastings' short account of his traveling from St. Louis to the Green River
would have been of little help to the Mormons. He devoted exactly one sentence on pages
137-138 to what became the famous and infamous Hastings Cutoff, "The most direct route
for the California Emigrants, would be to leave the Oregon route, about two hundred miles
east from Fort Hall; then bearing west -south-west, to the Salt Lake; and thence continuing
down to the bay of San Francisco, by the route just described." [37] This one sentence sent
some to their deaths, while suggesting to the Mormons a shorter way to the Valley of the
Great Salt Lake, west from Fort Bridger, rather than via Fort Hall. The Mormons might also
have found Hastings' excellent ten-page chapter on "The Equipment, Supplies, and the
Method of Traveling" very valuable. [38]


Of far more importance to the Mormons than the travel accounts were the maps available to
them. There were many—a plethora in fact. [39] Since at least 1722, dozens of Spanish,
French, and American maps had been published showing, in varying degrees of accuracy and
fullness, the Platte River area. Over fifty maps of the trans-Mississippi west appeared during
the first five years of the 1840s, and in the critical year of 1846 another twenty-eight were
published. [40]

From a practical standpoint, there is no use in this study to consider anything published prior
to Major S.H. Long's map of 1823, which not only gave details along the north side of the
Platte from the Missouri River to the forks of the Platte (see Appendix A, Map 5), but is also
generally considered to have been the best map of the Platte area prior to those prepared by
Fremont and his cartographer Charles Preuss. (See Appendix A, Map 3.)

It appears the Mormons also consulted the 1835 map of Bonneville. Unfortunately he was an
untrained amateur and his map, not based on astronomical observations, was of poor
technical quality. Still it was widely known and used in its day.

While there were many maps of the trans-Missouri west published in the 1840s, almost every
one the Mormons might have been interested in were either those of Fremont-Preuss or
based on Fremont-Preuss. The three Fremont-Preuss maps, which appeared in 1843, 1845,
and 1846, were what we would call strip maps today, showing only the area actually explored
with no attempt to present wide, general areas. They represent the best American cartography
between Long's work and the Civil War. [41]

The first of the Fremont-Preuss series, showing the Oregon Trail in great detail, from the
forks of the Platte to South Pass and the Wind River Mountains, was the basis for the two
that followed. In large format, 14- 1/2" by 33- 3/4", it was clearly the finest map of that area
ever produced. Preuss prepared another map in 1845 to accompany Fremont's second Report
of that year. As the 1845 publication included the 1843 material, the 1845 map embodied
everything on the 1843 map. In huge format, 51" x 31- 1/2", it showed his route along the
Oregon trail from Westport (now part of Kansas City), to South Pass, Fort Vancouver, and on
to San Francisco Bay. This map also provided a good sketch of the Platte River west from
Bellevue, showing the Elkhorn, Loup, and Wood rivers.

In 1846, Preuss reworked his 1845 map. This map, from Westport to the Columbia River,
was constructed on a grand scale of only 10 miles to the inch and was issued in seven
sections, each 26" by 16."

Of those maps derived from Fremont -Preuss, which the Mormons may have also consulted,
are products that appeared with the 1845 Report of Colonel S. Kearny's expedition from Fort
Leavenworth to South Pass; the 1845 Charles Wilkes Map of Oregon Territory; Rufus B.
Sage's 1846 Map of Oregon, California, New Mexico and Northwest Texas; and above all,
one or more of the three maps published by S. Augustus Mitchell in 1846. It was one or more
of these Mitchell maps that Young ordered from St. Louis during January 1846, as cited
previously. The map in question was undoubtedly the previously mentioned, "A New Map of
Texas, Oregon, and California," which was 20" by 22" and appeared in four colors. (See
Appendix A, Map 4.) It would seem then that the maps that hung on the walls of the Nauvoo
temple and that were subsequently taken west, besides Fremont's, were surely Mitchell's,
Wilkes', Bonneville's, and most likely Long's. Unfortunately none of the copies used by the
pioneers has survived.


It is also interesting to note the contacts the Mormons might have made while on the
Missouri River, from June 1846 to April 1847, and subsequently along the trail. From the
"Manuscript History of Brigham Young" and other sources, we know they consulted with
frontiersmen, members of the famous Fontenelle family, Indian agents such as Robert B.
Mitchell and Peter A. Sarpy, and Indian chiefs such as Big Elk and Le Clerk. We also know
Young talked with the famous Jesuit missionary to the Indians, father Pierre Jean De Smet,
while the latter was returning to St. Louis from Oregon. Justin Grosclaude, a fur trader of
Swiss ancestry for the American Fur Company, also called on Young and sketched with
pencil a map of the country west of the Missouri — a map which, regrettably, has not
survived. [ 42] Not only did the Mormon leaders of the 1840s seek trail knowledge in the
Council Bluffs area, but later on, rank and file Mormons in many other places along the
Missouri River (such as Independence, Westport, Weston, and St. Joseph, Missouri, and Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas Territory) acquired useful information to help later emigrants.

On the trail, the Mormons made the best use of every opportunity to learn from others
including traders, guides, and mountain men such as Moses Harris, Jim Bridger, and Miles
Goodyear. [43] Whenever possible, the Mormons updated their information with the maps,
printed accounts, and personal experiences of the people they met along the way. [44]


There is no evidence that the Mormons harmed the environment of the trail. As modern
Saints, Mormons tried to be responsible travelers—considerate of the land and game. Killing
for sport, for example, was prohibited and they were usually careful in their consumption of
trees for fuel. Perhaps the main reason for the Mormon concern with the environment is that
they knew thousands of their faith would be using the same trail. The Mormons were
interested in the environment, in the flora and fauna of the increasingly strange world they
encountered while westering. Their journals record their pleasure with the dramatic
landscapes they traversed. Occasionally some pioneers found time to do some "botanizing"
and what we might call "geologizing." In what is now Nebraska, in 1847, for example, they
were fascinated by mammoth bones. [45]

The author has found scores of Mormon Trail account references to land features, plants, and
animals. They noted, for example, such plants as wild onions, buffalo grass, willows, roses,
violets, gooseberries, strawberries, clover, bunch grass, vines, elderberries, thistles, cacti,
garlic, currants, mint, sage, rushes, and cedar, ash, cherry, oak, maple, apple, alder, birch,
poplar, cottonwood, and pine trees. They also noted squirrels, ducks, snapping turtles, various
kinds of fish, goose, lizards, skunks (with which some foreign emigrants had unpleasant
experiences), prairie dogs, rattlesnakes, antelope, hares, wolves, buffalo, badgers, deer,
crickets, spiders, toads, ants, mosquitoes, mice, eagles, hawks, cranes, martins, pheasants, and
magpies—to name a representative sampling.

At times they even ventured to try to describe some unusual living things. One described
something, perhaps a horny toad, as being "four to five inches long, including a long tail,
body short and chunky, light grey, two rows of dark spots (brown) on each side, head shaped
like a snake, appears perfectly harmless." Another described a plant as "a thistle, stem four
feet long, six inches wide, one quarter inch thick, ornamented by prickles top to bottom, top
is kind of a crown formed by prickly leaves ten inches long and five inches broad."
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study



The approximately 1,300- mile-long Great Trek must be divided into two parts: The nearly
265-mile-long section across Iowa in 1846 (see Appendix A, Map 6) and the 1,032 (as
measured by Clayton in 1847 [ 1])-mile-long segment across the Great Plains of Nebraska
and Wyoming into Utah in 1847 (see Appendix A, Maps 7-9). The Iowa portion of the trail
was used relatively little, mainly by the Mormons fleeing Illinois in 1846, and by some other
Mormons jumping off from Keokuk, Iowa, in 1853. It was also used in 1856-1857 by seven
companies of Mormon Handcarters from Iowa City who intersected the 1846 Mormon Trail
at what is now Lewis, Cass County. (See "The Handcart Emigrants" in Chapter 6.)
Thousands of other Mormons also crossed Iowa up to as late as 1863 on variants of the 1846
trail and on completely different trails, but all these trails intersected the trail of 1846
somewhere in western Iowa. [2]

Across the monotonous, rolling Central Lowlands of Iowa, the trail of 1846 generally
followed primitive territorial roads as far as Bloomfield, Davis County, then vague
Potawatomi (the name exists in different spellings) Indian and trading trails along ridges
from one water source to another and to an Indian agent's settlement on the Missouri River at
what is now Council Bluffs. The trail always fell within 50 miles of the present Missouri state
line. There is very little of the old trail left in Iowa. Time and the plow have erased almost all
remains. What little can still be seen is described in Chapter 7, "Historic Sites along the
Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail."

The Iowa portion of the trek was the worst. In spite of long preparations for quitting Nauvoo,
the Mormons were not at all well prepared when they left during February and March of
1846. For one thing they left earlier than was necessary or had been planned. The year 1846
began badly. The charters of the Nauvoo Legion and of the City of Nauvoo were revoked in
January, thus curtailing what legal and military protection the Mormons had. Rumors were
spreading that the U.S. Government would prevent the Mormons from leaving because they
were suspected of counterfeiting and that federal troops from St. Louis were planning to
march on Nauvoo. [3] Apparently these rumors led church leaders to decide to begin the
evacuation of Nauvoo as soon as possible, rather than to await the agreed -upon spring
departure time. (For an artist's version of this exodus from Nauvoo see Appendix D,
Illustration 5.) In the beginning the weather was terrible, and the vanguard of Saints, a mixed
group of men, women, and children, were inexperienced as well as unprepared. It took a
month to cover the first 100 miles—an average of only 3 miles per day.

On February 4, 1846, the first wagons, belonging to a Charles Shumway, pulled out of
Nauvoo, crossed the Mississippi River on ferries near the present Exodus to Greatness marker
(NR, see Historic Site 1, Chapter 7) [ 4] in Nauvoo. After crossing the Mississippi the
pioneers traveled west some 7 miles to a staging ground at Sugar Creek, Lee County, Iowa
(see Historic Site 3), to await the arrival of Brigham Young and other church leaders who
joined them February 15th.

The initial crossing and camping were neither orderly nor disciplined, and few people had
followed advice regarding adequate food supplies. (See Appendix B, Document 1, for "Bill of
Particulars": items recommended for a Mormon family of five.) In addition to this suggested
"outfit," which cost about $250, the pioneers needed all the clothing, bedding, and other
foodstuffs they could acquire. For example, although Heber C. Kimball, an apostle, reached
Sugar Creek with a two-year supply of food, the mismanagement and unpreparedness of
others caused his store to be consumed within two weeks. (See Appendix D, Illustration 6
and Appendix C, Biographical Sketch 4.)

In spite of this and other difficulties attending the evacuation, months of planning and
preparation made the exodus, even though several months ahead of schedule, more orderly
and successful than is generally believed, and far from the tragic route of folklore.

Because of the weather, general unpreparedness, and lack of experience in moving large
groups of people (except for Zion's Camp of 1834), the crossing of Iowa in 1846 was much
more difficult than the migration west of the Missouri in 1847. [5] The skills they learned
while crossing Iowa in 1846 made the much longer part of the trek from the Missouri River
to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake in 1847 easier. Through this part of the journey, the
pioneers also set the pattern for settling the Great Basin.


By the beginning of March the first group of Mormons were ready to vacate their staging
ground on Sugar Creek, where they had been gathering since February 4th. No accurate
record was kept of how many wagons and people were at Sugar Creek that March 1st—
estimates vary from four to five hundred wagons and from three to five thousand individuals.
Five hundred wagons and three thousand people is probably close to the truth. [6]

What from the start was known as the "Camp of Israel" began to lumber out from Sugar
Creek about noon to the "gee-haws" of teamsters and the yells of herdsmen and children.
Thereafter, Old Testament parallels to a Zion, a Chosen People, an Exodus, a Mount Pisgah,
a Jordan River, a Dead Sea, to being "in the tops of the mountains," and making the desert
blossom like the rose, were noted, devised, cherished, and handed down. The Mormons
resembled ancient Israel in other ways: they were divided into groups of fifties and tens
(Exodus 18:21) and, at times, were fractious and whiny.

A few trail journals give a romantic cast to the exodus across Iowa, that "Mormon
Mesopotamia" between the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers, but as most other trail
accounts make clear, the worst part of the entire journey from Nauvoo to the Valley of the
Great Salt Lake was the beginning. No part of the long trek surpasses the tragedy and triumph
of this hegira across the rolling, open prairie of Iowa Territory, which then consisted of little
more than bluestem prairie grass and stands of oak and hickory forests along the numerous
rivers and streams and dangerous swamps and bogs. Often, when roads did exist, they were
most primitive. Some Mormons may have reflected often on the frontier sarcasm that it was a
middling good road when the mud did not quite reach one's boot tops—while astride a horse.
Although the Mormons made some improvements along the roads and trails they followed
across Iowa, they did little, if any, trailblazing.
Along the Iowa trail, the basic skills of immigrating and colonizing were practiced and
permanent camps were established. This part of the westward march influenced Mormon
history long afterward. The Saints had learned only the rudimentary lessons of immigration
during the Zion's Camp march from Ohio to Missouri in 1834; the advanced training had to
be acquired in Iowa.

Through the settled parts of eastern Iowa, the Mormons tried to earn what money they could
by hiring themselves out to anyone who would pay them. From 1846 through the early 1850s,
they found sporadic work plowing; planting; fencing; digging wells; cutting logs; splitting
rails; husking corn; making shingles; digging coal; and building bridges, homes, barns, jails,
and river locks. They also did some plastering and brick work, and Pitt's Brass Band, a group
of musicians from this pioneer company, played for dances.

Although it was generally well known among the Saints that the Camp of Israel was headed
beyond the Rocky Mountains and into the Great Basin, little was said about where the camp
would cross the Missouri or where they would pick up the Oregon Trail. They had little
intention of returning to Missouri and crossing at Independence, Weston, or St. Joseph, and
the only other well -established point of crossing to the north was Council Bluffs, Iowa
Territory, which was closer to Nauvoo. In August 1845, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
(in charge of the church between the death of Smith and the presidency of Young) sent
several men on a reconnaissance mission to find the best route across Iowa. They reported
favorably on the Council Bluffs crossing. [7]


As the camp moved west some changes and improvements in organization became necessary.
Only the fundamental arrangement of the trek had been effected at Nauvoo and Sugar Creek.
For various reasons, many of the original families had returned to Nauvoo, and bad roads and
weather had scattered others.

On March 7th the camp reached a place they called Richardson's Point (see Historic Site 5,
Chapter 7), which became the second rest stop in Iowa. The pioneers stayed here until March
18th. At Richardson's Point they lightened the loads of some of the wagons by burying some
cannon balls and shot in the ground, intending to get them at some other time.

On March 22nd on the Chariton River, near present -day Sedan, Appanoose County, the
remaining emigrants were called together and urged to maintain better order. To this end they
regrouped into three companies, each consisting of one hundred families. All three companies
were then subdivided into fifties and then tens, each unit led by a captain, the most important
leaders of which were those of the six groups of fifty—Brigham Young, Heber Kimball,
Parley P. Pratt, Peter Haws, John Taylor, and George Miller. [8] (See Appendix D,
Illustrations 4, 6, 7, 8 and Appendix C, Biographical Sketches 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.) This Chariton
camp became the third temporary camping place in Iowa. The pioneers remained there from
March 22nd through March 31st.

Thereafter, the line of march continued somewhat to the southwest until the companies found
themselves on Locust Creek (see Historic Site 6), either close to or in Missouri, where they
made a fourth temporary camp. At that time, since the Missouri boundary was about 10 miles
north of where it is today, some of them actually dipped into what was then Putnam County,

It was here on April 14th that a courier arrived with a letter from Nauvoo informing William
Clayton, the camp clerk, of the safe birth of a son. (See Appendix D, Illustration 9 and
Appendix C, Biographical Sketch 9. Many pregnant women were left behind in the relative
safety of Nauvoo until the advance company of pioneers worked out the best way to travel
from the Mississippi to the Missouri. Messengers were frequently sent back to help guide the
other Mormons who went west in 1846.) The next morning, walking off by himself, he wrote
in joy and gratitude the words of the now-famous hymn "Come, Come, Ye Saints," often
called, with some justification, the "Mormon Marseillaise" or the "hymn heard around the
world." The verses epitomized the Mormon motivation for going west and their experience
on a dozen trails, some well known, some totally forgotten, between New York and Utah
from 1831 to the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869. (For the words to this
hymn, see Appendix B, Document 2.)


From Locust Creek the camp bore more to the north to get away from their old enemies, the
Missourians. By April 24th the pioneers had reached a place that they named Garden Grove
(REC, see Historic Site 7 and Appendix D, Illustration 10). [9] It was about halfway across
Iowa, 144 miles west of Nauvoo and 120 miles east of Council Bluffs. Here, on the east bank
of the Weldon Fork of the Grand River, they established the first of several permanent camps
between Nauvoo and Winter Quarters. In three weeks they had broken 715 acres of tough
prairie sod, built cabins, and established a community. [10] Although nothing of the pioneer
camp exists, there is a town by the name of Garden Grove near this old campsite and the
local school district is named the Mormon Trail District.


When the camp moved out of Garden Grove on May 12th, enough families were left behind
to maintain the community and to help later Nauvoo exiles, of which there would be
thousands. Six days and about 35 miles later, they established another permanent camp and
resting place. This site, on the middle fork (Twelve -Mile Creek) of the Grand River and on
Potawatomi Indian land, was selected and named Mount Pisgah (REC, see Historic Site 8 and
Appendix D, Illustration 11) by Parley P. Pratt, who, when he first saw it rising above the
Iowa prairie, was reminded of the biblical Pisgah (Deuteronomy 3:27), where Moses viewed
the Promised Land. There they built cabins and planted several thousand acres of rich
bottomland lying to the west of the rise with peas, cucumbers, beans, corn, buckwheat,
potatoes, pumpkins, and squash. Mount Pisgah was maintained as a camp until at least 1852.
At its height it had over 2,000 inhabitants, most staying until their future homes in what is
now Utah were more certain. [11]

At Mount Pisgah, after over two and a half months of Iowa mud and other assorted troubles,
Mormon leaders felt the need for divine guidance, so they withdrew to the isolation of the
limitless prairie, clothed themselves in temple robes, formed a prayer circle, and invoked
God for the good of the people and the success of the venture. All along the trek such special
group prayers were held. [12]

About 35 miles farther west they deepened some trail ruts still visible today—the only good
ruts this author has found in Iowa (REC, see Historic Site 10 and Appendix D, Illustration
12). Mormon Trail ruts are very rare in Iowa for several reasons: the Iowa portion of the trail
was much less used than the Nebraska and Wyoming portions, the soft soil did not hold and
preserve the ruts well, and most of the ruts that did remain after the Mormons passed have
since been destroyed by the plow.


Late on June 2nd, the camp moved on toward Council Bluffs, some 90 miles to the west,
leaving behind enough people to improve and maintain Mount Pisgah for the benefit of
future Saints going west. This last section of the 1846 journey was relatively pleasant: the
sun dried the roads, grass grew, and wild strawberries flourished. On June 13th, the camp
reached the Council Bluffs area at the Missouri River, and the first portion of the march was
nearly over. The vanguard had taken a full four months, 120 days, to cross some 265 miles of
southern Iowa, averaging only about 2.25 miles per day. (For a historical view of Council
Bluffs and a generalized map of the whole area on both sides of the Missouri, see Appendix
D, Illustration 13 and Appendix A, Map 13.)

Despite the troubles experienced while crossing Iowa, the Mormons survived as a
community, a community that grew stronger on the Missouri River, across the trans-Missouri
west, and in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake.
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study


In the Council Bluffs area the Mormons were not yet in the wilderness. The general area, up
and down both sides of the river, had been discovered by French and Spanish explorer-
trappers in the 1700s and had been an Indian trading site since at least 1804, when Lewis and
Clark met with Indians north of there. Military forts, such as Fort Lisa and Fort Atkinson,
had been built nearby as early as 1812, steamboats from St. Louis reached there as early as
1819, and it was an established point of departure for Oregon and California. Francois
Guittau founded the first white settlement there at Trader's Point in 1824. In 1846 there was a
village and a steamboat landing on each side of the river, with service to Fort Leavenworth,
Independence, and St. Louis, and regular mail service. Indian agents were located on one,
sometimes both, sides of the Missouri, and a Presbyterian Indian mission was on the west
bank. Many goods and services, including some medical aid, were available. [1]

When the Mormons arrived in 1846 they first called the area Miller's Hollow, then Kanesville
(after a non-Mormon friend, Colonel Thomas L. Kane). By special charter in 1853 the State
Legislature changed the name to Council Bluffs. The name derived from a council held by
Lewis and Clark with the Indians in 1804 on the west side of the river about 12 miles


Here in southern Iowa and eastern Nebraska between 1846 and 1853 the Mormons built at
least fifty-five temporary and widely separated communities, farmed as much as 15,000 acres
of land, and established three ferries. They eventually occupied five successive headquarters
sites named Grand Encampment, Cold Spring Camp, Cutler's Park, Winter Quarters, and
Kanesville (Council Bluffs). [2] These numerous communities were established primarily to
accommodate the thousands of Mormon emigrants, while they were either waiting to cross
the Missouri River, or resting and preparing financially and physically to continue westward
to Utah. Most of these communities, some named Barney's Grove, Davis Camp, or Little
Pigeon, were close to the Missouri River and disappeared after the Mormons went west.

Initially the pioneers settled temporarily in camps along the bluffs near Mosquito Creek (near
what is now the Iowa School for the Deaf), on the flats near the Missouri River, and near
Trading Point (or Indian Town) located today just east of Bellevue, Nebraska—almost on the
present Pottawattamie -Mills County, Iowa line. In July the Mormons established a third,
more permanent camp on the Iowa shore, a camp that became known as Kanesville, the
origin of modern Council Bluffs.

In the Council Bluffs vicinity the Mormons in general had their first real and sustained
contacts with Indians. Across Iowa the Mormons had been on Potawatomi lands since they
left Mount Pisgah. At Council Bluffs they met the Potawatomi chief, Pied Riche, called "the
clerk" by the French because of his education. The chief, who had been driven from his
ancestral lands in Michigan by the Indian Removal policy of the 1830s, felt some kinship
with the Mormons. [3] The Indian agent in Council Bluffs, Major Robert B. Mitchell, was
also friendly to the Mormons. He reported, for example, to the Superintendent of Indian
Affairs in St. Louis, "I am gratified to say that since their arrival I have seen nothing to
which exception could be taken... .They complain that they have been badly treated, but
declare their intention to bear the American Flag to whatever country they cast their lot." [4]
And across the river at what became Winter Quarters, the Mormons were in close contact
with the Oto and the Omaha.

The Omaha were a small tribe of only about 1,500 and where known for their consistent
friendliness to the whites. The Oto, on the other hand, were considered by both Indians and
whites to be a thieving people. They numbered about 1,000. Both tribes were basically
farmers living in permanent earthen lodge villages.

Chief Big Elk and the Omahas were agreeable to the Mormons settling among them: the
Indians might benefit from Mormon expertise and what the Saints would leave behind, and
the whites might afford them some help against their ancient enemy, the warlike Sioux, who
frequently raided Omaha villages.


After the Kanesville camp was made, Mormon leaders were immediately concerned over two
major problems: sending an advance company to the Rocky Mountains, and locating a place
for the main portion of the camp to build winter quarters until they, too, could go west in the

On July 1st, the first problem was solved by the process of elimination. On that day, Captain
James Allen of the U.S. Army's First Regiment of Dragoons of Fort Leavenworth rode into
the Mosquito Creek camp with a request from President James K. Polk for a battalion of 500
Mormon men to fight in the Mexican War. Part of the agreement was that the Mormons
would be permitted officially to camp on Potawatomi lands and, unofficially, allowed to
move across the Missouri River and settle temporarily on Omaha lands, which had previously
been closed to whites. (It was important to the Mormons to put one more river between them
and the "anti-Mormons.")

The battalion of about 489 men, some 20 wives who went as laundresses, four to a company,
and perhaps a dozen boys as officers' aids, (because of imperfect records the exact number of
men, women, and children in the battalion is not known and estimates vary) was eventually
raised. They mustered in a little south of what became Council Bluffs, near what is now the
Iowa School for the Deaf and on July 20th, the new recruits started off for Fort Leavenworth,
150 miles down the Missouri.

There is still, as there was then, a widespread belief among Mormons that raising the
Mormon Battalion was a great sacrifice on the part of the church to an undeserving
government. Actually, the government was responding to the requests of Mormon leaders for
any kind of help in their move to the west. [5] The Mormon leaders provided the men
because it would help demonstrate their loyalty to their country (during wartimes Americans,
including Mormons, generally work together), and because the church would benefit
materially from the military pay, from the arms that the men could keep, from the uniform
money allotments (since Mormons were allowed to wear their own clothes), and from the
fact that many men would be transported west at government expense. (This last point was
only partly realized, because, after being discharged, members of the battalion had to
transport themselves back from California to either Salt Lake City or Winter Quarters to pick
up or meet with their families.)


With the question of a pioneer group going west that fall eliminated by the formation of the
battalion, Young began in earnest to locate winter quarters and to settle the Saints. Most of
their searching was on the western side of the Missouri River on Indian lands disputed by the
Omaha and Oto nations. As previously noted, Chief Big Elk and the Omaha were agreeable
to the Mormons settling among them.

Cold Spring and Cutler's Park

Two temporary camps were made opposite Council Bluffs. The first, called Cold Spring
Camp, in what is now South Omaha, was of very short duration; the second was Cutler's Park
(see Historic Site 18), after Alpheus Cutler, the father-in-law of Heber C. Kimball, who
selected it that August. (See Appendix D, Illustration 14.) Cutler's Park is now considered to
have been the first official town in what became Nebraska. The Mormons elected Cutler as
mayor, chose a city council of twelve, and hired police and fire guards.

Winter Quarters

It was soon decided, however, that Cutler's Park was not suitable and in early September,
another campsite was selected, 3 miles closer to the river. It was there, in what is now
Florence (technically North Omaha), Nebraska, that the Saints finally built their Winter
Quarters, the Mormon "Valley Forge." Winter Quarters (see Historic Sites 19 and 20) soon
became a city of about 800 cabins, huts, caves, and sod, or "prairie marble," hovels, and
3,483 people. At its height it had about 4,000 people. (See Appendix A, Map 14.) During the
winter of 1846- 1847 there were approximately another 11,800 Mormons in camps scattered
throughout Iowa. [6]

The Winter Quarters period in church history, 1847-1852 has, until recently, been neglected
in Mormon historiography. It has now come to be considered one of the most important
periods in Mormon history, "Mormonism in the raw," as one student put it. [7] During these
years Brigham Young became president of the Mormon Church (in 1847) and inaugurated
many policies and practices that were later applied in the Great Basin. Particularly important
were the lessons learned from being in close proximity to Indians—how to understand Indian
life and customs, how to trade with Indians, and how to prevent and punish Indian thievery,
for example. Equally important were the lessons learned about surviving on the frontier, and
how to lead and hold together a people under adverse conditions, and how to openly
implement doctrines heretofore kept generally secret—the doctrines of polygamy and
adoption, for example. [8] The doctrine of polygamy, or plural marriage as Mormons prefer
to term it, needs little comment. It had been practiced secretly in Nauvoo since at least 1841
and was defended on the grounds that it had been sanctioned in the Old Testament, was not
forbidden in the New, and was necessary to the Mormon concept of the "restoration of all
things." It was, however, not publicly admitted until 1852, when the Mormons were safely in
Utah Territory. The law of adoption permitted church leaders to graft entire families onto
their families, in order to increase their own posterity and blessing in this world and the next.

The winter of 1846-1847 was grim. At least 400 died from various causes and are buried in
the Winter Quarters' cemetery (REC, see Historic Site 20, and Appendix D, Illustration 15).
These deaths added to the number already dead from malaria and other fevers. Some gave up
the faith and returned to the east. Others simply stayed in the area and never went west.
There was also some trouble with the Indians—mainly stealing. Young warned Big Elk,
Chief of the Omaha, that any Indians caught stealing would be whipped—the same
punishment meted out to white malefactors. (Since the Mormons had no jails, they found it
necessary to practice corporal punishment for a few years.) [9]

Still the Mormons made the best of things. They organized concerts, dances, (even dancing
lessons), songfests, feasts, festivals, and sleigh rides, and visited back and forth with the
other whites on both sides of the river and downstream at Bellevue. [10]

In Winter Quarters the Mormons received some unexpected and welcomed information
regarding the mountain west. That November, as previously noted, the famous Jesuit, Father
Pierre Jean de Smet, stopped and visited with the Mormons. He was en route to St._Louis
after spending five years in the mountains preaching to the Flathead Indians and was one of
the few white men who had visited the Great Salt Lake. Taking full advantage of this good
luck, the Mormons asked him every question they could think of. De Smet took it
goodnaturedly and some years later wrote a brief account of this meeting. [11]


During that winter, and throughout the next several years, until at least 1852, Mormons on
both sides of the Missouri tried to make money offering what we might call trail-side
services, such as blacksmithing, ferrying, cooking, baking, sewing, and selling hay, corn, and
wheat. They even provided some warehousing services. In addition, they handcrafted items
such as baskets, flour sacks, chairs, washboards, tables, and hats to the many hundreds of
non-Mormon emigrants who also jumped-off for the Far West from that area. The area was a
very popular point of departure for non-Mormons. [12] Some did a little "doctoring" and
pulled and cleaned teeth. Others made wine from elderberries and sold it. Some of the sisters
also taught school, did washings, sewed, cooked, baby-sat, spun yarn, made clothing, and
worked in restaurants and boarding houses. Some men went south into Missouri to seek work
for short periods.

Throughout their emigrating period, to 1869, Mormons took every opportunity to make
money by offering such services. West of the Missouri River they continued to offer
blacksmithing services; they established ferries on the Elkhorn and Loup rivers (one was near
what became Genoa) and did some contract bridging across the Green River (in what is now
Wyoming) and down Echo Canyon (in what is now Utah), for example.

Over the years Mormon emigrants also used trail-side services provided by "Gentiles," or
non-Mormons. West of the Missouri River, in what is now Nebraska, Mormons could have
obtained supplies at settlements such as Fremont, North Bend, Columbus, Buchanan (near
Shell Creek, which no longer exists), Cleveland (west of Columbus, which no longer exists),
Monroe, Grand Island, Fort Kearny, Fort McPherson, (these two forts were on the Oregon
Trail) and at scattered trading posts, such as Robidoux's near Scotts Bluff, and at various
"road ranches."

Across what is now Wyoming, there was an ever-increasing number of trading posts and
forts useful to the Mormons located at Dripps Trading Post, the Bordeaux Station, Fort
Laramie, Ward and Guerrier's Trading Post, Horseshoe Station, Labonte Station, Deer Creek
Station, Fort Caspar, Devil's Gate Station and fort, and St. Mary's Station, among others.


After the dreary winter of 1846- 1847 passed, the Mormon Pioneer advance party readied to
continue west during the spring of 1847. And after they successfully planted a colony in what
is now Utah, Young and other leaders returned to Winter Quarters to lead a much bigger
group west in 1848. Thereafter, Winter Quarters was quickly abandoned. The Mormons who
did not go west at that time tended to congregate near what was to become Council Bluffs,
Iowa, until such time as they could continue on west. Some Mormons remained in western
Iowa until at least 1853. They founded a newspaper, the Frontier Guardian (1849-1852) and
made money helping with church migration and, as previously noted, also catering to the
needs of thousands of other Americans traveling to Oregon and California.
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study



In early January 1847, the pioneer company began in earnest to prepare to leave for the
Rocky Mountains that spring. The traditional time, the "window," to head west from the
Missouri River was sometime between April 15th and May 30th. This vanguard differed
from other westering Americans in that they were not interested in just getting themselves
west, but in improving the trail for the benefit of the many thousands of their co-religionists,
who would soon be following them to their new Zion. (For short accounts of those who
followed the pioneers of 1847 west, see Chapter 6.) Among the improvements the pioneers
made were cutting down the banks of deep stream beds so that wagons could cross them
easier, bridging small creeks, marking the trail with signs, locating good fords, and
establishing ferries. [1]

Some idea of the staggering logistics of preparation for such a venture can be gained from
the following inventory, detailed to the last half -cent, of what Heber C. Kimball assembled
and transported in his six wagons:

Teams belonging to H.C. Kimball: Horses 5, mules 7, oxen 6, cows 2, dogs 2,

wagons 6. List of provisions: Flour 1,228 lbs., meat 865 lbs., sea biscuits 125
lbs., beans 296 lbs., bacon 241 lbs., corn for teams 2,869 lbs., buckwheat 300
lbs., dried beef 25 lbs., groceries 290- 3/4 lbs., sole leather 15 lbs., oats 10 bus.,
rap 40 lbs., seeds 71 lbs., cross-cut saw 1, axes 6, scythe 1, hoes 3, log chains 5,
spade 1, crowbar 1, tent 1, keg of powder 25 lbs., lead 20 lbs., codfish 40 lbs.,
garden seeds 50 lbs., plows 2, bran 3- 1/2 bus., 1 side of harness leather, whip
saw 1, iron 16 lbs., nails 16 lbs., 1 sack of salt 200 lbs., saddles 2, 1 tool chest, 6
pairs of double harness. Total $1,592.87-1/2. [2]


Apparently the original idea, by design or accident (but in any case consonant with the
tendency of Mormons to pattern themselves after the ancient House of Israel), was to hand-
pick and outfit 144 men (including three Black slaves or "servants" of southern members and
two non-Mormons selected for their special skills)—twelve for each of the Twelve Tribes of
Israel, in seventy -two wagons. The pioneer band was hand -picked by Young and other top
church leaders. Men were interviewed and selected with a view to making roads, building
bridges, erecting temporary quarters, and other pioneering skills. Collectively those chosen
had a variety of talents and skills. There were mechanics, teamsters, hunters, frontiersmen,
carpenters, sailors, soldiers, accountants, bricklayers, blacksmiths, wagonmakers, lumbermen,
joiners, dairymen, stockmen, millers, and engineers—varying in ability, temperament, and
saintliness; they represented a cross section of humanity. [3]

The numerical symmetry was not essential. Even before the group left Winter Quarters, three
women and two children were added and a few days later one sick man returned to Winter
Quarters. En route, nineteen men left the pioneers on other assignments and thirty persons
were added. So the original 144 was augmented by 35 and decreased by 20, leaving a net
gain of 15. A final group of 159 members entered the Valley of the Great Salt Lake in July
1847. (See Appendix B, Document 3 for a roster of the Pioneer Company.)

The unanticipated inclusion of three women and two children in an otherwise all- male
venture was occasioned by the insistence of Young's younger brother, Lorenzo, that he be
allowed to take his asthmatic wife, Harriet, and her two children. This, of course, necessitated
including at least one or two other females to keep Harriet company. Fortuitously, Brigham
had married Harriet's daughter, Clara Decker, so he took her. Kimball took Ellen Sanders,
one of his sixteen wives. Her child, born February 13, 1848, was one of the first to be born in
what is now Utah. Rank had its privileges.

The pioneers of 1847 were much better disciplined than was Zion's Camp of 1834, or the
crossing of Iowa in 1846. This was in part the result of a revelation given to Brigham Young
on January 14, 1847, at Winter Quarters—the only revelation Young ever published. It began,
'The Word and Will of the Lord concerning the Camp of Israel in their journey to the west,"
and is known today as Section 136 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Basically the revelation
gave details on camp organization. (See Appendix B, Document 4 for the full text of this
revelation.) Equally important was the fact that the Mormons had learned valuable lessons
while crossing Iowa, especially the value of discipline.

For a variety of reasons, including expense, the Mormons never hired professional guides or
outfitters, although they consulted with them whenever possible. They preferred to "trust in
the Lord" and pick up trail savvy as they moved along. Men were appointed to scout the trail
and others to ride along the front, flanks, and rear—guarding and enclosing the moving camp
in a box-like formation. Neither persons nor animals could be allowed to roam. Disreputable
whites and Indians had to be kept at a safe distance, and wolves had to be restrained from
picking off stray or weakened animals. [4]

The scouting assignment was vital. Not that there was much chance of getting lost on the
established trails the Mormons used, but water, feed, fuel, grades, crossings, and whatever
might prove dangerous to man or beast had to be anticipated, found, and reported. Eight men
were appointed to hunt on horseback and eleven to hunt on foot.

Contrary to myth and popular belief, this 1847 trek of approximately 1,032 miles and 111
days was not one long and unending trail of tears or a trial by fire. It was actually a great
adventure. Over the decades, Mormons have emphasized the tragedies of the trail, and
tragedies there were, but generally after 1847. Between 1847 and the building of the railroad
in 1869, at least 6,000 died along the trail from exhaustion, exposure, disease, and lack of
food. Few were killed by Indians. [5] To the vast majority, however, the experience was
positive—a difficult and rewarding struggle. [6] Nobody knows how many Mormons
migrated west during those years, but 70,000 people in 10,000 vehicles is a close estimate.
(See Appendix B, Document 5.) To the 143 men, 3 women, and 2 children who left Winter
Quarters, the 111-day pioneer trek of 1847 was mostly a great adventure, with a dramatic
ending. One hundred and eleven days later Brigham Young entered the valley and declared,
"This is the place, drive on."
The feelings of the female pioneers, the three who left Winter Quarters and the six who
joined at Fort Laramie, were, naturally, somewhat different. At least two of them saw only a
wilderness, a reptile's paradise. "I have come 1,200 miles to reach this valley and walked
much of the way," Clara Decker, Young's wife, said, "but I am willing to walk 1,000 miles
farther rather than remain here." Her mother, Harriet, echoingly said, "We have traveled
fifteen hundred miles over prairies, deseret, and mountains, but, feeble as I am, I would
rather go a thousand miles farther than stay in such a place as this." [7] Nevertheless, they


The 1847 pioneer trek from "civilization to sundown" took a few days to get properly under
way, as did the trip in 1846, when the Camp of Israel left Nauvoo. Kimball moved three
wagons out 4 miles on April 5th (see Historic Site 21), but returned to Winter Quarters to
meet with John Taylor (see Appendix D, Illustration 8 and Appendix C, Biographical Sketch
7) who had just arrived from England with some specially ordered scientific instruments for
Orson Pratt (see Appendix D, Illustration 16 and Appendix C, Biographical Sketch 10). The
elite, fast-moving, well-equipped, exploring band of pioneers were not just taking themselves
to the valley, they were charting a road that the Saints and others would use for more than
twenty years. For this they needed sextants, a circle of reflection, artificial horizons,
barometers, thermometers, and telescopes. [8] The Mormons became a part of what is now
known as the "Great Reconnaissance" of the Far West. [9]

Orson Pratt, a Mormon with some astronomy and engineering skills, served informally as the
pioneers' "scientific member." He had made a few sightings along the trail from Nauvoo, but
they are of little value today. Beyond the Missouri his latitudinal determinations were made,
according to his journal, alternately by "meridian observation of Sirius," by "altitude of the
Pole Star," by "meridian observations of the sun," and by the "meridian altitude of the moon."
With the aid of the new instruments just received from England, his latitudinal
determinations were quite accurate. [10]

Lacking a suitable chronometer, however, his few longitudinal sightings made by the
"angular distance of the sun and moon taken by sextant and circle" cannot be trusted. Even
Fremont, who often spent hours making multiple sightings of the occultations of the planets
and stars by the moon and the Jupiterian satellites, had difficulty determining proper
longitude. Along the Platte River a miscalculation of only one minute causes an error of
6,000 feet in latitude and 4,500 feet in longitude.


On April 5, 1847, the first wagons started west and after a few days the main body of
pioneers were at their staging ground on the Platte River, 47 miles west, near what is now
Fremont, Nebraska. This site was later dubbed the Liberty Pole staging ground because later
Mormon emigrants erected a forty -foot-tall cottonwood pole, flying a white flag, here. [11]
(See Historic Site 23.) This staging ground on the Platte, similar to the earlier staging ground
at Sugar Creek in 1846 in Iowa, was necessary since leaders like Young and Kimball had to
go back and forth between Winter Quarters and the Platte in order to get

the "drag tails" under way, and the whole migration organized and ready to go. [12] On April
14th, Young and Kimball left Winter Quarters and joined the main camp at the Liberty Pole
At the Platte River camp the group consisted of 148 people, 72 wagons, 93 horses, 66 oxen,
52 mules, 19 cows, 17 dogs, and some chickens. There they organized paramilitary fashion
into two large divisions, each of which was split into units of 50s and 10s, each with its
respective leaders. Young led the first division, Kimball the second; Stephen Markham and
Albert P. Rockwood were appointed captains of the hundred, with Addison Everett, Tarlton
Lewis, James Case, John Pack, and Addison Roundy captains of the 50s. [13]


The real beginning of the trek of 1847 and the whole trans-Missouri Mormon migration that
followed was at 7:30 on the morning of Monday, April 19th. The company moved out from
their staging area and the grand adventure began. (For maps of the trail from Winter Quarters
to Utah see Appendix A, Maps 7-9.)

As previously noted, the Mormons had prepared themselves for this pioneering venture by
studying as much trail literature and as many travel guides as they could, including works by
Irving, Fremont, Hastings, Parker, and Long, and had acquired maps by Long, Wilkes,
Bonneville, Fremont, and Mitchell. They referred to the maps and accounts en route, to check
their location.

The Platte River, rising in Colorado and one of the largest branches of the Missouri, is very
broad and shallow, a meandering, braided river that old timers used to say "flowed upside
down" — a reference to the many visible sandbars. One disgruntled pioneer remarked that it
would make a pretty good stream if it were turned on its side. Travelers seemed to enjoy
thinking up insults for the Platte. The consensus regarding this river was that it was a mile
wide, six inches deep, too thick to drink, too thin to plow, hard to cross because of quicksand,
impossible to navigate, too yellow to wash in, and too pale to paint with. For hundreds of
miles the pioneers hauled themselves across its flat, monotonous plain in what is now

There is some evidence that the pioneers knew in advance that they were going into the Great
Basin somewhere near its eastern rim, along the western slope of the Wasatch Mountains. As
early as 1842, as previously noted, some claimed Smith said that the Saints would go there,
and church leaders had studied Fremont's account and maps of the area. But into which of
the several unclaimed valleys? En route, the pioneers consulted with everyone they could
about the region, including some famous mountain men—Moses Harris, Jim Bridger, and
Miles Goodyear. [14] It appears that as they moved toward and into the Great Basin, they
gradually decided to settle in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake.

The camp moved deliberately, casually, about 2 miles an hour (the pace of oxen pulling
heavy wagons), and under little pressure. Their best distance for one day was 23-3/4-miles,
but they averaged only 10 miles a day. There was no need to get to the mountains before
winter snows had melted.


West of Winter Quarters the Mormons followed generally what is sometimes called the Great
Platte River Road or the north branch of the Oregon Trail, which had always been regarded
as the most advantageous approach to the easiest crossing of the Rocky Mountains. The
original Oregon Trail, from 1812, was north of the Platte and after Independence Missouri
became the eastern terminus around 1827, it shifted to the south side. The Mormons of 1847
simply followed the older Oregon Trail to Fort Laramie, where they crossed the North Platte
River and picked up the then main route of the Oregon Trail. (In trail days whatever side of
the Platte a party started out on is the side it remained on; no emigrants crossed that river
unless absolutely necessary. Had the Mormons started out south of the Platte, they probably
would have remained on that side.) Among those who preceded the Mormons west along the
north bank of the Platte were Indians, trappers, traders, Robert Stuart, James Clyman, Major
Stephen H. Long, Samuel Parker, the Marcus-Whitman party of 1836, and the Townsend-
Murphey group of 1844. And many non-Mormons followed the pioneers of 1847, for the
Council Bluffs area was a very important and popular jumping off place throughout the
westering period in American history.

The simplest way of following the pioneers (and most subsequent Mormon emigrants) from
"civilization to sundown" is to divide the trail into four sections and relate them to the Oregon
Trail, the "main street to the west."

The Oregon Trail proper of the 1840s started at Independence, Missouri, and crossed
Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Idaho. The first section of the Mormon Trail from
Winter Quarters was generally along the north bank of the Platte River, some 185 miles
to near what is now Kearney, Nebraska. Up to this point the Mormon Trail and the
Oregon Trail of the late 1840s were entirely separate.

The second portion of the Mormon Trail was from Kearney to Fort Laramie,
Wyoming. Along this approximately 320-mile-long section, the two trails followed the
Platte, the Mormons on the north bank and the Oregonians on the south. Since in the
1840s, the favored route to Oregon and California was along the south bank of the
Platte, it might appear that the Mormons pioneered the north bank trail, but actually
during the 1820s and 1830s the north bank had been the preferred way, used by fur
trappers and missionaries. [15] As late as 1846, the famous historian Francis Parkman
took the northern route to South Pass.

The third section of the trail was from Fort Laramie to Fort Bridger. Here the Mormons
followed the Oregon Trail proper for some 397 miles.

The fourth and final section of about 116 miles started at Fort Bridger, where the
Oregon Trail turned north and where the Mormons left the Oregon Trail and picked up
the year-old Reed-Donner track through the Rockies into the Salt Lake Valley.

West of Winter Quarters the Mormons passed along river valleys, across grasslands, plains,
steppes, deserts, and mountains, and through western forests, experiencing dramatic changes
in flora and fauna. Topographically the trail led across the Central Lowlands of eastern
Nebraska, covered with the tall prairie grass of blue stem and needle; across the High Plains
of central Nebraska and the Upland Trough of western Nebraska and eastern Wyoming,
blanketed with short, stubby plains grasses such a grama and buffalo; through the Wyoming
Basin with its desert shrub of sagebrush, creosote bush, and greasewood; through the forests
of Douglas fir and scrub oak of the middle Rocky Mountains, and into the sagebrush desert
of the Great Basin.

From Winter Quarters they followed the broad, flat valley of the Platte for some 600 miles
and the beneficent little Sweetwater for about 93 more, all the while enjoying an increasingly
rugged and beautiful land, and finally zigzagging through a series of defiles and canyons.

They traversed the empire of the bison, wolf, antelope, bear, coyote, goat, elk, fox, raccoon,
rabbit, hare, gray swan, great blue heron, and quail; the bee, grasshopper, and firefly; the
rattlesnake, copperhead, lizard, and turtle; the grayling, catfish, and trout. Seasonally the area
was a piebald garden of sunflowers, daisies, gayfeather, and butterfly milkweed. The modern
traveler can still find some parts of the old trail (see Historic Sites, Chapter 7). Much of the
plains, deserts, mountains, steppes, and forests remain, but the tall grass prairie is almost all
gone, a victim of the white man's plow. (See previous section on Mormons and the

Part I, Winter Quarters to Kearney, Nebraska

From their staging ground the Mormon Pioneers followed the Platte to near what is now
Columbus, where they decided to follow the Loup Fork of the Platte. (See Appendix D,
Illustration 17.) Near here the pioneers (and later Mormons) had their first meeting with a
group of Plains Indians—a band of Pawnee, [16] the largest indigenous tribe in Nebraska,
numbering as many as 10,000 people. The nation was centered on the Loup River and
habitually demanded gifts from white travelers near Shell Creek. Later the pioneers, who
would meet other groups of Plains Indians such as the Sioux and the Crow, were entering the
Great Plains at a time of great disorder and intertribal warfare. The inexorable push of the
white man west had driven a jumble of eastern Indians onto the Great Plains, where they
were considered invaders by the natives.

On April 24th, the pioneers crossed the Loup near what is now Fullerton (see Historic Site
25) and went due south about 16 miles, where they again picked up the Platte. On May 1st,
just west of what is today Kearney, Nebraska, the pioneers sighted a herd (or, to pedantically
use the proper noun of assembly, an obstinacy) of bison. [17] Originally the animal had
ranged from the Appalachians. Some were even known to live along the east coast from
Virginia to Florida, to the Rockies, but by 1820 had been killed off east of the Missouri
River. In 1847 the Mormons found them 200 miles farther west, along the Platte and
Sweetwater rivers. A hunt was quickly organized. Four wagon loads of meat were secured
and the camp feasted.

Part II, Kearney to Fort Laramie

A few days later, on May 5th, the pioneers experienced another of the great natural
phenomena of the plains—a prairie fire. Usually caused by dry lightning or Indians, it
became a scourging wall of flame that, wind-driven, could reach a height of twenty feet,
could scorch and blind buffalo, overtake a horse, and easily engulf a slow-moving ox train.
Nebraska country was a great sea of grass, which summer sun and winter frost regularly dried
or killed, leaving it tinder to great fires every fall and spring. There are only two ways of
fighting such a fire: with firebreaks or backfires. The pioneers had time for neither, they
simply drove their wagons to a convenient island in the Platte and let the fire pass harmlessly

On May 10th, west of the confluence of the North and South Platte rivers, several pioneers
gave some thought to making an instrument to attach to a wagon wheel that would measure
miles traveled. Prior to this William Clayton had kept track of distance by tying a red cloth to
a wagon wheel and counting its revolutions (360 to the mile). The device was an endless
screw fashioned out of wood. It was because of this measuring device and his detailed
journal that Clayton was later, in 1848, to publish his famous The Latter -day-Saints'
Emigrants' Guide. (See Appendix D, Illustration 18.)

West of Ash Hollow, a famous camping site on the Oregon Trail, the Mormons entered the
broken lands of the Upper Missouri Basin and the terrain became increasingly more
interesting and varied. For 80 miles to Scotts Bluff, the pioneers traveled through what might
loosely be called a monument valley. Along this stretch on both sides of the river are some of
the most famous and dramatic topographical features of the Mormon and Oregon-California
Trails. Courthouse Rock, Chimney Rock, and Scotts Bluff guarded the Oregon Trail, while
Indian Lookout Point and Ancient Ruins Bluff sentineled the Mormon Trail. In mid-May
they crossed a short section of Nebraska's Sand Hills, where ruts can still be found. (REC,
see Historic Site 27 and Appendix D, Illustration 19.)

On May 22nd the pioneers made camp near the most impressive topographic site along the
entire Mormon Trail, a place the Mormons called Ancient Ruins Bluff, which consists of
three separate and magnificently eroded formations. (See Historic Site 30 and Appendix D,
Illustration 20.) On Sunday, May 24th, Brigham Young and others climbed the main bluff.
While there, they wrote their names on a buffalo skull and left it on the southwest corner.
[18] (Years later this author tried to find this skull but, of course, it was no longer there.)

In this general area the pioneers engaged is some mock trials and elections. James Davenport,
for example, was accused of "blocking the highway and turning ladies out of the way," and
"Father" Chamberlain was voted the most even-tempered man in camp—always cross and
quarrelsome. [19]

On May 24th, at their camp opposite Courthouse Rock, at one time thought to have been
named from its fancied resemblance to the St. Louis courthouse, the pioneers were visited by
a party of Sioux, certainly the largest of the Great Plains tribes and the most dominant. The
visit was pleasant and the pioneers were favorably impressed with the Indians. [20]

On May 26th, they passed Chimney Rock—a principal milestone, which, though only 452
miles from Winter Quarters, came to be considered sort of a halfway mark. This most
familiar sight on the Oregon Trail was an eroded tusk of Brule clay jutting some 500 feet
above the Platte. No one is known to have successfully climbed it, but there is one legend
that an Indian suitor, in order to win a bride, reached the top, only to plunge to his death.

On Friday, May 28th, they were opposite the massive formations of clay and sandstone
called Scotts Bluff and passed the future site of the famous Rebecca Winter's grave. (REC,
see Historic Site 31, and Appendix D, Illustration 21.) The grave is famous, because it is one
of the very few authenticated Mormon emigrant graves known.

The following day was Sunday and, just east of what today is the Wyoming state line near
Henry, Young convened a special meeting. They went out on the bluffs (see Historic Site 32),
clothed themselves in their temple robes and held a prayer circle to pray for guidance.

That same day they spotted the pyramidal bulk of Laramie Peak looming regally above the
"Black Hills," today's Laramie Mountains, the first western mountains seen by westering
Americans. (See Appendix D, Illustration 22.) A day later they passed out of what is now
Nebraska and came upon a wagon track that led them to Fort Laramie, 30 miles farther west.

Fort Laramie (NR, see Historic Site 33) has had at least three names. It was founded in 1834
as Fort William, later called Fort John, by which name the pioneers knew it, and then in 1849
it became Fort Laramie, after a French trapper, Jacques LaRamie. [21] Thus far the pioneers
had suffered no deaths, little illness, and the loss of only four horses, two to the Indians and
two accidentally killed—one was shot (loaded firearms kept in jolting wagons or held by
people on horseback claimed many a life needlessly on the frontier), the other fell into a
ravine while tethered, and broke its neck.

In 1847 while at Fort Laramie, the pioneers rested their animals and themselves and prepared
to pick up the Oregon Trail, the longest wagon road in history. Called the main street of the
old west, the Oregon Trail stretched over 2,000 miles from Independence, Missouri, to the
Columbia River. It had been blazed between 1811 and 1839 and thereafter tens of thousands
used the trail annually on their way to Oregon and California. Estimates range from 350,000
to 500,000 people used the Oregon Trail up until the coming of the railroad in 1869. [22]
Those going to California left the Oregon Trail at Soda Springs and Fort Hall in what is now

While at Fort Laramie, the pioneers were joined by seventeen advance members of the
"Mississippi Saints" from Monroe County, Mississippi, who had been waiting for them for
two weeks. Among this advance group were six females: Elizabeth Crow and her five
daughters. The Mississippi Saints told the pioneers that most of their group and some soldiers
of the Mormon Battalion, too sick to pursue the march any farther (commonly called the Sick
Detachment), were at Fort Pueblo in what was to become Colorado. [23] To help this group
join the pioneers in the Valley, Young dispatched four men to Fort Pueblo. This meant a net
gain of thirteen individuals, bringing the number of the pioneer group to 161 people with 77

Part III, Fort Laramie to Fort Bridger

On Saturday, June 5th, the pioneers were ready to leave for the continental divide at South
Pass and Fort Bridger, 397 miles west. For a little over one month the pioneers would be on
the Oregon Trail with several other Gentile (non -Mormon) companies, with whom they
would vie for the best campgrounds, feed, and priority in fording rivers.

On their first day out from Fort Laramie they came to what is now called Mexican Hill
(REC, see Historic Site 34 and Appendix D, Illustration 23). They may have been familiar
with the frontier hyperbole regarding this steep cut down the bluffs to the river. While
descending, so the story went, if a tin cup fell out of a wagon it would land in front of the
oxen. Two miles west of Mexican Hill is Register Cliff (NR, see Historic Site 35) and 1-1/2;
miles beyond that are some of the most dramatic trail ruts in the world—four feet deep in
solid rock—near what is now Guernsey, Wyoming, in Guernsey State Park. (NR, see Historic
Site 36, and Appendix D, Illustration 24.) Near here is Warm Springs Canyon, the Emigrants'
Wash Tub (see Historic Site 37), where the water is always a warm 70 degrees.

Two days later, near Horseshoe Creek, Heber C. Kimball discovered a large spring (see
Historic Site 38), which was named after him. On Sunday, June 13th, while at their fording
site on the Platte, frequently referred to as "Last Crossing," the pioneers established a ferry
for the Saints who would follow. It was also established to be a money-making venture. Ten
men were left behind to operate and maintain what soon became known as Mormon Ferry.
(NR, see Historic Site 40.)

When the pioneers left Last Crossing on June 19th, they quit the Platte for good. From the
Elk Horn River to Last Crossing they had followed its generally gentle valley for more than
600 miles. The easy part of the trek was over, as the next 50 miles would prove. The stretch
from Last Crossing through Emigrant Gap, by Avenue of Rocks, Willow Springs and up
Prospect Hill (see Historic Sites 41-44) to the Sweetwater River near Independence Rock (see
Historic Site 45) was the worst section of the whole trail between Nauvoo and the Salt Lake
Valley. It was a "Hell's Reach" of few and bad campsites, bad water, little grass, one steep
hill, swamps, and stretches of alkali flats. [24]

But the pioneers endured and lived to enjoy refreshing draughts of the Sweetwater River,
which probably acquired its name either from American trappers because of its contrast with
the other brackish streams in the vicinity, or from French voyagers, who called it the Eau
Sucree because a pack mule loaded with sugar was lost in its water. This small, gentle,
beneficent river, which all Oregonians and Mormons followed for 93 miles to South Pass
(NR, see Historic Site 52), made it possible for travelers to reach their destination in one
season, avoiding a winter in such desolate country.

Like all travelers before and after them, the pioneers stopped to climb the huge turtle-shaped
Independence Rock and some carved or painted their initials or names into or on it. Four and
a half miles west was the equally famous Devil's Gate (REC, see Historic Site 46 and
Appendix D, illustration 25), another popular resting place on the trail. Its name derives from
the notion that the formation bears the profiles of twin petrified genies. It is a 1,500- foot-
long, 370-foot-deep gap in a rocky spur, through which flows the Sweetwater. Signatures can
still be found in this gap.

West of Devil's Gate came Martin's Cove (NR, see Historic Site 47, and Appendix D,
Illustration 26), the Split Rock ruts (REC, see Historic Site 48 and Appendix D, Illustration
27), Three Crossings (see Historic Site 49), the Ice Springs (Historic Site 50), the Willie's
Handcart grave (REC, see Historic Site 51, and Appendix D, Illustration 28), and South Pass.

On June 27th they crossed the flat, almost imperceptible 7,750-foot-high continental divide at
South Pass, the "Cumberland Gap" of the Far West. Oregonians and Californians tried to
reach this pass by July 4th in order to get to their destinations before winter. (The Mormons,
with a shorter distance to go, did not have to be so careful.) At Pacific Springs (see Historic
Site 53), immediately west of South Pass, the pioneers refreshed themselves and their
animals. These famous springs, so named because their waters flowed to the Pacific Ocean,
were the recognized beginning of the sprawling and ill-defined Oregon Territory.

A few miles farther, on the aptly named Dry Sandy, they met Moses Harris, the first of the
mountain men with whom they consulted about their destination. Harris, who had roamed the
west for twenty-five years, did not think much of the country around the Great Salt Lake; he
said it was barren, sandy, and destitute of timber and vegetation except wild sage. On the
next day, still on the Dry Sandy, the pioneers met the famous Jim Bridger, who was on his
way to Fort Laramie, and spent some time with him discussing the Valley of the Great Salt
Lake. This camp was the setting of Bridger's well-known challenge that he would give a
thousand dollars for a bushel of corn raised in the Great Basin. [25] For his help, Young gave
Bridger a pass for the Mormon Ferry on the Platte.

At this time, Bridger, who was quite "likkered up," entertained them with some of his tall
tales, like the one about the glass mountain strewn about with the corpses of animals and
birds that had killed themselves running and flying into it; or the one about petrified birds
singing in a petrified forest; perhaps the one about a stream that ran so fast it cooked the
trout in it; or about the rock he threw across the Sweetwater River, which just kept on
growing until it became Independence Rock; and maybe the story of the time some Indians
chased him up a narrow canyon closed at the head by a 200-foot waterfall. "And how did you
escape, Jim ?" the Mormons may have asked. "I didn't," he'd have answered, "they scalped
me." [26]

June 29th was a banner day: the Mormons, passing the famous Parting of the Ways (NR, see
Historic Site 54) made the best distance of the whole crossing—23-3/4-miles, against an
overall average of 10 miles per day. Such a distance was covered only because there was no
water between the Dry Sandy and the Sandy. By July 3rd they were at the Green River where
they established another ferry. (See Historic Site 56.) From there they passed Church Butte
(see Historic Site 57, and Appendix D, Illustration 29) and, finally, on the afternoon of July
7th, they arrived at Fort Bridger (NR, see Historic Site 58 and Appendix D, Illustration 30), a
poorly built ramshackle adobe establishment on Black's Fork of the Green River, put up in
1842 to service emigrants on the Oregon Trail.

Part IV, Fort Bridger to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake

The pioneers tarried at this rather shabby fort just long enough to do some trading and repair
their wagons, especially the running gear and wheels. At 8:00 A.M. on Friday, July 9th, the
pioneers quit the Oregon Trail, which there turned north, and began the last leg of their
journey. The Mormons followed Hastings Cutoff, a barely visible track through the Rockies
made by the Reed-Donner party of 1846, many of whom later perished in the Sierra Nevada
snows. Even with the trailblazing done by the Reed -Donner group, it took the pioneers
sixteen days and ten camps to traverse the 116 miles between Fort Bridger and the Salt Lake

Their second day out of Fort Bridger, the pioneers met a third mountain man, Miles
Goodyear, who owned a trading post at the mouth of the Weber River, near what is now
Ogden, Utah, about 38 miles north of where Young was to locate that summer. They also
passed a pure-water spring, a sulfur spring, and an oil spring (see Historic Site 59). Then they
entered the beginning of a 90- mile-long natural highway, a chain of defiles, which
meandered through the forbidding Wasatch Range of the Rockies into the valley, as if an
ancient Titan had dragged a stick through the area. The first part of the final stretch came to
be called Echo Canyon. (See Appendix D, Illustrations 32 and 33.)

By noon on July 12th, they had made midday camp along Coyote Creek, about 1 mile east of
a prominent and strange formation of conglomerate rocks called the Needles, or Pudding
Rocks (see Historic Site 60), and about 1- 1/2 miles east of what is now the Wyoming-Utah
border. Here Young was suddenly stricken with tick fever. He remained ill for nearly two
weeks, during which time Kimball took over the direction of the camp. In the hope that
Young would be well enough to travel the next day, Kimball and a few others remained at
the Coyote Creek camp and sent Orson Pratt and the main company on. On July 13th, it was
obvious that Young was worse, not better, so Kimball rode 6- 3/4 miles ahead to the main
camp near the well-known rendezvous site called Cache Cave (REC, see Historic Site 61 and
Appendix D, Illustration 31) and suggested that Pratt drive on to "hunt out and improve a
road." [27]

For the rest of the journey, the pioneers split into three groups—Pratt's vanguard, the main
portion following, and a rear guard, which stayed with Young and Kimball. Pratt's company
sighted the Valley on July 19th and scouted it on the 21st. On the 22nd at about 5:30 P.M.,
the main company arrived in the valley via what came to be called Emigration Canyon. Early
the next morning the group moved about 2 miles northwest and made camp on the south fork
of what became known as City Creek. There they dammed up the water and began plowing,
planting potatoes, and irrigating.

Meanwhile, back on Coyote Creek, Kimball and a few others went to the top of the Needles
and offered up prayers for the sick, and on July 15th, Young was well enough to travel in
Wilford Woodruff's carriage. (See Appendix C, Biographical Sketch 11 and Appendix D,
Illustration 34.) Shortly thereafter they crossed the Hogsback (see Historic Site 63) at the
summit of Main Canyon (west of present Henefer) and caught the traveler's traditional first
view of the continent's backbone, the Wasatch Range of the Rocky Mountain cordillera—
disheartening assurance that the worst of the mountain passes still lay ahead. On the morning
of July 23rd, the Young-Kimball detachment left Mormon Flat (NR, see Historic Site 64) on
East Canyon Creek and began the final section of the trail—up Little Emigration Canyon to
Big Mountain Pass (see Historic Site 65).

As the pioneers crossed the 7,400 foot -high Big Mountain pass, they entered their new
homeland, the Great Basin—a vast and forbidding area of over 200,000 square miles lying
generally between the crests of the Sierra Nevada and the Wasatch Mountains, including
parts of Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Idaho, and inhabited by various tribes of
Great Basin Indians. (It is a natural basin. What streams and rivers there are, such as the
Humboldt, Jordan, Provo, and Weber, have no access to the sea. They flow into the Great
Salt Lake, into sinks, or disappear by evaporation and percolation. The area is spotted with
unattractive places now named Salt Marsh Lake, Little Salt Lake, Fossil Lake, and the
Humboldt Sink.)

Until the Mormons arrived, this region had only been slightly explored and settled by
Europeans. Imperial Spain, which had claimed it by right of discovery, had done little with it
for centuries except try to find a trail between Santa Fe, New Mexico and Monterey,
California. To this end, they sent out the eighteenth century expeditions of the Fathers
Escalante and Dominguez and eventually the Old Spanish Trail was worked out. [28]

England and France had never even fought for it. The Mexicans, who took it from Spain in
1821, generally considered it a worthless waste separating more desirable lands. Prior to the
advent of the Mormons some Anglos had visited and explored the area. They included
mountain men, California-bound emigrants, Captain John C. Fremont of the United States
Topographical Corps, and Miles Goodyear, who in 1846, established a trading post on the
Weber River near what is now Ogden, Utah. [29]

For perhaps four billion years the Great Basin had bent all to its inexorable will—adjust or
perish. In 1847 the Mormons, however, decided to make the Great Basin their home, and
they did it on ancient principles worked out in Mesopotamia and among some Native
Americans in South America and in the American southwest—centralized organization,
division of labor, and a chain of command, all on an agricultural basis with controlled
irrigation at its heart.

This author believes that Young made his famous statement "This is the place, drive on." on
the Big Mountain summit rather than over the mountains near what is now Salt Lake City,
where the 'This is the Place Monument" has been placed. This minority view is based on
Young's pioneer journal of July 23, 1847, where it is recorded, "I ascended and crossed over
the Big Mountain, when on its summit I directed Elder Woodruff, who had kindly tendered
me the use of his carriage, to turn the same half way round so that I could have a view of a
portion of Salt Lake Valley. The spirit of light rested upon me and hovered over the valley,
and I felt that there the Saints would find protection and safety." [30] Then the Young-
Kimball party rough-locked their rear wheels with chains and attached drag shoes (wagon
brakes were not then in general use), slid down Big Mountain, and a few hours later
ascended Little Mountain (see Historic Sites 65 and 66). At 5:00 that afternoon, suffering
much from heat and dust, they were in Emigration Canyon, at Last Camp. [31]

The next day was July 24th—the day acclaimed as the official entrance of Young into the
valley. July 24, 1847, is the traditional pivot in Mormon history—everything is related to and
from this date. Brigham Young had finally accomplished what in January 1845, he had set
out to do.

In 1880, during Mormondom's fifty -year jubilee, Woodruff enhanced the events of July 24,
1847, with the following afterthought, probably an embellishment of the passage quoted from
Young's journal: "President Young was enwrapped in a vision for several minutes. He had
seen the Valley before in vision, and upon this occasion he saw the future glory of Zion and
of Israel, as they would be, planted in the valleys of these mountains. When the vision had
passed, he said: 'It is enough. This is the right place, drive on." [32] Such was the origin of
the most famous single statement in Mormon history.

The event is commemorated today by the large granite "This is the Place" monument at the
mouth of Emigration Canyon (see Historic Site 67) that honors the pioneers and pre-Mormon
explorers and trappers. Atop a huge shaft thrusting up from the center of the base, stand
larger-than-life figures of Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, and Wilford Woodruff,
serenely and eternally contemplating their work.


Place of revelation or not, the valley was the first site suitable for Kingdom Building that the
pioneer leaders had seen since Nauvoo. It was vast and isolated and they set about earnestly
and immediately to tame it. As quickly as possible the pioneers laid out a city, planted crops,
built homes, a fort, a bowery for worship services, and fences to prepare for the approaching
winter; the people were organized into wards (congregations). Thirty- five days after he
arrived, Young was ready to return to Winter Quarters. More than 150 pioneers, including all
the women and children, remained in the valley when Young and 105 others started their
eastward return on August 27th. [33]

En route, the returning pioneers met 1,553 Saints of the Second Division from Winter
Quarters heading for the valley. On the evening of October 31st Young and the pioneers with
him were back in Winter Quarters, where they spent the winter preparing to move more than
2,400 emigrants west in 1848.

The exodus was successful. By 1860 there were about 30,000 people in Utah; by the coming
of the railroad in 1869, there were more than 80,000 in more than 100 settlements. By the
time Young died in 1877 he had established some 300 settlements in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming,
Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California. [34]
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study



While this historic resource study stresses the work of the pioneers of 1846-1847 it should be
remembered that up to 70,000 other Mormons made much the same trek through the time of
the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869. This study of trail documents reveals
that the basic experience (as described above) of all immigrating Mormons was similar. A
brief account of the post-1847 Mormon immigration follows.

This subsequent period of immigration can be conveniently divided into four groups and time
periods, with two minor sub-topics.

Wagon emigrants: 1848-1860

(canal, lake, and riverboats)

Handcart emigrants: 1856-1860

(The Brigham Young Express Company, 1856-1857)

Church ox team emigrants: 1860-1868

"Rail and trail" emigrants: 1856-1868


The main difference between the pioneers of 1846-1847 and subsequent Mormon emigrants
was that each year the trek became a little easier as a result of experience, established (and
enforced) discipline, better roads, ferries, bridges, and the ever-increasing number of trail-
side services like blacksmithing, medical assistance, military installations, trading
establishments, and the telegraph.

Another big difference between the early companies of 1847-1848 and subsequent parties is
that once the trail was well established and trail routine and discipline fixed, the leadership of
post-1848 companies was turned over to lower-level leaders and even to missionaries
returning from their fields of labor. Young and Kimball, for example, never led any
immigrating companies after 1848. (For details on all pioneer companies that crossed the
plains during 1847-1868 see Appendix B, Document 6, and for an estimate of the number of
emigrants by year see Document 5.)

Still another difference was the use of trail variants such as those developed in southern Iowa,
or via Mitchell Pass in Nebraska, not crossing the Platte River at Fort Laramie in Wyoming,
and many Oregon Trail variants. Post-1847 Mormons even used entirely different trails.
Between 1846-1853, Mormons infrequently used the Dragoon Trail between Montrose, Iowa,
to what is now Des Moines, Iowa. Between 1849-1859 they sometimes traveled the Ox-Bow
Trail, a variant of the Oregon Trail, which extended from Nebraska City, Nebraska, to Fort
Kearny on the Platte. Then from 1860 to about 1866, Mormons infrequently used the
Nebraska City Cutoff Trail, another variant of the Oregon Trail, which replaced the older Ox-
Bow Trail, from Nebraska City to Fort Kearny. A few Mormons, between 1846 and about
1853, also used the little -known-today Trappers' Trail between Bent's Fort, in what is now
Colorado, on the Arkansas River, to Fort Laramie on the North Platte. During the 1850s and
1860s some Mormons also traveled The Overland Trail from near what is now Sidney,
Nebraska, to Fort Bridger. A major trail variant even appeared in Utah. This was the Golden
Road, a 42-mile-long variant of the original Mormon Trail in Utah. Between 1850 and 1869,
many Mormons preferred this variant, which left the 1847 trail at the mouth of Emigration
Canyon and entered Salt Lake City via Parley's Canyon. [1]

Canal Boats, Lake Boats, and Riverboats

Perhaps one other observation should be made and that is regarding the Mormon use of
rivers, lakes, and canals in their westward movement. Beginning in 1831 Mormons used
various canal boats, lake boats, and riverboats to reach their several church headquarters in
Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois.

In 1831, the Mormons in western New York and northern Pennsylvania proceeded by way of
Cayuga Lake steamers, Erie Canal boats, and Lake Erie steamers to Kirtland, Ohio. (See
Appendix A, Map 1.) And in the 1840s a few other Mormons used the Erie Canal en route to
Nauvoo, Illinois. This author has found a few journal references from the 1830s and 1840s to
Mormons traveling other canals like the Pennsylvania State Canal between Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh, the Ohio and Erie Canal between Cleveland and Portsmouth, and the Miami and
Erie Canal between Toledo and Cincinnati. References were also found to Mormons
traveling on Lake Erie.

While few Mormons used canal and lake boats, thousands traveled on riverboats. Some
Mormons went to Missouri via the Missouri River, thousands reached Nauvoo on the
Mississippi River via New Orleans and St. Louis. After the Mormons began departing the Far
West from various Missouri River locations, most emigrants reached Missouri via Ohio,
Mississippi, and Missouri riverboats until the railroad reached the Missouri in 1859.

According to contemporary Mormon journal accounts of riverboat travel, Mormon emigrants

experienced not only "enchantingly beautiful scenery," kind "colored waiters," and their own
preaching, but also snags, cholera, accidents, death (most riverboats carried extra coffins for
those who died aboard), miscarriages, explosions (many, for example, died in the Saluda
disaster near Lexington, Missouri, on the Missouri River in 1852), and what they took to be
"anti-Mormon" sentiments. A few emigrants could afford cabin class passage, but most,
unfortunately, traveled in steerage—on the crowded lower decks with the animals and
baggage (including an occasional occupied coffin), and few amenities. Sometimes
passengers, including at least two Mormon children, fell overboard and were lost.


A major change in the pattern of Mormon immigration took place in 1856 in Iowa City,
Iowa, with the development of a remarkable travel experiment in the history of the west—the
handcart experience. [2] In 1854 the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad (C&RI) reached the
Mississippi River at Rock Island, Illinois; two years later the railroad bridged (or should one
say trestled?) the Mississippi and connected with the Missouri and Mississippi Railroad that
ran to Iowa City. Thereafter, through 1858, most European Mormon emigrants took various
railroads from Atlantic ports, connecting with the C&RI, directly to Iowa City, which became
the main point of departure for the Rocky Mountains. (Beginning in 1859 most handcart
pioneers took the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad to St. Joseph, Missouri, thence by
riverboat to Florence [now North Omaha], Nebraska.)

Brigham Young, safely settled in Utah since 1847, had also decided to try this supposedly
faster, easier, cheaper, and certainly more unusual way to bring thousands of European
converts to Salt Lake City. While the Mormons were not the first to use some kind of carts
going west (some gold-rushers, for example, had experimented with wheelbarrows and some
who had moved into trans-Appalachia after the War of 1812 used handcarts), [3] they were
the first and only group to use them extensively, certainly the first to transport entire emigrant
companies with them. [4]

The Mormon open carts varied in size and were modeled after carts used by street sweepers;
they were made almost entirely out of wood. They were generally six or seven feet long, the
width of a wide track wagon, and carried about 500 pounds of flour, bedding, extra clothing,
cooking utensils, and a tent. The carts could be pushed or pulled by hand. Some were painted
with mottos and inscriptions like 'Truth Will Prevail," "Merry Mormons," and "Zion's
Express." Most companies also had a few ox-drawn wagons to carry extra supplies. [5] (See
Appendix D, Illustration 35.) These Mormons, mainly from England, Wales, and
Scandinavia, landed in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, and traveled by train via
Chicago to Iowa City, Iowa.

Train travel was easier than travel by wagon, but it was far from luxurious. Trains averaged
20 miles an hour and had no sleeping accommodations or dining cars. Smoke and soot were
everywhere, sanitation facilities were primitive, and schedules were erratic. Travelers had to
provide their own food or pick it up en route. Many spent nights sitting up or in warehouses
or barns. Some Mormons felt they were singled out for rude treatment by railway officials.
Passenger cars sometimes caught fire or derailed. Some women gave birth en route. But on
the emigrants came. (During the Civil War, because of wartime demands, rail travel became
even more difficult and uncomfortable. Mormons often had to travel in cattle cars.) [6]
Handcart emigrants crossed the Iowa River and went to the staging area that had been located
on the banks of Clear Creek, 3 miles west of Iowa City, at a small settlement known as
Clark's Mills, now called Coralville.

This famous experiment involved 2,962 people in 10 companies from 1856 through 1860, but
only the first 7 companies, or 2,071 Saints (70 percent of the total), trod Iowa soil. [7] The
handcart company of 1859 entrained at New York City and reached St. Joseph, Missouri, on
the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, where they took a Missouri River riverboat to
Florence, Nebraska. The C&RI reached Council Bluffs in 1860 and handcart companies of
that year (the last year of the handcart experiment) were able to ride the C&RI all the way to
Council Bluffs. With the exception of the fourth and fifth companies of 1856, the famous
Martin and Willie companies, which started too late in the year and were trapped in
Wyoming snows, the system was a success.

The first 7 companies made the 275-mile trip across Iowa from Iowa City, Iowa, to Florence,
Nebraska, in from 21 to 39 days, averaging 25 days and 11 miles a day. (See Appendix A,
Map 10.) The first company of 226 persons started out on June 9, 1856, led by the
Birmingham Brass Band from England, and arrived in Utah September 26th. March music
and singing kept the people together and helped ward off tedium and fatigue. The most
popular of all songs was the famous "Handcart Song":

Some must push and some must pull

As we go marching up the hill,
As merrily on the way we go
Until we reach the valley, oh!

In Coralville, Iowa, the Daughters of the American Revolution have erected a bronzed tablet
commemorating the handcart companies. It is located on the south side of the road just west
of the intersection of Fifth Street and Tenth Avenue. Also in Coralville and the western part
of Iowa City is the Mormon Trek Boulevard, a modern highway honoring these pioneers.

In 1976, in connection with the U.S. Bicentennial Celebration, a several-acre Mormon

Handcart Park was developed in Coralville on ground owned by the University of Iowa,
through funds provided by the Mormon Church. The site is near Clear Creek and U.S. 6, near
the Hawkeye Court housing complex to the west of Mormon Trek Boulevard. There are three
markers at this site having extensive text commemorating a pioneer campsite, pioneer burial
ground, and the whole site in general.

Although the handcart pioneers did not know it before starting, Iowa roads were to be
veritable "super highways" compared to what lay west of the Missouri. Like all Mormon
pioneers before and after them, they used the best, most convenient roads and trails. Since at
least 1846, when Brigham Young led the Saints across Iowa, there had been some kind of a
road between Iowa City and Council Bluffs. In the beginning it had been a military road to
Fort Des Moines, and later a territorial, state, mail, and coach route. Most of the handcart
pioneer journals of 1856-1857 refer often to the good roads. In fact, had the Saints not been
so poor, they could have ridden over the roads by stagecoach to the Missouri for about eleven
dollars a person.

Today's Highway 6 generally follows this old trans -Iowa road as far as Redfield. From
Coralville the pioneers passed through Homestead and South Amana, two German colonies
established in 1854. (This part of Highway 6 up to Grinnell is also marked as the Hiawatha
Pioneer Trail.) Passing through Marengo, Brooklyn, Grinnell, Newton, and Rising Sun, they
reached Fort Des Moines. The old fort on the west bank of the Des Moines River was by then
abandoned, but still standing. Near the intersection of Riverside Drive and Southwest First
Street in Des Moines is a granite marker commemorating this old fort and part of the newly
restored fort.

West of Des Moines, the Mormons proceeded via Adel to Redfield. West of Redfield, the old
trail is only approximated by today's roads. From Redfield the pioneers went to Bear Grove.
Merely a wide spot in the road today, Bear Grove was then an important coach stop and a
place where the pioneers obtained necessary supplies. (It is in Guthrie County, in section 18,
T79N, R32W.)

From Bear Grove the Saints traveled the old military, or Dragoon Road, now largely
nonexistent, to what is now Lewis, where they intersected the pioneer trail of 1846 and
followed it directly to Council Bluffs. There, crossing the Missouri by ferry, they arrived at
the new staging ground in Florence, Nebraska, and made final preparations to go to the Salt
Lake Valley.

In the Lewis, Iowa, town park, there are two markers commemorating the Mormon Trail. One
is a section of a telephone pole with "Mormon Trail" carved into it; a few yards away is a
handsome bronze marker that was placed by the Daughters of the American Revolution in
1917. (See Historic Site 12.)

In the Trans-Missouri west, the handcarters followed the established Mormon Trail into their
new Zion and, as previously noted, most of these companies made it safely there. [8] Across
Nebraska all the of the handcart companies made the journey successfully. Their route and
general experiences were much like other westering Mormons. They did move faster and, of
course, suffered less from accidents occasioned by draft animals, heavy wagons, and
stampedes. Costs were reduced by about one -third. Handcarters were able to transport less
food, far few belongings, and of course, could neither ride in the carts nor sleep in them.
Handcart companies also seemed to have a higher percentage of European emigrants; one
company was largely Welsh, one Scandinavian, and in one, nine different languages were
spoken. And most also made it successfully across Wyoming.

The joy of the success of this new, faster, and cheaper way of immigrating soon turned to
sorrow with the tragic experience of the Willie and Martin companies, the 4th and 5th
companies of 1856. When they arrived on the Missouri River, they found their carts were not
yet prepared. Some wisely thought they should postpone the crossing of the plains that year,
but such wisdom was decried by others as evidence of a weak faith. So, after a delay and
with some carts made of green wood, the two companies headed west.

After reaching what is now Wyoming, they were caught in an early snowstorm. Among the
Martin company of 576, a total of 145 (about 25 percent) died of exposure across Wyoming,
as many as thirteen a night. Most could not be buried because the ground was so frozen. This
company reached what has become known as Martin's Cove (see Historic Site 47) about
November 3rd. It was 2 miles west of Devil's Gate. On the 6th, the temperature dropped to
eleven degrees below zero. It was here a rescue party from Utah finally reached this
company. Across Wyoming the Willie's company lost 77 persons (about 19 percent) out of
404. They managed to push on to a camp on Rock Creek (see Historic Site 51) where they
awaited rescue, a rescue that came near the end of October.

The handcart experiment continued in 1857, and worked well until it ended in 1860. In 1857,
for example, an attempt was made across Nebraska to establish supply stations for the benefit
of handcarters. This effort had just gotten under way when the cancellation of a government
contract ended it. Thereafter, the handcart companies replenished their supplies as best they
could, bartering with the Indians, killing what animals they could, sometimes receiving
supplies sent out from Salt Lake City, and buying what they needed from the ever-growing
number of supply stations, forts, and trading posts along the trail.

The handcart company of 1859 experienced what this author considers the most bizarre trail
experience of the entire Mormon immigration. Near Devil's Gate, in what is now Wyoming,
the Mormons met a group of Indians who had just won a battle with another tribe. "The
victorious tribe were [Sic] parading around with scalps suspended on sticks which they held
high in the air. They had a number of prisoners. They invited a number of us boys to go to
their camp that night to witness them torture to death their prisoners. However, we
respectfully declined." [9]

In summary, about 3,000 emigrants in 10 companies were transported west between 1856 and
1860, in 653 carts and 50 supply wagons. Generally, they traveled successfully, and cheaper
and faster than wagon trains. The handcart era ended after 1860, when the Mormons switched
to large church ox-team trains sent out from Salt Lake City to haul emigrants and freight
west from the Missouri and other points. (This change is detailed below under "Church Team
Emigrants, 1860-1868.")

The Brigham Young Express Company 1856-1857

There is one more dimension to the Mormon Trail which, while it pertains little to
immigration, deserves mention in this study. This is the short-lived Brigham Young Express
and Carrying Company (popularly known as the Y.X. Company) of 1856-1857. It has a place
in this study because the route of the company generally was the Mormon Trail of 1847. [10]

In 1856 the Mormon Church bid for and received a four-year contract for monthly mail
service between Independence, Missouri, and Salt Lake City. Wagons, animals, feed, stations,
and men were quickly lined up, and mail service commenced February 8, 1857. Soon the
church was preparing to carry freight as well. The first permanent stations or settlements were
set up at Genoa (see Historic site 24), about 100 miles west of Omaha, and on Deer Creek
(just west of Deer Creek in what is now Glenrock, Wyoming). Other stations were begun at
the Horseshoe Creek stage station (2 miles due south of what is now Glendo, Wyoming,
NW1/4; of SW1/4, Sec. 21, T29N, R68W), at La Bonte Creek (La Bonte Stage Stop 10 miles
south of Douglas, Wyoming, at NE1/4;, SW1/4, Sec. 33, T31N, R71W), Devil's Gate (near
the Gate, just south of the Sweetwater River and abandoned Wyoming Highway 220, [see
Historic Site 46], and at Rocky Ridge [Secs. 21, 27, and 35, T29N, R97W], a very remote
and difficult place to visit today). The Mormons also made use of other existing stations at
Fort Laramie (see Historic Site 33), Sweet Water (known today as Burnt Ranch, just south of
the Sweetwater River, in NW1/4, SE1/4, Sec. 26, T28N, R100W), and Fort Bridger (see
Historic Site 58). The proposed sites at Horse Shoe Creek, La Bonte Creek, Deer Creek,
Devil's Gate, and Sweetwater River were surveyed into 640- acre or one square-mile
rectangles—160 rods by 640 rods, or 2 miles by-1/2-mile sections.

The main objective was eventually to have stations every 50 miles—the daily distance
attainable by mule teams. Such stations would also be aids to Mormon emigrants by stocking
and providing grain and other basic supplies, where hay and other crops could be raised.
Then suddenly the contract was canceled because of the political influence of rival mail
contractors and all the Mormon mail and freight stations were closed for good.


In 1860 Mormon leaders abandoned the handcart experiment in favor of the church ox-team
method. [11] This was done for two reasons: the discovery that loaded ox teams could be sent
from Utah to the Missouri, pick up emigrants (and merchandise), and return to Utah in one
season, and for better use of the church's own resources, that is to save money. Furthermore,
although cheaper and somewhat faster, the handcart system was never popular. In the few
instances where emigrants had a choice between handcarts and wagon trains, most chose the

By means of these "down and back" trips, the Mormons could export their own flour, beans,
and bacon to supply the emigrants, and use the cash saved to buy and freight back needed
supplies not available in Utah. Furthermore emigrants could be saved the expense and trouble
of obtaining their own wagons or carts and draft animals to take them west.

The 2,200- mile round trip could be made in approximately six months. Church leaders
arranged for the men, equipment, and supplies, and organized the trains into groups of about
fifty each. The captain of each company was given complete authority to get the job done.
All the men involved were regarded as "missionaries," and were given credit on the tithing
books for the value of service rendered—they were in effect paying their 10 percent church
tithing "in kind." There was one other fringe benefit—bachelors often found brides among
the emigrants—had first pick, so to speak. Happily, romance flourished throughout the entire
Mormon immigration period.

Each wagon was pulled by four yoke of oxen or mules and carried about 1,000 pounds of
supplies. The teams were expected to reach the Missouri River at Florence (old Winter
Quarters or modern North Omaha), in July and return with ten to twenty emigrants per
wagon and all the freight they could load. (Later the jumping-off place moved to a now
forgotten community with the strange name of Wyoming, Nebraska Territory, [ 12] and
finally to Laramie and Benton, in the state of Wyoming.)

This system lasted for the period 1860-1868, and required about 2,000 wagons 2,500
teamsters, 17,550 oxen and brought approximately 20,500 emigrants to Utah. [13] The first
three years, the jumping -off place was Florence, Nebraska Territory. In 1864, however, the
Mormons switched to the community of Wyoming, Nebraska, where they followed the (little
known today) Nebraska City Cutoff Trail. [14] (See Appendix A, Map 11.)

The principal reasons for the Mormons' switch from Florence to Wyoming seems to have
been because emigrants from the east could take trains directly to St. Joseph, Missouri, then
take an approximately 94- mile riverboat ride to the community of Wyoming, and then the
cutoff trail shortened the distance from the Missouri River to the area of Fort Kearny, by
about 50 miles. The cutoff ran 169 miles directly west to Fort Kearny on the Oregon Trail,
where the Mormons could either continue on the Oregon Trail or cross the Platte River and
pick up the MPNHT.

The community of Wyoming, founded as a river port in 1855, was 45 miles south of Florence
and 7 miles north of Nebraska City. The Mormons favored it over Florence because it
provided more open area for their staging ground and was well removed from the rough
elements of Nebraska City and other lures that might have caused emigrants to not go west.

Twenty-two organized Mormon emigrant companies (see Appendix B, Document 6) left

Wyoming during its three-year service (1864-1866). It is estimated that the companies totaled
about 6,500 emigrants. In addition, probably some 500 or more Mormons traveled as
individuals with non-Mormon trains from nearby Nebraska City. [16]

Of all the early Mormon emigrant trails, one of the least known today among Mormons is the
Nebraska City Cutoff Trail. There are about ten historic markers along this old trail, but none
refer to the Mormons. No church teams were sent east in 1867, largely because the Union
Pacific railroad reached North Platte, Nebraska, that year and immigrating plans were in flux.

In 1868, when church teams were again sent east, they were dispatched to the Union Pacific
railhead at Laramie, Wyoming, during July and August and to the Benton, Wyoming,
railhead during August and September, and picked up a total of ten emigrant companies. That
year was the last year of the wagon, handcart, or church team Mormon emigrant. The
transcontinental railroad reached Utah May 10, 1869, and from that time on emigrants could
ride the rails all the way to Zion. From these two railheads, at Laramie and Benton, Mormon
emigrants would have picked up the Overland-Bridger Pass Trail, followed it to Fort Bridger
and then taken the Mormon Trail into Utah. [17]

Prior to the 1850s, Mormon emigrants seldom used railroads. There is one account of rail
travel in 1837, and a few traveled to Nauvoo, Illinois, by rail in the 1840s. But it was not
until 1856 that the use of railroads by Mormons became common. [18]

As has already been noted in the discussion of the handcart companies, Mormon emigrants
made little use of railroads until the Chicago and Rock Island RR reached the Mississippi
River at Rock Island, Illinois, in 1854, whence it was possible to continue west by riverboats
to various jumping-off sites, such as Fort Leavenworth, on the Missouri River. When the
railroad went from Rock Island, Illinois, to Iowa City, Iowa, in 1856, many Mormon
emigrants, especially the handcart pioneers, "took cars" to that terminal.

Another big rise in the use of rail travel was when the Hannibal and St. Joseph RR reached
St. Joseph, Missouri, on the Missouri River in 1859, whence emigrants generally took
riverboats to the Council Bluffs- Florence area and proceeded west. (The handcart company
of 1859 did this, the first Mormons to do so.)

Thereafter, until 1867 when the Mormons were able to ride the Union Pacific RR to North
Platte, Nebraska, this was the most popular manner for Mormon emigrants to reach the
Missouri River and points of departure for the Far West. During the Civil War years of 1861-
1865, emigrant travel by rail was difficult, especially in Missouri, where pro- and anti-Union
forces in that state often clashed: timetables were erratic, routes were interrupted, impeded,
and changed. Trail travel was dangerous. Bridges were blown up or burned and military
units. Rail travel, at least the accommodations most Mormon emigrants could afford, hadn't
improved much over the conditions of the 1850s. Passenger cars often had no springs,
benches had no backs, sometimes emigrants rode in cattle cars full of lice and dirt. Food and
water had to be carried or purchased in route.

Mormons also used other railroads to go west. After 1859 when the North Missouri RR, out
of St. Charles, Missouri, intersected with the Hannibal and St. Joseph RR, it was possible for
Mormons to take the Chicago and Alton RR to Alton, Illinois, and St. Louis, thence to St.
Joseph. Some Mormons picked up the Hannibal and St. Joseph RR via the Chicago,
Burlington, and Quincy RR (which reached the Mississippi River in 1855). In 1867 some
Mormons reached Council Bluffs, Iowa, via the Chicago and Northwestern RR.

After the Civil War, the Union Pacific RR began moving west from Omaha, Nebraska, on
July 10, 1865. The following year, the Mormons abandoned the rail terminal at St. Joseph
and the connecting Nebraska City Cutoff and, sequentially, took trains to four Union Pacific
railheads: North Platte, Nebraska, and Julesburg, Colorado, in 1867, and Laramie and
Benton, Wyoming, in 1868. (See Appendix B, Document 6 and Appendix A, Map 12.) Here
the emigrants were met by church trains from Salt Lake.

Because the Union Pacific RR, moving west from Omaha, Nebraska, was in a race with the
Central Pacific RR, moving east from Sacramento, California, male emigrants were
sometimes offered reduced or free tickets if they would work on the road bed. [19]

Each of the railheads became a wide-open, rip-roaring town, which greatly concerned
Mormon leaders. The first three are still prospering, but Benton is distinctive for having
become the first ghost town in Wyoming, lasting only from July through September 1868. It
was located on the eastern edge of the Red Desert, 11 miles east of what is now Rawlins,
near the North Platte River. (The curious can find the exact location of Benton by looking for
Union Pacific milepost number 672.1, indicating precisely how far one is west of Omaha, off
old Highway 30.) Church wagons transported the emigrants to Utah from each of the three
remaining railheads.

In 1867, about 500 emigrants took the train to North Platte right on the Mormon Trail, thence
to Utah via that trail. In 1868, five companies totaling about 1,850 pioneers left Laramie
during July and August in wagons sent by the church. From Laramie the only reasonable
route west would have been via the Overland-Bridger Pass Trail (see Appendix A, Map 12)
to Fort Bridger, to pick up the Mormon Trail there. Also in 1868, about 2,000 pioneers in five
companies left Benton during August and September. From Benton, Mormon emigrants
could have gone about 50 miles north and picked up the Mormon Trail, but most went a few
miles south and took the Overland -Bridger Pass Trail to Fort Bridger, to intersect the main
route. (A few Mormons appear to have jumped off at Julesburg.)

After the Union Pacific RR reached Utah in 1869, emigrants took rails all the way from the
east coast. The great trek was over and the Mormon Trail began to slowly disappear and fade
from memory.


In the 1930s, in connection with the centennial of the Mormon Church, a movement started
to better locate, preserve, and mark the old trail. One of the first organizations to do so was
the Utah Pioneer and Landmarks Association. The Daughters of Utah Pioneers and the Sons
of Utah Pioneers have also erected hundreds of trail markers. The Mormon Pioneer Trail
Foundation does much research on the old trail. And several federal agencies, including the
National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management, state, and local organizations and
individuals have done much to locate, foster, preserve, and mark the trail. The Historic Sites
Committee of the Mormon Church works to the same end.


Readers of this work are referred to the bibliography in this study for a guide to further
research. Despite the extensive literature on the Mormon Trail, much research needs to be
done. Generally speaking, we need to know more about every aspect of the Mormon
immigration that is treated in this study. To begin with, there are hundreds of existing trail
accounts that need further analysis, and new ones are found frequently. For more than
twenty-five years, this author has studied trails used by the Mormons and yet, there is much
to be done, especially regarding trail variants and feeder trails. We know little of the Mormon
use of some Oregon Trail variants from Independence, Westport, Weston, St. Joseph, Fort
Leavenworth, Nebraska City, Plattsmouth, Bellevue, or a variant north of the Platte River at
Fort Laramie, or the Seminoe and Blacks Fork cutoffs. We know little of the Mormon use of
feeder trails like the Santa Fe, Trappers' and Cherokee. We need to know much more about
Mormon sea voyages, and their use of canals, lakes, and rivers. We have just touched the
surface of their westering by rail experiences, and we need to know much more of their use
of various stage routes and federal wagon roads.

Much is waiting to be done regarding the Mormons and the military, the telegraph, the
eastbound use of the trail, and "go backs," or disgruntled Mormons who left Utah and
returned east. We have only begun to study such social questions of trail values, norms,
sanctions, courts, entertainment, single emigrants, the questions of privacy, sanitation, and
intimate relations, exceptional behavior, crisis events, Blacks and other minorities, children,
sex roles, and the division of labor.
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study


The following is a list of sixty-seven historic sites along the Mormon Pioneer National
Historic Trail from Nauvoo, Illinois, to Salt Lake City, Utah. Many of these sites are also
referenced in the narrative part of this study (with cross -referencing to this chapter). [1]
Thirteen are already on the National Register, indicated here by the letters NR, followed by
the date the site was added to the National Register and its reference number. Twelve sites
(indicated by the letters REC) are recommended for nomination to the National Register
through this historic resource study.

These recommendations have been made in accordance with the guidelines detailed in The
National Register Bulletin No. 16 National Park Service, 1986.

The general guidelines state that the sites must possess "integrity of location, setting...feeling
and association, and [must be] associated with events that have made a significant
contribution to the broad patterns of history" and that "are associated with the lives of
persons significant in our past...." [2]

The sites herein nominated, furthermore, fit the proper "function and use" categories of the
guidelines—namely funerary, landscape, and transportation. [3]

Such are the general requirements. The more specific qualifications met by each
recommended site will be detailed below.

In Iowa, Nebraska, and Utah, MPNHT trail ruts are so rare that all vestiges of them known to
the author are presented in this study. This is not the case in Wyoming, where there are miles
of Mormon-Oregon-California trail ruts. For Wyoming, only selected ruts are mentioned. [4]

NOTE: In the following account of historic sites all quotations following the words "The text
is..." are taken from official historic markers at those historic sites. Also in this chapter a few
abbreviations are used: sec. for section, T for Township, R for Range, and N, 5, E, and W for
the points of the compass. County maps issued by the respective states are necessary to
locate sites according to these section, Township, and Range designations.



This site and monument is at the foot of Parley Street in Nauvoo and marks the approximate
site where the Mormons crossed the river into Iowa.

The text on this Mormon Church marker is:

EXODUS TO GREATNESS. Near here, the Mormon exodus to the Rocky

Mountains began on February 4, 1846.... Fleeing enemies, these refugees crossed
the Mississippi River with their wagons on flatboats, except for a few days when
they crossed on ice....

Seeking freedom to worship God as they believed, more than 50,000 Mormon
pioneers, mostly with ox- drawn wagons or handcarts, crossed the plains to the
Rocky Mountains before the completion of the transcontinental railroad May 10,



The Mormon Trail of 1846 in Iowa proper begins in what is now River Front Park in
Montrose. This was the site of the first Fort Des Moines (1834-1837). The site of the old fort,
now contained in this park, is located at the eastern end of Main Street and is marked by a
bronze plaque set into a boulder at the south end of the little park.


The site is 7 miles west of Montrose on road J-72, in secs. 11 and 14, T66N, R6W, Lee

This was the staging ground, where in February 1846, the Mormons organized themselves for
their trek across Iowa. There is no marker here.


On March 5, 1846, the pioneers forded the Des Moines River at Bonaparte, Iowa. This fact
was recently commemorated by a sign on the Bonaparte side of the bridge over the river on
Highway 79.

The text on this county sign is:

Brigham Young and band of Mormons crossed the Des Moines River here March
5, 1846 on their trek to Utah.


This is about 6 miles west on road J-40 from the western exit of Lacey-Keosauqua State
Park, Van Buren County, in sec. 32, T69N, R11W. Here the Mormons lightened their loads
by caching some ordnance.

There is no marker here, but in 1985 two Mormon graves were found and marked by
relatives. These graves are in the NE 1/4 of sec. 32, but one must ask locally for directions
and secure permission to visit them.

This site is in Wayne County, in sec. 4, T67N, R20W.

Here in April 1846, William Clayton wrote the words to the most famous of all Mormon
hymns, "Come, Come, Ye Saints." A marker commemorating this event was erected here
July 1990 and is located at the entrance of Tharp Cemetery.

The text on this Mormon Church and Wayne County marker is:

The Hymn That Went Around the World: "Come, Come, Ye Saints" was the
great hymn of the Mormon immigration. It was composed near here April 15,
1846, by William Clayton, clerk of the first group of Latter-day Saints to leave
Nauvoo, Illinois....

First known as "All Is Well," this is the best known of all Mormon hymns. It
buoyed up thousands of pioneers on their way west. Through translations it has
come to be recognized all over the world.

William Clayton (1814 -79) was a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints in 1837, among the earliest in England...the hymn was set to
the music of a popular English folk tune, "All Is Well."

At the time the hymn was written, the pioneer camp was located along the ridge
west of Tharp Cemetery. This ridge divides two branches of Locust Creek.

Erected by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Wayne County
Historical Society. July 1990.

Near here in a pasture in the NE 1/4 of section 4 are faint ruts, perhaps dating from 1846.
The General Land Office survey of 1852 shows that an old trail did go this way.

There is also an exhibit dedicated to this event in the Wayne County Historical Society
Museum at Corydon, on Highway 2 about 15 miles northwest of Locust Creek.


This cemetery not only meets the qualifications of the general guidelines of the National
Register Bulletin No. 16, but also because of its "association with historic event[s]" and
because it is "primarily commemorative in intent," and because "age, tradition...has invested
it with its own historical significance." [5] (See Appendix D, Illustration 10.)

In the town park of the small community of Garden Grove, Decatur County, is a small
marker commemorating the fact that the pioneers founded Garden Grove in 1846 and built a
permanent camp for the benefit of those who would follow.

The text on this community marker is:

Dedicated 1956 in memory of the Mormons who founded Garden Grove, Iowa in
1847 [sic 1846].

One mile straight west of this marker on a county road is a small, three-acre trailside historic
park maintained by the Decatur County Conservation Board. Just to the north of an A-frame
picnic shelter is a fenced plot enclosing a metal marker on a sandstone slab commemorating
"The Latter -day Saints at Garden Grove" and those who are buried in that park. No graves
are visible.

The text on this Mormon Church marker is:


of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints (Mormons) left
their homes in Nauvoo, Illinois bound for the great basin in the Rocky

Moving westward across Iowa, their advance company made camp here April 25,
1846 calling the site Garden Grove.

Within two weeks, 359 men under the leadership of President Brigham Young
cleared 300 acres of land, planted crops, built log houses, and cut 10,000 surplus
rails for fencing and enough logs to build 40 additional houses.

Garden Grove thus became a stopover for many emigrants that followed later.
Death overtook some, however. They were buried here. Refreshed by their stop
at this place, the Mormon Pioneers went on to the Rockies where they founded
cities and towns and made the desert to "Blossom as the Rose."


This site meets the same NR criteria of site 7.

This site is near Thayer, Union County, in sec. 8, T72N, R28W. (See Appendix D,
Illustration 11.)

Like Garden Grove, it was a permanent camp on the trail for the benefit of the Mormons who
followed the pioneers west. There is little left today of the old campsite, which today is a
small, 9-acre park with informative signs and historical markers maintained by the Union
County Conservation Board. In 1928 the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) also
placed a marker here and in 1888, the Mormons erected a monument honoring their dead,
who rest in the adjacent cemetery. This monument may have been the first marker to a
historic site erected in Iowa.

The text of the state of Iowa marker is:


Mormon pioneers perished here from 1846 to 1852. Having been driven from
their homes by armed mobs, they stopped here on their westward trek, named it
Mt. Pisgah after a Biblical mountain range, and established a way-station.
Thousands of acres were cleared, buildings built, and caves dug for shelter until
log cabins were constructed, but lack of food and inadequate shelter took their
toll. In spite of hardships, Mt. Pisgah became a stopping place for an almost
endless trail of westward -bound Mormon Pioneers until 1852, when the last of
the Latter -day Saints left and the site was bought by Henry Peters and named

The original community was located on the slope and flat lands east of this spot.
The cemetery extended down the hill to the west, north, and south beyond the
railroad tracks. Headstones were long ago removed or destroyed by the elements,
but the large monument was erected in 1888.


Two miles east of Bridgewater, Adair County, on a county road is the 160-acre Mormon
Trail Park and Morman [sic] Lake maintained by the Adair County Conservation
Commission. This park commemorates the fact that the old Mormon Trail ran about 1 mile to
the south.


This site meets the same NR criteria of site 7, and it also fits into the transportation and
landscape categories of the NR. (See Appendix D, Illustration 12.)

Some of the very few, if not the only, extant Mormon Trail ruts in Iowa are found near this
Mormon Trail Park. They are located in sec. 4 of Washington Township, Adair County north
of County Road G-53, on the property of Mr. Jacob Pote. The deeply eroded ruts, on his
private pasture ground, rum east and west for about one -quarter of a mile, commencing
approximately one-quarter of a mile west of his home. The author's study of the original
1850 General Land Office survey of Iowa shows that the old trail did go this way.


On a gravel road 1 mile due south of Lewis, Cass County, is the Cold Spring State Park.
Near the parking area in the camping part of the park, close to a set of four swings, is a
National Park Service MPNHT sign. About 100 feet west of this sign is a fence separating
the park from some fields. Here, extremely dim traces of the old trail can be seen crossing
the fields.


About 1 mile west on Minnesota Avenue, in the present community of Lewis, Cass County,
is the site of an old Indian Town, a Potawatomi settlement on the east bank of the
Nishnabotna River. The Mormons noted and visited the settlement. This town was the
junction of the Mormon Trail with a military trail from Raccoon Forks, site of Ft. Des
Moines II (1837 -1846). It was also here that the handcart companies from Des Moines
intersected the Mormon Trail of 1847.


One mile west of present Macedonia, Pottawattamie County, on County Road G -66 is Old
Towne Park, an undeveloped 8- acre park near where some Mormons temporarily settled in
1850. The area became known as the Mormon Trail Crossing. There are no signs or markers

Kanesville/Council Bluffs Area

While the Mormons were in the Kanesville/Council Bluffs area for some years, especially
between 1846 and 1853, and established three ferries and several communities, almost all
historic sites have given way to urban sprawl and there is very little to see today. (See
Appendix D, Illustration 13.)


Near the Iowa School for the Deaf on U.S. Highway 275, close to its junction with Highway
92, is the general area of the first Mormon camp in the Council Bluffs area. (There is a
marker here commemorating the Mormon Battalion that fought in the war with Mexico,


At the north end of Bayliss Park on South Main Street in downtown Council Bluffs, is a
bronze marker commemorating the Mormon Trail passing through Council Bluffs.

The text on this community marker is:

This boulder commemorates the early travel upon the Mormon Trail through
Kanesville, now Council Bluffs, and is dedicated to the memory of the throngs
who crossed Iowa in advance of settlements....


The Mormons had three main places from which they ferried across the Missouri River into
Nebraska where they finally set up their Winter Quarters of 1846-1847. Two of these places
correspond quite closely with where the South Omaha and the Mormon Pioneer Memorial
bridges are today. (The third site is some 20 miles to the south, near present Plattsmouth,
Nebraska.) On the Iowa side there are no markers at any of these sites, but the Mormon
Pioneer Memorial Bridge, the Iowa end of which is located 10 miles north of Bayliss Park on
Interstate 680, can be considered a memorial. There is a historical marker for this bridge, but
it is on the Nebraska side. (See Historic Site 17.)



(For the location and significance of this site see Historic Site 16.) This marker used to be on
the south side of the entrance ramp to what is now the eastbound lane of the bridge, which
has been incorporated into Interstate 680. It has since been moved to the grounds of the
historic old Florence Bank at 8502 North 30th Street. The marker was originally erected in
1953 by the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association when the original span of this
bridge was formally dedicated.

The text is:

MORMON PIONEER MEMORIAL BRIDGE, This bridge is on the Mormon

Pioneer Trail from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Rocky Mountains. Driven from their
homes by mobs, many of the dispossessed Mormon people crossed the
Mississippi River on the ice in February 1846.... Winter Quarters were
established on the west bank of the Missouri River, and a ferry was operated at
this site. Six hundred of these people-Nebraska's first white settlers-died here
that winter....
Winter Quarters Area Historic Sites

Today in the area of old Winter Quarters are several historic sites and markers
commemorating Cutler's Park, Winter Quarters, the Mormon Cemetery, and the old Mormon
Mill. There are also streets named Young Street, Mormon Street, and Mormon Bridge Road,
and a Mormon Visitors' Center, all located in the general area of 30th and State streets.


This site is located on Mormon Bridge Road just north of the entrance to the Forest Lawn
Cemetery. This short- lived community, selected by Alpheus Cutler, was the Nebraska
Mormon headquarters in 1846, just prior to the establishment of Winter Quarters. It is known
today as "Nebraska's First City." In 1988 the Mormon Church placed a marker here. (See
Appendix D, Illustration 14.)

The text on this Mormon Church marker is:

CUTLER'S PARK, NEBRASKA'S FIRST CITY. The first city in Nebraska,

Cutler's Park, was founded here in August 1846 by 2500 members of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) who were en route to the Rocky
Mountains. This settlement became the headquarters of the church and extended
on both sides of the modern -day Mormon Bridge Road. Although comprised of
only tents and wagons arranged in orderly squares, the short-lived community
had a mayor and city council, 24 policemen and fireguards, various
administrative committees, and a town square for public meetings.

In mid -August the settlers adopted the territory's first Anti-Pollution Ordinance
—a regulation banning open burning. In September 1846 the camp began
moving to Winter Quarters, three miles northeast. When the last residents of
Cutler's Park moved in December, they left behind fenced streets, an improved
communal spring, and about 800 tons of hay that would help supply the next
group of pioneers on their journey west the following year.


In the southern end of the Florence Park at 30th and State streets is a Nebraska Historical

The text is:

WINTER QUARTERS. Here in 1846 an oppressed people fleeing from a

vengeful mob found a haven in the wilderness. Winter Quarters, established
under the direction of the Mormon leader Brigham Young, sheltered more than
3,000 people during the winter of 1846-47. Housed in log cabins, sod houses,
dugouts, they lacked adequate provisions. When spring arrived more than six
hundred of the faithful lay buried in the cemetery on the hill. Winter Quarters
became the administration center of a great religious movement.

In the spring of 1847 a pioneer band left Winter Quarters to cross the Plains to
the Great Salt Lake Valley. Thousands of others followed this trail. In 1855,
Young was forced to utilize handcarts for transportation. The first company,
comprising about five hundred persons, left here on July 17 and reached the
Valley on September 26, 1856....


This site meets the same NR criteria as detailed in site 7. (See Appendix D, Illustration 15.)

The site can be found in old Florence, now North Omaha, at the intersection of State and
33rd streets.

It is estimated that some 600 Mormon emigrants died in the Winter Quarters area, many were
buried here during 1846-1852. There are several markers in and near the cemetery.

In this cemetery are some of the finest works of sculpture produced by the Mormon Church.
One should note the bronze memorial gates to the front and rear and the nine-foot-tall bronze
statue of a grieving family within the cemetery, all by Avard Fairbanks.


About 4 miles west of the Mormon Pioneer Memorial bridge on Highway 36 is the first
monument to the exodus across Nebraska. It is located at the intersection of Old 36 and
Seventy-Second Street, at the southern boundary of the North Omaha Airport. The marker
was placed by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers in April 1947.

The text is:

On April 15, 1847, in this vicinity the Mormon Pioneers en route from Nauvoo,
Illinois to the Rocky Mountains made their first camp after leaving Winter
Quarters on the west bank of the Missouri River 5 miles north of Omaha,
Nebraska, where they spent the winter of 1846- 47. Heber C. Kimball, a twelve
apostle [a member of the Twelve Apostles] of the Church of Jesus Christ of the
Latter-day Saints and close friend of President Brigham Young, led the first
company, thus forming the nucleus for the gathering of the groups that


The pioneer crossing of this first natural obstacle in Nebraska was approximately where U.S.
6 crosses this river today, near Waterloo, Douglas County. There is no marker here.


This historic staging ground site is near Fremont, Dodge County, in sec. 21, T17N, R8E.
There is nothing to be seen today.

Once across the Elkhorn, the pioneers headed for the broad and gentle valley or floodplain of
the Platte River. This staging ground, later named the Liberty Pole Camp (from a large
cottonwood pole erected there July 4, 1847, by the Second Company of pioneers), was
located approximately one-quarter of a mile from the Platte River, southwest of Fremont and
west of U.S. 77. The pole remained until at least 1857. There is no marker here.

A Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association marker in Barnard Park in Fremont
(between Irving and Clarkson streets on Military Avenue), however, commemorates this
staging ground.
The text is:

THE MORMON PIONEER TRAIL. The Mormon Pioneer Trail from Nauvoo,
Illinois to the Rocky Mountains passed here April 17, 1847. In this vicinity a
military-type organization was formed with Brigham Young, lieutenant general;
Stephen Markham, colonel; John Pack and Shadrack Roundy, majors; and
captains of hundreds, fifties and tens. In the company were 143 men, 3 women,
and 2 boys....

24. GENOA HISTORIC SITE: NR, 10/15/70, 70000373

In 1857, the Mormons founded this community, which still exists, in Nance County in 1857
as a way-station on their trail west. It was also a station for the Brigham Young Express
Company of 1856- 1857. (See page 69.) The Mormons were required to abandon it in 1859
when it became part of a new Pawnee Indian Reservation.

Although this site is on the National Register, it is so commemorated because it was an

important Pawnee village from 1859 to 1876. No reference is made to the fact that the
community of Genoa was founded by the Mormons—a fact confirmed by a Nebraska
historical marker. The National Register should be amended to include this information.

The text on this Nebraska Historic marker is:

GENOA: 1857- 1859. Genoa, named by the Mormon Pioneers, was among
several temporary settlements established by the Church of the Latter Day Saints
in 1857, along the 1000 mile trail from Florence, as way-stations for the Brigham
Young Express and Carrying Company, which had the government mail contract
to Salt Lake City, and as rest supply stops for Saints traveling across the plains.

Mormons from St. Louis, Florence, and Alton, Illinois were called to establish
the Genoa settlement in the spring of 1857, and the Colony arrived here on May
16th. During the first year, 100 families settled at Genoa and began to fence the
land and plant crops under the direction of Brother Allen, Mission President. A
steam powered mill was constructed and log, frame, and sod structures were
erected to house the settlers and their livestock.

In the fall of 1859, the Mormon Colony was forced to abandon Genoa when the
settlement became part of the newly created Pawnee Indian Reservation. Genoa
served as the Pawnee Indian Agency until 1876, when the Pawnee were removed
to the Indian Territory and the reservation lands offered for sale.


This pioneer ford is near Fullerton, Nance County, off Highway 22 in sec 4, T16N, R5W.
(See Appendix D, Illustration 17.)

Over the years the Mormons used many fording sites above and below this original crossing.
There is no marker here.


This is located at the Grand Island exit off the westbound lane of Interstate 80. It
commemorates the fact that some Mormons wintered on an island near here in the 1850s. In
this wayside area is a replica of a Mormon handcart next to an informational sign.


This site meets the same NR criteria as Historic Sites 7 and 10, plus the Sand Hills can be
considered a significant natural feature still reflecting "the period and associations for which
the site is significant." [6] (See Appendix D, Illustration 19.)

These ruts are located 3.5 miles north of U.S. 30 at Sutherland, Lincoln County, in sec. 4,
T14N, R33W, immediately to the northeast of the Sutherland Bridge over the Platte River.
They are some of the few, as well as some of the best, Mormon Trail ruts in Nebraska, but
the Sand Hills must be climbed in order to see them.

It was just west of here that the famous "odometer" was developed and tried out (see page


This landmark can be found 2 miles west of Lisco, Morrill County, in sec. 19, T18N, R46W,
to the north of U.S. 26.

Many Mormons climbed this promontory to get their bearings.


This site meets the same NR criteria as Historic Sites 7, 10, and 27. See Appendix D,
Illustration 20. The site is 8 miles west of Lisco, Morrill County, in secs. 32-33, T19N,
R47W north of U.S. 26.

These three erosional remnant buttes were named by English Mormon emigrants who thought
they resembled castles in their homeland. On Sunday May 23, 1847, Mormon leaders climbed
the highest bluff, wrote their names on a buffalo skull and placed it at the southwest corner.
These bluffs remained a prominent landmark on the Mormon Trail throughout the
immigration period and collectively form the most dramatic landmark on the entire Mormon
Trail in Nebraska.


In connection with, but separate from, the bluffs is a very short (less than 100 feet long) set
of well -defined trail ruts. They can be found three -tenths of a mile east of the ranch road
leading into the bluff area, just to the north of U.S. 26.

About 1.5 miles east of this same ranch road, north of the highway is a Nebraska historical
marker commemorating Narcissa Whitman, and Eliza Spaulding (the first white women on
the Oregon Trail), these bluffs, and the Mormons who named them.


This site meets the same NR criteria as site 7. (See Appendix D, Illustration 21.)

Three miles east of Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff County, along U.S. 26, is a pullout where the
Belt Line Road Crosses the Burlington and Northern Railroad, in sec 30, T22N, R54W.

This famous grave, one of the few known graves of the approximately 6,000 Mormons who
died crossing the plains, was discovered in 1899 by Burlington Railroad surveyors who
changed the right-of-way to save and protect the grave. The grave site is about 1/4 of a mile
along the railroad tracks to the west of the pullout.

In 1902, the Mormon Church placed a marker here. One should first visit the Nebraska
historical marker information sign at the pullout.

The text is:

REBECCA WINTERS. Rebecca Winters... was born in New York State in 1802.
She was a pioneer in the Church of the Latter Day Saints... In June 1852 the
family joined others of their faith in the great journey to Utah. It was a pleasant
trip across Iowa through June, but in the Platte Valley the dread cholera struck.
Rebecca saw many of her friends taken by the illness, and on August 15 she was
another of its victims. . . .

A close friend of the family, William Reynolds, chiseled the words "Rebecca
Winters, age 50" on an iron wagon tire to mark the grave....

In 1902 a monument was erected by Rebecca's descendants. Rebecca Winters is

a symbol of the pioneer mother who endured great hardships in the westward


This site is near Henry, Scotts Bluff County, in sec. 3, T23N, R58W.

These low, sandy bluffs are about 1 mile east of Henry. They can be reached by a service
road, but the visit is not worth the effort, for the bluffs are visible from U.S. 26. It was here
on May 30, 1847, that Brigham Young called a special prayer circle on behalf of the pioneers
with him, those following, and others remaining in Winter Quarters. There is no marker here.


33. FORT LARAMIE AND RUTS: NR, 10/16/66, 66000755

Approximately 30 miles northwest of the present Wyoming state line traveling on U.S. 26
(which here follows the old trail quite closely), is the most famous historic site in all
Wyoming - Fort Laramie, established in 1834. Here the Mormons crossed the North Platte
River and picked up the Oregon Trail.

The present Fort Laramie, now a national historic site, dates mainly from the Civil War
period and little remains of the 1847 fort. At the moment there is no Mormon marker in the
area, only a brief reference to them in the fort's museum. Between 1986-1987, the National
Park Service and the Bureau of Land Management cooperated in making some nearby, but
little-known trail ruts accessible to the public. They can be found by turning west on a gravel
road from the fort's cemetery and driving a mile or so toward Guernsey. There are signs and
a pullout to the north of the road. These ruts are known as the "Old Bedlam Ruts" today. (Old
Bedlam was the nickname of a garrison at Fort Laramie.)

This site meets the same NR criteria as Historic Sites 7, 10, and 17. (See Appendix,
Illustration 23.)

This site is 7 miles west of Fort Laramie, following the river road rather than the plateau, in
the SE 1/4 of sec. 8, T26N, R65W, Goshen County.

This hill is a steep and dramatic cut through the river bluffs to the flood plain. Impressive
trail ruts lead up to the hill from the east. The pioneers and many other Mormons came this
way. The site is unmarked, difficult to find, on private ground, and permission is required to
visit it. The author recommends the use of a four-wheel-drive vehicle to get to the site.

35. REGISTER CLIFF: NR, 4/3/70, 70000674

The site is in the Guernsey State Park, Guernsey, Platte County.

The famous Register Cliff site is 2 miles west of Mexican Hill and can be reached from there
only by crossing private ground. Travelers are advised to approach it via Guernsey—it is 2.8
miles southeast of that community. Most Mormons seem to have ignored this cliff, but later
emigrants covered it with names, carving them into the soft sandstone. There is an
informational marker here.


The site is in the Guernsey State Park, Guernsey, Platte County.

One and one-half miles beyond Register Cliff are some of the most dramatic ruts of any trail
in the world—cut shoulder deep through solid rock. (See Appendix D, Illustration 24.) This
example of ruts is a national historic landmark, and is located a short walk from a marked
parking area. The interpretive panel near them bears an almost poetic inscription.

The text is:

Wagon wheels cut solid rock, carving a memorial to Empire Builders. What
manner of men and beasts impelled conveyances weighing on those grinding
wheels? Look! A line of shadows crossing boundless wilderness.

Foremost, nimble mules drawing their carts, come poised Mountain Men
carrying trade goods to a fur fair—the Rendezvous. So, in 1830, Bill Sublette
turns the first wheels from St. Louis to the Rocky Mountains! Following his faint
trail, a decade later and on through the 1860's, appear straining, twisting teams of
oxen, mules and heavy draft horses drawing Conestoga wagons for Oregon
pioneers. Trailing the Oregon-bound avant garde but otherwise mingling with
those emigrants, inspired by religious fervor, loom footsore and trailworn
companies—Mormons dragging or pushing handcarts as they follow Brigham
Young to the Valley of the Salt Lake. And, after 1849, reacting to a different
stimulus but sharing the same trail, urging draft animals to extremity, straining
resources and often failing, hurry gold rushers California bound.

A different breed, no emigrants, but enterprisers and adventurers, capture the

1860's scene. They appear, multi -teamed units in draft—heavy wagons in
tandem, jerkline operators and bullwhackers delivering freight to Indian War
outposts and agencies. Now the apparition fades in a changing environment.
Dimly seen, this last commerce serves a new, pastoral society: the era of the
cattle baron and the advent of settlement blot the Oregon Trail.


The site is near Guernsey, Platte County, in sec. 4, T26N, R66W.

These springs were also known as the Emigrant's Washtub because the water is warmer than
the river (about 70 degrees F). Many Mormons did laundry here.


About 11 miles southwest of Glendo, Platte County, in sec. 1, T28N, R70W off the
Esterbrook Road.

The site is locally known as Mormon Springs although the Mormons did not discover them.
Heber C. Kimball was simply the first of the 1847 Mormons to see them.


The site is 3 miles east of Casper in a small riverside park in Evansville, Natrona County.

40. MORMON FERRY SITE, 1847: NR, 8/12/71, 71000887

This site is at Fort Caspar in Casper, Natrona County. (The Fort Caspar vicinity is on the
NR.) This ferry, considered to have been the first commercial ferry on the Platte River, was
established by the Mormon Pioneers in June 1847.

There is an excellent Mormon exhibit in the fort museum, a full-size replica of the original
Mormon Ferry, and a 1932 Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks monument on the fort

The text is:

THE MORMON FERRY. First Commercial Ferry on the Platte River was
established 1/2 mile south of here [this marker has been moved from its original
site across the river in Mills; there has been an interest expressed in moving the
marker back to its original site] in June 1847 by Mormon Pioneers on their way
to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake.

Brigham Young directed nine men to remain to operate the ferry. They were
Thomas Grover, Capt. John S. Higbee, Luke S. Johnson, Appleton M. Harmon,
Edmond Ellsworth, Francis M. Pomeroy, William Empey, James Davenport,
[and] Benj. E. Stewart.

The first passengers were Missourians bound for Oregon. The ferry was made of
two large cottonwood canoes fastened with crosspieces and covered with slabs. It
was operated by oars.


This gap is along Poison Spider Road, 10 miles west of Casper, in sec. 10, T33N, R81W.

Most travelers of the Oregon-California-Mormon Trail passed through this shallow gap in the
Emigrant Gap Ridge. There is a BLM interpretive site here.


This site is 6 miles west of Emigrant Gap, Natrona County, on County Road 319, in sec. 16,
T32N, R82W.Most of the Avenue was destroyed by road builders. Some emigrant signatures
can still be found in the area.


This site is 9 miles west of Avenue of Rocks, Natrona County, on County Road 317 sec. 9,
T31N, R83W.

These springs provided the only good water and campground for emigrants between the
Platte and Sweetwater rivers. They are north of the road by some unused ranch buildings.


The landmark can be found 1 mile beyond Willow Springs, in sec. 8, T31N, R83W.

This 400- foot-high hill was originally called Prospect Hill, because from its summit,
emigrants could see the gentle valley of the Sweetwater River, giving them hope, or good
prospects, for better water and an easier road. Excellent trail ruts can be seen about 1/4 mile
northwest of the present road. There is a BLM interpretive site here.

45. INDEPENDENCE ROCK: NR, 10/15/66, 66000753

This site is 22 miles past Prospect Hill, Natrona County, in sec. 9, T29N, R86W off Highway

Near this rock, one of the most famous landmarks on the Oregon-California-Mormon Trail,
emigrants picked up the beneficent Sweetwater River, and followed it west about 93 miles to
the continental divide at South Pass. The rock was named because some early trappers are
said to have once celebrated July 4th here. There are information signs, names carved and
painted on the rock, and bronze plaques, one commemorating the Mormons.

The text is:

In honor of the Mormon pioneers who passed Independence Rock, June 21,
1847, under the leadership of Brigham Young, on their way to the Valley of the
Great Salt Lake. And of the more than 80,000 [70,000 is closer to the truth]
"Mormon" emigrants who followed by ox teams, handcarts, and other means of
travel seeking religious liberty and economic independence...


This site meets the same NR criteria as sites 7, 27, and 29. (Appendix D, Illustration 25.)

The landmark is 6 miles west of Independence Rock on Highway 220, Natrona County, in
sec. 35, T29N, R877W. It is a 370-foot-high and 1,500-foot-long cleft, or water gap, through
the Sweetwater Rocks. Emigrant signatures can be found in the gap. There is a BLM
interpretive site near here on new Highway 220. A station on the Brigham Young Express
Company route was near here in 1856-1857.

47. MARTIN'S COVE: NR, 3/8/77, 77001383

Martin's Cove is 2 miles west of Devil's Gate on old Highway 220, Natrona County, in sec.
28, T29N, R87W. (See Appendix D, Illustration 26.)

The actual cove where many Mormons froze to death in 1856 is north of the road, across the
Sweetwater River adjacent to the Sun Ranch. It is difficult to access (four-wheel-drive is
recommended), and permission must be secured to visit it. In 1986 some Boy Scouts from
Layton, Utah, erected a rock cairn on a rise in this cove honoring those who perished here.

The 1933 marker put up by the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association is to the
north of old Highway 220, 2 miles west of the Sun Ranch and nearly 2 miles from the cove.
Permission to drive this private road is required. The general area of the cove is in the
Rattlesnake Mountains, more than a mile north of the road.

The text is:

MARTIN'S COVE. Survivors of Captain Edward Martin's handcart company of

Mormon emigrants from England to Utah were rescued here in perishing
condition about Nov. 12, 1856. Delayed in starting and hampered by inferior
[hand]carts, it was overtaken by an early winter. Among the company of 576,
including aged people and children, the fatalities numbered 145. Insufficient food
and clothing and severe weather caused many deaths. Towards the end every
campground became a graveyard. Some of the survivors found shelter in a
stockade and mail station near Devil's Gate where their property was stored for
the winter. Earlier companies reached Utah in safety.


This site meets the same NR criteria as sites 7, 10, 27 and 36, which is already on the
National Register. (See Appendix D, Illustration 27.)

The ruts are east of Jeffrey City, Fremont County, off U.S 287, in sec. 16, T29N, R9OW, on
private land. These are trail ruts cut into solid rock, similar to, but not as dramatic as, the trail
ruts at Guernsey.

Split Rock Mountain itself is already on the National Register, 12/22/76, 76001959. It can be
seen north of the road, a cleft in the Rattlesnake Range.


Along the Sweetwater River 2 miles north of Jeffrey City, Fremont County, is the famous
area where the river was crossed three times within a short distance.


This historic area is 9 miles west of Jeffrey City off U.S. 287/789, Fremont County, in sec.
32, T30N, R93W.
Under these famous springs, emigrants could find ice in the summer. A Wyoming
informational sign is here.


This site meets the same NR criteria as sites 7 and 47, which are already on the National
Register. See Appendix D, Illustration 28.

This site is 7 miles south of Atlantic City, Fremont County, in sec. 35, T29N, R99W.

This handcart company was a companion of the Martin company (see site 15). In October
1856, this company was caught in an early blizzard. At least fifteen Mormons froze to death
and are buried here. In 1932 the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association marked the

The text is:

WILLIE'S HANDCART COMPANY. Captain James G. Willie's handcart

company of Mormon emigrants on the way to Utah, greatly exhausted by the
deep snows of an early winter and suffering from lack of food and clothing, had
assembled here for reorganization by relief parties from Utah, about the end of
October, 1856. Thirteen persons were frozen to death during a single night and
were buried here in one grave. Two others died the next day and were buried
near by. Of the company of 404 persons 77 perished before help arrived. The
survivors reached Salt Lake City November 9, 1856.

52. SOUTH PASS HISTORIC SITE: NR, 10/15/66, 66000754

The site is west of Atlantic City, Fremont County, sec. 4,. T27N, R101W.

This gentle pass through the Rocky Mountains is considered the "Cumberland Gap of the Far
West," beyond which in 1847, commenced the fabled land of Oregon. Four miles beyond the
last bridge over the Sweetwater River is a South Pass Exhibit site just south of Highway 28.
The site provides an excellent view of the pass and Pacific Springs.


This site is 4 miles west of South Pass, off Highway 28, in sec. 1, T72N, R102W.

This was a famous campsite named Pacific Springs because it was the first water that flowed
to the Pacific Ocean that was seen by westering Americans.

54. PARTING OF THE WAYS HISTORIC SITE: NR, 1/11/76, 76001962

This site is 4 miles north of Highway 28, 15 miles northeast of Farson, in sec 4, T26N,

Here the Oregon Trail continued to the southwest and the Sublette Cutoff turned to the right
across the Little Colorado Desert on a shortcut to the Bear River. The Bureau of Land
Management recently installed a historic marker here.

The text is:

This part of the trail is called the Parting of the Ways. The trail to the right is the
Sublette or Greenwood Cutoff and to the left is the main route of the Oregon,
Mormon, and California Trails. The Sublette Cutoff opened in 1844 because it
saved 46 miles over the main route. It did require a 50 mile waterless crossing of
the desert and therefore was not popular until the gold rush period.

The name tells the story, people who had traveled 1,000 miles together separated
at this point. They did not know if they ever would see each other again. It was a
place of great sorrow. It was also a place of great decision—to cross the desert
and save miles or to favor their livestock. About two-thirds of the emigrants
chose the main route through Fort Bridger instead of the Sublette Cutoff.


The site is 12 miles west of Farson, Sweetwater County, in sec. 36, T24N, R108W on
Highway 28.

Here, on October 6, 1857, some Mormon guerrillas burned some U.S. army supply wagons
during the "Utah War" of 1857-1858. There is a marker here.

The text of this Mormon Church marker is:

SIMPSON'S HOLLOW. Here on Oct. 6, 1857, U.S. army supply wagons lead
[sic] by a Capt. Simpson were burned by Major Lot Smith and 43 Utah
Militiamen. They were under orders from Brigham Young, Utah Territorial
Governor, to delay the army's advance on Utah. This delay of the army helped
effect a peaceful settlement of difficulties.

The day earlier a similar burning of 52 army supply wagons took place near here
at Smith's Bluff.


This 1847 ferry site is located 28 miles southwest of Farson, Sweetwater County on Highway
28 on the Green River, in sec. 18, T22N, R109W.

The Mormons established this ferry in 1847 to help subsequent Mormons and also as a
commercial venture. Located near the landmark known as Lombard Buttes, it was often
referred to as the Lombard Ferry.

The present Highway 28 bridge crosses the river adjacent to the old ferry site.


This landmark is 10 miles southwest of Granger, Uinta County, in sec. 25, T18N, R113W on
old U.S. 30. (See Appendix D, Illustration 29.)

This magnificently eroded butte acquired its name because some Mormons were supposed to
have held church services here at one time.

58. FORT BRIDGER: NR, 4/16/69, 69000197

The site is in Fort Bridger State Park, Uinta County.

Six miles beyond Lyman is the second most important fort on the old Mormon Pioneer Trail,
the first one being Fort Laramie (see Historic Site 33). Here the main Oregon Trail (which
the pioneers of 1847 picked up nearly 400 miles back, at Fort Laramie) turns north and the
Mormons continued west about 100 miles on the year-old track of the Reed-Donner party
into what is now Salt Lake City. (See Appendix D, Illustration 30.)

There is nothing left here of the original fort of 1843-1844, but there is an excellent fort
museum with some references to the Mormon presence here.

In 1855 the Mormons bought Fort Bridger, enlarged it, and built a cobblestone wall around it.
One small section of the wall is all that is left of the Mormon occupation. Rebuilt by the
WPA during the Depression, it is located under a shelter at the far end of the fort and is
marked with a plaque placed there by the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association.
During the summer of 1990, sections of the foundation of this wall were excavated by the
Western Wyoming College.

The text is:

THE MORMON WALL. On August 3, 1855 the Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-day Saints concluded arrangements for the purchase of Fort Bridger from
Louis Vasquez, partner of James Bridger, for $18,000.... A cobblestone wall was
erected...replacing Bridger's stockade...The place was evacuated and burned on
the approach of Johnston's Army September 27, 1857.... (See Historic Site 62.)


The site is 12 miles south of Evanston, Uinta County, in sec. 4, T13N, R119W.

This oil spring, well known to many westering Americans as a source of lubrication for their
wagons, still flows. It is on private property and permission must be secured to visit it. The
entrance to the ranch is 3 miles south of the bridge over the Bear River on Highway 150
south of Evanston.


This landmark is near the Wyoming- Utah state line, in Uinta County in sec. 26, T14N,

The landmark is a 7,600-foot-high formation of conglomerate rock. It was near here in July
1847 that Brigham Young was taken sick with tick fever and, as a result, entered the Valley
of the Great Salt Lake two days after the vanguard did.



This site meets the NR criteria of sites 7 and 10 and is similar to site 45, which is already on
the NR. (See Appendix D, Illustration 31.)

This cave is just off Echo Canyon, Summit County, in sec. 23, T5N,R7E off Interstate 80.

This famous rendezvous place is covered inside with names of emigrants. It is on private


These are 21 miles west of Wahsatch, Summit County in Echo Canyon, off Interstate 80 in
sec. 10, T3N, R5E. See Appendix D, Illustrations 32 and 33.

They are listed in the National Register as Echo Canyon Breastworks. Near here is what is
left of an old wooden marker erected by the Utah State Road Commission.

The text is:

PIONEER DEFENSE FORTIFICATIONS. In 1857, due to false official reports

and other misrepresentations, troops under General Albert Sidney Johnston were
sent to suppress a mythical rebellion among the Mormons. Brigham Young, then
governor...forbade the army to enter Utah on the grounds that there was no
rebellion and that he had not been officially informed of the government's action
in sending the troops.

Strategic places between Fort Bridger and Salt Lake City were fortified.
Remnants of these fortifications can be seen on the sides of the cliffs in this
section of Echo Canyon.... Fort Bridger and Fort Supply, then in Utah and owned
by the Church, were burned.

Following negotiations between Governor Young and Captain Stewart Van Vliet
and mediation of Col. Thomas L. Kane, the army was held east of Fort Bridger
during the winter of 1857-58 and entered Utah without opposition the following
spring. It was recalled at the outbreak of the Civil War.


(MPNHT ruts are very rare in Utah—and there are no good ones. These, regrettably, are too
poor to nominate for the National Register.)

This is 6 miles west of Henefer, Summit County, in sec. 25, T3N, R3E on Highway 65.

Here Mormons got their first disheartening sight of the mountains they still had to pass
through to reach their new Zion. About 100 yards back towards Henefer, just to the north of
the road, about 1/4-mile of rather poor trail ruts can be seen. These are some of the very few
ruts left of the MPNHT in Utah.

64. MORMON FLAT HISTORIC SITE: NR, 10/27/88, 88001943

This site is 17 miles southwest of Henefer, in sec. 14, T1N, R3E.

Approximately 8 miles southwest of the Hogsback marker on Highway 65, a dirt road goes
left (south) for 3 miles to Mormon Flat and the presently unmarked mouth of Little
Emigration Canyon. On elevated ground at the canyon mouth, across unbridged Canyon
Creek, can be seen some stone breastworks from the Mormon War of 1857-1858.

The old trail goes 4 miles up this gentle canyon, and is a pleasant hike, to the crest of Big

This is 19 miles southwest of Henefer, Summit County, on Highway 65, and is the place were
the pioneers of 1847 and thousands of subsequent emigrants caught their first view of their
new home—the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. It was also here that Young uttered his famous
words, "This is the place, drive on." There is a marker here erected by the Sons of Utah

The text is:

BIG MOUNTAIN. On 19 July 1847, Scouts Orson Pratt and John Brown
climbed the mountain and became the first Latter-day Saints to see the Salt Lake
Valley. Due to illness, the pioneer camp had divided into three small companies.
On 23 July, the last party, led by Brigham Young, reached the Big Mountain. By
this time, most of the first companies were already in the valley planting crops.
Mormons were not the first immigrant group to use this route into the Salt Lake
Valley. The ill-fated Donner Party blazed the original Mormon trail one year
earlier. They spent thirteen days cutting the trail from present-day Henefer into
the valley.

That delay proved disastrous later on when the party was caught in a severe
winter storm in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The Mormoms traveled the same
distance in only six days. Until 1861, this trail was also the route of California
gold seekers, Overland Stage, Pony Express, original telegraph line, and other
Mormon immigrant companies, after which Parley's Canyon was used.

This monument, erected and dedicated 25 August 1984, by South Davis Chapter,
Sons of Utah Pioneers.


(These rare ruts are, sadly, no better than those at Historic Site 63.)

About 7 miles southwest of Big Mountain on Highway 65, in sec. 35, T1N, R2E, is where the
trail went up over Little Mountain and entered Emigration Canyon, the canyon that led
directly, and finally, into the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. There appear to be some trail ruts
north of the road. (See Appendix D, Illustrations 32 and 33.)

67. THIS IS THE PLACE MONUMENT: NR, 10/15/66, 66000737

This monument is on Highway 65 in Pioneer Monument State Park, Salt Lake City. The
monument and the park are part of the whole Emigration Canyon site on the National

In 1922, during the Pioneer Diamond Jubilee, a small monument was placed here reading,
"THIS IS THE PLACE/BRIGHAM YOUNG/JULY 24, 1847." At that time sixty-six original
pioneers were present. In 1947, to better commemorate the centennial of the arrival of the
pioneers into the Valley of the Great Salt Lake, a more suitable monument was built here in
the Pioneer Monument State Park. This massive memorial, sixty feet high and eighty-four
feet wide, designed by Mahroni M. Young, features fifteen plaques and many statues and
bas-reliefs honoring not only the Mormon Pioneers, but also others who had explored the
Great Basin including the American Indians, Fathers Dominguez and Escalanate, General W.
H. Ashley, Peter Skene Ogden, Etienne Provost, Captain B.L.E. Bonneville, Father Jean
Pierre De Smet, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Milton W. Sublette, Kit Carson, Captain John C.
Fremont, and the Reed-Donner party. There is also a visitors' center and an outdoor museum
in this 500- acre park, which constitutes the end of the famous Mormon Pioneer Trail from
Nauvoo, Illinois, to Salt Lake City, Utah.

Also related to the MPNHT in Salt Lake City is the museum of the Daughters of Utah
Pioneers and the Museum of Church History and Art.
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study

1. New York Saints Trail 1, 1831

map 1: New York Saints Trail 1831, New York, pt 1.  map by stanley b . kimball
Map 2, pt 2. New York Saints Trail 2, 1831

map 1a: New York Saints Trail 1831, New York, pt 2.  map by stanley b . kimball
Map 2, pt 1. Zion's Camp Trail, Ohio 1, 1834

map 2: Zion’s Camp Trail, 1834, Ohio, pt 1.  map by stanley b . kimball
Map 2a. Zion's Camp Trail, Ohio 2, 1834
Map 2a. Zion's Camp Trail, Ohio 2, 1834

map 2a: Zion’s Camp Trail, 1834, Ohio, pt 2.  map by stanley b . kimball

map 2b: Zion’s Camp Trail, 1834 , Indiana.  map by stanley b . kimball
Map 2c. Zion's Camp Trail, Illinois

map 2c: Zion’s Camp Trail, 1834, Illinois, pts 1 and 2.  maps by stanley b . kimball
Map 2d. Zion's Camp Trail, Missouri

map 2d: Zion’s Camp Trail, 1834, Missouri, pts 1 and 2.  maps by stanley b . kimball
Map 3. The Fremont-Preuss Map, 1843

map 3: The Fremont-Preuss Map, 1843

Map 4. S.A. Mitchell's New Map of Texas, Oregon, and California, 1846

4. 4:
map S.A. Mitchell's
S.A. New
Mitchell’s NewMap
Texas, Oregon, andCaliforinia,
Oregon and California,1846
5. Major S.H. Long's 1823 Map of the Country Drained by the Mississippi

map 5: Major S.H. Long’s 1823 Map of the Country Drained by the Mississippi
Map 6. Mormon Trail, Iowa, 1846

map 6: Mormon Trail, Iowa, 1846, pts 1 and 2.  maps by stanley b . kimball
Map 7. Mormon Pioneer Trail, 1847, Nebraska

map 7: Mormon Pioneer Trail, 1847, Nebraska, pts 1 and 2.  maps by stanley b . kimball
Map 8. Mormon Pioneer Trail, 1847, Wyoming 1

map 8: Mormon Pioneer Trail, 1847, Wyoming, pt 1.  map by stanley b . kimball
map 8: Mormon Pioneer Trail, 1847, Wyoming, pt 2.  map by stanley b . kimball
Map 9. Mormon Pioneer Trail, 1847, Utah

map 9: Mormon Pioneer Trail, 1847, Utah.  map by stanley b . kimball

Map 10. Handcart Trail, 1855-57, Iowa

map 10: Handcart Trail, 1855-57, Iowa, pts 1 and 2.  maps by stanley b . kimball
Map 11. Nebraska City Cutoff Trail 1864-66, Nebraska

map 11: Nebraska City Cutoff Trail, 1864–66.  map by stanley b . kimball
Map 12. The Overland-Bridger Pass Trail, 1862-1868

map 12: The Overland-Bridger Pass Trail, 1862–1868.  map by stanley b . kimball
Map 13. Sketch Map of Council Bluffs-Winter Quarters Area, 1846-1853

13. Sketch Map of Council Bluffs-Winter Quarters Area, 1846-1853

map 13: Sketch Map of Council Bluffs-Winter Quarters, 1846–1853
Map 14. Sketch Map of Winter Quarters, 1846-1847

14. Sketch Map of Winter Quarters, 1846-1847

map 14: Sketch Map of Winter Quarters, 1846–1847
Map 15. National Trails System, 1986

map 15: National Trails System, 1986

Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study




For the emigrants leaving this government next spring.

Each family consisting of five persons, to be provided with—
1 good strong wagon well covered with a 1 good musket or rifle to each male over
light box. the age of twelve years.
2 or 3 good yoke of oxen between the age 1 lb. powder.
of 4 and 10 years. 4 lbs. lead.
2 or more milch cows. 1 do. Tea.
1 or more good beefs. 5 do. coffee.
3 sheep if they can be obtained. 100 do. sugar.
1000 lbs. of flour or other bread, or bread 1 do. cayenne pepper.
stuffs in good sacks. 2 do. black do.
1/2 lb. mustard. 1 good seine and hook for each company.
10 do. rice for each family. 2 sets of pulley blocks and ropes to each
1 do. cinnamon. company for crossing rivers.
1/2 do. cloves. From 25 to 100 lbs. of farming and
1 doz. nutmegs. mechanical tools.
25 lbs. salt. Cooking utensils to consist of bake kettle,
5 lbs. saleratus. frying pan. coffee pot, and tea kettle.
10 do. dried apples. Tin cups, plates. knives, forks, spoons, and
1 bush. of beans. pans as few as will do.
A few lbs. of dried beef or bacon. A good tent and furniture to each 2 families.
5 lbs. dried peaches. Clothing and bedding to each family, not to
20 do. do. pumpkin. exceed 500 pounds.
25 do. seed grain. Ten extra teams for each company of 100
1 gal. alcohol. families.
20 lbs. of soap each family.
4 or 5 fish hooks and lines.
15 lbs. iron and steel.
A few lbs. of wrought nails.
One or more sets of saw or grist mill irons
to company of 100 families.
N. B.—In addition to the above list, horse and mule teams can be used as well as oxen.
Many items of comfort and convenience will suggest themselves to a wise and provident
people, and can be laid, in in season; but none should start without filling the original
bill. 23

Source: Nauvoo Neighbor, October 29, 1845, as cited in B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive
History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, vol. 1, 539-540.

The personnel of the Pioneer band, was as follows. They are given as divided into companies
of "Tens";

First Ten—Wilford Woodruff, captain: John S. Fowler. Jacob D. Burnham. Orson Pratt,
Joseph Egbert. John M. Freeman. Marcus B. Thorpe. Geo. A. Smith. Geo. Wardle.
Second Ten—Ezra T. Benson, captain: Thomas B. Grover, Barbaras L. Adams. Roswell
Stevens. Amasa M. Lyman. Starling G. Driggs. Albert Carrington. Thomas Bullock, George
Brown. Willard Richards. Jesse C. Little.

Third Ten—Phineas H. Young. captain: John Y. Green, Thom as Tanner. Brigham Young.
Addison Everett, Truman 0. Angell, Lorenzo D. Young, Bryant Stringham. Joseph S.
Scofield, Albert P. Rockwood.

Fourth Ten—Luke S. Johnson. captain: John Holman, Edmund Ellsworth, Alvarus Hanks,
George R. Grant. Millen Atwood, Samuel B. Fox. Tunis Rappleyee, Harry Pierce, Win.
Kykes, Jacob Weiler.

Fifth Ten—Stephen H. Goddard, captain: Tarlton Lewis, Henry G. Sherwood, Zebedee

Coltrin, Sylvester H. Earl. John Dixon. Samuel H. Marble, George Scholes, Win. Henrie.
Win. A. Empey.

Sixth Ten—Charles Shumway, captain: Andrew Shumway, Thos. Woolsey. Chauncey

Loveland, Erastus Snow. James Craig, Win. Wordsworth, Win. Vance, Simeon Howd, Seeley

Seventh Ten—James Case, captain: Artemas Johnson. Win. C. A. Smoot. Franklin B. Dewey,
Win. Carter, Franklin G. Losee, Burr Frost, Datus Ensign, Franklin B. Stewart. Monroe
Frink, Eric Glines. Ozro Eastman.

Eighth Ten—Seth Taft, captain: Horace Thorton. Stephen Kelsey. John S. Eldredge. Charles
D. Barnum, Alma W. Williams, Rufus Allen, Robert T. Thomas, James W. Stewart, Elijah
Newman, Levi N. Kendall, Francis Boggs. David Grant.

Ninth Ten—Howard Egan. captain: Heber C. Kimball, Win. A. King. Thomas Cloward,
Hosea Cushing. Robert Byard. George Billings. Edison Whipple. Philo Johnson. Win.

Tenth Ten —Appleton M. Harmon, captain; Carlos Murray, Horace K. Whitney, Orson K.
Whitney. Orrin P. Rockwell, Nathaniel T. Brown, R. Jackson Redding, John Pack, Francis
Pomeroy, Aaron Farr. Nathaniel Fairbanks.

Eleventh Ten—John S. Higbee, captain: John Wheeler, Solo mon Chamberlain. Conrad
Klineman, Joseph Rooker, Perry Fitzgerald, John H. Tippetts. James Davenport. Henson
Walker, Benjamin Rolfe.

Twelfth Ten—Norton Jacobs. captain: Charles A. Harper George Woodward, Stephen

Markham, Lewis Barney. George Mills, Andrew Gibbons, Joseph Hancock, John W. Norton.

Thirteenth Ten—John Brown, captain: Shadrach Roundy, Levi Jackman, Lyman Curtis, Hans
C. Hansen. Mathew Ivory. David Powers, Hark Lay (colored). Oscar Crosby (colored).

Fourteenth Ten—Joseph Mathews, captain: Gilbroid Summe, John Gleason. Charles Burke,
Alexander P. Chessley. Rodney Badger. Norman Taylor, Green Flake (colored). Ellis Eames,
who. it will be remembered, returned to Winter Quarters from the Pioneer camp on the 18th
of April on account of sickness.

Besides the men. there were three women and two children in the camp.
Source: B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

(omitted from online edition)



FROM 1847 TO 1869
(Andrew Jenson's Compilation)
1847 About 2,000
1848 About 4,000
1849 About 3,000
1850 About 5,000
1851 About 5,000
1852 About 10,000
1853 About 2,603 (foreign)
1854 About 3,167
1855 About 4,684
1856 About 3,756
1857 About 1,994
1858 About 179
1859 About 809
1860 About 1,409
1861 About 1,959
1862 About 3,599
1863 About 3,646
1864 About 2,697
1865 About 1,301
1866 About 3,333
1867 About 660
1868 About 3,232
Total 68,028

Source: "Church Emigration Book," Mormon Church Archives

Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study



ELIZA ROXCY SNOW, 1804-1887: Mormon poetess, prophetess, priestess, "presidentess,"

and famous pioneer.

Eliza was a spinster who became a "spiritual wife" of Joseph Smith in Nauvoo, and the most
important early Mormon female. She later became a plural wife of Brigham Young and
crossed Iowa in 1846 in his company. She kept an important journal of her trail experience.
She was a member of the second pioneer company of 1847 and dominated female society in
Utah until her death.

Source: Vicky Burgess-Olson, Sister Saints.


PATTY BARTLETT SESSIONS, 1795-1892: Well-known Mormon Pioneer midwife.

Patty's legendary 3,977 deliveries earned her the title of "Mother of Mormon Midwifery." She
and her husband joined the Mormons in 1834 and moved first to Kirtland, Ohio, and then to
Nauvoo, Illinois. "Mother Sessions" was a member of the original pioneer group that quit
Nauvoo in February 1846. Her journal, recounting the trails of women crossing Iowa and in
Winter Quarters, makes sad reading, for her services were constantly in demand. Her husband
entered into polygamy and their marriage was severely tested because of the second wife.

She was a member of the second company of 1847, arriving in the Valley of the Great Salt
Lake on September 24th, where she continued midwifing until 1872.

Source: Vicky Burgess-Olson, Sister Saints.


BRIGHAM YOUNG, 1801-1877: Mormon apostle, pioneer, colonizer, second president of

the Mormon Church.

Young was born in Windham County, Vermont, June 1, 1801. He later moved to Cayuga
County, New York, where he married and worked as a carpenter and painter. He joined the
Mormon Church April 14, 1832, and became a missionary. He followed Joseph Smith to
Kirtland, Ohio, in 1833, became a member of Zion's Camp in 1834 and a member of the first
Quorum of 12 Apostles in 1835.

Thereafter he went on several missions for the church, including one to England in 1840.

He followed Smith to Missouri and to Nauvoo, Illinois, where he eventually became the
President of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. After the murder of Smith in June 1844, Young
became the presiding authority in the church by virtue of being the senior apostle.

In this capacity he prepared the Mormons for their exodus to the west, which commenced in
February 1846. After he led the pioneers into the Valley of the Great Salt Lake, he was
sustained on December 5, 1847, at Winter Quarters (present Nebraska) and Council Bluffs
(present Iowa) as second president of the Mormon Church.

On May 26, 1848, he left the Missouri River settlements for good, leading the 1848 migration
to what is now Utah. Thereafter he lived and worked in Utah until his death in 1877. He is
generally considered to have been the greatest colonizer in the old west.

Source: Leonard J. Arrington, Brigham Young: American Moses.


HEBER CHASE KIMBALL 1801-1868: Apostle, pioneer, first counselor to Brigham Young.

Kimball was born June 14, 1801, in Franklin County, Vermont. He later moved to Ontario
County, New York, where he married and worked as a potter and blacksmith. He joined the
Mormon Church there in 1832. He did missionary work and eventually followed Joseph
Smith to Kirtland, Ohio, in 1832. He was a member of Zion's Camp in 1834 and became a
member of the first Quorum of 12 Apostles. He filled several missions, including two to
England in 1837 and 1840.

He followed Smith to Missouri and to Nauvoo, Illinois. After the murder of Smith in June
1844, Kimball became the de facto first counselor to Young and leader of the Mormon
Church, and in this capacity helped prepare the Mormons for their eventual exodus to the

From February 1846 through September 1848, he was second only to Young as a leader of
emigrants west. After he arrived for the last time in Salt Lake City in 1848 he remained first
counselor to Young until his death in 1868.

Source: Stanley B. Kimball, Heber C. Kimball: Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer.


PARLEY PARKER PRATT, 1807-1857: Missionary, apostle, pioneer.

Pratt was born in Otsego County, New York; later lived in Ohio; joined the Mormons in
1830 and went on several missions including to England once in 1840 and again in 1846. He
followed Smith to Missouri and Illinois. In 1835 he became a member of the first Quorum of
Twelve Apostles, in which capacity he helped ready the Mormons for their exodus across
Iowa in 1846. After his 1846 mission to England he led a large 1847 company of Saints to
Source: Parley Parker Pratt, Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt.


PETER HAWS: Little is known of Peter Haws except that he was a captain of 50 pioneers
across Iowa in 1846. In Winter Quarters he considered himself equal to Young in leading the
Mormons west. At Winter Quarters he was chastised by Young and the High Council of the
church for selling liquor to the Indians, He was not one of the pioneers of Utah,Source:
Varia, bits and pieces here and there, for example, Roberts, A Comprehensive History, vol. 3,


JOHN TAYLOR, 1808-1887: Apostle, pioneer and third president of the Mormon Church.

Taylor was born November 1, 1808, in Westmorland County, England. He moved to Toronto,
Canada, in 1828, where he joined the Mormon Church in 1836. He followed Smith to
Kirtland, Ohio, where he became an apostle in 1838. He filled several missions, including
two to England in 1838 and 1846.

He followed Smith to Nauvoo, Illinois. After Smith's death in 1844 Taylor, as an apostle,
assisted Young in the direction of the church; and helped lead the pioneers across Iowa in
1846. After he returned from his 1846 mission to England he had charge of a large 1847
company of pioneers going to Utah. He became president of the Mormon Church in 1880,
following the death of Young.

Source: B. H. Roberts, The Life of John Taylor.


GEORGE MILLER, 1794- ?, after 1848: Second Bishop of the Mormon Church, Pioneer of

Miller was born November 25, 1794, in Orange County, Virginia. Little is known of Miller.
He joined the Mormon Church, became the Second Bishop in the Church in Nauvoo in 1844
and became, as captain of a group of 50, one of the leaders of the exodus across Iowa in
1846. In Winter Quarters he argued against settling in the Great Basin and for such
"insubordination" was released from his calling as a bishop in 1847. He went to Texas in
1847 and was disfellowshipped in 1848. He did not follow Young west.

Source: Frank Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah.


WILLIAM CLAYTON, 1814- 1879: Pioneer, hymnist, clerk of the 1846 and 1847 camp of
pioneers, author of famous guidebook.

Clayton was born July 17, 1814, in Lancashire, England, joined the Mormons there in 1837,
immigrated to Nauvoo, Illinois, in 1840, and became a clerk to Joseph Smith. He was
prominent in the 1846 Camp Of Israel, being the Company Clerk. It was while crossing Iowa
that he wrote the words to the now famous Mormon hymn, "Come, Come, Ye Saints." In
1847 he was again the Camp Clerk for the pioneers. In 1848 in St. Louis he published his
famous The Latter -Day Saints' Emigrants' Guide...From Council Bluffs to the Valley of the
Great Salt Lake.

Source: William Clayton, William Clayton's Journal.


ORSON PRATT, 1811-1881: Mormon apostle, mathematician, pioneer. Born in Hartford,

New York, joined the Mormon Church in 1830; he went on many missions for his new faith.
He became an apostle in 1835 and in Nauvoo, Illinois, he conducted a school for
mathematics. He crossed the plains with the pioneers of 1847, acting as the scientific member
of that body. He was the first Mormon to enter the Valley of the Great Salt Lake.

Source: Andrew Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopaedia.


WILFORD WOODRUFF, 1807- 1898: Apostle, pioneer, fourth president of the Mormon

Woodruff was born March 1, 1807, in Hartford County, Connecticut. He later moved to New
York where he farmed and joined the Mormons in 1833. He followed Smith to Kirtland,
Ohio, where he became a member of Zion's Camp in 1834. He became an apostle in 1839
and went on several missions, including two to England in 1839 and 1844. He moved to
Nauvoo, Illinois, in 1841. After the death of Smith in 1844, he assisted Young in church
administration until he returned to England that same year. He participated in the 1846
exodus from Illinois and became a member of the pioneer group of 1847. It was in
Woodruff's wagon that the sick Young entered The Valley July 14, 1847, and it was
Woodruff who, in 1897, recounted the story about Young having seen The Valley of the
Great Salt Lake in a vision and saying on July 14, 1847, "This is the place, drive on."

Source: Matthias F. Cowley, Wilford Woodruff Fourth President of the Church.

Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study


1. Bone Mail
2. Eliza Roxcy Snow
3. Patty Bartlett Sessions
4. Brigham Young
5. 1846 Exodus from Nauvoo
6. Heber C. Kimball
7. Parley Parker Pratt
8. John Taylor, 1853
9. William Clayton
10. Garden Grove, Iowa
11. Peter Hansen's Drawing of Mount Pisgah, Iowa, 1846
12. Mormon Trail Ruts, Adair County, Iowa
13. Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1853
14. Peter Hansen's Drawing of Cutler's Park, Nebraska, 1846
15. Winter Quarters' Cemetery, Nebraska
16. Orson Pratt
17. Loup River Ferry, 1853
18. Win. Clayton's Emigrants' Guide, 1848
19. Sand Hill Trail Ruts, Nebraska
20. Ancient Ruins Bluffs, Nebraska
21. Rebecca Winter's Grave, Nebraska
22. Laramie's Peak, Wyoming
23. Mexican Hill, Wyoming
24. Guernsey Ruts, Wyoming
25. Devil's Gate, Wyoming
26. Martin's Cove Handcart Site, Wyoming
27. Split Rock Ruts, Wyoming
28. Willie's Handcart Site, Wyoming
29. Church Butte, Wyoming
30. Fort Bridger, Wyoming
31. Cache Cave, Utah
32. Mormon Emigrants in Echo Canyon, Utah, 1860
33. Mormon Emigrant Company in Echo Canyon, Utah, 1867
34. Wilford Woodruff
35. Handcart Family
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study

NOTE: Most of the research for this historic resource study is based on twenty-six years of
fieldwork on the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail and research in the Mormon
archives. The notes and bibliography are mainly to guide readers to further information.

Furthermore, since between Fort Laramie and Fort Bridger in present Wyoming (a distance of
about 397 miles), the Mormon, Oregon, California, and Pony Express trails are nearly
identical, some selected studies of the Oregon, California, and Pony Express trails are listed
in this bibliography. A few studies of the Santa Fe Trail, used by the Mormon Battalion, are
also listed.

This bibliography lists but a few of the more than 3,000 printed and unprinted contemporary
Mormon Trail accounts. For access to these Mormon and also the more than 2,000 non-
Mormon Trail chronicles, see the works by Bitton, Mattes, Mintz, and Townley in this
bibliography. This bibliography is largely restricted to the Mormon Pioneer National Historic
Trail, the route of the pioneers of 1846-1847 between Nauvoo, Illinois, and Salt Lake City,
Utah, for the period 1846-1869. Mormons used many other trails not covered, or only briefly
treated, in this bibliography.


Allen, James B., and Glen Leonard. The Story of the Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City:
Deseret Book Co., 1976. The best single volume of Mormon history.

Arrington, Leonard J. Great Basin Kingdom. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1966.
Without doubt the best economic history of Mormonism.

Berrett, William E. The Restored Church. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1963. An old,
but still useful basic history of Mormonism.

Billington, Ray Allen. The Far Western Frontier 1830-1860. New York: The University
Library, 1956. Treats the settlement of each western region in relation to the Turner thesis.

______. Westward Expansion. New York: Macmillan Co., 1982.

Brodie, Fawn M., ed. Frederick H. Piercy, Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake Valley.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962. An illustrated, factual account of Piercy's 1853
trip from Liverpool to Salt Lake City. Skimpily edited.

Cross, Whitney R. The Burned-Over District: The Social and Intellectual History of
Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York: 1800-1850. New York: Cornell University Press,
1950. An essential book regarding Mormon origins.

De Voto, Bernard. The Year of Decision: 1846. Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1943. A
classic study presenting the Mormons in the general context of mid-19th century America.

Dick Everett. Vanguards of the Frontier, A Social History of the Northern Plains and Rocky
Mountains from the Fur Traders to the Sod Busters. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,
1941. Briefly presents the Mormons as part of the social history of the Rocky Mountains.

Hafen, LeRoy. Western America. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970. A basic

Hewitt, James, ed. Eye-Witnesses to Wagon Trains West. New York: Charles Scribner and
Sons, 1973. Firsthand accounts of trail life, one chapter on the Mormons.

Hillman, Martin, Bridging a Continent, vol. 8 in Encyclopaedia of Discovery and

Exploration. London: Aldus Books Ltd., 1971. A good general introduction to the westward
movement, Well illustrated.

Howles, Rulon S. The Mormon Story: A Pictorial Account. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1957.
Interesting and useful.

Lavender, David. The American Heritage History of the Great West. New York: American
Heritage Publishing Co., 1982. One of the best general treatments of the westward
movement. Profusely illustrated.

The Old West. By the editors of Time-Life Books, New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1990.
Another terrific introduction to the old west.

Rich, Russell R. Ensign to the Nations. Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1979. A
basic text of Mormon history for the period 1846-1972.

Roberts, B. H. A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 6

vols. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, Vol. II, 1930. An old, but the most extensive
history of the Mormons published to date.

Unruh, John D., Jr. The Plains Across, The Overland Emigrants and the Trans-Mississippi
West, 1840-1860. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1979. The most comprehensive study
to date. Excellent.

Webb, Walter Prescott. The Great Plains. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1972. Excellent.


Andrews, Thomas F. "'Ho! For Oregon and California!' An Annotated Bibliography of

Published Advice to the Emigrant, 1841-47." The Princeton University Library Chronicle.
33, Autumn 1971: 41-64.

Flake, Chad. A Mormon Bibliography: 1830-1930. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press,
1979. Definitive.

_______. A Mormon Bibliography, 1830-1930: Ten Year Supplement. Salt Lake City:
University of Utah Press, 1989. Excellent.

Krol, Helen B. "The Books That Enlightened the Emigrants." Oregon Historical Quarterly
45, June 1944: 103-123. An essential bibliography of the Oregon Trail.
Malone, Michael P., ed. Historians and the American West. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1987. An excellent bibliographic study; see especially the chapters of the Mormons
and transportation.

Mintz, Lannon W. The Trail: A Bibliography of the Travelers on the Overland Trail to
California, Oregon, Salt Lake City and Montana during the Years 1841-64. Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press, 1987. An excellent work devoted largely to "collectible"
primary accounts for the benefit of book dealers and collectors. Of limited use for the
Mormon Trail.

Rittenhouse, Jack D. The Santa Fe Trail: A Historical Bibliography. Jack D. Rittenhouse:

Albuquerque, 1986. The best there is to 1971.

Townley, John M. The Trail West: A Bibliography - Index to Western American Trails, 1841-
1869. Reno: Jamison Station Press, 1988. Useful. Five star, excellent all around, especially on
the Mormons.


Beck, Warren A., and Ynez D. Haase. Historical Atlas of the American West. University of
Oklahoma Press: Norman and London, 1989. A good, but not excellent atlas. Of limited use
to trail students. Its extensive bibliography, however, should be noted.

Franzwa, Gregory M. Maps of the Oregon Trail. Gerald, MO.: The Patrice Press, 1982,
Excellent and useful. The best book of maps of this trail.

________. Maps of the Santa Fe Trail. St. Louis: The Patrice Press, 1989. As good as the
maps of the Oregon Trail.

List of Selected Maps of States and Territories. Washington: The National Archives, Special
List No, 29, 1971.

Miller, David. Utah History Atlas. np: David E. Miller, 1964. A very general, but useful tool.

Sale, Randall D., and Edwin D. Karn. American Expansion: A Book of Maps. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1979. Basic, but very useful.

Wheat, Carl I. Mapping the Trans-Mississippi West, 1540-1861. San Francisco: Institute of
Historic Cartography, 5 vols., 1957-1963. Essential.

A serious student of emigrant trails should use county maps and USGS 7.5 minute
quadrangle maps. Very serious students should also consult the appropriate General Land
Office Notes and maps. (It is worth remembering that the original surveyor did not prepare
the maps; others did that on the basis of his notes.)

See also "Trail Guides" and "Government Publications." Almost all states publish historical


Arrington, Leonard J. Brigham Young: American Moses. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985.
A superior biography.
Bitton, Davis. Guide to Mormon Diaries and Autobiographies. Provo: Brigham Young
University Press, 1977. Incomplete, but invaluable. He lists and describes 2,894 items.

Brooks, Juanita, ed. On the Mormon Frontier: The Diary of Hosea Stout, 1844-61. 2 vols.,
Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1964. Stout opened a window on Mormon history;
excellent and brilliantly edited.

Cannon, John Q., ed. Autobiography of Christopher Layton. Salt Lake City, 1911.

Clayton, Wm, Journal. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1921. The best single journal of the
1847 trek.

Cowley, Matthias F. Wilford Woodruff Fourth President of the Church. Salt Lake City:
Deseret News, 1909. The best biography of this Mormon leader to date.

Egan, Howard L. Pioneering the West. Richmond, Utah: Egan Estate, 1917. An excellent
account by a pioneer.

Esshom, Frank. Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah. Salt Lake City: Western Epics, Inc
1966 (first printed in 1913). Useful biographical sketches, A vanity press type of publication.

Fish, Joseph. The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions: Mormon
Migrations and Related Events. Salt Lake City: J. Fish Smith, 1972. An amateurish but
interesting potpourri of information on the Mormon Trail, early Utah, and seven "Lists of
Biographical Notes of (seven different groups of) the Pioneers." These lists are incomplete,
but the biographical notes are useful.

Hunter, Milton, Brigham Young the Colonizer, 4th ed., revised. Santa Barbara: Peregrine
Smith, 1973. The best study to date.

Jenson, Andrew. Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopaedia. Salt Lake City: Western
Epics, 1971 reprint.

Kimball, Stanley B. Heber C. Kimball. Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer. Urbana: University
of Illinois Press, 1981. A prize-winning biography.

Mattes, Merrill, J. Platte River Road Narratives. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988.
Monumental. A must as a guide to trail journals. He lists and describes 2,082 items.

Nibley, Preston. Brigham Young. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1937.

Parker, Samuel. Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains. 1838.

"The Pioneer Journal of Heber C. Kimball." Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 30
and 31, 1939-1940. One of the best firsthand accounts of the 1847 trek.

Pratt, Parley Parker. Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book
Co., 1961. A pioneer.

Roberts, B.H. The Life of John Taylor. Salt Lake City: Book Craft, 1963.

Watson, Elden J., compiler. Manuscript History of Brigham Young: 1846-47 Salt Lake City:
Elden J. Watson, 1971. A basic source.

Anderson, William and Eloise. Guide Book to Mormon History. Hayward, CA: the authors,
1980. A useful guide for the traveler.

Burton, Alma P. Mormon Trail from Vermont to Utah. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co.,
1960. An early, quick guide to the Mormon Trail. Of little use today.

Clayton, William. The Latter-day Saints' Emigrants' Guide. St. Louis, MO: Steam Powered
Press, 1848. Clayton's famous guide.

Driggs, Howard R. Mormon Trail. New York, NY: American Pioneer Trails Association,
Inc., 1947. An early booklet describing the Mormon westward movement from Vermont to
Utah. Of little value today.

Franzwa, Gregory M. The Oregon Trail Revisited, 4th ed. St. Louis: The Patrice Press, 1988.
Essential, journalistic and detailed.

Haines, Aubrey L. Historic Sites Along the Oregon Trail. Gerald, MO: Patrice Press, 1981,
Definitive, a must.

Hastings, Lansford W. The Emigrants' Guide to Oregon and California. Cincinnati: George
Conclin, 1845.

Kimball, Stanley B. "The Iowa Trek of 1846." The Ensign, August 1971: 36-45.

_______. ed. W. Clayton's The Latter-day Saints' Emigrants' Guide. Gerald, MO: The Patrice
Press, 1983. The best edition to date.

________. "Another Route to Zion: Rediscovering the Overland Trail." Ensign, June 1984:
34-45. One of the best studies of this trail.

________. "The Fort Leavenworth Branch of the Santa Fe Trail in 1846: An Annotated
Map." in Leo Oliva, ed. The Santa Fe Trail as High Adventure. Topeka: Kansas State
Historical Society. 1988.

_______. Historic Sites and Markers Along the Mormon and Other Great Western Trails.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988. The best of its kind. Definitive.

_______. The Travelers' Guide to Historic Mormon America. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 17th
ed., 1990. A simple, up-to-date, useful, basic guide.

_______. and Hal Knight. 111 Days to Zion. Salt Lake City: Deseret Press, 1979. A
compilation of newspaper stories.

Long, Margaret. The Oregon Trail. Denver: W.H. Kistler Stationery Co., 1954. A classic.

Mattes, Merrill J. The Great Platte River Road. Lincoln: Nebraska State Historical Society,
1969. A classic study.

Mormon Guide...From Omaha to Salt Lake City, np.: Farmer's Oracle Printer, 1864.Mormon
Way-Bill to the Gold Mines from the Pacific Springs. Salt Lake City: W. Richards, Printer,
1851. Of historic value only.

Paden, Irene D. The Wake of the Prairie Schooner. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University
Press, 1970. A classic.

Peterson, Charles S., et al. Mormon Battalion Trail Guide. Salt Lake City: Utah State
Historical Society, 1972. Excellent in its day. Now outdated.See also "Atlases/Maps," and
"Government Publications."


Atwood, Harriet T. "The Mormon Migration and Adaption to Geography," Vassar Journal of
Undergraduate Studies 4, 1929: 137-158. Was useful in its day, but now is superseded.

Brown, Joseph E., and Dan Guravich, The Mormon Trek West. New York: Doubleday, 1980.
An interesting study for armchair travelers.

Cannon, D. James, ed. Centennial Caravan. Salt Lake City: Author, 1948. Details a 1947
reenactment of the original Mormon trek.

Carter, Kate B. The Mormons: Their Westward Trek Salt Lake City: Utah Printing Company,

Clements, Donald, "Saints and Railroads: Immigration Transportation in Transition."

Unpublished paper 1984.

Cook, Lyndon W., and Donald Q. Cannon, eds, The Exodus and Beyond: Essays in Mormon
History. Salt Lake City: Hawkes Publishing Inc., 1980. A useful collection of essays
highlighting major themes in Mormon history, including the Exodus and Colonization.

Deseret News 1976 Church Almanac. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1976. Useful for a
variety of reasons, especially the list of Mormon Pioneer companies.

Duehlmeier, Fred. D. "The 1847 Mormon Migration." M.A. thesis, University of Utah, 1977.

Harlan, Edgar R. The Location and Name of the Mormon Trail. Knoxville: Express, 1914.

Jackson, Richard H., ed. The Mormon Role in the Settlement of the West. Provo: Brigham
Young University Press, 1978. A collection of articles, one of which is titled "The Overland
Journey to Zion" by the editor (a geographer) entirely based on primary sources.

Jenson, Andrew. "Church Emigration." The Contributor. 12-13, 1891-1892. A series of

twenty-two detailed articles on emigration or immigration.

_______. "Utah Pioneer Companies." Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 8, January
1917: 1-6. Dated.

_______. Day by Day with the Utah Pioneers of 1847 Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1934. A
series of newspaper articles. Good reading, many biographical sketches.

Kasparek, Bob. "A Tour of The Mormon Pioneer Trail." Overland Journal 5, Spring 1987:
35-40. A general account based on an automobile tour.

Kimball, Stanley B. "Women, Children, and Family Life on Pioneer Trails." Paper presented
before the National Convention of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Salt Lake City, Utah,
October 1980."Red Men and White Women on Mormon Trails, 1847-68, The Captivity
Narrative in Mormondom," Paper presented before the Mormon History Association,
Brigham Young University, May 1984.

_______. "The Dark Side of Heroism on Mormon Trails: A New Look at the Mythic
Pioneers." Paper presented before the Mormon History Association, Kansas City, Missouri,
May 1985.

_______. "Love, Marriage, Romance, and Sex on Mormon Trails: 1831-68." Paper presented
before the Mormon History Association, Salt Lake City, May 1986.

________. "Disease, Trauma, and Medicine on Mormon Trails." Paper presented before the
Mormon History Association, Utah State University, May 1988.

________. "Disease, Trauma, and Medicine of Mormon Trails, 1831-68." Paper presented at
the Western History Conference, Wichita, Kansas, 1988.

_______. "The Unusual and the Outre on Mormon Trails." Paper presented at the Mormon
History Conference, Utah State University, 1988.

________. 'The Power of Place and the Spirit of Locale: Finding God on Western Trails."
Journal of Mormon History 16, 1990: 3-9.The Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail."
Encyclopaedia of Mormonism. New York: Macmillan, in preparation.

_______. "Mormon Trails in Utah." Utah History Encyclopaedia. University of Utah Press,
in preparation.

Little, James A. From Kirtland to Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City: author, 1890. Based on his
personal journal account of immigrating to Utah in 1849.

Lyon, T. Edgar. "Some Uncommon Aspects of the Mormon Migration." Improvement Era.
September 1969. 33-40. Insightful.

Madsen, Brigham D. Gold Rush Sojourners in Great Salt Lake City: 1849-50. Salt Lake City:
University of Utah Press, 1983. One excellent chapter on the use of the Mormon Trail by

Mattes, Merrill J. "The Council Bluffs Road: Northern Branch of the Great Platte River
Road." Nebraska History 65, Summer 1984: 179-194. The Mormon Trail is sometimes called
the Northern Branch of the Oregon Trail, which in fact it was. A very good study of this.

Murdock, S. "Mormon Trails in the Midwest." Travel 127, January 1972: 58-63. Popular.

Neff, Andrew L. "The Mormon Migration to Utah, 1830-47." Ph.D. dissertation, University
of California-Berkely, 1918. Completely out of date.

Nibley, Preston, Exodus to Greatness: The Story of the Mormon Migration. Salt Lake City:
Deseret News Press, 1947. An old, orthodox, but still useful interpretation of westering

Peterson, Bryan L. "A Geographic Study of the Mormon Migration from Nauvoo, Illinois, to
the Great Salt Lake Valley (1846-47)." M.A. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles,
1941. General.

Piercy, Frederick H. Route From Liverpool to the Great Salt Lake Valley. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1962. A firsthand account from the year 1853.

Richards, Aurelia. Mormon Trail. Salt Lake City: Hawkes, 1980.

Smart, William B. Exploring the Pioneer Trail. Salt Lake City: Young Men's Mutual Assn.,
1958. General, out of date.

Stansbury, Howard. "Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah
Including a Reconannoissance [Sic] of the New Route through the Rocky Mountains." Senate
Executive Document 3 (serial 608), 32 Congress, Special Session, March 1851. An account of
some early exploring and surveying along the Mormon Trail.

Stegner, Wallace. The Gathering of Zion. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. The most readable
book on the topic.

Taylor, Philip A. "The Mormon Crossing of the United States, 1840-70." Utah Historical
Quarterly 25, October 1957: 319-358. General, out of date.

White, Hiram F. "The Mormon Road." Washington Historical Quarterly 6, October 1915:
243-250. Out of date.

Wilcox, Wayne. "Thirty-six Miles of History." Utah Historical Quarterly 23, October 1955:
363-367. Brief, outdated study of trans-Wasatch route.

See also "Multiple Trails," "Trail Guides," "Iowa," "Nebraska," "Utah," and "Government


Agnew, Dwight L. "Iowa's First Railroad." Iowa Journal of History 48, 1950: 1-26."The
Rock Island Railroad in Iowa." Iowa Journal of History 52, 1954: 203-222.

Ames, Charles Edgar. Pioneering the Union Pacific. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,
1967. An excellent introduction of the subject.

Broadhead, G.C. "Early Railroading in Missouri." Missouri Historical Review 7, 1912-1913:


Chisum, Emmett D. "Boom Towns on the Union Pacific: Laramie, Benton and Bear River
City." Annals of Wyoming 53, Spring 1981: 2-13. As good a study as there is for general

Clevenger, Homer. "The Building of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad." Missouri
Historical Review 36, 1941: 32-47. Excellent.

Cornwall, Rebecca and Leonard J. Arrington, Rescue of the 1856 Handcart Companies.
Provo, UT: Redd Center for Western Studies, 1982. An interesting booklet.

Gates, Paul W. "The Railroads of Missouri, 1850-70." Missouri Historical Review 26, 1931-
1932: 126-141. Very useful.

Hafen, LeRoy R. and Ann W. Handcarts to Zion: 1856-60. Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark
Co., 1960. The best there is on this topic.
Harlan, Edgar R., ed. "First Mormon Handcart Trip Across Iowa." Annals of Iowa 26,
October 1936: 444-449. General and brief. Outdated.

Hulmston, John K. "Transplain Migration: The Trains in Mormon Immigration, 1861- 68."
MS thesis, Utah State University, 1985. The thesis from which his article was taken.

________. "Mormon Immigration in the 1860s: The Story of the Church Trains." Utah
Historical Quarterly 58, Winter 1990: 32-48. The latest and best study of this subject.

Jensen, Richard L. "Steaming Through: Arrangements for Mormon Emigration from Europe,
1869-87." Journal of Mormon History 9, 1982: 3-23. An excellent account of railroad
emigrants after 1868.

Kimball, Stanley B. "The LDS and The Railroads." Unpublished paper.

Kock, Felix J. "The Handcart Brigade." Out West 6, September 1913: 111-114. Totally out of

Monaghan, Jay. "Handcarts on the Overland Trail." Nebraska History 30, March 1949: 3-18.
Good study of the carts themselves.

Overton, Richard C. Buriington West. Harvard University Press, 1941. Excellent.

_______. Burlington Route. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965. The best study of this large

Sonne, Conway B. Saints on the High Seas, A Maritime History of Mormon Migration: 1830-
90. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1983. The best study of its kind.

Stover, John F. Iron Road to the West: American Railroads in the 1850s. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1978. Excellent coverage of railroads used by the Mormons.

Wakefield, Eliza M. The Handcart Trail. Salt Lake City?: Author, 1949. Basically the
slightly edited 1856 diary of Twiss Bermingham.

See also "Iowa."


Gibbons, Boyd. "Life and Death on the Oregon Trail." National Geographic 170, August
1986: 147-177. Great reading and great photos.

Lavender, David. Westward Vision: The Story of the Oregon Trail. Eyre and Spottiswoode:
England, 1965. A literary history.

See also "Multiple Trails," "Trail Guides," "Atlases/Maps," and "Government Publications."


Golder, Frank Alfred. The March of the Mormon Battalion from Council Bluffs to California,
Taken from the Journal of Henry Standage. New York: Century, 1928. One of the best
Mormon accounts of this march. Somewhat tangential to the Mormon Trail.
Kimball, Stanley B. "Rediscovering the Fort Leavenworth Military Branch of the Santa Fe
Trail." Journal of the West 28, April 1989: 59-68.

_______. "Rediscovering the Fort Leavenworth Military Branch of the Santa Fe Trail." In
Mark Gardner, ed. The Mexican Road: Trade, Travel, and Confrontation on the Santa Fe
Trail. Manhattan, Kansas: Sunflower University Press, 1989.

Tyler, Daniel. A Concise History of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War. Chicago: Rio
Grande Classic, 1964.

See also "Multiple Trails."


Hill, William E. The California Trail Yesterday and Today. Boulder, CO: Pruett Publishing,
1986. An amateur's collection of maps, guides, diaries, illustrations, and photographs.

Steward, George R. California Trail. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983. A

scholarly account, including the relationship of the Mormon Trail to the California Trail.

See also "Multiple Trails."


Jennings, Warren A. "The Army of Israel Marches into Missouri." Missouri Historical
Review 62, Winter 1968: 107-135. An excellent article.

Launius, Rodger D. Zion's Camp. Independence, MO: Herald Publishing House, 1984. The
best study of this topic.


Goetzmann, William H. Army Exploration in the American West: 1803-63. Lincoln:

University of Nebraska Press, 1979. Essential.

Hafen, LeRoy. Old Spanish Trail. Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark, Co., 1954.

Jackson, W. Turrentine. Wagon Roads West: A Study of Federal Surveys and Construction in
the Trans-Mississippi West, 1846-1869. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965. Essential.
Excellent bibliography.

James, Edwin. Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, 1819-20.
Philadelphia: H.C. Carey, 1823. James was Major Stephen H. Long's physician and prepared
this official report of Long's western expedition of 1820. The best account of what later
became the Mormon Trail.

Kimball, Stanley B. Discovering Mormon Trails. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1979. A
simple, basic study of eleven different Mormon trails.

Pioneer Trails West. Caxton Printers, Caldwell, Idaho, 1985. A popular study; the one
chapter on the Mormon Trail is by a recognized scholar, S. George Ellsworth.
Trails West. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society, 1979. A typical National
Geographic publication of six important western trails, including the Mormon.

Winther, Oscar Osburn. The Transportation Frontier, Trans-Mississippi West, 1865-1890.

Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1974. The best study of this subject.

See also "Trail Guides" and "Atlases/Maps."


Jenson, Andrew. "Latter-day Saints Emigration from Wyoming, Nebraska: 1864-1866."

Nebraska History Magazine 27, 1936: 113-127. The best on this topic.

Lass, William E. From the Missouri to the Great Salt Lake: An Account of Overland
Freighting. Lincoln: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1972. A first-rate study of freighting
through the Platte Valley with brief references to the Mormon Trail.

Mattes, Merrill J. "The Northern Route of the Non-Mormons: Rediscovery of Nebraska's

Forgotten Historic Trail." Overland Journal 8, No. 2, 1990: 2-14. An update of his argument
of Great River Road.

Topping, Gary. "Overland Emigration, the California Trail and the Hastings Cutoff."Utah
Historical Quarterly 56, Spring 1988: 109-127.


Backman, Milton V., Jr. "The Quest for a Restoration: The Birth of Mormonism in Ohio."
Brigham Young University Studies 12, Summer 1972, 346-364.

________. The Heavens Resound. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1983. Backman is a
specialist in Mormon history in Ohio.


Jennings, Warren A. "The Expulsion of the Mormons from Jackson County, Missouri."
Missouri Historical Review 64, October 1969: 41-63.

LeSuer, Stephen C. The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri. Columbia: University of Missouri,
1987. Recent and excellent.

See also "Zion's Camp Trail."


Flanders, Robert B. Kingdom on the Mississippi. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965.
Essential to the understanding of the Mormons in Illinois.

Miller, David and Della. Nauvoo: The City of Joseph. Santa Barbara: Peregrine Smith, 1974.

Babbitt, Charles H. Early Days at Council Bluffs. Washington, D.C.: Bryon S. Adams, 1916.
Interesting. A good chapter on the Mormons.

Beitz, Ruth S. "Where the Saints Have Trod." The Iowan, Winter 1962: 18-23. Good, but
very general.

Bennett, Richard. "Eastward to Eden: the Nauvoo Rescue Mission." Dialogue 19, Winter
1986: 100-108.

Durham, Reed C. Jr. "The Iowa Experience: A Blessing in Disguise." Brigham Young
University Studies 21, Fall 1981: 463-454. More on the Iowa experience than just the trail.

Easton, Susan W. "Suffering and Death on the Plains of Iowa." Brigham Young University
Studies 21, Fall 1981: 431-439. Just a good start.

Gentry, Leland H. "The Mormon Way Stations: Garden Grove and Mount Pisgah." Brigham
Young University Studies 21, Fall 1981: 445-461. Excellent.

Graham, Bruce L. "The Mormon Crossing of Iowa in 1846." Restoration Trail Forum 77,
November 1981: 3, 7-8. A three-part article. See also February 1982 and May 1982. A short,
basic treatment.

Green, Lida L. "Markers for Remembrance: the Mormon Trail." Annals of Iowa 40, Winter
1970: 190-193. A very brief discussion.

Harvey, R.E. "The Mormon Trek Across Iowa Territory." Annals of Iowa 10, July 1946: 36-
60. Good, but barely adequate.

Holmes, Gail G. "The LDS Legacy in Southwestern Iowa." The Ensign, August 1988: 54-57.
Holmes is the expert on this subject.

Kimball, Stanley B. "The Mormon Trail Network in Iowa, 1838-68." Brigham Young
University Studies 21, Fall 1981: 417-430. Definitive.

Palmer, Belle. "The Sojourn of the Mormons at Kanesville, Iowa, 1846-1852." M.A. thesis,
Colorado State College, 1936.

Peterson, William J. "Mormon Trails in Iowa." The Palimpsest 47, 1966: 353-384. A local

Van der Zee, Jacob. "Mormon Trails in Iowa." The Iowa Journal of History and Politics 12,
January 1914: 3-16. Now completely outdated.

See also "Handcarts" and "Multiple Trails."


Bennett, Richard, Mormons at the Missouri, 1846-52. Norman: University of Oklahoma

Press, 1987. The best study of this topic.

Boye, Alan. The Complete Roadside Guide to Nebraska. St. Johnsbury, VT: Saltillo Press,
1989. A useful guide to have in the glove compartment of your car.
Bryson, Conrey. Winter Quarters. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1986. Journalistic, but

Homer, Michael W. "After Winter Quarters and Council Bluffs: The Mormons in Nebraska
Territory, 1854-67." Nebraska History 65, Winter 1984: 467-483. A good study of a
neglected topic.

Kimball, Stanley B. "The Mormon Trail Network in Nebraska, 1846-68: A New Look."
Brigham Young University Studies 24, Summer 1984: 321-336. Definitive.

Shumway, Ernest W. "Winter Quarters, Nebraska, 1846-48." Nebraska History 35, June
1954: 115-125. Superseded by Bennett.

Steele, Olga Sharp. "Geography of the Mormon Trail Across Nebraska." M.A. thesis,
University of Nebraska, 1933. Old, but still the single best study of the subject.

Trennert, Robert A., Jr. "The Mormons and the Office of Indian Affairs: The Conflict over
Winter Quarters, 1846-48." Nebraska History 53, Fall 1972: 381-400. See also Bennett.

Williams, Helen Roberta. "Old Wyoming." Nebraska History Magazine 27, 1936: 79-80.

See also "Mormon Trail General," "Oregon Trail," and "Multiple Trails."


Carley, Maurine. "Emigrant Trail Trek No. 10." Annals of Wyoming 32, April 1960: 102-123
and October 1960: 218-238. See also treks 4-9 in vols. 29-31. An account of an Oregon Trail
trek by automobile. Not recommended.

Noble, Bruce J., Jr. "Marking Wyoming's Oregon Trail." Overland Journal 4, Summer 1986:
19-31. An excellent study of the history of trail marking in Wyoming and a county-by-
county listing of the Oregon Trail markers in that state.

See also "Mormon Trail General," "Oregon Trail," and "Multiple Trails."


Creer, Leland H. The Founding of an Empire. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1947. An excellent
study of early Utah.

Ellsworth, S. George. Utah's Heritage. Santa Barbara: Peregrine Smith, Inc., 1972. One of
the best histories of Utah.

Fleming, L.A., and A.R. Standing, "The Road to Fortune: The Salt Lake Cutoff," Utah
Historical Quarterly 33, Summer 1965: 248-271.

Kimball, Stanley B. "The Golden Road." The Pioneer 27, November-December 1980: 11, 15,
17, 20.

_______. "The Mormon Trail in Utah." Utah History Encyclopaedia. Salt Lake City:
University of Utah Press, in preparation.
Morgan, Dale. Utah's Historic Trails. Salt Lake City: Utah Tourist and Publicity Council,
1960. Touristy.

Smart, William B. Old Utah Trails. Utah Geographic Series, Inc. Salt Lake City, 1988.
Popular, beautiful, current, excellent; by a first-rate journalist.

See also "Mormon Trail General" and "Multiple Trails."


Arrington, Leonard J., and Susan Arrington Madsen. Sunbonnet Sisters. Salt Lake City:
Bookcraft, 1984. One of several excellent studies of Mormon Pioneer women.

Arthur H. Clark Co., publisher, Covered Wagon Women. Glendale, California, being

Burgess-Olson, Vicky. Sister Saints. Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1978. Another
of a growing number of excellent studies on Mormon women.

Faragher, John Mack. Women and Men on the Overland Trail. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1979. Excellent, centers on midwestern farm families and their move west.

Godfrey, Kenneth W., Audrey M. Godfrey, and Jill Mulvay Derr. Women's Voices. Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book Co., 1982. Excellent.

Holmes, Kenneth L. Covered Wagon Women, Diaries and Letters... Glendale, CA: Arthur H.
Clark, 1988 (seven volumes to date). This is a series devoted to the subject. Excellent.

Munkres, Robert L. "Wives, Mothers, Daughters: Women's Life on the Road West." Annals
of Wyoming 42, October 1970: 191-224. An excellent study of Oregon Trail women based
largely on primary sources.

Myers, Sandra L. Westering Women and the Frontier Experience 1800-1915. Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press: 1982. An excellent example of the current interest in
women's history.

Schlissel, Lillian. Women's Diaries of the Westward Journey. New York: Schocken Books,
1982. Essential.

Tullidge, Edward W. The Women of Mormondom. New York: Tullidge and Crandall, 1877
(1975 reprint). Old but still useful.

See also "Mormon Trail General" and "Indians/Blacks."


Arrington, Leonard J. "The Mormons and the Indians, Review and Evaluation." The Record.
(Friends of the Library) Washington State University, Pullman 1970: 5-29. An excellent

Beller, Jack. "Negro Slaves in Utah." Utah Historical Quarterly 2, 1979: 122-126. A good
up-to-date account.
Coleman, Ronald G. "Blacks in Utah." in The Peoples of Utah. Helen Z. Papanikolas, ed. Salt
Lake City: Utah State Historical Society, 1976. The best short study of this topic.

_______. "Blacks in Pioneer Utah, 1847-69." UMOJA: A Scholarly Journal of Black Studies
2, Summer 1978: 96-110.

Kimball, Stanley B. ""Red Men and White Women on Mormon Trails, 1847-68." Dialogue:
A Journal of Mormon Thought, Winter 1985: 81-88.

Riley, Glenda. Women and Indians on the Frontier, 1825-1915. Albuquerque: University of
New Mexico, 1985.

Utley, Robert M. The Indian Frontier of the American West 1846-1890. Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press, 1984.

See also "'Biographies Journals and Diaries."


Brown, William E. "The Santa Fe Trail." National Park Service, 1963. (This is a National
Survey of Historic Sites and Building Study.)

"The California and Pony Express Trails: Eligibility and Feasibility Study."' National Park
Service, 1987.

Fremont, John C. Report of the Exploring Expedition Lying between the Missouri River and
the Rocky Mountains...1843. Washington: Senate Report No. 243, 27th Congress, 3rd
Session, 1843. A classic account by the "Pathfinder."

_______. A Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842.

Kimball, Stanley B. "Inventory of Historic Sites Along the Mormon Trail." Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation, 1974. Simple, but useful.

______. "Threatened Sites Study of the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail." National
Park Service, 1989.

Mattes, Merrill J. "State of Nebraska Historic Resource Management Plan." Lincoln,

mimeographed, 1975."The Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail: Comprehensive Plan."
National Park Service, 1981.

"The Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail Study." Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
(prepared by the Nebraska State Historical Society), 1974.

"The Mormon Trail: A Study Report." Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, 1978.

National Park Service. The Overland Migrations: Handbook 105. Washington, D.C.:1980. An
excellent but small guidebook.

National Register Bulletin No. 16 National Park Service, 1986.

National Trails Assessment. National Park Service, 1986."Old Pioneer Wagon Road." Salt
Lake City: U.S. Forest Service, n.d.
Oregon/Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trails. Wyoming Bureau of Land Management,

"Oregon National Historic Trail Management Plan (draft)." National Park Service,
1981."Oregon Trail Cultural Resource Study." Wyoming Bureau of Land Management, 1981.

The Pony Express Stations of Utah... Utah Bureau of Land Management, 1979.

Santa Fe National Historic Trail: Comprehensive Management and Use Plan. National Park
Service, 1990.

Western Historic Trails Center: Iowa. "Draft Comprehensive Plan/Environmental

Assessment." National Park Service, April 1991.

Wyoming Historic Trails Management Plan. Wyoming Recreation Commission, 1984.


Bitton, Davis. '"American Philanthropy and Mormon Refugees, 1846-49." Journal of

Mormon History 7, 1980: 63-82. A unique study of non-Mormons helping finance the
Mormon move west.

Carter, Kate B. The Story of the Telegraph. Salt Lake City: Utah Printing Co., 1961. A good
short study.

Christian, Lewis Clark, "A Study of Mormon Foreknowledge of the American Far West...."
M.A. Thesis: Brigham Young University, 1972. The best study to date.

_______. "Mormon Foreknowledge of the West." Brigham Young University Studies 21, Fall
1981, 403-415. An excellent short study. Compare article by Esplin in this bibliography.

The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake
City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1921. Mainly a collection of revelations
received by Joseph Smith.

Esplin, Ronald K. "A Place Prepared: Joseph, Brigham and the Quest for Promised Refuge in
the West." Journal of Mormon History 9, 1982: 85-111. An excellent study of who originally
planned the Mormon move to the Rocky Mountains.

Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1985.

Irving, Washington. The Adventures of Captain Bonneville in the Rocky Mountains and the
Far West. 1837.

Jackson, Clarence S. Picture Maker of the Old West. William H. Jackson, New York: Charles
Scribner and Sons, 1947. An excellent pictorial account of the photographs and paintings of
William H. Jackson, "Dean of American photographers."

"Journal History of the Church." Mormon archives. A must for any serious study of

McConkie, Bruce R. Mormon Doctrine. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1958. Highly
opinionated, but the best there is.
The Mormon Pioneers. The Columbia Records' Legacy Collection, Stereo LS 1024. A
collection of songs sung by Mormon Pioneers. Contains extensive text.

Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, M234, National Archives, Washington, D.C.


Pruday, William E. "They March Their Way West: The Nauvoo Brass Band." Ensign 10, July
1980: 20-23.226
Mormon Pioneer
Historic Resource Study


Chapter 1

1 T. Edgar Lyon, "Some Uncommon Aspects of the Mormon Migration," Improvement Era,
(September 1969): 33-40.

2Wallace Stegner, The Gathering of Zion (New York: McGraw Hill, 1971), and Bernard
Devoto, The Year of Decision: 1846 (Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1943).

3 See for example the chapter "The Overlanders in Historical Perspective," John D. Unruh,
Jr., The Plains Across: The Overland Emigrants and the Trans-Mississippi West, 1840-1860
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1970).

4 For the best single-volume history of the Mormons, see James B. Allen and Glen M.
Leonard, The Story of the Latter-day Saints, (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1976). That
book's bibliography is the most useful in print to its date of publication. The book may well
serve as the standard reference on Mormon history and beliefs to all users of this Historic
Resource Study.

5 For a survey of Mormon history in Ohio, see Milton V. Backman, Jr., "The Quest for a
Restoration: The Birth of Mormonism in Ohio," Brigham Young University Studies, 12,
(Summer 1972), 346-64.

6Warren A. Jennings, "The Expulsion of the Mormons from Jackson County, Missouri,"
Missouri Historical Review 64, (October 1969), 41-63.

7 The best recent study of this is Stephen C. LeSuer, The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri
(Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1987).

8 The best study of Zion's Camp is Roger D. Launius, Zion's Camp (Independence, Mo.:
Herald Publishing House, 1984.) See also Milton V. Backman's The Heavens Resound (Salt
Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1983).

9An excellent study of the Nauvoo period in Mormon history is Robert B. Flanders' Kingdom
on the Mississippi (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965). See also David Miller and
Della Miller, Nauvoo: The City of Joseph (Santa Barbara: Peregrine Smith, 1974).

10A good study of Mormon theology is Bruce McConkie, Mormon Doctrine (Salt Lake City:
Deseret Book Co., 1958).

11 Ibid.
12 For a full discussion of the Mormon priesthood, see McConkie.

13 Whitney R. Cross, The Burned-Over District: The Social and Intellectual History of
Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York: 1800-1850 (New York: Cornell University Press,

14The belief is based on the fact that so many Mormons used the trail for such a long time.
The fact they used trails already in existence was somehow forgotten.

15 For a thorough discussion of the name problem, see Merrill J. Mattes, The Great Platte
River Road (Lincoln: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1969).

16 Lyon, "Some Uncommon Aspects of the Mormon Migration."

17 Leonard J. Arrington, Great Basin Kingdom (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,

1966), 381-382; Stanley B. Kimball, Heber C. Kimball: Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981), 191; and Allen and Leonard, The Story of the
Latter-day Saints, 281-287.

18 Stegner, The Gathering of Zion, 1.

Chapter 2

1 Readers are referred to Stanley B. Kimball, Historic Sites and Markers Along the Mormon
and Other Great Western Trails, (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988) for a discussion
of these trails. This book may well be used as a basic reference work for all trail matters and
trail markers referred to in this Historic Resource Study.

2 The author heard this expression as a child in Utah from his grandparents...a bit of oral

3LeRoy Hafen, Western America (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970), 350. For
comparison, stagecoaches with frequent changes of horses averaged 16 miles an hour.

4 Thomas Bullock journal, June 8,1847, archives, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, hereafter Mormon Church archives.

5 This information comes from the 1849 trail journal of David Moore and the 1856 trail
journal of Langley A. Bailey, Mormon Church archives.

6 Based on the author's study of Mormon Trail journals and trail travel.

7 See, for example, the diary of Patty Sessions, Mormon Church archives.

8 Gleaned from author's study of trail journals at Mormon Church archives.

9Stanley B. Kimball, "The Unusual and the Outre on Mormon Trails," Paper presented at the
Mormon History Conference, Utah State University, 1988.

10 John Q. Cannon, ed. Autobiography of Christopher Layton, (Salt Lake City, 1911), 3.
11 This information was gleaned by the author from hundreds of trail journals.

12 See Stanley B. Kimball, "The Dark Side of Heroism on Mormon Trails: A New Look at
the Mythic Pioneers," paper presented before the Mormon History Association, Kansas City,
Mo., May 1985.

13 "Journal History of the Church," 28 October 1854, 2, Mormon Church archives.

14 Gleaned from author's study of trail journals.

15 Lyon, "Some Uncommon Aspects of the Mormon Migration," 36.

16 This study of female Mormon Pioneers is based on these and scores of other female trail
accounts in the Mormon Church archives, the Utah Historical Society, and Brigham Young
University. See also Vicky Burgess-Olson, Sister Saints (Provo: Brigham Young University
Press, 1978); Kenneth Godfrey, Audrey Godfrey, and Jill Derr, Women's Voices... (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book Co., 1982); and the old, but still useful, Edward W. Tullidge, The Women
of Mormondom (New York: Tullidge and Crandall, 1877, 1975 reprint).

17 Nobody knows how many died. This estimate is based on Andrew Jenson's "Emigration
Crossing the Plains," see Appendix B, Document 5, and from this author's study of trail

19 Ibid.

20 See, for example, Lillian Schlissel, Women's Diaries of the Westward Journey (New York:
Schocken Books, 1982); Sandra L. Myers, Westering Women and the Frontier Experience,
1800-1915 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1982); and the multi-volume
series Covered Wagon Women, being published by Arthur H. Clark Co., Glendale, California.

21 See Kimball, "Women, Children and Family Life on Pioneer Trails."

22 For a summary study of Mormons and Indians, see Leonard Arrington, "The Mormons
and the Indians, Review and Evaluation," The Record, (Friends of the Library, Washington
State University, Pullman, (1970): 5-29. It is also true, contrary to what Hollywood would
have us believe, that until the 1860s, Indians rarely attacked emigrant trains. See Unruh, The
Plains Across.

23 See Allen and Leonard, The Story of the Latter-day Saints, 30, 105-106, and B. H.
Roberts, A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (Salt
Lake City: Deseret News Press, vol. II, 1930), 88-89.

24See Stanley B. Kimball, "Red Men and White Women on Mormon Trails, 1847-1868: The
Captivity Narrative in Mormondom," Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought I (Winter
1985), 81-88.

25 Ibid.

26 Ibid.

27 Ibid.
28 Jack Beller, "Negro Slaves in Utah," Utah Historical Quarterly 2 (1979): 122-26, and
Ronald G. Coleman, "Blacks in Utah," in The Peoples of Utah 24, ed. Helen Z. Papanikolas
(Salt Lake City: Utah State Historical Society, 1976), 115-140; the same author's "Blacks in
Pioneer Utah, 1847-69," UMOJA: A Scholarly Journal of Black Studies, 2, (Summer 1978):
96-110; and this author's study of Mormon Trail accounts.

29 See Conway B. Sonne, Saints on the High Seas, A Maritime History of Mormon
Migrations: 1830-90, (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1983) and the author's study
of Mormon Trail journals.

30 Gleaned from trail journals.

31Allen and Leonard, The Story of the Latter-day Saints, 184-185, and Roberts, A
Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, vol. 2, 210-216.

32A good recent account of leaving Nauvoo is Richard Bennet, Mormons at the Missouri,
1846-52, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987) 13-25.

33 For a detailed account of these events, see Stanley B. Kimball, William Clayton's The
Latter-day Saints' Emigrants' Guide, (Gerald, Mo.: The Patrice Press, 1983), 18-19. See also
Lewis Clark Christian, "Mormon Foreknowledge of the West," Brigham Young University
Studies 21, Fall 1981, 403-415, and his 1972 Brigham Young University Thesis.

34 Allen and Leonard, The Story of the Latter-day Saints, 210-215, and Flanders, Kingdom
on the Mississippi.

35 Ibid.

36Carl I. Wheat, Mapping the Trans-Mississippi West, vol. 3, (San Francisco: Institute of
Historic Cartography, 1959), 31.

37Lansford W. Hastings, The Emigrants' Guide to Oregon and California, (Cincinnati:

George Conclin, 1845), 137-138.

38 For further discussion of early travel literature, see S. Kimball, William Clayton's The
Latter-day Saints' Emigrants' Guide.

39 See Wheat, Mapping the Trans-Mississippi West.

40 Ibid.

41 Ibid., 101

42See Elden J. Watson, Compiler, Manuscript History of Brigham Young: 1846-47, (Salt
Lake City: Elden J. Watson, 1971).

43 Kimball, Heber C. Kimball.

44 Two basic and recommended accounts of the 1847 trek are William Clayton's Journal,
(Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1921), and William Clayton, The Latter-day Saints'
Emigrants' Guide (St. Louis: Missouri Steam Powered Press, 1848).
45 Kimball, Heber C. Kimball, 159-160.

Chapter 3

1 See William Clayton's Journal, 376.

2See Kimball, Historic Sites and Markers, and Stanley B. Kimball, "The Mormon Trait
Network in Iowa, 1838-68," Brigham Young University Studies, 21 (Fall 1981), 417-430.

3 See Allen and Leonard, The Story of the Latter-day Saints, 220.

4 NR indicates that the site is already on the National Register of Historic Places.

5 This judgement is based on the author's study of trail journals.

6 No attempt was made initially to move all the Mormons from the Nauvoo area at once.
Approximately 10,000 Mormons remained in the area until better weather, and almost all
followed Brigham Young west by that September. This is why the pioneer group established
several "permanent" camps across Iowa, as detailed later in the text. See Allen and Leonard,
The Story of the Latter-day Saints, 220-221.

7 Kimball, Heber C. Kimball, 133.

8 Watson, Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 107

9 REC indicates that the site is recommended for listing on the National Register of Historic
Places by the author (see page 75).

10Watson, Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 144; Allen and Leonard, The Story of the
Latter-day Saints, 224.

11 This information comes from an informational kiosk at Mount Pisgah.

12 Prayer circles ordinarily were (and are) performed only in Mormon temples. Under unusual
circumstances, however, they may be performed as at Mount Pisgah.

Chapter 4

1 The best recent study is Bennett, Mormons at The Missouri: 1846-1852.

2Gail G. Holmes, "The LDS Legacy in Southwestern Iowa," The Ensign, (August 1988), 54-

3 Kimball, Heber C. Kimball, 138.

4Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, M234, role 216, frame 497, June 29, 1846, National
Archives, Washington, D.C.

5 Allen and Leonard, The Story of the Latter-day Saints, 226-227.

6 Bennett, Mormons at the Missouri, 79-90.

7 Ibid., 169.

8 Ibid., 91-183, passim.

9 Ibid., and Kimball, Heber C. Kimball, 145.

10 Bennett, Mormons at the Missouri, 168-173.

11As cited by Leland H. Creer, The Founding of an Empire (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft,
1947), 167-168.

12Merrill J. Mattes, "The Northern Route of the Non-Mormons: Rediscovery of Nebraska's

Forgotten Historic Trail," Overland Journal. 8 (No.2, 1990), 2-14.

Chapter 5

1Preston Nibley, Exodus to Greatness: The Story of the Mormon Migration, (Salt Lake City:
Deseret News Press, 1947), passim.

2 Howard L. Eagan, Pioneering the West, (Richmond, Utah: Eagan Estate, 1917), 24.

3 A good study of these individual pioneers is Andrew Jenson, Day by Day with The Utah
Pioneers of 1847, a series of newspaper articles published in 1934 in the Deseret News and
subsequently bound into book form.

4 This information comes from the author's reading of hundreds of trail accounts.

5 Kimball, "Red Men and White Women on Mormon Trails."

6 This observation is based on a study of many trail journals. The best recent study of
overland emigration in general, including the Mormons, is Unruh, The Plains Across: The
Overland Emigrants and the Trans-Mississippi West, 1840-1860.

7 Kimball, Heber C. Kimball, 170.

8 Watson, Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1846-47, 548.

9 An excellent study of the Great Reconnaissance is William H. Goetzmann, Army

Exploration in the American West: 1803-63, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1979.

10 Orson Pratt Journal, April-July 1847, passim, Mormon Church archives. The author has
plotted all of Pratt's sightings on modern maps. See Kimball, W. Clayton's The Saints'
Emigrants' Guide.

11 Kimball, W. Clayton's The Latter-Day Saints' Emigrants' Guide, 42.

12 Watson, Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 546-548.

13 Ibid., 549 and Kimball, Heber C. Kimball, 151.

14Watson, Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 560-561 and William Clayton's Journal,

15 Mattes, The Great Platte River Road.

16 William Clayton's Journal, 84-87.

17 Ibid., 116-117.

18 Ibid., 177.

19 Ibid., 176.

20 See Jenson, Day by Day, May 24th, and Stanley Kimball and Hal Knight, 111 Days to
Zion, Salt Lake City: Deseret Press, 1979, 114-115.

21 Somehow, probably because he was killed by Indians, Jacques not only got a fort named
after him, but a mountain range, peak, river, city, and a county, as shown on Wyoming maps.

22See Mattes, The Great Platte River Road, 23; and Gregory M. Franzwa, The Oregon Trail
Revisited, (St. Louis: The Patrice Press, 1988).

23 Watson, Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 556-557 and 608.

24 This evaluation is based on the author's personal observations.

25 Watson, Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 560-561.

26 Kimball, Heber C. Kimball, 166.

27 Kimball, Heber C. Kimball, 167.

28 LeRoy Hafen, Old Spanish Trail, (Glendale, CA, Arthur H. Clark Co., 1954).

29 S. George Ellsworth, Utah's Heritage, (Santa Barbara: Peregrine Smith, Inc., 1972).

30 Watson, Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 564.

31 Ibid.

32 Wilford Woodruff's sermon, July 24, 1880, as cited by Preston Nibley, Brigham Young,
(Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1937), 98-99.

33Extrapolated from figures given in Roberts, Comprehensive History of the Church, vol. 3,
292-293 and 300-301.

34 The best study of this is Milton Hunter, Brigham Young The Colonizer, (Santa Barbara:
Peregrine Smith, 1973.)

Chapter 6

1 For a full discussion of these and other trails used by the Mormons, see Kimball, Historic
Sites and Markers.

2See LeRoy R. and Ann W. Hafen, Handcarts to Zion, 1856-1860 (Glendale, CA: Arthur H.
Clark Co., 1960, and Kimball, Historic Sites and Markers.

3 Ray Allen Billington, Westward Expansion, NY: Macmillan Co., 1982, 294.

4 This study will present in detail only the Iowa segment of the Handcart Trail, because west
of Iowa, the handcarters followed the Mormon Trail of 1847 and their experiences were
much the same as other emigrating Mormons.

5 Hafen and Hafen, Handcarts to Zion, passim.

6 Kimball, "The LDS Use of Railroads," unpublished paper based on original emigrant

7 Hafen and Hafen, Handcarts to Zion, 193.

8 See Hafen and Hafen, Handcarts to Zion.

9 "Journal History of the Church," Mormon Church Archives.

10This information comes from Arrington, Great Basin Kingdom, 162-169, Russell R. Rich,
Ensign to the Nations, (Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1979), 208-217, and original
maps in the Mormon Church Archives.

11 This experiment is described in Leonard Arrington, Great Basin Kingdom, 205-211, and
John K. Hulmston, "Mormon Immigration in the 1860s: The Story of the Church Trains,"
Utah Historical Quarterly, 58, (Winter 1990) 32-48.

12 The toponym Wyoming is Indian and originated in Pennsylvania.

13 Arrington, Great Basin Kingdom, 298.

14 See Kimball, Historic Sites and Markers.

15 Ibid., 143.

16 Kimball, Discovering Mormon Trails, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1979, 39.

17See the "Rail and Trail Pioneers" section of this chapter immediately below, and Kimball,
Historic Sites and Markers, 154-159.

18Most of this discussion is based on the author's study of Mormon Trail accounts in the
Mormon Church archives.
19 Stanley B. Kimball, "The LDS and the Railroads." Unpublished paper.

Chapter 7

1 For more information about these historic sites and, especially for the many historic markers
along the trail not here presented, see Kimball, Historic Sites and Markers.

2 National Register Bulletin No.16, 1.

3 Ibid., 49-53.

4For a detailed account of trail ruts in Wyoming, see Gregory M. Franzwa, Maps of the
Oregon Trail, (Gerald, MO: The Patrice Press, 1982).

5 National Register Bulletin, 1.

6 Ibid., 61.

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