Frendx: Radio's Greatest Thrill Is

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ISSN 0160 -1989

Radio's Greatest Thrill
is Short-Wave Reception!
If you've grown blasé to the ordinary run of broadcast programs—if
you seek something new, thrilling, unusual—Build yourself Pilot's famous
Double-Duty Super-Wasp! You will reach an entire new world of radio
entertainment! From your loud speaker will come strange languages, music
that is delightfully different—from the International Capitols of the World!
Nightly you can bring in England, Holland, Central America. South Amer-
ica, Canada, South Africa, as well as scores of stations in every nook and
corner of the World!

Pilot's Double -Duty

is the World's Greatest
Short-Wave Receiver

Short Wave

CUSTOM SET-BUILDER'S Because short wave work requires an extremely sensitive

and well-balanced set, the Super-Wasp makes an unusually
PRICE Catalog No. K-110 good broadcast receiver. . . Interchangeable plug-in coils
Including two enable you to switch. Is, an Instant, from short-wave to
sets of five inter- broadceit and vice versa! . . The only short wave receiver
changeable coils using a stage of tuned R.F.. with the famous Screen-Grid
each. full size $29 . 50 Tube. ., . All-drilled metal chassis and sectional cans make
blueprint". •nd the Super-Wasp an extremely simple net to assemble. . . .
compkte assembly Assemble it and hear it the saine evening!
data. Slightly
higher West uf
the Rocki..
VELOPMENTS! If so, send 00e which brings you ove year's
subscription (four quarterly issues) of Radio Design. Edited
ATTENTION by practical Radio Engineers for men who KNOW their
Competent. reliable Dealers are in- Radio. Profusely illustrated with photographs and diagrams.
vited to secure details of Pilot's unique Contains exclusive features not found in any other radio
Sales Agency Plan. Write to Depart- publication. Radio Design, 103-R Broadway, Brooklyn, New

Tema. Week Ue Reederell

JUNE 1983
- 711V_Alk


Tne Charley Louden000mer ctlumn which occasionally appears im
FRENDX is written in fun and is not intended to be descriptive
of nor refer to any particular persons. Howeverm the CL column
which appeared in the April FRENDY was considered inappropriate
by someone and, since it is not the purpose of FRENDX to offend,
we hereby apoologize for any annoyance this column mignt have
caused anyone.


The 1983 convention of the Worldwide TV-FM DX Association will
be held August 5th, 6th, and 7th at Dunkirk, NY. For further
information contact WTFDX HQ, P.O. Box 514, Buffalo, NY 14205
or host Boo Seybold, Bennet Road, RD 2, Dunkirk, NY 14048.


FOR SALE: Drake 2-B with 2-8Q Q-Multiplier and some extra crystals.
Price $165.00. Heathkit DX-60E transmitter, HG-10 VFO and HR-108 re-
ceiver. Price $150.00. I will pay shipping. Steven R. Lare, 824 West
25th Street, Holland, MI 49423. Phone (616) 335-2270.

FOR SALE: Ameco PT-55 preamplifier in good condition, $45.00. SONY

ICF-5900W portable with manual, original carton and new AC-120W ad-
aptor. Very clean, $9C.00. John C. Herkimer, 3233 East Avenue, Cale-
donia, NY 14423. Phone (716) 538-2582.

Numerous recent shortwave and scanner bulletins, books and
.T7TcriiiTiy lists.
Send SASE for list. Also, frequency extender for
SPR-4 including 9 crystals. Plugs into a crystal socket. Price, $59.00.
Radio West 22-inct ferrite loop antenna for best offer. Jim Uerlings,
3908 Kelly Drive, Klamath Falls, OR 97601. Phone (503) 884-7659 after
0130 GMT.

FOR SALE: Info-Tech M-200-F RTTY/CW demodulator. One year old and
in pristine condition, $2 7 5.00 including shipping. Howard Hudd;estpri,
3305 Aoerdeen Way, Houston, TX 77025. Phone (713) 666-965C.

FOP SALE: MFJ-1020 Active Antenna, new, in factory-packed box. Price

155.00 including shipping. Also Panasonic RF -085 portable reEeiver
8w/Fm/AM,. New, in original box. Price, $55.00 including shipping.
Cashiers check or money order only, please. Nazim Aboobucker, 2130
Parr Avenue, Apt. 20, San Jose, CA 95126. Phone 4108) 249-5126.

FOP SALE: IC-R70 receiver, as new. Info-Tech M200F with Panasonic

7R-930 monitor, as new. MFJ-304 mobile converter, as new. Make reason-
able offer. Bill Smith, Route 2, Reinbeck, IA 50669. (319) 345-2982.

FOR SALE: McKay-Dymek DR33C professional receiver. Less than 300 hours
UT- 577ition. With Collins 1.2 kHz filter, service manual, optional
mounting feet, product brochures and receipts. In original box with
original packing. Immaculate condition. Original cost was $1625.00,
asking $1000.00 or best offer. ALSO: McKay-Dymek DS111 communications
speaker. Has on/off switch and mode switch for loudness, flat, SS8,
cw, Hi=pass, and Low-pass operation. In original box with receipt.
One year old. Original cost was $92.00 will sell for $50.00 firm.
Will ship these items worldwide at my cost. ALSO: Collins R-390A/URR
manufactured by Motorola. In better than average condition, nothing
substituted or missing. Works well, but could use minor alignment.
Asking $350.00 or will consider trade for multi-band portaole prefer-
ably with digital readout and in great condition. No junk, please!
Will ship this item anywhere at freight charges collect. Todd Hyder,
17440 N.E. 38 Street, 44-102, Redmond, WA 98052. Phones (206) 885-
3126 at home and (206) 881-4000 at work.
June 1983
Editor: John C. Herkimer, 3233 East Avenue, Caledonia. NY 14423

This month....we'11 finish l dicer's excellent article on verifications,

with comments ty socs of the hobby's best, and Steve Reins tein checics
in with another of cis in-depth profiles of the Latin imeri can
clandestine scene. Stay with us, a?


O. L. X. I C - Um% Calkaltia No. 17$

of the QSL by Al Sizer X174111M1 1.1115

In this series of three articles, we have beer. rela ting the views
of nine outstanding collectors of ,'3Le--on why they seek verifications
and now they haadle them. In this concluding article we finish the
rund own:

MinLIN "I don't know how many - .15Ls I have. I count by station.
I have from 35 .-
.1 atations in 212 countries. I have a number of ...1).3Le
also from the same station; for example, I try to 3et each one issued by
iiC.1 5.
also, I really have two collections--( 1) 3Ls from all countries, and
(2) ,5Ls from religious broadcasters which are duplicated in 11o. 1 for the
most part.
sPecial ties : (A) Pennants—from 21 stations in e5 codn tries.
(P) Latin America, and (:) Religious broadcasters.
that cart do 1. ,51s 'lay in my DI life? I have them organized in such a

way that Its easy to find what I'm lookinz for. rhey re in 21 looseleaf
note books by cortinent. If I want to see an African :,SL, I look in my black
note book (sorry, South Africa: ) where countries are arranged alphabetically.
I refer to the QSLs occastonally as well as show them to others once
in awhile. L -ndoubtedly, be showing some of them to our new minis ter as
he scent a summer wi th t'ICJC and te interested in radio as a missionary
'jnfortuna tely, I don't have all ny verifications In books yet. In the
books I also have postal cards, photos and stamps I have received from
station pe rsonnel. :qe pennants are in seiarate books.
If we were to leave Rillsdale, there 's no flues tion bu t what I'd take
my ;1Le al onz. :he 31.11y .:,rahact :enter at Idhea ton Jolleze. IllInois, has
expressed interest in my religious collection; therefore, when no lonerI
have a need for it, It will go there. :enter personnel even eues ted that
I might donate it before death 30 that I might see how It was :sed there.
I've made no arrangement for my zeneral collection. :here's more work
that needs to be done , on both. I don't know whether I'll set it lone before
I retire or not—as 1. don't know when I' ll retire.
I also have ;SLx from 325 1M stations In 29 countries."

JC : "As far as C)SIs o, they remain dear to my heart at all times.

Zhe onallenze and excitement of flnally nailing down a long sousht-af ter
Peruvlan does not :in inish after cutttn It in your cook. Indeed, it only
serves as encourar-ement to get the next one.
Cf ao rse, tots anolles in varyInP de7rees to the individual involved.
It goes without sayins. that Sierry L'exter is the foremost at the ma ti va tioni
I CIL rame. r.:e. continually ^emcee rs away on a regular tests. Por me, It Is not
that degree of in tensi tv, 'du still I have my method to keel iluprinz away.

• My Q3Ls are oreanized in notebooks, put into clear 'cages to allow
viawinz of both sides. : have a book for each continent and then separate
books for each latin country, as that remains my main area of concentration.
I look at my QSLs neriodically throughout a year. They brine back fond
memories of how and when I finally heard that station. More than any
Particular, they remind me of when I heard a station.
I sometimes look at them when I need a pick-me-up in a down period of
the hobby. Sometimes I look at them to get me started on follow -uns once
again. But they still remain a friendly reminder of my involvement in
different stages of this hobby. It is interesting to look at my ZSLe and
think of the early lays when I scratched out some details in English to a
station, and then, after so many years, think of the many renorts and things
I sent out to a latin, only to finally receive a verification letter after
two or three more years.
I suopose the main ooint here is that :,SLs, perhaps more than anything
else in this hobby, are and remain a oersonal achievement. A personal
reminder. An incentive to do more. Plus, a SL collection serves as an
enticement to continue during periods of inactivity in the hobby.
A number of people have seen my collection, but I do not make it it uttnt,
to bring it to conventions or oPenly talk about it. again, It remains
personal to me.
that would I lo with it? dell, I hone that my son gets involved in
DXing someday and I might be able to pass it along to him as a reminder of
earlier stations and times, a kind of historical oersoective of the radio
But more than anything, I'm glad that I have it to look back upon.
It serves as a record of my DI involvement. Logs and tamed :Ds are
nice, but nothinz takes the olace of that card, or letter and hand painted
oennant from Radio Andina. ZSIs are the Icing on the cake, and they taste
very, very sweet to this =fr."

JOHN CiMPBELL: "Yes, QSLs come out for recollection or discussion, usually
with friends interested in DX or asnects -of radio and communications. This
doesn't happen very often at present ;due to my workload), but maybe things
will be more relaxed in another 20 years or so.
To helo recollections of reception etc. and the ,articular nleasure
they give, I store ';',3Ls in albums sold in Surone to hold first-day covers
in frequency order; it helps me remember the sources of R. which have made
the DX receptions difficult.
?or disposal of :biLs via a will, I'll try to find a good museum with
interests in collections devoted to radio. Best such examoles I've seen
so far are in Mew Zealand, out that's rather far away at present.
Total number of ZSLs must be about 1600, about 7 •Dt shortwave and the
rest mostly medium wave. I don't try to specialize but I seem to have quite
a few :131,s from Earouean SW pirates. Other areas where the collection is
well develooed are Indonesia and oolitical clandestines. Sore noint: I've
reported 6 nirates from outside Mann America out only three have
reolied. Corresoonding rate for European 'unofficial' stations is at least

MEJS: "The ZSI. collection....well, there is absolutely nothin

like adding a card or letter from a new country to it. Rezrettably, such
additions are few and very far apart. In the interim teriods, I try to add
to the collection by submitting reports to stations offering nul tide
designs for reporters (a la Cj3, Radio :Perlin International, Radio Dairo,etc
While this is not a zood substitute for a new country, it helos me to sustain
my interest in DX1ne.
ZSLs to me are not 'unwept, unhonored and unsung'--they, to me, are
important reminders of stations heard la the east--of the 2 1M 'rlse and
shine', of the 3:30 At fall asleeo time by the receiver: : can remember
studying in mid-winter while in high school and college) up the Brazilians,
of the high heat of a Bennsylvania summer while listening to Radio Iran,
or in early evening to an interference-free Voice of Turkey.•
I carefully preserve at :east one ',"SL mer country, sometimes more
depending on the rarity. Others are maintained to look at for the various
designs that are obtainable. Is for showing to others, that's an ezcention
rather than the rule, for I think it is only too true that the confirmations
mean more to you than to others (especially non-DXers:).
If : had to move, they would certainly accompany me. As far as throwing
out, they would be amonz the last things to go. Death? that's another
matter. Ive always wondered why the stamp collectors have been able to band
tozether, create vast reference collections and even establish national
libraries devoted to philatelic material, yet we DXers and 3WLs cannot
establish a oermanent home for .;Sis when's. person leaves the hobby or dies.

Page 2
The zreat listory of radio listening is in these cards and letters and
when an active reporter to stations is no loner Introised, there gc
tne Ls. :nau'e a zeal shame and should not be.
Some sort of a central, permanent repository snoald be established
where at least one of each type of card and co=emorative card when a
station will commemorate an occasion by the addition of some phrase to an
already printed card) should be very carefully preserved and catalogued.
When one cannot hear a new country, how does one get any kind of
thrill? 1e1.7., try new stations--Latin America is filled with them. Try for
as nany domee'lo stations as you can hear--the Ohinese and Australian
reflonals. Try to earn as many different Z.31, designs as stations offer
(make sure the station wants reports:). adventist florid Radio offers a
special certificate for eLln the various sites and freot.encies they atilima.
It's 24 spaces total and it took about 2= years to complete, so it's not as
easy as it might seem. The challenge of propagation on that One is almost
I have no exact count of ;SLs earned over the years (19 years of
renorting:). My area et special interest is, as it has been, the PWr Mat."

al's hard work has produced a DX classic....but why stop here? We'd be
¡delighted to continue the dialogue with your comments. YOU can reach 11
¡at 22 Country Way, North :-Aven, CT 06473, and thanks, ti:

aTZ;TS ON REPORTING 10 £24B STITIONS by Richard S. Wood

Zuckily, you may reoort to all stations in English. Even those countriell
which don't broadcast in English (e.z. the two Yemens) understand It aed
accent reports in I:. In fact, English is widely known tri both Yemens:
the P.D.R.Y. Is a former British possession, while m7 l!orth Yemeni
students here in Atha are among the best sneakers of Enzltsh.
- Stations in 112eria, Morocco, Dunisla and Lebanon may also te reporte
In ?Tench. but this does not seem to be necessary to obtain a :SI.
,- :be official Enmlist term for a reading from the Zur ian is a recitatia*
from the Iur ian. Do not refer to it as chanting and, of course, avoid
' negative terms like walling. Singing should be reserved for secular nutria.
- Refer to countries by their official names, e.g. Yemen arab Republic,
Peoole's Iemocratic Republic of Yemen, Kingdom of Saudi arable. 'owever,
tne name 'arab Reoublic of Egypt" Is not obligatory: recent Egyptian
costage stamps have dropoed it and rust say "Egylt". The Kingdom of Saudi
Aracla encoara,;es the use of the Initials K S A and uses them on most
stains. It frequently refers to itself as The Kingdom", rather than.
say, "Saadi Ararla" or "the country".
- sse the term Arabian Golf, not Persian Iulf. This is Particularly
imoortant in addressing nail to the smaller states In the area.
, Do not refer to those states as sheikhdoms. à DIer in :he TaDI bulletin
¡ refers to a large arab country as am "oil-rich sheikhdom". :f he says
' things like this in his reports, his success in OSing arab stations will
be limited. Arabic suut (rhymes with take, with the kh as in ch of
Scottish loon) means "old can" and is a title of respect, not of royalty
or oossession. Thus, Hemingway's story The Old Man and the Sea Is, In
arabic as-sheik-2 bahr, Mshelkha "sheikhdom" Is a very small
administra:ive unit only in Tunisia. :he heads of state of Kuwait. Zatar,
and each of the ".:nited arab Emirates are officially known in English as
Ruler . thus, "The Rular of Kuwait".
- International Reply :nupons do not seem to be known or understood In Arab
countries. Enclosing retarn postage ices not seem to te an important
factor. Postage from some arab countries is quite cheaP; e.g. a rerlis:ered
¡ airmail letter without wet -nt limit from Saudi arabia to the Is
2 Saall riyals or r:Jo.

Page 3
iziland Commercial Radio
by don 2oward, P. J. Box 3c060, Santa Herders, CI, 93 108

As someone who loves all tynes of music, I have found my favorite

station to be Swaziland Zommere'al Radio ,S.C.3.;, with its nice selections
of Portuguese ballads, Hindustani type music and, of zourse, topular songs
in English. ?rom within the small African Kingdom of Swaziland zones a al e
signal directed to its listeners In South Lírica but which can often oe
enjoyed by us here in the States. The station has had a turbulent history
since It first went an the air from Sandlane, in Swaziland, back ln the
early oart of 19 7 2.
In the early years it was hard going for an independent station, but
Fhen Mr. :sale Kirsh became managing director and Kirsh Industries became
(nvolved, things looked brighter. New studios and offices were set ap in
tkinsion House, an Eloff acres% in Johannesburg, South Africa. ...Infortunately,
he station still aas oroblems acquiring advertisere and of establishing a
pleanly defined listening oublie. It was not until 1975 that both of these
problema began to be solved. Por that was the year that saw the start of
both the Indian and Portumusee Services. There was a real need for oro -
ramming to these groups in douth Africa and the tusinees community saw
tle' wisdom of using SCR to reach these ueople with ads for their products.
i the Portuguese Service is Radio Paralelo 2, , named for the fact that
the station 13 located on the 27 th tarsi:lei. There are many ernes from
Angola and Mozambique who have become regular listeners to this service
'KAMA since it started operation on Lori 3, 19 - 5. today the format :a still
1.4111.010 Portuguese arocramming, with nice music and ads, brought to the listeners
, by such announcers as Eugenia Marla and Sampaio e Silva, both formerly
with Radio Clubs of Mozambique. This service was first noted by me In
August, 1962, on 6155 kHz., beginning their program at 0500 ;MT, with
beautiful Portuguese ballade and several IDe for "Radio Paralelo
I 71 otee se te ".
the Indian Service is Radio rruro, named after the S.S.Truro,
which in November 1560 transported the first indentured Indian workers
¡ -
wit re to Natal (South Africa) from India. In late March of 1976 test
tranemissions were made and Radio truce started regular trogremming on
ir ki Ft t may 9, 1976. today the programs of erotic sounding Indian music are
NI taped at the Durban (South Africa) studio (which was opened in March
' of 1981) by such announcers as Euty Mohamed, Safee Siddiqi, Sunny
Hoodhram and Goolam Madam. Radio Truro Is not often noted here in
Southern California but did hear it in Pehruary 1983,
on 9704 kHz,
from about 1530 to 1630 GMT, with English language announcements and
Hindustani music. More recently, in :urn 1923, I've noted them on
6155 kHz from 0300 to oast De25 DST but receotion was under dRNO.
(les note: Ron adds that since that report, they are in the clear
, on 6155 at, from 0255 s/on, with 411N0 off that frequency).
1 In 1 977 another group, the urban black, was targeted for inclusion
'oto the station's ever increasing audience. Radio SR shook the airwaves
,or the first time on August 28, 1977. the format today is DOO songs
ín English and a variety of ads, treeented by such far-out CJ's as
Iocky I'lhotlhalemaje (a.k.a. Cocky two-lull), Lucky Ntull and Mesh
petla. Raving listened to Radio SR more than any other service t can
noised say they make it a pleasure to listen to this station. Prom 1981
:trough 1982, : often noted them on 6155 kHz. from 2300 to 0500 (that
08 when WRII0 or Portugal were not tresent) with their pop music, ads and
Pany ID's as "Radio SR, the International Sound", but SCR now has
1adio Truro here at the time. Recently the only olace I note Radio SR
on 9704 kHz at 1630 0MT with the usual IS of African music and
'oto programming of pop music, but the receptian was 000r. with this
scent change in the schedule of SCR's different services, it would be
;ood to check out all their frequencies at different tisse to gee what
ilght be noted.
SCR also reaches out to the Jewish community In South Africa via
its show called the Jewish Sound, which is troduced and 'resented by
babbi Raley 0oldman.
1 All of SCR' e services are transmitted from Sandlane, located near
:he southern border of Swaziland, ria three transmitters: a Harris
0(:) kW and a CC& 10 kW for shortwave and a 50 id Continental 3I7C
or KW.
Por those of us in the shortwave listening zommunity, :he most
mportant person at the station is Mr. William bobeen, the chief
Engineer and answerer of our reception reports. He sends out a nice,

O all data post nerd ISL with a zolor photo of a "Swazi Warrior". It
ust seem 111ce a full time job :wet sending out these cards for the
,Ifferent services. 2111 is an American who learned about electronics
Kth the U.S. Air ?ores and at Carnegie Institute of Decnnology (à2E2)
a Pitteburgh, PA. is informs that they broadcast 'by taco (REV= 17'')
RE VOX 177's)" made at the studios in South Africa and the "transmitters
.re in Swaziland (in the bugbear. In September 1982 he says they were
'n 1377, 3223, 49.30, 5155 and 970 4 kHz. ¡that with the recent schedule
'hangse for their eirvicee, why not give them a try and see if you can
staist us in confirming their new schedule? You might just find, as
i lid, that SCR is a fun station to :Ister. ta.
I wish to thank Kr. 2oolcson for sending me a copy of 'Music Notes"
'rom which I derived most of the information in this article and thanks
'ago for his informative letter which contained additional items of
, Page 4

rodOiermerenes voz ()eel.« cei.



ANN Poore 7- 907 MEXICO 3A


"Revolution or death we will conquer" are words that should not be taken in
a glib manner. These defiant words have probably been uttered by many revo-
lutionaries throughout history. :et, never have they stood so boldly true as
they do today. El Salvador. El Salvador, a densely populated nation of
4.8 million, has staggered through four trying years of violence, terror, &
murder! The bloody civil war has claimed upwards of 30,000 lives and, as yet,
there is no end '.11 sight. As happens in this day and age, guerrilla revolu-
tion and counterrevolution is invariably accompanied by a staunch platform of
political rhetoric via clandestine radio broadcasting. It is in this light
that we take a closer look at developments in the El Salvador underground.

Since the revolir:ion in El Salvador began in the late 1970s, there have been
several rebel shortwave radio stations on the air. These include! Radio Lib-
eraci6n, Radio Venceremos, Radio Farabundo Martí, Radio Unidad, and Radio
Guazapa. All of ::hese station have 'flown' generally under the banner of the
FMLN - frente Farabundo Marti para Liberaci6n Nacional (Farabundo Martí front
for National LiMration).

The FMLN is a large umbrella organization that encompasses combatants from

the five major Marxist groups in El Salvador. Their name is derived from the
martyred communist leader, Farabundo Martí, who led a short-lived peasant
uprising in .-anuary 1932. Martí was captured by govt. forces ana shot by a
firing squad. The rebellion was crushed and thousands were massacred. Little
did he dream that half a century later his country would be literally torn
apart by a revolution in his memory! While the FUN is essentially a military
guerrilla organization, the other half of the Salvadoran Left is represented
by the FDR - Frente Domocr4tico Revolucionario (Democratic Revolutionary
Front), The Frr- rs a political ally of the FUN and serves as the political
arm of 14 leftist par-:ies and groups. Leading the FDR is a former Social Dem-
ocrat, Guillermo Manuel Lingo. Ironically, Lingo ran as the vice-presidential
running mate of Jo s6 Napoleon Duarte in 1972. Duarte won the election but the
military falsified the voter tabulations to keep him from taking office, In
1979 lingo served on the ruling civilian-military junta but resigned in 1980
to work with the ?DR. (The original FDR leader was Enrique Alvarez Cordova,
assassinated in December 1980). Duarte later became President of the ruling
junta, while Ungo went into exile in Panama to oppose Duarte's regime. The
current (interim) President of El Salvador is Alvaro Magaña.

In December 1980 ::he first FN station appeared on shortwave. The short-

lived Radio Liberaci6r broadcast on 8243 kHz and claimed to be located near
battlefronts in E: Salvador. Popular opinion, at the time, suspected Radio
Liberación to actually be located in Chinandega Province, Nicaragua. In Feb.
1981, R. Liberaci6n ceased broadcasting but was quickly replaced by a new
FMLN station, Radio Venceremos. Radio Venceremos "the official voice of the
FMLN" is generally assumed to sometimes be actually broadcasting from the
Morazàn Department: of El Salvador. It is suspected that at least one transmi-
tter is located at. a Large FN complex, south of Managua, while repeaters
are used in the field. The easily heard Radio Venceremos often changes freq-
uencies and schedule, to avoid jamming and direction finding techniques, so
be sure to check other sections of FRENDX for more current information. Radio
Venceremos claims to have begun operation on medium wave mn 1/22/80 under the
name Radio Revolucionaria del Pueblo. Since March 1982 their transmissions' on
shortwave have been severely interfered with. They claim that U.S. vessels
patrolling the Gulf of Fonseca have persisted in a plan to disrupt the FN
broadcasts (see the cover of the April 1983 RIB, #75 for the latest). Despite
he jamming harassment, Radio Venceremos is well heard around the world,
They can be reached at, Apartado Postal 7-907, Mexico Distrito Federal,

Page rs-
Although the FMLN oversees the activities of the rebel groups and attempts to
keep them unified, these groups have diverse political ambitions and often
run into conflict with one another.

The largest and most radical of the guerrilla groups comprising the FMLN is
the FPL - Fuerzas Populares de Liberaci6n (Popular Liberation Forces). The
FPL was founded in 1969 by Silv=ao=yetano Carpio after he split with the
Salvadoran Communist Party over ideological differences. The 63 year old
Cayetano. usually known by his nom-de-guerre 'Márcial', has often been re-
ferred to as the 'grand old man" of the revolution. Throughout the civil war
the FPL has been very active battling govt. troops in Chalatenango Department
and other areas. In January 1982 the FPL introduced their own clandestine
radio station in the form of Radio Farabundo Marti. They carefully timed
their broadcasts to follow the sign-off of Radio Venceremos, so as not to
appear as competition. The sporadic R. Farabundo Martí has been jammed merci-
lessly by the "music' jammer, probably because their Marxist doctrine is far
more radical than even the FMLNI In April 1983 the FPL was dealt a severe and
damaging setback when their second-in-command Melida Anaya Montez, usually
known on-the-air by her pseudonym 'Comandante Ana Marra', was assassinated by
fellow FPL members. Shortly thereafter FPL leader Gayetano, despondent over
the death of Ana Marra, reportedly committed suicide. The FPL is now headed
by 'Salvador Guerra' (an obvious pseudonym).

The second largest guerrilla force in the FMLN is the ERP - Ejrcito Revolu-
cionario del Pueblo (Revolutionary Army of the People). The ERP. formed
a dispute —Witn7— nyetano's ?PL, is commanded by 31 year old Joaqurn Villa-
lobos. The ERP is said to operate mainly in Morazén since the outbreak of the
civil war.

The third largest guerrilla force in the FMLN is the FARN - Fuerzas Armadas
de Resistencia Nacional (Armed Forces of National Resistance). FARN.
nrmed in 197S inêir— g- dispute within the ERP, is commanded by the Costa Rica
born Eduardo Sancho Caste-Leda, known better by his nom-de-guerre Fermín Cien-
fuegos. The FARM is said to operate widely in Guscatlin Department, especial-
ly around the Guazapa volcano. This leads to speculation that the FARN is be-
hind the latest anti-junta radio station to hit the airwaves. Radio Guazapa
"La Voz de Cuscatlén" appeared in March 1983 varying between 98 20 -9850 kHz at
*0130, and also announcing a *1830 broadcast.

The fourth guerrilla group in the FMLN is the Salvadoran Communist Party it-
self. A relative newcomer to the fighting, the Party finally joined in the
fray in 1979 with a small group of guerrillas known as the FAL - Fuerzas
Armadas de Liberacign (Armed Forces of Liberation). The Salvadoran Communist
Party is —red777=Fitary general (since 1972) Shafick Jorge Handal, son of
Palestinian immigrants. Handal is said to have ties to Palestine Liberation
Organization terrorist Yasser Arafat, and is active in the purchase of arms
for the FMLN.

The last of the major Marxist groups comprising the FMLN is also the most
furtive and least known organization. The FRIC - Partido Revolucionario de
los Trabajadores Centroamericanos (Central American Workers' Revolutionary
Party) was formed in 1975 by the secretive Roberto Roca. It is speculated
that Roca's ?RTC is responsible for guerrilla activity in the swampy south-
eastern Usulutgn Department. Roca is believed to side with Guillermo Ungo
of the FDR in believing that a negociated settlement for peace in Si Salva-
dor is a necessity in order to avoid massive intervention by U.S. military

The last of the FMLN clandestine radio stations is/was Radio Unidad, a sta-
tion that very little is known about. To my knowledge Radio Unidad has never
been positively reported by North American :Jens. The BBC Monitoring Service
came out with several reports that Radio Unidad was heard in January 1982 on
7000 kHz, claiming to be broadcasting from Usulutgn. It was never ascertained
as to whether R. Unidad was a legitimate FMLN station, or perhaps a disinfor-
mationtransmission from an anti-FMLN source. In 1982 there were some interes-
ting reports of a station called R. Orientacign or Reorientacien, which sur-
faced briefly to confuse listeners of R. Venceremcel...And there you have it,
the current clandestine scene in El Salvador. I've thrown all these names at
you, the readers, not to confuse you but to hopefully help you in listening
to the amazing world of clandestine radio. So, as they say on R. Venceremos.
'...hasta la victoria final, revolucign o muerte, venceremos"! 7) de Steve

Page 6
Fre 770D ME!
John J. Morita, Jr.. 4779 Mina Trace, Youngstown, OH 4451 5

THE VIEW FROM REgg...Redan comments and observation»

Welcome »eh te CL! Tour caustic wit and style have long been missed in the page of
this bulletin. We hope that yen will coutiene en in your absorbing and braush rtyle1:1

CougrattLatious te Steve Reinstate en his recent engageneet te Susan Maria Kaolin.

In a few rare Steve, wham you have your first harmonic, yeu will net have may treble
at all dragging yourself set et bed at 0600 GMT!

De leggisgm really belong in Listeners Notebook? I thought we had Leg Report reties
for that specific purpose. Perhaps if the loggia's were dropped free LS reels could be
made fer a program review section there. (or here in dWC - ,TH)

Victor Jeer, ace C&LIWAR deer, notes in a recent letter that he is still with the Quebec
government, but Abet six menthe age switched from the Cannunications te the Meatiest
department. Good luck Vic.

My favorite intLmational breadcaater is Radio Canada International. I don't de much

listeniag te the najays, but when I de, I can usually be found perched au 5960 lirtenine
te the iateresting fare offered up by ROI.

Is it ny insessedien, or deee Radie Kiribati really mettle criteria established by the

Caeustry List Cesittee te warrant it counting as a country?

In Dan Pergeen a real ere« or just the product of mane computer gene haywire?
He has bee around for years, but when was the lest tine yeu saw a legging by hin?
Next thing you knew, he !Licht like rock and roll music!

Did you ever weeder what it would be like to dx C330 without the tine statics! there?!

Lees the editor e2 L.R-J. really like te package things in meat little vials? There are
seme interesting pesaitilities there, ue? Sorry Stu, I bee we are still friends!

I ender if the President ef the United States has ever listmed te the VGA? Per that
natter, I seeder If any member of his adminietratiee or Congress has ever listened?

If I were a cities' of Tessa Britain I weld be deeply offended by the ems ef the surd
UKOGRAMI. I an set and I nu still offended.

This »nth ve concUlde irith a letter free Lin G. Robertson, who gives hie vier of sene
recurt developments red comments in Prelates

Dear Ye Ed:

I've been an avid SWL/DX'er since 1967, a member of

NASWA since 1980, ard a Ham (K.A6MPU) since 1981. Please also
keep in mind (as you read this) that : am writing it as a
semi-regular CONTRIBUTOR to the logs; such have I tried to
be ever since - Toinn- gASWA. Most always, the club's member-
ship has brought me a lot of enjoyment in the hobby. But of
late several developments have convinced me that my money
and time would be a lot better spent somewhere else:
The first development that really shook me up was this
buisiness that "qn ,3 don't prove anything other than the
person wrcms to the station." ROT. It has 'peen my experience that
the total error factor in my collection of over 200 qsl's is
around only 5e,
7CTAL. It has been my experience that stations
generally are VE17-7-onsciencious about verifying, and that
mistakes are somewhat rare. It seems to me that this attitude
has been fostered by a few elitist DX'ers with an egomania
problem whc just are'nt going to let anybody else have any
fun if they can have anything to say about it. And anyway, if
the lendershf.n really thinks this way, WRY IN BLOODY EECKFIRE
DO WE HAVE AN AWERDS PROGRAM, Ayrway? tattler quit being a
bunch of nyoocrites and dumb the awards program, or just shut
un and quft - TF=Faverbody elses's enjoyment:

Page 7
The second developement that threw me was this buis miens
of contributing; your editorial in the March issue was throughly
repugnant and highly offensive in tone. If your object was to
promote discussion and contribution, there are a lot better
ways to do it than insult and deride the membership into action.
Speaking_u_ a contributor, the whole thing turned me off so
badly that I just may not contribute another thing at all. I
know for sure that if I was a beginner and read that article,
I'd never want anything more to do with NASWA at all.As a
matter of fact, I rather agree with Kathleen Eaves and Richard
Tutt as they expressed themselves in the last issue--except that
I may not wait for my subscription to expire, I may resign if
I don't cool down first!
Finally, let's have no more comments about how 'easy' a
dx catch was for the person who logged it; I an speaking of
such things that appear from time to time in the ER sections,
such as, " station XYZ hrd 1200-1400: really an easy
catch now." Public ego trips like this only serve to denigrate
the beginner's feelings should HE have made the same logging;
remember, one man's easy catch is another man's DX. Let's have
some mercy on the new kids, O.K.? *
In conclusion, it seems to me that NASWA has gone from
being a bastion of unity and friendship to a strutting and
preening ground for a few little tin DX gods, and I don't like
it one bit; in any case, I hcpe somebody in the organization
sees fit to pull up the leash on this kind of thing, and
fast, too, or you're going to find yourself about $33, 000 short
next year. "Unity and Friendship" supposedly is the motto;
egocentric posturing can only divide the membership and
contribute to.MASWA's downfall.
Thanks for the opportunity to let ma blow off mz mouth.

Yours in Considerable Choler,

Lin Robertson/KA6MPU


John has left me a little room and I want to add my congratulations to
Steve on his engagement: Omigosh, first Tom, now Steve... .Stu?

Mr. Robertson's comments were most Intereeting. Indeed, all the responses
to John's editorial were equally fascinating, giving me cause to think....
which, if you haven't guessed, is the reason "It Sounds To Me" exists. For
those of you who were offended by John's remarks 1 I'm sorry. ?or those who
found the incentive to report and contribute, we re hanny to have you:

If Mr. Robertson will forgive the rumination, I can assu re him that "'Jnitv
and Friendship" is alive and well, though clearly taking a beating these
past few years. It's true, some take the hobby more sert ously than others.
Some will rise virtually every morning for a shot at Rad to Pampas In Peru,
and for others it may mean an occasional listen to Deuts che Welle and a
quick glance at PRENDX. We need everybody, but not just for financial

Yet, it's not that wide range of experience and Interest levels that noses
a threat to NASWA. It's the petty bickering, the back stabbing, the Ralph
Jensen's, the threats of legal action, the bogus "National union of Radio
DXers", editors trying to get the "last word" ad nauseum. :f you haven t
gotten the point, it's that tedious, on-going nonsense that is the hobby's
least attractive feature.

I'm finding the continued attacks on serious DIers equally nuzzling. I've
learned an awful lot from these folks and they continually contribute and
support IISWA, even when it no longer is their single best source of DX
information. Let's relax a little and enjoy ourselves... .and send a card
of thanks to Bill Oliver for doing a job that usually goes without thanks.

Sorry, JJ '01 buddy, for encroaching on your domain. I suonoee if : had a

radio program or bulletin to nromote I could've used the snace more
judiciously, hi. .

Page 8

JUNE 1983 ******* ********* ******* ****** *****

Just a small announcement at this time to advise Technical Topics readers I

will relinquish editorship of this section after the July issue of FOX.
Having worked at it for a year and one half, : am finding it more difficult
to devote the time necessary. For the many correspendents, am very pleased
to try and help where asked. Those who have become regulars in their ex-
changes with me are invited to continue. The experience has been rewarding,
as all editorships with FRENDX are. I could suggest to Bill nominations for
a successor, but I :now he has many things to consider. - -Ed C. Shaw - -

PART II - The Active Loop Antenna.

Last month we constructed the loop itself, BUT, as some of you have noted. I
did not mention how the variable capacitor is affixed. Hah! This has to do
with continuing construction on the amplifier, which we will discuss here.

The FET amplifier used here is a push-pull design allowing for ample increase
in gain and quiet response. All the small parts are readily available, and
actual construction should be easy for the modest hobbyist.

Construction -layout on a small-piece of perforated board may follow exactly

the schematic diagram provided here. Wires may cross over each other, pro-
vided they are insulated and not actually touching. Note that there are two
points for entry of the signal from the antenna loop, frnd two points for
hooking to your rece:.ver antenna/ground terminals. There are also two points
for powering the unit, which we will take up next month.
Parts List: 2- :!ET 233819 (or similar) The amp draws 13.5 mA
1- 2n2222 transistor with a 12V power supply
2- 4.7K resistors using .162 watts. It will
1- :1( resistor work fine with a common
1- 2.2K resistor 9V battery, too.
1- 100uF/25V electrolytic capacitor
1- .01 uF ceramic capacitor
*4*** ******** *********************** ****************************************

Here is where the variable *

capacitor is hooked-up to * SG)
the loop itself


Don't let any screws touch *

ale lei
the wires of the loop!
********************** ****** * ********* *************** ****** * ***** ************

Next month we will complete the unit by constructing a power supply for it.
In the meanwhile, you can use a 9V battery, or a wall transformer for 12V.
WANTED: Programs in basic, particularly for the 7/C-20 computer, that are
useful in pursuits of short wave listening and DXing. Perhaps some member
has constructed a loggings program they would be willing to share.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********* * * * * * * * * * *
CAR HEADLIGHT REMINDER: While this has no relationship to shortwave, it is
useful for the tinkering hobbyist. The time and slight expense wasted on
a drained car battery could be better devoted to °Xing...justification. You
need merely a small 12V buzzer. Wire it in to your headlight switch, one
lead to low-beam wire, the other lead to the oil pressure switch on the
engine block. When the car is running, headlights ON, the pressure switch
is open. .no buzz. Turn off the engine, no pressure, switch closes, buzzer
sounds reminding you the headlights are being powered. Turn off lights also
cuts power to buzzer. Voila. And GM wants$27.00 for such a gadget installed.
************ * ************************* ************** ***** ******************

LETTERS FROM READERS This is not likely to be a continuing feature, but

the subject matter is interesting enough that many may have the same prob-
lems and can benefit from the suggestions I give, if any.

New York: " I own a DX-302, and use a longwire antenna. Within two miles
are 10 50KW AM, and 20 100KW FM stations. I have images all over the en-
tire spectrum. What can I do? " Good grief! Let's assume that all the
stations have met their FCC obligations to suppress images. The remaining
problem MUST lie within the less-than-desirable circuitry of the DX-302.
Reduce the length of your antenna dramatically...only a few feet, say 10.
Then construct a series-type antenna tuner. This will resonate your short
antenna sharply, only for the band of frequencies you listen to on short
wave. Alas, if the problem IS at the transmitter, it could be that the sig-
nals come in on such unsuspect things as your power line.

New York: "My R-70 is everything I ever wanted. However, I note that the
digital display 'pops' unexplainably and it doesn't seem to have anything
to do with band- changes eir-biée-diglte-1.-strpe-up er -down- in frequency. Do
I have a defective receiver?" Not likely. The 'pops' you noted probably
are dueto the switching, inherent in the gas-discharge segments of the
readout. Notice that, for instance that the digit 1 is comprised of two
lighted segments. If you tune down, the next digit to light would be zero,
comprised of 3ix lighted segments... .that is, a sudden increase of four
more. If you went from zero to 1 again, the additional four segments would
just as suddenly extinguish. Such switching does cause pops. Better buf-
fering would alleviate or eliminate this minor nuisance, but it doesn't
create any problems. I noticed it too, but it doesn't bother me.

WANTED: Reader experiences on how to modify different receivers to employ

existing SSS filters to narrow the AM passband. Information on the new
rash of Kenvood, Icom, Panasonic. Sony receivers particularly desired.

WHICH WAY TO PUT THE BATTERIES IN? . Sooner or later we all do it insert
the batteries incorrectly. It usually
means soon dead batteries, corroded terminals, and maybe damaged circuits.

By inserting the 4-diode gadget shown here, it will make no difference

which way you insert the batteries.., polarity will come out correctly for
use by your instrument. The four diodes should cost about $1.00 for 10 at
Radio Shack. .Note the band around one end of a diode indicates the posi-
tive (+) end. You probably can also buy a ready-made bridge for about $1,
and it's small enough to tuck away in some inner recess where it can't be
seen. *** ******* ********* ********** **********
A * One of the best sources for news of ,
* short wave listening equipment is
* the ANARC "Marketplace Report". ,
* Each month, at least one page issue& 11

* with reports of receivers, antennas,.

* filters, etc. Write for info and in-
* elude $1.00 for courtesy contribution'
* to ANARC. U.S. postage no good in
li * Canada. Harold Sellars, 3 Camrose ,
Zither AC or DC can be applied to * Crescent, Scarborough, Ontario. 1
terminals A and B, either polarity. * MIL 255. Remember—letters costs $$
Blanks, Id, and good luck to you Beep in touoh9...(JE)

PlIts 10

Compiled by Roger Legge, Box 232, McLean, VA 22101


EDT 0MI Station Frequencies (Khz)
6:00-11:00am 1000-1500 Moscow, USSR 118 4 0h,15100,13135,15150,15485 (to 14)
700-7:30am 1100-1130 Helsinki, Finland 15400, 17800
Jerusalem, Israel 11610, 13725, 15585, 17630
7:00-8:50am 1100-1250 Pyongyang,N.Korea 9745, 9977
7:00-9:00am 1100-1200 Melbourne, Australia 9580
7:00-930am 1100-1330 London, England 9510c, 11775w, 15070
7:05-9:00am 1105-1300 TWR, Bonaire, NWI 11815

8:00-3:25a. m-f, 1200-1215 M-F Montreal, Canada 9650, 11955

8:00-8:30am 1230-1230 Helsinki, Finland 15400, 17800 (Sun. to 1325)
8:00-8:55am 1200-121 ,5 Peking, China 15520
8:00-11:30am 1200-1530 ACJB, Coito, Ecuador 11740 (to 1430), 15115, 17890
8:30-8:45am 1230-1245 Athens, Greece 11645, 15055, 17565
8:30-9:00am 1230-1300 Vienna, Austria 15165

9:00-9:30am 1300-1330 Helsinki, Finland 15400, 17800 (Su.)

9:00am-12n Su 1300-1600 Su Montreal, Canada 11955, 15240
9:15-9:5am 1315-1341 Berne, Switzerland 21570
9:30-10 am M-F 1330-1400 M.4 Brussels, Belgium 17610

10:00-10:30am 1400-1430 Helsinki, Finland 15400, 17800

Stockholm, Sweden 17790
10:00-10:30am Su 1400-1430 Su Oslo, Norway 15175

12:00n-1 45pm 1600-1745 London, England (Sa/Su from 1500) 15250c,17830c,21710
12:00n-S:00pm 1600-7100 Moscow, USSR 11840h,12060,15100,15150
3:00-3:30pm Su 1900-1930 Su Oslo, Norway 17715
4:00-4:30pm 2000-2030 Jerusalem, lanai 11655, 13725, 15585, 17630

5:00-ó:00om 2100-2200 Moscow, USSR 11840, 12060
5:30-7:00pm 2130-2300 Tripoli, Libya 11815
6:00.0:34. 2200-2230 Vilaius, Lita.SSR 11 720, 11960
6:00-7:GOpm 2200-2300 Ankara, Turkey 1170
London, England 9915, 152b0a, 15420
6:00-9:30pm 2200-0130 Moscow, USSR 9530 (from 0000),960Ch (from 0000),9720 (from 23),
9765,11735,11750,11770 (to C2),11780,11790 (t0 00)
pm 2230-2300 Jerusalem, Israel 9815,11 ,
355,13745,15585. 12060

7:00-7:30pm 2300.2330 Stockholm, Sweden 11705, 15270

7:00-8:007, 2300-0000 Montreal, Canada 5960, 9755
7:00-8:30pm 2330-0030 London, England 5975,6120c,6173w,7325,9590c,9915,11910,1526Ca,1542L
7:15-8:00pm 2315-,M00 Berlin, DDR 9730, 11975
7:30-8:00pm 2330-0000 Kiev, UketSSR 11720, 11960,9800
7:45-d:45pm 2345-0045 Tokyo, Japan 15300, 17825

Page 11

800-6:30pm 0000-0030 Jerusalem, Israel 7410, 9815, 11655
Montreal, Canada 5960, 9755
Tirana, Albania 7065, 3750
8:00-6:45pn D000-0045 3erlin, DDR 3730, 11975
8:00-9:00pm 3000-0100 Peking, China 15120, 17855
Sofia, Bulgaria 9700, 15110
8:00-10:00pm 0000-0200 Madrid, Spain 9630, 11880

8:30-9:15pm 0030-0115 Brussels, 3elgium 11620

8:30-10:30pm 0030-3230 :CJB, :Dolt°, Ecuador 9745, 15155
8:30-11:30pm 3030-03)0 London, England 5975,6120c,51 - 5w,7325,3915,11835 (t00230),1526Ca

9:00-3:15pm 0100-0115 Vatican City 6015, 9605, 11845

9:00-9:20pm 0100-0120 Rome, Ita1y 9575, 11300
9:00-9:30pm 0100-3130 Budapest, Hungary (not Su.) 9835, 11910, 12000, 15220
jerusalem, Israel 7410, 9815, 11655
Montreal, Candela 5360, 3755
9:00-9:50pm 3100-0150 Cologne, Germany 0040w,6085,1145,9545w,9565,9590m,11865m,151050
9:00-10 :00m '0100-0200 Prague, Crecasiovskia 5930, 7345, 9540, 9740, 11990
9:00-11:C0pm 0100-3300 Peking, China 15120, 17855 (01-02)
9:30pm-12:50am 0100-C450 !Umana, Cuba 11930

9:30-9:45po 1130-0143 Athens, Greece 9420, 9365, 11343

9:30-10:00pm 0130-0200 Tirana, Albania 7120, 9750
ViLnna. Austria 5945, 1700
9:30-10:15pm 0130-0215 DDR 9710, 11975
9:20-11:00pm 0130-0300 Moscow, CSSR 9530,3600h,9700,3720,37b5,11715,11750,11770 (to C2),
3:45-10:15pm 0145-0215 Urns, Switzerland f.135, 3725, 11715, 15205

10:00-10:30pm 0200-0230 3udapest, Hungary 9835, 11910, 12000, 15220

Jerusalem, Israel 161;, 11o53, 12025
Kiev, 'Ar.SSR 800, 11720, 11770
Montreal, Canada 5960, 3755
warsaw, Poland o095, 7270, 5325, 11815, 15120
10:00-11:00pm 0200-0300 Brasilia, 3razil 15290
Bucnarest, Romania 5990,o155,9510,9570,11830,11940
3ohannesburg, So.Africa 5330, e020,
10:00-11:30pm 0200-0330 Cairo, Egypt 9475, 12000

10:30-11:00pm 0230-0300 Beirut, Lebanon 11955

Stockholm, Sweden 11705, 15420
Tirana, Albania - 120, 3750
10:30-11:25pm 0230-0325 Hilversum, Aolland 61636, 95906
10:20mul:JOam 0230-0500 1203, Quito, Ecuador 9745, 15155

11:D0-11:20pm 0300-0330 Lisbon, Portugal 3765, 11925

Montreal, Canada 5960, 9755
tJarsaw, Poland 6095,7145,3525,11815,15120
11:00pm-12mdt MOO-0400 Ankara, Turkey 11740
Prague, Czechslovakià 5930,7345,3540,9740,11990
11:00p.-1:00a. 0300-0500 Moscow, CSSR 9530,9600h,9700 (to 04),9765,11720,11735,11780

Page 12
ENGLISH TO E. & C. NORTq AMER/CA nay-August 1983 (3)

EDT :314T
11:30-11:456m 3330-0345 Athena, Greece 9420, 9865, 1/645
11:30pm-12mdt 0330-0400 Dubai, UAE 15430, 17775
Tirana, Albania 5200, 7300
Vienna, Austria 5945, ;770
11:30pm-12:30am 0330-0430 London, England 5975, 5120c, 6175w
11:30pm-2:00am 0330-0000 Savane, Cuba :1760

12:00-12:30am 0400-0430 Bucharest, Romania 5990,a155,9510,9570,11810,11430,11940

12:00-1:00am 0400-0500 Aofia, Bulgaria 11750
1:00-1:15am 0500-0515 Jerusalem, Israel 9815, 12025, 15105, 15585


6:00-6:45am 1300-1345 Tokyo, :loan 9505
6:00-9:00am 1300-1500 Moscow, USSR (via Cub.) 7255, 9580. 9655
7:00-730am 1400-1430 3.21sinki, Finland 15400, 17800
3:00-8:45am 1500-1545 Tokyo, Japan 9505
3:00-9:15am 1500-1615 London, England 9740s, 11750s, 15070
8:30-8:45am 1530-1545 Athens, Greece :1645, 15055, 17565
9:00-10:00am 1600-1700 Seoul, Korea 11330
9:00-10:45am 1600-1745 London, England 15070, 15260c, 15400e, 17830e
9:00am..12Noon 1600-1900 Moscow, USSR (via Iamb.) 9580 to 1730), 11755, 15425
10:00-10:30am 1700-1;30 Tokyo, Japan 9505


12:00-12:45pm 1900-1945 Tokio, Japan 15300 (also at 2100)

12:00-5:00pm 1900-0000 Moscow, USSR (via Khab.) 11755 (to 211,15245,15425,17700
2:40-3:40pm 2140..2240 Taipei, Taiwan 11825, 15345, 17800
3:00-3:30pm 2200-2230 Vilnius, Lith.SSR (via Khali.) 15180, 17860, 1;900
4:00-4:30pm 2300-2330 Stockholm, Sweden 11;05. 152;0
Tokyo, Japan 17755
4:00-5:30pm 2300-0030 London, England 9590c, 11910, 11260a, 15420
4:30-5:00pm 7.330-0000 Kiev, Ukr.SSR (Via Khab. 15180, 17860, 17900


5:00-7:00pm 3000-0200 Madrid, Spain 9630, 11880

5:00-8:00pm 0000-0300 Moscow, .SSR (Via Khab.) 15100, 15245, 15425, :7700
5:30-7:30pm 0030-0230 1CJB, Ouito, Ecuador 9745, 15115
5:30-7:30pm D030-0230 Landon, England 5120c,6175w,7325,9915, 11835, 15260.

5:00-6:30pm 0100-0130 Budapest, Hungary (not Sun.) 9835, 11910, 12000, 15220
jerusalem, Israel 7410, 9815, 11655
Montreal, Canada 5960, 9755
Tokyo, Japan 17755
5:00-7:00pm 0100-0200 Taipei, Taiwan 11825, 15345
9:00-8:00pm 0100-0300 Peking, China 15120, 17815 (01-02)
6:30-7:30pm 0130-0230 Tokyo, Japan 15195, 17525, 21610, 21640

Page 13

7:00-7:30pm 0200-0230 Budapest Hungary 9835, 11810, 12000, 15220

Jerusalem, Israel 9815, 11655, 12025
Kiev, [Nr.588 (via Rub.) 15180, 17860, 17900
Montreal, Canada 5960, 9755
7:00-8:00pm 0200-0300 Brasilia, Brazil 15290
Bucharest, Romania 5990,6155,9510,9570,11830,11940
Johannesburg, So.Africa 5980, 6020, 9615
Seoul, Korea 11810
7:00.8:30pm 0200-0330 Cairo, Egypt 9475, 12000
7:00-9:00pm 0200-0400 Melbourne, Australia 17795, 21740 (to 0330)

7:30-8:00pm 0230-0300 Stockholm, Sweden 11705, 15420

7:30.8:15pm 0230-0315 Berlin, DOR 9560, 11840, 11890
7:30-9 :30p 0230-0430 London, England 6120c, 6175w, 7325 (to 0330)
7:30-10 :00 0230-0500 HC.JB, Quito, Ecuador 9745, 15155
7:55-8:00pm 0255-0300 Tereven,Arm.SSR (via Kbab.) 15180, 17860, 17900

8:00-8:30pm 0300-0330 Lisbon, Portugal 9765, 11925

Montreal, Canada 5960, 9755
Tokyo, Japan 17755
8:00-8:50pm 0300-0350 Taipei, Taiwan 11825,15345,17800,5985 (via WYTE)
8:00-9:00pm 0300-0400 Prague, Czachslowakia 5930,7345,9540,9740,11990
8:00-10:00pm 0300-0500 Peking, China 15120, 17855 (03-04)
Moscow,USSR (via Blab.) 12030,15180,15245,15425 (to 04)47900
8:00.9:00pm 0300-0400 Ankara, Turkey 11740

8:30-8:45pm 0330-0345 Athens, Greece 9420, 9865, 11643

8:30.9:00pm 0330-0400 Dubai, UAE 15430, 17775
8:30-11:00pm 0330-0600 Havana, Cuba 11760
9:00-9:30pm 0400-0430 Bucharest, ROMelia 5990,6155,9510,9570,1/810,11830,11940
9:00-9:30pm Su 0400-0430 No Oslo, Norway 9610
9:00-10:00pm 0400-0500 Sofia, Bulgaria 11750

9:30-10:00pm 0430.0500 Berne, Switzerland 9725, 11715

Vienna, Austria 11665, 15165
9:30pm ..12:30em 0430-0730 London, England 6175w, 9510w

10:00-10:15pm 0500-0515 Jerusalem, Israel 9815, 12025, 15105, 15585

10:00-10:30pm 0500-0530 Tokyo, Japan 15300 (also at 0700)
10:00-10:50pm 0500-0550 Cologne, Germany 5960,9545w,9690,11905
10:00pm.12mdt 0500-0700 HCJB, Quito, Ecuador 6095, 9745, 11910
Moscow,OSSE (via (hab.) 958C,11710,11950,12030,15180
10:15-11:15pas 05.15-0615 Madrid, Spain 9630,11880
10:30-11:00pm 0530-0600 Lisbon, Portugal 6075, 9575
10:30-11:15pm 0530-0615 Berlin, CDR 6080, 11890
10:30-11:30pm 0530-0630 Hilversum, iolland 61656, 97156
Seoul, Korea 11820
11:30pm-1:00am 0630-0800 Havana, Cuba 9525

Belay stations: a-Ascension, b-Bonaire,NWI, c-Canada (Sackville), h-Havana, m-Malta,

8-Singapore, w-West Indies (Antigua/Montserrat)

Paoe 14
JUNE 1983

isteners Notebook
_ GLENN HAUSER, Box 6287, Knoxville, TN 37914

Other publications and broadcasters may use material from 124

PROPER CREDIT provided due credit is rendered to che original reporter Ind
the NASWA Listeners Notebook. This courtesy does not extend to closed organizations which
do not allow reciprocal access to their publication. BBC Monitoring Service items (designa-
ted WBI for World 4roadnasting Information) are copyright and may not be reproduced without
BBCMS permission. The nest important items have been broadcast immediately on RCI SWL DI-
GEST or WRNO WORLD OF RADIO, not otherwise mentioned herein. All contributions to IN are
gratefully receivec, but your editor cannot promise a personal reply because of severe cima
constraints. Material for LN should be marked as such each time (not on the envelope), as
contributions for otner gh outlets also come to Box 6287. Reports to gh should not be cut
into little strips. It i.lso helps if you use one side of paper only, and do not mix LN i-
tems with other correspordence. All times, dates and days are day/month MIT, u.o.s. Please
don't ask me for advice on receivers or other equipment. Thanks (gh)

AFGHANISTAN Occl SSB channel carrying R Afgh DS noted 25/4 on 19640 USB ex ,
.19637k. Use of
this seem to coincide w/dates published in Soviet radio/TV journal Govorit i Pokazyvayet
Moskva when Soy satellite comas system is out of commission for preventative maintenance
(WBI 28/4)
ALASKA KNLS will start testing in May on 9620 0600-1000 & 6170 1100-2200; in Ukrainian,
Russian, Mandarin. Addr: Box 473, Anchor Point AK 99556. Dir is Mr Francis Perry (UKDXA
via Play-OX 2/5) Info probably derived from Media Network. I put more stock in the follow-
ing higher fqs due to summer midnight sun across polar route (gh) Tests were due to start
in Apr, 1800-0400 on 11940 w/slewable curtain beaming 270-330°, 17880 on 0° rhombic [time
omitted for 17880? I think they have only one sand. 100 kW. Target is Eu via polar route,
something of a novelty since beers normally try to avoid this circuit due to high absorption
and flutter fading. Pgming will be religious (World Radio TV Handbook Newsletter [NL])

ALGERIA RTA noted ending Fit, into EG 2000 7/5 on 17745. Many fqs including dubious-sound-
ing "9150 kHz" ancd, but oniy 17745 obs. Played "Just One of Those Things," into nx (Wood,
Saudi Arabia)
ANGOLA RNA s/off now CI00, ex-2400. 6175 dropped; 9660 thruout sked. 7215 ohs on 7213. 4
pgm 3/on is 1400 (exc 1500 on Suns). Huambo not one for longtime on MW/SW after dam supply-
ing power to city destroyed. EP de Moçâmades has become EP de Namibe, but currently inac-
tive on SW (R Ginbey, A, NI.)

ANTARCTICA The addr for LRA36 in WRTH83, described by various sources as "wrong" was in
fact supplied direct by the stn commander on paper Oearing the offl scamp: (NL)

ARGENTINA RàE's pgm for Men:, "Mars Special" is offering certificates to those supplying
them w/DX info on regular basis. Pgm is hrd on Thurs (OTO) (Bill Matthews, Columbus OH)
Stn 15) uses 5882 as :leader to stns in interior of Arg; xmtr rented from Empress Nacional
de Telecomunicaciones. Sited is Mon-Fri 2100-0200/0400v, Sat 2300-0400 and Sun 1800-2400(NL)

AUSTRALIA R. C3N, 6995, F-G 0628 24/4 w/DR tips by Gerry Richards (Andrew Turnbull, NSW, May
ADXN) Has new sked: Sun 15/5 0555-0655 on 7405; Sun jjà 0555-0655 6995; Sun 26/6 0555-0655
on 7405. OSIs from : Radio CBE', 1 Brown's Lane, North Sydney NSW 2060. R.p. requested:
from ove•seas, 3 IRCs airmail, 2 IRCs seaman.. In :une R CEN proposes to have test amans
for NAm, ising SSB and ditexional beam. If successful, may intro regular bcs to Eu & NAm.
Listeners interested in monitoring CBN regularly can obtain further details direct (ibid.)
unID on 6173, 1/5 0812-3837* fading and noisy out strong, GK songs but no anmts; perhaps
R 2eiras, Sydney-based pirate cosed some time ago? (Mick Ogrizek, Vic., ADXN)
3RPH, Melbourne, sked as from 9/4 on 1629 kHz: 1000-1230 Tu -F, 0000-0130 Sa; Sat pgm is
expected to soon be extended to 2 hours (Ian Stanley, ibid.)
Study of 783 RA sked shows these changes: S 11800 (100 kW) 1000-1730 PRG/NWPac in JP &
SG ex-1 .
7795. S-11885 0300-0330 'ri 100 kW SG to Antarctic [ex-17750]. S-9570 100 kW 0600-
0800 EG Eu/Pac ex-0700-0900. S-21525 3400-0630 Af EG/FR ex-17755 100 kW. 5-21740 0000-0330
(ex-0000-0400) PaciNAm 30 kW. 1.320 0400-0600 ex- 9430-0600) SG/FR Pac 50 kW. There are
four 100 kW xmtrs in use from Shepparton, two 30s. Plus two 10 kW Lyndhurst; Carnarvon one
250 & one 100. '2.hange of EL svc to one hour earlier in their summer suggested by 5s (Bob
Padula, ADXN) 10-min Aussie nx bIlletin, however, remains at 0830 (WBI 5/5) 6, 1230 'gh)

Page 15
Update on RA xmtr sites: Delwin. Final stage of $10 million restoration now in progress.
First work completed was rebuilding 301 9 log periodic in 1979. Second one at 340 9 salvaged '
in 1981, but since dismantled to allow conscription of new curtains. First stage of general
works completed Nov 81 w/repair of submarine power cables across Darwin Harbour, and re-
establishment of power supply. By June 1982, bldgs restored w/addl cyclone protexion and
harbour jetty rebuilt. Final stage, costing $3.8 million, involves erexion of seven TCI-611
curtain antennas. Work already started on foundations, and 8 masts should be in place be-
fore July. Ants will then be hung progressively during remainder of dry season. After test
ing, stn should be ready for use in Late 1983 or early 84 w/original three 1969 Collins 250
kW xmtrs, and possibly one addl unit, IBA later.
ShelapaItie, In 1982/83 budget, $1.1 million was provided for purchase of four 100 kW
xmtrs. Two are currently being installed and tested, while others due later this year. Stn
also has two 1975 Harris 100 kW, three RCA 50s, and two S'I'C 10 kW. One of the 50s was pur-
chased in 1956, other two rebuilt in 1969/70 from original 1944 zmtrs. These are in excel-
lent condition, no plan to replace them. Ant farm comprises 31 one-band curtains and three
rhombics. From 1984, stn'll mainly carry pyre to Pac, NZ, NAm, Eu (long path) and possibly
some domestic services.
Otte' silea. For 198 3 /84, Dept of Comms'll be seeking from Parliament at least $4 million
for other works, involving Carnarvon and Perth (Western Australia), Alice Springs, Tennant
Creek and Katherine (Northern Territory), as well as possibly some east coast sites. The
Carnarvon project includes purchase of an addl 250 kW. ST sites intended for short range
10 kW domestic cvcs using 3.2 MHz night, 6 MHz day, to provide for small and widely scatter-
ed population of the NT (Robert Jones, NL)

AUSTRIA Austrian Radio anmts indicate this J83 usage for new high-power SW xmtr, 500 kW ex-
cept 300 kW on 6155: 0700-0900 15270 AuAs, 1000-1200 15415 AuAs, 1300-1500 15290 EAs, 1500-
1700 15290 S&SEAs, 1700-1900 6155 Eu, 1900-2100 15165 WAf, 2100-2300 9645 EAs, 2300-0200 on
15115 ESAm (WBI 28/4) No longer on 0400-0600 WNAm svc, ex-9655, now 11666 & 15165? (gh) Mo,
these are both 100; also cut back to 300 kW on 15115 at 2300-0200 (OR? J83 via Pescatore) I

BELGIUM BT in EG at 1815-1900 to Af now on 15595; VOA-15600 Monrovia splatter (Conrad, LA)

BHUTAN NYA8 doesn't often run above 100 watts! F.P1. are for 5 kW. Sked is Wed & Fri 1100-
0400 on 4620 apx, Sun 0600-0900 7040. In past year, NYAB has become the bcing division of
the govt Ministry of Comm & Tourism (Stn to RNMN via DX Australia) Hrd 6/4 on 4608, weak at
1350 in EG to 1400*; not regularly hrd here in Colombo, but when audible is usually on 4608
+ 2 kHz (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, May ADXN)

BOLIVIA Tho reported in IN as R Nueva Cobija or LV del Norte Boliviano, stn on 4855 noted ,
5/4 as unID, 11/4 0933 ID as Emisora Norte Centrez...[Siglo Veinte7]...Cobija...La Voz de
El Mundo; huaynos (W J Parks, DX South Florida) l'in not convinced about "Centrez" (gh)
New on 5075 is R Ichilo, in SP *1030 w/NA, ID, maybe nx, 1036/ 11/4 (W J Parks, DXSF) On
5076.5, "R Papucen', 2330-0101* 2/4 (S Bjorn, Sweden, SUI via Play-DX) R Papucen, in Biele,
Itilio province, depto Santa Cruz, noted in Sweden on 5076.5 to 0101* (SUB via WDXC Contact)
New stn is R Bapucen, Vieliz (sic, sic], on 1510 & 5077, ancd as 5070 to 0210v (Emilio Pedro
Povrzenic, Argentina, NI.) A report on RN Radio-Enlace sounded to me like Ichilo, in Vieques,
tho also reported as Diéguez. Lots of unraveling to do here (gh) More ideas, June RIB p19
Adami sent revised info to [FRS registering 6 & 9 MHz band usage for tentative J83 includ-
ing these changes: 6015, new stn in Animas (66.17W/20.53S) w/5 kW at 1100-1400, 1500-1900,
2100-0400; this could be stn 132) which recently reactivated 4991. On 6035, La Paz 10 kW
1100-0400 new. 6055 La Paz 100 kW 1200-0300. 6070 Stn 38) newly registered at 1100-1330
only w/5 kW. 9505 La Paz 100 kW 24h. 9555 stn 26) newly registered at 1100-1700 & 2300-
0200. 9715 Stn 47) now 2 kW; all changes compared to 2183 listings. The two 100 kW xmtrs
on 6055 & 9505 are particularly interesting; must be new stn under construxion (NL)
R Machupo, 5450, hrd 18/4 0039, P-F (14 Canu, Genova, Italy, Play-DX)

BOTSWANA R Botswana first time here 2/4, 0352-0413 on 4845, 31333, maybe EG; SRS s/off 0330
& carrier off 0335* on 4850. Looking for Nouakchott; instead, cacaphony of cowbells, mooing,
roosters crowing: This barnyard bonanza to 0358 chorus of voices w/rousing rendition of NA.
Open anmts ORNed, then prayer? in EG7, 0404 hymn, 0406 2.6W tune, religion, 0408 soul singer?
0413 devastated by powerful ute. Anyone veried this at all and under what circumstances?
(Chris Bagge, Jr., apfld MA)
BRAZIL Long blocked by massive ute, surprised 5/4 to find ute absent and R Timbira, 4975,
Sib Luiz blasting away; singing ID, full fq list w/elec mx effect between. Tonight hrd tac-
tical net on fq underneath around 0140, 1.4K calling 44E; Timbira weak. Glad to see that ute
go (Jan Novello, Indwell NY, 8/4)
R Cultural de Porto Alegre hrd 7!4 0815-0900+; 6080 poor, 9520 in mush, 11895 very good.
Appears to be stn listed in WRTH as R Caiçara. W/mx, pgm called "Born Dia, Brasil", OM ancr,
ID and TC before and during most songs; ID w/fcis but no call letters at bottom & cop of hour
w/mentn of a radio net, ID before songs is "R Cultura de ondas curtas". Possible mentn of an
addr. 11895 fading by 0840 and getting weaker (Kevin Mikell, Park Ridge IL) R Cultura de ,
Porto Alegre, 6080, hrd 17/4 from 0810 w/Braz mx & this ID, but mot on 9520 or 11895 (Behr) '

Page 16
R Cultura, Porto Alegre is youngest stn in Bz1, beginning xmsns in mid-March w/nane of Radio
Eldorado, PA, RGS, on 6080 w/slogan "A emissora do trabalhador gaucho". After a few days,
took the name of R Cultura de PA. w/sked 0900v-2200 ancing xmsn on 6080 9520 11895, belonging
to "Rede Riograndense de Emissoras". This net formed by: R Eldorado, 1300; R Caiçara, 970 &
not SW; R Continental, 1210; R Cultura SW only 6080 9520 11895, all of Porto Alegre. R Cul-
tura pgming mostly regional cinc, religious, in PT. Addr is R Cultura, Alto Teresópolis,
90000 Porto Alegre, RS. Say they'll reply to reports w/R Cultura souvenir keyring. Best re-
ception here at don, which varies, 0800, 0900 or 1000 on 6080. In mid-morn sometimes on
9520 & 11895 and late afternoons on 6080 to 2200* (Emilio Pedro Povrzentc, Arg., LADXR) Not
to be confused w/TWR Bonaire in PT on 11895 *0925 (gh)
R Capital, Ric, 6195, fm m 0700 w/I0, Braz zinc, BBC QRM; clear from 0800 wi"Voz da Liberta-
çio" relig pgm 22/4. R Nacional on new 9655 since 9/4, 0000 SP to 01.00*v, wkdays PT 2345-
2400; ex-9665 (Ernie Behr, Ont) Ancd as 9655 but obs on 15390 13/4. Rest of sked confirmed
as 1800-1900 PT Af/SAs/SEu/ME 15280; 1900-2000 FR same. 2000-2100 EG Eu 15390. 2100-2200
GM Eu 17895 & 15390; 0200-0300 EG C&SAm [sic] 17830 f. 15290. FR & CM sucs also ancd new SP
to C&NAm 0100 on 15290; official start of new FR suc 15/4 (WBI 21/4) BNB ancd changes ef-
fective 9/5: 1800 on 15125 to Eu, 0215 on 15290 to C&NAm, no langs given in this EC anmt, so
1800 refers to PT? Delay to 0215 to accomodate hour of SP at 0100 on 15290, well hrd, and
khr PT ax 0200; 17830 so longer ancd or used (gh) RNB ES ancd that from 9/5, 1800-1900 EG
15125, 1900-2000 (] M 177204 15125. RNB EG to NAm continues at 0200 on 15290 (WBI 12/5) Mon
VOA via BrasIlia 250 kW 383 in SP to LAm 1130-1400 on 17885 & 15205 (Bob Padula, ADXN)
Call of R Clube, eresina on 3285 is ZYG594. On 3325 is R Dif Universitária, Rua Dr Timo-
teo Penteado 2207, 07000 Guarulhos, SP, sked 0900-0300. Call of R Jornal do Brasil, 4875 is
ZYG680. On 4955 is 2 kW ZYG682, R Cultura, Campos, RJ, 0730-0400. 4955 is 2.5 kW ZYG960,
R Clube, Rondonópolis. 4955 at 0900-0300 is ZYG361, R Marajoara, Belém ("ARM", WRTH LA May)
On 3014.8, R Pioneira de Teresina; on 5015.2, R Cultura Cuiabl; on 5016.1, R Copacabana,
all three ard in Sweden (SW1 via Play-DX 18/4)
R Globo hrd on 24140 at 0038 in PT, // 6035 w/futebol, 4th harmonic 23/4 (Mitch Sams, AR)

BURMA BBS 5040 xmtr now off the air; don'tknow what's gone wrong. Was adrift a few days be-
for it went off in late Feb (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, May Australian DX News (AuNI)

cAmmoti cf WRTR 83. aafoussam registered w/IFRB on 6160/7135 0700-1700 during J83 (NL)

CANADA RCI's new Carib !VC at 2230-2300 in EG on 17820 & 15190 is co-channel Brazil on the
latter resulting in gruatly variable dominance of the fq here depending on condx. Also, BCI
sked shows this sac is another one planned to shift w/DST Oct. 31 to one hour later, 2330-
2400 and then on 11940 & 9650. If carrying SW?. Digest on Friday proves to be temporary, and
it moves to Sunday as originally planned, it will then conflict with World of Radio on WRNO
(gh) Sackville mixingproducts: 6280, 160 kHz from 6120..BBC, 160 kHz from RCI.*5960, with
steady signal 0103. At 0420, 6210, 125 kHz from 6085..DW, 125 kHz from 5960•RCI. 11495:
11720•3C and 11945.40CE mixing (Mitch Same, AR, DX S Florida 4/5)

CAPE VERDE On 1/5 RFI's Af suc quoted a Paris nxletter, Afrique -info-Plus that a new Af ra-
dio stn was under study. Its promoters were businessmen from Ivory Coast & America. Stn'd
bc pgme on SW beamed tc. Af in general from Cape Verde Island [sic] (WBI 5/5) Angolan nx ag-
cy ANGOP, quoting interview in 4/5 Jornal de Angola said Deputy Secy of State for MassComm
at CV FM's office'd disclosed that a CV natl radio svc'd soon be established as a matter of
urgency out of the present Voice of Saint Vincent (sic] radio suc. Also expl TV net from
Praia small studio. Small bc stns'd be set up in Praia, Mindelo and on Sal Island (WBI 12/5)
CHAD R Moundou, 5290,,6/3 0515-0545, hilife sin, FR man seeming to talk thru converted tele-
phone carbon mic. Long breaks between songs possibly suggests a one-turntable operation.
Sometimes covered by rcto-fax xman, otherwise P-F Level (David Crawford, FL, axu 13/4) On
5286, *0456-0506 ...2/5, carrier snapped on immediately w/2-note dull drum IS, long pause, FR
M, "Ici Mondou...Rdif. Nationale..." into hilife and almost instantly lost due to OSB & fax.
Somehow 10 kW seems liindier than listed 1 (Terry Krueger, FL, DXSP)

CHINA R Bei'ing from 14/4 bcs to WINAm 1400-1600 on 15225 & 11900 on trial basis; reports
wanted comparing these co 1100-1300 bcs (15520?] (Stn via George J Poppin, CA) 9965 also at
1200; 1190C comes in the best, 1200, 1300, 14007; 5030 at 1300 1400 audible w/CCI (George
Moshier, CA) 15225 VG, 11900 mixed with KYOI. But 11/5 on 15245 e& 11755 instead; also ancd
2 days ago new Enam svc at 1100 on 15520 (Rolf Gunnar, Denver CO) Shortly reverted to 11900
& hetted 15225 (Gunnar) Wish Beijing'd make up minds about these; 15225 14/5, 11900 16/5.
Ernie Behr's 6095 OH unID is ZRGD Taiwan guangbo, // 6790. Haven't remembered to see what's
what about 6C58v, tho. Powerhouse 11900//15225 is on 1200-1556 in EG: hrd ane day w/CH 1100
-1156, but not 815; was totally off the whole period. Also noted absent 30/4. Parallel to
others, too, 11600 e.g. In 1200 period, 13520 & 15180 are in SG to ENAm, but not axually,q
As svc; different tape :opy. RB hrd 7/5 ancing'd initiate 1100 hour EG to ENAm in addn to
1200--but when are they zoing to mention addl fqs testing to ];11Am, and 'permanentize' same?
Now possible for me, most morns at work, to listen at easy level to RB EG via the ICR-4800,
even w/all the steel and computers about; good thing, too, because, most evenings, as L mend

Page 17
earlier, RB is useless. Exciting upper HF opening to Far West (well, it is for me) 8/5. Su'
prised to hear classical piano conc w/steady carrier but straddled by RTTY on 15500; found
it to be ZRGD Pgm II w/time pips & ID 0700: (ZRGD II outlet listed for 15540 in Apr LN un-
hrd, so this is likely it, and as such is highest freq ti outlet these days). Checks shaved
ZRGD 17605 (I) strong, 15590 15550 15510 (I) F-G, 15030 (II) P-F. Taiwan guangbo on 15880
strong. Amazing thing was that these outlets contd gaining strength--17605, e.g. still fine
when they turned it off at 1000 or so: (Then VODK --see CRANNY; also see SINGAPORE, U S S 10

Even the pros have hassles w/their equiv to SE-3 plis. For the first time in 15 yrs of lis-
tening to them, hrd R Beijing's feeder rit unlock when listening to 15225 1/5 around 1400-
1500. They.fussed w/it for a half minute or so and got it relocked. Strange. Wonder if it's
something like that at CBC, where, as far as I know, that off-tuned SSB sound still obtains?
And who is this Ma Sha --or Ma Es--co-anchoring Listeners' Letterbox on RB? Clearly a sinici-
zation of 'Marsha" as she's obviously an American. And she sounds about as involved in live
ly bcing as the lady on R Tirana--can't we do better than this?? RB CH svcs now annc as R
Beijing--Std CH, e.g. "Beijing guangbo diantai": Domestic still•ZRGD. My pronunciation is
correct; theirs, in EG, wrong. 0400 Std CH 17855 now 15520 and others, RB (David NewkirkWA)
Chinese ox agcy Zhongguo Xinwen She reported that as from 0900 25/4 the stn ID of China's
boa to Overseas Chinese'd be changed from the "Central People's Wing Stn" to the "Beijing
BCing Stn". BCs to 0.C. began 6/49 and were now part of China's intl bcing stn. There were
19 one-hour bcs a day for 0.C. in Mandarin (Std Chinese) and in four Chinese dialects: Canto
nese, Kejia (Hakka), Xiamen (Amoy) and Chaozhou (WBI 28/4) Cf May LN; here is R Beijing EC
sited including extra bas & feeders: 0000 ENAm 17855 15255 15120 11630 10865 9965. 0100' same.
0200 ENAm 15120 10865. 0300 WNAm 17855 17680 1.5120 10865. 0400 WNAm 17680 15120 10865. 08
30 Au/NZ 15435 15195 11600 9860 8425. 0930 same. [1100 no EG; see above]. 1200 ENAm 15520
15180; SEAs 17700 15280 15225 11900 11660 11630 11600 6825. 1300 SEAs same. 1400 SAs 17700
15225 11900 1/600 4200. 1500 same. 1600 E&SAf 1/700 15165 5250. 1700 same. 1900 Eu 11500
11235 9860 5250. 1930 S&WAf 11905 11515 9440. 2030 same. 2100 Eu sama as 1900. (WBI 12/5)
R Beijing using more in-band or band-edge fqs; EG Af 1700-1757 on 15165; SAs 1500-1557
17700. FR Eu & Af 1830-1927 on 15230 over RHC; RS 1700-1755 on 11945; 3/5, 7/5, 8/5 (Wood)
Finally hrd the UN anti-apartheid pgm for the first time--via R Beijing Af svc, Tuesday
2115 on 11515 (Jim Conrad, LA) R Pekrn hrd on 11575 in SP 2205-2225*21/4, class ox, 20 over
9. Also on 11610 at 2235 same day, these fqs unhrd before, change in sked or favorable con-
dx; latter in native lang (Chuck Oliver, Spring TX) Both missing from WBI 12/5 sited (gh)

COLOMBIA LV de Huila hrd on 12300.2, 2 it 6150.1, 24/4 0530 w/full aro & CARACOL net IDs in
SP (David Potter, ram Reactivated stns: 5051, LV de Yopal, full ID 0155 9/5, NA, 0157*,
4905, Emisora Atlántico 0000 Hallelujah Chorus to 0005 ID, adstring 9/5. 4785, Ecos del Co;
beima, 4/5 0215 soccer scores, 0230 full ID. First time noted since end of Dec (W J Parks,
QSL letter from Enrique Zambrano Nieto, Gerente at R Macarena, says stn began SWBC 30/3.
Nom fq 5975, power 5 kW, call HJFIZ. Says reports are great help because stn wishes to prov¡
de best possible svc, both in Colombia & abroad (Bob Streeter, Schenectady NY) Continues hrd
well daily in SP on 5973v w/cumbias, ballads, ads, 14 ancr; 3/on varies 0900-1045, usually
arnd 1000; also IDs as La Emisora de los Llaneros; HJXT-1080 & MJHZ-5975 (John Wilkins, C O)
5973.2, ancd SW call is HJHZ; has TODELAR ox to 0402*v, but 14/4 mx & MA to 0301*, 16/4 Col
mx to 0457* w/IDs only for R Continental (Ernie Behr, ont)
LV de los Centauros, 5955 is regularly active, hrd in Colombia 13/4 at 1632 (Aired° Pol-
anco Huertas, Tuluá, Play-DX, Italy)
Revised J83 ITU TREES registrations compared to M83: 6055 Cali 5 kW 1100-0500 new. 6105
stn 19) 1100-0500. 6125 stn 10) now 1100-0500. 6140 Bogotá 5 kW 1100-0500 new. 6175 stn
51 now only 1200-1400 (NL)

COSTA RICA 11/4 La Nación nxpaper carried ad ancing new stn R Impacto on 6150 & 980 kHz;
studios in San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José oat 28/4)
Apr 25 Christian Science Monitor, p. 4 [in some edition] has story on the Costa Rica/Nica
ragua radio war (Bob Rankin. KS)
R Reloj, 4832 reactivated? ox, asking for reports, 0502-0520 26 & 27/4, 1/5 (Dario monfel
ini & Giuseppe Zella, Italy, Play-DX)

CUBA RISC hrd on 17587, 1610 7/5, M&W w/nx (Chuck Oliver, Spring nt) New MW act CMES, R.
Sagua, hrd on 1540 for first time 12/4; from Segue La Grande in Santa Clara prov. Apart
from its own pgma, includes relay of R Rebelde 1800-1815 ix & commentary (WBI 21/4)Token MW

, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC R Earth Intl, based in Evanston IL, will begin broadcasting a one-hour
pgm 6 nites a week, GMT Tue -Sun at 0330 via 50 kW omnidirexional R Clarrn, "The World," as
from 2/6. Studios in Curaçao where pgm is recorded. Rudy Espinal, a collaborator in this
project will also be hrd on the air, as will David Monson [formerly of SRI Belgium] with
daily reports. REI is establishing a network of correspondents around the Jorld to provide
in-depth features. No political ax to grind; will start with about 2 sins of ads per hour,
to increase to maximum of 5. Eventually, if this experiment :3 successful, hopes to have
awn xmtr probably on Curaçao or elsehwere in Carib & increase pgming time I. variety. Addr
for reports is simply: Radio Earth, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles 'Jeff White, REI, RCI SWL
Di3est 21/4)

Page 18
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:EASTER ISLAND On 23675 USE, 1640-1720 28/3, CES -210, EC Ming both w/call and "Easter Is-
land', working unI3 EC-speaking US stn. At 1720* called Stgo Chile in 3P. Not listed in
SPEEDX utility loggings (Bob Rankin, KS, OMDC DX Log) This month's roken ate...

ECUADOR R Federación Shuar Suclia, 4960, sent a personal letter, 3 books, fabulous pennant,
all by registered mail. Had sent them a C-10 cassette in registered letter, no IRCs. V/s
was Luís Mario Katan, técnico de la emisora. "14r listan points out the need for a mini-recor-
der". Addr: R Federación. Domingo Cocain No. 1738, Sunda, Santiago Moroni'. The pennant shows
fqs 4830, 3360, 3215, 4960, but only the last two are axually used (G.Zella, Play-0X 9/5)
R Nacional Progreso, Loja, still looking for a 5060 kHz xtal, having solicited same in
several letters to US listeners, including myself. If anyone can help, contact Sr. Efrain
Herrera Guerrero, Gerente, at WRTH addr (john M Wilkins, Wheat Ridge CO, 3:5)
Once de Noviembre, 4785, 26/3 1039 w/nonstop huaynos, occl 'rents cf "Latacunga" and un-
copyable phrases over mx. Full ID 1058; also 29/3 0500*. Usual RTTY ute QRM, P-F (W. J..
Parks, DXSF) A rare one; t suppose Combeima a problem now too (#)
Emisora Gran Colombia reactivated 4911, 1/5 0245 world nx, 0255 full ID f. jingle, then
rock mx. Het de Mosquitia to 0257 plus audio and/or mod troubles, 0304 kaput (Parks, DXSF)
HCJB will operate lam stn HC1JB in honor of World Communications Year, for 48 hours 0000
11/6 to 2359 12/6: 28545 24h; 21445 0000-1700 & 2300-2400; 14245 0900-0000; 7045 24h. Spi
QSL; report to ICIJB, Box 691, Quito; add one IRC (Bill Matthews, OH) Anmts I hrd added
that'd use hi-ga:n ants on 15 & 20--on 15 the 24-el cubical quad normally used on 21477.5; .
and on 20, the 24db gain sceerable ant--but powers only at ham level, 100 watts. Also on
3545 CW (gh)This annth's token ham...

EGYPT MENA nx agcy reported 17/4 that summer time'd be introed in Kg 1/5, thru Sept, so
clox advanced an hour (WEI 21/4) Should affect DS but not ES on SW (gh) R Cairo DX pgm hrd
arnd 0205 Tues on 9475 & 12000 in KG to NAm (Bill Matthews, OH) R Cairo Lingala 1830-1915
noted on 13262.3 8/5 (Richard E Wood, Sa'udi Arabia)

FALKLAND ISLANDS FIBS pgm sked for May shows no longer closedown during afternoon; now sited
1000-0230 exc Sat & Sun *1100. Changeover from 3958 to 2370 kHz at 2030. Also says that for
first time since 1972 a proper study of problems of receiving FIBS in the FI'd be made. Was
hoped to explore possibilities of either MW or FM coverage for areas away from Port Stanley
(4181 5/5) P3m details: 1100-1115 Relay BBCWS nx, 1200-1215(not Sun) BBCWS Radio Newsreel,
1215-1245(Tue-Sat) FIBS News Magazine, 1500-1515(Sat) BBC Radio Newsreel. 1600-1615 BBCWS
nx. 1815-1830(not Sat) BBC Radio Newsreel. 2130(Tue & Fri) Relay BBC Calling Falklands.
2230-2245(not Sun) Local anmts. 2300-2315 BBCWS nx. 2315-2345(Mon-Fri) FIBS News Magazine.
2345-2415 Calling the Falklands, repeat of 2130, Tue & Fri. 0000-0030(Mon) BBCWS News and
Radio Newsreel. 0030-0045(Mon) Local anmts. Also includes pgms from BBC and BFBS'. Sked.
compiled when local time in Port Stanley was me -4 (WBI 12/5) lbamm ie'w,

FINLAND R Finland 383 EG: NAm &ME: Mon-Sat 1100-1125, 1200-1225, 1400-1425 on 250 kW
17800 & 100 kF. 15400, both 305°; 1100-1325 on 15400 only. Sundays 1230-1425 on both. The
16mb outlet off the air for maintenance 1100-1225 every second Monday from 2/5. SAm/WAf
1300-1325 Mon-Sat 21475 240° 250 kW (YLE)

FRANCE R Free Kabul, R Verceremas & R Solidarity can be hrd on FM in Paris. RV on 97 MHz
and also via R Tiers Monde 99.3 in future. Cité -96 on 96 MHz bes excerpts from pgms pro-
duced by RFK. RV uses xmtr connected by telex to mother stn in El Salvador; all per Le Ma-
tin 18/4 (Daniel Decotterd, WDXC Contact May) RFI Polish evening nx 2000 on 15190 7/5, no
jamming ohs (Richard E Wood. Sa'udi Arabia)

GABON Africa No. 1 sked remains as in WRTH 83, except that 15205 adjusted to 15200. CAf
beams on 325 ° log periodic ant, WAf 1)7° HER antenna. From stn's data file, issued to ad-
vertisers, some points of interest. Total audience claimed as 12 million. In percentages,
proportions of Af populations; in four capital cities tuning in at least several times a
week (and occl listeners in brackets) are: Libreville 55.5 (79.1), Douala 53.7 (74.3), Lomé
45 (67.8), Abidjan 21 (33.4). These figures based on surveys in Nov 81 & Aug 82. largest
proportion of listeners is in 18-24 age range, tho in Libreville slightly more are 24-29.
Addr given for ad contacts is : Régie Internationale Africa No. 1, 31 rue la 3oetie, F-75008
Paris, France. Ads aired at: 0403, 0428, 0513, 0528, 0558, 0628, 0658, 0738, 0858, 1028-16
28 every half hour, 1728, 1758, 1858, 1958, 2058, 2143. ANO xmtrs now carry these religious
pgms: FR Suns 0800-0900 17750 (Perspective Reformé), Clause daily 1725-1755 11815. Latter ID
in EC at s/on & s/off as "V cf the Gospel," produced by Lutheran World Fedn, formerly oper-
ating ETU Ethiopia. Theme trac, 'Elizabethan Serenade", was old signature tune of ETU' (Rich-
ard Ginbey, RSA & various, NI,) Addr for V of the Gospel is Muryar Bishara Communications
Centre, Voice of trie Gospel, Box 287, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. Include an IRC w/reports.
Sked 1700-1800 on 11815 1ADDX via ADXN)

GERMANY WEST DU obs w/GM ES 0700-1700 on 6140 full carrier USB; LSB suppressed. At 1700
reverts to sked ES sonsos w/convention AM mode (WBI 5/5) Expl via D Bundespost site, per MN;
see also MALTA (gh)

Page 19
RYE Czech on 14510, 2 x 7255, 1440 12/4; #7255 & 15255 (Mitch Sams, AR, °MEG DK Log)
AFRIS relay on new 5376, //9235 both LSB w/usual garbage, 4/4 (Crawford, FL, DXSF)
DW sked w/sites for boa to Ans: CeSackville, KeKigali, MeMalta, AeAntiguaiMontserrat;
relay stn usage is liable to change. 0000-0200 GM K17860 415410 11795 111765 9735 19610 6075
3995. 0030-0050 PT 14 17720 415105 411865 11810 M11785 9545 6145 6100, 0100-0150 EG M15105
M11865 M9590 9565 A9545 6145 6085 A6040. 0200-0330 SP 11865 411810 411785 9700 9640 6100.
0200-0400 GM 15105 5111795 9735 K9610eto 0300 9605efrom 0330 [not C??] M9545 6145 46085 6075.
0400-0547 GM 5117845 5111795 9735 C9605 6145 A6085 6075 3995. 0500-0550 EG 11905 411705 9690
49545 5960. 1000-1040 PT 417860 A15205 A11810 A11705 49735. 1100-1130 SP 415205 411705
A9735, 2130-2300 PT M17720 A15105 A11865 11810 M11785 9545 6145 6100. 2200-2400 GM 21600
17860 415410 15275 11795 111705 9735 9610 7235 6075 3995. 2300-2430 SP M17720 415105 411865
11810 5111785 9545 6145 6100 (WBI 5/5) Don't show any daytime GM as for NAm.... (gh)

GHANA GBC has 10-min SG ox 2145, first noticed 2/2 on 4915; again 14/2, 20/2, 20/3, 3/4, 5/
4. Unsure if #3366. Pgm in verns, religious, before and after. Some days M ancr, others
lady. 3/4 w/powerhouse sig 55344. 2/2 they were quite upset over refugee situation, com-
plaining that they were being made scapegoats. Next day in local papers almost word for
word! (My radio--I think I'llkeep her/him/it) (Christopher Bagge, Jr., Springfield MA)

GREECE VOG J83 sked includes: 1200-1250 NAm GK & EG 9865 11645 9420, 1500-1550 NAm Gk/EG
15055 11645 17910. 1900-1950 Eu GK/EG/FR/GM 9865 11645 9420, 2200-2350 SAm GK/PT/SP/EG on
9865 11645 9420. 0000-0150 & 0200-0350 GK/EG NAm 9865 11645 9420. Relays of DS pgms, incl
R Macedonia, via 35 kW Thessaloniki xmtrs: 0500-0730 Sun 9460 9815; 0900-1630 daily 9460 n
9815, 1700-2115 9905 9460 (Bob Padula, ADXN May)

911AM KTWR revised EG sked effective 1/5, subject to finalisation: 0900-1000 11840, 1330-
1430 9510, 1500-1530 9510, 2330-2400 15240 (01.6. Alok Das Gupta, ADXN)

HONDURAS R San Isidro, suspected, no ID hrd 0224-0239 4/4, the only night 1: was able to try
for its annual appearance, on 4838 apx. Entirely religious pgms, hymns, brief talk by M re-
ferring to "la Luz de Cristo", then more singing or possibly chanting; QRM from uniD but sill
pact Valera. Fairly decent sig until rather abrupt fade (John Santosuosso, FL, DXSF) File
this away for next Easter (gh) R Variedades, 6000, allegedly affiliated w/E1 Eco de Hondu-
ras, has been missing local evenings for many weeks now, guess either their xmtr finally
Zcent kaput or all the publicity got to them (Bob Rankin, KS, OMDC DX Log 1/4)

HUNGARY On R Budapest DX pgm, 18/5 0300, surprised to hear them announce "25 metres" along
with other 'precise' wavelengths (gh) Since beginning of month, RB ES been using new chan-
nel, 12000 kHz, for pgeo to Eu & Ano 1415-0400 apx (03I 12/5) 22/5 0315 bad het w/Cairo (gh)

ICELAND Relay for fishermen of Icelandic DS hrd 1200-1300 & 1830-2000 on 13797 USB. Sate
the evening man extended to 2200 (WBI 28/4) Or much later

INDIA AIR reported 26/4 it had drawn up plan to network pgms to all stile thru Insat-1B (to
be launched later this year). Once implemented, Deputy Minister for Info & BC said, all re-
lays incl nx'd be rxd via satl free from QRM. Also quoted as saying all tech arrangements
for relay of Sikh religious prayers from Golden Temple of Amritsar by AIR Jullundur radio
had been completed. 'D start after timing and duration agreed (WBI 5/5)
AIR Madras back again on SW w/10 kW xmtr, on 4920, 7160, 9575. (Jose Jacob, ADXR) Jose
also provides detailed updates to AIR DS MW & SW fq & sked changes in the WITH NL, q.v. (gh)

INDONESIA VOI's EC bc most audible in NAm has been moved an hour later, now 1500-1600 on
11790; sometimes fair here, surely much better westward (gh) Full VOL ES ;Iced, all on 15150
& 11790: 0100-0200 EG, 0200-0300 IN, 0800-0900 EG, 0900-1000 Malay, 1000-1100 Std Chinese,
1100-1130 Thai, 1130-1200 JP, 1200-1300 IN, 1300-1400 FR, 1400-1500 AR, 1500-1600 EC, 1600-
1700 GM. Targets given as SEAs & Pacific, except Malay—Malaysia & Singapore; JP--FE & Pat;
AR--ME, (43I 28/4) I seriously wonder if they make any beaming changed. They seem to use SG
for continuity anmts between other lang segments (gh)

IRAN Unlisted fq 5625 obs regularly, HS in Persian 0230-0530, 1030-1130 & 1630-1730; Arabic
0530-1030, 1130-1630, 1730-1930+. Listed 3779 moved to 3780.2, *0728. 15084 operates as
listed to 1730, then changes to AR to 1930+ (Rickard Johansson, Persian Gulf, NL) VOIRI ES
replaced 9770/9765 w/11930 for RS 1515, GM 1730, FR 1800, TE 1830, EG 1930. Also 11930 re-
lays DS in Persian 1615-1730 and ES "Familiar Voice" xmsn in Persian 2030-2230 (en 5/5) 6,
presumably still 119022 for EG 1930-2030 (gh) VoIRI on new 17730 w/Farsi talk on jihad (holy
war) 1000 8/5 //usual 15084. Appears to replace 15260 at that time, ,./here only RMWS (Wood)

IRAQ. Baghdad, EG svc to 0300* 17/4, G on 21585 (John Lemon, Vic, ADXN) EG supposed to
start, not end at 0300; and stn claims EG at 2130 & 0300 is only on 9745 (gh)

IRELAND From Tony DonlUn in Dublin I have just received word that R Dublin's new SW xmtr
is homemade and only running 60 watts (John Santosuosso, DIM 13/4) On 1/4 increased power

Page 20
to 900 watts (Santosuosso, DXSF 4/5) Remarkable signal here 12/4 & 21/4 0235-0430 & 0137-
0300+ reap; 6910 kHz. 12/4 SINPO 33323, 21/4 43333+: Both nights w/mix of Top 40/oldies &
Irish folk and rock tunes. Also phone-ins, lassies singing over phone. One of the high
points o5 my SW life was hearing "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" by Paul McCartney over R
Dublin 21/4. Despite my name, I'm part Irish (Chris Bagge, Jr., Spfld MA) 6910, 20/4 0211-
0225 EG pop mx "Give Peace a Chance", "America" by Neil Diamond, ID as R Dublin Internation-
al (Chris Lobdell, Stoneham MA)
R Freebird, man by . Steve Most, plans to use 11562 (Paul Watson, WDXC Contact May)

ISRAEL VOI ES ancd 24/4 EC from 1/5'd be sked: 0000-0030 & 0100-0130 11655 9815 7410.
0200-0230 12025 11655 9810. 0500-0515 21710 21495 17685 15585 15485 15105 12025 9815. 1100-
1130 21495 17685 17630 15605 15585 15485 13745 11610. 1800-1815 17585 13725 11610. 2000-
2030 17815 17685 17630 15585 15485 13745 11655 9009. 2230-2300 17815 17685 15585 15485
15200 13745 11625 9815. 1800 is new, 1100 is retimed from 1200 (WBI 28/4)

ITALY RAI, whose 21695 kHz was noted drifting to 21699 Last fall, is drifting again. Sundt
y IT sports spi 1410-1730 noted on 21611, apparently from 21615; hetting VOA 21610 8/5 (Wood)
R Time Scandicci, 23/í & 24/4 0850-1002, G on 8136-9 ('ACA', Play-DX, Italy)

JAPAN. May 22-24 R Japan DX Corners to carry 5-min feature by me introducing SEAs clands
(Isao Ugusa, DX Front Line) Fine; I mentioned this on RCI in time. Hope you can contribute
more. Best times :n :1Am are Mon 0910 11875 15235; 1316 & 1516 9505; 1916 15300; Tues 0010
15300 & 17825; 0155 13195 17825 21610 21640 (gh)

JORDAN HKBS, 11923.7, 29/3 1225-1310+ on the clear w/AR mx at 1225, clear IDs 1230, 1245,
1300 as "Huna Amman". 7155 used to be regular around 2300-2330v*, & might be hrd again when
RYE/jammers QSY and have 7153 in the spring if Ankara 7155 is off). Tnx tip from Mitch
Sams (Steve Reinstein, MST)

KOREA NORTH R Pvongyang Korean 1800-1950 on new 11985, seems ex-6338; EG on 11880 8/5(Wood)

KOREA SOUTH Present 1530 bc to tri from R Korea is a repeat of previous day's omen (Keiron
Carroll, wtMC) More appropriately so for WNAm audience, if any (gh) Effective 0900 1/6, Rit
reorganizing xmsn timas; expanding several Langs from 30 to 45 reins ea. 7275 to be used
for all-ox format, targets Pac & Japan (probably QRMing Guizhou PBS, Chinese regional). Pgm
changes too--"SW feedback" moving from Fri to Sat. New EG sked is: 0930-1030 5975. 1100-
1200 9570 15575. 1400-1500 9750 15575. 1600-1700 5975 7550 9870. 1845-1945 15575. 0200-
0300 9640 11810 15575. 0500-0600 7275 11810 11820 15575. New PT svc at 0045-0115 11810 &
15575, 0900-0930 9570 11720 to Ama; 2115-2145 9870, 2245-2315 7550 15575 for Eu & Af. Rit
is issuing one QSL card design per month during 1983. Back issues for the cards released
earlier this year are still available (Bill Matthews, Columbus OH)
R Korea on new 008 ES fq, 6825, 119870 in EG 1130-1230, FR 1230-1300 (Peter Bunn, Vic.,
RA Japanese DX Time 30/4) That's interesting; also sked for R Beijing--6825-- 1100-1130
Esperanto, 1200-1300 EG, 1300-1400 EG, 1830+ Eu langs (WBI 12/5)

KUWAIT R Kuwait 21545 w/fanfare, ID, Urdu nx 1700 1341 6/5--quite a range of fqs open be-
tween Abha & Kuwait at that time (Richard E Wood, ia'udi Arabia) & how about FM?

LAOS Vientiane, Natl we slightly off channel 2/4 1300 in Lao, on 6128 (Mike Willis, ADXN)

LEBANON Per IFRB registrations, R Lebanon plans to use 15355 J83 for Af 1830-2030 & SAm
2300-0100; NArs 11955 OL30-0330. In HS, 5980 registered only to 1815, ex-2005. Despite dom-
estic problems, this stn has always submitted up-to-date regs w/IFRB (NL) But don't adhere
to them; contRIButor Eric Peterson in DC found them still on 9545 in NAm svc as late as 12/5
& fighting it out w/DW co-channel (and losing as usual) (gh)

LIBERIA ELBC Monrovia, 6090, G from 0700 6/5 w/ID & EC nx, weak after 071.5; no sign of the
usual Kaduna (Behr, Ont)

LIBYA Tripoli HS now co 9700 //6185, returned to SW after a silence (Gordon Darling, UK,
SWN via AWR DX via DMA) 183 IFRB MESS shows Tripoli 100 kW omni to NAf 0400-0800 9655,
1100-1800 11795, 1800-2400 6185. But no listing for Sabrata xmtrs which carry ES. Pre-
viously-used 9600 disappeared from list. Axual usage probably will differ (NL)

MADAGASCAR Antananarivo does not use 2495. Only SW hrd are 3286 6132 9690. 6132 closes
between 1500/1530. Another xmtr takes the air on 6144, but is seldom modulated; carries ES
on this fq 1700-1630/1900 but never to 2100 (R Ginbey, RSA, NL)

MALAWI NBC, Blantyre is hrd on 5995 after Paris leaves at 2200 in FR, to 2209* after a 4-
min nx bulletin at 2205, monitored in Melbourne (DKA) NBC has two ill mutrs in use--3381,
probably 10 kW, and 5995. Latter used thruout bc day. No EG ox at 1530. Intl Sce is 1539-
1800 w/EG nx 1600 (Ginbey, RSA, NL) Dont confuse with Mali, next page

Page 21
MALAYSIA Definitely Kuala Lumpur on 9515, since #5965, 8/4 1030-1120 Mal pop tunes, 1111
Koran; fair (Chuck Bolland, FL)

MALI Rdif Nationale, 4782.9, 12/5 2311-2317 FR comments, pause, more comments; fair; poor-
er on 5995 (Chuck Rolland, FL) J83 IFRB reg shows 5995 0900-1130 & 1900-2215; 7130 1000-1930
(NL) Not to be confused with MALAWI; see previous page

MALTA Re Feb FRENDX report about DW relay: I wrote DW and requested clarification of pur-
poses of sites involved. Mr Peter Senger, Chief, HF Technicians, says In-Niaret is the re-
o eiving stn of the DW relay and has no xmtrs. Xrobb-l-Ghagin is the axual xmtr site and
"corresponds exactly to Cyclops!" (Bill Mattnews, OH) See also GERMANY WEST for some skeds

MAURITANIA R of the Islamic Rep of Mauritania, Nouakchott DS in FR, AR, 'ferns, 0555-0830,
0830-1200 Fri, 1200-2400; 4845 ancd as 4850. Fq usage: 0555-0830 & 1700-2400 4845. 1200.-
1700 9610. Fridays: 0555-0755 4845, 0755-1700 9610, 1700-2400 4845 (WBI 28/4) Hrd on 19218,
2 x 9609, at 1120 22/4 in AR, 34333 (Mike Dawson, 9erks, WDXC Contact)

MONACO When I visited R Monte Carlo a few years ago, I noticed that they have 2 xmtr sites.
The SW site is on the side of a hill in Monte Carlo itself. The xmtr site located in Fran-
ce is the MW/LW installation. This is axually on a promontory overlooking the Mediterranean
between Monte Carlo and the Italian border but axually in France itself (Adrian Peterson,
India, )xA DXers Calling) A pleasant surprise for us SW DXers (Geoff Cosier, DXA ed.) Dur-
ing 283, TWR on SW uses these fqs: 6210 7205 7235 9493 9495 9635 9670 9675 9775 9790 11655
11690 11715 11725. All xmsns on 6210 9495 11690 are 500 kW. EG at 0530-0600 Wed, 0530-0545
Thu on 11690; 0625-0840(Sun 1000) on 9493. DX pgm in GM or EG is Sat 0745-0800 & 1400-1415
on 7205 only (NL) EG once a month, t believe, 3rd Sun (gh)

MONGOLIA MDB announces SG sked as: 1200-1235 12070 6383; 1400-1435 12070 7235; 1445-1520
on 17780 7235; daily exc Sundays (Matthew Francis, RA Japanese DX Time 17/4)

MOROCCO 283. relays of RIM via VOA Tangier xmcrs: 1000-0100 15335, 1100-1700 15360, 1100-
2000 17815, 1700-2000 15330, 2000-0100 15105, 2000-2100 17710, 2100-0100 17705. Powers 50kW
exc 15335 100 kW. (NL) Also check for 30 MHz harmonics, MVF willing

MOZAMBIQUE All Maputo fqs drifting badly. Observed fqs (w/nominal in parentheses); 1010
(1007), 3212(3210), 3354-3360(3338), 4865-4872(4865), 7098-7099(7105), 9516(9525), 9619
(9620), 11395-11464(11835), 11818(11820), 15295-15325(15295, mostly 15306/7). Xmtr on 11395
/11464 shifts fq daily, only once ohs in-band on 11845! 6115/7240 inactive; 4925 is actual-
ly stable. ES in EG now 1100-1130 on 9516 11395v 11818, 1800-1830(Fri/Sun 1900) on 3265,
4855, 9619. 3eira B Pgm now on one SW channel, 9637. Pemba moved to 4858, 2005*, anca
morn pgm at 0400-0515. Nampula inactive on SW [presumably Richard Ginbey tho no credit, NI]
Offl info rxd too late for WRTH 33 lists Maputo aces as follow: Emissáb Nacional on 737
0500-0015, 3210 0500-0630 & 1900-0015, 4865 0500-0730 & 2100-0015, 6115 0500-0900 & 1800-001
5, 7240 0500-1945, 9620 0530-2400, 11820 0600-1300, 15295 0645-1845. Em. Interprovincial de
Maputo e Gaza on 1008 0500-0015, 3338 0500-0630, 4925 0500-0800 & 1900-0013, 7110 0630-0015,
9525 0645-1800. 4925 is 7.5 kW, 6115 is 25 and 9525 is 25. Powers on others as in WRTH(NL)
Maputo, 3211, 0347-0408 2/4, mix of rock & pop PT tunes w/distinct AI flavour. M ancr in
PT between. Chimes 0400, participation pgm, ancr giving repetitive bit o/instl mt. Almost
fair (John Moritz, OH, DX Ontario)

NAMIBIA SWABC since 1/4 on 3295 ex-4965 at 1515-0615. GM & EG sons now completely separate
(R Ginbey, RSA, NI)

NETHERLANDS Original RN J83 EG sked, effective thru 25/9: 0700-0720 WAf/Eu 15560 11930 9895
5955; As/ME M25970 M 21480. 0730-0825 NZ/Au 39770 89715. 0830-0925 NZ/Au 89715. 0930-1020
Eu 15560 11930 9895 6045 5955. [EG 1000-1005 during DT xman omitted; 89510 360201. 1330-
1420 Eu 17605 11935 9895 6020 5955. 1430-1520 S&EAs M21480 17605 M11735, 1830-1920 C&ESSAf
M11740 M 6020 [and I recall an anmt that a 49mb channel for Europe was added-60207]. 2030-
2120 C&WAf 817605 815220 M11740 11730 M9715. 0230-0325 ENAm 39590 36165. 0530-0625 WNAm
39715 86165 (RN 28/3)

NEW CALEDONIA Nouméa on 11710 usually audible w/quality dependent on strength of DW 11705.
Is 4 kW xmtr, suppose many 0Xers forget about it as 7170 easily hrd; 0715 16/5 u/DW, poor
(Alan Simpson, Salem IN)

nw IRELAND [PNG] R New Ireland most morns 1015 in Pidgin, ID on half hour; ham slop. P0
Box 140 mentd as addr, confirming WRTH info (Robert Wilkner, FL, DXSF) 3/5 1010-1046 per
Bob's call. Good sig using ECSS to avoid ham QRM. Pidgin by M, ment "Papua state" then
chime 1030 & clear ment of New Ireland 'Steve Reinstetn, ibid.) On 3905!

NEW ZEALAND During 283, RNZ SW to Pan 1800-2100 9655 11960, 2100-0815 17705, 2100-1215
15485; Au 2100-0815 15485, 0815-1215 9620 (Arthur Cushen, NZ, NI.)

Page 22
NICARAGUA VON ES on 5950 hrd w/EG nx since 25/4 2300 xmsn, not just SP. *2300 26/4 fol-
lowing s:atement by Daniel Ortega, VON pgms were: 2330-2335 SP nx summary, 2335-2340 EG nx
summary, 2340-2400 bb: w/IDs in SP & EG. 0000-0015 "Aquí' Nicaragua" nxreel in SP, 0015-0025
"Nicaragua Today" nxreel in EG, 0025-0030 mx. These pgms then repeated several times. 0445
repeated Ortega statement, 0503*. 29/4 Nic DS in its "Radio brotherhood for combativeness"
mati radio net, said this net'd also be bc that eve to world by VON ES on 11715 & 5950. At
2300 29/4, those fqs joined "R brotherhood" net instead of ES pgms (WBI 5/5)
Tho BBCMS slow to note it, from GMT 30/4 VON has instead consolidated and expanded EG pen
into one-hour bLocks at 0100 & 0400 on 5950 (gh & Artie Higley, TX)

NIGERIA FN Kaduna "Ch.2" s/off 0100 ex-2400 [4770]. FRCN Enugu addr is Broadcasting
House, P.M.B. 1.051, Enugu, Anambra State. VON has many tech problems w/SW xmtrs, sometimes
off the air for days or weeks at a time (Ginbey, RSA, NL) In a recent addr, published by
Commonwealth BC:,.ng, the DirGen of FRC, George Bako, spoke of continuing expansion of
Nigerian domestnc raéio, incl new comml & 1cl community stns (NL Ed.)

NORWAY RNI EG half hours, Suns +GMT Mons: 1000 6015 15205 15225* 17825. 1300 6015 9590*
25615 25730. 1400 6115 11870* 15175 17840. 1600 6015 17830 21700* 25730. 1700 6015 15205
17715 25730*. :900 5590 15205 17715 17840*. 2000 9590 15165 15175 17840*. 2200 11870*
15175 15225. 0000 1214 11850* 11870 15175. 0400 9610 11870 15175. 0500 6015 11870* 15175
17840 (* 500 Kvitséy site) It is hoped that both 500 kW meta will be in full service
by Sept. Prep.a .- -^ry work now being done for new SW site at Sveio, just north of Kvitséy,
which' 11 eventu. _y house three 500 kW (R Norway via Nt) The first Sveio xmtr would be on
the air some time in 1986-1987. Main site still Frederikstad, beaming mainly to C&NAm (WBI)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Since at least 10/3, all MG regional stns s/off 1400* ex-1300* (Mark War-
ner, DXA) Due to end of DST? (gh) New addr for R Madan% is: P 0 Box 2138, Yomba, Madang
Province (011e Alm, DI(A) Vanimo, 3205, fair to 1400* 5/4, and others to 1400* too (Yasuyuki
Masuda, Japan, ADXN) See also NEW IRELAND, previous page

PERU R Inca del Petit', reactivated on 4762.6, 13/5 0045-0145, nice rustic flute solos &
wide variety of Peruvian mx. Deep fades but good ID 0100; also 1015-1030. Been off several
years, I believe (Steve Reinstein, FL, DXSF) 0500* (Povrzenic, Argentina, NL)
R Cortoluni, 6902v, 1/4 0025-0340*, 4/4 0252-0303t*. Best sig yet but still defying pos-
itive ID. Varieé styles of OA mx in pgm possibly titled "Voces en la Roche". If not Corto-
luni, ;hen something uy similar like Cortolón, Catalein, Cataluni, etc. At 0100, "Desde la ?
en espíritu y ciudad de Santa Crut, transmite Radio Cortolón, 6900 kilociclos, desde ? en la
manera de ? de la provincia de Santa Cruz". Many more IDs as "CortolGn y 83". M said would
return at 6 pm, OA anthem & plug[pull]. Still needs more work, I'll admit (Steve Reinstein,
DXSF) 6903a unID. Stayed with this 0100-0433* w/NA. Considerable feat of endurance: Not
claiming 1007. ICs, but on two separate occasions, hrd clearly "R La Voz de la Ciudad". Per-
haps others could check their tapes (Tony Jones, Paraguay, via Don Jensen, NU, via FT via
New stn is R Segue, 3310, Chachapoyas, Depto. Amazonas. And R Selva, 7300, Moyobamba,
Depto San Martin. And R Celendin, Celendin, Cajamarca, 6498, 1100-0400 (MadriDX via . ../RTH)
New R Visi6n, 5360, 1.5 kW, Huallaga 559, Juanjui., Dept°. San Martfh (DXA/Moritz via «RTH)
WREN updates: Stn 192) 4300 is R Moderna, Av. Aviación 334, Cajamarca. 193) 4520 to be
deleted. 58) 5060 & ?770 now R Amazonas, Jir6n Putumayo 473, Iquitos; delete 4815. 33) now
active on 6095. 208) moved to 6260. 4) moved to 9755 from 9610. New stns: Rdif Huanta, A-
yacucho on 4755 0900-3230, R Visión 5360. .Jos i Luis Carbone Castellano in Lima explains
that one of the nets, called Radio Programas -del Peru, operates w/simultaneous pgming around
the country and may confuse DXers. This is the situation: 167) is cm1730 24 h a day. Affil-
iated stns carry the same pets as 167) at 1000-0500. These are 180), 56), 24), 158), 61),
26), 116), 187), 74), 99), plus a new stn R Radial Andina on 1200. Associated stn., relay
167) only at 1000-1400, 1700-1900, 2300-0100. These are 87), 50), 115), 120), 171). 137),
plus R Los Andes, Cajamarca on 1190. RPP claims audience of 10 million over these 19 stns
(NL) R Oriente, Yurimaguas, 6188.7 27/4 0325-0330 ID, P-F (R Cotroneo, Italy, Play-DX)
R La Crónica, Lima said 15/4'd soon increase power to 50 kW (WBI 28/4) MW I suppose

PHILIPPINES For 183, VEBC principal new EG outlet this quarter is 15305 0000-0500 (Alok Das
Gupta, Calcutta, India, ADXN) Maharlica BCing System on 6170 1/5 1030, mostly unintelligible
on a Sunday morn, but apparent nx, ad, jingle w/clear ment of Quezon, Am pops, 1040 shouts
"Maharlica", net ID; fade 1045, het on hi side made LSB must. Proud of this one (Parks, DXSF)

POLAND French nx agcy AFP reported that R Solidarity'd xmtd for 3 mina 15/4.before being
drowned out by pop mx from another unID xmtr. Anmt of this bc'd been daubed on walls in cen-
tral Warsaw and'd been printed on small leaflets distributed thruout city. AFP also quoted
nxpaper Trybuna Ludu that two days previously policed discovered powerful radio xmtr belong
ing to Solidarity. Several people arrested. Xmtr 'of a type used by western intelligence
services' 'd been found in a Warsaw apartment (WBI 21/4)

PORTUGAL R Renascença J83 EYRE regs: Eu 1800(irr 1445)-2000 on 9680; irr 0945-1230 on 9715;
SAm 2200-2400 on 11800. Irr means expected to be Sat/Sun only (NL)

Page 23
QATAR Official OBS SW sked: 0245-0500 15395, 0900-1300 21525, 1300-1730 17910, 1730-2130 on
15595 (NL)

ROMANIA R Bucharest J83 ED sked, mad by cable direct from stn: Eu 1045-1100 11940 15250
17720, 1300-1330 9690 11940 15250 17720, 1930-2000 & 2100-2130 7225 9570 9690 11940. Af at
0530-0600 11840 11940 15340 15380 17745 17790, 1730-1800 11790 11885 15365 15380 1772017745
As 1200-1230 15345 17720 21665, 1500-1530 11940 15250 15335 17805 17850. Pac 0645-0715 on
11940 15250 15335 17790 21665. NAm 0200-0230 & 0400-0430 5990 6155 9510 9570 11810 11830 &
11940 (NL)
For J83, RB has astonishing list of tent allocations, w/several new outlets, mainly:
21590 0530-0600 Af, 0815-0915 Af, 1000-1600 Eu 250 kW. 21570 0645-0715 Au, 1230-1300 Af 250.
17890 0815-0915 Af, 1130-1400 Eu/ME/India 250. 17870 0715-0815 ME/India, 1000-1400 Eu 250.
17750 0715-0815 ME/India, 0815-0915 Af 250. 17745 0530-0600 Af, 1230-1300 Af, 1400-1500 Af
250. 11970 1400-1500 Af, 1530-1700 Af/Eu, 1800-2200 Af/Eu 250. 9750 1530-2200 Af/Eu 250.
60601 1700-1900 Eu 250 (ITU THFBS via ADXN)
R Bucharest hrd on 23880, 2 x 11940 at 1506 1/4, mx & ID in EG (Russell Shapiroî WDXG)

SA'UDI ARABIA BSKSA Arabic *1500 on new 11820 //usual 11950 8/5 (Richard E Wood, ibid.)

SINGAPORE SEC on 6120 w/EG nx 1100; varie says this is a test fq (Arthur Cushen, NZ, DXA)
Also at 1255 in Chinese, ID 1300 (Simon Tuck, SA, DI(A) So they are //ins it w/different
pgmm during the week (Geoff Cosier, DX.6. ed) SBC 383 reg on 9530 50 kW non-dir 2200-1630
(ITU THFBS via ADXN) Hayti, xmtr on 6120, not yet registered (Bob Padula, ADXN)
Astounding HF opening 8/5 to Far West included BBC FE stn *0900 17880 15360 15280, weaker
11750, almost nonexistent 9740. Never have WS quality like this any other time of day, cap
w/Carib relay suffering from SW relay sound, except for unintentionally satellited Sackvil-
lianisms (David Newkirk, Seattle WA) More on this opening under CHINA; USSR; cland VODK

SOMALIA R Hargeisa, 11640, 29/4 1220-1229*, finally hrd after a dekayear. Weak but clear.
14 talking in S/1.incl 2 manta of "Raydio Hargeisa" Some brief neat instl mx (David Crawford,
FL, UST) R Hargeisa as low as 11637, SM ID as in WRTH: "Balkan wa Radio [as in English,
not Italian or Arabic] Hargeisa, Odki Jamhuuriyadda Soomalida al Dimugraddiga ah", 1700 SM
nx, 3/5 (Richard E Wood, Arabia) R Hargeisa moved from 7120, now 11639/11640v at 0958-1230
& 1500-1800 (Richard Johansson, m/m in Persian Gulf, NL)
To get a %recta from Mogadishu, try this addr: Radio Mogadishu, Mr. Abdukadir Mohamed Mor-
sel, Ministry of Informations and National Guidance, External Service, "Dalmar Program", P 0
Box 1331, Mogadishu (Eter-Aktuellt, WWDX & UKCOCA via Play-DX)

SOUTH AFRICA Addr of Springbok R is P 0 Box 1166, Johannesburg 2000. EG svc of SABC 3/off
at nominal 2200, but Mon-Fri this is often . later depending on length of a classical mx cone*
rt which starts at 2135. All Night svc now calld "R Orion". Radio 5 now 2200*, joins R
Orion 2200-0300. Afrikaans svc also s/off daily at 2200 (Richard Ginbey, RSA, NI)

SWITZER1AND ROBS bes on 11755 were barely audible 9/5; 0100-0142* SP w/ORM, 0200-0245* ED
had low mod & Q1-Dubai; apparently used a defective low-power xmtr (Ernie Behr, Ont)

TAIWAN VOFC ED sked for J83: Af/ME/WEu 2030-2130 9610 9765 11725 11860 15225. SEAs 1030-
1040, 1100-1200, 1500-1530 on 5980. Au/NZ 2140-2240, 0100-0200, 0300-0350 on 17890. NAm
2140-2240 11825 15345 17800, 0100-0200 11825 15345, 0300-0350 11825 15345 17800. Via ',rYFR
0300-0400 & 0610-0710 5985, LAm 0200-0300 via WYFR 11740 (Andy Jordan, Bi:mingham MI)
For 283 Family Rdio pgms via VOPC: ED to India 1300-1600 on 21525 [had been 15525—typo?)
Chinese 1100-1600 & 2100-2300 on 7130, 1210-1410 & 1420-1620 on 9765. A second fq in // at
1100-1600 & 2100-2300, unknown at press time (NL)

TANZANIA R Tanz ES currently 0330-0430, 0900-1030 (Sat/Sun 1530), 1530-1915 on 1035 & 9748,
also announces 7165. Natl svc active on 4785 but silent on 6105. During day, uses 9684 irr.
0300-2100 and sometimes on 9748 between ES Ses (Richard Ginbey, RSA NL) ES hrd *1700 on
9749 28/4, believed to be in use until 1915 and at 0330-0430 (WBI 5/5) R Tanzania Natl. svc
in Swahili armed that from 1/5 it'd been bcing an addl ax bulletin at 1900 replacing the re-
lay of a ox from R Tana Zanzibar. Nx from R Tana, Dar es Salaam now at 0400, 0700, 1000,
1300, 1700, 1900, 2000 while those from Zanz'd be at 1600 & 1800 (WBI 12/5)

TOGO 283 THFBS shows 30 kW at Yade (Kara) on 6155 0800-1700. Seem to be new one

TUNISIA 29/4, Tunisian R reported during a meeting w/Tun Min of Info, Pres Bourguiba'd ex-
pressed satisfaxion w/preps by Tun R for being from 1/6 new pgms on SW to Eu & Mr., so that
Tunisia's voice could be hrd there (WBI 5/5) Could this refer to Yugoslavian relays

TURKEY VOM in TX at 0400-2200 apx, former 2255-0250 discontinued, no trace of it and number
of Amtr hours in new sked agrees w/previous report (WBI 21/4) That's funny, I still hear
them in the 2255-0250 period on 11740, mixing w/VOA & VOFC/WYFR (gh) TE svc 2250-0250, thot
to've been dropped, traced again on 17760 & 11740; not hrd 2/4 when those fqs checked (WBI)

Pa ge 24
.7'':›7,-,77"enerfre•IPV!.74^,,m„„„,,e...,r ""nr).1r, r

TRT VOT in TK for abroad 0400-22001 0355-0900 15435 15220 11820-or-9665 7160. 0900-1000 on
17885 15220. 1000-1100 17885 15220 11955. 1100-1400 17885 11955 11740. 1400-1500 17885
15220 11955. 1500-1600 17885 15220. 1600-2200 15220 9670 9610 (WBI 21/4)
On 19/5 only, 15220 stayed on beyond 2200 and carried the EG 9VC // 11740 but unannounced.
Much better, the ORM from Budapest and Rome (Rolf Gunnar, Denver CO) And continued for TIE
after 2300 and KG 0300-0350 20/5, but missing next night & I suppose back on 17760 where sup
posed to be (gh)

UGANDA No external service boa hrd for several months (Richard Ginbey, RSA, NL)

USSR Official J83 sked forRStn Peace & Progress; some fqs ending in '0' may be 5 kHz
higher. SC: As 1300-1330 11750 11840 15295 15510 17735 17760 17775 17870 21505 21585 21615
21725; 1530-1600 9680 9700 11735 12020 15100 15150 15210 15370. Af 1830-1900 11690 12000
15450 15520 17735 (via Paul Royce, WI & IFRB via NL)
On 1/5, All Union Radio DS carried spl report from May Day parade in Red Square. At 0515
all Orbita versions of Pgm I linked w/Eu USSR's Pgm I; joined by Mayak 0550 when live report
in RS from Red Square began. Obs until 0730 on some 53 SW channels between 5.9 & 21.66 MHz,
including those beamed to Soviet seamen and compatriots abroad. RMWS carried EC report on
some 30 SW channels 0545-0629. FR lang R Moscow Intl stayed on after sked 0600* w/own com-
mentary0545-0630 on same 16 channels, first time French did this since 1969. Also live com-
mentary on paraue in Chinese (WBI 5/5)
R Kiev 383 eff.› - '.ve May 5-Sept 3 in EC: Eu 1800-1830 7175 9560 11880; NAm 2330-2400 11720
11960 15180 17862 :7900; 0200-0230 11720 11770 15180 17860 17900. Stn is running tourism
contest; monitor them first & third Sundays for details (via Kraig W Krist, VA)
Yerevan , 4810, 26/3 0234-0313 all RS, no break 0300; fair w/ute slop; //4990 much better
till nailed by RSA 0257. Barq off. Also 18/4 on 4810 *0047-02524s test tones to 0059, Yer-
evan IS thrice, 0100 Arm SSR anthem by orch 6, chorus, 0104 ID, 0105 pgm sounder, Arm talk,
0116 fade down, but 0215 recheck strong & clear; 4990 Barq•blocked (Steve Reinstein, FL,
DXSF) Ashkhabad, Turcmenistan, 4895, 10/4 2304-2310 Mayak nx to 2307 pop mx, //4930 strong-
er. Again 14/4 0128 Aayak IS, RS talk, 4930 not lard (Reinstein, USE)
Chitinskoe Radio, í860, local pgms sked 0930-1010 Mon-Sat, 1115-1200 Fri, 1230-1315 Wed,
1559-1601 daily (Oda, URSC Japan via OKA) Magadan 9500 local pgm 0715 ID, TC, children's •
tale (Takasaki, USSR Radio Club via DXA)
R Moscow Arabic ox 1700 on 18330, better than fund 6110 which was a/VOA 1/5 (Wood, Saudi)
[continuing the stary of the 8/5 HF opening started under CHINA] The addl eerieness of
this wild opening was the aspect of 16 m at past 0837: populated almost entirely by Soviet/
Chinese jammers whittle audible underneath. Immense jamming on 17725, 17740 (,'
like this first one...FU UD PF), 17750 17850 (BA), 17865 (A Soviet or East Eurolang under,
jammed by FF--V0A?), Soviet-quality Mandarin unjammed on 17885, and then I lard the RN Chine-
se ED, 17895 (BA), 17910 (BA). Amazing, and weird, because there was almost no background
noise, the jammers rising out of silence into roars as I tuned 'em. Will have to stay up so
long more often (David Newkirk, Seattle WA)

UKOGBANI Amodernization of BBC xmtrs is taking place, at the Rampisham site. Eight
old 100 kWs are being replaced by eight 500 kWs. On-air date by early 1986. At Cyprus, four
new 250s are to be installed, replacing two 71
2 kW.
/ Will be on air by end of summer 83, when
antennas completed. Next stage for UK is rep/acing six 100 kW by six 250s. And by end of
1983, feed to Singapore relay is planned to be via satl (Waveguide via Don Rhodes, AIS(N) I
thought it already was (gh)
The days of pirate broadcasting could be coming to an end in Britain. Over the past few
years, about 50 pirate stns, 30 of them in London, have sprung up, operating out of highrise
apts, flats, even the backs of vans. Now, new legislation passed raising fine for illegal
being from a little over $600 to over $1500 and giving police new muera to seize xmtrs. The
I small time pirates have teen working successfully for about 3 years. Their future is now li-
terally[sicl up in the air (Barry Everitt, 20/4 via Daily Insider via Alpert)

U S A Voice of the OAS 8/4 0020 in SP, rare fq change to 9565 ex-9640. J83 sked is 2345-00
30 on 15150 11830 8565(sic], all from Bethany, in SP/EC/PT (Bob Padula, ADXN) You mean 151§0
? And since when has there been English again? And it's Mon-Fri only, isn't it? (gh)
For 283, VOA has ilitroed new svc in Uzbek 2300-0000 via (avala 5985 7105 9635 11945 15225
--1SB feeder from Greenville on 7768.5; uses spare capacity of Kavala, not otherwise on the
air during this hour. For 383, VOA oontinuez using several 00B outlets not listed in VOA's
Engineering Schedule. They are: 7400 Greenville 0000-0300 SP LAm, 15580 Gvl 1700-2200 KG Eu,
15600 Monrovia 0300-0515 EG, 1600-2400 SG SAf, 2300-2400 PT 3z1 [you mean, EC to 2300 surely]
17640 Gvl 0000-0400 EU LAm, 21840 Gvl 1600-2200 EC Eu. Special SSB outlets: 15360 (in-band!)
LSB Tangier 1830-2000 UN pgms; 15650 LS 1
3 Gvl. 0000-0100 EC LAm.
SSS feeder fqs for 183 are: 6873 Gvl 0100-0300.As lanes, 7651 Gvl 0100-0300 USSR, 0400-
0600 AR. 7768 Gvl 2300-0415 Eu langs, 0630-0715 UN, 10235 Gvl 0500-0600 AR, 1800-2300 Pol-
ish. 10454 Gvl 0200-0300 UN, 0400-0600 PL, 1400-2200 Eu. 10869 Gvl 0200-0300 UN, 1900-2300
Eu on ISB. 15752 Cvl 0245-0815 Af. 18605 Gvl 1445-1500 AR svc feed. 18782 Gvl 1400-2200 Eu
langs. 19261 Bethany 1100-2200 RS & UZ. 19505 Gvl 0330-0345, 1400-2000 Eu/SAs langs. 20060
Gel 12C0-2000 Eu langs, AR aye feed, UN; 2012 .srl 1545-1600 GM svc, 1700-1800 AR ,"Padula)

Page 25

J. ;1496iiLe
WYFR 383 fq usage: 5985 2352-0815. 9535 1145-2352. 9680 0552-0800. 9705 0452-0800.
9715 0052-0452. 9815 WEu 0600-0800. 11740 0200-0500. 11805 WEu 0552-0800. 11830 1445-
2252. 11855 0100-0600. 11875 2252-0552. 11960 WEu 0352-0552. 12030 ,WEu 0600-0800. 15130
2052-0200. 15130 WEu 0600-0800. 15215 2252-0600. 15395 WEu 0500-0600. 15440 WEu 1600-225
2. 17805 2252-0352. 17845 WEu 1600-0100. 17895 2352-0052. 21465 WEu 1545-1652. 21510
WEu 1652-2052. 21525 1545-2352. 21615 WEu 1545-2252. Addl on Sun only: 15385 1145-1545.
15440 1245-1600. 17730 1245-1545. 17785 1145-1545. 17805 1245-1545.
WYFR EG: Eu/NAf 0600-0800 11805 15130, 1700-2300 15440 21615. WAf 2000-2400 21525. Am
0000-0100 17895, 0100-0400 11875, 0600-0800 9680. E Canada 1300-1800 & 1900-2300 9535 (NL)
Well, I hear then again on 7355, GM 0500, EG 0600 (gh)
Slightly different is this J83 WYFR EG sked: 1300-1800 ECan 9535, 1500-2300 WCan 11830,
1700 7 2300 Eu/NAf 15440 21615, 2000-2400 WAf 21525, 2300-0400 WCan 11875, 0000-0100 Amo 17895
0100-0400 Amo 9715, 0500-0600 WCan 11875, 0600-0800 Eu/NAf 11805 & 15130, 0600-0800 WCan
9680 (ADXN)
WYFR Okeechobee spur on 2590, 0015-0130 P-F here w/SP pgm//15130, hrd on 2 rovrs (David
Crawford, Oak Hill FL, DXSF) If they were also on 17720, it could be a mixing product (gh)
KABC-TV Los Angeles, audio auxiliary feed on 26290 23/4 1959-2032, FM mode made copy dif-
ficult, but appeared to be some sort of "rate the record" show; tnx Crawford (Santosuosso,
DXSF) In all probability, 3-hour delay feed of American Bandstand? oops, an hour off? (gh)

URUGUAY R Mundo, 6000, 0830 SP ID, 0900 religious pgm (Denman Peniston, San Antonio TX, OK-
DC DX Log 15/4) A report of Radiomundo on 6000 at 0830 seems questionable, since R Inconfi-
dência [BRAZIL] has a powerhouse sig from 0700 past 0900 on this fq (Ernie Behr, Ont)

VANUATU R Vanuatu on 7260 at 0706 w/contemporary ma, pgm in Pidgin. Some ham QRM. Also hrd
3945 but extreme ham QRM. Poor at this tima but always peaks up a little later; 16/5 (Alan
Simpson, Salem IN)

VATICAN VR new EG sked: 0050-0115 [sic, actually -0110; Vat pgm skeds are not always clear
on ending times] NAm 11845 9605 6015. 0200-0215 not Mon SAs 11965 9605 7125. 0500-0515 Af
15190 11725. 0500-0520 Eu 9645 6185. 0600-0700 multiling IT/FR/EG/SF not Sun Eu 11740 9645
6262 [sic, probably 6252]. 0615-0630 not Sun Af 17730 15190. 0715-0730 not Sun Af 15190
11725. 1030-1100 multi-ling iT/FR/EG/SP not Sun Eu 11740 9645 6252. 1115-1130 Af 21485
17840. 1200-1215 Af 17840 21485. 1200-1215 SEAs 21725 17865. 1345-1400 Eu 11740 9645 7250
6252. 1430-1445 not Sun SA, 17865 15110 11810. 1500-1530 multi-ling IT/FR/EG/SP not Sun Eu
11740 9645 7250 6252. 1545-1600 Af 17730 15120 11810. 1900-1910 multi-ling EG/SP/FR not
Sun Eu/Af 15120 11700 9645 9625 7250 6252 6190. 1950-2010 Eu 9645 7250 6190. 2045-2100 Af
15120 11760 11700 9625. 2210-2230 FE/AuAs 15120 11830 9615 (WBI 5/5, not attributed to VR)

VENEZUELA A number of 60m YVs go off for upwards of a week or two around Easter tima, thus
leaving increased DX possibilities (Steve Reinstein, WISP) R Nacional de Venezuela has been
m issing recently from 11695 during its sked 1800 xmon (suns May)

VIETNAM A partial survey of northern Viet regional stns reveals these operating: Cao Bang
6528 1200-1400 in tribal langs & VT. Ha Tuyen 4820 1130-1400 1.1. & VT. Hoang Lien Son
6598 & 5602 at 1000-1030 & 1130-1300 in VT. Lai Chau 6570 1130-1330 1.1. & VT. Lang Son
6510 1130-1300 1.1. & VT (WBI 28/4)

YUGOSEAVIA RY has moved svcs 1 hour forward for DST. FR 15240 at 1500-1530 ex-1600-1630 3/
5. Russian 1800-1830 6100, 7240 8/5 (Richard E Wood, Sa'udi Arabia) RY ES one hour earlier
27/3 till 25/9, so EC: 1430-1500 15240 9620 15300. 1730-1800 6100 9620 , 11735. 1900-1930
6100 9620 7240. 2115-2130 6100 9620 7240 (R Jugoslavia via John Wilkins, CO) see TUNISIA

ZAMBIA ZBS Gen See uses only 6060 on SW. On MW the 250 kW 818 kHz is silent, and 2 kW used
instead. ES now on 9505 0550-0730 & 1050-1200 Sun; 1550-2100(Fri/Sat 2200). Xmons erratic,
no doubt due to mmtr problems (R Ginbey, RSA, NL)
ZIMBABWE ZBC Radio is currently on 6045 at 0830-1830. This SW relay will be discontinued
when all the FM xmtrs are on the air, towards the end of 1983. Note that 3360 (p 177 of
WRTH 83 in schedule of R. 2) is a misprint for 3306 (NL)


3 Caught just
but ringing bells
at s/off 2255 22/4. La ng sounded maybe Russian
as s/off ID (Chuck Oliver, Spring TX)
9715 The AR religious pgm here is still noted every Sat *2230-2245*v, seema Islamic, ancg
Nice/France addr, but no ID; vy strong 9/4 & 23/4; any info on this? (Ernie Behr, Ont)
8084.7 LAm, 12/5 0152-0210 per Crawford phonecall, very good LSB feeder w/apparent soccer in
SP, poss ID 0200 during 10-sec outtake. Quick 60m scan found no //from YV NJ HC OA, ZPB80, A-
sunción, Paraguay listed in CFL, tho indicated as AM (Terry L Krueger, FL, DX South Florida)
7419 . 22/4 0447 uninterrupted Am mx, 0500 ID as "--- Radio"(?), 0502* (Oliver, TX) Munciikin?
6880 5/5 2307-2314* big signal w/Gypsy Music. Also 1/5 2304-2312* reminiscent of Enescu's 2d
Romanian Rhapsody; this time was on 6824; after theme, usual "Terminat" thrice (Reinstein)
6761.; 6/4 0220-0319 nonstop LAm campo tunes like Chortiz, but only Iris on 3380 & had 4C NA
0358-0400* but not // Iris, so what was it? (Stave Reinstein & David Crawford, DXSF)

Page 26
5013 Af stn hrd 10/5 from 0500 w/Af & pop songs, a few PT anmts to 0550/, best Af night in
years, Cabinda 4970, 3assacongo 4885, 3ié 4896 hrd same time; and just before 0500, R Truth
4902 (Ernie Behr, Ont) R. Ginbey on RgMN said a stn on 5015 uas toe same as R Truth 4902 Igh)
340 0 2 Indonesia? 29/4 1218-1230/, M w/talk, vy weak, in Indo, 510 232 (John .Ulkins, CO)

CLANCIEST INE CRARIVY Radio Truth, hostile to Zimnabwe govt, last obs on
6010 3/4; now hrd on 4902 w/EG 0430, Shona & Ndebele
1700, sometimes w/EG portions (WBI 21/4)(4 28/4) R Truth, 4302, hrd 10/5 0450 EG ID 4 bird-
call IS to 0453*, ir7 strong w/many other rare Africans on the band (Ernie Behr, Ont)

✓ of the Free Sahara, Polisario Front pgm via Algeria, still hrd 2200-2300 on 927 4 576041)

✓ of the Popular Revolution of Sudan noted 1645 6/5 on 17940, doubtless from Libya, wideligh
tful rendering of "Oh My Darling Clementine" on Sudanese folk instruments and ID "Huna Saut
ul Thawrat ul Shaabiyat ul Sudaniya", into AR politalk (Richard E Wood, Sa'udi Arabia)

✓ of Libyan People 11340, 10/4 2147 nonstop AR talk by M until 2206 ID, then into AR mx, u/
jammer. [Later], or, 11310//11385 2239-2300*, both jammed rather unsuccessfully. The droning
monotone babble on 11350 was only Pyongyang (Steve Reinstein, DXSF 18/5)

✓ of Palestine, V of the Palestine Revolution Since 19/4 the PLO controlled VOP pgm in AR
via Baghdad has beer. moved from 1700-1800 to 1600-1700. The Radio 3aghdad-controlled suc
of the same name has been retimed to 1700-1800 (WBI 28/4) Tunisian Radio is hrd w/VOPV0PR
pgm in AR Toes only 2110-2145; just rcvd pgm sked shows bc since at least Dec 82 (WBI 28/4)

✓ of Arab Lebanon, A recent survey of this stn's fg usage shows 6204 *0400-1630 apx; MW 930
chruout bc day until 2050 (WBI 12/5)

✓ of Democratic Kamruchea [see CHINA, SINGAPORE, USSR for more on unusual opening here]
The real treat was my first audition of VODK at huge level on 17533 t/in 0910-0956* over-
modulated badly. Mc // found on 16, 19, 25, 31m, and this contrary to published B8CMS sked.
Clear ID 0956. Who can doubt the Chinese origin of this on the longtime oddball RR fg of
17533, also used by such institutions as Reversed Russian, aided by Beijingesgue xx56*?
Would like to get another crack at this just prior to s/on; if strong and as °vertex' as this
morn [8/5], would likely hear some of that ZRGD time-beep crossmod so easily hrd on the
17855 15520 11900 outlets--aorta like hearing R Habana audio behind numbers stns. (Newkirk)
VODK, hostile to present Cambodian regime and to Viet involvement in Cambodia, ancd that
'evening' bc'd be retimed from 1200-1300 to 1300-1400 as from 25/4, on 11675 (WBI 28/4) Had
ascertained 11675 VODK 1356* before SWID [bc of above item]; 14/5 carrier didn't drop before
*1400 R Beijing in SCAs Lang, so list under CHINA now on (David P Newkirk, Eeattle WA, 17/5)

R Tropical 7296 1à at 0815, fair in FR 4 EG w/accented DJ w/pops and IDs. Reckoned they were
xmiting from Marshall Is., dedications to "all those at the Marshall Is. Jump Club in down-
town Majuro". Only listened to 0830, mod a little rough and DJ spoke good FR (Geoff Cosier,
Vic., DX.P. UXers Calling April) This stn knows an awful lot about what's going on in the NZ
DX scene, so draw your own conclusions (John Campbell, UKOGBANI, RNMN)

Sort'ng out the Central Americans The three Costa Rican USB xmtrs are apparently shared by
6 diff stns, whose skeds seem to correlate: Xmtr No. 1 used cnly by LV de Sandino, No. 2 by
LV de Mic Libre 4 R 15 de Sept, No. 3 by Music Jammer, R Miskus and LV de la Libertad. Mx
jammer against R Venceremos noted on 6925v w/LAm mx 0050-0102* 20/4 GMT; on 6210v at 0300-
0336* 21/4 (Ernie Bear, Ont, 9/5) Above comments partly based on media reports that 3 of the
xmtrs are in Costa Rica. However, at 0500 13/5, at least III diff xmtrs operating simultan-
eously: R 15 de Sept on 7000, 6900, 6200 4 5565; LV de Sandino on 6220 to 0507*, & LV de Ric
Libre on 5770 to 0504*. Four of them were USB: 6900, 6220, 5200, 5770; two DSB: 7000 & 5565.
All 4 xmtrs of R 15 de Sept are probably in Honduras, also used by R Miskus & posàibly LV de
La Libertad (Ernie lehr, 13/5)

R 15 de Septiembre on new 6200 since 1/5, at 0230-0350v 4 0500-0630v, ex-6900 4 previous

6310, using full carrier USB; still 117000 4 3565.3, DSB AM xmtrs. USB on 6310 since March,
on 6900 since 18/4, is probably one of 3 CR xmtrs, linked w/2 AM xmtrs in Honduras by some
means (Ernie Behr, Ont, 9/5) & see above

LV de la Libertad 6f4 I tuned in to a jammer free eland w/powerhouse sig at 0219, M ancr in
SP, clearly anti-Sandinista, then W w/crystal clear ID as "LV de la Libertad". S/off anthem
at 0222; again D227-0237, same anthem at s/on, W in SP. 2nd xmsn seemed repeat of first;
polished. Called 3h who put fa at 6890 which I later confirmed (Chris Bagge, Spfld MA)
Ranks of anti-Sand beers swelled to five 'a/recent appearance of LV de la Lib on 6890/6895
around 0213-0235. Both John Herkimer 4 Dave Crawford have hrd this stn transmitting coded
mensajes! Dave sends xcript of 15/4 bc: "Llamado para bandera. Resultados positivos. Man-
tén la ?osicidn durance la duracibn de la luna. Observa bien cómo las estrellas. El
mando está pendido. Dios, patria y libertad. Les habló Juan Carlos." John also hrd moots of

Page 27
Comandante Juan Carlos. It seems that J.C. is actually the nom-de-guerre of Pedro Ortega, a
wealthy Nic businessman who prospered during Somoza years. He now commands anti-Sand exile
group Ejército Nacional de Liberación. ENL is made up of Somocistas in. Honduras. Early 198
2 it was thot there might be merger of ENL with Unión Democrática Nicaragilense, headed by
the Chamorro bros. (both former Sandinista commanders). Proposed merger seemed to fall thru
because UDN leadership still felt too such animosity to ENL Somocistas. UDN later merged w/
15 de Septiembre group to form Fuerza Democrática NicaragUense coalition. Not known yet whe-
ther LV de la Lib has awn xmtr or shares time w/R15. Recent Miami Herald articles hint at
possible wide-based anti-Sand coalition, combining Rond groups w/ARDE/FRS/MDN people in CR!
(Steve Reinstein, DXSF 18/5) LV de la Libertad noted on 7000 25/4 w/prayer and 0355*, 1/5
to 0342*, but at 0330 2/5, R 15 de Septiembre was on this same fq; more recently the fq has
been heavily jammed (SWNS) Also see previous page

LV de Sanding hrd in EG 30/3 t/in 0047-0052 on apx 6220, fair sig, M ancr's shouting hard
to understand; again 6/4 0436-0444 on 6220. Gave sked as 10 pm and 5 am on 6220; stn is
member of ARDE; at one point asked twice "Who is the turtle?" (Chris Bagge, MA) see prev p.

LV de Nicaragua Independiente was the way the 5565 stn kept [Ding 28/3 0345, badly jammed,
seems to be R 15 de Sept; same ID hrd on 6511 0600 28/3. However on 12/3 pgming on 6511 was
not // 15 de Sept on 7000 (Zeller, OH, ASW1C)

R Miskus 5-6/4 2354-0217+ on 6965, unusually long bc but same pgm of campesino tunes and
anti-Sandinista propaganda. Lots of SP & local langs but no SG at all tho t did tune out
periodically. Terrible audio (Steve Reinstein, FL, DKSF) 6/4 0200 on 6965, back again after
apparent absence w/usual intolerable campesino mx, little comment; G lad. on RCUSB (Crawford,
DXSF) Traced again 16/4; acmes 19/4 say ;Iced twice daily, at 1900 & 2200, on 6965. Describes
self as "the voice of dignity of the Miskitos, Sumos and Ramas" and declares "it will never
be silent as long as Sandino -Communism exists in Nicaragua". 3es in Miskito & SP, but a5-min
EC segment 1935-1940 19/4 (WBI 28/4) Continues such stronger than R. 15. 5/1 on 6965, 2203
-2255* powerhouse level * stable on fq, no QSY, but strong OC het 400 Hz higher. Miskus also
uses USB & carrier only (Steve Reinstein, FL, DXSF) & see previous page

Venceremos 7040, 23/4 1220 strong & clear in SP, stirring mm (Alan Doyle, Peter Bunn,
Mick Ogrizek, Bob Padula at Lorne Vic, ADXN) Ancd during 0230 bc 5/5 it was again on FM 97
San Salvador area daily 0230 from "heroic Guazapa hill"; confirmed from 0230 4/5 (WBI 12/5)

R Guazapa, 9850, 29/3 *0132-0200* quite strong & stabilized on fq w/no jamming; usual FMLN
rhetoric & ID as LV de Cuscatlán, many manta of Semana Santa, string of FIMIN ax bulletins;
said boa from the "frente central Hector Ramfrez" on Guazapa volcano (Reinstein & Wilkner,
DXSF) 10/4 on 9820v 0136-0201*, only ID was hrd at 0200, pro -Nie speech, flancs of El Sal &
Comandante Ana Marra; on 9830 for 1 min than swtiched to 9820 for rest of =en (Santosuosso)

R Farabundo Marti. hrd in SP 2/5 0100-0200 on fq varying 7000-7035. Said on 2/5 it'd also bc
from 1230 on its 'combat fqs, evading the interference of enemies of the people'. In 0100
3/5 anmt, RFM said it bc daily at 1830 & 0100 on 6.9 MHz from Chalentenango[sic) Dept of El
Salvador (WBI 12/5)

LV del CID 5104 xmtr obs a couple nites recently clear of QRM after 0200, e.g. 12/5 (SWIM)
5105 xmits from the Florida area; confirmation rcvd in 25 days by letter, no IRCs sent; v/s
Bernardo Morell; addr used was Apartado 5557, San José 1000, Costa Rica (G Zella, Play-DX)

NORTH AMERICAN PIRATES Radio Flufferrutter (not FluffernuE), hrd as

sked Sun 15/5 on 7470, hrd from 05)0 until at
least 0630; played all types of mm, incl sd 2 of ELO's Eldorado. No addr or phone given but
ancr said they'd have addr by next bc 29/5; not bad sig, pretty good mod tDavid Petford, Ak-
ron OR) Tuned in to 7470 15/5 and hrd something 0600-0705, not strong but one ID as above.
Mostly pop-rock mm; Geils Sand, ELO, Lennon, off at 0705 saying back in 2 weeks (Joel Stuart
Baltimore SU)) KFAT 7419 22/4 0402-0502*, IDing as KFAT, Gilroy CA, parody on the FM
stn which earlier this yr changed call to KWSS. Old time C&W & Bluegrass, 0415 ID and 'ad'
for free Instruction Book "How to Do Everything at Once", incl tan wiflasnlite, kill rat w/
oboe,-Lease out space inside your nose; phony PSA from Anti-Ad Fed. More C&W mm to 0500 PSA
and 0501*, SIO 343 at t/in, deteriorated some by s/off, spotty ute QRM (John Wilkins, CO)
R. C.M. Stanbury, 6600, 10/4 0440-0444*, mx followed by mostly unintelligible talk. Did 3et
clear "This is C M Stanbury", G sig but apparent modulation problema (Santosusso, FL, D(SF)
WREM (1 believe) hrd 25/4 on 7450 0345-0440+, F-G S9 sigs, rock, many IDs, addr, QS1 reqs.
Some mod problems. Addr ancd was WREN, P 0 Box 302, Levittown PA 19057 (Joseph A Farley, IL)
IDEO R. Free Boston on 8076 t/in 2128 1/5 -2200+ w/QRM from USN NSS fax on 3080; strange fq
choice for ENO. Ancd addr as PO Box 1044, Riverside NJ, played variety of rock SWNS)
KPRC.25/3 0333 t/in on 1616.6 kHz, Yohoho & a bottle of Rum jingle, ID as NY', most powerful
pirate, strong, bored quickly, t/out (Jay Novello, NY) =ID but think EPIC, 3/5 0517-0530
w/rock, Exeter MY [sic--101] addr, fair on apx 1620 (Joel Stuart, Balto MD) 15/5 on 1616.7,
0415-0630+ as above, 60s rock, loop phone calls, uy intelligent political comment against
arms race. 444 signal, seemed very close & hope they stick around (Kan Schachat, Pmoutlige

Page 28
NOTE: e tiM130
a6 June 17th utease the.
-the 6ottouting addâe.s.6:
41 Pno4pect Reace
BxLstoi, CT. 06010
Sam Sarta
4/19 King Street .4)
Bristol, CT 06010

ANGOLA: Radio Mar, ,ianat. 11955 f/d EG ltr. In 52 ds. for a PT rpt.
IRCs.v/s Mijel Bras.(Konen-WI).
ANTARCTICA: LRA36 Radio Nadienat A/team:et San Gaixia 15476 cd. w/
personal Tit77- 1 67'.3 wks. for a SP/Ed rpt. WI tape for ms. v/s
- ge% A
Jose 311bao Richtor,Coronel and Jose Carlos Prado.(Sgrulletta- '"'AIRTAGO
NY). same In 5 mo. for a SP rpt.,tape and 2 IRCs.(Kacir-MI). in 22
wks. for ms.(Orcutt-CA). personal ltr. In 150 ds. for a SP rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Kanopka-NY).
15474 p/d "Map" folder cd. in 93 ds. WI sticker for a SP rpt., tape and 3 IRCs. v/s Hec-
tor Luis Repetto.iPurdum-MI). same in 108 ds. for a SP rpt.(Konen-WI). AFÁN McMwudo 6012
f/d "Penguin Logo" cd. in 26 ds. v/s Lt. Terk O. Husbands, Station DireaF.(Stephany -
NY). same in 7 wks. for a taped rpt.(Matthews-OH).
ANTIGUA: Oeutâche We' 11785 n/d "EDXC" cd. In 15 ds.(Falkenhan-MD). 6040 n/d "DW Broad-
cast Centre" cd. .n 49 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Talbot-ALTA).
ARGENTINA: RAE 11710 n/d "Logo w/ Malvinas" cd. In 34 ds. w/ sticker and pennant.(Stephany -
NY). n/d- a. In 20 ds. for 1 IRC.(Konen-WI). same in 39 ds. for 2 IRCs. w/ pennant.(Tal-
bot-ALTA). 15345 n/d "Logo" cd. in 27 ds. WI pennant.(Lindasy-NH). new "Logo" cd. in 22
ds. w/ w/ pennant in 22 ds.(Rigas-IL). 11702 n/d cd. In 27 ds. w/ sticker.
(Cones-VA). Radio Et Mundo 11755 p/d "Microphone" cd. w/ sticker in 16 wks. for a SP
rpt. and 1 11W-Ts Amelia Ferreras, Jefe de Relaciones Publicas.(Wilkins-00).
ASCENSION: Rarlio Attantico d2 Sux 9710 cd. WI personal ltr. in 46 ds.(Reinstein -FL).
ASIATIC RUSSIA: Rodip Moàcow via Khabaxovek 7175 f/d cd. In 32 ds. for 1 IRC.(Talbot-ALTA)-
via PaeuyavZovek-Kamchatilzy 12010,15140 and 17720 f/d cds.tin 43 ds.(Fortney-?A).15450
f/d cd. in 69 ds.(Tokarchick-NY). 12010 and 15455 f/d cd. In 1 mo.(Plum-NJ). via Chita
15385 f/d cd. In 4.wks.(Palmersheim -M4). via Vtildivostok 17860 f/d cd. In 7 wks.(t-
WI). 11860 fid cd. in 43 ds.(Rigas-IL).
AUSTRALIA: Radio AumAat.ia 5995 f/d "BowerBird" cd. in 56 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Talbot-ALTA).
21740 -f/d "Koala nir- cd. in 27 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Tokarchick-NY). 17795 f/d "Penguins"cd
in 20 ds.(Lindsay-NH). 6045 same cd. In 34 ds. for 1 IRC.(Anderson-NM).VLM4 8nisbane
4920 f/d "Map" cd. in 52 ds. for 1 IRC.(Stephany-NY). same in 73 ds. foi-FIRC.(Ander-
son-NM). in 21 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Purdum-MI). cd. In 24 ds.(D'Angelo-PA). VLW9 :Vannes»
f/d cd. In 26 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Plum -NJ). VNG 4500 f/d "Melbourne" folder cd. in 28 ds.
for 2 IRCs. v/s Marie Zammit.(Talbot-ALTÀ7
AUSTRIA: ORF 5945 f/d cd. In 49 ds. w/ sticker for 2 IRCs.(Talbot-ALTA). f/d "Austrian
Challenge" cd. In 64 ds.(Cones-VA). f/d "Art" cd. In 52 ds. for 1 IRC.(Kendra -PA).
BELGIUM: BRT 7465 f/c1 "Brussels Art" cd. in 1 mo.(Plum-NJ). 17915 f/d ltr. In 42 ds.(Thon-
berg-PAT7 21460 f/d "Boilers" cd. In 17 ds. WI sticker.(Stephany-NY).
BELIZE: Radio Betize 3285 f/d "Map" cd. w/ sticker in 32 ds.(Brenesal-FL). same in 20 ds.
for 1 IRC.(Swarinçen-NC). in 22 ds. for 1 IRC.(Rigas-IL). cd. in 27 ds.(Miller-WI).
BENIN: La Voix de ta Revol.tjon ORTB 4870 cd. in 38 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Brenesal-FL). same In
68 ds. for 1 IRC.(Paszkiewicz).
BOLIVIA: Radio Pcuuuneitica 6105 f/d
1 RADIO-NOUMÉA — 97e1" cd. in 45 ds. for a SP rpt
t Nou.e..- NOUVELLE-CALÉDONIE me and ms. v/s Daniel Sanchez Rocha,
Sub -Director.(Plum -NJ). same in
i 36 ds. for 3 IRCs.(Konen-WI).
,Position geographiquii :22» 17' Cl' Sud — 166° 26' 10' Est
I 6.035 Kca (49 ns. 71 BONAIRE: Radio Vedattand 9590 f/d
,Frequences (longue= dondes) demission• 1.400 1(c/‘ (200 m.) ---'71-ivo Transmitter" cd. In 51 ds.
I (Mayer-PA). same in 61 ds. for 2
1Coractertstiques tedluitcrues : IRCs.(Talbot-ALTA). Weed
( momus "T R T." - Pam. Stew de woman» .. Radio 9535 cd. in 26 ds. for 2
EmETTEuR , Kw 1 44nroces "095'.730- en push pull parallel'.
• modt.14, an contra.. denote* et de and* *ewe ear
TWEit v/s Lauren Magnuson.(Tal-
(floral» Eel I 4rube .Ce5,17.50" mental en cue null parallehe. bot-ALTA).
' Antenna"Delta" Grantee NE-5W BRASIL: Radio vadionat do Bagait
Mo•oue •Y RI" — none Etoge de puneance 17830 f/d "Manaus" cd. In 30 ds.
EMETTEUR 1 KW 4tetrocet "C83.5 750" en 00.n OUll DOW*. w/ sticker.(Cones-VA). same in
tar 1400 KM i ,od.. eon en contre ,e &¿ r• greet loran por 70 ds.(Konen-WI).
(s 41,0es Cii.s , ro' mom*, an push pull patailete.
Amer!, -ouon 0Onde venter:art.

Page 29
Radio Nacienat do 3/cde.ii 15290 f/d "Hotel Thia will confirm your communication el
cd. WI sticker in 33 ds. v/s R. Hzeue-
Stephany-NY). same cd. in 1 mo.(Lindsay-
5290 and 17830 f/d 'Fortaleza-Praia de
na" cd. in 29 ds. w/ sticker.(D'Angelo-PA). reporting reception uf station—CM- --
[Guba 5965 cd. in 3 wks. for a PT rpt.
.v/s Werner Volk.(Wilkins-00). Radio Mat- oa..../Itffuot.11tit..19119.
8675 f/d "Jurere Beach" cd. in 22 ds. for a
and ms. v/s Claudio R. Morales.(Streeter With st.5.t nfid

Radio Mile RibeiAdo Put° 15415 personal

the transmitter -àf ...... ....
n 38 ds. for a PT rpt. and ms. v/s Demet-
P. Bom.(Streeter-NY). Voice 04 AmeAica located at ktunt.laarl,..St— Jahals.,. v4"; 4.
utaitia transmitter. ;7885 f/d cd. in 7 ds.
ve site as Ascension although sked states and operates a.m. to
.(Rigas-IL)....They must still be upset
.SLing a numbers station. Hi: p.m. with apower output of-.1Q8.401 2..aatta..
Radio So4ia 7115 f/d cd. In 61 ds.(Cones-
700 cd. in 66 ds. for 1 IRC(Anderson-NM). tia --52-7.2.— Icy met.
itau vlci'..tàtg Setvice 4725 f/d cd. In
or a taped rpt. and 2 200th C/V!!:
La Voix de ta Revointicn 3300 p/d "Drum w/
a" folder cd. In 6 wks. for a FR rpt. and
Obdell-MA)...Haven't heard of this one in a little while.. .Sam.
IA: Radio Mo4cow Mink 15150 f/d cd. in 33 ds.(Paszkiewicz-WI). same in 5 wks.
. Radio Àinak 7420 "City of Minsk" cd. in 145 ds. for an EG rpt.(Rigas-IL).
Radio Gecoua 5010 f/d ltr. In 105 ds. for a FR rpt. and 1 IRC.(Eastman-TX). same
ds. for 1 IRC.(Paszkiewicz-WI). in 19 wks. for a FR rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Orcutt-NY).
8a owe am 4000 p/d ltr. In 51 ds. for an EG/FR rpt. and 2 IRCs. v/s Messi Boniface
L-WI. same in 36 ds. for a FR rpt. and 1 IRC.(Barto-CT).
KZU 6160 f/d "CBC Centre" cd. in 11 ds. for 1 IRC.v/s D.J. Horner.(Talbot-ALTA).
p/d "Marine Mobile" cd. in 17 ds.(Mayer-PA). cd. In 12 ds.(Smith-NY). same cd.
ds. w/ sticker. v/s Clive Eastwood. V.P. Engineering.(Lindsay-NH). f/d "Toronto
e" cd. in 2 wks. for 1 IRC.(Kendra-PA). f/d cd. in 13 ds.(Sookoviak-IL). CKFX 6080
d. In 110 ds. for 1 IRC.(Lare-MI). C8C Nontheirn 2uebec Sett/ice 11720 f/d " EiTMos"
i 7 ds.(Mayer-PA). CHNX 6130 f/d cd. In 18 ds. v/s Ken Arsenault,C.E.(Cones-VA).
d. w/ sticker in 23 ds. for 1 IRC.(Kendra-PA). CHU 14670 "Sir Sanford Flemming" cd.
ds. for 1 IRC.(Lare-MI). CFVP 6030 "Calgary" cd. in 10 ds.(Rigas-IL).
:FIL 15365 cd. in 317E. for 1 IRC.(Brenesal-FL). f/d "Bisonte" cd. in 99 ds
rpt. tape and 1 IRC.(Loh-AZ).
:Radio Vn- de San V.i^oreo 7154 n/d cd. in 22 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Konen-WI).
cd. in 28 ds. for a PT rpt.(Miller-W1). in 3 wks. for 2 IRCs.(Howard-CA).
9630 f/d form ltr. d103 in 32 ds. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Carlos
DX Editor.(Reinstein-FL).
:Egeo Beijing 15520 f/d "Great Wall" cd. in 20 as. WI pennant and
.r. Kacir-MI). f/d "Tai Ho Hall" cd. In 26 ds. w/ pennant,stickers.(Fortney-PA).
27 ds.(Stephany-NY). 15165 f/d cd. w/ pennant in 22 ds. for a SP rpt.(Fortney-PA)
w/ pennant in 20 ds.(Konen-WI). Hubei Pie 3940 f/d "Fragrant Hills Park" cd.
lckers in 25 ds.(Palmersheim-MN), CP5S 7700 f/d 'Kunmina -, eke" zd. in 2_6 ds (Farr-

O. Guangxi PBS 4915
eihai Park" cd. In
;w/ pennant and
Frtont qtntion 5770
i. in 26 ds.(Fortney)
Radio Super'. de Me-
4875 personal ltr. early 1960a
ds. for a SP rpt. QSL
Enrique Rios, Dir-
(Kanopka-NY). Radio
Fe 4965 n/d form
;7-pennant in 2 mo.
SP rpt. and 1 IRC.
isa Mahe Vda. de
Zidio q.rnrenza 5095
Ir. in 28 ds. for an
t. v/s Jose A. Rod-
t F., Director. •
s-IL)...much more to
0 from Colombia:

Page 30
COLOMBIA: Radio Cinço 5040 n/d personal ltr. In 3 wks. after a f/up rpt. for a SP
rpt. and ms. v/s Stella Cifuentes Riano, Secretaria General.(Lobdell-MA).
Onda-s dei Meta 4885 p/d ltr. in 55 ds. for a SP rpt. and ms.
(Streeter-NY). Radie Gua.taouni 4815 p/d ltr. in 343 ds.
for a SP rpt. and ms.v/s Sara Emilia Ballestas C.,
Corresponsal.(Straeter -NY). La Voz de Loa Cer-tauArm
* 5955 p/d cd. in 41 ds. for a SP rpt.(Barto -CT). Radio
Cuitutai SUA Catmciana 5010 n/d ltr. in 4 no, on my
14th try(!) for a SP rpt.v/s Maria Christina Andrade
* de Pena, Gerente.Field -MI). Radio Macanena 5975 f/d
prepared cd. in 3 wks. for a SP rpt. and ms. Decal rcvd.
v/s Enrique imnbrano Nieto, Gerente.(Plum -NJ). f/d ltr. in
2 wks. for a SP rpt.(Field -MI). 5973 ltr. in 1 mo. for a SP
* rpt. and ms.(Sparks -CA). Emiaona Artmortiaa dei Caqueta 4915
cd. W/ ltr. in 20 ds. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s P. Alvaro
Serna Al zata. Director.(Sparks -CA). personal ltr. in 36 ds.
for a SP rot, and ms.(Stephany -NY). same in 34 ds.(Rigas -IL).
n/d "Logo" cd. WI personal ltr. in 17 ds.(Wilkins -CO).
COOK ISLANDS: Radio Cook ratan& 11760 f/d B&W "Man/Conch Shell" cd.
* in 45 ds. for 3 IRCs.(Goering -KS). f/d cd. in 34 ds. for 3 IRCs.
v/s Noorda Tangaroa, Director.(Konen -WI). same in 17 ds.(Fortney).
COSTA RICA: TIFC 5055 f/d "Logo" cd. in 130 ds.for 3 IRCs.(Purdum -MI).
CUBA: Radio Eoui Haoana 6115 f/d cd. In 43 ds.(Fortney -PA).
'CYPRUS: Cenue Einceacaruul Cop. 7180 f/d "Map/Statue" cd. in 3 rop. for
---TTRC.(Goering -KS).
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Radio %ague 7345 f/d "Ceremonial Costumes" cd. In 47 ds.
for 2 IRCs.(Tilir-ALTA) 7345 and 5930 f/d cd. In 32 ds.(Fortney -PA).
DENMARK: Raatie Denmcvd! 11776 f/d "Lovely Land" cd. In 22 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Tal -
bot -ALTA). 11715 cd. in 15 ds.(Robinson -TN). f/d cd. In 14 ds. v/s Burk
Baug.(Stephany -NY). same in 1 mo.(Kendra -PA). 15165 cd. in 14 ds.(Paszkie
DODECANESE ISLANDSIRJudeel: Ma. 7205 f/d cd. in 12 ds.(Reinstein -FL) wicz -WI).
DOMINICAN REPUBL:C: le Voz dei CID-Radio Cianin 11700 f/d "Certificado de Sint-
* onia" on CID ltr. head in 14 ds, for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Bernardo Morell.
Addr: Cuba Independiente y Democratica, Delegacion de Costa Rica, A.P. 5557,
* 1000 San Jose, Costa Rica.(Reinstein -FL). Radio Maximo Gomez-CID 11700 prepared
cd. In 18 ds. for an EG rpt. to P.O. Box 60226, Chicago, IL. 60626.(Rigas -IL).
* Radio Joae Antonio 7465 prepared cd. in 18 ds.(Rigas -IL). Radio Ignacco
* Agnamonte 5106 f/d prepared cd. in 18 ds.(Rigas-IL)....presume the last three were
all sent to the Chi:ago address.. .Sam.
ECUADOR: HC28 6095 f/d "ARDXC" cd. in 37 ds. for ms.(Park -HI). 11915 f/d "Earth Station"
— bras. for 1 IRC.(Talbot -ALTA). 26020 f/d cd. in 29 ds. for ms.(Stephany -NY).
15155 f/d "BOXC" cd. in 30 ds.(D'Angelo -PA). f/d cd. In 1 mo.(Lindsay -NH). f/d cd. In
3 wks. for 2 IRCs.(Sgrulletta -NY).
La Voz deL TtiunÀo :260 f/d ltr. In
2 mo. for a SP rpt.(Field-MI).3253
f/d cd. w/ ltr. In 71 ds. for a SP
rpt. v/s Edison Yanez 8., Director.
(Bart° -CT). Radio Quito 4920 folder
cd. In 353 ds. for a SP rpt. and I
IRC. v/s Alfonso Laso B., Gerente.
(Geraghty-UK). "Logo" cd. in 26 ds.
for a SP rpt. and 1 IRC.(Konen -WI).
Radco ZetAcao 3395 p/d ltr. w/ penn-
ant in 5 wks. for a SP rpt. and ms.
* (Wilkins-CO). R,ldip Yacionai Pk0 -
ets o 5061 n/d form ltr. in 11 wks.
for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Efrain
Herrera Guerrero, Gerente.(Wilkins).
* La Voz de Loa Cantu 4795 f/d prepar-
ed cd. in 6 wks. for a SP rpt. and
ms. v/s Marcelo A. Nevarez F., Dir-
* ector.(Sparks -CA). Radio Fedvtacion
4960 p/d cd. In 6 wks. after 5 f/up
rots in 4 yrs for a SP rpt. and ms.
v/s Wilson O. Marin 0.(Lobdell -MA).
EGYPT: Radio Ca-ito 9475 f/d cd. in 94
ENGLAND: VOA Woo.ieton 6040 f/d ca. In
---erik.rffifford -FRG). 7200 cd. In 12
ds.(Streeter -NY). 38C 9915 n/d cd.
in 46 ds.(Paszkiewicz -WI).

Page 31
VERIFICATION SIGNERS: Radio Nacional Angola 4820 Miguel Da. C. Bras. Radio Club«
Goia a 11735 Saul Goncalves, Director. Emissora Rural Santarem 3765 Don
Tiag Ryang. Radio Santiago 6050 Dino Bloisse, Director of DX Pro-
gram. RBI Sorong„ 4875 Linda Rumbai, Announcer. Radio Medit-
erranean 6010 Marisa Farrugia. Radio Pampas 4855 Luis
F.D. Mestre Rojas, Director. Radio Finland 9540
Juhani Niinisto. Radio Bukavu 4839 Edope Monden-
gele, Chief Engineer. BSKSA 11855 Ali M. Babtain.
Radio Nacional do Brasil 15280 R. Azevedo, Director.
Radio Norte 4787 Hector M. Sanchez Toribio, Director.
Radio Dublin International 6910 Gerry Jones. Radio
Rioja 5045 Teofilo Juan Mori Mendoza, Director. SABC
4880 Colin Miller. Radio Rivadavia 9690 Jorge Armando
Falcone, Gerente Tecnico. La Voz del Cid 11700 via Radio
Clarin Bernardo Morell. AIR Hyderabad 4800 0.P. Khusu.
lia17- chortis 3380 Juan Maria Bozus, Director. RBI Djakarta
9680 Anwar Siregar, Kepala Stasiun. Nueva Radio Cobija 4856
Alberto Lazarte Ch. á Jesus Robles. Radio Cultura do Campos
4955 A. Vasconcelos.Radio Itatiaia 4805 Lucia A. Raujo. Radio
Surcolombiana 5010 Maria Cristina Andrade de Pena, Gerente.
Radio Continental 6125 Mariela Loaiza. Ondas del Meta 4885 Wilson
Jair Miranda & Jaime Benito Delgedillo, Director. Radio Maya de
Barillas 3325 Francisco Juan Pedro, Gerente. KYOI 9670 Mark Grizz-
ard. Radio Zinica 6120 Julio C. Pineda.
ENGLAND: Radio Mon-theit,n Heini4mheice 7320 poster in 14 ds.(Geraghty-UK).
l=Eatidtande Ftee Radio SeAvice 6265 prepared cd. in 15 ds.(Geraghty)
*Buttdoq Radio 6270 ltr. in 10 ds.(Geraghty). Radio Memeais 7340 QSL
*poster w/ 'tr. in 71 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Geraghty). Shonaiinh Sound 6220
*ltr. in 2 wks. for SASE.(Geraghty). Phoenix Radio prepared cd. In 11 ds.
*(Geraghty). Radio Apotto 7330 ltr. in 17 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Geraghty). Radio
*Gateetica 730 cd. w/ information in 26 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s Guy de Bruyn.
*(Geraghty). Radio EnteApAiae 7330 cd. In 12 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s Jos Leygraff.
*(Geraghty). Radio Fteedom Stec via Radio Apptto 7330 cd. in 31 ds. for 2 IRCs.
*v/s Graham J. BarcIay.(Geraghty). Radio Apoito inteamatinnai 7325 cd. in 170 ds
*v/s David Scott.(Geraghty). Sounds Aïteanative via Radio &tat Coaat ComateAciat
*6570 prepared cd. In 27 ds. for an SASE. v/s Keith Rogers.(Geraghty). United
*Kinociom Radio 7307 ltr. w/ prepared cd. In 11 ds. v/s Mark Evans.(Geraiiiii7)768MS-
84.i.taina Sete. Muaic station 7315 ltr. in 7 ds. for an SASE. v/s Gary Stevens.
EUROPEAN RUSSIA: Radio Moecow Goicky 7175 f/d cd. In 7 wks.(Meyer-WI). (Geraghty).
4860 via *meow f/d cd. in 43 ds.(Fortney -PA). 9535 f/d cd. In 60 ds.(Lare -MI).
7360 cd. n -T-io.(Palmershelm-MN). 11980 via Anmavia f/d cd. in 1mo.(Palmersheim-MN)
15460 via Zhq uJ..eu4r f/d cd. In 1 mo.(Palmers=hei41f4). 15200 via Kotetch on Don f/d
cd. in 43 s.(Rigas-IL). same in 7 wks. for a broadcast in Gujarati to SEA.(Meyer-W1).
* 15200 via Statobetak f/d cd. in 43 ds.(Rigas -IL). 6090 via Okeithu, cd. in 2 mo.(Meyer).
FEPERAL REP, OF GERMANY: Radio FUE EUICOPe-841.4.i.s 3970 f/d "Map c. In 7 ds.(Rigas-IL).
VOA Munich 9660 f/d cd. In 48 ds.(Anderson-NM). Suddeutachen RundXunh 6030 f/d yellow
cd. In 80 ds. for 1 IRC.(Palmersheim-MN).in 95 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Stephany-NY).
FRANCE: Radio Flance Intennationat 17850 f/d "50th Anniversary' cd. w/ calendar and stick-
er in 6 mo.(Plum -NJ).
FRENCH GUYANE: FR3 5055 cd. in 1 no, for a FR rpt. and 1 IRC.(Swaringen-NC).
GABON: AKAidi-el 4811 P/d "Logo" cd. in 19 ds.(Paszkiewicz-WI). 15200 cd. In 141
ds. for 2 IRCs.(Gundersen -MN). Radio Fiance Intennationat via Mouabi 15435 f/d
"Antenna" cd. w/ pennant in 112 ds.(Stephany-NY). Radio TV Gabonai4e 4777 cd.
in 14 wks. for a FR rpt. and 1 IRC.(Wilkins-CO). folder "Map" cd. in 24 ds.
11.60110 P.1111,01
for a FR rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Loh-AZ). GEORGIAN SSR: Radio Moaeow 15305
f/d ca. in 60 ds.(La-
GERMAN DEN REP: Radio 8eAtin In -
tetnationai 9560 f/d cd. in
Itql-EFUVATICMVAL 81 ds. w/ stamps.(Talbot).
GREECE: VOA 7205 f/d cd. In 10

rTA ds.(67a-nos-MA). Radio
ion gahedoniaa 15020 f/d cd.

in 39 as.(Barto-CT).
GUAM:18 KTWRin f/d
23 "Antenna" cd. for
40 ds. for 2 IRCs.
TO. D .a...rt , v/s Debbie Blosser.(Talbot).
or %As.. A... 9505 cd. in 18 ds.(Konen-WI).
GUATEMALA: Radio Cuiturtat 3300
We are pleased to confirm your reception report a( Radle Dublin C > --- 7i73-ird" cd. in 135 ds.
en63 11. KHz betweeeett and$er. G M T on tAseiàslir;St for 1 IRC.(Swaringen-NC).

Page 32
HOLLAWV: Radio Foezdation ltr. in 88 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Geraghty-UK). Radio Mi Amigo 6225 cd.
ds. for IRCs.(Geraghty). Radio Vaytona 6245 cd. In 27 ds. for 2 IRCs(Geughty).
HONDURAS: HRVC 4820 n/d "Logo" cd. in 3 wks. for 2 IRCs. v/s Cindy Maradiaga.(Plum).
HUNGARY: Reuuo Sudapeat 9585 f/d cd. in 31 ds. for 1 IRC.(Anderson-NM). 11910 f/d cd. In
23 ds.(Cones-VA).
IRAN:,:Iàtamic Revointion 15084 f/d "War" cd. in 12 ds.(Paszkiew icz -WI) .
7i5:: Riz. --, T hZ:d I:sty:national 9745 f/d "Emblem/Map" cd. in 92 ds.(81anchette-FL).

IRELW: Rack° Zin 6910 f/d cd. in 35 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s Owen Kennedy.(Lare-MI).
ISRAEL: IBA 11637 7771 . "Logo" cd. In 57 ds. for 3 IRCs.(Talbot-ALTA).
17-2-577 RFeo Time 6275 very colorful cd. In 4 mo. for a taped rpt. 500 watts. v/s Stefano •
Sticker rcvd.(Berg-MA). Redio MU:Inc Intennationat viaZinaaco 6221 f/d cd. w/
ltr. in 86 ds. for EG rpt. and 3 IRCs.v/s Dario Monferini.(Stephir1777.
IVORY COAST: Radio Abidjan 11920 f/d cd. in 100 ds. for a FR rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Swaringen).
JAPAN: Radio JiiTdiri 17825 f/d "Dolls" cd. in 36 as. for 2 IRCs.(Talbot-ALTA).
KENYA: Voice Kale 4915 f/d ltr. In 30 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s A.K. Mwensa.(Konen-WI).
KIRGHIZ SSR: Radio MO.scoue via Frtunze 9710 f/d cd. In 43 ds.(Fortney-PA). -NY).
KOREA, PEOPLE: Radio Plionotianq 9977 f/d "Dancers" cd. In 133 ds. w/ pennant.(Stephany
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF: Radio Konea 15575 f/d cd. In 38 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Eirenesal-FL).
KUWAIT: Radio Kuwait QSL rcvd. for11675 Itr. w/ folder cd. In 24 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Brenesal).
LESOTHO: BBC 9515 ria "Bridge" cd. in 4 mo. for a taped rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Sgrulletta-NY).
LIBERIA: ELA 4765 f/d cd. in 77 ds. for 3 IRCs. v/s F. Manuel.(Paszkiewicz-WI). ELBC 3255
f/d blue cd. In 6 mo. for 3 IRCs after a f/up rpt.(Goering-KS).
LIBYA: SPLAJ _1816 p/d ltr. In 151 / no, for an EG rpt. and 5 IRCs. v/s Mohammed Sweldan,
-I -Frector. Rpt. was sent to Tripoli and mailed to me from Malta.(Davis-00).
LUXEMBOURG: Rrdio Lwembowiq 6090 n/d cd. In 55 ds. for 1 IRC.(Kendra-PA). 15350 f/d cd.
in 43 ds.(Paszkiew cz- .
MALAGASY REP: Radio Nedentand 15220 f/d "Transmitter" cd. In 14 ds.(Plum-NO.
MALAWI: MSC 338U-77d blue form ltr. In 50 ds. for ms.(Reinstein-FL).
WiT- Raa7F4iA6u4ion Nazionate du Mati 11960 f/d "Map" cd. In 42 ds. for an EG rpt. and
2 IRCS. (Lare -MI).
MALTA: Radio Medite.tAanean 5960 f/d "Map" cd. in 2 wks.(Berg-MA). IBRA Radio 9555 f/d
"Stockholm" cd. in 20 ds. for 1 IRC.(Stephany-NY).
MEXICO: Radio Educa4WIXEPPM 6185 form ltr. w/ photo in 101 / mo. v/s Ing. Gustavo Camino
* L., Subdirector "ecnico.(Berg-MA). Radio Mexico Intennationat 15430 f/d paper cd. WI
sticker in 29 ds. for 1 IRC.(Paszkiewicz-WI).
MONACO: rums Wonid Radio 9495 f/d cd. In 106 ds. for 1 IRC.(Stephany-NY).
MONGOLIA: Radio titan Baton 12070 f/d cd. WI stamps in 52 ds. Konen-WI).
MONTSERRAT: Veut4c4 Watt. 11865 n/d "B/Cing Centre" cd. In 33 ds.(Konen-WI).
MOROCCO: RadiodiÀXuàion TV Maaocaine 11705 and 17710 f/d "Map" cd. In 115 ds. for an AR/EG
rpt. and 3 IRCs. v/s J. Tanne, D1rector.(Foxx-VA). hany-NY).
NAMIBIA: Radio SWA 4965 f/d "Aloe Dichotoma" cd. w/ sticker in 82 ds. for 3 IRCs.(Step-
WAIT-Zndio NepaL 5005 f/d cd. in 90 ds. for 2 IRCs. Should be for 9590.(Konen-WI).
NEW CALEV0N A: FR3 7170 f/d ltr. In 9 mo. for 2 IRCs.(Lare-MI).
NEWFOUNVLANV: Ci 6160 p/d cd. In 43 ds.
WI stickers -7,77s D. Uttaro.(Stephany).
NEW ZEALAND: Radio Haw Zeatand cd. w/ pen-
nant in 20 ds.tBrii-iiiir.7.77.
NICARAGUA: La Voz de ag 5955 f/d
tr. w/ pennant in 1 mo.(Goaring-KS).
NIGERIA: FRCN-Kaduna 4770 f/d form ltr. in
2 no, for a taped rpt.(Kapinos-MA).
* Bonno Radio Coneedtion 6100 personal
ltr. n 5 wks. v/n7rAyuya, Chief
Technical Officer.(Howard-CA).
NORWAY: Pxulie Noniocui Intennationai 21730
cd. In 25 ds. WI sticker.(Mayer-PA)
OMAN: Radio Oman 9735 f/d folder cd. in
---71 as. For Z IRCs.(Konen-WI)
PAKISTAN: Radio Radio 5095 f/d
= -- -7w1- 7=-7;7777,s. Khan.
PERU: Radio Viaion 5350 f/d cd. w/ person-
* al TiF7-7 -rii. for a SP rpt. and ms.
v/s Carlos Campos ivera. Addr: Huall-
aga 559, Juanjui, San Martin.(Lazarus)
* Radio Huanta .1000 4755 f/o ltr. in 2
no, for a SP rpt. v/s G. Tito Abad Ore,

radio ventas asia

Page 33
Odic Pampas 4855 f/d ltr. in 6 wks. for a SP rpt. v/s Luis F.D.
re R., Administrador.(Field-MI). Radie Rioa 5045 n/d ltr. in
ds. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Teofilo Juan Mori Mendoza, Dir-
r.(Stephany-NY), Radio Loo Andes 5030 f/d cd. In 6 no, for a
pt. and is. v/s Pablo Cardenas Valverde, Director Gerente. •
: Jiron Bolivar 529, Of. 201, Huamachuco, La Libertad.(Laza-
LA). Radio OndA4 de HuatZada 3330 n/d Itr. W/ pennant in 4
for a SP rpt. v/s Flaviani Lianos.(Field-MI). Ra.dio Amaz,onat,
f/d cd. w/ personal ltr. in 6 wks. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s
rly Mestanza Prada. Station appreciates reports.(Lobdell-MA).
o ISV 6060 ltr. w/ prepared cd, pennant, poster and other stuff in
. for a SP rpt. v/s Jesus Americo Santa Cruz Valencia, Gerente General (Berg-MA).
o Tanma 4775 ltr. w/ prepared ca. in 1 mo. for a SP rpt. vls Mario Monteverde P.,
iiiit(iiirg-MA). Radio CCLiza.e. Amaa.ta 4955 long, friendly ltr. in 1 mo. for a SP rpt
Saturnino Gavilan, Gerente.(Berg-MA).
INES: Radie Vertitas Aska 11955 f/d cd. in 3 mo. v/s Cleofe R. Labindao.(Meyer-WI).
IL: Radie Poktude 6075 f/d cd. in 62 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Talbot-ALTA). Radio Renascence.
pf/d cd. in 18 wks. for a PT rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Sparks-CA).
1: Rade Nacionae. St 8rica 4926 p/d personal ltr. in 42 ds. for a SP rpt. and 2 IRCs
Martin Nguma Mansoug.(Fortney-PA)...Very nice:
• Radio 8.Ch , eeAt 21485 "The Republics Spring" cd. in 106 ds.(Park-HI).
Deutscne Weae 7225 n/d cd. in 43 ds. v/s Peter Senger.(Paszkiewicz-WI).
KVOI 9670 f/d "Super Rock Station" cd. in 65 ds.(D'Angelo-PA). same in 3 no, for
v/s Ralph Eugenio.(Briscoe-IN).
A81A: &SKSA 11855 f/d "Logo" cd. in 81 ds. via registered mail. v/s All M. Al Bab-
I. SchedZi— Fcvd.(Hosmer-MI).
0, setyke e ,AL -, via Weekend Music Radio 6235 ltr. w/ prepared cd. in 32 ds. for a
v/s Mark Andersen.(Geraghty-UK).
1: Radio rl, Seneoat 4890 f/d "Logo" cd. in 25 ds. for a FR rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Rigas-
in 22 ds. for a FR rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Streeter-NY).
ES: FEU 15200 n/d 'Indian Ocean/Map" cd. in 47 ds.(Gundersen-MN).
IRAI CaLteniase,tta 7175 f/d "Painting" cd. In 54 ds. for 1 IRC.(Falkenhan-010).
aURÉ: SIM 5980 personal 1tr. in 6 mo. v/s M.A. Lynch.(Kanopka-NY).
RE: 88C -7715 n/d "Bridge" cd. in 2 mo.(Gundersen-MN).
ISLX0 - S: 5I80 9545 f/d cd. w/ personal ltr. In 22 ds. for 3 IRCs.(Brenesal-FL).
SOUTH AFRICA: Redio P 3230 f/d "Johannesburg Landmarks"
co. in 2 wks.(Palmershelm-MN).
SPAIN: Radio Libent 7155 "Map" cd. in 7 ds.(Rlgas-
D Ell SC H ELIE ---M. Radio Extek.4.ot St Espana 15375 f/d 'Bode-

Kurzw.r1 gon" ca. w/ pennant in 39 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Tal-

d4o bile unkanmeem bot). 11760 f/d "Entierro de la Sardina" cd. w/
d• chided pennant in 32 ds.(Rigas-IL).
via SWAZILAUD: TWR 3335 cd. in 1 mo. WI pennant.
1 Richard Davis (Field-MIT: Radio SR 4980 f/d "Warrior"
1•:- . cd. in 102 di".-(Pii7:›HI). 6155 same in 102
,RDEN t.:- 4 • I' ds. v/s Bill Cookson,CE.(Park-HI.
' .f . s. •G SWEDEN: Radio Sweden Intennationat 21645 f/d
cd. w/ pennant in 21 ds.(Rigas-IL).
-1. l'et.'W SWITZERLAN0: kwi ,,s Radio Inzelruxtionai 6135
' "Al í• . •1‘11 • BERLIN
Ile .1' : ' 1', i:!:.::.•.1 1. f/d cd. in 21 ds. for 2 1RCs.(Talbot-ALTA)
* 4(12 .1N Zddie-Geneva 14500 f/d "Logo" cd.
1 ;..
TF- 17 ds.(Stepnany-NY).
• .. . 4
'',17 1" .•cta IC, 1.1:k TAHITI: FR3 15170 f/d cd. w/ schedule in 90
ifil - f(31 3IRCs.(Brenesal-FL).
TAIWAN: Voice 04 Ftee Ckina 11740 f/d "Embr-
e, f 'ill-
il i,.. ---Mery" cd. w/ pennant and stamps in 176
i le
r ds. for 3 IRCs.(Tokarchick-NY). Voice oi
vit 14.1 , f • t
Asia 5980 cd. w/ pennant in 2 no. for f
17C7 Sparks-CA). SED31 3230 f/d "Female
72 's
General in Chinesra" cd. in 56 ds.
"re'reflArr!"1111, ,:r t for a 1979 reception.(Barto-CT).
U) 4 -a- TANGIER: VOA 15205 f/d cd. in 47
t > P f, ,rrtrjre • mjeUele1;1 erson-TeT. 9/60 f/d "40th Anniversary"
!rr t, r -d in 63 ds (Clifford-FRG).
rip rIF pr . ' '"' r; F!? ITOGC,:.Radio Tooiei , ie 5047 f/d green/red
17 '.kPl't FP: rp'.*!:r• T - cd. in 40 as. for an EG rpt. and 1 IRC.

„„itaut,,„,,,,,AN, " ,;,;;.; ; • Rwytv (Goering-KS).
2 -____ ,r
r TuRKEy: Voce 1 Twiney 11740 f/d cd. in

-' 1̀"
.I`'" 3;-NI°4•P;F
Wdlltaiolail 5
r ri
! iig Q5L Icom°diiNsmiREthPOR Y

Page —34
UKRAINE: gg ,iiniamrreez via Stanobetak 9580 f/d cd. In 7 wks.(Meyer-WI). Ki v
15240 f/d "Golden gate - Borispol Airport" cd. In 67 ds.(Blanchette-FL
Radco Moscow via Vinnitaa 11860 f/d "Hotel Rossiya" cd. in
43 ds.(Fortney-PA).
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: pubai Radio and Cotowt TV
21655 f/d "Map/Log)" cd. in 33 ds. v/s H.F.
Fenner, Chief Engineer.(Lincisay-NH). 15320 cd.
In 30 ds. for 2 IR:s.(Brenesal-FL).
KGEI 6000 cd. in 46 ds. for ms.(Sparks-CA).
6145 f/d cd. In 79 ds. for ms. v/s Jesus C. Eli-
zondo.(Paszkiewicz-WI). 15280 f/d cd. in 73 ds.
w/ pennant and sticker.(Carleton-ONT). Voice o4
Fite China via WYFR 5985 f/d "Chinese Painting"
cd. w/ sticker in 138 ds.(Purdum-MI). f/d "Paper
Cutting" cd. w/ pennant & sticker in 198 ds.(Fortney).
WYFR 15365 "Logo" :d. in 59 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Talbot).
WiNB 15185 f/d "Logo" cd. in 15 ds. v/s John Chonis.
* Radio USA 7374 cd, w/ ltr. In 24 ds.(Miller-
* WI). Radie CZandea•Li_ng 6102 ltr. on ship stationary in 3
*mo. for a taped rpt.(Berg-MA). PRN Radi.g 1620 "Pirate and
*Ship" cd. in 3 wks.(Berg-MA). WITTI 7425 ltr. in 14 ds. via
*ACE. v/s T. Taylor.(Berg-MA). WART 1616 UM "Angel" cd. in 2
* wks.(Berg-MA). SIQ,3 15028 f/d ltr. in "34 ds. 100 watts.(Plum-
NJ). VOA GrteeituiLti. 21840 f/d cd. in 64 ds.(Clifford-FRG).
UN RaW 15120 f/d cd. In 3 wks. for ms.(Goering-KS). WWV 10000
TIFFC.— /24498 in Iwk.(Anderson-NM). VIRAL() 11965 f/d "Logo" cd.
in 100 ds.(Fortney-PA). 6155 "1984 Worlds Fair" cd. In 68 ds.
(Blanchette-FL). cd. in 104 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Talbot-ALTA). 11950
cd. In 66 ds. for ms. w/ decal .(Konen-WI).
USSR: Radio Moecow 4825 f/d cd. w/o site in 24 ds. for a SP rpt.(Barto-
- r). 12D10 cd. in 1mo.(Lindsay-NH).
UZBEK SSR: Radio Ta.shi. 9600 f/d "Logo" cd. In 51 ds.v/s Mrs. Nadira
Babadjanova, Corre5pondence Section.(Blanchette-FL).
VATICAN: godig_Vcricon. 11810 f/d 'Centro Tecnico Transmissioni Technica*,
Center" cd. In 24 ,is.(Park-H1). 15120 f/d cd. In 24 ds.(Park-HI). 9605 cd
in 22 ds.(Fortney-t )A).
VENEZUELA: Radio Va2¢dan 4840 large photo cd. in 2 mo. for a SP rpt. and ms.
(Lobdell-MA). guji3O Tacheta 4830 n/d cd. In 4 mo. for a SP rpt.(Field-MI).
* "Building" cd. in 115 ds. for ms.(Stephany-NY). Radio êlettort4 Maceo -Ç ID via
facia dei retbei, 4930 f/d prepared cd. in 18 ds. for EG rpt.(Rigas-IL). VVTO
6100 f/d "Logo" cd. in 61 ds. for EG rpt. v/s Cn. German Romero Ocando, Dirac-
tor(Cones-VA). ggdà Loa Andea 6010 orepared cd. w/ personal ltr. in 6 mo. for a
* SP rpt. v/s Angel Maiguez.(Berg.-MA). Redie Vag deZ Tau 6129 postcard in 7 mo.
after 2 f/up rpts. for a SP rpt. v/s Eleazar Ramos Bennudez.(Berg-MA). Radio Rum-
4970 p/d "Pico Bolivar - Los Andes" cd. in 137 ds. for a SP rpt.(Stephany-NY).
WEST BERLIN: RIAS 600i p/d "Antenna" cd. in 21 ds. for a taped rpt. and 3 IRCs.(Kapin-
YUGOSLAVIA: Radio V oei.avia 9620 f/d "Koper" cd. in 497 ds. WI sticker. os -MA).
(George-N. f I
.a ." cd. in 8 mo. after 5 yrst for 3 IRCs.(Goering-KS).
YEMEN: Radio Sana'a 9780 f/d mimeo ltr. in 40 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Reinstein-FL)...
ZAIRE: Radio Caney 5066
- - .POWER n/d ltr. in 7 mo. for
L:s.„ 2 KILOWATTS A.W.A. *a FR rpt. and 3 IRCs.
INIEILM0111./111 MOE.. Wine. WAVE L N 0114 Owns & Operates (Lazarus-LA).
Ígh la • . 1• • Alk 31 -55 METRES e«.. ZIMBABWE: Radie One-ZBC
ro Carat 4. raeri. l'et
3396 p/d over-
AREA N IQ M LES. from Om
aeiel `reeds arm Sissails M . large "Map" cd.
2.974,531 Henry Shaw
POPULATION. collection • r."
Wireness *elechon• in 88 as. after a
Severn ro Corse Sett-
6.5SO.C,00 sin. The aeironent of f/up rpt. for 2 IRCs.
co, srexth end
DISTANCES FROm ./ irstrin.rneeica.
Lo ;ere v/s S. Roberton.
.1 ,0 N.o. Zealand.
vK3mE Canter eadler l:ratims (Stephany — NY).
lNaiaticill Mika) wr Austraoa, Pad..
Nc.v Cuirrea and fti.
London - 9.230 This time around we had
Nrae York • 9.044 Wireless Services sn
:miss sr rim Airstream,
Clucago - 8.500 Mercantole Manne. 121 countries reported
5an FrinCi1C0 6.828 Radio •Vectre ,Verks with some beauties from
e;‘, Do 'ammo 6.900 'or :Fc , anufacture of
Tofu° - 4. 4 20 "CI 4.
of trantrtur• Peru, Colombia,CID, Rio
Shangnoi - 4.300 Palm. z•coadcast r.- Muni among others.
Coecutta - 4.900
Caottown - 5.560 Research ;Ad expel-
73s till next time...
Weilingteri - 1.400 menial 'zirceeatenes. Don't ask why I did
it - I just did:::

Page 35
115 Wroxton
Conroe, TX 77304
Greetings to one and all. Welcome to another edition of Scoreboard. This tine we feature
Europe in the Spotlight. C/H countries heard and O/V countries verified. Remember that
all totals should be in accordance with the NASWA Radio Country List that is available from

The next deadline will be 15 August for the September FEE= and the spotlight will be on
North America. Thanks to all who contributed this month. You must update at least once
a year to remain listed in Scoreboard. If your name does not appear this month, it is because
you have not updated your totals in more than a year.

Name, state C/H C/V Europe Best QSL Name, state C/N C/V Europe Best QeL
C/11 C/V C/H C/V

James Young, CA 229 217 41 38 R Dublin John Sgrulleta, NY 195 195 38 38 Dublin
Don Jensen, WI 227 226 Robert Wilkner, FL 193 110 35 30 Tallinn
John Tuchacherer, WI 227 40 R Renascence Jim Uerlings, OR 193 48 35 21 EPT Greece
Gordon Darling, UK 224 215 44 44 Petrozavodak Henry Lazarus, LA 192 187 37 37 Iceland
Irving Johnson, CA 224 62 41 8 Lithuania Ron Howard, CA 180 34 RIAS Berlin
Bob Padula, Austral. 221 2/4 39 37 Andorra C. J. Orekar, CA 192 177 36 34 Luxrmbourg
Sam Barto, CT 220 211 WMR Mark Koukol. IL 192 166 34 34 South Dublin
Al Sizer, CT 217 216 39 39 Petrozavodsk Vlad Cucura, PA /91 105 33 31 Eu Music R
Marlin Field, MI 215 212 39 39 European MR Martin Foltz, MI 187 142 37 31 Dublin
Bill Sparka, CA 214 208 37 36 Esti R. Mark Warner, UK 186 147 41 39 Vo Leek, Vales

Tom Williamson, Ont 212 193 40 36 Trieste Ixenry Ward. ;OM 185 162 40 39 Scotland
Serge Neumann, AZ 211 19? 36 36 Pathfinders Robert J. Vance, V Germany
Tom Cavaras, MN 211 188 37 35 R Dublin j 185 156 36 35 Dublin
Terry Klasek, MO 210 205 39 38 Pathfinders C. Vernon Hyson, NC 183 164 35 35 Andorra
Al Miller, OH 210 200 37 37 Andorra ISteve Reinstein, FL 193 114 37 31 Tallinn
William Flynn. CA 208 186 38 37 Tallinn Jerry Lineback, TX 183 104 35 27 Andorra
Neal Perdue, AL 207 55 38 18 HNBI Greece Terry Palmersheim, MN 181 140
Gerald Bishop, PA 206 170 39 38 Dublin John Huniwell, NJ 190 174 37 37 Dublin
Victor Saar, Que 206 4 38 Scott McClellan, MI 180 39 WMR Scotland
John Fisher, Alb 203 167 37 36 Dublin Richard Davis. CA 179 158 34 33 Iceland

Shalom Gliksman, IL 202 173 39 38 Tallinn Brian Alexander, PA 179 76 37 31 IBF Italy
Terry Krueger, FL 202 121 39 31 Condor Int Andy Leskowitz, MA 177 101 35 31 Dublin
William Krause, iN 200 153 38 35 Petrozavodsk Mike Hardester, CA 176 161 34 34 Karelr-Fintair
Al Niblack, 200 130 Stephen Lette, MA 176 148 37 36 Minsk
Brett Saylor, PA 200 120
39 32 Dublin Robert Fleck, TX 176 144 36 36 Iceland
W. Max Greenwood. ME 199 35
40 6 WPIR Scotl Gordon Blom, NY 171 141
Chris Lobdell, MA 198 193
38 38 ARIO Mol. John Meyer, WI 166 117 32 29 Minsk
Larry Abraham, MI 19e 178 36 35 Iceland Walter Kuntz, PA . 166 82 36 31
Mike Ryan, CA 197 164 Riga Mark Konen, WI 165 113 32 29 Denmark
Paul Suer., FL 196 178 38 37 Dublin Morley Kirkland. Oat 1414 1146 37 314 Andorna

Name, state Total Europe Best JSL Name, state Total Europe Bes-. SL
CiH C/V CAI ti C/H C/H :

Hans Johnson, IX 164 105 Leon Kanopka, NY 120 99 34 33 Yugoslavia

Ewald Bartunek, Austria 162 135 45 44 Robert L. Woods, VA 118 43 34 24 Poland
Del Fye, FL 161 128 38 35 Tallinn David Benner, IN 117 83 32 29 Yugoslavia
Nelson George, ÂC 161 123 ;7 33 Caltaniasep.ta Mike Brooker, Ont 114 36 31 31 AMR Andorra
Robert Beaudoin, CT /60 125 Bill Taylor, PA 113 91 33 52 Dublin
Kevin Meyer, VA 160 111 Jim Tedford, MI 111 68 Albania
James McClure, KY 151 92 35 30 R Dublin Sheryl Paszkiewicz, WI 110 75 32 27 R Mediterran
Tim Hall, CA 157 115 32 31 R Vox Fidel Greg Hart, FL 110 60 31 26 Denrark
Zurich, Via Portugal Fete Grenier, CA 107 74 28 25 TWR Monte Car
Baxter Hensley, TX 156 139 30 30 Vilnius Laniel Sampson, WI 106 65 27 22 Tirana

Charles Connell, GA 156 129 35 32 Iceland William Plum, NJ 106 614 32 25 Renascenca
Dave Maxfield, MI 156 35 Arnold Lausevich, WI 105 79 32 29 Lithuania
Mark A. Duba, VT 155 117 J. Gary Pate, MD 105 71 31 25
Bob Streeter, NY /55 102 35 23 Westside R.Dale Park, HI 105 29 23 10 Sweden
Paul Choroszy, ME 154 116 36 35 Yugoslavia 3111 Leal, Ont 101 66 28 26 R Northeea In
Daniel Viens, NH 153 7 32 2 'Tom Mooningham, NC 97 84
Jim Green, AL 152 112 Louis Sica, jr., NJ 96 35 28 Dublin
Larry Cunningham, ON 151 52 33 24 Dublin Nan Tedford, MI 93 46 France
Shawn McDaniel, IN 151 28 Robert Fraser, MA 91 65 32 29 Norway
Dan Miller, WI 149 23 Bob Gunderson, MN 89 57 29 27

Fred Kohlbrenner, PA 146 113 Homer Ingler, FL 87 63

hm. R. Smith, DC 146 75 54 29 Dublin Eric Jaderlund, WA 87 29 27 10 Malta
Norman Bobb, MN 146 1 31 Paul Jante, ME 84 50 30 20 Lithuania
Ken Cobb, ME 145 95 36 33 Ireland George Tokarchick, NY 80 60 34 32 Ireland
Brian Sarkisian, MI 144 92 Gerald Clark, IN 78 62 28 27 Vilnius
Don Moamar, MI 142 98 33 30 Iceland Robert Luke, OH 44 28
78 19 Greece
Ken Loh, AZ 140 100 31 29 Tony Kobylski, MD 76 52 29 25
Steven Lare, MI 139 94 34 31 Dublin Frank Wheeler, KS 75 56 25 25
James Clifford, W Germany Peter Giacopelli, NY 54 31 25 Vilnius
138 110 37 31 AWE Andorra Michael Monaco, MY 73 51 27 21 Vilnius

Christos Rigas, IL 136 107 34 32 Andorra Jerry Schmidt, WI 73 48 27 24 Luxembourg

Austin Kelly, IL 135 103 33 32 Dublin Edward Overstreet, GA 71 62 27 25 Greece
Mac Leonhardt, IN 133 70 Todd Smith, CT 71 52
Gene Eastman, TX 132 77 30 23 Denmark Eric Mayer, OH 70 41 31
25 Iceland
Kenneth Briscoe, IN 132 68 33 22 Dublin William Dunham, LA 69 56 30
Gilles Michaud, ZUO 131 58 32 25 Andorra Joe Polchlopek, japan 69 40 20
13 Monaco
Frank Povsic, FL 128 74 36 31 Luxembourg Thomas McCasland KS 65 35 26
19 Vilnius
Scott Warner, SC 127 96 39 33 Andorra Jack Nibecker, Jal. Mexico 64 39 IS 13 Svitzerlan,
Nolan Stephany, NY 125 95 31 28 R Milano Brett Whysel, CT 61 32 25 16
Gene Purdum, MI 122 76 32 28 Denmark Rita Vernetti, Kwajalein 59 51
Rob Sobkoviak. IL 50 10

Thanks to all who contributed this quarter. Remember, you mist update your totals at least
once a year. Share your totals with us. Next deadline will be 15 August with the spotlight
on North America.

FOR SALE: Yassu FRG-7700, Radio West version with Collins 2.9 and
1.9 mechanical filters. Nine months old in absolute mint condition.
Comes with dust :over. Must sell at $450.00. Keith J. Thibodeaux,
9525 Woodbine Drive, Baton Rouge. LA 70815. Phone (504, 928-5759.

FOR SALE: 0X-160 receiver with manual for best offer. Charles R.
Foxx, 2932 Myrtle Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23504. Phone (804) 623-0362
after 0300 nightly or weekends.

Page 37
June 1983***Number 140

Tom Alienan
615 W. 43rd l'arr., Apt. 6
Kansas City, 40 64111 USA
(816) 831-5843 7-10 pm only

Reproduction permitted. Credit original reporter and NASWA UPDATE. Dates, times and days
are GMT. Freqs are kHz.

UPCOMING DEADLINES: 10 June (Mid-June) 19 June (July) 11 July (Mid-July)

SUMMER DAZE: A quiet issue this time and with all of the bad weather conditions being
reported on the TV, I'm not surprised. The center of my thoughts these days is the new house
we've just bought and the thought of an outdoor antenna for the first time since 1970! It's
easy to get away from radio for the summer and very tempting, too. But don't do it. There's
lots of good stuff to be heard and with a little patience you'll be able to hear it. Summer
doesn't have to be a radio vacation!

BOLIVIA R. Padilla, 3480a, in SP 0158-0206 here in much 01,

814 and noise with M angler and SP
vocals by N. Very poor on 5-9 and no ID noted. (Moritz, OR)...R. Abaroa, 4720, in SP 0100-
17 and 0145-55 noted weakly with folk vocals and M anncr between. At 0145 recheck much
stronger and clearer and again with nice folk vocals by W with M Inner although still no ID.
Presumed the one here therefore. (Moritz, OR 5-9)
BRAZIL R. Liberal, 3325, in PT 0300-06 noted here again with clear ID on 5-6 by M with full
nor SW and MW operation, including frequencies. Into vocal tune. Best during 0250-0305
time slot when UTE took a bit of a break, hi. (Moritz, OH) ++. R. Inconfidencia, 15190, in
PT 2143-55 here with sports match and excited M anncr. Inconfidencia spit out by him 2145.
Very strong though some slop from unidentified broadcaster. // 6000 at 2230 recheck but QRM
worse by then. (Moritz, OR 5-8)
COLOMBIA LV de Huila, 6150, in SP 0505-15 here with good signals on 5-15 with ads, a number
« M DJ and some nice Colombian me, both instrumentals and vocals. (Moritz, OH)
PERU R. Inca, 4763a, in SP 0342-0602* and noted May 14, 15 and 17 typically v/ some local
17.17ma, some nondescript latin ma, MBW v/ seeming dedication program, mensajes, etc., 0400-
0500 or so, MW/SW calls and freq., ID 0500 as 013X4E but couldn't pull SW calls. IDed as R.
Inca del Peru and played a short uptempo version of Happy Birthday in EG 0502. More local
ma after 0500 v/ ID/TCs scattered around to 0600 NA and full ID information. Vy high local
noise helped keep details to a minimum but fairly strong signal nevertheless. Later monitor-
ing indicates SW call is OB 4W, 4762 kHz and MW freq possibly 1260 or 1270 kH z . (Dan Sheedy,
CA).++nicely done and I think you heard enough details ON. tba+++R. Madre de Dios, 4950,
in SP 0212 noted leaving the air amid much QRM. (Moritz, OR 5-9)+4-0.R. Tropical, 4935, in SP
0230-56 v/ decent signals on 5-9. Lively M dj w/ talk over Indian music and drumming from t-
in until 0236 when into impassioned and screaming talk by him. Very fast SP vocal 0420 and
a couple more tune, then W on tape briefly and M anncr back after carrying on. Mention of
Tarapoto by him 0255. (Moritz, OR)
SWAZILAND T. Truro (SCR), 6155, in lang *0255-0500. On with African ma IS, 0300 into prgm
of Hindustani mx w/ W anncr in EG, some ads, anntmt for R. Truro's national Indian ma con-
test, address given se R. Innro, P.O. Box 10509, Marine Parade, 4056 Durban. At 0500 into
R. Parallelo 27 (SC1) in PT w/ PT ballads, trumpet fanfare 0509, assumed na, bank to ma and
no WRNO at any time. Reception fair v/ some fading by 0520. (Ron Howard, CA 5-11)***Welcome
back, ON. tba
VENEZUELA R. Rumbos, 9660, in SP 2157-2201* 14 in SP noted briefly and into Venezuelan-na-
tional anthem and plug. Schedule change or just Sundays? (Moritz, OH 5-8)

Last time we'd just started into John Herkimer's survey of Venezuelan b'casting activity.
Rather than try to pick up where ve left off, I think that we'll print the beginning as
well so that non-Mid-Monthers can have a full survey, too.

3215 Ondas Panamericanas, YVZV 1 kW

El Vigia, Merida; listed 1000-0400 but unreported in recent months and presumed inac-
tive, Follow ups to old reports possible to v/s Martin Prieto, Locutor.

3225 R. Occidente, YVTC IkW

Tovar, Merida; listed 1000-0400 and heard well evenings especially in 0100-0300 slot.
Parallel of 9753v heard well in late October 1982 but unheard there of late. Oct. 82
time of reception from 1000. vis Berta Puente A., Secretaria.

Page 38
NASWA UPDATE/June 1983 2

3255 LV de el Tigre, YVQL 1 el

El Tigre, Anuoategui; listed 1000-0300 and well heard evenings from 0130 with Radio
980 slogans and varying slightly to 3256. You might try vie Carlo. Poleo, Director,
for reports.

3275 R. Mara, 'MAC lkW

Maracaim, Zuila; listed 1000-0400, seemingly reactivated in August 1962 and well
heard here (and here in KC) an late as 0500*.

3325 R. Monagas, INRA 5KW

Maturin, Monagas; listed 1000-0400 and supposedly reactivated per Tropical Band Sur-
vey (TU) but unreported. Follow ups to v/s Melly» S. Veliz.

3395 R. Univtrsidad, YVQJ lkW

Merida, Merida; listed 1100-D400 and recently reactivated. Heard in mornings prior to
s/on of R. Zaracay.

4760 R. Frontera, YVPP lkW

San Antonio, Tachira; listed 1000-0300 and being heard both mornings and evenings from
2330. Reactivated around January 1982. (Tends to be difficult to hear but easiest here
during early local evenings--tba) For QSL try v/s Modesto Marchena at Carrara 5 entre
Callen 3 y 4.

4770 R. Mundial, nrtni 1 kW

Ciudad Bolivar, Bolivar; listed as 0900-0400 and very well heard here (and everywhere
in NKR) throughout evening. For QSL try v/s Senora Trina de Bartoli.

4780 LV de Carabobo, YVLA lkW

Valencia, Carabobo; listed 0900-0400 and well heard evenings. via Julio R. Tu, Oper-

4800 R. Lara, YVMD 10kW

Barquisimeto, Lara; listed 1000-0400 and well heard 'age to 0400* leaving the
Ecuadorian audible.

4820 LV de Apure, YVRC 1 kW

San Fernando de Apure, Apure; listed low-ime and reported as reactivated by Swedish
DIer in 01PWC1 around 0900. Too sketchy to call by very doubtful.

4830 R. Tachira, 'NOB 1 kW

San Cristobal, Tachira; listed 1000-0500 and reactivated in August 1982. Widely re-
ported since then with excellent signals. Best evenings from 0130. v/s Albertina de
Gonzales L.

4840 R. Valera, r/OI 1 kW

Valera, Trujillo; listed 0900-0400 and well heard throughout North America evenings.

4860 R. Maracaibo, YVQE 10 kW

Maracaibo, Zaila; listed 1000-0400 but highly irregular. One lone report in May of
1982 and not6ing since. Presumed off.

4900 R. Juventud, YVNI 10 kW

Barquisimeto, Lara; listed 1000-0400 and widely reported evenings in North America
with US rock format usually from 0000. (Jazz fans note: often b'casts one hour prgess
of jazz, formerly Thursday evenings 0300-0400 and lately during same slot on NAm
Sunday evenings; can be well worth a listen and sometimes even does prgms of things
like authentic delat blues and such. toe)

we'll continue with this next time. As used above, the abbreviacion'v/s" means verification
signature, teat is, the person signing the QSL card of verification. The listings at the
outset of each entry are the city and etate of the station. As you'll see next time, these
are important in working toward the NASWA award for Venezuelan DX.

About all from here for now. Am still looking for scan reporters. If you're interested
drop ma a note. Tnx.

Best 73,

Page 39
sec9 on
/ j2boo o 4849 kH
Editor: Dr. S. David Klein, 842 Cranbury Cross Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902

ly I'm not the only one noting poor conditions on the bands lately -- we have a
rt column this month. On to it...

BRASIL R.Transamazonica; 0204 EZL mx, OM DJ in PT, sevl poss IDs, fanfare,
anthem, and off 0232. vp/overmod(Mellberg 4/27)
NEW GUINEA R.West Sepik; 1035 Mx & mixed IC/PD tilt to the hour, when group in
EG noted w/drama on how to use telephone. g(Bolland 4/10) 1105 M/ann in PD
v/"That's the News" then F DJ v/EZL mx pr. (Murff 5/4) 1118 YL DJ w/pop mx, ment
PNG, ID 1121, request pr. g(Mellberg 4/21) 1130 as Unid Wann reading ax to

2 ilandIr/Ç Mel
Ptito; p%521= eirw/ 1
)Ds in PT & EC to 0255 anthem. Wk sig and UTE
QRM gave p reception. (Biller 4/10)
UNID 0355 Ai sounding pr: tribal mx, Ilk by M & W and ID on hr but couldn't dig

lD t the1Q(U xt 1=71" 0415 Lou: uegore: t eithM: h:e veno::d t// 1:7:1Zr (4867 9£1 noted
to drift day by day. (Biller 4/14) Indeed, this does not seem to be a
particularly stable station--sdk
CELEBES RAI Manado; 1049 Melodic mx v/F singing. On hr, pose ID and short tilt,
then back to mx. Believe I hrd Manado but not certain. p(Bolland 4/10)
ECUADOR RCJB; 0350 ID and into "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" on pan flutes.
Absolutely magnificent. g level(Alleman 4/4)
TOGO Lama-Kara; 2248 NO Af mx - lone chanter. wk sig(Biller 4/7)
VENEZUELA R.Occidente; 0200 Lively LA= mx. (Dickson) 0216 Sb o tempo voc mx
v guitars, ID by M. g(Gilster 4/16)
SOUTH AFRICA R.RSA; 0309 Clear EC ID by M, rock mx, thru bad QRN. (Gilster)
SOUTH AFRICA SABC; 0000 OM DJ in EG trying to sing, pop mx by US stars, mx
request pm. (Alexander 4/10) 0415 Pop mx, OM/ann. vg(Wilkins 4/14) 0425 Pop mx,
semi-witty DJ. g(Biller 4/14) Couldn't quite read that -- you did mean
semi-witty and not semi-witted, didn't you?--sdk
HONDURAS R.Luz y Vida; 0310 SP tlk by M, marimba & voc mx, EZL sels, /D 0326. f
recep, tho took some work w/filter (Dickson)
LIBERIA ELBC; 2251 F DJ v/TC, hilife mx, some disco, g sig. (Biller 4/7) 2310
Mx about Ai, Liberia, ID, jazz mx. f(Bolland 4/13) 0615 Gospel mx & OM DJ, freq
IDs, tel mag 0630 for early risers. g/QRN(Stephany 4/11)
ECUADOR LV del Río Carrizal; 1047 M 14/SP tlk, posa ID 1103, tlk continues. vy
wk and p overall(Bolland 4/22)
NEW GUINEA R.Madang; 1115 M DJ v/50's style rock mx, freq PD IDs, MK 1200 then
into 1cl chanting and log pounding mx. (Mhrff 5/4)
VENEZUELA R.Mara; 0232 Long ,t1k by M, then show called "Dia a Dia," ads by M.
g(Gilster 4/16) 0330 LAm mx, ID, strong síg to 0350*. (Dickson) 1004 NA, Zulia
state anthem, string of canned IDe & into "La Gran Minería" pr. (Reinstein 4/30)
KASHMIR AIR Srinagar; 1430 Noted again in HD //3315. g(Willis-AUS ADXN220)
ECUADOR LV del Napo; 1030 Miami v/ID, IC, listener dedication, LAm pop mx sels.
vy stong(Krause 4/10) Ri Bill--sdk
BELIZE RB; *0028 NA, s/on ann in SP and .,eG sep by IS, pop mx w/EG DJ,
"Marketplace" want ads. (Stephany 4/13) 0350 US pops, EG ID 0400. f(Dickson)
1130 Pop mx, occ C & W tune, IC. f(Krause 4/5)
MADAGASCAR Antananarivo; *0258 1 Min IS, 1 min NA, opening lang ID by F. f
sig(Biller 4/9)
SOUTHWEST AFRICA Windhoek; 0356 "Sounds of Silence" ou Guy Lombardo style
clarinets. Made me wish for bad propagation (Amen!). (Alleman 4/6) 0450 Tlk by OM
in AK, 4 pips 0500, ID by OM, more Ilk. f(Lobdeld 4/5)
BURUNDI Bujumbura; 0259 Drums, SA, 0301 ID & ann by M, guitar mx & singing.
(Johnson 4/15) 0325 Percussion ax, lang M 0355 ment Bujumbura, bilife vocals é
xylophone mx to 0400 abrupt Warm v/full FR ID text per WRTVH, no cime tones, into
lang ax, nother clear FR ID & long FR tilt. Started f, peaked 0350-0415, in clear
w/Guat off. HC 4 204. (Kruger 5/12) Congrats OM!--sdk
TIMOR RRI Dili; 1147 IN songs by W to 1158, M/ann, SCI, apparent Jak ax relay
by M. Tent on site. (Lazarus 51229)
INDIA AIR Bhopal; 1340 HD px at vy good level. (Willis-AUS ADKN220)

Page 40
3325 BRASIL Unid; 0231 Enthused futbol play-by-play by M/ann in FT, many 30 sec
g000aaallla!!. 0235 Brief jingle (unreadable) & back to game. G to 0238 when
destroyed by resident UT!. (Cunningham 4/16) Poss Liberal--sdk
3335 NEW GUINEA R.East Sepik; 1127 M DJ in PD wild l rock mx pa, C & d tunes, freq
IDs, ICs. (Murff 5/4) 11141 Lang percussion & singing mx, F/ann witlk, more 1cl
mx. p(Bollund 4/10)
3345 MOLUCCAS RRI Ternate; 1200 YL w/IN na. f(Wilkins 4/29) 1232 Gamelan mx, M
777-1-7.71 , 1251, gamelan mx to 1300 ID & M 4/ox. g(Polchlopek 4/7)
3360 GUATEMALA LV de Nahuala; 0230 Marimba mx & SP tlk by M, ID. f(Dickson)
3370 GUATEMALA R.Tetulutlan; 1016 Tlk by OM in Ind dialect w/3 /Ds noted, vocal mg
then marimbas after 1025. Only sig on quite deed 90 M band this AM(Lobdell 4/27)
3380 GUATEMALA R.Chortis; 0200 Marimba F. vocal mx, M/ann in SP, sevl IDs. g(Dickson)
3380 MALAWI Blantyre; 0403 "You are listening to the Malawi Broadcasting Station" by
OM 0403, then into Lang tlk. (Mellberg 4/11) Hi Fritz--sdk
3381 ECUADOR R.Iris; 1030 M/ann in SP v/ballacla, pop mx, ID. f(Krause 4/30)
3385 NEW BRITAIN R.Ea. N.B.; 1046 ID, C á W mx. f(Williams FT230)
3394.5 ECUADOR R.Zaracay; 1000 Rd l px w/hymns & miss, ID 1030. vg(Krause 4/12)
3398 BALI 4 LESSER SUNDAS RRI Singaraja; 1123 Poor sig to 1300 when blocked by FF84
3400. Jak nx 1200 4 1300, Ici Indo ox 1230. (Masud/I-JAI ADXN220)
1409.2 INDONESIA Unid; 1218 OM w/IN tlk, vy wk, gone by 1235. (Wilkins 4/29)
3427 WEST IRIAN RRI Manokwari; 1258 F wild l mx pa to 1300 full ID then long tlk by
F/ann w/frel ment of RRI. (MUrff 4/13) Ni Nathan--sdk
3479.7 BOLIVIA P.Padilla; 0008 Campesino guitar tunes fall by sevl ballads to 0031
long monologue by M w/many ment of numbers, maybe lottery. Strong sig but muffled
audio. (Reinstein 5/12) 0030T GM/son w/tlk, drifting, vp w/QRN 5. fading. (Jordan)
3661 PAKISTAN Azad Kashmir R.; 1720 Not // 4980, weak 4 just audible over the noise
level. (Goenetilleke-SRL ADXN220)
3905 NEW IRELAM) R. New Ireland; 1010 Long tlk by M in PD, ment "Papua state" 1030,
one cnime, then ment New Ireland & into nice island mx S. the "12 Days of Xmas" (on
5/5 no less!) Tnx Wilkner. (Reinstein) 1221 Nice native choral mx, PO tlk. ARO
ORM(Mhirff /12)
3910 JAPAN FEN; 1149 OM 4 SL w/EG tlk, ID, fqy eked, IC 1200, SL w/olat ax, then
oldie mx sels. (Hensley 5/8) Hi Baxter--sdk
3945 VANUATU RV; 0810 EG/PD Wean w/world na, into tlk & 60's pop mx sels, ads.
/7260, ARO ORM(Murff 5/4) 1015 EG ad in Aussie accent, then native lingo pa.
Gone by 10A. (Biller 4/14)
3950 CHINA Qinghai PBS; 1150 F/ann w/px of CH vocals & piano ex, time pips on 'hr,
more tlk. f/QRM(Murff 5/12)
3958 FALKLAND ISLANDS FIBS; *0858 NA, ID as "This is the Falkland Islands
Broadcastitg Station", ox, "Breakfast Show." (Biller, Johnson, Krause, Lausevich,
Lucas, Valk°, Wilkins)
3995 WEST GERMANY DW; 0329 GM M w/apparent mx dedication show - menta of birthdays
around the world. ARO ORA. g(Gilster 5/1)
4040 AaRSFSR Vladivostock; 1012 RS semi-class mx, operetta singing. g(Bolland 4/19)
4087 JAVA RPKDT2 Blitar; 1350 /N anmts, no sign of Mongolia now listed for 4085.
4300 PERU R.Moderna; 0218 SP ballads, criollo tunes, M ID 0224. f w/ECSSB (Kruger)
4420.4 UNID 0027 At threshold level w/ECSS15. Mostly LAm vocals & M/ann w/brief elk
beta, sels. Suspect Reyes but need better Bolivian opening for more details. See
also 4473. (Reinstein 4/19)
44731 souv7A R.Movima; 0026 SP ballads & lively percussion ritmos, much too weak for
clear ID . vp(Reinstein 4/19) 0234 Hyped SP X tlk, nondescript ballads, wk but
clear, beige w/ECSSB during g LAm opening. (Kruger 5/12)
4485 AsRSFSR Petropavlovsk; 1011 RS radio drama. g(Bolland 4/19) Hi Chuck--adk
46101 AsRSFSR Khabarovsk; 1018 M/ann wiRS tlk to mx 1020. Sig s'y wk. (Bolland 4/19)
4635 TADZZHIKSLIN Dushanbe; 0000 M S W tlk in RS, then mx 0015. g(Krause 4/23)
4647.61 BouvrA R.Santa Ana; 0228 SP M discuesion on Sol political issues, ment sevl
towns, no ID. F/p in STE trash. Presume this one based an definite 3/20 log on
4649.6. (Kruger 5/12)
4656 ECUADOR CBE; 0300 LAm pops, ballads, M/ann w.t1k, IDs, etc. p(Jordan 4/22)
4696.7 BOLIVIA R.Riberalta; 0112 Nice & clear w/LAm instls to 0124 Long string of
personal "ntencion" messages read by M w/many ment Riberalta & Bolivia. (Reinstein
5/11) 0340 OM DJ w/pop 4 romantic mx, lone H.I/XE mx, full ID & swan lake theme
0459 :o 0500*. Best ever. (Lobdell 5/5) Same theme as used in the original Lugosi
version of "Dracula"?--sdk
4719 BOLIVIA R.Abaroa; 0210 Much Lam voc mx, one or two OA-sounding songs. Few ana
and just one /D noted 0244. f(Valko 4/27)
4719 CELEBES RRI Ujung Pandang; 1335 IN M tlk, patriotic songs, ID by SL, IN pop me
sels, M tlk betw. (Sharpe 4/26)

Page 41
4740.11 BOLIVIA R.Mamore; 0035 Noted in passing w/usual CP MoR mx& Miann. Tao many
other goodies this PM to wait for an ID on this. (Reinstein 5/13)
4753 CELEBES RRI Ujung Pandang; 2215 Hrd quite clearly w/px of native mx, M & F/ann
in IN. (Biller 4/7) 1031 F singing ta F/ann witlk, M joins in. f(Bolland 4/30)
4755 BRASIL Rdfa.Maranhilo; 0826 Rot mx, ICs, ads, 2 full IDs 6 rc 0831, best ever
for this, as usually swamped by UTES. (Mellberg 4/11)
4754.8 PERU R.Huanta; 0935 OM w/tik, YL singer w/folklorico ballads, freq TCs & ID as
"R.Huanta de Huanta." Some yippy vocals, peaked arnd 1010, then faded out.
(Lobdell-NJ 4/17) 1008 Typical squeaky DA mx, M/ann ¶4/tlk, IC. Bad het and fading
made for tough copy. p(Bolland 4/26)
4762.6 PERU R.Inca del Peru; 0047 Surprised to run across this on g OA nite. Nice
rustic flute solos & Andean chatter. Deep fades but g ID 0101. by M "Transmite
OBX4E mil ? cientos I onda media, OCK4W 4762 kc ? en la banda de 60 metros. R.
Inca del Peru!" Sevl more ment of R. Inca. Also noted 1015. Believe chis has been
off for sevl years. (Reinstein 5/13) You believe correctly -- nice catch, and tax
for a most detailed report!--sdk
4765 BRASIL R.Nal. Cruzeiro do Sul; 1023 Bras mx foil by PT tlk, then into more of
similar mx. f(Bolland 4/18)
4765 LIBERIA ELWA; 2245 EG tel sermon w/rel mx ta 2259 full ID by M in EC, NA, and
off 0002*. f(Bolland 4/11)
4770 NIGERIA Kaduna; 2240-0030, *0400-0530 Usual mix of Af mx, some pops, tlk, ax,
etc. (Bollard, D'Angelo, Jordan, Smith, Sobkoviak, Tindall)
4770 VENEZUELA R.Bolivar; 0145 SP tlk to ID, into mx, more Its. f(Worob 4/30) 0206
LAm hits countdown, ID bets, sels. (Tindall 4/17) 0245 Regional ox, ads, LAm mx,
ID. g(Dickson) 0341 ID by M, ads, 4 w/one side of phone tlk (YV Bob
Newhart?)(Gilster) Could bel--sdk
4771 N KOREA Pyongyang; *1232 IS, MA & oriental lang opening. (Aileman) Hi Tom—edit
4775 PERU R.Tarma; 0610 Tlk by F/ann ment Radio Tar- ma sevl times and then suddenly
off 0621*. p(Rigas 4/17)
4777 GABON Libreville; 2245 M/ann v/FR tlk to mx aels. g(Bolland 4/21)
4780 VENEZUELA LV de Carabobo; 0000-0330 Mixed bag of LAm mx & tlk. (8 rep)
4781 HONDURAS R.Juticelpa; 1017 ID, tlk by fired-up ann, then song backed up by a
band that sounded like a cross between mariache & GM oompah! (Tindall 4/26) 1031
Many ads, ID, ranchers mx. f(Jones 5/2) 1055 OM tlk, /D 1058, jingles, ads, LAm
mx sell. p(Hensley 4/18)
4782.7 MALI Bamako; 0610 Ilk by M, //5995 under VOA, 4835 empty. (Alexander 4/16) 0645
OM 10/FR tlk, ORO. f(Konen 4/30)
4785 BRASIL R.Ribamar; 3215 PT ID, PT/US pops. (Alexander 4/17)
4789 WEST IRIAN RRI Fak-Fak; 1313 F/ann w/nx or cmty tlk about Libya to ID and then
into more tlk. (Mürff 4/13)
4790 PERU R.Atlantida; 0345-0640, 0940-1020 OA 8 LAm mx 6 tlk. (9 rep)
4800 VENEZUELA R.Lara; 0329 St* promo, full ID 0330, LAm mx. (Tindall 4/17) 0351
=F/ari=v1/off ann, fqys, NA, 0355*. vg(Gilster 5/1)
4810.1 PERU R.San Martin; 1005 Mostly upbeat modern LAm pops, hyper OM/ann w/freq ICs
4 ID.. Mot to be confused w/Galapagoe. (Reinstein 5/14) 1055 SP 4 tlk & mx, ID
during ad string. p(Bolland 4/7)
4810.3 GALAPAGOS LV de Galapagos; 0055 Px * "Galapagos Informando" w/vide variety of
LAm ax items segued by Andean marching theme. ID 0139 as "R.Galapagos." Brief ORM
0100 w/Yerevan s/on, but otherwise zinc! (Reinstein 5/12)
4815 BRASIL R.Nel. Tabutinga; *1000 Opening song foil by big slow ID. Long slow
ballade as well. vg(Biller 4/14) 03451 OM & YL w/PT nx. f(Smith 4/30)
48151 UPPER VOLTA Ouagadougou; 2245 Noted in FR w/M/ann under malaise of noise.
Presumed. (Biller 4/7) How much noise is in a "malaise"?--sdk
4820 ANGOLA Luanda; 0045 Ai hi-life mx, PT/IC pops, mixing w/presumed URVC. //9535
much better. F/ann w/PT ID 0058, inst NA, 0100*. (Alexander 5/1)
4820 ECUADOR R.Paz y Bien; *0903 Short mx pa, ID, fqys, NA, foil by tel pa. Ute QRM
on the lo-side. f(Jones 4/26) Hi Jack--sdk
4820 HONDURAS HRVC; 0300 M w/SP ID, into slo tel vocal mx. Earlier this PM they were
playing Mozart. g(Gilster 4/20) 0455 SP tel mx, closing ann wiID 0500 to 0502*.
(Alexander 4/30) 1050 Rd l pa w/church congregation. (Weinhold 4/10)
4825 PERU LV de la Selva; *0959 S/on w/long MA ta 1001, foil by drum solo & opening
ann by F/ann, complete ID, then tlk by M S F. g(Cuningham 4/22) 1011 Flutes S voc
mx, bird sounds. OM ID 1016 & again 1021. f/g(Mellberg 4/11) 1018 Mx to 1021 full
canned ID wireverb mike, tel mx. p(Bolland 4/11) 1024 OA mx, Its by 4 6 F fall by
rd l pa. f(Jones 4/18)
4830 VENEZUELA R.Tachira; 0015-0400*, *0900V-1040 Mixed bag of LAm nx & tut (11 rep)
4832 COSTA RICA R.Reloj; 0352 No QRM as Tachira not noted, could hear the clock
ticking in the background, ID 0153. f(Smith 4/30)
4835 GUATEMALA R.Tezulutlan; 1027 LAm mx, full ID. (Tindall 4/26)

Page 42
4835 SOUTH AFRICA SABC; 2223 EZL mx, then Mahler symphony, EC s/off ana, NA, 2245*.
f!Gilster) 0400 EG tlk on onions. U)ickson 4/14) bet that talk just made
you want to cry!1 0425 Agricultural report, effect of recent ix on crops.
(Tindall 4/15)
" You format the loggings nicely, OM!--sdk
4840 PERU R.Andahuaylas; *1005 Typ sounding OA wihi-pitched Andean vocals, a few ID.
before 1025 E/out. Fair till then. (Biller 4/14) 1039 ID & TC "en R.Andahuaylas",
OA mx. f(Joves 4/27)
4840 VENEZUELA R.Valera; 0335 M w/breathless IDs & ICs, standard LAm vocals.
f/g/het(Gilster 4/20) 0340 EZL LAm mx w/M/ann. f(Dickson) 0940 Noted w/NA S IDs
at tun. (Alexander 4/9)
4845 MAURITANIA Nouakchott; 2245 AR mx w/chanting, IS 2300, ON w/tlk ox. (Lausevich
4/11) 2311 AR tlk foll by twanging mx & chanting (sounded like he had his hand
over his nose & mouth). g(Bolland 4/21) 0701 FR ox foil by AR tlk. f(Manning 4/23)
4847V BOTSWANA Gaberone; *0355 Cattle & bell IS to 0359 NA 5. F/ann in Lang to 2402,
OM w/tIk afterward. g(Lausevich 4/25) 0435 Pop mx w/EG DJ, into Lang tlk 0435.
Fair sig but lo audio(Biller 4/14) Varying a kHz up or down or so--sdk
4850 CAMEROUN Yaounde; 2300 FR ID, EC natl nx, u to 2400*. (Plum 4/25) 2346 :rust
vers of "Kru.ghts in White Satin," FR ballads. (Thunberg 4/25) Was it as painfully
long as the original?--sdk
4850 SURINAM SAS; 0040 Trad mx px w/teggee type mx also, DT ox 0100, freq ment of
Surinam. p/ORM/ORN(Lausevich 4/5) 0130 Calypso mx. (Washburn 4/17) 0208 EG pops,
M/DJ, to. f(Lindsay 4/9) 0252 M/ann in DT betw songs, greetings to listeners
around the world. g(Gilster) 0840 M w/HD t1k, FE style mx. f/g(Bobb 4/8)
4854 PERU R.Pampas; 1000 SP ID right after mx w/ment of Peru, then some yipping
vocals. Long tlk, IC, more same mx. p/ORM off Luz y Vida 1023(Valko 4/6) 1001 OM
DJ w/SP tlk, ID "en la capital de Huancavelica en Peru en corazon de la central...
R.Pampas en los 4855 kHz en banda internacional de 60 metros, tropical...por el
mundo." Much inst guitar/harp mx. Faded quickly 1025. (Lobdell 4/12) Vy nicely
done report, Chris!--sdk
4860 EuRSFSR Kalinen; 2237 EG V.Pozner mouthing off as usual. Weak but clear.
(Biller 4/7) 0145 BM NAm svce w/feature on Armenian mx & folk songa. (D'Angelo)
4865 COLOMBIA LV del Cinaruco; 0020-0400* !lent of Caracol net, LAm mx. (9 rep)
4866V MOZAMBIQUE Maputo; 0400 Jungle type mx, pose theme segment, into PT eon and
tang tlk. f/vg recently(Alleman) 0420 //3214 F/ann w/soft-voiced FT eon, kids
chorus, native mx. Fading out(Biller 4/14)
4870 BENIN Cotonou; 2220 Drama px in progress. Powerhouse sig. (Biller 4/7) 2242
Rock mx, FR love songs, Voix de la Rev ID, NA, 2301*. g(D'Angelo 4/16) 0450 Af mx
eels, OK/ano w/FR tlk, ID, ment OTH. p(Jordan 4/21)
4870 ECUADOR. R.Rio Amazonas; 0210 ID, tlk, mx. Poor w/bad het(Bolland 4/16)
4875 WEST IRIAN RR/ Sorong; 1200 Net ox, // Biak but not as strong. f(Krause 4/14)
!..8831 CHINA Beij 'mg; 2230 Wk aig, clearly Asian, Peking IS regular in the AK here,
so... Semi-regular. (Biller 4/7)
4885 COLOMBIA Ondas del Meta; 0244 ID, typ mx px, CU QRM. f(Jones 4/15) 0345 Mx to
1353 ID, still on 0610. (Alexander 4/9) 1029 M witlk, IC, ID, mx. (Bolland 4/11)
4890 PAPUA NBC; 1025 EG px called "Talkback" taking phone calls on the air. Wonder
if they have. the 7 second delay? (Biller 4/11) 1102 Na, economy, IDs, 1cl mx,
dedications. f(Paszkiewicz 4/11) 1120 EG comedy show. TC, etc. (Tindall 4/13)
4890 SENEGAL Dakar; 2309 Two M w/FR tlk, chanting in bckgnd. f(Bolland 4/20) 2340
FR tlk, FR pops, hilife, 2358 ID & ox. Running late tonite. f(D'Angelo 4/16) 2350
Trad mx, wailing & drums, ID 2356 by YL in EG & FR, ox. (Lausevich 4/4) *0557 IS,
NA, ID by M, sked, nx, AR chanting. (Paszkiewicz 4/12) 0703 FR tlk, no mx. (Konen)

Klein's oddball abbreviations: AUS * Australia; SRL * Sri Lanka; JAP • Japan; ADXN
Australian DX News; FT * Fine Tuning.


I'm fairly certain that when the compiler of another FrenDX column last month chose to
cast aspersions at both my profession and myself, it was done with the expectation that
I'd roar, in print, like a lion that's just been bitten by a gnat, and thus continue the
kind of childish drivel that we've seen all too often in the past; I'm afraid that I'm
going to be a disappointment. When staff disagree, they have private channels to gain
redress at their disposal, and that is the course I shall take. One of the cardinal
unwritten rules of this magazine is that you do NOT take pot shots at people in print,
certainly not others on the staff; I find such things repugnant and unethical, and regret
that my sentiments are not shared by the entire staff of FrenDX.

However, lest any of you get the wrong impression of the profession due to someone else's
misconceptions, let me simply state, as a chemist, that chemists do not want things
packaged away in little phials; all that chemists, scientists, clear-thinking people in
general really want is ta have things presented in a clear, straightforward, logical
manner. That is what I have tried to do with this column, and that is what all true
editors should strive for. Back next month, till then 3's &
- r'
Sectioil B
/ 44300
/ I
(:> 61)6 k1 1 -

Editor: Jerry Berg, 38 Eastern Avenue, Lexington, MA 021 73

4900 V,"
-'11EZUELA R. Juventud, 0110 4-17 with EG hits but giving titles in SP, e.g. "Selo
Para Tua Ojos" (Tindall-NC); mx 0135 4-17 (Washburn).
4905 BRAZIL R. Relogio Federal, 2325 4-19, PT talk, also ads and IC, full ID on half hr,
preceded by time ticks. Hr, minutes, secs every minute by gal; poor (Bolland-FL).
4911 ZAMBIA Lusaka in very well lately, 0400+; 4-15, vernac talk to IC with EG numerals,
then pack to vernac, Lusaka mentioned frequently (Alienan-MC); Ate mx prgm 0405 4-16,
commercial at 0410, vy poor (Lausevich); 4-1l. ox in lang 0422, drume and chants at
0424, EG ID 0426, back to language; good sig (Mellperg-Ii).
49 1 5 BRAZIL Radio Anhanguera, 2259 4-7, moor with PT rix to the hr, then full ID with
fcryiTads 2305 (Holland-FL); man anntr and Brazilian mx at 0000 4-8, ID 0033, fair-
good (3obb-ME); ni and sports commentary 0020 4-12, frequant mention, of Brazil, ID
0032, but overall poor signal (Lausevich).
4915 BRAZIL R. Nac. de Macapi, phone messages for the interior at 3917 on 5-3, IC at
ITUrinto a song (Smith-CT).
4915 MICK/31A Ammonia» dal Caqueta, fair sig at 0105 on 4-29, gal talking, ID with "Ave
Maria" background, lecture-type talk, ID and STE at 0135, fair-good (Jordan).
4915 Gun Ac c ra, 0550 a-16, M talks, ID 0552, upbeat Afro mx, 30-sec pause, nx in EG at
54. 55- (Jordan); national ox 0600 4-4, ID 0628, fair-peor (Sobkoviak -IL); CG ID 0600
4-10, ox till 0615, into language orge (Pita -NJ).
4922 PlitU Ondas del Titicaca, talks by CM anncr at 1016 on 4-10, ID and PC, then into
'mammon until faded into the utes at 1034 (Lobdell -M1).
4935 PERU R. Tropical, OM with mx pige at 0345 4- 16, ID 0356, more formal ID 0400, off
1-4710 , ;RK and very poor (Lausevich); SP mx at 1011 on 4-9, then adi, with format of
one tune, ads, tune, ads, etc; ID 1030, fair sig (Bollada-PL); tent, this one 1012 -
1047 4-28, OA-sounding six, aunts, long talk by man, but couldn't get ID (George-NC).
4936 BoLretà R. Norte, pretty fair sig 4-18 from arnd 0000, mostly EG and SP rock mx, but
- lact
- to ballade around 0030. Seemed to be int'l nx at 0050, more tax; IC. (1 sins
fast) and ID1 after every couple of M71147, and still in at 0130 (JB).
4940 Ivolty COàST Abidjan, gal talking in PR 2251 4-21, jaez, talk rient thru the hr, fair
sig (Boliand -FL); FR pops 2308 4-23, male DJ, IC, etc (D'Angelo -PA); rock at 2343 on
4-11, ID 2253, into ox with computer-type blips; MA to 2559*, vy good (Stephany-e).
4945 BOLIVIA R. Illimani, dramatic talk 0922 4-11, flute to 0927, tone and ID 0932, "R.
Illimani, la vos de Bolivia". Vy good eig (Mellberg-IA).
4945 COLOMBIA R. Colosal, CARACOL ID 0630 4-30, LA pops, eN crashes (Konen -;WI); S? mx at
672Z-717-1.0, IDs, good aig (Lausevich); strong with paps. 1030 4-10 (Weinhold).

4950 PEI117 R. Madre ds Dios, CM in SP, constant talk from 0100 5-7. ID 0130, pops and
romantic vocals, /D 0221, full ID 0225, OA NA 0228, C231*; poor, hvy ute 0.RM (Lobdell -
4950 SARAWAK Kuching, ox 1330 5-6, SC, fair sig (Sharme-C1).
4960 111177- 71ilitary march mx 1056 4-26, bad choir number, strange singing or chanting by
man, then man talking till 1050 fade, not SP or PT (Tindall-NC).
4965 COLOMBIA R. Santa P,, LA mx 0714 4-18, ID 0745 (Tindall-NC); :D and mx 0735 4-27
(Belch-MB); SP mx, frequent Ire, 0800 4-10 (Lausevich); Latin big band mx 0924 5-5,
ID and TO 0926, fair-good sig (Smith-CT); lively mx IC20 4-10 (Weinhold).
4965 NAMIBIA R. F44. Afr mx 0515. drums, ID 0530, mx, TVI iRM 4-25 (Lausevich).
4970 VENEZUELA R. Rumbos, ID 0026 5-5, good (Glister); mx 0400 4-17 (Tindall-NC).
4975 8RAZII. R. Timbira. ON armor 0140 4-26, orch bridge, religione pram, faint by 0200
(Jordan); full ID 0304 4-5, promo, laughter; ute has moved down a little (Cunningham).
4975 COLOMBIA Ondas del Orteguaza, SP ex 1043 4-a, list of correenondents 1048. ID, poor
(7idicnct-11); tent., 1001 4-21, campo mx, possible ID, 1-ay Tarbes QRM (Valko).
4975 PERU R. del Pacifico now here, 0150-0203 4-26, mx, EG etock rot, ID 0159 mentioning
this ftlY, promos, very good sig; SP religious prgm to 0426* 5-5, =nod sked am 1100 -
0430 (Sheedy -C1); relig. choral mx 0230 4-30, ID. 0245, 0300. fair (Witte-CA); rel.
hymns 0258 4-25, full ID, 0259*; good 4-27, intermittent 'men, 0323* (Howard-CI).
4977 ECUADOR R. Tarqui, ID 0043 4-17, to 0130; call enema HC'GR MW, RC1GHN (M?) SW (Lob -
dell -MA); hid arod 0200, no ID but many mentions od Ecuador, presumably them (JD).
4980 VENEZUBIA Eons del Torbee, baseball 2315 4-19, ID, calm DJ (Tindall-NC); mx, ads, DOCO
' 4_ 15 (Lindsey -NE); end of ox 0033 5-5, into nice vocal, good sig (Gileter).
4985 BRAZIL R. Brasil Central, 2305 4-19, nx, sound effects between items, noor(Bolland-FL).
4990 NIG3RIA Lagos, Koran 2255 4-. 7 , ox, to 2305+ (Alcorn-PA).
41990 SOUTH AFRICA R. RSA, 0300 4-2 1 , ID, ox, cmtry, mx, poor in 3G (Stanley-AZ).
4990 Vzcitzl,BLA R. Barquisimeto, low-key mx orge 0210 4-26, occasional ID. (Glister);

Page 44
commodity trice. 1025 4-12, sports, mx, other nights arnd 0130, 0300 (Tindall-NC).
4996 PERU R. Andina, OA vocal mx 0338 4-22, anta 0553, ID at "R. Andina de duancayo,"
back to mx; fair, while looking for Baha'i (Cunningham); no ID, but presumed them
0406 4-14 (Allegan-MO); 1015 4-16, OA mx, amt., ID 1025 (Alexander-PA); 1022 on 4-9,
fast-tamed comments by man, ICs, ID given during the mx (Bolland-Ft).
5005 PM11 R. Jain, 0252-0309 5-12, vy good on nice LA opening (best on LSB), fast-paced
SP 2410 DJ with /De between each bouncy LA pop number (Krueger-FL).
5010 CAMEROUN Garoua, Afro mx 0515 4-21, ID, FR ox, ED ox 0530, fading by 0545 (Jordan);
EG ni- 7 -30 4-4, male aancr, IF 0538, good signal (Sobkoviak-IL).
5015 PERU R. Moyobamba, one clear :D 1041 5-5 under strong het; LA. pop mx (Jones-MS).
5015 Tim Vladivoutoc, RS opera 1022 4-19, weak but hrd talk between selectiona(Bolland-FL).
5020 ALBANIA Tirana, .0300 4-20, NA, ID, local mx 0315, //5057 (Tindall-NC); local folk mx
0330-0350 4-16, talk aleo (Alexander-P1); mx 0430 4-10, peaking, fair. ;RN (Dilater).
5020 SOLOMON IS. H'oniara, world ni eummary 0902 4-21, orgm notes, ID 0901, interview, TC.
ads; fair, poor modulation (D 1Angslo-PA); poor, talking 0935-0942 4-28 (Bolland-FL);
G&W request orge 1054 5-2, ID, IC, fair-poor in Q RN (Bobb-MN); discussion at 1145 5-1,
light US mx, ID mad IC 1200, local nay nice sig (Konen-WI).
5020 UN/D. 0330-0400 4-19, oriental or AB sounding mx, gal runner, fairly hvy QRN, otherwise
good nig, but cdildn't catch ID (Dickson). Sounds like Tirana-IB.
5025 BENIN Parakou rygional stn being widely hrd. *0354-0404 4-21, PR, guitar IS, NA by
bane: ID, into Kr= mx; fair with Tirana and YV QRM (Valko); IS to 0358¡ 4-21, ID, into
mixed bag of mx, frequent random, happy talk; exc with usual ute absent; tax to CH's
SWL Digest for tdp (Cunningham); per phone tip from Klein, 0400 4-11, nx, weak but
readable (Krause-KC; mx perry and Klein, *0400, tone to sion, native instruments
briefly, NA, ID, Afr ma; previously tunad by and missed it (Alleman-M0); 0410 4-21,
soft rock, rR mumbera, ID and ni 0430, fair sig (Jordan); local mx 0439 4-25, ID, weak
(Konen-WI); 21, dalk. poor 0440-0501 4-18 (Mellberg-/A); full ID 0601 4-10, vernacular
talk arnd 0604, drum mx interludes, stronger than 4870 this night (Lobdell-MA); 2225-
2303* 4-16, many IDn, each mentioning Parakon; mete have echo effect sometimes, quite
professional. kt //4870 at this time; sounds like more than 20 kw. (JB).
5025 BRAZIL R. 3orborema, ID 0110 4-20, vocal mx, fairly strong (Dickson); 0155-0300 4-20,
Bras:Man rock, ID arnd 0300 (Tindall-NC); mixad mx 0210 4-21, /Da. ammts, slogans on
hr, full nrrerb treatment on the hr (Jordan); 0230 4-17 in PT with Brazilian pops,
ID, ad string (Alexandar-PA); 2345 4-12, GM beer-drinking-type mx, ID, prgm intro, fair
hg (Krause-(N); tent. at 2354 4-21, soccer, fair sig, but no ID (Bolland-FL).
5030 PERU R. Lon Andes also being widely hid in April. Various AMs from as early as 0900
to an late as 1015, "Buenos Dias Peru" orge, beautiful mx (Field-MI); OA mx 0917 4-11,
ID, very good sic (Mellberg-IA); 0940 4-17, OA flute mx, /D, 'SC (Alexander-PA); 0943
4-28, underneath TV with mx, /Ds during selections, fair sig (Bollend-FL); lausica
nacional" 1018 5-1, fade-out 1144, poor gig (Konen-WI); 1020 4-17, nice prim of folk
mx with flutes, ID. fqy given at 1040; seems YV not on Sundays, so best chance(Lobdell-
5030 VENEUMUDIA R. Cortinente, ID 0123 4-19 (Tindall-NC); slow vocals 0320 on 4-10, NJ).
brief IDa by man in between; good sig (Dilater).
5035 PERU R. Imagen, 1029 4-21, TCt every minute by TI, LA mx, man =nor, =a, weak audio
except during TCz; nearly gym by 1043 (7alko); 1034 4-9, steady mx with canned IDe
in between as 'Meagan, un radio con ma» amigos"; fair (Rolland-FL).
5040 COLOYDHIA R. Cinco, mx 0115 4-12, ID 0133, ox 0135, mx 0141, RTTY ;am (Lausevich);
mx 0325 4-10, much QRN (yaahburn).
5040 PERU R. Libertad de Junin, 1017-1034 4-2, CA vocals, talk by man, ID, TC, bank ads,
:De after every song; pretty good signal, in UN (Velko).
5045 UN/D. Seemed SP, 0030+ 4-7, weak, man speaking, some mx, bothered by het (Krause-4.LN).
5045 BRAZIL R. cultura do Pari, mx C715 4-18, much accordion, IC 0749, mentions of Belem
and Para Out no ID as such (Tindall-NC).
5045 PERU P. Ricja, weak mx prgm 0325 4-27, MA, 0356* (Field-MI); 0350 4-16 with LA
ballads, ID. closing anmts with reverb at 0358, NA 0359, 0401* (Alexander-PA).
5047 TOGO Lome, classical mx 2220-2300, pops, ID and chimes 2302, fair rcon (Cobb-ME);
FR ni 2259 4-12, *so mx, still listening at 2344 (Behind-Pt).
5050 TANZANIA Dar es Salaam, tonal IS 0255 4-17, EG ID, choral NA, morning prayer (Johnson-
FITT-may log should have been 5050, not 5055; sorry (Stephan -Ny).
5055 COSTA RICA TIPC, EG religious prgm, mx. 03 10-o330 1-4, fair sig (Sofkoviak-IL).
5105 CLARE. L7 del CID, fair 1210+ 4-5, man over martial mx, ID 1215 (Xramse-MN).
5112 PERU R. lop, 1045 4-9, ox, TO, ox called "Ill del Perfecto," ads on the hr (Bolland-FI.);
Lent. them at 104D on 4-30, flutes, gouge, man armor (Krause-MN).
5240 CHINA PIA, 1030 4-30, gal speaking, some M mx, //5265, both pretty good (Krause-MN).
5286 CHAD R. Mondou, .0458-0506 5-12, carrier snapped on with 2-note drum IS, long use,
?R ID, highlife mr, almost instantly lost to FAX, QM; 10 kw maybe? (Krueger-Ft).
5450 INDONES/A RRI-SIak, beet /ado here, weak 1100, peaks 1145-1215, fades after 1250; "Love
Ambon", time pips, network ox at 1200 with reliable /D at that time (Krause-MN).
5585 CLARO. R. 15 de iiptiembre, long talk by DM at 0248. 4-17 (Sigas-It); fair at 1150 4-5,
speecn, crowd in .yackground, pretty strong, no ID notad (Krause-MN).
5617 PERU R. Ilucan, 0210-0217 5-12, fair with ID. IC, nondescript ballads and remote rot
from apparent sports event; first time after many tries both AM and PM (Krueger-FL).
5750 CLARO. IV de Nicaragua Libre, strident, definite ID C438 4-19, ox of Nicaragua; NA

Page 45
at 0452* (Jordan); after 1100 on 4-9 and 4-12, mx, revel. =try (Bolland-FL).
5882 ARGENTINA R. Rivadavia. telecon 0056 4-8, sports talk, taped sports cmtry, clear
and strong this night (Bolland-FL).
5920 USSR RM, 0229 4-24, Mayak IS at tune-in ago 0259. Talk 3230, ED letng instrumentale.
»4930, which continued past 030Ó (Alexander-PA).
5930 DUCROSLAVAKIA Prague, EG talk on defectors, prgm on Nicaragua, 0315. fair (Glister).
5935 CANADA. 901. fair in EG at 0200, much UN, bad rcpn 4-17 (Washburn). Spurious? JP.
5945 AUSTRIA Vienna, EL 0130 4-9, rpt on summer artz festival, good zig (Fraser-MA);
TE- ii-;0130 5-10, talk on tent tube babies soccer (Roamer); "Austria Calling." "Rpt
from Austria," etc in Et, 0130-0154 4- 14 (kr/st-VA); recipe for cabbage strudel (!),
0145 5-8 (Dickson).
5950 GUYANA CRC barreling in these day*. Island-type mx 0220 4-17, IC 0243, ID. fair eig

7 .raajay-NR); religious mx 0230 4-8, nx, NA and Pledge of Allegiance to 05olv

Alcorn-PA); 50'e mx 0252 4-13, ID as Ch. 2, nx, hvy ZRN (7alko); IDs 0825, funeral
notices, birthdays, native and pop mx, fair re-on 4-18 (Cobb-ME); "Morn Spectacular
Show" 0843 4-9, local mx, nx 0900, R&R, IC, sports, good sig (Paszkievica); ads at
0915 4-21, jeans, auto parts, local mx. CRC ID 0925, instrumental mx (D'Angelo-PA).
5950 Nicutterm Voice of Nicaragua's EG urge is being widely reported. 0100-0141 4-27,
SP !ix. EG /D 0113, EG ox, notes between items, essentially anti-Reagan. fair zig,
strong het (rAngelo-PA); Et 0115 4-27, back to SP 3125, LA mx, EL ago 0135 (Dickson);
4-26, EG 0115, Sp 0118, ell might be from looked-for Arequipa (Rnward-C1); EG nx
headlines 0237-0239 4-28, back to SP, believed 5949.6 (Mellberg-IA); EG political
cmtry 0311 4-26, EG and SP ID., into mx, strong but heavy UM, het (George-NC);
5-5, fair in all sp at 0315-0350, "Who Likes Short Shorts" etc. (Jordan); "Contact
248* in EG at 0410 5-7, listeners ltrs, ID and mx 0427, nx 0430 (Boomer); 4-28, SP ox
0428, EG nx 0432 (Rigas-IL).
5955 PERU R. Euancayo, several nuaical IDs at 1003 4-10, OA mx, surprisingly good gig
despite Centaurus' a little below (Alexander-PA).
5960 CANADA RCI, 0100 EG on 4-3, world nx, SWL Digest (David); Et nx 0315, sports(Dill-PA).
5965 MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur, 1110 on 4-11, talk, Koranic chants, //95 15 (Bolland-FL);
Malay mx 1440 4-20, to 1506 tuna-out (Sharpe-CA).
5965 NIGERIA Plateau Radio, Jos, poor with nx at 0600 on 4-11, "R. Nigeria" /D (Riga's-IL);
rock mx at 2148 on 4-11, nz 2200, ID, IC 2203, into vernacular pram; good (Stephany-NY).
5970 xx,r111 YEMEN Aden, AR ID at 0550 on 4-18, mx, //6005 (Wood-S.AR).
5973 DOLOMEIA R. Macarena aleo a big one this month. 0046 on 4-24, poor because of BBC;
TODELAR ox, ID 0057 annclig 1080 and 5975 (Rigas-IL); NJ mx 0204 4-24, good ID 0223,
0228, toi GE (Mellberg-IA); 4-25. 0236-0256*, ballads, ICs, full s/off amt, not
there on 5-2 checks (Sheedy-CA); from 1000, ID after each selection, complete ID on
hr and half hr, better Ms than PMs (Field-MI); mx 1016 4-16, relig. prgm 1045, good-
very good (Stephany-NY); ambits 1034 4-15, /Ds (Wilkins-00); vy strong 1040 4-9,
chimes 1100, many IDA, iii, back to my 1105; also hod 2215 (Alexander-PA); good at
1044 4-11, ranchera mx, IC, /D ' ads (Holland-FL); 1105 4-14, vocals, two um (one with
fey), fast fade and 5975 4RM. almost gone by 1130 (Valko); 1107 on 4-16, instrumental
ma, Tea, frequent :re (Plum-NJ).
5975 BRAZIL Presumed R. Cuaruja, 000r at 0215 on 4-18, seemed pop Brazilian mx(Mellberg-Il).
5980 MIMI LEONE Freetown, awards ceramony at 2238 on 4-9 for lawn tennis playera,
coaches, etc. Followed to 2357, no ID, just went off the air, so presumed them (Mell-
59eo sours AFRICA R. RSA, 0200 on 4-19, 5E, ID, "Africa Today," nx, nx cmtry, berg-IA).
some UM from WYFR-5985, // 1 1730, 9615 (Stanley-AZ); 0240 4-28, cmtry, ni, 3257*
5995 PERU R. Melodia, hod 4-26, -27, -28 from 1000 with nx (2 think) as strong as RA one
morning. Best reception to 1015, gone by 1030 (Field-MI).
5995 USA VOA, exc in EG 0245 4-21, roundtable on elections, jazz hour (guet -VA).
6000 BRAZIL R. /ncontidencia, 2240 4-16, ?T pope, ads, anmte and talk; //15190 hit by Rd
at 2255 (Alexander-PA); LA pone 2254 4-23, man anncr, one ID at 2306, good sig but
bad UB (George-NC); Brazilian pope at 0734 4-30, mentions of Brazil, ID 0746, fast
paced programming, fair sig overall (D'Angelo-PA).
6005 SO= YEMEN Aden, opening acate by CM at 0305 on 4-16 and -19, middle eastern mx.
BBC bells UM at 0355, poor with Reloj on the side (Witte-CA).
6005 CANADA (YCX-Montreal, baseball game at 2315 5-4, ada (Bobb-MN); Eamy Lou Barris
711Firie, interview, ID., ads, good ropn at 2320-2347 4- 17 (Cobb-ME); "Sports Talk"
0030 on 4-9, fair with BBC underneath (Frazer-MA).
6015 CZECROSLAVAICA Prague, fair with Et ID by gal 0,300 4-21, rix. mailbag (Kriat-VA).
6015 SEDEN Stockholm, ID in Et 0300 4-11, world ox, cmtry, children's folk song, union
nx, more talks, gal sinner (Stanley-AZ).
6015 VAT/CAN VP, ID 0100 4-14, cmtry, fair with unid. UM on fey (Stanley-AZ).
6020 BRAZIL R. Universo, 0031 on 4-27, a good Brazilian evening. End of rang. gathering,
prayers and crowd noises, clear ID 0037, good sig (Mellberg-IA).
6020 MEXICO XEUW, "La 'U' de Veracruz," end of nx at 0429 on 4-25, ID, several comm'ls,
into mx prgm, fair signal (Jones-Ns); tentatively them, 0338-0436 on 5-5, live baseball
between Veracruz and Yucatan, but buried by R. Universe and a SP ute on 6022 :TSB, rough
copy but a possible "en Nude° Oro" in midst of baseball chatter, and quick ads at
0431; one of these stna is off fqy about kHz. (Sheedy-CA).
6020 sour' AFRICA R. RSA. 0200-0245 5-3 on this BY, EL nx, =try, good zig (StraussT
6025 BOLIVIA R. Illinenl, 1030 4-16, ID, Andean mx, vocals and flutes (Alexander-PA .

Page 46
6025 NIGERIA Enugu, 2252-2305*, prgm of rock mx, man DJ in EG, pins and I on the hr
followed by ox to 2303, ID, s/off at, TO, pledge, NI and off; good sig 4-12 (Stephany-
6030 CANADA cm-calgary, poor at 0745 on 4-16 with light DOD mx, "1060 CPCN" ID.
6030 USA AFRTS, foctball game at 0250 on .4-11 (Washburn); 'Morning Edition" at 1235 on
4-'79, sports, wx„ mx. to 1300 on 4-19 (Bonnet-IN).
6040 NEST GERMANY IN, EG 0100 4-11, world and GM ox, 'Microphone on Europe," press rvw,
space ox ma, "Germany Today' (Stanley-AZ).
6050 ITAer RII, 217.4 on 4-24, bird IS, s/on chimes, talk, poor under co -channel QRM, also
?TuErfig and lots, of static; lang uncertain, Czech indicated on sked (Buer -FL).
6050 NIGERIA :badae, Afro-American mx 2215 on 4-10, religious melange at 2250, 2306* (Plum-
Tr. native mx 2227 on 4-23, man armor, EC ID, fair sig, stayed with it till 2246
(George-NC); 2'.10 4-20, African high-life mx, pop mx, time pipe and ID as "R. Nigeria"
at 2300, -.hen ox, religious segment, NA 2308, 2309* (Alexander-PA); mx prgm from 2238
to 2259, :D, IC, pips, drum IS, another ID and IC, then ox to 2304, another :D, prayer,
Koran, a/off at, NA, 2308*, on 5-7 (Stephany -NY); EG sermon 2250, talking drum IS,
EC nx 2300, 23C4* with anthem, fair on 4-17 (Lobdell-NJ).
6055 LNGLAND BBC, SP ox 0300 4-11, to S. America (Washburn).
6065 COLOMBIA R. Siuer de Bogoti, mx at 0944 on i-14, net ID at 0957, good sieStephany-NY).
6065 USA WYFR -Okeechobee, EC bible study at 0305, much static 4-11 (Washburn) .
6070 CANADA CFRX-Tcronto., 1530-1600 on 4-23, gardening show with ado, "CFRB Toronto" IOU,
fair room with static (Cobb-ME); 1935 4-25, ad for diamond», pop songs, travel info,
wx, "(FRB ox' at 2000 (Krist -VA); vy good at 2300 on 4-5, wx, ads, mx (Sobkoviak -IL).
6075 WEgf GERMANY IN, GM nx 0310 4-11, some drifting (Washburn).
6074 COSTA R/0A R. Rumbo, sudden s/on at *1001 on 4-24, mx, man giving a/on at, saludos
from DJ, Ineeta Mezdcana" tax prgm with frequent TCs (Stephan. -NY); LA mx 1010 4-26,
sae DJ, aeme a gm as above, ads, mentions of Cartago, fair with fading (George-NC);
1110 4-10, talk, :De, local mx (Alexander-PA); 6071, 1023 4-21, LA mx, talk by man with
ID and rc at 1C27, more mx; good sig, nice clear audio (Valko).
6080 CANADA (1WI-Vancouver, poor through static at 0815 on 4-16, country mx, ;ex for
Vancouver, no ID so make it tentative (Riges-IL).
6085 COLOMBIA Ondas del Darien, *1002 on 4-26, NA, 'no data" s/on, then "Amanecer Camp.-
;Jiro" pre* with mixed bag of LÀ mx, including ranchera; full ID 1032, anwnicados
after each eong, fair sig overall (Wilkins-OD); camp° mx for early listeners at 1024
on 4-27, fair gig (Jones-MS); 1054-1106 on 5-4, very good with Ecuadorean mx prgm,
ID, IC ano stn promo, into ads at 1105 (Krueger -rt).
6085 wEer GERMANY EN, EC at 0100 4-7, ID, world nx. fair, S? ZEIM, moderate QRN(Stanley -AZ).
6090 LIBERIA LBC. EG "Voice of Prophecy" prgm at 0715 4-17, ID as "You are listening to
ELOC" at 0733, into a prgm of religious mx, fair sig (D'Angalo -PA).
6090 LIIIDEBOURC R. Lux, EG "R. Lux Nightline Nat* at 2300 on 4-20. ID jingle, ads for diet
pills, gocd sig (Alexander-PA); pop and rock mx 0020 4-12, EG (Alcorn-PA).
6100 VEYEZGELL Y.VTO time sig stn, fair at 0215-0230 4-19, SF voice ID every minute (Hawk);
0823- 4-9, man. pipe, ID with "cero segundoe' each minute, good sig (Paaskiewics).
6100 lofMT GERMANY DW, 0200-0215 4-19 in SP, with nx, cmtry, mx, exc sip; (Hawk).
6100 YUGOSLAVIA. Belgrade, IS 2114, EC ID, ox by lady, poor-fair rough, hrd under Dd from
it. -7113- ijon; barely audible on //9620. To 2129* 4-15 (Cobb-ME).
6105 ?moo XIQM, "Su Pantera." SP talk with US top 40's at 0219 on 4-13, fair sig but
obliterated by something (Womb -TX).
6106 BOLIVIA E. Pamainericana, stn theme mx at *1026, ID and fun, more theme, then ads
and finally some Bolivian ma; fair sig on 4-27 (Jon..-MS).
6110 MALTA. R. Mediterranean, DC at 2305-2329* on 4-25, lady with ox, then sports, ID,
CC, teasingly wx, poor sig in much 3001 (Jordan).
OOLOMMIA L7 del Llano, SP talk 0536 on 4-15, good sig, :pa at times, very clear rcpm
'Womb-TX); lively LA pops, some Super Radio IDs, fair-good siga 0615-0647 on 4-16
Jordan); nice 3.1 rhythm 0747 4-21, occasional ICs, very good sig (Wilkins-CC).
6115 USSR HM, NG 0219 with Moscow Mailbag, usual style !Dreamt (Cileter).
6120 GUAM BIC relay, 0245-0259 4-19, EG urge, good sig (Hawk).
6120 NICARAGUA R. Zinica, ranchera mx at 0354 on 4-26, 'R. Zinica presenta la musics de . ."
good sig (Jones-MS); fair with LA pops at 0402 5-1, ID as "R. Zinica, radiodifusion
del pueblo" (Rigas -IL); 0440 4-21, bilingual orgm title, "Miamorada-Only For Lovers"
with frequent IDs, phone numbers, closing ID 0504, anon», instiumental anthem 0505,
0506*, mice level this night (Lobdell -MA).
6130 OULU 0BNX -Halifax, 60's mx pram 2330 4-15, /Ds, ado, fair eig (Cobb-ME); ax 0502
4-22, ID, cx, wr, good sig (Mellberg -IA); ID, T0s. pope, 05 14 on 5-2 (George-NC).
6130 MaGLAND VOA relay, EG ox 0300, jais hour, gpod sig 4-19 (Hawk).
6150 OOLDMBIA LV del Huila, ox 0817 5-3 (Bobb-MN); full ID )834 4-20, vy good (Wilkins-0D).
6155 SWAZILAND R. Truro-SCR, poor 0228 5-2, drums, Indian mx 0230. MRPOomi 0300 (Witte-01).
6160 CANUA :LIU-Vancouver, poor 0800 4-17, extended ;ex, Jazz music (Rigsa-IL).
6160 CANADA ZEZN-St. Johns, *0929 4-18, :Do, or, sports, wx, fair in static (Cobb-ME).
6165 NIETH. ANTILLES RN-Bonaire, 0100 in Dutch 4-21 (Hawk); EG 0230-0324 4-8 (Knit-VA);
"Melia Network" 0251-J325 4-22, good sig Manning).
6175 ANTIGUA BBC, It World Svc at 2330 (Irist -VA) and 0230 (Gilster).
6180 vENEGUELA R. Tiriamo, 0918-0958, good sig (George-NC); 0910-1001, many ade(Wilkins-00).
6189 7!ru R. Orienta, till 0404* 4-25 (.13); good at *1038 4-16 (Alexander-PA). 73--

Page 47
se ton Ç
j62 0 tcl, 1149 icéle
&Mon John T. Arthur, BOX 4941, Arcata, CA 25521

CLANDESTINE R15deSept 0525-0615* SP, various speeches against

"Sand-men", /Ds and off after anthem. Vy gud. (Konen, WI 4/30)
CLANDESTINE R Venceremos 1228-1240 SP, revolutionary remarks by M,
martial mx 1231, then W takes over w/statistics on casualties.
Fair. (three. reporters)
MONACO TNR *1900-2000* GM, relisious pgrm, IDs. Good (Wood, SAr)
LEBANON VoHooe 1843-1900 SG, gospel mx pgrm. (Clifford)
CLANDESTINE LVdeSandino 9453-0458* SP, M w/ rapid talk, ment of
Guatamala, typical rhetoric w/poss crowd noises. Vy wk sig w/
QSB, QRM, ORN, ORK...vy, vy poor. (Jordan 4/19)
UN-ID 1039-1130, M talking (what lang? jta) w/2 jammers in the
background "NWNW" & "IPIP". Jammers stop for Oriental (Korean?)
mx 1053...when more talk 1112, jammers start again. Poor 4/20.
(Holland, FL)
CLANDESTINE R15deSept 1150-1216 SP, M talking...ment Antonio
something and Carlos a communists. Full ID 1154. Fair. (Bolland)
LEBANON RVoLebanon 1730 AR, nx by M&W. Good. (Wood, SAr 4/22)
SOMALIA R Mogadishu 0318-0345 Somali, M w/AR mx ogrm, talk 0325,
—à-EEE'èri 0330, IDs, nx, commentary. Good. (Laysevich)
CLANDESTINE R Venceremos *1215-1240 SP, FMLN NA, ID by M&W w/
complete eked & goals of FMLN, then revolutionary W&M talks
w/singing. Fair. (Stephany, NY 4/16)
CLANDESTINE LVde la Libertad 0209-0214* SP, interesting new(?)
stn. Political rhetoric by M at tune-in. 0211 Commandante Juan
Carlos gave instructions to "Banderas", each msg repeated slowly.
0212 martial mx, then W w/closing anmts ment Juan Carlos, multiple
/Ds, freq as 6850 kHz in the 41 m.b., then off w/more martial mx.
Not hrd regularly...or since 4/20. (Cunningham)
Eire R Dublin 0211-0645 EG, pop mx w/M ancr, phone calls, time
-C-Sicks were slow. (four reporters)
?? World Mx Radio 0215-0443* EG, Euro Top 40 mx w/M djs, ancd
FOB 4078, Amsterdam, OTH. Signal much better than R Dublin, and
no trace of Dublin after s/off. Who relayed? (Krueger, FL 5/16)
PRofCHINA Nie Menggu 1145-1150 CH, typical CH string & voice mx.
Poor (Rolland, FL) ID? jta
CLANDESTINE R15deSept 0523 SP, IDs and triumphal revolutionary mx,
anti-Sandi talk. Good. (Konen, WI 4/25)
CLANDESTINE R Fababundo Marti 0105-0135 SP, chased this one all
over the place, from 7048 to 7019. M w/political speech and crowd
cheers, martial mx, the usual. Used each freg for a few seconds.
High CW QRM and QRN. Poor. (Jordan) maybe unstable xmtr or
power source...or avoiding jammers? jta
ALBANIA R Tirana 0110 SP, talk on May Day, socialism, etc. Good
sigs. (Dickson 5/02)
ALBANIA R Tirana 0130 EG & 0320 AL, nx, cmntry, //9570, CW QRM,
mod .to severe QRN. Poor (2 reporters)
FRANCE RFI *0400-0500 FR/EG, Ins, nx in FR and EG in 15 minute
blocks. Good. (Dill, PA 5/11, and 2 others)
TRANSKEI Capital R 0432-0516 EG, rock mx w/M dj, full ID/freqs
0500 and into nx. 0505:"That was the latest news from Capital
Radio brought to you by Chesterfields" Bad het, ARO QRM.
(Lobdell, MA 4/25) haven't seen this one reported for a while, jta
UK R Canada Int'l (via Wooferton) 0650-0659* EG, M&W w/economic
nx, M w//D. Poor. (Bobb, MN 4/27)
NEW CALEDONIA FR3 Noumea 0759-0825 FR, wx & maritime info, nx,
0816 into pgrm of auiet inst mx. Fair. (Wilkins, CO)
UK VOA (via Wooferton) 0430-0436 EG, ID & nx. (Purdum)
MANCE RF/ 0630-0645 FR, W w/ID, M w/talk. Poor (Bobb, MN 4/27)
IVORY COAST RTVI 2250-2400* FR, Af tunes (hi-life?) w/excitable M
d], ID 2358 & choral NA. Fair in QRN. (2 reporters)

Page 48
7250 ANGOLA R Nacional 0645-0735 71:tavern, traditional Af mx w/YL ancr
Vibraphone & steel drum /S 0700. Poor. (Laysevich)
7255 NIGERIA 0503-0542+ EG, W w/hi-life mx, local group chants w/
percussion, W ancr into EG IDs 3x, all vocals in land. After
0530 M w/ID and Nat'l & wrld nx. Fair (Jordan 4/19)
7260 VANUATU RV 0825-0855 EG/FR, M w/nx 0827, ID 0831, ID/IS 0832,
--EF.- e-r771 in FR. Fair in QRM. (Bobb, MN 4/29)
7275 TADZH/K SSR R Dushanbe *1400-1430* Dari, IS, xmsn in Dari to
-T. -
ristan. Good (Wood, SAr 4/14)
7290 RSFSR RM 5th Pgrm (for those at sea, Per UHN447) 2350-0010+, RS,
two US jazz instrumentals. RS folk instr on mandolins, 1 min
pause 2359 then time pips and W w/ID in RS. Fair to poor.
//9665 Poor to vy poor, QRMd by Rhumbos 0000. (Jordan 4/22)
7300 ALBANIA R Tirana 0450-0457 EG, cnntrv, ID. (Purdum)
7345 CZECHOSLAVAKIA 0100-0157 EG, ID, tc, world nx, talk on the
arms race and the Warsaw treaty, tlk on Karl Marx' teachings,
my (Czech lullaby). (2 reporters)
7394.5 PAKISTAN RP *1700-1745* Fanai. nx, ID. No // noted.
Good (hood, SAr 4/22)
7400 CLANDESTINE LVdelCID *0300-0452* SP, CID s/on immediately after
—775ff—at abt same sig strength. Usual C/D pgrm format.
including "Musics Libre". (Jordan)
7425 USA. The Crystal Ship 0149-0215* EG, rock mx, poetry, NYC phone
Ancd Box 245, Moorhead, MN 56560 for reports, change
from Box 452. (Plum, NJ 4/18) *0525-0545+ w/"mutant chant-vs-
steamboat horn" IS. Good. (Krueger, FL 4/24)
7700 USA "WRAM" *0012-0055 EG, ID, nonstop rock mx, xmtr problems.
—nir. (Lindsay, NH 4/03) I don't have a QTH for this one, jta
9170 PRcfCHIAA RP 1108-1120 CH, W w/comments. //9455. Good (Bolland)
9386nf ISRAEL Kol Yisrael 2140-2200 HB, Reshet Bet, multi-lang scores,
mx, ID. (Buer, FL 4/23) (NF? drift? punch-up error? jta)
9420 GREECE VoG 0345 EG, news (Washburn, Jordan, lickson)
9440 5TR71, -MIIAA R Beijing 1400-1430 unID lang (prob SEAS), IS, ID by
M&W, M talks about VietNam, Kampuchea & Thailand. (Sharpe, CA 5/03)
9475 EGYPT R Cairo 0130-0300+ EG, mx, nx, cmntry. (7 reporters)
9495. MONACO TWR*0624 & 0730 EG, IS, ID, rlg pgrm. Good (2 reporters)
9500 ALBANIA RT 0105-0115 PT, W tlkng PT, ID. //7065 better.
- rii.F7- (Cobb, ME 4/13)
9505 JAPAN MIX 0924-0930* EG, M w/ID, tc, world nx. 0930 ID, eked,
- Zia- off. Good. (Hensley 5/01)
9510 ALGERIA RTVA 2008-2020 EG, nx w/mx interludes to 2012, cmntry,
roc followed. //9685 & 17745 (Buer, FL)
9515 UK BBC )215 EG, WS pgrming, much 212N. (Washburn 4/16)
9515 FŒLTA II3RA 2030-2115* EG, Gary McColeman w/Good Mx Pgrm, 2045
aFfild Chamberlain talked abt fear.
--- (Clifford, 4/16)
9515 MALAYSIA BM 1030-1120 (lang?), M&W w/Malay pop tunes. 1110 W
-77,7FERiients. //5965. Fair (Bolland, FL & Sharpe, CA)
9525 POLAND .2.P *1900 AR, news. Mixing w/TWR. Fair (Wood, SAr 4/19)
9525 SWAZILAND TWR *1900 FR, nx, rig pgrm (Wood SAr 4/19)
9535 ANGOLA edeAngola 2000-2030 PT, ID 2000, nx, M&W w/cmntry.
Fa= (Lindsay, NH 4/29)
9540 CZECHOSLAVAKIA R Prague 0336-0357 EG, mx, DX tips, mx, eked,
QTH, e‘77-7iir to Poor in ORM & QSB. (George, NC 4/29)
9545 SOLOMON ISLANDS SIBC 0730-0740*EO, Is nx by M, 2 IDs hrd, off
abruptly 0740. Fair w/QRM/N. (Cobb, ME 4/18) &REAT , jta
9545 GERMANY West DW 0235 GM, talk (Washburn 4/16) details? jta
9545 BRAZIL R universo 0650-0750 PT, M into emphatic speech w/crowd
noiiés, vocals by crowd, martial fanfare 0710, skeds followed
by local mx. //11905. (Jordan 4/10)
9545 LEBANON RB 1300 AR, ID, nx. Good (Wood, SAr 4/07)
9550 ROMANIA R Bucharest 0245 EG, talk & mx. (Washburn 4/16)
9550 PERU ANdePeru (OAX1Z) 2315-2345 SP, nx w/W, 2325 traditional &
gaucho mx after ID. (Laysevich)
9560 TURKEY VoT 2200-2230 EG, nx by W, cmntry by M, ID/eked at 2220.
Vy good. (Sobkoviak, IL)
9560 GERMANY East RBI *0229-0313* EG, ID, nx, mx, cmntry, Mailbag,
-71-fop Corner", "Weekend Magazine". Fair to Poor (2 reporters)
9565 GERMANY West DW 0100 EG, ID, GO nx, world nx, Focus on Bonn,
rman by Radio. Fair (Stanley, AZ 4/16)
9570 AUSTRALIA RA 0750-0805 EC, mx, IS, ID, nx .0800. Good (Cobb, ME)
9570 KOREA MF-1020-1100* EG, cult pgrms. (Plum, NJ)

Page 49
9575 ITALY RAI 0100-0120 EG, W w/nx 'slowly read, mx. (Dill, PA 5/11)
9575nf AUSTRIA ORF 2109-2115 GM, IS, multi-lang IDs, orch mx. Fair in
(Buer, FL 4/24)
9580 AUSTRALIA RA 12231233 EG, M tlking abt SAm, ID, wx, 1230 world
nx. //9710 & 9770, this one best. (Hensley 4/27)
9585 BRAZIL R Globo 0810-0820 PT, PT mx w/M dj, ID. Fair (Cobb, ME 4/18)
9585 BRAZIL R Excelsior 0904-0917 PT, nice PT e z listening mx, tlk
between songs by M. Jingles w/ment Sao Paulo by M, then ID & freqs.
Good, w/QSB. (Valko)
9585 HUNGARY R Budapest 0200 EG, IS 0157, tc 0200 then M w/EG ID, ox
Good. (Worob, TX 4/30)
9590 MALTA DW 0120 EG, "Press Review", "Famous Last Lines", and "Science
- RWcTizine". (Krist, VA 4/26)
9590 NETHERLANDS RN (Hilversum) 0240 EG, Happy Stn, Brazilian mx, May Day
celebrations ment in several countries. (Pieper 5/01)
9590 NEPAL RN 1147, heard IS and that's it -- thx to KTWR ORM. Poor
—77Siren, WI 4/29) keep'll get a log. jta
9595 BRAZIL R Cult da Bahia 0910-0925 PT, e z mx and pops, talk by M,
ID 0923. Fair in ,»RM and OSB. (Valko)
9595 JAPAN NBS (R Tanpa) 0705-0800 JP, W dj doing remote BC talking w/
kids, occas EG pop mx, 0750 world nx by M. Fair (Wilkins, CO)
9605 VATICAN RV 0100 EG, ID, poetry. 1/6015 & 11845. 0115*. (Stanley, AZ)
9609.8 BRAZIL R Tamoio 0855 PT, Br mx, ads, ID 0900. Fair (Alexander, PA)
9610 AUSTRALIA VLW9 1100 EG, ID, nx, sports 1110. Fair (Berryman, MY 5/15)
9660 AUStRALIA VLQ9 0849-0915 EC, rig mx to 0859, ID, wx, stock rpt,
tc, Wat 'l ox, Queensland ox, "Letter from America" 0915.
Good to vy good. (Stephany, NY 4/24)
9670 PORTUGAL IBRA via Sines 1920-2030 RS, PL, EG rlg pgrmng w/ EG IDs
1930 & 2000. (Clifford 4/16)
9670 SAIPAN KYOI 1805-1915 EG/JP, rock mx from Los Angeles, "Super Rock".
Good at first, but fading fast. (Alexander, PA 4/24)
9675 PERU R del Pacifico *1059-1115 SP, s/on w/jingles, M w/ID couple
-Ties, w/freqs and ments of Peru, into rig pgrm w/organ mx &
choir. Excellent (Valko)
9680 AUSTRALIA VLR9 0823-0932 EG, sports, ID, mx, 0900 time pips, ox.
Fair to poor. (D'Ancelo & Jordan)
9685 LITHUANIAN SSR R Vilnius *0000-0029* LH, Horn IS, W w/ID, ox, many
ments of Moskva. Good to fair. (Jordan 4/26)
9685 ALGERIA *2000-2030 EG, ID, ox, pop/rock mx, ancd //9160, 15160,
15215 and 15370. (4 reporters)
9695 UAE VoUAE 1933-2000 AR, mx, W ancr, clear ID 1938. (Stephany, NY)
9730 UPKEILAND TWR *0440-0503 EG, bell IS, M w/EG /D, W w/tc & s/on anmt
0445, into rig pgrm. (D'Angelo & Steohany)
9735 PARAGUAY RNdeParaguay 2301-2355+ SP, M w/nx, upbeat mx, freq IDs.
-Fair to good. (D'Angelo, Jordan & Konen)
9740 SINGAPORE BBC Relay 1251-1305 EG, sports, ID, nx. Fair (Manning 4/30)
9745 CAMEROUN RC 2102-2122 EG/FR, EG nx, 2114 mx, 2116 EG/FR ID: "Ici
Cameroun". Mixing w/Iraq. Fair+ (D'Angelo, PA 4/16 & others)
9745 GABON RFI -215-2300 FR, ox w/ment of Gabon, mx 2241. Poor (Laysevich)
9749 TANZANIA PT 1730 & 2025-2105* EG/vern, talk on Af education, AF mx,
—I 577Zr to poor (Wood & Laysevich)
9750 TAHITI PT 2125-2205 FR/vern , Is mx pgrm, ment of Tahiti 2135.
Vy poor. (Laysevich 4/17)
9756 ALBANIA PT 0245-0257* EC, W w/cmntry on SAf injustices. Mod ORM,
- iTreily off-channel. (Abbey)
9830 CLANDESTINE R Guazapa 0145-0204 SP, long talks by W w/ment of
Habana, Venceremos & revolucionaria. LA mx, tlk by M, and more
mx. IS 0204. Difficult in hvy QRM/OSB. (Valko)
9833 HUNGARY RB 0200-0230+ EG/HG, ID, feature, mx, DX pgrm, into HG 0230.
-Good sig. (Sarta)
9880 BELGIUM BRT*0030-0112* EG, "Focus", cult rpt, "Radioworld", ID.
Good. (Manning 4/22)
9880 CLANDESTINE R Guazapa 0137-0145 SP, M talking, poss ox, /D 0131.
Lots of interference and fading. (Jordan)
9945 PRofCHINA R Beijing 2130-2200 un-ID lang, band mx, M ancr, off at
2153; back at 2200. Auroral condx. (Strauss 5/01)
9950 INDIA AIR *1730 EG, IS, ox. 10kW seems correct. (Wood, SAr 4/19)
9960 CLANDESTINE Vot Broad Masses of Eritrea 1655-1730*, indigenous mx,
interviews, talk defending US policy. // 14338 & 3730-95v (moves
to avoid jammer). I suggest this comes from Egypt. (Wood, SAr 4/21)
C u n 30

Page 50
y170Ci and above
Editor Brett Saylor, P.O. Sox 10, Whitehall, PA 18052

11700 DOMINICAN RETUBLIC R Clarin; 2150-2326 SP, pop 2a. EG ID 2205, vg (Sobkoviak 4/3)
L lob de CID via R Clarin, Musics Libre pgm w/CID /D's, Clarin ID 2313(D'Angelo 4/30
"Commente Internacional" sbt Cuba, exc, //4835 not hd (Fraser 4/15)
11705 SWEDEN RSI; *2300-2330 EG,Nordic ax incl "Sub Hunting" (new hobby in Sweden),
"Weekday Monday", "Sweden Calling pier's" w/mnt of NASWA.//15270, g (Eoemer,Dill)
11710 ARGENTINA RIE; 0230 SG, LAm nx, sports, fl;ier's special,//15345, f (Stanley 4/6)
11715 PPILLIPINES VOA relay; 1445 KG, "Concert Hall" w/classical ax, off 1500 (Fraser)
11715 SWITZERLAND SRI; *0145. 0440-0450 50, "Dateline", ax. amtry(Abbey,Krist.Stanley)
11725 CUBA R3C; 0630-0758* 3G, "Land of Music" pgm,g (Wilkins 4/29,4anning.Polchlopek)
11735 MADAGASCAR it Nederland; 1432-1500 3G, ax, "New Line" pgm, f Bolland 4/12)
11735 USSR RM; 0225-0235 KG, entry, // 11750 (Hensley 5/5)
11740 TURKEY VoT; 2300 EG, nx. =try. Tr ax, ex (VOA not hr today) (Fraser 4/17)
0300 DG, pgmu on Anatolia, art, tourism, etc, "DE Corner" g (Ceorge,Blanchette,Hommer
11755 ?INLAND RFI; 1900 FI, na. election report, g (Wood-Saudi Arabia)
11755 PORTUGAL R :apan via Sines; *2215-2230* EG, FS ID, ax, voy poor (Jordan 4/23)
11760 COOK ISLANDS RCI; 0847 - 0900* 3G/Maori, pop & island me, tk btwn songs, ID &
choral VA at signoff (Johnson,Jordan both 4/8)
11760 SPAIN SFR; 2030-2100 20, nx,"Spain in the 90's" (Weinhold 4/28) 0530-0600 %G, am
of Spain (Dill, 5/11)
11760 CUBA REG; 0415-0430 EG, anti-US pro-Grenada tlks (Abbey 4/23)
11769 YEMEN ?DR DYBS; 1330 AR, soccer match. //6005, g (Wood 4/8)
11780 BRAZIL RN Amasonica; 0045 (lang?) musical pgm, M&W armors (Field 4/25)
11795 4A-.4 7W; 2220-2230 PT, tlk by W w/ GM our, ID //17720, f (Bobb 4/25)
11785 ISSR R Tashixent; *1200-1228* SG, "R Taahkent Calling", '83 Quiz rules (Krist,Gilater
11785 EGYPT R Cairo; 1300 AR, ID "Idhaat ji Gumhuriyat ul Misr ul Arabiya*,nx.g (Wood)
11786nf 70-1f RC; 2022-2045 AR. MEast mx, low/dIstort-audio, heteup fr 11795 (Buer 4/30)
11790 INDONESIA 'FOI; 1300-1330 7R, EG ID into FR ax,ax (Bobb 4/21) 1350-1401 lang/SG,
mx. ilk by W w/ ID, freq in 20, into tlk by W in lang, f (Hensley 5/4) 1420-1515
AR/EG, AR vocals & instrunts. EG ID into na, f-p (Jordan 4/21) 1540-1644 20/GM,
local ox, ax, ID in 3G, 6 pips to 1552, into GM; REE co -ch at 1600 (Lucas 4/25)
11792 COLUMBIA H Diff Nape 0450-0502* SP, operatic ax by W, good signal (Jordan 4/17)
11800 CUBA ARC; 1215-1315 SP, ecan tlk, over Sri Lanka, ° (Wood 4/14)
11815 POLAND R %Ionia; 0200 EG, ax, retry, listener request ax, "DX Club" (Stanley 4/21)
11815 mramAND AfiLnFe TWR; 1120-1330 EG, religious tiks (Manning,Bainbridge,Bonnet)
11815 LIBYA R Jamehiriyah; 2230 SG, !east na by 4, into AR 2245. r Stanley 4/16)
11818.2 40ZA1BIQUE, EM; 1550-1610 PT, Afr ax, g (Wood 4/19)
11830 LIBERIA ELWA; 1900 Hausa, ending w/ eddies in Jos, 20 ID, into Ibo, g (Wood)
0756-0806 3G/Kanuri, rel ax, ID, into Kanuri cogs of preaching by m (D ,Ange10).
11845 VAIICAN CITY RV; 0100 SG, ad by Pope, p (Stanley 4/10)
11854.3 BRAZIL R Aparecida; 0925 PT, ID, tlk, callads,//9635 (Alexander 4/10)
11860 ASCENSION ISIANDS BBC relay; 0830-0858 DG, cil prod in Ato' Dgm, f (Polchlopek 4/17)
11860 BUL,CARIA R :ofia; 0410-0430 DG, world ox, retry, sports (Abbey, Witzig)
11866 3RAZIL R Cltbe de Pernambuco; 0303-0327 PT, tlk by 4 & W. ID, good sig despite
NW on 1865, also noted at 0921 (Alexander 4/9)
11880 KOREA POR E Pyongyang; 2000 KO, ax w/ alternating armors. g (Wood 4/17)
11890 OMAN Mascat (tentative); 1946-2028 KR, string instr. annouts by M 2000, drama WM
and W, Koran 2018, vry weak (Lobdell 4/24)
11890 PH-IL P'4ES FISC; C850-0905 SG, tlk on the Bible, Door-fair (Cobb 4/18)
11895 PORTUGAL R Free Europe; 1955 HG, "Otagu sip" (triple flute) literary rvw (Berta)
11895 SEYCHELLES FBNA; 1548-1603 DG, "Living Treasure" cgs, s/off 1603 (Park,HI 4/11)
11900 SAIPAN KYOI; 1400-1430 3G/JP, time in PST, top 40 ax, ID, f (Sobkovisk 4/8)
1450-1500* Ji/SG, IS pop ax. annemts, sioff w/omening on 9670, p (Jordan 4/9)
'045-1100 SG/SP, annemts, usual 7S rock, covered by Peking 1100 (Alexander 4/17)
11900 ST-NA R Beijing; *1500-1545 DG, ax, 7E01 QRM.//15225 (Wilkins 4/27)
11905 THAILAND ST; 1210 EG, nx, =try on China, ID (Bainbridge 4/10)
11923 :ORDAN RJ; 1358 AR, phone conversation, 6 Dips on hr, ID by 4, na (Johnson 4/9)
11928.4 SUDAN E Omdruman; 0550 Sudanese, ox, bad mad + distortion, 1100 AR ID, Sud mx,
good mod (Wood 4/17,18)

Page 51
11929 supo BOOR of the Sudan; 0413-0445 AR, speech at tun, then chants. At one point
"Idha'at...Sudaniyah..." hrd. Echo on mike + poor audio quality. Dead air 1420,
DOSS ID, then ox to 0446 f/out 4/19 only. On 4/20 hrd on 11941 'di same details.
Unhrd since. Wonder if they drift btwn 11929 adn REW rote or they can only tune
xmtr on these two (Same, via Fine Tuning) Former more likely (Ferguson, FT ed)
11938 KAMFUCHEA V of the People of Kamp; 1251-1315' Lao. Viet, fair w/ pgm in Lao; ID
at 1300, followed by a pgm in Viet (Riges 4/22)
11940 SINGAPORE R Dingapore; 0955-1005+ SG, tlk by M to 0959, time nips, then noes ox:
very poor-inaud after 1000 (Jordan 4/8) 1215 EG, poor :4/ rock mx and ID 12'30
(Higas 4/22) 1223-1300 SG, rock/pop ma, /D "You are listening to Radio One",
ant of Singapore Symphony; sounds like Falkland Islands Morn Show, hi (Mellberg)
11940 GABON Africa Number One; 2100-2300' FR, pop ax, hi-life mx, ID's.//4810, g
MP. An, Bobb, Paszkiewicz, Lausevich. Wilkins)
11940 LIBERIA ELWA; *0628 AR, IS, ID in EG, into AR 0630, g (Rigas 4/17)
11945 USA SCSI; 1358-1415 RS, ID, tlk by M & W, mx (Babb 4/26)
11950 USA WRNO; 2330 SG, Mauser's "World of Radio", ex (Sobkoviak 4/10) 2315 SG, "Shrine
of St. Jude' Svc, Elec Eqip Bank ad (Krist 4/10) 2245 EG, rock mx, ABC nx(Freser)
11960 NEW ZEALAND RIM; 0705-0730 Pacific lang. ox by M & W in 4 or 5 (!) lanes (Babb)
11975 GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC '0000-0044' SG, world nx, item on Karl Marx Conf,
cmtry on technology for peace, "Spotlight on Oporto" (Knit 4/12)
11990 CZECHOSLOVAK/A R Prague; 0100-0130 SG, ox, sports, cmtry (Krist 4/12,Dickson)
***For all of you R Prague fans.the latest album from Orchestral Manoeuvres In The
Dark, "Dazzle Ships" features the opening of R Prague recorded right off the air.
They also feature a song about "Helena', your favorite hostess who tells you to
get your tape recorders ready. Other songs include "Radio Waves" and "Time Zones",
which is a neat compilation of various time announcements end pips from stations
in several languages ***bds (for fens of rock and roll)
12000 SUNGARI. R Budapest; '0200 30, ID, IS, nx followed by "The Floor Is /ours"; DeN
de Cairo, Moscow (Higas 5/8)
12000 EGYPT R Cairo; '0200 EC, Koren, DX Club. tourism pgms (Hi-tat, Stanley)
12015 AUSTRIA Austrian R; 2150-2200 EG, mx, polka mx 1/9645,17895 (Alexander 5/7)
12025 ISRAEL KY; 0211-0221 EG, ox, entry on peace initiative (Hensley 5/5)
12070 MONGOLIA RUB; 1200-1235 SG, in CH pre-1200, opening anthem, hard-to-copy mx
by W, Asian instrm mx 1220, followed by more tlk; almost inaudible 1225
(Jordan 4/27, Glister)
12200 A CPBS 2nd pge; 1136-1235 Std CH, tlke bridged by Asian mx (Jordan 5/5)
13745 KY; '2228-2235 SG, IS. pips. ID, orch mx, then 5-min ox; fuzzy modulation
but good level (Cunningham 4/11)
13797 ICELAND /SBS, Reykjavik; 1830-1900 Icelandic, ox w/ sent of Falklands, Wash DC,
tolling bells 1900, ID by W (Jordan 4/23) 1945-2000 Icelandic, mx, ant "Reykjavik°
(Strauss 5/3)
14338 CLANDESTINE V of the Masses of Eritrea; 1655-1730' Tigrinya, ma, interviews, tlk
on Vietnam, profeesional sounding production // 3730-95v and 9960 (wood 4/21)
15010 VIETNAM VoV; 1810, 1912 SG. mix, cmtry on Vietnam-USSR relations (George, Homer)
15045 GRENADA R Pre. Grenada; 2148-0030 SG, political tlk, island mx (Gilster,Dickson.
Lausevich 4/23)
15055 GREECE Vo Greece; 1239-1247 EG, ox during GE pgM. SIO 252 (Zilmer 4/27) 1526-
1550* EG, GE mx to 1540 nx (D'Angelo. Thunberg)
15084 Ima VoIRI; 1300-1315 Sangla, tlk. time given for India. Bangladesh. into Fars/
and joining 15260 as // then, good (Wood 4/21)
15103 GRENADA RFC; 2105-2115' MG, mx, ID. Euro Svc, anne'd freq 15105. P (39 bb 4/2 5)
15120 NIGERIA Vo Nigeria; 1830 EG, world ox, ox of Nigeria (Irist) 1850-1905 SG, tribal
ma. drums, freq anne'd by W, into FR 1900 (Purdum) 2145-2200 EG, NAfr Svc, ox.
pop mx, frequent xmtr problems (D'Angelo) 0830-0920 SG, world & Nigerian nx
15150 CR/LE R Nao de Chile; 0045-0345 SP. futbol highlights,mas music& (S-Z listn),
71737bo (Thunberg. Dickson, Lausevich)
15155 ECUADOR HCJB; 0030, 0210-0340 SG, "DI Party Line", 'Passport" pgma (Erist,Witaig.
Pieper 4/28)
15160 PORTUGAL Deutschlandfunk via Sines; *1930 HG, ID, nx, g (Wood 4/21)
15160 ALGERIA ETA; 2000 7R, wx, into SO, g (Wood 4/7)
15165 AUSTRIA Austrian R; 1230 EG, 'Report from Austria", SIO 242 (Zilmer 5/1) ***While
in Vienna, I had the opportunity to listen to "Blue Danube Radio" on 102.2 MHz,
advertised via a sticker on the radio in our pension/hotel room. The program was
in MG intended for visitors from US, UK and featured extensive coverage of sperms
scores from the US. Also hrd several Czech-sounding FM stns although no listings
of them in the WRTE" beis
15165 DENMARK R Denmark; 1310 DN, ox, ox, EG ID, f-p (Blanchette 4/13) 2010-2025' DR,
ID in DN,EG (Witzig 4/21)
15170 PORTUGAL RYE; 1327-1400 EG, US pop/rock mx. ID as HG Svc of RFE, into MG 1400

Page 52
15170 TAHITI ER:3; 0236-0431 FR,Ishitian, Polynesian mx. tlks( 3onnet,Gilster.Undsay)
15175 ,CRU 7 RNI; 17D0 DG, 'Igorway Today", "Made In Norway" pgms (Stanley 4/'O)
15175 7S,R RM via Armavir (per 7FN): 1115-1145 RS, folk mx, IS, ID,f (jcrdan 4/25)
15180 SR R . Jilinus, 2200 'SG, on, entry on politics. Lithuanian literature :Stanley)
*C250-0255* R Yerevan IG, special beet on development of radio in ArmeniaJordnn
15185 USA WINB; 2100-2201 SG, religious bests (Plum,Wood,D'Angelo)
15190 SA/PAN KYOI; 0507-0700 2G/IP, pop mx, ID's in JP/!G (Cobb 5/3, Polchlopek)Cohb)
15190 3PAZIL K inconfidencia; 1900-0301* PT, Carioca ade, Brazilian nx(D'Ingelo.Wood,
15205 TA!.S/ER /CA; 2142 2G, world rpt, sports, nx, s/off 2200 (Paszkiewicz 4/15)
15205 ,A VOA; 1735 3G, nx in Special English, Science Rot (grist 4/25)
15210 EGYPT R Cairo; 1100 AR, nx, not on 15201.5 as an hour earlier, // 151 7 5 (400e
15220 TURKEY VoT; 1745-1800 Tg, MEastn mx, ID 1752. time sig '810 'Suer 4/9)
15225 SINGAPORE BBC; 1800 EG, world svc nx. g (Wood 4/12)
15225 CRT1A RE; 1235-1255* EG, trad CH mx on string instrm, listener's quest's (orden ;
'1500-1545 2G, IS, s/on, nx, cmtry, new quiz. g 4 /27 )

15235 PORTUGAL R Japan ria Sines; 0700-0715 /G, nx & cmtry (Clifford)
15240 AUSTRALIA RA: -0600-0640 EG, nx, disc of DXing in Austr.good for 10Kw(Jorden,dood)
15245 7CREA DFR R Pyongyang; 1010-1019 IG, entry. ID, mx, g (Polchlopek 4/17)
15250 PCR.,,GAL RP: 1715-1800 PR, tlk by M, mx, ID 1800 (3obb 4/9)
15255 EGYPT RC; 1850 Lingala, political tlk, contains many FR words, to Zaire.g(Wood)
15260 CANADA RCI; *1800-1829 * EG, nx, wx, sports, "Spectrum' cm, Afr Svc (grist)
15260 UK BBC; 2340-0005 SG. "Brain of Britain". world nx 0000 (Witzig 4/25)
15260 IRAN VoIRI; 1300 Fermi. nx by W, continues here while 15084 carries 3angla(Wood)
15260 BRAZIL R Nee; 0215 SG, (details??) (Dill 5/11)
15265 INDIA AIR; 1900-2000* SG, to East Ato', nx, horrible mod (Wood 4/10)
15270 lezDEN FSI; 2300 EG, nx, mailbag pgm. //11705 (Zilmer 5/1)
15275 GERMANY FR LW; 2125-2131 GM, tlk by M B W, mx (2obb 4/25) ***During a recent
stay in the FRG I was able to sample to radio listening of East & West Germany,
Austria, Italy, and Yugoslavia. I was most impressed with the non-Eastern bloc
sounds in Yugoslavia where American pop main is hrd on the radio, in the streets
and in record shops where Western albums are nlentifnl. Italy was characterized
by the constant roar of disco over the small local FM stations, and in West Germ-
any there was a mix of Wagner, US and Ug pop/new wave and ionpah music. On the
AM dial, near the Seat Germany border, every FRG station was covered by a
(deliberate?) het from an eastern station on the same frequency. While GDR AN
stns orefered Wagner to the Beatles, we did hear one station play (!) John
Lennoh's 'Imagine'. Wonder who let that-slip through?*** bds
/5240- - BetAZII, R Ban; *1855 FR, IS, a new language, listed full sked (Wood 4/8)
15280 INDIA AIR; 1700 unID lang, due to horrible modulation seems to be same sat? as
77;3- (Wood 4/19)
15290 BRAZIL R Nan; 0200 5G, vocal mx, Braz pops, econ tlks, info on Brazil (Fraser.
Dickson, Pieper, Witzig, Bonnet)
15300 UN/TED ARAB !PIRATES CAE Radio; 1627-1635 SG. pop IX, MEast & world nx, into AR
1644.1115320 -7HI1 5/6, Bobb)
15305 SWITZERLAND SRI; 0145-0215* 3G, *Dateline*, world & Swiss nx(Stanley.Pieper,Bonnet
15306.7 MOZAMBIQUE R›; 0600 PT, Afr mx, 4-note chime IS as in colonial times (Wood 4/21)
15310 OMAN BBC relay; 1640-1651 SG, coverage of Grand Prix cricket matches (Purdun)
15310.7 GUINEA LI de la Revolution; 2000 FR, political tlk. ID 2005, reactivated(Wood)
15325 SEYCHELLES PIRA; 1545 EG, sermon transcribed from the CS, g (Wood 4/19)
15335 rnDIA AIR; 1:30-1400 DG, mx. ID by W (Strauss 5/2)
15345 AFGENTINA 1A81 0100 SG, wx, nx. nx 1111710,6060, g (Stanley 4/21) 1200-0230 SP,
LAn nx, mx; 1230-0300 20, ID (Dickson) 0230 SG. nx by M & W, travelogue, sports
nx, samba mx. f (Gilster)
15345 77WAIT NC; *C545 3G, boring tlk on vegetable production (Wood 4/18)
15350 LUXEMBOURG R2L; 1850-1900 FR, confusing EG jingles from US stn,pop mx (Wood)
2325-2405 ?R, "WLKN" ID's then nx (Plum 4/22)
15375 SPAT"! SFR; 2100 SG, nx, press review, sports (Stanley 4/9)
'5390 BRAZIL RB; *2000 3G, list full sked.g (Wood 4/12)
15400 IRAQ RE; 0431 AR, Voice of the Masses, >east choral singing (Witte 5/2)
15410 PRILLIP/NES 'i0A relay; 1450-1500 CH/SG, EG lessons from Jack London's "White
Fang', IS, ID //11965 (Purdum 4/16)
15405 SEYCHE122-q 'exl3A; .1100 AR, ID, religious tlk in heavy Lebanese accent (Wood)
15415.5 BRAZIL R Clute Ribeire Preto; 0045-0120+ PT, Bras mx w/very happy M DJ, ancmts,
ads, cuckoo clock at 0100 and jingle ID; slightly off free this day (4/10) but
right on previously (Alexander, Jordan)
15420 USA WRNO; 1720-1732 80, 7M-100 IDs, ads, "Ball Of Fame* Lucas 5/6)
15430 MEXICO R Mexico; 0125-0250 SP, mx and tlk by M, EG ID 0300(Dickson.Smith.Jordan)
15445 BRAZIL R Bac Amazonica; 2330-1200 PT, LAm nx, mx (Dickson, Blanchette)
15485 1EW ZEALAND F52; 1122 EG. Patriotic cmtry by M followed by 1A; as it turns out
this was a beet to cover visit of Prince & Princess of Wales to 72. ID'd as
.1ational Program" (Bolland 4/20) 1900 EG, 'ix, great signal for this time of
day (Witte 4/10) 0350-0520 EG. rol pgm, mx,1117705 (Gilster.Sonnet,Stanley)

Page 53
TAIWAN WYFR via VOFC:1310-1330 SG, to India. Bible reading, p w/ flutter (Busy)
SPAIN REE; '1900 SP, "Servicio Mundial en Espanol", another clone of the BBC
World Service? nx, g (Wood 4/7)
MADAGASCAR R Nederland relay: 1303-1324 IJ, M w/ vocal ax, pg. in EG. TX, DI
ending 1324 w/ IS (Bobb 4/11)
GREECE VoG: "1541-1549' SG, to NAm.nx (Krist 4/16)
BELGIUM 1400-1441' SG. Belgium & Euro ox (Gilster,Thunberg,Witzig.Bonnet)
ISRAEL KI: 2000-2030 SG, am, "Calling All Liateners", "DI Corner' hrd // 15587.5
13745, 11655. 9009 (Alexander 5/1)
MEW ZEALAND RITZ; 0300 SG. world or, "Newsdesk" (Stanley) 0515-0600 SG, pop ax,
/715485, both weak and fading out 0600 (Alexander 4/30)
GUAM KTWR; '2200 IN, religious pg., over AIR (Wood 4/6)
INDIA AIR; '0730 EC, IS, ID, g (Wood 4/15)
ROMANIA R Bucharest: 1300 SG, nx, freq eked //15250 (Zilmer 5/3)
SOUTH kr-o. CA R RSA: "2100 SG, "Afr Today"."Media lye ngms (Krist 4/25)
ALGERIA RTVA; 1958-2005 SG. guitar IS to 2000 time sig, s/on w/ ox, ox from 2002:
fair-good w/ splatter 17740; /19685. 9509 (Buer 4/10)
BULGARIA R Sofia: 1805-1815 FR. Afr Svc, listener's letters. Afr ax (Suer 4/10)
OMAN BBC relay: 1230-1309 SG, quiz show, sports, ox on the hr (Polchlopek 4111)
TAIWAN Van; 0315 EG, ox. hvy QRM (Worob 4/18)
NIGERIA Vogl 2125 SG, fair w/ ID, local mx, distorted audio (Riga» 4/23)
BRAZIL R Clubs de Sao Paulo: 0130 PT, Braz pops incl "Desafinado" which mamma
"out-of-tune", vry deep fades (Smith 4/25)
BRAZIL R Mac: 0200 EG, local ox & ax (Glister. Krist 4/14)
SWEDEd RSI: 1400 EG, ox. mailbag, //17790 SIO 222 (Ulmer)
CHINA RB; 0100 SG, "Across The Land" pg. (Blanchette 4/12) "0000 SG. ox, entry.
(Kriat 4/14)
USSR RN via Irkutak (per URN); 0144-0230 EG, folk mx, weak.//17765 (Omsk) slightly
stronger, p (George 4/23)
QATAR QBS; 1703 AR, ox by 4, mx. ID "Qatar Min al-Doha', off 1730 (Paszkiewics)
BELGIUM RIB: "1500 FR, IS, ax, g (Wood 4/12)
USSR R Afghanistan relay; 1003-1029 SG, ax by M. ID by W at 1004, nx to 1008 then
mx. ID. oetry (Polchlopek 4/11)
ECUADOR NCJII; 2130-2200" EG. "DX PartyLine", (Krist. Bonnet)
ASCENSICW VOA; 0955-1100 PT, "Yankee Doodle" to 1000, EC ID, into PT (Clifford)
AUSTRIA ORB; 1036-1055 EG, bio of Wagner, ID. listener's letters (Polchlopek)
SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA; '1000 fly. IS, anthem. no // noted, g (Wood 4/26)
SPAIN REE; "0558 SP, world eve, ID, am (Wood 4/18)
JAPAN RJ: 0800 SG, to Europe. g (Wood 4/19)
USSR RN via Riga (per URN); 1448-1555 SG. cmtry, ox. ex. Poor (George 4/ 20 )
UAE OAF Radio; 1020-1045 EG. AR ax to 1030, EG ID & world rm. 1100 Mailbag, back
to AR 1115 (Clifford)
PHILLIPENFS AFRTS; 2000* abruptly off in middle of basketball. SG, (Wood 4/24)
KUWAIT RIE; 1000 AR. ID, ex. //11990. 6055. g (Wood)
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES RN; 2030 EG, "Happy Station", ex //17695 (Fraser 4/17.m..1.4
CANADA RCI; '1544-1559e SG, ax best to Europe (Krist 4/16)
UAE Dubai: 0700 AR. ID. time dig (Wood)
USA VOL; 1130 EG, world ax (Kriat)
SOUTH AFRICA R RSA; 1324-1400 EQ. "Tours and Mine" pg. (Witsie
MADAGASCAR RN; 0700 SG, "Neweline 0 (Dale Park.H/ 4/30)

his completes UR-D for the month. While I have substituted for LB-D in the past
times, this marks a permanent change as LB-D and La -B have been combined into
umn. If you recall, they were separated in 1979 due to the large number of logs
Upper frequencies.

be interested jnhearing from any of you with experiences in radio listening in

'Please drop me a line if you've got any interesting stories. 73's till July...

Dgge sent the following corrections to his English Schedule.
ing Brussels should be 10:00-10:45 M-F 1400-1445 M-F 17610.
London 15250c should be 15260c.
Vienna 9700 should be 9770.


Page 54
Nick Pappas, 251 S. Olds Blvd., Apt. 243 Fairless Hills, PA 19030

Welcome to the June '83 edition of FRENDX, and thanks to the following
fifty-nine members for their contributions:

Leonard Abbet, Atlanta, GA (DX-302); Samuel Alcorn, Morrisville, PA

(DX-200); Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA; Tom Alienan, Kansas
City, MO; William Bainbridge, Fairmont, WV (ICF6800); P. Barta, Toronto,
ON (RF -2800); Marion Blanchette, Thonotosassa, FL (DX-100, RF260);

Norman 6,:bb, Minneapolis, MN (XCR30, ICF2001, R600); Charles Bolland,

Lakewcrth, FL (ICON R-70, FRG7000); Arthur Bonnet, West Lafayette, IN
(DX302); Paul Buer, Miami, FL (SPR-4/FS-4); James Clifford, Augsburg,

West Germany (FRG-7); Ken Cobb, Portland, ME (RF4900, RF2800); Larry

Cunningham, Columbus, OH; Richard D'Angelo, Wyomissing, PA ; Ronald
David, New York, NY (DX-160); Richard Dickson, Loveland, OH (DX-302);
Barbara Ann Dill, Saint Marys, PA (RF2200); Marlin A. Field, Hillsdale,
MI (SPR-4, SO-100); Bob Fraser, Cohasset, MA (OCR-30); Nelson George,
Fayetteville, NC (DX-302); Paul Gilster, Raleigh, NC (ICON R-70, ICF-
2001); Michael Hawk, Hampton, VA (GE World Monitor II); Baxter Hensley,
El Paso, TX (FRG-7mod, SX-190); Don Hosmer, Dearborn, MI (RF3100, ICF-
2001); Hans Johnson, Kingswood, TX (FRG7000, RF2200); Rufus Jordan,

Pittsburgh, PA (DX-302, Zenith Transoceanic); Bill Krause, Anoka, MN

(R7/DR7); Kraig Krist, Falls Church, VA (FRG7700); Arnold Laysevich,
Milwaukee, WI (HQ180C, RF4800); Bruce Lindsey, Rochester, NH (DX-302);
Christcpher Lobdell, Stoneham. MA (FRG7000, HQ180AX); Rick Lucas, Stock-
ton, CA (R-1000); Sandra Manning, Garland, TX (FRG7700mod); Fritz Mel-
berg, awarden, IA (RF2900, ICON R70); Dale Park, Honolulu, HI (ICF-

6700W); Sheryl Paskiewicz, Manitowoc, WI (DX-302); Gary R. Pieper,

Fraser, MI (R-600); Bill Plum, Irvington, NJ (FRG7700mod); Joe Pol-

chlopek, Misawa, Japan (DR49, ICF-6800A); Gene Purdum, East Lansing,

MI (FRC7700mod); Christos Rigas, Chicago, IL (VEF 206, R-2000); Bryan
P. Sharpy!, Castro Valley, CA (DX-302); Christopher Smith, Stratford,
CT (R-1000); Bob Sobkoviak, Plainfield, IL (DX-200); Trevor Stanley,
Flagstaff, AZ (NRD-515); Nolan Stephany, Williamson, NY (R392); Robert
Strauss, Columbus, OH (FRG-7mod, FRG7700mod); Bob Thunberg, DuBois,
PA (SSR-1, HQ-200); Bruce Tindall, Chapel Hill, NC (ICF-2001); Dave
Hulks, Dunlo, PA (DX-160, FRG-7); Barry Washburn, Glens Falls, NY (DX-

3C2); Terry Weinhold, East Earl, PA (FRG-7, DX-160); John Wilkins,

Wheat Ridge, CO (R-I000); Marjorie Witte, Torrance, CA (FRG-7); Eric
Witzig, Annandale, VA (R-1000); Richard E. Wood, Abha, Saudi Arabia
(R-7, R-1000); Philip Worob, Austin, TX (DX-160); Robert Oilier, Rio

Rancho, NM (R-1000).

Due to vacation, I'm forced to move the deadline for all loggings for
the July issue to the ninth of June. Deadlines for subsequent issues
will remain the twelfth of the month.

Until next month, 73's and good

Page 55
EDITOR: Mike Agner 301 N. Progresa Ave. Apt. GIO Harrisburg Pa.

Hi everyone. I hope that all have had an easy winter and are
looking forward to spring as much as I. I could stand to see some sun
for a change- and come to think of it, I could also stand to hear from
all 2100+ of you! Remember this column goes nowhere without , A1sei

ODDS AND ENDS DEPT...A little while ago I had reported on the itnes I .
used by Ner KAOCPC out in Denver Co.; wifortunatly, uid not have a 1 t A;ft.,•5:'
name for this Eent. I got a note from Al Zchwaneke (HAP USA president)C.
that clears up the mystery quite nicely . That call belongs to Joe
L r:
"Sparky" :Ulmer. My thanks for Joe and Al for helping out.
Now onto some other contributions.
Paul Benjamin, Rochester NY FRT7700 antenna tuner
Yaesu YH55 Phones
MFJ102 24 hr clock
TR.5000 Panasonic
cassette record.
45 foot random wire,
45 foot high

Gillee Michaud, Quebec Can. 45 foot random wire

CAR7 freq readout
Cardon jumbo S meter
Telex HTC2 headnnones
Sensiphone Superex
Lloyds ÏW851721? spkr.
Panasonic R2309 Cass-
ette recorder
Vagabond M12110 casse-
tte recorder
Micronta 24 hour timer
audio interface with
..the schematic for the filter can be homebrew filter*
found in the jan/Feb 1980 edition of Morse audio amplifier
Elementary Electronics (Merci, Gilles, we
could use more info like this. mja)

Next we have the shack layout of my artist,

Chuck 2olland...Next time, we look at 2 indoor
antennas, and see just how good is good. 738

Page 56
HAP DIRECT SALE ITEMS: The following .1.ckersidecals are available for.S.25 each or any 3
(five) for $1.00. New since last iseÀe: Polskie Radio(blue)(gray)(brown)(green),Swansea
Sound,KPKE. We also have WABB(small),10WC0(mini),Radio Tees,ESPN,RIAS(Treff Punkt),12B4ORF,
Radio Sweden,Metro Radio,Radio DeeJay,PCH,Capital Radio,6WF,BDXC,Radio Nacional de 'soana,
WPIJ(Doors)(Rolling Stcnes)(Who)(4C/DC)(Rock n Rall),WLUP(large)(cir.),WDET(large)(small).
KOME(black)(yellow),CKNW,CFAX,KIa and KOLO. The following are available for 3.50 each:
Radio 210,Radio Aire.7EX,Radio Tay,RNE(soccor),4)(0,Radio Avon,Radio Caroloine(black)(white)
and Deutsche Welle....Hope you like this selection.. .Sam.
ADDITIONAL DIRECT SALE ITEMS: The following items are available at the quoted prices: WWWE
2 tone brown plastic litter bags at $.50;WPEZ and KBOI paper hats at 3.30 each;VEMP,WQFM
and Disco-99 iron-on T-Shirt decals at S.25 each; KREM and plastic ID cards at 3.3
each; WWON ice scraper at 3.30 each; WMMR very large book cover at 3.25 each; C3C South-
west Ontario heavy plastic litter bag at $.30 each; London Music Radio and European Music
Radio paper banners at 3.25 each; Radio Forestland balloons at 3.50 each; metal station
badges from WLPX,VMMR,WMET(dark)(light),CFTR(Blues Brothers) WILT and Radio City-199 at
$.25 each; KIVI plastic litter bag at S.50 each; also have Radio London, Radio Caroline,
Radio Nord,RadioWest, Radio Duomo(car)(woman),Voice of Syncom and Radio Fil Rose BiW mini-
posters at 3.25 each.
HAP BID ITEMS: 4503:312(Australia)1979 matchbook,red,BAW. 4504:Radio West "Duck"aticker,m/c
(3x3.5")-nice: 4505:Radio Caroline-1150(New Zealand)sticker(3x6nec-beauty: 4506:Die Lut-
herishe Stunde religious pg. via KGEI and Radio Luxembourg station stamp,m/c. 4507:dGG
(Australia)metal badge(2"cir)red,white. 4508:4MK(Australia)sticker(3x6nmic. 4509:4GG"Boac
Safety" sticker(7"cir)-beauty1 4510:Mittelwellen DX Club(Germany)sticker(4"cir). 4511:
Cleveland Area Cable TV cloth arm patch(2.5"cir)blue,white. 4512:Metro Radio(UK)metal
badge(2"cir)red,white,blue. 4513:2CH(Australia)leather key chain,m/c-beauty: 4514:KIPA
(Hawaii)scicker(3x12nred,yellow. 4515:Radio Polonia stick pin. 4516:4FFF Radio Freedom
(New Zealand - pirate)sticker(3x6nred,B&W. 4517:HCJB(Ecuador)paper pennant(dx9nyellow,
black. 4518:2CH sticker(2x6nmic. 4519:WZZO license plate-metal(6x12")m(c. 4520:Radio
Scotland paper sticker(2.5x13nblue,white. 4521:WPEZ metal belt buckle-very nice: 4522: ,
WITL metal belt buckle-very nice: 0523:WPIX station pen,black. 4524:Bayerischer Rundfunk
(Germany)sticker(4"cir)olue,114W. 4525:Radio National de Espana Large 1982 "World Cup"
soccer poster,m/c. 4526:Radio Peking station pin,blue,white. 4527:Radio Peking station pin
red,white,blue. 4528:Radio Bucharest(Romania)key chain,m/c-beauty: 4529:WDR ladio(Germany),
large station poster,m/c. 4530:3KZ(Australia)"Heart" shaped sticker(4x4"),mic. 4531:Radio
Panda(Italy)2 tone sticker(d"cir). 4532:KIZO cloth arm patch(2x3")mic. 4533:KELA key chain
blue,yellow. 1534:WMXY key chain,blue,gold. 4535:Radio Sweden 1.nternational Paper pennant,

(41(8.5")blue,vellow. 4536:Radio Essex(UX)paper sticker(2x17.5norange,black. 4537:KMJK

station pen,B6W. 4538:Radio Sweden Poster(12x16.5nec. 4539:RTE Radio 2(Ireland)station
pen,black,gold. 4540:RTE Radio 2'station pencil,black,red. 4541:Radio Peking station ?in,
(cir)blue,white. 4542:Radio Peking station pin 2 tone blue. 1543:World Music Radio(Italy)
sticker(1.5x4.5nred,BAW. 4544:Swansea Sound(Wales)decal(d"cir)m/c-beautiful: 1545:VGA
sticker(3"cir)red,white,blue. 4546:Radio Lancashire(a)large station pen,red,B4W-nice:
4547: Radio Lancasnire plastic coated key chain,red,B&W. 4548:Radio Lancashire sticker
(2.5x1Inred,B&W. 4549:Radio MUnchen(Germany)sticker(d"cir)blue,white. 1550:Peter Flowers
Radio(Italy)6 sided sticker(3"cir)red,white,blue. 4551:Gamma Radio (Italy)sticker(3x5")
mfc-nice 52:Capital Radio(Transkei)sticker(dx4nmetallic silver and blue-beautiful:::
4553:West Sound(UK)metal badge(2"cir)blue,white. 4554:Wesc Sound "Dolphin Club"metal badge
(2"cir)blue,white. 4555:The Voice of Ayrshire(UK)sticker(2x9nblue,white. 4556:Manx Radio
(Isle of Man)"I.O.M. T.T. Motorcycle Races" stickar(3"cir)red,B&W. 4557:Manx Radio sticker
(2x9")m/c-nice: 4558:Manx Radio sticker(3.3x5nm/c-nice: 1559:Manx Radio decal(3.3x31m/c.
4560:Manx Radio "Screwdriver" station pen,gray,white-super: 4561:Manx Radio "Nut and Bolt"
station pen,gray,white-super: 4562:West Sound(UK)station men,blue,white.4563:West Sound
note pad (41(6")mic. 4564:Manx Radio "Calendar" decal (4x6nblue,B&W-nice: 4563:Manx Radio
sample QSL card,B&W. 4566:BBC Radio Northampton(UK)plastic station pin(rcir)green,bdue.
4567:B3C Radio Northampton sticker(4x5nec. 4 568:KBOL sticker(3.5x15nblue,white. 4569:
BBC Radio Wales decal(3.53(6")m/c-great: 4570:3BC Radio Wales "Symphony Orchestra" Seca! in
EG/Welsh(2.5x12")mic-beaucy: 4571:BBC Radio Wales decal(2.5x12")"Start your Day"mic.4572:
Radio Cvmru(Wales)decal14x7" triangulariec-very nice: 4573:BBC Radio Clwyd(Wales)decal
(5.5"cir)mic-beautiful::: 4574:BBC Radio Newcastle(UX)decal(4x5nblue,white. 4575:Beacon
Radio 303(UK)large plastic ruler(1.5x12")m/c. 1576:Beacon Radio 303 add sized sticker
(4x8.5")red,white,blue. 1577:Italian Broadcasting Corn. sticker(3x4.3npurple,white.0578:
Radio Gemini(Euro Pirate)sticker(3"cir)míc-old: 4579:Radio Turismo(Venezuela)sticker
(1x5nm/c-very nice' Hope we have a good selection this time.. .Sam.
ADDRESS: Send Your orders for direct sale items and your bids to Sam Barto, 489 King Street
Bristol, Conn. USA 06010...Please make your minimum order at least $3.00. We will handle
all orders but the $.25 orders are making it hard. Hi l We are presently planning to att-
end ANARC this year with many of our featured items an hand to sell. Hope to see you:
1•LAI SA4:

111/IA1 SSV13 iSkild



L9061 emeniAsuuad 'unnoupel


Peoki JamoliPl!M
First Class North America $16
Overseas, Surface Mail $16
Airmail to Central America, Caribbean, South America, Europe $25
Airmail to Asia, Africa, Pacific $28
All remittances must be in U.S. funds and mailed to: NASWA, P.O. Box 13
Liberty, IN., 47353, U.S.A.
Update: Besides FRENDX, NASWA also publishes UPDATE amid month
newsletter with the very latest DX news while it's still news. (UPDATE also
appears in each issue of FRENDX). It is only available to NASWA members.
North America (First Class) $4.00
Overseas (Airmail) $6.00 s.
Sample copies of FRENDEX and UPDATE are available for $1.00 in N.A.
Overseas $2.00

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER -Bill Oliver, 45 Wildflower Road,

Lavittown, PA 19057
BUSINESS MANAGER & TREASURER -Mac Leonhardt, P.O. Box 13, Liberty, IN 47353
SHORTWAVE CENTER •John C. Herkimer, 3233 East Ave:, Caledonia, NY 14423
LISTENERS' NOTEBOOK- Glenn Hauser, Box 6287, Knoxville, TN. 37914.0287
QSL REPORT -Sam Barto, 489 King Street, Bristol, CT 06010
UPDATE EDITOR -Tom Alleman, 615 43rd Terrace, Apt. 6, Kansas City, MC 64111
DISTRIBUTING EDITOR -Nick Pappas, 251 S. Olds Blvd., Fairless Hills, PA 19030
LOG REPORT (A) -Dr. S. David Klein, 642 Cranbury Cross Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 -n
LOG REPORT (B) -Jerry Berg, 38 Eastern Avenue, Lexington, MA 02173
LOG REPORT (C) •John T. Arthur, Box 4948, Arcata, CA 95521 C cn
LOG REPORT (D) •Brett Saylor. P.O. Box 10. Whitehall, PA 18052 3 •":—„.
—• •-• -0 -0 s'
SCOREBOARD •Jerry Lineback, 115 Wroxton, Conroe, TX 77304 o >or
AWARDS CHAIRMAN -Dan Henderson, 7921 Anfred Drive, Laurel, MD 20810 Z — trr
Pm 0 —I cn
COUNTRY LIST CHAIRMAN -Don Jensen, 5204 70th St., Kenosha, WI 53140 > Cn
U.K. REPRESENTATIVE •Alan Thompson, 16 Ens Ave., Neath, W. Giamorgan, C) g

Great Britain, SA 113AD co • m>


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