Progress Report: Doctoral Programme in Biological and Environmental Science

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Doctoral Programme in Biological and Environmental Science


Family name First name

Start of the PhD studies Estimated time of defence Estimated time of
(month/year) (month/year) graduation (month/year)
Topic of the thesis

Supervisor(s) (Name, Institution/University)


Members of the follow-up group (Name, Institution/University)


Date of the follow-up group Reporting period The report number


A brief description of the theoretical background of the research (max 200 words)

Manuscripts/publications to be included in the doctoral thesis and progress of the research


Publications and manuscripts which are not intended to be included in the thesis

Poster and/or oral presentations


The list of postgraduate studies (opinnot) accomplished during the current reporting period,
including the name of the course and number of credits earned (ECTS)

The total of ECTS during your PhD studies




Doctoral Programme in Biological and Environmental Science

Evaluation of the progress of the PhD project with justification. Compare your
accomplishment to your goals set for the past year. You should list the goals and whether you
have achieved them.

Major changes to the plan


Other changes

Plan for the postgraduate studies to be done during the next year, including schedule

Plan for the research to be done during the next year, including schedule

Publication plan, including schedule


Presentations at upcoming scientific meetings


Financial plan for the following year and funding period


Positive and negative points


Other comments

The follow-up group meeting. Note that a clear statement of the feasibility of the plan and
evaluation of the progress of the PhD project should be included (the opinion of the members of the
follow-up group). See instructions, point 21.

Doctoral Programme in Biological and Environmental Science

1) The progress           report must be accepted by the supervisor(s) before it is submitted to the follow-
up group.
2) The doctoral student fills the form and sends it electronically to the members of the follow-up group at
least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
3) After the follow-up group meeting, the doctoral student updates the progress report to include the memo
of the follow-up group meeting (see point 21). Before submitting the final progress report to the doctoral
programme, it should be proved by the follow-up group. Note: no signatures are required but it should be
indicated in the updated report that the report has been proved by the follow-up group. The updated
reports must be submitted to the doctoral programme by 30.4.20xx via an online form
( Exception: Those whose contract of
employment is ending, submit their progress report at least one (1) month before the contract expires.
4) Reporting period. Each doctoral student has to provide a progress report of the PhD project once a year
until defence. The first reporting period starts on the date that your doctoral study rights were granted. The
end date of the reporting period is the date when the progress report is submitted to the follow-up group.
5) The report number. If this is your first progress report, the number of the report is “1”.
6) Manuscripts/publications to be included in the doctoral thesis and progress of the research: List of
publications and tentative titles of manuscripts which will be included in the thesis, including names of the
authors, the status of the work (experiments planned, experiments in progress, experiment done, data
analyzed, manuscript in preparation, manuscript submitted, manuscript accepted for publication, or the
reference of the publication), and a brief description of doctoral student’s contribution to the work (e.g.,
original idea, planning, writing, analyzing).
7) Poster and/or oral presentations: List of all symposia and meetings abroad and home (name, place, date)
that the student has participated in, including the student’s contribution (poster, talk).
8) The list of postgraduate studies (opinnot) accomplished during the current reporting period: List of all
lectures and practicals accomplished during the passing year, including the name and code of the course,
number of credits earned.
9) The total of ECTS during your PhD studies: The total of completed ECTS during your PhD studies,
including the name and code of the course, number of credits earned.
10) Teaching: List of courses where the student has taught on (name, code, place, date, the student’s task)
11) Supervision: The titles and authors of BSc and MSc thesis the student is supervising/has supervised.
12) Evaluation of the progress of the PhD project: Please give your justification: Did you accomplish goals
during the past year which you had set yourself? Compare your accomplishment to your goals indicated in
the previous year’s report. List the goals and whether you achieved them. Will you able complete your
PhD on schedule?
13) Major changes to the plan: A list of major changes that have been made to the research and/or study plan
submitted for the previous meeting. Indicate why the changes were made.
14) Other changes: For example changes in financing status (new grant applied or obtained etc.), in student
status (part-time, full-time doctoral training) and/or supervision arrangements.
15) Plan for the postgraduate studies to be done during the next year: A list of postgraduate studies
(opinnot) that are going to be accomplished the following year, including a schedule for the studies
required by the faculty. Please give dates when you are planning to take the course.
16) Plan for the research to be done during the next year: A list of research that are planned to do during the
next year, indicating schedule. The schedule should include main phases of the research and timetable for
them (month).
17) Publication plan: A list of manuscripts that are going to be accomplished the following year and
schedule. The schedule should include deadlines for each manuscript.
18) Presentations at upcoming scientific meetings. A list of scientific meetings where you are going to give a
poster or oral presentation during the next reporting period. If you have not yet decided which meeting
you will attend, you can give a list of meetings, which you are considering.
19) Financial plan for the following year and funding period: Explain how costs resulting from the student's
laboratory/experimental work and travel expenses will be funded. Please indicate funding period for a
salary/personal grant and whether you will have financial gaps.

Doctoral Programme in Biological and Environmental Science

20) Positive and negative points: Summary of 3 positive and 3 negative points from the past year e.g. main
findings/main issues learnt (including courses, organization of events, readings, etc.) and biggest
problems/things that could be improved.
21) Other comments: Any topics related to the PhD project.
22) The follow-up group meeting: The date and place of the meeting and who were present. After the follow-
up meeting, a doctoral student writes here briefly what was discussed and whether the follow-up group
requested modifications of the plan and/or gave recommendations. The follow-up group meeting should
be documented so that it is possible to return to the report as a basis for preparing for the next meeting. A
clear statement of the feasibility of the plan and evaluation of the progress of the PhD project should be
included (the opinion of the members of the follow-up group). Description should answer to the following
- Did the student accomplish goals during the past year which she/he had set herself/himself?
- Has the research and studies progressed well during the past year?
- Is the progress sufficient to allow completion of the PhD on schedule?
- In the view of the amount of the work remaining to be done, is the planned schedule realistic?
- If the PhD project (postgraduate studies, research) did not progress as planned, what factors have
hindered the progress and what are the recommendations of the follow-up group? I.e. in what way the
problems could be solved to ensure the progress.
- Any other comments concerning doctoral student’s postgraduate studies and/or PhD project.

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