Part 1 - Quality: Here Is An Example of University Quality Standards For Online Teaching

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Building an effective E-Learning platform - by Stephen Monaghan

What makes an effective E-Learning platform?


Here is an example of university quality standards for online teaching:

Standard 1: The course uses instructional models and methods that

Structure and engage students in active learning and provides students
Interface with multiple learning paths to master stated learning
outcomes. The course content is based on student needs as
well as research-based subject-matter expert recommended
information. The course content provides ample
opportunities for interaction and communication — student
to student, student to instructor and instructor to student.
Standard 2: The course provides online learners with sufficient
Teaching and instructional input, resources, guides, and supplemental
Learning materials that are designed to induce progress toward
mastery of identified learning outcomes and are aligned with
course activities, and delivered in ways aligned with diverse
learning styles of students in an open online environment.
Students are provided options for multiple ways of engaging
with learning experiences that promote mastery of stated
learning outcomes for the identified course content.
Standard 3: The course takes full advantage of a variety of technology
Technology and tools, has a user-friendly interface and meets accessibility
Accessibility standards for interoperability and access for learners with
special needs.
Standard 4: The course uses multiple strategies and activities to assess
Student Learning student readiness for, and progress in, learning outcome
Assessment mastery, and provides students with feedback on their
Standard 5: All technical processes are presented with opportunities for
Support assistance and guidance where students find it necessary.
The design and page layout formats are clear and
interesting, and avoid distracting or confusing elements.
Software that will be necessary is readily available to
students before engaging in the program or course(s).
Readily available instant ‘help’ resources are available to the
student without disengaging in the course activities. A
personal help resource is available to students by email and
phone. Online instructors are prepared to teach their
students in the online environment and are prepared to
provide student technical support for course activity pages
during the course.
What we can take from this:

Standard 1: The course content should be well structured and

Structure and Interface targeted for specific learner goals.
A range of mediums should be used for this, so
not just teacher and student talking over
Standard 2: The course should provide different options for
Teaching and Learning to provide the best learning environment for
each individual learner.
Standard 3: The technology used to teach (software,
Technology and Accessibility interactive programs, VR etc.) should be easy for
learners and Instructors to be able to use and
usable by all learners.
Standard 4: The course should target specific individual
Student Learning Assessment learner goals such as an IELTs band score or
specific topical knowledge.
Assessment should guide instructors to fill holes
in learner knowledge.
Standard 5: Support, both technical and educational should
Support be made available from day one, and all elements
of the course should be able to be updated to
care for learners individual needs.

On a basic level this means:

1. We provide several different courses for different levels and needs, which can be customised for
each individual learner as needed.
2. The course should frequently make use of multiple types of mediums and teaching methods.
3. Individual learner targets should be set and updated as necessary, and the course needs to
achieve these targets.
4. All parts of the learning process should be easy to understand/use and be fully supported.

See Appendix 1 for more detail into the quality structure.

PART 2 - Comparing existing platforms.

Adobe Captivate Prime
Adobe Captivate Prime provides user control over setup, delivery, and the tracking of learner progress.

It uses a product called Fluidic Player that enables online learners to take notes on the go. Its online
dashboard guides the learner through a schedule of completed and pending tasks and shows the student
how he or she is doing compared with colleagues.

Captivate Prime enables the learner to download content to be accessed and studied offline. The system
tracks progress and automatically syncs at the next login.

Captivate is an innovative presentation package that boast interactive slides and a range of interesting
technological features such as;

 Virtual reality compatibility

 A huge library of slide resources.

 Interactive video tools.

 User friendly and easy to use tools.

 Multi-device support.

 Usable on Windows and Apple

 Customizable closed captions

 A host of ‘ready to go’ interactive slides including quizzes and games/activities

Personal Opinion.
The software has a lot to it and will take some time to train teachers to use but is well supported by
Adobe and has many interesting features to keep classes interesting.
It includes video and audio communication and live editing possibilities, allowing for on-the-fly
It is accessible on a large range of devices and comes with a huge library of design options and time
saving build tools.
As a tool it is exceptional, I was unable to get n accurate price plan as you must contact the company to
do so, but there is a 1 month free trial to test the product.




Dokeos is a system that enables users to ensure consistent compliance and competency
management for highly regulated industries.

It offers a platform with 10-language capability, portal customization, quiz scenarios, and social
tools like wikis, forums, and surveys. It allows the uploading of SCORM-compliant courses and
the sharing of documents via Dropbox.

Dokeos Live provides audio and video communications for online facilitators to host online
sessions. PowerPoint presentations can be inserted, and recordings can be made available to


 Compatible with a large range of media software

 Has built in testing and can create certificates for learners

 Has an integrated content chat

 Has a strong focus on tracking performance of its users

 Free-Trial

Scitent offers a Learning Management System and distribution platform that combines eLearning
with growing prospective customers through B2B and B2C channels.

It provides a way to have an eLearning business and to sustain its growth to capture new learners
and members, and actually make it a profit centre.

Scitent works with customers to create an interactive and customized learning system on multiple
platforms that are based on its research on adult learners. The company works with customers on
how to monetize, market, and distribute the system to new audiences through its PROPEL
distribution system.


 Very Student-centred design

 Highly interactive features.

 Large University/Company Endorsement

 Aims to turn your course into a profit making business and develop your brand.

Appendix 1 - see attachments.

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