Summary-Sustainable Development Goals

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The 17 sustainable development goals

- UN: better and more sustainable future for all, (to) create
- three dimensions of SDGs: social, economic and environmental, (to) have
- 2015, (to) set goals
- 2030 goals, (to) reach goals

Goal 1: No poverty
- poverty is more than the lack of income: hunger and malnutrition, limited access to
Education, (to) comprise
- 783 million people below the international poverty line of US$1.90 a day, (to) live
- most people below the poverty line: Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, (to) be found
Targets by 2030:
- reduce poverty by half
- poor people: vulnerability to climate change and other economic, social and
environmental shocks and disasters, (to) protect against
- development cooperation, (to) increase

Goal 2: Zero hunger

- globally one in nine humans, (to) be undernourished
- in developing countries 12.9 per cent of the population, (to be) undernourished
- small farms: nearly 80 per cent of food consumed in the developing world, (to) produce
Targets by 2030:
- hunger, (to) end
- access to food all year round, (to) ensure
- agricultural productivity of small-scale food producers, (to) double

Goal 3: Good health and well-being

- more than five million children: death before their fifth birthday each year, (to) suffer
- poor children: almost twice as likely to die before the age of five, than wealthier children,
(to) be
- children of mothers who went to primary school: better chance to survive, (to) have
Targets by 2030:
- maternal mortality, (to) reduce
- epidemics (e.g. AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria), (to) end
- number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents, (to) halve by 2020
- health care for all

Goal 4: Quality education
- quality education: foundation (basis) to creating sustainable development, (to) be
- education: less poverty, better jobs, less inequality, (to) mean
- sub-Saharan Africa: no school for more than half of the children; (to) exist
Targets by 2030:
- free quality primary and secondary education for boys and girls
- reading and writing skills for all youth and a substantial proportion of adults
- more qualified teachers through international cooperation for teacher training in
developing countries

Goal 5: Gender equality

- 18 countries: husbands can legally prevent their wives from working
- 39 countries: no equal inheritance rights for daughters and sons, (to) exist
- 49 countries: no laws protecting women from domestic violence, (to) have
Targets by 2030:
- all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere, (to) end
- violence against women and girls, (to) stop
- women’s participation in leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic
and public life, (to) ensure

Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation

- 3 in 10 people: no access to safe drinking water, (to) have
- 4 billion people: no access to toilets or latrines, (to) have
- Each day, nearly 1,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation-related
diarrheal diseases.
Targets by 2030:
- fair access to safe and affordable drinking water, (to) establish
- access to sanitation and hygiene for all, (to) achieve
- open defecation, (to) stop
- better water quality: pollution (hazardous chemicals, untreated wastewater), (to) avoid

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

- 13% of the global population: no access to electricity, (to) have
- 3 billion people: wood, coal, charcoal or animal waste for cooking and heating, (to) use
- burning fuels indoors: 4.3 million deaths in 2012, (to) cause
- fossil fuels: main cause for climate change, (to) be

Targets by 2030:
- access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services, (to) provide
- share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, (to) increase
- energy efficiency and energy infrastructure, (to) increase

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

- half the world’s population: about US$2 a day, (to) live on
- quality jobs which do not harm the environment, (to) create
- global gender pay gap: 23 per cent globally, (to) be
-Targets by 2030:
- by 2020: substantially youth unemployment, (to) reduce
- immediate action: against forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child
labour, recruitment and use of child soldiers, (to) take
- by 2025 child labour, (to) end

Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

- Investments in: infrastructure (transport, irrigation, energy, information and
communication technology, sanitation, electricity) for jobs, health and education, (to) be
- developing countries: barely 30 per cent of agricultural production processed, (to) be
- least developed countries: immense potential for industrialization in food industry, (to)
- development of quality, reliable and sustainable infrastructure in developing countries
through financial and technological support, (to) stimulate
- technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, (to) support
- universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020 (!), (to)

Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

- differences in income between and within countries, (to) exist
- inequality: growth, (to) harm
- inequality: poverty, (to) increase
Targets by 2030:
- social, economic and political inclusion of all, (to) promote
- discriminatory laws, (to) eliminate
- official development assistance to least developed countries, (to) give

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
- urban challenges: congestion, lack of funds to provide basic services, a shortage of
adequate housing, declining infrastructure and rising air pollution, (to) be
- rapid urban expansion in the developing world, (to) take place
- rapid urban expansion: fresh water supplies, sewage, the environment, and public
health, (to) put pressure on
Targets by 2030:
- negative environmental impact of cities, (to) reduce
- access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services, (to) ensure
- access to safe, affordable and sustainable transport systems for all, (to) provide
- road safety and public transport, (to) improve

Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

- water pollution by man: faster than nature can recycle and purify water in rivers and lakes,
(to) be
- households: 29 per cent of global energy, (to) consume
- households: 21 per cent CO2 emissions, (to) contribute
- renewable energy: in 2015 17.5% of final energy consumption; (to) cover
Targets by 2030:
- “doing more and better with less”
- resource use in production, (to) decrease
- less pollution along the whole life cycle of a product, (to) cause
- adequate product information through standards and labels, (to) provide

Goal 13: Climate action

- climate change: every country on every continent, (to) affect
- poorest people, (to) be affected most
- weather patterns, (to) change
- weather events: more extreme, (to) become
Targets by 2030:
- resilience (Widerstandsfähigkeit) and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural
disasters in all countries, (to) strengthen
- national politics: climate change measures, strategies and planning, (to) integrate into
- education on climate change, (to) improve
- effects of climate change: financial help for developing countries, (to) provide

Goal 14: Life below water
- oceans: essential global resource for the support of over 3 billion people (e.g. fishing), (to)
- oceans: about 30 per cent of carbon dioxide produced by humans, (to) absorb
- pollution: eutrophication of coastal waters, (to) cause
- marine pollution of all kinds (plastics, nutrient pollution), (to) reduce by 2025
- overfishing, (to) end by 2020
- conservation and sustainable use of oceans by international law; (to) implement

Goal 15: Life on land

- forests: climate change, (to) combat
- 1.6 billion people: forests for their livelihood, (to) depend on
- 52 per cent of the land used for agriculture: soil degradation (Bodenverschlechterung), (to)
be affected by
- droughts and desertification: 23 hectares per minute, (to) be lost
Targets by 2030:
- ecosystems, (to) protect and restore
- forests, (to) manage sustainable
- desertification, (to) fight
- biodiversity loss, (to) halt

Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

- justice system and police: corruption, (to) be affected most
- birth registration: only 46% of Sub-Saharan Africans, (to) have
- 31% of all prisoners: detention (Haft) without sentencing, (to) be held in
Targets by 2030:
- all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere, (to) reduce
- abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children, (to)
- equal access to justice for all, (to) provide
- corruption and bribery, (to) reduce

Goal 17: Partnership for the goals
- partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society : successful
sustainable development , (to) be needed for
- investments in sustainable energy, infrastructure and transport, as well as information and
communications technologies, (to) be in need
Targets by 2030:
- developed countries: development assistance, (to) give
- science, technology and innovation: international cooperation, (to) increase
- environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favourable terms, (to) give
- universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and multilateral trading system under the
World Trade Organization, (to) establish
- exports of developing countries, (to) increase significantly

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